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Journal [English]

Thursday – It was a normal day for me. Studying while doing some chores, chatted with my mother who
is working abroad. Helping my father with our family business. Lastly, during the afternoon I went out to
go get some groceries for our weekly needs.

Friday – Last Friday was a fun day, because I was invited to go to a birthday party with one of my closest
friends in high school. We went out to the beach and bonded like we always do. During the night, I
studied for a bit and talked to my special someone until we fell asleep.

Saturday – Saturday was exciting because I got to paint and draw. It was my first-time painting for an
academic requirement, and It was a fun experience. I showed it to my family, and they thought that it
was pretty and that they are proud of me.

Sunday – Just like Thursday, all I did was my chores and studied the modules that was provided for our
lessons. I studied the whole morning and cleaned the house during the afternoon and lastly, cooked
dinner for my very loving papa Rodel. This past few days have been fun and I get to do a lot of stuff that I
didn’t have the time do during the “old normal”.

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