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Discovering the Spirituality of

Horsemanship through Feel, Intention and

Energy Awareness; Part I:
Deepening Awareness of Relationship between
Horse and Human through Mind, Body
and Soul Exercises

Information and Exercise Guide


Working with horses allows us to attract what we often need, not always what we want.
They are magnificent magnifiers of our internal dialogue and intention, often responding
to our feelings and thoughts before our actions. This DVD is not only about relating to
your horse in a language that “speaks” horse, it is about creating a deep and rewarding
relationship with your horse and with yourself. This DVD offers insights and techniques
to help you, and your horse, find inner well-being, balance, confidence and peace of mind.

It continually amazes me how much our horses reflect us, our internal dialogue and
intention, feelings and thoughts. The more people and horses I meet, the more I believe it
is not just fate that connects us. I have come to understand that we are brought together
by the laws of attraction, attractor fields of like energy that share the same internal,
unconscious space.

It was through my personal experiences with Deep Emotional Release Bodywork, and
rehabbing of horses and their humans, that I became acutely aware of the connection
between energy work, bodywork, emotional release and chakra healing. Each has the
power to release negative patterns of thought and behavior. Through my own experience
and my clients’, I have witnessed how the release of blocked energy can positively affect
mental attitude, refine one’s intuition, connect you with your creative and spiritual
practice, and help you feel more grounded and emotionally connected to the world within
and around you.

This DVD was developed to assist those who are seeking a more conscious, mindful way
of Being, living and interacting. It is as much about the relationship you have with
yourself as it is about the relationship you can create with your horse. As the saying goes,
“To receive, one must be in a place to give. “If you want a deep and rewarding
relationship with your horse, you must seek, and find, that relationship with yourself first.


This DVD is the accumulation of my personal work, horsemanship journey and
experience. My work within, and with horses and their humans has helped to shape this
body of work, thus create a practice for mindfully living and experiencing. I hope it helps
you as much as it has helped me and those I have shared this work with. Enjoy and may
you always be one with your horse!

This body of work is the foundation of Caroline’s Round Penning Approach DVD:
Transformative Practices for Awakening Unity, Partnership and Harmony between You and
Your Horse. The spirituality of this body of work lies within the ability to engage and connect
mind, body and soul into consciousness – heightened awareness where we are present and our
faculties are engaged. Our horses are always in this state of Being, living and thriving through
sensory awareness, continually attuned to and tuned into their surroundings.

Horses have been evolving for 30 million years. They are complex, sentient Beings that use
language skills, self-awareness and their mind to communicate and express their individuality.
They have become the “perfect” prey animal, honing in on acute right-brain survival skills, such
as awareness, empathy, cooperation and leadership. They have mastered the ability to lead fairly
and effectively, as well as communicate and connect with others without words.

Like the horse, our senses live, and work, in the right hemisphere of our brain or right brain. Our
right brain is all about being present, the here and now and the “big picture.” Unlike our left
brain it is not concerned with details or organization of thoughts and feelings. Our right brain is
open to new possibilities and is not limited by rules or boundaries. It is creative and full of joy
and enthusiasm. And, most of all, our right brain is visceral, processing information by means of
the intuitive - our sensory awareness, our internal “feel”. This is where our horses reside, in the
intuitive. The benefits of living life more sensory aware, and in our right brain, are many. In the
beginning it may not seem so as we are more accustomed to perceiving and interacting to our
surroundings from our left brain. Shifting gears and re-learning how to “see” and feel from our
right brain will take time and conscious learning.

The core awareness’s discussed in the Round Penning Approach DVD are now carefully broken
down into core building blocks of information and exercises found within this DVD. Each bit of
information, followed by practices, not only helps you be where you need to be for your horse,
they allow you to develop, nurture and maintain what Caroline refers to as “the 3 levels of join
up” that is possible between horse and human. These levels of join up are everything as they help
you to connect intuitively within and to your horse’s mind, body and soul. The depth of each is
internally profound as each holds the space for all possibilities.

