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Student’s ACCA number: 2201939

Topic Number: 8
Resubmission (Yes/No): Yes

Feedback is provided where a criteria is a Fail

Research Report
Technical and Professional Skills

1. Understanding of Accountancy/Business Models Pass

2. Application of Accountancy/Business Models Pass

3. Evaluation of Information, Analysis And Conclusions Fail

The word count is 7,500 words, and your work is 8,815 words. This means that the work
could not be marked from page 41 onwards, so some of the analysis and the conclusion
could not be marked. Keeping the work within the word count is an important academic
skill. You have a tendency to describe what is shown in the graphs. This will remove a lot
of your additional word count. Some ratios are much more important than others when
assessing performance. I would suggest that you could look at removing some of those
you have used as they add little value to your ability to assess IMC performance. Please
also consider abbreviating some of the introductory work.
You also may consider changing the order of your analysis as much of your business
analysis will prove helpful in analysing financial performance.

4. Presentation of Project Findings Pass

Overall Technical and Professional Skills Fail

Please be aware there is a resubmission guide specifically available for p37 & p38.
Graduate Skills

5. Communication Pass

6. Information Gathering and Referencing Pass

7. Information Technology Pass

Overall Graduate Skills Pass

Research Report overall assessment Fail

Skills & Learning Statement

8. Self-reflection Pass

9. Communication Skills (inc Presentation) Pass

Skills and Learning Statement overall assessment Pass


Overall RAP Result Fail

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