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Prof. Dr. Luiz Fernando Almeida Machado

Pathways to neuronal injury and
apoptosis in HIV-associated dementia CONCEITO DE ARBOVÍRUS
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA
(e-mail: and
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:

Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors)

• Arthropod-borne = arbovírus
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and microglia, but not neurons, although neurons are
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of
macrophage, microglial and astrocyte toxins, although direct injury by viral proteins might also contribute.
These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to
other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in understanding the signalling pathways mediating
these events offer hope for therapeutic intervention.

independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings

• Vírus → transmissão biológica → vertebrados

he syndrome of cognitive and motor
dysfunction observed after infection with support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD.
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the

susceptíveis e artrópodes hematófagos (ou pela via

active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-
resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does ingearlyCNSinfectiontoevolveindependentlyovertimeina
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may improved systemic control of viral replication is associated

eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6. with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and
infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been
principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil
predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral
activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and theoverallprevalenceofHAD.Amorecompleteunderstand-
microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutic

• Multiplicam-se e produzem viremia em vertebrados

interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation targets for its prevention and treatment.
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD
contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the
themselves are not infected by HIV-1. Here we review the virus resides primarily in microglia and macrophages.
extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini-
to macrophage or microglial activation, as well as those tiate neurodegeneration12. It has been proposed that factors
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to
prevention or treatment of HAD. dementia. One such factor could be the increased number

• Multiplicam-se em artrópodes → transmitidos pela

TheprevalenceofHADwasestimatedintheearly1990sto of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advanced HIV These activated cells adhere to the normal endothelium of
disease and low CD4 counts8. Many experts believe that HAD the brain microvasculature, transmigrate, and then trigger
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide a number of deleterious processes12.

picada de artrópodes → período de incubação

among people aged 40 or less, and it is a significant indepen-
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of
HAART, the incidence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5%
The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec-
tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines
(cell migration (chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), such as

extrínseco (WHO, 1985).

(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidence as an AIDS-defining monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seem to
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
HAD demonstrating a CD4 count greater than 200 !l"1 is through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from
also increasing10. Moreover, a less fulminant form of HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frank cytes and monocytes migrate into the brain15,16. However,
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
988 NATURE | VOL 410 | 19 APRIL 2001 |
Pathways to neuronal injury and Ciclo de transmissão
apoptosis in HIV-associScience
Forum: ated dementia & Society Trends in Microbiology August 2013, Vol. 21, No. 8
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA
(e-mail: and (3) Spillback into
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:
enzoo!c cycle
Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors)
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and microglia, but not neurons, although neurons are Control of urban
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of
macrophage, microglial and astrocyte toxins, although direct injury by viral proteins might also contribute. transmission
These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to
other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in understanding the signalling pathways mediating
these events offer hope for therapeutic intervention.

Control of urban Control of
he syndrome of cognitive and motor independent vectors orfindings
risk factor for AIDS mortality . These 9 arboreal vectors
dysfunction observed after infection with supportmodula!on
the hypot h esis that HAART does not provide of or modula!on of
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD.
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfurban
ortunately, HIV protease inhibitovectorial
rs and several of the their vectorial
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has nuclcapacity;
eoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS , allow- 11
resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD , it does ingearlyCNSinfectiontoevolveindependentlyovertimeina
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal protimmuniza!on
ected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that of immuniza!on of
of HAD , and the prevalence of the dementia may improved systemic control of viral replication is associated
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS . with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect
enzoo!c NHP
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly wilpopula!ons
be long lasting is open to question . In fact, distinct 4,12
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and
infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been
principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil Targeted
predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral
activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
vaccina!on of
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead continue to extend life expectControl
ancy, resulting in an increase in of urban people exposed
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and theoverallprevalenceofHAD.Amorecompleteunderstand-
microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by ing of the pathogenesis of HADvectors wil help identify therapeutic or
to enzoo!c
interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation targets for its prevention andmodula!on
Aedes spp. spillover;
treatment. of
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also HIV entry into the brain andurban initiation of HAD vectorial reduc!on of
contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early incapacity; the course of infection, and the exposure to
themselves are not infected by HIV-1. Here we review the virus resides primarily in microglia and macrophages. A. aegyp! enzoo!c vectors
extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading However, infection of these celimmuniza!on of
A. albopictus
ls may not be sufficient to ini-
to macrophage or microglial activation, as well as those tiate neurodegeneration . Iturban12
has been proposed that factors
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important popula!ons triggers for events leading to
prevention or treatment of HAD. dementia. One such factor could be the increased number
TheprevalenceofHADwasestimatedintheearly1990sto of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advanced HIV These activated cells adhere to the normal endothelium of
disease and low CD4 counts8. Many experts believe that HAD the brain microvasculature, transmigrate, and then trigger
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide a number of deleterious processes12.
among people aged 40 or less, and it is a significant indepen- The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec- (2) Human urban amplifica!on (1) Spillover from enzoo!c cycle
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines
HAART, the incidence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5% (cell migration (chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), such as TRENDS in Microbiology
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidence as an AIDS-defining monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seem to
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
HAD demonstrating a CD42. count greaterCartoon
than 200 !l"1 is through the BBB14. Hisdepicting
tological studies in specimens from the emergence of urban transmission cycles for dengue virus (DENV), yellow fever virus (YFV), and chikungunya virus (CHIKV) from enzootic
al so increasi ng . Moreover , a less ful m inant form of HIV-1-in fe cte d humans and si m i an i m munodef ic i ency
cycles. Lines through arrows indicate potential points for intervention in enzootic circulation, spillover infections of humans, introductions into the urban cycle, and
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalfrom ent than frank cytesurban
and monocytes migrate into thcycles e brain15,16. However, to initiate arboreal enzootic cycles. The line thickness reflects the likelihood of success of these interventions (a thicker line indicates a greater
dementia in the HAART era, and remains of
likelihood a significantsuccess).
the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
988 NATURE | VOL 410 | 19 APRIL 2001 |


Single-stranded Single-stranded Double-stranded

positive-sense RNA negative sense RNA RNA

Family: Togaviridae Family: Bunyaviridae Family: Reoviridae

Genus: Alphavirus a) Genus: Orthobunyavirus a) Genus: Orbivirus
Nairovirus Coltivirus a)
Family: Flaviviridae Phlebovirus
Genus: Flavivirus a) Tospovirus CLINICAL
Family: Rhabdoviridae EXPERIMENT
Genus: Vesiculovirus
Family: Orthomyxoviridae
Genus: Thogotovirus
Clin Exp Vaccine Res 2014;3:58-77
s e outros animais pela picada São transmitidas pelo sangue do Arbovírus
de pacientes do
no Brasil

Quadro 1 Os
ematófagos. – Arbovírus
que pore insetos hematófagos,
reemergentes no provocando
o que não mudança
deixa de
m humanos e outrosBrasil7,8,9,10
animais de uma preocupação na doação para,deentão,
sangue liberar
em á
membros de cinco famílias virais: endêmicas2. Casos de transmissão Após a do vírus O
Família Vírus Sigla Doença
viridae, Flaviviridae, Reoviridae e do Nilo (WNV) entre seres humanos,
para por meio
o citoplasma 7
Dengue DENV transfusões de sangue e transplante de órgãos, têm
Febre hemorrágica
relatados, entretanto todos os As proteínas
arbovírus que virais
haja mais de Encefalite
545 espécies
de Saint de
SLEV viremia
são epotencialmente
encefalite uma única
passíveis de poliproteín
s quais, mais de 150 relacionadas
infecções iatrogênicas 4,5
. que é clivada por
seres humanos, sendo a maioria
Rocio ROCV Encefalite
tidos em ciclo de transmissão entre do hospedeiro
O único continente onde os arbovírus não
e vir
e Flaviviridae
reservatórios vertebrados WNV endêmicos
Oeste do Nilo como Meningite ée encefalite codificadas
o Antártico. Estes na porção
vírus tendem a ter
os amplificadores2,3.Cacipacore proteínas não estrutura
CACV distribuição –geográfica e climática restrita, como p
de um subsistema ecológicoOs especial represen
flavivírus replic
Ilheus ILHV pelos
Doença febril, encefalite
vírus, vetores, hospedeiros amplificadore
às membranas, por m
rrespondence / Correspondencia: reservatórios
Doença. febril
Bussuquara BUSV as pequenas proteína
Centro de Ciências Biológicas
Iguape IGUV
O Brasil– é constituído e, por presumivelmente,
uma grande exte
Londrina, Campus Universitário terrestre (pouco mais de 8.500.000
, Pr 445 km 380. Bairro: Jardim Portal de Versal
A síntese kmde2),uma
Mayaro MAYV uma área
Doença predominantemente
febril e artralgias é a tropical,
primeira com
etapa exted
7 Togaviridae florestas na Região Amazônica, que poralémsua
Encefalite Equina EEEV leste, sudeste
Doença e litoral sul. Apresenta também
do Leste RNA de polaridade p
Bunyaviridae Oropouche OROV
Febre hemorrágica, detectadas cerca de 3
doença neurológica Rev Pan-Amaz
do cicloSaude replicativo
2014; 5(3):55-64oc
Pathways to neuronal injury and Arbovírus no Brasil
apoptosis in HIV-associated dementia
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA
(e-mail: and
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:

Família Flaviviridae Togaviridae

Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors)
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and microglia, but not neurons, although neurons are
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of
macrophage, microglial and astrocyte toxins, although direct injury by viral proteins might also contribute.
These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to
other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in understanding the signalling pathways mediating
these events offer hope for therapeutic intervention.

T Gênero
he syndrome of cognitive and motor independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings
dysfunction observed after infection with support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide

Flavivirus Alphavirus
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD.
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-
resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does ingearlyCNSinfectiontoevolveindependentlyovertimeina
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may improved systemic control of viral replication is associated
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6. with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and
infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been
principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil
predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral
activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in

Febre amarela
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and theoverallprevalenceofHAD.Amorecompleteunderstand-

microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutic
interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation targets for its prevention and treatment.

due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible

that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD

contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the
themselves are not infected by HIV-1. Here we review the virus resides primarily in microglia and macrophages.
extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini-

to macrophage or microglial activation, as well as those tiate neurodegeneration12. It has been proposed that factors
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to
prevention or treatment of HAD. dementia. One such factor could be the increased number
TheprevalenceofHADwasestimatedintheearly1990sto of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advanced HIV These activated cells adhere to the normal endothelium of
disease and low CD4 counts8. Many experts believe that HAD the brain microvasculature, transmigrate, and then trigger
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide a number of deleterious processes12.
among people aged 40 or less, and it is a significant indepen- The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec-
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines
HAART, the incidence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5% (cell migration (chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), such as
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidence as an AIDS-defining monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seem to
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
HAD demonstrating a CD4 count greater than 200 !l"1 is through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from
also increasing10. Moreover, a less fulminant form of HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frank cytes and monocytes migrate into the brain15,16. However,
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
988 NATURE | VOL 410 | 19 APRIL 2001 |
Pathways to neuronal injury and Arbovírus no Brasil
apoptosis in HIV-associated dementia
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA

545 arbovírus já identificados

(e-mail: and
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:

Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors)
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and microglia, but not neurons, although neurons are
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of
macrophage, microglial and astrocyte toxins, although direct injury by viral proteins might also contribute.
These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to

150 causam doenças em humanos

other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in understanding the signalling pathways mediating
these events offer hope for therapeutic intervention.

he syndrome of cognitive and motor independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings
dysfunction observed after infection with support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD.
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the
nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-

Arbovírus isolados na Amazônia Brasileira

active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has
resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does ingearlyCNSinfectiontoevolveindependentlyovertimeina
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may improved systemic control of viral replication is associated
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6. with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and
infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been
principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil
predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral

• 1954 – 2015: >10.000 isolamentos virais

activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and theoverallprevalenceofHAD.Amorecompleteunderstand-
microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutic
interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation targets for its prevention and treatment.
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD
contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the

• 186 tipos: 157 novos para o Brasil

themselves are not infected by HIV-1. Here we review the virus resides primarily in microglia and macrophages.
extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini-
to macrophage or microglial activation, as well as those tiate neurodegeneration12. It has been proposed that factors
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to
prevention or treatment of HAD. dementia. One such factor could be the increased number
TheprevalenceofHADwasestimatedintheearly1990sto of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advanced HIV These activated cells adhere to the normal endothelium of

• 84 novos para o mundo

disease and low CD4 counts8. Many experts believe that HAD
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide
among people aged 40 or less, and it is a significant indepen-
the brain microvasculature, transmigrate, and then trigger
a number of deleterious processes12.
The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec-
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines
HAART, the incidence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5% (cell migration (chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), such as
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidence as an AIDS-defining monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seem to
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
HAD demonstrating a CD4 count greater than 200 !l"1 is through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from

• A maioria tem patogenicidade indeterminada para o homem

also increasing10. Moreover, a less fulminant form of
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frank
HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
cytes and monocytes migrate into the brain15,16. However,
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
988 NATURE | VOL 410 | 19 APRIL 2001 |
Pathways to neuronal injury and Arbovírus no Brasil
apoptosis in HIV-associated dementia
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA
(e-mail: and
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:

Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors)
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and microglia, but not neurons, although neurons are
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of
macrophage, microglial and astrocyte toxins, although direct injury by viral proteins might also contribute.

