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Micro-level field No. of pub.

(2000-2015) Main field 1 Main field 2

1 28938 Physical sciences and engineering
2 28262 Physical sciences and engineering
3 27578 Physical sciences and engineering
4 26748 Physical sciences and engineering
5 26035 Physical sciences and engineering
6 24788 Life and earth sciences
7 24781 Life and earth sciences
8 24371 Biomedical and health sciences
9 21973 Physical sciences and engineering
10 20515 Biomedical and health sciences
11 20180 Social sciences and humanities
12 20076 Biomedical and health sciences
13 20036 Biomedical and health sciences
14 19972 Biomedical and health sciences
15 19928 Social sciences and humanities
16 19438 Social sciences and humanities
17 19430 Social sciences and humanities
18 19234 Mathematics and computer science
19 19224 Physical sciences and engineering
20 19105 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
21 18979 Physical sciences and engineering
22 18896 Social sciences and humanities
23 18764 Physical sciences and engineering
24 18694 Life and earth sciences
25 18647 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
26 18595 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
27 18571 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
28 18542 Biomedical and health sciences
29 18460 Physical sciences and engineering
30 18404 Physical sciences and engineering
31 18301 Physical sciences and engineering
32 17919 Biomedical and health sciences
33 17884 Biomedical and health sciences
34 17795 Physical sciences and engineering
35 17778 Physical sciences and engineering
36 17438 Physical sciences and engineering
37 17380 Life and earth sciences
38 17259 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
39 17048 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
40 16957 Life and earth sciences
41 16882 Physical sciences and engineering
42 16876 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
43 16837 Biomedical and health sciences
44 16711 Physical sciences and engineering
45 16659 Biomedical and health sciences
46 16563 Biomedical and health sciences
47 16529 Biomedical and health sciences
48 16510 Social sciences and humanities
49 16451 Physical sciences and engineering
50 16340 Biomedical and health sciences
51 16333 Physical sciences and engineering
52 16316 Biomedical and health sciences
53 16244 Biomedical and health sciences
54 16244 Physical sciences and engineering
55 16205 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
56 16009 Biomedical and health sciences
57 15923 Biomedical and health sciences
58 15856 Life and earth sciences
59 15797 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
60 15760 Biomedical and health sciences
61 15726 Physical sciences and engineering
62 15716 Life and earth sciences
63 15705 Physical sciences and engineering
64 15684 Biomedical and health sciences
65 15672 Biomedical and health sciences
66 15587 Life and earth sciences
67 15455 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
68 15394 Biomedical and health sciences
69 15360 Biomedical and health sciences
70 15309 Mathematics and computer science
71 15222 Mathematics and computer science
72 15139 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
73 15110 Physical sciences and engineering
74 15089 Social sciences and humanities
75 15011 Biomedical and health sciences
76 14993 Physical sciences and engineering
77 14946 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
78 14890 Physical sciences and engineering
79 14850 Biomedical and health sciences
80 14840 Life and earth sciences
81 14753 Biomedical and health sciences
82 14714 Physical sciences and engineering
83 14679 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
84 14652 Social sciences and humanities
85 14651 Physical sciences and engineering
86 14583 Physical sciences and engineering
87 14578 Physical sciences and engineering
88 14546 Physical sciences and engineering
89 14542 Life and earth sciences
90 14539 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
91 14536 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
92 14531 Life and earth sciences
93 14494 Life and earth sciences
94 14440 Biomedical and health sciences
95 14421 Biomedical and health sciences
96 14418 Biomedical and health sciences
97 14403 Physical sciences and engineering
98 14374 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
99 14368 Physical sciences and engineering
100 14362 Physical sciences and engineering
101 14333 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
102 14332 Biomedical and health sciences
103 14310 Life and earth sciences
104 14306 Biomedical and health sciences
105 14293 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
106 14261 Physical sciences and engineering
107 14257 Life and earth sciences
108 14250 Physical sciences and engineering
109 14220 Physical sciences and engineering
110 14204 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
111 14175 Life and earth sciences
112 14129 Biomedical and health sciences
113 14128 Biomedical and health sciences
114 14080 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
115 14069 Biomedical and health sciences
116 14018 Physical sciences and engineering
117 14015 Physical sciences and engineering
118 14000 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
119 13984 Physical sciences and engineering
120 13954 Physical sciences and engineering
121 13944 Life and earth sciences
