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1970 NUMBER 2

1'. II

The Church Must Be Mllttant . . . . . .. . . .1


The Great Commtssion and Evangelism .. .3 ,'

' Makmg The Word Revelant . .. .. . . . . . .. .6 I

A Matter of " AdJUStment" In Evangelism' . .• 7 I

Evangelism Through the Pulp•t • . • . . . 10 I

Evangeltsm Through The Btble School . . . 14

~ 1~:
Day By Day Ev.Jngelism . ~ .. .. . . . 16 I

Evangelism Throu gh Laterature . . 21

Evangeh,inq The College Campuses . . . 2S

Fnh~tmg More Members In Evangelism . 28

Love· The Mo tave For Evangelism . . 33
Why Some Churches Do Not Grow 36

The Example of Paul in Evangelism . • 39

Fertt11re Arttcle lor Otldrter
False Vtewsot Truth !No 21 . . . . .. • 44

The Challenge Before Us .... .. . . . . 48


Published quarterly by
the Getwell Church of
Chr i s t, 1511 Getwell
The end to be achieved through all the works of the
Second Class Postage Paid at
church—self-edification, benevolence and evangelism—is
Memphis, Tennessee. the salvation of souls. But evangelism is a direct involve-
ment in the work of winning people to Jesus Christ by the
teaching of the gospel. It involves the actual process of
teaching a person how to receive salvation and encourag-
Thomas B. Warren, PhD. ing him to obey that truth. This may be done publicly—by
Editor a preacher in a pulpit, on radio or TV—or privately—one
Rubel Shelly person talking to one other. But it must be done!
Associate Editor
In order to truly be the church of Christ we must be
seekers after lost souls. The purpose of this special issue of
the Spiritual Sword is to examine the role of the church
and her individual members in this work.
The first four articles in this issue deal with the script-
ural basis for and challenges to the work of evangelism.
The next six deal with specific methods of evangelism—
Sunday school programs, public preaching, literature, per-
sonal evangelism, work in special areas such as college
RATES FOR campuses, etc. The omission of other topics in this section
ADDITIONAL COPIES (e.g., radio, TV, etc.) is due only to the limitation of space
(All Past Editions In Print) and is in no way intended to minimize the effectiveness of
such. Finally, the last three articles treat—both negatively
100 copies. . . . 35.00 and positively—certain factors of motivation for this great
50 copies. . . . 20.00 work of evangelism.
25 copies. . . . 12.00 There can be no misunderstanding of the fact that
Less than Christ intended for his disciples to evangelize the world.
25 copies. . . . 60 ea. That the early church took this responsibility seriously is
evident from the record of their evangelistic zeal in the
Note: A check must book of Acts. We must take the responsibility equally
accompany your order. seriously and be about the work with equal vigor and
Mail orders to Spiritual determination!
Sword, c/o Getwell It is our sincere prayer that this issue of the Spiritual
Church of Christ, 1511 Sword will encourage its every reader to become fully
committed to the task of taking the gospel to every crea-
Getwell Road, Memphis, ture in our generation!
Tennessee 38111.

Additional copies of pre-

vious issues of the Spiritual
Sword are available through
Getwell Church of Christ.


The word "militant" is heard quite nor hate it. Why is this the case? Is it not
often in our land these days. Usually the because the church of the twentieth cen-
word is associated with those who are in- tury is not doing what the church of the
volved in riots, the burning of buildings, first century did, or else that it is not
attacking of police, disrupting the educa- doing what it is doing in the way the
tional processes of our colleges and uni- church of the first century did?
versities, etc. It ought to be of significant interest to
In saying that the church must be mil- Christians to consider why the early
itant, 1 do not mean that the church must church had such a tremendous impact on
be associated with any of the matters just the culture in which it existed. Why did
mentioned. I do mean that the church, as the early church have such tremendous
Christ's army (2 Timothy 2:3, Ephesians influence? If we can ascertain the reasons
6:10-17), is to be aggressive in carrying for this influence, surely we will be wiser
out its mission of preaching the gospel to in accomplishing our task today.
every creature (Mark 16:15,16). To say 1. The early church had such great in-
that the church is Christ's army is to say fluence upon the world of its day because
that it faces a battle—a fight! and that it of its attitude toward God. Early Christ-
is to be aggressively involved in this fight. ians were not willing for the one true
In spite of the fact that most of their eternal God to be recognized as simply
contemporaries were largely indifferent one god among many other equally val-
to religion, the Christians of the first cen- uable gods of similar nature and power.
tury exercised a tremendous influence on They would have none of this for a
the Roman Empire. In fact, the early moment. Rather, they declared that there
church was described as having "turned was one, and only one, true, living God!
the world upside-down" (Acts 17:6) and While they preached this message with
as being "everywhere spoken against" kindness and love, they never compromis-
(Acts 28:22). Within a very short while ed it; they never sounded an uncertain
they carried the gospel to the then known voice about it. (Acts 17:24-31; Ephe-
world (Colossians 1:23). sians 4:4-6).
However, the church of the twentieth 2. The early church made a terrific
century is not "turning the world upside- impact upon the world of its day because
down" as did the church of the first cen- it refused to stand in silence in the face of
tury. Largely, the church is unknown, the view that Christ was only another
and many of those who know of it are "savior" among many other saviors of
indifferent to it—they neither admire it like power. Christians preached that men
*Thomas B. Warren, Chairman of Dept. of Bible, Freed-Hardeman College, Henderson, Tenn.
Page 2

could be saved by Jesus Christ of Naz- that one body (Ephesians 2:13-16) and in
areth and only by Him (Acts 4:12; Acts no other! They made it clear that the
3:19-22; 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9). They church— that one body of Christ—was
constantly affirmed the truth stated by purchased by the blood of Christ (Acts
Jesus and recorded in John 8:24. 20:28).
3. The church of the first century 6. The church of the first century
turned its world upside-down because it made a tremendous impact upon the
rejected the view that the gospel of Christ world of its day because the members of
was only one religious message among it lived lives of sincere dedication to
many other equally valuable messages. Christ. Members truly presented their
Christians contended that the gospel was bodies as living sacrifices to the Lord.
the one and only message by which men They knew that the greatest battle going
could be saved! They declared, "there on in this world is not some political or
is. . .one faith. . ." (Ephesians 4:4-6). They military battle, but is the battle between
militantly rejected the view that "one Christ and Satan—between the church
faith is as good as another." They con- and every person or group which opposes
tended that acceptable faith comes by the work which Christ has given the
hearing, and hearing by the word of God church to do. Many of these members
(Romans 10:17). They held that truth is were willing to die rather than be unfaith-
absolute and objective—not relative and ful to Christ (Acts 21:13). They realized
subjective. that they could not "spare themselves"
4. The early church made a tremen- but that rather they must "give them-
dous impact upon the world of its day selves away"—that the only way they
because it preached that one message—the could ever really live was to die—to die to
gospel—everywhere (Acts 8:4). Christians the world and become alive to Christ (2
went into the very midst of the Jewish Corinthians 5:17-19; Romans 6:3-5)!
doctors of the Law and there preached They were willing to take up the cross
"Christ crucified" as the fulfillment of daily and suffer whatever came their way
the prophecies concerning the Messiah in because of their faithfulness to Christ
the Old Testament scriptures. Then, they (Luke 9:23,24).
challenged these Jewish doctors to refute Because it did these (and other things,
that affirmation! They went into the no doubt) the church of the first century
midst of the Greek doctors of philosophy "turned the world upside-down." People
and there preached "Christ—the wisdom everywhere were talking about it—they
of God" and challenged these "men of either loved or hated the church. No
wisdom" to refute that affirmation. While doubt, it is the case that if we who are
it is true that they did not do this preach- Christians in the twentieth century would
ing in the spirit of arrogance or of self- begin to do these same things, we also
righteousness, it is also true that, while would make a tremendous impact with
being motivated by love for God and the truth (on the world in which we live)
man, they were nevertheless firm in their with the Gospel of Christ. It is surely the
conviction and in their preaching. case that the New Testament lays upon
5. The early church turned the world the church the obligation to preach the
upside-down because of its attitude gospel in such fashion as to constitute a
toward the body of Christ, the church challenge to the world. In a very real
(Ephesians 1:22,23). Members made it sense, the world must be "staggered" by
clear that reconciliation unto God is in the gospel! The world must learn that not
Page 3

only does the gospel differ from the doc- 9. Discuss the personal conduct and missionary
trines of men, but that that difference zeal of the early disciples.
really does make a difference! The world 10. Suggest some specific opportunities for
must learn that the difference between evangelism which are presently being neglected.
truth and error is the difference between
eternal life and eternal punishment for
every responsible person in this world. THEGREAT
Perhaps some well-meaning brethren will
object in this fashion, "We must make a
positive approach; we must not build up
prejudice by preaching any negative AND EVANGELISM
matters." To such an objection I would
reply, "Jesus and the apostles were moti- ROYDEAVER
vated by love both for God and man and After the Lord had been raised from
yet they preached the truth plainly, ex- the dead, and shortly prior to His
posing false doctrine and false teachers. ascension back to the Father, He met
In doing so they turned the world up- with His disciples upon a mountain of
side-down. This is the very job the Lord Galilee—"where Jesus had appointed
gave the church to do. Since He wants it them"—andgave to them the solemn
done, and since He has given us the job of charge based upon which they were to go
doing it, He will be with us in the doing forth into all the world, laboring diligent-
of it (Matthew 28:18-20)." ly and constantly to make disciples of all
"Let us go up at once and possess it, the nations. Our Lord said: "All author-
for we are well able to overcome it" ity hath been given unto me in heaven
(Numbers 13:30)—with God's help. and on earth. Go ye therefore, and make
We send forth this issue of the Spiri- disciples of all the nations, baptizing
tual Sword with the prayer that brethren them into the name of the Father and of
everywhere will be motivated to even the Son and of the Holy Spirit: teaching
greater heights of work for the Lord (I them to observe all things whatsoever I
Corinthians 15:58; Matthew 28:18-20). commanded you: and lo, I am with you
always, even to the end of the world."
QUESTIONS FOR YOUR STUDY (Matthew 28:18-20.)
1. What is meant in saying that the church Thus the Lord virtually set forth the
must be "milita nt"? constitution of the Kingdom. Everything
2. What impact did the first-century Christian inherent in New Testament Christianity is
have on their world? embryonically involved in this commis-
3. What impact is the church of today having sion. Apostolic teaching is but elabora-
on her world? tion upon and development of what is in-
4. Why is this the case? cluded in the Great Commission. Aposto-
5. Discuss the attitude of the early Christians lic practice is but the exemplification of
toward God. what is included in the Great Commis-
6. Discuss the attitude of the early Christians sion.
toward Christ. It is not our purpose to engage in a
7. Discuss the attitude of the early Christians detailed consideration of the Great Com-
toward the gospel. mission, though such would be tremen-
8. Discuss the attitude of the early Christians dously interesting and highly profitable
toward the church. Rather, it is our purpose to consider
*Roy Deaver, Minister of Brown Trail Church of Christ. Hurst, Texas
Page 4

(briefly) the Great Commission in its rela- The Bible deals categorically with
tionship to (1) man's need for salvation, accountable persons. Whenever an ac-
(2) the scriptural basis for evangelism, countable person—because of human
and (3) the church and evangelism. weakness and/or because of the power of
temptation—yields to temptation and
Man's Need for Salvation transgresses God's law, he thereby be-
comes a sinner.
The Great Commission relates to The tragic fact is that every account-
man's salvation. The very fact that the able person does transgress God's law and
Lord gave it clearly and forcefully de- does become a sinner. Cf. Romans 3:23; I
clares that man stands in need of salva- John 1:8-10. All men stand in need of
tion. The Commission sets forth the God's plan for man's salvation.
glorious plan, the divine process, the
sacred scheme by means of which human Scriptural Basis for Evangelism
beings may attain unto and rejoice in
actual forgiveness of sins. There was—and The Great Commission sets forth the
there is—a need for this plan. scriptural basis for evangelism. That scrip-
Man's need for salvation is clearly set tural basis is the Lord Himself, and the
forth in the first three chapters of sacred charge which He gave.
Genesis. In fact, this is the very purpose Matthew, Mark, Luke and John,
of Genesis one, two, and three. They though they wrote from different view-
were written to explain to us why there points and for different people, all wrote
was a need for the plan of redemption. to convince men that Jesus is the Christ,
This need is quickly set forth in these the Messiah, the Son of the Living God.
facts: (1) God prepared a place for man's What is the significance of this fact? As
habitation. (2) He put man (and his com- such, He is in position to be heir of "all
panion) in that prepared place. (3) God authority." Hence, upon the un-named
gave Adam and Eve wonderful privileges; mountain of Galilee the Lord affirmed
He also gave them divine law. (4) Man that "all authority. . .in heaven and on
transgressed God's law, and by this trans- earth" had been given to Him. He is the
gression the devil was successful in inject- Son of God. He is the one—the only
ing sin and death (physical and spiritual) one—who has the authority and power to
into the world which God had made for deal with the problem of human sins. The
man. Cf. Romans 5:12. As a consequence Lord said to the disciples: "Go ye there-
of the tragedy in Eden human beings are fore.. . ." The "therefore" relates to the
born into a world where sin is, and where authority which He had just affirmed to
death is. Therefore, God—because of mag- be His.
nificent love—immediately involved Him- This same thought Paul stresses in
self in working out the sacred plan for Hebrews, chapters one and two. He
man's salvation. stresses that in times past God had
Sin is transgression of God's law (I spoken. He had spoken unto the fathers.
John 3:4). Every human being is born in- He had spoken by (through) the pro-
to a world where sin is. Every human phets. He had spoken "in many frag-
being of normal function of mind, who ments" and "by various methods." Paul
lives long enough, reaches a time in life then stresses that God, "in these last
when he can distinguish between the right days," has "spoken unto us by his Son."
and the wrong. He reaches accountability. What about his Son? He is the appoint-
Page 5

ed heir of all things. He is the very one by is—and the solemn, sacred, sublime charge
whom God made the worlds. He is the which He gave.
very brightness of God's glory. He is the
express image of God's person. He is the
one by whose all-powerful word God The Church and Evangelism
upholds the universe. He is the one who
by Himself purged our sins, and then sat Making disciples of all the nations is
down on the right hand of the Majesty on evangelism. The evangelism is to make
high, he is "better than the angels, as he known the glad-tidings. The evangelism in
hath by inheritance obtained a more the Great Commission involves the
excellent name than they." Through the church of our Lord.
next several verses, Paul continues to Souls are valuable in the sight of God.
emphasize the greatness of the Son: His Souls need salvation. God wants men to
authority, His position, His power. Then,
in chapter two (and there were no chap- be saved. He had developed the sacred
ters when Paul wrote it) he stresses: plan and has charged that it be preached
"therefore, we need to listen to what He to every creature in all the world. The
has to say." "Therefore we ought to give gospel of Christ is God's only saving
the more earnest heed to the things that power, and it is for all men everywhere.
were heard (the things spoken to us by (Romans 1:16). How does the church of
God, through the Son), lest haply we our Lord relate to this gospel? Paul says,
drift away from them." "These things write I unto thee, hoping
The scriptural basis for making known to come unto thee shortly; but if I tarry
the divine message—whether to saint or long, that thou mayest know how men
sinner—is the Lord Himself: who His is, ought to behave themselves in the house
and what He is, and the charge which He of God, which is the church of the living
gave. God, the pillar and ground of the truth."
Based upon who He was and what He (I Timothy 3:14,15.) "The truth," and
was the Lord gave the solemn charge. He "the gospel" are the same. It is the
commanded the disciples to go forth— church which is the "pillar and support of
into all the world—and to make disciples the truth." It is the church which is to
cf all the nations. He even specified the uphold, teach, preach, proclaim, live in
means by which disciples were to be harmony with, and contend earnestly for
made: by "baptizing them into the name the gospel.
of the Father and the Son and of the It is the mission of the church to save
Holy Spirit"; by "teaching them to ob- the souls of men. The means of accom-
serve all things whatsoever I commanded plishing this mission is evangelization. We
you. . ." evangelize by what we do and by what we
That this sacred charge was not to be say.
limited to the eleven men who heard it In accomplishing its God-given mission
originally or restricted to the apostolic the church—in evangelizing—performs
age is evidenced in the fact that the Lord various specifics related to three basic
said". . .and lo, I am with you always, even general obligations, God-given. There is
to the end of the world." God's people of the obligation to carry the gospel; the
this day are, therefore, obligated (and obligation to help the needy; and the
privileged) to labor in the marvelous light obligation to strengthen the church. The
of this grand Commission. church of our Lord is God's arrangement
The scriptural basis for evangelism is: for getting the whole gospel to the whole
the Lord Himself— who He is and what He world. And, it is entirely sufficient for
Page 6

accomplishing the purpose for which it converted, such devices are sinful.
was established. The glory of the great Apostle to the
Gentiles was that he "shunned not to de-
QUESTIONS FOR STUDY clare the whole counsel of God"; and
1. The Great Commission was given where? nowhere in the sacred Scriptures is there
2. In what sense should the Great Commission the slightest hint that the Word of God
be regarded as being the "constitution" of the needs any human adjustment to enhance
Kingdom? its relevance to human needs. The very
3. The purpose of the present study is to con- metaphors in which the Word of God is
sider the Great Commission in its relationship Biblically presented teach its inherent
to what three matters? relevance and by their imagery suggest
4. What is the significance of the first three that no human effort is required to make
chapters of Genesis? it so.
5. Discuss the four basic points referred to, as "Like a fire and like a hammer that
set forth in the first three chapters of Genesis. breaketh the rock into pieces. . ." Thus
6. What is sin? What is accountability? Jeremiah (23:29) described the Word of
7. The t r a g i c fact is that God. How does one make fire relevant?
accountable person Should a water hose be trained upon it?
transgress God law and And a hammer, how could that be made
become a sinner. Explain. relevant? Certainly not by trussing it up
8. What is the fundamental message of with a cushion!
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? The Word of God is represented as
9. What is the scriptural basis for evangelism? "bread" (Matthew 4:4), and how can
10. According to I Timothy 3:14,15 what is bread be made relevant, except by eating
the relationship of the church to evangelism? it? Another metaphor makes it "the
water of life" (John 7:38; Revelation
22:17); and what could be required to
make water relevant? The prime require-
ment, as far as water is concerned, is to
MAKING THE be sure it's pure and drink it! If there
could be any such thing as a person's not
WORD RELEVANT liking the taste of water, he would still
have to drink it in order to live.
JAMES BURTONCOFFMAN And here is precisely what is observed
There is to some degree prevalent an regarding the Word of God. There are,
impression that one of the duties of a alas, some who do not like it and who
minister of the Gospel is that of "making will reject it no matter hew skilfully and
the Word of God relevant"; and, if by this faithfully it may be preached; and any
it is meant that sermons should be con- effort to doctor up the Word of God so it
structed in such a manner as to be per- will appeal to such persons is an exercise
suasive and effective, there could be no in total futility.
ground of disagreement. However, if in As a young minister, I enthusiastically
the hope of a so-called "relevancy," the embraced the idea that with proper
Word of God itself is withheld, perverted, preaching of God's Word all the world
compromised, or slanted to accomodate would be won to Christ. Experience has
the prejudices of unregenerated men, or cast a shadow over any such view. Proper
adjusted to the whims of the partially preaching was given an adequate test in
*James Burton Coffman, minister, Manhattan Ch urch of Christ, New York, New York 10021
Page 7

