1639-2378-Executive Summary-En-1 PDF

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Nomination to the

World Heritage List

Ribeira Sacra
Executive Summary
Year 573

The founding heading

of the monastery of San Pedro de Rocas

is the first documentary demonstration

from Western Europe

0. Executive summary

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Geographical coordinates

to the nearest second
The property consists of four components, with the
following centroids:

State Party (Os Peares, meeting of the rivers Miño and Sil,
Spain which share 2 provinces and 4 municipalities):
42°27’14”N; 7°43’50”W
State, province and region
Autonomous Community of Galicia, Heredad de Rocas:
provinces of Lugo and Ourense. 42°20’30.72”N; 7°42’48.36”W

Name of the Property Heredad de Montederramo:

Ribeira Sacra 42°16’28.03”N; 7°30’7.80”W

Heredad de Ferreira de Pantón:

42°30’30.63”N; 7°37’10.96”W

Ribeiras view
(Santo Estevo de Ribas de Sil). mm

Buffer zone
Detail of the Carta Geométrica de Galicia. D.
Fontán. (1834). The first map made in Spain with
scientific methods and mathematical measurements
0. Executive summary

Textual description of the boundary(ies) The Heredad de Ferreira de Pantón, with 40

of the nominated property ha, houses a unique monastery, which exemplifies
the persistence of the sacredness in the territory,
Ribeira Sacra is a continuous cultural landscape as its current community is the direct heir of the
that has evolved organically to constitute an ex- one founded at the end of the 12th century.
ceptional example of the man-nature relationship Ribeira Sacra preserves the signs of an in-
linked to the traditional way of life and that is pre- tense occupation from the Palaeolithic period to
sented as a serial Property. This territory of ver- the present day, petroglyphs, castros, nomadic
tiginous slopes, is located in the interior of Galicia sanctuaries and especially hermitages that give
around the boxed-in valleys of the Miño and Sil, way to a medieval splendour unknown in the
defining the meeting of the provinces of Lugo and Christian West, as witnessed by the great mon-
Ourense, which in the high Middle Ages welcomed asteries, followed by the unique pazos and great
the confluence of east and west. Renaissance and Baroque houses, and the 20th
An imperceptible mesh formed by parishes es- century hydroelectric power stations, precursors
tablished more than 1,500 years ago and whose lim- in their category of a new relationship with the
its remain today, has surpassed its original religious landscape. Around them, the presence of forests
symbolism to become a community of belonging, that were humanised and made sacred, together
social and economic organisation, which still sur- with a rich toponymy with thousands of unique
vives. In this environment and on this structure names. Today a mosaic of almost one hundred
of the territory, arises the Serial Property that is thousand tiny plots that do not reach an average
proposed, formed by four components: Ribeiras, of 400m² make up a landscape reservoir and
Heredad de Rocas, Heredad de Montederramo and laboratory to combat climate change. Along with
Heredad de Ferreira de Pantón. this built legacy, we find countless samples of
The largest component, Ribeiras, is a territory ethnographic heritage, to which are added a set
characterised by the deep boxing-in of the fluvial of myths, legends and festivals specific to the
network. The topography, climatic conditions and place. All of this, together with particular forms
contrasts between sunny and shady slopes have of land and property management such as the
conditioned the occupation of the territory and the cavadura, which make up a territory with an
persistent construction in terraces of a landscape outstanding presence of socalcos, dry stone wall
of extraordinary value. terraces, in which today the heroic cultivation of
The other three components of the Property vines and chestnut trees predominate, defining
are located in the vicinity of Ribeiras, with whom an iconic landscape that has historically capti-
they maintain a strong bond of historical and vated those who visit it.
spiritual belonging. In order to protect the Property, the buffer zone
surrounds it completely and connects its four com-
The Heredad de Rocas, with 452 ha, symbolises ponents, on the basis of the parish boundaries, an
the ascetic landscape defined by an uninhabited essential element of the identity structure of the
space, in a rugged orography, which has water as territory, guaranteeing the safeguarding of the Out-
the minimum guarantee of survival conditions, in standing Universal Value (OUV).
which the jump from heresy to the first monastic In addition, a study area is established, made
order was produced. up of all those municipalities that have historical-
The Heredad de Montederramo, with 10 ha, ly recognised themselves as being part of Ribeira
represents the monastic connection with the col- Sacra. This area is a key area for the current and
onisation of the territory, being one of the main future management of the site, in an approach
Cistercian monasteries in Galicia, providing the that allows the evolution of the landscape to be
toponym that defines the Ribeira Sacra area in its followed and ensure its preservation.
dual natural and cultural meaning.


