Cabay National High School Tiaong, Quezon Second Periodical Examination English 7

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Cabay National High School

Tiaong, Quezon
English 7
Name: __________________________ Score: ___________
Grade & Section: _________________ Date: ___________
TEST I: MULTIPLE CHOICE- Choose the correct and answer and write it on the space provided before the
number. Letter only.
_____1. It describes a noun or a pronoun.
A. Verb C. Adverb
B. Adjective D. Pronoun
_____2. It is the expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically
for humorous or emphatic effect.
A. Irony C. Verb
B. Interjection D. Noun
_____3. When a character says one thing but means the opposite.
A. Dramatical Irony C. Situational Irony
B. Verbal Irony D. Irony
_____4. It is when the reader understands more about the events of the story rather than a character.
A. Irony C. Verbal Irony
B. Situational Irony D. Dramatical Irony
_____5. When what actually happen is the opposite of what is expected.
A. Dramatical Irony C. Situational Irony
B. Verbal Irony D. Irony
_____6. Words ending in –ing that function as a noun.
A. Gerund C. Adjective
B. Infinitives D. Pronoun
_____7. It is formed as to+base form of a verb.
A. Pronoun C. Infinitives
B. Adjective D. Pronoun
_____8. He was the author of the “The Wedding Dance” from the mountain province who wrote poems that
later called “Bataan Harvest”.
A. N.V.M. Gonzales C. Amador Daguio
B. Benjamin Bautista D. Manuel Arguilla
_____9. He was the author of the famous story “The Bread of Salt” who published 14 books and accumulated
many awards.
A. Rony Diaz C. Francisco Arcellana
B. N.V.M. Gonzales D. Benjamin Bautista
_____10. What is bread of salt?
A. Cake C. Pan de sal
B. Rolls D. Flakes

TEST II: A. ADJECTIVE- Underline the describing words or the adjective for each number.
11. The racing boat zoomed over the calm surface of the lake.
12. The cave was dark and cold.
13. Many fans turned out for the big championship game.
14. The cracked vase set on the dusty shelf.
15. The back of the closet was littered with old, discarded clothes.
16. Our adventurous tour guide led us up the rocky, mountainous path.
17. The girl has a sorrowful face.
18. The tiara was adorned with sparkling jewels.
19. She wore a beautiful dress.
20. He writes meaningless letters.
21. The man has a powerful voice.
22. She wore a beautiful dress.
23. Ben is an adorable baby.
24. Linda’s hair is gorgeous.
25. This glass is breakable
TEST III: B. GERUND OR INFINITIVE- Encircle the best answer for each number.
26. (Doing, To do) sport every day is good for your health.
27. At last they decided (renting, to rent) the apartment.
28. Sheila stopped (saying, to say) hello to her friends.
29. The following questions are easy (answering, to answer).
30. She told us where (finding, to find) the necessary material.
31. Would you mind (posting, to post) this letter for me?
32. They suggested (travelling, to travel) by bus.
33. We plan (going, to go) to Europe this summer.
34. We were all happy about (celebrating, to celebrate) the New Year in Vienna.
35. It seems difficult (knowing, to know) everything about the topic.

TEST III: CHARACTERS GRAPH- Fill in the boxes with the appropriate characters found from the
different stories you have studied. Choose your answer from the choices below.



36. 42. 46.

37. 43. 47.

38. 44. 48. 53.
39. 45. 49. 54. 55.

How My
The Centipede The Mats Brother Leon Wedding Bread of Salt The Baby in
brought Home Dance the Bottle
a Wife

Albert (the Boy) Eddie Mr. Angeles Lumnay Mr. Perez

Labang Leon Awiyao Emilia Alfonso

Delia Sussana Antonio Maria Berto

Biryuk Baldo Aida Jose Madulimay

TEST IV. ESSAY (5 points)

From the different stories you’ve studied what story triggered you most? Why?


Prepared by:

SST I- English Teacher

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