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Zero-rated sale - Seller must be a VAT-registered person.

Taxable transaction for VAT

purposes but the sale does not result in any output tax. The Input tax however, shall be
available as tax credit or refund.

Zero rated vs. VAT-exempt transactions

Zero-rated VAT Exempt

1. Refers to the export sale of good and 1. Seller shall not bill any output tax on his
supply of services. Hence, Output tax Rate sales. No Ouput Tax Rate.
is set to zero.
2. The seller of such transactions charges 2. Corollarily, seller is not allowed any
NO output tax but can claim a refund or tax credit or refund of the input taxes he paid
credit certificate for the VAT previously on his purchases.
charged by suppliers (AT&T
Communications Services Phils., Inc. V.
CIR, G.R. No. 182364, August 3, 2010)
Example: NO Output Tax
Output Tax P 0.00 NO Input Tax
Less: Input Tax 5,000.00 NO Tax credit
Excess input tax P 5,000.00

Basis Exempt Zero-rated

Nature of transaction Not taxable; removes VAT Transaction is taxable for
at the exempt stage VAT purposes although the
tax levied is 0%
By whom made Need not be a VAT- Made by a VAT-registered
registered person person
Input tax Not subject to Output Tax, May claim input tax credit
thus cannot claim input tax although the transaction
credit. resulted to zero output tax.
Tax Credit/Refund Cannot avail of tax credit. Can claim or enjoy tax
Thus, may result in credit/refund (Total Relief)
increased prices (Partial
Zero rated vs. Effectively Zero-rated Transactions
(G.R No. 153866, February 11, 2005)

Zero-Rated Effectively Zero-rated

Generally refer to the export sale of goods Refer to the sale of goods or supply of
and supply of services. services to persons or entities whose
exemption under special laws or
international agreements to which the
Philippines is signatory effectively subjects
such transaction to a zero-rate.

Effectively Zero-Rated vs. Automatic Zero-Rated

Basis Effectively Zero-rated Automatic Zero-Rated

Transaction Transaction
Nature Refer to sales to persons or Refer to export sales and
entities whose exemption foreign currency
under special laws or denominated sales
international agreements to
which the Philippines is a
Need to apply for zero- An application for zero- No need to file an
rating rating must be filed and the application form to secure
BIR approval is necessary BIR approval before the
before the transaction may sale is considered zero-rated
be considered zero-rated
For whose benefit is it Intended to benefit the Primarily intended to be
intended purchaser who, not being enjoyed nu the seller who is
directly and legally liable directly and legally liable
for the payment of VAT, for the VAT, making such
will ultimately burden of seller internationally
the tax shifted by the competitive by allowing the
suppliers. refund or credit of input
taxes that are attributable to
export sales
Stamping of zero-rated on Required. The buyer, as Not required. The buyer, as
VAT invoice or receipt shown by his address in the shown by his address in the
sales invoice and shipping sales invoice and shipping
documents is located documents, is located
outside the Philippines outside the Philippines.
merely by fiction of law
Effect Results in no tax chargeable against the purchaser.
The seller can claim refund or a tax credit certificate for
the VAT previously charged by suppliers.
VAT Computation

Basis of VAT
Nature of Transaction Tax Base
Sale of Goods or Properties Gross Selling Price (RR No. 8-2018
Sale of Services Gross Receipts (RR No. 8-2018 Sec.2)
Importation Total Landed Cost
Dealers in Securities Gross Income (RR No. 8-2018 Sec.2)

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