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2019 Spring Final Review

Literary Terms - Define the following literary terms

1. protagonist the main character who must try to solve the problems
2. exposition part of the story where characters, setting, and problem are introduced

3. climax the high point of interest in the story where the main character must solve the
problem or fail

4. plot the sequence of events in a story

5. conflict the struggle between opposing forces; the problem

6. internal conflict occurs when the struggle is within a character

7. antagonist whatever or whoever creates the problem in the story

8. setting the time and place in which the events occur

9. theme the message the author hopes to send to the reader

10. foreshadow a hint of what is to come

11. external conflict character is struggling with a force outside himself

12. short story short in length; it can be read in one sitting

13. novel a story with chapters; not meant to be read in one sitting

14. sequential order story told in chronological order

15. point of view perspective of the story

16. autobiography a story about a person’s life that is written by that person
17. biography a story about a person’s life written by someone Else

18. personification giving human traits to non-human characters

II. Figurative Language - Identify as: simile, metaphor, hyperbole, or personification.

Line? Figurative Language
1. My soul has grown deep like rivers. Simile

2. Bear in mind metaphor

That death is a drum

3. It is dreams that have destroyed us.

4. Oh, never, if I live to a million, Hyperbole
Shall I feel such a terrible pain.

5. He walked as softly as a cat

And told me many lies Simile

6. And then my heart with pleasure fills, Personification

And dances with the daffodils.

7. The Balloons hang on wires Personification

they float their faces on the face of the sky.

8. With processions long and winding Hyperbole

With the countless and countless torches lit

9. My brain is fire--my heart is lead! Metaphor

Her soul is flint, and what am I?

10. But words is like the spots on dice: no Simile

matter how you fumbles ‘em, there’s times
when they just won’t come.

III. Persuasive Techniques

Propaganda: Each question presents an example of a specific type of propaganda. Choose the correct type of
a. testimonial c. name calling
b. bandwagon d. testimonial

29. The speaker in a TV commercial criticizes another person or product with little reason or evidence. Name

30. Radio Advertisement: Drink Super Sports Beverage, the only drink of the NBA.

31. A famous person (athlete/celebrity) endorses a new product. Testimonial

32. Television Advertisement: Rush to shop at Supermarket this weekend, everyone is

doing it! Bandwagon

33. Television Advertisement: The slogan for a product is so flashy and attractive that the audience does not
challenge the effectiveness of the product. Glittering generality

Choose the following appeal: Etho, Logo, Patho

34. Appeals to credibility – ethos

35. Appeals to logic – logos
36. Appeals to emotional
- pathos

IV. Sentence Structures: Identify the sentence as simple, compound, or complex.

37. Sal wanted to go to Bybanks because she left her mother’s hair and postcards.

38. Mrs. Winterbottom baked many desserts, but her family didn’t usually eat them.

39. Sal and Phoebe went to find the lunatic.


40. Mr. Birkway read the summer journals during class in front of all the students.

41. While Mrs. Cadaver worked in her garden, Phoebe watched in horror.

42. Pandora’s box contained all the bad things in the world; it also contained one good
thing: hope.

43. Phoebe’s mother returned, but Sal’s mother did not return.

44. A simple sentence that stands alone is called___________________.

Independent clause

45. What type of sentence has two independent clauses and is joined by a ‘FANBOYS’
(conjunction) or a semicolon?
Compound sentence

46. A sentence with one independent clause and at least one dependent clause is
Called___complex sentence ____________.

V. Independent and Dependent Clauses

Identify if the underlined segment is a dependent or independent clause.
Independent Dependent
47. Although visitors have been coming to Vancouver Island for years, few know about the excellent surfing
locations. D

48. As soon as the sun rose, Frank began to hike the trails. I

49. .He changed his plans, so he could take his daughter skiing. I
50. Because there are many outdoor activities, people keep very busy. D

51. The hillsides are always green because it rains a lot on the co. I

52. Because the weather is unpredictable, residents of Vancouver Island are always prepared for rain or

53. Skiers swish down the slopes while kayakers skim across the rivers. DEPENDENT

54. Vancouver Island is an excellent place to view killer whales because it is located on the Pacific coast.

55. After the tourists enjoyed a morning of whale watching, they visited the Parliament Building and had tea at
the Empress Hotel. DEPENDENT

56. The bearded wrestler, who was slick with sweat, gave his opponent a bear hug. DEPENDENT

VI. Comma Usage

Insert the comma where needed to the sentence.

