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Department of Education

Region VII, Central Visayas

School Division of Mandaue City
Centro, Mandaue City

The Concept, Relationship and

Importance of Politics, Governance
and Government
Grade 11, HUMSS & GAS
First Quarter Module 1

This is a Self-Learning Module in Philippine Politics and Governance (PPG),

one of the specialized subjects under the Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS)
and General Academic Strand (GAS). This is a simplified module intended for all
Grade 11 students designed to meet their needs as 21st century Learners. It is
anchored on a holistic approach in developing the basic learning competencies in PPG
of the Senior High School Curriculum. The lessons are presented in a manner that
allows students to learn at their own pace while learning away from school. The
activities given are simple and easy to work with. The lessons presented are easily
understood yet allowing the students to think in a wider perspective.

With this self-learning module, the author hopes that the student would be an
active and a proficient learner ready to compete not only in local but also in global
arena. He/she is becoming of being a responsible citizen of the country, ready to feel
and care for others, thus helping the country in general to become progressive and
productive individual. HUMSS and GAS students are expected to be good
communicators and public speakers and so this strand has a lot of presentation
activities to prepare students for their future jobs. One has to be good at everything.
A HUMSS or GAS student should be good in writing, public speaking, statistics, and
all other subjects.

As this module is prepared for all Grade11 HUMSS and GAS Students, it is
hoped that they will better understand the lessons and activities presented as this will
be one of their instruments as future leaders of tomorrow.
Please use this module with utmost care and love.



Please make a follow-up whether your son/daughter is following the
instructions written in this module and guide them on how to answer the exercises
provided. Feel free to contact me if you have some questions about this SLM.
With this self-learning module, the author hopes that the student would be an active
Social Scientist, a proficient learner ready to compete not only in local but also in global
arena. As this module is prepared for all Grade11 HUMSS Students, it is hoped that
they will better understand the lessons and activities presented as this will be one of
their instruments as future Social Scientist.

1. Use the SLM with utmost care. Do not write or mark anything in any of the
pages of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the Pretest,
Post-Test and activities.
2. Do not forget to answer the Pretest before you transfer and move on to the rest
of the pages in this module.
3. Kindly read carefully the directions for every activity.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in performing all of the activities given and in
checking your own work.
5. Accomplish first the recent activities before moving on to the next.
6. Please return the module to your teacher or facilitator after performing all the
intended activities.

Note: Feel free to consult your teacher if ever you find difficulty in answering all the
test and activities prepared for you. You can also consult and ask help from your
parents, elder brothers and sisters or any member of the family. Always remember
that you are not alone, there are people around ready to help you.

What I Need to Know


Explain the concept, relationship and importance of politics, governance,

and government


At the end of this self-learning module, the students are expected to:

articulate the definition of politics;

explore the connection between the politics and Political Science;
recognize the value of politics;
differentiate government from governance.

What I Know


Multiple Choices: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Which statement describes the importance of POLITICS?
A. It creates instability in the society.
B. It allows the elite to manipulate the marginalized.
C. It involves the making of collective decisions for a group of people.
D. It makes the information freely available and directly accessible to those
who are in the upper class.
2. What refers to the ability of the state to govern itself without outside influence or

