137 - Stoxtrader - Winning - Tough - Holdem - Games - BAD ENGLISH TRANSLATION PDF

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Nick «Stoxtrader» Gradzhayn, Geoff «Zobags»


Winning in tough

Higher limits, short-handed and the theory

limit hold'em


Team www.limitpoker.ru thank the authors for valuable book
helping talented and motivated players to become
professional. Easy writing style reveals the magical beauty
limit hold'em - one of the most complex and interesting games.
The book allows us to organize our data and move on
a deeper level of learning. For players limit hold'em
These materials are just a priceless gift. We are regularly
training videos from the site authors www.stoxpoker.com - It's really
successful professionals.

Good luck in life and at the poker tables. Before the meeting.

Vitaly Lunkin and team www.limitpoker.ru.

© Nick «Stoxtrader» Gradzhayn, Geoff «Zobags» Duke, 2007

© The Russian translation, layout and design of Tomas N, 2007

About the Authors ................................................ .............................................. 8


Why we wrote this book ............................................. ......... 11

Common opponents in various limits ......................... 13

Low limits ($ 3 / $ 6 and below) ......................................... ................. 13
Average limits ($ 5 / $ 10 - $ 20 / $ 40) ....................................... ............ 14
Higher limits ($ 25 / $ 50 - $ 100 / $ 200) ....................................... ....... 14
Sky-high limits ($ 150 / $ 300 and above) ......................................... ... 15

Part I. Preflop game

Introduction ................................................. .......................................... 17
The importance of fundamental principles .................................. 18
Opening raise ................................................ ............................. 19
Stealing blinds ................................................ .............................. 43
Stealing from the small blind .............................................. ........... 44
Comments on the data ................ 77
Isolation of a loose player ............................................... .............. 78
Restiling ................................................. ........................................ 79
Adapting to the way the post-flop game opponent .... 83
Note about postflop game ............................... 84
When you have a 3-bet ........................................... ................ 91
Playing in the big blind in a multi .................................... 93
Blind versus blind ............................................... .................. 94
Playing the small blind .............................................. ................ 94

Playing against an opponent who often gives reraise

Preflop ................................................. ..................................... 96
Note about postflop game ............................... 97
Playing in the big blind .............................................. ........... 97

Part II. Protection blinds
Introduction ................................................. ......................................... 100
Protecting the big blind ............................................... ............ 101
Note about postflop game ............................. 126
Protecting the big blind after the small blind
called ................................................. ..................................... 128

3-bet from the big blind after a steal and a call from a small
Blind ................................................. ...................................... 129
When the small blind, big hand .................................. 130

Protecting the big blind after the small blind by 3 -

When you need to give the skipper .............................................. .............. 132
Playing with pocket .............................................. ............ 132
When the small blind - passive player ............................... 132
When the small blind is very aggressive .............................. 133
Protecting the big blind with pocket pairs .................. 134
Why is it better to defend the big blind with Q7o, than K2o .138
Protecting small blind ............................................... ................. 141
Note about postflop game ............................. 142

Part III. Together on the flop

Introduction ................................................. ......................................... 145
Bet on the flop and then bet on the turn .......................... 146
Responses with a check-raise on the flop ....................... 147
Responses with a check-raise on the turn ........................ 148
Bet on the river as a pure bluff ............................................ 150 .......
When a check on the turn profitable ............................................. ............ 151
Bet on the flop and then check-raise on the turn ................. 154
Check-raise on the flop and then bet on the turn ................ 157
Check-call the flop and then bet on the turn ................ 160
As a semi-bluff ................................................ ...................... 160
With a made hand ............................................... .................... 161
Check-call the flop and then check-raise on the turn ...... 162
As a semi-bluff ................................................ ...................... 162
With a made hand ............................................... .................... 163
Check-raise on the flop and then check-called the turn ...... 165
Aggressive draw on the flop or wait until the turn? .167
With a strong made hand .............................................. 167 .......
With a very strong hand, a drawing ..................................... 168

Why is the game for a free card can be disadvantageous in
tight-aggressive games .............................................. ............ 170
Free opening ................................................ ..................... 174
Opposition to the game for free showdown ....................... 177
3-bet on the turn as a semi-bluff ................................... 177
Strong drawing hand ............................................... 177 ...
Tight-aggressive opponent ....................................... 178
When you or strongly ahead or way behind (but do not know
this) ............................................... ............................................. 179
When should you give a raise .............................................. 180 .......
When ace high - not a good enough hand ................... 182
Marginal bet for increasing bank ................................ 183
Calling to a showdown in the presence outs ....................... 184

Part IV. Semibluffing

Introduction ................................................. ......................................... 186
Semi-bluff in the game one on one on the flop .......................... 187
Semi-bluff with a hand that can win without improvement ........ 189
Semi-bluff against a loose player ............................................. 191
Semi-bluff in a multi ............................................... ................. 194

Bet and raise to increase the bank's strong prikupnaya


Part V. Additional topics

Introduction ................................................. ......................................... 198
Playing in a multi ............................................... .......................... 199
Forcing the opponent to drop .............................................. 200
Discounting implied odds ............................... 202
Bankroll management and the risk of losing ........................ 205
Becoming a professional player .................................... 207
Improving your game ............................................... 210 .............

Part VI. Dispensing with Stox'a

Introduction ................................................. ......................................... 213

Protecting the big blind ............................................... ............ 228

Protecting small blind ............................................... ................. 272
Other hand ................................................ ............................... 284

Part VII. Book of problems
Introduction ................................................. ......................................... 293
Protecting the big blind ............................................... ............ 294
Preflop Play ............................................... ........................... 301
Playing the flop ............................................... ......................... 309

Conclusion ................................................. ....................................... 314

Selection of tables and seats .............................................. ............................ 314
Bankroll Management ................................................ ................... 315
Psychological stability and tilt control .......................... 316
Lifestyle and related success factors .............................. 316

About the
About Nike Gradzhayne («Stoxtrader»)
Nick worked as a trader on Wall Street for ten years. Then
He took a break to focus on the professional poker game
to write this book and spend time with his wife and four children and
two years. He currently plays vysokolimitnye online games and
rides on some of the major tournaments of the series WPT and WSOP. He plays
in limit poker and no limit, while continuing
intensive study of the game.

Seriously play poker Nick began in late 2003. He quickly

moved the stakes, and the spring of 2005 moved to the highest
limits on online poker. During his promotion limits Nick
had a stable job and felt poker hobby, at least,
initially. Bankroll requirement can be much more
soft if limits you play, are small relative to your
current income, and this - the main reason why so fast Nick
managed to climb the limits. Once Nick started playing online at
rate of $ 100 / $ 200, he became more serious about his bankroll.
Since then, it always is 1,000 bankroll big bets on any
limits, it plays.

Nick is my poker blog at www.stoxpoker.com,

leaving behind records and laying training video. Also, it is often
writes in the forums under the name www.twoplustwo.com Stoxtrader.

About Joffe Duke («Zobags»)

Geoff got unfinished degree in mathematics and economics
at Colorado College, where she and Nick were in the student
brotherhood. After college, he worked Geoff private lawyer, and then
went to Harvard Law School. After finishing it, he moved to
Miami and took a job at a big law firm
specializing in the protection of the interests of financial companies
multi-million dollar lawsuits. There he met his
future wife, Laura, who worked in the same company.

After a year as a lawyer Geoff decided - it

time to change something in your life. He moved to Jacksonville,

Florida, got a job in a small firm, which was engaged
investments in technology and over time began to assume there
high position. Around the same time, interest in Geoff
online poker after Nick told him how
profitable it can be. Less than a year later, and after many hours of
Learning poker Nick Geoff moved the stakes to $ 0.5 / $ 1 to
$ 50 / $ 100. Jeff realized that poker he can earn much more
than the practice of law, and went to work, focusing only on
game. Since then Geoff has made great progress over the short-handed in
Limit Hold'em, playing usually six tables simultaneously.

Outside of poker, Geoff decided to take

implementation of another of his dream - to become a professional
hockey player. Even with that, he has not played hockey since the end of
College, that is, for 8 years, he has managed to achieve that played
several matches for the team, "Dzheksonvillskie Barracuda" in South
Professional Hockey League in 2006/2007.

Geoff also holds a financial analyst. He often

wrote on sites www.stoxpoker.com and www.twoplustwo.com nick
«Zobags», advising many students Limit Hold'em.

We want to thank the many people who support and efforts
which have helped us to produce this book. We thank David
Sklansky, Mason Malmuth, Chermeyn Malmuth and Mat Sklansky for their
assistance in reviewing and editing this book. We thank Mark
Werner mw2design for the cover of the book - it was a great job.
Thanks to the participants and forums www.twoplustwo.com www.stoxpoker.com -
your discussions helped us deeper insight into this great

We thank Andrew for creating programs Proca PokerStove,

that really helped us in writing this book, as well as in
development of our poker career. We hope that our words
thanks worthy of your work. We also thank Pat for
creation and support of a very useful program PokerTracker.

Nick thanks his wife Kelly for everything she does, especially
the fact that she is a good mother to his two children. He also
grateful to my parents, Edda and Wendy, who supported him
Throughout life, his poker buddy Rob P. and his good
another from the south to Jim B.

Geoff thanks his wife, Laura, his mother and his Roxy
Brother Derek for support and understanding. He also thanked all members
Green Monkey society for what they have become his second family.
In addition, Geoff is particularly grateful to Nick for his co-
the countless hours he has spent on training Geoff Hold'em.

Together, we want to thank our fellow

fraternities at Colorado College. Finally, we express
thanks publisher Two Plus Two Publishing.

Why we wrote this

Greatly increased in recent years the popularity of Texas

Hold'em on the Internet it has changed the game, especially the middle and high
limits ($ 15 / $ 30 and up). First, online you can play
much more hands per hour than in a live game, a lot more with
earning. While playing live at a full table at best
If played 30-40 hands per hour (and sometimes at just 25 hands per hour), in
Internet hands per hour reaches 55-60, a short-handed
more. Since poker rooms receive more income
it is from short-handed, and because many players find
for the games themselves more attractive due to their dynamism and
additional nuances of the game, shorthanded turned from
exceptions to the rule. Playing at the same time from 4 to 8 tables, you can easily
can strum 300-50 hands per hour. Winning by an average of $ 1 per hand (which
appropriate to the income of many good players in this relatively
low limits like $ 30 / $ 60), you can earn about $ 1 million in
year, playing a total of 40 hours a week.

Currently, Holden became more aggressive game than

before. Against some opponents may be justified
call to end just ace high, and sometimes even with the senior
King. In addition to the fact that the games have become more aggressive, they become
tighten up - this means that a large number of banks played
one on one. This not only increased the dispersion of the game, but
require appropriate changes to a winning
strategy. Section of this book titled "Together on the flop"
is dedicated to this. It should be noted that each time we
we use the expression "face to face", it should be understood as
description of the game, which came before the flop, only two players. Under
expression "one on one" we do not mean the game, in which there
involved only two. We not only discuss the factors to be
entertain in different situations, we also present the
different strategies for the draw, which can be very
effective in game one on one, and explain the circumstances in which
they should be used. In your poker arsenal, these strategies
drawing should be something like a set of golf clubs: how to
Each strike has a stick, and here - for every situation
apply appropriate strategies.

This book is not a substitute for other fundamental books about
Hold 'em - on the contrary, in their discussions, we rely on the books and
assume that the reader is already familiar with the concepts presented in
them. In our book, we will consider more advanced
concepts, such as the protection of the blinds, stealing, restiling, frequency
semi-bluff on the flop and the turn, and others.

When playing online poker is the ability to use some

programs that provide the necessary information about the opponents. It
allows you to make better decisions. For example, based
on accurate data about the game opponents, we will determine the range
hands that you will want to play. Online poker also
provides the ability to be tracked. Rakeback - a return
a certain percentage of your rake. Low limit of $ 0.5 / $ 1 rake
may be 1.5 BS/100 hands on average - 0.5 BS/100 hand, and on
High - 0.25 BS/100 hands.

Internet has forever changed the Texas Hold'em. This book is

One, which discusses these changes and how to
adjust their strategy accordingly. We hope that
you will find this text useful.

Common opponents in
various limits

To achieve excellence in Hold'em, you need to adjust

his game to a playful way opponents by exploiting their mistakes and
counteracting their most important game habits. However, sometimes you
will be forced to make critical decisions without the knowledge of
opponent. In this case, correct to assume that your
opponent is the "typical" match for this limit. Below
we describe a "typical" of the game for each group limits.

Low limits ($ 3 / $ 6 and below)

Games at the lowest stakes are held under the motto "to play, not
dropping. " Since the 6.5 players per flop - quite a common thing,
bluff almost meaningless, while simultaneously increasing
of interest rates to increase the bank. Trying to win these games
without an autopsy - is like beating your head against the wall. Key skills
here - operating pot odds, and knowing when
profitable to call with a drawing hand and arm / raise to increase
Bank. If you play it right, you'll win fewer banks
the critics, but you compensate it with interest because banks
you win, will be large enough to provide you
solid things, while playing, you will minimize your losses.
Facing a series of unsuccessful, you will often see how your
prikupnaya combinations are not being completed, and opponents overtighten
your strong hands - it will happen more often than you would have liked,
because most opponents will call your bet with
prikupnaya marginal hands. You should almost never
bluff, but you have to bet and raise with his strong hands,
increasing the bank at his advantage. Bets and raises to enlarge
Bank is also important because you need to be afraid of providing
free or cheap card contenders, who will pay a
prikupnaya marginal hands.

Average limits ($ 5 / $ 10 - $ 20 / $ 40)
Most players at these stakes are able to beat more
cheap games, but you'll also find here and players who
little new to the game and have enough money to afford
regularly lose. Players play justified below the starting
hands, and most banks played two or three ways.
Opponents are playing more aggressively, making bids
increasing the bank's more dangerous, especially against players who
polublefovat love or raise to increase the bank with decent on
power (but not strong) hands. If you have made impressive
results at the lower limits, the transition to middle limits can be
very profitable for you. However, it is also important to know your
opponents, to be able to choose the most profitable and most tables
favorable place for them.

Higher limits ($ 25 / $ 50 - $ 100 / $ 200)

These games - tight and aggressive. You'll often find
opponents, who did not play as well as you. Do not play with them. Look
tables, the game which is both srednelimitnyh tables thanks
the presence of one or two loose players. If you search well, such
tables can be found. The average player such limit preflop play
nearly optimal, probably spent before some time
learning the game. Bluffing, semi-bluffing, deception and marginal rates for
increasing the bank - a very important skill in these games. Aggressive play
a drawing with strong hands is still the best, as
not gathered as a result of their hand, you can still win
applying a bluff, because before that show strength, but your
potential chances in such situations will decrease. In addition
this, your reverse implied odds will be worse because
opponents will punish you, when the chance to do so, and
your positive potential chances will be lower because of
strong arm opponents pay you less. But with a competent approach
to the selection table and seat them, you can make a profit in these
games, though it is not easy.

Sky-high limits ($ 150 / $ 300 and above)
Here you will find the best players in the world. There may be some
a change in style, but basically, the game your opponents will
well adjusted and you will be very difficult to find in it some
gap. For example, some players can play too many hands before
flop, but the flop they will balance the game, partially
offsetting this your preflop lag. Players are very aggressive
fighting for the blinds, and creative approach to the game - rather the rule, not
exception. Bluff raising, semibluff calls, bluffs in all three
postflop rounds and stealing restiling found here more than anywhere
whatsoever. In most cases it is not necessary to play these games, but
if you own the game high, excellent discipline and
will play only when you have an advantage, you win
there are a lot of money. The variance in these games is huge, and the average player
here could easily go bankrupt (make sure you're not a player) 1.

See "Bankroll management and the risk of losing" from the V of the book, where we have more
we will discuss in detail the bankroll and variance.

Part I

Preflop game

If the hard games with a small number of participants you will sit
and wait for the arrival of a very strong starting hand, the blinds quickly
eat your stack. You should be ready to go to steal the blinds with
marginal hands, especially from late position. However, you
still have to play only with lucrative arms (profitability
which depends on the position, the chances of a successful steal blinds and
postflop out). In addition, as many hard games
opponents will attempt to read your hand, you will have
introduce an element of deception in your preflop strategy. In the "Opening
raise "будутпредставленыосновополагающиепринципы,
designed to achieve these goals.

You also have to learn to adjust your preflop strategy

the manner of the game opponents. If you do not, your opponents
replay. For example, because rivals will open trade with
wide range of hands, you will have to give a 3-bet with a strong and
very strong hands. For less powerful hands, such as AJo,
A9s or KQo, I always dropping them on someone raises, you too much
lose. Section "Restiling" will help you in choosing the hands that you
have to give a 3-bet to punish overly aggressive players.

Also, you can earn additional income, often coming

the bank, if there is already logged loose or bad player. The material in this
part of the book will help you to determine when such a game can be
benefit, as well as whether you are in these situations, a member of a raise
or limited to the call. Also, in tough games, as well as in
games with a small number of players, you're much more likely to run into a situation
When all the players to the blinds fold. Sections of "Stealing the blinds" and
"Blind against blind" will help you navigate in this difficult

The importance of fundamental

When deciding whether to enter the game before the flop, it is important to know
fundamental principles of the hand of each specific
position. When the bank has already entered by other players, or when you are
the blind, the circumstances change and make decisions is
complicated. But for lighter choices about which hands to open
raised, if no one has entered the pot, play by strict rules -
good practice, because many players in this situation start
depart from the right strategy and play too loose, wanting to get even,
if they lose or wanting to win as much as possible if they
feel caught courage. This effect is snowballing
nature and could easily turn into a winning player
Playing. A departure from the strict guidelines
is only possible when there is a specific and reasonable
reason. Adherence to the guidelines is also developing
self-discipline that is required for the continued adoption
the right decisions for the draw, the session or game.

Opening with a raise
In Texas Hold'em, to balance the game. Often
right strategy calls for a balance between the two
opposite decision. For example, if the flop you get
sufficient pot odds to buy a pair of lower, usually
that you will have many rivals, making it more likely to pull
drawing dead (two pair or a set) or the probability of being constricted
then hands like Flush or streyta2. Another example: when
you flop top pair against two opponents, you may want to
give raise to knock out a third player, but it can also raise
lead to the fact that a third player will 3-bet. The ability to choose actions
with the best balance of risk and benefit is the fact that
characterizes a successful player.

Need to make the necessary balance in pre-flop game. Small

Suited connectors - 54s, 65s, 76s, 87s - Best play
loose games, as the bank in such games will be more likely
of several players. However, at higher limits are more common
tight game in which opponents more thoughtful and observant.
In these games, small suited connectors have value even in
heads up on the flop, because playing them, you do not know
reading your opponents hands.

Due to the fact that Holden requires this strategic

equilibration in the decision to open a raise
we recommend the mechanical strategy based
almost solely on the strength of your hole cards and your position.
We do not deny that there are many other factors that influence
preflop decisions, but these factors have both a direct and
opposite effect on the requirements for starting hands, so
it's better to just ignore them. The most important argument
against this mechanical strategy - what with the range
Your hands can be very accurately determined. This may be true
to play out of position in 10-game, but in other situations
range of your hands and it will be broad enough to encompass a
of various types of starting hands. In other words, the power of the hands
itself is more important than any hype that you can make to

We are not saying that you should never buy the bottom pair, but
these factors, along with the type of flop and your relative position to
also take up in these situations.

their game. Although there are situations in which the use of deception
can be justified, we believe that many of the players are too often
emotions abused deviation from the correct strategy
justifying this attempt to diversify his game. Do not let your
emotions make decisions for you - stay disciplined
and consistent.

The following table shows the requirements for starting

Raise hands for each entry. The positions are numbered
their distance from the button. This numbering allows
table as the 10-person games, and for games with a small number
participants. Position for one place of the button also called cutoff
(CO), the position for two seats of the button - hijack (HJ), position
immediately to the left of the big blind - under the gun (UTG), or
position "under the gun". The value in each cell of the table represents
the most weak hands out of the hands of a particular group, which
need to give an opening raise from this position. For example, if you
sitting at 3 places of the button, you have to open with a raise 55 +, A7s +,
A9o +, K9s +, KQo, QTs +, J9s +, T9s and98s. Suited hands are
in the upper columns and the rainbow - in the lower.

The table below (as well as any "strict" recommendations

Hold'em) needs the following comments and clarifications:

1. In a "strict" table can not be simultaneously combine

and basic strategy, and the elements that make a balance in the game.

2. The type of opponents most dependent recommendations for

play in early position.

3. From the manner of playing blind most dependent recommendations for

games in late position.

Place the button 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Vapor 99 88 77 66 55 33 22 22
s AJ AT A9 A8 A7 A4 A2 A2
o - KQ KJ KT K9 K7 K5 K2
s - - - KQ KQ KJ K9 K9
K - - QJ QT QT Q9 Q9 Q5
o - - - - - QJ QT Q9
s - - - JT J9 J9 J8 J7
Q - - - - - - - J9
o - - - - T9 T8 T8 T8
s - - - - - - - T8
J - - - - 98 98 97 97
o - - - - - - - 98
s - - - - - 87 87 86
T - - - - - - - -
o - - - - - - 76 75
s - - - - - - - -
9 - - - - - - - 65
o - - - - - - - -
Many will argue that the decision before the flop
need to consider other factors, such as style of play
opponents and how well they play after the flop. However, in
vysokolimitnyh online gaming is becoming much less important because
as your opponents will often simultaneously play three or four
table. Also, loose games, usually balanced
increase your expectation after the flop.

For example, it may seem unnatural to open trade

raise with pocket sevens for the 5th place of the button in a very loose
game. However, in very loose games opponents tend bad
play after the flop, thus reducing the chances of a successful
stealing blinds by an increased your postflop expectations.

In other words, if after that you get a great raise

the number called, you will create a multi-way, which will
a lot of bad players, and you will get good implied odds

and build a big pot. Thus, when a large bank
opponents will be inclined to continue the game with many weak hands
and you can get them a lot of bets, if you hit a big hand.
For the same reason, we recommend to open raise with QJs for 5 seats
of the button.

In a situation of stealing the blinds (stealing blinds - an opening

raise in the last two positions) strategies can vary somewhat.
If the big blind to fold too often pre-flop raise with
button you should be ready to steal the blinds with almost any hand. It
reasoning applies to the penultimate game of the position, but
that you should consider playing style button, and also take into
account the fact that he may have a good hand.

Against players who are prone to frequent too much protection

blind, you have less inclined to steal a small
suited connectors, as the flop they are not well
play the game alone. The obvious exception to this rule -
If the small blind also often protected (and made the call, and not
raise), because in this case more likely to create a multi-way.

Throughout this book, we'll give the real game

data from three different players. Two of them are playing short-handed -
one for high stakes (the statistics will be denoted as
«High»), and the other - on average («Mid»). The third player («Grd») is
full tables at medium stakes. The following table
shows summary statistics of all three players.

Avg # Hands Amount

Hands Levels ($) BB/100
of Plys Played% Won
$ 50 / $ 100 -
High 317 370 $ 500 / $ 1000 5.36 28.66 $ 764,793 0.73
$ 10 / $ 20 -
Mid 429 555
$ 100 / $ 200 5.1 27.68 $ 11,848 0.04
$ 10 / $ 20 -
$ 100 / $ 200
Grd 673 245 8.8 17.36 $ 208,659 0.55

Folded SB Folded BB Att. to Won $ Went to Won $

to Steal% to Steal% Steal% WSF% SD% at SD%
High 81.35 45.57 39.65 47.23 35.02 58.28
Mid 85.01 44.42 38.55 45.24 37.01 52.20
Grd 83.41 57.66 35.33 39.63 33.48 57.02

The following table summarizes the results of the game all three players
situation opens raised from the button and for one, two and three seats on the
He, as well as specific statistics for each hand of each player in
each position. We present these data to compare them with each
another, and you also need to compare them with the results, as
choosing the standard player playing limits that are closest to your own.
Your hands should be profitable about the same as those with which
we recommended to give an opening raise (in keeping with the
of course). If your data will be observed significant
differences, do not panic ahead of time - maybe it's just
the influence of a relatively small number of hands played. But even
relatively limited in size database can reflect
trends in profitability of certain types of hands, depending on the
position. Negative values in the table in parentheses.

Win Amount Avg BB / Win WSD Won $

Trials % ($) $ / Hand Hand WSF % at SD
% %
3 Off 3409 60.72 419 476 123.05 0.57 54.40 40.24 60.07
2 Off 6065 61.15 623 852 102.86 0.47 54.70 36.84 61.02
1 Off 8937 61.43 818 091 91.54 0.39 54.25 35.68 59.13
BU 12408 61.11 952 447 76.76 0.35 54.05 33.65 60.20
3 Off 3681 57.92 44465 12.08 0.46 50.89 46.11 54.55
2 Off 7854 60.15 81199 10.34 0.42 51.04 44.04 54.24
1 Off 11872 62.18 102 561 8.64 0.37 52.59 41.38 53.77
BU 16854 63.61 122 647 7.28 0.32 52.60 39.39 52.40
3 Off 5914 60.23 226 005 38.22 0.47 48.52 38.37 58.76
2 Off 6708 61.34 263 903 39.34 0.50 50.52 36.52 58.98
1 Off 7513 62.23 251 967 33.54 0.38 49.87 35.33 56.41
BU 7208 63.75 237 419 32.94 0.40 51.39 37.31 55.42

Stealing the blinds
The situation for the possible theft of blinds is when you
are in one of the last two positions, or in the small
blind, and to you all fold. You have to decide whether to go to steal
Blind or not. The decision depends on the strength of your cards and the style of game
remaining opponents. For high-frequency limit is a good theft
blinds at just under 30% for the penultimate position, and 40%
for the button. In practice, these percentages reflect about the following
hand ranges:

Of the penultimate position: 22 +, A2s +, A5o +, K7s +, K9o +, Q9s +, QTo +,

J8s +, T8s +, 97s +, 87s and76s.

(Total 378 out of 1326 possible hands, or 28.5%.)

With the button 22 +, A2s +, A3o +, K2s +, K9o +, Q5s +, Q9o +, J7s +, J9o +, T7s +,
T8o +, 97s +, 98o, 86s +, 75s + and65s.

(Total 40% of hands.)

This is a good demand for the opening raise. They

based on an analysis of millions of real and dozens of hands
millions of computer simulations. However, you should not
take these recommendations as a dogma and follow them automatically.
In many situations, the deviation from these standards is more
profitable. For example, if the blinds preflop play very tight,
you can use more hands to steal. Substantial part
profit from stealing with weak hands, as

♠ 9 ♥ 8 and♦ 6 ♦ 5
will come from a successful steal blinds preflop.
Number of extra hands to be used to steal
blinds, depending on how often the blinds tend to fold up
flop. Conversely, if the blinds are rarely dumped on
PF-attack (that is, if the big blind folds to a raise from
small blind, less than 15% of cases), you have to reduce the range
hands for stealing.

But there also exists the opposite principle. Expanding the range of
hands for stealing because of tightness blinds, do not go too

far. Tight blinds in case a raise would have a more
strong (average) hand than loose, and they can reply to you 3 -
bet. The fact that against tight blinds you will often pay 3
rate-per-view flop (before the flop because they often
counter-attack), reduces the extra income that you receive
from stealing the blinds with increased frequency. Adapting a tight
loose or blinds, you should only slightly change your
standards for the steal.

Also consider how you will be a great advantage

have on the flop against the enemy. If he plays poorly,
play more hands. This is especially true in the game of the last two
positions, as the flop you can use to the maximum


practical results for the small blind will be for you

good starting point for the development of ideas about stealing from
this position. Below is a table showing the results of
vysokolimitnogo and srednelimitnogo players in their game with the small
blind (fold, call or raise).

Action to open trade with the small blind
Vysokolimitny player
Win Win
% Of Amount Avg BB / WSD
Trials WSF at SD
Trials ($) $ / Hand Hand %
% %
Raise 55.10 55.70
9222 59 233 771 25.35 0.100 32.81
Call 707 5 24787 35.06 0.110 54.65 32.62 58.77
Fold 5620 36 (323888) (57,63) (0,250) - - -
In total 15549 (65329) (4,20) (0,026)

Srednelimitny player
Raise 11924 54 43400 3.64 0.160 57.07 36.23 49.57
Call 1120 5 2897 2.59 0.090 52.87 30.43 51.33
Fold 8908 41 (50608) (5,68) (0,250) - - -
In total 21952 (4310) (0,20) (0,010)

Srednelimitny player anywhere demonstrated best

results. Why is this so? This could be due to insufficient
of the database size. Used databases contain 300-400
thousands of hands. Distribution, which was attended by more than 3 players and
This player has a right of first enter the game with the small blind
are fairly small part of the entire database. However, the
purely theoretical level can be several hypotheses,
explain this phenomenon. First, in the player's favor srednelimitnogo
is the fact that in the battle he blinds more often reached
autopsy. Secondly, the frequency of stealing from the small blind with
vysokolimitnogo player (59%) is slightly higher than necessary.

Drugayaprichina, покоторойсреднелимитныйигрок
showed better results for Raise a
small blind, and may consist in the fact that at the middle limits
opponents, on average, less likely to defend the big blind than you need (and it
erroneously on their part). To test this hypothesis, we
considered an indicator such as the frequency of successful steal small
blind to both players (ie, how often they have to win pots
flop). The table below shows the data
confirm our hypothesis. Amazingly, in srednelimitnyh games
success rate stealing from the small blind is 30-31%!
Compare this to 19% for vysokolimitnyh games.

No Flop when Amount Avg BB / % No
Raised ($) $ / Hand Hand Flop

High 1708 191 192 111.94 0.5 19

Mid 3572 38747 10.99 0.5 30
Grd 1670 71740 42.96 0.5 31

It is also interesting to see how successful was each

players when it comes to opening. Vysokolimitny player has won
much more often at autopsy. Typically, this parameter reflects the ability
play after the flop, but there are too many variables
which can distort the results in a relatively small

Amount Win at Avg BB /

Went to SD Trials
($) SD $ / Hand Hand

High 3042 2891 49.57 0.95 (0,02)

Mid 2465 154 739 55.70 62.77 0.29
Grd 1332 (134) 48.95 (0,10) 0.01

Leading the next group of tables, we hope to get a general

idea of the range of hands that are suitable for the opening raise with
small blind. Make it difficult, but the pot without seeing
flop can be a huge part of the total expected revenue in
these situations, and when you win so your
cards will have no value. However, against a large
blind, which does not reset the flop too often, data from
tables will be more useful.

The results of the above table suggests that
Raise the small blind should be used more
a wide range of hands than two players (remember, the
vysokolimitnogo player, the figure is 59%, while srednelimitnogo
- 54%). However, it is difficult to analyze, besides the data can
be to some extent contradictory, since we do not have
no information on the big blind, which is a determining
factor in marginal situations. Using an empirical approach,
for each player, you can define the range of hands
suitable for open raise from the small blind:

Vysokolimitny player 33 +, A2s +, A2o +, K2s +, K2o +, Q2s +, Q5o +,

J4s +, J5o +, T5s +, T7o +, 96s +, 96o +, 85s + and86o +.

Srednelimitny player 33 +, A2s +, A2o +, K2s +, K2o +, Q2s +, Q3o +,

J2s +, J6o +, T5s +, T6o +, 96s +, 97o +, 85s + and86o +.

Srednelimitny player with full tables: 33 +, A2s +,

A2o +, K2s +, K2o +, Q2s +, Q5o +, J5s +, J6o +, T4s +, T5o +, 96s +,
97o +, 85s + and86o +.

Combining these data, we can deduce the following range of hands
which is necessary to give an opening raise from the small blind against
unknown enemy: 33 +, A2s +, A2o +, K2s +, K2o +, Q2s +, Q5o +, J4s +,
J6o +, T5s +, T7o +, 96s +, 97o +, 85s +, 86o +, 75s +, 75o + and65s.

Comments on the
Surprisingly, a pair of deuces was unprofitable for all of these players
opening with a raise from the small blind. Vysokolimitny player
lost her BS 0.36 for trying srednelimitny player - 0.26 BS, and
srednelimitny player with full tables - 0.52 BS. In addition,
vysokolimitny player and lost with a pair of triples (0.75 per attempt BS)
making a pocket pair of deuces even weaker. This is contrary to
popular belief that any pair is worth a raise in the battle of blinds.

We also originally suggested that vysokolimitny

Too often a player raises, opening up trade with the small blind (raise in
59% of cases). However, using the specific data for each hand, we
came to the conclusion that the range of suitable hands should be even wider,
that is almost 63%. Increase looseness because
Some weak hands become profitable, if the big blind
is not the best - or too often clears before the flop, or
bad play after the flop.

We should also note that the removal of a range of hands helps

only in deciding between a raise and fold, but does not help in
choosing between a raise and call. However, we can see that
a significant part of the income derived from the drawing of these hands, comes
from the immediate steal the big blind. Thus, we can reasonably
suggest that open raise is generally more profitable than
opening call.

Isolation of a loose player
If you went to limp loose player, you have to give a raise to
much more hands than if this was a good player.
The advantage of playing against a loose player is that he postflop
will answer you made the call with weak hands, as one overcard
gutshot straight flush or 3.

However, do not get too carried away with this idea, because
some of the players acting after you, can be a big hand. For
a raise in these situations, we recommend to apply the same requirements as
and Raise, but "releasing" them to one position. For example,
if you

3rd place of the button until you limp loose player, you have to give
raise (as we recommend to open raise with a hand like 2 spots
of the button). However, a hand like A6o or worse, probably too weak
should be set to the given situation.

Also, do not raise to isolate with hands that are not

a fair opportunity to win without improvement and better play
multiway than one to one (for example, T8s). With these hands to
overlimpom enter and hope for a good flop.

Also, you need to lean more to the insulating Reisen

against a weak player, if your hand can win without improvement
(For example, if you have an ace or a pocket pair). You should also
try to isolate a player who plays on the flop passively
because it's easier to play against him. If you face is
limp loose-aggressive player, you also need to give more raises,
especially with the hands, the ability to win without improvement. When loose-
aggressive player is called, it means that he has a pretty
weak hand - after a more or less strong hands, he would have given a raise.
Therefore, if a player just calls, your hand will likely
has a great advantage.

When aggressive player opens with a raise of the penultimate
position or 2 spots of the button, it can try to steal the blinds with
marginal hand. If you act upon it, it may be
profitable to 3-bet not only when you are probably the favorite in
compare your hand with the likely range of hands of the enemy, but also
and if you are a small underdog in relation to the range of his hands.
It may seem odd that we recommend to give a 3-bet when you
small underdog. However, in this situation, you will have a great chance
stay with the enemy one by one and bring the dead money in the bank from
blinds, in addition, you will have a positional advantage over
rival throughout the hand.

We should note that you can only play it at suitable

circumstances. If the range of hands is very original raiser
wide, you have to be the favorite. Giving a 3-bet with
weak for this situation hands can get into
nastily if the bank enters the third player.

In other words, for all situations, there is a lower limit of

hands that can be used restiling, since there is always
the probability that one of the players behind you got a big preflop
hand. For example, if you

in the penultimate position, and the player directly to your right (which
preflop raise with absolutely any hand) opened with a raise your hand
is a favorite relative to the range of his hands. However, you must
reset - your hand will be strong enough if the bank will
third player.

Many players prefer to answer a call in the cold

situation with a strong (but not too strong) hands. Most often it is
is a mistake, because you will miss this chance to knock out the blinds and
to get to the bank dead money from them. You rarely have to give
cold call if acting first (or even second) after
initial raiser. Meet the cold made the call can only
when the planned multi-way, as in this case, you will have good
implied odds (possible exception - a hand like AJs andKQs,
if you only stay three or more players unspoken).

For example, depending on the style style game-raiser, a cold call with
♠ A ♠ 8 of the penultimate position may be justified. However, with
hand like

should definitely give a 3-bet. Periodically, you need to play well and
AA or KK, but remember that this deception may be profitable only
against a thinking enemy. Applying such deception against thinking
player and would wipe away a certain number of bets on
flop, then you hope to win him over, and return
forgone the money with interest.

Actually, usually the most important factor when deciding on 3 -

beta - the power of your own cards. However, the range of hands that
could raise the enemy and his position is just as important. You have to
try to determine the approximate range of the hands of the enemy and
compare it with his hand. Many players are playing too loose with
opening with a raise, and from any position. These players
too often given a raise preflop and too often steal the blinds.
Other players are too loose a raise of only the last three positions.
Rates of pre-flop raise these players are within
norms, but their frequency is too high steal blinds.

Below we present a table to help determine which

hands should be given a 3-bet in response to a possible steal. Range of hands
3-beta depends on the position of the enemy and how often it
trying to steal the blinds. The table reflects what hands are
advantage regarding possible hands steal raiser. But be
careful with aces with a weak kicker and small pairs, as these
hands have reverse implied odds. Also, if the enemy
stealing applies to a very wide range of hands, it may be better
will respond to him just call, encouraging him to play very loose and
aggressively on the flop, from which you can also benefit.

Also, there is a difference between the 3-bet from the small blind and three-bet to
button. From the small blind three-bet is cheaper (only 2.5 small
rate), and after you have only one player who can enter
the game with a big hand. However, these advantages are counterbalanced by
disadvantage that you will be out of position all the following three
Round of trade. Thus, the advantages and disadvantages of three-bet with
small blind largely offset each other, and with
small blind, you can still give the 3-bet if your hand
has an advantage over hand steal raiser.

We use the frequency with which the opponent is trying to steal
blinds in order to determine the range of his hands. Frequency of stealing
of the penultimate position (and corresponding to this range of hands)
usually 2/3 of the frequency of stealing from the button, and the frequency with stealing
button is usually very close to the total frequency of stealing the blinds. Of course,
this is only an estimate, which vary from player to player.

For example, if someone is stealing uses only 20% of cases -

so rare that you will almost never see - from
penultimate position, he will steal the blinds in 15% of cases. It
corresponds to the following range of hands: 77 +, A7s +, ATo +, K9s +, KTo +,
Q9s +, QJo andJTs3. Against this range have an advantage
the following hands: 99 +, AJs + andAJo +.

