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Using calibrated shale gouge AUTHORS

Peter Bretan  Badleys, North Beck House,

ratio to estimate hydrocarbon North Beck Lane, Hundleby, Spilsby, Lincoln-
shire, PE23 5NB, United Kingdom;
column heights
Peter Bretan received a B.Sc. degree (with
Peter Bretan, Graham Yielding, and Helen Jones honors) from Kingston University in 1981,
followed by a Ph.D. in structural geology from
Imperial College, London. Before joining Bad-
leys in 1995, he worked as a research geologist
and seismic interpreter with the Fault Analysis
Research Group at Liverpool University. At
Fault-zone composition, estimated using the shale gouge ratio (SGR) Badleys, his main tasks include software
algorithm, can be empirically calibrated with pressure data to de- training, technical support, and consulting.
fine depth-dependent seal-failure envelopes relating SGR to fault-
Graham Yielding  Badleys, North Beck
zone capillary entry pressure (FZP) by the equation: FZP (bar) =
House, North Beck Lane, Hundleby, Spilsby,
10 (SGR/27  C). C is 0.5 for burial depths less then 3.0 km (9850 ft), C Lincolnshire, PE23 5NB, United Kingdom
is 0.25 for burial depths between 3.0 and 3.5 km (9850–11,500 ft),
Graham Yielding received a B.A. degree in
and C is 0 where the burial depth exceeds 3.5 km (11,500 ft).
natural sciences from Cambridge University
The seal-failure envelope provides a method to estimate the
in 1979, followed by a Ph.D. in geophysics in
maximum height of a hydrocarbon column that can be supported by 1984. He then worked for Britoil in Glasgow
the fault. Leakage of hydrocarbons across a fault occurs when the as a seismic interpreter before joining Badleys
buoyancy pressure exceeds the capillary entry pressure of the fault in 1988. His current interests include fault-
and is not confined to the crest of the structure or even to where the seal analysis, fault populations, and fracture
SGR value is lowest. prediction.
Established calibration diagrams based on across-fault pressure
Helen Jones  Badleys, North Beck House,
differences have overgeneralized the relationship between increas-
North Beck Lane, Hundleby, Spilsby, Lincoln-
ing SGR and increasing pressure support. Calibration diagrams
shire, PE23 5NB, United Kingdom
based on buoyancy pressure show that gas and oil data exhibit a
correlation between increasing SGR and increasing buoyancy pres- Helen Jones joined Badleys in 1989. Having
originally trained, worked, and published as
sure but only between SGR values of 20 and 40%. No increase in the
a biologist, Helen then swapped sciences to
strength of a seal is present, as reflected by an increase in maximum
geology to provide technical research and sup-
supportable buoyancy pressure, at SGR values greater than about port to ongoing project work. In addition, she is
40% for both gas and oil data. Column heights do not continue to the author of the manuals and online docu-
increase in the SGR range 50–100%. mentation for the TrapTester/FAPS software.
Estimating hydrocarbon column heights using seal attributes
depends upon the geologic input to the model, in particular, pres-
sure data, volumetric shale fraction, and the precision of the three- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
dimensional mapping of reservoir geometry in the vicinity of the fault. The authors are grateful to Stephen Dee and
Peter Boult for their comments on early
versions of this manuscript. Laurel Goodwin,
INTRODUCTION Fred Dula, Russell Davies, and Jim Handschy
are thanked for their constructive reviews.
Fault-seal analysis is a technique for risk assessment of the sealing
and nonsealing potential of faults in petroleum reservoirs. A meth-

Copyright #2003. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All rights reserved.
Manuscript received November 19, 2001; provisional acceptance May 7, 2002; revised manuscript
received June 27, 2002; final acceptance August 1, 2002.

