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Explosive Compaction of Powders, Principle and

R. Prummer

Introduction Explosive Compaction versus Isostatic

It is the wish of each powder metallurgist to possess a
press with great capacity for developing high pressures. When pressure is applied to an encapsulated powder
Hard powders especially are difficult to compact. For this during isostatic compression, each volume element of the
reason the Hot Isostatic Pressing procedure was developed. powder undergoes the same densification with time (if
Explosive compaction on the other hand can develop very friction at the container wall is neglected). In explosive
high pressures, dynamically applicable to powders. Not compaction, however, a compaction wave travels through
only relatively high densities of green compacts (approxi- the powder with the velocity of sound of the powder,
mately 100% of theoretical density) can be achieved but leaving consolidated material behind.
also the technique has the potential for synthesizing new
materials. The main features of the method are explained
and a survey of recent developments is given.
Shock Wave Configuration
As the shock wave proceedes from the container wall
The Direct Method of Explosive towards the center of the sample two opposing effects
Compaction determine the strength of the shock wave:
- The shock wave is a converging one, so its pressure and
There exist several methods of explosive compaction. velocity increases with decreasing radius.
For instance, a piston can be accelerated explosively in a - Energy is consumed during compaction by plastic defor-
gun barrel, strike a holder containing powder and compact mation of ductile particles or crushing of brittle particles,
the powder. Another method consists of a metal container causing the shock-wave intensity to attenuate while
submerged in water in a closed vessel. When an explosive proceeding towards the center of the cylindrical sam-
charge is detonated in water the powder is compacted. ple.
Today these methods of explosive compaction play a minor It is the aim to allow both processes to compensate each
role in applications. Gas guns, however, are important for other. Only in this case is a uniform densification over the
research purposes in order to investigate the physical cross-section of the cylindrical sample obtainable [5, 71.
parameters and shock wave behavior during dynamic This means that a conical shock wave configuration has to
compaction. be achieved. Many investigations therefore have been
The arrangement for direct explosive compaction is made to determine the shock wave front during compaction
rather simple [l-71. A metal tube is filled with powder, of cylindrical samples. The simplest way is to apply an
closed with end plugs, and surrounded symmetrically with a X-Ray flash, like shown in Fig. I. The sample is photo-
layer of explosive of proper detonation velocity. When the graphed from a side position during explosive compaction.
detonation is initiated at the upper end of the container, a Since the exposure time of the X-Ray flash is only 120 ns,
ring-shaped detonation front travels in axial direction over the detonation front proceeding at velocity VD = 3500 m/s,
the container, compressing it in a similar manner as in an can be observed.
extrusion press. The magnitude of the pressure is controlled The high pressure is obtained by accelerating the con-
by the detonation velocity of the applied explosive, ranging tainer tube in the radial direction. A shock wave is created
from VD = 1700 m/s to VD = 8400 m/s and giving a pressure this way in the powder. In the case shown in Fig. 1 of the
range up to 30 GPa. compaction of an aluminium powder, indeed the shape
Higher pressures can be obtained using two coaxially obtained is that of a hollow cone.
arranged tubes [8, 91. The inner tube is the container for the When powders with large specific gravity or when large
powder to be compacted. The outer tube, called the driver diameter samples are compacted a different method is used
tube, is arranged coaxially with a space of about double its to determine the shock wave configuration. Electrically
thickness and is surrounded in the same manner with an isolated pins are arranged at different radial positions in the
explosive as described in the previous method. The differ- powder. When struck by the shock wave, the pins give rise
ence from the first method is that during detonation of the to a signal which can be recorded by means of an
outer layer of explosive the driver tube is accelerated to a oscilloscope or counter. For an explosive compaction of
high velocity. When it collides with the container tube, very tungsten powder with parameters leading to a uniform
high pressures are generated. The amount of pressure can density over the cross section of the sample, the shock
be calculated from the velocity of the driver tube and configuration was measured [lo] this way and is shown in
shock-impedance data (product of shock wave velocity and Fig. 2. It indeed is of the shape of a hollow cylindrical cone,
specific gravity) of the materials of the tubes involved. as expected.

410 0933-5137/89/1212-0410$02.50/0 Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 20, 410-415 (1989)

0 VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, D-6940 Weinheim, 1989

vcrdichlclcs Material
expand. Schwaden

Behiiller mrndung / Vcrdichtungswelle l ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' l ' ' " l ' " ' l ' ~ ' ' l ' ' ~ ~
Yo1 Delomllon\ -80 -40 40 80
Dirtanca from axis at symmetry (mml


Behallnis fur
Fig. 3. Shock front in explosive compaction of tungsten powder
[lo], simulated [12] by the HEMP-code [Ill.

