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Pagaran, John Harvey A.

February 20, 2020

Engg. Mngt. TTh // 11:10-12:40

Which of the traits described in the videos are most useful/important to you as a leader?

The video I find useful that shows endearing traits as a leader is from: “Why Tyrion can’t be
killed?” In my experience during my OJT’s months, being a good listener, as discussed in the video
mentioned, is one of the best traits a great leader could have. My mentor engineer, who shall be
deemed nameless, showed me how important being a good listener could be in the field. Everyday
in the site, a problem will always be encountered and most of the time, one cannot wait for the
higher-ups to make a decision for you. Everyone in the field relies on you and if you keep on waiting
and brushing away everyone’s input for a solution, not only does it make you incompetent in front of
them, but also, you make them feel belittled. So, by listening carefully to every person’s input, and
analyzing the problem carefully, one can naturally create a solution that is influenced not by just
your own instincts, but with everyone else’s. In this way, not only did you solve a problem with
everyone’s help, but also, you have gained respect from your colleagues and laborers alike.
Another trait would be to speak the language of the person you are talking to. I have witnessed this
kind of language strategy during toolbox meetings in my OJT days. As I have learned, by talking the
language of the people you work with and learning how to talk to them properly, one becomes very
approachable in their perspective and they instill an image of the leader as somewhat close to being
a friend. Whenever concerns arrived, they don’t find it difficult to approach the engineer since they
feel like they are in common grounds. They don’t feel being looked down upon. Another trait is
knowing other people’s stories. This is very true in the field. There are always small talks during
work hours and sometimes, I find this healthy for the laborers. Not only do they see the engineer as
their leader, but also, they see him as someone who really cared. Whenever the engineer is not
around and I was left to supervise in the field, I did not find the need to control everyone’s actions. It
did not seem difficult for me and as explained from my mentor engineer, the laborers also saw me
as their leader as well, even though I am just an OJT. Frankly speaking, all I did was do what the
engineer taught me to do and nothing else, and by this, I have gained the respect of my colleagues
without me even knowing about it. It was utter flattery for me of course since I only knew it on the
final day of my OJT.

To conclude, to become a great leader, just learn how to listen, be who you really are, and
learn how to interact with the people you work with. These people will follow you not because of fear
but by respect. And for me, this is what makes a great leader and hopefully in the long run, I can
learn to master these traits.
Describe the leadership styles of each CEO’s, Elon Musk and Steve Jobs.

In the modern world, to compete is the only way to survive. One crucial thing here is the
development of one’s leadership skills. Leadership is the most important function in management, in
which you can reach your goals both effectively and efficiently.

Four major components of a leader that one should ought to have; the ability to use power
effectively, to comprehend that human beings have different motivating forces, to inspire and lastly
to act in a manner to develop a climate conducive to responding. Steve Jobs and Elon Musk have
these four traits. In the impact of modern technology, they gave a big contribution to it. The
leadership style leads them to where they are now. They push their people to do good, not in a way
of forcing them but inspiring them to be better to have a team that is efficient in achieving their

The leadership of Steve Job is more on giving advices to people that anything is possible.
He believed that there needs to be someone who would constantly reiterate the vision and goal of
the group so as to keep them reminded of what to pursue and what goal to achieve. He was an
autocratic leader who commands and expects compliance within his subordinates. The negative
thing here is that when the leadership is being abused. The workers may interpret and
misunderstand what the leader is doing. The people may think that the leader is just selfish in
achieving his own dreams. In that people may hate him, thinking that he does not care of his/her

Another trait that he had is that he was a great speaker. His passion is to make technology
even simpler. One of the most interesting things about him is that he creates metaphorical enemies
to get his people fired up which makes them work harder.

Elon Musk is almost opposite to Steve Jobs when it comes to its public speaking skills.
Despite this, he was still able to make an impact to the world and influenced many people with his
experiences and leadership. So as with every other leadership style, he also had visions of what his
company to end up with. But what sets him apart is that he believes that a leader must be able to
paint a picture of a desirable future and not just to verbally envision it. Just like Steve Jobs, he was
also passionate about his work an pursues what inspires him. Having experienced several failures
in the past, he stood still and remain persistent after all the setbacks. He was more of a free- reign
leader who does not take all the credits from the hard work of its subordinates but rather share it
with them.

In conclusion, leadership styles vary depending on time and situation. People in the past
may use several plans but with the expense of time. Compared to today, with technology, life
becomes easier thus more time efficient.

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