AAPG Bulletin, v. 87, no. 3 (March 2003), pp. 397 –413 397
odology for predicting fault-seal behavior in mixed clas- throats in a seal rock, the interfacial tension between
tic sequences in areas of low differential stress has been water and hydrocarbons, and the pressure differentials
well documented in recent years (e.g., Bouvier et al., caused by buoyancy forces. Lateral variations in res-
1989; Jev et al., 1993; Childs et al., 1997; Fulljames ervoir juxtaposition geometry, fault-zone property, and
et al., 1997; Knipe, 1997; Naruk and Handschy, 1997; strength of the seal are commonly assumed to be ho-
Yielding et al., 1997, 1999; Knipe et al., 1998). mogeneous along the entire length of the fault (e.g.,
An essential element of the fault-seal analysis meth- Fisher et al., 2001). The methods tend to predict that
odology is to calibrate the fault-seal attribute, taken as a across-fault leakage will occur at the crest of the
proxy for fault-zone composition, at faults where the structure where the pressure difference between the
sealing behavior can be demonstrated using pressure hydrocarbons and water (buoyancy pressure) will be
data from wells on either side of the fault (e.g., Fristad highest. Ultimately, these deterministic methods re-
et al., 1997; Yielding et al., 1997). These studies derive quire an estimate for the size of the pore throats in
an empirical relationship between fault-seal attribute fault zones and the interfacial tension of oil to water
values and across-fault pressure information that is used at reservoir conditions (Jennings, 1987; O’Connor,
as a predictor of seal integrity in undrilled fault traps 2000), which are generally not known in most ex-
(e.g., Yielding et al., 1997; Yielding, 2002). ploration settings. Alternatively, in a very simplistic
The basis for the calibration is the observation that analysis, the height of a hydrocarbon column is com-
many faults in petroleum reservoirs are membrane or monly estimated by simply assuming the closure is
capillary seals (e.g., Schowalter, 1979; Watts, 1987, Grauls filled down to the lowest mapped structural or strat-
et al., 2002). In a hydrocarbon-water system, leakage of igraphic spillpoint.
hydrocarbons through a water-wet fault zone is by cap- The aim of this contribution is to develop an em-
illary action. Leakage of hydrocarbons through the fault pirical method to estimate hydrocarbon column heights
zone takes place when the difference in pressure between using calibrated fault-seal attributes. We describe how
the water and hydrocarbon phases (buoyancy pressure) fault-seal attributes, in particular shale gouge ratio
exceeds the pressure required for hydrocarbons to enter (SGR), can be calibrated using preproduction pressure
and pass through the largest interconnected pore throat data to derive an estimate for the capillary entry pres-
in the seal (displacement or capillary entry pressure). sure of a fault zone. In this context, the pore-throat size
The driving force for capillary leakage in water-wet fault in a fault zone controls capillary entry pressure. In gen-
rocks is the pressure of the hydrocarbon phase (Bjorkum eral, the smaller the pore-throat size, the higher the
et al., 1998; see also Rodgers, 1999 for discussion). capillary entry pressure required for the seal to fail, and
Given that the calibration of fault-seal attributes is a the greater the hydrocarbon column that can potentially
crucial step in a fault-seal analysis workflow, it is be supported. The established calibration of fault-seal
surprising that there are relatively few accounts that attribute data against across-fault pressure differences
describe how the predicted fault-seal attributes are (AFPD) is strongly dependent upon which fluid types
calibrated (e.g., Fristad et al., 1997). Most works are juxtaposed at the fault surface (e.g., oil against water
simply note a specific seal attribute value that is able or gas against water), the depth of burial, and the esti-
to support a specific pressure difference (e.g., Bouvier mate of the clay content of the fault zone. A large fault
et al., 1989; Welbon et al., 1997; Ottesen Ellevset et al., database is used in which all the faults are extensional
1998; Childs et al., 2002). The details of the calibra- normal faults developed in mixed clastic sequences.
tion (e.g., which hydrocarbon phases are juxtaposed), The faults were analyzed using the FAPS software
depth of burial and data used have generally not been (Freeman et al., 1998 and Yielding et al., 1999 for
completely documented. details of the methodology).
In hydrocarbon exploration, the aim of calibrating
fault-seal attributes is to predict the hydrocarbon col-
umn height in prospects. Several works have described
methods for estimating the height of a hydrocarbon CALIBRATION OF SHALE GOUGE RATIO BY
column (e.g., Berg, 1975; Schowalter, 1979; Jennings, ACROSS-FAULT PRESSURE DIFFERENCE
1987; Watts, 1987; Firoozabadi and Ramey, 1988;
Vavra et al., 1992; Heum, 1996; Ingram et al., 1997; The primary control on the seal behavior of faults un-
Bjorkum et al., 1998; Fisher et al., 2001; Childs et al., der static pressure conditions is likely to be the clay
2002). The methods relate the size (radii) of pore content of the fault zone (Yielding et al., 1997; Knipe

398 Using Calibrated Shale Gouge Ratio to Estimate Hydrocarbon Column Heights
et al., 1998; Yielding, 2002). Therefore, an assessment 1997; Fisher et al., 2001). However, it is generally not
of the clay content of the fault zone is necessary to possible to collect accurate pressure data for water in a
predict the likely entry pressure for hydrocarbons. fault zone. The difference in pressure can be obtained
Algorithms can be used to predict fault-zone rock type either by measuring the pressure difference between
by considering the amount of clay material that may the hydrocarbon and water phases in the same reservoir
have been entrained into the fault zone as a result of the or by measuring the difference in pressure across the
mechanical processes of faulting (Bouvier et al., 1989; fault (Fristad et al., 1997).
Jev et al., 1993; Fulljames et al., 1997; Yielding et al., We define AFPD as the observed difference between
1997; Ottesen Ellevset et al., 1998). The algorithm is in-situ pressure values at a fault surface measured at
then empirically calibrated by testing it at the bounding the same depth in the upthrown and downthrown sides
faults of hydrocarbon traps. of a fault (Figure 1). Pressure-depth data points obtained
One such algorithm that is widely used in calibra- from repeat formation tests (RFT) provide the primary
tion studies is SGR (Yielding et al., 1997; Ottesen observational measurements of subsurface pressure re-
Ellevset et al., 1998; Yielding, 2002; see also Freeman gimes. Because we are concerned with the absolute pres-
et al., 1998 for definition). Calibration studies using sure difference between the hydrocarbon and the water
alternative fault-seal attributes, such as Clay Smear Po- phases, values of AFPD are always expressed as positive
tentia, or CSP, have been described (e.g., Bouvier et al., values. This definition of AFPD assumes that the fault-
1989; Jev et al., 1993; Fulljames et al., 1997) but are zone material supports the difference in pressure be-
more qualitative compared to calibrations using the tween the upthrown and downthrown sides of a fault.
SGR algorithm. It is also assumed that the aquifer across the fault has
The key input for the SGR algorithm is the vol-
umetric shale fraction (V shale) of the intervals adjacent
to the fault. The V shale parameter is a derived product,
typically from gamma-ray or neutron-density logs, and
is commonly used as a general term to describe the
output from a petrophysicist’s interpretation of the
mineralogical content in a suite of well logs. The V shale
parameter is not necessarily the same as the actual
volumetric clay content (V clay or % phyllosilicates) of
the rock. Detailed analysis of thin sections by point
counting or by x-ray diffraction analysis is required to
determine the true volume clay content, which is seldom
carried out on cores from exploration wells. In terms of
capillary trapping, the size of the pore-throat radius
inversely governs the displacement pressures. As the
pore-throat radius is controlled by the sizes of the
mineral grains and clasts, the critical factor is whether
the presence of fine-grained material can reduce the
pore-throat sizes. Because phyllosilicate minerals are
particularly fine grained, they are most likely to be the
dominant host rock contribution to fault-seal develop-
ment. In this contribution, we use the term SGR as an
estimate of the upscaled phyllosilicate content of the
fault zone.
Seal attributes, such as SGR, must be calibrated
Figure 1. Across-fault pressure difference, or AFPD, is the
with in-situ pressure data to derive a measure for the
difference in pressure between hydrocarbons in the upthrown
‘‘strength’’ of the seal, and hence hydrocarbon column side (A) and water in the downthrown side (A0) measured at
height (e.g., Yielding et al., 1997; Yielding, 2002). Ide- the same depth on the fault surface. Where there is a common
ally, SGR values should be calibrated against the dif- aquifer, the AFPD values represent buoyancy pressures.
ference in pressure between the hydrocarbons trapped Pressure data at wells are extrapolated along horizontal
at the fault and water in the fault zone (Fristad et al., pressure gradients (hydrostatic conditions) to the fault.