Capernaum. It must be admitted that the and his disposition adorable. And it costs
Lord was the greatest and best preacher only 13d. Why can't you go out and sell a
who ever lived, and the only perfect one; billion cans of it? "Silence fell on the
and his assistants were the apostles them- great assembly; and then from away up in
selves! They knew the territory, at least the balcony, a salesman stood up and
five of them having been born and shouted, "The dogs don't like it!"
brought up within five miles of Caper- There are many human beings who do
naum. Moreover, Christ got the attention not like the Word of God and will never
of the community. He raised Jairus' like it; and there is no way to make the
daughter from the dead (and he was the saving Word attractive to them that
ruler of the synagogue), healed the noble- choose to reject the counsel of their
man's son and the centurion's servant (he Creator.
was the richest man in town), and Him- 1. The Divine Purpose did not fail, but the
self confessed that the mighty works salvation, of Capernaum failed.
done there would have saved Sodom it-
self! (Matthew 11:23). QUESTIONS FOR YOUR STUDY
The magnitude of what Jesus did in 1. What is frequently meant by the expression
Capernaum can be imagined by a com- "making the Word of God relevant"?
parison with what a similar thing would 2. What is required of men to make bread
be in a place like New York City. If a relevant to man's needs? Water? The gospel?
preacher of the gospel should raise a 3. Describe the work of Jesus in Capernaum.
daughter of Cardinal Cooke from the 4. Why was not everyone converted who heard
dead, cure Governor Rockefeller's wife of him preach?
cancer, and heal everyone in Bellevue 5. Why do many people refuse to believe and
Hospital, it still could not equal the im- obey the gospel today?
pact of what Jesus did in Capernaum.
Then, why did Jesus fail in Caper- A MATTER OF
naum?1 Why was there no mass rally to
the cause of Christ? Why was not every- "ADJUSTMENT"
one converted? Simply because God gave
to the citizens of Capernaum the right of
freedom of the will, the right to choose; ROBERTCAMP
and they chose darkness rather than light. It is my belief that the great issue that
As long as men have this basic freedom faces the church from within relates to
which is their God-given prerogative the matter of adjustment. We are ac-
many will choose evil instead of right- quainted with the need for adjustment in
eousness. many areas and it is not so difficult for us
One is reminded of a big convention of to be sold on the idea that the church
dog-food salesmen in Los Angeles where today needs to adjust itself to meet the
the owner of a particular product made a times.
fervent presentation in which he de- This subject is so general that we can-
clared: "Look, this beautiful can with the not make the simple statement that the
red and gold label contains three thou- church needs to adjust or that the church
sand calories of pure protein. It is forti- does not need to adjust. There are defi-
fied with vitamins A,B,C,D,E, and all the nitely areas where the church would
B-complexes; it will make your dog's coat profit by adjusting to opportunities and
silky, his teeth white, his eyes brilliant. needs.
*Robert Camp, widely known lecturer on the theory of organic evolution; Minister of Northeast
Church of Christ, Atlanta, Georgia,
Page 8

However, I would like to mention moral degeneration. Peter praises Lot for
some particular points of issue. Some his adamant refusal to adjust to the cor-
brethren think that the church must, ruption of Sodom. (2 Peter 2:7). There
should, and can adjust in these matters. might have been some who would scorn
Other brethren, among whom I am, be- him and the angels for their "sexual
lieve that the church is not required, hang-ups" and for "turning off" the
should not, and indeed, in any real Sodomites with their attitudes.
sense, CANNOT adjust. It is good that we live in a time when
Let's say that John Doe is traveling sex can be discussed more openly under
across the ocean on a great liner. While the proper circumstances. This is a
leaning over the rail, unknown to the healthy situation. However, who would
others aboard, he falls off into the sea. dream that being able to talk openly
The liner sails on leaving him behind. For about murder should be equated with
awhile John thrashes about, choking as being able to commit it freely without
the water gets into his mouth and lungs, punishment or criticism?
terrified for his life. We might say that he Adjustment by the church to the pre-
adjusted to his environment but we sent situation of moral decay would pro-
would be more likely to say that he duce apostasy. The church would cease to
drowned, finally. exist in faithfulness.
I have no reason to doubt the sincerity 3. We cannot adjust to the intellectual
of many of the brethren in their efforts fads of our times. There are many
to bring the church to an adjustment to fashions that are unrelated to the right-
its environment in these matters, but they eousness of a person, the width of lapels,
are shallow in their thinking and have the color of ties, the shape of shoes, and
failed to appreciate the implications of yes, even the style of hair itself. Let it be
the positions. understood that the fads and fashions
Some of the issues I have in mind are that I am speaking about are not these
the following. In these, it is my con- trivialities, but involve the very heart of
viction that not only is the church not faith itself. However, even in these
required to adjust to its environment, it matters, we must question when someone
should not and even more, in a real sense, deliberately chooses to wear the uniforms
it cannot. The environment is too hostile of anarchists! But the fashions themselves
and there is no meeting ground. are not the thing that we are discussing.
1. In an environment of disbelief in Many people would tell us that it is
the inspiration and authority of the scrip- the "in thing" to propound the doctrine
tures, the church cannot adjust. The word of evolutionary origin of man. This doc-
of God bears the same relationship to the trine is destructive to faith in God's
church that a seed does to the plant. word. One may think he can hold both
(Matt. 13:38). The church can no more beliefs, but sooner or later he will look
adjust to existence without God's word closely and discover that he cannot. Then
than can a farmer adjust his harvest to a he may abandon the Bible instead of
complete lack of seed. The church is an evolution.
expression of that word. It is a result of There are other beliefs that are fash-
preaching the word. A visible institution ionable among the supposed intellectuals
may continue to exist without the word of our time. They are equally unfounded
but it will not be the church of Christ. but are worn to project an image as one
2. We cannot adjust to a climate of might wear the latest fashion. We cannot
Page 9

adjust to these things. Since they are un- work than usual. We have a work which
founded, we certainly are not required to at present involves the use of four gospel
by any reasoning, and further we should preachers. We hope in time to come to
not. have at least ten who are virtually full-
4. We cannot adjust to all forms of time evangelists to evangelize this area.
language. Language is a system of We are located four blocks from Georgia
symbols of ideas. If it is not that, it is Tech campus and we have a great work in
nothing at all. This writer heard of a progress to evangelize this area, but we
young minister (not in the church of preach the same gospel in basically the
Christ) who preached to college students same way to everyone.
about his relationship with "this Jesus It is a challenge and something to
cat." This is offensive. I cannot believe which the church has become somewhat
that such language will ever provoke the unaccustomed, this idea of real evange-
dedicated service to the Lord of heaven lism, but there are some 200,000 souls in
which He requires of us. I'm sure that Lot our area, 8,000 of which are college stu-
would have really "turned on" the men dents, and they are all in urgent need of
of Sodom if he had engaged with them in the same thing, the saving power of the
Sodomy. But can thinking people believe blood of Christ and the power of the
that we win men to God with vileness just Bible to bring them to it.
because it is so attractive to some? We are beginning to recognize that ef-
5. We cannot adjust to many different forts to "adjust" evangelism on campus
basic kinds of evangelism. I recognize that have led to abandonment of real evange-
each area of work presents its own type lism in some cases. We need to recognize
of challenges but the mission of the that this "special case" concept can be
church is the same wherever it is. There is felt in other areas. We at the Northeast
not one kind of evangelism known as Church of Christ must remind ourselves
campus evangelism and another kind that although we are an urban congrega-
known as urban evangelism and still tion, we must not change our mission to
another known as sub-urban evangelism. become one simply of social work. This is
There are certainly these three types of not to minimize benevolence. We need no
challenges in these three situations but we excuse for benevolence. It is involved in
need not modify the mission of the the mission of the church; it is certainly
church nor the message we take to fit an expression of the FACT of Christ-
these three situations. ianity, and we realize the need for a
The college student who has not powerful program of benevolence.
obeyed the gospel is a sinner in danger of However, we think most shallowly if we
being lost eternally in Hell as is the urban- feel that real evangelism in urban areas is
ite and the suburbanite. This is the most not possible, practical and necessary. It is
pressing problem facing all of these a tragic mistake to "adjust" to the urban
people. The solution is the same. The situation in the sense I am talking about.
specific technique for doing the work
may differ, but the basic work must be What Was Christ's Attitude Toward
the same. Adjustment to the World?
I preach for a church which assembles
in the heart of the City of Atlanta. We 1. He spent a great deal of time pre-
have made a sort of adjustment in recog- paring the disciples for the persecution
nition of the fact that this is a harder they would receive from the refusal to
Page 10

adjust to the demands from people his surroundings.

around them. Matt. 10:22. "And ye shall QUESTIONS FOR STUDY
be hated of all men for my name's sake: 1. Why can the church not "adjust to meet the
but he that endureth to the end shall be times" with regard to our attitude toward the
saved." Matt. 10:28. inspiration and authority of the Bible?
2. He taught His disciples that they 2. With regard to moral standards?
were to be as leaven. Matt. 13:33. It is 3. With regard to intellectual fads of our day?
the nature of leaven that it adjusts what- 4. With regard to all forms of language?
ever contacts it to become like itself until 5. With regard to many kinds of evangelism?
the whole lump is leaven and no part of it 6. What was Christ's attitude toward adjust-
is made weaker. Leaven that becomes like ment to the world?
the dough is worthless.
3. He taught His disciples that they
were to be like salt. Matt. 5:13. He stated
that when they lost their ability to carry EVANGELISM
their influence to the world they had
failed. When salt ceases to make meat THROUGH
salty and we might say that the salt be-
comes meaty instead, it has lost its savor THE PULPIT
and good for nothing but to be cast out.
When the church leaves its great work of ALAN E. HIGHERS
adjusting the world to the gospel which The importance of preaching could
gives it life and succumbs to the influence scarcely be overemphasized. Its impor-
of the world, it is not dynamic, it is not tance is not diminished by the fact that
viable, it is not fresh and new, it is not preaching has, in some quarters, fallen in-
clever with special insight, it is a worth- to disrepute. Its detractors today state
less lump of saltless salt. It is nothing at that preaching has lost its effectiveness
all. and that it no longer relates to man's
4. He told us through James, chapter needs. This criticism of preaching, how-
4, verse 4 that friendship with the world is ever, is not far removed from the criti-
enmity with God. cism of preaching in the first century.
The apostle Paul discussed in the first
Summation two chapters of I Corinthians the worldly
wisdom which men valued so highly. In
I submit that we should not attempt distinction to the wisdom of the world,
to adjust to the world because of Christ's he stated: "For I determined not to know
condemnation of such. I submit that by anything among you, save Jesus Christ,
no means do circumstances compel us to and him crucified." (I Cor. 2:2). With
do so to survive since survival rather de- reference to his message regarding Jesus
pends on the opposite and finally that Christ, Paul affirmed, "And my speech
since such adjustment as we have men- and my preaching were not in persuasive
tioned results in destruction that it is no words of wisdom, but in demonstration
real adjustment at all and that the church of the Spirit and of power: that your
of Christ today can no more make a faith should not stand in the wisdom of
meaningful adjustment to the hostile en- men, but in the power of God." (I Cor.
vironment in which it is than could that 2:4-5). Paul's preaching did not corres-
man in the middle of the ocean adjust to pond with the norm of worldly wisdom—
*AIan E. Highers, minister of the gospel, practic ing attorney in Memphis, Term.
Page 11

he did not preach "in persuasive words of Jehovah saith unto me, that will I speak."
wisdom," i.e., in the wisdom of men. The (I Kings 22:13-14). The prophet Jonah
power of his preaching was not "in words was instructed by God to preach "the
which man's wisdom teacheth, but which preaching that I bid thee." (Jonah 3:2).
the Spirit teacheth." (I Cor. 2:13). He de- Paul charged Timothy, "Preach the
clared, "For seeing that in the wisdom of word." (II Tim. 4:2).
God the world through its wisdom knew
not God, it was God's good pleasure Purpose of Preaching
through the foolishness of the preaching
(footnote: thing preached) to save them The central design of all preaching
that believe." (I Cor. 1:21). Paul preach- should be to save souls—both of speaker
ed the revelation of God, and preaching and hearers. Paul told Timothy, "Take
itself is part of the wisdom of God al- heed to thyself and to thy teaching.
though to the worldly wise it may appear Continue in these things; for in doing this
as foolishness. Someone has wisely point- thou shalt save both thyself and them
ed out that we are saved by the foolish- that hear thee." (I Tim. 4:16). To
ness of preaching and not by the preach- accomplish this purpose, however,
ing of foolishness. preaching should be directed to at least
two goals: to teach and to motivate.
Basis of Preaching Some preaching may motivate without
teaching anything, but such motivation
The preacher must begin with a funda- lacks proper direction. Motivation should
mental faith in the word of God. To de- be based on teaching. Other sermons may
clare the wisdom of God, one must recog- teach in a factual, pedantic way, yet fail
nize the scriptures as the infallible, iner- to motivate. Ideally, the sermon will
rant, and verbally-inspired word of God, instruct in the word of God and, on the
and Jesus Christ as the heaven-sent, basis of that instruction, motivate one to
virgin-born Son of God. It is certainly live and act accordingly.
correct to say that not all preaching to-
day proceeds from these fundamental Kind of Preaching Needed
premises, but it is just as correct to affirm
that these premises constitute the divine 1. Bible-centered preaching. Jesus not
standard for preaching. only commanded preaching, he told what
More preachers are needed like the to preach. "Go ye into all the world, and
prophet Micaiah. He was called before preach the gospel to the whole creation."
king Ahab to testify to the king whether (Mark 16:15). "Preach the word." (II
God would bless him in battle against the Tim. 4:2). Men have not always sought
king of Syria. The king had already heard the kind of preaching which they needed.
from about four hundred prophets who The rebellious people in Isaiah's day said,
had sanctioned his plans with one voice. "Prophesy not unto us right things, speak
The messenger who fetched Micaiah unto us smooth things, prophesy
warned him, as follows: "Behold now, deceits." (Isa. 30:10). The prophet said,
the words of the prophets declare good "To the law and to the testimony! If they
and unto the king with one mouth: let speak not according to this word, surely
thy word, I pray thee, be like the word of there is no morning for them." (Isa.
one of them, and speak thou good." Hear 8:20). It is disturbing that even among
Micaiah's reply: "As Jehovah liveth, what brethren there is a need to emphasize a
Page 12