122 13932 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
123 13903 Physical sciences and engineering
124 13897 Biomedical and health sciences
125 13877 Physical sciences and engineering
126 13859 Physical sciences and engineering
127 13818 Physical sciences and engineering
128 13795 Biomedical and health sciences
129 13774 Biomedical and health sciences
130 13774 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
131 13735 Physical sciences and engineering
132 13732 Biomedical and health sciences
133 13721 Biomedical and health sciences
134 13705 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
135 13674 Biomedical and health sciences
136 13648 Biomedical and health sciences
137 13642 Biomedical and health sciences
138 13629 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
139 13580 Physical sciences and engineering
140 13541 Physical sciences and engineering
141 13469 Biomedical and health sciences
142 13448 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
143 13438 Life and earth sciences
144 13430 Biomedical and health sciences
145 13390 Physical sciences and engineering
146 13384 Biomedical and health sciences
147 13350 Biomedical and health sciences
148 13339 Biomedical and health sciences
149 13286 Mathematics and computer science
150 13266 Biomedical and health sciences
151 13255 Biomedical and health sciences
152 13234 Biomedical and health sciences
153 13201 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
154 13195 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
155 13189 Biomedical and health sciences
156 13189 Physical sciences and engineering
157 13131 Life and earth sciences
158 13128 Social sciences and humanities
159 13119 Life and earth sciences
160 13111 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
161 13061 Physical sciences and engineering
162 13051 Life and earth sciences
163 13017 Physical sciences and engineering
164 12970 Biomedical and health sciences
165 12930 Physical sciences and engineering
166 12927 Biomedical and health sciences
167 12904 Physical sciences and engineering
168 12889 Physical sciences and engineering
169 12885 Physical sciences and engineering
170 12855 Physical sciences and engineering
171 12842 Biomedical and health sciences
172 12801 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
173 12752 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
174 12719 Physical sciences and engineering
175 12717 Social sciences and humanities
176 12697 Biomedical and health sciences
177 12692 Life and earth sciences
178 12686 Physical sciences and engineering
179 12657 Physical sciences and engineering
180 12622 Biomedical and health sciences
181 12611 Physical sciences and engineering
182 12586 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
183 12580 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
184 12568 Life and earth sciences
185 12552 Social sciences and humanities
186 12551 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
187 12545 Biomedical and health sciences
188 12502 Biomedical and health sciences
189 12488 Life and earth sciences
190 12463 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
191 12437 Biomedical and health sciences
192 12427 Physical sciences and engineering
193 12426 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
194 12410 Biomedical and health sciences
195 12388 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
196 12380 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
197 12379 Life and earth sciences
198 12362 Biomedical and health sciences
199 12330 Social sciences and humanities
200 12307 Mathematics and computer science
201 12291 Physical sciences and engineering
202 12255 Physical sciences and engineering
203 12249 Physical sciences and engineering
204 12229 Biomedical and health sciences
205 12224 Mathematics and computer science
206 12219 Mathematics and computer science
207 12174 Life and earth sciences
208 12135 Physical sciences and engineering
209 12124 Life and earth sciences
210 12115 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
211 12098 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
212 12075 Biomedical and health sciences
213 12065 Social sciences and humanities
214 12060 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
215 12040 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
216 12000 Social sciences and humanities
217 11983 Biomedical and health sciences
218 11981 Biomedical and health sciences
219 11959 Physical sciences and engineering
220 11930 Biomedical and health sciences
221 11869 Life and earth sciences
222 11866 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
223 11866 Life and earth sciences Social sciences and humanities
224 11850 Biomedical and health sciences
225 11839 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
226 11833 Social sciences and humanities
227 11833 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
228 11825 Biomedical and health sciences
229 11818 Physical sciences and engineering
230 11812 Physical sciences and engineering
231 11801 Physical sciences and engineering
232 11795 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
233 11788 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
234 11774 Physical sciences and engineering
235 11773 Biomedical and health sciences
236 11755 Biomedical and health sciences
237 11746 Biomedical and health sciences
238 11735 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
239 11722 Social sciences and humanities