Bretan et al. 399

Figure 2. Calibration plot of shale
gouge ratio against across-fault pressure
differences for sand-on-sand reservoir
juxtapositions from a variety of fault data
sets worldwide (from Yielding, 2002, re-
printed with permission from Elsevier).
Data are color coded by burial depth: less
than 3.0 km (9850 ft) dark blue; 3.0 –
3.5 km (9850–11,500 ft) red; 3.5–5.5 km
(11,500–18,050 ft) green. Dashed lines
are ‘‘seal-failure envelopes’’ that represent
the maximum capillary entry pressure that
can be supported at a specific SGR value.

the same pressure as water in the fault zone. Pressure pected to be at or near the capillary entry pressure of
differences arising from juxtaposed sands with different the fault zone at specific fault-zone compositions. Data
capillary properties are not considered. points that occur below the seal-failure envelope may
Several authors have compared seal attribute and arise from sand-on-sand juxtapositions that occur struc-
AFPD for sand-on-sand reservoir juxtapositions on turally deeper and lower down in the hydrocarbon col-
faults (e.g., Jev et al., 1993; Welbon et al., 1997; Fristad umn where pressure differences across the fault are
et al., 1997; Yielding et al., 1997). Figure 2 is a com- smaller, or at the same depth on the fault but where the
pilation plot from Yielding (2002). A bounding line SGR values are greater. Alternatively, such data may
separates a region of data points derived from sealing derive from traps that are ultimately controlled by dip
faults and a region devoid of data. This bounding line closure away from the fault instead of fault seal (Yielding
has been termed the seal-failure envelope (Yielding et al., et al., 1997).
1997; Yielding, 2002) and shows the maximum AFPD The seal-failure envelope in Figure 2 is commonly
that can be supported at a given SGR. A feature of the used to derive a threshold SGR value that is taken to
compilation plot is the apparent systematic increase represent the onset of fault sealing at a specific fault-
in AFPD that can be supported by increasing values zone composition. An SGR value of about 15–20% is
of SGR. The equation defining the seal-failure en- widely considered to represent the threshold between
velope relating SGR to AFPD (in bar; 1 bar = 105 Pa nonsealing and sealing behavior of faults in mixed
or 14.5 psi), is clastic sequences without diagenetic overprinting (see
Fristad et al., 1997; Yielding et al., 1997; Ottesen
AFPDðbarÞ ¼ 10ðSGR=27CÞ ð1Þ Ellevset et al., 1998; Manzocchi et al., 1999). Yielding
et al. (1997) and Yielding (2002) corroborate this
At burial depths less than 3.0 km (9850 ft), C is 0.5. threshold value and the overall trend of the SGR and
For burial depths between 3.0 and 3.5 km (9850– across-fault pressure relationship with capillary entry
11,500 ft), C is 0.25. When burial depth exceeds 3.5 km and breakthrough pressure data from fault-gouge sam-
(11,500 ft) C is 0. ples (Gibson, 1994, 1998). However, as we shall demon-
Data points that lie close to the seal-failure en- strate subsequently in this contribution, the general trend
velope represent parts of the fault surface that are ex- of increasing SGR values supporting increasing pressure

400 Using Calibrated Shale Gouge Ratio to Estimate Hydrocarbon Column Heights
differences at the fault may be less well defined than Oil density Burial depth
1100 > 3.5 km
the compilation shown in Figure 2 appears to suggest. 600 kg/m3 3500

Maximum oil column height (m)

1000 (11,500 ft)
Water density
900 1000 kg/m3 3000
800 Burial depth
3.0 3.5 km 2500
700 (9850 11,500 ft)

400 Burial depth
< 3.0 km 1000
300 (9850 ft)
The empirical relationship between the fault-zone 200
composition (SGR) and the capillary entry pressure of 100
the fault zone (AFPD) can be used to derive the 0
potential hydrocarbon column heights that each part of 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Shale gouge ratio (%)
the fault may be able to support (Childs et al., 2002). 1200
First, SGR values are calibrated, using equation 1 or 1100
Burial depth Heavy oil
3.0 3.5 km (900 kg/m3) 3500
similar equations, to derive the maximum supportable

