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At The Market

Hilmi come to the market and he is looking for some fruits. Hilmi come to Fiqi’s shop to
buy what he needs. Hilmi says to Fiqi that he need some fruits. Fiqi ask to hilmy what fruits
Hilmi needs. Hilmi said that he need avocado and watermelon. Fiqi ask to hilmy how many
fruits that Hilmi need. Hilmi says he need 2 watermelons and 1kg avocado. And Fiqi take what
Hilmi needs and put its in the plastic and give it to Hilmi. Hilmi aks to Fiqi how much he much
pay. Fiqi said that it all just Rp 120000. And Hilmi pay the bill to Fiqi. In the house, Hilmi check
the fruits, he very shock because the fruits that he bought at the market is spoiled. Hilmi very
disappoint because the fruit which he buy is spoiled.
So he back to the market and looking for Fiqi to return the fruits to Fiqi. But, when he
arrive in the shop he doesn’t meet with Fiqi but he another people. Hilmi ask to that people
where is Fiqi. That people says that Fiqi was go home. Hilmi very sad because he was tricked at
the market. Since now Hilmi very be careful to buy something and always check the thing
before he buys that thing.

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