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Skin Research and Technology 2009; 15: 218–223

Printed in Singapore  All rights reserved r 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S
doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0846.2009.00358.x Skin Research and Technology

The evaluation of whitening efficacy of cosmetic products

using a human skin pigmentation spot model
Y. Tian1,2, T. Hoshino3, C. J. Chen2, Y. E4, S. Yabe3 and W. Liu1,2
China Medical University, Shenyang, China, 2Department of Dermatology, The General Hospital of Air Force, Beijing, China,
KOSÉ Corporation, Tokyo, Japan and 4VHBIOPHARMCOM, Shanghai, China

Background: To establish a pigmentation spot model on a to maximal level at Day 9 and maintain at a plateau till Day
human skin and to assess whitening efficacy for whitening 27 (with an exception at Day 13). To assess the whitening
products by this established pigmentation spot model. product by this pigmentation spot model, DL, Db , and DM
Methods: Twenty subjects between 20 and 45 years old values were analyzed. It showed that absolute DL value and
with skin phototype III or IV were selected. Three consecu- Db value of whitening products were lower than those
tive daily UV exposures were performed on buttocks of values of the vehicle of the whitening product at each
the subjects as follows: Day 1 5 1 minimal erythema dose checkpoint, while DM value of the whitening product was
(MED), Day 2 5 0.5 MED and Day 3 5 0.5 MED. After lower only at Day 9 and Day 20, although no statistically
the first UV exposure, a selected whitening product was significant differences was found. The visual results also
applied to the subjects twice a day on UV exposure area. strongly supported that the whitening product enhanced the
The application of the whitening product to subjects on the decrease of pigmentation.
exposed areas was continued till Day 27. CM2500d chro- Conclusion: This study showed that repeated UV exposure
mameter, Maxmeter MX18 and visual evaluation were used was able to induce a long extensive period of pigment
to assess changes of skin color. formation. The resulted pigmentation spot was able to
Results: A pigmentation spot model after UV exposure was maintain at an elevated level till Day 20. Clinical subjective
established. The measurement of the pigment spot showed evaluations together with combined objective instrument
that L value declined abruptly at Day 3 and then slowly measurements were still important to assess whitening
reached to a lowest point at Day 6. L value of the pigment and spot-removing ability of a material due to the instrument
spot almost remained at the same level until Day 20, there- limitation for color differentiations. This kind of pigmentation
after increased slowly. The a value showed an abrupt spot model can be used to assess whitening efficacy
increase at Day 3 and slowly reached to a maximal level at for whitening or spot-removing products. In addition, the
Day 6. The a value slowly declined toward its baseline level. combinations of subjective and objective methods were able
Likewise, the erythema index also increased significantly at to serve as advisable references to assess the whitening
Day 3, and reached to a maximal level at Day 6 and then efficacy of products.
slowly declined. However, L , a and erythema indices did
not return to their baseline levels during the 27-day period of Key words: whitening efficacy – pigmentation – human skin
this study. On the other hand, b value started to increase – melanin index – erythema index – L a b
from Day 3 and such increase was observed continuously to
Day 27. Melanin index also showed a slow increase during & 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S
the first 3 days. It started to increase rapidly from Day 3 and Accepted for publication 10 December 2008

A for a fair skin is a common trend

among women in Asian countries. In China,
sales of whitening cosmetics are increasing, while
usually at 2 minimal erythema dose (MEDs),
was irradiated on skin (1). In order to record and
assess changes of skin color, several methods (2–4)
more and more patients with skin color disorders were applied recently, such as visual evaluation,
demand treatments. Currently, whitening efficiency reflectance sprectrophotometry, reflectance colori-
evaluation for spot-removing and whitening pro- metry following the Commission Internationale de
ducts remains a difficult task. Good pigmentation l’Eclariage recommendations, and photograph.
models are considered the basis for such kind of Each of the above methods has its own limitation
whitening efficiency evaluation. Previous studies and the result may only lead to a single inter-
showed that a single high-dosage UV exposure, pretation that may be somewhat arbitrarily.

