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The Faithful Steward

A Texico Conference Stewardship Publication

October 2005 Influence, the Stewardship of Relationships

Psychologists tell us that the most the responsibility rests upon her of forming the
“ B e d e t e r- introverted person will have an influence of character of her children. The impressions now
mined never about 10,000 persons in his life time. This made upon their developing minds will remain
to incur an- means that we all have the power to influence with them all through life. Parents should direct
other debt. others. Nobody is an island to himself. No the instruction and training of their children
Deny yourself individual lives for himself. while very young, to the end that
a thousand John Maxwell states: “If they may be Christians. They are
things rather your life in any way connects placed in our care to be trained,
than run in with other people, you are not as heirs to the throne of an
debt. This has an influencer. Everyone is an earthly empire, but as kings unto
been the curse influencer of other people” God, to reign through unending
of your life, (John Maxwell, Becoming a ages” {Patriarchs and Prophets,
getting into Person of Influence, pages 2, page 244}.
debt. Avoid it 3).
as you would Parent’s Influence Influence for Good or Evil
the smallpox” We first learn about In one way or another
(CS 257). influence through our we influence people for good
mother’s soothing voice and or for evil. Our lives are a light
warm embrace. Whatever that shines and cheers others or
Debt causes she says or does affects it is a dark influence that leads
us to focus on how we feel and what we to despair and ruin. “We lead
ourselves in- think. In her sphere of influence, no one others either upward to happiness and immortal
stead of God. is more important; and we sense it even life, or downward to sorrow and eternal death.
in our infancy. All great leaders became And if by our deeds we strengthen or force into
“There is a di- great due to the influence of a mother. The activity the evil powers of those around us, we
rect relation- mother exerts one of the most powerful share their sin (Prophets and Kings, page 94).
ship between influences at home. A child’s first teacher is “It is the Lord’s will that you should exert a
how I use my his/her mother. The work of a true Christian wide influence for good” (This Day with God,
money and the mother is the most important and sacred page 71). A life is not significant except for its
quality of my work that God has given them; there is not impact on others. Without influence, there is no
spiritual life” other work that equals this. “To a very great success. The silent witness of a true, unselfish,
(The Purpose extent the mother holds in her own hands godly life carries an almost irresistible
Driven Life, the destiny of her children. She is dealing influence.
Rick Warren, with developing minds and characters, Our Christian life and our conduct
p. 46). working not alone for time, but for eternity. should be a positive influence with the people
She is sowing seed that will spring up and we come in contact with. “Remember that in
bear fruit, either for good or for evil. She your life, religion is not to be an influence among
has not to paint a form of beauty upon others. It is to be an influence dominating all
Editor: Lee-Roy Chacon
Assistant Editor: Sue Hinkle
canvas or to chisel it from marble, but to others” (ST, August 31, 1904). You will have a
impress upon a human soul the image of the good influence upon others and may win them
Circulation: 4,494
divine. Especially during their early years to the service of Christ.
The Faithful Steward Page 2

Influence, the Stewards Disciple making is not synonymos them to their homes. Thus our faith
of Relationships with evangelism, but begins with will stand in a better light before the
“In essence, the stewardship evangelism. First, a person is led to community.” {GW92 151, 152}
of influence is the stewardship of faith in Christ; then that person is led A “Christian’s influence
relationships. Your life may have an to follow Christ. Leading someone depends on his or her character”
impact in some field; but ultimately to faith in Christ is evangelism. (George R. Knight, The Abundant
and most significantly, your influence Leading someone to follow Christ Life Bible Amplifier on Matthew,
affects other people” (Kirk Nowery, wholeheartedly is disciple making. page 89).
The Stewardship of Life, page 36). The process of discipleship begins
In the book entitle The the instant one trust in Jesus as How do we Influence Others?
Stewardship of Life, Kirk Nowery Lord and Savior, and it continues How do we influence
states that there are three primary throughout a believers life” (Kirk others? Not only by our words, our
objectives at stake in the stewardship Nowery, The Stewardship of Life, actions but also by our thoughts.
of influence: pages 41, 42). The faithful steward is a well-
1. Influencing people to Influencing people to live balance Christian that thinks clearly
know the One True God a normal Christian life. If Jesus and positively. Thinking clearly
2. Influencing people to is my Savior and Lord, in all my means maintaining the right view of
believe in and follow God, of self and of life situations.
Jesus Christ. Thinking positively is a matter of
3. Influencing people to live looking for and finding the good
a normal Christian life. even when everything may seem
Influencing people to know bad. Negative thinkers can have a
the One True God. damaging and even damaging and
There is only one true even destructive effecti upon those
God and as Christians we will do around them because negativity by
everything in our power to proclaim its very nature pulls down rather
Him to everyone. He is the true God than builds up. As an individual
because He is the creator and Lord influening other we influence
of all. He is the true God because people to live the normal Christian
He is the only Savior of mankind. life not the abnormal Christian
Influencing people to believe in life. As an influencer, live in a way
and follow Jesus Christ. that is loving and gracefuly, never
It is one thing to say that relationships – whether to family, corrupt. Ideally, there should be no
there is a true God. But it is quite friends, acquaintances or others conflict between our actions, our
another thing to say that there is only – you are a witness for Him. What words, our attitudes as we practice
one way to follow Him. The Bible I do or say, how I act or react, the stewardship of influence.
is specific when it say, “Salvation by my attitudes I display, others Influence is a gift given by
is found in no one else, for there is will see God either honored or God to be used in a wise and timely
no other name under heaven given dishonored. My words, my actions, manner. How we use that talent
to men by which we must be saved my behavior, my dress, my attitude, will have eternal consequences.
(Acts 4:12). As stewards, it is our my pocketbook--everything should Let us remember that
duty and mission to communicate this preach that we are here on this earth we are the salt of the earth and
undeniable truth. A faithful stewards to influence other. “Not only with we bring flavor to this world.
responsibility is to evangelize and our words should we speak to the Let us be the salt of the earth by
make disciples. people, but everything pertaining intermingling with our society
“In the stewardship of to our person should be a sermon and influening others for good.
influence, the making of disciples to them, that right impressions Let us remember that we are the
is imperative. It is something we may be made upon them, and that light of the world that shines in
absolutely, positively must do…. the truth spoken may be taken by dark palces. Let us remember that

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