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INSTRUCTION MANUAL FOR MICROCOMPUTER BASED DIGITAL INDICATING CONTROLLER XMT*-808 Preface ‘Thank you for the purchese of our microcomputer based lemperature indicating controllers XNIT*-808, This manval contains instructions for tNe mounting, functions, operations and notes when operating the XMT"-808 For model confirmation and unit specifications, please read this menual carefully before statting operation, To prevent accidents arising fram the misuse of this controller, please ensure the ‘operator using it receives this manuat. Caution “This instrument should be used according to the specifications described in the manual. fit '5 used according (o the specifications, it may malfunction or cause fire, + Be sure to follow the wamings, cautions and notices. If nat, it could cause serious injury or matfunction + Specifications of the XMT°-808 and the contents of this instruction manual 2re subject to change without notice + Care has been taker lo assure that the contents of this instruction manual are ccrrect, but if there are any doubts, mistakes or questions, please inform our sales department + This inctrument is designed to be installed in a control panel, Ifno:, measures must be taken lo ensure that the operator cannot touch power terminls or other high votace sections. + Any Unauthorized transfer or copying of this document, in part or in whole, is prohibited SAFETY PRECAUT! {Be sura to read these precautions before using our products.) The safety precautions are classified into categories: "Warming" and “Caution”. Depending an circumstances, procedures indicated oy ACaution may be linked to serious, resuits, $0 be sure to follow the directions for usage. A\warning Procedutes which may lead to dangerous conditions and cause death cr serious wry, if not carried out properly AXcaution Provedures which may lead to dangerous conditions and cause superficial to medium injury or physical damage or may dagrace or damage the product, if not carried out proverty Installation precautions A\ Caution ‘This instrament is intenddod to be used under the allowing environmental conditions: Mount the controfier in a place with: * Aminimum of dust, and an absense of corrosive gasses, + No flammable, expolsive gasses + No mechanical vibrations or shocks = No expasure to direct sunlight, an ambient temperature of 0 to SOC (82 to 122 } that does not change suddenty + An ambient non-condensing humidity of 35 to 85%RH + No large capacity electromagnetic switches er cables through which large current is flowing. + No water, oil os chemicals or where the vénors of these substances can come into direct contact with the unit Note: Do nat install this instrament near flammable matorial even though the case ‘this instrument is made of fame resisting resin, Avoid setting this instrument directly on flammable materia. 2. Wiring precautions AX Caution = Use the sotcerlass terminal wiring thexM7*-808, + The terminal block of this instrument is designed to be wired from the left side. ‘The lead wire must be inserted trom the ieft side of the terminal, anc fastened ‘with the terminal screw. + Tighten the terminal screw within the specified torque. If excessive foree Is apptied to the screw when tightening, the screw or case may be damaged. + De not apply a commercial power source to the sensor which is connected to the input terminal nor allow the power source to come into contact wath the sensor, 3s the input circuit may be burnt out. + This controller has 110 built-in power switch, install them near the controller, {Recommended fuse: Time-lag fuse, rated voltage 250V AG, rated current 2A) + ¥inen using a 24V ACIDG fer the power source, do not confuse the polarity when it is Be. jth an insulation sleeve that fits in the M3 screw when cuit breaker or fuse. I necessary to 3. Running and maintenance precautions Caution + ttis recommentted that PID auto-tuning be performad on the trial run. + Do not touch live terminais. This may cause electric shock or problems in operation, + Tusn the power supplied to the instrunment OFF when retightening the terminal and cleaning Working or touching the terminal with the power switched ON may result in Electric Shack causing severe injury or death. + Use a soft, dry cioth when cleaning the instrument. (F paint thinner is used, it might deform or tarnish the unit.) + As Ine display sectian is vulnerable, do not strike or scratch it with a tard object or press Nari! on them ee ce _ — CONTENTS =~ 4. Name and functions af the sections —-——___________s 2. Display Status. 