Bible-centered message, but some preach- therefore draw near with boldness unto
ing does but little feeding. It would be the throne of grace, that we may receive
good for all who preach to ask: Am I mercy, and may find grace to help us in
increasing the knowledge of people in the time of need." (Heb. 4:16). Such exhor-
word of God? tation is calculated to inspire to higher
2. Doctrinal preaching. In a sense, all duty.
teaching is doctrinal. But to preach doc- 5. Reproving and rebuking. Paul said,
trine has to do primarily with proclaiming "Reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all long-
the fundamental tenets of the faith. suffering and teaching." (II Tim. 4:2).
"Whosoever goeth onward and abideth Further: "Them that sin reprove in the
not in the teaching of Christ, hath not sight of all, that the rest may also be in
God: he that abideth in the teaching, the fear." (I Tim. 5:20).
same hath both the Father and the Son." 6. Encouraging preaching. We may
(II John 9). There is a crying need to in- teach, exhort, reprove, and rebuke, but
struct people in doctrine about God, we cannot fail to encourage and to for-
Christ the Holy Spirit, the word, heaven, tify. A good example is found in the
hell, the resurrection, the judgment, the Hebrew epistle after the writer had de-
church, and many kindred matters. livered a scathing rebuke to them because
3. Personal preaching. Preaching needs of their lack of growth. In tender affec-
to be directed to individual needs. John tion he declared, "But, beloved, we are
the Baptist was a "personal preacher." To persuaded better things of you." (Heb.
Herod he said, "It is not lawful for thee 6:9). Further, he reminded them of their
to have thy brother's wife." (Mark 6:18). past faithful service and said, "God is not
To the publicans he said, "Exhort no unrighteous to forget your work and the
more than that which is appointed you." love which ye showed toward his name."
(Luke 3:13). To the soldiers he said, "Ex- (Heb. 6:10). One is reminded of the state-
tort from no man by violence, neither ment of Brother Keeble: "I cut deep,
accuse any one wrongfully; and be con- then I rub in the salve."
tent with your wages." (Luke 3:14). To 7. Urgent preaching. This is one of the
the self-righteous he said, "Ye offspring most important areas of preaching. So
of vipers, who warned you to flee from much preaching lacks a sense of urgency—
the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore and life-and-death vitality—which conveys
fruit worthy of repentance." (Matt. to the hearer the significance of the mes-
3:7-8). sage. Paul manifested that sense of ur-
4. Exhortative preaching. The fourth gency when he said, "If we have only
chapter of Hebrews has been called the hoped in Christ in this life, we are of all
"let us" chapter of the Bible. "Let us fear men most pitiable." (I Cor. 15:19).
therefore, lest haply, a promise being left Jeremiah demonstrated that sense of
of entering into his rest, any one of you urgency when he stated, "And if I say, I
should seem to have come short of it." will not make mention of him, nor speak
(Heb. 4:1) "Let us therefore give dili- any more in his name, then there is in my
gence to enter into that rest, that no man heart as it were a burning fire shut up in
fall after the same example of disobed- my bones, and I am weary with for-
ience." (Heb. 4:11). "Having then a great bearing, and I cannot contain." (Jer.
high priest, who hath passed through the 20:9). May more preachers have fire in
heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold their bones so that they "cannot con-
fast our confession." (Heb. 4:14). "Let us tain."
Page 13

Preaching To The Local Church local preacher because he cannot be

First, there is a need of evangelistic aware of local conditions and needs.
proclamation to the local church. Mem- Furthermore, his work has a special
bers of the church need to be continually purpose. In preaching in gospel meetings
reminded and grounded in the fervor of or cooperative efforts, it seems the
evangelism and in the truth of the gospel. following purposes fall in logical order:
Young people and new converts need to 1. Convict. There was a time when we
be indoctrinated. And, of course, the did not think of preaching on sin and its
church must have an evangelistic outreach consequences in a meeting, until we
to others. Without evangelistic preaching realized that many people simply did not
the church may become introspective, realize they are lost. One purpose of
preaching only to itself. preaching in a meeting should be to con-
Second, preaching should be to the vict the sinner and to cause him to realize
needs of the local church. In order to ac- that he is in need of salvation.
complish this, the preacher will need to 2. Convince. Once one is convicted
know the work of the congregation well that he is in sin, he must be convinced of
and to be acquainted with its problems as what to do. Sermons of this type are de-
well as its power. I have never been able signed to show the way of salvation and
to understand how preachers can plan to prove it from the scriptures.
their sermons a year in advance, or even 3. Convert. After one has been con-
three months in advance. Does such victed and convinced, he must be con-
preaching truly contemplate the local verted— changed. Lessons to provoke
needs of the church? Do specific needs thought and to motivate one to obed-
not arise sometimes almost from week to ience, fall into this category.
week? It has been my impression that
congregations where there has been sub- Conclusion
stantial growth are churches where the
preacher has endeavored to meet local Preachers need to have the perser-
needs in his preaching. verance of Isaiah. When Isaiah asked God
Third, balance is needed. Preachers, of how long he was to preach to a rebellious
course, have their own personalities, with people, God replied: "Until cities be
their own interests and aptitudes. One waste without inhabitant, and houses
may tend to preach sermons which are without man, and the land become
entirely devotional in their character to utterly waste, and Jehovah have removed
the exclusion of reproving and rebuking. men far away, and the forsaken places be
Or, one may act exactly in reverse of many in the midst of the land." (Isa.
that. An effort should be made to present 6:11-12).
a well-rounded spiritual diet that will aid "How beautiful are the feet of them
people to grow in the grace and know- that bring glad tidings of good things!"
ledge of Jesus Christ without becoming (Rom. 10:15).
lopsided or deformed.
Gospel Meetings and 1. Contrast the preaching of Paul with the wis-
Cooperative Campaigns dom of the world.
2. On what fundamental premises should all
The work of the preacher in meetings preaching be based? Why?
differs somewhat from the work of the 3. What is the twofold goal of preaching? Dis-
Page 14

cuss how one might accomplish one purpose, The church of the Lord has a world-
but lack the other in preaching. wide mission or responsibility. Therefore a
4. Discuss the kind of preaching needed today. comprehensive program of Christian
See if you can recognize these various char- education will not only provide for the
acteristics in sermons you have heard. local church membership and their
5. Question for class discussion: Is my know- families: it will look beyond the walls of
ledge of God's word materially increased by the the local group in an effort to acquaint a
preaching I hear? lost world with Christ.2
6. Why should the church hear evangelistic A soul-winning Bible school will not
preaching? come into being nor continue to exist
7. How does preaching to the local church apart from aggressive leadership.
differ from preaching in a gospel meeting? 1. Leadership in purpose. Bible school
8. Discuss the threefold purpose to be accom- leaders must imbue the people involved in
plished in preaching in a gospel meeting. the teaching program with the purpose
and spirit of the soul-winner.
2. Leadership in prayer. Surely, no
one would challenge the observation that,
by and large, the local church program —
evangelism or whatever — is most gener-
EVANGELISM ally undertaken by "might and power"
THROUGH and little sincere dependence is placed in
THE BIBLE SCHOOL 3. Leadership in plans. An effective
soul-winning program must have intelli-
BRAD BRUMLEY gent prayerful, painstaking planning back
The soul-winning program of a church of it. Nothing may be left to chance.
should be comprehensive enough to per- 4. Leadership in performance. All too
mit and encourage every member of the often the leaders in the Bible school are
church to participate. It should be so most willing and ready to "assist" in sett-
wide in its scope, so comprehensive in its ing goals but never seem to get around to
plans, so constant in its effort, and so provide the help necessary to the realiza-
dead in earnest in its endeavor that tion of those goals.
people everywhere will be impressed with James DeForest Murch3 contends
the fact that the church's chief business is that the "Most critical problem that faces
to win the lost to a saving knowledge and the Christian (sic) Church today at the
relationship with Jesus Christ.l local level is its program of Christian
If the above is to be realized, it is education." This being true, there is a
obvious that, above all other phases of second observation that is closely akin
the church's activities, the Bible school and just as valid: "The most critical
will be the undergirding strength — the problem facing the educational program
foundational force in such a program. of the church is that of making the Bible
Evangelism is not a plus added to the school evangelistic in its total thrust."
regular program of the Bible school.
Rather, it is the main and ultimate goal of REASONS FOR EVANGELISM IN THE
not only the Bible school, but also the BIBLE SCHOOL:
goal for all energies expended by the con- 1. Because Christianity is essentially
stituency of the church. missionary. Somehow, the first century
*Brad Brumley, minister of the Church of Christ in Columbus, Miss, conducts many teacher-train-
ing workshops across the U. S.
Page 15

church didn't have to be told this! They producing Christ-controlled lives."5

apparently felt it, literally felt it. Once It may be well for Bible school leaders
they experienced the blessings found in to draw a line of demarcation between
Christ Jesus they seemingly could hardly WISE evangelism and WILD revivalism.
wait to tell their neighbor. Is it incredible The sagacious and far-seeing Bible school
to assume that, in their "meeting from leader attempts to program in such a way
house to house" much attention was as to make the Bible school so vital
given to a discussion of carrying the good and awakening in its character that it
news to others. There is something in- shall lead, in a natural way, the entire
herent in Christianity that, when it is Bible school constituency to become
genuine and real, causes its adherents to "evangelistically conscious." In other
find contentment only when they are words, for the church's evangelistic thrust
reaching others for Christ. to reach its very fullest potential, the en-
2. Because Christianity is a world- tire membership must think "soul-
wide force. The design of Christianity is winning." And there is no better place to
such that its full realization can be begin an effort toward such a mentality
reached only when the entire world has than in the teaching program.
experienced its force and blessings. "True
Christianity refuses to know any bounds WHERE DO WE START?
of geography."4 Once Bible school leaders decide that
3. Because we, as Christians, can make theirs is to become a soul-winning Bible
no better contribution to mankind than school, the first move should be that of
that of an introduction to Christ. When making a sincere effort to enlist every
the Bible school talks of world needs the "church family" into a Bible class. Active
one that stands out front is the need for a church members mean active evangelism;
risen and saving Lord. When Bible school and it's most unusual to find an active
pupils sing about Jesus' love for "all the member who is not enrolled in the Bible
children of the world," it is high time school.
that they be impressed with the church's And too, when parents aren't actively
responsibility to let the world know of engaged in the Bible school, it becomes
Christ! most difficult to save their children.
Hence, the Bible school's first evangelistic
EVANGELISM AND CHRISTIAN challenge is that of the local church's own
EDUCATION families who are not presently attending
Actually, the above heading is a mis- Bible school.
nomer inasmuch that for education to be A second step in making the Bible
Christian it would of necessity be evange- school evangelistic lies in the area of cur-
listic. However, it is agreed that Christian riculum planning. Make sure that every
education does concern itself with a cycle (department) has at least one unit
scope that would go beyond evangelism of study included that points up the
as it is generally understood. church's mission as being that of reaching
In a more specific sense, "education the world for Christ. For a congregation
which is evangelistic seeks to. . .secure de- to have an evangelistic mentality, evange-
finite decisions for Christ. It also works, lism must be talked and taught! It's
quietly and powerfully, to conserve the hardly conceivable that Christians should
results thus achieved, by deepening those be conscious of soul-winning when the
decisions into stabilized convictions, and idea is only mentioned occasionally, and
Page 16

even then in a somewhat casual manner. 3. TEACH, Spring, 1965, (Special issue
Make sure that those who teach in the on evangelism)
Bible school are soul-winning conscious.
It's an undeniable fact that unless the QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION
ones who teach are interested in evange- 1. Just how comprehensive should the soul-
lism the Bible school will never con- winning program of the local church be?
tribute much to the prime mission of the 2. How does the Bible school fit into such a
church. Unless Bible school teachers love, program?
there will be little love permeating the 3. In what four vital areas is aggressive leader-
church. Unless Bible school teachers give, ship needed, if the local Bible school is to be
chances are that the budget will stay in evangelistic?
the red pretty much of the time. And the 4. Discuss ways and means of dealing with the
same is true of evangelism. Unless the task of making the Bible school evangelistic in
teachers are really and truly concerned its total thrust.
about the lost of the world, the task of 5. Take up each of the three suggested rea-
building an evangelistically-minded mem- sons for evangelism in the Bible school and
bership is going to be an almost, if not discuss them in the light of your own local
altogether, impossible one. mentality.
A final word might well be: Let evan- 6. In what sense is the expression, "making
gelism in the Bible school begin in the Christian education evangelistic," a misnomer?
Cradle Roll and continue, without inter- 7. Specifically speaking, what is sought in
ruption, throughout the program into the education that is evangelistic?
senior adults. 8. Discuss the difference between "wise
evangelism" and "wild revivalism?"
FOOTNOTES: 9. In reference to the Bible school, what is its
1. Flake, Arthur, THE TRUE FUNCTIONS OF first real field of mission effort.
THE SUNDAY SCHOOL, Nashville, Conven- 10. What is the relationship between the
tion, 1955, p.80. evangelistic goals of the Bible school and the
2. Byrne, H. W., CHRISTIAN EDUCATION teachers' mentality?
Zondervan, 1963, p.291.
3. Murch, James DeForest, TEACH OR
PERISH, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 1961, p.1.
4. Lo b ingie r , John L., THE BETTER DAY BY DAY
CHURCH SCHOOL, Boston, Pilgrim, 1952. p.
5. deBlois, A. K. & Gorham, Donald R.,
PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE, New York, Because means of travel in the 1800s
Revell, 1930, p. 181. was slow it took President Andrew Jack-
son an average of 30 days to travel from
OTHER RECOMMENDED READING Nashville to Washington, D. C. Today, it
1. CHRISTIAN BIBLE TEACHER, September, takes only one hour and twenty-one
1970, Vol. 14, No. 9. (Special issue on minutes to go non-stop by jet plane.
missions.) Modern man has certainly learned how to
2. KEY TO CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, Fall, make extra time available for his use, and
1969. (Special issue on missions.) thus, increase his productivity. Have the
*Clayton Pepper, editor of PERSONAL EVANGELI SM MAGAZINE, P.O. Box 159, Madison, Term.
Page 17

children of God made progress in learning their shoulders and the gospel story on
how to accelerate the spread of the gospel their lips until every creature had heard
with the passing of years, or have we (Col. 1:23), and their lives were over
actually slowed the pace followed by upon the earth. A deep sense of urgency
early Christians? There is said to have characterized the Jerusalem church. Luke
been 150,000 Christians in a world of writes of them, "And daily in the temple,
200 million people before the end of the and in every house, they ceased not to
first century, and in 1963, 2,125,000 teach and preach Jesus Christ" (Acts
New Testament Christians in a world of 5:42). If they had done less it would have
three billion souls.1 There was a larger been against God's plan to redeem man,
percentage of Christians by the end of the against Christ who came to seek and to
first century than there is today. save the lost and against lost men. It
Wyatt Sawyer, a gospel preacher, would have amounted to giving consent
wrote in 1964, "Perhaps what we are not for men to be lost. Notice carefully the
so well acquainted with is the fact that words "daily" and "ceased not." The task
this world is rapidly turning pagan. In of reaching the lost demanded immediate
1946, one out of every three people on attention, thus evangelism was a first con-
earth claimed to belong to the 'Christian cern to the Jerusalem church.
community.' In 1964, that figure has This spirit of urgency that caused
broadened to one of every four who them to evangelize daily developed from
claim to know and follow Christ in any the conviction that men without Christ
way. Two decades (1984) and the figure were lost (therefore, their message was,
will be one out of five. Christianity, with "Repent ye therefore, and be converted,
all it's so-called kinds and degrees, is in a that your sins may be blotted out. . ."
rapid world decline. It is high time some
[Acts 3:19]). Israel's high court ordered
watchmen on the walls cry out to the
them ". . .not to speak at all nor teach in
people that we have problems."2 Christ-
the name of Jesus." Yet Peter and John
ianity is a shrinking religion in an expand-
ing world. We, as members of the Lord's said, "For we cannot but speak the things
Church, should be as lights to those in which we have seen and heard." (Acts
darkness, and guides for the blind. But 4:13-20)
unfortunately the lights have been largely
kept under a bushel and too many of the Daily Teaching Brings Daily Results
guides too unconcerned for the blind.
Therefore, we need to go back to the A strong compelling urgency to bring
Bible and restore a religion that has the men to the ". . .lamb of God, which taketh
power to develop dedication and determi- away the sin of the world" (John 1:29)
nation to serve that will ".. . .turn the was sufficient to accomplish the task.
world upside down for Christ" as well as Shortly after the church began with
restore doctrine. 3,000 converts Luke wrote,". . . and the
Lord added to the church daily. . ." (Acts
Evangelism First With The Jerusalem As men were converted the number of
Church workers were increased. As more Christ-
The example of the Savior, His parting ians taught more sinners, more people
and urgent words to His disciples to were converted. The following passages
preach the gospel to every creature, tell the story of the rapid growth of the
placed the weight of responsibility on early church, ".. . .the number of the men
Page 18

