A Novel Role For Organic Polymers, Doping

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ªSynthetic Metalsº: A Novel Role for Organic Polymers (Nobel Lecture)**

Alan G. MacDiarmid*

Since the initial discovery in 1977, that challenge is the development of low- or semiconducting regimes; however,
polyacetylene (CH)x , now commonly cost disposable plastic/paper electronic the lack of simple methods to obtain
known as the prototype conducting devices. Conventional inorganic con- inexpensive conductive polymer
polymer, could be p- or n-doped either ductors, such as metals, and semicon- shapes/patterns limit many applica-
chemically or electrochemically to the ductors, such as silicon, commonly tions. Herein is described a novel,
metallic state, the development of the require multiple etching and litho- simple, and cheap method to prepare
field of conducting polymers has con- graphic steps in fabricating them for patterns of conducting polymers by a
tinued to accelerate at an unexpectedly use in electronic devices. The number process which we term, ªLine Pattern-
rapid rate and a variety of other of processing and etching steps in- ingº.
conducting polymers and their deriva- volved limits the minimum price. On
tives have been discovered. Other the other hand, conducting polymers Keywords: conducting materials ´
types of doping are also possible, such combine many advantages of plastics, liquid crystals ´ nano-electronics ´
as ªphoto-dopingº and ªcharge-injec- for example, flexibility and processing Nobel lecture ´ polymers
tion dopingº in which no counter from solution, with the additional ad-
dopant ion is involved. One exciting vantage of conductivity in the metallic

Introduction increased by several orders of magnitude from the semi-

conductor regime are generally referred to as ªelectronic
An organic polymer that possesses the electrical, electronic, polymersº and have become of very great scientific and
magnetic, and optical properties of a metal while retaining the technological importance since 1990 because of their use in
mechanical properties, processibility, etc. commonly associ- light emitting diodes.[1] The emeraldine base form of polyani-
ated with a conventional polymer, is termed an ªintrinsically line and trans-(CH)x are shown in Figure 1 to illustrate the
conducting polymerº (ICP) more commonly known as a increases in electrical conductivity of many orders of magni-
ªsynthetic metalº. Its properties are intrinsic to a ªdopedº
form of the polymer. This class of polymer is completely
different from ªconducting polymersº which are merely a
physical mixture of a nonconductive polymer with a conduct-
ing material such as a metal or carbon powder distributed
throughout the material.

The Concept of Doping

Conjugated organic polymers are either electrical insula-

tors or semiconductors. Those that can have their conductivity
[*] Prof. A. G. MacDiarmid
Department of Chemistry
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6323 (USA)
Fax: (‡ 1) 215-898-8378
E-mail: macdiarm@sas.upenn.edu
[**] Copyright The Nobel Foundation 2001. We thank the Nobel Figure 1. Conductivity of electronic polymers. Conductivity increases with
Foundation, Stockholm, for permission to print this lecture. increased doping.

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2001, 40, 2581 ± 2590  WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH, D-69451 Weinheim, 2001 1433-7851/01/4014-2581 $ 17.50+.50/0 2581
REVIEWS A. G. MacDiarmid

