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An Introduction to Classical Armenian Robert W. Thomson Masiot Profesor of Armenian Sais anand Untvesy ‘CARAVAN BOOKS ' DELMAR, NEW YORK 23/7as ya rocers/t7 Ge ( fs” rasan css Aq tity ome tb ‘Delmar, New Yor D054, USA (©1975, 190 caravan Books ‘Alighs rere Pit in th United States of America brary of Congress Catlggo-Pbltion ‘hoaiae, Robe W ‘Anintrodion toca Armenian, Preface 2s textbook i an invotution wo lal Armenian has Timed an of presenting the elements of tat language ia 8 ated fashion in English and is no intended a 8 comple ce gramnar. It was originally desi asthe backbone of Jar coun in cls Armenia, bot hpi wil a te "arc fo te tude who working soe, ‘he bse urpose ofthis textbook it ad stadeats who wish ‘texts in casical Aronian The copii therfore on tough suggested execs for taaaton ito Anion ‘in dh fist eleven lst ‘Thee les are mt lof he engi ser 1 have atemped 1 group relied alters in bof increasing complesty. To help inthe problem of the jon of sylsbles wih te unriaen vows p() Ihave ned 8 Conrail Clare {in Anoine Maile’ chrestomsy, forthe lees in cablary 0 the relevant pusages in prea wil be of to the beginer. The passages atthe ea rom si erly an autos have been select for heir ini nee eve lei 0 ofthe eases To eure dts wo do at Bey acceso dictionaries of claseal Armenian,» compe uly ofall he words in he penages for reading bs bo ‘But it wil be noenay fo he staat Lb al otter ovement wo ore perp ‘tnd 10 ad a voeabulary of tho English words ted the ‘at th pera plan of be Book remain the ae PREFACE 1 the preparation ofthe ft eon of his book (pied in 1975) was indted to Genevieve Snes, David Uz, Mie! Soe and Carl CrossOver the years merous dens ad colleagues ave made forter mggesion and comments. Sica he tne 1 Won wot planing a revised edition, I regret tat I canot cite ‘rergne by name. Bat rs that they will al sce his pera flstament of thooks. Lam pactiularly geatefal to Norman DMangount who aceped the terbook for pletion i the fit los ands sow ecoraged this esd eo. ROBERT W. THOMSON brut 1569 Contents ° Base Reference Works “Te Ammen Alphabet 6 Vor Alemaioa a LESSON 1 Nouns with naib some rset ideative ofthe verbo be? » LESSON 1 Demomizave ates rset adeative and impertet of vein it “The xgnve Presa lave and pert al verte o LESSON IV Nour cing in come hs po 4 Peston LESSON Vv Ack adv CONTENTS a“ LESSON VI Nou wih viable ses ia @ LESSON Vit enone nets and prooies Panonal pons regula nous LESSON vit “The Sbjncive n LESSON 1x Imerognive promos and adives Reve prsouns Indefinite pronons LESSON x Paris 2 LESSON XI elie and intensive prone Pomesive pronoun a tes Repeal pont Collie peonoans iabtve pono: » LESSON Xit ‘The neat contents LESSON XIV Conprion swerve eaves 108 LESSON XV “Tine Tempo dawes LESSON xvi The compton bp ‘Condon sas Gospets ‘conrents ‘cat angen Kevan More Nore! Prersas asd VOCABULARY 166 Armen English 29 xgisharmenian ‘Basie Reference Works ‘ORAMMARS he most asful book for bopinsers is Antoine Melle, ches Bementarbrch Weisberg C. Wer, 1913 1 NY: Cavan Books, I9HD i early organ aed as len vocally tht sores