was about five thousand." (Acts 4:4) must conclude that devotion to the will
"Then. . .the churches. . .throughout all of Christ and a passion for souls is pre-
Judea and Galilee and Samaria. . .were requisite to day by day evangelism. It has
edified: and walking in the fear of the been observed that the test of love is al-
Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy ways the length to which it will go, and
Ghost, were multiplied." (Acts 9:31) that sacrifice apart from love is a bitter
"And so were the churches established in pill. The church must beware of substi-
the faith, and increased in number daily." tute missions. We have heard of the de-
(Acts 16:5) The rapid growth of the early valued pound in England and the de-
church was not something that could valued frank in France. Our day is one of
only occur in the first century. Any con- the devalued soul. There is more joy on
gregation can multiply the number of earth over one new church building than
people being led to Christ by leading 99 souls that repent. A preacher that
more Christians to teach more lost souls must have a pulpit, a crowd and a dollar
more often. to turn him on is void of a passion for
Steps To A Day By Day Program 2. The church today must develop the
Of Evangelism EVERY CREATURE concept of teaching
(Mk. 16:15; Acts 5:42; 8:4) if it is to see
1. The church today must develop a the need of day by day evangelism. Luke
greater passion for souls in order to have writes of the Jerusalem church "There-
the spiritual power to evangelize day by fore they that were scattered abroad went
day. John 3:16 has been called the golden every where preaching the word" (Acts
text of the Bible. (It reads. . ."God so 8:4).
loved the world that He gave His only What effort is being made to practice
begotten Son. . ." Why? That it. . ."should the "every creature" concept of teaching
not perish but have everlasing life.") This in your community? Have we substituted
verse glows with the flame of divine love "come" for "go"? Have we hired us a
for a world of lost men. It was this kind "clergyman" to assume our responsibility
of concern that made evangelism first in to teach the lost? Today men and women
the Jerusalem church, in spite of warnings within a stone's throw of our church
and persecutions. Paul's life and much of buildings are dying without the know-
his writings also express this kind of com- ledge of the truth because over 95% of us
pulsion. (After being warned of danger he never personally win a soul to Christ in
says. "What mean ye to weep and to our lifetime! If truth was as great as we
break mine heart? For I am ready not to preach, if truth is the only thing that
be bound only, but also to die at Jerusa- makes men free, why have we so withheld
lem for the name of the Lord Jesus [ Acts it from lost men? Are we enemies of the
21:13]) Paul described the weight of his cause we claim to represent? Unfortun-
concern for lost Jews by saying, ". . .I have ately most Christian's committment to
Christ is so limited, it is exhausted at the
great heaviness and continual sorrow in
church building.
my heart. For I could wish that myself 3. The church today must have a
were accursed from Christ for my breth- house to house teaching concept, if it is
ren, my kinsmen according to the to practice day by day evangelism. The
flesh. . ." (Rom. 9:1-3). Someone has well Jerusalem church taught in homes. Paul
said that every footprint in the book of told the Ephesian elders, ". . .I kept back
Acts is stained with blood. Therefore, we nothing that was profitable unto
Page 19

you, but have showed you, and have ing. We are losing the battle for the souls
taught you publicly, and from house to of men because we are not out where the
house". (Acts 20:20) For a church today battle is taking place.
to practice day by day evangelism it must 4. The church today must develop the
have Acts 20:20 vision. Philip, a deacon EVERY MEMBER EVANGELISM con-
in the Jerusalem church taught the cept if it is to accomplish it's mission.
eunuch, Ananias, ;imply a disciple, taught The growth of the early church could not
Paul, Peter taught Cornelius and his have been achieved by a select group of
household. professional workers. The fact that these
Paul and Silas taught the jailor and his Jerusalem Christians went everywhere
family. Brother Gatewood suggests in his preaching the word when persecution
book You Can Do Personal Work that, so came upon the church suggest that they
far as we know, Jesus only spoke 16 also taught the word before leaving. Paul
times publicly. It should be noted that wrote to Timothy saying, "And the
most occasions of public teaching men- things that thou hast heard of me among
tioned in Acts were to audiences of lost many witnesses, the same commit thou to
men. Only about two percent of adults in faithful men, who shall be able to teach
attendance at our services, on the average, others also." (II Tim. 2:2)
are not baptized believers. A Gallup poll, This passage makes it clear who is to
concerning church attendance in teach others. Many today are under a
America found a decline from a high of false illusion. They try to avoid this re-
49% in 1958 to a low of 42% in 1969. sponsibility by convincing themselves that
(The head of the Bible department in one they will simply be doing enough to in-
of our well known Christian colleges says fluence others by being faithful. But to
that America is usually about 50 years the one who shows by his life that he has
behind England. Today two percent of been with Jesus is assigned the responsi-
the people in London attend church ser- bility to teach others, and if he does not
vices and seven percent in England as a want to do so, he needs to examine his
whole.) If the church in America expects life and see whether or not he is faithful,
to meet its challenge and obey its (cf Acts 4:13) The Hebrew writer said to
Master, it will teach from house to house. those who failed to grow spiritually, "For
The story is told of an instance that when for the time ye ought to be
happened during World War II. France's teachers, ye have need that one teach you
security rested in the famous Maginot again which be the first principles of the
line, supposedly an impregnable fortress. oracles of God; and are become such as
Her troops were stationed in this strong have need of milk, and not of strong
bastion, and she thought she was safe. The meat." (5:12) Many Christians today
only trouble was that the enemy aban- ought to be ashamed of themselves for
doned the sector before this position and failure to grow and become productive
skirted around the Maginot line. France for Christ. Many who perform only
was defeated because her troops, safe in menial tasks can grow to win souls. There
their barracks, never engaged the enemy. is no possible way to use the talent of the
Wedded to fixed positions, enjoying the church apart from every member evange-
luxury of a false security, she was not lism. Eighty to ninety percent is either
flexible enough to maneuver. Every Sun- unemployed or underemployed spirit-
day we attempt to evangelize our com- ually. Government leaders become con-
munity by evangelizing the church build- cerned when unemployment in the nation
Page 20

reaches six percent. Imagine how con- left the moist climate and the saber tooth
cerned God must be with so many people tiger died out. Then the antelope and
lost. A recent study in communications bear come in. One young man learned
research finds that the most effective way how to make a seine of vines and was
to communicate a message is on a one to catching more fish in one day than his
one basis and that the effectiveness is family could use in several days. Another
further increased when the hearer knows learned how to make a snare to catch the
and has confidence in the speaker or antelope and another learned how to dig
teacher. You just cannot improve on the a hole and put camouflage over it so the
Lord's way! bear would fall in and they could kill it.
5. The church today must have a pro- These men began to advocate that the
gram of edification that will result in school, should be changed since condi-
multiplication if it is to practice day by tions had changed. But the older pro-
day evangelism. When the early church fessionals called them radicals and re-
was edified, it multiplied. (Acts 9:31) I stated that if a boy was not trained in the
am certain this does not mean that they art of fish grabbing, horse clubbing and
were merely baptizing the member's child- keeping the saber tooth tiger away from
ren. The church has moved through the his cave he just was not properly trained.
age of the brush arbor days when large I am sure that you can see my point. I am
numbers of lost people came to mass saying that we are studying a curriculum
meetings where the gospel was preached. that might be given to the lost, but it is
We all know that that time has passed. It not giving Christians the skills or working
is even difficult to get the members out knowledge and motivation to go teach
to a gospel meeting. The modern Sunday the lost who are not at our services. The
school movement began at a time in his- same can be said of our preacher training
tory that was more conducive to it than for the most part. It prepares men almost
now. It began apart from the organized exclusively for public preaching, as
church. There is little doubt but what it though we could reach the world in this
was made up of mostly unchurched way. We are still following the saber
people. The church must be alert to the tooth tiger curriculum, but the times have
changing times and attitudes of people if changed. Every Christian must be taught
it is to meet its responsibility to evange- and given opportunity to grow to the full-
lize. I am reminded of the story of a est extent of his ability, both in teaching
young man in the cave days that was very publicly and from house to house.
concerned because the family barely had Ask yourself, "How many soul win-
enough food from day to day. He sat by ners is our present curriculum producing?
the fireside at night and thought and
Why is it that our Bible schools hardly
pondered a solution. Finally he came produce enough teachers to perpetuate
upon the idea to get all the men who themselves. . .? Why do such a few want to
knew most about fish grabbing, horse preach the gospel?"
clubbing and keeping the saber tooth The adult Bible class program must be-
tiger away, together and start a school for
come a school of evangelism, a place to
all the boys to attend as they grew up. prepare the church for accomplishment
This was done and became a very pro- of her mission. The day when the method
minent part of every boy's training. of getting the lost to the building and
Finally a glacier came in from the north. keeping them in a Bible class long enough
The streams became muddy, the horses
for them to finally obey the gospel has
Page 21

passed except for a few rare cases. If you church to teach daily and from house to house,
doubt this, simply count the adults that is it not even more essential today?
are not members who come to Bible 3. How can any congregation increase the
school, and try to imagine all those who number of souls being won to Christ?
do not come. 4. Discuss several reasons why the church to-
day has not been as concerned about souls as
CONCLUSION the early church. Can a church depart from
The early church had more Christians God in other ways than doctrinal matters?
teaching more sinners more often, and 5. What was the compelling force that caused
more people were converted. We have less God to send Christ into the world, Christ to
Christians teaching less sinners less often, die, and early Christians to give even their lives
and we have less people being converted. to the spread of the gospel?
There are 8,760 hours per year. If 6. Discuss how well your congregation is pro-
10,000 Christians in my county gave two ducing the "every creature" concept of teach-
hours per week to soul winning, it would ing. Has it changed the "GO" to "COME?"
amount to 1,040,000 per year or nearly 7. When a church individually and collectively
119 years. Or increase the number of wants only to teach the lost that come to the
workers to 20,000 and you would have church building, do they have the spirit of
about 238 years. If one soul was won for Christ? What caused early Christians to go from
every 30 man hours of work, and I be- house to house? Can the church today win the
lieve this is possible, it would amount to battle for the souls of men with a church house
69,333 converts per year. religion?
If 80% of the approximately 45,000 8. What work should the normal process of
Christians in my home county would do Christian growth lead to? Describe how that
this it would amount to 427 years of time each Christian has a personal world of his own
per year, or 124,800 souls won to Christ. in which to work?
This much time is lost because we are not 9. How many soul winners has your program
doing it. The writer saw eight men in of edification produced in the past year, two
eight months practicing New Testament years, three year? Are we largely what we are
evangelism convert more to Christ than a taught to be?
congregation of 500 members and twice 10. Is a church unconcerned and therefore un-
as many as a congregation of 400 mem- evangelistic really of Christ?
bers who were not practicing day by day
and house to house evangelism. What is EVANGELISM
the logical conclusion about those who
will not practice it? THROUGH
1. Herald of Truth publicity film. JAMES D. BALES
2. Gospel Advocate,Dec. 24, 1964. There are timid and inactive Christians
who say that they would enlarge the bor-
QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION ders of the kingdom if they were able.
1. Why has 20th Century Christianity with its They recognize that there is work to do,
modern means of travel and communication that Christ wants it done, that human
not been as effective in spreading the gospel as beings are expected to do it, and that if
the early church was? they were able they would be obligated
2. If it was necessary for the Jerusalem to teach others. Their inactivity is due to
* James D. Bales, professor of Christian Doctrine at Harding College, Searcy, Ark. Author of many
books and Tracts
Page 22

their inability. We ask those who are in- to the Lord?

active: Would you do something if you Values of the Printed Page
could? If they would not, their plea of What are some of the values of the
inability is conscience salve which they printed page? First, when truth is
hypocritically use. On the other hand, properly presented on the printed page it
they may be unaware of what even they never changes. It will not fall from grace,
can do. There are many things one can lose its temper, become discouraged, be
do, and one thing all can do is to preach fearful, become feeble with age, or die
through the printed page. The product of with its author.
many minds is at our beck and call in the As D. M. Panton pointed out: "The
form of literature. However, when some printed page never flinches, never shows
people are told to try teaching through cowardice; it is never tempted to com-
tracts they may come up with all sorts of promise; it never tires, never grows dis-
excuses. They may think it is beneath heartened; it travels cheaply, and requires
their dignity, that no one reads, that it is no hired hall; it works while we sleep; it
such a little thing, that they want some- never loses its temper; and it works long
thing more dramatic. However, these are after we are dead. The printed page is a
excuses. If we are to find something that visitor which gets inside the home, and
everyone can do, it must be something stays there; it always catches a man in the
simple. Unless you are willing to share right mood, for it speaks to him only
truth through the printed page, never lie when he is reading it; it always sticks to
to yourself and say that your reason for what it has said, and never answers back;
not spreading the gospel is because you and it is bait left permanently in the
are unable to do so. You may have failed pool."
to do it because you had never thought of
Second, it can go where the author
it, but once it is called to your attention, cannot. It may be read in homes which
you cannot speak truthfully and say you would not invite a teacher, it can go to
would be willing to work if you knew distant countries or into the same city for
something you could do. a few cents, and it can survive in places
The power of the printed page can be where the author could not.
utilized by all of us. The parable of the Third, it can wait for an opportune
talents proves that we are not excused time. Although you may not be there
from what we can do just because we feel when the person is willing to listen, the
that we do not have much with which to printed page may be waiting in his home;
work. (Matt. 25:14-30) It is just as im- ready when he is ready.
portant that the one talent man be faith- Fourth, the author can be in one place
ful in what he has as that the five talent at a time, but the product of his pen can
man be faithful. It is just as important for go to thousands of places in one mailing.
your salvation and growth that you Fifth, the printed page continues to
utilize your ability and talents as it is for speak after the author's voice is silent.
others to faithfully discharge their McGarvey speaks directly to our genera-
responsibilities. Furthermore, if one is tion because McGarvey wrote. Each of us
not willing to do what he can do — such has been influenced by individuals whose
as sharing tracts — why should the Lord pen death stopped before we were born.
waste even greater opportunities on him? Sixth, the printed word has a per-
And who knows but that you may be the manency which the spoken word lacks.
Andrew who brings another Simon Peter As long as one copy of a leaflet, tract,
Page 23

pamphlet, or book exists it is possible for A tract read by a wounded soldier con-
it to be reproduced in innumerable vinced him, was read by a nun who was a
copies. nurse, but who surrendered it to the
A lot of people do not have to read a Abbess who was converted by it to Pro-
tract or book in order to be influenced by testantism.
it. One person who reads it may then con- A Presbyterian missionary loaned a
vert hundreds. Japanese a copy of Dr. Machen's Christ-
ianity and Liberalism. As a result he left
The Power of the Printed Page the United Church in Japan and later
entered Westminster Theological Semi-
Falsehood in print can have tremen- nary.
dous consequences. A woman gave Lee Our mission work in Belgium after
Harvey Oswald, when he was around World War II opened up as a result of
fifteen, pro-Communist literature. He tracts sent by a soldier to a family in
later read in Marx, became a Communist, Belgium with whom he had been billeted.
went to Russia, came back to the U. S., Within a few months in 1960 nine
and later assassinated President Kennedy. people were baptized into Christ as a re-
A Chinese student in the U. S. mailed sult of one ad published in a French
a book against socialism to Sun Yat-Sen magazine.
who was under the influence of Marx. The work in Nigeria was opened up
The book changed him, and he decided largely as a result of a Correspondence
that democracy was the way for China. Bible Course of the Lawrence Avenue
This postponed the coming of com- church in Nashville.
munisn to China by over twenty years. A Christian lady gave a tract to a bus
No one knows the great contribution driver, he attended one church service,
which this may have made in keeping was taught in his home, and was baptized.
Japan, the Philippines and India from A serviceman used my "You Are a
being enslaved by communism. Christian Now" to convert another ser-
A tract given out in Armenia in 1832 viceman in Japan.
by a travelling missionary resulted in a A 17-year-old Christian, trying to con-
church of more than forty members. vert his Mormon girl friend, recently
Eight or nine tracts were left in a gar- wrote the author after having read a
ment which someone gave the resident of pamphlet on Joseph Smith, Jr. which the
a village in India. It led to a change in the author wrote around twenty-five years
entire village. ago.
One recipient threw away a tract
which the wind carried to a hayfield How Books May Be Used
where some workmen read it, and four of
them were converted to a Protestant Each Christian should try to build at
faith. least a small library. Books which may
A Canadian was convinced by a tract have taken years to write can instruct him
which he fished out of a river. in a few hours. He can use them to in-
In India a man was won by a tract, and struct others. Why not have extra copies
his son won fifteen hundred people. of certain books for the purpose of loan-
A prisoner in Peru was changed by ing? You do not have to be a master
reading a tract, and he influenced over logician in order to loan a well-reasoned
thirty prisoners. book, nor a master persuader in order to
Page 24

pass on to another a persuasive book. Producing the Printed Page

Congregational libraries can be the
means of instructing the membership and It takes time and money to produce,
those whom they contact. to publish, and to circulate the printed
Individuals and congregations can send page. How can we encourage evangelism
books to missionaries, or give to other in- and instruction through the printed page?
dividuals who do not have money for First, we can buy more literature that
books but who would use them to God's brethren write. None of us is financially
glory. endowed, and none can continue to print
Individuals and congregations can give unless someone purchases. Brethren who
religious books to local libraries. would not think about doing without the
Many congregations have correspon- daily paper or secular books may not be
dence courses. These not only help teach thoughtful enough to purchase religious
others but provide profitable work for materials. By this failure they are keeping
the Christians who look after the courses. a lot of good material from being written
Tracts can be carried in one's purse, and published. A lot of people are not
pocket, and car. They can be distributed reading the gospel through the printed
from racks in meeting houses and some page but would be doing so if brethren
public places. They can be handed out on themselves read more. If brethren read
the street and given to those who come to more, they will be more interested in
our doors either to sell us something or to teaching others, they will be better able
visit. The mailman is waiting to take them to do so, they will have material to loan
to almost any place in the world. to others, and they will thus make pos-
Why not give books for Christmas sible the publication of more good
gifts? material.
Ads can be placed in magazines and Second, if the church is going to get as
newspapers. much good material as is needed, indivi-
Direct mail evangelism can serve the duals and congregations need to support
church. For example, The Star has gone writers in order to produce specific
into millions of homes, and has saturated works. This support should not only in-
many communities with the message in clude the author's salary but also money
print. for research materials and secretarial help.
If the book makes a profit, the profits
In some cases newspapers publish the could go to the author to enable him to
word in the following ways. First, some write more. A good book can furnish
have carried a religious column written by thousands of preachers, teachers, and
a local minister. Second, some carry other Christian workers with material to
write-ups of sermons being preached in a help reach others for Christ.
series of meeting. Third, letters to the Third, although books are becoming
editor. Letters to the Editor columns are very high priced it is possible to produce
one of the most widely read portions of a paperbacks in quantity for mass distribu-
paper. tion at very reasonable prices. In
Christians can be encouraged to sub- quantities of 50,000 they can be printed
scribe for religious journals. at very reasonable costs per unit. We need
We teach through the printed page series of paperbacks on the church,
when we circulate Bibles and portions of Christian evidences, and kindred subjects
Scripture. to be circulated, among other places, on
Page 25

