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environmentof Athens,
G. Koukis. N. Sabatakakis

..y Abstract Engineering geological information in-
cluding geotechnical and geological data from explo- The city of Athens is situated on the Attika plain on the
ratory boreholes and trial pits located in the wider Greek mainland. Mountains surround it on three sides; the
area of Athens were stored in a database system. most important of which are Aegaleo, Parnis, Hymettus
Based on t~e data processing and field mapping, the and Pendeli (to the north). The wider area therefore
geological formations encountered in the foundation constitutes a morphological basin, called the Athens basin.
materials of the city were divided into individual With Piraeus, its port, which is located about 8 km to the
geotechnical units according to uniformity in litho- southwest on the Gulf of Saronikos (an inlet of the Aegean
logical character and relevant age. Engineering Sea), it forms a unified metropolitan region (Fig. 1). The
geological zonation maps of the studied area for most prominent and famous landmark of the city is the
urban planning purposes were compiled at an Acropolis, a flat-topped limestone hill on which stand the
original scale of 1:25,000. remains of the Parthenon and several other beautiful struc-
tures erected in the fifth century B.C.
Resume Un systeme de base des donnees concer- Greece currently has a population of 10.3 million, of whom
nant la geologie de l'ingenieur a ete realise pour la more than 3.5 million live in the Athens area; the popula-
ville d' Athenes et la region voisine. II est base sur les . tion has risen quite dramatically in the last 30 years. The
donnees geotechniques et geologiques obtenues a urban planning of the city was primarily based on
partir de forages et de puits de reconnaissance. La economic and social determinants, without seriously
cartographie geologique et Ie traitement des donnees taking into account the geological environment and geody-
acquises a permis de definir des unites geotechni- namic factors. The problems that have arisen due to this
oJ ques, fonction de l'age des terrains et de leur nature became more acute with the increase of the population and
lithologique. Les cartes de geologie de l'ingenieur expansion of urban settlement, the industrialization and
correspondantes ont ete etablies a l'echelle du the impact of natural hazards (seismicity, floods) during
1:25,000. the last decades. With the increasing demand for large
engineering works (subways, freeways, metro, traffic
Key words Engineering geological mapping' links); the redevelopment of the wider area and the recon-
Urban planning' Athens' Greece struction of the inner city area, there was a need for up-
to-date geological information and interpretation for plan-
- . Mots eMs Cartes de geologie de l'ingenieur . ning purposes. The Public Works Central Laboratory and
Planification urbaine . Athenes . Grece the Department of Geology of Patras University were
commissioned to undertake a city-wide engineering
geological assessment.
This paper outlines th~ engineering geology of the wider
Athens area and presents the engineering geological maps "
compiled at an original scale of 1:25,000. In planning
terms, the use of these maps is apPJ.QPri(l!~~L~ strat~gic
rather than local urban planning level.
r Received:4 October1999 . Accepted:3 April 2000
G. Koukis . N. Sabatakakis(181)
Departmentof Geology,Sectionof AppliedGeology
Geologicaland seismological
and Geophysics, Universityof Patras,26500Patras,Greece aspects
Tel.: + 30-61-997565,+ 30-61-996277 The geological basement of the city of Athens is within the
Fax: + 30-61-991900 wider geotectonic frame of Attica and consists, to a consid-
[ G. Koukis . N. Sabatakakis

Fig. 1
General reference map of
Athens basin


Saronikos gulf

o 4 Kilometers

erable depth, of the "Athens schist" series. These include morphic formations (Mt. Parnis and Mt. Aegaleo) over-
schists, shales, sandstones, cherts, marls and limestones thrusts the latter tectonic units (autochthonous system and
which locally indicate a low-grade metamorphism. They Neo-Hellenic nappe).
are accompanied by generally small bodies of volcanic As far as the younger formations. are concerned, the
rocks of the diabase-spilite type or serpentinized perido- Athens basin is covered in places by Tertiary deposits
tites. The hills of the city (Acropolis, Lycabettus, etc.) are (marls, clays, sandstones and conglomerates), talus cones
covered by compact, thickly bedded to massive limestone and screes and alluvial deposits, as well as historic and
of various thicknesses and of Upper Cretaceous age. recent earth materials. The bedrock formations were
The complex structure of the geological formations and the folded together du~ing the lower Tertiary. Folding was
conjectural age of the "Athens schists" have resulted in followed by loosening and fracturing of the formations
-different stratigraphic scenarios while the morphogenesis of the area was completed during
authors regarding the geological environment of Attica. the Quaternary (Pleistocene) with theoccurrence o£eplro-
According to Katsikatsos et al. (1976, 1986), the autoch- genetic movements.
thonous system of metamorphic formations (Triassic to From the seismological point of view, the wider area of
Upper Cretaceous age) outcropping at Mt. Hymettus and Attica is characterized in general by a low-grade s~ismic
Pendeli (marbles and schists) geotectonically belong to the activity and sparse local earthquakes of high magnitude. It
external Hellenides. The Neo-Hellenic nappe, including the is seismotectonically limited by seismic-origin arcs on each
geological formations of the Athens basin (Athens schists side: the Euripos-Atalanti fault system and the Corinthian
and limestones) overthrusts, as a huge nappe, the autoch- Gulf seismic zone. The mean epicentral distance of these
thonous units. Finally, the Pelagonian zone of non-meta- arcs is about 60 km from the city of Athens and the
Engineering geological environment of Athens, Greece