tude which can be obtained by doping. The conductivity Since the initial discovery in 1977, that polyacetylene
attainable by an electronic polymer has very recently been (CH)x , now commonly known as the prototype conducting
increased an infinite number of times by the discovery of polymer, could be p- or n-doped either chemically or electro-
superconductivity in regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene).[2] chemically to the metallic state,[7, 10, 11] the development of the
Although this phenomenon was present only in a very thin field of conducting polymers has continued to accelerate at an
layer of the polymer in a Field Effect (FET) configuration at a unexpectedly rapid rate and a variety of other conducting
very low temperature (ca. 2 K) it represents an historical polymers and their derivatives have been discovered.[5, 6] This
quantum leapÐsuperconductivity in an organic polymer! rapid growth rate has been stimulated by the fields funda-
Prior to the discovery of the novel protonic acid doping of mental synthetic novelty and importance to a cross-discipli-
polyaniline, during which the number of electrons associated nary section of investigatorsÐchemists, electrochemists,
with the polymer chain remain unchanged,[3] the doping of all biochemists, experimental and theoretical physicists, and
conducting polymers had previously been accomplished by electronic and electrical engineersÐand to important tech-
redox doping. This involves the partial addition (reduction) or nological emerging applications of these materials.
removal (oxidation) of electrons to or from the p system of In the ªdopedº state, the backbone of a conducting polymer
the polymer backbone.[4±6] consists of a delocalized p system. In the undoped state, the
The concept of doping is the unique, central, underlying, polymer may have a conjugated backbone such as in trans-
and unifying theme which distinguishes conducting polymers (CH)x which is retained in a modified form after doping, or it
from all other types of polymers.[7] During the doping process, may have a nonconjugated backbone, as in polyaniline
an organic polymer, either an insulator or semiconductor (leucoemeraldine base form), which becomes truly conjugat-
having a small conductivity, typically in the range 10ÿ10 to ed only after p-doping, or a nonconjugated structure as in the
10ÿ5 S cmÿ1, is converted into a polymer which is in the emeraldine base form of polyaniline which becomes con-
ªmetallicº conducting regime (ca. 1 to 104 S cmÿ1). The jugated only after protonic acid doping.
controlled addition of known, usually small ( 10 %) non-
stoichiometric quantities of chemical species results in
dramatic changes in the electronic, electrical, magnetic, Redox Doping
optical, and structural properties of the polymer. Doping is
reversible to produce the original polymer with little or no All conducting polymers (and most of their derivatives), for
degradation of the polymer backbone. Both doping and example, poly-(para-phenylene) (1), poly(phenylenevinyl-
undoping processes, involving dopant counterions which ene) (2), polypyrrole (3), polythiophene (4), polyfuran (5),
stabilize the doped state, may be carried out chemically or
electrochemically.[6] Transitory doping by methods which
introduce no dopant ions are also known.[8]
By controllably adjusting the doping level, a conductivity
anywhere between that of the non-doped (insulating or
semiconducting) and that of the fully doped (highly conduct-
ing) form of the polymer can be easily obtained. Conducting
blends of a (doped) conducting polymer with a conventional
polymer (insulator), whose conductivity can be adjusted by
varying the relative proportions of each polymer, can be
made.[9] This permits the optimization of the best properties of poly(heteroaromatic vinylenes) (6; where Y ˆ NH, NR, S, O);
each type of polymer. polyaniline (7), etc., undergo either p- and/or n-redox doping

Alan MacDiarmid was born in New Zealand 74 years ago and after obtaining his higher education at the University of New
Zealand (M.Sc. 1950), University of Wisconsin (Ph.D. 1953), and Cambridge University (Ph.D. 1955), he joined the faculty
of the University of Pennsylvania in 1955, where he is currently Blanchard Professor of
Chemistry. During the past 24 years he has been involved exclusively with conducting polymers,
particularly the synthesis, chemistry, doping, electrochemistry, conductivity, magnetic and optical
properties, and processing of polyacetylene and polyaniline. He is the author/co-author of
approximately 600 research papers and 20 patents. He is the recipient of numerous awards and
honorary degrees both nationally and internationally. In 1973, he began research on (SN)x, an
unusual polymeric material with metallic conductivity. His interest in organic conducting
polymers began in 1975 when he was introduced to a new form of polyacetylene by Dr. Hideki
Shirakawa at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. The ensuing collaboration between
MacDiarmid, Shirakawa, and Alan Heeger (then at the Department of Physics at the University
of Pennsylvania) led to the historic discovery of metallic conductivity in an organic polymer, and
the award of the Nobel Prize for Chemisty, 2000.

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Synthetic Metals REVIEWS
by chemical and/or electrochemical processes during which source, the positive terminal being attached to an electrode
the number of electrons associated with the polymer back- also immersed in the solution [Eq. (4)].
bone changes.[5, 6] Selected examples of the different types of
doping are presented below. trans-(CH)x ‡ (xy)Li‡ ‡ (xy)eÿ ÿ! [Liy‡(CH)ÿy]x (y  0.1) (4)

