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Chapter 22

Squamates—Part II. Snakes

Chapter Outline
Overview595 Uropeltidae605
Conservation Status of Snake Squamates 597 Boidae606
Taxonomic Accounts 597 Calabariidae608
Xenotyphlopidae597 Bolyeriidae608
Typhlopidae597 Xenophiidae609
Gerrhopilidae598 Acrochordidae609
Leptotyphlopidae599 Xenodermatidae611
Anomalepididae601 Pareatidae611
Aniliidae601 Viperidae612
Tropidophiidae602 Homalopsidae615
Loxocemidae603 Lamprophiidae615
Pythonidae603 Elapidae618
Xenopeltidae604 Colubridae620

numerous vertebrae, each with a pair of ribs in the neck and
Snakes are the second most speciose group of living rep- trunk, create a remarkably flexible body, and this flexibility
tiles, with nearly 3400 species (see http://www.reptile- permits effective undulatory locomotion in water, on and Like lizards, they occur on all continents underground, and in bushes and trees. The body is covered
except Antarctica. They have had a more successful with epidermal scales, the number, size, and arrangement of
marine radiation than lizards, yet they have been less suc- which are often species specific. In most snakes, the venter
cessful than lizards in dispersing onto the world’s oceanic (underside) has a series of large, transversely rectangular
islands. All have elongate, “limbless” morphology, but this scales (scutes) that extend from the throat onto the tail. In
morphology exists in some other squamate clades as well many snakes, the number of large ventral scales equals the
(e.g., Pygopodidae, Diploglossidae, Anguidae, Cordyli- number of vertebrae.
dae). Nevertheless, snakes exhibit a diversity of shapes, Without limbs, snakes capture, manipulate, and consume
sizes, and surface textures. This diversity in morphology their prey using only the body and mouth. Some capture
reflects diverse behavioral, ecological, and physiological prey with their mouth and simply swallow them, some hold
diversity. As a group, snakes eat a wide variety of prey, their prey with portions of their body and their mouth, some
all are carnivores, and diets of many species are highly constrict prey, and yet others inject highly toxic venoms that
specialized. disable or kill prey. Major modifications of cranial anatomy
Snakes (Serpentes; Ophidia, stem-based name) are aid in subduing and swallowing prey. Some of these modifi-
limbless or nearly so. The pectoral girdle and forelimbs cations are unique to snakes, including the exclusion of the
are totally absent; where present, the pelvic girdle and supraoccipital from the margin of the foramen magnum by
hindlimbs are rudimentary and visible externally as small exoccipitals and a flexible ligamentous symphysis between
horny “spurs,” one on each side of the cloaca opening. the dentaries.
Elongation of the body is accomplished by an increase in Other unique traits have no apparent connection to feed-
number of vertebrae, which typically range between 120 ing, such as the absence of ciliary-body muscles in the eyes
and 240, although the number can be more than 500. The and the presence of a tracheal lung. Some characteristics

Herpetology. 597

Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
598 PART | VI  Classification and Diversity

that we usually associate with snakes also occur in one or All recent analyses indicate that snakes diverged early
more taxa of reduced-limbed or limbless lizards; these fea- into scolecophidians (blind snakes) and alethinophidians
tures include no squamosal, no epipterygoid, no sclerotic (Fig. 22.1; Table 3.7). The blind snakes contain five major
ossicles in the eyes (each eye is covered by a transparent clades: Anomalepididae, Leptotyphlopidae, Xenotyphlo-
scale called a spectacle), and the absence of the tympanum pidae, Gerrhopilidae, and Typhlopidae. Monophyly of the
and the eustachian tube. The limbless condition of these scolecophidans has strong support and is based on numer-
“lizards” results in body modifications as well, including ous shared–derived characteristics, including the absence of
the presence of more than 30 presacral (trunk and neck) an artery through the trigeminal foramen; the mandible less
vertebrae; the left lung is absent or greatly reduced and the than half the length of the jaw; vestigial pelvis and hindlimb
right lung is dominant. within the body wall; thymus paired; epidermal lipid glands
The early classification of snakes was based on extant on the anteriormost head shields; undifferentiated smooth,
species in museum collections. Consequently, classifica- glossy, cycloid body scales; and the absence of enlarged
tion was based entirely on external appearance. In 1758, ventral scales. Within the scolecophidians, anomalepidids
Linnaeus recognized snakes as Serpentes, a class distinct and typhlopids have been traditionally considered each oth-
from reptiles, with three genera and nearly 200 species. er’s closest relatives and the sister clade to the leptotyph-
His successors recognized additional species and began lopids. However, recent molecular analyses suggest that
to divide them into groups based on similarity of external leptotyphlopids are sister to typhlopids and anomolepidids
form. Only in the mid-nineteenth century did C. Duméril are sister to leptotyphlopids + typhlopids.
depart from tradition and include characteristics of the skull The branching pattern and sister-group relationships
and its dentition in snake classification. Subsequently, E. D. within alethinophidians have been in flux, largely because
Cope began the search for snake relationships by examin- different analyses and data sets have yielded different
ing a greater variety of internal structures, including verte- results. Several recent phylogenetic analyses based on large
bral, lung, and hemipenial morphology. His posthumously numbers of taxa and genes have produced relatively similar
published classification in 1900 recognized five suborders: relationships. The primary difference among recent phylog-
Epanodonta (Typhlopidae), Catodonta (Leptotyphlopidae), enies is the assignment of clade names and centers mostly
Tortricina (Aniliidae, Cylindrophiidae, Uropeltidae), Colu- on whether to call lower level clades subfamilies or families.
broidea (all other snakes, exclusive of vipers, divided into
four divisions), and Solenoglypha (Viperidae). Cope’s cat-
egories were well defined by a variety of characteristics in

addition to the aforementioned ones. While Cope’s was an Gerrhopilidae
innovative classification, Boulenger’s classification in 1893 Leptotyphlopidae
was simpler and won wide acceptance, being used into Anomalepididae

the middle of the twentieth century. The Boulenger clas- Aniliidae
sification began at the familial level with no higher-level Tropidophiidae
groupings; however, it did divide the Colubridae into series Loxocemidae
(Aglypha, Opisthoglypha, and Proteroglypha), each with Pythonidae

one or more subfamilies. Xenopeltidae

Hoffstetter’s (1955, 1962) classification in the mid- Uropeltidae

1900s began the effort to reflect evolution by incorporating

fossils; however, our modern approach to snake classifi-

cation owes much to G. Underwood’s controversial paper

A Contribution to the Classification of Snakes, published Acrochordidae
in 1967. His broad selection and intimate examination of Xenodermatidae
characters and his willingness to cleave the larger poly- Pareatidae

and paraphyletic taxa into monophyletic ones provide the Viperidae

foundation for most modern studies. His classification is Homalopsidae
the only recent one to broadly survey the morphological Lamprophiidae

spectrum of representatives of all groups of snakes. It uses Elapidae

Hoffstetter’s groups and divides snakes into three major Colubridae

J Early K Late K Paleogene Ng
groups (Scolecophidia, Henophidia, and Caenophidia) and
most suprageneric taxa currently recognized, although not
150 100 50 0
necessarily now at the same taxonomic level. His study just Million years ago
preceded the use of cladistic analysis in herpetology and FIGURE 22.1  Timetree showing relationships among snake higher taxa.
lacks dendrograms of snake relationships. Based mostly on Vidal and Hedges, 2007, Vidal et al., 2009.
Chapter | 22  Squamates—Part II. Snakes 599

If, for example, the monophyletic clades Dipsadidae, Pseu- clade is sister to Xenopeltidae. We comment in each fam-
doxenodontidae, Colubridae, and Natricidae are deemed ily account on likely sister relationships based on recent
“families,” as Nicolas Vidal and colleagues have suggested, molecular analyses.
then they form the Colubroidea, a clade that is sister to the
Elapoidea, which contains the two monophyletic clades,
Elapidae and Lamprophiidae. If, however, the same four Conservation Status of Snake Squamates
subclades are considered subfamilies (e.g., Dipsadinae, The ICUN Red List of Threatened Species includes 879
Pseudoxenodontinae, Colubrinae, and Natricinae, then snake species of which 11 are considered Critically Endan-
they form the Colubridae and the clade (Xenodermatidae gered, 45 are considered Endangered, and 42 are considered
(Pareatidae (Homalopsidae (Colubridae (Elapidae + Lamp- Vulnerable. Two have gone extinct in recent history. Great-
rophiidae))))) becomes the Colubroidea. The point is that est threats, in rank order, are: agriculture and aquaculture,
taxonomic decisions made at lower taxonomic levels have a biological resource use, residential and commercial devel-
cascading effect on clade names throughout the phylogeny. opment, and natural system modifications. Specific threats
We take a conservative approach, retaining the Colubroi- include habitat loss, destruction or modification of egg
dea as it was defined historically, with Dipsadinae, Pseu- laying microhabitats, and high levels of predation by man.
doxenodontinae, Colubrinae, and Natricinae comprising the Many snakes are relatively long-lived and late-maturing,
family Colubridae. The elapids have long been recognized and, as a result, killing of large adults can impact popula-
as a monophyletic group, although the placement of a few tions. In addition, many thousands if not millions of snakes
African snakes (e.g., Homoroselaps) in elapids has been are run over by cars on highways each year, particularly
rectified. Sea snakes and terrestrial elapids are not separate during the breeding seasons when males search for females.
clades as represented historically. Sea snakes arose from
within the Australian radiation of terrestrial elapids. The
present interpretation suggests that the terrestrial elapids TAXONOMIC ACCOUNTS
of Africa, the Americas, and Asia represent an unresolved
group, and the sea snakes, sea kraits, and terrestrial Pap- Xenotyphlopidae
uaustralian elapids (i.e., Hydrophiinae) form a monophy-
Malagasy Blind Snakes
letic group. Further, Bungarus is the likely sister group to
the hydrophiine clade. Laticauda has affinities to a diver- Classification: Reptilia; Diapsida; Sauria; Lepidosauria;
gent group of Papuan elapids, and affinities of the vivipa- Squamata.
rous sea snakes (i.e., formerly hydrophiines) and are within Sister taxon: Typhlopidae.
the Australian elapids. Not all these relationships have been Content: One genus, Xenotyphlops, with 2 species.
confirmed by independent study. Distribution: Madagascar (Fig. 22.2).
Current evidence points to Viperidae as the sister group Characteristics: Small blind snakes that lack cranial
to the clade (Homalopsidae (Colubridae (Elapidae + Lam- infrared receptors in pits or surface indentations. No
prophiidae))) and within the broader interpretation of the limb vestiges are evident externally. Intracostal arteries
Colubroidea. Relationships in and among the colubroids are arise from the dorsal aorta at nearly every trunk segment.
becoming better resolved as some of the large data sets are Lacks a tracheal lung and has an expanded tracheal mem-
being examined. The recent analysis by Alex Pyron and his brane. The left oviduct is absent. Externally, these are
colleagues, based on 761 species, forms the basis for the distinguished from gerrhopilids and typhlopids by hav-
colubroid portion of our updated tree (Fig. 22.1). The Colu- ing an enlarged and nearly circular rostral shield that is
broidea is a huge and complex group and, as a result, addi- nearly vertical in lateral aspect and a single enlarged anal
tional changes are likely to occur. A continuing dilemma shield.
within colubroid systematics is the constant redefinition of Biology: Very little is known about the biology of these
groups resulting in species content of one author’s group snakes. Presumably, like other blind snakes, they live in
differing from the same-named group of another author. colonies of subterranean social insects and feed on these.
Also, because of the high species diversity of many of the They are most likely oviparous.
colubroid genera and higher taxa, it is difficult for research-
ers to include all representatives of ingroups and appropri-
ate outgroups in their studies. Typhlopidae
The “Henophidia,” which is comprised of the various
Cosmopolitan Blind Snakes
clades referred to as boas and pythons along with sunbeam
snakes (xenopeltids and uropeltids), remains somewhat Classification: Reptilia; Diapsida; Sauria; Lepidosauria;
unresolved. Nevertheless, it appears clear that the mono- Squamata.
typic family Loxocemidae is sister to Pythonidae and that Sister taxon: Xenotyphlopidae.
600 PART | VI  Classification and Diversity



FIGURE 22.2  Geographic distribution of the extant Xenotyphlopidae, Gerrhopilidae, and Typhlopidae.