N verdichlendcs Another means to control the shock-wave configuration

is computer modeling. The HEMP-code [ll] was devel-
oped and applied for modelling of explosive compaction.
Using Priimmer's [lo] experimental data, Reaugh [12]
simulated the shock wave configuration during explosive
compaction of tungsten, as shown in Fig. 3. Also in this
case, as expected a shape of a hollow cvlindrical cone for the
shock wa;e front is ohained.
Ronlgenblitzaufnahrne eincr Explosivvndichlung
It is interesting to note also that the pressures necessary
Fig. 1. Explosive Compaction of Aluminium powder. X-ray flash for Of tungsten, Obtained
pattern, revealing the shape of the shock front as a hollow one. and by computer modeling, correspond well [121-Comput-
er modeling is a good tool to forecast experiments and to
reduce the number of experiments necessary for optimiza-
tion of the process of explosive compaction.

Parameters for Explosive Compaction

E In order to obtain cylindrical samples in explosive
1L compaction with uniform density over the cross section, the
12 unverdichtetes cone shaped shock-wave configuration has to be achieved.
To solve this task by computer modeling the Hugoniot-data
of the powder must be known. They describe the relation
a between volume and pressure under the action of shock
6 waves. Such data are available for many substances,
including powders [13]. However, if new powders, like
rapidly quenched or melt spun alloys have to be compacted,
2 such data are not available. Experimental investigations
0 therefore are of great importance.
Numerous experimental investigations [5,10] revealed a
linear relation between the pressure required to explosively
Radius ,
-j ' t
vn compact a powder and the hardness of the metal powder
I I I I I , particles. Aluminum powder, for instance, requires only
0 2 L 6 8 10rnm
moderate pressures to achieve a densification of 100% of
Fig. 2. Shock front in explosive compaction of tungsten powder, theoretical density. Whereas to compact, for instance, a
measured by the electric pin method [lo]. highly alloyed steel powder of hardness 500 HV a pressure

Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 20, 410-415 (1989) Explosive Compaction 411

1 included. Also the most recent results obtained with

t RelationshiD between hardness

of powder 'particles and
explosive compaction of diamond powders [ 141by means of
a flyer plate technique are included. Although different
experimental methods were used in order to determine the
pressure for consolidation /' pressures, the linear relationships in Fig. 4 holds. This fact
/ allows the determination of one of the explosive's parame-
ters. An explosive with a minimum detonation velocity of

0 / is required to densify a metal powder, where HV is the
P direct expl. cornp (Prumrner) hardness of its particles and @E is the density of the
M gas gun (Morris) explosive.
H gas gun (Herrrnann) For ceramic powders, however, difficulties arise due to
B gas gun (Butcher)
M L gas gun (Linde) the effect of adiabatic shearing. During compaction, as the
G gas gun (Gourdin) shock wave proceeds toward the center of the cylindrical
S gas gun (Akashi. Sawaocka) sample, an already consolidated outer shell has to be
crushed in order to allow the center part of the sample to be
compacted. Adiabatic shearing is the mechanism for this
I ) purpose. Figure5 shows the cross section of an alumina
4dO 5;)O 8dO 960 I:' 10000 rod, made by explosive compaction of AlzO3-powder of
Vickers hardness in kN/rnrn2 5 pm particle size [15]. Thin metal foils (100 pm thick) were
Fig. 4. Pressure required for densification of powders as a function
used to make the shearing visible. When the density of the
of hardness of powder particles [lo]. consolidated rod is limited to 95% of the theoretical
density, adiabatic shearing can be avoided.

of as much as 6 GPa is required for full densification. The

linear relationship between the pressure required for Temperature Effects
densification and the hardness of powder particles is shown
in Fig. 4. Data taken from other authors and obtained with The compression of matter by means of shock waves is
other methods than explosive compaction, especially by accompanied by a sudden rise of temperature. There are
using a ballistic gun or a flyer plate technique, also are significant differences in the behavior of solid and porous
(powders) materials with respect to shock heating.

Energy Consideration

Figure 6 gives the pressure-volume relationships

(Hugoniot-curves) for shock loading of solid and porous
materials. When a sample starting with specific volume VO
is compressed by means of a dynamic pressure PI to the
smaller specific volume V1, its internal energy increases
E = - (Po
+ Pl)(Vl - Vo)

where POis the starting pressure. Most of the energy is

dissipated by heat; a part of it is stored in the material
(lattice defects and distortions). From Fig. 6 it can be seen
that porous materials are accompanied by a higher increase
of internal energy, since the starting specific volume Vo is

Explosive Liquid Phase Sintering

Fig. 5. Cross Section of a rod of 18 mm diameter made by Most of the internal energy E in the explosive compac-
explosive compaction of A1203 powder (grain size = 5 p n ) with a tion of porous materials arises as heat at the powder-
spirally shaped metal foil (niobium) to demonstrate the occurence particle's surface. If this heat is supplied rapidly and if its
of adiabatic shearing when compaction pressure is too high [15]. dissipation occurs comparably slowly, surface melting of