high-school, college, and university (Matt. 25:14-30)

campuses. Young people are reading, and 3. What are some of the reasons some have
we have an obligation to give them the not used the printed page more in teaching?
opportunity to read that which is profit- 4. What are some of the values of printed
able for the life which now is and the life material as a means of teaching?
which is to come. 5. What were some of the illustrations which
The author recognizes that buildings show the power of print? What illustrations can
are useful tools for the church, but the you give? How have you been influenced by the
meeting houses cannot take the place of printed page?
the message. Any money which is wasted 6. How can an individual or a congregation
on a building is that much money which use books?
could have gone into proclaiming and 7. What are some of the ways individuals and
publishing the message. If more money is congregations can encourage the production
not put into publishing the truth, if there and circulation of books, tracts, and journals?
are not more good books to help instruct 8. If it is right to support someone while he
ministers as well as others, the time can preaches the gospel by word of mouth, can it
come where false doctrine instead of be. wrong to support him while he writes the
truth is proclaimed within the walls of message so it can be preached in print?
the building. Of what value is a building if 9. If we do not produce and circulate good
we do not do what we can, through every literature, will the devil refuse to encourage the
avenue of teaching and preaching, to fill production and spread of bad literature?
the minds of the people with the word of 10. Why is a person wise who wins souls? Does
God? winning souls mean that we try to get people to
Daniel Webster well said: "If truth is surrender their spirit, heart, and body to God?
not diffused, error will be. If God and His (Rom. 6:12, 13, 17-18; 12: 1-2; I Cor. 6:
Word are not known and received, the 19-20)
devil and his works will gain ascendancy.
If Evangelical Literature does not reach
every hamlet, the pages of a corrupt and
licentious literature will." EVANGELIZING THE
If you are a timid soul, and think that
you are without any talents, remind your-
self that you are not so timid or talentless COLLEGE CAMPUS
that you cannot preach through the print-
ed page. For a starter, try tracts. VIRGIL R. TROUT
"He that winneth souls is wise." (Prov. Unconquerably thrilling are the words
11:30) The power of the printed page of Jesus, "All authority in heaven and on
awaits you and can help you to be wise earth has been given to me. Go therefore
by winning souls. and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father
QUESTIONS and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
1. What scriptures show that every Christian teaching them to observe all that I have
has a responsibility to teach God's will to commanded you; and lo, I am with you
others? always, to the close of the age."
2. Do some people feel they are excused from (Matthew 28: 18-20 RSV) To evangelize
doing anything just because they cannot do the college campus, the commission of
very much? What parable throws light on this? Jesus must be always foremost in our
*Virgil R. Trout, Minister, Mayfair Church of Christ. Oklahoma City; Executive Director, Inter-
national Foundation; Representative chaplain for the churches of Christ, Federal Reformatory, El
Page 26

minds. The late great scientist, Oppen- willing to listen even though they may
heimer, said, "It takes an unusual mind to not appear to be doing so. They need
be aware of the obvious." Sometimes in God. The Christian task is to make it
working with a campus, we have been so possible for them to know of Him.
caught up with a sense of excitement Shallow programs of mere activity and
(that a campus can generate so easily) entertainment will not suffice. Kinder-
that we have forgotten our obvious task: garten level Bible Studies will not produce
leading people to Jesus Christ rather than the desired results. "Playing church" with
conducting a philosophical quest of worship that is lifeless will not inspire
religious abstractions. them. They will respect and generally
respond to genuine friendship. They will
Evaluation of the Campus Atmosphere study. They will accept responsibilities of
In one sense Jesus regarded all people Christian service. They will worship.
alike. All were created by God, all had This is the age of specialization. Since
sinned, and all were invited by the the Bible appeals to all men of every age
Father. In another sense Jesus regarded and background, it is inevitable that the
no two people alike. He recognized the campus, which breeds specialization, will
individual's specific needs. He called appear skeptical at times. The Christian
people by name and not by number. He faith does not fetter learning. God placed
was sensitive to the individual's present man upon the earth to use it. God
situation as instructions were given for intended for man to be vocational, (see
establishing a new relationship with God. the footnote of Titus 3:8). Christianity
As we approach the campus, there are can face the challenges of philosophy, his-
two extremes to be avoided: (1) a failure tory, politics, ethics, and science. In fact,
to appreciate the nature of the pressures Christianity can be enhanced by active
of a campus community and (2) to be confrontation with the various disciplines
"over-awed" at the academic atmosphere of human endeavor. If the Christian
so that Christianity is compromised to teacher is prepared, he has nothing to fear
whatever happens to be in vogue at the from the awesome vocabulary of special-
time. ization. Humility and intellectual integ-
Students are largely regimented. Time rity are imperative for the Christian
schedules are rigid. So many activities proclaimer. (I Peter 3:15; Acts 17:22-31)
compete for their attention. They are
living in a new world. They are impressed Public Relations and Troubled Campuses
by the authority of documentation. They It is obvious that being a college
are told that they are supposed "to administrator is a traumatic experience
think" even though this freedom, in a today. Yet the Christian can use the
practical sense, is often denied them. chaos of the contemporary campus to a
They are often lonely and in many distinct advantage. College congregations,
instances, turn to just about anything campus ministers, and Bible chair
that offers a sense of belonging. They are directors can prove their interest in
almost intoxicated by an amazing array students by providing excellent instruc-
of "facts." They are frequently dis- tion, careful counsel, and warm fellow-
enchanted by the superficiality of ship. If we are willing to remain true to
society. They wonder about the future. the commission and to the example of
They do not want to be "double- talked" our Lord, we can demonstrate to campus
or misled. They are concerned. They are officials that our work is not for selfish
Page 27

purposes but rather that it is a quiet, Jesus?

sincere interest in the student and in his 4. Is Christianity simply the result of
future. a t r a d i t io n a l evolution of religious
We must be alert to opportunities of thought?
"good campus citizenship." There are 5. What are the standards of biblical
projects that need volunteer workers just morality? Are they adequate for a
as there are community and public school technical society?
tasks in which the Christian can partici- 6. What about Christianity and
pate without any compromise of science?
conscience. 7. Are the biblical writings historically
The Spirit of Teamwork reliable?
So much can be accomplished if we 8. How does Christianity define man?
aren't overly concerned about who gets 9. Is there any purpose to life?
the credit. For a missionary effort to 10. Why Christianity of all the
succeed, there must be a powerful fellow- religions of the world?
ship of prayer and cooperation. The 11. If God is love, why do people
campus is a great mission field. Elders, suffer?
local preachers, Bible chair directors, and Some Specifics
campus ministers must be brethren! The longest journey begins with a
There is no place for petty competition, single step. . .a most obvious proverb.
suspicion, or intellectual snobbery if we Regardless of how stupendous is the task
are to accomplish the Master's com- of effective evangelization of a campus,
mission. God will supply the strength if we are
There is a need for all concerned with willing to allow Him to use us. Here are
campus work to meet for seasons of dis- suggestions that have come from those
cussion and prayer. Much misunder- who have worked on campus:
standing and doubt involving each other 1. Special classes and short courses.
could be removed so easily. Throughout the academic year, short
The Perplexing Root Questions courses involving four or five lectures and
Jesus did not allow the opposition to discussion periods on major Bible themes
obscure the fundamental issues with their can be offered. Perhaps the attendance
"pseudo-sophisticated tangents." He will not be large. However, the constant
steadily kept the basic requirements for teaching will bring results. (Depending on
abundant living before His audiences. the campus situation, a lecture hall or
This does not imply that He was "out of classroom might be rented, or the church
touch," "irrelevant" or "stereotyped" building or student center could be used.)
but r a t h e r that He was the Great 2. A monthly guest lecture program.
P h ys icia n diagnosing i n s t e a d of To give additional stress to the name of
speculating and curing instead of tran- Jesus, plan a special program each month
quilizing. making full use of the campus newspaper
Even so we must face the perplexing and radio. In most cases, guest lecturers
root questions which have produced the could be supplied at no cost through
weeds of our present dilemma: interested Christian businessmen. Do not
1. What do you mean when you use be hesitant to ask for aid!
the term, "God?" 3. Provide counseling aid. Students
2. Why do you believe in God? are seeking. There are mature Christians
3. Is there historical evidence for in the college congregations who would
Page 28

give some hours each week to assist

students with their questions and prob- ENLISTING
lems. These Christians need to be utilized.
Such a program carefully supervised MORE MEMBERS
could result in both conversions and in
edification. Also this type of work points IN EVANGELISM
out to the administration the nature of
our concern for the campus. JAMESMEADOWS
4. Regular fellowship. The church was Throughout the entire New Testa-
designed by God as a family. Young ment, we feel the never-ending emphasis
people away from home ought to be upon evangelism. In almost every chapter,
"adopted" by members of a college con- on almost every page of the written
gregation. Such a procedure would also scriptures, we find a strong, recurring
open doors of evangelism to the friends of emphasis on the importance of telling
the "adopted students." mankind about Christ and salvation.
Some Conclusions
It is not so much that we fail when we WHATISEVANGELISM?
try as it is that we fail to try. Certainly In too many cases "evangelism" has
there is no shortage of either opportuni- been limited to gospel meetings or the
ties or of ideas since each campus is work done by a traveling evangelist. With
unique. However, there is one more such a limited view one is not surprised
"obvious" that must be magnified: We that evangelism is limited to a very few
cannot quit! Disappointments are going indeed, and the "result is that the great
to be. If we will work year after year as host of Christians conscientiously excuse
seed sowers, God will give the increase. themselves from a task which Jesus quite
Jesus said to him, "No one who puts apparently meant should be shared by the
his hand to the plow and looks back is fit whole body of his followers." l
for the kingdom of God." (Luke 9:62) The New International Dictionary
defines evangelize as "to instruct in the
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: gospel; to preach the gospel; to convert to
1. What is the real purpose of campus evange- Christianity." One who brings the "gospel
lism? What are some of the dangers of losing or system of Christianity" is an evangelist
sight of this purpose? and evangelism is defined as "the
2. How did Jesus evaluate the people of preaching or promulgation of the gospel."
his ministry? Evangelism may be congregational or
3. What are some of the peculiar problems that united effort. Congregational evangelism
the student faces? would mean every member beginning
4. What is the Christian attitude towards one's now, where he is, with what he has, to
vocation? lead every soul to Christ he can. "It is the
5. What are some of the ways of proving "good work of every Christian to do what he
citizenship" on the campus of your concern? can in the spread of the gospel of Christ
6. How can a better spirit of cooperation be and in the saving of souls."2 Not every-
produced by elders and preachers in relation to one can be a public teacher, but everyone
campus work? can do something in this special work.
7. What are some projects that might be tried Everyone cannot do the same thing (Mt.
on your campus during the coming year?
25: 14-30; Rom. 12:3-8) and "no one
should feel that he is neglecting his
*James Meadows, minister of East Chester Church of Christ, Jackson, Tennessee
Page 29

responsibilities because he cannot do roundings of the church building each

everything. . .but everyone can do some- week, they are falling far short of either
thing."3 the command or example of propagating
Personal evangelism is an individual the gospel of Christ."5
effort to evangelize in contrast to congre- Jesus Christ was on fire for the souls
gational or united evangelism. "In pro- of men. On one occasion, his disciples
mulgating the gospel there are many "remembered that it was written, The
phases, such as finding the unconverted, zeal of thine house hath eaten me up."
reaching and interesting the unreached (John 2:17) His passion for souls was so
and uninterested, bringing them to an overwhelming that he could forget his own
interest in and a hearing of the gospel, physical hunger (John 4:34). The great
and a final yielding to the claims of the lesson on the new birth was taught to one
gospel. While only a limited number may soul, Nicodemus, in the evening (John 3:
be able to preach publicly, all these other 1-5). He left the multitude to bring salva-
phases of the task are open to one and all tion to the house of Zachaeus. (Luke 19:
Christians, young and old. These phases 2-9)
of the work, together with teaching the Christ passed this spirit of enthusiasm
way to others, constitute what may be for lost souls on to his early followers. As
termed personal evangelism."4 he walked by the Sea of Galilee, he said
Every child of God should plead for to Simon and Andrew "Come ye after
the restoration of New Testament Christ- me, and I will make you to become
ianity according to the divine pattern. fishers of men." (Mk. 1:17). Later,
But a careful and thoughtful investigation Andrew being convinced Jesus was the
will reveal that the part most often left Messiah, " fi r s t findeth his brother
undone is that of the private personal Simon" and brings him. (John 1:40,41).
presentation of the gospel. Melvin J. Wise Jesus findeth Philip and said unto him,
said, "I believe brethren fail more miser- "Follow me." (John 1:43). Philip im-
ably in personal evangelism than in any mediately findeth Nathanael and leads
other phase of our plea. We have restored him to Christ. (John 1:45).
the New Testament name, organization, After the day of Pentecost the apostles
plan of salvation, and worship, but we "daily in the temple, and in every
have yet to restore the original fervor of house. . .ceased not to teach and preach
the early church in personal evangelism." Jesus Christ." (Acts 5:42) It was the daily
combination of public and private teach-
A Burning Passion For Evangelism ing that brought daily additions to the
Needed church (Acts 2:47) and multitudes being
added to the Lord (Acts 4:4; 6:7). Per-
Any church without burning evange- sonal evangelism was very much a part of
lism is an abomination to God. Cold, the life of the apostle Paul as he taught
powerless, formal churches, with no re- "publicly, and from house to house."
pentance for sins, no weeping over lost (Acts 20:20) "Someone has called Acts
sinners, "no burning of compassion for 20:20 the 20-20 vision of the church"6
the souls for whom Christ died — are and truly it is, because no church has
essentially little better than atheism." clear spiritual vision until it sees the need
(Buttram) When churches are satisfied of "house to house" evangelism.
with just offering "the gospel of Christ The early Christians were filled with
and offering the invitation from the sur- the same passion for souls as the Lord
Page 30

and the apostles. When persecution arose should be to me everything. I would cast
against the church at Jerusalem, "they aside earthly enjoyments as dross, earthly
that were scattered abroad went every- cares as follies, and earthly thoughts and
where preaching the word." (Acts 8:4) feelings as less than vanity. Religion
They recognized that leading others to would be my first waking thought and
Christ is what Christianity really means. my last image when sleep sank me in un-
(John 15: 1-11; Rom. 7: 4) consciousness. I would labor in her cause
alone. I would not labor for the meat that
Involving More Members In Evangelism perisheth, not for treasures on earth, but
only for a crown of glory in heavenly
"The size of the task before us em- regions where treasures and happiness are
phasizes the necessity of every member alike beyond the reach of time and
evangelizing every day. . .No matter how chance. I would take thought for the
many names are on the roll of the congre- morrow of eternity alone. I would esteem
gation, if they are not working, the fire- one soul gained for heaven worth a life of
power of the church is limited. An army suffering. There should be neither worldly
with the millions of men, but with only a prudence nor calculating circumspection
few of them equipped, and fewer fight- in my engrossing zeal. Earthly con-
ing, does not have much firepower."7 sequences should never stay my hand nor
There are several things that must happen seal my lips. I would speak to the imagi-
before more members are involved in nation, awaken the feelings, stir up the
evangelism. passions, arouse the fancy. Earth, its joys
and its grief, should occupy no moment
First, every Christian must be con-
of my thoughts: for these are but the
vinced and really believe that every
affairs of a portion of eternity — so small
accountable being upon the face of the
that no language can express its com-
earth is lost without Christ and his gospel.
paratively infinite littleness.
(Rom. 3:23) The late H. A. Dixon has
said many times "The real reasons we "I would strive to look but on eternity
have not evangelized the world are (1) we and on the immortal souls around me,
have never convinced ourselves the world soon to be everlastingly miserable or
is lost without the gospel and (2) we have everlastingly happy. I would deem all
never been convinced ourselves that we who thought only of this world, merely
are lost if we don't take it to the world." seeking to increase happiness and laboring
Brethren, when our neighbor's house is to obtain temporal goods — I would deem
on fire, we do our best to extinguish the all such madmen. I would go forth to the
flame; when his body is starving, we see world and preach to it, in season and out
that he is fed; if naked, we clothe him; if of season: and my text should be: 'What
dangerously ill, we send a physician; if shall it profit a man if he gain the whole
drowning, we throw him a lifeline. But world and lose his own soul.'" (source un-
how many Christians are really putting known)
forth effort to lead lost souls to Christ? Many years ago, Charles Peace, one of
The case was put even more strongly by the greatest of criminals was brought to
an infidel. "Were I a religionist, did I justice. As he walked to the scaffold the
truly, firmly, consistently believe, as chaplain walked by his side offering what
millions say they do, that the knowledge he called, "The consolation of religion."
and the practice of religion in this life As he spoke of Christ's power to save, the
influences destiny in another, religion wretched man turned to him and said,
Page 31