expected maximum magnitudes 7.0 to 7.2 R in a 70- to 100- Geotechnical units

years return period (Dracopoulos and Makropoulos 1983; The evaluation of geological and geotechnical data allowed
Rondogianni 1984). The historical data regarding the the soil formations encountered in the wider area of the
seismic events recorded in Athens and the minor damage city to be grouped into eleven individual units (see Fig. 3),
to the historical monuments of the city which can be based on their origin, relevant age, composition, physical
observed confirm the low seismic hazard of the area. state and engineering geological conditions:
Recent events show that the seismic risk for the multi-
storey buildings of the new city is remarkably high because Unit 1: coarse-grained recent deposits
of the distribution of these younger buildings over a larger Brown, clayey sand (SC) and clayey, silty-gravels (GM,
area with different foundation soil conditions, in compar- GM-GC) constitute the main lithological types (about 80%)
ison with the ancient or older city. The most important of of this unit. Sandy, stiff clay of low to medium plasticity
these recent events took place in February and March 1981 (CL) and silt and sand (SM-SC, SM) are also encountered.
when Athens was struck by a series of strong earthquakes These are loose deposits with a maximum thickness of
(M.: 6.7 R) which occurred in the eastern part of the Corin- 15 m and with a presumed allowable bearing pressure for
- ''\ian Gulf. The concentration of severe structural damage preliminary design (Canadian Geotechnical Society 1985)
\...:0 multistorey buildings in certain suburbs of Athens (e.g. greater than 150kPa. The formations are permeable, with a
Halandri) was very clear (Christoulas et al. 1985). phreatic level generally at the contact with the bedrock.
The more recent strong earthquake (M.: 5.9 R) of 7 The unit includes recent historic fill - the so-called
September 1999, with an epicentre located about 20 km to archaeological layer - the major part of which has been
the north of the centre of the city and a focal depth of removed since the beginning of the excavations which
10km, also resulted in a considerable disaster. About 150 started in the eighteenth century and brought to light an
people were killed and a large number of buildings were important area of the ancient city of Athens.
completely destroyed, bringing forth the demand for a
revision of construction policy as the consequences of this Unit2:fine-grained
incident were far greater than would be expected for a low- Brown, sandy, stiff clay of low to medium plasticity (CL)
seismicity area. constitutes some 70% of the unit. The range of physical
and mechanical properties of the clay is as follows:
w: 10-25%
e: 0.3-0.8
Geotechnicaldata recording Cu:40-90 kPa
and storage qu: 100-250 kPa
Cc: 0.08-0.20
A large number of exploratory boreholes and trial pits NsPT: 10->50.
undertaken in connection with the construction of tech-
~al works in the Athens basin (traffic links, roads, Clayey-silts (CL-ML), clayey-sands (SC), silty sands (SM)
\.dbways, metro, buildings, etc.) as well as data obtained by and clayey-silty gravels (GM, GM-GC) are also encoun-
the Ministry of Environment and private consultants were tered. These are Quaternary terrestrial deposits with a
collected and thoroughly analysed. After the appropriate maximum thickness of 30 m and a presumed allowable
modifications to standardize the terminology used and the bearing pressure for preliminary design greater than
first elaboration of the geotechnical data, 1200 geotechnical 150kPa. The unit covers a large part of the Athens basin,
profiles which characterize the local soil conditions were mainly around the Kifissos river plain. It is moderately
recorded and digitally stored. Each geotechnical profile permeable and develops local phreatic levels in the coarse-
included a number of nearby boreholes with similar soil grained layers. J
conditions. The geotechnical database created \Vas
designed to allow rapid retrieval and evaluation of the data Unit3: loosecoastaldeposits
in selected unit areas and was documented such that the This unit consists of horizons of grey, soft clay of low to
information could be readily accessed by operators for high plasticity (CL, CH) with loose to medium-dense,
first-order approximations regarding soil conditions. The sandy silt-silty sand (SM) and silt (ML, CL-ML).The range
evaluation was elaborated on topographic maps and those of physical and mechanical properties is as follows:
specially drawn for the geological background at a scale of w: 25-70% -- -- --
1.;25.000. Data -processing-and-final-map-pr-eparation-were- e: 0.7-1.4
performed digitally using the geographical information Cu:10-60 kPa
system (GIS), so that it can be used in a complete and fully ~
qu: 25-150 kPa :
integrated database. Cc:0.2-0.8
Nowadays, a research program processed by the National NsPT:2-15.
Technical University of Athens is establishing a database
that will record in detail the existing geotechnical data, These are very loose coastal and deltaic deposits with a
including that of recent extensive site investigations for maximum thickness of 20 m and a presumed allowable
large engineering construction works. bearing pressure greater than 75 kPa. The unit is located in