Content: Ten genera, Acutotyphlops, Afrotyphlops, Austro- possible exception of one report in which embyros were
typhlops, Cyclotyphlops, Grypotyphlops, Letheobia, Mega- observed in Typhlops diardii; however, this observation may
typhlops, Ramphotyphlops, Rhinotyphlops, and Typhlops, represent delayed egg deposition, not viviparity. Clutch size
with 252 species. varies with body size, ranging from 2–7 eggs (Ramphotyph-
Distribution: Cosmopolitan in tropical regions (Fig. 22.2). lops braminus) to 40–60 eggs (Megatyphlops schlegelii).
Characteristics: Cosmopolitan blind snakes range from small Eggs are deposited shortly after fertilization and incubated
(140–180 mm TL [total length], Ramphotyphlops braminus) to typically for 6–10 weeks, or they can be held within the
large (950 mm maximum TL, Megatyphlops schlegelii). Cra- oviducts and laid only a week or so before hatching (Afro-
nially, these snakes have two common carotid arteries, eden- typhlops bibronii). To date, the Brahminy blind snake (R.
tulous premaxillaries, transversally oriented maxillaries with braminus) is the only known unisexual species of snake.
solid teeth, and optic foramina that perforate the frontals. The It is triploid, no doubt of hybrid origin, and parental spe-
mandible has a coronoid bone and lacks teeth on the dentary. cies remain undetermined (see Chapter 4). Because a single
They lack cranial infrared receptors in pits or surface indenta- individual can start a new population, and because it is small
tions. No limb vestiges are evident externally, although pelvic and lives in soil, it has become the most widely dispersed
remnants occur in the trunk musculature. Intracostal arteries snake species. It now occurs in all continental and many
arise from the dorsal aorta at nearly every trunk segment. The insular tropical areas, apparently arriving as a stowaway in
left lung is vestigial or absent, and the tracheal lung is multi- the root mass of exotic “potted” plants. These introduced
chambered; the left oviduct is absent. snakes are now common in many parts of the southeastern
Biology: Typhlopids are the most speciose blind snakes United States, especially Florida.
(Fig. 22.3) and occupy a variety of habitats from near desert
to lowland rainforest. All are subterranean, but some have Gerrhopilidae
been observed in arboreal situations, presumably having
Blind Snakes
followed a termite trail or a termite gallery tunnel to climb
a tree. The possibility exists that, like some leptotyphlop- Classification: Reptilia; Diapsida; Sauria; Lepidosauria;
ids, they climb to position themselves aboveground to ori- Squamata.
ent on chemical cues originating from social insect nests Sister taxon: The clade Typhlopidae + Xenotyphlopidae.
during alate (winged males and females) releases. Termites, Content: One genus, Gerrhopilus, with 15 species.
ants, and their larvae and eggs appear to be the major food, Distribution: Indonesia, Philippines, New Guinea, South-
although blind snakes sometimes consume other soft-bod- east Asia, India (Fig. 22.2).
ied arthropods. Reproductive data are unavailable for most Characteristics: Small blind snakes with gland-like
species. Of the known species, all are oviparous, with the structures scattered over the rostral and nasal scales,
Chapter | 22  Squamates—Part II. Snakes 601

FIGURE 22.3  Representative scolecophidian snakes. Clockwise from upper left: Reticulated blind snake Typhlops reticulatus, Typhlopidae (L. J. Vitt);
Texas thread snake Rena dulcis, Leptotyphlopidae (Buddy Brown); seven-line thread snake Siagonodon septemstriatus, Leptotyphlopidae (L. J. Vitt);
Trinidad blind snake Typhlophis squamosus, Anomalepididae (L. J. Vitt).

often extending to other scales on the head and chin. Content: Two subfamilies, Leptotyphlopinae and Epictinae.
Two common carotid arteries, edentulous premaxillar- Distribution: Tropics and subtropics of Africa (excluding
ies, transversally oriented maxillaries with solid teeth, most of the Sahara) and the Americas, Temperate Zone in
and optic foramina that perforate the frontals are pres- the American west to southern Utah, and southwest Asia
ent as in other blind snakes. No limb vestiges are evi- (Fig. 22.4).
dent externally, although pelvic remnants occur in the Characteristics: Of the scolecophidians, leptotyphlop-
trunk musculature. The left lung is vestigial or absent, ids are typically the thinnest-bodied members (Fig. 22.3).
and the tracheal lung is multichambered; the left oviduct They reach a maximum of 460 mm adult SVL (snout–vent
is absent. length) (Rhinoleptus koniagui), but most are 150 to 250 mm
Biology: Similar to other blind snakes, all Gerrhopilus are SVL. The smallest species, Leptotyphlops carlae, reaches
subterranean, living within social insect nests. Termites, a maxmum SVL of 104 mm. Cranially, these snakes have
ants, and their larvae and eggs appear to be the major food. two common carotid arteries, edentulous premaxillaries,
Of the known species, all are oviparous. longitudinally oriented maxillaries lacking teeth, and optic
foramina that perforate the frontals. The mandible has
a coronoid bone, and each dentary has four or five teeth.
Leptotyphlopidae They lack cranial infrared receptors in pits or surface inden-
tations. No limb vestiges are evident externally, although
Slender Blind Snakes, Thread Snakes
pelvic remnants occur in the trunk musculature. Intracos-
Classification: Reptilia; Diapsida; Sauria; Lepidosauria; tal arteries arise from the dorsal aorta at nearly every trunk
Squamata. segment. They lack a left lung, a tracheal lung, and a left
Sister taxon: Typhlopidae. oviduct.
602 PART | VI  Classification and Diversity


FIGURE 22.4  Geographic distribution of the extant Leptotyphlopidae.

Biology: Slender blind snakes are fossorial and occur in these subterranean snakes can and do cross water, likely on
a variety of habitats from semidesert to tropical lowland floating barges of vegetation.
rainforest. They feed on soft-bodied invertebrates, although Notes: Until recently, only two genera, Leptotyphlops and
termites appear to be the primary food of some species. Rhinoleptus, were recognized in the Leptotyphlopidae.
Unlike many termite predators, they are capable of living Recent phylogenetic analyses of the group reveal much
in termite nests and are permanent residents within termite greater taxonomic partitioning resulting in new subfamilies
galleries. They have evolved a secretion that averts the and genera and the reassignment of many species to differ-
attack of the soldier termites and ants, possibly by deceiv- ent genera.
ing the potential attackers into considering them as nest
mates as they move freely through tunnels in social insect
nests. Leptotyphlopids are oviparous, laying 1–12 small, Leptotyphlopinae
elongate eggs. Females of Texas thread snakes coil around Sister taxon: Epictinae.
their eggs, possibly exhibiting parental care. This behav- Content: Four genera, Epacrophis, Myriopholis, Lepto-
ior may occur in other species. Surprisingly little is known typhlops, and Namibiana, with 3, 24, 22, and 5 species,
about the biology of slender blind snakes, even though they respectively.
are often common. Distribution: Africa (excluding most of the Sahara), Ara-
Based on current evidence, the Leptotyphlopidae bia, and southwest Asia.
diverged from the Thyphlopidae in Early Cretaceous, Characteristics: Leptotyphlopids have relatively long thin
about 139 mya when Africa and South America were still tails, and relatively more subcaudal scales than species in
connected as Gondwana. Available evidence suggests that the Epictinae. Relative tail length is 4.1–18.9% total length
Leptotyphlopids occupied west Gondwana with typhlopids versus 2.1–11.5% in the Epictinae, tail shape is 3.2–11.7
occupying east Gondwana. The first divergence within the versus 1.3–6.1, and subcaudals number 12–58 versus 6–30
Lepotyphlopidae, producing ancestors of the two subfami- in the Epictinae
lies, occurred during Late Cretaceous, about 92 mya. The Biology: These snakes are generally found on the surface
most likely explanation for the African distribution of the only after rains. Depending upon species, they live under-
combination of Leptotyphlopinae ancestors plus ances- ground, in leaf litter, in termite nests, with roots of vegetation,
tors of the Epictinae genera Rhinoleptus and Guinea is or inside of rotting logs. They are associated with a variety of
that an early dispersal (about 74 mya) of Epictinae ances- habitats, including lowland rainforest, savannas, and coastal
tors occurred across the relatively narrow Atlantic to South evergreen brushlands. All lay eggs and clutch size is small
America. Consequently, Epictinae diversified in the New (1–7 eggs). They feed primarily on termites, but occasionally
World and Leptotyphlopinae and a few Epictinae diversi- eat other small insects or their larvae. Peter’s worm snake,
fied in Africa. The presence of leptotyphlopids on Hispan- Leptotyphlops scutifrons, wiggles in typical worm snake
iola, the Bahamas, and the Lesser Antilles indicates that fashion when exposed but then feigns death when handled.
Chapter | 22  Squamates—Part II. Snakes 603

Sister taxon: Leptotyphlopinae.
Content: Eight genera, Epictia, Siagonodon, Rena, Trichei-
lostomata, Mitophis, Tetracheilostomata, Guinea, Rhino-
leptus, with 25, 4, 11, 9, 4, 3, 4, and 2 species, respectively.
Distribution: North, South, and Central America, as well
as a number of New World islands within the subtropics
and tropics.
Characteristics: Leptotyphlopids with short, thick tails, Anomolepididae
and the fewest subcaudal scales: relative tail length is 2.1–
11.5% total length versus 4.1–18.9% in the Leptotyphlopi-
nae; tail shape is 1.3–6.1 versus 3.2–11.7; and subcaudals
number 8–30 versus 12–58 in the Leptotyphlopinae. Scale
rows at midbody vary from 14–16 and supralabials vary
from 2–4 depending upon species. Most have red or yellow
coloration and/or stripes.
Biology: These thread snakes occur in a wide variety of
habitats, from lowland rainforest to xeric deserts. They are FIGURE 22.5  Geographic distribution of the extant Anomalepididae.
fossorial but often appear on the surface at night, especially
when humidity is high. The Texas thread snake Rena dulcis
can often be found under surface objects in early spring in
a coronoid bone, and each dentary has one to three teeth.
clusters of as many as 18 individuals, nearly all of which
They lack cranial infrared receptors in pits or surface inden-
are males. This species has been observed in barn owl
tations. No limb vestiges are evident externally, although
nests, most likely brought there by the owls to feed their
pelvic remnants occur in the trunk musculature. Intracostal
young. Some of the snakes apparently escape in the owl
arteries arise from the dorsal aorta at nearly every trunk seg-
nest, where they survive feeding on insects and their lar-
ment. The left lung is absent, a tracheal lung is present, and
vae (particularly fleas) in the owl nest. Some species, such
the left oviduct is usually well developed, although vari-
as Tricheilostomata macrolepis in the Amazon rainforest,
ously reduced in Anomalepis.
have been observed on rainy nights nearly 2 meters above
Biology: The anomalepidids are fossorial snakes that are
ground, wrapped around small tree trunks with the head and
usually associated with subterranean ant and termite nests.
neck extending perpendicular to the trunk and moving back
We know little of their biology because of their cryptozoic
and forth. They may climb trees to locate termite nests by
lifestyle. Presumably, they are like other scolecophidians
detecting airborne chemical cues associated with the release
and prey on soft-bodied invertebrates and the larvae and
of termite alates.
eggs of these animals. Termites and early life history stages
of ants (eggs, larvae) are likely a major food. One species,
Anomalepididae Typhlophis squamosus (Fig. 22.3), can be easily found in
termite nests inside rotted logs on the forest floor in the
Dawn Blind Snakes rainforest of the southern Amazon. Based on the limited
Classification: Reptilia; Diapsida; Sauria; Lepidosauria; reproductive data available, all are oviparous and lay small
Squamata. clutches that consist of 2–13 eggs. When captured, Typhlo-
Sister taxon: The clade containing all of the Alethinophidia phis thrashes the body and repeatedly jabs its sharp tail in
or possibly the Typhlopidae + Leptotyphlopidae clade. defense.
Content: Four genera, Anomalepis, Helminthophis, Lio-
typhlops, and Typhlophis, with 4, 3, 10, and 1 species,
respectively. Aniliidae
Distribution: Disjunct in Central and South America False Coral Snakes, South American Pipe
(Fig. 22.5).
Characteristics: Anomalepidids are thin-bodied blind
snakes. Most range in adult TL between 150 and 300 mm, Classification: Reptilia; Diapsida; Sauria; Lepidosauria;
and none is larger than 400 mm. Cranially, these snakes Squamata.
have two common carotid arteries, edentulous premaxillar- Sister taxon: Tropidophiidae.
ies, longitudinally oriented maxillaries with solid teeth, and Content: Monotypic, Anilius scytale.
optic foramina that perforate the frontals. The mandible has Distribution: Northern South America (Fig. 22.6).
604 PART | VI  Classification and Diversity


FIGURE 22.6  Geographic distribution of the extant Aniliidae.

Characteristics: Anilius scytale is another smooth, shiny-

scaled snake (Fig. 22.7) with a very short tail and ventral
scales barely larger than the dorsal ones. Cranially, A. scy-
tale has two common carotid arteries, teeth on the premax-
illaries, short longitudinally oriented maxillaries with solid
teeth, and optic foramina that perforate the frontal–parietal
sutures. The mandible has a coronoid bone, and the dentary
bears teeth. Anilius scytale lacks cranial infrared receptors
in pits or surface indentations. The small eyes are covered
by a large scale. Hindlimb vestiges appear externally as
cloacal spurs, and pelvic remnants occur in the trunk mus-
culature. Intracostal arteries arise from the dorsal aorta at
nearly every trunk segment. The left lung is reduced but FIGURE 22.7  From top to bottom: False coral snake Anilius scy-
tale, Aniliidae (L. J. Vitt); Haitian dwarf boa Tropidophis haitianus,
present, and a tracheal lung is absent; both left and right Tropidophiinae (L. L. Grismer).
oviducts are well developed.
Biology: This false coral snake receives its name from its
striking red and black ringed pattern. Adults are typically Sister taxon: The Aniliidae.
less than 600 mm TL, although occasionally they exceed 1 Content: Two genera, Trachyboa and Tropidophis, with 2
meter TL. Anilius is generally fossorial or at least spends the and 21 species, respectively.
daylight hours beneath forest-floor litter. The authors have Distribution: West Indies, Central and South America
captured these snakes in surface traps at night, and one was (Fig. 22.8).
found foraging underwater in a small stream in the morn- Characteristics: These small-to-moderate-sized snakes
ing. Although predominantly a forest inhabitant, Anilius share morphological traits with both “booid” and colu-
occasionally occurs in cultivated areas and other human- broid snakes (Fig. 22.7). Cranially, they have two common
disturbed habitats. Adults prey on fish, amphisbaenians, and carotid arteries, edentulous premaxillaries, longitudinally
other snakes. Sexual maturity occurs at about 350 mm TL, oriented maxillaries with solid teeth, and optic foramina
and females give birth to 7–15 neonates, typically early in that perforate the frontal–parietal sutures. The coronoid is
the wet season. These snakes have a defensive display in reduced or absent, and the dentary bears numerous teeth.
which they flatten the body and tail and raise the tail off the Tropidophiids lack cranial infrared receptors in pits or sur-
ground, waving it around as they either crawl off or tighten face indentations. Hindlimb vestiges appear externally as
their body into a ball. cloacal spurs in males, and pelvic remnants occur in the
trunk musculature. Intracostal arteries arise from the dorsal
Tropidophiidae aorta at nearly every trunk segment or at intervals of several
segments. The left lung is absent, and a tracheal lung is well
Dwarf Boas
developed; both left and right oviducts are well developed.
Classification: Reptilia; Diapsida; Sauria; Lepidosauria; The dentary lacks an anterior canine-like tooth; the hyoid
Squamata. horns are parallel; and pelvic remnants are present.
Chapter | 22  Squamates—Part II. Snakes 605



FIGURE 22.8  Geographic distribution of the extant Tropidophiidae.