The work that you are beginning within this DVD allows the space for paradigm shifts to occur.
Old patterns of thinking, perceiving and doing – patterns that no longer serve us well, will begin
to disappear while more congruent shifts into levels of consciousness, and congruency, become
clear and more easily adopted. Through deepening our sensory awareness and experiential
practice we not only begin this process, journey within and with another, we begin to understand
the relationship between mind and body and how what we feel becomes mirrored in our actions.
This process must be honored in order for both you and your horse to feel safe, open and trusting
enough to engage truthfully and honestly in mind, body and soul. This process of mind, body and


soul integration is Holism – where all aspects of person are interrelated – thoughts, behavior,
feelings and body. If all aspects of our person are integrated and acting as one, we are congruent
and in harmony. Our congruency is perceived by our horse as a place of safety and emotional
comfort as we present the level of strength in knowing (intention) and clarity of mind and body
that our horse needs to feel safe and trust to follow. Please keep in mind that basic horse
behavior operates around the understanding that horses are natural followers, always seeking
clear and congruent leadership. When we show up as such, we earn their true and willing
acceptance and trust – the space where true unity and oneness reside.

Caroline chooses the round pen because it represents, and supports, unity, wholeness and
infinity. It is where you create the physical space in which to begin honoring your Chi – your
personal emotional power or life’s vital force energy within. Like a magnet, your Chi is designed
to not only build power within, it holds power and manifests it. The level of manifestation or
magnetic pull as Caroline refers to helps to align one’s own internal life force within thus giving
much balance, feelings of well-being and center. The Chi also acts as a magnetic force, full of
energetic power, drawing the horse in. Depending on the intensity, or level of committed intent,
you can hold the space for you and your horse both intentionally and energetically. This is where
you both are intertwined in mind and body, in a state of Beingness, as you move together and as
one. This is when your body acts as the vehicle to communicate its purpose, intention.

Caroline’s work with horses and humans has shown that at least 98% of connection with the
horse not only begins with intention, it relies on the power of one’s intention - what your heart
feels and your head thinks. The beauty and often times frustration of working with horses is that
they do not cover up the way they think, or respond, towards something. Their actions are
directly linked to how they feel about a situation. Feelings relate to instinct as most of what they
perceive and understand is processed through their sensory awareness, right hemisphere. As a
prey animal they won’t verbally alert the herd as it will attract a predator. Instead they rely on
non-verbal communication and heightened senses - sensory awareness. Because conscious
thought recognition is too slow, sensory awareness or right brain over rides and automatically
takes over. When horses are alerted within a herd, they viscerally experience united emotion by
means of shared energy produced within their nervous system. This shared energy, or energy
vibration, is what keeps them alive. There is no time to think, analyze or even rationalize. They
must act immediately and with clarity.

As we’ve been discussing, horses feel their way through life viscerally and through experiential
learning and interacting – by means of their senses and actions as well as their relationship to
their environment. Their adept sensory awareness allows them to tune in to not just their five
main senses, but additional senses experienced as energy – guttural vibrations that resonate
within their body that allow them to perceive their environment through heightened sensory
awareness and emotional clarity. When in this state they have no emotional attachment to a
specific outcome either, allowing them to Be present and without attachment to any single
thought. It is this level of non-attachment that allows the horse to posses’ emotional intelligence,
agility and profound clarity when faced with chaotic and/or stressful situations. Unfortunately, so
many of our domesticated horses have lost this ability due to negative and destructful
environmental and emotional influences.


The work that is presented in this DVD is to help you align yourself, in mind and body, with
your horse and within yourself. The depth of attunement that the mind-body alignment offers
ultimately leads one to emotional agility, peace, balance and inner harmony. This way of Being
creates natural attractor fields, attracting congruent energies and those of like-mindedness.

This work takes on a holistic, and intuitive, approach to horsemanship, encouraging mind-body-
soul integration, congruency and alignment. The exercises develop more awareness, bringing
heightened levels of consciousness to one’s body. All of which is achieved through rhythmic
movement and meditative practices that are specifically designed to lead the path to one’s own
awakening and self-discovery.