Maximum column height (m)

Water density
pressure (taken to be equivalent to capillary entry pres- 900 1000 kg/m3 3000

sure) along the fault plane. Second, density data for wa- 800 Light oil 2500
700 (600 kg/m3)
ter, oil, or gas phases at reservoir conditions are in-

600 2000
corporated to translate the pressure difference (derived
500 Gas
from the SGR) into the maximum potential hydro- 1500
400 (300 kg/m3)
carbon column height using equation 2 (e.g., Jennings, 300 1000
1987; Schowalter, 1979): 200
H ¼ dP=gðrw  rh Þ ð2Þ 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Shale gouge ratio (%)
H is the hydrocarbon column height (in meters;
1 m = 3.2808 ft), dP is the AFPD or buoyancy pressure Figure 3. Column heights predicted for different burial depths
(in bars) where there is a common aquifer estimated at constant hydrocarbon density (a) and for different hy-
using equation 1, Uw is the pore-water density (kg/m3), drocarbon densities at a constant burial depth (b) using equa-
tions 1 and 2. Increasing the SGR value by 1 (e.g., 25 –26%)
Uh is the hydrocarbon density (kg/m3), and g is the
increases the hydrocarbon column height by about 9%. Fluid
acceleration caused by gravity (9.81 m s  2). Example
densities in (a): 600 kg/m3 for oil, 1000 kg/m3 for water. Burial
column heights are calculated (Figure 3) on the as- depth in (b): 3.0– 3.5 km or approximately 9850 – 11,500 ft.
sumption that the seal-failure envelopes defined in
equation 1 apply equally to oil and gas at burial depths
greater than 2 km (because gas and oil interfacial ten- toward the right (Figure 4a). This continues until the
sions converge at depth, see figure 7 of Berg, 1975). buoyancy pressure, either on the oil trend (Figure 4b) or
The method is first illustrated using a schematic on the gas trend (Figure 4c), intersects the trend rep-
cross section showing different levels of hydrocarbon resenting the variable capillary entry pressure of the
fill in an upthrown reservoir (Figure 4). In this analysis, fault zone. At the intersection point, the buoyancy
the reservoir is filled either with gas or with oil. Also pressure is equal to the capillary entry pressure at that
shown in Figure 4 are buoyancy pressure lines for oil fault-zone composition. Any further increases in buoy-
(green line) and gas (red line) plotted against depth. ancy pressure will cause the hydrocarbons to leak at
Superimposed on the buoyancy pressure-depth profile this point on the fault surface (fault-surface leak point),
is the variable capillary entry pressure of the fault zone because the buoyancy pressure will exceed the max-
(black line) derived by calibrating the SGR values using imum supportable pressure at that SGR value. Note
equation 1 or alternatively using laboratory-derived that the leak point may not coincide with the crest of
entry pressure measurements on gouge sample data. the structure where the buoyancy pressure is highest,
As hydrocarbons progressively fill the reservoir, the or even where the computed SGR value is the lowest
buoyancy pressure between the hydrocarbon and water (gas leak point in Figure 4c).
increases by a constant amount (buoyancy gradient) In Figure 5, the method is applied on a fault sur-
moving the buoyancy pressure trend lines progressively face modeled as a three-dimensional grid. Details of the

Bretan et al. 401

methodology for calculating attributes on gridded fault area of sand-on-sand reservoir juxtaposition is the grid
surfaces using computer software such as FAPS have node that exhibits the shallowest base of the predicted
been described elsewhere (e.g., Yielding et al., 1999). column (grid node having the shortest vertical line in
Figure 5a shows a perspective view of a fault surface and Figure 5b). This point is the trap leak point. The total
a single sand reservoir. Shale occurs above and below hydrocarbon column height in the upthrown sands will
the sand reservoir. As we are concerned only where the be from the crest of the structure down to the base of
upthrown sand is juxtaposed against downthrown sand the shallowest column height predicted from the
across the fault, shale-on-sand overlaps are not dis- calibrated SGR values (A in Figure 5b). The hydro-
played. In Figure 5b, the fault surface is viewed looking carbon column height derived using empirically cali-
toward the upthrown side (direction of arrow in Figure brated SGR values may be shorter than the height
5a). At each grid node in the area of juxtaposition predicted when the closure is assumed to be full to the
between the two sands (cross-hatched pattern), the structural spillpoint (B in Figure 5b). If the closure were
SGR value is converted into the maximum hydro- filled to the structural spillpoint, the excess pressure
carbon column using equations 1 and 2. For clarity, only difference generated by the additional hydrocarbon
one row of grid nodes is shown in Figure 5b. The max- column would exceed the pressure that the fault-zone
imum column height that each SGR value can support composition could support, resulting in leakage across
is represented as a vertical line. The critical point in the the fault.

Figure 4. Schematic 2-D cross sections

and buoyancy pressure-depth profiles for
oil (green) and gas (red) in an upthrown
reservoir during initial stages of filling (a)
and when the buoyancy pressure equals
the capillary entry pressure of the fault for
oil (b) and gas (c). The capillary entry
pressure of the fault is derived from cal-
ibrated SGR values using equation 1
(black line). Depth down to the hydro-
carbon contact is controlled where the
buoyancy pressure equals the support-
able pressure for the fault-zone compo-
sition and hydrocarbon type. The leak
point may not coincide with the crest of
the structure or even with the lowest SGR
value (c). GWC is gas-water contact, OWC
is oil-water contact.