Province of Lugo
Miño River

Sil River

Province of Ourense

Summary plan of the candidature


Miño River Buffer zone area (ha): 53,177

Portomarín Property area (ha): 16,973

Parish Buffer Zone: 106

Number of plots of the property: 96,125
Average size plot (m²): 394
Population in the property (2018): 1,433
42° 44,0'N Paradela Population in the buffer zone (2018): 9,090
7° 48,0'W


O Saviñao
Bóveda Province of Lugo

A Pobra do Brollón

Carballedo Monforte de Lemos

Heredad de Ferreira de Pantón
Bubal River Lor River

Cabe River
A Peroxa
0' N

de Sil
'5 4''
43 '1
7° ° 27

Sil River

San Xoán
Nogueira de de Río
Ramuín Parada
Miño River de Sil Castro Caldelas Navea River
A Teixeira
Bibei River
Legend Heredad de Rocas A Pobra
Property Esgos Xunqueira de de Trives
Buffer zone
Mao River
Pantón Municipalities of the study area Heredad de Montederramo Manzaneda
Parishes Chandrexa de Queixa 42° 15,0'N
Province of Ourense
7° 17,0'W

Ribeira Sacra Galicia, Spain

0 5 10 15km
Nomination for the World Heritage List, on the Indicative List since 1996 (Ref.: 1228) (ETRS89 29N, JUN 2019 )
0. Executive summary

The delimitation of the Ribeira Sacra Property be- ra, which was the surface area that a person was
gins by defining the study area, made up of 25 town able to cultivate in one day for their sustenance,
councils that make up a network that intertwines defines the map of the plots. This form of adap-
culture and nature, with the persistent action of tation to the terrain requires a laborious task of
man in their environment. construction and maintenance, and generates the
Once this area has been defined, three groups appropriate framework for a polyculture, which
of values to be analysed are proposed (natural, cul- benefits from the climatic aptitude of this new
tural and intangible), which are found at the origin topography.
of the creation of this territory, the delimitation of As a whole, the Property is 16,973 hectares and
which is based on three aspects: geomorphological, includes 78 parishes and 170 population centres in
cultural and construction of the territory. the municipalities of A Peroxa, A Proba do Brollón,
Geomorphology takes on special relevance in A Teixeira, Carballedo, Castro Caldelas, Chantada,
the delimitation of the Ribeiras component, char- Esgos, Monforte de Lemos, Montederramo, Nogue-
acterised by being the territory most built on, made ira de Ramuín, O Saviñao, Pantón, Parada de Sil,
sacred and having the most heritage, whose limit Ribas de Sil, San Xoán de Río and Sober, located
is defined on the land in the bocarribeira, which in the south of the province of Lugo and the north
is the place where the slope changes, going from of the province of Ourense.
values higher than 30%, Ribeiras, to values lower The buffer zone is based on the layout of the
than 10%, chairas. parishes that represent the cultural unity of the
The cultural aspect is key in the delimitation, community and testify to the consolidation and
given the great concentration of heritage elements, management processes of the territory. Thus, it is
representative of a wide temporal and typological made up of 53,177 hectares of the 106 parishes that
arch from the hermitage phenomenon to the large make up or complete the territory of the Proper-
monasteries and contemporary heritage. These ty, also including parishes of the town councils of
cultural aspects are endorsed by the declaration of Quiroga, Taboada and Xunqueira de Espadanedo.
Ribeira Sacra as an Property of Cultural Interest, In order to strengthen the knowledge, protec-
in the category of cultural landscape, as well as by tion and future management of the site, the study
the previous individual declarations of many of its area is proposed which, in addition to the previous
monuments, and their protective surroundings. municipalities, includes all those that form part of
The construction of the territory is related to the cultural identity of Ribeira Sacra, incorporating
the creation of fertile soil in an impossible envi- the municipalities of A Pobra de Trives, Bóveda,
ronment, through ancestral practices, which are Chandrexa de Queixa, Manzaneda, Paradela and
an example of sustainability. Where there was the Portomarín. As a whole, the 25 municipalities of
possibility of generating land, monumental ter- the study area have an area of 298,614 ha, with
races and crops appeared, constituting an exam- 460 parishes, 2,742 population centres and 63,915
ple of an anthropic restructuring resulting from inhabitants. This area ensures the optimum man-
the accumulation of work, time and knowledge of agement of the Property, through the existing Con-
the communities. The socalcos characterise the sortium and the exercise of the attributions and
slopes of the canyons and are mostly located on competences of the Xunta de Galicia in terms of
slopes with slopes of more than 30%. The cavadu- safeguarding cultural heritage.