n ~_.-,. . ~ I "
I G. Koukis . N. Sabatakakis

Isopach map of loose coastal
deposits (Unit 3)

Saronikos gulf

o 2 3 Kilometers

Earthfill Bedrock
D Recent deposits 5 Isopach of 5 m in the
(Units 1, 2 and 3 undivided) loose coastal deposits

a rather restricted area and covers the lowland plain in the clay of low to high plasticity (Cl, CH). The measured
coastal zone of the Athens basin. In this area severe struc- values of their physical and mechanical properties range
tural damage has been recorded in multistorey buildings from:
(jue to the differential settlements of square spread foot- w: 10-25%
mgs. The isopach map of the coastal deposits is given in e: 0.2-0.7
Fig. 2 and provides contours showing the thickness of this Cu:60-150 kPa
unit at 5 m intervals.
qu: 150-1100 kPa
Unit4: scree ')
This unit comprises loose, sandy-clayey materials, The SPT values exceed 20, with some 70% being greater
containing gravel pebbles and rock fragments. They are than 50. The presumed allowable bearing pressure exceeds
classified as clayey-silty gravels (GC, GM, GC-GM), clayey 200 kPa. The conglomerates are medium strong, consisting
sands (SC, SC-SM), silty sands and locally clays of low plas- of limestone, schist and quartz pebbles cemented with
ticity (Cl). Close to Mt. Hymettus and Egaleo the forma- calcitic and marly material alternating with loose sand-
tion passes downwards (0.5-2.0 m depth) to well-cemented stones and sandy marls. They occupy a large area to the
breccia. The uniaxial compressive strength (O'c) of the south of the Athens basin with a maximum thickness of
breccia rock material ranges from 6 to 60 MPa, the dry 25 m. The total thickness of the unit exceeds 70 m in the
density (I'd) from 20 to 25 kN/m3 and the Young's northern suburbs (Halandri, Maroussi). The sequence is
modulus (Ed from 2 to 20 GPa. moderately permeable and develops phreatic levels (some- ."
Unit 5: red loams and conglomerates (conglomerates ).
The Upper Tertiary weak rocks and hard soils of fluviola-
custrine origin which form this unit consist of red-brown- Unit6: marlyformations
ish sandy clay (sandy loam) with fine gravels and pisolites These are Neogene sediments and consist mainly of alter-
together with interlayers of loose conglomerates up to 7 m nate beds of marls, marlstones, marly limestones, dolom-
thick. In some places as much as 7 m of sandy-clayey marls itic limestones and locally intercalations of sandstones and
overlie the sandy loam. Following the Unified Soil Classifi- conglomerates with some lignite. They have a maximum
cation System (USCS), the sandy loam can be classified as thickness of 180 m and occupy a large area to the north-

30 I BullEngGeolEnv(2000)59:127-135 . @ Springer-Verlag
Engineering geological environment of Athens, Greece I t
Table1 f
Results of laboratory index tests for marls tones and marly limestones
Drybulk Quick Total Slake dura- Sonic Schmidt Point load Uniaxial
density, Pd absorption porosity, n bility index, velocity, V. hardness, index, 1s(50) compression
(kN/m3) index, i (%) (0/0) Id2 (%) (m/s) SHV (MPa) strength (MPa)

Range 16.7-23.9 2.1-23.3 5.9-40.3 33.3-98.6 1440-1760 12-31 0.21-6.50 2.4-33.7

Mean 20.3 8 19.4 79 1450 20 1.80 12.5
SD 1.4 4.7 7.6 17.7 245 5 0.98 8.7
No.of tests 63 30 41 63 45 58 125 52

