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As it says here in the module, academic articles are written by experts. They are edited by the
authors' peers and often take years to publish. Their language is formal and will contain words
and terms typical to the field. While non-academic articles are written for the mass public. They
are published quickly and can be written by anyone. Their language is informal, casual and may
contain slang. I’ve learned that as a student, it is significant that we figure out how best to write
in such that will persuade the marker that we comprehend and what we are discussing. It helps
students examine, convey, think basically, and focus around strategy and style.

At the point when we compose, we will take a look at past essayists' thoughts or work, and
structure our understanding. We just can't sum up what they have done, yet we do need to think
about why it was done and search for ways we can utilize it later on. We learn how to examine
our understanding and come out with what is significant. Academic writing and non-academic
writing will allow students, to explain what we understand and know by using the correct phrases
and styles and make the information understood by other people.

Synthesis Report
Making our life choices or decisions is a process that plays a significant function in our everyday
lives. Few choices that we made are not that significant though others are significant choices,
when carefully carried out, it can change the path of our lives. The life choices that I make will
determine the success of my academic writings. If I make writings carelessly, I might end up
with accidental consequences— poor sources, a tone that doesn't fit my readers or audience, or
something else. Academic writing helps us making life decisions by the skills that we have
learned or gathered. For example, analyzing if the decision that we are going to make is a good
choice for the situation or that it will not give a bad effect on the people who are involved in the

We all know that the main purpose of learning is to make us a better human being and give us
the right understanding in life. Academic and non-academic writing can help us improve
ourselves such as our thinking skills, research skills, time management skills, and even our
everyday communication skills. It helps us widen our vocabulary or knowledge. Academic
writing can help us in our everyday life situations.

Academic writing teaches us how to be professional. Therefore, in our future it will not be as
hard we think because of academic writing. Academic writing is more than being a professional,
but it also allows us to feel it. Learning how to be a professional early makes our life career
easier in the future.

Austin, Kimberly (2019, January 20). Top 5 Academic Writing Skills Applied in 3 Real-Life
Situations. Retrieved from
Nixon, Zoe. (2018, August 3). Academic Writing and Its Importance: 5 Things You Should
Know About. Retrieved from

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