• Zoonoses com ampla distribuição geográfica

These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to
other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in understanding the signalling pathways mediating
these events offer hope for therapeutic intervention.

he syndrome of cognitive and motor independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings

• Homem como hospedeiro acidental

dysfunction observed after infection with support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD.
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-
resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does ingearlyCNSinfectiontoevolveindependentlyovertimeina
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may improved systemic control of viral replication is associated
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6.

• Hospedeiros de manutenção: aves, roedores,

with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and
infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been
principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil
predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral

morcegos, répteis, etc

activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and theoverallprevalenceofHAD.Amorecompleteunderstand-
microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutic
interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation targets for its prevention and treatment.
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD
contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the

• Persistência de um arbovírus = verteb.

themselves are not infected by HIV-1. Here we review the virus resides primarily in microglia and macrophages.
extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini-
to macrophage or microglial activation, as well as those tiate neurodegeneration12. It has been proposed that factors
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to
prevention or treatment of HAD. dementia. One such factor could be the increased number

susceptíveis + vet. competentes

TheprevalenceofHADwasestimatedintheearly1990sto of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advanced HIV These activated cells adhere to the normal endothelium of
disease and low CD4 counts8. Many experts believe that HAD the brain microvasculature, transmigrate, and then trigger
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide a number of deleterious processes12.
among people aged 40 or less, and it is a significant indepen- The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec-
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines
HAART, the incidence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5% (cell migration (chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), such as
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidence as an AIDS-defining monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seem to
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
HAD demonstrating a CD4 count greater than 200 !l"1 is through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from
also increasing10. Moreover, a less fulminant form of HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frank cytes and monocytes migrate into the brain15,16. However,
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
988 NATURE | VOL 410 | 19 APRIL 2001 |
Pathways to neuronal injury and
apoptosis in HIV-associated dementia
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA
(e-mail: and
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:
Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors)
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and microglia, but not neurons, although neurons are
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of
macrophage, microglial and astrocyte toxins, although direct injury by viral proteins might also contribute.
These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to
other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in understanding the signalling pathways mediating

• Vírus - linfonodos satélites – replicação

these events offer hope for therapeutic intervention.

he syndrome of cognitive and motor independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings

(fagócitos) – viremia – órgão alvo

dysfunction observed after infection with support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD.
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-
resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does ingearlyCNSinfectiontoevolveindependentlyovertimeina
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may improved systemic control of viral replication is associated
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6. with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and
infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been
reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected

• Período de incubação: 1-15 dias (3-7 dias)

principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil
predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral
activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and theoverallprevalenceofHAD.Amorecompleteunderstand-
microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutic
interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation targets for its prevention and treatment.
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD
contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the
themselves are not infected by HIV-1. Here we review the virus resides primarily in microglia and macrophages.
extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini-
to macrophage or microglial activation, as well as those tiate neurodegeneration12. It has been proposed that factors
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to
prevention or treatment of HAD. dementia. One such factor could be the increased number
TheprevalenceofHADwasestimatedintheearly1990sto of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advanced HIV These activated cells adhere to the normal endothelium of
disease and low CD4 counts8. Many experts believe that HAD the brain microvasculature, transmigrate, and then trigger
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide a number of deleterious processes12.
among people aged 40 or less, and it is a significant indepen- The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec-
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines
HAART, the incidence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5% (cell migration (chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), such as
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidence as an AIDS-defining monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seem to
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
HAD demonstrating a CD4 count greater than 200 !l"1 is through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from
also increasing10. Moreover, a less fulminant form of HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frank cytes and monocytes migrate into the brain15,16. However,
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
988 NATURE | VOL 410 | 19 APRIL 2001 |
Pathways to neuronal injury and
apoptosis in HIV-associated dementia
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
Diagnóstico Laboratorial
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA
(e-mail: and
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:

Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors)

• Isolamento Viral
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and microglia, but not neurons, although neurons are
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of
macrophage, microglial and astrocyte toxins, although direct injury by viral proteins might also contribute.
These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to
other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in understanding the signalling pathways mediating
these events offer hope for therapeutic intervention.

• Deteção de antígenos
he syndrome of cognitive and motor independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings
dysfunction observed after infection with support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD.
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-

• - IFA, imunohistoquímica, RT-PCR

resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does ingearlyCNSinfectiontoevolveindependentlyovertimeina
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may improved systemic control of viral replication is associated
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6. with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and
infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been
principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil

• Provas sorológicas
predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral
activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and theoverallprevalenceofHAD.Amorecompleteunderstand-
microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutic

interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation targets for its prevention and treatment.
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD
contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the
themselves are not infected by HIV-1. Here we review the virus resides primarily in microglia and macrophages.

extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini-
to macrophage or microglial activation, as well as those tiate neurodegeneration12. It has been proposed that factors
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to
prevention or treatment of HAD. dementia. One such factor could be the increased number
TheprevalenceofHADwasestimatedintheearly1990sto of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advanced HIV These activated cells adhere to the normal endothelium of
disease and low CD4 counts8. Many experts believe that HAD the brain microvasculature, transmigrate, and then trigger
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide a number of deleterious processes12.
among people aged 40 or less, and it is a significant indepen- The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec-
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines

Tratamento, Prevenção e Controle

HAART, the incidence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5% (cell migration (chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), such as
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidence as an AIDS-defining monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seem to
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
HAD demonstrating a CD4 count greater than 200 !l"1 is through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from
also increasing10. Moreover, a less fulminant form of HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frank cytes and monocytes migrate into the brain15,16. However,
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
988 NATURE | VOL 410 | 19 APRIL 2001 |
Pathways to neuronal injury and Febre amarela
apoptosis in HIV-associated dementia
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA
(e-mail: and
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:
Febre Amarela
Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors)
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and microglia, but not neurons, although neurons are
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of

Família Flaviviridae
macrophage, microglial and astrocyte toxins, although direct injury by viral proteins might also contribute.
These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to
other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in understanding the signalling pathways mediating
these events offer hope for therapeutic intervention.

TGênero Flavivirus
he syndrome of cognitive and motor independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings
dysfunction observed after infection with support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD.
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-
resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does ingearlyCNSinfectiontoevolveindependentlyovertimeina
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may improved systemic control of viral replication is associated
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6. with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct

RNAfs (+)
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV
infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The
principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The
antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been
reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected
individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil
predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral
activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and theoverallprevalenceofHAD.Amorecompleteunderstand-

70 nm
microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by
interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also
ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutic
targets for its prevention and treatment.

HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD

contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the
themselves are not infected by HIV-1. Here we review the virus resides primarily in microglia and macrophages.
extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini-
to macrophage or microglial activation, as well as those tiate neurodegeneration12. It has been proposed that factors

Endêmica na América do Sul e África

induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the
prevention or treatment of HAD.
associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery
(non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to
dementia. One such factor could be the increased number
of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advanced HIV These activated cells adhere to the normal endothelium of
disease and low CD4 counts8. Many experts believe that HAD the brain microvasculature, transmigrate, and then trigger
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide a number of deleterious processes12.
among people aged 40 or less, and it is a significant indepen- The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec-

Mantidos em natureza entre primatas não

dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines
HAART, the incidence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5% (cell migration (chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), such as
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidence as an AIDS-defining monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seem to
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
HAD demonstrating a CD4 count greater than 200 !l"1 is through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from

also increasing10. Moreover, a less fulminant form of
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frank
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant
HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
cytes and monocytes migrate into the brain15,16. However,
the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
988 NATURE | VOL 410 | 19 APRIL 2001 |
Febre amarela

Ciclo urbano e silvestre

Pathways to neuronal injury and Febre amarela
apoptosis in HIV-associated dementia
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA
(e-mail: and
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:

Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors)
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and microglia, but not neurons, although neurons are
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of
macrophage, microglial and astrocyte toxins, although direct injury by viral proteins might also contribute.
These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to
other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in understanding the signalling pathways mediating
these events offer hope for therapeutic intervention.

he syndrome of cognitive and motor independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings
dysfunction observed after infection with support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD.
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-
resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does ingearlyCNSinfectiontoevolveindependentlyovertimeina
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may improved systemic control of viral replication is associated
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6. with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and
infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been
principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil
predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral
activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and theoverallprevalenceofHAD.Amorecompleteunderstand-
microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutic
interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation targets for its prevention and treatment.
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD
contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the
themselves are not infected by HIV-1. Here we review the virus resides primarily in microglia and macrophages.
extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini-
to macrophage or microglial activation, as well as those tiate neurodegeneration12. It has been proposed that factors
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to
prevention or treatment of HAD. dementia. One such factor could be the increased number
TheprevalenceofHADwasestimatedintheearly1990sto of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advanced HIV
disease and low CD4 counts8. Many experts believe that HAD
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide
Aedes aegypti
These activated cells adhere to the normal endothelium of
the brain microvasculature, transmigrate, and then trigger
a number of deleterious processes12.
among people aged 40 or less, and it is a significant indepen- The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec-
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines
HAART, the incidence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5%
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidence as an AIDS-defining
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of
Vetor urbano
(cell migration (chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), such as
monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seem to
regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
HAD demonstrating a CD4 count greater than 200 !l"1 is through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from
also increasing10. Moreover, a less fulminant form of HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frank
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant
virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
cytes and monocytes migrate into the brain15,16. However,
the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
Vetor silvestre
988 NATURE | VOL 410 | 19 APRIL 2001 |
Pathways to neuronal injury and Febre amarela
apoptosis in HIV-associated dementia
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA
(e-mail: and
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:

Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors)
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and microglia, but not neurons, although neurons are
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of
macrophage, microglial and astrocyte toxins, although direct injury by viral proteins might also contribute.
These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to
other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in understanding the signalling pathways mediating
these events offer hope for therapeutic intervention.

he syndrome of cognitive and motor independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings
dysfunction observed after infection with support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD.
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-
resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does ingearlyCNSinfectiontoevolveindependentlyovertimeina
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may improved systemic control of viral replication is associated
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6. with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and
infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been
principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil
predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral
activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and theoverallprevalenceofHAD.Amorecompleteunderstand-
microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutic
interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation targets for its prevention and treatment.
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD
contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the
themselves are not infected by HIV-1. Here we review the virus resides primarily in microglia and macrophages.
extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini-
to macrophage or microglial activation, as well as those tiate neurodegeneration12. It has been proposed that factors
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to
prevention or treatment of HAD. dementia. One such factor could be the increased number
TheprevalenceofHADwasestimatedintheearly1990sto of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advanced HIV These activated cells adhere to the normal endothelium of
disease and low CD4 counts8. Many experts believe that HAD the brain microvasculature, transmigrate, and then trigger
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide a number of deleterious processes12.
among people aged 40 or less, and it is a significant indepen- The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec-
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines
HAART, the incidence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5% (cell migration (chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), such as
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidence as an AIDS-defining monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seem to
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
HAD demonstrating a CD4 count greater than 200 !l"1 is through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from
also increasing10. Moreover, a less fulminant form of
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor
Figura 6 - O “iceberg” da febre amarela. Distribuição das formas clínicas.
HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frank cytes and monocytes migrate into the brain15,16. However,
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant
the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
NATURE | VOL 410 | 19 APRIL 2001 |
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 36:275-293, mar-abr, 2003
s demais indivíduos desenvolvem formas clínicas quadros clássicos de febre amarela, graves e
Febre amarela
exuberantes e outros exibem quadro graves. Aí elevado percentual de fatalidade (Tabela 2).