Resultsof laboratory index tests for dolomitic limestones

Drybulk Quick Total Slake dura- Indirect ten- Schmidt Point load Uniaxial
V density, Pd absorption- porosity, n bility index, sile strength hardness, index, 1,15d) compression
(kN/m3) index, i (%) (%) Id2(%) (MPa) SHV (MPa) strength (MPa)
Range 15.1-27.6 5.0-16.8 2.4-37.4 74.5-99.5 1.6-10.6 16-44 0.5-9.9 8.9-87
Mean 22.5 10.5 19.6 91.9 5 31 4.1 33.4
SD 2.3 10.2 8.2 2.2 7.6 2.1 18.1
No.of tests 91 6 21 11 29 24 218 74

west and southwest of the Athens basin. The marls are (Te= K . Is(so), K: 5 to 25
whitish-yellow, very stiff to hard, clayey and of low to high i=45.7-1.8 Pd (z=0.92).
plasticity (CL, CH). Grey, silty marls are also encountered.
Unit7: crestlimestones
The physical and mechanical properties of the marls range
as follows: These limestones are grey, weak to strong, of medium
w: 15-35% hardness, microcrystalline, compact, thickly bedded to
e: 0.4-0.8 massive and locally faulted, karstified, clastic and
frequently brecciated, with a maximum thickness of 100m.
Cu:50-170 kPa
The material properties measured range as follows:
qu: 130-850 kPa
Ce:0.04-0.20 . Pd:24-27.7 kN/m3
NSPT:>50. SHY: 21-40

o Is(so):1.5-9.5 MPa
marlstone and marly limestone are whitish-yellow in (Te:16-110 MPa
colour. The major non-clay minerals are calcite (70-90%) EL:5-100 GPa.
and quartz (5-10%), whereas the clay minerals are mainly
illite, chlorite (0-10%) and montmorillonite (0-7%). The epigenetic processes of alteration-weathering-erosion
Dolomitic limestones are brownish-grey with a character- in combination with fracturing characteristics influence
istic porous and cellular structure and very high (30-60%) the natural state of the rock mass and lead to a secondary
magnesium content. loosening. During the monument preservation works
Tables 1 and 2 summarise the results of the index tests for (Andronopoulos and Koukis 1988), problems regarding
the intact marly limestones, marls tones and dolomitic slope stability and foundation conditions were observed in
limestones, including for each parameter the range of the limestones of this 30- to 35-m-thick unit which covers
values, the mean value, the standard deviation and the the greater part of the Acropolis hill as well as the other
number of specimens tested. The scatter of the data is hills of Athens (Lycabettus, Philopapou, Tourkovounia). ..
w mainly due to the different degree of diagenesis(compac-
tion orland cementation) of the various horizons of the Unit8: schist-sandstone-marly
series &

sediments. This unit constitutes the upper horizon of the Athens ~

The laboratory test results of these rocks were analysed schist formation and consists of brown, weak to strong, f:
statistically and InterrelatiOnShIps between their-different maTlyiim~5tones, greyish-green, mednitn- -to-fine-grainea- ~ -
index properties determined (Koukis and Sabatakakis sandstones, shales, brownish-yellow, hard, clayey marls- ~
1991; Sabatakakis et al. 1993). Some of these correlations marls tones-siltstones and conglomerates or breccias. The ~
are given below with the calculated correlation coefficients formation is semi-permeable to permeable with a varying ~
(r). degree of fracturing or even brecciation. The material Z

SHY = 3.2-43 Pd (z = 0.88) properties of the marlstones-marly limestones are: f


Pd =25.2-0.22 n (z=0.93) Pd: 23.5-25.7 kN/m3 £"

Id2=113-1.1 n (z=0.84) (Te:4-65 MPa .

Bull Eng Geol Env (2000) 59: 127-135 . @ Sprinaer-Verlag 113 1

I G. Koukis . N. Sabatakakis ~

EL:3.5-16GPa . grated madstone, siltstone, sandstone (soft to !

and for the conglomerates weak rock-like material). ~
Pd:22.5-28.4 kN/m3 Group D: Slightly disintegrated, highly discolored shale,
SHY: 20-39 schist, peridotite, diabase; moderately disco- -,

0'<:3-50 MPa. lored sandstone (weak rock-like material).