The evaluation of whitening efficacy of cosmetic products

The main purpose of our study was to establish This solar simulator included a 450 W xenon
an in vivo pigmentation spot model with expo- lamp and a dichroic mirror. Radiation was fil-
sure to repeated small dosage of UV radiation tered to deliver a continuous UV spectrum from
and to evaluate a whitening product by this 290 to 400 nm [solar-simulated radiation (SSR)]
pigmentation spot model. Visual evaluation and by a WG 320 (Schott, Clichy, France), 1-mm-thick
two kinds of instrument measurement were in- short cut-off filter plus a UG 11, 1-mm-thick long
corporated to record the changes of skin color. cut-off filter (Schott) (Fig. 1). The irradiances at
skin level were monitored with a calibrated
SUN5 digital spectroradiometer (National Insti-
Material and Methods tute of Measuring, Beijing, China).
Study subjects
Twenty Chinese females between ages of 20 and UV irradiations
45 with self-described skin phototype III or IV UV irradiations were performed using two con-
were selected. Informed consents as well as secutive processes. First, MED of individual sub-
complete medical histories were obtained. None jects was determined. On right side of buttock
of the subjects had any history of drug hyper- skin, six series of 0.8 cm diameter round areas
sensitivity or abnormal reaction to sunlight. They were irradiated with UV doses ranging from
had not taken any medication for 4 weeks and 198.25 to 605.02 mJ/cm2 with increments of
had avoided sun exposure on their buttocks for 15%. The MED was assessed 24 h after the ex-
3 months before the study. The subjects were posure and irradiation scheme on left side of
required and needed to avoid medical treatments buttock was started. The irradiation scheme con-
and no sun exposure on their buttocks during the sists of the following doses: Day 1 5 1 MED,
study too. Day 2 5 0.5 MED, Day 3 5 0.5 MED. Three test
areas were involved: one was irradiation only
Test material without any product application, and the other
A kind of whitening product with 3% arbutin two were applied with whitening product and
was assessed in this study and a vehicle with- vehicle (twice a day) after each UV radiation,
out whitening-active ingredient was used as a respectively.
Evaluation methods
Establishment of a human skin pigmentation spot Objective evaluation: Two kinds of instruments,
model CM2500d chromameter (Minolta Camera Co.,
Radiation source and dosimetry Tokyo, Japan) and Mexameter MX18 (C-K Elec-
Multiport solar simulators GS-2004 (Aohua Co., tronic, Cologne, Germany) were used to record
Beijing, China) were used in the measurements. skin color with indices of L a b, melanin (M) and

Fig. 1. Relative transmission of the filters in the solar simulator. Schott WG 320/1 mm and UG 11/1 mm for minimal erythema dose measurement.

Tian et al.

erythema (E). The values of DLdayðnÞ , DMdayðnÞ and

DbdayðnÞ (DLdayðnÞ ¼ jLdayðnÞ  Ldayð0Þ j, DMdayðnÞ ¼
MdayðnÞ  Mdayð0Þ and DbdayðnÞ ¼ bdayðnÞ  bdayð0Þ )
were counted to assess changes of skin color at
different days. Measurements were made pre- and
post-UV radiations at successive time intervals of 3,
6, 9, 13, 20, and 27 Days. Three consecutive read-
ings were taken at each site and their mean values
were represented as study data. Study instruments
were calibrated before each measurement.
Subjective evaluation: Color assessment was
based on comparison between the whitening
product and vehicle to the sites of UV irradiation
only. Visual evaluation started from Day 13 be-
cause the earlier erythemous reation after UV
exposure made such evaluation difficult for the
changes of pigmentation. The scores were given
as 3, 2, 1, 0,  1,  2,  3 in representative to
remarkably effective, effective, somewhat effec-
tive, ineffective, somewhat reverse, reverse, and
remarkably reverse, respectively.

Fig. 2. L (a), a (b), and b (c) values of the pigmentation spot model.
Statistical analysis The asterisk indicates a statistically significant difference between the
Software SPSS10.0 was used in the statistic calcu- baseline values and the measured values. And the double asterisk
lation. t-test was adopted for comparison to the indicates a statistically significant difference between the lowest point
differences among the whitening product, vehi- and Day 27.
cle, and UV irradiation only site. The pigmenta-
tion differences at different days were performed a values (Fig. 2b) showed an abrupt increase at
by paired t-test. A P-value o0.05 was considered Day 3 and slowly reached to a maximal level at
significant. Day 6. Then, a values slowly declined toward
the original level but not returned to its baseline
completely at Day 27 (Po0.05).
Result b values (Fig. 2c) started to incline gradually at
Day 3 and increased continuously to Day 27.
Establishment of a human skin pigmentation spot
Compared with baseline, b values showed sig-
nificant increase from Day 13 (Po0.05).
After three consecutive exposures, erythema with
Melanin index (Fig. 3a) also showed a slow
light swelling was observed, but no strong prur-
increase during the first 3 days. Then it started
itus and soreness were complained by the study
rapidly from Day 3. Compared with the baseline,
subjects. Desquamation was not found in the test,
melanin index showed significant increase to
of which might be difficult to assess the changes
maximal level at Day 9 (Po0.05) and maintain
of pigmentation.
at a plateau till Day 27 (with an exception at
The irradiation only sites of each subject repre-
Day 13).
sented the formation of pigmentation without
Erythema index (Fig. 3b) increased signifi-
disturbances of test products. After exposures,
cantly at Day 3, and reached to maximal level at
L values (Fig. 2a) declined abruptly at Day 3 and
Day 6 followed a slow decline (with an exception
then slowly reached to lowest point at Day 6. It
at Day 13) toward the baseline till Day 27
then almost remained at the same level compared
with the lowest point (P40.05). From Day 20, the
L value increased significantly (Po0.05) com-
pared with the lowest point at Day 6, but had not Evaluation of the whitening product
returned to its baseline completely at Day 27 Objective evaluation: To assess whitening efficacy
(Po0.05). of the product, DL, Db , and DM values were used