57. We are having peas and carrots, roast beef, and cake for dinner.

58. Mr. Morton, my English teacher, says we have to learn how to use commas.

59. He says, “Remember Bob use commas before and after you address someone directly.”

60. Kelly said, “Did you do the homework Angie?”

61. The teachers at Ericson Academy work hard to teach the students.
VIII. Expository Writing
93. What is the purpose of an expository essay?
To inform and explain a topic

94. What is the formula for a thesis statement?

Claim and 2 reasons

95. What is the BEST way to structure an introduction?

Hook – bridge – thesis

96. What is the purpose of PEELing your paragraphs?

Transition reader from sentence to sentence in a paragraph
97. What does PEEL stand for?

Point – evidence – explain – link

98. What is the BEST way to structure a conclusion?

Restate thesis
Call to action
Leave reader with a memory

99. What is the purpose of BENT SHOP?

To help plan your examples, to help write a thesis statement, to help find umbrella words that lead to reasons

100. Read the following prompt:

Write an essay explaining the importance of helping others.
Write a thesis for this prompt?

Helping others is good because __________ and ____________.

VII. Reading Comprehension

Facebook is a commonly known website for social networking. Do you know about its beginning? Facebook
was founded on February 4, 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg with a few of his Harvard roommates. They started the
site so students could keep in touch with each other online. Facebook became so popular they opened the
network to other colleges and then nationwide users. They continued to grow in popularity. Now, 10 years later,
Facebook has over 1.2 billion users.

62. The passage suggests that....

63. We can infer that....

The NBA or National Basketball Association is the leading league worldwide. It was founded back 1946. The
league has developed and evolved over the years to become the league we know today. The NBA began with
only 11 teams and now has 30 teams nationwide.

64. According to the author the NBA has....

65. What is the author’s purpose?

You've probably heard the saying “the early bird gets the worm.” I never really understood the meaning. Who
would want a worm? But, a week ago I experienced it. My friend Juan and I found out that our favorite band
was playing a free concert in Town Square. We made a plan to show up at 1 Oam. The concert would begin at
6pm. Our goal was front row seats. Juan brought snacks and I brought blankets. We were the first ones there,
had an amazing time hanging out all day in the sun, and got front row seats. We were the early birds and got the
“worm” front row seats!

66. Why did the author include the saying “The early bird gets the worm?”

67. What is the theme of the story?

from “A Birthday” by Christina Rossetti

My heart is like a singing bird Whose nest is in a watered shoot;
My heart is like an apple-tree Whose boughs are bent with thickest fruit;
My heart is like a rainbow shell That paddles in a halcyon sea;
My heart is gladder than all these Because my love is come to me.

68. Find the similes in the poem.

69. What is the author trying to illustrate in the poem?

Hi! I’m Sarah. I'm in 8th grade at Sweetwater Middle School. It's May and I'm so excited to be in high school
next year! It seems crazy for ME to be saying that. Back in 5th grade, I was so scared to move to the middle
school I pretended to be sick. However, middle school turned out to be amazing! I met Jessica, my best friend,
made the volleyball team, and learned a lot about myself along the way. Now, I am definitely ready to take on
high school and all the new experiences it brings!

70. What do you think the speaker is trying to tell us?

71. What message do you think the speaker is saying?

George Washington is best known for being our first president. He laid the foundation for the great country we
live in today. Before he took on this important role, he was a leader in many other ways. He was an officer in
the French and Indian war, in 1775 he became the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, and he
presided over the Constitutional Convention. All of these important experiences helped mold Washington into
the man he became as our president.

