Turndown Service 1

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 LO 3. Make up beds
Correctly follow proper procedures in conducting room check, turn down
and make up beds and cots (TLE_HEHK912RG-If-h-5).

Let’s Start!
As part of a Guestroom Attendant’s role additional housekeeping services focuses
on guest satisfaction as to providing an adequate and home-away-from-home
temporary residence. Whether it be for business or pleasure, the lodging
establishment must ensure the ultimate goal of providing customer satisfaction at its
In this section, tasks done follows additional housekeeping services done in
conjunction with procedures in room cleaning and checking. This is to provide guests
complete relaxation and comfort during the duration of their stay in the lodging

In this lesson, learners are expected to understand and demonstrate

the following:
1.1 Standard Procedure in conducting room check
1.2 Standard Procedure on Turndown Service
1.3 Standard Procedure in making up beds and cots

In the previous lesson, we discussed the standard procedure in room check or

inspection which includes a vacant check out room and the bathroom as well. We
had also tackled the importance of doing a room check as well as some of the
equipment that should be inspected before using it or endorsing such to the guest.
Now, let us try to refresh your minds with these questions!

1. Name at least two importance of doing a room check or inspection.


2. How does room inspection provide a satisfactory ambiance towards the




I- MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the statements carefully, then answer by writing the letter
of your choice on the space provided for each item.

1. It is a service that prepares the room at the end of the day for the comfort of
the guest. It is designed to make the room soothing and inviting for rest and
A. Morning Service
B. Checkout Room
C. Turndown Service
D. Make-up Room Service

2. The following are considered as “amenities” except for:

A. Shampoo
B. Sanitary items
C. Hairdryer
D. Lotion

3. The first step is to prepare the items that may be used as part of turn-down
A. Linens
B. Give aways
C. Amenities
D. All of the above

4. Normally turn-down includes except for:

A. Not closing of curtains

B. Turning on lights to a soothing level
C. Playing appropriate music through the radio or television
D. Preparing the bed by removing or folding back display quilts and blankets
making access to bed easier
5. Once you have completed the turn-down service:
A. Ask guest if they require any additional services – they may have laundry
for submission
B. Excuse yourself and leave the room immediately.
C. Leave a message on the bedside table.
D. Tell them to call the front office if they need something.

For Nos. 6-10. Turndown Service.

Arrange the following in their proper order. Write your answer
(A, B, C, D, E) on the blanks provided before the number itself.

________6. Vacant rooms to be serviced from 6.00 p.m. onward.

________7. The evening boy takes the status report of the floor from the desk.
________8. Takes the floor key/card and sign for it.
________9. Take a round of the floor corridor to maintain it clean and tidy.
Take out trolley.
_______10. By 10.pm turndown service to be finished of all rooms.

For Nos. 11-15. Bed Turndown.

Arrange the following in their proper order. Write your answer
(F, G, H, I, J) on the blanks provided before the number itself.

________11. Remove the bedcover, fold it and place in the luggage rack drawer.
________12. Remove pillow from luggage rack and place it on the head of the
________13. Enter the room, empty dustbin and ashtrays.
________14. Quilt and third sheet.
________15. Make 90 angles with the second sheet.


ACTIVITY 1. Generate ideas based on the given topic per column. Write your
on the blanks provided below.





Turn down service is service commonly found in four and five star hotels. It is a
service that prepares the room at the end of the day for the comfort of the guest. It is
designed to make the room soothing and inviting for rest and relaxation.
Quite often a guest will be using the room during the day and by the afternoon it may
be dirty or in need of fresh amenities.
‘Living’ in a hotel is different from home. Normally at home a person has a variety of
rooms that they use, with clutter being spread. This is not the case in a hotel room,
where only one room is used, with all activities contained within this one room.
This service is normally provided in the late afternoon or early evening and is
performed at a time when it is expected that the guest is not in the room.

Turn-down Service
The first step is to prepare the items that may be used as part of turn-down including:
 Linen – bed sheets, bath towels and pillows
 Amenities – shampoo, conditioner, hand lotion, moisturiser, sanitary items, toilet
paper, tissues
 Give-aways – newspapers, chocolates, fruit, messages, flowers.

Turndown Service Procedure:

 The evening boy takes the status report of the floor from the desk.
 Takes the floor key/card and sign for it.
 Take a round of the floor corridor to maintain it clean and tidy.
Take out trolley.
 Vacant rooms to be serviced from 6.00 p.m. onward.
 By 10.pm turn down service to be finished of all rooms.
 Departure rooms have to be cleared as per requirements.

Enter the room

There will be a good chance the guest is in the room and may
 No service
 Supply of more and replacement items whilst not allowing
you to enter the room
 Turn-down service as normal.
Regardless of their request it is your job to complete your tasks with minimal
disruption to the guest. Time is of the essence in this situation, therefore clever
thinking is required. The aim is to minimize movement and unnecessary trips in and
out of the room. Plan what you are going to need.

