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When I first started to think what topic should I choose to talk about, I thought maybe it could be
related on the thing I am studying – air traffic control or something about aviation. But as long as
I was thinking about it I couldn‘t decide and I started to think more widely. So I picked the topic
that is interesting for me – education. Like a year from now I have seen a video made by Richard
Williams a.k.a. Prince EA where he is saying that 150 years ago our education system was the
same as it is now. And that video inspired me to choose to talk about what everyone talks, but no
one really do anything to make it better. So I will try to define all pros and cons about education
system relying on Richard’s attitude about that.

Albert Einstein once said “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to
climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” And that is what our education
system is trying to do with us. We all are different, but society treat us the same and try to do
robots from us. Every kid has different needs, different strains, different gifts, different dreams
and they are teaching them the same thing the same way. This system is killing children
creativity and individuality. Students need to keep strict rules like sitting still and if you want to
ask a question have to raise your hand. Children must learn for 8 hours a day and compete each
other to get the highest grade. We are making kids to learn the same things even if they do not
have an ability to do that. For example, why does the child, who has no interest in drawing, has
to attempt art lessons? It just takes student’s time, which could be used to learn things where he
is more competent. There are so many subjects, we are learning at school, which we hate and it
should be everyone’s individual choice what we want to study.

Let’s talk a little bit about the exams. In Lithuania after learning for 12 years, a student
has to take exams, which show their competency in that subject. It is a must to take a Lithuanian
exam and one more which is optional. And when you are applying for universities, all marks are
from the exams. I hate that, because as we all know, you can’t know maybe that day you felt
really bad and it was the reason why you got only 60 per cent not 80 even if you were worth it.
We all have bad days and maybe you needed only one more night to get ready for that exam.
There was an idea that universities should look at your final grades when finished school, but
there is a possibility, that teachers will write better marks so no one will know if that person got
good grade because of himself or just because their teacher was sympathetic. I suggest to do like
3 or 5 exams on one subject and the final mark should be the average per cent of all exams. I
guess it would be the best choice to define the knowledge of the student and it would be
appropriate way to evaluate them for the universities.

Another problem is the shortage of teachers. There is just a little group of young people,
who want to be teachers. That is because it is really hard to be a good teacher and to earn
students respect. Teachers, who have been teaching for a long time are really tired and feel that
they are not respected anymore. That is because more and more students let themselves do
whatever they want during lessons. Because of that kind of students and also because of bad
salary, teachers retire much younger than they should. I think, that teachers should be payed as
much as doctors, because doctor can do heart surgery and save the life of a kid. But a great
teacher can reach a heart of that kid and allow him to truly live. Teachers are the ones who
blamed the most, but they are not the problem. The problem is that they have to work in a system
without many options and wrights.

On the other hand, school gives us all the basic information about different things.
Children learn about their country and world history, in biology they are learnt about human
body and all the nature around us. Of course, we have to learn mathematics, because we have to
know how to put up or subtract. Without that we wouldn’t be able to count and it would be really
difficult for us in the grocery store. Also, in my opinion, learning mother language is one of the
biggest advantages in the school. We have to know how to correctly write and speak if we want
to be intellectual people. Furthermore, learning foreign languages is a really big advantage and it
makes children more educated.

I know that there are a lot of disadvantages in our education system and I hope that one
day it will change to a better one. And for the last word I want you to watch a fragment of that
video, which was the inspiration for me to talk about education. Because what is said there is
what I want everyone to hear.

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