In all chemical and electrochemical p- and n-doping

Chemical and Electrochemical p-Doping processes discovered for (CH)x and for the analogous
processes in other conducting polymers, counter ªdopantº
p-Doping, that is, partial oxidation of the p backbone of an ions are introduced which stabilize the charge on the polymer
organic polymer, was first discovered by treating trans-(CH)x backbone. In each case, spectroscopic signatures, for example,
with an oxidizing agent such as iodine,[7] [Eq. (1)] those of solitons, polarons, bipolarons, etc., are obtained
characteristic of the given charged polymer. However, the
trans-(CH)x ‡ 1.5xy I2 ÿ! [CH‡y(I3)yÿ]x (y  0.07) (1) doping phenomena concept extends considerably beyond that
given above to ªdopingº processes where no counter dopant
This process was accompanied by an increase in conduc- ion is involved, that is, to doping processes in which transitory
tivity from ca. 10ÿ5 S cmÿ1 to ca. 103 S cmÿ1. If the polymer is ªdopedº species are produced, which have similar spectro-
stretch-oriented five- to six-fold before doping, conductivities scopic signatures to polymers containing dopant ions. This
parallel to the direction of stretching up to around 105 S cmÿ1 type of doping can provide information not obtainable by
can be obtained.[5, 6] chemical or electrochemical doping. Examples of such types
Approximately 85 % of the positive charge is delocalized of redox doping which can be termed ªphoto-dopingº and
over 15 CH units (depicted in Scheme 1 for simplicity over ªcharge-injection dopingº are given below.
only five units) to give a positive soliton.

Doping Involving no Dopant Ions


When trans-(CH)x for example, is exposed to radiation of

energy greater than its band gap, electrons are promoted
across the gap and the polymer undergoes ªphoto-dopingº.
Scheme 1. Under appropriate experimental conditions, spectroscopic
signatures characteristic of, for example, solitons can be
p-Doping can also be accomplished by electrochemical observed[12] (Scheme 2). The positive and negative solitons
anodic oxidation by immersing a trans-(CH)x film in, for
example, a solution of LiClO4 dissolved in propylene carbo-
nate and attaching it to the positive terminal of a DC (direct
current) power source, the negative terminal being attached
to an electrode also immersed in the solution,[10] [Eq. (2)].

trans-(CH)x ‡ (xy) (ClO4)ÿ ÿ! [(CH‡y(ClO4)yÿ]x ‡ (xy)eÿ (y  0.1) (2) Scheme 2.

are here illustrated diagrammatically for simplicity as residing

Chemical and Electrochemical n-Doping
only on one CH unit; they are actually delocalized over ca.
15 CH units. They disappear rapidly because of the recombi-
n-Doping, that is, partial reduction of the backbone
nation of electrons and holes when irradiation is discontinued.
p system of an organic polymer, was also discovered using
If a potential is applied during irradiation, then the electrons
trans-(CH)x by treating it with a reducing agent such as liquid
and holes separate and photoconductivity is observed.
sodium amalgam or preferably sodium naphthaline[7] [Eq. (3)
(Nphth ˆ naphthaline)].

trans-(CH)x ‡ (xy)Na‡(Nphth)ÿ ÿ! [Nay‡(CH)ÿy]x ‡ Nphth (y  0.1) (3) Charge-Injection Doping

The antibonding p system is partially populated by this Charge-injection doping is most conveniently carried out
process which is accompanied by an increase in conductivity using a metal/insulator/semiconductor (MIS) configuration
of about 103 S cmÿ1. involving a metal and a conducting polymer separated by a
n-Doping can also be carried out by electrochemical thin layer of a high dielectric strength insulator. It was this
cathodic reduction[11] by immersing a trans-(CH)x film in, for approach, which resulted in the observance of superconduc-
example, a solution of LiClO, dissolved in tetrahydrofuran tivity in a polythiophene derivative, as described previously.
and attaching it to the negative terminal of a DC power Application of an appropriate potential across the structure

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REVIEWS A. G. MacDiarmid

can give rise, for example, to a surface charge layer, the

ªaccumulationº layer which has been extensively investigated
for conducting polymers.[8, 13] The resulting charges in the
polymer, for example, (CH)x or poly(3-hexylthiophene), are
present without any associated dopant ion. The spectroscopic
properties of the charged species so formed can therefore be
examined in the absence of dopant ion. Using this approach,
spectroscopic studies of (CH)x show the signatures character-
istic of solitons and the mid-gap absorption band observed in
the chemically and electrochemically doped polymer. How-
ever, coulombic interaction between charge on the chain and
dopant ion is a very strong interaction and one that can totally
alter the energetics of the system.