How do we begin? We begin with intention and the willingness to change the way we feel.

Change begins with awareness. Being aware that something isn’t working is more than 75% the
solution to any problem or challenge. The remaining 25% of the solution relies on skill sets. How
we feel about something is directly reflected in our thoughts and our actions. Our horses are the
perfect teacher of heart-felt intention as they see right through us and to the core of our intention
- what motivates us to do what we do. While some horses are extremely empathetic and
forgiving, not all are as they come with past experiences that shape their perceptions and their
actions. These are the horses we deem challenging. Through them we have an opportunity to
witness pieces of our soul, our consciousness, thus gain a deeper understanding and connection
to ourselves and all that is around us. This beauty and grace our horse’s embody and teach.


Intention is powerful and is guided, shaped, by our feelings and thoughts. Our thoughts are
manifested deep within the core of who we are. The energy, vibrations, that our core omits
shapes and defines who we are, and motivates how we live. Unfortunately, our perception of
ourselves, and often the world around us, has been shaped by distorted perceptions and negative
cognitive recognition. We develop habits, patterns, of doing and interacting that do not serve us
well nor allow us the opportunity to experience our true selves or spiritual awakening.

To better understand self, one must become familiar with the multiple dimensions of our being
and the intelligent energy that works through these dimensions of spiritual, mental, emotional,
and physical self. This understanding will lead to embodiment, realizing the divine self within
and then manifesting it in our physical form. The enlightened self is able to make use of this
power for healing, personal growth, and experiencing a better connection with the creative

This path of self-discovery begins with accepting and engaging the multi-dimensional self and
the energy that moves through it. The physical body is made of the same matrix of energy that
surrounds and composes all matter. We are part of a quantum field that is present everywhere
with the potential to manifest as a material substance or the energy around it. All physical matter
is simply a more dense concentration of this energy field. Because all matter including ourselves
is connected, we are able to affect and be affected by one another and the whole of the universe.


The individual consciousness is able to engage the essential energy of all creation for a wealth of
personal power, thus referred to as Chi. The awareness and embodiment of Chi is empowering
and allows us to create the life that we desire as well as the ability to be more responsible for our
own health and inner well-being.

Being aware of our thoughts and how they affect our life brings a higher level of awareness,
consciousness. Our feelings and thoughts do not begin in our conscious, or minds either. They
begin in our hearts, where our emotions resonate. It is our emotions that control our feelings and
our thoughts. And, our thoughts dictate our actions.

Our hearts hold the space to feel love, understanding with compassion, belief in life and oneself
and the capacity to give unconditionally and without attachment. This is what Caroline’s refers
to as “Heart-felt Intention.” This state of Being allows us to reach a higher state of consciousness
– a purer and honest understanding that is not governed by our ego or thoughts. This level of
consciousness is so important to creating and nurturing positive emotions, feelings and

The more we are aware of how our heart feels the more we are able to make conscious shifts and
decisions regarding the release of negative, habitual thought patterns. We now have a choice and
our choice can shape our emotions as we prepare to engage in more positive feelings, thus
actively engaging in more positive experiences.

Here is a passage, excerpt, from a book that began Caroline’s journey into understanding and
believing in the power of intention and energy.

James Redfield
The Celestine Prophecy
An Experiential Guide

"Life, the eternal flow of living energy, is the outgrowth of our intention and attention and is
designed to meet our needs through the blueprint within our cellular DNA. With the power of
awareness, we activate our field, attracting, in due time, what we need."

"Like the Bold function key on the computer, intention selects out what we need to know."

Basically, we attract what we feel inside, how we think about life, ourselves, our past and our
future. The manifestation of our thoughts "vibrates" within us as it holds energy. The stronger
our thoughts are (positive and/or negative) the more life force, or energy, we give to those
thoughts. This is where the saying "like attracts like" comes from and the metaphysical belief of
the Law of Attraction.