A. governance C. sovereignty
B. power D. politics
3. What refers to the owning and exercising of power, rule, authority, and influence
for whatever reasons?
A. government C. politics
B. governance D. ideology
4. Which does NOT describe political science?
A. The study of society
B. The systematic study of political and governmental institutions
C. The understanding of the relationship between individual and political
D. The allocations of scare resources and the practice of deception and
5. Which is NOT an element of a good governance?
A. Accountability C. Responsiveness
B. Inefficiency D. Transparency
6. What refers to the formal institution through which a group of people is ruled or
A. Territory C. Population
B. Government D. Senate
7. Which elements of the state refers to the portion of the earth which compose the
aerial, fluvial or physical and geograp
A. Government C. Sovereignty
B. People D. Territory
8. Which of the following is NOT a reason on studying politics?
A. Politics Helps You to Know Your Rights
B. Politics Makes You Believe on What You Yourself Believe
C. Politics Helps You to Understand Our Nation's Parties
D. Politics Prepares You for Adult Life
9. What elements of a good governance that means that decisions taken, and their
enforcement are done in a manner that follows rules and regulations?
A. Participation C. Transparency
B. Rule of Law D. Responsiveness
10. What elements of a good governance that requires fair legal frameworks that are
enforced by an impartial regulatory body, for the full protection of stakeholders?
A. Participation C. Transparency
B. Rule of Law D. Responsiveness

of policies and addresses the needs of the citizens?

A. Comparative politics C. Political theory
B. Public law D. Public policy
12. What approach to politics that limits politics within a particular location which is the

A. Arena approach C. Traditional approach
B. Process approach D. Political approach
13. What country that recognize a monarch as head of government?
A. Israel C. India
B. Japan D. Canada
14. Who is the head of the executive branch?
A. Legislative C. President
B. Prime minister D. Senator
15. Which of the following does NOT consider as a monarch?
A. Prime minister C. King
B. Sultan D. Prince

What is It



Science is a branch of the social sciences that deals with the study of politics and can

Politics, as defined within political science, refers to human behavior with regard to
matters related to government activities such as formulation and execution of policies,
creation of laws selection of government officials; negotiation with foreign
governments and other entities or organization; protection of territorial boundaries;
preservation of cultural heritage and tradition; and upholding the public interest and
welfare. Politics is often associated with the concept of power and the exercise of
legitimate authority in a state.

Branches of Political Science

1. Political theory concerned with the study of the ideas and contributions of
classical thinkers such as Chanakya, Aristotle, Niccolo Machiavelli, Cicero and others.

It also includes classical political philosophy and contemporary theoretical
perspectives (e.g., constructivism, critical theory, and postmodernism).
2. Comparative politics compares and analyzes the similarities and differences of
various types of constitutions, political actors, legislature and associated fields among
3. Public administration study of the implementation of government policy and
public service. The most oriented field towards practical applications within political
4. International relations deals with the political-economical interactions and
relationships between nation-state as well as intergovernmental and transnational
organizations, the structures that increase or decrease the policy options available to
5. Public law studies the relationship between the government and the citizens. Its
scope covers the studies of constitution, legal systems, civil rights, and criminal justice.
6. Political methodology uses quantitative methods to describe and define political
7. Public policy
addresses the needs of the citizens.
8. Political behavior
views, ideals, and political participation.

Approaches to Politics
1. Arena approach to politics
limits politics within a particular location which is the state.
anything outside the state or the government has no political value.
covers activities and actions sanctioned by the state (e.g. election).
Associated with the narrow sense of political party and/or electoral politics.
2. Process approach to politics
Provides a comprehensive view of politics
Focuses on the activity of governing or governance.
How decisions are made and executed for a society.
Let us look at the role and interactions of both formal and informal
institutions and processes in decision-making.
Politics focuses on the state, government, and policies.

Focuses on organized protest, rebellion, and other activities that are outside
the constitutional and legal framework.
Decision-making process and outcomes are the function of the intersection
of the state institutions with informal institutions and actors and the opposing
interests that lead to laws and policies.

