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Persuasive Lecture


By: Gutib, Carmen E.
(Per slide explanation)
School mathematics of the twenty first century is viewed by educators to be that which should engage a
learner in problem solving and reasoning. It should also foster deep understanding and develop the
learner’s critical and analytical thinking.
As future educators and current students in the field of mathematics, we cannot deny the fact that the very
reason why lots of people hates mathematics is because of solving word problems. How do we address to
this? In what way can we solve challenge?
Based on my readings and researches, students hate math because of solving problems, how to analyze
and come up with the appropriate equations and formula, that is according to Willoghby (1990). On the
other hand, O’Daffer and Thorquist (993) supports his claim, according to them, math problems are hard
to teach and learn because students lack critical thinking capabilities.
Dealing with the 21st century learners is challenging? Why? They rely on technology all the time in a
sense that they no longer exert efforts in analyzing and giving emphasis to critical thinking or thinking
beyond the box. They already forget to relate math problems in the real-world scenario.
All of these claims are being supported as I go through various articles in relationship with the said
problem and found solutions to this which is different from the usual and common way of solving math
problems. Smith, Knudsvig and Walter (1998) proposed a very brilliant technique on dealing with this
and this is called “TCDR METHOD”. This method will enable us future educators and current learners at
the same time, to easily analyze and solve problems following these steps. First is know the TOPIC, or
what is the problem all about, understand it detail by detail and read it with comprehension. Second,
where is belongs, sometimes, when answering math problems most especially in a diverse of combined
topics, we find it hard to know where is belongs, what formula should we use and how the process should
be. Third, describe each of the detail you derived from the problem. Are you on the right track or the
other way around? Lastly, of course, relate the topic to real-life scenarios or situations. Have you
encountered problems related to this and that, it will surely help.
This advocacy is helpful most especially us future educators in changing the mindset of students or even
the people around us who considered mathematics a big challenge for them. Personally, one of my sisters
who is also a future educator but she is in the field of teaching grammar and literature hates mathematics
because of word problems. I want to change her mindset and help her gain interest in this chosen field.
Before I will end this, let me leave to you this quote from an anonymous author “Life is a math equation.
In order to gain the most, you have to know how to convert the negatives into positives”. Thank you.

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