"Do you believe it? Do you believe it? If hell-fire (Mk. 9:43-47) and we must break
I believe that, I would willingly crawl the bands that bind our tongues and
across the England on broken glass to tell speak for Jesus.
men it was true." Christian, do you really Third, more members will be involved
believe men are lost and Christ can save when every gospel preacher in every con-
them? gregation practices personal evangelism,
Second, every Christian must be con- preaches personal evangelism, teaches
vinced that we have the good news that others how to do personal evangelism and
men need and we dare not hold our elders set the example by practicing it
tongues."Evangelism, properly conceived, themselves It's surprising how many
is not the occasional concern of the gospel preachers plainly state that they
church but its continuous concern. Sin do very little personal evangelism, in fact,
and death take no holiday. If the church don't know much about how to really
has the one remedy for sin and the only lead people to Christ by personal evange-
antidote for death, its guilt would be lism. Preacher, how long has it been since
immeasurably great if it neglected for a you preached on personal evangelism?
single day to make known the salvation Elders, how long has it been since you
for the want of which a soul perished."8 went out to lead a lost soul to Christ?
Jerusalem was surrounded by the Christian, how long has it been since you
Syrian army and her citizens were starv- heard the subject discussed? Preachers
ing to death. Four lepers, outside the must not only practice and preach
gate, decided to go into the Syrian camp personal evangelism but they must teach
which they found deserted. While gourg- others how to do it. The statements "just
ing themselves and hiding the silver and plug in the projector" or "take your Bible
gold they suddenly stopped and said, "We and get at it" won't get many members
do not well: this day is a day of good involved. Many members are willing, but
tidings, and we hold our peace: if we they are afraid to begin because they
tarry till the morning light, some mischief need encouragement and help. They need
will come upon us: Now therefore come, to be taught: First, what to say. "But
that we may go and tell the king's house- sanctify the Lord God in your hearts and
hold" (2 Kings 7:1-9) We live in a day of be ready always to give an answer to
good tidings to all people. (Lk. 2:10) The every man that asketh you a reason of the
Lord invites us to come (Matt. 11:28-30) hope that is in you with meekness and
that we may "go" and "tell" other;, the fear." (I Pet. 3:15) "The obligation im-
good news. (Matt. 28:18-20) "The story plies sufficient acquaintance with the
is told that when Cyrus stormed the word of God to substantiate one's hope
capital city of the rich Lydian King therewith, and godliness of life consistent
Croesus, the defeated monarch put on his with its teaching."10 Second, how to say
royal robes, mounted his throne, and it. "Let your speech be alway with grace,
awaited the end. When the king's son, seasoned with salt, that ye may know
who had been tongue-tied from birth, saw how ye ought to answer every man."
a savage Persian warrior about to impale (Col. 4:6) The truth, "sweeter also than
his father on the point of a javelin, the honey and the honeycomb" (Psa. 19:10)
awful agony of the hour caused him to can leave a bitter taste in one's soul if
break the bands that bound his tongue, spoken in a bitter, harsh fashion. Third,
and he cried, ' P e r s ia n , spare my they need to be shown how to best use
Father.'"9 Lost souls are in danger of filmstrips. charts, or open-Bible method.
Page 32

They need to be taught some of the best parents, nephews, cousins, etc. — about
closing methods in leading an individual Christ and salvation. Too many come into
to obedience. They can learn many of the church without real appreciation and
things in a class, but the best way is work- gratitude for what they have received and
ing with some experienced individual. are unconcerned about others.
Fourth, we must begin to teach and
practice evangelism in the classrooms. BIBLIOGRAPHY
Children must be impressed early with 1. C. J. Sharp, Personal Evangelism (Cincin-
the responsibility of leading others to nati: The Standard Publishing Co., 1937), p. 5,
Christ. The Bible school must be posi- 6.
tively evangelistic. Teachers need to be 2. Henry E. Speck, Jr., The Church's Educa-
earnestly seeking to lead their students to tional Program (Austin: R. B. Sweet Co., Inc.,
Jesus Christ as their Savior and instill in 1963) p. 272.
them the desire to lead others to Christ. 3. James D. Bales, Evangelism, Every Member
"The supreme business of Christianity is and Every Day (Shreveport: Gussie Lambert
to win the lost for Christ. . .Surely then Publications, 1967), p. 18.
the Sunday school must relate itself to 4. Sharp, Op. Cit., p. 5, 6.
the winning of the lost to Christ as an 5. Speck, Op. Cit. p. 272.
ultimate objective."11 Statistics gathered 6. Gene Edwards, How To Have A Soul Winn-
in the Baptist Convention over a period ing Church (Springfield: Gospel Publishing
of years, "show that, in Sunday Schools House, 1962).
which are constantly growing, more than 7. Bales, Op. Cit., p. 18.
three-fourths of the boys and girls nine to 8. G. S. Dobbins, Building Better Churches
twelve years of age are not Christians; (Nashville: Broadman Press, 1947) p. 89. 90.
that more than half of those thirteen to 91.
sixteen years of age are not Christians;
9. Willie W. White, The Greatest Work In
and that a little less than half of the
The World, (Joplin: College Press, 1961), p.21.
young people, seventeen through twenty-
10. Guy N. Woods, A Commentary On The
four, are not Christians. In schools which
New Testament, Peter, John, Jude (Nashville:
follow the methods which produce con-
Gospel Advocate Co., 1954), p. 98.
stant growth, lost people of all ages, in-
11. Arthur Flake, Building A Standard Sunday
cluding adults, are constantly being en-
rolled and won to Christ. A growing Sun- School (Nashville: Convention Press, 1954), p.98
day school is the most effective factor 12. Ibid. p. 100.
known to insure perennial evangelism."12
Let's begin to teach our boys and girls QUESTIONS FOR STUDY
this vital truth while they can be taught, 1. Define and discuss "evangelism." What are
lest they reach the stage where they can- some differences in "congregational evange-
not or will not be taught, thus never be- lism" and "personal evangelism?"
come soul-winners for Christ. 2. Name and discuss some of the different
ways one may use his talents in evangelism.
Fifth, every individual that obeys the 3. What is probably the one area in which we
gospel must be impressed with the truth have most miserably fa iled in restoring the New
that he is saved to save others. (Rom. Testament Church? Why?
7:4) Carl Johnson, missionary to India, 4. Why can we never be satisfied with just
reports that converted Indians do not offering the Lord's invitation at the building?
stop until they have told every member 5. What brought about daily additions to the
of their family — mother, father, grand- Lord's church in the first century?
Page 33

6. What are things that indicate every Christian people. Saints of God today have the
is not convinced men are really lost? financial resources, the facilities for train-
7. Why must Christians not neglect a single day ing and developing workers, the potential
in making known the good news? man-power, and opportunities for using
8. Why is it essential for preachers and elders mass media, to proclaim the good news of
to be involved in evangelism? salvation through Christ. What will move
9. Name and discuss some reasons why more Christians to evangelize the world? Love
people will be involved in evangelism if teaching is the motivation for evangelism.
is started in the preschool classes.
What Is Evangelism?

The purpose of this explanation is not

to reflect on the intelligence of the
LOVE: THE MOTIVE reader, but to clearly restate the truth of
God's word on this subject. Unless there
FOR EVANGELISM is an understanding of the nature of evan-
gelism Christians may think that they are
TOM HOLLAND engaged in evangelism when in reality
The acute need for evangelism may be they may be only pursuing a program of
seen by observing existent world condi- man.
tions: hate, greed, immorality, pessimism, The verb, "to evangelize" is simply a
confusion in the home, community and transliteration of the Greek verb euag-
in the nation. "That these are troubled gelizo, and means "to proclaim glad tid-
and tumultous times needs no authenti- ings,"2 or to bring good news. The noun
cation. Life in the atomic age has been euaggelion means good news or glad tid-
described as 'the predicament that pre- ings, and the twenty-seven time this word
cedes death.' The world has moved to the appears in the New Testament it is
edge of an abyss from which there may usually translated with the English word
be no drawing back and stands teetering "gospel."3
on the rim."'1 Evangelism is, therefore, the procla-
The responsibility that God's people mation of the gospel of Christ. It is the
have to evangelize the world is clearly proclamation of glad tidings of for-
revealed in the New Testament. The giveness of sins, purpose, purity and
Great Commission still demands, "Go ye peace in life, and the hope of heaven
into all the world and preach the gospel offered to men through Jesus Christ.
to every creature." (Mark 16:15) The message to be proclaimed is called
The challenge of evangelism may be the "gospel of God." (1 Peter 4:17; 1
seen in the world population which has Thess. 2:2) The message originated with
now passed the three billion mark, and God, and not with man. Therefore, "One
has the potential for more than doubling is not privileged to break out in the midst
by the turn of the century. Only a frac- of a doomed humanity with a self-
tional part of these three billion people centered message for the direction of his
are "Christian," by the world's criteria; fellows.. . .God is the only one who can
an even smaller part is Christian according send a messenger to fallen humanity." 4
to the New Testament standard. The good news is also called the
The burden of evangelizing the world "gospel of Christ." (Romans 1:16) He is
falls squarely upon the shoulders of God's the subject of the message. A Christ-
* Tom Holland, Professor of Speech and Bible at Freed-Hardeman College, one of the most cap-
able evangelists in our brotherhood.
Page 34

centered message must be proclaimed to of God, the word of God, the church of
lost men. Jesus died for all men (Heb. God, and for men created by God.
2:9); He saves all who will obey Him
(Heb. 5:8,9) He shall come for the eter- Love Is The Motive For Evangelism
nal salvation of those who look for Him
(Heb. 9:28). Since the word love has been stolen
The gospel is also called the "gospel of by subculture people and used to "jus-
salvation" (Ephesians 1:13) because the tify" their actions, since a perversion of
design of this God-authored, Christ- this Biblical concept has been applied to
centered message is the salvation of the such un-loving attitudes as rebellion
souls of men. Since man has his being against civil authority (Romans 13:1-ff,
through a creative act of God, and not as cf. 1 John 5:3), and situation ethics
a result of the blind forces of nature, man (Romans 13: 8-10), it is necessary to ex-
has a spirit given to him by his Creator. plain what love really is.
(Heb. 12:9) The gospel reveals what this The real barrier to world evangelism is
loving God has done to save men from a lack of understanding what love is, and
the power, guilt, and the condemnation of course, a lack of love.
of sin. The gospel of salvation also sets If one operates on the assumption that
forth the commands that men must obey love is an impulse then he may conclude,
in order to be saved from sin, and how "I can't preach the gospel, or teach the
they are to live in preparation for eternal truth until I love (get the impulse) to do
life with God in heaven. so." But, love "whether exercised toward
The God-given message, the gospel, is the brethren, or toward men generally, is
the "gospel of peace" (Romans 10:15) not an impulse from the feelings, it does
because belief and obedience to this truth not always run with the natural incli-
brings men peace with God (Romans nations.. . ."6
5:1), and those who have made peace Barclay has an excellent comment
with God have the peace of God ruling about love, "Agape (love) does not mean
their hearts. (Phil. 4:6; Col. 3:15) a feeling of the heart, which we cannot
Evangelizing the world means to help, and which comes unbidden and un-
preach the gospel to every creature. How- sought; it means a determination of the
ever, it is not enough to know what evan- mind, whereby we achieve this uncon-
gelism is, the gospel must be taught. "Be querable goodwill even to those who hurt
ye doers of the word, and not hearers and injure us."7
only, deceiving your own selves." (James An observation of what love does is a
1:22) "It is regrettable that this spirit of good way to understand what love is.
evangelism is not so manifest in the "Love can be known only from the
church today, as it was in the days of the actions it prompts."8
apostles; but anyone who has any con- God loves men. This love has been
ception of the world and its needs knows manifested in the gift of His Son for the
that there is no adequate substitute for sins of the world. "But God commendeth
it."5 his love toward us, in that, while we were
God's people have the command, the yet sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans
challenge, and the capability of evangeliz- 5:8) Christ loves men. He demonstrat-
ing the world. The need is motivation; ed this love because "greater love hath no
not a shallow sentimental excitement, but man than this, that a man lay down his
a genuine, abiding love for God, the Son life for his friends." (John 15:13)
Page 35

Man's love for God will show itself in God in a faithful, diligent study of His
obedience to God's commands. (John word, and in persistent, sincere prayer,
14:15; 1 John 5:3) and not love people "which are made
Genuine love is built on the founda- after the similitude of God" (James 3:9)?
tion of faith. Of course, man's love for How can people who really have the mind
God reciprocates God's love for man. of Christ be indifferent to the needs of
"We love him, because he first loved us." those who are in life as "sheep without a
(1 John 4:19) However, what would man shepherd?" How can people who have
know of God's love apart from a revela- obeyed the commands of the Great Com-
tion of that love in Christ, and the record mission to be saved from sin fail to faith-
of that revelation in the New Testament? fully fulfill the great charge to preach the
The more time men spend in reading saving gospel that others might be saved
and meditating upon the expression of from sin ?
God's love in Christ, the more they sin- Has the materialism of the age de-
cerely reflect upon the proof of Christ's ceived God's people into thinking that
love for men, the more they think of the things are more important than people?
blessings now and eternally which are Has the unbelief of the day so influenced
found only in Christ, the more they con- God's people that the word L-O-S-T does
sider the needs of men who are lost out not move God's people to strive to preach
of Christ and His church, the more they the saving gospel? And has the selfishness
share with others the saving message, the of the world so permeated the hearts of
gospel, the more they love God and men. saints that they are too busy with jobs,
There is a cycle of love. God loves professions, and pleasures to learn to love
man, and has shown it. Man is impressed men by sharing with them the wonderful
with this love, and loves God in return. words of life?
"Love has God for its primary object, and Genuine love will cause congregations
it expresses itself first of all in implicit of saints to plan a program of evangeliza-
obedience to His commands."9 When tion, prepare men to fulfill the plan,
men learn to love God they find joy in finance the work, faithfully pursue the
serving God whom they love, "But the work until a new congregation can
service we render to God is also the ser- assume the responsibility for a similar
vice to man and the more we serve man in program. Genuine love for the lost will
the satisfaction of serving God, the more whet the spiritual appetites of Christians
we will love man. . .The more we invest in to learn how to teach the truth to others.
man the more we will love him. . .We can It will cause God's people to live ex-
come to love people because we have emplary lives in the home, on the job, in
done so much for them with the satis- the community. Love will send Christians
faction that what we have done is pleas- into the homes of the "poor and lowly"
ing to God."10 serving the Lord.
The key to evangelism is love for God. Love will prompt a mother to instill
The motive for evangelism is love for God within the heart of her son the desire to
and man. "The dynamics necessary for prepare himself to proclaim the gospel of
most efficient communication accom- Christ. Love will move brethren to sup-
pany true love. Without love, one may port those who are preparing themselves
have mastered communication metho- to preach God's truth. Love will send a
dology and yet not communicate."11 child of God into the home of a sinner to
How can one stay close to a loving teach him the way of righteousness. Love
Page 36

will cause God's people to think in terms 5. Why is the gospel called the "gospel of
of a world-wide commission. Christ?"
The more service men give God, the 6. Why is the gospel called the "gospel of sal-
more they love him. The more men love vation?"
God, the greater the service unto men. 7. Why is the gospel called the "gospel of
The more service men give God, the peace?"
deeper the joy in doing His will. Love 8. Is love an impulse, and therefore, can men
causes the Christian to look upon evange- be taught to love?
lism as a dividend of Christian service, not 9. How has God's love been shown to man?
as a note coming due. 10. How is man's love shown to God? How
FOOTNOTES does this relate to evangelism?
1. Charles B. Templeton, Evangelism for
Today, (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1957),
p. 3.
2. W. E. Vine, An Expository Dictionary of
New Testament Words, (Westwood, N. J.:
Fleming H. Revell Company, 1966) Vol. 11, p. CHURCHES
3. Herschel H. Hobbs, New Testament Evan- DO NOT GROW
gelism, (Nashville, Tennessee: Convention Press,
1960), p. 2. ALBERT G. LEMMONS
4. John Allen Hudson, The Lipscomb Lec- By nature and temperament, I would
tures, (Nashville, Tennessee: Gospel Advocate prefer to address my efforts to the posi-
Company, 1947), Vol 1, p.14. tive side of the moral spectrum. However,
5. "Evangelizing the World," Annual Lesson the theme under discussion is charged
Commentary, (Nashville, Tennessee: Gospel with reality since this is the frequent
Advocate Company, 1961), p.257. pattern followed by many congregations.
6. Vine, Op. cit., p. 21. The development of this theme will be
7. William Barclay, Gospel of Matthew under the three main headings as follows:
(Edinburgh: The Saint Andrew Press, 1963), I. Lack of personal commitment to
Vol. 1,p. 172. Christ on the part of the church leaders.
8. Vine, Op. cit. The Bible says, "Where there is no
9. Ibid. vision the people perish." (Prov. 29:18a)
10. J. Ridley Stroop, How to Inherit Eternal A church will not outgrow its leadership.
Life, (Nashville, Tennessee: J. Ridley Stroop Expressed in simplest terms, a leader is
Publisher, 1954), p. 158. one who can get others to follow him.
11. Raymond W. McLaughlin, Communication In no case will good results be obtain-
for The Church, (Grand Rapids, Michigan: ed unless the leader is a man who can be
Zondervan Publishing House, 1968). p. 201. looked up to, whose personal judgment is
trusted, and she can inspire and warm the
QUESTIONS hearts of those he leads while gaining
1. Why do God's people have the responsi- their trust and confidence, and emplaning
bility to evangelize the world? what is needed in language. The beginning
2. Discuss the potential for evangelism today. and essence of leadership is a battle for
3. What is evangelism? the hearts and minds of men — the capa-
4. Why is the gospel called the "gospel of city and the will to rally men and women
God?" to a common purpose and the character
*Albert G. Lemmons, presently teaching Bible at Freed-Hardeman College. On Feb. 1, 1971, he will
return to the Hialeah Church of Christ, 1094 E. 4th Avenue, Hialeah, Fla. 33010. (Where he preached
from 1961 to 1965).
Page 37

