Posteriori Knowledge Base On Experience, Priori-Intuation Revelation-Two Types of Knowledge

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Philosophy means love and wisdom

Empiricism to see is to believe focus on sensori proponent john locke

Experience serves as evidence

Posteriori; knowledge base on experience, priori-intuation revelation- two types of knowledge

Experience ,empiric (Dual)

Rationalism René Descartes

Utilitarian perspective-Formal schooling bases with the intention of benifiting the elite and
wealthy families and individuals it is structured around a standardize curriculum, quantifiable of
testing of student performance age related classes which leaves
Exam and project to test their creativity
Social Reconstructionism is an educational philosophy that use schools as tools to solve social
SOCIAL RECONSTRUCTIONIST- all leaders are the product of schools, school should provide
a curriculum that fosters there development, reconstructionist not only aim to educate a
generation of problems solvers but it also try to identify and correct many note worthy.
With diverse target including racism, pollution, homelessness, poverty, violence
Reconstructionism-maybe refered to as more remedy for a society that seeks to build a
more objective social orders,
Application-The reconstructionist classroom contains a teacher who involves a student in
discussion of moral delimas to understand the implication of one’s action. Students individually
select their objective and social priorities with guidance from the teachers create a plan action to
make the change happen
John dewey- 1859-1952
He was born in Burlington,Vermont died in newyork
He died in new York city 1952
Dewy develop his educational ideas largely in response with his rapid and wrenching period of
cultural change.
His father whos ancestors came to America in 1630
His mother mother was the daughter of local judge
Pangatlo sa apat na lalaki na anak 3 brothers
He delivered newspapers and his chores and enjoyed exploring the woodlands and waters
ways around Burlington
University of Vermont
South oil city pennyslvania
Married alice chipman
Encourage of H, A. P.
William rainey harper Chicago president.
John dewey Experience in education, knowing and the known.

Critical pedagogy is a teaching approach

Progressive educator, sociologist, and political activist, George S. Counts challenged teachers
and teacher educators to use school as a means for critiquing and transforming the social order.
... His work on schooling and society continue to have relevance to contemporary dilemmas in

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