Intuitive knowledge can be both instinctive and/or derived from sensory awareness, aesthetic
abilities. Horses and humans are intuitive by nature. While it is easy for horses to remain
connected to their intuitive nature, we humans struggle as our left brains have learned to
dominate our thoughts and actions. In order for us to connect and communicate with our horses,


and on a higher level of consciousness, we must be like them - fully aware, present. This asks us
to perceive our surrounding through our senses, our right brain, our intuitive brain. The
exercises, practices, presented in this work will guide you to a more intuitive way of perceiving
and interacting. They are transformative - awakening our intuitive knowledge through
experiential learning, the practice of mind-body integration, synergy and movement.

Horses perceive and respond to their environment by means of their intuitive sense, or sensory
awareness. Research shows that they rely on the right side of their brain to make decisions as the
right brain executes response more quickly than the left brain. Just like horses, we humans have
5 main senses that allow us to experience our world around us. When we are present we engage
all 5 senses, thus we are in a "heightened state of sensory awareness." This state of Being allows
us to take in our surroundings all at once, and when we have engaged all 5 at once, we are able to
hone in on our sixth sense - our conscious feel. This feel is akin to transcendental meditation as it
promotes deep relaxation and interconnectedness by way of creating a mantra or way of creating

When we tap into our conscious feel, there is a "knowing" that can bring us amazing strength,
clarity and positive energy. The positive energy is the feel good place Caroline’s refers to when
she works with a horse and they are joined on all 3 levels - aligned in mind, body and soul.
Caroline also refers to this place within as the zone or euphoric state of Being where two beings
are deeply connected, creative and relaxed.

We also have an intuitive sense within that can send shock waves of energy into our very core,
alerting us of something about to happen or covering us in a sense of well-being and ease. This
intuitive sense is another form of Spirituality as it is another way in which we can experience our
life through our senses, connecting us to nature and to a world larger than ourselves. The more
we practice sensory awareness, the more present and aware we become of our surroundings and
the many layers of energy that exist.


Chakra is a Sanskrit word, and it means "wheel," or "vortex," because that's what it looks like
when we look at it. Each chakra is like a solid ball of energy interpenetrating the physical body,
in the same way that a magnetic field can interpenetrate the physical body. The chakras are not
physical. They are aspects of consciousness in the same way that the auras are aspects of
consciousness. Chakras are denser than the auras, but not as dense as the physical body, but they
interact with the physical body through two major vehicles, the endocrine system and the
nervous system. Each of the seven chakras is associated with one of the seven endocrine glands,
and also with a particular group of nerves called a plexus. Thus, each chakra can be associated
with particular parts of the body and particular functions within the body controlled by that
plexus or that endocrine gland associated with that chakra.

Your consciousness, your experience of being, represents everything it is possible for you to
experience. All of your senses, all of your perceptions, all of your possible states of awareness,
can be divided into seven categories, and each of these categories can be associated with a
particular chakra. Thus, the chakras represent not only particular parts of your physical body, but
also particular parts of your consciousness. When you feel tension in your consciousness, you
feel it in the chakra associated with the part of your consciousness experiencing the stress, and in


the parts of the physical body associated with that chakra. Where you feel the stress depends
therefore on why you feel the stress. When someone is hurt in a relationship, they feel it in their
heart. When someone is nervous, their legs tremble and their bladder becomes weak.
When there is tension in a particular part of your consciousness, and therefore in the chakra
associated with that part of your consciousness, the tension is detected by the nerves of the
plexus associated with that chakra, and communicated to the parts of the body controlled by that
plexus. When the tension continues over a period of time, or reaches a particular degree of
intensity, the person creates a symptom on the physical level. Again, the symptom served to
communicate to the person through their body what they had been doing to themselves in their
consciousness. When the person changes something about their way of being, they are able to
release the stress that had been creating the symptom, and they are then able to return to their
natural state of balance and health.