Non-Redox Doping

This type of doping differs from redox doping described

above in that the number of electrons associated with the
polymer backbone does not change during the doping process. Scheme 4. a) Generalized composition of polyanilines indicating the
The energy levels are rearranged during doping. The emer- reduced and oxidized repeat units, b) completely reduced polymer,
aldine base form of polyaniline was the first example of the c) half-oxidized polymer, d) fully oxidized polymer.
doping of an organic polymer to a highly conducting regime
by a process of this type to produce an environmentally stable
polysemiquinone radical cation. This was accomplished by whole or in part to give the corresponding salts, the degree of
treating emeraldine base with aqueous protonic acids protonation of the polymeric base depending on its oxidation
(Scheme 3) and is accompanied by a nine to ten order of state and on the pH of the aqueous acid. Complete
magnitude increase in conductivity (up to around 3 S cmÿ1) to protonation of the imine nitrogen atoms in emeraldine base
produce the protonated emeraldine base.[14±16] Protonic acid by aqueous HCl, for example, results in the formation of a
doping has subsequently been extended to systems such as delocalized polysemiquinone radical cation[3, 15, 18] and is
poly(heteroaromatic vinylenes).[17] accompanied by an increase in conductivity of about 1010.
The partly protonated emeraldine hydrochloride salt can be
synthesized easily either by the chemical or electrochemical
oxidative polymerization of aniline.[3, 14, 15] It can be deproto-
nated by aqueous ammonium hydroxide to give emeraldine
base powder (a semiconductor).

Scheme 3. Allowed Oxidation States

As can be seen from the generalized formula of polyaniline

The Polyanilines base (Scheme 4 a), the polymer could, in principle, exist in a
continuum of oxidation states ranging from the completely
The polyanilines refer to a very important class of reduced material in the leucoemeraldine oxidation state, y ˆ 1
electronic/conducting polymers. They can be considered as to the completely oxidized material in the pernigraniline
being derived from a polymer, the base form of which has the oxidation state, y ˆ 0. However, we have shown[16] that at least
generalized composition given in Scheme 4 a, and which in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP) solution in the range
consists of alternating reduced, and oxidized, repeat units y ˆ 1 to y ˆ 0.5 (emeraldine oxidation state) only two
(Scheme 4 a).[3, 14, 15] The average oxidation state can be varied chromophores are present, characteristic of y ˆ 1, and y ˆ
continuously from y ˆ 1 to give the completely reduced 0.5 species and that all intermediate oxidation states consist,
polymer, to y ˆ 0.5 to give the ªhalf-oxidizedº polymer, to at the molecular level, only of mixtures of the chromophores
y ˆ 0 to give the completely oxidized polymer (Scheme 4 b ± characteristic of these two states.
d). The terms ªleucoemeraldineº, ªemeraldineº, and ªperni- Since most of the properties of polyaniline of interest are
granilineº refer to the different oxidation states of the concerned with the solid state, we have carried out a series of
polymer where y ˆ 1, 0.5, and 0, respectively, either in the studies in the solid state which show that the same phenom-
base form, for example, emeraldine base, or in the protonated enon is true in the y ˆ 1 to y ˆ 0.5 oxidation-state range and in
salt form, for example, emeraldine hydrochloride.[3, 14, 15] In the y ˆ 0.5 to y ˆ 0 oxidation-state range. Within each of these
principle, the imine nitrogen atoms can be protonated in ranges all intermediate oxidation states consist, at the

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Synthetic Metals REVIEWS
molecular level, only of mixtures of the chromophores tronic junctions and devices significantly smaller than the
characteristic of the two states defining the beginning and diameter of a human hair (ca. 50 000 nm). It is commonly
end of each range.[19, 20] accepted that a nanomaterial is defined as one consisting of a
substance or structure which exhibits at least one dimension
of less than 100 nm (0.1 mm).[21]
Our objectives were: 1) to develop a method by which
nanofibers (diameter < 100 nm) of organic polymers could be
controllably and reproducibly fabricated such that in one
Polyaniline holds a special position amongst conducting
given preparation, all fibers would have a diameter < 100 nm
polymers in that its most highly conducting doped form can be
and 2) to reproducibly and controllably fabricate, for the first
reached by two completely different processesÐprotonic acid
time, nanofibers of electronic polymers (in their semiconduct-
doping and oxidative doping. Protonic acid doping of
ing and metallic regimes) and/or their blends in conventional
emeraldine base units with, for example 1m aqueous HCl
organic polymers for the purpose of ascertaining their
results in complete protonation of the imime nitrogen atoms
applicability in the fabrication of nanoelectronic devices.
to give the fully protonated emeraldine hydrochloride
We have made substantial progress in achieving these
salt.[14, 15]
objectives by using a relatively little known, simple, conven-
As shown in Figure 2, protonation is accompanied by a 9 to
ient, and inexpensive ªelectrospinningº method.[22±27] We have
10 order of magnitude increase in conductivity reaching
previously reported[23] fabrication of the first conducting
saturation in ca. 1m aqueous HCl.
polymer fibers (diameter  950 nm to 2100 nm) of polyaniline
doped with rac-camphorsulfonic acid (PAn ´ HCSA) as a
blend in poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO). We were surprised to
find that an electronic polymer, such as polyaniline, which
might have been expected to be more susceptible to
degradation than most conventional organic polymers, sur-
vived, without observable chemical or physical change,
following the 25 000 V electrospinning fabrication process in
air at room temperature.