Real topographic sections

0. Executive summary

Draft Statement of Outstanding

Universal Value

Brief synthesis

Ribeira Sacra is an exceptional living evolutionary

cultural landscape and is a singular testimony of
a landscape made sacred that brings to the World
Heritage List the only example preserved in Western
Europe of a monasticism oriented to the ascetic way
created from the heterodox Christianity movement
of Priscillianism, which shook the Church of Rome
and which developed and remained in the Sil and
Miño valleys at the end of the 4th century, leaving a
deep imprint on the Iberian Peninsula. The intense
sanctification of these valleys favoured the appear-
ance in the 6th century of a eremitism inspired by
the Desert Fathers as a result of a cultural transfer

Document in which Alfonso IX confirms to the Santa María Drawing of Rocas in Viaje que yo, Fray Martín Sarmiento,
de Montederramo monastery the donation of the place benedictino, hice desde San Martín de Madrid a Galicia.
“Revoyra sacrata”, granted by Teresa de Portugal in 1124 1754. AMS (Archivo Monasterio Silos) Sarmiento 2, p. 129

Heredad de Rocas. mm

between East and West, the Mediterranean and the The Heredad of Montederramo bears witness
Atlantic. The migrations of the 8th-9th centuries to the historical origin of the Ribeira Sacra name.
that crossed North Africa and Hispania on their way In 1124 Infanta Teresa of Portugal donated the ter-
to Central Europe, turned this area into a welcom- ritories of a forest of sacred oaks called Revoyra
ing territory, refuge of the classical tradition that Sacrata to the monastic community of Santa Maria
had survived from Antiquity and was conserved in de Montederramo. This toponym was interpreted
the monastery libraries until the Renaissance. This in the 16th century by the Benedictine chronicler
singular historical evolution, promoted by migrants Father Yepes as the sacred banks of the Miño and Sil
carrying the classical tradition and ascetic aspiration because of their high concentration of monasteries,
who found an inspiring refuge where to develop a a meaning that has been maintained ever since.
spiritual life favoured by the isolation and influence La Heredad de Pantón exemplifies the survival
of a symbolic landscape, led to the slow and contin- of monastic life in Ribeira Sacra and the leading
uous transformation of the territory by the action of role of the female orders between the 9th and 15th
the communities that occupied it from the Middle centuries, when they came to hold power that was
Ages to the present day. unthinkable for women in the civil society of the
Priscillianism, a Christian heterodoxy rooted in time. The monastic community of Pantón symbol-
these lands that defended a poor church in harmony izes spirituality and resilience throughout the thou-
with nature; Egeria, a noble woman of Gallaecia who sand years it has been housed in this monastery.
in the 4th century made a pilgrimage to the western The Ribeiras are the most extensive compo-
Mediterranean and was the first known author of nent of the Property and represent the result of the
a travel book; and Saint Martin of Dumio, founder confluence of a unique nature and the exception-
of Western monasticism, shaped the personality al construction of a landscape over the centuries.
of a cultural landscape defined by a sanctification The first is defined by the steep of the landscapes
of the territory and a spiritual life in coexistence of geological significance of ollo de sapo, the au-
with nature, whose values are maintained in the tochthonous forests of carballos, castiñeiros and
serial property made up of the Heredades de Rocas, corticeiras and the abundant water courses that
Montederramo, Pantón and las Ribeiras. descend the slopes. The second is characterised by
In the Heredad de Rocas is the oldest docu- the network of traditional roads, the historical rail-
mented testimony (year 573) of the foundation way, the traditional towns and especially the very
of an abbey in western Europe, according to the abundant sets of monasteries, churches and sanctu-
tombstone of its consecration, becoming the only aries, symbols of the sanctification of the space and
surviving monastery of the Suevo kingdom, the the monumental terraces, which rise uphill from
first European kingdom after the fall of the West- the bottom of the valleys to the bocarribeira and
ern Roman Empire, which was built following the in the interstices of the rocky outcrops, defining a
models of the churches of the Turkish Cappadocia. unique and exceptional landscape.
The Monastery of San Pedro de Rocas evidences The forest of churches, remains of the 85 doc-
the passage from eremitism of oriental roots to umented throughout history, is a paradigm of that
monasticism, the abandonment of the ascetic life spirituality linked to nature and a reflection of the
of penance, contemplation and begging to live in beliefs of a people and of the cultural syncretism
a community under the orders of an abbot and the that combines animism, paganism, Christianity
need to maintain the product of their work. The and new creeds that defend the balance of nature
world map preserved on the walls of the rocky tem- and Humanity.
ple of Rocas, a unique example in the world that The exceptional landscape of Ribeira Sacra is
represents the Christian diaspora and the Final the result of the continuous action of the commu-
Judgement, illustrates the universalist character nities, which transformed inhospitable and inac-
that these valleys had when they were receivers of cessible valleys, with slopes of impossible slopes
classical culture. building dry stone walls, designed to create new

