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THERE was a time when men imagined the Earth as the center of the universe. The stars, large
and small, they believed were created merely for their pleasure. It was their vain conception that
a supreme being, weary of solitude, had manufactured a giant toy and put them into possession
of it.
Men issued from the womb of Mother Earth, but they knew it not, nor recognized her, to whom
they owed their life. They became negligent of the obligations they hold as a custodian of what
they thought a giant toy.
Yet she renewed herself, the good mother, and came again each Spring, radiant with youthful
beauty, beckoning her children to come to her bosom and partake of her bounty. But ever the air
grew thick with the stench of darkness, ever a hollow voice was heard calling: "Touch not the
beautiful form of the sorceress! Men continued to stray in silence, more than a mute, more than a
blind and more than a deaf.
Thou who can see, can’t see.
Thou who can hear, can’t hear.
Thou who can speak, can’t speak

Then who is left? Who is left seeing, listening and voicing the nature’s tears as its streaks the
dusty façade of life, as the claws of humanity swipes, made entirely of greed and stupidity. Yes,
our nature has been torn to shreds leaving only rags of what was once a great scenery.

“Now is the time to mend the imperfections of humanity; healing the wound of the earth. Unveil,
recognize, submit, and rewild for salvation will be ours.”

The world lives within us, we live within the world. By damaging the living planet, we have
diminished our existence.
Mother earth is crying and in desperate need of our engaged compassionate action. Hear her
screams as she shrivels in pain.
My dear child,
Please wake up and see what you are doing. Your atomic bombs have laid waste to billions
of precious lives, even the most fragile life forms and micro-organisms. You have cut down
and set fire to my forests, and poured toxins into my atmosphere and waters. You have sliced
out my mountains and precious earth to search for fossil fuels, gold and bauxite. Your
nuclear power plants, and factories of chemicals and steel have released radioactive waste
into my waters and poisoned my earth. My body reeking and twisting with pain has brought
forth storms and tornadoes, floods and hurricanes. I am a living earth and my quakes and
volcanoes express my life-force, and my pain.
Mother Earth


“Men concealed themselves to the alluring ideal love for the earth, yet, men are never- changing
─ unceasingly the same.”
We box ourselves out of the natural world. We become resistant to the experiences that nature
has to offer; its spontaneity and serendipity, its unscripted delights, its capacity to shake us out of
the frustrations and humiliations, which are an inevitable product of the controlled and ordered
world we have sought to create. We bully the living world into the grids we impose on ourselves.
Even the areas we claim to have set aside for nature are often subjected to rigid management
plans, in which the type and the height of the vegetation is precisely ordained and, through
grazing or cutting or burning, nature is kept in a state of arrested development. Nothing is
allowed to change, to enter or leave.
To love the natural world is to suffer a series of griefs, each compounding the last. It is to be
overtaken by disbelief that we could treat it in this fashion. And, in the darkest moments, it is to
succumb to helplessness, to the conviction that we will keep eroding our world of wonders until
almost nothing of it remains. There is hope – real hope – but at times like this it seems remote.

Time is ticking, not a decade is left until the benevolent mother reaches the limit of what she can
endure. Now is the time to surrender. Surrender to the unplanned and emergent world of nature,
be surprised once more by joy, as surprise encounters with great beast become possible again.
We can rediscover those buried emotions that otherwise remain unexercised.

Rewilding, the mass restoration of ecosystems, which involves pulling down the redundant
fences, blocking the drainage ditches, planting trees where necessary, re-establishing missing
wildlife and then leaving the land to find its own way, could reverse much of the damage done to
these areas.
Rewilding offers something else, even rarer than lynx and wolves and dolphins and whales.
Hope. It offers the possibility that our silent spring could be followed by a raucous summer. In
seeking to persuade people to honor and protect the living planet, an ounce of hope is worth a ton
of despair. We could, perhaps, begin to heal some of the great wounds we have inflicted on the
world and on ourselves.

Now can you feel it? can you see the dusty tears and hear the wail of a mother devoured by her
children fading as it turns into a glorious sight of paradise?


“my child abandon and abolish me but my love and care will never cease to exist”

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