Tabela 2 - Apresentações clínicas da febre amarela no homem 57.

Forma clínica Evolução (dias) Principais manifestações Grupos mais acometidos
Leve até 2 febre e cefaléia crianças com anticorpos maternos (IgG)
Moderada 2-3 sintomas anteriores e mais pessoas com imunidade para
mialgias, artralgias, náuseas, outros Flavivirus*
vômitos e astenia

Grave 3-5 além dos anteriores, icterícia, agricultor, pescador, caçador, lenhador,
hematêmese ou oligúria turista e outros suscetíveis com
imunidade cruzada para Flavivirus
Maligna ≥6 todos os sintomas clássicos Mesmo grupo de pessoas sem imunidade

Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 36:275-293, mar-abr, 2003

são observados cruzada para outros Flavivirus
* A resposta sorológica para um dado vírus desse gênero, apresenta no indivíduo infectado certa imunidade cruzada, que é parcial e
se supõe conferir algum grau de proteção contra infecções provocadas por outros Flavivirus.

ormas leve e moderada: a sintomatologia observada o paciente se recupera inteiramente sem seqü
ormas leve e moderada revela-se incaracterística e Apresenta-se de forma silenciosa de difícil diagn
unde-se com a encontrada em outras doenças mesmo durante as epidemias de febre ama
ciosas comuns em áreas endêmicas entre as quais podendo ser confundida com mal estar passa
ais importantes são a malária, as hepatites virais, a resfriado e enxaqueca. Apenas as provas espec
tifóide e a mononucleose infecciosa. definem o diagnóstico.
m geral, os sintomas na forma leve restringem-se Na forma moderada, o quadro clínico mos
rícula ou febre moderada de início súbito que pode arrastado e conspícuo. O paciente refere início
ão vir acompanhada de cefaléia discreta, astenia com febre e cefaléia. Além desses sintomas ele
ndisposição passageira e tontura. Esse quadro apresentar náuseas com ou sem vômitos, mialg
ui por algumas horas até dois dias, da Sociedade
findos os quaisBrasileira
Figura 7- Febre amarela. Paciente em coma com
quadro maligno. Notar hemorragia.
de Medicina
artralgias Tropical
que não 36:275-293,
incomodam mar-abr, 2003
o paciente nem dific
Febre amarela

Áreas de risco

São Paulo (2008)

14 casos
8 óbitos

São Paulo (2009)

28 casos
11 óbitos
Journal of Clinical Virology 64 (2015) 160–173
Febre amarela
is g
to Y
in t
Fig. 1. Cases of yellow fever in Africa and South America, 1985–2009, officially
notified to the World Health Organization. Journal of Clinical Virology 64 (2015) 160–173
Febre amarela

Diagnóstico Laboratorial
• Isolamento viral (cultura celular e camundongos)

• Sorologia (ELISA - IgM e IgG)

• Biologia molecular (PCR)

Prevenção e Controle

Cepa 17D
Pathways to neuronal injury and DENV, ZIKV, CHIKV
apoptosis in HIV-associated dementia
Vetores: Ae. aegypti e Ae. albopictus
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA
(e-mail: and
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:

Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors)
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and microglia, but not neurons, although neurons are
Família: Flaviviridae
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of
macrophage, microglial and astrocyte toxins, although direct injury by viral proteins might also contribute.
These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to
other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in understanding the signalling pathways mediating
Gênero Flavivirus
these events offer hope for therapeutic intervention.

T Sorotipos 1, 2, 3 e 4 Zika
he syndrome of cognitive and motor independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings
dysfunction observed after infection with support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD.
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the

RNAfs (+)active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has

resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal
nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-
protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that

Família: Flaviviridae
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may improved systemic control of viral replication is associated

40-65 nm
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6.
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly
with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect
wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct

because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and

Gênero Flavivirus
infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been

principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The
predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve
reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected
individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil
increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral

RNAfs (+)
activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and
microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by
ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutic Família: Togaviridae
40-65 nm
interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation targets for its prevention and treatment.
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also
contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons
HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD
HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the Gênero Alphavirus
themselves are not infected by HIV-1. Here we review the virus resides primarily in microglia and macrophages.
extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini-
to macrophage or microglial activation, as well as those
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of
tiate neurodegeneration12. It has been proposed that factors
associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery RNAfs (+)
Isolado em 1947
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to
prevention or treatment of HAD. dementia. One such factor could be the increased number
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advanced HIV
of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
These activated cells adhere to the normal endothelium of 65-70 nm
disease and low CD4 counts8. Many experts believe that HAD
the brain microvasculature, transmigrate, and then trigger
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide a number of deleterious processes12.
among people aged 40 or less, and it is a significant indepen-
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of
The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec-
tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines Envelopado
HAART, the incidence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5% (cell migration (chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), such as
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidence as an AIDS-defining monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seem to
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of
HAD demonstrating a CD4 count greater than 200 !l"1 is
also increasing10. Moreover, a less fulminant form of
regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from
HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
Isolado em 1950
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frank
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant
virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
cytes and monocytes migrate into the brain15,16. However,
the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
988 NATURE | VOL 410 | 19 APRIL 2001 |
Pathways to neuronal injury and DENV, ZIKV, CHIKV
apoptosis in HIV-associated dementia
Genoma dos Flavivírus
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA
(e-mail: and
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:

Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors)
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and microglia, but not neurons, although neurons are
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of
macrophage, microglial and astrocyte toxins, although direct injury by viral proteins might also contribute.
These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to
other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in understanding the signalling pathways mediating
these events offer hope for therapeutic intervention.

he syndrome of cognitive and motor independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings
dysfunction observed after infection with support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD.
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-
resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may
protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that
improved systemic control of viral replication is associated
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6. with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV
wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct
antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and
Não estruturais
infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been
principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil

Genoma dos Togavírus

predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve
activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead
increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral
replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and theoverallprevalenceofHAD.Amorecompleteunderstand-
microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutic
interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation targets for its prevention and treatment.
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD
contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the
themselves are not infected by HIV-1. Here we review the virus resides primarily in microglia and macrophages.
extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini-
to macrophage or microglial activation, as well as those tiate neurodegeneration12. It has been proposed that factors
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to
prevention or treatment of HAD. dementia. One such factor could be the increased number
TheprevalenceofHADwasestimatedintheearly1990sto of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advanced HIV These activated cells adhere to the normal endothelium of
disease and low CD4 counts8. Many experts believe that HAD the brain microvasculature, transmigrate, and then trigger
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide a number of deleterious processes12.
among people aged 40 or less, and it is a significant indepen- The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec-
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines
HAART, the incidence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5% (cell migration (chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), such as
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidence as an AIDS-defining monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seem to
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
HAD demonstrating a CD4 count greater than 200 !l"1 is through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from
also increasing10. Moreover, a less fulminant form of HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frank cytes and monocytes migrate into the brain15,16. However,
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
988 NATURE | VOL 410 | 19 APRIL 2001 |

Genoma dos Flavivírus e Togavírus


Ciclo de replicação
Boletim Epidemiologia: DENV, ZIKV, CHIKV

Epidemiológico Volume 47
N° 18 - 2016

Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde − Ministério da Saúde

ISSN 2358-9450

Monitoramento dos casos de que as regiões Centro-Oeste e Sudeste apresentam
dengue, febre de chikungunya e as maiores taxas de incidências, mantendo-se a
febre pelo deZika
a Semanade novas infecções por ano
tendência de 2015: 613,1 casos/100 mil hab. e
Epidemiológica 13, 2016 540,9 casos/100 mil hab., respectivamente. Entre
as Unidades da Federação, destacam-se Minas
Dengue Brasil (2016) - 802.429 casos prováveis Gerais (1.332,5 casos/100 mil hab.), Rio Grande do
Em 2016, foram registrados 802.429 casos Norte (857 casos/100 mil hab.) e Mato Grosso do
prováveis de dengue no país até a Semana Sul (825,9 casos/100 mil hab.) (Tabela 1).
Entre os municípios com as maiores taxas
Sudeste (57,8%): 463.807 casos
Epidemiológica (SE) 13 (3/1/2016 a 2/4/2016)
(Figura 1). Nesse período, a região Sudeste de incidências no mês de fevereiro por estrato
registrou o maior número de casos prováveis populacional, em relação ao número de habitantes
Nordeste (19,7%): 158.235 casos
(463.807 casos; 57,8%) em relação ao total do (menos de 100 mil habitantes, de 100 a 499 mil, de
500 a 999 mil e acima de 1 milhão de habitantes),
país, seguida das regiões Nordeste (158.235 casos;
19,7%), Centro-Oeste (94.672 casos; 11,8%), Sul destacam-se Guamaré/RN, com 12.929,7 casos/100
Centro-Oeste (11,8%): 94.672 casos
(57.282 casos; 7,1%) e Norte (28.433 casos; 3,5%) mil hab. (população <100 mil hab.); Itabuna/BA,
(Tabela 1). Foram descartados 161.273 casos com 2.751,7 casos/100 mil hab. (população de 100
suspeitos de dengue no período. mil a 499 mil hab.); Contagem/MG, com 1.394,8
Sul (7,1%): 57.282 casos
A análise da taxa de incidência de casos casos/100 mil hab. (população de 500 mil a 999 mil
prováveis de dengue (número de casos/100 mil hab.); e Belo Horizonte/MG, com 1.547,4 casos/100
hab.), segundo regiões geográficas, demonstra Norte (3,5%): 28.433 casos
mil hab. (população >1 milhão de hab.) (Tabela 2).
Boletim Epidemiologia: DENV

Epidemiológico Volume 47
N° 18 - 2016
Boletim Epidemiológ
Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde − Ministério da Saúde − Br
Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde − Ministério da Saúde
ISSN 2358-9450

Tabela 1 – Comparativo de casos prováveis de dengue entre 2015a e 2016b, até a Semana Epidemiológica 13, por região e
Unidade da Federação
Monitoramento dos casos de que as regiões Centro-Oeste e Sudeste apresentam
dengue, febre de chikungunya e as maiores taxas de incidências, mantendo-se a
febre pelodavírus
Região/Unidade Zika até a Semana
tendência de 2015: 613,1 casos/100
Casos (n) Incidênciamil
(/100hab. e
mil hab.)