Figure 2. Conductivity of emeraldine base as a function of the pH of the
HCl dopant solution as it undergoes protonic acid doping (* and &
represent two independent series of experiments).[14, 15]
The electrospinning technique involves a simple, rapid,
inexpensive, electrostatic, nonmechanical method in which a
polymer solution in a variety of different possible common
The same doped polymer can be obtained by chemical solvents, including water, is placed in a hypodermic syringe or
oxidation (p-doping) of leucoemeraldine base.[3] This actually in a glass pipette, at a fixed distance (5 ± 30 cm) from a metal
involves the oxidation of the s/p system rather than just the cathode.[24] The positive (anode) terminal of a variable high
p system of the polymer as is usually the case in p-type doping. voltage transformer is attached to the metal tip of the
Its reaction with a solution of chlorine in carbon tetrachloride hypodermic syringe or to a wire inserted into the polymer
proceeds to give emeraldine hydrochloride (Scheme 5). solution in the glass pipette, the negative terminal being
attached to the metal cathode. The tip of the syringe can be
placed vertically over the cathode or at any other convenient
angle to it. When the voltage applied between the anode and
cathode reaches a critical value, ca. 14 000 V at a ca. 20 cm
separation, the charge overcomes the surface tension of the
deformed drop of the polymer solution on the tip of the
syringe and a jet is produced. Since the polymer molecules all
bear the same (positive) charge, they repel each other while
Scheme 5. traveling in air during a few milliseconds from the anode to
cathode and become separated.[25] At the same time, evapo-
ration of the solvent molecules occurs rapidly. Evaporation of
Nanoelectronics solvent is also enhanced because the similarly charged
(positive) solvent molecules repel each other. Under appro-
The basic purpose of this research is to blend the now well- priate conditions, dry, meters-long fibers accumulate on the
established field of electronic/conducting polymers with the surface of the cathode resulting in a nonwoven mesh of nano-
new, emerging field of nanoscience, by electrostatic fabrica- to micron-diameter fibers depending on experimental param-
tion (ªelectrospinningº) to produce ªnanoelectronicsºÐelec- eters (Figure 3).

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REVIEWS A. G. MacDiarmid

pipette with the tip ca. 3 cm above the surface of a copper

cathode immersed in pure water at 5000 V potential differ-
ence. The fibers collect in or on the surface of the water. The
conductivity of a single fiber was ca. 0.1 S cmÿ1, as expected
since partial fiber de-doping occurred in the water cathode.
The diameter and length of the fibers appear (Figure 5) to be
sensitive to the nature of the polyaniline used. No great
difficulty is foreseen in producing fibers < 100 nm diameter.

Figure 3. 50 wt % Nanofiber blend of PAn ´ HCSA fabricated from 2 wt %

PAn ´ HCSA and 2 wt % PEO from chloroform solution at 25 000 V (anode/
cathode separation, 25 cm). Scale bar: 100 000 nm.