5 2.1 Basal operation description ——————_——. 2.4.1 Displey transfers 2.4.4 Setfing patameters $$ A$ rs 22 Artificial intelligence cantrol snd auta tuning - 6 3, Wiring connection. 7 4, Setup flow chart. 8 4.1 Alarm parameter “ALM1”, “ALMZ" Hy2" ne 42 Deadbandparometer“Hy” 40 43 Controtmoce parameter 40 4.4 Contralaction explanations 40 44.1 "P" "0" 40 4.4.2 PID auto-tuning of this controller 11 4.4.3 Auto-reset (offset correction} $m 4.5. Output period “T"———-—-— 42 4.6 Input specification parameter “Sn” a 4.7 Decimal point satting parameter “dIP”. 12 4.8 “P-SH" and “P-SL”-Scale definition parameter for linear inpul/retransmission output 12. 49 Input shit parameter “Pb” 3 4.40. Outout definition parameter “OP-A, “outl" and “out”. 13 4.11 Alatm oulpul definition parameter “ALP” 13 4712. Function garamater *COOL!" ne” 4.39 Comrounication interface related parameters “Addr” and “bAud"”————————14 4.14 Input digital iter parameter “FILT"~ 4 4.45 System paramater “@-?-——————————— 4.16 Privilege for parameter set “Lock”. 44 4.17 Fieid parameter definition “EP1-P6" a ag 5 Additional remarks of time proportional autput——____15 6 Further description about general work mode AA, 6.1 ON-OFF control instrument (simple temperature controller) 16 6.2 3 point (upper, lower alarm) control instrument ————— 45 6.3 Temperature transmitter ————____. 45 1. Name and functions of the sections XMTG-808 CEE e128 9 8.8r« Sma Tp) —— + PV display 0) 18) (9) 10) Inicates the process variable (PV) wa a red ED. (2) SV display indicates the setfing value (SV) or ~enipelztec variable (MV) with a green LED. (3) ALM} indicator When ALM1 output is ON, @ red LEZ) tights (4) ALN indicator When ALM2 output is ON, 3 fed! FT tints (5) AM indicator When Manual adjust 's ON, a green LED lights. (©) OUT indicator When QUT is ON, a grees LED lights, (in the case of OC current output ype. ft inxs in a 1 Second eycla corresponding to the output manipulated variable.) (7) Mode key (SET) ‘Switches the setting mode and registers the setting value and setected value. {Setting value anc Selected value are registered by pressing the made key.) (8) Cata stit key OR Auto*Manual function key (<4 > {8} Decrease key (<7) Decreases numeric value of the setting va'ue. (10) Increase key (A ) Increases numerc value of the setting value. 2. Display Status: Alter Bower on, Bisplay stalus “i will Be shown the upper display window displays (cur , digi measured value (PV) The lower display window disprys lous-cigit setpeint value. Press SET key and change the dspley status into mods “2. then output velue will be displayed in the lower disp'ay window. f) ang 2 ate the tasal status of the mcttument Curing ihe basal status. "SY" display window can indicate certain state of the system by . means of ihe alternate symbel Tray are as follows © I the Input measurement signal beyond ihe measurement range (caused by wrong selling of Sensor spec. cr epen (Shon) circuit) “orAl." will be cisprayed with blinking Then the insttument terminate its control function automatealy, and the output value if fixed according to the parameter outL. © When alaim occurrea, 1 wil display "ALM", “ALM2", "Hy-1", or “Hy-2", ney indicate the high limit alarm, (ower imi alarm, positive devialion. alarm, ahd negative deviation alarm. 