402 Using Calibrated Shale Gouge Ratio to Estimate Hydrocarbon Column Heights
Figure 5. Schematic representation of a
single sand-on-sand juxtaposition along a
modeled fault surface viewed in three di-
mensions (a) and in a view looking directly
toward the upthrown side (b). Oil-bearing
sands in the upthrown side shown in gray fill
and the water-bearing downthrown sands in
outline. The SGR value at every grid node is
converted into maximum column height,
shown as a vertical line, using equations 1
and 2. Computed maximum column for only
one row of grid nodes is shown. The leak
point is the grid node having the shortest
column. The maximum column height in the
upthrown sand reservoir will be from the
crest of the structure down to the base of the
shallowest column predicted from the SGR
value (arrow A) and may be smaller than the
column height predicted using traditional fill-
to-spill methods (arrow B).


The first general type of fluid juxtaposition is hydro-
The seal-failure envelope shown in Figure 2 was ob- carbons juxtaposed against water. Data used for the oil
tained by plotting SGR against AFPD on one diagram. against water (OW) and gas against water (GW)
Although this type of diagram does permit a general calibration diagram should preferably satisfy two
trend of increasing SGR value supporting increasing criteria. First, pressure data are derived from two
AFPD to be defined, the calibration implies that very preproduction wells situated close to the fault, having
large hydrocarbon columns could be supported by very one well located in the upthrown side and the other
high SGR values. We believe this to be unrealistic be- well on the downthrown side. Second, the aquifer is at
cause the details of the generalized seal-failure envel- the same pressure at the same depth on both sides of
ope in Figure 2 are likely to be masked by other factors the fault (common aquifer). In such cases, the pressure
in the data. in the hydrocarbon phase is higher than the pressure in
We have reanalyzed, where possible, the calibra- the water phase at the same depth on the fault. This
tion data according to buoyancy pressure and burial ensures that the AFPD are related to the hydrocarbon
depth of the faults. Three basic fluid type juxtapositions capillary entry pressure of the fault zone. Where dif-
can occur across faults, namely, hydrocarbons (oil or ferent aquifers are juxtaposed across a fault, pressure
gas) against water, hydrocarbons against other hydro- isobars are horizontal in the reservoir but are likely to
carbons (oil-oil, gas-gas, oil-gas), and water juxtaposed be steeply inclined in the fault zone toward the lower
against water. Determining the values of buoyancy pres- pressure aquifer (Davies et al., this volume). Each out-
sure from these basic juxtaposition types can be further er edge of the fault zone presents a different aquifer
complicated depending upon whether there is a pressure to any adjacent hydrocarbon column (Figure
common or different aquifer across the fault, or wheth- 6). Where there is a change in aquifer pressure across
er the density of the hydrocarbons varies. the fault, the raw AFPD values are a combination of the

Bretan et al. 403

Figure 6. Schematic cross sections,
fault-zone detail, and pressure-depth
profile for different aquifers. Isobars are
horizontal in the reservoir but steeply
dipping in the fault zone. Where the
upthrown aquifer is at a lower pressure
than the downthrown aquifer (a), the
hydrocarbon phase is in contact with
water that is at a low pressure in the
fault zone and not the higher water
pressure in the downthrown side. Where
the upthrown aquifer is at a higher
pressure than the downthrown side (b),
the hydrocarbon phase is in contact with
water that is at a higher pressure in the
fault zone. Hydrocarbons are shown in
black, high-pressure aquifer in gray, low-
pressure aquifer in white. Dashed lines
in pressure-depth plots are water trends
used to calculate buoyancy pressure.

capillary entry pressure of the fault zone and the pres- that a given fault-zone composition can potentially sup-
sure difference between the aquifers (Davies et al., port with low SGR values supporting only low buoy-
2003, this volume). If the pressure difference were ancy pressures. However, this correlation only applies
obtained by subtracting the water pressure from the between SGR values of 20 and 40%. Several points to
hydrocarbon pressure in the reservoirs across the fault note from Figures 7 and 8 are present.
measured at the same depth on the fault, the raw AFPD
value will not represent the capillary entry pressure of 1. There are no data on the OW plot at SGR values less
the fault zone. Instead of using the raw AFPD, the buoy- than about 20% (Figure 7). All the plotted data are
ancy pressures should be used calculated relative to the from faults at burial depths less than 3.5 km (11,500
aquifer on the appropriate side of the fault. ft). The absence of observed sealing faults at low
We have derived buoyancy pressure data for data SGR values at shallow depths is commonly taken to
sets previously analyzed for raw AFPD values for oil indicate that these relatively clean sandstone juxta-
(OW; Figure 7) and gas (GW; Figure 8). In both plots, positions are unaffected by diagenetic overprinting
the observed buoyancy pressure differences for any or cataclasis and are generally nonsealing to oil. It is
particular data set tend to have a small range of SGR possible that it simply represents incomplete data
values for a large range of pressure differences. The sampling, but we consider this unlikely as many
distribution of the data points arises because the data nonsealing faults are documented at this SGR range
are typically derived from small areas of sand-sand jux- (Yielding, 2002). Buoyancy pressure data at SGR
taposition that occur at different depths in the hydro- values less than 20% are present on the GW plot
carbon column (Figure 7 cartoon inset). Flat tops to the (Figure 8) but are only from faults having burial
OW data point ‘‘cloud’’ arise when the data are derived depths greater than 3.5 km (11,500 ft). Several
from a large area of reservoir juxtaposition containing a studies (e.g., Leveille et al., 1997; Fisher and Knipe,
gas-oil contact. In general, there is a correlation between 1998; Knipe et al., 1998; Labaume and Moretti,
the SGR values and the maximum buoyancy pressures 2001) have shown that porosity in cataclasites can

