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Name: Meljhon S.

Subject: Science Technology and Society
Date of Submission: 09/30/20

Let’s Check Activity 7.

Now, that you already have an understanding on the effect when technology and humanity cross.
You’re also able to identify our human rights and how rational thinking is imperative especially in the
use of science and technology. It’s time for you to write your answers below on the blank provided
before each item:
Bill Joy 1. Argued that developing technologies provide much greater danger and it needs to be
questioned and reflected.

Nicolas Carr 2. Who questioned “Is Google making us stupid?”

Human dignity 3. It refers to the ultimate core value of our existence.
Science and technology 4. It is the highest expression of human rationality.

UDHR Preamble 5. It serves as the common understanding of what each person’s fundamental
Genetics, nanotech and robotics 6. It is the most powerful technologies in the contemporary time
Article 3 7. What article of human right is implemented when the ECQ (Enhanced Community
Quarantine) is applied to the country?
Article 6 8. What article of human right is violated when not when the laws of the country are not
followed and justice is served without due process?
Article 2 9. What article in the UDHR is violated when many of the front liners of the present situation
of pandemic has been harassed and not welcomed to join the community?
Article 5 10. What article in the UDHR is violated when someone is bullied in the social media?

Let’s Analyze Activity 7

At this portion, you are required to answer briefly the questions below:
1. How does science and technology affect contemporary life and vice versa?
• Technology and science work hand in hand to improve the quality of human life.
Science creation has made numerous discoveries and innovations that are giving us
both positive and negative effects. Science and technology simplify the way we live.
Works can be carried out easier with high-tech machines and equipment-.
2. How do we protect our human rights in the face of technological advancements and ethical
• In order to protect individuals’ rights as technology advances, it’s important that we all
speak up and advocate for our rights. If you see something online or in relation to
technology, make your voice heard about the issue. The more people speak up and
spread awareness about the violation of a right, the easier it is to prevent people from
being taken advantage of with technology-.
3. How do we protect our human rights in the face of technological advancements and ethical
• In order to protect individuals’ rights as technology advances, it’s important that we all
speak up and advocate for our rights. If you see something online or in relation to
technology, make your voice heard about the issue. The more people speak up and
spread awareness about the violation of a right, the easier it is to prevent people from
being taken advantage of with technology-.

4. Do you believe that Google makes people stupid? Cite at least three examples to support your
• In every different aspect, yes, it is. First is when you try to translate a word into Google,
some translation is not the exact translation of the term. Second is that Google gives us
false information, specifically in Wikipedia. In Wikipedia, what's written there, can be
manipulated easily. Lastly is we depend on Google too much. We don't know how to
seek information in the books because of Google. It may be helpful, but it's not healthy.
5. Explain Bill Joy’s article “why the future does not need us?”
• According to him, the most powerful 21st Century technologies are genetics, nanotech,
and robotic. He also said that each of these technologies also offers untold promise.
The technology indeed is life-threatening to us, humans, it could be the reason for our
extinction. He said that the future does not need us because we do not know what is in
the future. Even if we observe now, the superiority of technology is dragging us,
humans. Like in Martin Heidegger's article, we use technology as enframing. But if you
do look on the other side, the technology is the one who is enframing us, dragging us
into the unknown future.

Nutshell Activity 7
Now, you learned and even made realizations about our human rights in the changing technological
advancements. Thus, you are required to write your arguments or general point of views about this
matter. I write first on the first item and you do the rest.
1. As we face and examine present issues in the application of science and technology, we need
to keep in ourselves that this progressive society entails and must manifest a constant practice of the
good. Exhibited with scientific methodologies, virtue, social responsibility and global concerns. These
things would practice the individual human rights.
2. Violation of human rights comes from any form. Technology offers a lot- of advantages and
also disadvantages. A victim can be through the use of technology.
3. Discipline is a proper word for the developing world we have, discipline yourself in doing the
right things, and think rational things before acting.
4. Protecting our self from any violent action is necessary. Violation of human rights is inevitable.
To protect yourself from it, you should not engage yourself too much from what is a trend because, in
that way, people can find a way to discriminate or criticizes us.
5. Limitation of our technology-related activities is another way to protect ourselves from the
possible harm against human rights. Sometimes everything starts from us on how the way we act,
but on the other side, some people love to mediate into your life and judge you.

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