0. Executive summary

anthropic lands, fertilized by the deposition of West, and that for a thousand five hundred years
organic matter, that secularly were dedicated to managed this territory.
the polyculture in a subsistence agriculture, and
that at present the communities continue work- Criterion (v):
ing manually using ancestral techniques. When To be a prominent example of traditional forms of
industrialisation produced radical changes in the human settlement or use of land or sea, represent-
economic and social systems, the communities of ative of a culture (or several cultures), or of man’s
Ribeira Sacra once again demonstrated extraor- interaction with the environment, especially when
dinary resilience, adapting to new conditions, till- the environment has become vulnerable due to the
ing new plots, sustaining the traditional use and impact of irreversible changes.
structure of the territory and maintaining symbolic Ribeira Sacra is an exceptional cultural land-
relations with the landscape. scape in which the combined action of the local
communities and a singular nature is represent-
Justification for Criteria ed, and which maintains the characteristics with
which it was built, forming a unique testimony of
Criterion (iii): the structure of the territory: some local commu-
To provide a unique, or at least exceptional, tes- nities organised in parishes, identity units that
timony about a cultural tradition or a living or emerged in the 6th century and that by means
vanished civilization. of the presura and the forum (ecclesiastical and
Ribeira Sacra is a unique testimony of mo- stately concessions), which were created between
nasticism characterised by the influence that the the 8th and 9th centuries, promoted the creation
Priscilianist heresy had on Gallaecia (4th-6th cen- of anthropic and fertile lands in the ribeiras (deep
turies) and the subsequent reform and cor-rection valleys) by means of the construction of socalcos
undertaken by the church headed by San Martín (monumental terraces) intended for the polycul-
de Dumio, which allows us to document the birth ture of subsistence in very small plots, the cavadura
of the Western monasticism in 573 with the conse- (436m2). A unique territory that also continues to
cration of the cenobitic community of San Pedro work with traditional techniques and in which the
de Rocas made up of six monks of various origins, built, humanized landscape coexists with the wild,
following the models of the Eastern monasteries, untamed natural landscape.
symbol of the new order and meeting point be-
tween East and West. Statement of Integrity

Criterion (iv): This serial Property presents a high degree of in-

To be an outstanding example of a type of build- tegrity in all its components. In the proposed de-
ing, architectural, or technological ensemble, or limitation, all the elements that allow its adequate
landscape which illustrates (a) significant stage(s) reading and comprehension are conserved, as there
in human history. have been no significant alterations that could call
Ribeira Sacra represents a unique example of this into question. These essential elements appear
the sacralisation of an entire territory, as reflected clearly defined at any scale that is examined, while
in its own historical name, which demonstrates they blur when the boundaries of the property are
the existence of an exceptionally high concentra- crossed. The natural, geographical and cultural
tion of monasteries since the early Middle Ages in boundaries coincide with the administrative and
a small area around the deep valleys of the Miño protection figures, ensuring that the high degree of
and Sil, which has maintained a unique set of ab- integrity that the property presents today is main-
beys that in the 8th and 9th centuries served as tained in the future.
a refuge for migrations from North Africa, bear- This is manifested in the exceptional mainte-
ers of classical culture, meeting point of East and nance of the steep valleys of the Ribeiras, in the

