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submitted by: Muhammad sulaiman

submitted to: Ms. Rabia khan

Registration #: 04151713040

Subject: Strategic Management

Section: BS BBA (B)

Date: 06/29/2020


Grade on organization according to the fifteen aspects of organizational


Basically I want to choose the UFONE company which have different aspects of
organizational culture which are given below.

1: High ethical Beliefs:

Clear code of business ethics followed by employee of ufone.

2: Strong work ethic:

Come on time and leave on time. They are doing their work

3: Be highly socially responsible.

4: They are not asking too much question during the meeting or decision
with supervisors or any other senior members.

5: Formal Dress: Most of the employ wearing pant coat with tie like
managers etc.
6: Informal Dress: On Friday they are wearing informal dress like salwar
qameez and most of the age in ufone they are wearing informal dress on
other days of the week.

7: socialize: all the employees are socialized outside of the organization.

8: Encourage whistle-bowling

9: Be health conscious

10: Allow Substantial working from home.

11: Encourage creativity, innovation and open-mindedness.

12: Support women and minorities.

13: Have a lot of meeting.

14: Have a participative management style.

15: preserve a natural work environment.


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