Preliminary Examination Facilitating Learning

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Princess Jonnaden A.


Preliminary Examination Facilitating Learning

TEST 1 Identify the domain of, learner-Centered Psychological Principles in the following statements.
Put the letter of of your answer on the space provided for:

A. Cognitive and xsd Metacognitive Factors B. Motivational and Affective Factors

C. Developmental aa7nd SociaL Factors D. Individual Differences Factors

A 1. Successful learner can create and use a repertoire of thinking and reasoning strategies to

achieve complex learning goals

B 2. Acquisition of complex knowledge and skills requires extended learner effort and guided


D 3. Earners have different strategies, approaches, and capabilities , for learning that are a
function of prior experience and heredity.

A 4. Higher order strategies for selection and monitoring mental operations facilitate creative and
critical thinking.

B 5.tudents’s belief about themselves s learners and the nature of learning have a marked
influence on motivation .

C 6. Earning cab be enhanced when the learner has the an opportunity t interact and to
collaborate with others on instructional tasks

A 7. .Cultural or group influence on students can impact many educationally relevant variables
such as motivation, orientation toward learning and ways of thinking.

B 8. Intrinsic education is also facilitated on tasks are comparable to real-world situations and
needs for choice and control.

A 9. Educators can assist learners in creating meaningful learning goals that are consistent with
both personal and educational aspirations and interest.

A 10.The classroom environment particularly the degree to which it is nurturing or not can also
have a significant impacts on student learning.

A 11.There are different kinds of learning process for example, habit of formation in motor
learning ; and learning that involves the generation of knowledge or cognitive skills
and learning strategies.
A 12. Successful learners us strategic thinking in their approach to learning , reasoning problem
solving and concept learning

A 13. Instructional methods that focus on helping learners develop these higher order
metacognitive strategies can enhance student is learning and personal responsibility for learning.

C 14. Individuals learn appropriate to their development level and is presented in an enjoyable
and interesting way.

D 15. Self assessments of learning progress can also improve students self appraisal skills and
enhance motivation and self0directed learning

A 16. Educators can assist learners in creating meaningful learning goals that are consistent with
both personal both personal and educational aspirations and interests.

A 17.Educators cab assist learners in acquiring and integrating knowledge by number of strategies
that have been shown to be effective with learners of varying abilities such as concept mapping and
thematic organization.

A 18. The strategic nature of learning requires students to be goal-directed.

C 19 The cognitive, emotional, and social development of individual learners and how thy
interpret life experiences are affected by prior schooling, home, culture and community factors.

D 20. Educators need to be sensitive to individual differences in general .They also need to
attend to attend to learner perceptions of the degree to which these differences are accepted and
adapted to by varying instructional methods and materials.

Tested II Matching Type;

_____1.Something likely to change or be changed; not always the same.

_____ 2. To watch, observe, listen or check something for a special purpose over a period of time.

______3. One having or showing special purpose over a period of time.

_______4. The awareness of specific strategies so that you can keep you attention focused on the topic
or task at hand.

________5. A piece or work that has been to someone; a job for someone to do.

_________6. A statement about what will happen or might happen in the future.

__________7. The act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something; A force that causes
someone to do something.

__________8. It refers to higher order thinking which involves active awareness and control over the
cognition process engaged in learning.
_________9. More than or beyond, the awareness of specific strategies so that you can keep your
attendance focused on the topic or task at hand.

__________10. To make something easier; to keep cause do something.

__________11 The awareness of memory strategies that work best for you.

__________12 To think calmly and quietly; to express a thought or opinion resulting from the mind.

__________12. To think calmly and quietly ; to express a thought or opinion resulting from the mind.

__________ 13. A person who has just started learning or doing.

__________14.To see before hand; specifically to view or to show in advance a presentation

__________15. A general idea or quality rather than an actual person, object or event

A. Metacognition F. Motivation K. Preview

B. Variables G. Meta-attention L. Prediction

C. Novice (learner) H. Meta-memory M. Abstraction

D. Expert (learner) I. Reflect N. Advance Organizer

E. Task j. Facilitating O. Monitor

Test III Matching Type

_____1. To apply force or pressure is doing something or the process of compelling.

_____2. Belonging to essential nature or constitution of a thing originating from.

_____3. A space entirely without anything within an enclosed space from which all been removed.

_____4. Relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems.

_____5. Done with purpose by, done with action firmly fixed or concentrated .

_____6. To agree or be consistent; logically connected.

_____7. Relating to a particular population having a common language or culture.

_____8. Something which introduce or prepare for a later more important event.

_____9. All the things that a person is able to do all the things a performer knows and can perform.

_____10. The situation in which something happens:

_____11. The act or process of giving someone a reason for doing something ; a force that cause
someone to do something.

_____12. Something you are trying to do or achieve.

_____13. To act on or influence by emotion.

_____14. Desire to learn or know more about something or someone.

_____15. Not part of something; coming from the outside of something.

A. Intrinsic F. Vacuum K. Affective

B. Context G. Coherent L. Coercion

C. Extrinsic H. Goal M. Curiosity

D. Motivation I. Repertoire N. Preclude

E. Holistic J. Intention O. Ethnicity

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