We hand-tight opponents monsters are tangible

of the total number of hands that they give a raise. So
way against them, you have to play a little tighter than necessary
(Your benefit from the relative strength of the hands should be
slightly more than 50%), because there is a risk that the enemy will increase
up to four rates, and the risk that the flop you will
reverse implied odds. Also, do not play with trash hands
against loose opponents range of hands for stealing have very
wide, even if the trash hands have an advantage over
range of hands an opponent, because you will have serious problems
If the bank will enter the third player.

For example, if an opponent is stealing blinds with 45% of hands: 22 +, A2s +,

A2o +, K2s +, K6o +, Q5s +, Q8o +, J7s +, J8o +, T7s +, T8o +, 96s +, 98o, 86s + and
76s, which is much more common in medium and high stakes, and he
is on the button, you must apply restiling small (or
large) blind with the following hands: 44 +, A2s +, A5o +, K9s +, KTo +,
QTs + andQJo.

Of course, the range of hands that player will not always be exactly, but our
assumptions are close to the truth.

Enemy position
CO Button SB
88 66 33
77 +, A9s +, ATo +, 55 +, A7s +, A8o +,
20 99 +, AJs +, AJo +
KQs + KJs +, KQo

66 +, A8s +, A9o +, 44 +, A6s +, A8o +,

25 77 +, ATs +, AJo +
KJs +, KQo KTs +, KJo +, QJs

33 +, A2s +, A6o +,
77 +, A9s +, ATo +, 55 +, A7s +, A8o +,
30 K8s +, KTo +,
KQs KJs +, KQo
QTs +, QJo

33 +, A2s +, A4o +,
77 +, A9s +, ATo +, 44 +, A6s +, A8o +,
35 K7s +, K9o +,
KQs KTs +, KJo +, QJs
QTs +, QJo

33 +, A2s +, A2o +,
66 +, A8s +, A9o +, 44 +, A4s +, A7o +,
40 K6s +, K8o +,
KJs +, KQo KTs +, KJo +, QJs
Q9s +, QTo +, JTs

33 +, A2s +, A2o +,
44 +, A2s +, A5o +, K5s +, K7o +,
55 +, A7s +, A8o +,
45 K9s +, KTo +, Q8s +, Q9o +, JTs,
KJs +, KQo
QTs +, QJo JTo

33 +, A2s +, A2o +,
44 +, A2s +, A4o +,
55 +, A7s +, A8o +, K4s +, K6o +,
50 K8s +, K9o +,
KJs +, KQo Q7s +, Q9o +, J9s +,
Q9s +, QJo, JTs
33 +, A2s +, A2o +,
44 +, A2s +, A3o +, K4s +, K6o +,
44 +, A6s +, A8o +, Q7s +, Q9o +, J9s +,
55 K7s +, K9o +,
KTs +, KJo +, QJs JTo
Q9s +, QJo, JTs
33 +, A2s +, A2o +,
K4s +, K6o +,
33 +, A2s +, A2o +, Q7s +, Q9o +, J9s +,
44 +, A4s +, A7o +,
60 K6s +, K8o +, JTo
KTs +, KJo +, QJs
Q9s +, QTo +, JTs

It should be noted that the choice of hands for the table we

gave preference to small arms that postflop
Better to play the game one on one than in a multi. For example, A8o
some could be far weaker than T9s, But with the first hand, we can

recommend a 3-bet, and the second - fold. The reason for this is obvious,
it is one of the main goals of 3-beta - to remain in odin4.

Adapting to the style postflop

game opponent
When you are in a situation of choice between two close
decisions on restilinge (according to the strength of your hand), you must
take into account the opponent's style of play after the flop. Against
relatively loose opponent who comes to opening rather
frequently (more than 40% of cases), you no longer have to bow down to a 3-bet with
hands that show reverse implied odds, but that
can win without improvement, such as

Conversely, you need to bow down to fold a hand, a large value
which is the presence of high implied odds, for example

The reason for this, firstly, that against such opponents you are less
probably be able to win a bluff, because the flop and turn, they often
will respond to your re-bid. Secondly, in this situation, you
less able to rely on implied odds, as
opponent, on average, will be part of a bank with a weak hand.

Conversely, the relatively tight against the enemy, who

does not go to showdown too often (that is, if it comes to a showdown
less than 37% of cases), you have to bow down to the 3-bet with hands
have good implied odds, as a player you
often be able to get reset, buying him more banks
small size. Also, when you build a big hand, your
implied odds will be higher than against often reaching up to
opening the player, so a tight opponent, on average, will be included in
the game with a better hand than the loose, and your hand will be securely
hidden from him since before the flop you have given her a 3-bet.

Our assertion that the potential opportunities and the possibility of

the successful application of bluffing in a game against a tight player

Of course, this principle is not reserved for those situations where a small opening with a raise
blind, as in this case, you have already left a rival one on one.

simultaneously increasing, possibly, may seem illogical.
However, in a game against a tight player you'll often
take the pot on the flop bet if the flop gave 3-bet, because
After your 3-bet pre-flop to flop a player will usually be
fold if nothing will bring. If you build on the flop
strong hand, you will have good implied odds, as
and you can be reasonably assumed that the enemy himself received
flop at least a decent hand and will pay you up to
river. In addition, you can get from him more active
if you hit two pair or better, as your hand will be fine
masked and will have the potential to improve to a very strong

Note about postflop game

If the enemy will tell you check the flop, you should almost always
will put as your pot odds will be a 7.5-to-1
(Assuming that the flop you have isolated the enemy at the cost of only
three small bets), though the flop you showed strength.

If the flop opponent to check-raise, you will have 4 options

further action:

1. Fold. Since after the check-raise opponent bank will offer

your chances of 10-to-1, you'll rarely need to reset. With 4 or
more outs you'll need to call.

2. Call with the intention made the call to end. Such a game
should be applied when the flop you'll get a good,
but not a big made hand.

3. Call with the intention to raise the turn. Such a strategy should
used when the flop you get strong
made hand in a game against an aggressive opponent, as
aggressive opponent is more likely to bet on the go
turn with a weak hand. Periodically, you will need to raise
on the turn as a semi-bluff, but only against a very tight

4. 3-bet on the flop. This version of the game should be used with a strong
hand against a passive opponent, as you refer to these
more money in the bank. Also, you have to give a 3-bet on the flop with

strong overcards, trying to buy a free card on
turn. With so strong a drawing hand, such as 4-flush or 4 -
straight draw with two overcards, you also have to give a 3-bet,
as a hand would have the advantage of the share of the Bank, to
Moreover, after a 3-bet on the flop, you will increase the chance of successfully
apply a bluff on the turn, and you can also take a free
card if you wish.

If the flop opponent made the call to your bet and the turn
says again check, you may also need to respond to him by check,
even if you feel that your hand on the turn is still the best. This
situation we will discuss in more detail in the section "When a check for
turn benefit "of Part III of the book.

Limping: enter the game before the flop for one bet.

Overlimp: enter the game limping after someone has already limp.

Opening trade with one of the last four positions

flop, you should always include a raise. Limp, you will miss
opportunity to steal the blinds and loose the ability to
use his position preflop aggressor on the flop, which
particularly advantageous in tight games. Typically, in a very tight and
aggressive games you have to follow a strategy of 'fold or raise, "from
any position. In games with a small number of players (six or less), you will also
always have to either raise or fold if you enter the game first
because it never will be on three locations of the button.

If you successfully steal the blinds, you win big 0.75

rate, which exceeds the expected return of any starting hand than
the best. The graph below, built on 313,000
hand, played middle and vysokolimitnym player having winrate
1.5 BS/100 hand, shows the expected return of his starting hands.
However, due to a lack of large databases, it contains
some errors - for example, the hand Q7s is more profitable than
Q8s. Most suited hands are inherently imprecise,
related to insufficient data - they are subject to more
high variability and the flop come less often than other types of hands.

With hands-monsters (AA and KK) a 10-person game can be
more profitable to enter limp from early position, hoping to raise, if
the opportunity. However, if you sit for 5 or less
locations of the button, you have to give a raise with these hands, because now
after you is not a lot of players to raise from you
can count on.

As from early position you limp with Aces and

Kings (based on re-raise), you'll also need to limp with
other hands from early position to balance the game.
Inclined to limp in early position with hands that play well
in multiway pots or banks with two to three members - these are average
pairs, such as 77, 88 or below, and hands like suited JTs, QTs,
QJs andKQs-KTs. In the absence of additional information (ie
is, if you have not previously played the hand and play with the data
players for the first time), limp with these hands is probably less profitable than

However, to balance those cases where you give reraise
aces or kings, you also have to limp with these hands in the game
against opponents with whom you have played (given that they are already
see your limp with AA or KK). This can work both
ways, because if you play a limp-reraise

your hand will be well camouflaged, and such deception will be profitable.
However, the game so only under the right circumstances - in the game
against players who do not know you, it would be a mistake to sacrifice
current profit in fraud or balancing game.

Do you have to re-raise with weak hands, depends on

How many people went into the game after you. If the pot is only 2-3
player, you'll need to re-raise with 77 or 88, because in such a
situation, these hands can win without improvement. If the pot is 4
or more players, inclines to reraise with medium suited
connectors, as they have the advantage of the share of the bank against
a large number of players.

With hands that can play well in a multi, but

not strong enough to raise (small and medium pairs and small
Suited connectors), you must include overlimpom. If the bank
already entered a bad player, you also have to lean towards overlimpu. If
You are in middle position and you have to come to the bank one player
We recommend overlimpovat following hands: 88-55, A9s-A5s,
JTs-76s, QTs-86s andKTs-J9s.

If the bank before you entered more than one player, you can play
more hands: 44-22, A4s-A2s, 65s, 75s, T7s, J8s andQ8s.

These pre-flop recommendations only approximate and should

vary depending on the game and situation.
Sometimes it's hard to pinpoint exactly when the rally of a hand
beneficial, and when not. For example, if a 10-person game you

and before you limp, only one player, it's a borderline case.
Determining fold, call or raise with a hand like this, you need to
consider the following factors:

1. In what style and how well is limper.

2. General characteristics of the game.

3. Your specific position.

4. Manner of playing the blinds, especially the big blind.

If limper - tight, solid player who entered the game "under
barrel ", you must reset A4s regardless of his own position,
because in the early position, a player will often limp with
the expectation of re-raise, and your arm looks pretty weak against
the range of his possible hands. Suited your hands several
makes your life easier, but the tighter the enemy and what it is stronger, the
more in this situation, you have to lean to fold. However, if the
other criteria appear favorable, you should consider
which ones are most important. It depends on how much
these factors affect the benefit of one solution over another.

We present an extreme example of this: if you are in

loose game, in which the average flop watching four or more
players will be true overlimpovat any hand type Axs independently
how much is in first position limper. If the game
tighter, you should pay more attention to the consideration of
how well he plays.

Depending on your specific seat, overlimp

may be more beneficial from an earlier position, as this
can be expected from other overlimpy sitting at your players,
increases the likelihood of a multi-way. The chances of a multiway
increase even more when you give yourself overlimp as this you
increase the chances of the bank sitting at your players, encouraging them
enter the game.

For example, if you have an ace with a weak kicker suited to

button, and before you came into the game, only one player in early position, you
positional advantage, but you have a marginal hand that
not strong enough to play with her against rannepozitsionnogo
limper, even with the advantage position. If the pot is 4
Team (the probability that the small blind is in play at half-time,
is high), you will not be in a terrible situation. However kolliruya,
you run the risk of pay-per-view two bets the flop, so there is better
just reset.

On the other hand, if you give overlimp from early position, you
increase the chances that the bank will eventually be made up of 5-6 players. With
so many players you will suffer less if per-view
flop will have to pay two rates as your implied odds
will be larger. In other words, to create a large multi-way

advantageous than a flop a good position, but against the small
number of players.

When the blinds play a relatively loose and rather passive,

you should be more inclined to overlimpu as a chance to create a large
multiway increase and raise the probability decreases. Conversely,
if the blinds are tight and play more aggressively to overlimpovat
with only few hands.

When you have a 3-bet
Obviously, if the flop before you had a 3-bet, you should
play a much tighter. If you raise and re-raise followed by
adequate players, you have to play only a few hands: JJ +, AKs and
AKo, probably increasing to skipper with each of them. Decision is whether the
game after a 3-beta depends on the players and their positions. If you raise
reraise and gave players in early position, you have to play a very

If the players have given a raise and re-raise from middle and / or
late position, and their hand ranges are approximately as follows:

Reiser: 55 +, A7s +, ATo +, K9s +, KQo, QTs +, J9s + andT9s.

Reraiser 77 +, A8s +, AJo + andKQs.

Against these arms relative value of hands TT, JJ, AQs, AKs, AKo and
KQs is:

TT = 37.09% AKs = 38.78%

JJ = 42.03% AKo = 35.66%
AQs = 33.19% KQs = 28.82%

Your "fair" relative value of hands against three

opponents is 33.3%. This means that at a distance you
a profit with all hands, the relative value of which
above that figure by dividing the dead money with their blinds

Even though a pair of tens is a slight advantage for

the share of the bank, we recommend to reset the hand, since it is difficult to
play after the flop, especially with overcards on the table.

On the other hand, this hand, as AKo pre-flop also has

a slight delay on the share of the bank, but it will still need to enter
the game, as it is easy to play after the flop. If the flop is ace
or king, you will likely have the best hand, and you will be able to confidently
to bet or raise to protect it.

If reraiser - a maniac, you can play looser and usually
will have to raise rates to 4, to stay with him one on one.
We were playing against a maniac would 88 +, AQs + andAKo, increasing to skipper with
all of these hands.

If you put raiser and reraiser these hands:

Reiser: 55 +, A7s +, ATo +, K9s +, KQo, QTs +, J9s + andT9s.

Reraiser 22 +, A2s +, A2o +, KTs andKJo +

the relative value of these out of your hands will be:

66 = 32.22% AQs = 38.29%

77 = 34.10% AQo = 35.02%

88 = 36.39% AKo = 39.10%

AJs = 34.60% KQs = 32.50%

If you think that giving the skipper, there is a good chance to make
original raiser fold, you can add the following hands:
77-44, AJs andAQo, because they have the advantage over
possible range of hands 3-bettor.

Playing in the big blind in

Many players are playing too tight in the big

blind, if there is a raise before the flop and formed multi-way. In general,
if a bank has entered six (and sometimes 5) other players, you have to
call a raise from the big blind with almost any two cards.

Kolliruya paired with any two cards, the flop you

collect two pair or better in 3.7% sluchaev5. If a garbage hand like
♠ 7 ♥ 4 on the flop you will continue with only two pairs or better
you fold to 96.3% of the flops. Thus, for an equal playing
you will have to win an average of 27 small bets for every time
when you get a strong hand.

If there is a raise before the flop and 6 men entered the bank, and you
are in the big blind, your pot odds to call up
13.5-to-1. So, to call with any two cards was
justified on the flop you have to win only 13.5 small bets in
six opponents when you get a strong hand. You will collect on
flop two pair or better and win at the opening frequently,
to call with any two cards in the same situation was favorable.
Good pot odds, you receive the flop you will be reimbursed
losses that you incur, gathering a strong hand and eventually lost.

By this same token, you must enter the game with a big
blind with any two suited cards, if a raise in the bank
there are five or more players.

Unpaired hand with random probability of flopping one of the following
combinations are:
bob - 0.01%
Full House - 0.092%
Thrips - 1.571%
two pairs - 2.02%
Total: 0.01 + 0.092 + 1.571 + 2.02 = 3.7%

Blind versus blind

Playing the small blind

When you're in the small blind and everyone folds to you, you
have to play most of your hands due to the fact that the bank
already invested some money. Despite the fact that most
determining factor in the choice between call, fold or raise - your
own cards, the solution to a large extent be dependent
also on how your opponent plays.

With the first word in preflop in the small blind, you

must combine the recommendations of this section to previously submitted
tables for stealing from the small blind. If the recommendations of the various
sections will contradict each other, you will need to determine
What factors in this situation, the most important, and to follow them

From the small blind in a game with the typical blind structure
(Small blind is half the big), you will automatically receive
profits, giving a raise with any two cards against the big blind
that in such situations tends to drop more frequently than in
half the time. You run the risk of low rates of 0.75 to
0.75 to win small bets that are already on the line, so if a large
BB will drop more than 50% of cases, you get profit
giving a raise with any hand.

Programs analyzing poker statistics can

give this description for each enemy (in
PokerTracker To do this, click More Detail tab
General Info, then in the window to find the parameter Fold BB to
Steal HU). Be warned, however, that high-stakes rarely
find a good player who commits such a mistake.

Because of the two following causes permanent open raise with

small blind can be beneficial, even if your opponent
fold less than 50% of cases. These reasons are:

1. There is a good chance that the enemy is not collecting anything on

flop down to your second attack.

2. Even opening raise with a garbage hand, as

you have the chance to flop two pair or better and win
at autopsy. However, with the arms of the monster-type AA, KK or QQ
against a player who in the big blind folds too
often, you usually need only call, because with such a
your hand postflop expectation is very high - after the flop you
be able to win a lot more than the money that is in the
bank at the moment.

In the game against an aggressive opponent who is in this situation

inclined to defend the big blind too often (with dropping
less than 10% of the time) you need to drop about 20% of its
Hand: 32s, 43s-, 53s-, 63s-, 32o, 43o, 53o-, 63o-, 74o-, 84o-, 95o-, T5o- andJ3o-.
Since the chance to steal the big blind is reduced, you should
raise only about 30% of your hands: 22 +, A7o +, K8o +, Q9o +,
J9o +, A3s +, K9s +, Q8s + andJ9s +. With the remaining 50% of the hands should be called.
Also, you often have to play call-reraise with pairs of nines and up.
However, with AA andKK, probably better to just give a raise, because with them
preferably pre-flop to increase the bank as much as
possible. This is especially true if the enemy can reraised,
after which you will be able to bring the trade to skipper.

Another important factor to consider - how

good opponent plays after the flop. Obviously, if he plays
bad, you have to play more hands. Against a passive opponent
benefits of playing more hands, because if you get on the flop
marginal hand (for example, the lower pair), you can easily
determine its relative strength. Conversely, against an aggressive
players need to play fewer hands, avoiding difficult situations in which
kolirovat need to end up with a hand in the strength of which you will not
uvereny6. In an aggressive player you win a small amount
banks, but banks are large. Against a passive player
is not the case - you'll win a lot of pots, but they will

With the first word in the small blind, you must update
their game, and in accordance with the structure of the blinds. If the small blind
about 2/3 of the big, you have to call and raise a large
number of hands, as it is now your call or raise is for you less
expensive, because the bank has collected more money. Conversely, if

But against superagressivnogo maniac to play more hands at the high
implied odds.

the small blind is 1/3 or 2/5 of the greatest, you have to play

Playing against an opponent who often

gives reraise preflop
Many good players give reraise with a lot of hands (and



ken to give QQ-99, A9s + andAJo +. Against a tight player on

Flop of the enemy can also add KTs + andKJo +. With this
hand, you will still be the favorite against a range of hands
the enemy, and giving to her skipper, increase the likelihood that there will
force the enemy to lose in the future, especially if the flop
an Ace, and the enemy will not have an ace. Against a loose-aggressive
opponent plays after the flop can consider the skipper with his hands
able to win without improvement, such as 88-55, A8s-A6s andATo-

A8o, as they also look favorably compared with the range
hands of the enemy, and you might need to go with them to a showdown. With more
small pairs and aces with a weak kicker be less inclined to
this game, because if the enemy by 3-bet with a good hand, these
hands at best be only a slight favorite, and at worst -
serious underdog. With pocket aces and kings, we
recommend answer simply call a 3-bet preflop with the intention
to check-raise on most flops. The reason for doing so - to hide
observation of enemy strength of your hand, because if you do not give
ken on the flop, such opponents will almost certainly exclude aces or
Kings among your possible hands. In addition, putting a check-raise to
flop with aces and kings, you balance your game, and your
subsequent check-raise would have more respect from
opponents. However, the skipper before the flop and then bet on the flop with aces or
Kings - also a good option.

Note about postflop game

After a steal raise from the small blind before the flop you'll need
bet the flop almost every case, as the bank will offer
your chances of 4-to-1 on your bet, and the chance that the opponent will flop
pair or a drawing hand, is less than 50%.

Many players with strong hands in this situation checked.

However, playing well, they miss the opportunity to win a big pot
If the enemy "lucky" to flop good, but the second strongest
hand. Against hyperaggressive player you even more to
inclined to beta, because he can respond to you with a raise
marginal hand, or as a bluff / semi-bluff, giving you
opportunity to re-raise the flop or check-raise on the turn.

Playing in the big blind

Being in the big blind, you have to answer
open raise from the small blind with most of your hands, not to
give the enemy an automatic advantage in his raise to two
any cards. Again, at the time, as the most important factor in
choosing between call, fold and raise - the power of your hand, the frequency with
which the enemy uses stealing in such situations, is also important.
If the small blind plays aggressively in these situations (having first
word in the game, the small blind raises more than 50% of cases), you
have to play about 70% of the hands, dropping only 32s, 43s-, 53s-, 63s-,

32o, 43o, 53o-, 64o-, 74o-, 85o-, 93o- andT2o. Reraise to the best
30% of your hands: 22 +, A7o +, K8o +, Q9o +, J9o +, A3s +, K9s +, Q8s + andJ9s +.
Remember, this is only an approximate standards, and sometimes you have to
deviate from them in order to impede the supervisory opponents
Reading your hands. However, we believe that the "lies" of the 3-bet with the
hand as

use should not be - in spite of the fact that you get a
benefit from cheating opponent, your game is too strongly deviates from
optimal. In addition, the range of hands that you give a raise, and no
that is quite diverse. Even if your opponent will know that
you reraise is the best 30% of his hands, it would be difficult to
read your hand, because the range of your hand will contain
quite a number of starting hands, including pairs,
connectors, suited hands and arms containing high cards.

Against a player who rarely opens with a raise from the small blind
you have to defend the big blind with a smaller number of hands, but not
less than 40% of cases. In general, to defend themselves in such cases rarely
than 55% with no apparent point is not recommended. Also, in the game
against opponents of observation to avoid to drop more often
than 50% of the time, as this can cause them to attack you from
the small blind with any two cards.

Since the big blind you will have a positional

advantage, the quality of post-flop game your opponent has less
important. Position gives you the ability to better manage the process of
rally in the later rounds of betting and control
bets, attracted to the bank. However, against a passive
enemy you should be more inclined to play small suited
cards (including connectors), because after the flop you have more than
probably will see some of the maps for free.

As it might seem at first sight, the blind structure is not

should have no role, if you defend the big blind from the attack
small - if your opponent will raise the bank rate will be 3 small, if it
calls - only 2. However, the blind structure influences decisions
taken by your opponent and characterizes the range of hands.
The best players will play looser when the small blind is 2/3 of
large, but tighter, if the ratio of the small blind to
large size is only 1/3. Despite the fact that the structure
blind does not affect getting your pot odds, hand ranges
while opponents may vary.

Part II

Protection blinds

In tough games in which opponents will often play
aggressively and try to steal your blinds, you have to actively
protect, or you replay. Many players are too zealously follow
this advice and protect the big blind with almost any
cards, justifying it by the fact that the pot odds are 3.5-to-1, and those
there are very few hands that are significantly
disadvantageous in these conditions. However, many marginal hands on
distance can do more damage than 0.5 big bets
(The price of calling them), because they do not play on the flop.

Protection blinds - an integral part and vysokolimitnyh

short plays. Since your income is dependent on the frequency and severity
your mistakes and errors of opponents, defending the blinds, it is important
provoke opponents mistakes and not make any mistakes yourself. What
whether you have the blinds in a particular situation depends on
range of hands of the enemy and the strength of your own cards. In this
part of the book we will give specific recommendations on a
Which hands should the blinds, as well as present
practical results of protection blinds based on 85,000 hands
played on medium and high stakes.

Also, we consider a strategy to protect the big blind when

small blind called and gave 3-bet, protection blinds with pocket
vapors and protect the small blind. Finally, in section, which will
considered protection blinds with Q7o protection against K2o, we
demonstrate the importance of postflop value of your hands when
decision to protect the blinds. Many players feel
uncomfortable defending the blinds with marginal hands that
not surprising, as the flop with them difficult to play out of position
against an aggressive player. We hope that the concept, which will be
presented in this part of the book will help you better navigate the
similar situations.

Protecting the big blind
When you are in the big blind, and someone opens
raise from one of the last two items, you have to call
many hands (with about 60% of the hands), depending on the aggressiveness
Reiser and his position. The general rule is that you need to protect
the big blind with those hands that have 35% of the value of
concerning the alleged range of hands preflop raiser. But
It should be more inclined to play with the hands that have
good implied odds (such as suited connectors), and
less inclined to play dominated hands, especially against tight

Defending the big blind, you often have to give a 3-bet when
sufficiently sure that your hand is best. As the
change, you can call a pre-flop raise, and then to check-
raise on most flops with hands that you will benefit
force the opponent to lose, especially with small pairs and hands
containing an ace.

Our recommendations for the protection of the big blind from the typical
steal raise the following: 22 +, A2s +, A2o +, K2s +, K3o +, Q3s +, Q7o +, J4s +,
J7o +, T5s +, T8o +, 96s +, 98o, 85s +, 86o +, 75s +, 75o +, 64s +, 65o, 53s + and43s.

These recommendations are exemplary only and are based on

practical analysis of situations steal the blinds, which will be discussed
later in this section. But you have to make changes to this basic
strategy depending on the situation, especially considering the
the possibility of 3-beta, as it can have an impact on postflop
game. Also you have to change your game depending tightness
preflop raiser and his position - if the range of his arms wide, to
most respond with a lot of hands, and conversely, if the raiser
tight, it is necessary to reduce the range of their hands, suitable for protection.

The table below shows the final results of the game

the big blind for all three of our players. The first six rows
overall results show, when an attempt was made
steal (remember that stealing - an opening raise from two
last positions, as well as the small blind), and six of the last lines -
Results protect the big blind against a steal raise. You can
note that vysokolimitny player putting money in the bank a little more often,
than 51% of cases, and srednelimitny - in 57% of cases:

And 0.51120.5732
In part, this stems from the fact that the mid-stakes players
the blinds with a wide range of hands, but the main reason
that high-stakes raise and 3-bet happens in more
number of draws than average.

Avg $ /
Trials Win% Amount ($) Hand BB / Hand
High 33524 21.08 (1654673) (0,2)
Mid 33444 22.1 (201648) (5,84) (0,3)
Grd 19490 16.32 (460126) (23,61) (0,3)

Put $ in Win% Went to

Pot Raised Won at SD%
Steal% 38.77 33.12
High 11.15 56.78
Mid 57.32 39.82 9.97 38.22 51.93
Grd 42.34 38.53 7.60 34.33 57.03

Avg $ /
Trials Win% Amount ($) BB / Hand
Def. 17136 38.78 19423 1.13 0

Def. 19168 39.83 (7113) (0,37) 0
Def. 8252 38.55 163 0.02 0

Put $ in Win% Went to

Pot Raised Won at SD%
100 38.77 20.52 33.10 56.80
Def. 100 39.82 17.97 38.22 51.93
Def. 100 38.53 17.95 34.33 57.03

Corresponding to each player table consists of two parts:
overall results of the game with each hand after stealing and game results
after stealing only when voluntarily investing money in the bank.

Note about postflop game
If the protection of the big blind you give a 3-bet with a small pair
you must continue to bet on the flop and the turn. This is the most
appropriate strategy to protect your vulnerable hands ready. But
you have to be ready to drop on an opponent raises, especially if
table will be two or more overcards to your pair.

Against some opponents, and in certain maps on

table is justified call to end, even if against you

will raise. Raffle pocket pair in the table maps containing
workpiece under the many possible combinations of a drawing - a complex
situation. If you always fold to a raise, you sometimes will drop
best hand, if you always call before the end, you risk
pay the opponent too much. Use your knowledge of
Texture analysis of the enemy and card table, to determine the frequency with
which he can bluff or polublefovat.

Alternative drawing pocket pair of deuces to

Sevens - call the flop and check-raised on the flop. This strategy also
works well, and the flop for the same price you get more
of information. Alternating between these two strategies together, you make
a balance in your game.

With a small pocket pair, you can also play a donk check for
turn and river. Donk check - a check in early position after a
previous round you bet. Very often this technique is used
on the river. If you continue to bet with a weak pair, you rarely
force the opponent to fold the best hand or call with a worse
hand, so in these situations a check-call - often the best strategy.

Defending the big blind with a hand

against a single opponent, you should always play on the flop check-
fold if you get a couple or a good drawing hand that
you usually need to check-raise - with a pair of in order to increase the bank, and with
a drawing hand - to compel the enemy to lose afterwards.
Exception - when you flopped a decent made hand type
middle pair (for example, you ♣ J ♠ 9 the flop ♠ K ♦ J ♥ 6) and feel that
the enemy no more than three outs if it behind, but it can
bluff against you in all future rounds.

Protecting the big blind
after the small blind
made the call

When a player in late position opens with a raise, and the small blind
calls, you have to call free, since getting good
pot odds - 5-to-1. However, as already formed a multiway, you
should avoid playing with hands that have a bad back,
implied odds (A7o-A2o and K9o-K2o). Despite the fact that with
many of these hands is worth defending against the big blind
only rival, in a multi you are less able to
control the size of the bank and will be less likely to win, did not improve.

For example, you

the big blind. Aggressive player opens with a raise from the button, and
The small blind folds. You should definitely call. If the
flop an Ace, you will be able to check-call in the three subsequent
rounds, reaching the opening of three big bets (paying for part-time
preflop and on the flop and 1 bet on the turn and river). However, if the
game enters the small blind, you have to fold a hand like ♦ A ♥ 4.
Do not go into a big pot with a marginal hand, especially if
opponents play aggressively.

Suppose you ♦ K ♣ 8 the big blind. Tight

aggressive player opens with a raise from the button, a loose-aggressive player
The small blind calls, and you also koliruete (incorrectly). Flop
♣ K ♥ T ♣ 4 gives you top pair. The small blind bet, you call, the button raises,
small blind calls and you call. The turn ♦ 6 small blind checks, you check,
Bet button and the small blind raises. Since the small blind - loose
aggressive player, he can raise a wide range of hands: Set two
pair, 4-flush, four-straight, a pair of tens, pocket jacks or queens, and
King also with a weaker kicker. Since the range of hands
wide enough, you still have to call through. But
Furthermore, since the bank has grown respectably, and the cards on the table very
coordinated and thus you can have the best hand, you should
to three-bet to protect it. So, to get to showdown with

marginal hand can cost you 4.5 to 5.5 big bets - it's
50-80% more expensive than in the game against a single opponent.

On the other hand, the big blind in this situation, you

have a freer hand to call with, and has good
implied odds (eg, pocket pairs and
suited connectors), because with them you can build a large
hand and win a big pot. These hands also include such
hands as 65s, JTo andK5s.

3-bet from the big blind after stealing

and a call from the small blind
After a typical player tried to steal the blinds, and
small blind made the call from the big blind, you have to give 3 -
only bet strong hands: 99 +, AJs +, AQo + andKQs. Obviously, the
If the preflop raiser often steals the blinds, you should increase
range of your hands to 3-bet, and vice versa - if he does it is rare,
to reraise with fewer hands. Finally, if the flop
raiser is tight, you should strongly inclined to 3-bet, which
will allow you to take the initiative.

The typical frequency of stealing from the button is 41.2%, which

corresponds approximately to the following range of hands: 22 +, A2s +, A2o +,
K2s +, K7o +, Q5s +, Q9o +, J8s +, J9o +, T8s +, T9o, 97s +, 98o, 86s +, 75s + and
65s. Small blind is difficult to put a specific range
hands, but in practice it is usually tighter than the range of hands
Steel-raiser. In multi-way bet or raise to increase the bank brings
more profit than the deceptive game, so when deciding on
preflop, you should pay more attention to the relative strength of your
hands than fraudulent actions. In practice, this may mean a bet or
raise preflop or on the flop with your advantage by the share of the bank.
As a basic strategy, we offer a 3-bet with a hand, the relative
the value of which is 40% or more against alleged arms
Two other players, while also tending to give a 3-bet with hands
who have a bad reverse implied odds and that
able to win without improvement (for example, a pair of hands and containing
ace). Call on the flop with a strong hand, such as

which has a high potential chances - good game, since
a hand under the right circumstances, you can apply

favorable or semi-bluff on the flop turn.
Adapt to the specific type of opponents and the game is always
important. However, despite the fact that the small blind is difficult to put
a specific range of hands, you can try to do it. On
our assumptions, the call from the small blind means that his hand
belongs to some of these ranges: A6s-A2s, K7s-K4s,
Q7s +, J8s +, T8s +, 97s +, 86s +, 75s +, 64s +, 54s, A8o-A5o, KTo-K8o, QTo +,
JTo, T9o and98o - About 19% of the hands (but not the best 19% of hands).

Against the range of hands, and the typical range of hands player
button, try to steal the blinds, the relative value
Some of the following hands:

22 = 30.2% 88 = 41.9% AA = 72.2%

33 = 31.6% 99 = 45.9% AKo = 46.4%
44 = 33% TT = 50.8% AKs = 49.1%
55 = 34.7% JJ = 54.6% JTo = 31%
66 = 36.7% QQ = 58.6% JTs = 34.3%
77 = 38.9% KK = 63.8%

When the small blind, big hand

It should be noted that some players call a raise from the small
Blind only

AA, KK or QQ


domination too great to play AJo and worse. Also, the odds of 3,5 -
to-1 suggest that the original raiser just calls. If the
it will give the skipper, your pot odds will be reduced to 3-to-1. Ken will
mean that your hand is significantly reduced in value against
hands of both opponents. However, if the skipper to raise the player who
tendency to play out of position aggressively stealing, it's not as dangerous
because such a player may give the skipper with a wide range of hands, and
many hands in this range is actually not strong enough to
skipper. The same can be said about a maniac who is able to give the skipper
wide range of hands (in which case you will have poorer chances
to the bank, but your hand will look stronger against the range of its
possible hand).

Assuming that the small blind makes a 3-bet with the following
range of hands: 22 +, A5s +, A8o +, K9s +, KTo +, QTs +, QTo + andJTs and
given that a player in late position steal the blinds with 40% of their hands,
the relative value of some of your hands against the range of hands
Both players will be:

66 = 34% AJo = 36.6%

55 = 32.4% KQs = 36.1%
AJs = 39.8% KJs = 34%
ATs = 37.3% KQo = 32.8%
AQo = 39.6%

When you need to give the
Against a typical 3-bet from the small blind, you have to give the skipper to
QQ +, AQs + andAKo. WithTT, JJ andAQo ken in this situation - borderline
decision, and sometimes it can be used to confuse your
game. Against an aggressive steal raiser on the button and aggressive 3 -
bettor in the small blind with skipper hands like 88, KQo, AJo andA9s -
also a good solution.

Playing with a pocket pair

With pocket your chance to flop a set is 1 -
K-7, 5. Because sometimes you flop a set, but still lose, you
need to call with a hand preflop only when
expect that the outcome of the bank will be big enough. In general, we
recommend to call with any pocket pair, if it is expected that
resulting bank will be ten times more of your pre-flop investment (not
Considering themselves). Since in our situation you need
answer two small bets to see the flop, we recommend
call only if you expect that the bank will be the final
be 20 small bets (10 more) or more.

Our basic recommendation for such situations - call with

pocket sixes and up and drop smaller pair. If
opponents post-flop play very aggressively, you can more
extend your standards to call, because your potential
chances are higher, and the expected final size of the bank - more. And
Conversely, if the flop opponents play passively, and the flop -
tight, you have to play fewer hands, while dropping
pocket sixes and sevens.

When the small blind - passive player

If the small blind - passive player, able to give a 3-bet
only 88 +, ATs + andAJo +, you have to play tighter after 3 -
beta, as it is likely that he has a big hand. In such a situation
We recommend to play only with 99 +, AQs + andAQo +, while improving to
with skipper AA-QQ, AKs and sometimes AKo. The relative value of hands 88 andAJs
will be about 30% compared with the range of small arms
blind, and your implied odds are this will quite small.
Hand AJo looks even worse against the likely hands of 3-bettor - its

the relative value of only 26%, to as great a threat

When the small blind is a very aggressive

If the small blind is very aggressive, you should be free to give
skipper, trying to knock the original raiser and turn it into money
dead. If you knock out the original raiser, you will also
have the last word in all betting rounds. You rarely get
make him lose, but when you get it will be a very strong
way, and because you'll be giving the skipper with pretty good hands, you
will not lose too much in cases where it is
call. We advise you to provide the skipper with 88 +, AJo +, ATs + andKQs,
adding some other type hands A9s andKQo against more
loose players.

Protecting the big blind with
pocket pairs

In the protection of the big blind you pozdnepozitsionnogo raiser

should decide to call you or to give a 3-bet with pocket paroy7. In
this situation, you definitely do not need to drop a pocket pair,
The only possible exception - fold with 22 or 33 at very
specific circumstances or against a very tight raiser of
penultimate position. To balance the game you have to
alternate call and 3-bet, but with some specific factors
can make one option is much preferable to the other.

The 3-bet with pocket pairs before the flop has two advantages.
First, your hand will often have an advantage against a typical
range of hands raiser (40% of the hands). Thus, you reraise
increase the bank at your advantage by the share of the bank. For this
reason you should lean toward more raises with pairs of sixes and

Second, reraise you grab the initiative, increasing

possibility that can make your opponent lose in
future. For this reason, you should strongly inclined to reraise
against tight-aggressive players, as they can be more likely to
get lose in the later rounds, showing aggression on
flop. Also note that you can achieve the same purpose and for the same
price kolliruya preflop and playing check-raise on the flop. To confuse
their game against the tight-aggressive players alternate between these two

With a pocket pair against a loose-aggressive player your

advantage is likely to be even higher (as a player usually raises
with a wider range of hands), so in these situations, you often
should give reraise. However, a loose-aggressive player is more likely
will go with his hand before opening, so you are less likely
will make him throw in the later rounds. Also, loose-
aggressive player is more likely to bluff you all
the remaining rounds. For these reasons, against a loose-aggressive
player you have to give a 3-bet with pocket sixes and above, but with

Protecting the same small blind with pocket pair, you almost always have to give a 3-bet. More
details on this will be discussed in the section "Protecting the small blind."

weaker pairs to just call, hoping
provoke a bluff in the future. However, keep in mind that
responding only call with a small pair, you are giving the enemy a lot
free cards that can beat you.