Biology: Trachyboa and Tropidophis range in adult TL

from 200 mm to 1 m, but most species and individuals are FIGURE 22.9  Geographic distributions of the extant Loxocemidae.
less than 600 mm. They are mainly forest inhabitants and
are terrestrial to semiarboreal foragers. They feed mainly on
small vertebrates, predominantly lizards. All are viviparous,
and litter size is typically 10 or fewer young.
Comment: Until recently, Xenophidion was considered to
be in the Tropidophiidae. Molecular studies indicate that it
is more closely allied to the Bolyeriidae.

Mesoamerican Python
Classification: Reptilia; Diapsida; Sauria; Lepidosauria;
Sister taxon: Pythonidae.
Content: Monotypic, Loxocemus bicolor.
Distribution: Southern Mexico to Costa Rica (Fig. 22.9). FIGURE 22.10  Mesoamerican python Loxocemus bicolor, Loxocemidae
Characteristics: Loxocemus bicolor has supraorbital (J. A. Campbell).
(postfrontal) bones, a cranial feature of primitive snakes
(Fig. 22.10). In addition, this taxon has two common
oviparous, laying small clutches of four relatively large
carotid arteries, teeth on the premaxillaries, longitudinally
oriented maxillaries with solid teeth, and optic foramina
that perforate the frontal–parietal sutures. The mandible
has a coronoid bone, and the dentary bears teeth. They lack Pythonidae
cranial infrared receptors in pits or surface indentations.
Hindlimb vestiges appear externally as cloacal spurs, and
pelvic remnants occur in the trunk musculature. Intra- Classification: Reptilia; Diapsida; Sauria; Lepidosauria;
costal arteries arise from the dorsal aorta at nearly every Squamata.
trunk segment. The left lung is large, but no tracheal lung Sister taxon: Loxocemidae.
occurs; both left and right oviducts are well developed. Content: Nine genera, Antaresia, Apodora, Aspidites, Bothro-
Biology: Loxocemus bicolor attains an adult SVL of 1.4 m, chilus, Broghammerus, Leiopython, Liasis, Morelia, and
although most adults are less than 1 m. They are relatively Python, with 4, 1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 3, 12, and 9 species, respectively.
uncommon or infrequently seen throughout their distribu- Distribution: Sub-Saharan Africa, South and Southeast
tion; hence, their biology is incompletely known. Although Asia to Australia (Fig. 22.11).
labeled as burrowers, they appear to be more secretive than Characteristics: Pythons are large to giant snakes (Fig.
fossorial, and they generally live in tropical or subtropi- 22.12). Cranially, they have two common carotid arteries,
cal dry forests. Apparently, they forage only at night, eat- teeth on the premaxillaries (except in Aspidites) without
ing a variety of small terrestrial vertebrates (reptiles and ascending processes, longitudinally oriented maxillaries with
mammals) and even sea turtle and iguana eggs. They are solid teeth, paired supraorbitals, optic foramina that perforate
606 PART | VI  Classification and Diversity


FIGURE 22.11  Geographic distribution of the extant Pythonidae.

usually large, and a tracheal lung is absent; both left and right
oviducts are well developed.
Biology: Adult pythons range from the Australian pygmy
python Antaresia childreni (350–600 mm adult TL) to
the giant reticulated python Broghammerus reticulatus
(2.5–10 m TL); adults of most species are less than 4 meters.
Pythons occur in a wide range of habitats from desert to
rainforest. Forest and scrub species forage on and above
the ground for vertebrate prey; mammals and birds become
the food of the larger individuals. Some species are semi-
aquatic, e.g., Liasis fuscus, but birds and mammals are still
the major prey. Pythons have either supralabial thermore-
ceptive pits or infralabial thermoreceptive pits that receive
infrared cues from the surrounding environment allowing
the snakes to construct spatial maps based on temperature.
All pythons are oviparous, and in most (if not all) species,
females coil about the eggs. In some, such as P. molurus,
parental care is true brooding; the female maintains an ele-
vated body temperature to aid incubation (see Chapters 5
and 7). Clutch size is associated with body size. Smaller
and/or the more slender species have clutches of about 5–16
eggs, and the larger-bodied species have clutches of 30–60
eggs, occasionally over 100 eggs, as reported for B. reticu-
latus. Although large python species such as B. reticulates
have been the subject of fantastical myths regarding their
abilities to kill and eat large prey, crocodiles, panthers, and
even tigers have been reported killed by these snakes.

FIGURE 22.12  From top to bottom: Burmese python Python molurus,

Pythonidae (R. W. Murphy); carpet python Morelia spilota (L. J. Vitt). Xenopeltidae
Sunbeam Snakes
the frontal–parietal sutures, and a low or no supraoccipital
crest. The mandible has a coronoid bone. Many pythons have Classification: Reptilia; Diapsida; Sauria; Lepidosauria;
cranial infrared receptors in interlabial pits. Hindlimb ves- Squamata.
tiges appear externally as cloacal spurs, and pelvic remnants Sister taxon: The clade containing Loxocemidae  + 
occur in the trunk musculature. Intracostal arteries arise from Pythonidae.
the dorsal aorta at nearly every trunk segment. The left lung is Content: One genus, Xenopeltis, with 2 species.
Chapter | 22  Squamates—Part II. Snakes 607


FIGURE 22.13  Geographic distribution of the extant Xenopeltidae.

Distribution: Southeast Asia, from Burma through East

Indies to the Philippines (Fig. 22.13).
Characteristics: Sunbeam snakes (Fig. 22.14) obtain their
name from the iridescent glow reflected from their smooth,
shiny scales. They have blunt heads, cylindrical bodies, and
short tails but large ventral scales. Cranially, these snakes
have two common carotid arteries, teeth on the premaxillar-
ies, longitudinally oriented maxillaries with solid teeth, and
optic foramina that perforate the frontal–parietal sutures.
The mandible lacks a coronoid bone, and the dentary bears
numerous small teeth. They lack cranial infrared receptors
in pits or surface indentations. Girdle and limb vestiges are
absent. Intracostal arteries arise from the dorsal aorta at
nearly every trunk segment. The left lung is large, and the
tracheal lung is absent. Both left and right oviducts are well
Biology: Of the two species, X. unicolor has the widest
distribution, and because it is moderately abundant, its
biology is reasonably known. Adult X. unicolor attain total
lengths to 1.3 m; however, most individuals do not exceed
800 mm TL. They are secretive snakes and associated FIGURE 22.14  Representative xenopeltid and uropeltid snakes. From
with low coastal areas where they occur in lowland rain top: Sunbeam snake Xenopeltis unicolor, Xenopeltidae (G. R. Zug); red-
forest, rice fields, and other habitats. They can be found tailed pipe snake Cylindrophis ruffus, Cylindrophiidae (R. W. Murphy);
Drummond-Hayes shield-tail Cylindrophiidae (I. Das).
as much as 700 meters above sea level. These terrestrial
snakes burrow in mud. Even though often described as
nocturnal, they appear to forage during the day also, or
at least diurnally during some seasons. The diet is broad Uropeltidae
and includes frogs, lizards, and snakes. They have a broad Shield-Tail Snakes, Pipe Snakes, and Dwarf
ecological tolerance and, although commonly associated
Pipe Snakes
with water, they occur widely from urban gardens to low
montane forest and scrub forest. They are oviparous and Classification: Reptilia; Diapsida; Sauria; Lepidosauria;
can lay as many as 17 eggs in a clutch, but clutch size is Squamata.
usually smaller. Sister taxon: The clade (Bolyriidae (Boidae + Calabariidae)).
608 PART | VI  Classification and Diversity

Content: Nine genera, Brachyophidium, Cylindrophis, begin burrowing. The conical head and heavily muscled
Melanophidium, Platyplectrurus, Plectrurus, Pseudotyph- anterior quarter of the body facilitates digging. Digging
lops, Rhinophis, Teretrurus, and Uropeltis, with 1, 12, 3, 2, begins with the head embedded in the tunnel wall and the
4, 1, 13, 1, and 24 species, respectively. muscular body folded into a series of loops within the skin
Distribution: Sri Lanka, southern India, and Southeast envelope. The head is driven forward by straightening the
Asia through the East Indies (Fig. 22.15). body loops; the head then anchors the body, and the trunk
Characteristics: Uropeltids have cone-shaped heads, often is pulled forward as well as formed into loops within the
with a strongly keratinized tip, and a short tail. Some have skin. This concertina-style burrowing is effective in moist
a uniquely enlarged and roughened scale on the end of their and friable soils, and shield-tails quickly disappear within
short tail (lacking in Cylindrophus). Cranially, these snakes a self-created hole while the tail shield plugs the hole and
have two common carotid arteries and edentulous premax- protects the escaping snake.
illaries. Most have longitudinally oriented maxillaries with Uropeltids range in size from the very small Platy-
solid teeth, but maxillaries are diagonally oriented with solid plectrurus trilineatus (100 to 130 mm adult SVL) to the
teeth in the two species of Cylindrophus formerly consid- moderate-sized Uropeltis (e.g., 420 mm maximum TL,
ered as Anomochilus. All have optic foramina that perforate U. myhendrae). Cylindrophis species range in adult size
the frontals or frontal–parietal sutures. The mandible has a from about 300 to 900 mm TL. Diet is poorly known for
coronoid bone, and the dentary bears teeth on most species. most uropeltids, but because the snakes are totally subter-
They lack cranial infrared receptors in pits or surface inden- ranean, their diet likely consists principally of earthworms
tations. Girdle and limb vestiges do not occur externally or and other soft-bodied invertebrates, and perhaps small bur-
internally, with the exception of Cylindrophis, which has rowing vertebrates. Cylindrophis are principally nocturnal
external cloacal spurs and pelvic remnants of limbs in the foragers, searching on the surface in leaf litter for a variety
trunk musculature. Intracostal arteries arise from the dorsal of invertebrate and vertebrate prey, including earthworms,
aorta at nearly every trunk segment. The left lung is usually eels, caecilians, and other snakes. All uropeltids except the
present but small, and a tracheal lung is absent; both left and two species of Cylindrophis formerly considered Anomoch-
right oviducts are well developed. ilus appear to be viviparous, but data are limited. Litter size
Biology: Uropeltids are fossorial snakes. Much of their is small, 3–9 embryos (usually four), and pregnancy may be
morphology from head to tail and the smooth, glossy scale confined to a single oviduct–uterus. A female Cylindrophis
covering appear associated with burrowing (Fig. 22.14). (=Anomochilus) from Borneo contained four eggs.
They are almost exclusively forest inhabitants, occurring in Comment: Until recently, Anomochilus and Cylindrophis
open areas only where the soil is friable, permitting them were considered to constitute the family Cylindrophiidae,
to burrow deeply and avoid high soil-surface temperatures. but one molecular study places Anomochilus in the genus
They seldom appear on the surface unless uncovered by Cylindrophis and tie them to other uropeltids (which we fol-
surface predators (e.g., jungle fowl) or forced to the sur- low). Another molecular study retains Cylinrophidae, Uro-
face by flooded soils. When exposed, uropeltids hide their peltidae, and Anomochilidae as separate families.
heads beneath body coils or debris and present the armored
tail to the attacking predator; this behavior allows them to
Classification: Reptilia; Diapsida; Sauria; Lepidosauria;
Sister taxon: Uncertain, likely the clade (Pythonidae
(Loxocemidae + Xenopeltidae)).
Content: Three subfamilies, “Boiinae,” Ungaliophiinae,
and Erycinae (considered separate families by some
authors; see Fig. 22.1).
Distribution: Western North America to southern sub-
tropical South America, West Indies, central Africa to
South Asia, Madagascar, and Southwest Pacific islands
Uropeltidae (Fig. 22.16).
Characteristics: The “true” boas are small to large snakes.
Cranially, they share two common carotid arteries, eden-
tulous premaxillaries with ascending processes, longitudi-
FIGURE 22.15  Geographic distribution of the extant Uropeltidae. nally oriented maxillaries with solid teeth, optic foramina
Chapter | 22  Squamates—Part II. Snakes 609