sta ines. (The crestomathy Falowary In this book include ll of Meillar’s txts and } "Wore detailed is Hens Jason, Alarmenlsche "A wefu compan’-> volume fe Jensen's Altarmeniche thie (alter — Wiser, 1960), in wih the lary an ind he grammar In Fon, ht pow Maris Marae pratique damien ancien (Pais: Libmaiie 1995, The mt conprtemive grammar in Armenian fof Hise Aaron Liatatar Keranat yu Haye Ler Erevan: Armenian Academy of Seen, 154-69). More impor, Graber Jerark (Eva: manta, 158), whch conan ext with oes sad 3 nto molern Armenian, Also wel, tough aimed at wre compare de Farman aia, 20 (Venn Pp. cherie 1 hs fall ne ETYMOLOGY mos conprbensive work Is the Hayerén Armaan by Hraveay Atarcan (Eovan Sate University Pres Tet wow teen ropa in four volumes (Erevan: Sa ache Groamaik, Erser Tell: Armensce Exyooge (all (Leip Brkkop and Har, 189% ep Hilti: Pine Verse. 1D. Foca review of ree work, se BASIC REFERENCE WORKS Robert Godel, *Ditehronic Aemenian” in Current Trends in Lingle, Thomas Alber Sebeok, vol. 6 (The Hague: Mouton, 1990, pp. 19-8. ‘The Armenian Alphabet DICTIONARIES Armenice spats wd oy, an exe mien ov of ela Armenian Gogh sone poten wise ‘Te basic reference distionary with extensive quai fom covigina tens is G, Awelivean, K Siwrmsean and M. Awgrin see parti: Masham Leni, 2 vole (Wen Sn Lazaro Pres. aii 1236-37 ree, Erevats Sato Uae Pres 179-4, etry ia Ie wo righ, vowels are rprsted by spurs Teens ‘wonan, Grek, Lain abd Turkish. Very wet it wiDOW ch yee epeneepep elena) font Emmanusle Ciakeiah, Disionario io nc otros Groh apts. Te pte on Sitenun Tallon (ene: San Lazaro Pres (137. b Aemenia Bn oft tonos is ataare, thongs Creek mols ‘Toric, and Talian. In Engh the best dictionary for els Sea any wed, Be tne import ig wo wun ‘Remenian fb Mathias Besos, New Dicionary ArmeniarEnalih ee oslo ous 2 seman aan td oe 0k “Academy, 1675-79, et. Belt: ‘And theres no evince tha iovarie de titan, 1993, (AIT tse are the works of the Devt athes at San Lazzaro) More easly availble at So tena te seri ca AD. 400 Inodest cost is Tounnes Mishglan, Manuale Lexicon Armeno~ (Wenice:§. Lazarus Armes Tlrnon (Rome: TypopraphiaPolglota SC. de Propaganda Fa ues wd inthe ih cemury wee ais te mieuscle Ts ep Lawl: ats Oretalise, 1968. oped in th clevoth amy Alpine books mow we oe Pie wolcal mine (lr) forthe et and he For det of staf he Arena Ingsge and on Ars ely for capil The ltrs of th alphabet wore lan inert soe Gerad Desiers Armentsch and kankassche Sprachen, with comibulians by Certara Deters. Geos Rena Shin and” Votan Inga, Handbuch der Oriental, Ter Nake und der Mitlere One, wl. 7 (ide: J. Bail bed arge terse mouly srl and thao, gue fevelope in tie cls im (rabar the wren form si. ee ‘Even ae av the carly nineteenth century Books were eins ‘Soe ina cling Bt ti textbook dea ih ween I ABBREVIATIONS ‘i MMe, Alarms Elenenarach 1s Yemen tarmac Granmatk ‘THE ARMENIAN ALPHABET "THE ARMENIAN ALPHABET fle he th centary te leer © 0 (6) was wed 0 reer sta), ile (0 vas loos 10 render the ‘7/0 soften found i printed texts of casa bt dosent ropes he igi Sand Grek © was often repre by ms Uma, whi onounst Mone. psu with by fh a ao ud >) al arate of Armenian may Be schematsd on the vorceLess voce nspiraed Aspted —Unsprated Ariel 4 + r : . p 3 : Hou ' s : . 