Epidemiológica 13, 2016 2015 a

540,9 2016
mil hab., respectivamente.
2015 Entre
Norte 13.853 as Unidades
28.433 da Federação, destacam-se
79,3 Minas162,7
Dengue 646 Gerais6.124
(1.332,5 casos/100 mil hab.), Rio Grande
36,5 do
Acre 4.344
Em 2016, foram registrados 802.429 casos Norte3.867 540,6
(857 casos/100 mil hab.) e Mato Grosso481,3 do
Amazonas 1.782 3.686 45,2 93,6
Roraima de dengue no país até a Semana 226
Sul (825,9
casos/100 mil hab.) (Tabela 1).
44,7 23,9
Pará (SE) 13 (3/1/2016 a 2/4/2016)2.431 Entre os municípios com as
4.905 maiores taxas 60,0
Amapá 1). Nesse período, a região Sudeste1.833 de incidências
558 no mês de fevereiro
239,1 por estrato 72,8
Tocantins o maior número de casos prováveis 2.591 populacional,
9.172 em relação ao171,0
número de habitantes 605,4
(463.807 casos; 57,8%) em relação ao total79.492
do (menos de 100 mil habitantes,
158.235 140,5de 100 a 499 mil, de
Maranhão 3.676 500 a10.083 53,2
999 mil e acima de 1 milhão de habitantes),146,0
seguida das regiões Nordeste (158.235 casos;
2.743 801 85,6 25,0
19,7%), Centro-Oeste (94.672 casos; 11,8%), Sul destacam-se Guamaré/RN, com 12.929,7 casos/100
Ceará 244 casosmil
11.584 confirmados
hab. (população <100 mil
130,1 140 óbitos122,3
hab.); Itabuna/BA,
(57.282 casos;
Rio Grande 7,1%) e Norte (28.433 casos;10.960
do Norte 3,5%) 29.501 318,4 857,0
Paraíba 1). Foram
Dengue grave descartados
(2016) 161.273 casos3.750 com 18.402
2.751,7 casos/100 mil hab. 94,4(população de 463,3100
Pernambucode dengue no período. 26.004 mil a44.121
499 mil hab.); Contagem/MG,
278,3 com 1.394,8 472,1
A análise da taxa de incidência de casos 3.708 casos/100
5.522mil hab. (população111,0de 500 mil a 999165,3 mil
Sergipe 2.724
1.707 casos suspeitos
hab.); 2.726
e Belo Horizonte/MG,76,1 com 1.547,4 casos/100121,5
de dengue (número de casos/100 mil
15.360 36.191 101,0 238,0
hab.), segundo regiões geográficas, demonstra
Sudeste 503.254
mil hab. (população
>1 milhão
de hab.) (Tabela 2).
Minas Gerais 48.210 278.071 231,0 1.332,5
Epidemiologia: DENV
Manifestações clínicas do dengue

Pathways to neuronal injury and Dengue
apoptosis in HIV-associated dementia
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA
(e-mail: and
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:
Quadro clínico
Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors)
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and microglia, but not neurons, although neurons are
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of

Graus de gravidade da Febre hemorrágica do dengue/

macrophage, microglial and astrocyte toxins, although direct injury by viral proteins might also contribute.
These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to
other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in understanding the signalling pathways mediating

Síndrome do choque do dengue (DHF/DSS)

these events offer hope for therapeutic intervention.

he syndrome of cognitive and motor independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings
dysfunction observed after infection with support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD.
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the

Grau I: Trombocitopenia + hemoconcentração. Ausência de sangramento

active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-
resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does ingearlyCNSinfectiontoevolveindependentlyovertimeina
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may improved systemic control of viral replication is associated
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6. with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and

Grau II: Trombocitopenia + hemoconcentração. Presença de sangramento

infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The
principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been
reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected
individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil
predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral
activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in

Grau III: Trombocitopenia + hemoconcentração. Insuficiência circulatória

to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and theoverallprevalenceofHAD.Amorecompleteunderstand-
microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutic
interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation targets for its prevention and treatment.
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD
contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the
themselves are not infected by HIV-1. Here we review the virus resides primarily in microglia and macrophages.

Grau IV: Trombocitopenia + hemoconcentração. Choque profundo

extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading
to macrophage or microglial activation, as well as those
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of
However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini-
tiate neurodegeneration12. It has been proposed that factors
associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to
prevention or treatment of HAD. dementia. One such factor could be the increased number
TheprevalenceofHADwasestimatedintheearly1990sto of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advanced HIV These activated cells adhere to the normal endothelium of
disease and low CD4 counts8. Many experts believe that HAD the brain microvasculature, transmigrate, and then trigger
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide a number of deleterious processes12.
among people aged 40 or less, and it is a significant indepen- The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec-
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines
HAART, the incidence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5% (cell migration (chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), such as
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidence as an AIDS-defining monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seem to
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
HAD demonstrating a CD4 count greater than 200 !l"1 is through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from
also increasing10. Moreover, a less fulminant form of HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frank cytes and monocytes migrate into the brain15,16. However,
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
988 NATURE | VOL 410 | 19 APRIL 2001 |
O Ministério da Saúde informa: este medicamento é
contra-indicado em casos de suspeita de dengue
Boletim Epidemiologia: CHIKV

Epidemiológico Volume 47
N° 18 - 2016

Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde − Ministério da Saúde

ISSN 2358-9450

Monitoramento dos casos de

que as regiões Centro-Oeste e Sudeste apresentam
dengue, febre de chikungunya e as maiores taxas de incidências, mantendo-se a
febre pelo vírus Zika até a Semana tendência de 2015: 613,1 casos/100 mil hab. e
Epidemiológica 13, 2016 38.332 casos 13.236 casos 696540,9 casos/100 mil hab., respectivamente. Entre
2015 as Unidades da Federação, destacam-se Minas
Dengue prováveis confirmados municípios
Gerais (1.332,5 casos/100 mil hab.), Rio Grande do
Em 2016, foram registrados 802.429 casos
prováveis de dengue no país até a Semana
Norte (857 casos/100 mil hab.) e Mato Grosso do
Sul (825,9 casos/100 mil hab.) (Tabela 1).
39.017 casos
Epidemiológica (SE) 13 (3/1/2016 a 2/4/2016) 6.159 casos
Entre os municípios com as maiores taxas
(Figura 1). Nesse período, a região Sudeste de incidências no mês de fevereiro por estrato
registrou o maior número de casos prováveis
(463.807 casos; 57,8%) em relação ao total do
populacional, em relação ao número de habitantes
(menos de 100 mil habitantes, de 100 a 499 mil, de
país, seguida das regiões Nordeste (158.235 casos; 500 a 999 mil e acima de 1 milhão de habitantes),
19,7%), Centro-Oeste (94.672 casos; 11,8%), Sul destacam-se Guamaré/RN, com 12.929,7 casos/100
(57.282 casos; 7,1%) e Norte (28.433 casos; 3,5%) mil hab. (população <100 mil hab.); Itabuna/BA,
2015 - 6 óbitos
(Tabela 1). Foram descartados 161.273 casos
suspeitos de dengue no período.
2016 - 15 óbitos
com 2.751,7 casos/100 mil hab. (população de 100
mil a 499 mil hab.); Contagem/MG, com 1.394,8
A análise da taxa dede 75 anos
incidência de idade)
de casos (média
casos/100 mil hab. (população de 500demil68
a 999anos
mil de idade)
prováveis de dengue (número de casos/100 mil hab.); e Belo Horizonte/MG, com 1.547,4 casos/100
3 Bahia
hab.), segundo regiões geográficas, demonstra 3 Bahia
mil hab. (população >1 milhão de hab.) (Tabela 2).
1 Sergipe 2 Paraíbaa
1 São Paulo 2 Rio Grande do Norte
100.000 1 Pernambuco 9 Pernambuco
Epidemiológica 13, Brasil, 2016
Boletim Epidemiologia: CHIKV
Epidemiológico Volume 47
N° 18 - 2016

Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde − Ministério da Saúde

ISSN 2358-9450

Monitoramento dos casos de que as regiões Centro-Oeste e Sudeste apresentam

dengue, febre de chikungunya e as maiores taxas de incidências, mantendo-se a
febre pelo vírus Zika até a Semana tendência de 2015: 613,1 casos/100 mil hab. e
Epidemiológica 13, 2016 540,9 casos/100 mil hab., respectivamente. Entre
as Unidades da Federação, destacam-se Minas
Dengue Gerais (1.332,5 casos/100 mil hab.), Rio Grande do
Em 2016, foram registrados 802.429 casos Norte (857 casos/100 mil hab.) e Mato Grosso do
prováveis de dengue no país até a Semana Sul (825,9 casos/100 mil hab.) (Tabela 1).
Epidemiológica (SE) 13 (3/1/2016 a 2/4/2016) Entre os municípios com as maiores taxas
(Figura 1). Nesse período, a região Sudeste de incidências no mês de fevereiro por estrato
registrou o maior número de casos prováveis populacional, em relação ao número de habitantes
(463.807 casos; 57,8%) em relação ao total do (menos de 100 mil habitantes, de 100 a 499 mil, de
país, seguida das regiões Nordeste (158.235 casos; 500 a 999 mil e acima de 1 milhão de habitantes),
19,7%), Centro-Oeste (94.672 casos; 11,8%), Sul destacam-se Guamaré/RN, com 12.929,7 casos/100
(57.282 casos; 7,1%) e Norte (28.433 casos; 3,5%) mil hab. (população <100 mil hab.); Itabuna/BA,
(Tabela 1). Foram descartados 161.273 casos com 2.751,7 casos/100 mil hab. (população de 100
suspeitos de dengue no período. mil a 499 mil hab.); Contagem/MG, com 1.394,8
A análise da taxa de incidência de casos casos/100 mil hab. (população de 500 mil a 999 mil
prováveis de dengue (número de casos/100 mil hab.); e Belo Horizonte/MG, com 1.547,4 casos/100
hab.), segundo regiões geográficas, demonstra mil hab. (população >1 milhão de hab.) (Tabela 2).



Número de casos

Sem registro
Casos confirmados
20.000 Casos notificados

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53

Semana Epidemiológica de Início de Sintomas

2014 2015 2016

Fonte: Sinan Online (atualizado em a13/07/2015; b04/01/2016; c04/04/2016).

Dados sujeitos a alteração.

Fonte: Sinan (atualizado em 07/04/2016).

Figura 1 – Casos prováveis e taxa de incidência de dengue, por semana epidemiológica de início de sintomas, Brasil, 2014a,
2015b e 2016c

Figura 3 – Casos prováveis e confirmados de febre de chikungunya por município de notificação, até a Semana
Epidemiológica 13, Brasil, 2016
Pathways to neuronal injury and Chikungunya
apoptosis in HIV-associated dementia
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA
(e-mail: and
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:
Quadro clínico
Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors)
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and microglia, but not neurons, although neurons are
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of
macrophage, microglial and astrocyte toxins, although direct injury by viral proteins might also contribute.
These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to
quadros de febre associados à dor articular intensa e
other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in understanding the signalling pathways mediating
these events offer hope for therapeutic intervention.

he syndrome of cognitive and motor debilitante, cefaléia e mialgia
dysfunction observed after infection with
independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings
support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD.
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-
resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does ingearlyCNSinfectiontoevolveindependentlyovertimeina
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may improved systemic control of viral replication is associated
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6. with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect

poliartrite/artralgia simétrica (principalmente punhos,

Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV
infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The
principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous
wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct
antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been
reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The
predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve
activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead
tornozelos e cotovelos)
individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil
increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral
replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and theoverallprevalenceofHAD.Amorecompleteunderstand-
microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutic
interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation targets for its prevention and treatment.
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD
contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the
themselves are not infected by HIV-1. Here we review the virus resides primarily in microglia and macrophages.

não são comuns choque ou hemorragias importantes como

extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading
to macrophage or microglial activation, as well as those
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of
However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini-
tiate neurodegeneration12. It has been proposed that factors
associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to

na dengue, mas podem surgir sintomas neurológicos

prevention or treatment of HAD.
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advanced HIV
dementia. One such factor could be the increased number
of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
These activated cells adhere to the normal endothelium of
disease and low CD4 counts8. Many experts believe that HAD the brain microvasculature, transmigrate, and then trigger
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide a number of deleterious processes12.
among people aged 40 or less, and it is a significant indepen- The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec-
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines
HAART, the incidence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5% (cell migration (chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), such as
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidence as an AIDS-defining monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seem to
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
HAD demonstrating a CD4 count greater than 200 !l"1 is through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from
also increasing10. Moreover, a less fulminant form of HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frank cytes and monocytes migrate into the brain15,16. However,
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
988 NATURE | VOL 410 | 19 APRIL 2001 |
Boletim Epidemiologia: ZIKV

Epidemiológico Volume 47
N° 18 - 2016

Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde − Ministério da Saúde

ISSN 2358-9450

Zika que as regiões Centro-Oeste e Sudeste apresentam

Monitoramento dos casos de
dengue, febre de chikungunya e as maiores taxas de incidências, mantendo-se a
Brasil (2016) - 91.387
febre pelo vírus Zika até a Semana
tendência de prováveis
2015: 613,1 casos/100 mil hab. e
Epidemiológica 13, 2016 540,9 casos/100 mil hab., respectivamente. Entre
31.616 casos confirmados 1.359 municípios
as Unidades da Federação, destacam-se Minas
Dengue Gerais (1.332,5 casos/100 mil hab.), Rio Grande do
Em 2016, foram registrados 802.429 casos Norte (857 casos/100 mil hab.) e Mato Grosso do
prováveis de dengue no país até a Semana
Epidemiológica (SE) 13 (3/1/2016 a 2/4/2016)
Sul (825,9 casos/100 mil hab.) (Tabela 1).
Entre os municípios com as maiores taxas
(Figura 1). Nesse período, a região Sudeste de incidências no mês de fevereiro por estrato
registrou o maior número de casos prováveis populacional, em relação ao número de habitantes
7.584 casos suspeitos
(463.807 casos; 57,8%) em relação ao total do 2.844 casos confirmados
(menos de 100 mil habitantes, de 100 a 499 mil, de
país, seguida das regiões Nordeste (158.235 casos; 500 a 999 mil e acima de 1 milhão de habitantes),
19,7%), Centro-Oeste (94.672 casos; 11,8%), Sul destacam-se Guamaré/RN, com 12.929,7 casos/100
(57.282 casos; 7,1%) e Norte (28.433 casos; 3,5%) mil hab. (população <100 mil hab.); Itabuna/BA,
(Tabela 1). Foram descartados 161.273 casos com 2.751,7 casos/100 mil hab. (população de 100
suspeitos de dengue no período. mil a 499 mil hab.); Contagem/MG, com 1.394,8
A análise da taxa de incidência de casos casos/100 mil hab. (população de 500 mil a 999 mil
São Luís/MA Benevides/PA
prováveis de dengue (número de casos/100 mil Serrinha/RN

hab.); e Belo Horizonte/MG, com 1.547,4 casos/100
hab.), segundo regiões geográficas, demonstra mil hab. (população >1 milhão de hab.) (Tabela 2).
300,0 --| 501,0

Boletim 501,0 --| 1.001,0

1.000,0 --| 4.843,5
Epidemiologia: ZIKV

Fonte: Sinan-NET (atualizado em 07/04/2016).