412 R. Priimmer Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 20, 410-415 (1989)

Hugoniotkurve des
Pl -PlVl
= 112 IP .P0,lV -V0)
k Zunohme dei irmeren Energie

Vl “0
- v; Fig. 6. Hugoniot-curves for solid and porous maten-
spezifisrhes Volumen spezifisches Volurnen als - schematic.

the particles can take place [16-191. After cooling a It is self-evident that the explosive liquid phase sintering
structure of the consolidated materials is obtained consist- (ELPS) process allows sintering of amorphous materials.
ing of a shock-wave-hardened interior of the individual During compaction of amorphous powders heating occurs
particles welded to neighbour powder particles by a rapidly and leads to a melting of the surface of the particles and
solidified “interphase”. Therefore this process is called rapid cooling does not allow recrystallization to set in [10,
“Explosive Liquid Phase Sintering”. Figure 7 shows the 15,20,21] provided that the compaction pressure is not too
metallurgical micrograph [101 of an explosively compacted high.
superalloy IN 100. It can be seen that the dentritic structure In more recent investigations it has been shown that bulk
in the welded interphase is much finer than in the original samples made of superalloy powders by explosive compac-
powder particles. It can be estimated from the distance of tion can have superior strength compared to conventionally
the dentritic structure [17] that the cooling rate in the (hot isostatically pressed) samples. Figure 8 shows the yield
welded interphase is very high (in the order of 1014sec-l). A strength (Fig. 8a) and ultimate tensile strength (Fig. 8b)
compacted sample made by “Explosive Liquid Phase versus the annealing temperature. Annealing was applied
Sintering” therefore consists of work hardened interiors of after dynamic compaction with a gun. The compacted
the powder particle surrounded by a network of extremely sample has a yield strength of 1 GPa, which is about 10%
rapidly quenched material. higher than that of the hot isostatically pressed sample.
After heat treatment at 620 “Cthe shock-compacted sample
has a 20% higher yield strength and a 40% higher UTS than
the hot isostaticalIy pressed sample. The increase in
strength is attributed to interparticle melting (ELPS, as
described above). In addition a high density of fine and
uniformly dispersed y”-precipitates is observed. In compar-
ison to hot isostatically pressed material the shocked
material is activated, resulting in faster nucleation kinetics
and therefore in finer (about half size) and in a larger
number of yrrprecipitates in the shock compacted mate-

Residual Stress, Stored Energy

Part of the shock wave energy is absorbed in the crystal
lattice. Lattice defects (point defects and dislocations) are
Fig. 7. Explosively compacted Superalloy IN 100: individual par- created leading to an increase of lattice distortion and a
ticles welded to one another [lo]. decrease of subgrain size. Both can be determined by X-ray

- 1.6-
a - 1.8.

U 0
- 1.4- A A A

Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. 20, 410-415 (1989) Explosive Compaction 413

diffraction methods. A summary of all existing data [lo] powder and cubic boron nitride powder produced by
reveals that after explosive compaction a dislocation den- explosive transformation reveal severe lattice distortions,
sity - derived from lattice distortion - and values of stored which are dependent upon the cooling rate after passage of
energy can be created in the material in magnitudes similar the shock wave.
to such after heavy plastic deformation of metals. This rule
applies both to -compacted metal and ceramic materials.
Stored energies of up to 9 Joulelg were observed, e.g. in Summary
T i c [23]. Such high values of stored energy can lead to
enhanced diffusion. An activation of the sinter process was The explosive compaction method consisting of a cylin-
observed [24, 251. There is also evidence for enhanced drical container surrounded by a proper type and amount of
chemical [26, 271 and catalytic [28] reactivity of ceramic explosive is an inexpensive method to achieve high densi-
materials after shock-wave treatment. ties close to theoretical density. The explosive’s parameters
have to be adjusted to the type of the powder to be
compacted. The required explosive’s pressure is linearly
Shock Wave Synthesis related to the Vickers hardness of the metal powder
particles. If higher pressures are applied, an “explosive
The large amounts of energy available on particle’s liquid phase sinter”-process can be achieved, allowing the
surfaces during explosive compaction of powder mixtures welding of individual particles. The residual properties of
permits shock wave synthesis of materials. The first the material are characterized by a high defect structure and
observed chemical synthesis of this kind was that of the by dislocation densities and subgrain sizes comparable to
formation of zincferrite with its constituents [29] and those after heavy plastic deformation. The same is true of
shortly after that of T i c [30]. It was found that the amount compacted ceramic powders. Enhanced sinter reactivity,
of explosive necessary to initiate the chemical reaction is chemical and catalytic reactivity may be the result of high
related to the reaction temperature under ordinary condi- values of stored energy observed in the ceramic materials,
tions [31, 321. Also exothermic reactions are possible under shock wave treated under conditions of explosive compac-
shock wave conditions. Superconductive materials were tion. The properties of materials produced by shock-wave
synthesized by means of shock waves, such as Nb& [33] synthesis or by shock-wave transformation are also deter-
and Nb3Si [34] using stochiometric mixtures of the consti- mined by a high-density defect structure.
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