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Task 1. Fill in the gaps with the words affect or effect.

Affect – to produce a change in sth; Effect – a result of a change

To have strong feelings; an impression someone wants to make
To attack (about the deseases);
To impress people

1.Any delay in delivery of materials will have a knock-on …………. throughout the production process.
2.The new regulations come into …………. next month.
3.The medicine started to take …………. after a few minutes.
4.Hopefully this will not …………. the outcome of the talks.
5.Some laws from the 18th century are still in …………..
6.His comment was intended to calm the situation but it had the opposite …………..
7.The purpose of the lesson was to study the …………. of heat on metal.
8.The air conditioning came on, to little …………..
9.Sales did not seem unduly …………..
10.Giving up smoking had a magical …………. on his stamina.
11.The drug exerts a powerful …………. on the brain
12.We had problems with mosquitoes, but this spray had the desired …………..
13.The bank has cut interest rates with immediate …………..
14.The class structure …………. people's attitudes and behaviour.
15.Education has been severely …………. by the war.
16.Women feel the …………. of alcohol more quickly than men.
17.I found that by adding white I could achieve the desired …………..
18.He didn't seem to have suffered any ill …………. from his fall.
19.I wish he wouldn't …………. that ridiculous accent.
20.Mrs Davis and her husband were profoundly …………. by their experiences.
21.There was no discernible …………. on cell growth.
22.The border closure meant, in …………., that no trade took place between the countries.
23.I took the medicine with dramatic …………..
24.It's a policy that will have a chilling …………. on free speech.
25.The type of audience will …………. what you say and how you say it.
26.Guests are requested to deposit any valuable personal …………. at the hotel reception.
27.Heavy taxation has a disincentive …………..
28.How soon will the …………. of the drug wear off?
29.Her death ………….him deeply
30.I am interested in documenting the …………. of international events on ordinary people.
31.She uses animal sounds to startling …………. in her music.
32.That is precisely the …………. I was aiming at.
33.The deterrent …………. of the death penalty has long been questioned.
34.The dramatic ………….was heightened by her black dress and dead white face.
35.Your opinions will not …………. my decision.
36.The drug has well-documented inhibitory …………. on sexual function.
37.The dry weather had an adverse …………. on the potato crops.
38.The full …………. of the new tax have not yet been felt.
39.The plague struck London again with devastating …………..
40.They told us to go away, or words to that …………..
41.‘I feel really depressed.’ ‘The winter here has that …………. sometimes.’
42.Despite her ordeal, she seems to have suffered no ill …………..
43.It's not always easy to distinguish between cause and …………..
44.She stressed the beneficial …………. of exercise.
45.The management changes had little or no …………. on output.

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