Hyperthyroidism Summary

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Thyroid Gland Produces too much of its hormones

Causative Factors:

- Graves disease – immune system attacks and damages thyroid

- Nodules (extra thyroid tissue_ produces thyroid
- Side effects of some medicines like amiodarone
- A hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin hormone secreted during early pregnancy,
multiple pregnancy and molar pregnancy
- Pituitary edema
- Thyroiditis
- Thyroid cancer – rare

Symptoms: - How I understand what happens:

- -nervousness, anxiety, irritability

- Hyperactivity
- Mood swings
- Sleeping difficulty
- Sensitivity to hear
- Muscle weakness
- Diarrhooea
- Persistent thirst
- Itchiness
- Loss of interest in sex

Recommended Management:

Medicine – reduces hormone production

Radioactive Iodine – destroys thyroid cells

Surgery – part or full thyroid is removed

Thyroid does not produce enough Thyroxine

Causative factors:

Immune system – immune system attacks the gland

Type 1 diabetes

Previous Thyroid treatment

Lack of dietary iodine

Symptoms – what happens


Sensitivity to cold



Slow movements and thoughts

Muscle cramps

Dry scaly skin

Loss of sexual drive

Irregular periods

General Management

Hormone replacement tablets

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