2-4 Basal operation description 2.4.4 Display transfer “Press SET T key can Giange te Spay Siaiss,XAI-GGE Gee Be Panes Beween display status © and display status 3° “23.2 Data sata IF the parameter lock isn't locked, we Can selup most of the data displayed 1m the lower disptay window. For example, setpoint input of XMT-808 is as follows: Press SET key to change the status lo setpoint input Now the decimat point of the last one digit (Unit's place) of the displayed SV velue begins blinking (like curse). Prass V7 kay to decrease the value, press A key to increase the value, and <] Key (0 move to the digit expected te modify. To complete the set point changing, press SETagain, 2.4.3 ManvAuto mode switch ‘Bumpiees switching between AUTO and NAN can be performed by pressing SET key once. If the instrument works on Manual mode, its output value can be increased or decreased by pressing A key and V kay under dispiay status ©. 2.4.4 Setting parameters Ifthe instrument is on is basal display Slalus (display status ©) or @), pross SET and hold for about 2 seconds unl parameter ie displayed (display status ©}. Then the key <] A ‘Vean be used to modify parameters. Press and hold the eZ “igimocoupie newt "BS curent contra! cutput ti “Rasistance temperature input 72x Tamm. Front pane! specificaven and wing aq Aum No poner ,- 42] [19 sour Surpiy CHO Rolay control outaut Gs] [pram BSE Be curent conto! out we ~ALME eh G $5 "iki 1 ourour “Alpin 2 ourour rte} TRermocouple input 7 3 “31D Resistance temperature input + OUT mA NG he 2 ah 26x96mm,49x 96MM, 96x 48mm, Font panel specilication and wiing 4.Setup flow chart Code setling mode g [Lag tine [02000 Ea 1] Corot perRsa arpa ROOT | O~ 133 oe Si | Input specification 01453900 Coarigare varied Sco the Totlewing realution L teat for derils ‘APT cial pater postion ot set the ‘allowing, text for details PSL iar standby Pi] tapwe sta “Teee—74008 «OT Cer 1 datined sit OPA_| Outpal mode Oo ste the following text for deci: CUTL_| Low Tinie ante ie OUTH | Fgh hr o=110 1 ‘ALP _{ alarm output detain o COOL_| System function seleaion | OT ‘ads | Comftunication address [0100 Retransmission Tow Hin current bAud~ | Communication baud rate | 0~79200 Reiransinison Jhigh limit curren BT] PV inpet ier 20 Ostine digital fier intensity Bia |B satus Mazel 1 Automatic 2_Monlsppresing Tock] Configuration priiege 99998 EPI-EPS | Field parameer defiition | a0nF-A-WA dat 0 low is 2 suas « ume nase tagune BUFR inet EG ALM? tt BL- Plave fw tet stm Sensi peiewoaisee Aine eutpwaetinon a y - fey Sn _|sa i] cect, afore sara sam Bfisousecincanon G] Sr#teterctonctecton ie-2 dl or car Fee afore cevatons ‘Decimal pn peter communeanton sedess ar HT P- §1| saa Fa Cemmunienion a P-§ Put Sonat moda SBE P Lage Fe psn 2 = ARO i Ranny parameter laP ‘outpulmade es Cade. ‘Description ‘Setting Range | Engineer Unk Remarks ‘ACMI | High Fini alarm 1599999 E_ot I defined unit | Tina ent dened by ALM? _| Cow limit alan 1999 = 79999 “Cor | defined unit | By, St om CSI yet Positive deviation alarm [99993 1 er 1 defined | witagwtesionce ___Lonit ions ed Hyd | Negative deviation alarm | 0—9999 Ol Cor | defined nit Hy Deadbend 200 or ON/OFF convel 0~2009 and alarm only AL Control mode. ans see the following ext for detalts T [Reid parameter 0-999 Oi Cor 1 defined | Oct reara ficie! ait Pe Rating parameter 1~9999 4.1 Alarm parameter “ALM”, “ALM2™, “Hy-17, “Hy-2” ‘These 4 parameters set inetrument’s alarm funetion’ Alarm signal will be triggered to make insirumert’s relay coatact close (NC cextet oper), if alarm condition is satisfied, Alarm messages i splayed ie tam in SV display window. When the cause of sla is remeved, then the alarm is elcared wetomica ‘Afarm condition fellowing: © ALME: High limit absolute alarm, IF the process value is greater thea afc valut specified as ~ALMIHy", then the alarm 's set, ane the slaera will be cancelled ifthe process value is less than the value of “ALM Hy”. @ ALMIZ: Low limit absolute slam. If the process valve is greater then Wie valve specified as “ALMQ+Hy", then the alarm is set, and the alarm will be eanceiles ifthe process value is less than the valve of “ALM2-Hy” vealarn, IFPY minus SV is geter than the value specified as “Hy-1 +Hy", the alam 2 and the alas will be canceled ifthe process valuc i tess than the value of ~Hy-) Hy", also used is he second High limit alarm in case of on-off consol © Hy-2; Negative deviation slam. If FY mines SV is greater than the value specified 98 “Hy-2 +Hy®, the alarm is set, ard the alarm will be