404 Using Calibrated Shale Gouge Ratio to Estimate Hydrocarbon Column Heights
be destroyed by solution and reprecipitation of SGR values above 40%. First, the absence of data
quartz at temperatures exceeding 90jC [equivalent may simply reflect incomplete data sampling. Our
to burial depths of 3.0 km (9850 ft) at normal current fault database does not contain any reliably
geothermal gradients]. The diagenetic overprint re- mapped faults that juxtapose hydrocarbon-bearing
duces the remaining low porosity in cataclastic fault sands against water-bearing sands having minimum
rocks resulting in an increased seal potential. Where SGR values greater than 40% and well-constrained
diagenetic overprinting is absent, cataclastic rocks buoyancy pressures greater than 3 bar for oil or 12
tend to have relatively uniform, or gradually de- bar for gas. Second, all the data points may originate
creasing, permeability when the phyllosilicate con- from sand-on-sand juxtapositions that occur lower
tent ranges from 0 to 14% (Fisher and Knipe, 2001). in the hydrocarbon column and therefore are not at
2. A difference in data point distribution at SGR val- seal capacity, or from traps that are controlled by dip
ues above about 40% is present. On the OW plot closure away from the fault and not by fault seal. A
(Figure 7), the buoyancy pressures do not increase third reason for the plateau distribution of data lies
above about 3 bar or 43.5 psi between SGR values of in the observation that fault-zone hydraulic pro-
40 and 70%. The data on the GW plot (Figure 8) cesses appear not to change when the SGR value
exhibit a similar ‘‘plateau’’ distribution of data exceeds about 45 – 50%. A seal having an SGR value
points but at higher buoyancy pressures (12 bar or of 90% will not be significantly stronger, and there-
175 psi). A combination of three factors may cause fore will not support a significantly greater hydro-
the lack of high (> 12 bar) buoyancy pressures at carbon column, than a seal having an SGR value of

Figure 7. Shale gouge ratio against

buoyancy pressure calibration for oil-
bearing sands juxtaposed against water.
All data on the calibration plot are de-
rived from faults at burial depths less
than 3.5 km. Data color coded by depth:
less than 3.0 km (9850 ft) dark blue;
3.0 –3.5 km (9850 –11,500 ft) red.

100 (psi)
Buoyancy pressure (bar)



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Shale gouge ratio (%)
Bretan et al. 405
Figure 8. Shale gouge ratio against
buoyancy pressure calibration for gas-
bearing sands juxtaposed against water.
Data color-coded by depth: less than
3.0 km (9850 ft) dark blue; 3.0– 3.5 km
(9850 – 11,500 ft) red; 3.5– 5.5 km
(11,500 –18,050 ft) green.

40%. Microstructural (Fisher and Knipe, 1998, the seal-failure envelope. Although SGR values as low
2001) and oil field studies (Ottesen Ellevset et al., as 10% appear capable of supporting gas columns, seal-
1998) indicate that phyllosilicate smear rocks having ing is most likely to be the result of pore-throat re-
an SGR range between 40 and 100% are likely to duction by diagenetic occlusion instead of the presence
have uniform permeability (< 0.001 md). Similarly, of phyllosilicates in the fault zone. For oil-bearing traps,
Fulljames et al. (1997) show that the probability for the effect of depth of burial cannot be fully evaluated
seal is independent of CSP above a certain CSP because all data were derived from faults at burial
value, although the actual value is not documented depths less then 3.5 km (11,500 ft) (oil is destroyed
(figure 5 of Fulljames et al., 1997). at significantly greater depths). More data are still re-
quired to fully define seal-failure envelopes for the sep-
The main point to emerge from the calibration arate gas and oil calibration plots.
plots based on buoyancy pressure is that a global seal-
failure envelope based on AFPD has overgeneralized Hydrocarbons Against Hydrocarbons
the relationship between increasing SGR values and
increasing pressure that the fault seal can support. For The second general type of fluid juxtaposition is where
gas-bearing traps (Figure 8), depth of burial, especially gas or oil-bearing intervals are juxtaposed against other
for fault rocks at the low end of the SGR spectrum gas- or oil-bearing intervals having the same fluid den-
(clay-poor cataclastic fault rocks) strongly influences sity. These data provide an insight into the fluid content

406 Using Calibrated Shale Gouge Ratio to Estimate Hydrocarbon Column Heights
of the fault zone that separates juxtaposed hydro- Worden et al. (1998) show that even where a rock is
carbons. In general, AFPD derived from juxtaposed hy- full of oil, there will still be some original pore water
drocarbons having the same fluid density exhibit a small remaining (irreducible water saturation). Rock types
range of pressure differences for a large range of SGR val- having small pore-throat sizes (e.g., clay-rich fault
ues (Figure 9). SGR values less than about 30% can only rocks) will tend to have high irreducible water satu-
support low AFPD (2 bar or 30 psi), whereas SGR val- ration even at maximum oil saturation. The higher the
ues greater than 40% can support high AFPD (10 bar or shale component of a fault zone, equivalent to high SGR
145 psi). values, the more likely the fault zone will remain water
If the fault zone is hydrocarbon saturated, sealing saturated in the hydrocarbon column. If fault zones sep-
does not occur by capillary mechanisms. The AFPD in arating juxtaposed hydrocarbon columns are water sat-
Figure 9 are likely to be a function of differences in per- urated even after oil migration, then capillary entry effects
meability between the fault zone and the juxtaposed may still be important for sealing. It seems intuitive
reservoirs. Dart and Rivenaes (2000) suggest that, as a that if the difference in depth of the hydrocarbon-
first approximation, clay-smeared fault zones in sand- water contact is small on either side of the fault, then
shale sequences have the same fluid properties as a the strength of the seal, as defined by the capillary
shale cap rock and water is therefore the wetting phase. entry forces, will also be small. However, as discussed
They go on to suggest that the higher the sandstone by Fisher et al. (2001), this is not necessarily the case.
component of a fault zone, the less likely that it will Although the pressure difference at the fault is de-
remain water saturated in the hydrocarbon column. pendent on its hydraulic properties, which depend on