which will inspire confidence. The II. Lack of a deep sense of the mission
power to concentrate is essential in a of the Church.
leader. The constant exercise of this One of the greatest things Jesus ever
ability makes him a disciplined human left His church in this earth was a sense of
being. It enables him to simplify a prob- purpose, a reason for existence. (Luke
lem and to discover the essentials on 19:10) "As thou did send me into the
which all action must be based. world, so have I sent them into the world.
It is the man which matters, his capa- And for their sake I consecrate myself
city for the right decision, and his know- that they may also be consecrated in
ledge of human nature. The great art in truth." (John 17: 17-18) Christ came to
leadership is the power to simplify a the earth to accomplish two things. First,
problem and to expose the fundamentals to establish the church, to bring together
on which all action must be based — to be a community of Christian believers en-
followed by decision and action. trusted with a gift of everlasting life, and
Incapability of decisiveness and action having done this he returned to the right
too often characterize everything from hand of the Father. Second, He came to
the business meeting to the advertisement bring the message of eternal life to the
of the gospel meetings. Battles are pri- world through the Church, and this
marily won in the hearts of men, and mission He commits to all who are His
once trust and confidence are gained of followers who would honor Him as their
those who serve or work under a leader, Savior as they preach His gospel. The
then and only then, the greatest achieve- Church exists as a necessity in God's plan
ments become possible. My brethren, for the salvation of the world. How does
Jesus Christ does not ask us to idolize the Church appear to our modern pagan
him; what he asks one and all to do is to world? As a group of pious souls secure in
support his cause. Do no idolize me, but their own spirituality who care nothing
follow me He says. for the lost world around them? It is the
The true attributes of leadership may world that God so loved that He gave His
be understood in three words — charac- only begotten son, the world that Christ
ter, decision and action. Some elderships on His cross reconciled to God, the world
wait too long to make their decisions and into which the risen Lord sent His
when they do this consistently, they are apostles to declare the gospel to every
not making a decision at all. They are creature.
avoiding a decision. The leader who has In the eyes of the world there is some-
lost his imagination forfeits his right to thing a little ridiculous in the picture of a
leadership. Ralph Waldo Emerson is man about to be executed, briefing a
credited with the question, "What is the handful of fishermen and peasants to go
hardest task in the world?" "To think," out and start a revolution that would turn
he answered. I would say to think the world upside down and change the
creatively is one of mans noblest virtues. entire course of history and eternity. But
The work of the church cannot be left He did!!! Taken by themselves, these men
to a few men so weary of daily toil that seem hardly up to the great task. And the
their best energies of the day have long amazing thing is Christ's unbounded con-
since gone. Those same good men must fidence in His followers. He put His un-
allow the work and progress of the mistakeable confidence in them. He had
church to become an obsession of their confidence in the inexhaustible supply of
minds. His Father's storehouse. However noble
Page 38

your intentions, one cannot be without Many church programs are rising above
God what with God He must be. their concept of immediate community
The Church then exists for the salva- needs to have little or nothing left for
tion of the world — this is the purpose of global outreach By this, I mean, their
the Church, its reason for existence. plant indebtedness and operations of
Apart from the Church of Christ, God has local administrations so tax their
no other plans for making the world deficient levels or incentives of giving that
aware of Christianity or leading the world the small amount in residue become their
back to God, and yet brethren, we are rational or excuse of saying No, No, No.
simply making a little beginning. When If this trend is not changed immediately,
the Church loses its sense of mission, it it will be an inherent factor in our failure
loses its purpose for existence. One of the or spiritual death from the standpoint of
greatest needs of the Church today is the God's will for us.
need of recovering interest in our young Owner or Overseer — which? "The
people to become Christian missionaries. earth is the Lord's, and the fulness there-
Whoever speaks to his son about preach- of.. . ." (Ps. 24:1) This is my Father's
ing the gospel? Or who encourages his world. The truths of the foregoing freight
daughter to train as a medical missionary an awesome sense of responsibility upon
and teacher? Thousands of pulpits are the alert disciple of Jesus. Adam and Eve
empty today because we are not suffi- are good examples of people who forgot
ciently training young men. Humanitarian this truth and suffered immeasurably. Job
services go unrendered by our young is a positive example. Anything the devil
women because we fail to train them.
destroyed in that catastrophe, God stood
III. Lack of proper concept of the loss. All Job lost was his job for a few
stewardship of money. days. What he was did not depend upon
"He that loveth silver is not satisfied what he had. If that had been the case,
with silver." (Eccl. 5:10a) "There is a when all material things were taken from
sore evil which I have seen under the him, he would have been void as an
sun, namely, riches kept for the owners' individual. The bases of his dignity and
hurt thereof." (Eccl. 5:13) One of the self-worth were contingent upon values of
dilemmas of all earth has been how man a higher dimension than perishable media
with all his intelligence could give more of exchange. This is a barometer of life. If
honor and respect to the few things God God should see fit in his providence to
placed in his hands than to God who wrest every dime of your worth from
made all things. There is an ironic correla- your hands, how many elders, deacons,
tion that as man's wealth increases, his preachers and other Christians would
dependence upon God decreases. One of heed the advice of Job's wife and curse
our most serious tasks as Christians is to God and die? The reason is evident. We
constantly (daily) reassess our prosperity are more in love with the gift than the
so our giving may keep up with our Giver. It has been said that money is the
receiving. As our income and many other easiest thing to give. This may be right, at
forms of prosperity increase in this good least in some things. If you are not giving
land, so in equal proportion must we money in a significant proportion to your
increase our giving. earning power, to the cause of Christ, it is
"The stewardship of money and a fact that you are not really giving your
evangelism are spiritual Siamese twins. To heart and life to Christ. This may offend
separate either means death to both." some. This is why some churches do not
Page 39

grow. learning to please the Lord. Incidents in

To withhold is to perish. This is true the Old Testament were recorded as
with reference to a tree, a man, or a con- examples to us, and they are written for
gregation. "Our Lord said, It is more our admonition. "Now these things
blessed to give than to receive." (Acts happened unto them by way of example;
20:35b) When this becomes the forgotten and they were written for our admoni-
beatitude, churches die and souls are lost. tion, upon whom the ends of the ages are
The storehouse of God is perpetually come." (I Cor. 10:11) We also believe in
replenished. Go into partnership with the imitation of New Testament examples
God and allow Him to channel through of devotion to God's will. In fact, the
you all the good He chooses. whole Restoration Movement is
predicated on the belief that if we follow
QUESTIONS FOR YOUR STUDY the New Testament pattern of teaching
1. Discuss Proverbs 29:18a. and practice, we will be exactly what
2. What is the essence of leadership? those early disciples were — Christians
3. What is the great art in leadership? only.
4. Discuss the significance of the words There is no other character mentioned
"character," "decision" and "action" to real in the New Testament, except Jesus
leadership. Christ, who is more worthy of our
5. What is the reason the the church's exist- imitation than Paul the apostle. For
ence? example, men should be willing to follow
6. What can parents, teachers and elders do to his example of willingness to turn from
encourage more Christian young people to want error. Paul was a man of conviction who
to become missionaries? believed in standing for what he thought
7. Discuss Eccl. 5:13 in view of the budget of was right. But when he was convinced
many congregations — or your own. that he was in error in upholding the Law
8. Evaluate your giving in the light of II Cor. of Moses and persecuting the followers of
9:7. Christ, he was humble enough to admit
his wrong actions and make a dramatic
ASSOCIATE EDITORIAL. . . change. But in this study I am particu-
larly interested in Paul's Example in
THE EXAMPLE The apostles were told to go into all
the world and preach the gospel to every
OF PAUL creature. Then, upon Paul's conversion,
IN EVANGELISM the Lord singled him out to be sent "far
hence into the Gentiles" to preach to
RUBEL SHELLY them the unsearchable riches of Christ. In
Imitation is recognized as one of the fulfilling the charge Paul became the most
primary principles of education. We can widely-travelled, most "successful"
learn to perform the most difficult of missionary in the history of the church!
tasks by watching others do them and If we would please God in our efforts to
then putting into practice what we have win people to Christ, we will do well to
learned by imitating the examples of follow Paul's example!
those whom we have watched. A Preliminary Consideration
The Bible encourages the imitation of Before going into our study of Paul's
good men and women as a means of special example in evangelism, I ask you
*Rubel Shelly, minister of Getwell Church of Christ, 1511 Getwell Road, Memphis, Tenn. 38111.
Page 40

to consider this preliminary matter: lost was so great that he could say, "I say
Christians do not have an automatic con- the truth in Christ, I lie not, my
cern for evangelism! The fact that one has conscience bearing witness with me in the
become a child of God by being born Holy Spirit, that I have great sorrow and
anew of the water and the Spirit does not unceasing pain in my heart. For I could
mean that he will be concerned about wish that I myself were anathema from
carrying the message of salvation to Christ for my brethren's sake, my
others. Winning souls to Christ is a costly kinsmen according to the flesh: who are
business and only a small percentage of Israelites." (Rom 9:1-4.)
God's people seem to be willing to pay Until this genuine concern for the lost
the price! It cost God his son. It cost fills our hearts, any attempts to imitate
Jesus his life. It costs you and me some- the particulars of Paul's example in evan-
thing to proclaim that salvation. But gelism will be in vain!
people today — including many New
Testament Christians — are looking for Contributing Factors to Paul's
something cheap and easy! Successful Evangelism
The reason why more fathers and Now let us turn our attention to
mothers aren't encouraging their sons to specific factors which contributed to
become preachers or their daughters to Paul's effective work as an evangelist.
marry preachers is because they know First, consider Paul's conversion
"the work of an evangelist" is demanding experience. When I speak of his "conver-
and difficult work that often must go un- sion experience" I am not thinking of the
appreciated. The reason why such a small supernatural and miraculous events which
percentage of the boys who enter were involved. Instead I am thinking of
Christian schools with the intention of his personal reaction to the fact of having
preaching ever actually do so is that they received God's grace and pardon. For the
discover there is more to it than "two remainder of his life Paul served God with
thirty-minute sermons a week." The rea- unequalled devotion because of a sense of
son why it is so hard to enlist members of indebtedness for his salvation! In I
local congregations in personal work pro- Corinthians 15:10 he wrote: "But by the
grams is because they are more interested grace of God I am what I am: and his
in watching TV or lounging away the grace which was bestowed upon me was
afternoon than in trying to save souls. not found vain; but I labored more abun-
And, besides that, someone might call dantly than they all: yet not I, but the
them religious fanatics. grace of God which was with me." Paul
Furthermore, some people are not attributed his "abundant labors" to
interested in evangelism because they God's grace bestowed on him. God had
want to be careful to be "tolerant of the saved Paul. And Paul, very conscious of
other person's faith." But what many his indebtedness to God, served him
people are now calling "tolerance" is devotedly!
really sheer lack of conviction! From my experience it appears that
No, Christians do not have an auto- very few people in the church feel this
matic concern for evangelism. It must be sense of deep indebtedness for salvation.
nurtured and developed over a period of Therefore they feel no compulsion to ser-
time. But that concern for lost souls must vice in the kingdom. I am afraid that a
be developed if our evangelism is to be great many of our brethren feel they did
successful! Paul's sincere concern for the God a favor by becoming members of the
Page 41

church! They are of the opinion that they that Christians have knowledge of salva-
were "pretty good fellows" before their tion automatically makes them respon-
conversion. Therefore their "conversion" sible to assist in the saving of souls! Does
does not mark a radical change in their any one of us think that the Judge of
attitudes and actions. And, lest we be- heaven and earth will ignore the fact that
come too critical of this attitude, let us his saved people are "passing by on the
ask ourselves whether or not we have other side" and allowing people to be lost
brought about this attitude by our in their sins? WE ARE DEBTORS, TOO.
preaching and teaching. I do not believe Christians are under obligation to every
we should appeal to people like this: unsaved person in the world. And no one
"The church needs you and your talents. of us is released from that obligation until
Why not be baptized?" I have even heard every person has been adequately taught
preachers say, "John, most of your best the truth. The Christian never goes to bed
friends are members of the church of at night with his work done or rises in the
Christ. What's the matter with you?" Is morning with nothing to do! Evangelism
either of these methods effective in im- is a constantly pressing matter!
pressing a person's need for salvation on Third, consider the sense of urgency
him? Doesn't each of them have the which prompted Paul to labor so
emphasis in the wrong place? The only diligently. Paul's preaching was not the
appeal which we are authorized to make " take-it-or-leave-it" type of preaching
is this: "Your salvation is at stake! YOU which is coming to be the vogue of our
NEED THE LORD. Won't you yield to day. His preaching and actions were
his will for your salvation?" always characterized by a sense of
Second, consider Paul's sense of obli- urgency. Paul labored under the con-
gation to others. In his own words, "I am viction that people without the gospel
debtor both to Greeks and Barbarians, were lost! It was only through learning
both to the wise and to the foolish" and obeying the gospel that those people
(Rom. 1:14). Paul understood that know- could be saved. Do we really believe that
ledge carries responsibility. The fact that the preaching of the gospel is that urgent
he had learned of salvation automatically a matter? Does every one of our sermons
indebted him to all others who did not have a sense of "eternity-in-the-balance"
share that knowledge. urgency? D. T. Niles defined evangelism
as "one beggar telling another beggar
I once read a newspaper account of a
where to find bread." Now there is a
lawsuit brought against a doctor who
picture of urgency. Until we manifest this
passed the scene of an accident without
attitude in our presentation of the gospel
stopping to render medical assistance.
— both publicly and privately — we need
The driver of one automobile involved in
not expect people to become too
the accident died from a loss of blood.
concerned over our message!
The dead man's family then sued the
doctor who was seen passing by the scene Fourth, consider the message which
of the fatal accident. The court ruled Paul preached. Paul preached the gospel
against the doctor and awarded a great of Christ in a straightforward, simple
deal of money to the dead man's family. manner. To the Galatian brethren he
Why this judgment? It was ruled that the wrote: "For I make known to you,
doctor's knowledge automatically made brethren, as touching the gospel which
him responsible to assist in the saving of was preached by me, that it is not after
life. In exactly the same way, the fact man. For neither did I receive it from
Page 42

man, nor was I taught it, but it came to The message which people are anxious
me through revelation of Jesus Christ" to hear today is the same message that
(Gal. 1:11-12). Notice particularly the Paul preached in his day. "But God
phrase "it is not after man." Paul's commendeth his own love toward us, in
message of salvation was not of human that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died
origin. Neither was it filled with useless for us." (Rom. 5:8) "The times of igno-
trivia having to do with petty social con- rance therefore God overlooked ; but now
cerns. It would appear that in spite of he commandeth men that they should all
Christ's clear statement about the non- everywhere repent: inasmuch as he hath
-earthly nature of his kingdom, a great appointed a day in which he will judge
many professed followers of Christ in the the world in righteousness by the man
present generation are determined to whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath
make a socio-political organization out of given assurance unto all men, in that he
the church! In the minds of these people, hath raised him from the dead." (Acts
the preaching of the gospel and offering 17:30-31) "For ye are all sons of God,
of prayers are not nearly so important as through faith, in Christ Jesus. For as
rounding up voters to push through a re- many of you as were baptized into Christ
form at the ballot box. They contend did put on Christ."(Gal. 3:26-27)
that spirituality, godliness and Christian The message is simple. Yet it is suffi-
morality are "unrelated" to life as it cient to bring men unto salvation! We
really is. Their idea of "conversion" is to must not let the pseudo-intellectual wave
produce political demonstrators who are that is sweeping our great brotherhood
dedicated to a particular program of engulf us. We must continue to preach
social change. the Bible. We must "hold fast our profes-
These "modern prophets" have be- sion of faith" in the face of influential
come so far removed from the real work men and powerful pressures. Our message
of Christ and his church that they have in our efforts at evangelism must be
traded the solid rock of Biblical authority exactly what it was in Paul's day: Men are
for the quicksand of relativism and lost in sin and salvation is available only
humanism! They have given up the idea in the body of Christ. Men receive this
of being humble followers of the lowly salvation and are added to Christ's church
Jesus and have taken the roles of agita- through faith in Christ, repentance of
tors, insurrectionists, subersives and law- past sins, confession of faith and immer-
breakers! This IS NOT the work and will sion in water for the remission of sins!
of Christ. He said, "My kingdom is not of
this world." Then, fifth, consider Paul's presenta-
I am glad that we don't have too many tion of the gospel. His preaching was not
of these social gospel people among us. designed to promote human loyalties or
But we have some! And they are making to build a personal following. In I Corin-
tremendous inroads in the brotherhood thians 2:1 Paul declared that his emphasis
by means of magazines, Bible school lit- had not been on oratorical form but on
erature, etc. We don't need what they the message itself. "And I, Brethren,
have to offer! We need to continue when I came to you, came not with excel-
making our appeal for Biblical authority lency of speech or of wisdom, declaring
in religion and for a spiritual church not unto you the testimony of God." With
encumbered with the weight of human Paul, it was the message rather than the
philosophy! method which was supremely important.
Page 43

