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Name: Meljhon S.


Subject: GE(820) Science Technology and Society

Date of Submission: October 1, 2020
Let’s Check

Activity 6. Now that you’ve understand the deep meaning of good life as it posited by
Aristotle. Write your answer on the spaces provided below.

The good 1.It is everyone’s ultimate aim in life.

Eudaimonia 2. It is an ancient Greek word which means living and doing well.
Happiness 3. It is said to be the ultimate end of human action. It is pursued for its own sake.
Aristotle 4. He is the ancient Greek philosopher known for Nicomachean ethics.
Happiness 5. Utilitarian theory implies that _________ is the main goal that should be
Law 6. It is an important standard in evaluating the ethical reasoning and decision making.
Virtues Actions 7. It is an action that requires discipline and constant practice.
Virtue 8. It is constant practice of doing good
The intellectual virtue 9.A type of virtue that shows success of a person in which a result of
being academically inclined.

The moral virtue 10. A type of virtue that shows a natural character of being generous.

Let’s Analyze

Activity 6. At this point, you may have formed a better grasp of what is good. Please answer
the questions below.

1. In your opinion, what constitutes a good life?

• What constitutes a good life is up to the individual. But, typically, a good life
includes doing good for others, being ethical and caring, being productive and
having a purpose in life. Strive for experiences rather than things.

2. What does Aristotle say about the good life? How would you relate the Aristotelian
concept of good life with the contemporary world?
• According the Aristotle, happiness and having a good life is about virtue. He
considers the end of humans to be the good life. According to him, having a
good life is having happiness or prosperity which can be accomplished by living
a life according to virtue which is achieved by continually living in a virtuous
manner or living with high moral standards.
3. How does the progress in science and technology contribute towards the attainment of
good life?
• It sure makes life easier but not necessarily better or good. Why? Increased
technology is the gift that keeps on giving. The more you learn, the more you
want to learn…there becomes no limit. Nothing is off limits. It's like a rich
man…the more money he makes, a drive within him makes him want more…
boredom and deceit sets in. It leaves the door open for bad people to
manipulate the world around them…no-one is happy because nothing is private
and sacred anymore. Nothing original…and simple.
In a Nutshell
Activity 6. In this unit, we learned that good life is everyone’s ultimate goal. We may have
different understanding and perception on how to achieve this especially in the contemporary
world. In this part, you shall draw conclusions, form perspectives, craft arguments, and ideas
from the unit lesson. The first item is provided for your reference. You need to provide the
succeeding items.

1. - Aiming to have a good life is very relevant for us since we believe it gives us
happiness. Through science and technology, complete technological instruments used
for attaining our basic needs, we believe one is already living a good life. Thus,
Aristotle’s definition of good life reminded us that living with virtue that constitutes
happiness are already a good life. In the contemporary world, we need to carry always
the virtue even if there will be a highest application of such technology to aim good
2. - Living the good life means to strive for self-mastery, exploration and the
improvement of the world around you. It is a worthwhile life that sets you free. A life
that is in balance and fully satisfies and fulfills you. But the good life is not just a life
that adds happiness, joy and pleasure, but it also desires to attain mastery over the
self. The good life therefore is not a life spend by the never-ending pursuit of personal
desires. Instead, it seeks to reign in your passions by attaining self-control. The one
who is living the good life also contributes to the betterment of this world and adds
value to it.
3. - The term “living the good life” can mean quite a variety of different things to different
people. The following will present from a variety of different perspectives what the
good life is all about. In its basic form, living the good life is all about the exploration of
that which gives you joy and satisfaction. It’s about finding purpose and meaning in
your life and drawing happiness from that which you do.

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