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Names (Family Name first) : Course, Year, Section: BSED-3C

Alaman, Norberto Duco, Valerie Olivia Gacusan, Aila Marie

Gorospe, Chery-Ann Oribello, Christian Mark

Republic of the Philippines

Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya


Prof Ed 6B (Assessment in Learning 1)

Prof Ed 8 (Assessment of Student Learning 1)
1st Semester, 2020-2021

Activity No. 3
Critiquing and Reflections on Desirable Characteristics of Tests

From your readings, work on the following:

1. Critique on the VALIDITY of the given teacher-made test (Attachment A) with the desirable
characteristics of a good test as your guide.

Critiquing (Validity of Tests)

Observed Parameter Comments



Vocabulary and Sentence


Construction of Items

Length of Test

Arrangement of Items

Topics Covered

Amount of Emphasis
2. Give what is the desired format (arrangement) of a good test (on administrability) by comparing
Attachments A and B.

Determining the Appropriate Format of Tests

Observed Parameter Short description of what should be (ideal)

The margins on attachment A and B are good even though they

Margin do not have the same measurement. It is easily help us students
to determine where to start and end the examination. But the
margin of attachment A is having more better look than
attachment B.
Both Attachments are readable on their respected font style, but
Font Style Attachment A is more presentable, clearer, and neater.
Attachment B, having this kind of font style is giving the student
hard time and making more complicated to them.
The two test papers have the same size paper. It minimizes the
Paper Size number of papers used and it is proportional on the
questionnaire. Long and short are good if the font size is
Attachment A has font size of 12 while attachment B has 10. For
Font Size students has a clearer eye, maybe both are okay to them but for
those students who has a problem on their eyes Attachment B is
not good for them because it is too small. The ideal font size for
all students is 12, which we can see on attachment A.
Both attachments are printed on black and it is good to all
Font Color students. They are both readable.

Attachment A and B has different spacing. Attachment A, the

Spacing spacing are good and it is the ideal spacing on an Exam paper.
Items, questions and even directions are easy to read and very
understandable while on attachment B are not good and seems
that many students will be misunderstood and make them
complicated because every items are too close to each other.

Reflect on your experiences on classroom testing, then work on the following:

1. State your positive / negative experiences on test validity, format, administration and scoring.
Share with your groupmates and consolidate using the given template.

Positive and Negative Practices in Testing

Positive Experiences Negative Experiences

How tests are constructed

 

How tests are administered

 

How answers are scored

 

How the test content is arranged/presented (format)

 
Observed teachers’ possible reasons for giving tests
 

2. As a future responsible and conscientious teacher (matinong guro), make a resolution (in bullet
form) as regards your testing practices. You may improve what is in the template.


we resolve to:

we resolve not to:

Name and Signature:

___________________ _____________________ _______________________

______________________ ________________________

- Encode your output in a long bond paper.
- Send via pm
Samples of file name: AL1-SectionA-Activity3-Abad
- Date of submission: September 10, 2020

Prepared by:

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