The evaluation of whitening efficacy of cosmetic products

Fig. 3. Melanin index (a) and erythema index (b) of the pigmentation
spot model. The asterisk indicates a statistically significant difference
between the baseline values and the measured values.

to record the changes of pigmentation. The abso-

lute DL values (Fig. 4a) of the whitening product
were lower than the DL values of vehicle at each
checkpoint from Day 3 to Day 27, but it did not Fig. 4. Evaluation of the whitening product by objective instrumental
reach to a statistically significant level (P40.05). measurement: DL (a), Db (b), and DM (c).
Db values (Fig. 4b) of the whitening product
was lower than Db values of vehicle at each
checkpoint, although no statistically significant
difference was observed.
DM values (Fig. 4c) of the whitening product
were lower compared with vehicle only at Day 9
and Day 20, no significant differences were
Visual evaluation: (Fig. 5) Although the two
kinds of instruments of chromameter (Minolta) Fig. 5. Evaluation of the whitening product by visual evaluation.
and Mexameter MX18 (C-K Electronic) showed
no statistical significant differences on skin color specific and sensitive indices. In other studies, a
changes, our visual evaluation appeared to ob- single high dose of UV radiation, usually at 2 or
serve that the scores of the whitening product 2.5 MEDs, was exposed to skin (1). A single high
were higher than the scores of vehicle at Day 13, dose UV radiation may induce strong erythemal
Day 20, and Day 27. response. When such erythema disappears, des-
quamations may occur. This desquamation phe-
nomenon will make it difficult to evaluate the
Discussion changes of skin color by subjective or objective
There are many methods to assess the efficiency methods. Also it was said (7) that L value
of whitening or spot-removing active materials. reached to its lowest point at Day 7 after a single
The inhibitory efficacy of tyrosinase, which is exposure of 2 MEDs, and then L value started to
known to be a key enzyme for melanin biosynth- return to the baseline level. In our study, the L
esis, is usually assessed in vitro (5, 6). But the value reached to the lowest point at Day 6 and
actual efficacy of whitening or spot-removing almost maintained at the same level until Day 20.
products needs to be assessed in vivo with Meanwhile, melanin index showed a trend of

Tian et al.

continuous increase, while b value increased measurements and visual evaluations in actual
from Day 3 until the end of the test at Day 27. in vivo study. This is because the instruments may
As a result, repeated exposure of low-dose UV have their limit to record skin color changes. For
radiation could induce pigmentation formation an establishment of a model system, the instru-
with longer time period compared with single UV ment measurement results should always meet
exposure. And the extensive length of pigmenta- clinical results to avoid bias and incorrect con-
tion formation is helpful to evaluate whitening clusions, so the clinical visual evaluation is im-
efficacy. portant too. In this study, visual evaluation
In this study, L value, decreased abruptly at results showed whitening effect of the whitening
Day 3, and kept decreasing steadily to the lowest product. Combined with the subjective results,
point at Day 6. Park et al. (7) explained this we believe that the whitening product with 3%
phenomenon as persistent pigmentation dose arbutin has a certain level of whitening effect,
(PPD) by UVA component within the radiation eventhough no statistical significance was ob-
source. However, the abrupt decrease in L value, tained due to the reasons discussed above. It
of which the definition is the measure of the becomes important to select other whitening
lightness of an object regardless to its chromacity, reagents to further evaluate this pigmentation
should be considered as an integrative response spot model.
to the erythematous reaction, but not merely a This study was valuable in the establishment of
change in melanin pigment. This phenomenon pigmentation spot model with extensive time
can be explained simply by the actual reaction period for pigment formation. Also Mexameter
observed during this period that it is not easy for (C-K Electronic) and chromameter (Minolta)
the naked eyes to differentiate the pigmentation were compared with some observed correlations.
accurately due to the prominent erythematous
changes on skin. This was also supported by the
changes of a , b , M and E indices. Both a value, Acknowledgement
the degree of erythema, and E index, represent-
This work was supported by KOSÉ Corporation
ing the presence of hemoglobin (8–12), abruptly
in 2007.
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