3 fi 3 S2gRRQEERSESSEREESSszeueeEse= “The vowel /a/ is represented by mon the pattern of the Fi pronunciation of thee consanani fs oder Benveniste, “Sur ts phontgue et la syman de sige, 1 La mutation cmonantqu ots dikes th dete Soe de Ligue de Pars vol 34 4 ‘THE ARMENIAN ALPHABET ‘THE ARMENIAN ALPHABET vorceLess voices a aomlly pronounced // before vowel a a abide ae nl postion Gatun 2 rationally prone /ov/ before vowels an i Naa a Tat poidon. Note tat the pling fr bs widely founded for fh Lact, bra For tutte os ha (ll See fart Vole Aberration kom, altoaly pence /w Rloe vowel al Larygeas Postion "This diphtony often renders the Grek 3 in proper names. og. Ombeghu Pheysia (bet Vowels Soares Cro “hore are fall owe in Armen: nee a Sofas // and nt ipo, Fol a ropes eae + how “Tere is also semi-vowsl in Armenian gs whichis rc veriuen save in inal postion for moosllables and compo Gecved therefrom: eg. with), 4p (companion. 1. Towever, he most common vowel In spoken Armenin, which ‘many open syllables, Its peated im moder texts only wi 8 of rss very important in Armean bea i polysllabie words ste hypbented. Thus Clu (rms) i fie clangs ia te vows in many words Arata stresed onthe ast fall labo Ths pang, y) /RWAAA, KaKakT/ Dat deg (sta) aaah sy) sims Pronounced /monam/, wh hyphenated penqmilp. See further the Appendit: Consonant ers and 2 few ther compound words have sto ee Apt (s) /orpe, ba never he Toe ecleakemaon ako ply Wo them. “Thee isa voy common pepsin in Armia, pps loc, or abl, which won followed bya word Begin witha one trcomesinzparale jth pn Gn the Ber ba we esate tv, Vocal Alteration In any cses when ie tse it ram he strated abe fof a'siom 10 an ening or oer clement added to the sem, the Tlemerlynresed vowel cher drope ori Gaaged. The flloning ras apt houghow Armenian. 1. fr 20 (or @ shewsah (cand pte vagal seers {wrange wrtenngse) Hoes ‘aunts? thew (he ies ~1 ie Escens: ial ttre inl osonans ‘cate) hes ‘te ~ of we) Meath, (someting) (ie) wf afer singe coments pews ‘Gone Sins ‘ated wie phtndy (he for yee ound to soe Cini) ee Hj aio Bhtebobhosheny (Nor) HieateHlesbsk Gow =m) etg-bMighnpy live b> Iba gh of Hs) halt (Geep “ose W120 mogmed-peyth (any. msc) \VOCALIC ALTERNATION Kactoutl (onan) (Go xan = rom whom) ial min mony (ot merely before ings coma mnie ‘bur (coven 1 (orn) ove) (he deeded - 1 descended sais Gan at thermain €h Fount ageen (ox) al xd suas Wipube- ipo ct. But tees wide varaon ing of proper nam) VOCALIC ALTERNATION (to wp-mppi bat whiney pnp rd) Treinen ign Sgearamh (he stowed (rece pperba-pnpe cist) Ss idbu-abbh (oom) hplog-sbpboh dove) (oat nxe hboh-ity etd as hey ‘bah ew) exhoman eehoone (Corian) sad pay ‘fhe fefatamna! (lone ~ hermits) 6 hrs ‘war baes co) “Tis lieratio is sometimes fod in ld MSS a ore ‘vis not noted: ts te pling fa very comm. ‘OTHER VOWELS AND DIPHTHONGS DO NOT CHANGE (WHEN THE STRESS SHIFTS. Conon aleration {Fefoe@ nnmaly changes 10 mea Coosa) \VOCALIC ALTERNATION no every befre Betas an orig: o E