sometimes differs from Paul's method. It sober in all things, suffer hardship, do the
is not uncommon to hear people leave an work of an evangelist, fulfil thy ministry.
auditorium saying, "Doesn't brother For I am already being offered, and the
Blank have an excellent voice!" or time of my departure is come. I have
"Doesn't he have an unusual delivery!" fought the good fight, I have finished the
Very seldom does one hear people leaving course, I have kept the faith: hence forth
the building discussing the issues that the there is laid up for me the crown of right-
preacher intended to raise in the course eousness, which the Lord, the righteous
of his sermon. This is not always the judge, shall give to me at that day; and
preacher's fault. But division in the not to me only, but also to all them that
church today is sometimes the result of a have loved his appearing." (II Tim. 4:1-8)
preacher getting too carried away with his
ability or importance. Personal followings QUESTIONS FOR YOUR STUDY
1. Cite several traits of Paul's character —
can be created which will eventually
other than his evangelistic zeal — which men
cause division within a given congrega-
tion. Preachers must consciously guard should imitate.
2. Do Christians have an automatic concern
themselves against the temptation to
for evangelism? Give evidence to support your
make themselves the center of attraction
in a sermon. The gospel must stand out answer.
prominently with the preacher in the 3. Discuss Paul's sincere concern for the lost
background. in view of his statement in Romans 9:1-4.
4. What impetus to evangelism was provided
The preaching we do must be, like Paul through the experience of his conversion?
Paul's, authoritative in nature. "For God 5. In what way can it be said that knowledge
gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of carries responsibility in regard to salvation?
power and love and discipline. Be not 6. Discuss the "sense of urgency" which char-
ashamed therefore of the testimony of
acterized Paul's ministry.
our Lord. . ." (II Tim. 1:7)
7. Compare Paul's evangelistic message with
the message being preached by religionists of
our time.
Conclusion 8. Discuss Paul's manner of presentation of
I can think of no more appropriate the gospel. Did he emphasize the message or the
conclusion for a study of "The Example
method in his teaching?
of Paul in Evangelism" than a reading of
9. Discuss II Timothy 1:7.
his final charge to the young evangelist,
10. How involved are you in the work of saving
"I charge thee in the sight of God, and
of Christ Jesus, who shall judge the living
and the dead, and by his appearing and
his kingdom: preach the word; be urgent
in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke,
exhort, with all longsuffering and teach-
ing. For the time will come when they
will not endure the sound doctrine; but,
having itching ears, will heap to them-
selves teachers after their own lusts; and
will turn away their ears from the truth,
and turn aside unto fables. But be thou
Page 44

Feature Article for Quarter.. . . must be right about worshipping God;

we must be right about being in the body
of Christ; 39 and so on.
FALSE VIEWS When you hear some preacher con-
tending that it is not necessary to be
right, ask him some questions such as
OF these: (1) Do we have the right to be
wrong about the fact that in the be-
ginning the Word was with God and the
TRUTH (No. 2) Word was God? (2) Do we have the right
to be wrong about Jesus being born of a
virgin? (3) Do we have the right to be
THOMASB.WARREN wrong about his sinless life? (4) Do we
have the right to be wrong about his
IX. It is a false view of truth to hold that being raised from the dead? (5) Do we
men have the right to be wrong about it. have the right to be wrong about being
In effect, I have made this point baptized?
already, but, so that the point will be X. It is a false view of truth to hold that
emphasized, permit me to make a sepa- it does not need to be defended.
rate point of it. To those who claim that We sometimes hear this view ex-
we have the right to be wrong about truth pressed, "The truth will take care of it-
I pose this question: "Are you saying that self; it doesn't need to be defended."
There is at least one thing wrong with
we do not have to be right about any- that: it just isn't true!
thing at all? That there is not even one Jude exhorted God's people to "con-
thing about which we must be right in tend earnestly for the faith."40 The ex-
order to be saved? Are you saying that we pression "contend earnestly" signifies
can be wrong about everything involved that we should regard ourselves as com-
in Christianity and still be saved?" batants in the great battle to defend the
It seems clear to me that many in the truth against all who deny and/or attack
world and some even in the church are it. The word "earnestly" indicates that
saying, "Yes! You have the right to be the battle should be carried on with great
wrong about everything!" intensity—it involves a real fight!
If it really is the case that we have the Paul said he was "set for the defense
right to be wrong about everything, then of the gospel."41 Peter laid on us the
I ask, "Of what value then, is the Bible? obligation of "being ready always to give
If we have the right to be wrong about answer to every man that asketh you a
everything the Bible teaches; then why reason concerning the hope that is in
wouldn't we be in just as good a position you. . ."42 The Greek word here translated
without it as we are with it?" The doc- "answer" actually means "defense". We
trine is manifestly false! are thus instructed to be ready to defend
The doctrine is clearly false, because the truth against any challenge which
the Bible makes clear that we must be may arise against it.
right about a number of matters. For If you will carefully study the life of
example, we must be right about believ- our Lord, you will learn (if you haven't
ing in God;34 we must be right about be- already done so) that he was a great con-
lieving and obeying the gospel;36 we troversialist, a great debater, being most
* Thomas B. Warren, Ph.D (Vanderbilt Univ.), Chairman of Bible Department, Freed-Hardeman
College Henderson, Tennessee
Page 45

constantly involved in the defense of neo-orthodox theology, thus, more or

what is true and right as against that less, tossing reason "out of the window."
which is false and wrong. An investigation But he who throws reason out of the
of the work of Paul will reveal that again window throws with it his ability to give
and again he was engaged in what we to- any grounds for believing and doing as he
day would call debating — he defended does. Again and again Jesus, Paul, and
the truth! others in the New Testament make use of
The church grew with amazing the principles of sound reasoning. 44
rapidity during both the first century and XII. It is a false view of truth to hold
the nineteenth century. During both of that truth cannot be a dynamic force in
these centuries, gospel preachers were our world today.
again and again involved in the defense of In connection with this point, I must
the truth in public debates. Shouldn't we admit that there is a gigantic amount of
get back to this kind of activity? On evil in the world today, and that there is a
every hand, by way of every means of growing tendency toward anarchy, utter
communication there are sounding forth contempt for law and authority, that
blatant challenges to true New Testament there is a growing tendency toward in-
Christianity. Shouldn't we rise up, accept difference and even contempt for
these challenges, and defend the truth of religion.
the gospel of Christ? I say, "Yes!" And I But, while I admit that such is the case
challenge every member of the church to in our world today, I do not admit that
recognize the truth of what I am here the gospel is powerless to change matters.
saying. I say that for at least these reasons: (1)
We can stop the mouths of those because the gospel is "the power of God
among us who deny the fundamental unto salvation," and (2) because the
truths of the gospel. Thus, by a valiant gospel has already demonstrated its
defense of the church we can prevent power in the lives of men and women.
many weak, "babes in Christ," being S ho r t l y before, during, and
carried into apostasy by the winds of immediately after the period of the
liberalism which are blowing among us. ministry of Christ on earth, much the
While it is good — even essential — to same situation prevailed throughout the
preach on the moral principles of the entire Roman Empire (which then had its
Christian life, such preaching alone is not tentacles of domination over most of the
going to awaken the denominational and then-inhabited earth) as now prevails in
skeptical world out of their false ways. the world. There was growing contempt
For this to be done, the "whole counsel for law and order. There was growing in-
of God" must be preached with great difference to religion. The Roman legions
fervor. did not forbid the religions of the peoples
XI. It is a false view of truth to hold that whom they conquered but simply a-
it has nothing to do with logic. bsorbed them into their culture. Because
Paul said, "Prove all things; hold fast religion and religious leaders stood for so
to that which is good."43 This lays on us, little, because the propositions set forth
among other things, the obligation to by devotees of various religions seemed to
think logically, to reason soundly. matter so little, the people in large mea-
However, there are those among us sure grew indifferent to religion. While it
who would have us to accept the basic may have been the case that almost every-
views of existential philosophy and of one was religious, it was also the case that
Page 46

being religious did not really do anything as having "turned the world upside
for those who were religious. down" and as being "everywhere spoken
But while matters religious were going against."
sleepily along, suddenly there erupted a Brethren, let us note this please: the
"force" which shook that mightily Roman church of the first century was not
Empire to its very foundations! Soon this ignored by the world. People knew it was
"force" was the topic of conversation on in the world, and they knew what it was
practically every street corner and in every doing.
living room from Rome to Jerusalem! But let us ask ourselves, "Is the church
What was that "force?" It was the of the twentieth century turning the
church, the people who had been pur- world 'upside down' as did the church of
chased (out of sin) by the blood of the first century?" I think it is the case
Christ. What were they doing to cause that none of us would dare to say that it
such a stir? They were preaching a is. The church is unknown in some places.
message and applying that message to And, in other places, where the church is
their own lives. What was the message? known it is largely ignored. Why is this the
Just the pure, unadulterated gospel of case? Is it because the gospel has lost its
Christ — nothing more, nothing less. power? Of course, it hasn't lost its power!
Who were these people who were Then, what is the trouble? The trouble is
doing this preaching? Were they soldiers? that we. God's people, have not preached
politicians? philosophers? They were the gospel in its fullness with zeal, fear-
people from all walks of life: some were lessness, and fervor!
poor, some were rich, some were well I wonder: have we let someone deceive
educated, others were not, some followed us into believing that we should preach
this trade and others followed that trade. the truth in such fashion as to "hurt the
None of these things were crucial matters. feelings of no one?" I, for one, would like
What was crucial was the fact they had to sound a call to brethren to be willing
obeyed the truth and they were preaching once again to preach the truth, all of the
that truth! They preached it — that truth, and nothing but the truth without
message and only that message — every- fear of any man.
where. They preached it without compro- Among the reasons why the early
mise. They let people know that they church turned the world upside down was
were lost in sin and that only through the fact that they preached the truth
Christ (in obedience to his gospel) could everywhere. They entered into the haunts
they be saved. They preached Christ! of the Jewish doctors of the law,
Pre-existent! Bom of a virgin! Sinless life! preached Christ crucified as the fulfill-
Crucified for the sins of others! Resur- ment of the prophecies concerning the
rected! Ascended! Coronated as King of Messiah and challenged them to refute it!
kings and Lord of lords! Coming again to To the Greek doctors of philosophy they
call all men into Judgment! preached Christ crucified as the wisdom
And everywhere they preached, the re- of God and challenged them to refute
action was either: obedience, because of that truth! They were not arrogant in so
loving submission to Christ, or violent re- doing — they were motivated by love for
action, hatred because of rejection of the God and man and characterized by meek-
gospel. Because, with the gospel in its ness — but they did preach the truth even
"hands," the church was such a dynamic when it "hurt the feelings" of their
force in the first century, it was described auditors.
Page 47

It is my sincere conviction that, for REFERENCES

the most part, we are merely "dabbing" 34. Psalm 14:1; 19:1; Romans 1:18-23;
with the task the Lord has given us to do. Hebrews 11:6
The church must preach the gospel in 35. John 20:30,31; 8:24,36. II Thessalonians
such fashion as to constitute a challenge 1:7-9; Hebrews 5:8,9; Acts 2:38.
to the world. In a very real sense, the 37. Philippians 1:27; II Peter 1:5-11; Galatians
world must be "staggered" by the gospel. 6:7-9
The world must learn that not only does 38. John 4:24; II John 9-11
the gospel differ from the doctrines of 39. Ephesians 2:13-16; I Corinthians 12:13;
men, but that that difference really does Acts 20:28: Ephesians 1:7
make a difference! The world needs to 40. Jude 3
learn that that difference is the difference 41. Philippians 1:16
between eternity in heaven or eternity in 42. I Peter 3:15
hell. 43. I Thessalonians 5:21
To those sincere brethren who might 44. For example: Matthew 21:23-37;
object by saying, "But we must make a 22:41-45; I Cor. 15:12-19; II Peter 2:1-11
positive approach; we must not build up
prejudice by preaching negative matters." QUESTIONS FOR STUDY
In reply I should say, "I am afraid that 1. Explain and refute the view that men have
you have studied more of the viewpoints the right to be wrong about truth.
of modern psychologists than you have 2. Explain and refute the view that truth does
those of Jesus, Paul, Peter, and Jude. I am not need to be defined.
afraid you have not studied carefully how 3. Explain and refute the view that truth has
John, Jesus, Paul and others preached (as nothing to do with logic.
set forth in the New Testament)." Cer- 4. Explain and refute the view that truth
tainly, there are many positive matters we cannot be a dynamic force in our world
must preach, but there are also negative today.
matters we must preach.
Brethren, the Lord gave us the job of
preaching the truth to every person on
this earth and of defending it against
every challenge raised against it.
"Let us go up at once and possess,"
for — with God's help — "we are well able
to overcome."

I repeat: the only good reason why a
religious doctrine would be accepted is
that it is true! If a particular doctrine
(Proposition) is not true, then there is no
really good reason why it should be ac-
God has given us the truth (the Bible).
We can learn that truth. And we can obey
it. May the Lord help us all to love and
obey the truth.
Page 48


The population of the United States of over 10,000. Have we become so self-
totaled 103,500,000 in the 1945. In 1967 ish, introverted and exclusive that we are
the mark exceeded 200,000,000 and a no longer willing to share the hope that is
population of 235,000,000 is virtually as- in Christ?
sured by 1975. The world population Comparing our evangelistic programs
figure now exceeds 3,500,000,000. We to the needs of our exploding world we
live in a big world that is getting bigger find that we are not keeping up with the
every day. population explosion—not even on a per-
And how are we doing in our efforts centage basis! The truth of the matter is
to evangelize our big—and growing— "that progressing at our present rate and
world? We are not even keeping pace with using our present methods, we will not
the birth rate, much less gaining ground only have failed to carry out the Great
on the total world population! Churches Commission of Jesus, to 'go into all the
of Christ around the GO QUICKLY, CHRISTIAN
world and preach the
world have a total Gospel,' we will fall
membership of less further behind in our
than three million. attempts." (Larry T.
Three million in a S w a i m in Gospel
world of three and Advocate, April 23,
one-half billion! 1970).
According to the 'The church must
most accurate informa- mobilize for total
tion available, there are warfare with the forces
11,260 congregations of evil! Each Christian
of New Testament must recognize his per-
Christians. And a full sonal responsibility to
4,000 of the total of the lost and be about
11,000 are in the states of Tennessee and the business of saving them. We send
Texas! forth this issue of the Spiritual Sword
When we look to our missionary en- with the fervent prayer that it will help to
deavors the figures are even more alarm- kindle a fire within the hearts of our
ing. The facts show that we have only readers and provide them with informa-
425 missionaries outside the borders of tion that will be of great practical value in
the United States. The Mormons have their efforts to win the world for Christ!
10,000 and the Jehovah's Witnesses boast —Rubel Shelly
There can be no successful denial of theory of evolution. The Lord willing,
the fact that the Christian religion and this issue will be completed and ready for
the theory of evolution are involved in a release as the April, 1971, edition of the
life or death struggle. When one emerges Spiritual Sword.
victorious the other will necessarily dis- Won't you please give consideration to
appear. And the Christian is laboring ways in which you can use this vitally
under a false impression who thinks that needed publication? If you work with a
the theory of evolution is no threat to the congregation in a college community,
Bible and the church. While his eyes are why not allow us to mail a copy of this
closed to the danger it may well be that special issue to every student in that
his faith or that of his children will be school? Order a bundle for distribution
totally overthrown! and study by the young people of your
We must challenge this false theory congregation. Place at least one copy of
and combat it with every means at our this issue with every family in the congre-
disposal. We are warned: "Take heed lest gation. Buy copies for distribution in
there shall be any one of that maketh local high schools. We sincerely
spoil of you through his philosophy and believe that this will be a unique and
vain deceit, after the tradition of men, valuable contribution to the entire
after the rudiments of the world, and not brotherhood. We would be happy to cor-
after Christ." (Col. 2:8). respond with you concerning the details
Planning and work have been under of a special mailing, the cost involved or
way for several months with the end in any others matters pertaining to the use
view of the production of a special issue of this special issue of the Spiritual
of the Spiritual Sword which, will treat Sword. You may address your questions
the threat to faith being posed by the to the address given on the outside back

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