Review of First 4 Chakra's and Their Purpose

1st Chakra: Element - Earth

Spiritual quality – Foundation of understanding; emotional ease, safety and stability;
connection with the herd/family; “Being" (rather than doing) consciousness, and the
reflection that comes from being in stillness.
Location - Base of spine

2nd Chakra: Element - Water

Spiritual quality – Emotional consciousness and connection through kinesthetics, feel and
Location - Lower abdomen to navel area

3rd Chakra: Element - Fire

Spiritual quality – Self-respect, boundaries, personal power and vital life force - vitality.
Location - Solar Plexus (center for transferring energies)

4th Chakra: Element - Air

Spiritual quality – The “feeling eye;” Emotional understanding, compassion and emotional
agility (management and control)
Location - Center of our chest – heart


Chi is a term used in Chinese medicine to describe potential energy, connective energy and any
other types of emotional energy within the body. Chi energy is also known as our "vital life
force" energy within. One can tap into their chi energy through meditation and visualization.
While in meditation, visualize something that you want and focus your energy (have intention)
on that visualization. You will begin to feel your energy pulling in that direction. When working
with our horses, we want to be the center of their Universe. We want to create a working
environment where they not only want to emotionally connect (be) with us, but physically
connect as well. That is why we begin working at liberty and in a round pen. The circular nature
of the round pen not only represents unity, its space helps support our Chi. In this particular


work, the circle symbol represents the infinite nature of energy, and the inclusivity of the
universe. It also symbolizes the whole of duality with intent for unified balance.

How to create Chi energy: Begin with position and manifestation of intention and energy.
Stand back and behind the shoulder of your horse. This aligns you energetically by means of
aligning both of your chakra systems (side by side). The position of your body should now be at
your horse’s rib cage. This area on your horse holds both the Fire and Water Chakras. This is the
space where Chi lives. This position also allows you to align yourself with your horse’s center of
mass (center of gravity). When you are aligned here, you are in position to synchronize energy
and movement.

When you both move forward, you will move in a small circle, not a straight line. Moving in a
circle allows you to cultivate the Chi within you - life's vital force energy. The video shows you
how to manage this energy so you horse stays connected as they revolve around you. This energy
is similar to one's center of gravity and like gravity's centripetal force, you become the center
(like a magnet), drawing your horse's attention and their movement into you (water chakra) while
you balance keeping them out and moving forward (fire chakra). You can begin to use your
hands and arms to help influence and control the energy within and between you.


Simply put, experiential learning is learning from experience. It is also a way in which we derive
meaning from our experience - how we conceptualize, process and understand what we've
experienced. With this being said, I'd like to talk about NLP, Neuro-linguistic programming.
NLP is another way in which we process information and learn from our senses: hearing,
observing and action, by means of doing. The benefit to NLP is that is connects both our
language skills and behavioral patterns (ways of doing) that have been learned through
experience and then organizes them to achieve a specific goal, or outcome. How this relates to
this DVD is twofold as we are developing awareness of our emotional patterns and how they
affect our actions and then learning how to change negative emotions and actions by means of
awareness and mind-body alignment. The energy work is the experiential part of this DVD. By
consciously engaging in the mind-body practices, we will begin to shift into new, more positive
and “feel good” patterns.

Another form of experiential learning is Kinesiology. This is the study of movement and how it
is applied. This is where you use your limbs, hands and arms, as extensions of you, your
intention and energy, to communicate your requests, desires, with your horse. Kinesthetics is
another form of Kinesiology, and where one possess an advance level of tactile intelligence -
having the ability to experience, and understand, one's environment through "feel," and the

Horses also learn from experience and while they do not process information the way in which
we do, they are capable of experiential learning, specifically by means of processing information,
experiences, through their senses and by means of movement, actively being engaged and doing.
This is where consistency and repetition are paramount to teaching horses something new.

By understanding this and applying it we can become better partners and communicators for our
horses - seeing and feeling the World as they do. This work not only brings more awareness to


this level of connection through mind and body, but it also helps us communicate with our fellow
equines in a language they innately understand.