that perforate the frontal–parietal sutures, and a strongly burrows. The combination of smooth, reflective scales and
developed supraoccipital crest. The mandible has a coro- waving motion of the coiled tail produces brilliant flashes
noid bone. Most boids have cranial infrared receptors in of bluish light that easily distract the attention of a would-be
interlabial pits. Hindlimb vestiges appear externally as pursuer. A remarkable amount of information exists on the
cloacal spurs, and pelvic remnants occur in the trunk mus- biology of tree boas in the genus Corallus, assembled by
culature. Intracostal arteries arise from the dorsal aorta at Robert W. Henderson. As a result, these are the best-known
nearly every trunk segment. The left lung is moderately to boids ecologically and behaviorally.
well developed, and a tracheal lung is absent; both left and Comment: The karyotypic differences between American
right oviducts are well developed. Similar to pythons, boids Boa and Madagascan boids, as well as their long indepen-
receive infrared cues from the surrounding environment dent evolutionary histories, argue for the recognition of
via supralabial or infralabial thermoreceptive pits allowing Sanzinia as distinct from Boa. New World Erycinae appear
them to construct spatial maps based on temperature. to be more closely related to Ungaliphiinae than to Old
World Erycinae. Until these relationships are confirmed,
we consider Old and New World Erycinae to comprise the
Boinae Erycinae. Finally, the “Boinae” is likely polyphyletic.
Sister taxon: Old World Erycinae or the clade (Oldworld
Erycinae (New World Erycinae  + Ungaliophiinae)) (see Ungaliophiinae
Sister taxon: Erycinae.
Content: Seven genera, Acrantophis, Boa, Candoia, Coral-
Content: Two genera, Exiliboa and Ungaliophis, with 1
lus, Epicrates, Eunectes, and Sanzinia, with 2, 1, 5, 7, 14, 4,
and 2 species, respectively.
and 1 species, respectively.
Distribution: Disjunct, from southern Mexico to northern
Distribution: Disjunct, tropical Americas including the
West Indies, Madagascar, and Southwest Pacific islands.
Characteristics: The dentary lacks an anterior canine-like
Characteristics: Prefrontals touch medially or nearly so,
tooth; the hyoid horns are semiparallel; and pelvic remnants
labial sensory pits occur, and caudal vertebrae have simple
are present. Body is muscular and males and females have
neural arches.
Biology: Boines (Fig. 22.17) range from moderate-sized
Biology: Ungaliophiines are moderately small snakes
species (e.g., 600–900 mm adult SVL, Candoia aspera) to
(<760 mm adult TL) that occur in wet to dry forested habi-
truly giant snakes (e.g., Eunectes, at least to 8 m maximum
tats. Ungaliophis is arboreal or semiarboreal (Fig. 22.18);
TL and possibly to 11.5 m). The small to large species are
Exiliboa placata is terrestrial, occurring in rocky areas.
mostly arboreal snakes, although they are regularly found
They are secretive snakes, likely nocturnal foragers, and
on ground; the largest-bodied clade, Eunectes, is aquatic.
they prey mainly on amphibians and lizards. Ungaliophi-
Contrary to what was depicted in the movie “Anaconda,”
ines are live bearers, and E. placata bears 8–13 neonates in
Eunectes are slow moving on land. Many boines are bird
September and October.
and mammal predators and are largely nocturnal. Some,
such as Corallus hortulanus, use their infrared heat-sensing
organs to locate sleeping prey, such as birds. Others, such Erycinae
as Corallus caninus, position themselves low on trunks of Sister taxon: Boinae.
small trees in the forest with the head oriented down, appar- Content: Three genera, Charina, Eryx, and Lichanura,
ently waiting for small mammals such as marsupial mice with 1, 12, and 1 species, respectively.
and rats to move within striking range. Eunectes often eat Distribution: Disjunct, western North America and
large prey such as caimans and capabaras, after which they central Africa eastward through Asia to western China
lie in water for days with the large lump in their stomach (Fig. 22.16).
floating high on the water. Others, such as Candoia, cap- Characteristics: Prefrontals are widely separated medially,
ture some endotherms but appear to eat mostly lizards and labial sensory pits are absent, and caudal vertebrae have
frogs. All are viviparous. Different populations within the forked neural arches.
Candoia carinata complex have litters ranging from 4–6 Biology: The sand (Eryx), rubber (Charina), and rosy boas
neonates in some to 40–50 neonates in others. Thus, lit- (Lichanura; Fig. 22.18) are semifossorial snakes. Eryx and
ter number is not strongly associated with body size. The Lichanura occur in semiarid to arid habitats. Charina bot-
large B. constrictor and Eunectes can produce as many as tae occurs in moist, montane conifer forests. All are moder-
60–70 young, but they usually produce many fewer. Epi- ate-sized snakes, typically less than 700 mm TL. They have
crates cenchria present spectacular displays when disturbed robust, cylindrical bodies, short tails, blunt heads, and small
in the field, in which they raise the coiled tail off the ground, eyes. In the Pacific Northwest of the United States, rubber
swing it back and forth, and rapidly crawl off, often entering boas can be very common and easily found in early summer
610 PART | VI  Classification and Diversity

under surface objects exposed to sun. It is not uncommon to Most recently, it was considered to belong in the Erycinae.
find several under a single surface item that has small mam- Molecular data indicate that it belongs in a separate family.
mal burrows, suggesting that they may overwinter in mam-
mal burrows. Rosy boas are predominantly nocturnal or
crepuscular foragers and prey mainly on small reptiles and Bolyeriidae
mammals. When disturbed in the field, Eryx and Charina Mascarene or Split-Jaw Boas
often roll into a tight ball and expose the blunt tail as a head
mimic. Although the blunt tails appear scarred, they are Classification: Reptilia; Diapsida; Sauria; Lepidosauria;
born with the blunt tail with irregular scales. All erycines Squamata.
are viviparous with litter size usually less than 10 neonates. Sister taxon: Most likely Xenophiidae, but could be Boi-
dae + Calabariidae.
Content: Two monotypic genera, Bolyeria and Casarea.
Calabariidae Distribution: Mauritius and northern islets for Bolyeria
and Casarea (Fig. 22.16).
Calabar Ground Boa
Characteristics: Bolyeria and Casarea (Fig. 22.19) are
Sister taxon: Boidae. unique among snakes because they have a maxillary that
Content: One genus, Calabaria, with 1 species. is divided and hinged into anterior and posterior elements.
Distribution: Central and west Africa (Fig. 22.16). They are slender boa-like snakes (800 mm to 1.38 m TL)
Characteristics: Calabaria (Fig. 22.19) has a relatively without a vestigial pelvic girdle or cloacal spurs. Cranially,
small body size (1 m or less), cylindrical body, tiny eyes, these snakes have two common carotid arteries, edentulous
short, rounded tail, and rounded head. Dorsal coloration is premaxillaries, longitudinally oriented maxillaries with
a chocolate brown with flecks of red or orange on many solid teeth, and optic foramina that perforate the frontal–
scales. Most individuals have white bands under the chin parietal sutures. The mandible has a coronoid bone, and the
and on the underside of the tail. dentary lacks teeth. They lack cranial infrared receptors in
Biology: Calabaria occurs in tropical rainforest where it is pits or surface indentations. Girdle and limb elements are
often associated with leaf litter. These snakes occasionally entirely absent. Intracostal arteries arise from the dorsal
climb into vegetation, but for the most part, they appear to be aorta at nearly every trunk segment. The left lung is greatly
subterranean, searching through mammal burrows for newborn reduced, and there is no tracheal lung; both left and right
mammals. Female Calabaria produce eggs that are extremely oviducts are well developed.
elongate. They exhibit a defensive behavior in which they roll Biology: Bolyeria multocarinata was known from the north-
up in a ball and expose just the blunt tail showing the contrast- ern islets near Mauritius, but it is now presumably extinct, as
ing white bands. This behavior occurs in other snake families none has been seen since 1975 in spite of extensive search-
as well. Overall, very little is known about their biology. ing. Casarea dussumieri previously occurred on Mauritius
Comment: Calabaria has been moved around within and still occurs today on Round Island. The hinged lower
boas and pythons based on morphological characteristics. jaw appears to be an adaptation to catch and hold hard,




FIGURE 22.16  Geographic distribution of the extant Boidae, Calabariidae, and Bolyeriidae.
Chapter | 22  Squamates—Part II. Snakes 611

slippery-scaled skinks. Other squamates have evolved similar are rainforest-floor inhabitants. They are small snakes,
cranial adaptations for durophagous prey. Field observations likely not exceeding 300 mm SVL as adults. A single mature
indicate that C. dussumieri is nocturnal and approaches prey female of Xenophidion acanthagnathus collected at 600 m
slowly with raised head and anterior trunk and strikes only in Borneo in a selectively logged forest contained several
when within a few millimeters of the prey. Once grasped, large-shelled eggs. Although the diet is unknown, a large
the skink or gecko might be constricted. C. dussumieri is tooth on the front of the lower jaw suggests that prey are
oviparous; reproduction in B. multocarinata is unknown. C. small vertebrates capable of struggling.
dussumieri is oviparous and produces 3–5 eggs.
Wart Snakes or File Snakes
Spine-jaw Snakes
Classification: Reptilia; Diapsida; Sauria; Lepidosauria;
Sister taxon: Most likely, Bolyeriidae. Squamata.
Content: One genus, Xenophidion, with 2 species. Sister taxon: The Colubroidea.
Distribution: Malaysia (Fig. 22.20). Content: One genus, Acrochordus, with 3 species.
Characteristics: The dentary has a large, anterior canine- Distribution: South and Southeast Asia to the Philippines
like tooth, the hyoid horns are strongly divergent, and pelvic and northern Australia (Fig. 22.22).
remnants are absent. Characteristics: Acrochordids are small-headed and thick-
Biology: Presently, the two species of Xenophidion bodied snakes; the skin is baggy, appearing several sizes too
(Fig. 22.21) are each known from a single specimen. Both large for the body. The skin is covered dorsally and ventrally

FIGURE 22.17  Representative boid snakes in the subfamily Boinae. Clockwise from upper left: Boa constrictor Boa constrictor (L. J. Vitt); Brazilian
rainbow boa Epicrates cenchria (L. J. Vitt); garden tree boa Corallus hortulanus (L. J. Vitt); juvenile emerald tree boa Corallus caninus (L. J. Vitt).
612 PART | VI  Classification and Diversity

FIGURE 22.19  Representative snakes in the families Calabariidae and

Bolyriidae. From top: Calabar boa, Calabaria reinhardtii (L. Chirio);
Dussumier’s split-jaw boa Casarea dussumieri, Bolyeriidae (Suzanne L.
Collins, The Center for North American Amphibians and Reptiles).

Intracostal arteries arise from the dorsal aorta at intervals of

several trunk segments. The left lung is absent, and a tracheal
lung is well developed; the left and right oviducts are well
Biology: Acrochordids are moderately large snakes, rang-
ing in adult TL from about 800 mm to 1 m (A. granulatus)
to 1.9 to 2.7 m (A. javanicus; Fig. 22.23); adult males are
always significantly smaller than females. All three species
FIGURE 22.18  Representative boid snakes in the subfamilies are aquatic and largely incapable of terrestrial locomotion.
Ungaliophiinae and Erycinae. From top: Panamanian dwarf boa Ungalophis Acrochordus granulatus is a brackish and marine spe-
panamensis, Ungaliophiinae (J. Karney); rubber boa Charina bottae, cies, A. arafurae is a freshwater resident, and A. javanicus
Erycinae (L. J. Vitt); rosy boa Lichanura trivirgata, Erycinae (L. J. Vitt). occurs in both fresh and salt water. All three feed princi-
pally on fish, and A. arafurae apparently exclusively so.
by numerous small, nonoverlapping, granular scales that Prey capture usually requires the fish to touch the anterior
have numerous bristle-tipped tubercles arising from the part of the snake’s body, which triggers the snake to trap
interscalar skin. Cranially, acrochordids have only a left the fish in body loops and coils using the bristly tubercles
carotid artery, edentulous premaxillaries, longitudinally for adhesion. The snake quickly shifts the fish forward in a
oriented maxillaries with solid teeth, and optic foramina wave-like action of the skin folds and rapidly swallows it.
that perforate the parietal. The mandible lacks a coronoid Acrochordids are viviparous, and litters range from 4–40
bone, and the dentary bears numerous teeth. No cranial young, all born in the water. Litter size is correlated with
infrared receptors occur in pits or surface indentations. Gir- body size, and A. arafurae and A. javanicus are the most
dle and limb elements are absent externally and internally. fecund. Parthenogenesis has been reported in A. arafurae.
Chapter | 22  Squamates—Part II. Snakes 613



FIGURE 22.20  Geographic distribution of the extant Xenophiidae. FIGURE 22.22  Geographic distribution of the extant Acrochordidae.

small-to-moderate-sized, slender-bodied snakes; the maxi-

mum TL is less than 800 mm, but most individuals and
species are less than 550 mm TL. All are secretive snakes,
probably nocturnal, and either forest-floor or low arboreal
foragers. The little dietary data available suggest that they
are opportunistic carnivores and that vertebrates are their
major prey. Xenodermis javanicus is known to feed on
frogs. Limited reproductive data indicate that all are ovipa-
rous and have small clutch size, reportedly four or fewer

Sister taxon: The clade (Viperidae (Homalopsidae (Colub-
ridae (Lamprophiidae + Elapidae)))).
Content: Three genera, Aplopeltura, Asthenodipsas, and
FIGURE 22.21  Schaefer’s spine-jaw snake Xenophidion schaeferi, Pareas, with 1, 3, and 11 species, respectively.
Xenophiidae (W. Grossman).
Distribution: Southeast Asia from eastern India to China
and southward to Java, Borneo, and Minanao (Fig. 22.25).
Characteristics: Pareatids have a blunt snout, lack a mental
Xenodermatidae groove, and have no teeth on the anterior part of the maxillary.
Sister taxon: All remaining Colubroidea. Biology: Pareatids are called slug-eating snakes because
Content: Six genera, Achalinus, Fimbrios, Oxyrhabdium, of their specialized diet of slugs and snails. The long
Stoliczkaia, Xenodermus, and Xylophis, with 9, 2, 2, 1, and slender body and oversized head are convergent with
3 species, respectively. morphology seen in New World snail specialists (Fig.
Distribution: Disjunct, Assam, northern Indochina and 22.26). This morphology is an adaptation for slow arbo-
adjacent China to Japan, and peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, real searching on the slender twigs and branches at the
Java, and Borneo (Fig. 22.24). ends of limbs and for traversing wide gaps. All taxa are
Characteristics: Xenodermatids have small orbits, from moderate sized and have adults that range between 450
which the optic nerve exits between the parietal and frontal; and 900 mm TL, although they appear small because of
the ophthalmic nerve exits through a foramen in the pari- their slender body form. They forage at night, and upon
etal, a unique characteristic, and they have numerous (>20) finding a snail, they slide their lower jaw beneath the
small maxillary teeth. snail and the shell and bite the body. They use their teeth
Biology: Xenodermatids are a small group of peculiar and independent jawbones in a ratchet-like fashion to
snakes, generally living in moist forest habitats. They are exert a continuous pulling pressure on the snail’s body,
614 PART | VI  Classification and Diversity

FIGURE 22.23  From left to right: Little file snake Acrochordus granulatus, Acrochordidae (C. Siler); juvenile Arafura file snake Acrochordus arafurae,
Acrochordidae (D. Nelson).