Enter the guest room:

 Find out if the guest is in the room.
 Announce yourself before entering the guest room.
 In case the guest is wants you to come back later then, politely as the
time for Position the maids cart in front of the guest room.
Turndown the bed:
 Enter the room, empty dustbin and ashtrays.
 Remove the bedcover, fold it and place in the luggage rack drawer.
 Remove pillow from luggage rack and place it on the head of the bed.
 Make 90 angles with the second sheet.
 Quilt and third sheet.
 Spread the foot mat on the side of the bed. [The side where the corner
is made] and put slipper on top of foot mat.
 Always give turndown from the telephone side or inner side of the bed.
 For double occupancy, both corner to be made.

Place turndown amenities:

 According to the hotel procedure place the turndown amenities on the
bed. ( Ex: Flower, Chocolate etc.)
 Place the Breakfast menu knob on the fold.
 Put on the bedside lamp.

Tidy the guest room:

 Look around the room and straighten or tidy anything that is out of
 If a room is messy it may require more extensive cleaning.
 Remove any room service tray, dishes and move them to the service
 Empty the trash cans and replace the wastebasket liners.
 Do a quick vacuum if required.

Tidy the bathroom:

 Neatly fold used towels.
 Wipe the vanity area if required.
 If required replace the bathing towel.
 Clear the dustbin if used.

Create a pleasant atmosphere:

 Turn on the bedside lamps.
 Close the drapes.
 Draw the curtains so that there is no light coming from the corners or
 Set the A/C temperature to what was set by the guest.
 Double check everything, lock the room and leave the guest room.
 Update the status report.

Complete turn-down service

Normally turn-down includes:
 Closing of curtains
 Turning on lights to a soothing level
 Playing appropriate music through the radio or
 Preparing the bed by removing or folding back
display quilts and blankets making access to bed
 Placing items on the bed including fruit,
messages, flowers or chocolates
 Replace dirty towels
 Clean basic and bathroom surfaces
 Clean used crockery and cutlery
 Clean bins
 Conduct a general clean and tidy.

Once you have completed the turn-down service:

 Ask guest if they require any additional services – they may have laundry for
 Excuse yourself and leave the room at the earliest possible convenience.
Do Not Disturb (DND) Rooms
A number of rooms may have their DND signs out. In this case you must not knock
on the door or enter the room. You should:
 Record the time
 Go back after you have completed other rooms to check if the room is ready for
 If the DND sign is still there, slip an appropriate card under the door, requesting
the guest to call housekeeping if they require turn-down at an appropriate time.
If performed correctly the turn down process should take approximately 10 minutes
per room.


1. How do you understand the term Turndown Service?

2. What requests are being made during this type of service?
3. What should be considered as the most important aspect of the service?



Direction: Make a Video Presentation on Turndown Service considering all the
necessary procedures and steps utilizing what can be found in your own homes.
Share your reflections afterwards by putting it in a separate sheet of paper to be
submitted alongside the video presentation.


I- MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the statements carefully, then answer by writing the letter
of your choice on the space provided for each item.
1. It is a service that prepares the room at the end of the day for the
comfort of the guest. It is designed to make the room soothing and
inviting for rest and relaxation.

A. Morning Service
B. Checkout Room
C. Turndown Service
D. Make-up Room Service

2. The following are considered as “amenities” except for:

A. Shampoo
B. Sanitary items
C. Hairdryer
D. Lotion
3. The first step is to prepare the items that may be used as part of turn-
down including:
A. Linens
B. Give aways
C. Amenities
D. All of the above

4. Normally turn-down includes except for:

A. Not closing of curtains

B. Turning on lights to a soothing level
C. Playing appropriate music through the radio or television
D. Preparing the bed by removing or folding back display quilts and
blankets making access to bed easier
5. Once you have completed the turn-down service:
A. Ask guest if they require any additional services – they may
have laundry for submission
B. Excuse yourself and leave the room immediately.
C. Leave a message on the bedside table.
D. Tell them to call the front office if they need something.

For Nos. 6-10. Turndown Service.

Arrange the following in their proper order. Write your answer
(A, B, C, D, E) on the blanks provided before the number itself.

________6. Vacant rooms to be serviced from 6.00 p.m. onward. 4

________7. The evening boy takes the status report of the floor from the desk. 1
________8. Takes the floor key/card and sign for it. 2
________9. Take a round of the floor corridor to maintain it clean and tidy.
Take out trolley.3
_______10. By 10.pm turndown service to be finished of all rooms.5

For Nos. 11-15. Bed Turndown.

Arrange the following in their proper order. Write your answer
(F, G, H, I, J) on the blanks provided before the number itself.

________11. Remove the bedcover, fold it and place in the luggage rack drawer. g
________12. Remove pillow from luggage rack and place it on the head of the
________13. Enter the room, empty dustbin and ashtrays. F
________14. Quilt and third sheet. J
________15. Make 90 angles with the second sheet. i


1. C
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. D
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. E
11. G
12. H
13. F
14. J
15. I

Browse the Internet and research on some of the finest hotels in the country as to
how they do their Turndown Service and how they fare as to guest satisfaction

 Setupmyhotel.com
 Viewmyhotel.com
 http://hospitalitybuffet.blogspot.com/2019/09/sop-housekeeping-turndown-
 ASEAN 2012

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