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Mendoza, Alyssa Marie G.

11- Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia

I. Resume
a. Types of Resume
i. Chronological Resume
ii. Functional Resume
iii. Combination Resume
b. Uses of Resume
c. Making of Resume
II. Connected Discourse
a. What is connected discourse
b. The purpose of connected discourse
c. Uses of connected discourse
III. Brainstorming
a. What is brainstorming
b. Purpose of brainstorming
c. Uses of brainstorming
IV. Graphic Organizers
a. Use of Graphic Organizers
b. Purpose of Graphic Organizers
c. Different types of Graphic Organizers
i. Bubble Maps
ii. Venn Diagram
iii. KWL Chart
iv. 5W’s
v. Cause and Effect
vi. Main Idea Web
vii. Hierarchical Topical Organizer
V. Outlines
a. Types of Outlines
i. Topic Outline
ii. Sentence Outline
b. Purpose of Outlines


One of the biggest problems faced by the students today is

failing a subject and the main reason or the reason that they often
say is that they really did not understand the lessons nor they
listened while the lesson was taking place. There are factors why
students tend to not listen to the teachers. It can be that there
are a lot of things in their mind, distracting them from the lesson,
or they really can’t understand the first part of the lesson that got
them lost on the last part. Even though students have reasons on
why they fail a subject, there shouldn’t be an excuse as to why
they can’t understand the lesson. Not unless they are absent that

There are different ways to understand a lesson very clearly.

I, myself understand the lessons we had in reading and writing,
and we had tons of lessons there. Learning effectively is one of
the best ways to pass an exam and one way to learn effectively is
to let yourself know that you’ll need this in the future. You need to
put in your mind that everything you learn will take a huge role in
your life someday.

Sharing your learning is one of the best things you can do to

help your classmates who received poor grades.

Learning resume is clearly one of the easiest lessons we’ve

ever had as we got a glimpse of this lesson when we were in
junior high school. The very first thing I would do to share this
lesson is to visually present a resume. In that way, the students
can have a clue on what topic or what lesson I’m going to share to
them. After that, I’ll define the lesson itself. Giving the definition
will make it easier to understand the visual I gave. After the
description, we move on to the different types of resume starting
from the chronological resume and ending with the combination
resume. Prior to that, discussing its significance and importance is
the next thing I’ll do. Making them know what role resume is
going to be in the near future will make them show a huge
interest in the lesson. As we’re learning the importance of it, I’ll
also tackle the people who are qualified to use resume. Because
there are different types of resume, and there’s also different
types of people who uses resume.

Connected Discourse

For this lesson, I’ll create a power point presentation and

reading materials so they can understand the lesson more and it’ll
also help their analyzing skill. I’ll also present a video about
connected discourse or speech and make them take notes. After
all that, I’ll explain everything from the top using my own
understanding and words. I’ll elaborate the use of connected
discourse, and the importance of learning it as we take a step
towards college.

The first thing I’ll do is let them brainstorm. I’ll let them
experience brainstorming first before explaining them what really
is brainstorming. We’ll have an interacting discussion and ask
them their opinion or what they think about brainstorming. After
explaining I’ll let them brainstorm again on certain topics.

Graphic Organizers

As to this topic, visually giving them an idea about graphic

organizers will make them understand it easier. Graphic
organizers are made for organizing ideas. I’ll give them a topic
and I’ll ask them to make a graphic organizer of it. It’s either a
comparison graphic organizer or a cause and effect graphic
organizer. After that, I’ll explain everything from the start. The
uses, its importance, and the different types of graphic organizers.


Outline is like graphic organizers. It is also organizing your

thoughts in the right order. Same with the graphic organizer, I’ll
also show an example and we’ll break it bits to bits and explain it
to them. Explaining the importance and uses of it will also help
them to understand it easily.


Sharing knowledge is one of the key points to success. It’s

been with us since the old age, sharing from generation to
generation. The stories to be known, myths to be remembered,
and lessons to be learned, we all experience sharing knowledge
that always leads to success. Some people shares through
experience, some lessons are passed verbally, and others are
hands-on teaching. It doesn’t matter how you share your
knowledge, but knowledge is really important especially to us
students. We can’t always rely on the knowledge we have only in
our mind. We always need to learn to feed our brains and we all
need to learn for the future.

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