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Answer: All of these answers are correct.

“represents the object as an idealized point” and “is an idealized representation of the problem” are
descriptive of a free body diagram because when using a free body diagram, it takes a moment of
Newtonian physics as it applies to that object alone, ignoring existing traits already happening, like
velocity, location, speed, temperature, etc… Basically any trait that doesn’t contribute explicit force on
the object being isolated.

The free body diagram only shows forcing acting on the object in that moment of time in order to
attribute a net force to the object and predict/explain the direction and magnitude of that force.
-3.21 is the x value because of the vector being in Quadrant III, this also causes the y value to be
Acceleration is defined as the change in velocity, if the velocity is not changing, the acceleration is equal
to zero. If the position as a function of time graph is a horizontal line, the velocity graph as a function of
time is also a horizontal line that is equal to zero. Therefore, the object cannot be accelerating. (True)
| A – B | = A + B is correct under the condition:

When using vector analysis, |A – B| as vectors is = sqrt(A^2 + B^2 – 2ABcosθ

Theta being the angle between vectors A and B.

When θ is 0 degrees the equation

|A – B | = sqrt(A^2 + B^2 – 2ABcosθ)

Is not satisfied. This eliminates vectors in the same direction as a possibility.

by solving the equation for A + B on the right side, using cosθ = -1 returns

sqrt(A^2 + B^2 – 2ABcosθ)

sqrt(A^2 + B^2 – 2AB(-1))

sqrt(A^2 + B^2 +2AB)

sqrt( (A + B) ^2 )



| A – B | = A + B when cosθ = -1

i.e. θ = 180 degrees

This proves that the condition can be satisfied when the vectors are in opposite directions.
Alice and Tom will hit the lake at the same time because horizontal and vertical trajectories can be
calculated separately and do not influence one another.

Alice’s horizontal initial velocity has no effect on the y component of her trajectory. Since they both have
the same acceleration in the form of Earth’s gravity, they will both fall at the same change in velocity
until they hit the water at the same time, ignoring air resistance and their individual masses.
I originally got this question wrong because the diagram shows only one scale, while the question text
describes two scales being present.
Drawing a free body diagram shows that a Tension Force of W pulls on each scale.
If an object is moving with constant nonzero acceleration, it means that the velocity is changing at a
constant rate as a function of time. This influences the position graph to be an exponential pattern.


acceleration) f’’(x) = 2

velocity) f’(x) = 2x

position) f(x) = x^2

The velocity plot changes equally in y as the value of x changes.

The graph of velocity is a line with a slope of 2, so

“A graph of its velocity as a function of time is a horizontal line”
is incorrect.

The graph of the position as a function of time is exponential in behavior like the example of x^2 so “A
graph of its position as a function of time has a constant slope.” Is also Incorrect.

“In equal times its speed changes by equal amounts.” Is missing the details as acceleration
explicitly affects velocity and using “speed” is lacking information.

Therefore, “In equal times its velocity changes by equal amounts.” is the correct answer.
The answer is: No forces were acting on you to cause you to fall.

Newton’s laws of motion show that an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by another
In this case, all that happened was the vehicle stopped, and you, an independent object in motion
continued moving.
Ac = V2/R is the formula for centripetal acceleration, showing that the acceleration is inversely
proportional to the radius. And that it moves in a perpendicular direction towards the center of the

That means that as the radius gets smaller, the acceleration increases.

Assuming a constant velocity, Ac = 1/R proving that the acceleration of the object is larger in magnitude
the smaller the radius of the circle. i.e. not “smaller in magnitude the smaller the radius”

The acceleration being perpendicular and towards the center of the circle proves that the direction of
acceleration is towards the center, therefore all the other options are incorrect.
The net force on the car is zero.

This is because the car is at a constant velocity, which is not a force, and the weight of the car combined
with the normal force opposite its weight and equal.

If the net force was not zero the car would be accelerating in a direction and the velocity would not be
Accuracy is closeness to desired result (expected result) while precision is the consistency

Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion dictates that “When one body exerts a force on a second body, the second
body simultaneously exerts a force equal in magnitude and opposite direction on the first body”

This shows that forces always exist in pairs, and that a force does not exist in isolation. (True)
Answer: T < (m2)g

This is because the weight of m1 is acting on the table, not on the Tension of the rope.
While m2 is what is applying its weight in tension on the rope.

To convert meters to feet, even not knowing the exact conversion, a meter stick is ~ equal to a yard, in
other words 3 feet, so any conversion from meters to feet will be x3 the value in meters. Therefore, the
value x in feet will be Greater than 15.

The conversion factor for meters to feet is to multiply meters value by 3.281.
As an observer from inside the bus, your frame of reference does not allow you to determine the
velocity of the bus, since the bus could be moving forward and accelerating, or moving backwards and
having a negative acceleration.