For example, loose-aggressive opponent opens with a raise

button and you call in the big blind with

The flop comes

Opponent bets and you call. The turn ♦ 4. He bets, you call. The river ♠ 3. He
Bet you call. At autopsy, it shows

(Or AK, AQ, AJ, ♥ A ♥ X etc.), and you win the pot. Check-raising (in any
round of betting) can also be beneficial - it can sometimes be
force the opponent to fold a hand with 6 outs (for example, ♣ A ♦ 5) or
stronger hand than you have (eg ♠ 5 ♥ 5). However, playing the check-raise, you
risk running into a 3-bet from the best hand or get back 3-bet
as a semi-bluff (especially on the flop) 8.

If you have a pair of deuces, and card table contain many blanks
for straights and flushes, yet you know that the enemy will put
on the flop, turn and river, the flop you have to check-call if
think that is rarely able to force the opponent to fold the best hand.
If your hand - the best, you win as much, but if you're behind, you
just more you lose, if you play differently, because
future rounds of the enemy will be able to play correctly answering
call with a drawing hand under the right pot odds and giving a raise
If your hand he still completed. If he did not come
made hand, the river is easy to fold.

In the example above, where the enemy were ♥ Q ♥ J, you would have to
to check-raise on the turn and check-call on the river, if you knew that
rival it is this hand. But since you can not know the exact
hand your opponent check-called the turn - a safe game
against a player who will bet after your check. If you are very

But consider that the enemy can also say a check and take a free card that can be
beat you, while your bet he would have folded.

suspect that the enemy drawing hand, a check-raise on the flop and
turn and then check-called on the river in early position will
strong play on your part.

Against a particular opponent may be right to lose

small pocket pair in the later rounds of trade, even though the
that you both called before the flop with a hand. For example, the tight-
aggressive player opens with a raise from the penultimate position, and you
defend the big blind with ♦ 3 ♠ 3. The flop comes ♠ K ♣ 9 ♥ 5 opponent
bet and you call. The turn ♦ 4. If it is put back, you'll probably need
will reset. At such "leaky" flop like this, on the turn
opponent is likely to be considered only with a made hand, since
a drawing hand, he can not have, and with the ace on the turn he
would say check. If your opponent is one of those who will bet on the turn with
AQ-A8, and the river to speak with these hands a check, you can play a check-
call on the turn and check-fold on the river (if not improved). Triple on
river you get in 4.5% of cases, and sometimes also win if
the enemy has to say on the river check. Against some aggressive
opponents can call and the turn, even if a scare card on

Generally, if you have to call on the turn, depends on

how well you can read the hand of the enemy, when he puts on
turn. Some enemies in this situation is practically impossible
read the other hand can be read accurately.

Below are typical ranges of hands that can be at

the enemy, and your share of the bank against them on the turn with pocket
triples. Here we assume that the action on the flop did not allow
you get a more accurate picture of the hand of the aggressor.

Range of hands raiser of the penultimate position: 33 +, A2s +, A7o +,

K6s +, KTo +, Q8s +, QTo +, J8s +, JTo, T8s +, 97s +, 87s and76s.

 The relative value of your hand on the turn (before you and your
contender to take effect): 45.2%.

 The number of hands that you hit 158.

 The average relative value of your hand compared to these

hands: 83.1%.

 The number of hands that beat you, 146.

 The average relative value of your hand compared to these

hands: 4.2%.

Range of hands raiser of the penultimate position: 33 +, A2s +, A7o +,
K6s +, KTo +, Q8s +, QTo +, J8s +, JTo, T8s +, 97s +, 87s and76s.

 The relative value of your hand on the turn (before you and your
contender to take effect): 40.4%.

 The number of hands that you hit 202.

 The average relative value of your hand compared to these

hands: 83.8%.

 The number of hands that beat you, 243.

 The average relative value of your hand compared to these

hands: 4.3%.

Why is it better to protect
big blind with Q7o, than

Even despite the fact that the pre-flop K2o 3-to-2 favorite against
Q7o, withQ7o you should be more inclined to defend the big blind,
than K2o9. The main reason - the danger of domination and, besides,
if you lack the position reduces your implied odds.
Below are a fraction of the bank's hands K2o andQ7o against three different
hand ranges from Steel-raiser:

35.3 percent: 55 +, A2s +, A4o +, K3s +, K8o +, Q5s +, Q9o +, J7s +,

J9o +, T7s +, T9o, 97s + and87s.

 Relative value K2o is 39%.

 Relative value Q7o is 37%.

40 percent: 44 +, A2s +, A3o +, K2s +, K7o +, Q4s +, Q8o +, J7s +, J8o +,

T7s +, T9o, 97s + and87s.

 Relative value K2o is 40%.

 Relative value Q7o is 38%.

45.4 percent: 22 +, A2s +, A2o +, K2s +, K6o +, Q5s +, Q8o +, J6s +,

J8o +, T7s +, T8o +, 97s +, 98o, 86s + and76s.

 Relative value K2o is 40%.

 Relative value Q7o is 39%.

Based only on the relative value of hands, calculated by

system of "hot or cold" (that is, ignoring the postflop trade)
hand like Kx looks more preferable. However, the hand Q7o
plays better on the flop, winning more bets when it

Practical results of our game players also support this argument.

ahead and losing fewer bets when behind. It
circumstance outweighs the difference in the relative value to the

Hand K2o is dominated by the following hands: AK, A2 andKQ-K3 -

144 is unique hands, and almost all of them, most
Players try to steal the blinds. At the same time, the hand K2o
dominates only on the hands Q2, J2, T2, ...32 - It is the hands that
even aggressive players are unlikely to apply stealing.

On the other hand, Q7o dominated hands A7, K7, AQ, KQ and
QJ-Q8 - Is 96 unique hands. Dominated by the same hand Q7o over
the following hands: Q6-Q2, J7, T7, 97 and87, and some of them
(Especially suited) are included in the number of hands used
aggressive players to steal the blinds.

Also, the hand K2o is dominated with respect to any

pair (it is 72 unique starting combinations), while Q7o
dominated by only a pair of sevens and up (42 starting hands).
In addition, the hand Q7o - Only a small underdog to the
pairs below sevens (30 unique combinations).

Besides the fact that the hand Q7o less threatened by domination, this
played a better hand after the flop. For both of your hands postflop
wait will be approximately equal to, if you get a couple of his
high card (king or queen). In this situation, you will almost always
will either greatly ahead or way behind - you (or your
opponent) will have only 2 or 3 outs (rarely 5).
However, if the K2o you get a couple of pairs and find yourself in front,
opponent will almost always have at least 6 outs
(The only exception - when it will be under the reverse
control). If you get a pair of seven, having Q7o, opponent
much more likely to have only 3 or fewer outs against

If the flop you will not get a pair, with K2o in the majority
Sometimes you can not profitably call - almost always without a pair
will need to be reset. However, the call with Q7o the flop ♥ J ♣ 5 ♠ 2 or
♠ 9 ♥ 6 ♠ 2 may be justified, because now a lot more
likely that all 6 outs for a pair will be enough

In addition, with K2o impossible to flop or higher

middle pair on the lowest card. After receiving a pair of deuces on the flop, you're not
can confidently give a bet or a raise, so this hand you
do not win a lot of money and it can not well

For example, an aggressive player opens with a raise from the button.
The small blind folds and you call in the big blind with

The flop comes

On the flop you have to check-raise with the intention to check-call the turn and
river, causing the opponent to bluff. However, at the turn comes ♥ T,
forming three of hearts cards on the table. Now if you are still
front, and in the hand of the enemy have any heart, he has 15 outs
against you, so you put in defense of their hand. The enemy makes
raise. You are in a very difficult situation - it may just be ♥ A or
♥ K, but also it can be ready to flush, set, two pair, or
he raises for the free opening with a single pair. You
may need to be reset, but you can reset and the best hand.
If, in this situation, you had a pair of sevens, you dramatically
it would be easier to call all the way without risking to lose
best hand.

Finally, it should be noted that a pair of deuces easier

drag the river, than a pair of sevens, which further reduces
your postflop expectation with K2o.

Protecting the small blind
From the small blind, and faced with the stealing of
late position, you should keep in mind the following three things:

1. You receive the pot odds are not very good

(3.5-to-1, 5, a typical structure of the blinds).

2. You will be in the worst position of all the other


3. You do not close a sale, after you have more great


The presence of these factors, says that you should not play
many hands. On average, you have to play 20% of hands, and almost always
(About 95%) - reraised to knock out the big blind
and turn it into dead money. In fact, the only hands,
appropriate to call - is pocket aces and kings. However, for
balancing you should periodically call also with
hands like QJs, JTs, 77 and88. Alternatively, you
can never call, including those with AA or KK,
Thus, the need to balance the game naturally
way away.

There are two reasons for the 3-beta in protecting the small blind:

1. Knocked out of the game the big blind, turning it into money

2. Seize the initiative and win the majority of the banks without
opening, when you and your opponent does not match the flop.

Some players argue that the protection of the small blind

you need only to call with hands that have good
implied odds, for example

especially if the big blind - loose and hardly throw even if
you give a 3-bet. However, the reserve in order to force the enemy
drop in the future, created by your 3-bet, is more valuable than
increase your potential chances (even against loose
players). Also, you should not hesitate to give a 3-bet against
big blind, capable Calling two bets with a wide

range of hands because your opponent has an advantage against those
hands that he would call.

Also it should be noted that drawing hands play out badly

position. Therefore, despite the fact that a hand like ♦ 8 ♦ 7 looks
attractive to the game, you do not have to defend the small blind with
it, because you'll be in a bad position, and the bank will be
only 2 or 3 players. Instead, you should be more inclined to
playing hands that can win without improvement, and / or who have
reverse implied odds, because with them profitably attract
the bank a lot of bets on the flop. Also, as the bank

adjust the range of hands, taking out his arms and losing
adding hands that in this situation can play well
(Based on the statistics are similar to their hands).

Against a very loose raiser, who steals the blinds more often
than 45% of cases, you have to play more hands. You should also
play more hands against a player who played poorly after the flop,
because it is always beneficial to be in a bank with such a rival.

Note about postflop game

If you give a 3-bet from the small blind and left with a raiser
one on one, you have to bet on virtually any flop

because the bank will offer you a chance to 7-to-1. Many players in
this situation prefer to play a check with strong hands. But
for the enemy it would look suspicious, in addition, check
does not give you the opportunity to win a big pot if your opponent
will flop a good, but second-best hand. Against
hyperaggressive player you have to lean even more to the beta,
as there is a chance that he will raise with marginal or weak hand
giving you the opportunity to answer him 3-bet or to check-raise on the

If you give a 3-bet from the small blind, the big blind
resets, and the initial raiser brings trade to skipper on
flop, you should always check to play as strong hands always
better to play on the flop check-raise (given the fact that the enemy in
such a situation would be to put in 100% of cases). After you have a beta
would be the next choice of action:

1. Fold. You have to fold if the flop you will be just


2. Call. Since the bank will offer you the chance of a 9-to-1, and you
this will good implied odds, any over-the-
less worthwhile drawing hand will be worth at least

3. Check-raise. With strong hands you have to check-raise, because

it will increase the bank at an early stage and will involve the enemy in
further play. If you put a check-raise before the turn, the turn
the enemy can take a free card, ruining your plans.

Part III

Together on the flop

If the flop you stay with someone one on one, often
need to apply a completely different strategy than when playing against
Many sopernikov10. In the tight-aggressive games and / or games for
short-handed, many banks postflop play only
between two players. In this part we will discuss specific
how the hand after the flop, which can be very
effective, and describe the conditions under which they should be applied.
The first strategy, which will be considered - bet on the flop with
then bet on the turn - requires a lot of aggression. In most
situations in which you were the aggressor preflop, you should continue
bet on the flop and the turn, as there is a big chance that the enemy

Since many opponents will play aggressively against you,

you must learn to use their aggression to their advantage. Often this
will mean that you will have to play against them passively. In
see "When a check on the turn benefit", we give a fine example
best passive play. Also, having a strong hand, you have to
opponents try to use aggression to punish them
using a check-raise.

Finally, keep in mind that playing the flop only

against a single opponent, you have to be ready to win big
The number of banks without opening. This means that you should bluff and
polublefovat more often.

The following section presents the basic

concept of the game one by one on the flop, and specific strategies
drawing, which, if used correctly, you have to bring
solid income after the flop. These ideas are important in tough games, and
you probably need to read and study them more than once to
get a clear understanding.

To use the expression "face to face", we do not mean the game involving
only two. We are referring to the situation when the flop look only two players.

Bet on the flop and then
bet on the turn

If you were the preflop aggressor and the flop against you stayed
only one opponent, you should always set, regardless of
its position. By this rule, there may be several
not obvious exceptions, but if in such situations, you will bet
is always, it will not be a oshibkoy11. With hand-monster
you can try to go for a delayed game against a tight player -
For example, when you

and the flop

However, if you play with a check only "monster", you will become
too transparent for the opponent and it will be difficult to balance
their game. You miss too much, it is sometimes a check on such
flop, since the map data table makes it unlikely that
opponent will call.

Against opponents from the passive to the typical you should

also continue to raise on the turn, unless it is obvious that
opponent to get something on the flop and will not reset your bet. With a strong
hand, you have to put in the hope of enemy activity.

For example, you open raise with ♥ A ♣ K of the penultimate

position. Meets only the big blind. The flop comes ♦ A ♥ 7 ♠ 6 you
give a bet and the opponent calls. The turn ♦ K. Again you have to bet,
because the check can simply gleaning money from an enemy. Beth also
protecting your hand if the enemy strong drawing hand.

If you turn on you collect combinations, you can usually

're bluffing, because you will have good pot odds to bluff.
Also, if you say on the turn and put a check to the river bluff at
river, you are more likely to respond than the turn.

The exception to this rule may occur when you have a hand like ♠ 6 ♠ 5 and on
flop something like ♥ T ♣ 9 ♥ 8.

For example, you open raise with ♥ K ♥ 4 from the button, and the answers
only the big blind. The flop comes ♦ T ♥ 7 ♠ 2 You bet, and
opponent calls. The turn ♣ T. Against most opponents you
again have to raise, because the bank offers you a chance to 3-to-1, to the same
you will surely lose if get to the check-raise.

With a strong hand, a drawing you usually have to put in a

semi-bluff. Many players in this situation prefer to say the check and
take a free card. However, getting a free card, you're missing
chance to win the pot immediately. Of course, if you are against the enemy,
who will call with almost everything (for example, with the senior king
or better), better check. However, these players rarely
found in medium to large stakes, as quickly ruined.

If you are against an aggressive opponent, it may be better

say check after him, to provoke him to bluff, if
This drawing hand you a chance to win a showdown. This situation
we will discuss in more detail in the section "When a check on the turn
benefits. "

Responses with a check-raise on the

If the flop you have a strong hand and an aggressive opponent
performed under you check-raise, you can either answer the 3-bet or
wait for a raise before the turn. If the enemy is able to throw a 3-bet,
it would be better to wait until the turn. If the flop is highly coordinated,
also preferred to wait and see the turn card,
Does it finish building some of the possible hands of the enemy prikupnaya
or not.

If you have a marginal hand and aggressive opponent played a

you check-raise, you normally have to meet before the end of his call, while holding
this in mind the possibility of a raise on the turn for a free showdown. However,
if the enemy is able to give a 3-bet on the turn as a bluff or
semi-bluff, do not raise the turn for the free opening, as
Faced with such a re-raise, you risk a mistake to fold the best
hand with a rather large bank. You also need less inclined to
A raise for the free opening with coordinated maps table
because it increases the likelihood that the enemy
will 3-bet, which you will have to answer, being protected from

If you have a strong drawing hand on the flop and your opponent uses
against you check-raise, you usually need only respond to calls, and then
give a raise on the turn as a semi-bluff - there is a good chance that
opponent is bluffing on the turn and fold to a raise. Such a strategy
drawing strong drawing hands may look a little
disadvantage compared to reraise on the flop (as on the flop your
strong drawing hand - a big favorite, given that should come
two cards), but this is offset by the additional capability
win with semi-bluff (since turn raise usually respect
more than re-raise on the flop).

If you apply against a check-raise a passive player, you

have to give a 3-bet with a very strong hand, as it appears that the enemy
a hand that he wants to get more active.

If you have a marginal prepared or strong drawing hand and

passive opponent played under you check-raise, you have to act in
according to the number of your outs and pot size. Bluffing is not
too justified, as a passive player, to check-raise in
most cases will be a really strong arm, he did not
fold. So here we must reject the semi-bluff and just
call, hoping to complete his hand.

Responses with a check-raise on the

If the turn you are faced with a check-raise from aggressive
enemy and thus have a strong hand, you have to give a 3-bet, as
your hand is probably the best. If the adversary is a decent hand,
it will be the end of your answer made the call, but if it will prikupnaya
hand, he also made the call, hoping to buy his card on the river.

If you encounter a check-raise from an aggressive player, and you have

with a marginal hand, will be right to the end to answer calls,
especially if the card table suggests the enemy
the presence of many possible combinations of a drawing. For example, if you

and on the table for Thorne


then usually you somehow have to go to showdown, as the enemy
a drawing can have many hands that you beat.

If you have a strong drawing hand, the face of the turn with a check-
raise from an aggressive opponent, you have to call and put on
that the river card will improve your hand. But against most
aggressive opponents can consider the 3-bet as a semi-bluff
(Or bluff raise on the river), because there is a decent chance
that the opponent folds, as bluffing or polublefoval himself.

If the turn you are faced with a check-raise from passive

opponent, depending on the strength of your hand, you have two
choices - to respond to it before the end of a call or to 3-bet.
For example, if you ♥ A ♠ T, and by Thorne on the table ♥ T ♠ 9 ♣ 4 ♦ 8 a passive
opponent who has performed under you check-raise on the turn, you have to
only respond to a call (as the turn and river). On the other hand,
if under the same card table you would have ♣ 9 ♦ 9 You could easily
reply to his opponent 3-bet.

If the turn you are faced with a check-raise from passive

the enemy and at the same time you have a marginal hand, you basically have to
fold if you do not have a sufficient number of outs that you
could call. For example, if you ♣ 6 ♠ 6 and by Thorne on the table
♣ A ♦ T ♠ 7 ♦ 4 you can easily reset if a passive adversary
to check-raise.

If your opponent is a passive turn check-raise, and you have at

This strong drawing hand, you have made the call in the hope
improve on the river. Be prepared to lose, if the river is not
improve your hand.

Bet on the river as clean

Consider the following example. You ♣ 7 ♣ 6 You Raise

from the button, and only loose-passive big blind calls.
The flop comes ♥ J ♥ T ♠ 2 big blind checks, you bet, he called. The turn
♠ 3 He checks, you bet again, he again called. The river ♦ 4. Should you
continue to raise?

To have your bet on the river was favorable, the enemy must
fold in only 20% of cases. Therefore, in this example, you
definitely need to be put. Since the card table aligned, there
reasonable likelihood that the enemy was drawing hand,
he folds on the river. However, if your opponent is more
clever, bet on the river can be a disadvantage, as it will be
made the call too often, suspecting a drawing hand you. In this
If the best game on the river - say a check and give up stealing bank.

On the other hand, if the cards are so very uncoordinated -

for example, if on the river are on the table ♠ K ♦ 8 ♣ 2 ♥ 5 ♠ 3 - You have to
abandon bluff in most cases, regardless of the type
enemy - too high probability that the enemy has
pair and answer your bet. If the table you have a reputation of aggressive
players, many opponents will call your bets with any pair
until an autopsy, especially in heads up to the flop.

When a check on the turn profitable
If the turn you are in late position in a game against
aggressive enemy, the most cost-effective solution can be checked with
marginal or good hands, such as the second or third
steam. Despite what is said in such a situation, a check, you risk
give the opponent a free card, the benefits outweigh the losses
if we use this against the right opponents and
the right situations. Using this technique, you are pursuing the following

1. Avoid getting a check-raise.

2. Remove the possibility of a mistake to fold the best hand on the

semibluff bluff or check-raise.

3. Provoking an opponent to bluff on the river.

Example number 1. Avoid the possibility of a check-raise. You

and you open with a raise from the button. Only aggressive big blind
the call. The flop comes

You give the bet and your opponent calls. The turn ♥ Q. If the enemy
will tell you a check, you also have to answer a check. Since the card table
coordinated and aggressive opponent, you will have until the end of
made the call when he check-raised. However, his check-raise often
will mean that you are behind. Checks the turn allows you to get cheap
before opening, when you are behind, and also gives you a free card.

Example number 2. Removing the possibility of a mistake to fold the best

hand on the bluff semibluff or check-raise. You open with a raise
♥ 6 ♣ 6 of the penultimate position. Only aggressive big blind
the call. The flop comes ♦ J ♦ T ♠ 3 you give a bet, and he says
called. The turn ♦ K. If the opponent will say a check, you must also
answer check. As the table three overcards to your pair, you
may need to be reset if the opponent will answer you with a check-
raise. However, an aggressive opponent can use the check-raise and
as a semi-bluff. Checks the turn enables you to avoid erroneous

fold the best hand, and makes it possible to get six

Example number 3. Provoking an opponent to bluff on the river. You

♥ T ♥ 8 and you open with a raise from the button. Only aggressive large
blind calls. Flop - ♦ Q ♣ T ♦ 5 you bet and your opponent responds
called. The turn ♥ 4. If the opponent will say a check, you also have to say
check. After you check the turn on the river almost aggressive opponent
always put a hand like 98 or even with the senior king
allowing you to win him an additional bet.

Obviously, to achieve all of these goals in a game against the benefits

aggressive player. Against a passive opponent you should
inclined to beta, as having fallen to a check-raise, you can be
sure that behind and be able to safely lose the hand. Also,
passive opponents can call with a drawing hand,
have very few outs or kolirovat to the end with weak hands
like older king. Thus, against them you have to put a
mediocre made hands just to increase the bank.

Despite the fact that the provision of a free card can cost
you some money, the benefits outweigh the costs of such a game
from providing free card. Suppose your opponent has
6 outs against you, so the saying checks the turn, you give it
12.5% chance to beat you. The size of most banks, enacted on
flop heads-up, the turn will be up to 4 times the big bet;
thus giving the opponent a free card with 6
outs will cost you 0.5 big bets:

0.125 4BS 0.5 BS

In 87.5% of cases, your opponent does not improve on the river. Thus, the
if the enemy, nothing happens on the river, will bluff more often,
57% of cases, the benefit of provoking him to bluff at a distance
exceed the losses from banks, lost because of providing it
free card:

0.875 0.57 1BS 0.5 BS

Despite the fact that not all opponents will bluff in 57% of cases,
if the river did not improve their hand (although some opponents can
bluff, even more than in 57% of cases), the benefit of a check on the turn against
aggressive opponents is evident for the following reasons:

1. You avoid getting caught in the check-raise.

2. You avoid the mistake to fold the best hand on the bluff or
semibluff check-raise.

3. Sometimes a free map of the river will increase your hand and help you

If the turn in the bank will be more than 4 times the big bet, you
should be more inclined to beta than to check. Also, do you have
inclined to beta with weak made hand or as a bluff,
because, when faced with a check-raise can easily reset. With
strong a drawing hand (8 or more outs) also preferred
place, since the bank in four big bets your opponent must
will drop only 17.5% of the time to bet this was beneficial.
However, if you bet with a hand and an opponent to check-raise,
Obviously, there must be called.

Bet on the flop and then
check-raise on the turn

If the flop you are in early position and the flop gave

The flop comes

effective pot odds, the probability of having the best hand in this
the situation is not sufficient to Calling to autopsy was
justified. In the example above, it is unlikely that the opponent made the call
without a partner. Only two hands, which did not give him a pair on the flop and
whom he could call it KJ (In which case you still behind)

andQJ (Here you come). With these hands he could just call on
flop, planning is likely to dump them on the turn, if they do not improve.
But given the wide range of hands with which the enemy
could call on the flop, you definitely do not get enough
pot odds to bet again.

In order to balance their strategy and operating trends

opponents, you often need to check-raise the turn with strong
hands against aggressive players. If you will sometimes discounted
weak hands on the turn, aggressive player will bet after your
a check on the turn almost always. Use this to their advantage, squeezing out
aggressive opponent maximum of money when you have a strong hand.

For example, you open raise with ♠ A ♦ J of the penultimate position.

Aggressive player on the button calls and the blinds fold. Flop -
♦ A ♥ Q ♠ 6 - Gives you top pair with a decent kicker. You bet, and give
opponent calls. The turn ♦ 2. You have to check-raise. If you
say a check, it can push him to bluff, and if he
bluff, you get an extra bet on it, while at the
Your bet he'd just dropped. If he's decent in strength prikupnaya
hand (this is the turn, however, is unlikely, but the possibility
could take place, if the flop was so - ♥ J ♣ T ♥ 6) check-raise you
squeeze out of it two bets instead of one for viewing the river, attracting
more money to the bank at your advantage. If he's ready
marginal hand, with which he plans to get to showdown, you also
obtain from it an additional bet, as with the hand, he would
called just before the end, if you gave the turn bet. Since
opponent did not give the 3-bet pre-flop, you will not have to fear that he
maybe AK or AQ, making the check-raise is a better game.

Put it on the river, or play a check? It depends on the river card;

also try to pay attention to how fast the opponent
responded to you on the turn. If he called on the turn immediately after your
raise, you may say, that he had a drawing hand, and
Therefore, you will be right to check-call. Remember that
river you have to check-call, if you suspect that your opponent
a drawing hand, if there is reason to believe that he is ready
hand - place to increase the bank.

You rarely need to use this strategy, when the cards table
highly coordinated. For example, if you


and on the table for Thorne

you have to bet, not giving the opponent a free card, which
can be any card suit of clubs. You have to lean toward the beta
also because the enemy is more likely to call your
bets on the turn and river, suspecting the presence of one of clubs card at you.

Check-raise on the flop
then bet on the turn

When you flop a strong hand and you're out of position

against an aggressive opponent, you typically want to try to get
control of the draw, playing the check-raise on the flop, and then bet on giving
turn and on the river. This allows you to make the most of the opponent
the maximum number of bets.

The exception - when the situation on the flop is that you or strongly
ahead of or behind the highly aggressive opponent. For example, when you
defend the big blind with

and the flop comes

The only real alternative to a check-raise on the flop with a strong
hand - a check-call the flop and then check-raise on the turn. This
strategy are beneficial in that you will sometimes be able to turn
to check-raise as a semi-bluff, thus balancing your game.

However, this game is not without flaws. If, outside the

position, you will play a check-call the flop and check-raise plan for
turn, this can lead to two unpleasant consequences. These
effects of the following:

1. The enemy, too, says a check on the turn and the river, or the answer, or
fold to your bet. If this happens, the enemy will pay you for
Your strong hand considerably less than what you could

It is also true that after your check-raise on the flop,

enemy sometimes reset immediately, or reset your bet
turn. But you are at a distance with a large number of hands will bring in
bank more money by playing his hand on the flop aggressively and
then leaving bet on the turn.

If playing a check-raise on the flop with a hand from a strong to very

strong, you face a three-bet from an opponent, a similar

logic applies when choosing between the two emerging
Alternatively, rising to the skipper on the flop and then bet
on the turn or call on the flop with the intention of playing the turn check-
raise. Generally, you should raise to the skipper and out
bet on the turn, if your only goal in the hand -
to attract the maximum number of bank deneg12.

2. You force the opponent to make more correct to fold


We compare a check-raise on the turn and check-raise on the flop.

Check-raise on the turn: When you are defending from the big blind
This style-raising the flop pot size will
be 4.5 small bets. If you play a check-call the flop,
Bank will increase to 6.5 small bets, and after your check on the turn
opponent will be put into the pot 2 small bets when will bet.
If you then to check-raise, the opponent will receive
pot odds 12.5-to-2 or 6.25-to-1 on the call, but your check-
turn raise will show a decent hand in strength,
especially if the table is not a large number of blanks
a drawing by hand. Thus, with a strong hand
better to check-raise the turn if the flop there is
ability to produce a large number of a drawing

Check-raise on the flop: When you are defending from the big blind
This style-raising, to check-raise on the flop, and then
give a bet on the turn, the enemy gets a chance to bank a 10.5-to-2
or 5.25-to-1 on the call - a slightly lower odds than
your check-raise on the turn. Besides, playing well, you
demonstrate less strength - the flop people
to check-raise with a wider range of hands than on the turn.
The conclusion is that under such a scheme will often draw the enemy
call you to the end, than the previous one.

When the flop you have a made hand from marginal to

strong against you passive opponent, you should also
to check-raise on the flop and bet the turn to go - so you
attract more money in the bank. In addition, applying a
rally, you can safely lose a marginal hand on
turn if there against you will raise.

However, in this case, you must be aware that you may be over, as
the opportunity changes everything.

When the flop you have a strong drawing hand, sometimes
better to use this strategy, because the possibility of
take the pot with a bluff decreases, and also because
potential of your hand to win without improvements and potential
pot odds before the flop than on the turn. You should also
more inclined to use this strategy when
flop and the turn may look dangerous to your
opponent, or when your opponent is tight-passive (for
flop it can drop on your check-raise, and can not
put on the turn, if you play on the flop check-call). But
is not the only strategy you need to use
as a semi-bluff, because you want to confuse your game, holding
dogadkah13 permanent enemies.

See "check-call the flop and then bet on the turn" and "check-call the flop with
followed by a check-raise on the turn ", for other good ways to use

Check-call the flop with
then bet on the turn

As a semi-bluff
Despite the fact that this strategy is the cheapest for
semi-bluff, you rarely have to use it, as against the majority
ready to hand it usually does not work very well. If you often
polublefovat're so observant opponents this
will notice and they will bite you. Periodically, being out of position, it is necessary
use this strategy against a passive opponent with a finished
hand, if you have not demonstrated strength (more detail we
discuss this below). Similarly, being out of position, you have to
use this strategy as a semi-bluff against passive
opponent, if not earlier also showed strength. At times
You can use this strategy if the turn card gives you a strong
made hand, and the situation can hope for a raise from the enemy,
after which you will have the opportunity to give a 3-bet.

The use of this strategy is particularly advantageous when, at

turn you get a drawing a strong hand, and with the turn card
may look dangerous to the opponent. For example, tight-passive
player opens with a raise from the far-middle position, and you call on
BB with


gives you overcards and gutshot straight flush 3. You check, the opponent bets and you
call. Since the opponent is passive, you also have to hope
free card on the turn. Turn card - ♥ A. This is an appropriate case for
In order to put as semi-bluff. If the enemy is weak
hand like a pair of nines, or worse, he may lose, afraid to ace
turn. Also, your drawing hand is strong enough,
possible to raise the opponent did not have to be too expensive,
since you have as many as 12 outs. The flop alternative game

can check-raise, but to play on the flop check-call, and then turn
decide on further game - also a good approach.

The reason that against a passive opponent instead of a check-

turn raise you have to use such a strategy is to
that passive player is less likely to put on the turn after
your check, so the opportunity to check-raise (including
semibluff) you might just introduce myself. Also, passive
opponent, even with a decent best hand is less likely to raise
against you on the turn, so you will not have much
worry about what you can give away two big bets per-view
river, if your semi-bluff on the turn passes.

With a made hand

Despite the fact that a strong hand on the flop are almost always better
to check-reyz14 against a single opponent, sometimes you and with a strong
hand have to check-call the flop and then bet on the turn to leave,
to hide your semi-bluff. If you use this strategy
Draw for semi-bluff, observant opponents this
finally understand and act against you in accordance with
this. In addition, you can go bet on the turn and with hands that
on the turn turned into strengths. The most common example of this - when
pocket pair on the turn into a set.

With a marginal hand against a passive player sometimes need

also use this strategy to draw. If he will raise you
can safely discard. Also, you must more inclined to
Use this strategy if the turn card may look dangerous
for the opponent.

For example, a passive player opens with a raise from the button, and you
defend the big blind with ♠ 7 ♠ 6. The flop comes ♦ 9 ♣ 7 ♥ 3. You check,
opponent bets and you call. The turn ♠ A. Since the enemy may have
hand like KQ, KJ, KT, QJ, QT or JT, you must place, preventing it from
free card. If he give a raise, you can be fairly
sure that he has a pair of aces or better and be able to safely
reset. Also, giving a bet with ace released, you will sometimes be able to
force the enemy to lose a higher pair than you.

See "check-raise on the flop and then bet on the turn," where the issue
discussed in more detail.

Check-call the flop with
then check-raised to

As a semi-bluff
Against the typical aggressive opponent on the turn you should
to check-raise if the turn card gave you a strong prikupnaya
combination (such as 4-flush or a straight 4-sided) 15. Usually
this happens when you are both called on the flop with a weak
a drawing by hand, such as two overcards and a gutshot straight draw
overcard, and in turn increased to a strong drawing hands (8 and
more outs).

For example, an aggressive player opens with a raise from the button, and you
with the blinds


gives you two overcards and a gutshot straight draw. You check, the opponent bets and you
call. The turn ♥ K. This is an appropriate case in which to play a check-raise
as a semi-bluff. Since aggressive opponent, his bet on the turn could
be a bluff, and your check-raise has the potential to take the bank immediately.
In addition, fearing the king, the enemy can drop a few dozen,
eights, triplets or any other pocket pair under the kings.

As the diversity of many players to check-raise on the flop

this situation, which is also a good solution, but the check-call
on the flop with the intention to decide on the continuation of the turn as
can be a good game depending on the opponent. If
opponent on the turn often continues to place its bet worth

Put together a very strong hand a drawing on the flop, you usually have to check-raise
immediately to take control of the draw. More details on this issue, we
will be considered in the "Aggressive draw on the flop or wait until the turn?".

less trust, and against such a player to use more often
check-raise. If a check-raise, he will fold a hand like ace,
check-raise in your performance will be a good game.

One should also add that you are against passive opponents
should be made if the turn card gave you a drawing strong hand.
The reason is that a passive player may say after you check, not allowing
you the opportunity to semi-bluff. Despite the fact that, if the enemy has
say a check, you get a free card, we believe that the possibility of
make him throw some stronger hands are more valuable than
free map viewing the river.

The price that you pay for a semi-bluff on the turn, it is difficult
calculate, because you can not just answer calls, but also raised;
also do not know what will happen on the river. But for
strong drawing hands, you can estimate a lower limit of the acceptable
strength of your hand, with which you can play well, quite accurately. So
way, with a strong polublefuya prikupnoy hand, you do not pay for it
full-time, because if you answer (including a raise), you
can still win, build their hand or successfully applying bluff

With a made hand

When playing against an aggressive opponent turn card
strengthens your hand to the best, you usually have to go to a check-
raise. For example, assume an aggressive opponent preflop
Raise the penultimate position, and you're protecting a large
blind with


gives you two overcards. You check, the opponent bets and you call. The turn ♥ Q.
You have to go to a check-raise 16.

Again, note that against a passive opponent in this situation need to put on
turn, since your check he can also check and reply you will receive less of it too

The reason that you have to play well, that this you
extract the maximum profit from the enemy, when your hand is the most
probably the best. A check-raise your hand protects against possible
a drawing of hands of the enemy. If an aggressive opponent on the turn so
nothing will bring, it will usually continue to raise, because the
flop, you did not show strength by playing check-called. Despite the fact that
empty hand on your check-raise, he folds, you will get from him
additional bet, allowing him to bluff, because he bet on your
be dropped immediately.

If your opponent on the turn would be marginal ready

hand, with which he will be put to increase the bank's check-raise you
he can win two big bets on the turn and another on
river, as the enemy will sometimes call you end up with a
marginal hand, knowing that you polublefuete.

If the opponent is stronger drawing hand on the turn, he

will usually be set as a semi-bluff. Check-raise you make
him to pay two big bets per-view card river.

If the opponent will be very strong made hand, such as

set, straight, or flush, you will lose an additional bet, since
your check-raise, he will answer the 3-bet. However, you should not play timidly
against a single enemy, fearing he had a very strong hand.
Of course, if the card table look very dangerous (for example, if
table are four cards to a straight or flush), it is not necessary to check-raise,
having only one pair.

Check-raise on the flop
then check-called on

When the flop, being out of position against an aggressive

enemy, you get a weak made hand, you sometimes have to play
check-raise on the flop, then check-call the turn and river. Such a strategy
justified because against an aggressive opponent in this
situation you need to get to showdown more cheaply. If you
continue to put, you can get into a difficult situation, if
opponent will raise on the turn or river, as the aggressive players in
such situations can bluff or polublefovat wide
range of hands. Check-call the turn and river also eliminates
give your opponent a few extra bets when his hand
stronger than yours. Finally, playing in such a manner, you encourage
opponent to bluff.

You also have to bow down to such a manner of playing at

coordinated flop, because the enemy can polublefovat.
When you are out of position and the flop with coordinated,



or The flop comes

The turn


Aggressive rally on
flop, or wait until the turn?

With a strong made hand

When the flop you have only one opponent and your hand, it seems,
the best, you have to decide whether to play it aggressively now, or
postpone active operations before the turn. In most cases we
first option is recommended for the following reasons. First, the
adversary can itself have a good, but second-best hand and play with
her check-raise on the turn. In this scenario, you will have
ability to turn on a 3-bet, squeezing out a huge opponent
bets. For example, assume an aggressive player from
Raise the position of CO, and you defend the big blind with

The flop comes

Here on the flop you have to check-raise. If the enemy AK or
AA, it can give a 3-bet, you, in turn, can bring trade
to the skipper. Sometimes it can only answer your call a check-raise, and then
to raise the turn, which is also good, because in this case you
get the opportunity to turn to 3-bet, receiving from him three large

Second, the enemy can give a raise with a drawing hand. This will give
you to answer him reraised, forcing him to pay
maximum for a drawing his hand. For example, if you ♥ A ♠ A, on
Flop ♦ K ♦ Q ♥ 4 and the enemy tends to play aggressively with a drawing
hands, you ought to be aggressive, because it can make
its pay rates to 4-5 per view the turn, if it continues to

Third, if you put the check-raise before the turn, being outside
position to turn the enemy can respond to you by check and get
free card. By doing this you will receive less from the enemy a lot.

