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Edgar-Taylor 1

Autumn Edgar- Taylor

Mrs. Cramer

College Comp Pd. 8

18 September 2020

College Essay

What is something that has happened to you that changed your outlook on life? Well, my

event was when my grandma passed away. That has shown me that people don’t live forever; no

matter how much you want them to. Never take time for granted because you don’t know how

much you have. That event impacted my life greatly because I was close with my grandma, and

she meant a great deal to me. She was a woman who was there for me and loved me since the

day I was born.

My parents were never together when I was born, and it was almost impossible for them

to get along. My parents were nineteen and twenty when they had me, so my dad wasn’t ready

for a kid yet, and my grandma would take me when it was his time. She would always try to

make sure I wouldn’t be in the middle of them when it came to arguing; she was like my shield. I

was her first grandchild, so I was already planned to be spoiled until the end. She made sure I

had everything I needed: school clothes, books, toys. We were everything to each other.

As I got older nothing with us changed, even with her eight other grandchildren. I still

went with her as much as I could, even with school and other activities. We always made time

for each other. As time went on, we both had gotten older and she had been diagnosed with
Edgar-Taylor 2

kidney failure. That came as a shock; I never thought of anything bad could happen to her, but

she fought. She went to dialysis three times a week and watched what she ate.

After dealing with that for a year, she was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. After I

found out, I tried spending as much time as I could with her; I sat at work with her and once a

week I would go with her to the Thursday Night Ladies Bowling League she ran. She used to

bowl, but it got harder as the years came along. About nine months after finding out about the

cancer, we found out it spread to her brain. I was heartbroken because I knew she didn’t have

much time left, and on November 18, 2018, she took her last breath.

I never thought of that happening. I wasn’t sure what to do. I always thought she would

be here with me and watch me grow up, but life had different plans. I felt I had lost a part of me

and now that I look back, I wish we had more time together. It’s been almost two years and

sometimes I still forget she isn’t here with me, but then I remember she is still looking down on

me. I am thankful that I got to have my grandma in my life like I did. I wouldn’t trade my time

with her for anything.

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