72. What message is the author trying to convey?

73. What is the main idea of this paragraph?

The Mask by Charlene Valladares

I look in the mirror at the beginning of each day, and ask myself what mask I should place on my face today.
No not the sad one it's too revealing, I don't want to show the world my true feelings.
For the mask that you can see camouflages the true me. It's my public face that I remove each night, when I bare
my soul the mirrors light.
It's the one meant for only my eyes to see it speaks of all my history.
It tells of my youth and girlish ways, my adolescence and my young woman's dreams.
It tells of good times of which I had my share of love lost and pain so hard to bear.
So I choose my mask so carefully, to cover the face that was given to me, the one that was meant for only my
eyes to see.

74. In the poem the author compares her face to a mask. What is this an example of?

75. What can you infer based on the poem?

Vote for me, Jason Miller 7th grade class president. I believe I will make an awesome president! Who’s tired of
the cafeteria menu? And Sloppy Joes? Well, as class president I’ll make sure your voice is heard. Also, as a
member of the basketball team I’ll work hard to start fundraisers so we can finally get those new uniforms
we’ve been hoping for. Finally, I’m a nice guy and that will make working with me a whole lot easier. Vote for
me, Jason Miller 7th grade class president.

76. Write an opinion expressed in the passage?

77. What is Jason’s main claim in his speech?

The Rodriguez family fakes a vacation in a different state every year. Last summer they went to Florida. “I
think the beach is the best place on earth,” Tara said. “It’s so beautiful!” Brian started to speak, “my favorite
part is building...” “I love how warm it is and how the sun feels,” Allison interrupted.

78. We can assume that Brian was about to say...

79. We can infer that....

Many schools are making their students’ health a top priority. They are making changes. Vending machines that
once held junk food and sugary treats now offer more healthy options. You will no longer see sodas or candy
bars, but water and granola bars. Schools hope these small changes will inspire students to make healthier
choices and prevent children from gaining too much weight.

80. It is likely that soda is_________________.

81. What important message is the author trying to get across?

Lyndon B. Lyndon B. Johnson addressed the American people on September 29, 1967 about the war in
Vietnam. At this time many Americans were concerned about our involvement with the war. Johnson addressed
their concerns. Many lives had been lost in this ongoing war. However, Johnson asked America, “what if we
leave and let Communism spread? Could we really take that risk?” Johnson believed we should fight now to
minimize the current conflict and not let it grow and carry over into future generations.

82. President Johnson tried to influence Americans to believe_______________.

Great White Sharks can be 20 feet long and weigh around 4,000 pounds. They have special sensors in their
noses that help them find prey. Great White Sharks can also swim at very high speeds, and sometimes even
jump right out of the water to catch their prey! They prefer to eat seals and dolphins, but they’ll attack any
warm¬ blooded creature, including humans.

83. Provide details from the story?

84. What is the main idea?

Erin loved her middle school art class. She enjoyed letting her creative side come out. It was the only time in
the day where she truly felt like herself. It was the only time she had choices. On top of that, Mrs. Smith her art
teacher, was such an amazing artist! Her watercolor paintings looked so real. Erin was going to love this year
and learn so much from Mrs. Smith.
85. What point of view is the paragraph told from?
86. From the author’s point of view we learn that Erin...

Rock, Paper, Scissors is sometimes used to reach a decision. Two players count to three as they pound one fist
into the other, and then each extends a hand in the shape of one of three symbols: scissor (two finger “V”),
paper (flat hand), or rock (closed fist). These rules determine the winner: 1) scissor cuts paper; 2) paper covers
rock; 3) rock breaks scissor.

87. Provide details from the text?

88. What is the main idea?

Before Taylor was born, his father climbed Mount Kilimanjaro, a famous mountain in Africa. Taylor wanted to
climb it when he was a little older. Taylor was now in 8th grade. His father said if his grades were good and his
parent teacher conference went well he would take him that summer. Taylor worked extra hard that year getting
all A’s on his final report card.

89. What is the theme?

90. What was the author’s purpose in writing this story?

As the referee blew the whistle Sarah’s heart beat rapidly in her chest. She knew the game was on the line. If
she made this free throw her team would win the game. Sarah bounced the ball three times, got set, and
followed through with her wrist. She watched as the ball hit the rim, bounced up against the backboard, and fell
through the hoop. Sarah and her teammates jumped up and down. “We won,” Sarah thought, as her teammates
ran in to hug her. “We won!”

91. What is the falling action?

92. What is the resolution?

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