anthropised slopes, in the micro-small holdings Authenticity is also reinforced by the perma-
of the plots, in the varied and diversified network nence of thousands of hectares of terraces built
of historical roads and paths, which maintains with the traditional dry stone technique, a small
the dispersion of the habitat, in the subsistence and complex plot that has been maintained in the
agriculture based on polyculture, in the survival traditional dimensions and characteristics, a rich
of the traditional architectures and in the social and persistent micro toponymy, and a varied pop-
and cultural organisation based on the parish- ular architecture, mostly in use.
es of medieval origin. These defining elements Authenticity is also evident in the preserva-
are conserved even in areas that are not being tion of traditions, which for centuries have been
exploited and that preserve the visible and inte- maintained, highlighting the culture of crops and
gral traces and characteristics of the anthropized craftsmanship. To this should be added the survival
landscape, with the possibility of again adapting of its own cultural manifestations, such as dialects
this to production. A portion of this landscape (papeiros é rabudos and barallete), or myths and
has remained under the waters of the reservoirs legends that have remained alive in the collective
and constitutes a relict landscape of paths, ter- memory of its people.
races and towns, which appear at certain times, The festivities are another example that the
reminding us of their origin. memory of the local community stays alive, with
There is also a high degree of integrity in the manifestations such as the fachós, which unite pa-
monuments, archaeological sites and places of eth- gan and Christian beliefs around a fire that purifies
nological interest, located in the Ribeiras as well and repels the bad spirits, or the carnivals, with
as in the Heredades de Rocas, Montederramo and unique examples like the Entroido Ribeirao and its
Ferreira de Pantón, examples of the occupation Volantes, the Oso de Salcedo and the Felo de Esgos.
and exploitation of the territory for 1,500 years,
which are within the limits of the delimited Prop-
erty, presenting a good state of conservation and
helping to establish the integrity of the property.
To conclude, the proposed delimitation repre-
sents all the elements on which the Outstanding
Universal Value is based and its degree of conser-
vation is adequate, and there are specific legislative
and economic measures for its protection.

Statement of Authenticity

The authenticity of this cultural landscape is based

on an abundant body of original historical docu-
mentation, such as the donation document by Te-
resa of Portugal to the Monastery of Santa Maria de
Montederramo in 1124 or the remains of the only
known stone world map preserved in San Pedro de
Rocas that shows images of the diaspora.
In addition, many buildings and constructions,
recognised and protected for their cultural value,
are preserved in their entirety. The various actions
of restoration and rehabilitation in the extensive
cultural heritage of Ribeira Sacra have always fol-
lowed the principles of the Venice Charter. Chestnut growing (Entrambosrios, Ourense). mm

0. Executive summary

Requirements for protection vention, to the Pilot Plan of 1991, and the reg-
and management istration on the Indicative List in 1996, should
be be mentioned.
Ribeira Sacra has specific legislative and admin- In terms of landscape appreciation, the Area of
istrative tools that guarantee the application of Special Interest (AEIP) Ribeira Sacra has been de-
measures to safeguard its cultural values through fined and several guides, manuals of best practices
the declaration of Cultural Interest, in the category and recommendations have been developed.
of Cultural Landscape, after an extensive process In terms of natural heritage, the regional govern-
of public exhibition and participation. ment is working with local entities to create a Bio-
This declaration in turn takes into account a sphere Reserve that will revitalise and integrate the
specific and concrete protection regime of the at- abundant natural spaces already declared in the area.
tributes of this landscape that allows for the imple- In addition, the Decree of Declaration of the
mentation of measures aimed at their conservation Cultural Landscape Ribeira Sacra, takes into ac-
and protection. count the specific measures to make the conser-
In the cultural field, the interventions carried vation compatible with the agricultural and live-
out in the last sixty years aimed at the study, stock activities, as well as sustainable tourist use,
analysis, cataloguing, conservation and resto- according to the action that the Consortium has
ration of the most outstanding ensembles, from been undertaking for many years, and all this with
the pioneering transfers of the monuments of the the participation of its inhabitants, true protago-
1960s that connect with the origin of the Con- nists of the site.

Cañón del Sil in Sober. mm

Name and contact information of
the official local institution

Xunta de Galicia.
Dirección Xeral de Patrimonio Cultural
Edificio administrativo San Caetano, s/n
15781 Santiago de Compostela. Galicia. Spain
(+34) 981 544 809

Year 2019. Ferreira de Pantón

Monastery’s Cloister, occupied by the
Congregation of Cistercian nuns. rn

Nomination to the
World Heritage List

Ribeira Sacra
Executive Summary

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