FIGURE 22.24  Geographic distribution of the extant Xenodermatidae.

which eventually relaxes and is then ripped from its shell FIGURE 22.25  Geographic distribution of the extant Pareatidae.
attachment. All pareatids are oviparous and have small
clutches of 2–8 eggs.

Vipers and Pit Vipers
Classification: Reptilia; Diapsida; Sauria; Lepidosauria;
Sister taxon: The clade (Homalopsidae (Colubridae (Lam-
prophiidae + Elapidae))).
Content: Three subfamilies, Azemiopinae, Crotalinae, and
Distribution: Worldwide, except Papuaustralia and oceanic
islands (Fig. 22.27).
Characteristics: Viperids are venomous snakes; a rotating
fang apparatus allows the development of long fangs that FIGURE 22.26  Blunt-head slug snake Aplopeltura boa, Pareatidae
(R. Brown).
are erected when biting and folded against the palate when
the mouth is closed. Most viperids have robust bodies and
distinctly triangular heads. Cranially, viperids have only the dentary bears teeth. Cranial infrared receptors occur in
a left carotid artery, edentulous premaxillaries, block-like loreal pits in crotalines or beneath scale surfaces in other
rotating maxillaries with tubular teeth, and optic foramina taxa. Girdle and limb elements are absent externally and
that perforate the frontal–parietal or frontal–parietal–para- internally. Intracostal arteries arise from the dorsal aorta at
sphenoid sutures. The mandible lacks a coronoid bone, and intervals of several trunk segments. The left lung is usually
Chapter | 22  Squamates—Part II. Snakes 615


FIGURE 22.27  Geographic distribution of the extant Viperidae.

absent or vestigial when present, and a tracheal lung is usu-

ally present; left and right oviducts are well developed.
Comment: The most recent molecular analysis suggests
separating Causus into a separate subfamily, the Causi-
nae. The subfamilial phylogeny would become (Causinae
(Viperinae (Azemiopinae (Crotalinae)))).

Sister taxon: Clade containing Crotalinae and Viperinae.
Content: Monotypic, Azemiops feae.
Distribution: South-central China and adjacent areas of
Burma and Vietnam.
Characteristics: Azemiops lacks a loreal pit, has a distinct
choanal process on the palatine, has a large posteromedial FIGURE 22.28  Fea’s viper Azemiops feae, Azemiopinae (R. W. Murphy).
orbital process on the prefrontal, and lacks a tracheal lung.
Biology: Fea’s vipers are moderate-sized snakes (600–
980 mm adult TL; Fig. 22.28). They live at mid-elevations Bothrops, Calloselasma, Cerrophidion, Crotalus, Dein-
(800–1000 m) in moist montane forest. In northern Viet agkistrodon, Garthius, Gloydius, Hypnale, Lachesis, Mix-
Nam and southern China clumps of bamboo and tree ferns coatlus, Ophryacus, Ovophis, Porthidium, Protobothrops,
grow on Karst fields and the snakes appear to live within Rhinocerophis, Sistrurus, Trimeresurus, and Tropidolae-
crevices in the rock. The snakes spend the day beneath mus, with 216 species.
objects, often in wet situations, and emerge late at night to Distribution: Southwest and southern Asia and the Americas.
forage on and in the surface litter. Rodents and shrews are Characteristics: Crotalines have a well-developed loreal
likely the major prey. Azemiops dehydrates rapidly even in pit for infrared receptors, have a small choanal process on
moderately dry conditions. Clutches of five eggs have been the palatine, lack a posteromedial process on the prefrontal,
observed in captivity approximately 90 days after mating. and have a tracheal lung, except in Lachesis.
Biology: Crotalines are small to large snakes, ranging in
Crotalinae adult TL from 300 to 660 mm in Crotalus pricei to a maxi-
Sister taxon: Viperinae. mum 3.75 m in Lachesis muta. They are predominantly
Content: Twenty-three genera, Agkistrodon, Atropoides, nocturnal snakes, and they use (not exclusively) their heat-
Bothriechis, Bothriopsis, Bothrocophias, Bothropoides, sensory apparatus to locate prey. They prey mainly on
616 PART | VI  Classification and Diversity

vertebrates, usually birds and mammals in the larger cro- crotalines and at higher elevations where the season is short,
taline species and amphibians and reptiles in the smaller females reproduce biennially or even at longer intervals.
ones; semiaquatic taxa eat fish and frogs. They occur in Sperm storage occurs in females of some species and mat-
numerous habitats from deserts to cool montane forests ing is often not associated with the timing of peak sperm
and wet tropical lowlands. Crotalines are mainly terrestrial, production in males (e.g., Agkistrodon piscivorus).
but a few taxa are semiaquatic, and 20+ tropical Asian and Comment: We generally recognize all proposed genera;
American species are arboreal (Fig. 22.29). In general, most however, species content and even the recognition of the
appear to be long-lived species, maturing slowly and repro- various genera continue to be actively investigated.
ducing in 2-to-3-year cycles, except for the species in habi-
tats with high prey density. Most crotalines are viviparous, Viperinae
although a few, such as Calloselasma, some Trimeresurus, Sister taxon: Crotalinae.
and Lachesis, are oviparous and commonly attend eggs, Content: Thirteen genera, Atheris, Bitis, Causus, Cerastes,
suggesting some parental care. Litter or clutch size is gen- Daboia, Echis, Eristocophis, Macrovipera, Monatatheris,
erally associated with body size. Smaller species typically Montivipera, Proatheris, Pseudocerastes, and Vipera, with
produce fewer eggs or young than larger ones; however, 88 species.
even the largest taxon, L. muta, produces only about a Distribution: Africa, Europe, and Asia.
dozen eggs, and the much smaller Sistrurus catenatus aver- Characteristics: Viperines lack a loreal pit, a choanal pro-
ages nearly 12 neonates. Overall, crotalines produce about cess on the palatine, and a posteromedial process on the
10 eggs or neonates per reproductive event, and viviparous prefrontal; all have a tracheal lung, except for Bitis atropos.
species tend to produce more offspring than oviparous ones Biology: Viperines are modest-sized snakes; none is known
of equivalent size. In northern parts of the distribution of to exceed 2 m SVL, and most taxa are less than 1 m adult

FIGURE 22.29  Representative viperid snakes. Clockwise from upper left: Prairie rattlesnake Crotalus viridis, Crotalinae (L. J. Vitt); speckled forest pit
viper, Bothriopsis taeniata, Crotalinae (L. J. Vitt); Brazilian lance-head pit viper Bothrops moojeni, Crotalinae (L. J. Vitt); Ottoman viper Vipera xanthina,
Viperinae (R. W. Barbour).
Chapter | 22  Squamates—Part II. Snakes 617

SVL (Fig. 22.29). Bitis contains the largest species (B. ari- habitats, typically in shallow water and associated with
etans, B. gabonica, and B. nasicornis, all with maximum muddy bottoms (Fig. 22.31). Envenomation is an impor-
adult SVLs of 1.4 m or larger) and some of the smallest tant aspect of prey capture for all taxa. Prey is bitten and
species (B. peringueyi, 300 mm maximum adult SVL). held; a chewing action introduces the venom into the prey,
However, adult B. arietans and B. gabonica can be mas- and once subdued, the prey is swallowed. Most freshwater
sive snakes, as thick or thicker than a man’s arm and have homalopsids eat fish, frogs, and tadpoles, but some eat crus-
massive heads and extremely long fangs. Most viperines are taceans as well. Fordonia leucobalia is a crab specialist; it
terrestrial, although a few forage low in bushes, and Atheris first pins the crab beneath a body loop and then bites and
is arboreal. They occur in forest to desert habitats and from envenomates it. Foraging occurs at night, and most actively
equatorial to subarctic regions. Although viperines are com- search for prey. Homalopsids are small (200–380 mm adult
monly labeled as diurnal species, many forage nocturnally; SVL, Myron richardsonii) to large (1.4 m maximum TL,
the activity patterns of most taxa are associated with climate Homalopsis buccata). All homalopsids are viviparous. Lit-
and seasonal temperature regimes. For example, the Euro- ter size is modest, from 5–15 neonates in most species, but
pean Vipera is diurnal and the desert Cerastes is noctur- larger individuals and larger species can have 20–39 young.
nal. Viperines prey mainly on small vertebrates. Viperines
include oviparous taxa (e.g., Causus, Echis coloratus) and
viviparous taxa (e.g., Bitis, Echis carinatus, most Vipera). Lamprophiidae
Clutch or litter size is moderate in most taxa, usually not Stilleto and Mole Vipers, Keeled Snakes,
exceeding 10 eggs or neonates, but the large-bodied species and Others
of Bitis produce 40 to 100 neonates.
Sister taxon: Elapidae.
Content: Seven subfamilies, Aparallactinae, Atractaspidi-
nae, Lamprophiinae, Psammophinae, Prosymninae, Pseu-
Sister taxon: (Colubridae (Lamprophiidae + Elapidae)). daspidinae, and Pseudoxyrhophiinae, with 300 species.
Content: Eleven genera, Bitia, Brachyorrhos, Cantoria, Distribution: Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar
Cerberus, Enhydris, Erpeton, Fordonia, Gerarda, Heurnia, (Fig. 22.32).
Homalopsis, and Myron, with 38 species. Characteristics: See subfamily accounts below.
Distribution: Southern Asia from India to China and south Biology: Lamprophiids are a moderately diverse group (Fig.
to northern Australia (Fig. 22.30). 22.33). They are mainly terrestrial to semifossorial, but a few
Characteristics: Homalopsids are distinguished from other (e.g., Langaha) are arboreal. The majority of species are less
colubroids by valvular, crescentic, dorsal nostrils; small, dor- than 1 m TL, although some genera (e.g., Leioheterodon) have a
sally oriented eyes (eye diameter less than vertical distance maximum TL of 1.0 to 1.5 m. Body form ranges from typical ter-
from bottom of orbit to mouth); nasal scales usually larger than restrial racer-morphology to blunt-headed, cylindrical-­bodied
internasals; and the last two or three maxillary teeth enlarged burrowers and also includes big-headed, thin-bodied arboreal
and grooved with well-developed venom (Duvernoy) glands. forms. Most taxa prey upon vertebrates, and none appears to
Biology: Homalopsids are nocturtnal, aquatic snakes be a dietary specialist. Lamprophiids are oviparous. Clutch
and live in a variety of freshwater, brackish, and marine size tends to be small, commonly less than 10 eggs per clutch.


FIGURE 22.31  Yellow-belly water snake Enhydris plumbae, Homalopsinae

FIGURE 22.30  Geographic distribution of the extant Homalopsidae. (D. R. Karns).
618 PART | VI  Classification and Diversity

Aparallactinae Characteristics: Six to nine small teeth followed by a large

Sister taxon: Atractaspidinae. grooved fang below the eye occur on each maxilllary, either
Content: Ten genera, Amblyodipsas, Aparallactus, Brachy- posteriorly (opisthoglyphous) or anteriorly (proterogly-
ophis, Chilorhinophis, Elapotinus, Hypoptophis, Mac- phous); a tracheal lung is present, and the left lung is often
relaps, Micrelaps, Polemon, and Xenocalamus, with 50 absent.
species. Biology: Popularly known as centipede eaters, aparal-
Distribution: Sub-Saharan Africa. lactines are small (200–300 mm adult SVL, Aparallactus
nigriceps) to large (about 1.1 m maximum TL, Macrelaps
microlepidotus). All are terrestrial to semifossorial snakes,
occurring in a variety of habitats from grassland to moist
forest. Aparallactus is generally a centipede specialist; the
other taxa prey mainly on small vertebrates that live in or
on the surface litter. Some (e.g., Xenocalamus) are venom-
ous. These snakes include oviparous and viviparous spe-
cies; clutch or litter size is small, usually less than 10 eggs
or young.