Nanofiber Fabrication
Since the submicron fibers (500 ± 1600 nm) obtained in our
initial work[23] were not classifiable as true ªnanofibersº, our
immediate objective was to break the ªnanotechnology
barrierº and to consistently and reproducibly fabricate true Figure 5. 100 % polyaniline fiber with an average diameter of 139 nm.
nanofibers (diameter < 100 nm) of an organic polymer. This
was accomplished (see Figure 4) using an 8 wt % solution of It is relatively easy to prepare conducting blends of
PAn.HCSA in a variety of different conventional polymers
such as polyethylene oxide, polystyrene, polyacrylonitrile, etc.
For example, ca. 20 wt % blends of PAn ´ HCSA in polystyr-
ene (Mw 114 200) are obtained by electrospinning a chloro-
form solution; fiber diameter characteristics: average:
85.8 nm, maximum: 100.0 nm, minimum: 72.0 nm. These
fibers are sufficiently electrically conductive that their scan-
ning electron micrographs (SEMs) may be recorded without
the necessity of applying a gold coating.
Separate, individual nanofibers can be collected and
examined if so desired. An appropriate substrateÐglass slide,
silicon wafer, or loop of copper wire, etc.Ðis held between the
Figure 4. Electrospun fibers of polystyrene (see text). Scale bar: 1000 nm.
anode and cathode at a position close to the cathode for a few
The extended length of the fibers is clearly visible.
seconds to collect individual fibers (see Figure 6).

polystyrene (Mw 212 400) in tetrahydrofuran at a potential of

20 000 V between the anode and cathode which were sepa-
rated by 30 cm. The fibers were collected as a mat on an
aluminum target and were found to have diameter character-
istics: average: 43.1 nm, maximum: 55.0 nm, minimum:
26.9 nm. Other studies involving polystyrene gave fibers
whose diameters were consistently < 100 nm; average:
30.5 nm (maximum: 44.8 nm, minimum: 16.0 nm). It might
also be noted that the 16 nm fiber is only around 30
polystyrene molecules wide. It is also of interest to note that
a 16 nm fiber, such as the one mentioned above, lies well
Figure 6. Polystyrene fibers collected on a bent copper wire (magnification
within the ca. 4 ± 30 nm diameter range of multiwalled carbon
33  ) and subsequently coated with a thin layer of polypyrrole by in situ
nanotubes.[26] deposition from aqueous solution. Scale bar: 1 mm.

Current/voltage (I/V) curves are given in Figure 7 for a

Electronic Polymer Fibers
single 419 nm diameter fiber (Fiber 1) and for a ca. 600 nm
By using a previously applied method for producing diameter fiber (Fiber 2) of a blend of 50 wt % PAn ´ HCSA
polyaniline fibers[27] we have prepared highly conducting and poly(ethylene oxide) collected on a silicon wafer coated
sulfuric acid doped polyaniline fibers (diameters, average: with a thin layer of SiO2 . Two gold electrodes separated by
139 nm, maximum: 275 nm, minimum: 96 nm) by placing a ca. 60.3 mm are deposited on the fiber after its deposition on the
20 wt % solution of polyaniline in 98 % sulfuric acid in a glass substrate.

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Synthetic Metals REVIEWS
ricate nanofibers of electronic polymers which are only a few
molecules thick suggests the emergence of a field of nano-
electronics whereby the electronic properties of such nano-
fibers can be exploited for technological purposes.

Line Patterning of Conducting Polymers[30]