Here are the differences and the connection between politics and political science.
- the actual process of how humans interact in groups
- real world
- the practices of elective and non-elective political systems
- the process by which people try to influence the government
- the process by which the government decides which policies will be enacted
- the practice of state and government
- issues, problems, and activities taking place in society
- day-to-day actual activities of the government
- relative (varying)
- everyone is involved

- the scientific study of politics
- study of politics, political systems, and governments
- focuses on the theory and practice of government
- theory of state and government
- seeks to study the origin, nature and functions of the state, government and its all
- universal

Key Concepts in Political Science

One of the very important terms to understand in studying political science is the state.
It is defined as an organization, composed of numerous agencies led and coordinated
by the s
A state is composed of the following four elements:
1. Population one of the basic elements of the state. It refers to the people

that compose the state.
2. Territory refers to the place where the people of the state reside. A
territory is divided into 3 domains terrestrial (land), maritime and fluvial
(water) and aerial domains.
3. Government is the basic agency of the State to carry its obligations.
4. Sovereignty refers to the ability of the state to govern itself without
outside influence or interference.
There are some books that have an additional element, Recognition which is the
process where the State is granted international status.


Government is the system that administers or controls the state and is the instrument
through which the will of the state is made known and implanted. Governance refers
to all actions and activities related to governing. It is defined by the interaction and
decision-making among policymakers, public officials, and citizens involved in
addressing collective problems. Good governance is an ideal which is difficult to
achieve. It does need the cooperation of the government and its people.

7 Elements of Good Governance (UNESCAP 2009)

1. Participation both women and men should be part on the decision-making
process, either direct or through legitimate intermediate institutions that
represents their interest. It allows greater transparency and can help ensure
that political decisions are adapted to the needs of the people affected by them.
2. Rule of Law - Good governance requires fair legal frameworks that are
enforced by an impartial regulatory body, for the full protection of stakeholders.
3. Transparency means that decisions taken and their enforcement are done
in a manner that follows rules and regulations.
4. Responsiveness - Good governance requires that institutions and processes
try to serve all stakeholders within a reasonable timeframe.
5. Consensus oriented - Good governance requires mediation of the different
interests in society to reach a broad consensus in society on what is in the best
interest of the whole community and how this can be achieved.

6. Equity and Inclusiveness - -being depends on ensuring that
all its members feel that they have a stake in it and do not feel excluded from
the mainstream of society. This requires all groups, but particularly the most
vulnerable, have opportunities to improve or maintain their well-being.
7. Effectiveness and efficiency - means that processes and institutions produce
results that meet the needs of society while making the best use of resources
at their disposal. The concept of efficiency in the context of good governance
also covers the sustainable use of natural resources and the protection of the
8. Accountability - Accountability is a key requirement of good governance.
Decision-makers in government, the private sector and civil society
organizations are accountable to the public, as well as to institutional

Basic Types and Forms of Government

The major types of government are the following:
1. Monarchy
a. Ruled by a single person.
b. The ruler is called a monarch.
c. Bureaucracy (ministers, court officials, and local governors) help the
d. The constitution of the monarchy is called a constitutional monarchy.
e. United Kingdom, Spain and Japan are the states that still recognize a
monarch as a head of government.
2. Aristocracy/Oligarchy
a. Ruled by a small group of people.
b. Only the nobilities have the right to govern.
3. Democracy
a. Direct democracy rule of the people.
b. Representative/Republican democracy citizens elect representatives
who will defend their interests in the government.
c. Different systems of democracy
i. Presidential system

1. President is the highest official and head of the executive
2. It also has a legislative branch which are organized based
on a congressional system.
3. Legislature may either unicameral (composed of one
house, Assembly) or bicameral (composed of two houses,
House of Representatives and Senate).
ii. Parliamentary system
1. Close relationship between the executive and legislative
2. Headed by a prime minister.
iii. Presidential-parliamentary
1. President is elected.
2. President appoints a prime minister and cabinet.
3. President hold the power to dissolve the parliament or
assembly and organize.
iv. Federal government
1. Composed of individual states with own democratic
2. Division of power between federal government and the
member states.