Therefore, You cannot conclude anything about the direction of the velocity of the bus based on this
observation of the hanging strap.
The average velocity of an object is always equal to its instantaneous velocity Only when the velocity is

It cannot be when the acceleration is constant, because then you would have different values for
velocity, changing the average velocity.

We have now shown 2 states, one showing an example where instantaneous velocity and avg velocity
are equal, and another example where they are not. So, it cannot be never or always.

When acceleration is changing at a constant rate, the velocity is exponential in behavior, giving
instantaneous and average velocity values that do not match.
A catapult is tested by Roman legionnaires. They tabulate the results in a papyrus and 2000 years later
the archaeological team reads (distances translated into modern units): Range = 0.2 km; angle of launch
angle = 45°; landing height = launch height. What is the initial velocity of launch of the boulders if air
resistance is negligible?

Provided correction above.

The answer is 44 m/s

The magnitude of a vector can never be less than the magnitude of one of its components (True)

This is because of the Pythagorean theorem, A 2 + B2 = C2

i.e. A = Axi + Ayj

|A| = sqrt(Ax2 + Ay2)

|A| > Ax and |A| > Ay

A triangle’s Hypotenuse will always be longer than either of its components and since a vector can be
expressed as a triangle where the hypotenuse is the resultant force of two x and y force components the
answer is TRUE

Average velocity and instantaneous velocity are generally different quantities. Can they ever be equal
for a specific type of motion? Yes, as described in the answer above, a constant velocity will yield an
equal value of instantaneous velocity at any point. This can also be true at rest, since the avg velocity
would be 0 and the constant velocity average would also be 0.
To get an object moving, you must push harder on it than it pushes back on you. Is FALSE

because the object will always push back on you the equal amount that you push on it.

You only need to push with enough force to offset the net force in the direction you’re pushing.

The value of the dot product of two vectors depends on the coordinate system being used. (FALSE)
It is false because the coordinate system is only a scalar quantity that measures the relationship of two
sequences of numbers. In both Cartesian coordinates and real coordinate space, the value of the dot
product of two vectors is the same.
Measuring my own heart bpm = 60 bpm

60beats/1min * 60min/1hour * 24 hour/1day * 365day/1 year =31536000 or 3.15x 10^7

The closest answer is C) 4 x 10^7

Since this is an approximate answer being within the same value of exponents of 10 is an acceptable
margin of error for an estimate as bpm can vary person to person, but doesn’t vary enough to affect
bpm in a year to be off by more than a multitude of 10.
Weight is a force. (True)

Weight is a force that can be quantified in Newtons and demonstrated in a free body diagram in any
Newtonian scenario involving 2 objects. Mg is the value in Newtons for the force a weight has in the
setting depending on the acceleration of that object relative to the other object.
Centripetal acceleration proves the student wrong based on the formula like I described in an earlier

“Ac = V2/R is the formula for centripetal acceleration, showing that the acceleration is inversely
proportional to the radius. And that it moves in a perpendicular direction towards the center of the
circle. “

This scenario demonstrates the illusion of acceleration in geosynchronous orbit, since the satellite
appears to move at a constant velocity, it is difficult to visualize the invisible forces affecting the object.

Though the velocity is constant in magnitude, the direction of velocity is constantly changing.
Answer is False because a negative acceleration is attributed to acceleration opposite the direction of
the velocity. If an object is dropped with a negative acceleration, the object can be speeding up.
Conceptually a negative acceleration is just a positive acceleration in a direction opposite of the velocity.
Impact velocity parallel to inclined plane:

V = v0 * sin θ

V = 16.2 * sin 20deg

V = 5.5 m/s
Acceleration is the change in velocity

The object is moving to the right with velocity v(t)

From [0,2] to [4,6] the change in position (v(t)) is decreasing.

Therefore, the object is accelerating to the left.

Object avg velocity < 1.0 since it is slowing down from 1m/s in the remaining time intervals.

The acceleration is not the same direction as velocity, or it would be increasing in velocity.
Correct answer : “the horizontal component of its velocity remains constant and the vertical
component of its acceleration is equal to -g.” (the bottom option)

The horizontal velocity is constant in a projectile (such as a bullet being fired) with no air resistance is
only affected in the y-axis direction affected by the acceleration due to gravity.
vertical component = acceleration by -g

Horizontal component = constant v(t)

The correct answer is P = T + 25N
Inertia is quantified By the mass of the object.

the size of an object can have different densities of other objects with similar sizes (e.g. volume)

the energy an object possesses is irrelevant to inertia.

the greater the mass an object has, the greater its inertia and the more force it takes to change its state
of motion.

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