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Mahlatse Iven Somela

Unique No: 789349
Student No: 60232811
Assignment 02

Question 1

1.1 Internet of Thing (IoT) – Is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and
digital machines provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over
a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. The
interconnection via the internet of computing devices embedded in everyday objects
enabling them to send and receive data.

1.2 Four steps of machine cycle

 Fetch – Retrieve an instruction from memory.
 Decode – Translate the retrieve instruction into a series of computer commands.
 Execute – Execute the computer commands.
 Store – Send and write the results back to memory.

1.3 Four advantages of clouding computing

 Back-up and restore data
 High speed
 Automatic software integration
 Unlimited storage capacity

1.4 Two types of RAM

 Dynamic RAM
 Static RAM
Question 2

2.1 Data doesn’t depend on information. Information depends on data.

Data it is measured in in bits & bytes. Information is measured in meaningful units
like time, quantity, etc.

2.2 System development life cycle

 Requirement analysis
 Design
 Development & Testing
 Implementation
 Documentation
 Evaluation

2.3 CPU fetches program instructions from RAM (input), interprets and processes it (execution)
and then sends back the computed results to that the relevant components can carry out
the instructions.

2.5.1 Scanner………..(Input)
2.5.2 Mouse………….(Input)
2.5.3 Speaker…………(Output)
2.5.4 Projector……….(Output)
2.5.5 Touch Screen…..(Input)

2.6 Signs of virus and malware infection

 Blue screen of death (BSOD).
 Lack of storage space.
 Pop-ups, websites, toolbars and unwanted programs.
 Programs opening and closing automatically.
 Suspicious modem and hard drive activity.
 Slow computer.

 Large size with higher capacity  Small size with less capacity
 The data stored is easily accessible  The data stored in not as easily accessible as in RAM

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