Sister taxon: Aparallactinae.
Content: Two genera, Atractaspis and Homoroselaps, with
19 and 2 species, respectively.
FIGURE 22.32  Geographic distribution of the extant Lamprophiidae.

FIGURE 22.33  Representative lamprophiid snakes. Clockwise from upper left: Cape centipede eater Aparallectus capensis, Aparallelactinae
(G. Alexander); spotted harlequin snake Homoroselaps lacteus, Atractaspidinae (W. R. Branch); mole snake Pseudaspis cana, Pseudaspidinae
(W. Branch); Madagascaran hognose snake Leioheterodon madagascariensis, Pseudoxyrhophiinae (H. I. Uible).
Chapter | 22  Squamates—Part II. Snakes 619

Distribution: Sub-Saharan Africa, Israel, and parts of the 1400–1900 m in South Africa. Some, such as Lycodono-
Arabian Peninsula. morphus, are effectively watersnakes, but Lycodonomor-
Characteristics: Each maxillary bears a large semi-erect phus inornatus is terrestrial in mesic grasslands and forest.
fang anteriorly, few teeth on the palatines, none on the pter- Bothrophthalmus lineatus is terrestrial in forest. Lampro-
ygoids; a tracheal lung is present or absent, and usually the phis are commonly called house snakes, and they are ter-
left lung is present but small. Head is indistinct from neck restrial. Most, if not all species are nocturnal/crepuscular.
and relatively small. Prey varies among species. Terrestrial species feed on small
Biology: Atractaspis is a highly venomous, fossorial taxon. mammals (e.g., Bothrophthalmus, Lamprophis) or lizards
For most species, adults range from 400 to 600 mm TL. (e.g., Lycophidion) whereas aquatic species (e.g., most
All species are blunt headed, apparently capable of using Lycodonomorphus) feed on fish and amphibians. All appear
their heads in burrowing, although they are likely depen- to lay eggs, and clutch size is variable, but generally clutch
dent upon the burrows of their mammalian prey. Because size is small (2–6 eggs).
they live and feed while underground, they cannot use the
typical snake strike to achieve envenomation. Instead, they Pseudaspidinae
crawl alongside their prey (mainly newborn rodents and Sister taxon: Lamprophiinae.
burrowing reptiles), depress their lower jaw and shift it Content: Two genera, Pseudaspis and Pythonodipsas, each
toward the opposite side thereby exposing their exception- with a single species.
ally long fangs, and with a backward stab, envenomate the Distribution: South Africa.
prey. Atractaspis is oviparous and lays small clutches of Characteristics: Pseudaspis is a moderate-sized snake
2–11 eggs. Homoroselaps (Fig. 22.33) was formerly placed (2 m) with a relatively small head for moving through bur-
in the Elapidae. rows. Pythonodipsas cana (Fig. 22.33) is smaller, has a
head shaped similar to that of pit vipers, and an extremely
Lamprophiinae enlarged tooth on the front of the palatine bone, effectively
Sister taxon: Pseudaspidinae. a fang.
Content: Eleven genera, Boaedon, Bothrophthalmus, Biology: Pseudaspis feeds on small mammals, especially
Chamaelycus, Dendrolycus, Gonionotophis, Hormonotus, golden moles, mole rats, and eggs of birds. Pythonodipsas
Inyoka, Lamprophis, Lycodonomorphus, Lycophidion, and feeds primarily on geckos and other small lizards as well as
Pseudoboodon, with 67 species. small mammals.
Distribution: Sub-Saharan Africa.
Characteristics: Defined by molecular data from mito- Psammophiinae
chondrial protein-coding genes (cyt b + ND4), mitochon- Sister taxon: The clade (Lamprophiinae + Pseudaspidinae).
drial tRNA genes, and the nuclear c-mos gene. Content: Seven genera, Dipsina, Hemirhagerrhis, Malpo-
Biology: Variable, depending on species. Inyoka lives in lon, Mimophis, Psammophis, Rhagerhis, and Rhamphio-
rocky outcrops of grassland and savannah at altitudes of phis, with 1, 4, 2, 1, 37, 1, and 4 species, respectively.


FIGURE 22.34  Geographic distribution of the extant Elapidae. Dashed red lines indicate distribution within the oceans of the Hydrophinae.
620 PART | VI  Classification and Diversity

Distribution: Africa, southern Asia, southern Europe, Mid- Elapidae

dle East.
Characteristics: An assemblage of snakes that differ con- Cobras, Kraits, Sea Snakes, Death Adders,
siderably in morphology and behavior. Most species are and Allies
under 2 m in TL. Classification: Reptilia; Diapsida; Sauria; Lepidosauria;
Biology: Some, such as the bark snakes (Hemirhagerrhis), Squamata.
are thin-bodied arboreal snakes that feed on geckos and Sister taxon: Lamprophiidae.
their eggs. Others, like the sand snakes (Psammophis), are Content: Sixty-two genera, Acalyptophis, Acanthophis,
racer-like diurnal snakes that feed on a wide variety of ver- Aipysurus, Aspidelaps, Aspidomorphus, Austrelaps, Bun-
tebrates, including other snakes. One species, Psammophis garus, Cacophis, Calliophis, Chitulia, Demansia, Den-
punctulatus, is believed to be the fastest moving snake in droaspis, Denisonia, Disteira, Drysadalia, Echiopsis,
Africa. Elapognathus, Elapsoidea, Emydocephalus, Enhydrina,
Ephalophis, Furina, Hemachatus, Hemiaspis, Hemibun-
Pseudoxyrhophiinae garus, Hoplocephalus, Hydrelaps, Hydrophis, Kerilia,
Sister taxon: Elapidae or all remaining Lamprophiidae. Kolphophis, Lapemis, Laticauda, Leioselasma, Loveridge-
Content: Twenty-one genera, Alluaudina, Amplorhinus, laps, Micropechis, Micruroides, Micrurus, Naja, Note-
Bothrolycus, Compsophis, Ditypophis, Dromicodryas, chis, Ogmodon, Ophiophagus, Oxyuranus, Parahydrophis,
Duberria, Exallodontophis, Heteroliodon, Ithycyphus, Lan- Parapistocalamus, Parapistocalamus, Parsutaa, Pelamis,
gaha, Leioheterodon, Liophidium, Liopholidophis, Lyco- Polydontognathus, Praescutata, Pseudechis, Pseudohaje,
dryas, Madagascarophis, Micropisthodon, Pararhadinaea, Pseudonaja, Rhinoplocephalus, Salomonelaps, Simoselaps,
Phisalixella, Pseudoxyrhopus, and Thamnosophis, with 86 Sinomicrurus, Suta, Thalassophis, Toxicocalamus, Trop-
species. idechis, Vermicella, and Walterinnesia, with 347 species
Distribution: Madagascar, Eastern and Western Africa (see Comment).
south of the Sahara, Southern Yemen. Distribution: Southern North America to southern South
Biology: The greatest diversity of pseudoxyrhophiins is in America, Africa, southern Asia to southern Australia, and
Madagascar, and some are truly bizarre snakes. Species of the tropical Indian and Pacific Oceans (Fig. 22.34).
the arboreal genus Langaha have a broad, leaf-like struc- Characteristics: Elapids are venomous snakes that have
ture on the apex of the snout, which is flatted in females an erect fang anteriorly on each maxillary bone. Cranially,
and spear-like in males. Many species are known from only they have only a left carotid artery, edentulous premaxil-
a single or few specimens, and most species appear to be laries, longitudinally oriented, shortened maxillaries with
nocturnal. Some species feed on frogs or lizards, others on anterior teeth that are large and tubular, and optic foram-
small mammals. ina usually perforate the frontal–parietal–parasphenoid
sutures. The mandible lacks a coronoid bone, and the
Prosymninae dentary bears teeth. No cranial infrared receptors occur in
Sister taxon: All remaining Elapidae and Lamprophiidae. pits or surface indentations. The girdle and limb elements
Content: One genus, Prosymna, with 16 species. are absent externally and internally. Intracostal arteries
Distribution: Africa south of the Sahara. arise from the dorsal aorta at intervals of several trunk
Characteristics: These are the African shovelsnout snakes, segments. The left lung is greatly reduced or absent; a
characterized by their shovel-shaped heads resulting from a tracheal lung is commonly present in the marine taxa and
sharp-edged, broad rostral scale. The head is small and eyes absent in terrestrial ones. Left and right oviducts are well
are relatively large. developed.
Biology: These snakes appear to be specialists on the eggs Biology: Among African elapids, only two taxa (mambas,
of snakes and lizards. No doubt, the shovel-shaped head Dendroaspis; tree cobras, Pseudohaje) are arboreal, and
is used in unearthing reptile nests. Small geckos may also only the African Boulengerina is aquatic. The remainder
be eaten. Some species (e.g., P. ambigua) exhibit a strange of the African elapids are semifossorial (Aspidelaps, Cal-
behavior when disturbed, coiling like a watch spring with liophis) and surface foragers (Bungarus, Naja). The semi-
the body flattened, jerking violently when prodded. All spe- fossorial or surface-litter foragers are commonly brightly
cies lay small clutches of eggs. patterned (aposematic), presumably to alert potential preda-
Comment: The Prosymninae have been included within tors of their venomous bite, and most are called coral snakes.
Lamprophiidae in the past but recent molecular analyses Adult size in elapids ranges from small (less than 500 mm
place them sister to elapids and other lamprophiids. We TL) for some of the semifossorial taxa to the very large
place them here for convenience until their relationships are king cobra, Ophiophagus, which attains lengths to 5.8 m.
better understood. Adults of most species are less than 4 m TL. The kraits and
Chapter | 22  Squamates—Part II. Snakes 621

various cobras commonly range in adult TL from 1 to 2 m. All are totally aquatic; their laterally compressed bodies,
New World elapids are the coral snakes, Micruroides and paddle-like tail, and loss of enlarged ventral scales and
Micrurus (Fig. 22.35), which exhibit a diversity of color associated muscular links make them incapable of terres-
and banding patterns. All terrestrial elapids are mainly ver- trial locomotion (Fig. 22.35). Most species are 750 mm to
tebrate predators; for example, Micrurus mainly eat snakes 1.5 m SVL (maximum to 2.7 m TL, Hydrophis spiralis).
and lizards, Hemachatus anurans, and Dendroaspis eat Even though they eat mostly fish, they are often specialists,
birds and mammals. Elapids are mostly oviparous, but a few eating only certain types of fish or fish of a limited size
species are viviparous (e.g., Hemachatus and most of the range. Surprisingly, they largely avoid invertebrates. All sea
sea snakes). Clutch size is generally associated with body snakes are viviparous, and birth occurs in the water. Litter
size; smaller species tend to produce 10 or fewer eggs, and size varies from 1 to 30, but most species produce litters of
the larger species commonly produce more than 20 eggs. fewer than 10 neonates.
Australian elapids include semifossorial and surface for- The sea kraits, Laticauda, occupy the middle ground
agers. A few surface foragers (e.g., Tropidechis) occasion- between the terrestrial hydrophiines and the sea snakes.
ally climb low in shrubs or trees, but none is truly arboreal; Aside from less reduced ventral scales than the sea snakes,
the same situation exists for the taxa that forage in or near they regularly come ashore and have good terrestrial loco-
water (e.g., Notechis ater), for they are at best semiaquatic. motion. As egg layers, they must lay their eggs on land, and
These terrestrial taxa range from small snakes (200–400 mm L. colubrina seemingly always comes ashore to digest its
adult SVL, Drysadalia) to large ones (0.8–2.2 m SVL, Oxy- food, mainly eels. In spite of large adult size (0.8–1.0 m
uranus). Their prey is composed nearly exclusively of ver- SVL), they produce moderate-sized clutches of 1–10 eggs.
tebrates and lizards. Both oviparous and viviparous species Comment: Relationships among elapids remain unresolved
exist. with each new phylogeny. Most recent analyses agree that
The so-called “true” sea snakes include a diverse array at least two marine snake clades (sea kraits or Laticauda;
of genera (14; e.g., Aipysurus, Hydrophis, Thalassophis). Hydrophis and other sea snakes plus some Australian

