11computer Science-Computational Thinking &getting Started With Python-Assignment

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Class – XI

Computer Science

Computational thinking and getting started with Python

ASSIGNMENT(To be done in Computer Science Register)

Q1. What is computational thinking?

Q2. Name the characteristics of computational thinking?

Q3. Define the following terms:

 Decomposition
 Pattern recognition
 Abstraction
 Generalization
 Algorithm design

Q4. What is the difference between low level and high level language?

Q5. When was Python released?

Q6. What is the difference between compiler and interpreter?

Q7. What are the features of Python?

Q8. In how many different ways, can you work in Python?

Q9. What are the advantages of Python programming language?

Q10. What are some limitations of Python programming language?

Q11. Write a python program to print name of your school.

Q12. Write a python program to enter your marks in any one subject and print it.

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