240 11706 Biomedical and health sciences
241 11685 Biomedical and health sciences
242 11681 Biomedical and health sciences
243 11680 Physical sciences and engineering
244 11671 Biomedical and health sciences
245 11652 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
246 11632 Life and earth sciences
247 11630 Physical sciences and engineering
248 11618 Life and earth sciences
249 11614 Biomedical and health sciences
250 11586 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
251 11575 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
252 11571 Biomedical and health sciences
253 11563 Physical sciences and engineering
254 11547 Biomedical and health sciences
255 11537 Mathematics and computer science
256 11520 Physical sciences and engineering
257 11510 Biomedical and health sciences
258 11503 Biomedical and health sciences
259 11502 Life and earth sciences
260 11463 Biomedical and health sciences
261 11459 Physical sciences and engineering
262 11458 Physical sciences and engineering
263 11452 Physical sciences and engineering
264 11444 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
265 11433 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
266 11407 Life and earth sciences
267 11361 Biomedical and health sciences
268 11327 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
269 11310 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
270 11285 Physical sciences and engineering
271 11283 Biomedical and health sciences
272 11277 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
273 11226 Life and earth sciences
274 11220 Biomedical and health sciences
275 11204 Biomedical and health sciences
276 11197 Biomedical and health sciences
277 11196 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
278 11191 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
279 11188 Life and earth sciences
280 11188 Biomedical and health sciences
281 11181 Biomedical and health sciences
282 11164 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
283 11161 Biomedical and health sciences
284 11147 Biomedical and health sciences
285 11139 Life and earth sciences
286 11126 Biomedical and health sciences
287 11125 Biomedical and health sciences
288 11109 Physical sciences and engineering
289 11106 Physical sciences and engineering
290 11097 Life and earth sciences
291 11081 Life and earth sciences
292 11080 Physical sciences and engineering
293 11049 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
294 11048 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
295 11032 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
296 10991 Mathematics and computer science
297 10974 Biomedical and health sciences
298 10971 Physical sciences and engineering
299 10962 Biomedical and health sciences
300 10955 Life and earth sciences
301 10940 Life and earth sciences
302 10938 Biomedical and health sciences
303 10923 Biomedical and health sciences
304 10900 Life and earth sciences
305 10886 Life and earth sciences
306 10885 Biomedical and health sciences
307 10847 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
308 10843 Physical sciences and engineering
309 10830 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
310 10814 Social sciences and humanLife and earth sciences
311 10813 Biomedical and health sciences
312 10797 Mathematics and computer science
313 10792 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
314 10771 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
315 10769 Physical sciences and engineering
316 10756 Mathematics and computer science
317 10745 Physical sciences and engineering
318 10698 Physical sciences and engineering
319 10696 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
320 10686 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
321 10665 Life and earth sciences
322 10663 Biomedical and health sciences
323 10651 Life and earth sciences
324 10649 Biomedical and health sciences
325 10639 Mathematics and computer science
326 10633 Biomedical and health sciences
327 10633 Social sciences and humanities
328 10628 Physical sciences and engineering
329 10621 Mathematics and computer science
330 10603 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and eng
331 10603 Physical sciences and engineering
332 10594 Mathematics and computer science
333 10593 Biomedical and health sciences
334 10575 Physical sciences and engineering
335 10545 Physical sciences and engineering
336 10542 Physical sciences and engineering
337 10537 Biomedical and health sciences
338 10535 Life and earth sciences
339 10531 Biomedical and health sciences
340 10500 Biomedical and health sciences
341 10494 Mathematics and computer science
342 10459 Biomedical and health sciences
343 10458 Physical sciences and engineering
344 10433 Physical sciences and engineering
345 10431 Social sciences and humanities
346 10421 Social sciences and humanities
347 10420 Mathematics and computer science
348 10412 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
349 10409 Biomedical and health sciences
350 10408 Biomedical and health sciences
351 10406 Physical sciences and engineering
352 10402 Physical sciences and engineering
353 10397 Social sciences and humanities
354 10396 Biomedical and health sciences
355 10391 Mathematics and computer science
356 10370 Physical sciences and engineering
357 10366 Biomedical and health sciences
358 10358 Biomedical and health sciences
359 10354 Biomedical and health sciences
360 10353 Physical sciences and engineering
361 10351 Biomedical and health sciences