Figura 4 – Taxa de incidência (/100 mil hab.) de febre pelo vírus Zika por município de notificação, até a Semana
Volume 47
N° 18 - 2016

Epidemiológica 13, Brasil, 2016

Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde − Ministério da Saúde
ISSN 2358-9450

Monitoramento dos casos de que as regiões Centro-Oeste e Sudeste apresentam

dengue, febre de chikungunya e as maiores taxas de incidências, mantendo-se a
febre pelo vírus Zika até a Semana tendência de 2015: 613,1 casos/100 mil hab. e
Epidemiológica 13, 2016 540,9 casos/100 mil hab., respectivamente. Entre
as Unidades da Federação, destacam-se Minas
Dengue Gerais (1.332,5 casos/100 mil hab.), Rio Grande do
Em 2016, foram registrados 802.429 casos Norte (857 casos/100 mil hab.) e Mato Grosso do
prováveis de dengue no país até a Semana Sul (825,9 casos/100 mil hab.) (Tabela 1).
Epidemiológica (SE) 13 (3/1/2016 a 2/4/2016) Entre os municípios com as maiores taxas
(Figura 1). Nesse período, a região Sudeste de incidências no mês de fevereiro por estrato
registrou o maior número de casos prováveis populacional, em relação ao número de habitantes
(463.807 casos; 57,8%) em relação ao total do (menos de 100 mil habitantes, de 100 a 499 mil, de
país, seguida das regiões Nordeste (158.235 casos; 500 a 999 mil e acima de 1 milhão de habitantes),
19,7%), Centro-Oeste (94.672 casos; 11,8%), Sul destacam-se Guamaré/RN, com 12.929,7 casos/100
(57.282 casos; 7,1%) e NorteSem (28.433
registro casos; 3,5%) mil hab. (população <100 mil hab.); Itabuna/BA,
(Tabela 1). Foram descartados Casos161.273 casos
confirmados com 2.751,7 casos/100 mil hab. (população de 100
suspeitos de dengue no período. Casos notificados mil a 499 mil hab.); Contagem/MG, com 1.394,8
A análise da taxa de incidência de casos casos/100 mil hab. (população de 500 mil a 999 mil
prováveis de(atualizado
Fonte: Sinan-NET dengue (número de casos/100 mil
em 07/04/2016). hab.); e Belo Horizonte/MG,   com 1.547,4 casos/100
hab.), segundo
Figura regiõesdos
5 – Distribuição geográficas,
casos suspeitos demonstra mil
e confirmados de febre hab.
pelo (população
vírus >1 milhão
Zika por município de hab.) até
de notificação, (Tabela
a 2).
Semana Epidemiológica 13, Brasil, 2016
recent phylogeographic
Epidemiologia: ZIKV
May and December 201
virus is following a sim
(Musso et al., 2015a).
ZIKV has been isolat
2014), but virus has
Marchette et al., 1969
WHO Collaborating Ce
Viruses: Annual Report
but the current rapid sp
vector (Marcondes and
(Benedict et al., 2007; K
may also partially explai
virus transmission by Ae
small number of cases (K
limited transmission (Gr
bined with the frequent
2016; Morrison et al., 2
tor must therefore also b
The fact that ZIKV rep
that global risk mapping
ations with Guillain-Bar
mothers (World Health
Figure 1. lead to more severe co
(A) Map showing the distribution of the final set of 323 ZIKV occurrence locations entered into the ensemble Boosted Regression Tree modelling procedure.
Locations are classified by year of occurrence to show those which took place (i) prior to the 2007 outbreak in Federated States of Micronesia; (ii) between 2007–2014; and (iii) during the
2015–2016 outbreak; (B) the total number of locations reporting symptomatic ZIKV occurrence in humans globally over time.

Messina et al. eLife 2016;5:e15272. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.15272

Zika vírus e microcefalia:
verdade ou mentira
Pathways to neuronal injury and
apoptosis in HIV-associated dementia
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA
(e-mail: and
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:

Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors)
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and microglia, but not neurons, although neurons are
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of
macrophage, microglial and astrocyte toxins, although direct injury by viral proteins might also contribute.
These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to
other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in understanding the signalling pathways mediating
these events offer hope for therapeutic intervention.

he syndrome of cognitive and motor independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings
dysfunction observed after infection with support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD.
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-
resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does ingearlyCNSinfectiontoevolveindependentlyovertimeina
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may improved systemic control of viral replication is associated
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6. with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and
infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been
principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil
predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral
activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and theoverallprevalenceofHAD.Amorecompleteunderstand-
microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutic
interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation targets for its prevention and treatment.
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD
contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the
themselves are not infected by HIV-1. Here we review the virus resides primarily in microglia and macrophages.
extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini-
to macrophage or microglial activation, as well as those tiate neurodegeneration12. It has been proposed that factors
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to
prevention or treatment of HAD. dementia. One such factor could be the increased number
TheprevalenceofHADwasestimatedintheearly1990sto of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advanced HIV These activated cells adhere to the normal endothelium of
disease and low CD4 counts8. Many experts believe that HAD the brain microvasculature, transmigrate, and then trigger
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide a number of deleterious processes12.
among people aged 40 or less, and it is a significant indepen- The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec-
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines
HAART, the incidence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5% (cell migration (chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), such as
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidence as an AIDS-defining monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seem to
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
HAD demonstrating a CD4 count greater than 200 !l"1 is through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from
also increasing10. Moreover, a less fulminant form of HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frank cytes and monocytes migrate into the brain15,16. However,
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
988 NATURE | VOL 410 | 19 APRIL 2001 |
lineages of the virus,6 and the latter strains and Vapalahti contributed equally to this
Brief Report
ic and the Americas.7 As in the transmission article.
theZika main Virus transmission
Infection with cycle Prolonged of ZIKV Maternal occurs This article was published on March 30,
humans. Viremia and Fetal Brain Abnormalities 2016, at
ZIKV outbreak is the apparentT increased h e n e w e ng lrisk
R.W. Driggers, C.-Y. Ho, E.M. Korhonen, S. Kuivanen, A.J. Jääskeläinen, T. Smura,
A. Rosenberg, D.A. Hill, R.L. DeBiasi, G. Vezina, J. Timofeev, F.J. Rodriguez,
a n d j o u r na l o f m e dic i n e
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1601824
sion of the virus as and
A. du Plessis, well as the marked in- Copyright © 2016 Massachusetts Medical Society.
L. Levanov, J. Razak, P. Iyengar, A. Hennenfent, R. Kennedy, R. Lanciotti,
O. Vapalahti

h microcephaly reported Sum m a r y

in Brazil. 8-17
A recent Severe fetal brain High ZIKV RNA loads in fetal
The current outbreak abnormalities
of Zika virus (ZIKV) infectioninhas12 of 42withwomen
been associated an
abnormalities on brain, placenta, membranes,
ultrasonography and and umbilical cord;
apparent increased risk of congenital microcephaly. We describe a case of a preg-
nant woman and 7 of
her the
fetus 42
infected withfetuses
ZIKV during the(17%)
Normal fetal head size
on ultrasonography that
11th gestational
The fetal head circumference decreased from the 47th percentile to the 24th per-
week. were
Normal fetal head size
on ultrasonography
MRI; ZIKV RNA virus isolated from brain
in amniotic fluid in SK-N-SH and Vero E6 cells

trophy, or
centile between 16brain
and 20 weekscalcifications. 11
of gestation. ZIKV RNA was identifiedBecause
nal serum at 16 and 21 weeks of gestation. At 19 and 20 weeks of gestation,
in mater- of
brain abnormalities
resonance imaging (MRI) without the 12 and
presence13 other
of microcephaly neurologic
were detected on ultrasonography and magnetic
or 15
intracranial16 17 18 19 20
Termination of Pregnancy

ZIKV RNA loads,the ZIKV
and viral epidemic
particles were detected, and ZIKV a waspublic
calcifications. On postmortem analysis of the fetal brain, diffuse cerebral cortical

subsequently isolated.

investigations into the viral pathogenesis,
ika virus (ZIKV), a mosquito-borne flavivirus and member of the The authors’ full names, academic de-
Flaviviridae family, was originally isolated from a sentinel primate in Ugan- grees, and affiliations are listed in the Ap-

virallar rash
cofactors, and sensitivity andSerum specificity
pendix. Address reprint requests to Dr.
da in 1947. ZIKV was associated with mild febrile disease and maculopapu-
Driggers at, to Dr. du
in tropical Africa and some areas of Southeast Asia. Since 2007, ZIKV has
sampledPlessis at adupless@childrensnational

more questions than answers. Nevertheless,

caused several outbreaks outside its former distribution area in islands of(Finland)
the, or to Dr. Vapalahti at olli.vapalahti@
Serum sampled Patient
cific: in 2007 on Yap island inOnset
Micronesia, in 2013 and
of acute disease 2014 in French Polynesia,
DENV IgM−IgG+ (United States) informed Blood, serum, saliva,
and in 2015 in South America, where ZIKV had not been identified previously. 2-5
Drs. Driggers and Ho, Ms. Korhonen,
DENV IgM−and Drs. du of positive Serum urine, plasma, PBMC
(mild fever, eye pain, and Ms. Kuivanen Plessis
There are separate African and Asian lineages of the virus,6 and the latter strains ZIKV IgM+
ZIKV IgM+IgG+and Vapalahti result
this for positive for sampled (Finland);
myalgia, rash) contributed equally to
have caused the outbreaks in the Pacific and the Americas.7 As inZIKV
the transmission article.
of dengue and chikungunya
Trip to: viruses, the main transmission cycle of ZIKV occurs This article was published on March 30,
between urban aedes mosquitoes and humans. 2016, at
Central America
One strikingGuatemala
n engl j med
feature of the current ZIKV outbreak is the apparent increased risk DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1601824
of intrauterine or perinatal transmission of the virus as well as the marked in- Copyright © 2016 Massachusetts Medical Society. 1
crease in the number of newborns with microcephaly reported in Brazil.8-17 A recent













prospective study showed fetal ultrasonographic abnormalities in 12 of 42 women









The New England Journal of Medicine







(29%) with ZIKV infection during pregnancy; 7 of the 42 fetuses (17%) that were


studied had microcephaly, cerebral atrophy, or brain calcifications.11 Because of