One of the exciting challenges of the first part of this

century will be the development of low-cost disposable
plastic/paper electronic devices.[31±33] Conventional inorganic
conductors, such as metals, and semiconductors, such as
silicon, commonly require multiple etching and lithographic
steps in fabricating them for use in electronic devices. The
Figure 7. Current/voltage curves of 50 wt % PAn ´ HCSA/PEO blend number of processing steps and chemical etching steps
nanofiber (see text).
involved limit the minimum price and therefore their applic-
ability in disposable electronics. On the other hand, conduct-
ing polymers combine many advantages of plastics, for
Nanofibers as Substrates
example, flexibility and processing from solution, with the
additional advantage of conductivity either in the metallic or
The large surface to volume ratio offered by nanofibers
semiconducting regimes; however, the lack of simple methods
makes them excellent, potentially useful substrates for the
to obtain inexpensive conductive polymer shapes/patterns
fabrication of coaxial nanofibers consisting of superimposed
limit many applications. We here describe a novel, simple, and
layers of different materials. Catalysts and electronically
cheap method to prepare patterns of conducting polymers by
active materials can be deposited on them by chemical,
a process which we term, ªLine Patterningº.
electrochemical, solvent, chemical vapor, or other means, for
Line Patterning uses the difference in selected physical and/
use in nanoelectronic junctions and devices.
or chemical properties between a substrate and insulating
We have found, for example, that polyacrylonitrile nano-
lines which have been printed on it by a conventional copying
fibers can be easily and evenly coated with a 20 ± 25 nm layer
or printing process towards a fluid (or vapor) to which they
of conducting polypyrrole (Figure 8) by immersion in an
are both simultaneously exposed. The substrate and printed
aqueous solution of polymerizing polypyrrole.[28] Analogous-
lines react differently or at different rates with the fluid (or
ly, we have found that electroless deposition of metals can also
vapor) to which they have been exposed. This results in a non-
be performed. Polyacrylonitrile fibers, for example, can be
uniform deposition on the substrate as compared to the
evenly coated with gold by electroless deposition.[29]
printed lines. If the fluid contains a conducting polymer, which
remains as a film after evaporation of the solvent, a pattern of
conducting polymer results. A pattern is first designed on a
computer and is then printed on, for example, an overhead
transparency using a standard, non-modified office laser
The printed (insulating) lines can be easily removed, if
necessary, in a few seconds by ultrasonic treatment in toluene,
dissolving the printed lines and leaving a clean pattern of
deposited material on the substrate whose shape was origi-
nally defined by the now nonexistent printed lines. Line
Patterning has the following advantages: no photolithography
Figure 8. Scanning electron micrograph of conducting polypyrrole-coated is involved; no printing of conducting polymer is involved; it
polyacrylonitrile nanofibers. Scale bar: 1000 nm. uses only, for example, a standard office laser printer, which is
not modified in any way; commercially available flexible,
transparent plastic or paper substrates can be used; solutions
Carbon Nanofibers of commercially available conducting or nonconducting
polymers can be used from which the polymers may be
As reported polyacrylonitrile fibers may be thermally deposited on substrates, it is inexpensive; rapid development
converted into carbon nanofibers with some shrinkage.[30] of customized patterns (within hours) from a computer
We have similarly converted polyacrylonitrile nanofibers into designed pattern to product is routine.
carbon nanofibers. We have exploited, for example, the observation that a
In summary, electronic polymers have been used for the commercial dispersion of poly-3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene
past 20 years to produce rectifying diodes by Schottky and p/n (PEDOT, ªBaytron Pº, Bayer Corp.) wets commercial plastic
junctions, transistors, light-emitting devices, photovoltaic overhead transparency, but not the lines printed on it by a
cells, rechargeable batteries, etc.[1] Now, the ability to fab- standard office laser printer. A coating of PEDOT can be

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applied by a roller and after evaporation of the solvent; the nonconductive printed toner lines is obtained by placing the
printed lines can be easily and cleanly removed by sonication, printed lines on top of each other as shown in Figures 11 and
leaving only the conducting polymer on the transparency. 12. Depression of the areas labeled ªPRESSº causes the
Two electrodes were prepared in this way, each containing upper transparency to bend. This electrically connects the
25 lines inchÿ1. A drop of a standard commercial polymer conducting PEDOT surfaces. When released, the transpar-
dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) display[34] mixture containing ency film returns back to its original position, thus breaking
an optical adhesive and 15 mm spacer spheres was placed on the electrical circuit.
the center of each electrode. The second electrode was placed The two-dimensional conducting polymer circuits may be
on top at an angle of 908 to the first. This resulted in a (25  readily converted into three-dimensional circuits by two
25), that is, 625 pixels (square-inch matrix)ÿ1 (Figure 9). different methods as shown in Figure 12 simply by 1) stapling
Exposure to UV light for a few minutes resulted in polymer- two two-dimensional circuits together using a common office
ization of the mixture to bind the two electrodes together and stapler. The metal staple joins together electrically the
to produce a free-standing working PDLC display device. conducting polymer areas on two different substrates or
When an electrode pattern of 100 lines inchÿ1 was used a 2) making a pinhole through the sheets, as shown, before
working 10 000 pixel square-inchÿ1 display was produced. applying the PEDOT solution. Some of the solution enters the
pinhole and joins together electrically the conducting surfaces
on the two different circuits.

Figure 9. Fabrication of a 625 pixel PDLC display (see text).