All of these purposes lead to creating a mindset of well-being and balance within. They will
show up in both you and your horse through calm, connected, relaxed and harmonious

VII. CHAKRA I; GROUNDING AND JOIN UP: Exercises to develop the foundation
for ease and mind/body connection
Where the 1st chakra resonates to group tribal power, and where the
2nd chakra resonates to the flow of power between the self and Others.

1st Chakra Exercises and Purpose: to create the awareness’s and mindset necessary to develop
the foundation of relationship, between mind, body and soul.
It is associated with the parts of our consciousness concerned with security, survival, or trust. For
most people, this concerns the parts of their consciousness concerned with money, home, and
job. When this chakra is in its clear state, the person is able to feel secure, be present in the here
and now, and be grounded. When there is tension in this chakra, it is experienced as insecurity or
fear. When there is more tension, it is experienced as a threat to survival.
Parts of the body controlled by the sacral plexus and this chakra include the skeleton system, the
legs, and the elimination system. Symptoms in these parts of the body represent, therefore,
tensions at the level of the Root Chakra, and we therefore know that the person is seeing the
world through a perceptual filter of insecurity or fear. The adrenal glands are also associated with
this chakra.

If one leg is affected, we can see whether it is the male leg or the female leg, and thus whether it
has something to do with trust in a male or trust in a female. We can also see it as having
something to do with trust in the will, or the aspects of trust in the foundations the emotional
being, related to what was happening in the person's life at the time the symptom developed.
The physical sense of smell, and therefore the organ of the sense of smell, the nose, is associated
with the Root Chakra. Symptoms at the level of the nose or affecting the sense of smell reflect
tensions at the level of the Root Chakra.

Each chakra is associated with an element. The Root Chakra is associated with the element of
earth, and reflects something about the person's association with the earth, or how they feel about
being on the earth, which we call Mother Earth. This chakra is also associated with our
relationship with our mother.

When someone experiences a sense of separation from their mother, or not feeling loved by their
mother, they cut off their roots and experience symptoms of tensions at the level of the Root
Chakra until they can again open to accept their mother's love.
When a child comes into the world in the traditional family structure, the mother provides the
nourishment and the father provides the direction. Thus, in the child's relationship with its
mother, it makes certain decisions about the way things are. The relationship with the mother
thus becomes a model for the person's relationship with everything that represents security -
money, home, and job.


Grounding and Connection
Learning to still your mind, and your horses, through grounding exercises

Creating the Mind-body join up

Intention, position and movement are brought together to assist in joining you and your horse
in deeper connection

Joining of the mind, body and soul

Exercises that promote calm and ease, comfort and safety while connecting you and your horse
more deeply, in mind, body and soul

VIII. CHAKRA 2 & 3; JOIN UP THROUGH MOVEMENT: Exercises to maintain

connection & communication while teaching

2nd Chakra Exercises and Purpose: to create deeper connection, relationship and
integration of mind and body, through the “ebb and flow” of rhythmic and synchronized

It is associated with the parts of our consciousness concerned with food and sex - the
communication from the body to the person within it, about what the body wants or needs, and
what it finds pleasurable. It also is related to what is happening in their consciousness about
having children. When this chakra is in its clear state, the person is in touch with this
communication, and listening to and responding appropriately to what the body wants and needs.
Parts of the body controlled by the lumbar plexus include the reproductive system and the
abdomen, and the lumbar region of the back.

The sense of taste is associated with this chakra, as is the element of water. When someone does
not have a clear relationship with water (swimming, for example, or being on a boat), this
reflects their attitudes about the parts of their consciousness that this chakra represents.

Tensions on the will side or the emotional side of this chakra indicate tensions in the person's
consciousness as conflicts between either the will or the emotions with what the person's body is
asking for. This chakra is associated with the sense of taste, and with appetite. It is also involved
with the person's willingness to feel their emotions.