CHADO on April 14, 2016. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
the association between ZIKV infection and microcephaly2015 and other neurologic 2016
Ljubljana — all in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Ad-
timates of 440,000 to 1.3 million cases of autochthonous ZIKV dress reprint requests to Dr. Avšič Županc
ted through December 2015. Brief
5 Report at the Institute of Microbiology and Im-
clinical picture of ZIKV infection resembles that of dengue fever and munology, Faculty of Medicine, Univer-
sity of Ljubljana, Zaloška 4, Ljubljana 1000,
nd is manifested by fever, headache, arthralgia, myalgia, and macu- Slovenia, or at
Zika Virus
, a complex Associated
of symptoms that hamperswithdifferential
Microcephaly diagnosis.
This article was published on February 10,
disease is self-limiting, cases of neurologic manifestations and the 2016, at
Jernej Mlakar, M.D., Misa Korva, Ph.D., Nataša Tul, M.D., Ph.D.,
were M.D.,
in French
and in Brazil
Mraz, M.Sc., N Engl J Med 2016;374:951-8.
s. Marko
Recent reports
Kolenc, from the
M.Sc., Katarina Ministry
Resman of Health
Rus, M.Sc., of Brazil
Tina Vesnaver suggest
Vipotnik, M.D., DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1600651
microcephaly have
Vesna Fabjan increased
Vodušek, M.D.,by a factor
Alenka Vizjak,of approximately
Ph.D., 20 among
Jože Pižem, M.D., Ph.D., Copyright © 2016 Massachusetts Medical Society.
he northeast region
Miroslav of theM.D.,
Petrovec, country, which
Ph.D., and indicates
Tatjana a possible
Avšič Županc,
1 µm
Ph.D. asso-
100 nm
n ZIKV infection in pregnancy and fetal malformations.5
a case
C of vertical transmissionSum of ZIKV
m a r yin a woman who D was prob-
A widespread epidemic of Zika virus (ZIKV) infection was reported in 2015 in
South and Central America and the Caribbean. A major concern associated with
this infection is nthe apparent
engl increased
j med 374;10 incidenceMarch of microcephaly
10, 2016 in fetuses born 951
to mothers infected with ZIKV. In this report, we describe the case of an expectant
The New England Journal of Medicine
mother who had a febrile illness with rash at the end of the first trimester of
rom by LUIZ MACHADO on April 14, 2016. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
pregnancy while she was living in Brazil. Ultrasonography performed at 29 weeks
of gestationCopyright © 2016 Massachusetts
revealed microcephaly Medical Society.
with calcifications in the All rights
fetal reserved.
brain and pla-
centa. After the mother requested termination of the pregnancy, a fetal autopsy
was performed. Micrencephaly (an abnormally small brain) was observed, with
almost complete agyria, hydrocephalus, and multifocal dystrophic calcifications in
the cortex and subcortical white matter, with associated cortical displacement and
mild focal inflammation. ZIKV was found in the fetal brain tissue on reverse-
transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) assay, with consistent findings
on electron microscopy. The complete genome of100 ZIKV
nmwas recovered from the 100 nm
fetal brain.
Figure 3. Electron Microscopy of Ultrathin Sections of Fetal Brain and Staining of a Flavivirus-like Particle.
Panel A shows a damaged brain cell with a cluster of dense virions located in the disrupted endoplasmic reticulum.
IKV, an emerging mosquito-borne flavivirus, was initially iso- From the Institute of Pathology, Faculty
ed from September 2015 through February 2016; of at
positive hways tofor neuroVirus nalZIKV injury and Infection in blood, urine, or both. Women
in Pregnant The timing
om 5inapopt o si
to Rio s i n HI V -associ
38 weeks a t e d
de Janeirodement ia of gestation. Predominant
— Preliminary
T h e n e w e ng lclinical
This article was published on March 4,
a n d j o u r2016,
na lato e dic i n e
ndingPatrícia macular
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
or maculopapular rash, arthralgias,
Brasil, M.D., Jose P. Pereira, Jr., M.D., Claudia Raja Gabaglia, M.D.,
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1602412
ache; 28% had fever (short-term and low-grade). Copyright © 2016 Massachusetts Medical Society.
(e-mail: and Luana Damasceno, M.S.,
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:
Mayumi Wakimoto, Ph.D.,
Rita M. Ribeiro Nogueira, M.D., Patrícia Carvalho de Sequeira, Ph.D.,
Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementiA B
V were André more Machado likely
a with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors) than
Siqueira, M.D.,those
Liege M.who
Abreu were
de negative
Carvalho, M.D., for
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages
Denise and microglia, but not neurons,
Cotrim although neurons are da Cunha, M.D., Guilherme A. Calvet, M.D.,
(44%e toxins, altNeves, vs. 12%,
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of
macrophage, microglial and astrocytS. hough direct injury by viral proteinsM.D.,
P = 0.02), conjunctival involvement
might also contribute. Maria E. Moreira, M.D., Ana E. Rodrigues Baião, M.D.,
These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to
other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advancesPauloin understanding the signalR.
these events offer hope for therapeutic interventStephanie
ling pathwaysNassar
mediating devs. 7%,
Carvalho, P
M.D.,= 0.02).
Carla Fetal
G. Valderramos, M.D., James D. Cherry, M.D.,
M.D., ultraso-

IKV-positive women (58%) and inNielsen-Saines,

all ZIKV-negative

Ana M. Bispo de Filippis, Ph.D., and Karin M.D.

detected by Doppler ultrasonography in 12 of the 42

he syndrome of cognitive and motor independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings
dysfunction observed after infection with support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD. A BS T R AC T
n none of the 16 ZIKV-negative women. Adverse find-
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-
resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does ingearlyCNSinfectiontoevolveindependentlyovertimeina
38 weeks of gestation (2 fetuses), in utero growth
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may improved systemic control of viral replication is associated
Zika virus (ZIKV) has been linked to neonatal microcephaly. To characterize the spec- From Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Ja-
cephaly (5 disease fetuses), ventricular calcifications orto other
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6. with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect
trum of ZIKV in pregnancy, we followed patients
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct in Rio de Janeiro describe neiro (P.B., J.P.P.J., L.D., M.W., R.M.R.N.,
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and
clinical manifestations in mothers and repercussions of acute ZIKV infection in fetuses. P.C.S., A.M.S., L.M.A.C., D.C.C., G.A.C.,
(7 fetuses), and
infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been
principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil
amniotic fluid volume E.S.N., M.E.M., A.E.R.B., P.R.N.C., A.M.B.F.);
Biomedical Research Institute of South-

wWe(7enrolled fetuses). pregnant women To date, in whom8a of

predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral
activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
rash the 42 women
had developed in whom
within the previous 5 days ern California, Oceanside (C.R.G.); and
David Geffen UCLA School of Medicine,
and tested blood and urine specimens for ZIKV by reverse-transcriptase–polymerase- Los Angeles (C.J., S.G.V., J.D.C., K.N.-S.).
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in
medchain-reactionhave delivered
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and theoverallprevalenceofHAD.Amorecompleteunderstand-
C We followed
assays. their babies,
the women
microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutic andandthe
prospectively ultrasono-
collected D reprint requests to Dr. Nielsen-
clinical and Address
Saines at the Division of Pediatric Infec-
ultrasonographic data.
interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation targets for its prevention and treatment.
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD
that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also
tious Diseases, David Geffen School of
Medicine at UCLA, MDCC 22-442, 10833
contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the LeConte Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90095, or
A total
themselves are not infectof ed by HIV-1.88 Here we reviewwomenthe virus resides primarily in microglwere ia and macrophages. enrolled from September 2015 through February 2016; of
extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini-
to macrophage88 or microglialwomen, 72ion12(82%)
activation, as well as those tiate neurodegenerat . It has been proposed that factotested
rs positive for ZIKV in blood, urine, or both. The timing
This article was published on March 4,
IKV infection during pregnancy appears to be associ-
of acute ZIKV infection ranged from 5 to 38 weeks of gestation. Predominant clinical
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to
prevention or treatment of HAD.included dementia. One suchpruritic
factor could be the increased number descending macular or maculopapular rash, arthralgias,
2016, at

ing fetal death, placental insufficiency, fetal growth

TheprevalenceofHADwasestimatedintheearly1990sto of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advancedinjection, HIV These activated cells adhere to the normal endot and helium of headache; 28% had fever (short-term and low-grade).
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1602412
Copyright © 2016 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Women who were positiveen triggerfor ZIKV were more likely than those who were negative for
di sease and lo w CD4 count s . Many expert s believe th at HAD t h e brain mi c rovascul at ure, t r ansmi g rate , and t h
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide a number of deleterious processes12.
people aged 40 or less, andto it is a significhave
ant indepen- The blmaculopapular
ood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec- rash (44% vs. 12%, P = 0.02), conjunctival involvement
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines
HAART, the incivs. 13%,
dence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5% (celPl mi= gration 0.002),
(chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), suchand as lymphadenopathy (40% vs. 7%, P = 0.02). Fetal ultraso-
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidencewas as an AIDS-defining performed
monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seemin to 42 ZIKV-positive women (58%) and in all ZIKV-negative

HAD demonstrating a CD4 Fetal
n engl j med
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
count greater than 200 !l"1abnormalities
is through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from were detected by Doppler ultrasonography in 12 of the 42
ZIKV-positive women (29%) and in none of the 16 ZIKV-negative women. Adverse find-
also increasing . Moreover, a less fulminant form of HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
ings The New England Journal of Medicine
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frankfetal cytes and monocytdeaths
es migrate into the brain15,16. Howeverat , 36 and 38 weeks of gestation (2 fetuses), in utero growth
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
restriction with or on
Z MACHADO without microcephaly (5 fetuses), ventricular use
calcifications or other
988 | | March
| 7, 2016. For personal only. No other uses without permission.
NATURE VOL 410 19 APRIL 2001
central nervous system (CNS) lesions (7 fetuses), and abnormal amniotic fluid volume
ed from September 2015 through February 2016; of
positive hways tofor neuroVirus nalZIKV injury and Infection in blood, urine, or both. Women
in Pregnant The timing

om apopt oto sis inRio HI38 V-associweeks atde ed dementJaneiro ia of gestation. This article was published on March 4,
5in Predominant
— Preliminary Report clinical 2016, at
ndingPatrícia macular
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
or maculopapular rash, arthralgias,
Brasil, M.D., Jose P. Pereira, Jr., M.D., Claudia Raja Gabaglia, M.D.,
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1602412
ache; 28%Luana(e-mail: and
hadDamasceno, fever M.S.,
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email: (short-term
Mayumi Wakimoto, andPh.D.,low-grade). Copyright © 2016 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Rita M. Ribeiro Nogueira, M.D., Patrícia Carvalho de Sequeira, Ph.D.,
Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alE F
V were y understmore
mechanism remains poorlAndré in brain of HIV-1-bindinlikely
ood, but discovery Machado
arming occurrence worldwide. The
g sites (chemokine receptSiqueira,
ors) thanM.D.,those
Liege M.who
Abreuwere negative
de Carvalho, M.D., for
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and mi c rogl ia, but not neurons, al t hough
Denise Cotrim da Cunha, M.D., Guilherme A. Calvet, M.D., neurons are
(44% vs. 12%,
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of
macrophage, microglial and astrocytS.e toxins, altNeves,
hough direct injury by viral proteinsM.D.,
P = 0.02), conjunctival involvement
might also contribute. Maria E. Moreira, M.D., Ana E. Rodrigues Baião, M.D.,
These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to
other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advancesPaulo in understanding the signalR.
these events offer hope for therapeutic interventStephanie
ling pathwaysNassar
mediating devs. 7%,
Carvalho, P
M.D.,= 0.02).
Carla Fetal
G. Valderramos, M.D., James D. Cherry, M.D.,
M.D., ultraso-

IKV-positive women (58%) and inNielsen-Saines,

all ZIKV-negative

Ana M. Bispo de Filippis, Ph.D., and Karin M.D.