Group E: Moderately discolored shale, schist, peridotite
Unit 9: Athensschists and diabase (medium-strong rock-like mate-
This unit constitutes the geological basement of the city of rial).
Athens. The geological formation known as Athens schist Group F: Slightly discolored schist, peridotite and
includes schists of low-grade metamorphism, metasedi- diabase; slightly discolored to fresh sandstone
mentary types of shales and sandstones, intercalations and (medium strong to strong rock-like material).
lenses of brecciated or crystalline limestones and bodies of Group G: Fresh schist, peridotite, diabase and greywacke
mostly decomposed meta-igneous rocks such as diabase (strong rock-like material).
and peridotites. According to Marinos et al. (1971), the It will be noted that limestone and breccia rock material
have been excluded from the above classification. ~"
,,_>ormation represents a flyschoid phase of delta-type
deposits of Upper Cretaceous age. The intense tectonism Table 3 gives a range of physical and mechanical character-
during the Lower Tertiary and the differential mechanical istics for each group based on extensive laboratory testing.
behaviour (rigidity or plasticity) of the members of the The scatter of intact rock strength values is mainly due to
Athens schist are reflected in the macro- and microstruc- the high anisotropy of the specimens, while a dramatic
ture of the formation, while the different lithological types decrease in strength is observed with the increase in
and the various degrees of weathering and alteration have weathering grade. Previous work (Papadopoulos and
resulted in a highly heterogeneous material which is char- Marinos 1992) also showed this decrease, which is more
acterized by anisotropic mechanical behaviour. pronounced when the direction of loading is normal to the
In general, two units are commonly distinguished in the schistosity planes. The anisotropy index ranges from just
Athens schist system: the upper unit described above as below 1 (very weathered specimens) to 3.1 (slightly
unit 8 and the lower unit which is usually referred to as the weathered specimens). However, samples of fresh schist,
"black formation" and consists of dark grey to black shales although giving the highest point load strength, have an
and slightly metamorphosed siltstones and sandstones. anisotropy index lower than the slightly weathered speci-
According to Marinos et al. (1997) the contact between the mens, probably due to the strong bonds developed
two units can be transitional, with a gradual prevalence of between the schistosity planes of the fresh rocks.
one type of material over the other. However, due to the Generally, the main rock mass behaviour of the formation
tectonic deformation and the differential behaviour of the ranges from that of soft rock to hard soil, while some
competent and non-competent rock types of the two units, members are characterized as transitional material, lying
the contact between them is often disturbed and typical in the geotechnical area between soil and rock. Sometimes
vnylonitic material may occur. the "soil-like" members exhibit geological structures,

. A simple intact rock classification for the Athens schist

system has been proposed by Marinos et al. (1994) based
on lithological type and grade of weathering.
faults, joints, defects, etc. and behave as heavily overcon-
solidated clay soils in the soil mechanics concept (Anag-
nostopoulos 1981).
Group A: Completely decomposed shale, schist, perido- Athens schist is a difficult material to study because it is
tite and diabase; mad (stiff soil-like material). easily disturbed during drilling, sampling and specimen
Group B: Highly decomposed shale, schist, peridotite, preparation, while regular-shaped specimens very often
diabase; highly disintegrated madstone, silt- disintegrate and fail along planes of weakness. The predic-
stone, sandstone (soft rock-like material). tion of the mechanical behaviour of the formation is based
Group C: Moderatelydecomposed shale, schist, perido- mainly on practical experience gained from shallow excav-
tite, diabase; slightly to moderately disinte- ation for building foundations, excavations for subways
Table 3
Results of laboratory index tests for Athens schist rock material ..

Group Drybulk Slake Sonic Sonic Point load Uniaxial com- Young's Triaxial
densi~, Pd ~urilPHitY ,_velocity,V~ velocity, VD index, 1'(50) pression modulus, EL compression
(kN/m]) index, Id2(%) (m/s) (m/s) (MPa) strength '(MPa) '(Gpa} ClMPar-'W(aeg)

A 21.3-27.3 <96 - - - 1.3-10

B >96 - - 0.4-1.2 3-17
-( - - 0.6-2.2 6-25 2.5 27
D 1581-3866 2396-5873 1.0-3.6 10-35
E 1.5-4.5 15-50 3-42
F 1.8-6.0 20-70
G 2.7-8.0 30-90 14.5 45
Engineering geological environment of Athens, Greece