“Holding the space” for connection while in movement

Learning to ask for movement while keeping the mind-body connection

Power of Intention, Position and Movement

Understanding how your actions affect your horse – the “power” of the intention behind
the action

Staying “present” with your energy

Learn how to manage your emotions and energy and adjusting to meet the needs of your


Where the 1st chakra resonates to group tribal power, and where the 2nd chakra resonates to the
flow of power between the self and others, the 3rd chakra relates to our personal power in relation
to the external world.

3rd Chakra Exercises and Purpose: creating leadership skills through intention (being
particular), boundary work, change of direction (position) and speed control (movement).
Exercises will begin with free lunge and include working online for deeper control and form.
This chakra is associated with the parts of our consciousness having to do with perceptions of
power, control, or freedom. In its clear state, it represents ease of being, and comfort with what is
real for one's self - being comfortable with who you are.

Parts of the body associated with this chakra include the organs closest to the solar plexus -
stomach, gall bladder, spleen, liver, etc. - as well as the skin as a system, the muscular system as
a system, and the face in general.

The physical sense associated with this chakra is the sense of sight. Anyone with impaired
eyesight experiences tension at the level of their solar plexus chakra about the issues of power,
control, or freedom. Nearsighted people also experience tensions at the level of the Root Chakra,
and experience the world through a perceptual filter of fear or insecurity. Those who are
farsighted experience tension also at the level of the throat chakra, and see the world through a
perceptual filter of anger or guilt. Astigmatics see through the emotional perceptual filter of

The endocrine gland associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra is the pancreas. We can say that
diabetics are keeping sweetness from themselves. When someone gets too close with sweetness,
they feel threatened in their power to be who they are, and an emotion comes up to create a safe
distance again.

The emotion is anger. Diabetes is associated with suppressed anger. The element associated with
this chakra is fire, and the person's relationship with the sun says something about their
relationship with the parts of their consciousness associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra.

Deepening your intention and energy awareness in the free lunge

Learn to embody intention and energy while maintaining connection
Projecting your energy in the free lunge
Learn to move intention and energy while maintaining connection

Directing (guiding with) your energy in the free lunge

Learn to guide intention and energy while maintaining connection

4th Chakra Exercises and Purpose: Practice with awareness - to be aware of its power and
ability to govern positively and negatively one’s mind, body and soul
This chakra is associated with the parts of the consciousness concerned with relationships and
our perceptions of love. The relationships we speak of here are with those people closest to our
heart - partners, parents, siblings, children.


The parts of the body associated with this chakra include the heart and lungs, and the blood
circulatory system as a system. This chakra is also associated with the thymus gland, which
controls the immune system.

The physical sense associated with this chakra is the sense of touch, in its aspect of relating to
the person inside the body. For example, a massage given to someone with no sensitivity to what
the person is feeling inside would be an example of the sensation we associate with the
Abdominal Chakra, but when the masseur seems to have a sense of what the person inside the
body is experiencing, then it includes the aspect of relating we associate with the Heart Chakra.
When someone experiences extreme sensitivity about being touched, we would ask what was
happening at the level of the Heart Chakra.

This chakra is associated with the element of air. When someone has difficulty with air, with
breathing (asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis, etc.), we say that their relationship with air reflects
their relationship with love - difficulty letting it in, or letting it out, for example.
There is no one exercise for this chakra as it is the center of our “internal house” and like the
heart, it is the life force that feeds the mind, body and soul, controlling our circulatory system of
our soul, the ebb and flow of our emotions.

The heart chakra is the powerhouse of the soul. The heart chakra has power over anger, courage,
fear, and dynamic energy. This energy can be explosive. The element of fire rules the heart and
increases the adrenalin for a fight or flight response. The heart chakra is the center of our offense
and defense; it is where we can attack with aggression and defeat enemies. The heart chakra
under will and controlled breathing techniques can warm the body to resist extremes of cold.
When directed, the heart chakra can fill us with vigor, vitality, fearlessness, and confidence. An
aware heart chakra is powerful and enables us to enjoy life with clarity, understanding and


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