trnal-dnnd {pomegrani) pnt-pinji ‘od =f php I car) oe Bahay png oc. pvr stove, ie) fe sho bpp (os) bat Basal ie) tion a disimiatonm > p ccs (ort (ico (ins) Aotiowing) ord oscar wih or witout nl ‘oul spd Giro pia Intranet eas: eae) ‘ot (as) ‘ser (aa VOCALIC ALTERNATION LVOCALIC ALTERNATION 4 Disimiaon: gg > wg (xeon masonic m=) Pectin f ‘tall oe) aes sal sow) 1 adsivon to ee comma baba ses ation perio, several special sips ae fous ma spe went acon ‘Seboais* rs ihegueton mark paced oer the tell gute oe merogve me ges ‘sewed wet san at for so a in xls Dic dna homophone cg th me oe mie anieree eae! “re opting of samy words in casa Axmenan cspesaiy be combinations, in ich erate ih SS The problem of such coasonanal shiis owever bot oar concer bere. Ch i Grammar des blkicoarmenihn.Srsburs 17 ‘epamed Bein 1970 Abbess we Seite cota antacr ee a = Kent ‘A Vert re widely it fom nomial ms Pennp-pequingbht (king - gn) ier) 1 when tv stm are camtinette vont be enue tg was east an Od id >nbien eet a ot) pan in)? raga apc mort yan + (ns atl > ee Ares ‘sien ewe hat be cambinion fm bem anh Goa + hod Gri > phd en) sie Jonna os fe 8 mony {Ftc sng +m nid > tp ne) Ey Lesson tn Armenian res dition ener, SO he So, Ami The ae self es reo Oo coh and a peal cand — mae oe of oa rely ein sl Armenian, 5 Pe shea res no amma! sition beeen Feminine a ee rere ae no apc decanons frases it AMEN, ny sentir sf sind HE SE sponding mu rhe declension of noo and pronouns the mas GH spent Somat homens es sore laren Noos my be vie ino ESOS 2 tp ais Be om f Da N A ore fom the eres c& moan) So tee Noms Ac form eel or, and hse cup ny en na cosa a ORD, ce re hagh ei Te scand grap dH 8 tn Armenian cere aro sven cis (Nomi, AOE een! caves Abie, rumen 28 0 MOS ie ea Tr so Vrain me Cameron over. the osaie By | Tee Sos i poseable He Noms. a Be Oe Pare known (bat se eso VD “the Nomunatre cas own ort abet of i Sueno ae etme tn psi) a ain css 196 rdate of «pote seme re Acunve casei wo ore bp sk wer, NIE ee ee aq td 1 sor: when he OPS n LESSON 1 Sousa nt pe th tak pot none ee rha he Ga oo in hepa ata clave wih parcpies ton X) and the det cbe, tu wi pete) he tec ed iad he a te in ae Te live ce ith pn 1 ate ec a somes TR fend 0 nate rant ye ; etn is performed. In ane hod the peda oa pada xmas “es ition gre eatin, ee eet sack ey ives peptone ‘in the course of the following —_ INS WITH INYARIABLE STEMS BT pn nc el srg Re reemrerternay Rae nay Sy he on tear B LESSON 1 . a Sa ta las ae gener dered S de sn ii i te ave we tins may mo a vor tate mas att Eg ve Cer) | Sat ea) ysl rd) om en) rap no) i age) ng we Par as se Balas mts | Se Th ak mim sat = i Loe wath mah deh me | ho ae pa Slt ii i fo Site athe Se eid = i ako gop omen ae i) | 57 0 um (ati, Se M St | nwt te tte Threw tw And of cpn in | cu on & ama ee te four Dac log falhg Sain i Be Sissel Proper sous of We deo ane co eo aoe ter AML sprog Tan mye tegen i true ny hng np iri | sarromane nbs fo oo waemimerson SOE i cor ne pomens pe eee te aircoay oat etng e-bay ate declined flows pay Jew, Gen i Sons RI amg Be “ aa Some words in casical Armia ar found det in ma ha ervey bully (Garmend has