and from the early stages of the Athens Metro construc- depending on the lithological composition and the degree
tion. The application of rock mass classification systems of weathering. Perched water conditions are often devel-
(RMR and Q) to this heterogeneous rock mass often leads oped.
to over- or underestimation of the rock mass quality. The Unit 10: limestones
geological strength index (GSI) classification scheme
These limestones are whitish-grey, pinkish, whitish-yellow,
provides a practical basis for describing a wide range of
thickly bedded to massive, moderately strong to very
rock mass types and can easily be applied to describe all
strong and of medium hardness. Locally, they are medium
the rock mass types commonly encountered in the Athens'
bedrock (Hoek et al. 1998). Based on the case of the Athens to thinly bedded with intercalations of marls, while
upwards they change to marly limestones. The material
schist, Hoek et al. (1998) proposed an extension of the GSI
system to account for the foliated or laminated weak rocks property ranges are as follows:
in the lower range of its applicability. Pd:25.1-26.8 kN/m3
The presumed allowable bearing pressure of this unit is uc: 29-87 MPa
greater than 300 kPa and the total thickness exceeds 200 m. 1'(50):2.9-10 MPa
The formation is of low permeability, the water levels SHY: 36-50.
Engineering geological zoning
map showing the distribution
of geotechnical units


Geotechnical units


I G. Koukis . N.Sabatakakis

Contour map showing the
depth to dedrock head

Saronikos Gulf N

o 2 4 Kilometers

5 5 m depth to bedrock head

Recent deposits


The unit is Triassic to Cretaceous in age and occupies the Hymettus) and intersected by four main discontinuity sets
western margin of the Athens basin, outcropping mainly (Mariolakos 1972). The material properties range as
on Mt. Parnis and Aegaleo. follows:

Unit 11: marbles and schists Pd:25.5-28.7 kN/m3

.P6,,:80-130 MPa
This unit includes the metamorphlc Neo-palaeozok' to SHY: 40-60.
Lower Mesozoic geological formations -
mainly marbles
and schists outcropping on Mt. Hymettus and Pendeli and Schists
schist-metasandstones on Mt. Parnis and Aegaleo. Greyish-black, greyish-green, brownish-grey, strong, of
Marbles medium hardness, mica schists with various degrees of
weathering. The material property ranges are as follow:
Mainly white, strong to very strong, of medium to high
hardness. They are massive (Mt. Pendeli), such as those Pd:27.0-27.7 kN/m3
used for the construction materials for the Parthenon and 06,,:56-62 MPa
other ancient monuments of Athens, or fractured (Mt. Ia: 3-15
SHY: 21-37 geotechnical database, it is considered to be appropriate
Vp: 1980-3868 m/s. for use at a preliminary planning level.
The sequence of marble and mica schist strata on Mt.
Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Dr. G. Tsiambaos,
Hymettus and Pendeli is quite regular, with occasional Head of the Geotechnical Engineering Section of the Central
gradual transitions from one rock to the other. Public Works Laboratory, for his valuable information and his
Schists-metasandstones permission to obtain the large amount of geotechnical data.
Alternations of phyllites and mica schists with limestones,
quartzites, prasinites (greenstones) and serpentines.
Green-grey-coloured metasandstones with lenticular inter- References
calations of limestones and bodies of volcanic rocks are
also encountered.
ANAGNOSTOPOULOS A (1981) Settlement computational models
for the Athenian schist. In: Geotechnical problems of the Athe-
nian schist. Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens, pp 299-304
ANDRONOPOULOS B, KOUKISG (1988) Engineering geological
v Engineeringgeologicalmapping problems in the Acropolis of Athens. In: Proc Int Symp Engi-
neering Geology of Ancient Works, Monuments and Historical
Sites, Athens, Publ 3, pp 1819-1830
The evaluation of the processed geotechnical data in Canadian Geotechnical Society (1985) Canadian Foundation engi-
combination with aerial photo interpretation and field neering manual, 2nd edn. Canadian Geotechnical Society,
mapping led to the compilation of the following engi- Vancouver, 460 pp
neering geological maps: CHRISTOULASS, TSIAMBAOSG, SABATAKAKIS N (1985) Engi-
1. Engineering geological zoning map showing the distri- neering geological conditions and the effects of the 1981 earth-
bution of geotechnical units in which geological forma- quake in Athens, Greece. Eng Geol 22: 141-155
DRACOPOULOS" MAKROPOUlOS K (1983) Seismicity and hazard
tions have been divided on the basis of uniformity in
analysis in the area of Greece. Seismic Laboratory, Athens
lithological character and structural arrangement University, Publl, 126 pp
(Fig. 4). The geotechnical grouping was also dependent HOEK E, MARINos p, BENlssl M (1998) Applicability of the
on the relevant age of the geological formations. Older geological strength index (GSI) classification for very weak and
formations were classified according to their lithogen- sheared rock masses. The case of the Athens schist formation.
esis, i.e. their origin and mode of formation, while for BulI Eng Geol Environ 57: 151-160
recent deposits it was based on the grading of consti- KATSIKATSOSG, MERCIER1. VERGELYP (1976) La fenetre
tuent particles and plasticity using the uses. Some d' Attique - Cyclades et les fenetres metamorphiques des HelIe-
nides internes (Grece). C R Acad Sci Paris 283D: 1613-1616
major normal fault traces which have affected the wider KATSIKATSOS G, MIGIROSG, TRIANTAPHYlLlSM, METTos A
area are also shown on this map, based on geological (1986) Geological structure of internal HelIenides (E. Thes-
evidence and interpretation of the geotechnical data. saly-S.W. Macedonia, Euboa-Attica-N. Cyclades islands and
'"~ngineering geological map showing the depth to Lesvos). IGME Geol Geophys Res Spec Issue, Athens,
Vbedrock" head (Fig. 3). The contours of depth to pp 191-212
bedrock are drawn with a depth interval ranging from 2 KOUKISG, SABATAKAKIS N (1991) Index properties and their
to 30 m. Units 5 to 11 have been characterized as correlations for the marly and dolomitic limestones of the
Athens basin, Greece. Mineral Wealth 72:27-33
bedr&k while unit 4 has been considered as bedrock
where it is developed downwards to well-cemented MIKRou R (1971)The Athensschist formation,I. Stratigraphy
breccia. In the central area of the Athens basin, across and structure (in Greek). Ann Geol Pays HelI 22: 183-216
the southern part of the Kiffisos riverbed, the maximum MARINOSP, KOUKISG, SABATAKAKIS N, TSIAMBAOSG (1994)
d@pth to bedrock head is generalized as exceeding Laboratory testing aspects of the Athenian schist. Proc 7th Int
30m. IAEG Congr, Lisboa, Publ 2, pp 975-981
Geological and environmental considerations for selecting an
Athens Metro tunnel alignment beneath an important archaeo-
logical area. Proc Int Symp on Engineering Geology and the
Conclusions Environment, Athens, PubJ 3, pp 2777-2784 i
MARIOLAKOSI (1972) Observations on the folds of the meta- g
morphic system of Pendeli and Hymettus (Attika) (in Greek). :i
The engineering geological maps of Athens compiled on a Ann GeolPays HelI24:276-302 ~
-medrumS<:"ale are mtended to reflect thespecific"grolHld --'PAPADoPouLos Z, MARINOSP (1992) On the anisotiopyofth'e' ~
conditions of the city and the perceived needs of engineers Athenian schist and its relation to weathering. BulI IAEG ~
working in that urban environment. They can also indicate 45: 111-116 " ~
.the basic geological
. .
and geotechnical conditions prevailing
zlvages occldentaux du
T (1,984) E~ude ,neotectomque ~es $:
.10 th e area 10 or ..der t 0 aIIow an eva Iua t lOn 0 f the SOl1eflec t . . canal d Atalantt (Grece centrale). These ?;
d d
3me cycIe. Umv. Pans- Su,d 190 pp. i"
In re~ar to seismiC groun mO~lOn. parameters. A~ t e SABATAKAKISN, TSIAMBAOS G, KOUKIS G (1993) Index proper- ~
mappmg was based on a combmation of conventlOnal ties of soft marly rocks of the Athens basin, Greece.Proc Int ~
geological mapping techniques and the information from a Symp of Hard Soils-Soft Rocks, Athens, PubI I, pp 275-279 ii
Bull EngGeolEnv(2000)59:127-135 . '9 Springer-Verlag 1135 ~
Engineering geological environment of Athens, Greece