On the other hand, if the flop is highly coordinated, better
wait a bet or a raise before the turn. For example, if you ♣ A ♠ A, and on
Flop ♥ 9 ♥ 8 ♥ 3 to turn your odds can change substantially. If
comes on the turn card security, for example, ♣ 2 you can give a bet or

If the turn card will be dangerous, depending on the type of

the specific situation of the enemy and you will need to either call, or
fold. But do not get carried away too much of the concept
and wait until the turn every time flop partially coordinated.
For example, if you have the same ♣ A ♠ A, but the flop ♥ T ♥ 7 ♠ 2 you should
inclined to act on the flop, especially against
aggressive player who can give raise and reraise with a drawing

With a very strong hand, a drawing

If the flop you have a very strong hand of a drawing (12 and
more outs), you should not play with it passively, as in this
situation you are in most cases the favorite (in the extreme case of a very
small underdog), even if the opponent top pair or an overpair.
Actively playing with a hand on the flop, you increase the likelihood
that he folds to your bet on the turn and at the same time, your aggressive play
additionally will not cost you anything, or is going to cost quite
little, as the relative value of your hand in this case very

For example, a tight-aggressive player opens with a raise from the button,
and you call in the big blind with


gives you a 4-Flush and 4-sided straight. You have to check-raise,
because your hand is the favorite in this hand, even if
enemy aces. If a contestant answers a 3-bet, you will have
bring trade to skipper because the relative value of your hand
very high. As skipper on the flop increases the likelihood that
opponent, especially tight-aggressive and able to give 3-bet
overcards or ace, then reset if you exit
bet on the turn.

However, some passive opponents will never fold on
turn if the flop gave 3-bet. Against them still need to be given
ken on the flop reasons fraction of the bank, but the turn is not worth it
go bet as semi-bluff. On the other hand, your check on the turn
skipper after the flop can give your hand, so bring trade
flop to skipper against a passive opponent also not worth it. Also
note that some opponents will not be passive aggressive
play on the flop without a very strong hand (such as a set or two pair). If
an opponent plays his hand on the flop hard, it can
mean that you are not the favorite, despite the fact that you have a very
strong drawing hand. Therefore, when faced with aggression on the flop of
such a player, you need to go on the defensive and respond just call the river.

Why is the game for free
card can be disadvantageous
a tight-aggressive games

In the loose-passive game usually correctly give a raise with a drawing

hand in late position, because it is possible to achieve three goals:

1. Since the game is loose, in the hand is often involved many

players. If your raise with a drawing hand, a strong (8 outs)
answer two or more players, you will automatically receive

2. Since the game is passive, you can with great confidence

hope to get a free card on the turn (a game
most beneficial when a bank is involved from 3 to 5

3. Looser than the game, so a lot of hands opponents

will go to showdown. In these circumstances, it becomes a bluff
virtually meaningless.

Vysokolimitnye games are basically tight and aggressive. In

Tight games played between the majority of the banks a small number of
players, so the value of such a raise umenshaetsya18. Aggressiveness
most of the players makes it more likely that such a raise they
Answer 3-bet, and then put on the turn, making you pay for
more than one bid for the turn and river views.

In the tight-aggressive games increases the value of bluffing, because

it's easier to get opponents to fold. When you give a raise on the flop, and
then talk checks the turn, you are almost completely deprive yourself
opportunity to bluff, because it shows weakness.

If you have 8 clean outs, you can assume that you will collect your hand and win 34%
cases. If two opponents made the call, your contribution to the increase in the bank with the round
is only 33%, so you make a profit.
18B this context, "value" means automatic income you receive
of raising money in the bank. For example, if your chances of winning are 25% and 5
opponents made the call, you get a profit of $ 0.5 rate, as your share of the
Bank rate was 1.5 (25% from 6 rates), and invest in a bank you are only one bid.

For example, you

and you're sitting at one place of the button. Loose-aggressive player
opens with a raise from early position. Bad loose-passive player
gives a cold call from middle position. Do you also call a, and the button and
both blinds fold. The flop comes

Preflop raiser bets, and a loose-passive player calls. You have to
just call. Against two players you have the minimum
advantage of the share of the bank. Also, if an aggressive player ace, he
can give a 3-bet and then go bet on the turn, which also will not be the
the best scenario for you.

Now assume that the turn comes ♠ 9. Preflop raiser

gives bet and loose-passive opponent folds. It is a fitting
occasion to give a raise to a semi-bluff. Since you have 9 clean
outs, you need to get the enemy dropped more than 10% of cases,
to raise was more profitable than koll19.

If you were given a raise on the flop, trying to get free

card on the turn, you would most likely be two enemies, and it was
would be harder to steal a semi-bluff, because the probability that both
opponent will fold to your attack, much lower than the probability that
reset the only one. Responding to flop just call, you leave yourself
two options for the game on the turn. If the turn you will still be
two opponents, you'll have a decent chance for potential
the bank and be able to play straight, answering call a bet or
free card, if the opportunity arises. If you
finish building his hand on the river, you will on average win some more
rates if the game will both players. If we turn to one of your
opponents out of the game, you can apply semibluff raise
as against a single opponent this technique will be
greater chance of success. If you buy your card on the turn, you

EV call = 0.2 [chance to finish the hand] x 7 BS [current pot size + 1 BS on
river] + 0.8 [likely not finish the hand] x (-1 BS) [price call] = 0.6 BS.
If the opponent will fold 10% of cases, EV raise = 0.1 [probability fold
enemy] x 6 BS [current size of the pot] + 0.9 [probability that the opponent made the call] x
0.2 [chance to finish the hand] x 8 BS [current pot size + 1 + BS on Turn 1 to BS
river] + 0.8 [likely not finish the hand] x (-2 BS) [price raise] = 0.6 BS.

would be relatively easy to play your hand, regardless of the
number of opponents.

The game has a free map, there is another, quite

little-known drawback. Raising for a free card on the flop
actually reduces your implied odds are, if you buy
your card on the turn. For example, you ♥ A ♥ J on the button. Loose-
aggressive player opens with a raise from early position, and the bad loose
passive player calls vholodnuyu of average. Do you also call a, and
both blinds fold. The flop ♥ K ♥ 7 ♠ 4. Preflop raiser bet, loose-
passive player calls, you raise, and both opponents called. The turn ♥ 2.
Opponents of the bill, you bet and they both call. Do you have the nuts, and based on
actions of the enemy, we can reasonably assume that they are against you
drawing dead, and the bank at the same time is 9.75 big bets.

If you just call on the flop, most likely

loose-passive opponent made the call would turn if the preflop
raiser would have made a bet again. After this (buying on the turn worm) you
would be able to raise, squeezing the (potentially) from each
opponent on two rates. By putting your hand in this way, after the turn
you would create a pot big bets 11.25, or 1.5 large
rates more than the raise on flope20.

Since the turn you get worms in 20% of cases,

raising for a free card will cost you 0.3 big bets:

1.5BS 0.2 0.3BS ,

where 1.5 BS - additional bets you

earn a 0.2 - the probability of getting a flush on the turn. However, in
If successful, a free card you will save 0.5
big bets, if not completed at the turn his hand (which will happen in the
80%), on average, would save 0.4 big bets per
each such case:

0.5BS 0.8 0.4 BS .

We should also note that if the lottery involving many players, the loss of
reduce your implied odds are even higher. But also above and your profits
to raise, you automatically get on the flop. Thus, if a bank with
you are 3-4 players and you think that there is a real chance to get a free card or
that all opponents will respond to flop on a few bets, you have to give a raise to try
get a free card. In general, even if the flop against you will 3-bet and thus
all other calls, you will need to bring trade to skipper, as have
advantage of the share of the bank, and also because it is the turn can give you a free

Thus, the loss of the chance not to reduce potential
outweigh the benefits from successful receipt
free card. However, when taking into account the risk to get from
opponent on the flop 3-bet, as well as reducing the chances of a successful
semi-bluff on the turn against a single enemy, it becomes
it is clear that raising for a free card is not always a
best game in the tight-aggressive game.

Free opening
In heads-up play after the flop is often correct to give a raise
in late position on the turn with the intention of tampering on the river for free,
if the river card will not add your hand. Finished with a marginal hand, you
must apply this technique to the following conditions:

1. Opponent can bluff or polublefovat.

2. Opponent may fold to a raise a better hand.

3. You do not have a lot of outs, and therefore can easily

fold to 3-bet.

4. The enemy may have 6 or more outs.

5. It is unlikely that the enemy will bluff the river if

turn you just call.

With a marginal made hand against an aggressive opponent

which can be put on the turn as a bluff or semi-bluff, you
should try to get to showdown, so that you will get good
pot odds to do so. However, it is usually advantageous to raise the turn with
intention to say a check on the river. Going to a game, you give so much
same rate, how many would have given if to respond fully to the enemy
call, but raise you protect your hand. If the card table
coordinated, you even more inclined to have a game like this because
the following two reasons. First, the more likely that your hand
better, as the enemy can polublefovat. Second, if
opponent is over, he will usually be a lot of outs
therefore raise will protect your hand.

For example, you open a raise out of position with CO

aggressive and only the big blind calls. The flop comes

You bet, an opponent raises and you call. The turn ♣ 3 and the enemy again raises.
As it can with polublefovat KQ, Q9, 98 or any two
diamonds, you have to give a raise, since it can be as much as 14 or 15

Also, because the enemy can polublefovat, you should
try to get to showdown with your pair of sixes. If he gives the 3-bet
come on the turn or bet on the river, you will usually be able to safely
lose, because after your turn raise most players
will play well with the hand that you beat. However, some
opponents can play well as a semi-bluff. You have to
recognize such rivals in the game against them inclined to call on
turn and river instead of playing for free showdown.

Playing for free opening may also be in the form of 3 -

beta on the turn against an opponent who played against you check-raise
which can play a check-raise as a semi-bluff. For example, you open
raise with ♦ 8 ♦ 7 of the penultimate position. Calls only very
aggressive big blind. The flop comes ♣ Q ♣ T ♠ 7 You bet, and
he calls. The turn ♣ J, opponent checks, you bet and he raises. You have to
to 3-bet with the intention of be uncovered for free. If the turn he would bring
trade to skipper or come bet on the river, you can lose as well
as only very few players are able to go as far as applying
bluff or semi-bluff. Of course, this is a controversial game, but it has several
distinct advantages:

1. The main advantage is that sometimes your raise on the turn can
force the opponent to fold the best hand. If in a given
Example opponent folds hands like Jx or Tx your 3-bet
turn, you will do better.

2. You really do not have other good alternatives. Get

turn raise is always unpleasant, because it could mean
that your opponent has a strong hand. You have only two
choices: fold on the turn (where you risk to lose
best hand, as the enemy can polublefovat, having one
from a variety of two-way or 4-Straight Flush 4) or call
the turn and river - a valid option, but you
miss the opportunity to make the enemy lose more than
strong hand.

Of course, since the card table in the above example

look dangerous, you have to know the enemy very well, so that
play. But you should always keep in mind this option also
the use of such a method difficult reading your opponents hand to
future. If you notice that on the turn and / or river opponents
always justified dropping your 3-bet, knowing that you have a hand-
Monster 3-bet for the free opening with your hand in some
cases can be very profitable game.

And over again that one of the benefits of playing for free
opening that you can make your opponent lose more than
strong hand. Another example that illustrates this.
Suppose are on the button, you open raise with ♠ 5 ♦ 5 and
responsible only tight-aggressive big blind. The flop ♠ T ♠ 9 ♦ 3
You bet, an opponent raises and you call. The turn ♣ A and an opponent bets. You
should give a raise, and not just because you can have the best hand, and
also because the raise can force the opponent to fold a hand like
a pair of nines, and if that happens, your raise will be very beneficial

There is a specific situation where you do not have

strive for this game. When you're playing against a very loose and
aggressive player who is capable of a bluff with a hand that has a very
few outs (assuming what your hand and a card table), you should
encourage him to bluff you on the river, receiving from him
additional bet. If you give a raise, it's easy to reset if
bluffing. Also, you should be less inclined to raise for free
autopsy, if uncoordinated flop because in such a situation
often the enemy will be very few outs.

For example, you open raise with

on the button, and calls only very loose and aggressive big
blind. The flop comes

You bet, an opponent raises and you call. The turn ♦ 2 and an opponent bets. You
should just call (as the turn and river) because
If you're ahead, your opponent will usually be from 3 to 5 outs. Also, if
he is bluffing, it is likely that he will bluff on the river, but once
reset, if you will give the turn raise. In this case, profiting
from provoking an opponent to bluff is more important than protecting ruki21.

For a more detailed discussion, see "When the check on the turn profitable."

Opposition to the game for
free opening

3-bet on the turn as a semi-bluff

If you suspect that the enemy is often raised on the turn for

as a semi-bluff.



If you

hand that has 13 strikeouts.

However, this consideration should obscheigrovoe rarely used against players, with
that you never played.

Tight-aggressive opponent
Your opponent must be tight and aggressive,
to use against him semibluff 3-bet on the turn. If
opponent loose, it is too often the call to showdown
making it unprofitable to 3-bet with you. Passive the opponent rarely
will give a raise on the turn for a free showdown. In other words, it
rarely will raise on the turn without large hands, and you reraise
force it to reset. Even if you have previously seen this passive
opponent raises on the turn for a free showdown, still not worth it
given against him semibluff 3-bet, because it will raise
provided a raise for the free opening frequently enough to
to 3-bet on your part was useful.

Example. Tight-aggressive player on the button opens a raise, and

you call in the big blind with a hand


gives you a very powerful a drawing hand - four-flush and two-way 4 -
straight. You play a check-raise after the beta opponent and he calls. On
turn ♦ J, you bet and your opponent raises. If you have reason to
believing that he had raised for the free opening, you have to give a 3-bet
as a semi-bluff. If he calls on the turn and the river you probably
again have to put as to this game was
profitable, you need to have it dropped more than 10% of cases. If
same opponent on the turn would bring trade to skipper on the river you have to
going to check-fold if not completed their hand.

When you or strongly ahead
or way behind
(But do not know it)

In heads-up play after the flop is often the case in

which you can be fairly certain that you, or strongly
front (and the enemy with very few outs), or way behind
(And only 2-3 out already at you). For example, the button opens
raise, and you defend the big blind with

The flop comes

If your pair of aces - the best, you have a big advantage. On the other
hand, if your opponent is also an ace, but with a better kicker, now all
3 outs from vas23. A similar situation occurs when you have a large pocket
steam overcard on the flop. For example, when you ♥ Q ♦ Q, and the flop
♦ K ♣ 8 ♠ 3.

Against an aggressive opponent - especially tight-aggressive -

in this situation, you often have to check-call the flop, turn and
river. If you give a raise, the enemy can easily reset if it
hand is yours, and you win it at least. But if his hand
stronger, so you just lose more.

Many players in this situation, to check-call the flop and the turn,
and the river give the bet. This is a close decision, but there is still need
consider the check-call to the very end. You might think that when the check
on the river you will miss the chance to win an extra bet, but
Actually only a relatively few hands that you beat,
The river will respond to your opponent bet only call, but do not
put itself after your check. Giving a bet on the river, you do not give
opponent to bluff with bad hands and playing the check-

Sometimes you split the pot with a rival if both your kicker will not play.

call, you save money if the enemy a strong hand, with which he
will raise.

When you get on the flop top pair on aces or kings,

be inclined to passive play for two reasons. The first reason
is clear - you do not threaten (or almost no threat)
overcards. However, there is a second, quite obscure reason - if
you have top pair on aces or kings, but with a weak kicker, you are more
probably in a situation "or strongly ahead or way behind"
than having the highest pair of queens or jacks. This is due to the fact
that most opponents will not play with hands like Q2-Q8 andJ2-J8, but
will often come into play with any ace or a king, especially when
trying to steal the blinds.

When should you give a raise

There are five factors (and the first three of them are pretty
obvious), you need to consider when deciding on a raise in
a situation where you or strongly ahead or way behind. Here they are:

1. The stronger your kicker is, the more you need to lean to raise -
the higher it is, the more likely you are ahead of the enemy
pay you with a weak hand.

2. Need more inclined to raise if the flop opponent

is loose, as it is more likely to pay you up to
end with the second best hand.

3. The more aggressive the enemy, the more need to raise as

aggressive player is more likely to raise with a weak hand,
than passive or typical. But also an aggressive player
to induce a bluff with bad hands. So
You have to balance your game, alternating in such situations
steps to increase the bank and the provocation to bluff.
For example, if you have something like AQ the flop Axx, you should
incline to a raise, but if at the same flop you have on
hands hand like A4, better to try to provoke
opponent to bluff. Giving raise to AQ, You hope that the enemy
will call to the end, with a weaker ace kicker, with
A4 check-call saves you money if your opponent ace with more
strong kicker.

4. The wider range of hands of the enemy, the more need

gravitate to early Reisen against him. The wider the range of his

possible hands, the more advantage you have. For example,
If you defend the big blind with ♥ K ♥ 5 and the flop comes
♣ K ♦ 9 ♠ 4 you should more inclined to aggressive play, if
opponents will raise from the button than when he opened with a raise in two
place of it. You should also strongly inclined to RAISE
against a player who is very aggressive preflop.

5. Need more inclined to raise, if cards table

coordinated. Out for two reasons:

a) If you're ahead, your opponent will often be more

outs than usual.

b) The enemy is more likely to end up with a call

marginal hand, knowing that you polublefuete.
For example, assume an aggressive player opens
raise from the button, and you are defending the big blind with
♠ K ♥ 8. The flop ♦ K ♠ J ♣ 5. You play a check-call. The turn
♦ T. You have to check-raise because the enemy
you can put a 4-flush or 4 straight and kolirovat
through with any pair or just ace high.

When ace high -
not a good hand

In heads-up play after the flop against the most aggressive

opponents often justifiably go to showdown with weak
hands like ace high. However, sometimes there are situations when (in
Depending on the texture of the card table, and trade), you can be
fairly confident that the enemy has at least a couple.

For example, you open raise with

the position for two seats of the button. Only tight-aggressive big
blind calls. The flop comes

You give the bet, and the enemy is a check-raise. You know that in this case
the enemy is most likely, or a couple, or two-way four-straight
(54, 85 or 98). Because it can polublefovat and you have 6 outs if
behind you, you answer the call. The turn ♣ 2 opponent bets and you
call a, as there is a good chance that you're still vperedi24. On
river ♦ 8 and the enemy again raises. In this situation, you may be
fairly confident that the back and quietly discarded. If the enemy
polublefoval with 54, eight gave him a straight. If he polublefoval with 85
or 98, he now has a pair of eights. Despite the fact that some
Tight-aggressive opponents can play well with the ace on
river, they usually say a check, hoping to open or free
provoke you to bluff.

Raise for the free opening of the turn may also be a good game.

Marginal bet for
increasing bank

An additional way to profit from their own

aggressive style of the game is making a marginal beta for
increase the pot when you know that the enemy will call up
Opening with a wide range of hands. Since you will often bluff
or polublefovat, he will seek to go against you before opening a
such weak hands like ace high (and sometimes worse), so you
often find themselves in situations in which the bet to increase bank
with bottom pair (or even just a AK) can be beneficial.

For example, you open raise from the penultimate position with

and the big blind calls. The flop comes

You bet and your opponent calls. The turn ♠ 2 you bet and he calls. The river ♣ J.
Against most opponents you have to bet again.

Since the flop had two cards of the same suit, it is likely that
opponent will answer you with a pocket pair of sixes to fours
Seven with a weak kicker, a pair of threes, twos, or even with the senior
ace. With these maps on the table, you can almost be
sure that your pair of sevens - the best hand. Since the enemy
did not give a raise on the flop or turn, it is very unlikely that he full-
house, jack, two pair, a big pocket pair (AA-QQ), a pocket pair
from ten to seven or eights with a better kicker.

If the opponent is very aggressive, may not be worth in such

situations on the river bank set to increase, as it can
use a check-raise as a bluff (if he maniac, you conversely
can put to provoke him to a bluff). But
very aggressive opponent, you usually need to speak with a check
more marginal hand on the turn, if he tells you to turn the check.
This you encourage him to bluff on the river. If you play
just the opportunity for marginal beta to increase the bank's
river against such a player will rarely have described.

Calling to showdown
if outs

If an aggressive opponent gives raises, making you seriously

consider whether to respond with a marginal hand he made the call to the end
or not, you have a lot more inclined to call if you have

For example, you

and you open with a raise from the button. Only a tight-aggressive player
the big blind calls. The flop comes

The big blind checks, you bet and he calls. The turn ♦ 3 You bet, and the enemy
to check-raise. Since it can polublefovat wide
range of hands, there is a reasonable chance that you're ahead. It also could
slow play on the flop with top pair (KQ, QJ or Q9). If this is the
so you have 5 outs, or 11% chance of winning. Even if
the opponent two pair, you have 2 outs to improve to the best hand
(Two fives), which is 4.5% chance of winning. Likely to have
best hand in conjunction with the chance of improvement if you are behind,
make a call justified.

If the river you do not improve, you will need to take

decision based gaming proclivities of the enemy. If it relates to
the type of player that will always be put on the river after
used a semi-bluff on the turn, you'll probably need to call
his bet. Otherwise, you can easily reset.

Similarly, you should be more inclined to Calling up

opened with an ace high, if you have additional outs, such
outs as an inside straight. For example, you ♣ A ♠ T, and by Thorne on the table
♠ K ♣ Q ♣ 8 ♥ 4. You not only have 3 outs to the nuts - ♣ J The overwhelming majority of
cases can be considered for a full out, and you can improve to
Strong arms, if the river ace. Since you have 7 outs
Has a chance to win and have the best hand, you should call
or raise on the turn, if the bank is not too small.

Part IV


In tough games opponents usually shed more frequently than in
typical low limit game. Therefore, the value of hard games
semibluff increases - even the loose players will dump
enough time to semi-bluff against them was profitable.
But simply put every time you flush or 4-4-straight
enough. You have to use hand reading opponents to
determine the most suitable time to semi-bluff.

On the other hand, if you feel that you have to prepare better
hand or a good drawing, check-called semi-bluff may be better,
especially if you play with aggressive opponents. Also, do not
forget that against several opponents you have to apply
semi-bluff less, given the current size of the bank,
the probability that all opponents will fold, as well as your potential
pot odds.

The following sections describe some important schematically

concepts that will help you determine when a semi-bluff may be
beneficial and how much. In tough games, these concepts are very important to
overall success.

Semi-bluff in the game one on one

In heads-up play after the flop you should polublefovat

frequently. If you do not do this, can occur two
unpleasant things:

1. If a drawing with his hands all the time you'll be playing check-call, and
The river did not improve, will kick off the enemy
win you have a large number of banks, providing for you
constant pressure and sometimes winning with a hand that is worse

2. You will become very easy to read. Every time you

give bet or raise, the enemy will know that you have a strong
hand, and can easily make a decision just based
on the strength of your hand.

It should be noted that some opponents tend to go up

opened too frequently, especially once against a single
enemy. Against these players need polublefovat less often, so
they can go to a showdown with a hand like older ladies. In addition,
playing against such rivals passively on the flop and the turn, you have more
probably will successfully apply the bluff on the river.

We describe five different applications semibluff

- Three out of position and two out later.

In early position, you have three ways of semi-bluffing:

1. Put pressure on the flop and then bet on the turn.

2. Check-call the flop and then check-raise on the turn (see

Section III of the same name in the book.)

3. Check-call the flop and then bet on the turn (see also
Section III of the same name in the book.)

In late position, a semi-bluff may be used in one of two

the following ways:

1. Put pressure on the flop and then bet on the turn, if your opponent
will tell you a check.

2. Call on the flop and then raise on the turn.
We recommend to alternate between these methods semi-bluff,
to keep the enemy in a constant guessing. However, some
game situations are the only right decision regarding
way to use semi-bluff. For example, a drawing with a strong hand -
such as 4-flush with overcards, 4 flush with holes in a straight flush or 4-
Couple - you should be more inclined to think that the pressure on the flop,
because in this situation, you will often find a favorite, you will be
each benefit rate, which the enemy will bring in at your bank
advantage and on the flop.

When your opponent raises preflop from late position

stealing from the position, the choice of method to semi-bluff you should
more inclined to raise or check-raise on the turn, as in doing so he
more likely to fold a hand like a small pocket pair or a hand with
only overcard. This method should also be semi-bluff more often
use against the tight-aggressive player, especially if it tight
plays after the flop. This is true because the aggressive player will
more likely to have a weak hand, than any other, if the turn
He continues to set. You should evaluate the relative tightness
or looseness of these errors and to act accordingly.

Also, for the balance of your game, we recommend

use each of the above methods also with the draw
strong hands. Otherwise, opponents can relatively easily
determine when you polublefuete and when not to. For this reason, you rarely
should polublefovat playing check-call the flop and then bet on the
turn, even if it is the cheapest option semi-bluff.
Opponents probably guess that this is a semi-bluff, as a strong
hand you played the flop check-reyz25.

Also remember that when deciding whether you should semi-bluff

focus on reading the opponent's arm. For example, if before
flop your opponent gave a raise from early position, then the ace on the flop
you rarely need to polublefovat because there is a very
a strong likelihood that he or ace, or a large pocket
couple, and he did not throw any of these hands, stay with you one on one.

See "check-call the flop and then bet on the turn" of Part III of the book, where
This is discussed in more detail.

Semi-bluff with a hand that can
win without improvement

Should you heads up on the flop bet with a strong

a drawing hand, which also has the ability to win at showdown
(Eg, 4-flush from Ace), is highly dependent on the manner of the game
your opponents. Depending on the size of the bank, is a semi-bluff
advantageous if the enemy will drop only 10-20% of cases.
However, you do not eject sufficient profit if the opponent
will not reset the better hands than yours. This is especially true against
aggressive opponents who will fold to your bet, but will
bluffing, if you tell them a check.

For example, you open raise from the penultimate position with

and only the loose-aggressive big blind answers you call. Flop

gives you the nuts 4-flush. The big blind checks, you bet and he calls. The turn ♦ T,
and the enemy again check. Since this is a loose-aggressive player, you too
Answer him a check. Even despite the fact that you may well be
best hand and you have 9 outs to the nuts, it is unlikely that the enemy
fold a hand that is worse than yours. Also, if you set, it can
perform a check-raise, forcing you to pay two big bets for trying
get a flush on the river.

If the enemy is nothing, he folds to your bet. But if the

turn you answer him a check, he can bluff the river, and you
win him an additional bet.
win at showdown, but its power is still not enough to
reply to bet on the river. In this situation, you will need to lean
to semi-bluff on the turn. If you answer the turn aggressive opponent
check with a 4-flush from the ladies, he will often bet the river with poor
hand. However, often you will not have enough chances to bank
its potential to catch a bluff. Thus, refusing to
semi-bluff on the turn, you will miss the chance to win the pot without Flush on
river. However, if the situation on the table makes it more likely
expect from the opponent check-raise, you should not go on a semi-bluff - better
take a free card.

Against a passive opponent with a 4-flush from the ladies (or the other
similar hand), you usually have to talk checks the turn, if
the pot is small, because that player will rarely bet the river with poor
hand. For example, against a passive opponent who goes to
opening with any ace on the turn to check a limited
hand, as a 4-flush from the ladies. However, if the bank is large, tends to
semi-bluff, because now there is a reasonable chance that he could lose
hand, better than you.

Semi-bluff against a loose

Consider the following scenario: a loose-aggressive player

open cuts on the button and the small blind calls, and you also
call a the big blind with a hand


gives you a four-flush. The small blind checks and you say, the button raises and you both
call. The turn ♣ 2. The small blind and you check, the button bet, and the small
blind fold. You have to decide whether to go on semibluff you check-raise
or not. Was favorable to semi-bluff, the opponent shall be released in
a relatively small number of cases. But will the Loose
fold often enough to raise was more profitable than
call? And how big is the risk that an aggressive player will 3-bet,
completely ruining your plans?

To answer these questions, it is necessary to determine the range

alleged hands of the enemy. As the enemy and loose
aggressive, we use the following assumptions:

1. For an opening raise from the button, it uses 50% of his hands:
22 +, A2s +, A2o +, K2s +, K5o +, Q2s +, Q7o +, J4s +, J7o +, T6s +,
T7o +, 96s +, 98o, 86s +, 76s and65s.

2. On the turn, he will put every hand, if the small blind and you
tell him to check.

3. He will call to a showdown with the ace or better.

4. He will call a raise on the turn with any four-flush or

two-way four-straight.

5. He will give a 3-bet with top pair and a good kicker (eg,
AK or KQ), aces, two pair or better.

Based on these assumptions, as well as on the fact that
enemy gave bet on the turn, we know that it can have 536 different
Unique hand, 381 of which he calls your raise:

QQ-TT, 88, 66-44, AQo-A2o, KJo-KTo, K8o, K6o-K5o, Q9o, Q7o,

J9o, J7o, T9o-T7o, 98o, ♠ A ♠ J-♠ A ♠ 2, ♠ K ♠ J-♠ K ♠ T, ♠ K ♠ 8, ♠ K ♠ 6, ♠ K ♠ 4 - ♠ K ♠ 3
♠ J ♠ T-♠ J ♠ 6, ♠ J ♠ 4, ♠ T ♠ 9 - ♠ T ♠ 6, ♠ 9 ♠ 8, ♠ 9 ♠ 6, ♠ 8 ♠ 7 - ♠ 8 ♠ 6, ♠ 7 ♠ 6 ♠ 6 ♠ 5 ♥ A ♥ Q-
♥ A ♥ 2, ♥ Q ♥ 9, ♥ Q ♥ 7, ♥ Q ♥ 2, ♥ J ♥ 9, ♥ J ♥ 7, ♥ T ♥ 9 - ♥ T ♥ 7, ♥ 8 ♥ 7 - ♥ 8 ♥ 6 ♥ 7 ♥ 6
♦ A ♦ Q-♦ A ♦ 2, ♦ K ♦ J-♦ K ♦ T, ♦ K ♦ 8, ♦ K ♦ 6 - ♦ K ♦ 3, ♦ Q ♦ 9, ♦ Q ♦ 7, ♦ Q ♦ 2 ♦ J ♦ 9
♦ J ♦ 7, ♦ T ♦ 9 - ♦ T ♦ 7, ♦ 8 ♦ 7 - ♦ 8 ♦ 6, ♦ 7 ♦ 6 ♣ A ♣ Q-♣ A ♣ 3, ♣ K ♣ J-♣ K ♣ T, ♣ K ♣ 8
6 ♣ K ♣ - ♣ K ♣ 3, ♣ Q ♣ 9, ♣ Q ♣ 7, ♣ J ♣ 9, ♣ J ♣ 7, ♣ T ♣ 9 - ♣ T ♣ 7, ♣ 8 ♣ 7 - ♣ 8 ♣ 6 and♣ 7
♣ 6.
Also, with 62 of these 536 hands he will give a 3-bet:

AA, KK, 99, 77, 22, AKo, KQo, K9o, K7o, ♠ A ♠ K, ♠ K ♠ 2 ♥ 9 ♥ 7, ♦ A ♦ K,

♦ K ♦ Q, ♦ K ♦ 9, ♦ K ♦ 7, ♦ K ♦ 2, ♦ 9 ♦ 7 ♣ A ♣ K, ♣ K ♣ Q, ♣ K ♣ 9, ♣ K ♣ 7 and♣ 9 ♣ 7.

Based on these data, we can calculate that the enemy

reset the hands of the 93 536:

536 381 62 93

In other words, after your check-raise on the turn, it will reset to 17.35%
cases calls in 71.08% of cases, and in 11.57% of cases will give a 3-bet.
Based on the fact that you have 9 clean outs, you can calculate that
river, you will collect a flush in 19.57% of cases, and do not collect it in 80.43%
cases. In addition, we assume that you will make one more
an additional bet on the river if you hit your flash26. As
after beta opponent on the turn in the bank was 5.5 big bets
expected income from a raise is 0.77 BS:

0.1735 5.5BS 0.7108 0.8043 2BS 0.1957 7.5BS

0.1157 0.8043 3BS 0.1957 8.5BS
Now calculate the expected revenue from the call:

0.8043 1BS 0.1957 6.5BS 0, 4674 BS

We see that semibluff turn raise more profitable than call,

despite the fact that the enemy is loose and aggressive, which
will call to the opening and / or to give a 3-bet with a wide

Here we ignore the possibility that collecting flush, you can play older
flush or a full house, which happens rarely, but will cost you dearly. However, this
offset by the fact that sometimes you can win by getting on the river queen or five.

range of hands. Similar conclusions are also true for many other
similar situations.

Semi-bluff in a multi-
In multiway tend to use less polublef27. On
There are several reasons. First, two or more of the enemy than
probable discharge than one. For example, suppose you two in the bank
opponent (player A and player B). If each of them separately will
fold in 20% of cases, the likelihood that they would drop at a time,
only 4% (0,2 x 0,2 = 0,04) 28.

Also, when you have a strong drawing hand, the difference between
current and potential pot odds (especially on the flop) in
multi-way more than the game one by one. In other words, if the
flop you give bet or raise and stump one or more players
you greatly reduce your chances of potential instead of just a little
increasing the chances of winning a relatively small bank.

For example, a tight-aggressive player opens with a raise of

position of CO, vholodnuyu button calls, you call the small
blind with

as well as the big blind calls. The flop comes

You and the big blind checks, the preflop raiser bet. Many players in this
situation gives raise to a semi-bluff, trying to show a pair of aces
hoping that this move can knock out of the game and make the big blind
bettor to lose a hand like Kx or Qx, as well as some small and
medium pocket pairs. However, in this case the bank yet
relatively small, so it is better to sacrifice the ability to win
it immediately and try to keep both players in the game, which will increase
your implied odds. Also, if one of the opponents has
Ace, it is unlikely that he will throw, but he can make you pay for
Your combination of a drawing even more.

However, this does not mean that in a multi you should not give a bet or a raise to increase
bank with strong a drawing hand.
28Konechno, this calculation assumes that the opponents will decide on the fold
regardless of the actions of each other, which is not always the case.

If you take part in the drawing of four or more players,
a raise preflop, the bank usually has is great. But
the probability that both opponents will fold, quite small. Although
you can knock out a few opponents with turn raise
(Especially those who have to respond to the two rates to stay
game), if the bettor who is directly to your left, go
bet against a large number of players, it might very well say,
he has a strong hand, with which he intends to get to showdown.

For example, you ♣ 8 ♣ 7 in the big blind, three players entered

limp, the small blind raises and gave all called. The flop ♣ Q ♣ 5 ♠ 2.
The small blind bet, you call, as well as two (or three) limpers to you. The turn
♥ 9 and the small blind re-raises. Now if you give a raise, you can
get someone to drop out of the remaining players (or even all)
middle pair or even a lady with a weak kicker. However, the small blind
gave a raise before the flop, and then on the flop and bet out on the turn
against a large number of players, so it's big enough
safe to say that he has a strong hand, at least
top pair with a good kicker, and you do not make him lose. If
small blind - a very aggressive player, you can try to raise
but such opponents and such situations are rare. On the course, you
get more money, just kolliruya the turn with a drawing strong
hand and hoping to finish it in the river, what happens in 26% of cases.

Bet and raise to increase the bank's

prikupnaya strong hands
The fact that you usually do not have to in a multi polublefovat
prikupnaya strong hands, does not mean that you should not give to the
they bet or raise when you have to share the benefits of the bank, especially
on the flop. For example, if you have the nut flush with 4 unpaired flop and
against five opponents, you will profit from each beta
or raise as win more than one sixth.

You must also be prepared to press with very strong

a drawing hand on the turn, such as two-way four-straight-flush,
if you have a lot of enemies. However, giving a raise to increase
bank with a drawing hand, make sure you do not get out of those games
Players who have not yet acted, because if they do not want
respond to two big bets and reset your raise will not bring you
profits. You should try to keep them in the game and not beat.

The flop may sometimes be an interesting situation, when
strong a drawing hand you call someone's bet, and the player
directly to the right of you give a raise and gets a few
called. In this situation, you have to give a 3-bet, because it is not you
risk to knock anyone out of the draw. Also, such a move makes
opponents assume you have a strong hand, which could then
give you the opportunity to semi-bluff on the turn and / or river bluff even
against a large number of enemies. Your actions on the flop gives you
chance to get to fold stronger hands in the future.

Part V

Additional topics

In the previous parts of the book, we set out a large number of
material, focusing on the concepts that we believe are most
important in tough games. But this material in any way not
exhaust the topic limit hold'em - this game has so many subtleties
and nuances that describe her endlessly.

However, not all the topics that we would like to highlight, are subject to
themes of the previous four parts. In this part, we present
some new theoretical concepts and give some
valuable practical tips that will help you become
professional player, to manage your bankroll and
improved in the game. Take seriously the topics discussed in
the following sections.

Playing in a multi-
Concepts used in the game in a multi largely
different from those of a hand against a single
opponent. Playing in a multi, you need to look at five things:

1. The value of these hands, as the senior ace in a multi significantly

decreases, so it is more likely that some of the opponents
has a pair or a strong hand.

2. In multi-way you have to bluff much less because

that the chances of a successful bluff significantly reduced.
For example, if the flop you have two players, each of
which individually fold to your bluff in 30% of cases,
the likelihood that they will drop at the same time is only 9% 29.

3. Since the bluff is less likely to succeed, bet (or raise)

to increase the bank acquires greater significance as
increasing the likelihood that at least one enemy
has a hand that will call to the end 30. Also,
because the average size of banks will be played out more
you will need to actively protect your hand.

4. Check in order to provoke a bluff is less reason to

two reasons. First, as mentioned above, the protection
hand becomes more important, as the average size of banks
increases. Second, opponents are less likely to become
bluff, when the game will be a few people.

5. Many banks in multiway pots are so big that

improve your chances of winning can justify
extra bet or raise on your part.

Of course, this calculation is only valid if the decision to fold, they will take whatever
the actions of each other.
30Poskolku in this situation, the opponents will tend to call to showdown
smaller range of hands than in game one on one, you should avoid betting with very
marginal hands like bottom pair.