Activity 1: Evaluating
What would be the world without politics? Politics does affects everyone. It affects
people from all walks of life. Here are the five reason why we should study politics.
(Jess Houston 2015)

1. Politics Helps You to Know Your Rights
2. Politics Clarifies What You Yourself Believe
3. Politics is a Living, Breathing Subject
4. Politics Helps You to Understand Our Nation's Parties
5. Politics Prepares You for Adult Life
In this activity, you will evaluate how the politics is valued in of the following
1. Family

2. Classroom/School

3. Peer

4. Barangay

5. Workplace

Activity 2: Test what you learned

Directions: Write T if the statement is correct/true, otherwise write F it is incorrect/false
and underline the word/phrase that makes it false.
1. Politics is the actual process of how humans interact in groups.
2. Governance refers to system that administers or controls the state.
3. Equality is an element of good governance.
4. means a Greek city state.
5. Political science seeks to study the origin, nature and functions of the State,
Government and its all organs.
6. Politics is universal and is always the same.
7. A state can be recognized by granting a national status.
8. Political science is a scientific study of politics.
9. Effectiveness, one element of good governance, allows greater transparency
and can help ensure that political decisions are adapted to the needs of the
people affected by them.
10. Politics involve issues, problems, and activities taking place in the society.

Direction: Answer the following.
1. Describe how politics related to political science.

2. Differentiate government from governance.

What I Can Do

Activity 3: Application

Direction: Directions: Read a snipped online news article from Cebu Daily News
website published and wrote by Rosalie O. Abatayo last September 02, 2019 09:07
PM and then answer the following questions. You can also read the news article using
this url:

1. What is the issue or problem identified?

2. Why is it an issue or problem?

3. Is it important to solve or address the problem? Why or why not?

4. Whose responsibility is it to solve the problem? Why?


Multiple Choices: Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. Which statement describes the importance of POLITICS?

A. It creates instability in the society.
B. It allows the elite to manipulate the marginalized.
C. It involves the making of collective decisions for a group of people.
D. It makes the information freely available and directly accessible to those
who are in the upper class.
2. Which does NOT describe political science?
A. The study of society
B. The systematic study of political and governmental institutions
C. The understanding of the relationship between individual and political
D. The allocations of scare resources and the practice of deception and
3. Which of the following characteristic of a good governance that the decisions
taken, and their enforcement are done in a manner that follows rules and
A. Accountability C. Responsiveness
B. Inefficiency D. Transparency
4. What system of democracy that composed of individual states with their own
democratic government?
A. Federal government C. Presidential system
B. Parliamentary system D. Presidential-parliamentary
5. Which of the following composed the unicameral legislatures?
A. Assembly C. Senate
B. House of Representatives D. Supreme Court
6. What form of government that refers to the rule of the people?
A. Constitutional monarchy C. Oligarchy
B. Direct democracy D. Republican democracy
7. What type of government that is ruled by a single person?
A. Aristocracy C. Monarchy
B. Anarchy D. Oligarchy
8. Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?
A. Japan C. United Kingdom

B. Spain D. United States of America
9. What do you call the people who devote their academic careers to the study of
Political Science?
A. Political Analysts C. Political Theorist
B. Political Expert D. Political Scientists
10. Which of the following does NOT a characteristic of a good governance?
A. Participation C. Equality
B. Rule of Law D. Responsiveness
11. What refers to the ability of the state to govern itself without outside influence
or interference?
A. Population C. Sovereignty
B. Territory D. Freedom
12. What refers to the system that administers or controls the state?
A. Government C. People
B. Church D. Governance
13. Which of the following does NOT describes politics?
A. the process by which people try to influence the government
B. the practice of state and government
C. issues, problems, and activities taking place in society
D. focuses on the theory and practice of government.
14. Which does NOT describe the arena approach of politics?
A. limits politics within a particular location which is the state.
B. anything outside the state or the government has no political value.
C. covers activities and actions sanctioned by the state.
D. Politics focuses on the state, government, and policies.
15. What branch of Political Science that uses quantitative methods to describe and
define political phenomena?
A. Comparative politics C. Public law
B. Public administration D. Political methodology


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