FIGURE 22.35  Representative elapid snakes. Clockwise from upper left: Cerrado coral snake Micrurus brasiliensis (L. J. Vitt); Philippine krait
Hemibungarus calligaster, Elapinae (R. M. Brown); yellow-lip sea krait Laticauda colubrina, Hydrophiinae (G. R. Zug); curl snake Suta suta, Hydrophiinae
(T. Schwaner).
622 PART | VI  Classification and Diversity

terrestrial elapids) arose from within the Australian ter- at intervals of several trunk segments. The left lung is
restrial elapids. Hydrophiinae has been shown to be mono- greatly reduced or more often absent, and a tracheal lung
phyletic and is the sister taxon to the Laticaudinae. Both of can be present or absent; left and right oviducts are well
these are embedded in an as yet unresolved set of species developed.
rendering it difficult to delineate a complete set of resolved Comment: Taxonomy and relationships among colubrid
subfamilies. As many as five clades may exist. snakes has and will continue to change as new data and
analyses come in.
Common Snakes
Sister taxon: Grayiinae.
Classification: Reptilia; Diapsida; Sauria; Lepidosauria; Content: More than 100 genera, including Aeluroglena,
Squamata. Ahaetulla, Aprosdoketophis, Argyrogena, Arizona,
Sister taxon: The clade containing Atractaspidae and Elap- Bamanophis, Bogertophis, Boiga, Cemophora, Chapi-
idae. nophis, Chilomeniscus, Chionactis, Chironius, Chryso-
Content: Seven subfamilies, Colubrinae, Grayiinae, Cala- pelea, Coelognathus, Coluber, Colubroelaps, Conopsis,
mariinae, Dipsadinae, Pseudoxenodontinae, Natricinae, Coronella, Crotaphopeltis, Cyclophiops, Dasypeltis,
Scaphiodontophiinae, and about 1755 species. Dendrelaphis, Dendrophidion, Dinodon, Dipsadoboa,
Distribution: Nearly worldwide, except Antarctica, most Dispholidus, Dolichophis, Dryadophis, Drymarchon, Dry-
of the north Arctic, Madagascar, and oceanic islands mobius, Drymoluber, Dryocalamus, Dryophiops, Eirenis,
(Fig. 22.36). Elachistodon, Elaphe, Euprepiophis, Ficimia, Geagras,
Characteristics: Colubrids represent the most structurally Gonyophis, Gonyosoma, Gyalopion, Hapsidophrys, Hem-
diverse group of snakes and include aglyphous, opisthog- orrhois, Hierophis, Lampropeltis, Leptodrymus, Leptophis,
lyphous, and proteroglyphous taxa. Cranially, colubrids Lepturophis, Limnophis, Liopeltis, Lycodon, Lytorhynchus,
have only a left carotid artery, edentulous premaxillaries, Macroprotodon, Maculophis, Mastigodryas, Meizodon,
usually longitudinally oriented maxillaries with solid or Oligodon, Oocatochus, Opheodrys, Oreocryptophis,
grooved teeth, and optic foramina that usually perforate Orthriophis, Oxybelis, Pantherophis, Philothamnus, Phyl-
the frontal–parietal–parasphenoid sutures. The mandible lorhynchus, Pituophis, Platyceps, Pliocercus, Psammo-
lacks a coronoid bone, and the dentary bears teeth. No dynastes, Pseudelaphe, Pseudoficimia, Pseustes, Ptyas,
cranial infrared receptors occur in pits or surface indenta- Rhadinophis, Rhamphiophis, Rhamnophis, Rhinechis,
tions. Girdle and limb elements are absent externally and Rhinobothryum, Rhinocheilus, Rhynchocalamus, Rhyn-
internally. Intracostal arteries arise from the dorsal aorta chophis, Salvadora, Scaphiophis, Scolecophis, Senticolis,


FIGURE 22.36  Geographic distribution of the extant Colubridae.

Chapter | 22  Squamates—Part II. Snakes 623

Sibynophis, Simophis, Sonora, Spalerosophis, Spilotes, one egg, and the much larger Pantherophis obsoletus has
Stegonotus, Stenorrhina, Symphimus, Sympholis, Tantilla, clutches up to 40 eggs; the large Scaphiophis has clutches
Tantillita, Telescopus, Thelotornis, Thrasops, Toxicodryas, up to 48 eggs. However, most species produce clutches of
Trimorphodon, Xenelaphis, Xyelodontophis, and Zamenis 10 or fewer eggs.
with ±682 species.
Distribution: Worldwide, as the family. Grayiinae
Biology: Colubrines are highly diverse in body form, and
Sister taxon: Colubrinae.
in ecology and behavior (Fig. 22.37). They range from
Content: One genus, Grayia, with 4 species.
small (160–190 mm TL, Tantilla relicta) to very large
Distribution: Central sub-Saharan Africa.
(e.g., 3.7 m TL, Ptyas carinatus). Body forms may be
Biology: These African snakes are primarily aquatic, living
slender (Sibynophis), elongate viperine (Boiga), racer-like
in a variety of freshwater habitats. They are medium to large
(Coluber), or muscular serpentine (Chironius), as well as
(1–1.5 m) snakes, and the tail is 30% or more of total length,
many others. Colubrines occur from brackish water habi-
depending on species (Fig. 22.37). They feed on fish but
tats to high montane forest; some are desert inhabitants,
also amphibians, including tadpoles, and they forage during
whereas others are aquatic. Some are burrowers, many are
the day. Females deposit clutches of 9–20 eggs, depending
terrestrial or semiarboreal, and others are arboreal. Species
on size of the fermale.
may be diet generalists or specialists. Generalists often
prey on small vertebrates and occasionally invertebrates;
specialists may eat only orthopteran insects (Opheodrys) Calamariinae
or birds (Thelotornis). Colubrines are predominantly Sister taxon: Either Scaphiodontophiinae or the clade
oviparous; the few viviparous species are usually small (Grayiinae + Colubrinae).
snakes. Clutch size generally is associated with body size. Content: Six genera, Calamaria, Calamorhabdium, Col-
The small-bodied Tantilla gracilis produces clutches of lorhabdium, Etheridgeum, Macrocalamus, Pseudorabdion,

FIGURE 22.37  Representative colubrid snakes I. Clockwise from upper left: Parrot snake Leptophis ahaetulla, Colubrinae (L. J. Vitt); mountain patch-
nose snake Salvadora grahamiae, Colubrinae (L. J. Vitt); Amazon banded snake Rhinobothryum lentiginosum, Colubrinae (L. J. Vitt); ornate African water
snake Grayia ornata, Grayiinae (Kate Jackson).
624 PART | VI  Classification and Diversity

and Rabdion, with 61, 2, 1, 1, 7, 14, and 1 species, respec- Liophis, Lygophis, Lystrophis, Magliophis, Manolepis, Mus-
tively. surana, Ninia, Nothopsis, Omoadiphas, Oxyrhopus, Phalo-
Distribution: Southeast Asia, southern China, Japan, India, tris, Philodryas, Phimophis, Plesiodipsas, Pseudablabes,
Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines. Pseudoboa, Pseudoeryx, Pseudoleptodeira, Pseudoto-
Biology: Popularly known as reed snakes, calamarinines modon, Psomophis, Ptycophis, Rhachidelus, Rhadinaea,
are terrestrial snakes that are most often found in leaf litter Rhadinella, Rhadinophanes, Saphenophis, Sibon, Sibyno-
or under logs in forested habitats (Fig. 22.38). All are small morphus, Siphlophis, Sordellinia, Synophis, Tachymenis,
in body size (±30 cm). Some (e.g., Calamaria, Calamor- Taeniophallus, Tantalophis, Thalesius, Thamnodynastes,
habdium) burrow and feed on worms. Tomodon, Tretanorhinus, Trimetopon, Tropidodipsas, Trop-
idodryas, Umbrivaga, Uromacer, Uromacerina, Urotheca,
Dipsadinae Waglerophis, Xenodon, Xenopholis, and Xenoxybelis, with
Sister taxon: Pseudoxenodontidae. 733 species.
Content: Ninety-seven genera, Adelphicos, Alsophis, Distribution: Most of the New World.
Amastridium, Amnesteophis, Apostolepis, Arrhyton, Atrac- Biology: These are mostly the snakes that had previously
tus, Boiruna, Borikenophis, Caaeteboia, Calamodontophis, been placed in the subfamily Xenodontinae, which is no
Caraiba, Carphophis, Cercophis, Chersodromus, Clelia, longer recognized. Dipsadinines are highly diverse in body
Coniophanes, Conophis, Contia, Crisantophis, Cryophis, form, ecology, and behavior (Fig. 22.38). Most dipsadinines
Cubophis, Diadophis, Diaphorolepis, Dipsas, Ditaxodon, are small-to-moderate-sized snakes (less than 800 mm adult
Drepanoides, Echinanthera, Elapomorphus, Emmochili- TL); less than a dozen genera have adults greater than 1 m
opis, Enuliophis, Enulius, Erythrolamprus, Farancia, SVL, e.g., Alsophis, Clelia, Farancia, Hydrodynastes,
Geophis, Gomesophis, Haitiophis, Helicops, Heterodon, and Uromacer. Body form ranges from small and slender
Hydrodynastes, Hydromorphus, Hydrops, Hypsiglena, Hyp- (Diadophis) through heavy bodied (Xenodon) to racer-like
sirhynchus, Ialtris, Imantodes, Leptodeira, Lioheterophis, (Philodryas). Arboreal dipsadinines have two body forms.

FIGURE 22.38  Representative colubrid snakes II. Clockwise from upper left: Mindanao variable reed snake Calamaria lumbricoides, Calamariinae
(R. Brown); Aesculapian false coral snake Erythrolamprus aesculapii, Dipsadinae (L. J. Vitt); common green racer Philodryas viridissima, Dipsadinae
(L. J. Vitt); Wucherer’s ground snake Xenopholis scalaris, Dipsadinae (L. J. Vitt).
Chapter | 22  Squamates—Part II. Snakes 625

Diurnal hunters have long, muscular bodies and elongate, relatively high elevations (>500 m). Pseudoxenodon mimic
pointed heads (e.g., Uromacer), whereas nocturnal search- cobras in expanding their necks and raising the head off the
ers are slender bodied and have blunt oversized heads (e.g., ground (Fig. 22.39). They apparently feed on frogs. Plagio-
Dipsas, Imantodes). They occur in all habitats but marine pholis styani in Taiwan apparently feeds on earthworms or
ones, although some taxa are aquatic in fresh water. Some arthropods. Clutch size in P. styani varies from 5–11 eggs.
species burrow, while others are terrestrial or arboreal. A Populations of Thermophis are associated with thermal
majority of the species appears to be generalists or dietary springs in Tibet at altitudes exceeding 4300 m, and this may
opportunists that eat predominantly small vertebrates. Some represent the highest altitude known to contain snakes.
species are prey specialists, such as the snail- and slug-
eating Dipsas and Sibon. Dipsadinines are predominantly Natricinae
oviparous. Clutch size generally has a direct association
Sister taxon: The clade (Pseudoxenodontinae + Dipsadi-
with body size and ranges from small clutches of 1–3 eggs
(Imatodes cenchoa) to over 100 eggs (Farancia abacura).
Content: Thirty-eight genera, Adelophis, Afronatrix,
Amphiesma, Amphiesmoides, Anoplohydrus, Aspidura,
Pseudoxenodontinae Atretium, Balanophis, Clonophis, Hologerrhum, Hydrab-
Sister taxon: Dipsadinae. labes, Hydraethiops, Iguanognathus, Lycognathophis,
Content: Three genera, Plagiopholis, Pseudoxenodon, and Macropisthodon, Natriciteres, Natrix, Nerodia, Opisthot-
Thermophis, with 5, 6, and 2 species, respectively. ropis, Parahelicops, Pararhabdophis, Plagiopholis, Psam-
Distribution: Southern China, Taiwan, Tibet, southeastern modynastes, Pseudagkistrodon, Pseudoxenodon, Regina,
Asia, Thailand, and Indonesia. Rhabdophis, Seminatrix, Sinonatrix, Storeria, Thamnophis,
Biology: These are relatively small (approx. 40–110 cm Tropidoclonion, Tropidonophis, Virginia, and Xenochro-
TL) snakes that inhabit leaf litter on the forest floor, often at phis, with 211+ species.

FIGURE 22.39  Representative colubrid snakes III. Clockwise from upper left: Big-eyed bamboo snake Pseudoxenodon macrops, Pseudoxenodontinae
(U. Srinivasan); diamondback water snake Nerodia rhombifer, Natricinae (L. J. Vitt); Graham’s crayfish snake Regina grahami, Natricinae (L. J. Vitt);
brown snake Storeria dekayi, Natricinae (L. J. Vitt).
626 PART | VI  Classification and Diversity