Forcing the enemy

In limit hold'em, sometimes correctly bet you give a raise to

as a bluff or semi-bluff, even if by itself it will not move
positive expected return. Showing aggression in the current
betting round, you increase the likelihood that the enemy
fold in the future. Therefore, this double attack can be

The most obvious example of such a game - when you flop

open raise with a marginal hand, the player in the blind calls, and
The flop comes three low cards. As the opponent in the
situations often will or a couple, or overcards on the flop, he will not be
fold often enough to get your bet was beneficial. However,
continuing to bet on the flop, you show a strong hand, keeping
chances of a successful bluff on the turn.

For example, you open raise with

on the button, and only the tight-aggressive big blind is responsible
called. The flop comes

Even despite the fact that the opponent folds on the flop very few
the hands of those with whom he was responsible before the flop, you should still
put. The probability that he will throw your second bet of
the next round, not improved, quite high.

Being able to make your opponent can throw

justify the very marginal semi-bluff on the turn against the tight-
aggressive player, because that you can get it reset
on the river if it would attack again. For example, you ♥ K ♥ 2 and on the table to
Thorne ♦ Q ♦ J ♥ 7 ♥ 6. Even despite the fact that the enemy may have
a large number of a drawing hand (which significantly reduces
the likelihood of a fold), a semi-bluff may still be justified, because
that by this you can get it to drop on the river if he does not
will finish any of its a drawing hand.

Such a game can be appropriate and the flop. For example, you
Raise a ♠ K ♠ T of the penultimate position, the button folds,
a tight-aggressive player in the small blind and gives a 3-bet (big
blind fold). If the enemy is not inclined to go up to the opening too
often (or approximately less than 37% of cases), you should seriously
ken to consider, as it greatly increases the chances that
flop you can get him to fold the best hand. In this
If much of the hands with which he can play like that - it
small and medium pairs and hand containing an ace. If he has
be a pocket pair, and the flop is ace on the flop, he will
fold in most cases. Also, if he would hand with
ace, then continued its aggression, you can quite
get him to fold if the flop does not improve.

implied odds

With the hand that has a few different ways to improve

the best possible hands, it is often necessary to make a more precise
calculation of implied odds to the bank in accordance with the relative
force of arms, to which you can improve. For example, you open
raise with

the button, an aggressive player in the small blind makes a 3-bet, large
blind fold and you call. Flop

gives you two overcards and a gutshot nut straight. Opponent bets.
We now turn to accurately calculate your simple and
implied odds to the bank. Obviously, the simple pot odds
is 8-to-1, but the implied odds calculation is not so simple.

Your implied odds for leaky Straight very good.

If the turn is seven, you get the absolute nuts, and the enemy,
likely will pull against you dead. On the other hand,
having eight or nine, you can not be absolutely sure
that you have the best hand. Even if the turn it will be the best,
the enemy can have up to 6 outs to win you. In this case,
your implied odds are much worse.

To calculate the total potential chances to

folded potential chances for each method of improvement
multiplied by the relative likelihood improved by means of it.
In this example, you have 4 outs to a straight and six outs overkarty31. So
way, you will improve on the turn to leaky Straight in 40% of
those when you get one of your outs, for the figure is over cards
40%. mathematically speaking your implied odds are:

In fact, six outs over cards - a few overpriced value (because,
buying overcards, you do not always efforts to the best hand), but to analyze the potential
chance is not important, as having one of the outs, you are likely to get to the opening
in any event.

0.4 IOSTREYTA 0.6 IO

where IOSTREYTA and IOOVERKART - potential odds for straights and overcards

If we assume that the enemy around the next range

Hand: 66 +, A7s +, K9s +, QTs +, JTs, A9o +, KTo andQJo, you get one of the
his overcards, but will still be behind about half the cases,
and in these cases, you will have negative implied odds. In
the remaining 50% of cases, when you're in front, the enemy will be 6
outs to drag you on the river, and it will happen in 13% of cases.

Assuming that when you exit the turn eight or nine you
the opponent can win one big bet an average, and the parish
Seven - about 1.5 big bets, your discounted
implied odds are 0.522 BS:

0.4 1.5BS 0.6 0.5 1BS 0.5 0.87 1BS 0.13 1BS
0.522 BS
Not as high as it might seem at first glance, but
perhaps sufficient to answer the bet from the small

This calculation shows that if you intensify to a straight, you

additionally win an average of 1.5 big bets, if you get
one of his overcards, in 50% of cases will lose an average of 1 large


which in turn will reset (rightly) his 6 outs. Yours
implied odds will be lower as well against an aggressive player
which you will have to answer to the end (or at least to
river), even when it is to be more active in the later

Bankroll Management and
the risk of losing

The amount of necessary bankroll and risk of losing

individual for each player. Playing poker professionally, you
pursue two objectives: to maximize gains and minimize
risk. Unfortunately, the transition to a higher limit and increasing its
win rate, you will also be at greater risk. Of course, if you
have the great advantage of a lower limit, but at a
higher limit can win only slightly, lower limit
may be more favorable to you, because there you can have
higher win rate and a lower risk.

In the past, the standard bankroll to play Hold'em was equal

300 big bets. This number is based on the relatively low
probability of losing a bankroll of this magnitude at zero game and
normal oscillations. Risk of losing a bankroll can be calculated
the following formula:


Pe V2
where B - the value of your bankroll
W - your win rate,
V - the standard deviation of your game (variance).
For example, a good player in a good live game wins about
One big bet per hour, with the standard deviation of the game
about 10 big bets per hour. Risk of losing all the tools to play with
different values to bankroll such a player is:

bankroll The risk of losing,%
big bets
100 36.8
200 13.5
300 1.8

With the advent of online poker win rate and variance were
measured in big bets per 100 hands. This allowed comparison between
these indicators are live games and games on the Internet, as
online and offline play a different number of hands per hour.

For example, Stox'a win rate over the last 300,000 hands is 0.82
BS/100 hands, and the standard deviation of 17.65 BS/100 hands. If
Stox started playing with a bankroll of 300 big bets, he would have lost the
to 20.61% with a probability:

2300 0, 82

17, 65 2
0.2061 20.61%

If Stox'a risk of losing bankroll much higher because

vysokolimitnyh games is its advantage compared with its
fluctuations (1 BS / h is about 3 BS/100 hands). In addition,
as he often plays in aggressive games with a small number
Parties, its standard deviation is higher.
Generally, aggressive games with a small number of players have the highest
fluctuations and passive 10 local games - the lowest. Therefore, if the
you play hard in games or games with small numbers of participants,
bankroll of 300 big bets is not enough, even if you play
very well.

Becoming a professional
Become a professional player is easy - simply leave the
his day's work

Despite the fact that to become a professional player can easily become
successful professional player - is another matter. Of course,
this does not have to play higher limits or be one
of the best players in the world. There are many players who are decent
earn and at such low limits like $ 2 / $ 4 and $ 3 / $ 6, playing
several tables simultaneously. In our opinion, the professional
player - the one that pays the daily costs
solely from the revenues from poker.

To become a professional or not - it is an individual

question the answer to which is largely dependent on your
poker skill, the quality of current and future games, in which you
plan on playing, your alternatives, as well as
your character and patience. The next few questions (although,
of course, they do not cover this topic) will help you decide
to become a professional poker player or not:

1. Do you have sufficient funds to make for something

to live in a period of 6 to 12 months, without getting at this in his
bankroll? It is preferred that you have a lot more
money than you need for the game. This is particularly important
in a live game. Even the expert players may be periods
(Extending to several months), during which
it will lose money. If your bankroll is small,
these times can be very exhausting. You can
mitigate the possible stress and improve your game, if the
shoulders you will have enough money to
feel more confident.

2. Do you have an adequate bankroll for comfortable playing

this limit? Fluctuations in Limit Hold'em is very high.
The player играющийсвинрейтом1БС/100руки
standard deviation of 17 BS/100 hand, has 22% chance
lose a bankroll of 300 big bets. Incidentally, in
today's more aggressive games this win rate is

very good result, and with it you will probably enter the
group of 10% of the best players in the limit.

3. Can you not give up and continue to play if

things will not go well? Usually people are very easy to
withstand many hours of game sessions if they are in
win, but if you find yourself in the red, you can
need a stronger self-control, not to fall into the tilt.

4. How well do you play? Whether you are a

decent winner at the limit, you are playing and
Do you have enough life on the money that you win?
Determine your win rate - not an easy task. If
your win rate is 2 BS/100 hand, but you played only 25,000 hands
very difficult to assess your true win rate with any
was accurate. There are players who can win rate
changes in 3 BS/100 hands in 100,000 deals. An example of this -
a man who had three winrate BS/100 hands after 100,000 deposit, and
the next 100,000 donations lost its entire surplus, and such
a lot of players. Can be much more precisely define what you play
plus you through the assessment of errors made enemies, and
well as evaluating your use of these errors and
correctness of your own game.

5. How good selection of games, in which you plan to

play, and how good this choice will be in the future? If
you're basically playing live poker, you do not only need to have
suitable nearby casino, but also sufficient
variety of games that have to be soft enough
that you have in them an advantage. If you sit at the table with
six players who play as well as you do, no one
of you will be playing, plus, losing money on a rail or
hourly rate. If you play online, games that
you want to play, should be available most of the time
and again, they have to be soft enough to get you
Income received from them.

And finally, we want to see that bytuspeshnym

professional poker player - not the most important, what must
aim in life. Achieving this is actually difficult, but with the
failure you will be hard to accept. Poker can simply
nicely complement the list of your sources of income, and we have recommended
most winning players would do just that, if there is

Many players may be periods in which they will
win a lot more than they earn on their work. They
may decide that it will last forever, or even think that
they can earn even more if you go to work and will play in the
poker full time. However, your sources of income must
be a certain variety, and if you start to think that poker
you pay only a portion of their time can be much
more profitable than the main job, it could be your grave

Improving your game
To succeed in any form of poker, you need to evaluate their
game and constantly work to improve it. Since many of your
opponents are also engaged in this, you can keep up with them, if you
very satisfied with the quality of their game. Unfortunately, variations in
Limit Hold'em is such that they can make a lot of players think
that their game is perfect, if they are lucky, and these players are no longer taught
game. Conversely, when the protracted series of failures, even the best players will
look in your game serious mistake of trying to re-evaluate the quality of
his game.

In addition to gaining experience, the best way to improve your game -

to discuss their distribution and various game situations with other
good players. The emergence of online forums, especially those such as
www.twoplustwo.com, enabled many players to communicate between
a. This is probably the main reason why the game has become much
more stringent in recent years. However, discussing their distribution on
Internet forums, it is important to find a player who would you trust and
that would be a better player than you.

Laying his hand on the forum, it is important to pause before

that decision as to which you need assistance.
Make sure that you bring only the data that has owned
themselves in decision making, because in future similar
situations, you will have no other information other than this. Next
came map or player's hand, which he showed at autopsy
should influence a particular decision, and
premature disclosure of such data may affect the analysis
situation, and tips that will give you the other players.

We also recommend that you regularly (at least

once a week) to view their hand played. Do you discuss them with the
coach or trying to post on the forum on the Internet, thinking about
different perspectives of the drawing will be invaluable.
Finally, in analyzing hand histories, and faced with a difficult situation,
use mathematics to determine whether a particular
solutions. Seriously, think about what range of hands can be a
opponent and look how well your hand on this
range. Also, think about how the opponent would play every hand,
that may be in it - how likely is it that he is or will be reset

bluff? Most of the decisions become clearer when they
backed up mathematically, although it may be hard to do.

Part VI

Dispensing with Stox'a

For this part of the book, we have selected those hand that
illustrate the most important concepts of hard holdemovskih games. In
Stox is mostly correct, and you should seek
play as well. However, in some hand he makes mistakes,
we will carefully analyze. We hope that you will not

The first group includes hands hands that tried Stox

steal the blinds (describing subsequent game after the flop). The second and
The third group of hands shows how Stox defended their blinds.
The latter, the fourth group of hands covers some important points
games that do not fit under any topics stealing blinds or under their
protection. Finally, note that the effect of many of these hands
occurs in a multi. We believe that these examples are best
can be explained by the principles of the game in more complex situations that
occur in the drawings, which involved more than two


Example number
Limit: $ 20 / $ 40, 4 players.

Preflop: Stox on the button with ♣ 3 ♦ 3.

Trade: CO folds, Stox raise, the small blind three-bet, the big blind
fold, Stox call.

Flop: ♥ T ♥ 8 ♠ 2 (7 MC, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox call.

Thorne: ♣ 4 (4.5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox raise, the small blind folds.

My pre-flop raise with a pair of threes on the button - the standard game. With
a pair of deuces, I also always give open raise in this situation. Ken
sometimes could be a good game, especially against a player who is not too
often reaching the opening. But you can just call. Both of these
good choice, fold, of course, is not necessary.

The flop was favorable to me. The flop was not a single
the large map, but the map was present smaller value,
than my pair. On the flop, I certainly could not give a raise because my
hand had the advantage on the relative value against the range
the likely hands of the enemy, but I thought it best to just
call with the intention to raise the turn, if there is not an ace.
When the ace on the turn I lost would not hesitate, as the pre-flop
enemy gave 3-bet.

The turn came a safe card, and I gave a raise for free
autopsy. Raise better than Calling to the end, as my hand
need of protection. Ability to force the opponent to fold a hand with 6
outs or better hand worth the risk to get a 3-bet, which I
had to reset (losing the opportunity to bluff on the river or
get three and skyrocket to the best hand). Also, after my raise on

turn in the next round opponent will be considered only with hands
that I play, so bet on the river I can safely

Two suited cards on the table makes the game for free
opening more risky for two reasons:

1. The opponent may put me 4-flush. Therefore, it is less

likely to fold the best hand.

2. The enemy himself can have a 4-flush and give semibluff 3-bet,
forcing me to fold the best hand (although such opponents

On the other hand, when such coordinated card table

opponent in the middle will have more outs than usual. It
circumstance was more induce me to raise for protection
hands, and I could have got a raise additional benefit from the fact that the turn
opponent will make a loose call with coordinated maps
table. In general, with two suited cards on the table my raise on the turn
was marginal game, but I still could not count on
free opening (especially given the fact that there are not large
cards), and the risk to fold the best hand on semibluff 3-bet was pretty
small. In the absence of flashevyh blanks on the table turn raise would
more accurate game.

Example number
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in position with CO ♥ A ♦ Q.

Trade: UTG raises, HJ folds, Stox 3-bet, the button folded, the small blind skipper,
big blind folds, UTG calls, Stox call.

Flop: ♦ A ♦ 4 ♠ 2 (13 ms, 3 players).

Trade: The small blind bets, UTG folds, Stox call.

Thorn: ♦ 6 (7.5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox check.

River: ♣ A (7.5 BS, 2 players).
Trade: The small blind bet, Stox raise, the small blind folds.

I gave the flop 3-bet, because it is a standard game against

any raiser, sitting three seats from the button. Range of hands
which provides adequate raiser raised in this situation, some
the following: 44 +, A7s +, A9o +, K9s +, KQo +, QTs +, J9s +, T9s and98s (Of
this is 15.5% of hands).

Hand AQo has a 54% share of the bank against the range of hands.
Hand AJo has a 50% share of the bank against this range, but the game
it is even worse, as is dominated hands JJ +, AQs + andAQo +.

Thus, the AQo suitable for 3-bet against adequate player

sitting at 3 places of the button, but AJo - No longer exists. The shares of the bank at 50%
usually enough to 3-bet if the position and opportunities
postflop play one on one, but since I was not on the button and
After me there were still players who could be big
Hand AJo one would have to fold. Hand AQo is dominated only
hands QQ +, AKs + andAKo, representing only 2.6% of all possible
hands. The hand is AJo is dominated hands JJ +, AQs + andAQo +, and this is a 4.2%
all possible hands, or 30% of those hands that adequate raiser for
three seats on the stick will open with a raise.

Since the small blind before the flop gave the skipper, we can expect that
flop bet it will go to 100%, and this will not bet
more information about his arm. After a raise out of position for three
location of the button, and 3-betting from the penultimate position of the small blind must
have a very narrow range of hands for the skipper. However, this range can
be a little wider than it seems, because many players do not
want to drop a pretty good hand in the small blind, even after
3-bet. After the small blind made the skipper, his hand can
decent safe place in the following range: TT +, ATs +,
AQo + andKQs.

Given that I AQo, a range of hands initial raiser

44 +, A7s +, A9o +, K9s +, KQo +, QTs +, J9s +, T9s and98s, the situation in the
PF is composed as follows (on the distribution of relative
hand strength):

UTG = 31,5%
Stox = 26%
The small blind = 42.5%

After UTG folded on the flop, the situation has changed as follows

Stox = 67,4%
The small blind = 32.6%

In other words, the flop was good for me, and I

definitely had to go to showdown. Once we have a low
blind were left alone, I was in a situation of "or highly
ahead, or way behind "about the small blind. Therefore, even
despite the fact that the bank has already become a big raise to protect your hands here
had less sense than attracting bets on the turn and river.

After the small blind check on the turn, it is likely

you can put a pocket pair of kings to jacks, but it also
to plan for a check-raise with AA, AK or AQ. With kings, queens or
Jacks and he can call my bets on the turn and river, but it also
may reset. So I decided to say a check on the turn and
to see what happens on the river. This is a close decision, and that I could
nedopoluchit a profit, as a rival could be ready
pay me on the turn and the river with the worst hand. While on the other hand,
saying a check, I avoided the danger of falling to a check-raise if your opponent
AA, AK or 6632. Also, after I check on the turn over opponent
likely to call on the river, as I could give a raise on the river,
If you had a diamond or ace.

Despite the fact that I played conservatively, so I could play

make an additional bet if your opponent would have been more
low pair (TT-77). The appearance on the turn third suited card

I was sitting right behind him, gave 3-bet ♠ A ♥ T because my hand was
advantage over his range of hands and I had a good
chance to stay with him one on one. However, the small blind, solid
winning player, gave the skipper of a bad position, showing quite
strong hand, perhaps one of the following: 99 +, AQs +, AQo + or
possible AJs.

Even despite the fact that the flop I had two overcards
really (based pre-flop play small blind) I had no more
3 outs (it is likely that even fewer - 2.5 out average), and I
did not know what it is exactly outs. Even if the pot odds allowed
continue (in this case, probably not), my
expected revenue from the call would be very small. Potential
chances in this case is also negative, so I folded.

Example № 4
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 3 players have Stox'a $ 17,346, the small blind is $ 1191.

Preflop: Stox on the button with ♥ J ♥ 7.

Trade: Stox raise, the small blind three-bet, the big blind folded, Stox

Flop: ♠ J ♣ T ♦ 3 (7 MC, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox call.

Thorne: ♣ 5 (4.5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox call.

River: ♥ 9 (6.5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bets $ 291 (all-in), Stox calls $ 291.

Showdown: The small blind showed ♠ Q ♣ 9.

My hand ♥ J ♥ 7 - The worst hand in the group Jxs, to which I gave

would open raise from the button. In this hand I was faced with a 3-bet
the flop, which could mean that the enemy jack with senior
kicker or an overpair. But more importantly, the money my opponent
only enough to give a rate of one in every round. With
short stack people often play too recklessly - they want or
double it, or lose and go.

On the flop I was lucky to get top pair, but in this

situation of each pair would be a strong enough hand to
call her before opening, since the enemy himself, quite
probably will go through just ace high or even
Senior King. Note that the enemy by 3 bet with ♠ Q ♣ 9 - Very
controversial game, probably indicating that it is
irregular and that he may have been on tilt.

So the only question that arose in my course

this hand - whether to give a raise on the turn or just call up
end. But most of it will not matter, because

enemy, apparently, was going to put in the bank all your money in
anyway. I thought of garbage hands, which can be at
him, those that he folds to my raise on the turn, but that will be
bluff on the river (on the turn when I made the call I will answer only), several
more than those with which the turn he will respond to raise (but the river
will be to check-fold, unimproved). Therefore, given the range of hands
enemy until the end of the call - the best choice (but could turn raise
would be better if they could make the enemy lose
hand with six strikeouts).

Example number 5
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 4 players.

Preflop: Stox on the button with ♣ A ♦ 2.

Trade: Stox raise, the small blind folded and the big blind calls.

Flop: ♦ J ♦ 6 ♦ 5 (4.5 ms, 2 players).

Trade: The big blind checks, Stox bet, the big blind raises, Stox call.

Thorn: ♥ 2 (4.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The big blind bet, Stox raise, the big blind called.

River: ♥ A (8.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The big blind checks, Stox bet, the big blind folded.

My preflop decision was borderline. If the blinds are loose and

play well after the flop, A2o to fold. From the representation
earlier database to 316,000 hands played at stakes of $ 30 / $ 60
$ 1000 / $ 2000 (mostly in the limit from $ 100 / $ 200 and up) that
open raise from the button with A2o in the game, which involves three or
more players, some ubytochen33. Pay attention to the small number of

A simple call to A2o in such a situation can be the right decision against bad
loose players.

attempts due to the fact that I often prefer to throw in such

A2o: 89 attempts, -0.06 BS arm

A3o: 279 attempts, 0.29 BS arm
A4o: 260 attempts, -0.17 BS arm
A5o: 276 attempts, 0.3 BS arm
A6o: 274 attempts, 0.15 BS arm

No other type of arm Ax is not losing money in this

situation. But even in a sample of 316,000 hands is not big enough
to accurately assess the profitability of a particular hand
in position.

Calling a check-raise on the flop was also borderline

solution. I could be ahead if the enemy had a 4 straight (or even
hand like ♦ KX or ♦ QX). I had a lot of outs (although very
damaged), and pot odds 7.5-to-1, I decided to respond to
see the turn card.

On the turn, gathering steam, I gave a raise for the free opening, as
to 3-bet the enemy I could safely lose his weak made hand,
having only a marginal potential for improvement. On the river, I
surely set to increase the bank, get a second pair.

Example № 6
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 4 players.

Preflop: Stox on the button with ♦ Q ♦ 5.

Trade: CO folds, Stox raise, the small blind three-bet, the big blind called,
Stox call.

Flop: ♠ 7 ♣ 5 ♣ 4 (9 MS, 3 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, the big blind calls, Stox raise small
blind called and the big blind calls.

Thorne: ♠ 8 (7.5 BS, 3 players).
Trade: The small blind, big blind and Stox - all check.

River: ♣ 2 (7.5 BS, 3 players).

Trade: All checks.

Showdown: The small blind showed ♥ A ♠ 9 the big blind folded.

My hand ♦ Q ♦ 5 - The worst hand in the group Qxs, which I give

open raise from the button. On the turn, I made a serious error
playing check. Most likely, that both of my opponents were two
overcards to the same table with these cards, I could safely lose
his weak hand to check-raise, because even aggressive players, probably
would not have to check-raise with a 4-flush with four cards to a straight on
table. I give a free card to his two opponents, while
bet I could get them to fold or to pay for your drawing hands,
having 3 to 6 outs, that in any case better than the check. The more
players are in the pot, the more likely to be applied to bet or raise
increasing the bank and protecting the hand on the flop and the turn.

Example № 7
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 3 players.

Preflop: Stox on the button with ♣ Q ♣ 5.

Trade: Stox raise, the small blind folded and the big blind three-bet, Stox

Flop: ♠ 7 ♥ 6 ♥ 4 (6.5 ms, 2 players).

Trade: The big blind bet, Stox call.

Thorne: ♠ K (4.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The big blind bet, Stox raise, the big blind called.

River: ♦ 9 (8.25 BS, 2 players).
Trade: The big blind checks, Stox bet, the big blind raises, Stox fold.

In this distribution was not my semi-bluff, but I still think

that a semi-bluff was justified. On the river, it was possible to refuse
bluff, since the enemy call a raise on the turn, which fell
king - it is unlikely that the river he could lose. Also,
because he gave the flop 3-bet, it is almost impossible that his hand is worse
than the older lady, except that if he JTs.

On the river, he could lose a hand like ♥ A ♥ X or ♠ A ♠ X, but

some opponents can often end up with a call
such hands. Also, the enemy can be a lady and a 4-flush (QJs or
QTs) - The hand with which he will always be reset on the river. King on
turn, may have been a bad card to semi-bluff, with the ace, I would do
No raise, but called a bet and the turn would have put himself, if
opponent did not.

Example № 8
Limit: $ 75 / $ 150, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in position with CO ♥ K ♦ J.

Trade: Two fold, Stox raise, 3-bet the button, small blind folds,
the big blind calls, Stox call.

Flop: ♥ J ♣ 8 ♣ 5 (9.5 ms, 3 players).

Trade: The big blind checks, Stox checked, the button bet, the big blind
raise, Stox 3-bet, the button skipper, the big blind calls, Stox call.

Thorn: ♥ 7 (10.75 BS, 3 players).

Trade: The big blind checks, Stox checked, the button bet, the big blind
calls $ 122.50 (all-in), Stox call.

River: ♠ 2 (13.56 BS, 3 players, one of which went all-in.)

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

Showdown: Button showed ♣ A ♣ J.

My pre-flop raise was completely standard, and when the button gave
3-bet, I put a fairly wide range of hands: 44 +, A7o +, A4s +,
KQo andKJs. The flop gave me top pair with a good kicker. After
played the big blind check-raises, I put my hand like middle
pair of jacks or with a weak kicker, with which he was trying to knock me
from the bank. I gave a 3-bet, trying to dislodge the button and use my
advantage, as it felt like I was ahead.

Once the button is given the skipper, and put a set, an overpair, or 4 -
Flush (the last hand was the least probable, based on the range
his hand, with which he gave the 3-bet pre-flop). Against the range of his hands
My hand bull significant underdog, but that the bank offered me
good chance to call. I also knew that I could only get to showdown
with 2 big bets, as the third player runs out of money.

It was a difficult rally, and here it was hard to lose their

hand, as the flop was dvuhmastny. Some players are able to give
ken with a 4-flush against two opponents - the share of the bank has raised their
zero expectation (on the flop odds against improving are approximately 2 -
k-1), but a skipper makes it more likely it will be possible
make opponents lose in the future. In addition,
some players may even give the skipper with a weak jack, read that
Big Blind performs a check-raise with a marginal hand and put me
possible a drawing hand. If it came to the turn of clubs, queen or ace
I might lose. But in this case, the bank was large enough, and
I had no right to drop.

Example № 9
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 5 players.

Preflop: Stox in positions with HJ ♣ Q ♠ Q.

Trade: Stox raise three folds and the big blind calls.

Flop: ♠ J ♦ J ♣ 5 (4.5 ms, 2 players).

Trade: The big blind checks, Stox bet, the big blind called.

Thorne: ♠ 3 (3.25 BS, 2 players).
Trade: The big blind checks, Stox bet, the big blind called.

River: ♥ K (5.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The big blind checks, Stox bet, the big blind called.

Showdown: The big blind is hidden ♥ A ♠ T.

In this distribution only interesting point - is the river.

My pre-flop raise was standard, and the flop and the turn I put to
increasing the bank. On the river, I had to bet, only if after
opponents call, I remained a favorite. The enemy will probably koliroval
would with any pair. I lost, but if the opponent had a jack,
33, 55, AA or KK, and none of the hands of an opponent was not very
probable in this situation, because he did not give a raise. I also
losing any king, but won against any pocket pair below
jacks, as well as in any three or five. If your opponent
call with all these hands, I am likely to be sufficient
favorite to my bet on the river was justified.
The enemy was known to me as the one who too often comes to
opening, so I could also assume that he will call with
any ace. Based on the foregoing, I am definitely on the river
was put.

Example number 10
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 4 players.

Preflop: Stox in position with CO ♠ Q ♠ T.

Trade: Stox raise, fold button, the small blind three-bet, the big blind
fold, Stox call.

Flop: ♠ A ♦ K ♠ 2 (7 MC, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox call.

Thorne: ♣ 8 (4.5 BS, 2 players).
Trade: The small blind bet, Stox raise, the small blind calls.

River: ♥ K (8.5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox bet, the small blind calls.

Showdown: The small blind showed ♥ A ♣ 9.

On a flop of my share of the bank was very high. I had almost 12

nut-outs, but if the enemy was in front, I would not have been able
get it reset. Perhaps this was better to raise the flop and
bet on the turn and on the river to give the beta if I dostroyu his hand.
If you give a raise on the flop, the turn would be preferable to bet than
take a free card. The potential of my strong drawing hands was
enough to risk running into a check-raise on the turn. Beth
on the turn will also be able to force the enemy to lose a few below kings
and if he will answer on the turn, I'll get from him an additional bet,
if the river comes my card.

Example number 11
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 3 players.

Preflop: Stox on the button with ♦ Q ♦ T.

Trade: Stox raise, the small blind three-bet, the big blind calls, Stox

Flop: ♥ Q ♣ 8 ♦ 2 (9 MS, 3 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, the big blind raises, Stox call, small
blind call.

Thorn: ♦ 4 (7.5 BS, 3 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, the big blind bet, Stox call, small
blind is raised, the big blind folded, Stox call.

River: ♥ 2 (12.5 BS, 2 players).
Trade: The small blind bet, Stox call.

Showdown: The small blind showed ♣ A ♦ A.

A few words about the opposition - the small blind solid

winning player and the big blind - the player is rather soft. My
pre-flop raise is very standard. On the flop, I had a choice between
call and 3-bet. I believe that my refusal to 3-bet on the flop was
error - 3-bet could allow me to better read the small blind hand
and may take a free card on the turn. By answering just a flop
call, I had to give a raise on the turn, if it comes safe card
knocking it out of the game the small blind. If the turn followed
reraise, I could safely lose. Turn raise also gave me
the hope of a free showdown. However, the appearance of
turn diamonds, which gave me a 4-flush, some complicated situation -
Now, I could not throw a 3-bet, and it was better to allow third
cheap player to see the river.

After the turn played a small blind check-raised to two

rivals, I could lose, if not have a 4-flush. Considering all the
previous trade, it is unlikely that the small blind could play
check-raise without large hands, but I knew that this player was enough
aggressive in order to play it with a hand like AQ.

River me facing difficult decisions. On

previous actions of my enemy can be assumed that
his monster, but on the other hand, the bank offered me a chance to 13-to-1.
Because he could play well with ♦ A ♦ K or ♦ A ♦ J, and the chances of the bank were
very high, I called. My biggest mistake was that I
missed a 3-bet on the flop - given my thoughts, I played
more passive.

Protecting the big blind

Example number 12
Limit: $ 50 / $ 100, 5 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♠ 3 ♠ 2.

Trade: HJ folds, CO raises, the button folded, the small blind calls, Stox call.

Flop: ♥ T ♠ 9 ♠ 4 (6 ms, 3 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox calls, CO folds.

Thorn: ♥ J (4 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox call.

River: ♥ K (6 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox bet, the small blind calls.

Showdown: The small blind showed ♠ J ♣ T.

Preflop, the bank offered me the chance to 5-to-1, given that I

close the action - it's a close decision to play any two
same suit. At least I flopped two pair and a flush, trips, full-
house, or quads in 4.54% of cases, and 10.94 would receive a 4-flush. In this
If I called with ♠ 3 ♠ 2 because my opponents were not
solid players, increasing the chances of my potential.

Since the small blind is a bad loose players, I do not

began applying semibluff turn raise, as found that the enemy
will call with a very wide range of hands. Anyway, I do not
could not resist the beta on the river with his bad hand, after
how opponent told me the check.

However, my opponent played the hand well

prompting me to bluff on the river when the board at the same time

had the third suited card and a fourth card to a straight. On such a
dangerous river as this, my opponent has an interesting solution,
very much dependent on the type of enemy. In its place against a loose-
aggressive player, I would have given bet, causing the opponent to bluff
raise, which I called, against a tight-aggressive player, I
would play a check-call, against a passive opponent, I would put a
intent to throw a raise.

Example number 13
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 5 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♣ 5 ♦ 5.

Trade: UTG raises, three fold, the small blind calls, Stox call.

Flop: ♦ T ♠ 8 ♥ 8 (6 ms, 3 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox bets, UTG calls, the small blind calls.

Thorn: ♥ Q (4.5 BS, 3 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox checks, UTG bets, small blind folds,
Stox fold.

I call on the flop against two rivals was standard

(If the small blind folded, I could give a reraise). The flop was
it seems that my hand and I gave the best bet to collect information about
enemy hands.

The turn was a difficult situation. I did not want to give

enemy no chance to steal, even if the pot
was three. Also, the bank has been a decent amount of money that
I lean more to the beta. Even despite the fact that the UTG bet on the turn
acquired more weight due to the fact that the bank was
three players it could also raise with many hands that I beat,
for example, AK, AJ or KJ. On the turn, instead of folding I might answer
call, with the intention of call and the river if there is not an ace,
king or a jack. But eventually I decided to lose, because the
enemy opened preflop raise from the first position.

Example number 14
Limit: $ 75 / $ 150, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♦ 8 ♣ 7.

Trade: UTG folds, HJ raises, three fold, Stox call.

Flop: ♥ 7 ♠ 7 ♠ 2 (4.5 ms, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checks, HJ bets, Stox raise, HJ 3-bet, Stox skipper, HJ calls.

Thorn: ♥ K (6.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bet, HJ raises, Stox call.

River: ♥ 8 (10.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bet, HJ calls.

Preflop, my decision was borderline. The range for

Raise a typical HJ contains about 25% of hands: 33 +,
A2s +, A8o +, K7s +, KTo +, Q9s +, QTo +, J9s +, JTo +, T8s +, 98s and78s. Against
this range, my hand has a 35% stake in the bank, as it plays
well after the flop because it is the connector and it does not threaten
domination (opponent will rarely have a hand that contains seven or
eight). Against a tight player to flop or play well
postflop player would have to have to fold. Hands 86o and76o in
This situation is also not suitable for the game.

Flop was gorgeous. On the flop, I received 94% advantage

relative to the range of possible hands of the enemy. With so many
advantage I had a choice - a check-raise on the flop and then
bet on the turn or check-call the flop and then check-raised to
turn. But wait a raise before the turn was a mistake -
benefits of rapid draw on the flop outweigh
winning a bet, you can earn money with
using a check-raise on the turn.

Check-raise on the flop has the following advantages:

1. This eliminates the possibility that the enemy will

free card on the turn, since the turn I'll go

2. After a check-raise on the flop is more likely that the enemy will
call through with a wide range of hands, as a check-raise
on the flop, usually gets less respect from
opponents than a check-raise on the turn.

3. Check-raise on the flop makes it possible to obtain

additional activity of the enemy on the turn. In such
situation, many opponents with a strong hand (such as
overpair) prefer to only respond to the call on the flop
intention to raise the turn, and then I will have
opportunity to give a 3-bet.

On the other hand, waiting for a raise before the turn, too, has its

1. This provides an additional bet from an opponent

who have dropped after I check-raise on the flop, or my
beta on the turn, but which in turn decided to bluff.

2. This provides an additional bet on the frequency

reaching up to the opening of the enemy, if he was going
call to the end in any case.

Typically, a monster hand against a single

enemy profitable play quickly on the flop, especially when
coordinated card table, as the enemy can put you
a drawing hand. Opportunity to create a large bank, avoiding not
receive bids on the turn (which can be achieved check-raise on the flop)
outweigh the benefits of a check-raise on the turn.

However, in this hand, I got more activity from

opponent than you would expect. The flop was brought to the trade
skipper, which was very good, and the enemy again on the turn gave raise after
how I got bet. After his turn raise, I attended to the fact that he
can have a very strong hand, such as KK or seven with the best
kicker. Despite the fact that, given the card table (and given the range of
possible hand opponent on preflope34) the presence of his hands

Even despite the fact that a hand like 22, A7o or K7o not originally included in the
alleged pre-flop range of the enemy, I had to revise their
assumptions in connection with his actions on the flop and the turn.

unlikely hands of those with whom he could play like that, it was not very
many of those that I could beat - perhaps because he played with AA (But not with
ace of spades) for the free opening or his hand containing
♠ K. I gave up a 3-bet on the turn for the following reasons:

1. If the opponent is bluffing, I reraise, he just folds.

2. If I'm behind, the enemy can give the skipper, which I can not
lose, because the bank already big. Thus, to reach
autopsy will cost me two more big bets.

3. In order to give a 3-bet, my priority should be

significantly higher than the minimum, as my potential
chances are negative. Raise the enemy on the turn did not allow me
hope for a significant advantage in the hand.

The situation on the river also was interesting. Although

that ♥ 8 gave me a full house, the situation has not changed dramatically - I'm in
remained behind, if the opponent was playing with KK or K7s. On the other
hand, if he raises on the turn with AA or ♠ K ♠ X, it is likely
The answer to my bet on the river, but if I check will reveal free.
In addition, the river he could give raise to A7s. Here a close decision
between mellitus (followed Collie) and a check-raise. But the problem with
check-raise is that the enemy has to say a check or to give a 3-bet
- Neither of these outcomes is not favorable.

Example number 15
Limit: $ 300 / $ 600, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♥ 9 ♦ 9.

Trade: UTG folds, HJ raises, CO calls, two fold, Stox 3-bet, HJ calls,
CO call.

Flop: ♥ A ♥ T ♠ 9 (9.5 ms, 3 players).

Trade: Stox bet, HJ folds, CO raises, Stox 3-bets, CO skipper, Stox call.

Thorn: ♥ 7 (8.75 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bets, CO raises, Stox 3-bets, CO calls.

River: ♣ 2 (14.75 BS, 2 players).
Trade: Stox bets, CO calls.

Showdown: CO hid ♣ A ♣ 9.

Player in position HJ was a solid tight player. Range

his hands to open raise about the following: 44 +, A2s +, A8o +,
K8s +, KJo +, Q9s +, QJo, J9s +, T8s +, 98s and78s. Player in position CO -
bad loose player. The range of hands with which he could call
slightly wider than the range of hands preflop raiser.

With a pair of nines in the big blind, I had a choice - just

call or 3-bet. Since it is very unlikely that my 3-bet pre-flop
make both opponents fold the best hand in the later
rounds, my strategy was to give the 3-bet only
when my hand has the advantage of the share of the bank. Against
expected range of hands my opponents hand had 41% share of the
Bank, which was enough for a 3-bet. My 3-bet also allowed me to
narrow the estimated range of opponents hands as I could
see it follow the skipper for this or not. As the skipper did not
followed, I could almost 100% safe to assume that no
Which of opponents not AA, KK, QQ andAK, as well as, possibly, JJ and
maybe TT. Staying with the enemy one by one, some of the players
may not provide the skipper with these hands for fraudulent purposes, but in a multi-
a serious error committed opponents rarely.