to hadith sme Cos) bat Gon dha bat san ee gach contesions grew wore iv time #2 ibe we feaembe aurated nouns originally of thr dcoions aed Tether series teee ignorant of the proper deceasion of asi sot Many sou fhe »dsrin Ma hve acl edn ore ive (uo dstinguish this from he Accusative ad Te tn Bie ce amie tue ther Lace 5 = “re Armenians ae ee Pt Mad tho be Sritat pnt ic eal abo te de sta dupaesie bea) os — seuser anne Ten HS oe vomte te a pt me 1m person tet wate a nee OE : ed person e 2 free agp de + yg teh poral eran tease S ve ean athe a nee mes mice “Auuributive adjectives remain undoctined if they prosods the pric = eli ere Se ae ‘mpm poeple of a jt en «itficutt ‘upp Babee wor ee army ee Se — pee Some ao. 6 Of ninth = Heeumenling ‘wise (Gen?) [PREDICATIVE SENTENCES: noes ‘eader, prince ‘with the peo ood ee foe es een hen at ar me a oe wes : mi Sei ames a koa biog ‘old (Gent) Gal seny bred to MS fo UB, Gen Be po ‘0 UB, Gen Oy, the pore a Uraman nu ne In pdt Bet one pi ht he ae aly fund lyin pl frm. omnes a tare ie) va vate = phon “bP al penaa pena 904 ay PF SE ama pai anh You we Eng assent unis om combats 6 Be Ne et wer ai ate onan we Pes Ja in rae oo mrt aan ryote 17 my ET er a a I Ta a8 Tw we ocrae a ee te may exams 8 ‘Lesson 11 rave aise nthe previo son no dition ws mide btwn definite infinite ws of oun Thre ae Wo spar dei parc ‘Armenian, bu there Isa hvefold series of domonsirative fines: these oon serve te parpose of singing Blween fae aed ideas samen Toe aise ae vis va srw me ed “ya Gt ee yo ed Etat atti ert third porn, fe) fg. mgubpes papi wrung the diciples hse, the pres word Bea bah form isthe mas common: te «and forme indice 8 i caps c's cange of bin. tat ambiguities pois sean sugain + i th ccs plrl? ho orm ach as geil pir, +a p+) eof demonstra sues compound exprenions Proper names do 28 wl ke Sonera ses Gaucto pagaunp Sapuhy (Sap king te Peis Urea wre ‘Arak th King (he ln of mia (ods tw LESSON HT LESSON rive: wen an adpatve quai. #woan oy the alteay gven (or ete. Thus for witb whose present on oes . tint Steere i Aen gee om ue ‘But his is 90k rigid Fu Mary on a uit oe i os Bi} dependent nurs oe fines wally a aed foyer nace) Bat th Wish Gente: whan 190 (or 05) cheer the demons wl he lst pon (xcept (0 Note tt i is mistating to ctgoie vers by the vo! of tnfnivs inhi es hy, Beene vers whan preset eds In ao have tir iniveia by ‘Therforediconre a vebe “dagen cancel Armin sei ih prestige tan he ets ond pap pagan cr Toe funte 39689), Nowe he we ofa in VOSS oom The impertet i Formed by adding tothe pret tom the ie vowel pls he Flowing saiaes fh gets or splat we have te following paras Adjeines os Sse: pei "ad vnoeines nt pri cn ak wae se emo Doe inter ntti a mnie z este ohhe vaceepecman se oan a ae matt we Sec | = Inert of MK WB ps Rhy ral tsb before a vont was wily changed to & 5 bat sch as He ptt eae nat crc im cla Armia [PRESENT INDICATIVE OF VERBS IN “EME PLE SENTENCES hrs vows! Ths The iainiive 2 The prose in ing othe 0 Intransiive sentences are formod withthe subject in the nave: pho Fal he angel cdg orate = Cason

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