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Unit 1: Exercise 1

Match the activities with the pictures. Use the phrases in the box.

Drive to work go to the gym have dinner play chess read in bed use a computer

Go to the gym


Play chess


Read in bed

Use a computer


Drive to work


Have dinner


Unit 1: Exercise 2
Listen to five people talking about doing activities. Complete the sentences with
the words in the box.

Always never often sometimes usually

1.She never uses computers.

2.I usually play chess.


3.I sometime go to the gym.


4.She often drives to work.


5.He always reads in bed.


Unit 1: Exercise 3
Listen to five people talking about things they do every day. Complete the
sentences with the verbs in the box.

Drives makes moves play reads

1. Every morning he drives his children to school.


2. When she’s at the office she reads her emails immediately.


3. Every day she move computers from the storeroom to the shop.

4. Most evenings she makes dinner.


5. Every lunchtime they play basketball.

Unit 1: Exercise 4
Listen to Sanjay talking to a friend, Tom, about his flatmates’ daily routines.
Match each person to the activity.

Tom: How many people live in your house, Sanjay?

Sanjay: Six. Me and five friends from college.

Tom: Wow! That’s a lot! Is it difficult?

Sanjay: Not really, because it’s a big house and we all have different
daily routines.

Tom: OK.

Sanjay: For example, I’m the only one who has lunch at home, so at
that time of day, I have the house to myself. It’s quiet so I usually use
the computer and check my emails, or sometimes I watch TV.

Tom: I see.

Sanjay: Marc has a part time job in a restaurant, so he’s not there in
the evenings. I only really see him in the mornings. And Blas cooks
dinner every day, so he’s always in the kitchen.

Tom: That’s nice for you!

Sanjay: Yes, he’s a great cook. But he doesn’t usually do the washing
up afterwards! Luke leaves the house very early, so he gets up before
everyone else, to catch the bus.

Tom: So, I suppose he goes to bed early as well.

Sanjay: No, he doesn’t. In fact, Luke goes to bed very late so he

doesn’t sleep very much. John is the same, he stays up late and plays
chess with Luke, but he doesn’t get up early because he studies in the

Tom: Oh? I thought you told me he teaches in the morning.

Sanjay: No that’s Sam, he teaches French in the morning; I’m not sure
what he does in the afternoon …

Choose the correct answers. Read the email on the first screen again to help
studies in the afternoon. works part time in the evenings.

teaches French classes in the morning. gets up early. cooks every evening.

1.Marc . works part time in the evenings.

2.Blas . cooks every evening.
3.Luke . gets up early.
4.John studies in the afternoon.
5.Sam teaches French classes in the morning

Unit 1: Exercise 5
Listen to Mary talking about what her family does every day. Choose the
correct answers.

I wake up at 7 o’clock. My husband, Jack, wakes up at the same

time. He gets up immediately but I stay in bed. Jack brings me a
cup of tea at about 7:15 and then I get up at 7:30. We have a son, play.MP3

Simon, and a daughter, Julia. They get up at about 8 o’clock. Julia

has a shower first, then Simon. We usually have breakfast together
and then Simon and Julia leave for college. Julia is often late
because she always watches TV after breakfast, but Simon always
catches the bus on time, even though he always does the washing-
up before he leaves the house.

I’m a designer and I don’t need to travel to work because I have an

office here in the house. Jack works in a bank. It’s in the city centre
so he drives to work, but if the weather’s nice, he sometimes walks.
He has lunch with colleagues. I have lunch at home; I make
something simple because we usually have a big meal in the
evening for dinner. And of course, Simon and Julia have lunch at

After college, Simon usually goes to the gym and Julia sometimes
plays chess with a friend. My husband often goes shopping on the
way home and buys something for dinner, and I usually clean the
house and then I often read the newspaper, or sometimes, if I have
time, I phone a friend for a chat.

We prepare dinner together. Jack’s an excellent cook. Simon and

Julia like cooking too. I don’t like it as much, but I’m quite good.
Sometimes Jack goes to watch Simon play basketball at the sports
centre. But Simon usually takes the bins out and Julia usually does
the washing up. Later, before we go to bed, Jack and I watch TV for
a while, usually with Simon, and Julia chats with her friends online
on her laptop. We all go to bed at about 11 o’clock but I don’t go to
sleep immediately. I always read for at least half an hour before I
turn off the light!

1. Mary gets up at

o 7 o’clock.

o 7:15.

o 7:30.

2. Julia is usually late for college because she always

o does the washing up after breakfast.

o gets up late.

o watches TV after breakfast.

3. Mary’s office is

o at home.

o in a bank.

o in the city centre.

4. On his way home from work, Mary’s husband, Jack, often

o goes shopping.

o goes to the gym.

o plays chess.

5. Jack goes to watch Simon play

o basketball.

o football.

o tennis.

6. Before going to bed Julia usually

o takes out the bins.

o uses her computer.

o watches TV.

Unit 1: Exercise 6
Listen and put the verbs in the correct places in the table. Then practise saying

1.mp3 6.mp3

2.mp3 7.mp3

3.mp3 8.mp3

4.mp3 9.mp3

5.mp3 10.mp3

he / she / it
I / you / we / they


Unit 1: Exercise 7
Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences.

For often late college I'm

I’m oftenlare college

1. _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

Go sometimes do the you gym to

2. _Do you go to the gym sometimes________ _________ _________

_________ _________ _________ _________ ?

Work usually drives he to

3. He usually drives to work .

He early always tries to arrive

4. He always tries to arrive early.

In evenings watches TV she the never

5.She never watches tvin the evening.

Always prepare together dinner we

6.We always prepare dinner together.

I the never in study library

7.I never study in the library.

Catch bus thay sometimes the home


Always in teaches morning the he

9.He always teaches in the morning.

Unit 1: Exercise 8
Match the sentence halves to make sentences describing daily activities. Practise saying the

a shower before breakfast. to work. the house. the washing-up. chess.

the bins. up at 7:30. dinner.

1. I wake Up at 7:30
2. My father has
3. My sister goes To work
4. I play chess
5. My brother cleans The bins
6. My mother prepares dinner
7. I do The washing up
8. My sister takes out A shower before breakfast

Unit 1: Exercise 9
Complete the plan with the expressions for talking about a family’s daily
routine. Use the expressions in the box.

After dinner, we … After lunch, my mother … Before she goes to bed, my

mother … I have breakfast, then I … I like my routine because … My father
gets up at … What I like about my day is … When my sister gets home after
school, she …

My Family’s Daily Routine

In the morning



In the afternoon


In the evening






Unit 1: Exercise 10
Describe what people in your family do every day. Look at the ideas below.
Spend a few minutes thinking about what to say.

Record your answer. Play to hear your answer


Talk about:

•   what they do

•   who they do it with
•   where they do it
•   how often they do it.


•   to use the correct verbs forms

•   to put adverbs in the correct place in the sentences
•   you can invent things if you like!

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