Given the pre-flop trade flop was very good for

me. I was ahead on almost all hands, which could be a
opponents. Against ♥ K ♥ Q, ♥ K ♥ J and♥ Q ♥ J my share of the bank was
63%, but against TT my chances of final victory was only 9%.
However, it is unlikely that I can play against a set of tens, as skipper
the flop was not. Actually threatened me just above
suited connectors.

After a 3-bet pre-flop flop bet I should go about

always. After my beta flop solid tight player folded and
Loose gave raise. Although I could just call his raise, and then
wait for the check-raise before the turn, being out of position with such a strong
hand, it is much better to give a 3-bet on the flop, and then go bet on the turn.
This gives the opponent an opportunity to give the skipper on the flop or turn raise,
after which I will be able to 3-bet. Also, it eliminates the
the possibility that the enemy has to turn to say a check.

After the flop gave the enemy skipper, his range
alleged arms narrow significantly: AT, A9, T9, ♥ Q ♥ J, TT, ♥ Q ♥ 8 and
♥ K ♥ Q. Turn card was dangerous for me, because it could give my
opponent flush. But even so, I was ahead of the
the range of his alleged arms and had a good chance to improve on
river if the turn opponent got a flush, which gave me a good
share of the bank.

Once the opponent has given a raise on the turn, I had to

decide - call or give a 3-bet. Against a tight player who
not inclined to overly aggressive play their hands, I would have just called.
But against a very aggressive loose player I was willing to take the risk
get back skipper. After the skipper on the turn was no, I
realized that the enemy Flush probably not, and you can confidently
bet on the river if there will be another worm.

Example number 16
Limit: $ 75 / $ 150, 5 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♠ A ♠ 3.

Trade: HJ raise three fold, Stox call.

Flop: ♠ K ♠ T ♦ 2 (4.5 ms, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checks, HJ bets, Stox raise, HJ 3-bet, Stox skipper, HJ calls.

Thorn: ♦ 5 (6.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bet, HJ calls.

River: ♣ K (8.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bet, HJ calls.

Showdown: HJ showed ♦ Q ♥ T.

Against the only enemy I will protect large

blind with ♠ A ♠ 3 in 100% of cases. Even against the player, giving raise to

UTG desyatimestnoy position in the game (whose range of hands is 7.4% of the hands
-88 +, AJo +, ATs + andKQs) My hand ♠ A ♠ 3 would have a value of 35.9%.
Domination less suited threatens my hand - A3s plays better
on the turn and river, than A3o. But for a 3-bet my hand, of course, is not enough
strong. Also, if an Ace on the flop, I'll get from the enemy
Active only when I am it is unprofitable. In such a situation
to give 3-bet with a hand like better KJ - If the flop is ace, the enemy
more likely to be able to make the throw, and with a hand up
the chances that the enemy will pay up to the end of the c worse
combination, if the flop you will get a higher pair.

In this hand I had to make an important decision on the

flop, which has dropped a good one for me. Against the player a range of hands
for a raise which is 41.2%: 22 +, A2o +, A2s +, K7o +, K2s +, Q9o +,
Q5s +, J9o +, J8s +, T9o, T8s +, 98o, 97s +, 86s +, 75s + and65s the value of my
hands before the flop was about 50%. The flop had increased to
57%, which allowed me to push, using his advantage. However,
because my opponent had ♦ Q ♥ T, the value of his hands was
54.44%, so I was not in a terrible situation (if one of
cards was the peak, the value of his hand would be equal to 57.5%). But he
definitely would not throw this middle pair.

My skipper on the flop and bet on the turn was a mistake. Once on
flop opponent by 3-betting range of his possible hands narrowed, and I do not
could assume that I have the advantage. Because now I'm most likely to have been
behind, the most preferred game on my part was that
just to try and cheap to complete a drawing his hand. On
I turn relatively lucky that the opponent has not given a raise.

Also, I could probably save a bet on the river, as

enemy could not call my bet with a worse hand, are also very
it was rare to get him to fold the best hand in a
large bank, consisting of only two players. At the same time, I
seemed possible that he might have AQ or AJ, and reset these
hands on my bet on the river, especially as the flop, I acted very
active in early position.

As an alternative to the game, I could call on

flop, and the turn to check-raise, more probably could have made
to fold hands like small pocket pair or an ace with
best kicker. The third option - check-called all three postflop
rounds (and a check-raise if I dostroyu his hand.) The last option -
the best strategy against a loose-aggressive player, often reaching
before opening, while against a tight-aggressive player, able

fold the best hand, it is better to apply semibluff check-raise
flop or the turn.

Example number 17
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♠ A ♦ 8.

Trade: Four fold, the small blind raises, Stox call.

Flop: ♥ A ♠ 8 ♠ 5 (4 ms, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox call.

Thorne: ♣ T (3 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox bet, the small blind raises, Stox call.

River: ♦ K (7 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox raise, the small blind three-bet, Stox call.

Showdown: The small blind showed ♦ A ♣ A.

In this hand I had many playing options. My

opponent - winning, thinking player, so I chose a more
deceptive playing options. Preflop against most of the loose-
aggressive players, I would give 3-bet ♠ A ♦ 8 and then would come out on the flop
bet, hoping to get more of the enemy activity and
get him to continue to respond. In this hand I called the flop
planning to raise the turn, thinking that the enemy can give on the turn
3-bet with an ace with a good kicker, especially given the fact that the
flop of two cards of the same suit.

Once the opponent has played a check-raise on the turn, I realized that
the most likely of his hand - AK, AQ andAJ, as well as AT, AA, TT, 88
and55. However, I believe that played this hand badly. The two best
strategy for this situation are as follows:

1. Give 3-bet on the turn with the intention of call to the end if
opponent to raise skipper.

2. Post a raise on the river (as I did), and then, perhaps,

fold to 3-bet an opponent.

When two large hands on the flop against each other in

heads-up play, especially in battle blind, the second best hand
losing a big pot, regardless of how it
played out. If in such a situation, you will save money, you do not give
opponent to earn them.

Example number 18
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♠ A ♥ 8.

Trade: Three fold, the button raises, the small blind folds, Stox call.

Flop: ♣ Q ♥ 7 ♥ 5 (4.5 ms, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

Thorne: ♠ 4 (3.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

River: ♥ 2 (5.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

Showdown: Button showed ♥ J ♠ 6.

My opponent was prone to a very aggressive game, especially in the

tilt, so I check-call all three rounds after the flop,
to induce him to bluff. Of course, this game is very dispersed,
but it is against the best player, able to bluff all
postflop three rounds.

My opponent made the mistake of giving the bet on the river.
Only my hand, which was the best and I would have dropped to
river - is K6 (But with her, I could probably play a check-raise on the turn) -
all the other hand, I would have folded on the turn. Against less aggressive
the enemy may be better to lose on the river my older
Ace, as the turn card was streytovaya and the river came flashevaya.
But against this enemy is my ace high will win
more often than every seventh case, which is a prerequisite
for the profitability of call.

Example number 19
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 4 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♣ A ♥ 8.

Trade: CO raises, two fold, Stox call.

Flop: ♠ 8 ♣ 8 ♥ 4 (4.5 ms, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checks, CO bets, Stox raises, CO calls.

Thorn: ♥ K (4.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bets, CO raises, Stox 3-bets, CO calls.

River: ♣ 3 (10.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bets, CO calls.

Showdown: CO showed ♠ A ♠ K.

In this hand I played my hand quickly on the flop, which

allowed me to get more activity from the enemy on the turn.
Because of possible hands of the enemy were also pocket
pairs (55, 66, 77 and99 +), he could call my raise on the flop, planning
give yourself a raise and the next round. King on the turn could also give
him a pair, and then he would have thought that on the turn, he improved to
best hand. The hand - a good example of a situation where a strong

hand should be played quickly on the flop, and not wait for a check-raise to
Thorn. This will be true against almost all opponents.

Example number 20
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♦ A ♥ 9.

Trade: Three fold, the button raises, the small blind folds, Stox call.

Flop: ♥ A ♥ Q ♣ 3 (4.5 ms, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

Thorne: ♣ 9 (3.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox raise, button 3-bet, Stox 4-bet, the button

River: ♣ 8 (11.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bet, the button calls.

Showdown: Button did not show his hand.

If, in this hand, I did not get a second pair on the turn, I
probably would have played a check-call the turn and river, giving bet on the river only
if the enemy would turn on the check. But as the second set I
gathered, I (given the range of possible hands of the enemy on the flop)
decided that my hand is most likely the best, even after
the enemy made the turn 3-bet. As the enemy showed very
more active after his 3-bet, I put a pair of aces
a drawing hand or a couple with a drawing hand. So I decided to improve
rates of up to four, despite the fact that the risk of running into another

one reraise 35. However, against most of the players, I would not
implement this strategy.

Example number 21
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♥ A ♣ 9.

Trade: Four fold, the small blind raises, Stox call.

Flop: ♦ 9 ♣ 6 ♥ 5 (4 ms, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox raise, the small blind three-bet, Stox call.

Thorne: ♠ 8 (5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox raise, the small blind calls.

River: ♦ Q (9 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox bet, the small blind calls.

Showdown: The small blind showed ♣ J ♠ J.

In this hand, my typical strategy was to

to 3-bet pre-flop, especially against a loose-passive player. In
Alternatively, I could also just call up
flop, and then give a raise on the flop if there will be an ace or a nine. In
this case, I also had to give a raise on the flop if I had
two overcards.

In this case, my opponent was a typical "voice mail"

and, going forward, I'm not actively played against him in torne36 - 3-bet
flop from passive players are designated a hand. The turn and river

When heads-up on this site do not allow limitations on 4 bets in each
36Hotya this game would have been justified if I intended to eventually free

needed to meet the easy call, because my hand is beat some of
his hands like 9x, against the other hands that he could play like that, I
could improve on the river. In fact, I was lucky that
opponent did not give the 3-bet on the turn. However, if he did, I quite
probably would have had to lose, and that was one of the reasons I
turn raise.

Example number 22
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♦ A ♦ 9.

Trade: Three fold, the button raises, the small blind three-bet, Stox skipper, button, and
the small blind called.

Flop: ♣ Q ♦ Q ♣ T (12 ms, 3 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox fold, the button calls.

Thorne: ♠ 9 (7 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, the button calls.

River: ♦ K (9 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, the button calls.

Showdown: The small blind showed ♥ A ♥ K, button is hidden ♥ 9 ♥ 8.

In this hand game the small blind on the flop is interesting and well
(Small blind - a solid player, the button is the same medium after the flop,
but loose preflop).

As the button is loose preflop, I knew that the small

blind could give 3-bet a fairly wide range of hands, so I
raised to a skipper A9s. The flop small blind played well, giving bet -
This bet could well make the opponents lose many more
strong hands (99-22). If someone had a dozen of the small blind had
good share of the bank (his hand could improve the aces, kings and jacks).

Even if someone had a lady aces or kings, bet with AK was a strong
game, as the bank was already great.

Call button on the flop was justified because he had

gutshot straight draw, and the bank offered him the chance of a 13-to-1, sufficient to
to pull the lower end of the Straight leaky even when paired
flop. Having received a nine on the turn, the small blind again justified

When the river came the king, the button could probably safely
reset. Even given the fact that the pot odds to call it is 10 -
to-1, the only hands he beat were 88-22. Against a loose-
aggressive player would call a close decision, but against
tight-aggressive opponent, he was mistaken.

Example number 23
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 4 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♦ A ♥ J.

Trade: CO fold, the button raises, the small blind three-bet, Stox skipper, button, and
the small blind called.

Flop: ♦ Q ♠ 7 ♣ 2 (12 ms, 3 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox bet, button calls, the small blind raises,
Stox calls, button calls.

Thorne: ♠ A (9 BS, 3 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox bet, the button folded, the small blind calls.

River: ♣ 7 (11 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox bet, the small blind calls.

Showdown: The small blind showed ♦ K ♥ Q.

In this hand preflop my decision was very interesting. If
consider that the button could give raise to about 42% of their hands
(22 +, A2s +, A2o +, K2s +, K8o +, Q5s +, Q9o +, J7s +, J9o +, T7s +, T8o +, 97s +,
98o, 86s +, 75s + and65s), and the small blind could give a 3-bet with 22.5% of their hands
(22 +, A2s +, A6o +, K9s +, KTo +, QTs +, QJo andJTs), withAJo I had a small

Button: 30.1%
Small blind: 33.1%

AJo: 36.8%

For comparison, here is the value of some other hands in this


AQo = 39.5% 66 = 34.6%

ATo = 34.1% KQo = 32.7%
22 = 27.9% AJs = 39.9%

It is also interesting to see how distributed edge

between my opponents if I will cast:

Button: 44%
Small blind: 56%

Thus, the small blind will experience a major loss,

than the button, if I come to the bank, which once again confirms the fact
that protecting the small blind, you need to give 3-bet.

Since I have had the advantage, obviously there is no fold. But what
in this situation is better - the skipper or a cold call? Since I have
slight advantage, I automatically profit from skipper. Ken
will also allow me to take the initiative, and subsequently I can often
win without improvement, making enemies in some cases
fold small pairs. My hand also has a back-potential
chances, so it is better to collect a maximum of money pre-flop -
that I will be able to use his pre-flop advantage, as well as
reduce the discomfort of my position and my back-potential
chance, since the increased size of the bank I would be easier
make decisions on the turn and river.

As for my decision on the turn and river, it was easier,
as I had a position that allows me to use to the maximum
their advantage. If on the turn or the river, the enemy would have been
check-raise, I probably would have to meet him to the end, as
bank was already great, but against specific opponents and specific
card table on the river and I could lose.

Example number 24
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♦ K ♦ 5.

Trade: Two fold, CO raises, the button calls, the small blind folds, Stox

Flop: ♠ K ♦ 8 ♠ 3 (6.5 ms, 3 players).

Trade: Stox checks, CO bets, the button raises, Stox 3-bets, CO folds, button

Thorn: ♥ 4 (6.75 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bet, the button calls.

River: ♥ 8 (8.75 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox check, a check button.

Showdown: Button showed ♠ 5 ♥ 5.

Preflop, the bank offered me the chance to 5.5-to-1, with me at the bank
There were two other players, besides I closed trade. In this situation, I
should always call with ♦ K ♦ 5 even if both players play
okay. In this distribution CO was a solid player, but the button - weak
that made my call even more true (in a similar situation, I would include the
the game with about 90% of their suited hands).

The flop gave me top pair with a weak kicker, and the relative
the value of my hands has increased significantly. If I was in front, the

opponents had little chance to win me as to my pair was
Only one overcards (Ace). If any of the opponents was a 4-flush,
my hand was not so strong. However, the two suited cards on
table I could get more activity from competitors, playing
his hand quickly, so they can assume the existence of a drawing
hands I have.

Many players in my position would have given bet on the flop, hoping
the preflop raiser will raise again, beating the game button. However, I
I think that in such a situation it is better to say check and see the action
opponents. Typically, the check-raise can I earn two bets with
each opponent. Even though I can not let them draw their
drawing hands (since each of them is likely to respond to my check-
raise if he would only respond to a single bet), I check-raise
forcing the opponent to pay for them to the maximum. If I will bet and
CO answers a raise, it will often mean that I'm behind. In this case,
this raise will knock the third player, the only one I beat, and
leave me alone with a player who has a better hand. In
Otherwise my bet on the flop can make a preflop raiser play
more correctly (that is, immediately reset).

In this distribution check the flop worked well. After

preflop raiser bet made, and the button raised replied (which can often
mean a middle pair or lower pocket pair of Kings), I made a 3-bet.
It knocked out of the fight of the original bettor who could have 3
to 5 outs, and made the button to pay more for viewing Thorne
his is probably the second best hand.

On the turn, I put mainly to increase the bank. On

river, I had a choice between two similar solutions, and I,
could have chosen the worst of them - against the majority of players better
again put on the river in order to increase the bank.

However, as my opponent was super-aggressive on the flop

he could raise with a drawing hand - in the circumstances, I had to
say check on the river, causing it to bluff, since the third
suited cards did not come. Check also allowed me to avoid a raise
if he played slowly with a monster. But as the opponent on the flop
A raise is likely to knock me out of the bank,
neuluchshivshiysya 4-flush was a very small part of it all
possible hand on the river, I probably missed the opportunity for
to receive his call with a weak pair. But given the fact that the fifth
Eight cards came to form a pair on the table, the check was somewhat
better, as eight could easily enter his range of hands for
raise on the flop, given that this was an aggressive opponent.

Example number 25
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 4 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♥ A ♥ K.

Trade: CO fold, the button raises, the small blind calls, Stox 3-bet, the button
skipper, the small blind and Stox call.

Flop: ♣ T ♦ 4 ♦ 2 (12 ms, 3 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox checked, the button bet, the small blind folds,
Stox call.

Thorn: ♦ 3 (7 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

River: ♦ K (9 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

Showdown: Button showed ♦ Q ♥ Q.

In this distribution the button was very loose and aggressive

player. Preflop, I automatically gave 3-bet ♥ A ♥ K after a
Bank has already entered two other players. If the small blind folded, you can
be considered instead of calling a raise. The reason that in
multiway should not hesitate to give a 3-bet this hand, is
that ♥ A ♥ K has a great advantage against the likely hands of two
other players, and getting the additional rates from
using a 3-beta maximizes this advantage. Against a single
opponent AKs, of course, also has the advantage, but the 3-bet you
in addition to the bank attract just one small bet, losing at
it possible to trick the opponent and force him to hide from his hands.
Thus, against a single opponent the benefit of
deceptive game outweighs profits arising from an increase in bank

On the flop, I automatically called, hoping in the next round

buy a couple to one of his overcards with pot odds of 13 to 1. On

turn in addition to my overcards I also got an inside straight,
which gave me 10 outs (although three of them were given four diamonds on the table
so not all of my outs are clean). Since the turn of my
pot odds were 8.5-to-1, to call me quite justified
have been only five clean outs, so I called.

My implied odds were zero (though perhaps they

were even slightly positive, since the enemy is on the river
most would bet, and I made the call would be responsible only for
improvement). In a small percentage of the time I could finally win (or
divide the Bank) ♥ A ♥ K do not even get any of his outs, but
go to showdown with effective odds 4.5-to-1 - a losing game.

River improved my hand to a pair of kings. Despite the fact that I,

probably was ahead, the best game in this situation was a check-call,
Although the check-raise was also was close to profitability. Check-raising (with
intent to throw a 3-bet) could also be a good solution, because
that this could get the highest rates of those
hands of the enemy, which he will put upon my check, but
reset, if I put myself. Check-raising in a big pot force
enemy go for marginal call, and he often responds to
a check-raise with a bad hand. Finally, very few enemies
able to give a 3-bet with such a river with a worse combination than the two
pair, given the previous trade, and your check-raise on the river. In
this hand my opponent had ♦ Q ♥ Q and, most likely, would have answered
on my check-raise, because the bank in this case was relatively large.

The river was a fourth suited card, but the fact that the
third diamond on the table was the king, allowed me to be excluded from
range of possible hands of the enemy hands ♦ A ♦ K and♦ K ♦ Q. Thus, the
there were only two hands with a tambourine, which could give the enemy
ken before the flop - ♦ A ♦ Q and♦ A ♦ J (Given that ♦ A ♦ J - A hand that
the player is able to give the skipper before the flop).

Example number 26
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 5 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♠ 7 ♠ 6.

Trade: Two fold, the button raises, the small blind folds, Stox call.

Flop: ♣ 7 ♥ 5 ♣ 4 (4.5 ms, 2 players).
Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox raise, button 3-bet, Stox call.

Thorn: ♦ A (5.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

River: ♥ 6 (7.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bet, the button raises, Stox call.

Showdown: Button showed ♠ A ♥ K.

Protecting the big blind with ♠ 7 ♠ 6 - Pretty standard game.

Against adequate style-raiser on the button (the estimated range
whose hands the following: 22 +, A2s +, A5o +, K2s +, K9o +, Q5s +, Q9o +, J7s +,
J9o +, T7s +, T8o +, 98o, 97s +, 86s +, 75s + and65s) I would protect a large
even the blind 53s. The relative value of hands 53s against
the above range is 36%, as it is relatively
play well after the flop. The relative value of hands 54o
is only 34%, and the flop it is slightly worse.
Therefore, with a hand 54o be more inclined to Fold against
adequate style-raiser.

Over 317,000 hands played with me on the limits from $ 50 / $ 100 and up, I
287 times faced with an attempt to steal 37, while the big blind
with hand 54o. I defended the big blind with this hand in 41% of cases,
cost me an average of 0.45 big bets for the attempt, which is slightly
less than the cost fold (fold the big blind is the big 0.5

With a hand 54o I voluntarily put money in the bank for a large
Blind 116 times, losing with 0.37 big bets in the average
attempt. Therefore (at least according to these results) can
concluded that it would be permissible to extend my protection
standards. Those times when I dropped the hand, occurs when
before my swing trade brought to 3-beta and above - for example,
CO when opened with a raise, and the button and the small blind reraised given.

Remember that stealing or theft is defined as the blinds open raise with CO,
button or small blind.

Also, playing against solid, tight raiser of the penultimate
position 54o often need to be reset, although it is a close decision.

For comparison with the hand 53s I defended 82 times the big blind,
losing an average of 0.7 big bets per trial (if I
each time dropped the hand in this situation, I would have lost only 0.5
big bets per attempt). The use of such empirical
analysis is very effective, but for the good of its accuracy requires a very
large amounts of data. Hand, require very large sample
for this analysis - it suited his hands, and connectors.
Fluctuations in yield of these hands is higher than that of other types of starting
combinations due to the fact that this hand often or
lose a big pot or win it, but also because these hands
the flop fall less than others. For 82 cases, when I passed
53s the big blind, I defended 42 times while losing 0.88
big bets on average per attempt. Not a good result,
but the accuracy of this figure is highly controversial, given the small size
sample. The table below shows the results for some
Similar hands in situations where I defended them big blind:

Hand Number The result,

attempts BS arm
43o 17 -0.54
43s 49 -0.39
53o 43 -0.12
53s 42 -0.88
54o 116 -0.37
54s 97 0.19
63s 26 -0.69
64o 44 -1.04
64s 69 -0.09
65o 156 -0.29
65s 74 -0.38

Next table shows the final results of the game with these
hand in the big blind, regardless, I defended it or not:

Hand Number The result, Frequency
attempts BS arm games
43o 290 -0.5 6
43s 103 -0.45 47.5
53o 310 -0.45 14
53s 82 -0.7 51
54o 287 -0.45 40.5
54s 118 0.06 82
63s 91 -0.55 28.5
64o 291 -0.58 15
64s 98 -0.21 70.5
65o 283 -0.38 55
65s 92 -0.4 80

The last column in this table gives a rough

my frequency protection of the big blind. Sometimes there are situations
when trade was adjusted to 3-bet or skipper before action
came to me, and in those cases, I dropped all those hands - this is the reason
that hand 65s I only played in 80% of cases. I also dropped
Many of these hands if a tight, well-playing opponent
Raise the penultimate position.

Based on data from these tables, you can make a few

contradictory conclusions. For example, the hand 54s has higher
expected revenue than the hand 65s, Thus, we can conclude that
with54s be more protected than 65s. Perhaps this can be explained
as follows: hand 54s stronger in defending the big blind,
than 65s because the most likely map in hand steal raiser - is
Ace, when ace on the flop 54s is more likely to collect straight than 65s.
This argument makes some sense, but at the same time the efficiency of a
high cards in your hand 65s somewhat compensates for this effect. Difficult
say for sure which of these hands is stronger in defending the big blind, but
we can say with certainty that in all situations where
to defend with 65s, also need to protect and 54s, and vice versa.
Please note that in the big blind with a hand played Stox 54s in 82%
cases, and with a hand 65s - In 80% of cases.

Returning to the analysis of the hand, the flop turned out good
for me - I have collected top pair, I also have had a strong
additional opportunity to win a case, if the flop I
was in the back or if my opponent will draw on the turn - two
4 straight. After the flop gave the opponent 3-bet, I had a choice
roughly equivalent between the two decisions - call or skipper. I
chose just call. The lack of such a game is that the turn after
As I say check, the enemy has to say and take a free
card with a hand like Ax or Kx. The advantage of this game is that with
hands like some of the players on the turn will continue to raise, and
I will be able to catch their bluff. Also, if I gather
straight on the turn and river, I will be able to check-raise in a more expensive round
trade. Ken on the flop and bet the turn is not uniquely worst
idea in this situation, and against the super-aggressive, often reaching the
Opening the player it might be a good strategy.

The turn (output ace) I could win many hands

I hit on the flop. But the bank offered me the chance to 6.25-to-1 and
I had 13 outs, with also had some chance
what is the best hand is still with me. I had six very good
outs to a straight (because of the two clubs on the table, I could not be considered ♣ 3 and♣ 8 for
clean outs, but they were also good), and I also had 5 good
outs on trips or two pair. Semibluff check-raise on the turn did not
justified itself - despite the fact that it sometimes could be made
to fold a pocket pair of kings to the nines, it is too
will often give 3-bet or call to the end in this situation,
therefore, a semi-bluff is too expensive.

On the river, I made an unexpected bet from early position purely for
increasing the bank's intention to respond to raise if he would follow. Beth
could force my opponent to lose, but the situation on the table
it could also provoke a desperate bluff raise. With a hand
type Ax opponent is almost certainly made the call, but is also likely
answer check, if I do say check. A chance to get on the opponent
additional rate with beta, and the possibility that he
will raise with a worse hand outweigh the benefits from provoking
him to bet with a worse hand or saving rate when he has the best

Example number 27
Limit: $ 300 / $ 600, 5 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♦ Q ♣ J.

Trade: Two fold, the button raises, the small blind folds, Stox call.

Flop: ♥ Q ♥ 7 ♦ 5 (4.5 ms, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

Thorn: ♥ 5 (3.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox raise, the button calls.

River: ♥ J (7.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bet, the button raises, Stox call.

Showdown: Button showed ♦ 6 ♠ 4.

My defense of the big blind was standard. Fold here clearly

disappears, and the 3-bet is only good against opponents after the flop
playing very tight way (in order to get them to throw in the
the future).

Typically, most players prefer fast

play on the flop a combination of "top pair with a good kicker."
But against the more aggressive opponents who will almost always
continue to put in the next round, with the expectation to raise the turn with
such a large, but not powerful hand often bring more.

Even though the fifth card came fourth suited for

I put the river to increase the bank, especially because my
opponents are super-aggressive. This may seem counterintuitive,
but against a player capable to bluff raise, bet-call is usually better
than a check-call (depending on the frequency with which the enemy will
perform bluff raise and the frequency with which it will be placed after the
my check). But to play it only against aggressive players
able to bluff raise on the river when a scare card table. On
high stakes average opponent is capable of such

bluff in 15-25% of cases, but in lower limits, this figure will
less. So my standard play in such situations - a check-call.

Example number 28
Limit: $ 300 / $ 600, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♦ A ♠ 2.

Trade: Three fold, the button raises, the small blind folds, Stox call.

Flop: ♣ 6 ♥ 5 ♠ 3 (4.5 ms, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

Thorne: ♣ 2 (3.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

River: ♦ Q (5.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

Showdown: Button showed ♣ A ♠ 4.

I call on the flop was a border, as with the hand ♦ A ♠ 2

hard to play out of position after the flop, but against a steal raise
the relative value of my hands was sufficient given the good
pot odds, which I got. Despite the fact that my post-flop
hand peculiar reverse implied odds, its relative
PF-value is too big to fold.

Relative no-man Victory

value% outcomes, outcomes%,%
Hand steal
raiser 54.24 50.42 3.82

Range of hands steal raiser: 22 +, A2s +, A3o +, K2s +, K9o +, Q5s +, Q9o +,
J7s +, J9o +, T7s +, T8o +, 97s +, 98o, 86s +, 75s and65s.

Relative no-man Victory

value% outcomes, outcomes%,%
Hand Stox'a
(A2o) 45.76 41.94 3.82

C arm, able to win without improvement, sometimes a flop

better to check-call, not a check-raise. The flop so I often play with
ace, if not going to prepare a drawing or a strong hand.
With this flop this game is the most profitable, as is likely,
that the enemy also do not collect and will bluff. Can
seem counterintuitive, but the flop, which are more likely to
help opponent, you have to play more aggressive - if the flop
opponent did not help, you're more likely to make him lose, and if
helped, you immediately know it.

Example number 29
Limit: $ 300 / $ 600, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♣ A ♥ 2.

Trade: Four fold, the small blind raises, Stox call.

Flop: ♦ K ♥ 6 ♥ 5 (4 ms, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox call.

Thorn: ♥ Q (3 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox bet, the small blind calls.

River: ♣ 8 (5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox check.

Showdown: The small blind showed ♠ A ♥ T.

My opponent was a very good player, and I doubt that

My bet on the river can get it reset. The only solution
over which I had to think about this hand - to put it on
turn after the check, or to speak in turn also check with the intention
call on the river in most cases. Given that
the relative value of my hands ♣ A ♥ 2 would be very small in
if it is a check-raise on the turn, I decided to bet, since a check-raise, I was able
would be easy to lose, without paying too much. Another
advantage of this game is that if he had a hand with six strikeouts, I
made it or pay for it, or fold. If I had a hand
type AJ, AT or A9, a check on the turn would have been better, as I had
more outs, if I was in the back, and a check-raise would be more serious

Example number 30
Limit: $ 300 / $ 600, 4 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♥ A ♦ 2.

Trade: CO fold, the button raises, the small blind folds, Stox call.

Flop: ♥ T ♣ 6 ♠ 2 (4.5 ms, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox raise, the button calls.

Thorne: ♠ A (4.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bet, the button raises, Stox 3-bet, the button folded.

After protection of the big blind with ♥ A ♦ 2 flop a good game

a check-raise with any pair or any a drawing hand. However, with
a drawing hands in these situations tend to need less
use a check-raise against the players, often reaching to the autopsy, against
a super-aggressive players often need to delay check-raised the turn.

On the turn, my opponent made an interesting fold. I gave a 3-bet by

because of its super-aggressive, but the same argument could persuade

me to just call (followed bet or check-raise on the turn).
Perhaps my reraise caused him to lose a hand like Ax, but more
likely that he was just bluffing and drawing dead.

Example number 31
Limit: $ 300 / $ 600, 4 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♥ A ♠ 2.

Trade: CO fold, the button raises, the small blind folds, Stox call.

Flop: ♦ K ♦ 8 ♥ 2 (4.5 ms, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

Thorn: ♥ Q (3.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

River: ♥ J (5.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

Showdown: Button showed ♦ A ♠ 7. Stox won with a pair of deuces.

My standard strategy in this situation - it is a check-raise on the

flop. However, the enemy was superagressivnym and tended very
Part of the proceeds to a showdown. With this in mind, he could put up
end, regardless of the cards, so I decided to meet him
call before the showdown.

The more aggressive the enemy, the more inclined to be a check-

-call in all three rounds postflop. This enemy in my estimation
was part of the 5-10% of the most aggressive players.

The turn fell not a good card for me, but I still
could be in front of a relatively large part of his hands
expected range. The river came another bad card, but
against a particular enemy is my hand was still a

better more often than every sixth case, so call was

Example number 32
Limit: $ 300 / $ 600, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♥ 8 ♠ 6.

Trade: Two fold, CO raises, two fold, Stox call.

Flop: ♦ 9 ♣ 6 ♥ 6 (4.5 ms, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checks, CO bets, Stox raises, CO 3-bet, Stox skipper, CO calls.

Thorne: ♣ Q (6.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bets, CO folds.

Protecting the big blind with 86o - very borderline case

Steel-raiser against the penultimate position of having tight
standards to raise. However, against a loose or a bad game (as in
this distribution), this player hand is worth a call.

When the flop I check-raise with a big hand and the opponent gives
3-bet, I have the following choices: skipper on the flop and then bet
on the turn or call the flop and check-raise on the turn. If my opponent is not
is one too aggressive players, I usually choose the skipper
flop, as his 3-bet usually means one of two things: either he is too
has a big hand (which will continue to be active)
or it (more likely) is trying to get a free card on the turn.
But the more aggressive my opponent, the more I lean
to just call a 3-bet him with the intention to check-raise on the turn.

On the other hand, since the flop was unsuited, fast

draw on the flop drops in value. This occurs for two

1. With this flop is less likely that the enemy has a good
a drawing hand.

2. It is less likely will assume a drawing hand I have.

Ultimately, the decision of choosing between kepom (followed
bet on the turn), and made the call (with the intention to play on the turn check-raise)
should depend on two things - how coordinated card table
(The more they are coordinated, the more aggressive you need to play is on
flop) and how aggressive your opponent (which it aggressively, the
more reasonable to call on the flop and play a check-raise on the turn).
Since this hand my opponent had no reputation as a player,
very aggressive postflop guard, I decided to raise
to the skipper on the flop.

Example number 33
Limit: $ 100 / $ 200, 3 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♥ Q ♥ 3.

Trade: Fold button, the small blind raises, Stox call.

Flop: ♥ 9 ♥ 6 ♣ 3 (4 ms, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox call.

Thorn: ♥ 4 (3 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox raise, the small blind three-bet, Stox skipper,
the small blind called.

River: ♣ 5 (11 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox bet, the small blind calls.

Showdown: The small blind showed ♣ 6 ♦ 6.

Against stealing from the small blind you have to protect large
blind with a lot of hands. Hand Q3s definitely worth
call, as Q2s.

Flop was good for me, giving me a pair, overcards and a flush in 4
playing against a single opponent. If I have a 4-Flush persuaded
me to-call instead of a raise. With a hand on this flop, I shall often

ahead, but even if I'm behind, my share of the bank is pretty good.
Despite the fact that I could use a raise its advantage by share
from the bank, my implied odds were also good, and I decided
save them, just answer the call. That left me the opportunity to
raised later if my hand is better (assuming that I had 14 outs and
two attempts, to the river I would improve about every second

I called on the flop and because it was a battle of the blinds

and the small blind was an aggressive player. When the turn
flashevoy my advantage card would change radically, if
flashevaya card on the turn did not come, I could just call up to the end.
That strategy I could make the most money, if the enemy
played with overcards, but if he had a strong made hand, I would
lost only a minimum, and I still remain
opportunity for a raise on the river if the fifth card would give me a flush.
If, in this situation, I had something like Q9 (Either with flush
or not), on the flop, I would have given a raise.

After the turn gave the small blind 3-bet, there was
chance that he plays with a senior flush. However, along with a flush,
he could give a 3-bet as with many other hands, including more
lower flush, two pair, or sets. I would raise up to four rates
even if the limit on the number was no bet, but because
this game is governed by rules skipper at 4 bets skipper was more than
justified game. In addition, the river could reach large
the number of bad cards, some of which might frighten the enemy and
reduce its activity, while others could improve his hand and / or scare
has, in turn, me. On the river, I set simply to increase the bank's
even after this activity, which demonstrated on rival

Example number 34
Limit: $ 100 / $ 200, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♠ Q ♠ 3.

Trade: Two fold, CO raises, two fold, Stox call.

Flop: ♣ J ♠ 4 ♠ 2 (4.5 ms, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checks, CO bets, Stox raises, CO 3-bet, Stox call.

Thorne: ♣ 5 (5.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bets, CO raises, Stox call.

River: ♣ A (9.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bets, CO calls.

Showdown: CO dropped ♥ 4 ♦ 4.

In this hand preflop my decision was marginal and only

slightly dependent on the manner of playing pre-flop raiser. Against 34.5%
the range of his hands (22 +, A2s +, A6o +, K4s +, K8o +, Q5s +, Q9o +, J8s +, J9o +,
T8s +, T9o, 97s +, 87s, 76s and65s) hand Q3s has about 39%
value by the "heat or cold," and played pretty well on
flop, because it suited.

The flop value of my hand against the same range of hands

the enemy was already 50%, but after he gave a 3-bet, this figure
substantially reduced. It was a very appropriate occasion for
semi-bluff, because I could not get it to fold many
best hands. The enemy could easily lose a lot of hands like Qx andKx
(And sometimes also Ax), I've lost. In the application of semi-bluff
I prefer a quick draw on the flop, than a check-raise on the
turn. The second approach can be used as a change.
Also, sometimes in these situations can be to check-call the flop, and then
go bet on the turn.

After receiving the turn two-way four-straight (in addition to the 4 -

Flush) I received an interesting solution - released bet, instead of
to check-raise or check-call. I missed this opportunity to get in
response to 3-bet. Also, my bet, probably had about the same
chances of a successful bluff, as a check-raise.

Deciding on the river - bet or check-raise - in most

cases comes down to what could be the enemy. With such a strong
hand, as I have to give the best bet (even if that bet
can give my hand), because then I can get
to 3-bet. As a straight, which I eventually got, was not my
main hope of winning (I increased to Straight through two
the right cards on the turn and river), my hand several hidden from

enemy. If he is able to read the wrong hands, it can
to think that I give a marginal bet for increasing the bank, and I did not raise
fear because the card table looks dangerous. If he did
thinks he can give a raise (both as a bluff, or just for
increasing the bank), it would be good for me.

Example number 35
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 5 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♦ Q ♦ 7.

Trade: Two fold, the button raises, the small blind folds, Stox call.

Flop: ♣ Q ♦ 8 ♦ 5 (4.5 ms, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox raise, the button calls.

Thorne: ♠ Q (4.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bet, the button raises, Stox call.

River: ♣ 4 (8.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

Showdown: Button showed ♥ A ♥ 8.

In this hand I gave a 3-bet on the turn because he feared that,

any stronger hand opponent will bring trade to skipper, and any
weaker hands to fold. In addition, I have left open the possibility
for a check-raise on the river if the fifth card would come flashevaya.