Figure 9. Shale gouge ratio against

across-fault pressure difference for juxta-
posed hydrocarbons. Gas-gas juxtaposi-
tions as crosses (+ ), oil-oil juxtapositions
as dots (). Data color-coded by depth:
less than 3.0 km (9850 ft) dark blue;
3.0 –3.5 km (9850 –11,500 ft) red; 3.5–
5.5 km (11,500 – 18,050 ft) green.

Bretan et al. 407

fault-zone composition as reflected by SGR, the de- resistance seals. A similar SGR-AFPD correlation is
tails of the SGR-AFPD relationship for juxtaposed observed for Brent production data but having much
hydrocarbons depend upon the aquifer pressure and larger pressure differences at a given SGR (Harris et al.,
the filling/migration history of the reservoirs adjacent 2002).
to the fault.

Water Against Water UNCERTAINTIES

The final general type of fluid juxtaposition is water Prediction of hydrocarbon column heights is not an
juxtaposed against water across a fault (Figure 10). The exact science. The method described in the previous
AFPD do not reflect the capillary entry effects of a section relies on the availability of pressure data and the
membrane seal (Watts, 1987; Yielding et al., 1997). empirical relationship between fault-zone rock type
However, there is a general relationship between SGR (estimated using the SGR algorithm) and supportable
values and AFPD derived from water-on-water juxta- across-fault pressures (assumed to represent the capil-
position. High SGR values support high AFPD values. lary entry pressure for hydrocarbons). Further uncer-
Very low fault-zone permeability at high SGR values tainties arise from the estimate for the V shale parameter
most probably causes the differences in pressure that and the geometric construction of the structural model.
would retard the flow rate of water across the fault. All these uncertainties should be taken into account
Heum (1996) refers to seals of this type as hydraulic when estimating column heights.

Figure 10. Shale gouge ratio against

across-fault pressure difference for jux-
taposed aquifers. The data exhibit a small
range of pressure differences for a large
range of SGR values. Data color coded by
depth: less than 3.0 km (9850 ft) dark
blue; 3.0–3.5 km (9850 –11,500 ft)
red; 3.5–5.5 km (11,500–18,050 ft)

408 Using Calibrated Shale Gouge Ratio to Estimate Hydrocarbon Column Heights
Pressure Data Even if reliable pressure data are available, an SGR-
buoyancy pressure calibration may not derive the entry
The lack of pressure data, especially in frontier explo- pressure of the fault zone. Figure 11 shows a schematic
ration areas, commonly prevents the detailed calibra- cross section and SGR-buoyancy pressure calibration
tion of SGR values. The most ideal case is where the derived from a fault in the central North Sea. The upper
SGR values are locally calibrated on the structure using part of the fault is leaking because gas on either side of
preproduction pressure data from wells located on either the fault lies on the same pressure trend (pressure equal-
side of the fault. This ensures that the predicted rela- ization across the fault). The lower part is sealing, as
tionship incorporates locally derived parameters. Failing there is a difference in observed pressure between the
this, the SGR values could be calibrated using pressure high-pressure aquifer in the downthrown side and
data from wells in nearby parts of the same basin. In the lower pressure gas in the upthrown side. Below the
cases where no pressure data exist, the SGR values gas-water juxtaposition, the fault separates differently
can be compared to calibration plots based on buoy- pressured aquifers. A plot of SGR against calculated
ancy pressure. However, care should be taken to use buoyancy pressure produces a distribution of points
data points on these plots that were derived using a that is totally different to the calibration plots shown in
similar methodology for calculating SGR and were ob- Figures 2 and 8. There appears to be no increase in
tained from faults that have a similar geohistory to the buoyancy pressure for increasing SGR for the area of
fault of interest. the fault that is separating gas from water (green in

Figure 11. Cartoon cross section,

depth-pressure plot and calibration plot
derived from a fault in the central North
Sea. Buoyancy pressure calculated using
the water trend in the upthrown side
of the fault for the juxtaposition of low-
pressure gas and high-pressure water
(green) and the gas against gas juxtapo-
sition (black). No apparent value for the
onset of fault seal is present.

Bretan et al. 409

Figure 11). The part of the fault that is leaking to gas
shows a slight increase in SGR for increasing buoyancy
pressure (black in Figure 11). Initial gas leakage
presumably occurred at a lower buoyancy pressure
corresponding to the fault entry pressure, but continued
gas charge and fill has produced longer gas columns and
higher buoyancy pressure that now exceed the entry
pressure. This example shows that, for some data sets,
the present-day pressure data cannot be used to re-
construct seal failure and hence predict column height
(see also Fisher et al., 2001).