cancelled ifthe process vatue i tess than the value of ~Hy-2 -Hy” In elso used as the sevoud high limit alarm in case of on-off comiral. © Hy-t: [© oat toputover range oF under range juble enceede the sonTigured ranye (High lies ar low ltr a), caused by error of sensor tra. seuser discurnasctial or sionsctcuit, th che event of inpot sop control autguintscll ix tke value specifies wm achanee a the parameter “out”: output as the manipuisted value Among which “GrAL.” don’t need to be configured. Generally user. don't need ne whole 4 j slarm. Lismit value ean be Set 10 chose paranteters rot wind Io avoid alarm Fsneticn, Es, the following | configuration: ALM1=9999, ALM2=i999, Whea the configuration Hy-!-9999 (9999 fer | temperature) or Hy-2*9999 (999.9°C For temperature} is set. even if the difference value is greater shan 9999, Hy-1 or Hy-2 alarm wil not be triggered. 42° Dead band parameter “liy* Dead band parameter Hy is set lo permits protection of position contro! outpat frosn high switching frequencies caused by procsss iagut Buctuation. Dead band parameter is used for position contra), éalarm control a5 well as the position contrat at akin tenn For example: Hy parameter can affect upper absolute alarm: as the following, provided upper slarm parameter “ALMI" is set us 800°C, Hy parameter is set a5 2.0°C © tnsiruncra is in normal status at the beginning. when process value i: gtemer thas B02 (ALMI+Hy], the mpper aesolete aianm can be triggered. © Inswrument is io upper tens status at the beginning, when proecss value is less shan 728% (ALMI-Hy), the alarm can beckeared. 43 Control mode parameter “AC” ‘At=0 OW OFF control suitable or the application which dow noed high precision. Aret it is improved an the basis of PIO canitot and fuzzy controt, having more sxtensive adaptability o the process, anc it is possible te ae! a good contral for processes ean bs started up fram {ont panel on this setting. | At? Suing ep auto tuning, points for attention have been described in preceding text. The fonction is the some as starting auto tuning from front panel. After auto tuning is dane, one seting parurncier At 02 can slart up more aulo ‘wun. [At=3 this configuration is automaticaly set after auto luting is done. AN this setting, starting uta suning from front pane! is inhibited to prevent ettor operation trom stating ouio Wing repeatedly. | 4.4, Control action explanations 444 PID (1) Proportional band “P” Proportional action is the action which the control output varies in proportion to the deviation between the setting value and the processing temperature. AF the proportional band is narrowed, even if the output changes by a sight variation of the processing temperature, belter contro} resus can be cbtained as the offset decreases. However, f the proportional band i narrewed too much, even slight disturbanoes may ‘cause verigtion in the processing temperature, control action changes 16 ON/OFF action and the so called hunting phenomenon occurs. ‘Therefore, when the processing temperature comes to the balanced position near the setting valve and a constant temperature is mainizined, the most sutable value is selected by gradually narrowing the propartional band wile observing the conteol results: (2) Integral time *1” Integral action is used to eliminate offsel. When the Integral time is shortened, the returning speed to the setting point is accelerated. However, the cycle of oscilation is alse accelerated and the control becomes unstable. (3) Derivative time “D" Derivative action is used to rastore the change in the processing temperature according tothe rate of change. It reduces the amplitude of overshoot and undershoo! width, 10 Ht the derivative ime is shortened (4) AF bing vole wy 4.4.3 Auto-reset (offset correction) ‘Auto-reset is performed to correct the offset at the point at which PY indication is stabilized within the proportional band during the PD action, Since the comected valve is intemelly memarized, it is not necessary te perform the auto-reset again as ‘ong as the process ts the same. However, when the proportional band is set to 0, the corrected value 1s