detected by Doppler ultrasonography in 12 of the 42

he syndrome of cognitive and motor independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings
dysfunction observed after infection with support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD. A BS T R AC T
n none of the 16 ZIKV-negative women. Adverse find-
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-
resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does ingearlyCNSinfectiontoevolveindependentlyovertimeina
38 weeks of gestation (2 fetuses), in utero growth
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may improved systemic control of viral replication is associated
Zika virus (ZIKV) has been linked to neonatal microcephaly. To characterize the spec- From Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Ja-
cephaly (5 disease fetuses), ventricular calcifications orto other
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6. with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect
trum of ZIKV in pregnancy,
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct we followed patients in Rio de Janeiro describe neiro (P.B., J.P.P.J., L.D., M.W., R.M.R.N.,
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and P.C.S., A.M.S., L.M.A.C., D.C.C., G.A.C.,
clinical manifestations in mothers and repercussions of acute ZIKV infection in fetuses.
(7 fetuses), and abnormal amniotic fluid volume
infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been
principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil
E.S.N., M.E.M., A.E.R.B., P.R.N.C., A.M.B.F.);
Biomedical Research Institute of South-

wWe(7enrolled fetuses). pregnant women To date,

predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral
activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
in whom8a of
rash the 42 women
had developed in whom
within the previous 5 days ern California, Oceanside (C.R.G.); and
David Geffen UCLA School of Medicine,
and tested blood and urine specimens for ZIKV by reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in Los Angeles (C.J., S.G.V., J.D.C., K.N.-S.).
medchain-reactionhave delivered
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and theoverallprevalenceofHAD.Amorecompleteunderstand-
assays. G We followed
microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutictheir babies,
the women andandthe
prospectively ultrasono-
collected clinical and H
Address reprint requests to Dr. Nielsen-
Saines at the Division of Pediatric Infec-
ultrasonographic data.
interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation targets for its prevention and treatment.
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD
that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also
tious Diseases, David Geffen School of
Medicine at UCLA, MDCC 22-442, 10833
contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the LeConte Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90095, or
A total
themselves are not infectof ed by HIV-1.88 Here we reviewwomenthe virus resides primarily in microglwere ia and macrophages. enrolled from September 2015 through February 2016; of
extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini-
to macrophage88 or microglialwomen, 72ion12(82%)
activation, as well as those tiate neurodegenerat . It has been proposed that factotested
rs positive for ZIKV in blood, urine, or both. The timing
This article was published on March 4,
IKV infection during pregnancy appears to be associ-
of acute ZIKV infection ranged from 5 to 38 weeks of gestation. Predominant clinical
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to
prevention or treatment of HAD.included dementia. One suchpruritic
factor could be the increased number descending macular or maculopapular rash, arthralgias,
2016, at

ing fetal death, placental insufficiency, fetal growth

TheprevalenceofHADwasestimatedintheearly1990sto of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advancedinjection, HIV These activated cells adhere to the normal endot and helium of headache; 28% had fever (short-term and low-grade).
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1602412
Copyright © 2016 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Women who were positiveen triggerfor ZIKV were more likely than those who were negative for
di sease and lo w CD4 count s . Many expert s believe th at HAD t h e brain mi c rovascul at ure, t r ansmi g rate , and t h
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide a number of deleterious processes12.
people aged 40 or less, andto it is a significhave
ant indepen- The blmaculopapular
ood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec- rash (44% vs. 12%, P = 0.02), conjunctival involvement
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines
HAART, the incivs. 13%,
dence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5% (celPl mi= gration 0.002),
(chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), suchand as lymphadenopathy (40% vs. 7%, P = 0.02). Fetal ultraso-
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidencewas as an AIDS-defining performed
monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seemin to 42 ZIKV-positive women (58%) and in all ZIKV-negative

HAD demonstrating a CD4 Fetal
n engl j med
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
count greater than 200 !l"1abnormalities
is through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from were detected by Doppler ultrasonography in 12 of the 42
ZIKV-positive women (29%) and in none of the 16 ZIKV-negative women. Adverse find-
also increasing . Moreover, a less fulminant form of HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
ings The New England Journal of Medicine
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frankfetal cytes and monocytdeaths
es migrate into the brain15,16. Howeverat , 36 and 38 weeks of gestation (2 fetuses), in utero growth
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
restriction with or on
Z MACHADO without microcephaly (5 fetuses), ventricular use
calcifications or other
988 | | March
| 7, 2016. For personal only. No other uses without permission.
NATURE VOL 410 19 APRIL 2001
central nervous system (CNS) lesions (7 fetuses), and abnormal amniotic fluid volume
to neuronalainjursubgroup
y andT h e n e w e ng lof pregnant women. Con- quests to Dr. Honein at the National Cen-
apoptosis in HIV-associated dementia for evidence of congenital ZVD.
a n d j o u r na l o f m e dic i n e ter on Birth Defects and Developmental
Disabilities, Centers for Disease Control
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA Original Article and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd. NE, At-
(e-mail: and
lanta, GA 30333, or at
cases of ZVD reported in Colombia, of which
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:

Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors)

ns of reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain- This article was published on June 15,

provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and microglia, but not neurons, although neurons are
Zika Virus Disease in Colombia —
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of
2016, at
macrophage, microglial and astrocyte toxins, although direct injury by viral proteins might also contribute.

reported incidence of ZVD among Report female pa-

These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to

other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in understanding the signalling pathways mediating
these events offer hope for therapeutic intervention.

s. A total of 11,944 pregnant women with ZVD DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa1604037

Oscar Pacheco, M.D., Mauricio Beltrán, M.S., Christina A. Nelson, M.D., Copyright © 2016 Massachusetts Medical Society.
he syndrome of cognitive and motor independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings

84 (12%) Dianaof these

Valencia, cases
M.S., confirmed
Natalia Tolosa, M.D., Sherryon
dysfunction observed after infection with
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV-
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly
L. Farr,
support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide
complete protection from the development of HAD.
Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the
Ana V. Padilla, M.D., Van T. Tong, M.P.H., Esther L. Cuevas, M.S.,
nant women, moreM.D., than 90% Pardo,of
B.S.,women who
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-
resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does ingearlyCNSinfectiontoevolveindependentlyovertimeina
Andrés Espinosa-Bode, Lissethe
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversalAngélica Rico, B.S.,
protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that

Reefhuis,2/4/2016 - 65.726
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may
Ph.D., Maritza González, M.D., Marcelacasos notificados de ZIKV
improved systemic control of viral replication is associated
Mercado, M.S.,
trimester had given birth,
Duran, and
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6.
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly
Chaparro, M.D., Mancel Martínez
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV
no Y.infants
M.D., Carol
with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect
wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct
Rao, Sc.D.,
antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and

ing microcephaly,
María M. Muñoz, M.D.,haveAnn M.been identified. A ma-
infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been
Powers, Ph.D., Claudia Cuéllar,
principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous M.D.,
reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected
Rita Helfand, M.D., Claudia Huguett, M.S., Denise J. Jamieson, M.D.,
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil

or2.485 (4%) casos confirmados

predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral

ZVD inMargaret
the first
A. Honein, second
Ph.D., trimester
and Martha
activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and
L. Ospina wereM.D.
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and
replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in

Among the cases of microcephaly investigated

microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by
interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutic
targets for its prevention and treatment.

A BS T R AC T HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD

016, four patients had laboratory evidence of
that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also

11.944 grávidas 1.484 (12%) confirmados

contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the
themselves are not infected by HIV-1. Here we review the virus resides primarily in microglia and macrophages.
extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini-

mothers who were not included in
to macrophage or microglial activation, as well as those
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of
tiate neurodegeneration12. It has been proposed that factors
associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery
Colombia began official surveillance for Zika virus disease (ZVD) in August 2015. From Instituto Nacional de Salud (O.P.,
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to
prevention or treatment of HAD. dementia. One such factor could be the increased number M.B., N.T., A.V.P., E.L.C., L.P., A.R., M.G.,
In October 2015, an outbreak of ZVD was declared after laboratory-confirmed dis-
TheprevalenceofHADwasestimatedintheearly1990sto of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advanced HIV These activated cells adhere to the normal endothelium of M.M., P.C., M.M.D., C.H., M.L.O.M.) and
ease was identified in nine patients.
disease and low CD4 counts8. Many experts believe that HAD the brain microvasculature, transmigrate, and then trigger Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide a number of deleterious processes12.
among people aged 40 or less, and it is a significant indepen- The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec- (M.M.M., C.C.) — both in Bogota, Co-
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines lombia; and the Centers for Disease Con-
HAART, the incidence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5% (cell migration (chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), such as
Using the national population-based surveillance system, we assessed patients with
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidence as an AIDS-defining monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seem to Nenhum caso de microcefalia
trol and Prevention, Atlanta (C.A.N., D.V.,

ombia suggest that maternal infection with the

il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of
HAD demonstrating a CD4 count greater than 200 !l"1 is
also increasing10. Moreover, a less fulminant form of
regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
clinical symptoms of ZVD from August 9, 2015, to April 2, 2016. Laboratory test results
through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from
HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
S.L.F., V.T.T., A.E.-B., J.R., C.Y.R., A.M.P.,
R.H., D.J.J., M.A.H.). Address reprint re-
and pregnancy outcomes were evaluated for a subgroup of pregnant women. Con- quests to Dr. Honein at the National Cen-
r of pregnancy is not linked to structural ab-
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frank cytes and monocytes migrate into the brain15,16. However,
currently, we investigated reports of microcephaly for evidence of congenital ZVD.
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading ter on Birth Defects and Developmental
988 NATURE | VOL 410 | 19 APRIL 2001 |
Disabilities, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Rd. NE, At-
to neuronal injor vaginal)
ury and Santos AAC, Menezes of LSR,
ZIKV da Cruzfrom
SOD, et al.
T h e n e w e ng l a n d Background
(2016) Isolation of Infective Zika Virus from Urine andIsabelle Leparc-Goffart, Ph.D.
j o u r na l o f m e dic i n e
osis in HIWe
d dementSaliva rulein Brazil.
ia of Patients outPLoS the pos-
Negl Trop Dis 10(6): Zika virus (ZIKV) is an emergent threat provoking a worldwide exp
French Armed Forces Biomedical Research Institute
ansmission occurred not through
e0004816. doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0004816
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton* January 2015, 41 countries reported autochthonous cases. In Braz
Marseille, France
ough other biologic fluids, such C oas r r e slain-Barré
p o n dsyndrome e n c eand microcephaly cases was linked to ZIKV i
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA
Editor: Alan L Rothman,
(e-mail: and University of Rhode Island,
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:
Drs. D’Ortenzio
describing and Matheron
low experimental contributed
transmission equally
efficiency of itsto thisput
main le
secretions or saliva
Received: March 19, 2016
Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors)
in conjunction
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and microglia, but not neurons, although neurons are
by the European Virus Archive
sexual transmission Goespro
notifications, Gl
kissing. TheAccepted: saliva of Patient 2 project,
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of
macrophage, microglial and astrocyte toxins, although direct injury by viral proteins might also contribute.
which sources
other potential
These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to
May 24, 2016
other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in understanding the signalling pathways mediating
receivedof viral a grant (653316)Urine
dissemination. from andthe Europ
saliva hav
e on day 10 after Published: the June 24,onset
these events offer hope for therapeutic intervention.
2016 of his Union lished Horizon
as useful2020 tools inFramework
ZIKV diagnosis. Program
Here, wefordescribed
Researchtheand pr

infectious ZIKV particles from saliva and urine of acute phase patie
t it was notCopyright: tested earlier. ZIKV
he syndrome of cognitive and motor independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings
© 2016 Bonaldo et al. This is an open
state, Brazil. forms provided by the authors are available
dysfunction observed after infection with support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide

cted in saliva,Creativebut, toAttribution

our License,knowl-
5 article distributed under the terms of the
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD.
Evidence of which
Sexual Transmission
associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the
permitsthe full text of this letter
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-
resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does ingearlyCNSinfectiontoevolveindependentlyovertimeina
of Zika Virus
of transmission through
unrestricted saliva
use, distribution, havein anyThisMethodology/Principal
and reproduction
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that
letter was published on Findings
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may improved systemic control of viral replication is associated
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6. with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect April 13, 2016, at
medium, provided the original author and source are
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct
To the credited.Editor: Zika virus (ZIKV), an emerging
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and
1. Nine ary
infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been
M.five are
Zika provided
saliva was
samples in transmitted
fromSupplementary by sexual
nine patients from Rioconta
de J
flavivirus, generally causes mild infection in Appendix, available with the full text of this let-
principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected

t outbreaks Dataof ZIKV infection

All relevant data are Texas,
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil
but is
and other
with severe neurologic ter at
predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral
typical report.
Zika acute phaseBMJ 2016;352:
symptoms i720.
were inoculated in V
Hill SL,
activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections
within the paper and its Supporting Information files. 2. mitted Russell
specific K,
ZIKV Hennessey
RNA detection M,andet al. Transmission
quantification through,of r
opportunity to
complications conduct and studies
adverse fetal to
outcomes. ZIKV
microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and theoverallprevalenceofHAD.Amorecompleteunderstand-
Additionally, the genome sequences reported in this
of Aedes aegypti and A. albopictus
is transmitted to humans primarily by aedes virusRT-PCR
mos- through and sexual
microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutic
are notcontact
established with travelers
the city were toachieved,
of Paris. areas ofone ongfro
e natural history ofareZIKV. We need
interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation targets for its prevention and treatment.
manuscript (Acession numbers: KU926309 and
Isolation of Infective Zika Virus
evidence transmission
from Urine
—incontinental United States, 2016. MMWR
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
quitoes. However, there is some of sex-
that direct effects of viral proteins on neurons may also HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD
KU926310) available in the NIH genetic specimens. France, the diapause
ZIKV nucleic acid wasperiod of aedes
identified by all
contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the

ne recommendations ual sequence

to prevent
Two studies have shown the species extends from65:December to May.
ever bothWklyurine
themselves are not infected by HIV-1. Here we review the virus resides primarily in microglia and macrophages.
database (GenBank). Rep 2016;
and saliva 215-6. were
samples available from the same p
andvirus. Saliva ofauthors
Patients ZIKVin Brazil
extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini-
presence of infectious ZIKV in semen. A recent Three days after the onset of her symptoms, 3
Mansuy JM, Dutertre M, the Mengelle C, et isZika virus:
to macrophage or microglial activation, as well as those tiate neurodegeneration12. It has been proposed that factors
3. were higher, corroborating general sense a better sour
of the article Indescribed
Funding: particular,
The received noof
detection guide-
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery
specific funding
RNA in se- on February 23, samples of urine and saliva were
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to
prevention or treatment of HAD.
menfor62 work. after the onset of illness, butinfectious
thisdays diagnostic. viral
dementia. One such factor could be the increased number
infec- obtained loadof
In spite
from inthis,
Patient from
1. aurine
Thethe new sexually
isolated transmitted
tested each frompa
g how long men who P.are returning
TheprevalenceofHADwasestimatedintheearly1990sto of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.

gen? Lancet Infect Dis 2016; 16:

405. 1☯ 4 1☯ 1☯
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advanced HIV These activated cells adhere to the normal endothelium of
Myrna C. Bonaldotious *,
virus Ieda
was not Ribeiro
The authors, have
cultured. Noemia S. Lima , Alexandre
derived from
disease and low CD4 counts8. Many experts believe that HAD the brain microvasculature, transmigrate, and then trigger
Competing Interests: declared forA.ZIKV
urine,C. dos
RNA Santos
by that , other factors, like the acidic nat
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide a number of deleterious processes12. 1☯ 1☯ 1☯
where active
Lidiane S. R. Menezes
D. Furtado ously
, Elaine
report transmission
a, Stephanie
no competing
E. de
case of ZIKV
O. D. da Cruz
exist. infection
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of tion of the CNS1☯
Moura , Luana

in a4.,previ-
, Kely
S. de
among people aged 40 or less, and it is a significant indepen- The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec-
that B,virion
. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines
A. B. da
P, Afrough
, Marcia
The B, etatal.
a Detection
viral of bothofZIKV
genome 2☯
Zik 3‡
healthy 24-year-old woman (Patient 1) rus whoin count ofEmerg
HAART, the incidence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5% (cell migration (chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), such as
3.5×10 Infect
copiesDis per 2016
(in and the
press) (http://dx.doi.

uld G.continue
de Castro , to use
Alexandra condoms
L. Gerber , dur-
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidence as an AIDS-defining monocyte chemoattractant3‡
Luiz G. P. de
protein (MCP)-1, seem to
Almeida , Ricardo
was living in Paris and in whom acute fever, saliva tested positive at a viral count of 2.1×10
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells Lourenço-de- 4‡ 4‡
HAD demonstrating a CD4 count greater than 200 !l"13‡
Oliveira , Ana myalgia, Tereza R. Vasconcelos
arthralgia, and pruritic , Patrícia 10.3201/copies
rash developed
eid2205 .160107).
is through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from
per milliliter. A plasma sample tested nega-
4‡ 2☯

act with pregnant women and those

also increasing . Moreover, a less fulminant form of HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-

on February 20, 2016. She was not receiving 5. any Barzon

disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frank cytes and monocytes migrate into the brain15,16. However,
1 Laboratório de PLOS Biologia MolecularTropical
Neglected de Flavivírus,
Diseases Instituto Oswaldo Cruz,
| DOI:10.1371/journal.pntd.0004816
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
de Janeiro,
Berto A, et al. Isolation of infect
2016but serum IgM an-
g age are lacking.
2 Laboratório
988 medication,
de Doenças Febris In not
had addition,
Agudas, anyrec-
Instituto Nacional Zika
blood transfu-
de virus from
Infectologia saliva
Evandro wereand
Chagas, prolonged
NATURE | VOL 410 | 19 APRIL 2001 |
Rio viral RNA shedding
(see the Supplemen-
Pathways to neuronal injury and
apoptosis in HIV-associated dementia
Journal of General Virology (2009), 90, 2183–2190 1 DOI 10.1099/vir.0.010165-0
eição de Maria Almeida Vieira, Marcio Roberto Teixeira Nunes,
Marcus Kaul*, Gwenn A. Garden† & Stuart A. Lipton*
2 2
a Vieira Pinto da Silva, Valéria Lima Carvalho,
*Center for Neuroscience and Aging Research, The Burnham Institute, 10901 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jol a, California 92037, USA
(e-mail: and
†Department of Neurology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA (email:

2 sequencing
uim Pinto Nunes Neto, Ana Cecı́lia Ribeiro Cruz, and genetic
Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) can induce dementia with alarming occurrence worldwide. The
mechanism remains poorly understood, but discovery in brain of HIV-1-binding sites (chemokine receptors)
provides new insights. HIV-1 infects macrophages and microglia, but not neurons, although neurons are
characterization of Breu Branco virus (Reoviridae,
injured and die by apoptosis. The predominant pathway to neuronal injury is indirect through release of
2 2
r Mansour Moraes Casseb, Helena Baldez Vasconcelos,
macrophage, microglial and astrocyte toxins, although direct injury by viral proteins might also contribute.
These toxins overstimulate neurons, resulting in the formation of free radicals and excitotoxicity, similar to

Orbivirus) 3and two related strains isolated from

other neurodegenerative diseases. Recent advances in understanding the signalling pathways mediating
these events offer hope for therapeutic intervention.

ez Antônio Simões Quaresma

Anopheles mosquitoes
he syndrome of cognitive and motor independent risk factor for AIDS mortality9. These findings
Pedro Fernando da Conceição
Costa Vasconcelos
dysfunction observed after infection with support the hypothesis that HAART does not provide
human HIV-1 has been designated HIV- complete protection from the development of HAD.

de Maria Almeida Vieira,1 Marcio Roberto Teixeira Nunes,2,3

associated dementia (HAD). Although highly Unfortunately, HIV protease inhibitors and several of the
active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has nucleoside analogues penetrate poorly into the CNS11, allow-
resulted in a decrease in the incidence of HAD1,2, it does ingearlyCNSinfectiontoevolveindependentlyovertimeina
Eliana Vieira Pinto da Silva,2 Valéria Lima Carvalho,2
not seem to provide complete protection from or reversal protected brain reservoir. Thus, despite the finding that
of HAD3,4, and the prevalence of the dementia may improved systemic control of viral replication is associated
onian Rural Federal University, Belém,
Joaquim PintoBrazil
Nunes Neto,2 Ana Cecı́lia Ribeiro Cruz,2,3
eventually increase as people live longer with AIDS5,6. with a decrease in the incidence of HAD, whether this effect
Currently there is no specific treatment for HAD, mainly wil be long lasting is open to question4,12. In fact, distinct
because of an incomplete understanding of how HIV antiviral drug-resistance patterns in the plasma and

Samir Mansour Moraes Casseb,2 Helena Baldez Vasconcelos,2

infection causes neuronal injury and apoptosis. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compartments have recently been

rtment of Arbovirology and Hemorrhagic Fevers, Evandro3 Chagas Institute, Ananindeua,

principal pathway for HIV entry into the central nervous reported13. It is possible that the proportion of HIV-infected
system (CNS) is through infected monocytes. The individuals who develop disability secondary to HAD wil
Juarez Antônio Simões Quaresma
predominant pathogenesis of HAD is believed to involve increase as improvements in control of peripheral viral

State, Brazil
activation of monocytic cells (macrophages and replication and the treatment of opportunistic infections

and Pedro Fernando da Costa Vasconcelos2,3

microglia) and their subsequent release of toxins that lead continue to extend life expectancy, resulting in an increase in
to neuronal and astrocytic dysfunction. Macrophages and theoverallprevalenceofHAD.Amorecompleteunderstand-
microglia can be activated by HIV infection itself, by ing of the pathogenesis of HAD wil help identify therapeutic

ute of Biological Sciences Federal

that directCorrespondence
University of Pará State, Belém, Brazil
interaction with viral proteins, or by immune stimulation targets for its prevention and treatment.
due to concurrent infection or other factors7. It is possible
Amazonian Rural Federal University, Belém, Brazil
effects of viral proteins on neurons may also HIV entry into the brain and initiation of HAD
contribute to neurodegeneration, although neurons HIV enters the CNS early in the course of infection, and the
are not infected by HIV-1. Here we reviRoberto
ew the virus resides primarily in microgliTeixeira
a and macrophages. Nunes 2
extracellular and intracellular signalling pathways leading However, infection of these cells may not be sufficient to ini- Department of Arbovirology and Hemorrhagic Fevers, Evandro Tucuruí,
Isolado Chagas Institute,
em Ananindeua,
to macrophage or microglial activation, as well as those tiate neurodegeneration12. It has been proposed that factors
induced in neurons and astrocytes. These pathways are of associated with advanced HIV infection in the periphery Pará State, Brazil
Branco virus (BE AR 492347) was isolated fromFederal University of(Nyssorhynchus)
Anopheles Pará State, Belém, Brazil triannulatus
potential therapeutic importance as targets for the (non-CNS) are important triggers for events leading to
prevention or treatment of HAD.
Institute of Biological Sciences dementia. One such factor could be the increased number
TheprevalenceofHADwasestimatedintheearly1990sto of circulating monocytes that express CD16 and CD69.
be as high as 20–30% of those patients with advanced HIV These activated cells adhere to the normal endothelium of
itoes captured in Tucuruı́, Pará State, northern Brazil, in 1988. No cross-reactivity by
disease and low CD4 counts8. Many experts believe that HAD the brain microvasculature, transmigrate, and then trigger
is now the most common cause of dementia worldwide a number of deleterious processes12.
among people aged 40 or less, and it is a significant indepen- The blood–brain barrier (BBB) is crucial in HIV infec-
Breu Branco virus (BE AR 492347) was isolated from Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) triannulatus
ement-fixation tests was observed between Breu Branco virus and other known arboviruses.
dent risk factor for death due to AIDS9. With the advent of tion of the CNS12,14. Microglial and astrocytic chemokines
HAART, the incidence of HAD decreased to as low as 10.5% (cell migration (chemotaxis)-inducing cytokines), such as
mosquitoes captured in Tucuruı́, Pará State, northern Brazil, in 1988. No cross-reactivity by
(ref. 10), but in recent years its incidence as an AIDS-defining monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, seem to

s of electron microscopy and physicochemical

complement-fixation tests suggested
tests was observed that virus
between Breu Branco Breu andBranco
other knownvirus may
il ness has actually increased3. The proportion of new cases of regulate migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells
HAD demonstrating a CD4 count greater than 200 !l"1 is through the BBB14. Histological studies in specimens from
also increasing10. Moreover, a less fulminant form of HIV-1-infected humans and simian immunodeficiency
Results of electron microscopy and physicochemical tests suggested that Breu Branco virus may
neurological dysfunction, termed minor cognitive/motor virus (SIV)-infected rhesus macaques show that lympho-
ember of the family Reoviridae. In order to elucidate its taxonomic status, a comprehensive
disorder (MCMD), may be more prevalent than frank cytes and monocytes migrate into the brain15,16. However,
dementia in the HAART era, and remains a significant the pathophysiological relevance of CNS-invading
be a member of the family Reoviridae. In order to elucidate its taxonomic status, a comprehensive
988 NATURE | VOL 410 | 19 APRIL 2001 |

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