Given the fact that my opponent was ♥ A ♥ 8 (Second pair), he

could lose if I made the turn 3-bet. My game here can
seem weak and tight, as it may create the impression that I
passive play to finish with the best hand, and this is partly true. I fear
the best hand of the enemy almost every time, but I always take into account
the possibility that my bet to increase the bank may be left without

response. As applied to this hand, I believe that a passive game
turn and river - the best way to maximize profits and reduce risk.

Example number 36
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 5 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♥ Q ♥ 7.

Trade: Two fold, the button raises, the small blind folds, Stox call.

Flop: ♠ Q ♦ 9 ♦ 4 (4.5 ms, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox raise, button 3-bet, Stox call.

Thorne: ♣ 2 (5.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

River: ♠ 7 (7.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox raise, the button folded.

In this hand I was going to call to end, if not

efforts on the river to two pair or better. As my opponent was
very aggressive, giving him the opportunity to put, I
maximize their profits if it was nothing and he was bluffing.
Lack of such passive play is that if you always
to check-call per provoke the opponent to bluff and / or
less to lose when you're behind, you are also consistently less
win if your hand is better than your opponent.

The problem is, you have to decide which strategy you

be able to attract more money - passive or aggressive. Me
more like a passive game, especially out of position, because it
has two advantages - provoking an opponent to bluff and
minimize loss when I'm behind. However, aggressive play, too
has two of its advantages - you can get a call from weaker
hands and make a strong throw hands. If you get someone
fold a hand that has a 10% chance to win, it will be a success and this
need to keep in mind when you are going to play passively.

Example number 37
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 3 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♠ 6 ♠ 4.

Trade: Button raises, the small blind folds, Stox call.

Flop: ♦ Q ♠ J ♠ 5 (4.5 ms, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox raise, the button calls.

Thorn: ♦ A (4.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bet, the button calls.

River: ♣ 7 (6.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bet, the button calls.

Showdown: Button showed ♠ 9 ♣ 9.

In this hand preflop I called automatically. Against

The single-player, I would defend the big blind, even with 63s. Hand 63s
has a value of 35% to 40% range of hands steal raiser, and she
plays well postflop. Hand 62s has 34% of the value of
against the same range of hands steal raiser - so protection
the big blind with a hand like this is a boundary situation, but if
you feel about it, that will have an advantage over the enemy
after the flop, you can call. Hand 64s has a 37% value against
the same range of hands, and it must call without hesitation.

To my surprise, the enemy did not shed his pair of nines on

turn and river. I guess I read his hand accurately. If on the
I have been known to turn his hand, I still definitely needed
put. I assumed that he folds on the turn, if there will be
King, a dozen or peak. If I had chosen a check-call the flop and check-raise
on the turn, or check-raise on the flop and check-raised on the turn, maybe he dropped
to their nines. It is hoped that at the distance of its Calling
to the end it would be for him, at best, break even.

Example number 38
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♣ K ♠ T.

Trade: Three fold, the button raises, the small blind calls, Stox call.

Flop: ♠ K ♦ Q ♦ 9 (6 ms, 3 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox checked, the button bet, the small blind calls,
Stox raise, fold button, the small blind calls.

Thorn: ♥ 3 (5.5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox bet, the small blind calls.

River: ♠ 8 (7.5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox bet, the small blind folds.

In this distribution of my actions before the flop and on the flop

represents an interesting solution. Preflop button opened
raise. I would defend the big blind from the average
stealing from the button with either hand type Kx, but after a little
blind called, I had to play tight, for now
I had to win a showdown more often, and my back-
implied odds were not good. With a hand K8o, you may need to have
call in this situation. May also need to call and
K7o, If an opponent plays poorly after the flop, but if they
both play tight, you need to call only K9o and above.
Assuming that the range of hands the button is 40% of the hands, and the range
hands of the small blind - 20%, the value of my hands before the flop in
"Heat or cold" was 32%.

Flop turned out good for me - I probably was ahead.

The choice between a bet preflop raiser check-called and check-raise was
difficult. On the one hand, a bet preflop raiser could give me
a good idea of his hand, but it is a costly strategy, because
it allows loaf give raise with the best hand, and the small blind with
This would respond only when in his arms would be something
severe to continue the game. Coordinated flop disposal to

Moreover, to give a bet preflop raiser, forcing him to take
responsibly and to persuade him to raise, after which a small
would have to be blind to the maximum pay for a drawing his hand
if he had.

The flop pot size was 6 small bets. If I

out bet, the next player would get the pot odds 7-to-1, which
enough to call with a drawing hand that has four or more outs
(Despite the fact that actually justified for calling with a hand
need pot odds at 10.75-to-1, because of the potential
chance to call profitably and 7-to-1). If I bet, and the button
would have given a raise, the small blind would be getting enough chances to unfavorable
Bank - 4-to-1, which probably would have made him lose, but if the button
could give a raise only with a stronger than me, hand, it would be
worst-case scenario for me.

Despite the fact that the check-raise, I decided to apply, had

the highest fluctuations in yield of all possible solutions, it was
provide the benefit of this, I attracted more money in the bank, provoking
opponents on the mistakes that they have not committed at another
developments. For example, both times when the flop next move
reaches the small blind, he had to answer only one
rate, but in the aggregate on the flop I managed to squeeze out two
(Noting that the button will re-raise on the flop is almost 100%
cases). Even despite the fact that each of the two solutions of small
blind on the flop would be correct if he had 4 outs, payment
two rates by a total flop for him was already unprofitable.
Also, the small blind would perform "loose" check-raise after the beta
button, which, in turn, would give me the opportunity for a 3-bet. By this I
could knock out the button and put the small blind before making
complex solutions that would allow me to bring in more money to the bank and
reduce the number of players.

Bet a preflop raiser to reduce the number of players and

information makes more sense if the bank are
Four or more players - in such situations, you profitable to both
possible opponents dropped, because the more you
rivals, the more cards can beat you in the end, and as the bank
already large, it is better to try to win it right than to try
make additional bets, because your current share of
bank is higher than the amount of money that you can draw from
opponents in the later rounds. In this case (as in
most banks, played between the three players), if you
to check-raise and allow the opponent to see the turn of the two rates

(They paid kolliruya twice per round), you will draw more, but
on the course you will win more money. The turn and river, I set
simply to increase the bank. If the river I had to
faced with a check-raise, against most opponents, I probably
would have to respond.

Example number 39
Limit: $ 75 / $ 150, 3 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♣ J ♥ 8.

Trade: Fold button, the small blind raises, Stox call.

Flop: ♥ K ♠ J ♣ 5 (4 ms, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox call.

Thorne: ♠ A (3 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox call.

River: ♠ 8 (5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox raise, the small blind folds.

Preflop, my strategy was to protect

the big blind from the typical open raise from the small blind
with almost any two cards, namely, with the best 85% of my hands. On the flop, I
Receive an average couple who probably had the best hand. Based on the
of this, I, in theory, was supposed to give a raise to increase the bank, especially
given the fact that the enemy is likely to end up with a call
wide range of hands, including many types of hand Ax. However, I decided
call for three reasons:

1. The pot is small, and the hand guard had a relatively small significance.

2. On such a leaky flop opponent is most likely to have not

more than three outs, if I was in front.

3. My opponent was aggressive, and I made the call to provoke him
bluff in future rounds.

Turn card was not favorable to me as the enemy

I could win if the game with an ace. Raised for free opening
could make sense, but against the enemy, I could not safely
fold to 3-bet, because, he could bluff or polublefovat.
On the river, I was lucky - I got a second pair and raises purely for
increasing the bank.

Example number 40
Limit: $ 300 / $ 600, 8 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♥ J ♦ 8.

Trade: UTG calls, the next player folds, MP2 raises, HJ calls, CO
fold, the button calls, the small blind folds, Stox calls, UTG calls.

Flop: ♣ Q ♣ T ♥ 8 (10.5 ms, 5 players).

Trade: Stox checks, UTG checks, MP2 bets, HJ fold, the button calls, Stox call,
UTG calls.

Thorn: ♥ A (7.25 BS, 4 players).

Trade: Stox, UTG, MP2, and the button - all check.

River: ♣ 3 (7.25 BS, 4 players).

Trade: Stox checks, UTG bets, MP2 raises, the button folds, Stox fold, UTG

Preflop (if not all the UTG limp-reraise) bank

offered me a chance to 9.5-to-1-per-view flop, which was enough to
to call and try to get a big hand on the flop. With
hand J9o one would have to call, do not hesitate to hand the same J7o,
probably would have had to fold. Also, I should certainly
a call with any two suited cards.

The flop gave me bottom pair and an inside straight draw. Despite the fact that
my three outs to Jacks were severely damaged (with all nine
of the resulting straight), the remaining two outs to eight and four outs
straight on were quite clean. Therefore, I estimated the number of its
clean outs about a 4 or 5 on average, and the bank offered me
reasonable prospect that I could call. Even despite the fact that the
flop, I did not close the sale, UTG was rather passive player and
get a raise from him was unlikely. Current pot odds were
high enough to take the risk to pay-per-view the turn two
rates, not just one.

On the turn, I was lucky - all told the check and I got a free
card. The river was a third suited card, so I almost
it was impossible to have the best hand. Make everyone lose too would not
work, so I had my check-fold.

Example number 41
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 4 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♣ Q ♣ 8.

Trade: CO fold, the button raises, the small blind calls, Stox call.

Flop: ♦ Q ♠ 7 ♥ 2 (6 ms, 3 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox calls, button calls.

Thorn: ♥ T (4.5 BS, 3 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox checked, the button bet, the small blind folds,
Stox raise, the button calls.

River: ♣ J (8.5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bet, the button folded.

My call with Q8s preflop pot odds at 5-to-1, and closing

trade - the obvious. Button was a weak player, so I could
call with many hands, but even against two very good
players in this situation, I had to play with ♣ Q ♣ 8.

The flop gave me top pair, but without a good kicker. In
Most times I'll be playing on this flop check and look at the
further developments before taking further action.
Here I've chosen the game with the greatest fluctuations - call on the flop with
intent to raise or check-raise on the turn, if the fourth card will be
safe, because the button was a weak player, and the flop did not contain
blanks for drawing hands. Turn card is probably also not given
anyone drawing hands, and I have successfully played a check-raise. The most likely
on the turn that I was ahead, but the button could also be a lady, but with better

Raise on the flop, of course, would also be a good game, but in this
Leaky flop, I decided to wait until the turn and see if there are any
there ace or king and give a raise if overcard comes. Raise on the turn with
top pair and middle kicker - quite marginal game, but
It is best combined a defense and attack, while
marginal bet and a call to a showdown would be here too

Map of the river was not very successful, because it could give
enemy straight, or two pair, if he had JT or T7. But I decided
set to increase the bank, because the enemy was relatively
passive player. If he was aggressive, check-call would be
better because it is more likely an opponent could give
marginal increase in the bank to raise in this situation, what I need
have been avoided. As an aggressive player in this situation is more likely
a bluff after I check.

Example number 42
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♣ T ♦ 8.

Trade: Three fold, the button raises, the small blind calls, Stox call.

Flop: ♥ T ♠ 4 ♠ 2 (6 ms, 3 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, Stox checked, the button bet, the small blind calls,
Stox raise, fold button, the small blind calls.

Thorn: ♥ A (5.5 BS, 2 players).
Trade: The small blind checked, Stox check.

River: ♣ J (5.5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The small blind bet, Stox call.

Showdown: The small blind showed ♣ 9 ♣ 4.

Protecting the big blind with T8o the two other players - it's not
what I do every time. However, the small blind was a weak player
so I decided to call, as he entered the bank. The flop gave
me top pair and I played a check-raise to two players.

When the ace on the turn, I gave a check. On it were three-fold:

1. There was a small chance that the opponent was playing with an ace and he now
improved to a better hand.

2. The small blind was an aggressive player, and I could check

provoke him to bluff on the river.

3. The bank was relatively small, so the gain from provoking

opponent to bluff outweigh the need to protect ruki38.

The river gave opponent bet, but my pair of tens is still the best
hand, and I won.

Example number 43
Limit: $ 25 / $ 50, 4 players.

Preflop: Stox in the big blind with ♣ Q ♣ 5.

Trade: CO raises, two fold, Stox call.

Flop: ♠ A ♥ 5 ♦ 5 (4.5 ms, 2 players).

Despite the fact that he may well be a bluff more often than
drag you to the hand that would have folded on the turn, check - the right game if you
know you have the best hand.

Trade: Stox checks, CO bets, Stox raises, CO 3-bet, Stox call.

Thorn: ♥ 2 (5.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checks, CO bets, Stox raises, CO calls.

River: ♦ Q (9.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bets, CO calls.

Preflop, my game was standard - I have always defended

big blind with Q5s From the style-raiser of the penultimate position. Flop
gave me the trips, and I was very big favorite for the best hand. I
to check-raise, because such a strategy is most effective in the
situation for most hands. If the target is an Ace, or he would give 3 -
bet on the flop, or be called, with the intention to raise the turn -
Both of these scenarios allow me to squeeze out extra bets.
If he has a pocket pair and I just called the flop, then
turn it is likely, too, would have said a check for my check, not allowing me
receive his side bets.

Once the enemy by 3-bet on the flop, I was quite

sure of three things:

1. He has an ace.

2. He intends to get to showdown.

3. On the turn, it will be put, if I check.

That being the case, I decided to just call it 3-bet and play
check-raise on the turn, which allowed me to earn a little extra
bet. If the flop I gave the skipper, the enemy is most likely to
turn and river would be in just a call, knowing I have five.
Also, if the turn had the same suit would be the second (what happened
to 75% of cases), the enemy would have thought that I check-raised to 4 -
flush, and give the turn 3-bet. This would allow me to improve on the turn
to the skipper, and the enemy is probably still would be in the end simply with
aces, as the bank was already very large.

Protecting the small blind

Example number 44
Limit: $ 75 / $ 150, 5 players.

Preflop: Stox the small blind with ♦ 3 ♣ 3.

Trade: Two fold, the button raises, Stox 3-bet, the big blind folded,
button calls.

Flop: ♣ J ♦ 6 ♣ 6 (7 MC, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bet, the button calls.

Thorne: ♠ J (4.5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bet, the button folded.

Against a steal raise from the button I give a 3-bet from the small blind with any
pair (sometimes with kolliruya AA-QQ). This gives me the opportunity to
restrict rivals only player with only
pocket pair, and make money in the big blind, dead, if
he folds. Also, it allows me to take the initiative, and increases
chance to get the button to reset the future.

Flop turned out good for me - my pocket pair, the most

probably had the best hand. The fact that I had ♣ 3 reduced
outs of the enemy, if he was playing with a 4-flush. Also my ♣ 3 in
turn, gave me a 3-flush, which I could strengthen to Flush and
win if the opponent was not clubs in hand. Both of these features
insignificant, especially the first, but they also need to keep in mind. Usually
on the flop, I always go bet after the flop gave 3-bet and
not received in response to the skipper of the only enemy. If the enemy at
This calls my bet on the flop, this is usually not too narrow circle of his
possible hands, especially if it is a bad loose player. This flop
he will call with almost all the hands that tried to steal
blinds. In this case, it may have any ace, king or queen.

He can also slow play with six or (less likely) a
jack or passive play with a 4-flush.

The turn table was like this: ♠ J ♣ J ♦ 6 ♣ 6 giving me a second to

Strength in hand with the end of all possible - I just beat 22. Bank this
time up to 9 small bets (4.5 large). As my
chance to win a showdown with his hand dropped to almost zero,
if I put, the enemy will have to drop in only 20%
cases that my bet has been beneficial on the course:

0.1818  1

Given my previous game, the opponent would have thought that

I have an ace or a higher pair. Given this, it himself reset all hands
that do not contain an ace or a pair of high, so from my side
was justified to go to bet in hopes of forcing him to fold king
or a weak hand that needs to happen more often than 20% of cases.
If he would have said I made the call a bet or a raise would have given, I do not
put the money in the bank in the hand.

My opponent's arguments before the flop: After a small

blind by 3-bet preflop, it most likely can be put
pocket pair or a hand with an ace. The typical tight-aggressive
player's pocket pair or ace will be approximately 75% of these cases.

As I button my next choice - only answer

call or a raise to four rates (fold with pot odds 6-to-
1 and the presence of position, of course, no longer). First, I need
more inclined to raise interest rates to 4 if 4 bets will kepom,
since this I can take the initiative, without risking
get another re-raise. Secondly, I should not be unconditionally
stick to a simple strategy of "4 bets with the best hands."

In this situation, most players vysokolimitnyh

would answer just call in the small blind with pocket aces or
kings, laying raise before the flop, or, more likely, before the turn. I
should try to diversify his game, and the best way to
do - made the call against a solid, thinking player, but
raise interest rates to 4 against a loose-aggressive opponent.

With AK I will raise, realizing the advantage. If the enemy at

This will show activity when the ace or king on the flop, I will often have
the dominant hand. However, with a hand like AJ I rarely will increase to 4

rates because if after that I get from the opponent activity in
flop, which will be ace, I'm not so sure of what lies ahead.

On the other hand, with a hand like KQ or KJ usually is

increase of up to 4 bets, as it will allow me to "scare" the opponent,
If an ace on the flop, but I might also have to
pay only for his opponent to the second most powerful hand if the flop I
get a top pair. With hands AQs, QQ andJJ I'm also going to raise interest rates to 4
in this situation.

Finally, I'll be more inclined to 4-bet, if the enemy

tight postflop play - this I will increase the chance that it
can make to lose in the future. If the opponent loose
aggressive and often comes to the opening (from 43% and above)
probably best to just call - this I maximize my
positional advantage and potential opportunities. Even though the
that will reduce my chances of a call to make the enemy lose
Further, this is offset by an increase in my potential

The arguments of my opponent on the flop: After the small blind

bet out, I have to choose one of three actions: call, raise or
fold. With a hand-type monster JJ, A6 or K6 I will raise on the flop, hoping
that your opponent has a strong hand, too. If my raise, he will 3-bet,
I answer call with the intention to raise the turn. Against a tight
Player I may answer only made the call with pocket jacks,
hoping that the enemy would improve his hand on the turn.

With a strong hand like AA-QQ or jack, I will assume that my

hand, most likely, the best and I will raise to protect it.

With 4-flush, I most likely will answer only calls, and then give
raise the turn as a semi-bluff. However, the 4-flush from Ace I
made the call on the flop, turn and river, planning to raise only if
gather flush - especially if the turn will be the second jack.

With TT-77 and55-22 on the flop, I'll only respond to calls, scheduling
to raise for the free opening of the turn. However, if the turn
will have another jack, I will cast 55-22 bet on the opponent.

Since no of clubs AK, AQ or KQ on the flop, I'll call.

Pot odds 8-to-1 odds plus potential sufficient to
to call with overcards. Hand AT also worthy of calling,
because it can be the best hand, but even if it is not, then
subsequently published a dozen can give me the best hand, and in addition
that I still have a 3-flush (but weak). But hands A9-A2 (No

ace of clubs), I fold. With ♣ A and any other card (except for six and
jack) I call on the flop and, most likely, I will go to showdown. I also
go to a showdown with a hand like any other Ax, to which I shall consider
justified to call on the flop.

Example number 45
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 4 players.

Preflop: Stox the small blind with ♦ 6 ♥ 6.

Trade: CO raises, the button folds, Stox 3-bet, the big blind folds, CO
ken, Stox call.

Flop: ♠ 9 ♠ 6 ♠ 4 (9 MS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checks, CO bets, Stox raises, CO 3-bet, Stox skipper, CO calls.

Thorne: ♠ 2 (8.5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checks, CO checks.

River: ♦ 2 (8.5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bets, CO calls.

Showdown: CO showed ♦ A ♥ A.

Against a steal raise from CO My usual strategy is to

to give 3-bet against any players, but the most tight. Against
most of the players and I will give a 3-bet with any pocket pair, except
pair of deuces to fours, I will cast against a tight steal
raiser. With small pocket pairs is much better to play against
one opponent, so it was important to knock out the big game
blinds and turn it into dead money. On the other hand, 3-bet
flop usually gets less respect from opponents, and if large
Still blind calls, you have to play with a small pocket
a pair of three bets out of position against two players, which is far
not the best situation.

My pair of sixes was 51% relative value against
range of alleged arms steal raiser with CO (22 +, A2s +, A6o +, K6s +,
KTo +, Q8s +, QTo +, J8s +, JTo, T8s +, 97s +, 87s and76s). I might have to give 3 -
and bet with a hand that has a lower relative value than 50%,
like this I can raise additional money in the bank from a large
blind, if he folds, also sometimes I can win without a showdown,
as a 3-bet I grab the initiative. My implied odds
It is also important, although they are difficult to assess. On the one hand, if I
to flop a set, it will be good. On the other hand, if all the cards
on the table are overcards to my pair and my opponent will apply
semi-bluff, I can fold the best hand. Therefore, on average, you can
assume that my implied odds are close to zero.

Below shows the relative value of different pocket

pairs against the typical style-raiser with CO:

22: 44% 77: 53.5%

33: 46% 88: 56%
44: 47% 99: 60%
55: 49% TT: 64%

Given this evidence, I usually play a pair of fives and up.

A pair of fours - a boundary for the given situation the hand, and a pair of triples I
usually fold unless you have a large postflop
advantage over the enemy. And vice versa - if the opponent plays
well, I'm going to fold a pair of fours, like maybe a couple of fives.

In this hand my opponent gave skipper preflop that

allowed me to significantly narrow the range of its possible source. I also
it became clear that the value of my hands diminished. On the flop, I got a set,
but with three suited cards on the table. So my choice was
Next: check-raise on the flop, or wait until the turn. Waiting until the
the turn, it would probably be a mistake because there were a lot of cards,
that could scare me or my opponent. In other words,
if I was in front, I would not have been enough to win against an opponent
bets, as it would be slowed down. Even despite the fact that
my advantage on the turn, could change dramatically on the flop it
it was still good, because I had a strong a drawing hand, if there was
behind. The flop must be pressed, hoping to get a good activity against
opponent also on the turn.

My opponent was not a good player and had a tendency to play

passive, but sometimes showed unexpected aggression, such

way, it could very well be an overpair without spades. After
he gave the 3-bet on the flop, I cut range of hands to the following: 99 +,
♠ A ♠ T +, ♠ AxJ +, ♠ K ♠ J +, ♠ KxQ - Is 4.1% of all hands. Against this
range of my arm had a 66% relative value.

The turn fell the fourth spade, that was not good for
I - relative value of my hands dropped to 41%. Most loyal to
such situations the game - it is a check-call. Once the enemy has
said check on the turn, I realized that the peak it is very unlikely. On
river formed a couple on the table, but it was not very important,
I, probably, and so was the front. If the river does not appear couple
I would put and call to raise the opponent, if he had followed. But
because the river I got a full house, I made a bet, hoping that I
will have the opportunity for a 3-bet. Since the only
possible hand of the enemy, who plays with me, there were a couple
nines, the lack of 3-betting, I would much gleaning.

Example number 46
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 5 players.

Preflop: Stox the small blind with ♦ A ♦ 7.

Trade: HJ folds, CO raises, the button folds, Stox 3-bet, the big blind
folds, CO calls.

Flop: ♥ J ♠ 5 ♥ 3 (7 MC, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bets, CO calls.

Thorn: ♦ 5 (4.5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bets, CO calls.

River: ♣ 6 (6.5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checks, CO bets, Stox call.

Showdown: CO showed ♥ T ♥ 9.

Preflop three-bet from the small blind with A7s against a steal raise from CO
for me is the standard game. Against a range of hands loose
Steel-raiser with CO (22 +, A2s +, A6o +, K4s +, K8o +, Q5s +, Q9o +, J8s +, J9o +,
T8s +, T9o, 97s +, 87s, 76s and65s - 34.5% of the hands), the relative value of my
arm was 52%.

Against a tight steal raiser applying stealing from a CO

about 28% of the hands (22 +, A2s +, A6o +, K6s +, KTo +, Q8s +, QTo +, J8s +, JTo,
T8s +, 97s +, 87s and76s) the relative value of my hands are not too
decreased - it was about 48%, which was also
enough to 3-bet with a hand like Axs, good playing one on one
postflop. I was hoping to knock out the big blind, and turn it
money to the dead. The flop gave me a standard re-bet, which
could also be a bet to increase the bank, because I could easily
have the best hand.

On the turn, I decided to put back. Still, there was enough

strong argument in favor of a different strategy - a check-call the turn and
river. The fact that my opponent was very aggressive, and this I
could provoke a bluff. But it is less likely to be resolved
bluffing preflop 3-bettor, so I chose this bet. If he had
decided to give a raise on the turn, I would have ended up in a difficult situation. Since at
table were two suited cards, and the opponent was aggressive, I
probably would have made the call to end, but it would not be sure of
correctness of such a game.

On the river, my decision was also difficult. The only

hands of the enemy, that I could beat were asymphytous four-flush and
ace with even weaker kicker. With an ace, he probably would not
bet the river, and with a 4-flush, probably give a raise on the flop or even
turn. However, my three-bet preflop could keep him from the semi-bluff.
Based on the latter, and I did this on the river is very marginal
calls, which, fortunately, this time brought me victory.

Example number 47
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 5 players.

Preflop: Stox the small blind with ♣ A ♥ 8.

Trade: Two fold, the button raises, Stox 3-bet, the big blind folded,
button calls.

Flop: ♦ K ♣ 8 ♣ 4 (7 MC, 2 players).
Trade: Stox bet, the button calls.

Thorn: ♦ T (4.5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

River: ♣ 5 (6.5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox check, a check button.

Showdown: Button showed ♦ 6 ♥ 5.

In this distribution button represented the loose,

non-rigid, but not too aggressive player. My strategy
here was to give a 3-bet A6o or better. Since
range of hands steal raiser was about 40%, relative
valuable hands A8o was about 52% (from A6o it would be equal to
about 48%).

Thorne gave me a middle pair, and I gave the standard bet for
increasing the bank. On the turn, I checked, because my opponent,
most likely, with a strong hand, and with some
a drawing hand would give a raise. However, after I check it, it is quite
perhaps he would bet with more hands. So
, I chose a more conservative strategy - check-call, but I
I think that bet-call would also be a good solution in this situation
as well. In any case, I was planning to get to showdown, regardless of
the river card.

The river check-call was the most appropriate strategy for the
with minimal risk to the opponent to win a bet. If the
river, the enemy does not even brought a pair, it is most likely
set again.

Example number 48
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 3 players.

Preflop: Stox the small blind with ♠ A ♠ K.

Trade: The button folds, Stox raise, the big blind three-bet, Stox skipper,
the big blind called.

Flop: ♣ T ♠ 9 ♣ 4 (8 ms, 2 players).

Trade: Stox bet, the big blind called.

Thorne: ♣ 3 (5 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the big blind bet, Stox call.

River: ♥ A (7 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the big blind bet, Stox call.

Showdown: The big blind showed ♦ A ♠ Q.

The big blind was a good, aggressive player, prone to

active protection of the big blind. My game preflop and on the flop
was pretty standard. On the turn, I was choosing between a check-call and bet-
called. Even despite the fact that the bank was great and the provision
free card was dangerous, I chose the check-call, since the enemy
was able to raise a wide range of hands, making me
call to see if the river card will improve my hand.

River card gave me top pair with top kicker, but

This enemy could improve to two pair. I seriously thought about check-
raise, but in the end I found that the enemy will 3-bet and
win with more hands than with those with whom he
calls, so I checked-call. Perhaps it was a poor game
which cost me gleaning big bet. But the enemy was able to give a 3-bet
and ♦ A ♠ Q, which I could mistakenly reset.

Example number 49
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox the small blind with ♦ A ♦ T.

Trade: Two fold, CO raises, the button folds, Stox 3-bet, the big blind
ken, CO calls, Stox call.

Flop: ♠ A ♥ A ♣ 7 (12 ms, 3 players).

Trade: Stox, the big blind and CO - all check.

Thorn: ♦ 4 (6 BS, 3 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the big blind bets, CO calls, Stox call.

River: ♣ Q (9 BS, 3 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the big blind bets, CO folds, Stox call.

Showdown: The big blind showed ♥ K ♣ J.

In this distribution both of my enemy was and loose

aggressive. Preflop raiser (CO) played about 50% of the hands of
late position, but played well after the flop. Great
Blind played about 35% of his hands in the 6-person game.

After the big blind made the skipper, I realized that

the relative value of my hand is at least my "honest"
share, ie 33%. After the flop two aces, I was in
situation "or strongly ahead or way behind", similar to the
which was discussed in the section of this book. If I was
behind, I had 3 outs against AK-AJ and 4 outs against 77. If I was
front, the enemy had no more than three outs against me.

In such a situation it is better to play passively in the early stages

trade. Also, since the flop was full of holes, there was no reason to protect
my hand. Instead, I chose a path that maximizes my profits
when I was in front and minimizing my losses when I'm behind.

Check-raise on the river was definitely a mistake, given the

expected range of hands the big blind. Despite the fact that my
arm was strong among his possible hands were a few of those with whom he
be called - after my check-raise, or he would be dropped (with
the majority of the hands), or would give a 3-bet (with a small number of hands) 39. For

As he gave the skipper before the flop, he could an ace with a weaker kicker, but it
was unlikely.

justification for my check-raise the big blind had to call
almost 2 times more likely to give a 3-bet, given the fact that his 3-bet I
I will always answer (which will be justified against this
cunning enemy) and is almost always going to lose. A chance to make
check-raise to fold the best hand is zero.

Example number 50
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 4 players.

Preflop: Stox the small blind with ♣ Q ♠ T.

Trade: Two fold, Stox raise, the big blind three-bet, Stox call.

Flop: ♥ 9 ♦ 8 ♣ 6 (6 ms, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the big blind bet, Stox raise, the big blind called.

Thorne: ♠ 8 (5 BS, 3 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the big blind bet, Stox raise, the big blind folded.

In this hand on the flop and the turn I check-raise as

semi-bluff. It is somewhat expensive game, but it is justified on the
some situations. First, it is more likely to make
to fold a hand like ace or a pair of lower than
using a check-raise on the flop and then bet on the turn. Second, the
on the turn if the opponent responds by check on my check - too well, because
I get a free card and the chance that I will be able to use a bluff
on the river. Multilayer game like this is more justified than
standard strategy "check-raise on the flop and bet the turn," as with
using the last is less likely to make the enemy can
reset - Survived blinds for high stakes rivals usually
play more correctly.

My game on the turn was interesting and dual in the sense that both
that option suited me equally,
somewhat mitigated this my positional disadvantage. If the turn
opponent also checked, I would get a free card to my
a drawing hand. If he had put, I would take a very strong (with
given trade on the flop) semi-bluff. Of course, if

opponent by 3-bet, it would not be very good for me, but this
possible to compensate for the fact that the check-raise on the turn, I could
get him to fold the best hand, and I also was able to buy his card to
river to win. Since the turn enemy could lose many
hands like Ax andKx, as well as some of the lower and smaller pocket pairs,
check-raise was justified.

Other distribution

Example number 51
Limit: $ 300 / $ 600, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in position UTG with ♣ 9 ♦ 9.

Trade: Stox raise, HJ calls, three folds and the big blind calls.

Flop: ♣ A ♦ K ♥ 9 (6.5 ms, 3 players).

Trade: The big blind checks, Stox bet, HJ folds and the big blind raises,
Stox call.

Thorne: ♠ J (5.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The big blind bet, Stox raise, the big blind three-bet, Stox
ken, the big blind called.

River: ♥ T (13.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The big blind checks, Stox bet, the big blind called.

Showdown: The big blind is hidden ♥ A ♦ J.

Since the big blind made the call before the flop in a multiway,
closing trade, the number of his hands we can confidently exclude
aces or kings. Many players in the high stakes simply
call with these hands against a single enemy, but almost
All of them know that giving up a raise in a multi, they are missing
too much.

After my opponent played a check-raise on the flop, I

suggested that his most likely hand - it is certainly Ax. He
could play in the same manner and with a drawing hand, but only
drawing hand that could make with this flop - it
gutshot straight draw. He could have K9 (Unlikely, as in the deck
there was only one nine) or leaky straight (QJ, QT or JT).

However, it is unlikely that he played only a check-raise with holes
Straight (unless it is not a complete maniac.) So I almost
Was 100% sure that I have the best hand. I said I just made the call
his check-raise, intending to raise the turn - sometimes it's a good game
from late position with a monster.

On the turn, I was still pretty sure that my hand

the best, so I brought the trade to skipper. Turn card was dangerous, so
it was the fourth card to a straight on the table. However, because
opponent on the river would be called with any ace in the major bank,
I gave marginal bet to increase it. Also, given that the turn
opponent by 3-bet, only containing a lady's hand, with which he
could play like that - it QT, and the hand was very hard to put
opponent. With AQ he probably would not give a 3-bet on the turn. Therefore,
considering action on the turn and the river, I gave a raise, expecting to receive from
opponent called with two pair, the eldest of whom was aces. With
account of the draw, it was most likely my hand

Example number 52
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in positions with HJ ♣ A ♥ A.

Trade: UTG raises, Stox 3-bet, CO folds, button skipper, the blinds fold,
UTG calls, Stox call.

Flop: ♥ 7 ♠ 2 ♥ 2 (13.5 ms, 3 players).

Trade: UTG checks, Stox check, button bets, UTG raises, Stox 3-bet, the button
calls, UTG skipper, Stox calls, button calls.

Thorn: ♦ 3 (12.75 BS, 3 players).

Trade: UTG bet, Stox calls, button calls.

River: ♦ 5 (15.75 BS, 3 players).

Trade: UTG bet, Stox calls, button calls.

Showdown: UTG showed ♠ Q ♥ Q, button shown ♠ A ♠ K.

In this hand UTG - solid, winning player, large, and

button - a very loose and aggressive in inappropriate cases. So
a way to give it to the skipper with a very, very large number of hands.

Flop turned out good for me. If no one had a deuce

or pocket sevens, I was ahead. I could completely eliminate
deuce from the hole cards of both adversaries, if they were
adequate players, but as pocket deuces and A2s could be
Among those hands that gave the button skipper.

Based on the development of the action before the flop, it was unlikely that
one of the opponents flopped 4-flush. But even if a 4-flush
someone was, I had the ace of hearts (one of foreign outs to a flush) and
opportunity to strengthen the older flush, if the turn falls

Trading on the flop was not the easiest. Usually standard

play in such situations - a check for the player, which gave the skipper preflop.
After UTG to check-raise, you can reasonably assume
he has a marginal hand, and with it he is trying to get me
give up the fight for the big bank. I gave a 3-bet, trying, in their
turn to knock the button and / or make opponents pay dearly
for his drawing hands. In such a big bank to make profitable
to fold his hand even with very little chance of winning.
Also, due to the large size of the pot opponents could call with
very marginal hands, which was also good for me. Get
by hand with a 10% chance of winning three rates are much better than two.
Once the button called, and UTG (good player) gave the skipper, I
estimated the probability of having his pocket sevens rather high
together with KK, QQ or (maybe) ♥ K ♥ Q. So I decided to play
passively on the turn and river - though it could have cost me a small
profit, that I could also get the best for yourself by overcall
third player (note that the river he gave to overcall AK).

After the turn button just called and I was almost

pretty sure of two had not. Therefore, the only hand
that could beat me was a pocket pair of sevens in UTG.

In the end, I got overcall on the turn and the river from the bad
player. If on the turn or the river, I would have given a raise, on the one hand, I
venture to get 3-bet by the first player, and the other - risk
scare off button, my best "client". Despite the fact that I had
good chance of a better hand with a raise, I could not get on the overcall

third player, and at the same time, faced with a 3-bet from the first.
Therefore, despite the fact that my hand was strong, calling instead
raise on the turn and river was justified.

Example number 53
Limit: $ 100 / $ 200, 9 players.

Preflop: Stox in third position with ♠ A ♦ J.

Trade: Two fold, Stox raise, the next player folds, HJ (which put
extraordinary blind) calls, CO 3-bet, the button and the small blind folds,
the big blind calls, Stox Call, HJ calls.

Flop: ♠ T ♠ 7 ♠ 2 (12.5 ms, 4 players).

Trade: The big blind checks, Stox check, HJ checks, CO bets, the big blind
Call, Stox Call, HJ raises, CO 3-bet, the big blind skipper, Stox Call, HJ
calls, CO calls.

Thorn: ♦ T (14.25 BS, 4 players).

Trade: The big blind bet, Stox fold, HJ calls, CO folds.

River: ♠ 4 (16.25 BS, 2 players).

Trade: The big blind bet, HJ calls.

Showdown: The big blind showed ♠ Q ♣ J, HJ showed ♠ 6 ♠ 3.

In this hand on the flop, I received a 4-nut flush at three

peaks on the table. Given that the bank was still with me 3 players, their
Activity on the flop was beneficial for me. Despite the fact that
active trade could indicate that someone from
opponents two pair or a set, I still put in the bank is not
their "fair" share of the bank (which was equal to, probably about

Dropped on the turn ♦ T to pair on the table that was not

favorable for me. If the flop someone had set, T7 (Maybe)

or T2 (Almost incredible), I am now drawing dead. However, one
this reason enough to drop, because the bank has already
very large.

On the other hand, the turn card is likely could

invalidate some of my outs, if the opponents were a dozen
or an overpair. Also my implied odds are probably fell almost
to zero. Finally, if the bet from the big blind, I would have answered calls,
someone behind me could easily give a raise, and because of the large size of the bank
I had to call a second time. Accordingly, I chose
fold. In this hand I fold was a mistake, but let's review
this situation in more detail.

On the turn, I was pretty sure that behind (including tables and maps
previous trade). Of the 46 unseen cards were nine peaks, so
way, my chance of making a flush on the river, is a 9-to-37, or
about 1 in 540. After the turn formed by a pair of
the table, there was a chance that I can drawing dead, and the chance that
I will have to give more than one big bet per-view card
river, because after I had two more players. At the time the
my decision to bank offered me a chance to 15.25-to-1 for a chance to 1-to-4 buy
peak on the river. But, given the previous trade, I made
incorrect conclusion that the chances of drawing dead, together with
chance to give a preview of the fifth card two, and even three bids were
too big.

Example number 54
Limit: $ 75 / $ 150, 7 players.

Preflop: Stox in positions with HJ ♦ A ♥ K.