cleared. au ota pasar 45 Ovtput period “T™ Parameter T can be set berween 0.5 10 125 seconds. Ik represent the calcuiale speed of the iesramset, When T increased, proportion fusction will be increased snd derivative function will be doereasee. IT 5s, derivative function is absolutely eliminated, then the system is 2 proportional or Propartional-integral system. The change of this parameter will nearly heve ao Influence 1 the system ICT is fess man 1/5 of ts original value. "The following principle is for adjasiing parameter “77. © tn case of time proportional ouput mode, if SSR. (Solid state relay} or PBR is used 9s excculive badies, then control period can be set smaller {gcncrally 0.5 through 2 seconds) to imprave contral prosision, If relay contact output 4S used, then parameter “T™ should be set 4a he target than or equal 4 seconds generally, because 9 small value set will decrease service life of mechanical comacts. A large valus set will increase service life of relay, bul wil! decrease contro! precision, 90 select a value to saisfy both sides. © in case of liner current output, decreasing parameter T will speed up ourput sesponsibitity ant improve contrat precision, but will lead to frequently changed owipet current and arising there ‘ram frequent movement of enecutive bodies (e2. Control value). Now increasing parameter T appropriately will mske value move senoothly. 4.6 Input specification parameter “Su” Instrument is available with varied inpot function. Different inpux type such as thermocouple and RTD can be selected in the same instrament through parameter setting. Automatic son-lincat ‘calibration of nogh pretision for thermocouple and RTD is available in the instrwnent, Wi measurement input eccunicy tess than 0.2%6FS. The following stable shows input specifition ning io the set value of pacaraeier Sn Sh Input spec. En input ° & 3 Z i S 20 Cust 4 E 2 Prod 4.7 Decimal poiat setting parameter “alP” 4.9 Input shift parameter “Pb” Paramster Pb is used to niche input shift wo compensate the eror produc By seator or input signol itself For thermocouple inpun. parameter Pb is used to comeer reference junction conspensation error The insteunen iisel? wilt nor produce error after 2 long time used. because the ferhnategy Of sighal calibration is used in the instrament to substitte poledtiometer of bad stability. and function uF ‘automatic zero modulation will guarantee no zero dtl produced in the instrumest, Parameter “PO” is uscd 10 make input shift io compensate the error proceed by mensurerneat For example, provided input signal keep onchanged, if when perarueter “Pb” is sex to 0.0°C, the temperature sreasurement of the instrument is 300.0. then shen parameter “Pb” is sel to 18.0 the tempeseture tieasurement display will be 510.0 Note: Iastrnments are all calibrated before delivering, and 30 the default vatue of Parameter “Pb” is zero. Only adjust this parameter when recalibration of measurement is necessary. 4.10 Output definition parameter “OP-A”, “outL”, and “outl!” Parameter OP-A if used to define the mode of main output signal, and poramete: “outL™ end “outl” is used to define output lower limit and upper Limit, Note: setting of perarncier “OP-A™ mus, conform to the moxtule (ype instalted as main ouput _ @ OP-A=0. the made of main. outpal is time-proporional output of ool mode (for owolt contol). (€ ouput modules such a5 SSR voltage output. relay contact discrete oulpet, BCR cross zeva ‘rigger output, and BCR #0-contact diserete output are installed es main outpu, then “OP-A-O™ should sot © OP-A=1, any specification DC current output, continuous output mode. Linest cumreat output smodile should be installed to main output. @ _OP-A=2, Actuation js time proportional output of on-off mode. @ owil., Restrain minimum value of adjast output. When the function of sectional power restriction is executed, it is the output upper limit if output value is lower than the value of lower Kart alarm. if bi-directional adjustment software is énstalled, then instrument is turned 10 be coo Cireetional ousput system, when coll

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