Several workers have discussed uncertainties in pre-

dicting fault-zone properties, especially the proportion
of fine-grained material in the fault (e.g., Childs et al.,
1997; Hesthammer and Fossen, 2000). Of key concern Figure 12. Maximum across-fault pressure difference plotted
is the methodology used to estimate V shale. Different against minimum shale gouge ratio on six faults in the Oseberg
vintages of V shale analysis of the same well by different Syd field, North Sea (for location and methodology, see Fristad
petrophysicists working in the same company can be et al., 1997). Changing the method used to estimate V shale
alarmingly different. Fristad et al. (1997) derived the moves the seal threshold value to higher SGR values. Faults are
maximum AFPD that could be supported for the min- numbered 1 –6. Original analysis (A); new analysis with revised
imum SGR value for several faults in the Oseberg Syd V shale having no mica (B); V shale having mica (C); and V shale
field, North Sea. In their original analysis, the V shale having mica and kaolin (D).
was derived from an initial petrophysical interpretation
of wireline logs. We have reanalyzed these data using a seal has been breached. Column heights may continue
revised estimate for V shale that incorporates mica and to increase even after seal failure if the rate of hydro-
kaolin (Figure 12). For Fault 1, the minimum SGR carbon charge is greater than the rate of across-fault
value using V shale that includes mica and kaolin is 30% leakage. Analytical models show that hydraulic resist-
compared with 18% based on the original estimate for ance sealing may add up to about 15% more hydro-
V shale. Application of method shown in Figures 4 and 5 carbon column than predicted by membrane sealing
using the revised V shale gives a good prediction of the (Brown, 2003, this volume). This increase in column
observed downthrown contacts on Fault 1. height over the predicted value is equivalent to
Incorporating mica and kaolin in the estimate for increasing the SGR value by only 2 (e.g., 20–22%;
V shale translates the threshold for the onset of fault seal Figure 3a). As noted above, small differences in SGR are
(minimum SGR for the maximum AFPD) toward very likely to reflect uncertainties in estimating V shale
higher SGR values. Given the uncertainties involved in instead of real variations in fault-zone composition.
deriving the V shale parameter, predictions based on
SGR values that are very close to each other (e.g., 23 Geologic Model
and 25%) should be treated with caution. Higher con-
fidence can be placed on SGR values that are more dis- In addition to the problems associated with defining a
tinct (e.g., 20 and 40%) as the difference between the seal-failure envelope, a major uncertainty with assessing
values is greater than the uncertainty that may be in- prospect risk arises from data that are used to construct a
volved in estimating V shale. geologic model of the prospect. A factor influencing
the ability of fault-seal analysis to predict hydrocarbon
Seal Failure and Hydrocarbon Charge column height is the precision of the mapping of
horizon and fault surfaces in three dimensions, and
In this contribution, we have dealt with the behavior of subsequently the interpolation of the reservoir-scale
the fault seal up to the point of seal failure. We do not stratigraphy, rock properties, and pore-pressure data
consider the behavior of the fault after the hydrocarbon in the vicinity of the faults. This is because faults do

410 Using Calibrated Shale Gouge Ratio to Estimate Hydrocarbon Column Heights
not have homogeneous capillary entry properties along drocarbons may leak depends upon the buoyancy
their length. Different rock types will make a different pressure (pressure difference between the hydro-
contribution to the fault-zone composition, depending carbon and water phases) and the three-dimensional
upon throw and lateral variation in the V shale compo- distribution of the variable capillary entry pressure of
nent, at different parts of the fault. Furthermore, the the fault zone, as derived from SGR values.
depths of the reservoir intervals and their juxtapositions  Established calibration diagrams based on AFPD have
across the fault, relative to pressure gradients, will vary overgeneralized the relationship between increasing
depending upon fault throw. Intervals that initially occur SGR values and increasing supportable pressures.
in a water leg may pass along strike into an oil or gas leg.  Calibration diagrams based on buoyancy pressure
show that gas and oil data exhibit a correlation be-
Geologic History tween increasing SGR and increasing buoyancy pres-
sure but only between SGR values of 20 and 40%.
Many workers have discussed burial depth at the time More data are still required to define individual seal-
of faulting and the subsequent burial history on seal failure envelopes for oil and gas.
development (e.g., Knipe, 1992; Fisher and Knipe,  The onset of seal for gas is dependent upon depth of
1998). In general, increasing the burial depth is likely to burial especially at SGR values less than 15%. For oil,
enhance the seal potential especially for clay-poor fault the onset for seal occurs at an SGR value of about 20%.
zones. However, seal integrity may be compromised if  No increase in the strength of a seal occurs, as re-
the faults are optimally oriented for renewed slip in the flected by an increase in maximum supportable buoy-
present-day tectonic stress field (Castillo, 2000). El- ancy pressure, at SGR values greater than about 40%
evated pore pressures caused by hydrocarbons may re- both for gas and for oil data. Column heights do not
sult in hydraulic fracturing or fluid flow along faults continue to increase over the SGR range 50–100%.
(Finkbeiner et al., 2001).  Estimating hydrocarbon column heights using fault-
Faults in the database used to derive the ‘‘seal- seal attribute data ultimately depends upon the geo-
failure envelope’’ in Figure 2 are normal faults having logic input into the model, in particular the pressure
dip-slip movement. As far as the authors are aware, data, volumetric shale fraction (V shale), of the in-
there are no published calibration data for dip-slip re- tervals and the precision of the three-dimensional
verse, oblique-slip, or strike-slip faults. The paucity of mapping and interpolation of reservoir geometry
data for oblique-slip faults may lie in the inherent and zonal properties in the vicinity of the fault.
difficulty in recognizing oblique-slip motion on faults
imaged on seismic data. Note that SGR values can be
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