Distribution: North America to northern Central America,

Africa, and Eurasia through the East Indies.
Biology: Natricines are small (160–250 mm adult SVL,
Virginia striatula) to large (1.4–2.0 m maximum TL,
Natrix, Nerodia, and Xenochrophis). Many species are
labeled aquatic, and though these natricines feed and hide
in water, they regularly exit the water for basking and
reproduction in contrast to the aquatic homalopsids or
acrochordids. The aquatic species, such as Nerodia and
Regina (Fig. 22.39), are primarily freshwater inhabitants,
and the exceptions, such as Nerodia fasciata, have some
populations behaviorally and physiologically adapted to
salt water. Most other natricines are terrestrial to semifos-
sorial, the majority of which live in moist habitats from FIGURE 22.40  Representative colubrid snakes IV. Guatemala neckband
marsh to forest. The aquatic species prey predominantly snake Scaphiodontophis annulatus, Scaphiodontophiinae (L. J. Vitt).
on fish and amphibians, but a few, like the crayfish-eating
Regina septemvittata, are dietary specialists. Other species,
generally the smaller ones or juveniles of larger species, 2. What characteristics suggest that “snakes” are a mono-
eat slugs, snails, earthworms, and soft-bodied arthropods. phyletic group of limbless lizards?
American natricines are exclusively viviparous, whereas 3. Describe some of the major differences (morphologi-
the Old World taxa are largely, but not exclusively, ovipa- cally and ecologically) between viperids and elapids.
rous. Clutch size tends to be modest (2–20 eggs) in the 4. How do scolecophidian and alethinophidian snakes dif-
oviparous taxa and even in the large-bodied taxa (e.g., fer, both morphologically and ecologically, and what
10–40 eggs, Xenochrophis). Litter size is somewhat larger accounts for these differences?
in equivalent-sized viviparous species, although the prodi-
gious 80 to 100 fetuses reported for Nerodia cyclopion is
uncommon. REFERENCES
Scaphiodontophiinae Adalsteinsson et al., 2009; Ananjeva et al., 1988; Bauchot, 1994; Broadley,
Sister taxon: Either Calamariinae or the clade 1983; Burbrink et al., 2000; Cadle, 1987, 1992; Cogger and Zweifel,
1998; David and Vogel, 1996; Cundall et al., 1993; David and Ineich,
(Grayiinae + Colubrinae)
1999; Dixon and Werler, 2000; Dowling et al., 1996; Ernst and Ernst,
Content: One genus, Scaphiodontophis, with 2 species.
2003; Ernst and Zug, 1996; Gibbons and Dorcas, 2004; Gower et al.,
Distribution: Southern Mexico through Colombia. 2005; Grandison, 1977; Gravlund, 2001; Greene, 1997; Greer, 1997;
Biology: Adults reach about 65 cm in length, with females Heise et al., 1995; Hoffstetter, 1955, 1962; Kelly et al., 2003; Keogh,
larger than males. Scaphiodontophis is unusual among 1998; Kluge, 1991; Kraus and Brown, 1998; Lawson et al., 2005; Lee
mid-American snakes in that the color pattern changes and Scanlon, 2002; Lee et al., 2010; Liem et al., 1971; Mattison, 2007;
radically ontogenetically and the adult has a coralsnake- McCarthy, 1985; McDiarmid et al., 1999; McDowell, 1969, 1974,
like pattern on part or all of the body (Fig. 22.40). Juve- 1987; Pyron and Burbrink, 2011; Pyron et al., 2011; Reed and Rodda,
niles are dark gray or black above with the top of the head 2009; Rieppel, 1988; Rossman et al., 1996; Scanlon and Lee, 2004;
light colored. Faint light bands are usually present. The Seigel and Collins, 1993; Seigel et al., 2002; Shine, 1991b; Sites et al.,
adult has triads of red, cream (or light gray), black, cream, 2011; Slowinski and Keogh, 2000; Slowinski and Lawson, 2002, 2005;
Smith et al., 1977; Underwood, 1967; Underwood and Kochva, 1993;
similar to some of the coralsnakes in the region. Com-
Vidal and Hedges, 2002a, b, 2004, 2005, 2009; Vidal et al., 2007, 2009;
monly called skinkeaters, these snakes have hinged teeth
Wallach and Günther, 1998; Wilcox et al., 2002; Zaher, 1994a, b, 1999.
that allow them to grasp skinks, which they feed on. In
addition to other lizards and frogs, these snakes also easily Taxonomic Accounts
autotomize portions of their tails when grabbed, but do not
regenerate like most lizards. Vidal et al., 2010

QUESTIONS Branch, 1988; Broadley, 1983; Broadley and Wallach, 2007, 2009;
Domínguez and Días, 2011; Ehmann and Bamford, 1993; Fitch,
1. Which family of snakes would you expect to be the 1970; Greer, 1997; Martins and Oliveira, 1998; McDiarmid et al.,
dominant family in Australia and why do you think that 1999; Spawls et al., 2002; Underwood, 1967; Wallach, 1993, 1998,
that family has been able to dominate the snake fauna? 2006; Wynn et al., 1987
Chapter | 22  Squamates—Part II. Snakes 627

Gerrhopilidae Xenophiidae
Vidal et al., 2010. Manthey and Grossmann, 1997; Pyron and Burbrink, 2011; Steubing and
Inger, 1999; Wallach, 1998; Wallach and Günther, 1998.
Adalsteinsson et al., 2009; Gelbach, 1987 Gelbach and Balbridge, 1987; Boidae
Hahn and Wallach, 1998; Martins and Oliveira, 1998; McDiarmid Burbrink, 2005; Dirkson and Böhme, 2005; Grace and Matsushita,
et al., 1999; Underwood, 1967; Wallach, 1998; Watkins, et al., 1969; 2007; Goris et al., 2007; Henderson and Powell, 2007; Kluge,
Webb et al., 2000. 1991, 1993b; McDiarmid et al., 1999; McDowell, 1987; Noonan
and Chippindale, 2006; Reed and Rodda, 2009; Underwood,
Anomalepididae 1967; Vences and Glaw, 2004; Vences et al., 2001; Wilcox et al.,
Centena et al., 2010; Dixon and Kofron, 1983; Kofron, 1988; Kok
and Fuenmayor, 2008; Lancini and Kornacker, 1989; Martins and
Oliveira, 1998; McDiarmid et al., 1999; Underwood, 1967; Wallach, Boinae
1998; Wallach and Günther, 1997 Austin, 2000; Burbrink, 2005; Dirkson and Böhme, 2005; Ehmann, 1993;
Fitch, 1970; Henderson, 1993, 2002; Kluge, 1991; Noonan and
Chippindale, 2006; O’Shea, 1996; Reed and Rhoda, 2009; Rivas
Gower et al., 2005; Martins and Oliveira, 1998; McDiarmid et al., 1999;
et al., 2007; Smith et al., 2001; Tolson and Henderson, 1993; Vences
Starace, 1998; Underwood, 1967.
et al., 2001; Vidal et al., 2005; Wilcox et al., 2002.
Tropidophiidae Ungaliophiinae
Burger, 2004; Gower et al., 2005; Hedges, 2002; Hedges et al., 1999;
Campbell and Camarillo, R., 1992; Villa and Wilson, 1990; Wilcox et al.,
Lawson et al., 2004; McDiarmid et al., 1999; Schwartz and
Henderson, 1991; Tolson and Henderson, 1993; Underwood, 1967;
Wallach, 1998; Wallach and Günther, 1998; Wilcox et al., 2002; Erycinae
Zaher, 1994a. Burbrink, 2005; Kluge, 1993b; Noonan and Chippindale, 2006; Tokar,
1989, 1996; Wilcox et al., 2002; Wood et al., 2008.
Greene, 1997; Mattison, 2007; McDiarmid et al., 1999; Odinchenko and Calabariidae
Latyshev, 1996; Orlov, 2001; Savage, 2002; Underwood, 1967; Vidal Lawson et al., 2004; Vidal and David, 2004; Vidal and Hedges, 2007.
et al., 2009; Wallach, 1998; Wilson and Meyer, 1985
Pythonidae Cox et al., 1998; Dubach et al., 1997; Manthey and Grossmann, 1997;
Barker and Barker, 1994; Barone, 2006; De Lang and Vogel, 2005; McDiarmid et al., 1999; Sanders et al., 2010; Shine, 1986a, b; Shine
Ehrmann, 1993; Ernst and Zug, 1996; Franz, 2003; Goris et al., 2007; and Houston, 1993; Shine and Lambeck, 1985; Underwood, 1967;
Gower et al., 2005; Grace and Matsushita, 2007; Harvey et al., 2000; Wallach, 1998; Wallach and Günther, 1998
Hoser, 2003, 2004; Kluge, 1993a; Koch et al., 2009; McDiarmid et al.,
1999; O’Shea, 1996; Schleip, 2008; Schleip and O’Shea, 2010; Shine, Xenodermatidae
1991b; Shine and Slip, 1990; Underwood, 1967; Underwood and Manthey and Grossmann, 1997; Smith, 1943; Zhao and Adler, 1993
Stimson, 1990.
Xenopeltidae Cox et al., 1998; Guo et al., 2011; Manthey and Grossmann, 1997; Steub-
Cox et al., 1998; David and Vogel, 1996; De Lang and Vogel, 2005; Karns ing and Inger, 1999; Rao and Yang, 1992
et al., 2005; McDiarmid et al., 1999; Orlov, 2000; Pauwels et al.,
2003; Sharma, 2004; Steubing and Inger, 1999; Underwood, 1967;
Campbell and Lamar, 2004; Castoe et al., 2006; Guiher and Burbrink,
Voris, 2006; Wallach, 1998; Wanger et al., 2011
2008; Hill and Beaupre, 2008; McDiarmid et al., 1999; Thorpe et al.,
Uropeltidae 1997; Underwood, 1967; Wallach, 1998
Adler et al., 1992; Cadle et al., 1990; Cox et al., 1998; Cundall, 1995;
Cundall and Rossman, 1993; David and Vogel, 1996; de Lang and
Liem et al., 1971; Mallow et al., 2003; Orlov et al., 2003.
Vogel, 2005; Gans, 1976, 1979, 1986; Gower and Mduwage, 2011;
Gower et al., 2005; Manthley and Grossmann, 1997; McDiarmid Crotalinae
et al., 1999; Nanayakkara, 1988; Rajendran, 1985; Smith, 1943; Beaupre and Duvall, 1998; Brown, 1993; Cadle, 1992; Campbell and
Steubing, 1994; Steubing and Inger, 1999; Underwood, 1967; Wal- Brodie, 1992; Campbell and Lamar, 1989, 2004; Castoe et al., 2005,
lach, 1998 2006; Douglas et al., 2009; Gloyd and Conant, 1990; Jadin et al.,
2010, 2011; Klauber, 1982; Ripa, 1999; Rubio, 1998; Siegel et al.,
Bolyeriidae 2009; Zamudio and Greene, 1997
Bauer and Günther, 2004; Bullock, 1986; Cundall and Irish, 1986,
1989; Grandison, 1977; Lawson et al., 2004; Maisano and Viperinae
Rieppel, 2007; Manthey and Grossmann, 1997; McDiarmid Ashe and Marx, 1988; Broadley et al., 2003; Brodmann, 1987;
et al., 1999; Steubing and Inger, 1999; Underwood, 1967; Vidal Castoe et al., 2006; Garrigues et al., 2005; Hermann and Joger, 1997;
and Hedges 2005; Vidal et al., 2006; Wallach, 1998; Wallach and Mallow et al., 2003; Pook et al., 2009; Saint Girons, 1992; Seigel and
Günther, 1998 Ford, 1987; Spawls and Branch, 1995
628 PART | VI  Classification and Diversity

Homalopsidae Colubridae
Cox et al., 1998; Greer, 1997; Gyi, 1970; Murphy, 2007; Murphy and Brown and Krauss, 1998; Pyron et al., 2011; Sites et al., 2011;
Voris, 1994; Pyron et al., 2011; Sites et al., 2011 Underwood, 1967; Vidal and Hedges, 2002; Vidal et al., 2007;
Wallach, 1998; Zaher, 1999
Branch, 1988; Broadley et al., 2003; Cadle, 1994; D’Cruze et al., 2007; Colubrinae
Glaw and Vences, 1994; Greene, 1997; Henkel and Schmidt, 2000; Cox et al., 1998; Ernst and Barbour, 1989b; Pyron et al., 2011; Seigel and
Kelly et al., 2011; Mattison, 2007; Pitman, 1974; Shine et al., 1996: Ford, 1987; Shine et al., 2006c
Pyron et al., 2011; Sites et al., 2011
Aparallactinae Broadley et al., 2003; Jackson et al., 2007; Pyron et al., 2011; Spawls
Branch, 1988; Broadley et al., 2003; Pyron et al., 2011; Spawls et al., et al., 2002
2002; Villers, 1975
Atractaspidinae Pyron et al., 2011
Branch, 1988; Broadley, 1991; Cadle, 1994; David and Ineich, 1999; Dipsadinae
Greene, 1997; Mattison, 2007; Nagy et al., 2005; Pyron et al., 2011; Cadle, 1984; Ernst and Barbour, 1989b; Guyer and Donnelly, 2005;
Spawls and Branch, 1995; Underwood, 1967; Underwood and Lancini and Kornacker, 1989; Pérez-Santos and Moreno, 1991;
Kochva, 1993; Villers, 1975; Wallach, 1998; Zaher, 1999 Pyron et al., 2011; Savage, 2002; Starace, 1998; Zaher, 1999.

Lamprophiinae Pseudoxenodontinae
Broadley et al., 2003; Kelly et al., 2011; Luiseili et al., 1999; Spawls
et al., 2002 Natricinae
Cox et al., 1998; Engelmann et al., 1986; Ernst and Barbour, 1989b; Manthey
Psammophiinae and Grossmann, 1997; Pyron et al., 2011; Rossman et al., 1996.
Broadley and Hughes, 1993; Kelly et al., 2009, 2011; Largen and Spawls,
2010; Pyron et al., 2011; Spawls et al., 2002
Guyer and Donnelly, 2005; Henderson, 1984; McCranie, 2006; Savage,
Prosyminae 2002; Savage and Slowinski, 1996
Broadley, 1979; Broadley et al., 2003; Pyron et al., 2011; Spawls et al.,
Branch, 1988; Castoe et al., 2007; Cox et al., 1998; David and Ineich,
Pseudaspidinae 1999; Grandison, 1977; Greer, 1997; Kelly et al., 2009; Keogh, 1998;
Broadley et al., 2003; Pyron et al., 2011; Spawls et al., 2002. Heatwole, 1999; Heatwole and Cogger, 1993; Heatwole and Guinea,
1993; Manthey and Grossmann, 1997; Pitman, 1974; Rasmussen,
Pseudoxryhophiinae 1997; Rasmussen et al., 2007; Roze, 1996; Shea et al., 1993;
Broadley et al., 2003; Henkel and Schmidt, 2000; Mattison, 2007; Pyron Slowinski et al., 1997, 2001; Underwood, 1967; Voris and Voris,
et al., 2011; Spawls et al., 2002 1995; Wallach, 1985, 1998.

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