SHY: 21-37 geotechnical database, it is considered to be appropriate

Vp: 1980-3868 m/s. for use at a preliminary planning level.
The sequence of marble and mica schist strata on Mt. Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Or. G. Tsiambaos,
Hymettus and Pendeli is quite regular, with occasional Head of the Geotechnical Engineering Section of the Central
gradual transitions from one rock to the other. Public Works Laboratory, for his valuable information and his
Schists-metasandstones permission to obtain the large amount of geotechnical data.
Alternations of phyllites and mica schists with limestones,
quartzites, prasinites (greenstones) and serpentines.
Green-grey-coloured metasandstones with lenticular inter- References
calations of limestones and bodies of volcanic rocks are
also encountered.
ANAGNOSTOPOULOS A (1981) Settlement computational models
for the Athenian schist. In: Geotechnical problems of the Athe-
nian schist. Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens, pp 299-304
ANDRONOPOULOS B, KOUKISG (1988) Engineering geological
Engineeringgeologicalmapping problems in the Acropolis of Athens. In: Proc Int Symp Engi-
neering Geology of Ancient Works, Monuments and Historical
Sites, Athens, Publ 3, pp 1819-1830
The evaluation of the processed geotechnical data in Canadian Geotechnical Society (1985) Canadian Foundation engi-
combination with aerial photo interpretation and field neering manual, 2nd edn. Canadian Geotechnical Society,
mapping led to the compilation of the following engi- Vancouver, 460 pp
neering geological maps: CHRISTOULASS, TSIAMBAOSG, SABATAKAKIS N (1985) Engi-
1. Engineering geological zoning map showing the distri- neering geological conditions and the effects of the 1981 earth-
bution of geotechnical units in which geological forma- quake in Athens, Greece. Eng Geo122: 141-155
ORACOPOULOS 1. MAKROPOULOS K (1983) Seismicity and hazard
tions have been divided on the basis of uniformity in analysis in the area of Greece. Seismic Laboratory, Athens
lithological character and structural arrangement University, Publ1, 126 pp
(Fig. 4). The geotechnical grouping was also dependent HOEK E, MARINos P, BENISSIM (1998) Applicability of the
on the relevant age of the geological formations. Older geological strength index (GSl) classification for very weak and
formations were classified according to their lithogen- sheared rock masses. The case of the Athens schist formation.
esis, i.e. their origin and mode of formation, while for Bull Eng Geol Environ 57: 151-160
recent deposits it was based on the grading of consti-
d'Attique - Cyclades et les fenetres metamorphiques des Helle-
tuent particles and plasticity using the uses. Some nides internes (Grece). C R Acad Sci Paris 2830: 1613-1616
major normal fault traces which have affected the wider KATSIKATSOS G, MIGIROSG, TRIANTAPHYlLISM, METTOSA
area are also shown on this map, based on geological (1986) Geological structure of internal Hellenides (E. Thes-
evidence and interpretation of the geotechnical data. saly-S.W. Macedonia, Euboa-Attica-N. Cyclades islands and
.., t:;ngineering geological map showing the depth to Lesvos). IGME Geol Geophys Res Spec Issue, Athens,
bedrock" head (Fig. 3). The contours of depth to pp 191-212
bedrock are drawn with a depth interval ranging from 2 KOUKISG, SABATAKAKIS N (1991) Index properties and the::-
to 30 m. Units 5 to II have been characterized as correlations for the marly and dolomitic limestones of the
Athens basin, Greece. Mineral Wealth 72:27-33
bedrock while unit 4 has been considered as bedrock MARINos G, KATSIKATSOSG, GEORGlADOU-OIKEOULIA E,
where it is developed downwards to well-cemented MIKROUR (1971) The Athens schist formation, I. Stratigraphy
breccia. In the central area of the Athens basin, across and structure (in Greek). Ann Geol Pays Hell 22: 183-216
the southern part of the Kiffisos riverbed, the maximum MARINos P, KOUKISG, SABATAKAKIS N, TSIAMBAosG (1994)
depth to bedrock head is generalized as exceeding Laboratory testing aspects of the Athenian schist. Proc 7th Inl
30m. IAEG Congr, Lisboa, Publ 2, pp 975-981
Geological and environmental considerations for selecting an
Athens Metro tunnel alignment beneath an important archaeo-
logical area. Proc Int Symp on Engineering Geology and the
Conclusions Environment, Athens, Publ 3, pp 2777-2784
MARIOLAKOSI (1972) Observations on the folds of the meta-
morphic system of Pendeli and Hymettus (Attika) (in Greek).
The engineering geological maps of Athens compiled on a Ann Geol Pays Hell 24: 276-302
medium- sc:ale-a-relnlenaeOL~ specific ground PAPADOPO-ULOS Z~MARINos P (1992) On the anisotropy of the
conditions of the city and the perceived needs of engineers Athenian schist and its relation to weathering. Bull IAEG
45: 111-116
working in that urban environment. They can also indicate
the basic geological and geotechnical conditions prevailing RONDOGIANNI- TSIAMBAOUT (1984) Etude neotectonique des
in the area in order to allow an evaluation of the soil effect zivages occidentaux du canal d' Atalanti (Grece centrale). These
3me cycle. Univ. Paris-Sud, 190 pp.
in regard to seismic ground motion parameters. As the SABATAKAKIS N, TSIA:'IBAOSG, KOUKISG (1993) Index proper-
mapping was based on a combination of conventional ties of soft marly rocks of the Athens basin, Greece. Proc Int
geological mapping techniques and the information from a Symp of Hard Soils-Soft Rocks, Athens, Publ I, pp 275-279

Bull EngGeolEnv(2000)59: 127-135 . ~: Springer-Verlag 1135

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