Trade: Two fold, Stox raises, CO calls, the button calls, the small blind
call the big blind called.

Flop: ♥ Q ♣ 3 ♦ 3 (10 ms, 5 players).

Trade: The small blind checked, the big blind checks, Stox bets, CO folds,
button raises, the small blind folded and the big blind folded, Stox call.

Actually less, since there was a good chance that I was playing against

Thorne: ♣ 9 (7 BS, 2 players).
Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox call.

River: ♠ K (9 BS, 2 players).

Trade: Stox checked, the button bet, Stox raise, the button calls.

Showdown: Button hidden ♠ Q ♠ J.

In this hand I made a standard opening raise with

AKo 2 spots on the button, who both called four, including
blinds. The flop did not help me, but there was a definite chance that it is not
helped any of the opponents. I thought of the check, but decided
to bet.

Once the button is given a raise, the bank offered me the chance to 13-to-1
for viewing the turn (though I closed the trade), so I do not
hesitate to call. I was pretty sure that the button has no
Three, because with it he will probably only be called if
several players behind him. Since the table was no blanks
a drawing hands, and with a pair of nines or better opponent preflop
would give a 3-bet, he was either a lady or a lower pocket pair (22
or 88-44).

Nine on the turn did not help as I, and probably my

enemy, except that if he had Q9s (Which is possible) or 99 (Which
unlikely). He most likely had a hand like QX, since
Many players give overcall preflop with suited hands and / or
hands-connectors containing lady. After I check it is set,
and I got a chance to bank the 8-to-1 that would try to get one
of my overcards on the river. If we assume that all of my six outs were
clean, break-even game I needed the pot odds
6.7-to-1. The chances that I offered the bank, were higher than
I made up for losses in those situations in which I could get
ace or a king, and did not win. Also, my implied odds were
positive, because it improved my hand, I would always be folded and
seizing often would have won one or two extra bets. So
way, given the implied odds, my pot odds were
about 9-to-1 or 10-to-1, which was enough to
call. Fortunately, I got on the river of the king and to check-raise, which
allowed me to win two big bets.

Example number 55
Limit: $ 150 / $ 300, 6 players.

Preflop: Stox in position UTG with ♦ Q ♦ J.

Trade: Stox raise, HJ 3-bet, three fold, call the big blind, Stox call.

Flop: ♣ J ♣ T ♦ 5 (9.5 ms, 3 players).

Trade: The big blind checks, Stox checks, HJ bets, the big blind raises,
Stox 3-bet, HJ skipper, the big blind calls, Stox call.

Thorn: ♦ T (10.75 BS, 3 players).

Trade: The big blind, Stox check and HJ - all check.

River: ♦ K (10.75 BS, 3 players).

Trade: The big blind checks, Stox checks, HJ bets, the big blind folded,
Stox raise, HJ calls.

Showdown: HJ hid ♦ A ♠ K.

When HJ gave 3-bet on the flop, I put a strong hand (99 +,

AQs + or AQo +). The flop gave me top pair with a decent kicker, but I
still worried about the fact that HJ can be
dominant hand or an overpair. Therefore, on the flop, I said check with
intention to look at the actions of my opponents. When the great
blind to check-raise, I thought that he may be trying to knock me out
bank with a hand like middle pair. I said 3-bet, because my hand
It could be better, as it would be useful to find out a player's hand
positions HJ. After HJ gave the skipper, I figured I was behind, but
pot odds allowed me to go up to the opening, as HJ could give
ken on the flop AQ or AK, probably with a club.

After the flop all checked, I was practically

fully confident that HJ or AK, or AQ, as with any other
hand, which he could have, he would have given bet. River card gave me
flush, making me big favorite for the best hand, and ♦ K was
very good card, as it could also help the two possible

hands, which could be at the HJ - it AQ andAK. It was also very
it is unlikely that someone opponents full house, given the trade
on the turn. Nut flush someone from opponents, too, was unlikely -
such a combination could be only with his hands ♦ A ♦ 9 - ♦ A ♦ 2
that it was almost impossible to put opponents, given
trade in pre-flop and on the flop.

Since HJ were either AK, or AQ, river card gave him or

top pair with top kicker, or a straight - with both
combinations he would put after my check, but would not give a raise in response
In my bet. So, I checked-raised, as he would answer
him with any of his two possible hands because of the large size of the pot.

Part VII

Book of

As controls, the issues presented in this chapter, we
selected those that cover the most important concepts described in
book. We believe that this problem book will help you develop a systematic
approach to the study of different game situations and reach the
decisions on their own. Despite the fact that this part of the book may
seem unnecessary, we believe that it was worth the effort that we
invested in its compilation.

For example, many test questions and deal restilingu

Protection of the big blind. We believe that the two most important
holdemovskih skill in tough games. Repeatedly examining similar
situation, you will develop the necessary skills to help
be able to take the right situation at the table, even in difficult

We anticipate that some of our suggested answers

can cause a lot of controversy. In general, if you think that the catch
some specific detail in the behavior of the enemy (for example, if
recognize that it is in a strong tilt), the right strategy
may be different from the one proposed by us. The answers we
offer, are designed for typical situations, and we are confident that
most cases, the proposed strategy we will continue to

Protecting the big blind
This test is designed to test your skills
definition of hands that need to be protected the big blind, and
give you a general idea about this aspect of the game. Table that
we report contains 56 different starting hands. You need to answer
with some of them to call, and with which to dump the big
blind, depending on the specific characteristics and steal raiser
his position. We did not raise the question of whether to give a 3-bet with
Protection of the big blind. With most of these hands are almost never
to give 3-bet pre-flop, and for those hands that can 3-bet
be appropriate, it is necessary to consider the manner of post-flop game opponent that
almost impossible to implement within a given test. This test
investigate thoroughly the range of hands for stealing the blinds and their protection, but
it also contains a review of the range of hands with which
must be protected from the big blind raise adequate. It is important to have
understanding of what types of hands are playable against adequate
raise, if no one else has entered the pot.

We have identified 8 typical varieties of enemies, with the result that

creates a table of 448 values. We could make the table more
larger in size, but felt that for a start, and enough of it.

Common opponents are:

1. Solid UTG - Adequate UTG raiser in position in 6-game

(3rd place of the button). The range of his hands around
15.5%: 44 +, A7s +, A9o +, K9s +, KQo, QTs +, J9s +, T9s and

2. Tight CO - Tight raiser in position CO (for one piece of

button). Range of hands is approximately 20.4%, which
less than optimal. You do not find too often these
players, but will occasionally collide with them. Range
his hand is: 44 +, A6s +, A7o +, K9s +, KTo +, QTs +, QJo,
J9s +, T9s and98s.

3. Solid HJ - Adequate raiser in position HJ (2 spots from

button). This is the typical tight-aggressive player, a range of hands
which is equal to about 22%: 33 +, A4s +, A7o +, K7s +, KJo +,
Q9s +, QJo, J9s +, T8s +, 98s and87s.

4. Solid CO - Adequate position raiser in CO. His range of hands -

about 28.5%: 22 +, A2s +, A5o +, K7s +, K9o +, Q9s +, QTo +, J8s +,
T8s +, 97s +, 87s and76s.

5. Tight BU - Tight raiser on the button. Range of hands

not a wide and approximately 28.5% of hands: 22 +,
A2s +, A5o +, K7s +, K9o +, Q9s +, QTo +, J8s +, T8s +, 97s +, 87s and76s.

6. Loose CO - Loose raiser in position CO. Range of hands

quite wide - about 39.7%: 22 +, A2s +, A3o +, K2s +, K8o +,
Q5s +, Q9o +, J7s +, J9o +, T8s +, T9o, 98o, 97s +, 86s +, 75s + and65s.

7. Solid BU - Adequate raiser on the button. Its range - about

39.7% of hands: 22 +, A2s +, A3o +, K2s +, K8o +, Q5s +, Q9o +, J7s +,
J9o +, T8s +, T9o, 98o, 97s +, 86s +, 75s + and65s.

8. Loose BU - Loose raiser on the button. Range of hands is very

wide and approximately 49.9%: 22 +, A2s +, A2o +, K2s +,
K5o +, Q2s +, Q7o +, J5s +, J7o +, T6s +, T8o +, 98o, 96s +, 86s +, 76s and
65s. High stakes you can find many of these players.

The answers to this test are given immediately after it.

Solid Tight Solid Solid Tight Loose Solid Loose


15.5% 20.4% 22% 28.5% 28.5% 39.7% 39.7% 49.9%












Solid Tight Solid Solid Tight Loose Solid Loose


15.5% 20.4% 22% 28.5% 28.5% 39.7% 39.7% 49.9%


























Solid Tight Solid Solid Tight Loose Solid Loose


15.5% 20.4% 22% 28.5% 28.5% 39.7% 39.7% 49.9%





















The relative value of different hands in this test is calculated

according to the "heat or cold." We recommend calling with hands
the relative value of which is 35% and above. If it is lower
35%, we recommend you to fold. However, you must also
consider how well the opponent plays after the flop (but not
overdo it). If the flop he plays poorly, you can

playing hands with a relative value of 34% and above. And vice versa - if
postflop opponent plays very well, calls only
hands that have 36% or higher relative value. Finally, in
most borderline cases, consider how often
the enemy comes to a showdown. If he often goes to showdown, more
Inclined to play hands that can win without improvement (such as Ax
or Kx). On the other hand, if the opponent does not tend to go to showdown
too often, are more inclined to play suited hands and
connectors - these hands can flop good drawing
hand that you can apply a semi-bluff.

Why do we define a boundary value of the relative

value in the hands of 35%? We came to this value, taking into
account the average size of the banks played out, the presence of one
single opponent and our empirical results.
Most hands with a relative value of 35-40% for the Protection
blinds are playing well, and most of the hands with a relative value
30-35% of the play in this situation badly, losing more than 0.5
big bet (price fold them). Hands with 35% relative
value (and above) against a range of hands-raiser Steel, Table
bold - it means that normally they should be called.
Conversely, if the value is not in bold, then this hand
usually need to be reset.

Solid Tight Solid Solid Tight Loose Solid Loose


15.5% 20.4% 22% 28.5% 28.5% 39.7% 39.7% 49.9%

A2s 0.393 0.423 0.426 0.451 0.451 0.488 0.488 0.488

K2s 0.355 0.366 0.376 0.386 0.423 0.423 0.423 0.446

Q2s 0.340 0.347 0.353 0.363 0.363 0.391 0.391 0.407

Q3s 0.343 0.351 0.356 0.368 0.368 0.394 0.394 0.413

J2s 0.327 0.333 0.340 0.352 0.352 0.371 0.371 0.379

J3s 0.331 0.337 0.344 0.358 0.358 0.374 0.374 0.384

J4s 0.334 0.340 0.349 0.364 0.364 0.380 0.380 0.390

J5s 0.341 0.346 0.355 0.366 0.366 0.385 0.385 0.394

J6s 0.344 0.346 0.357 0.369 0.369 0.388 0.388 0.398

Solid Tight Solid Solid Tight Loose Solid Loose
15.5% 20.4% 22% 28.5% 28.5% 39.7% 39.7% 49.9%

J7s 0.355 0.354 0.365 0.382 0.382 0.402 0.402 0.412

T2s 0.316 0.326 0.334 0.342 0.342 0.359 0.359 0.363

T3s 0.320 0.329 0.337 0.348 0.348 0.362 0.362 0.368

T4s 0.323 0.332 0.342 0.354 0.354 0.368 0.368 0.373

T5s 0.327 0.336 0.346 0.354 0.354 0.371 0.371 0.374

T6s 0.342 0.348 0.360 0.369 0.369 0.386 0.386 0.390

93s 0.308 0.324 0.328 0.340 0.340 0.347 0.347 0.355

94s 0.308 0.324 0.331 0.343 0.343 0.350 0.350 0.358

95s 0.326 0.340 0.347 0.355 0.355 0.366 0.366 0.371

96s 0.341 0.353 0.361 0.370 0.370 0.380 0.380 0.386

85s 0.338 0.348 0.350 0.362 0.362 0.371 0.371 0.373

86s 0.353 0.360 0.364 0.376 0.376 0.386 0.386 0.387

74s 0.327 0.337 0.339 0.354 0.354 0.362 0.362 0.366

75s 0.344 0.354 0.356 0.366 0.366 0.377 0.377 0.379

63s 0.323 0.335 0.337 0.346 0.346 0.353 0.353 0.358

64s 0.336 0.349 0.352 0.362 0.362 0.369 0.369 0.374

65s 0.352 0.364 0.367 0.374 0.374 0.383 0.383 0.387

52s 0.318 0.332 0.332 0.339 0.339 0.349 0.349 0.352

53s 0.331 0.346 0.346 0.355 0.355 0.362 0.362 0.368

54s 0.343 0.359 0.360 0.370 0.370 0.377 0.377 0.383

42s 0.310 0.326 0.326 0.335 0.335 0.344 0.344 0.349

43s 0.323 0.339 0.339 0.351 0.351 0.356 0.356 0.364

32s 0.305 0.321 0.320 0.329 0.329 0.337 0.337 0.343

A2o 0.357 0.390 0.392 0.419 0.419 0.458 0.458 0.484

K2o 0.318 0.330 0.340 0.350 0.350 0.389 0.389 0.413

Solid Tight Solid Solid Tight Loose Solid Loose


15.5% 20.4% 22% 28.5% 28.5% 39.7% 39.7% 49.9%

K3o 0.322 0.333 0.343 0.356 0.356 0.392 0.392 0.419

K4o 0.325 0.337 0.348 0.362 0.362 0.398 0.398 0.424

K5o 0.333 0.343 0.355 0.365 0.365 0.407 0.407 0.432

K6o 0.339 0.346 0.360 0.371 0.371 0.415 0.415 0.443

K7o 0.341 0.345 0.361 0.377 0.377 0.422 0.422 0.457

K8o 0.345 0.350 0.370 0.384 0.384 0.433 0.433 0.472

K9o 0.358 0.368 0.391 0.407 0.407 0.463 0.463 0.497

Q5o 0.317 0.323 0.332 0.341 0.341 0.373 0.373 0.390

Q6o 0.323 0.326 0.336 0.347 0.347 0.379 0.379 0.379

Q7o 0.323 0.322 0.332 0.348 0.348 0.384 0.384 0.405

Q8o 0.338 0.338 0.349 0.364 0.364 0.400 0.400 0.429

Q9o 0.348 0.354 0.368 0.377 0.377 0.423 0.423 0.453

J7o 0.320 0.318 0.329 0.347 0.347 0.368 0.368 0.379

J8o 0.336 0.334 0.347 0.364 0.364 0.384 0.384 0.403

J9o 0.346 0.350 0.363 0.378 0.378 0.404 0.404 0.427

T7o 0.319 0.321 0.333 0.348 0.348 0.365 0.365 0.367

T8o 0.335 0.337 0.351 0.363 0.363 0.379 0.379 0.388

T9o 0.342 0.351 0.368 0.377 0.377 0.395 0.395 0.411

97o 0.317 0.326 0.335 0.349 0.349 0.359 0.359 0.363

98o 0.332 0.341 0.349 0.364 0.364 0.374 0.374 0.380

87o 0.329 0.333 0.338 0.354 0.354 0.364 0.364 0.364

76o 0.325 0.331 0.335 0.347 0.347 0.358 0.358 0.358

Preflop Play

Objective number
You ♥ A ♣ 7 The button in the 6-person game. Loose-passive UTG
limp, and to you all fold. Your actions?

Answer: Raise. Hand A7o looks good in comparison to the likely

hands loose limper. Giving a raise, you have a good chance
left alone with a loose-passive player. Loose insulation
Player has many advantages, as it will be after the flop
continue the game with insufficient pot odds, having against you
only 3-6 outs. Also, because it is passive, you can pretty
accurately determine the strength of your hand, if the flop you will draw
aggression, which will allow you to make more informed decisions.

Objective number
The 5-local game loose-passive opens UTG limp. You
act with the following ♠ A ♣ 2. Your actions?

Answer: Fold. Even despite the fact that your hand has a small
advantage of the likely hands of limpers, it is not enough
strong for the game. Too great a chance that one of the three players
behind you has a dominant hand (an ace with a better kicker or
pocket pair). If you give a raise to isolate (the can
to force one of the players behind you fold a better hand)
opponents can solve your game and call (or answer 3 -
mellitus) with more hands than usual. For the game against a loose
Player's wait a stronger hand.

Task number 3
You ♦ 8 ♦ 7 The button in the 6-person game. Loose-passive UTG
limp, and to you all fold. Your actions?

Answer: Call. Even though your hand is significantly
inferior to the average hand limper, enabling the potential opportunities and
your positional advantage make it a worthwhile game. Also, if the
flop, you get a marginal hand like a pair of sevens or eights
you can better determine its relative strength, as against you
be a passive player. Because your hand can win without
improvements, giving raise to isolate the loose player is needed. Giving
raise, you essentially reduce your good implied odds
as now-per-view flop you have to pay at least two
small bets. Taking the initiative to raise enough benefit against
player, able to flop on the loose calls and reaching the
opened too frequently.

Objective number
4You ♠ 6 ♠ 5 The button in the 6-person game. Loose-passive UTG
limp, and to you all fold. Your actions?

Answer: Fold. Even given your position and good

implied odds, hand 65s too weak to play. Main reason
to fold in the fact that if the flop you'll get a pair of fives or
sixes, the enemy is more likely to be the best couple. If the
you're ahead, it will be at least 6 outs against you. If
limpers had two or more, you should definitely have been
call, as in this case, your implied odds would be

Objective number
You ♥ J ♠ T The button in the 6-person game. Loose-passive UTG
limp, and to you all fold. Your actions?

Answer: Fold. Even despite the fact that you are only a small
underdog against a range of possible hands limper and you have
advantage of position, your hand is too weak. Since it does not
suited, your implied odds are not a
favorable. If limpers had two or more, you definitely
had to call, as in this case, your potential
chances would be higher.

Objective number
6 You ♣ 5 ♠ 5 The button in the 6-person game. Loose-aggressive CO
Raise. The range of his possible hand is about 35%: 55 +,
A2s +, A4o +, K3s +, K8o +, Q5s +, Q9o +, J7s +, J9o +, T7s +, T9o, 97s + and87s.
Your actions?

Answer: 3-bet. Even despite the fact that your arm is

slight underdog against the range of hands an opponent (49.9% vs.
50.1%), you have a good chance to knock out the blinds and stay with Raiser
one by one, turning a blind dead money. Also, you will
positional advantage after the flop, which increases your
postflop expectation.

Objective number
You ♦ A ♥ 9 The button in the 6-person game. Loose-aggressive CO
Raise. The range of his possible hand is about 35%: 55 +,
A2s +, A4o +, K3s +, K8o +, Q5s +, Q9o +, J7s +, J9o +, T7s +, T9o, 97s + and87s.
Your actions?

Answer: 3-bet. With A9o you are the favorite against a range
the likely hands of an opponent - 54% to 46%. In addition, you have
a chance to knock out the blinds and draw their dead money in the pot. There
small risk of domination, if the enemy pocket pair of nines
or higher, or an ace with a better kicker. However, this risk is mitigated by the fact that
you have a positional advantage. Also, your advantage in strength
hands enough to offset threat of domination.

Objective number
8 You ♣ K ♣ J The button in the 6-person game. Loose-aggressive CO
Raise. The range of his possible hand is about 35%: 55 +,
A2s +, A4o +, K3s +, K8o +, Q5s +, Q9o +, J7s +, J9o +, T7s +, T9o, 97s + and87s.
Your actions?

Answer: 3-bet. With KJs you are the favorite against a range
the likely hands of an opponent - 53.1% versus 46.9%. In addition, you

have a chance to knock out the blinds and draw their dead money in the pot.
There is little risk of domination, if the enemy JJ +, AK, AJ
or KQ. However, this risk is mitigated by the fact that your hand is suited and
the fact that you have a positional advantage, since it improves your
implied odds.

Objective number
You ♠ K ♣ Q The button in the 6-person game. Loose-aggressive CO
Raise. The range of his possible hand is about 35%: 55 +,
A2s +, A4o +, K3s +, K8o +, Q5s +, Q9o +, J7s +, J9o +, T7s +, T9o, 97s + and87s.
Your actions?

Answer: 3-bet. With KQo you are the favorite against a range
the likely hands of an opponent - 52.6% versus 47.4%. In addition, you
have a chance to knock out the blinds and draw their dead money in the pot.
There is only a small risk of domination, if the enemy QQ +,
AK or AQ. Your advantage is too big to miss 3 -

Objective number
10You ♠ 7 ♦ 7 The button in the 6-person game. Tight-aggressive CO
Raise. The range of his possible hand is about 25%: 66 +,
A2s +, A7o +, K6s +, K9o +, Q8s +, QTo +, J8s +, JTo + andT8s +. Your actions?

Answer: 3-bet. With a pair of sevens you are a slight favorite

against a range of possible hands of an opponent - 50.8% versus 49.2%. In
together with the ability to knock out the blinds and turn them into money
dead, it provides a reasonable basis for the 3-bet. You also have
advantage position that increases your postflop expectation.

Objective number
11You ♣ A ♣ 8 The button in the 6-person game. Tight-aggressive CO
Raise. The range of his possible hand is about 25%: 66 +,
A2s +, A7o +, K6s +, K9o +, Q8s +, QTo +, J8s +, JTo + andT8s +. Your actions?

Answer: 3-bet. With A8s you are a very small underdog
against a range of possible hands of an opponent - 49.95% against 50.05%. In
together with the ability to knock out the blinds and turn them into money
dead, it provides a reasonable basis for the 3-bet. There is a risk
domination, if the enemy pocket pair of eights or higher or
ace with a better kicker. However, this risk is partially offset by
Suited to your hands and that you have a position
benefits, which increases the chances of your potential.

Objective number
You ♥ K ♥ J The button in the 6-person game. Tight-aggressive CO
Raise. The range of his possible hand is about 25%: 66 +,
A2s +, A7o +, K6s +, K9o +, Q8s +, QTo +, J8s +, JTo + andT8s +. Your actions?

Answer: 3-bet. With KJs you are a very small underdog

against a range of possible hands of an opponent - 49.9% versus 50.1%. You
also have a chance to knock out the blinds and turn them into dead money.
Risk dominance is small - only by hand JJ +, AK, AJ or KQ.

Objective number
13You ♠ Q ♠ J The button in the 6-person game. Tight-aggressive CO
Raise. The range of his possible hand is about 25%: 66 +,
A2s +, A7o +, K6s +, K9o +, Q8s +, QTo +, J8s +, JTo + andT8s +. Your actions?

Answer: Fold. With QJs you are an underdog against a range of possible hands
rival - 45.2% versus 54.8%. But even given the potential
ability to knock out the blinds and turn them into dead money, your
hand is not strong enough for a 3-bet. There is a substantial risk of domination
by JJ +, AQ-AJ or KQ-KJ. Even despite the fact that you have
positional advantage and your hand is suited, it is not enough
strong for a 3-bet.

Objective number
You ♣ A ♥ A in position UTG in very tight 10-seat game.
Your actions?

Answer: Call. In a very tight game, you run the risk of not getting
not have a single call, giving a raise from early position, winning only
rates blinds. It will not be a good result, because the average
yield a pair of aces is much higher than 0.75 the big bet (money
blinds) 41. Also, if someone gives a raise from middle or late position
you will be able to re-raise - that you will create a big pot
making opponents pay for your great advantage.
However, to balance their igru42, depending on the specific
situation, you should perform a limp-reraise with the other hand, such
as 88-77, KQs-KTs, QJs-QTs andJTs.

Task № 15.1
You ♦ 8 ♠ 8 in position UTG in 10-game. Your actions?

Answer: Call. Eights not strong enough

Raise in 7 locations of the button. However, this hand has
decent power and are very good implied odds.
The disadvantage of your position is not essential, as a pair
eights you will usually continue after the flop only when
flop a set. Finally, the call allows you to play sometimes limp-reraise
"Showing" this pocket aces or kings.

Task № 15.2
You call with ♦ 8 ♠ 8 in position UTG, two tight-aggressive player
after you both called from middle position, and loose-aggressive player
button has given a raise, the blinds fold. Your actions?

This is true for a pair of kings.
Unless, of course, it needs to balance, that is, if you've played with the data
players earlier.

Answer: Reraise. With a pair of eights you favorite against a range of hands
button. Also, since both limpers remaining tight, there
good chance that they will not want to respond to 3-bet. If so, and
happens, you will be left alone on the button, bringing the bank
a significant amount of dead money.

Task № 15.3
You call with ♦ 8 ♠ 8 in position UTG, aggressive player behind you gave
raise from middle position, the button called vholodnuyu as both
blind. Your actions?

Answer: Call. Even despite the fact that your hand has a small
advantage, you have to call, leaving the bank is not too
large, as are out of position. If you give a 3-bet, you will not
able to knock any of the opponents, because after your reraise
they will have to answer only one rate (except when
original raiser will give another raise, but it will often be
mean that you are way behind.) Therefore, as the pre-flop raiser
located directly to the left of you, kolliruya, you leave yourself
good relative position, so you can later
play on the flop check-raise on the arrival of the eight, squeezing out every
two rates.

Task № 16.1
You ♥ Q ♥ J in position UTG +1 in 10-game, UTG folds. Yours

Answer: Call. Hand QJs not strong enough for the opening
a raise in 6 locations of the button. However, it is very profitable in a multiway and
has high potential opportunities. Koll you invite
call other players behind you, and sometimes after that will
play a limp-reraise, "demonstrating" pocket aces or kings.

Task № 16.2
You call with ♥ Q ♥ J in position UTG +1, three tight players behind
you call, the small blind called and the big blind raise. Your actions?

Answer: Call. Even despite the fact that your arm is

significant advantage against a range of possible hands
opponents, you should just call, because if you give 3 -
bet you can knock out tight players behind you, as they may
refuse to play if they have to respond to the two rates. Since
preflop raiser in the BB is out of position, it is more
probably has a big arm. Giving a 3-bet, you risk to remain in
one with the player, which is very inferior.

Task № 16.3
You call with ♥ Q ♥ J in position UTG +1, two loose players in middle
call position, aggressive player on the button raises and both blinds call.
Your actions?

Answer: 3-bet. Since the flop, most likely, will be 6

players, your hand has a significant advantage, so you
have to give a raise to increase the bank. Also, it is unlikely that your 3 -
bet he knocks limpers behind you, as they are loose and they want
see the flop because of the large size of the pot.

Playing the flop

Task № 17.1
In 6-game you ♣ 8 ♣ 7 on the button, you have opened with a raise and
Only tight-aggressive big blind called. The flop
♦ A ♦ 9 ♠ 4 and the big blind checks. Your actions?

Answer: Beth. Since the bank has 4.5 small bets, your opponent
must be cleared only in 23% (or more) to a bet
profitable. Even tight players defend the big blind with a fairly
wide range of hands, and, as the enemy can not have
overcards to this flop, he will drop a significant portion of their
hands on your bet if the flop does not get a pair or good drawing

Task № 17.2
The flop ♦ A ♦ 9 ♠ 4 you gave a bet with ♣ 8 ♣ 7 and the big blind
called. The turn ♣ 3 and check it again. Your actions?

Answer: Check. Since the opponent called your bet on the flop,
One can be sure that he or steam, or 4 -
flush. If he has a pair, he is likely to go with her to an autopsy, so
you give open raise from the button. If he has a four-flush, it is very
often will play with it a check-raise, forcing you to reset your older
eight. So you have to say a check and be willing to lose their
hand, if not for the efforts on the river.

Task № 18.1
In 6-game you ♠ J ♣ T on the button, you have opened with a raise and
only a loose-aggressive big blind called. The flop ♦ A ♦ 9 ♠ 4
and the big blind checks. Your actions?

Answer: Beth. As the enemy loose, it probably will

defend his big blind with a large number of hands (probably
almost 100% of their hands). Therefore, it will be completely flop not
coincide more often than in the necessary 23%. Moreover, it can
make a loose call on the flop, but then reset to your second bet
on the turn (see Problem № 18.2).

Task № 18.2
The flop ♦ A ♦ 9 ♠ 4 you gave a bet with ♠ J ♣ T and the big blind
called. The turn ♣ 3 and check it again. Your actions?

Answer: Beth. Since the enemy loose, he could call on

flop with a large number of hands (for example, with a 3-flush and three-straight, or with
two overcards to the nines and 3-flashem/3-streytom). Since the turn
dropped pacifier, it is likely that it will reset when you re-
bet. Given that the bank is now 3.25 big bets you need
that the enemy dropped only 31% of the time to bet was beneficial
(In fact, even less, because sometimes the turn you will draw made the call
with a pair of nines, or below, and the river you get a jack or a ten and

Objective number
In 6-game you ♠ J ♣ T on the button, you have opened with a raise and
Only tight-aggressive big blind called. The flop
♦ 8 ♠ 7 ♦ 2 big blind checks, you bet, he called. The turn ♥ K and the enemy
check. Your actions?

Answer: Beth. Since the flop of three small cards, the opponent
could call with a large number of hands (for example, with two
overcards with one overcard and worn straight or with overcards and
3-streytom/3-flashem). If you give a bet on the turn, which fell ♥ K,
the enemy will drop quite a lot of hands to
Your bet has been beneficial.

Objective number
In 6-game you ♠ Q ♠ 6 on the button, you have opened with a raise and
only a loose-passive big blind called. The flop ♦ 8 ♠ 7 ♦ 2
big blind checks, you bet, he called. The turn ♥ K, opponent checks, you bet,
he called. The river ♣ A. Your actions?

Answer: Beth. Since the flop was enough coordinated

(Containing the workpiece as a straight and a flush), there is a decent
chance that the enemy had a drawing hand (which he ultimately did not
completed construction) and fold to your bet. Since the bank is currently 5.25
great rates, you need to get the best hand opponent dropped
more than 16% of the time to bet was profitable.

Objective number
In 6-game you ♠ T ♦ 9 on the button, you have opened with a raise and
only a loose-passive big blind called. The flop ♦ 8 ♠ 4 ♣ 2
big blind checks, you bet, he called. The turn ♥ Q, opponent checks, you bet,
he called. The river ♣ A. Your actions?

Answer:Probably chek.Poskolkuflopbylochen
uncoordinated, and the opponent made the call and the turn, it seems,
he was playing with a pair or ace high (which got a pair for
the river). It also appears that the opponent will call on the river
any pair, as it loose. Need to give up and just bluffing
say check.

Objective number
In the five-seat game you ♣ A ♦ 7 on the button, you have opened with a raise and
only a loose and very aggressive big blind called. On
Flop ♠ 9 ♥ 5 ♦ 3 big blind checks, you bet, he called. The turn ♣ K and he checked.
Your actions?

Answer: Check. Since the opponent is very aggressive and has a

good chance that he will bluff on the river. Also, because the
it loose, he could call on the flop with a wide range of hands

(Including overcards and worn straights). In fact, the probability of
that he will be on the river bluff, there are even higher, because the
the enemy may be many of the hands that he never
can win at showdown (and he knows it). Even despite the fact that
the enemy may have 6 outs against you, the bank is not too large,
so hand protection is not very important. But if you set,
aggressive opponent can play a check-raise as a bluff that
can make you fold the best hand. Finally, the enemy can
already play a couple, and checks the turn allows you to get a free
card, which can strengthen your hand to strong, if you are behind.

Objective number
In the five-seat game you ♣ A ♦ 7 on the button, you have opened with a raise and
only a loose-passive big blind called. The flop ♠ 9 ♥ 5 ♦ 3
big blind checks, you bet, he called. The turn ♣ K and he checked. Yours

Answer: Beth. Since the enemy loose, he could call on

preflop and on the flop with a very wide range of hands. Thus, the
it is possible that your senior ace is still the best
hand. Also, provoking passive player to bluff on the river has
very little sense. If the opponent is on the turn to check-raise, you can
almost be sure that the enemy in front and you
very little chance to improve, so you can easily reset. In
this situation should be put on the turn and say check the river if
the river card will not improve your hand.

Task № 24.1
In 6-game you ♣ 2 ♠ 2 in the position of CO, you opened with a raise and
only a loose-aggressive big blind calls. The flop
♦ 8 ♥ 7 ♦ 4 big blind checks, you bet, he called. The turn ♣ Q and he checked. Yours

Answer: Beth. Since the opponent is guaranteed to have a

at least 6 outs against you (and in some cases up to 15 outs), you
superagressivny (that is, if after your check on the turn, it will

bluff on the river in 100% of cases), you can tell a check on the turn,
provoking him to bluff on the river. But so aggressive
rivals are very rare.

Task № 24.2
You gave a bet ♣ 2 ♠ 2 on the turn (♦ 8 ♥ 7 ♦ 4 ♣ Q) and the BB has played
check-raise. Your actions?

Answer: Fold. You must reset, even if that

opponent can polublefovat and you can have the best hand. If you
behind, you have a maximum of two outs and pot odds do not allow you
call with a hand like this. Therefore, you will be quite expensive
pay one big bet for the chance that the best hand still have
and the enemy does not improve on the river. Effective odds 7.25-to-2
not enough to call with a hand like this to the end.

Objective number
The 4-person game you ♣ T ♠ T on the button, you have opened with a raise and
only a loose-aggressive big blind calls. The flop
♦ K ♥ 9 ♠ 4 big blind checks, you bet, he called. The turn ♣ 9 and he checked. Yours

Answer: Check. If you are ahead of the opponent, it is likely to have

no more than 3 outs against you, so check on the turn to provoke
bluff less risky. Also, because the opponent is aggressive, has
a good chance that he will be on the river bluff with a hand that is worse

Limit Hold'em - a game in which you can have on
opponents only a relatively small advantage. If you play
well enough to take advantage of its superiority, the
you will succeed. However, if you ignore the important things -
this may sound crazy, but most people make
this at least once in his career - will not matter how much attention
you pay less important things. In this last section we want to
remind you of what we call "important things." Despite the fact that
We have already touched on this in the book, we believe that no harm will
recall. Skill lies not only in how to
play their hands - it is also a common approach to the game, the desire to
its improvement, selection of tables and seats, and the refusal of the game in those cases
when you will not have enough advantages.

Selection of tables and seats

As already mentioned, you can be the tenth player in the world, but
still lose money if you sit at the table with the other nine
players who play better than you. If you choose the best
game, your game ratio fluctuations and your expectations will be
optimal, and it will not take you much time. Often, then, for any
table you sit down and the place for him choose, will be your
an important decision for the entire session.

To select the most profitable tables you need to have

some information about the contingent of players. If you are a regular
player, then sooner or later you collect this information. However, if the
this casino, at this poker site or this limit you
Only recently, you will need some time to collect these

The monitoring process of games in online poker is pretty easy, and we

advise you to keep track of changes to the poker sites and specific
limits in advance, spending some time learning
opponents. In a live casino to do a bit more complicated - for
players more difficult to observe, you will have much less control over
choice of tables and seats, and the cost is much higher.

On average, the level of play of opponents in a specific limit in
live game should be lower than online, so it will be
some complexity to compensate you select tables and seats. But
with the live game is a little more expensive than the game
Internet due to the higher pay and raked tip the dealer. Our
proposal for a live game - try to sit down at the most convenient
place, and if the game will seem terrible, abandon it and choose
yourself another job in the evening. Adhering to this approach, you can
play only the best games for themselves.

Bankroll Management
Vysokolimitnogo poker world is full of players who have little or
generally does not care about your money, not paying
sufficient attention to the size of their bankroll. Many of them play
good, and some are successful on the long run. But
Many eventually go the distance, despite the fact that the
short periods of time showed a good game, because the game
not bankroll.

This forces players to see these and want to emulate them.

Despite the fact that in this way, too, can reach the top, not
it is desirable to expose themselves to any increased risk. Easily
look at the best players in the world and think that you can also play with
them. Yes, you may, and you can play with them, but we do not recommend
follow bankroll management style of many of them.

Poker is like walking on a tightrope - you need to go,

trying not to fall down to the left or to the right. Based on the size of your
bankroll your gaming abilities and your tolerance for risk you
one can choose a limit at which you can most
earn, but will have the lowest risk of bankruptcy.
A professional who takes the money from your bankroll every week
to pay for their daily expenses, should play a more
conservative than the one who comes to the casino for fun, having to
of other sources of income. Professional should also be more
realistic in determining the value of their costs, as well as in
determining whether there is sufficient bankroll him to comfortably
play at this limit and it is easy to cover their expenses. If
insufficient value bankroll to force him to play too
lower levels, it will be unable to pay their bills. If
its costs are high enough that he had to play too
high stakes in comparison with the bankroll, it can

work for a while, but sooner or later it will fall into a protracted recession
and lose much of their money.

Psychological stability and

tilt control
Human nature is such that we tend to, or praise,
or refuse the things that we can control.
The nature of Poker is the deification of luck, regardless of
gaming abilities. These two things do not mix well with each other,
and we want to warn you of excessive joy after your successful
sessions and excessive frustration after unsuccessful. Because of the game
fluctuations players often have incredibly lengthy winning
or losing periods. Is a poker reality - on
sufficiently long period of time good players can coarsely
play, and the bad - the biggest win.

From a psychological point of view, you should not interpret

situation stronger than it actually is. If you
winning season, not necessarily immediately jump to the two limits
above. You should always carefully consider the transition even for one
limit up. If you have a losing season, it does not cause
leave your current limit. Incredibly large number of players
(Including many good ones) make these unjustified actions. No
be the same.

Lifestyle and succeed

Experience professional poker can sometimes be very
useful, and sometimes just awful. Within a few hours, you can walk
from one extreme to the other. Smoothing these emotional waves -
not the easiest thing, but a little self-knowledge, foresight,
consistency and self-analysis will help you reduce the periodic
voltage. Every time you win a big pot, put
this time in my memory - maybe you just got lucky and you
won this large bank, dragging someone else. Remember these
hands during its failed periods. If you are very unlucky in
a hand or a session, remember the days when you could
good luck to catch the tail.

This book is mostly about minor things - not that we
call "important things." But if you do not adhere to the "important
things ", you will not achieve much success, even perfectly
adhering to the secondary. Bankroll management, prevention
tilt and the selection of games is very important. Make sure that you understand
these things. If you do not understand, is it does not matter how you
play their hands.


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