Figure 12. Three-dimensional connections; a) connected with staple,
b) connected by a coated hole; * ˆ connection to power supply.
We have devised a novel way of separating conducting
polymer circuits from each other by making use of the height
(ca. 4 ± 5 mm) of the printed toner lines, made by using a We have recently observed a curious field effect which thin
standard office printer, above the substrate, for example, on films of PEDOT exhibit when exposed to a positive gate
an overhead transparency. This is illustrated (Figures 10 and potential in an FET configuration as shown in Figure 13. A
11) by a ªpush buttonº switch to open and close a simple source/drain electrode and a gate electrode are prepared by
electrical circuit. A combination of two patterned trans- Line Patterning and are covered by a thin layer of PEDOT as
parencies where the two adjacent conductive areas are described above. A drop of the optical adhesive containing
electrically separated from each other by two ca. 4 ± 5 mm spacer spheres described above is placed on the source/drain

Figure 10. A simple electronic circuit (ªpush buttonº switch).

Figure 13. Field-effect doped ªPEDOTº. a) FET-type device, b) field-

Figure 11. ªPush buttonº switch. effect configuration.

2588 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2001, 40, 2581 ± 2590

Synthetic Metals REVIEWS
electrode upon which the gate electrode is then placed at 908.
The two electrodes are manually squeezed together and the
optical adhesive is polymerized by exposure to UV light as
was done for the PDLC display described above. Several
thousand of these interconnected transistor-type devices
could be readily fabricated per square inch by the Line
Patterning process, if it were considered desirable. The free-
Figure 16. Percolation field effect in doped conducting polymers. Metallic
standing, flexible device shown in Figures 13 and 14 is
ªislandsº separated by ªbeachesº of non- or lowly conducting (semi-
produced. conducting) polymer. The field changes the conductivity of the semi-
conducting ªbeachesº but not that of the metallic ªislandsºÐhence the
field changes the extent of electrical percolation between the metallic
ªislandsºÐand therefore changes the bulk conductivity of the material.

ªbeachesº and hence the extent of electrical percolation in the

source/drain PEDOT electrode between the metallic ªis-
landsº, hence changing the bulk conductivity of the material.
The response time for our device is much slower than for a
conventional field effect transistor. We therefore conjecture
that the chief changes in conductivity are probably caused by
slow diffusion of the dopant anions under influence of the
applied field. On removal of the field the system reverts to its
Figure 14. FET-type device. original state.
Preliminary studies show that the effect is also present in
polyaniline; it may therefore possibly be found in many other
The device exhibits the same general reversible features
conducting polymers and would thus represent a general
commonly associated with a field effect transistor (FET) as
phenomenon characteristic of all conducting polymers, at
shown in Figure 15. The doped ªmetallicº PEDOT film (s 
least within certain ranges of doping.
2 S cmÿ1 at room temperature) would not be expected to show
a change in conductivity by exposure to a field of this type


* Polyacetylene, (CH)x, the simplest organic polymer, can be

reversibly doped to the metallic regime by partial oxidation
or reduction either chemically or electrochemically.
* Polyaniline can be doped to the metallic regime by a simple
acid/base protonation.
* A large number of electronic conductive polymers are now
* A variety of technological applications of electronic con-
ductive polymers, present and projected, are apparent.

This Nobel Prize has world-wide implications since it shows

the ever-increasing importance of interdisciplinary researchÐ
in this case collaborative research between a polymer chemist,
Hideki Shirakawa,[35] Alan Heeger,[36] a physicist, and myself,
an organometallic chemist. Each of us had the task of learning
Figure 15. Field effect transistor characteristics. I ˆ source ± drain current;
the specialized scientific language of the other in order to
U ˆ gate voltage.
collectively focus on one specific scientific challenge, an
example of where 1 ‡ 1 ‡ 1 is more than 3!
under the configuration used. We believe this effect presents The prize is also recognition of the good fortune that Alan,
an entirely new method for ascertaining the nature of highly Hideki, and I had in having each other as such excellent
doped ªmetallicº conducting polymers. It has frequently been colleagues and also in having such creative colleagues in each
postulated that a doped conducting polymer consists of of our respective individual research groupsÐthe work stem-
metallic ªislandsº surrounded by lowly conducting ªbeachesº ming from a research group cannot be better than the persons
as shown in Figure 16. We postulate that in the effect we have carrying it out. The prize is a recognition of them and their
observed only the lowly conducting ªbeachesº and not the work and also the work of countless others world-wide during
metallic ªislandsº respond to the applied field. The applica- the past 23 years who put the ªflesh on the skeleton workº
tion of an electric field changes the conductivity of the carried out by us in the 1970s at Penn (University of

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2001, 40, 2581 ± 2590 2589

REVIEWS A. G. MacDiarmid

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