362 10325 Biomedical and health sciences
363 10314 Life and earth sciences
364 10303 Physical sciences and engineering
365 10283 Biomedical and health sciences
366 10270 Physical sciences and engineering
367 10242 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
368 10241 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
369 10238 Physical sciences and engineering
370 10234 Biomedical and health sciences
371 10231 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
372 10229 Physical sciences and engineering
373 10209 Biomedical and health sciences
374 10187 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
375 10186 Biomedical and health sciences
376 10173 Biomedical and health sciences
377 10163 Biomedical and health sciences
378 10160 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
379 10158 Biomedical and health sciences
380 10158 Biomedical and health sciences
381 10140 Physical sciences and engineering
382 10140 Biomedical and health sciences
383 10138 Mathematics and computer science
384 10132 Physical sciences and engineering
385 10131 Life and earth sciences
386 10124 Physical sciences and engineering
387 10109 Life and earth sciences
388 10109 Life and earth sciences
389 10070 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
390 10055 Physical sciences and engineering
391 10054 Physical sciences and engineering
392 10042 Biomedical and health sciences
393 10034 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
394 10016 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
395 9993 Biomedical and health sciences
396 9967 Biomedical and health sciences
397 9962 Physical sciences and engineering
398 9961 Life and earth sciences
399 9957 Mathematics and computer science
400 9954 Biomedical and health sciences
401 9948 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
402 9934 Social sciences and humanities
403 9919 Social sciences and humanities
404 9916 Biomedical and health sciences
405 9895 Physical sciences and engineering
406 9880 Biomedical and health sciences
407 9876 Physical sciences and engineering
408 9874 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
409 9870 Social sciences and humanities
410 9861 Biomedical and health sciences
411 9855 Biomedical and health sciences
412 9855 Biomedical and health sciences
413 9840 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
414 9816 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
415 9807 Physical sciences and engineering
416 9805 Biomedical and health sciences
417 9801 Life and earth sciences
418 9797 Life and earth sciences
419 9790 Physical sciences and engineering
420 9790 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
421 9787 Biomedical and health sciences
422 9779 Biomedical and health sciences
423 9777 Life and earth sciences
424 9772 Biomedical and health sciences
425 9772 Biomedical and health sciences
426 9769 Physical sciences and engineering
427 9759 Biomedical and health sciences
428 9758 Biomedical and health sciences
429 9751 Physical sciences and engineering
430 9750 Biomedical and health sciences
431 9737 Physical sciences and engineering
432 9716 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
433 9696 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
434 9689 Physical sciences and engineering
435 9685 Biomedical and health sciences
436 9671 Social sciences and humanities
437 9670 Life and earth sciences
438 9650 Life and earth sciences
439 9632 Physical sciences and engineering
440 9631 Biomedical and health sciences
441 9629 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
442 9609 Physical sciences and engineering
443 9588 Life and earth sciences
444 9578 Biomedical and health sciences
445 9576 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
446 9562 Physical sciences and engineering
447 9549 Biomedical and health sciences
448 9548 Life and earth sciences
449 9544 Biomedical and health sciences
450 9535 Life and earth sciences
451 9530 Mathematics and computer science
452 9528 Life and earth sciences
453 9526 Physical sciences and engineering
454 9521 Biomedical and health sciences
455 9519 Physical sciences and engineering
456 9516 Biomedical and health sciences
457 9507 Biomedical and health sciences
458 9507 Mathematics and computer science
459 9504 Physical sciences and engineering
460 9493 Life and earth sciences
461 9490 Life and earth sciences
462 9490 Biomedical and health sciences
463 9488 Life and earth sciences
464 9482 Physical sciences and engineering
465 9480 Biomedical and health sciences
466 9478 Social sciences and humanities
467 9465 Biomedical and health sciences
468 9465 Life and earth sciences
469 9445 Life and earth sciences
470 9439 Biomedical and health sciences
471 9427 Biomedical and health sciences
472 9397 Life and earth sciences
473 9354 Life and earth sciences
474 9351 Life and earth sciences
475 9340 Life and earth sciences
476 9317 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
477 9304 Physical sciences and engineering
478 9300 Life and earth sciences
479 9298 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
480 9297 Biomedical and health sciences
481 9257 Biomedical and health sciences
482 9252 Biomedical and health sciences
483 9247 Biomedical and health sciences
484 9246 Social sciences and humanities
485 9245 Physical sciences and engineering
486 9231 Biomedical and health sciences
487 9228 Mathematics and computer science
488 9228 Physical sciences and engineering
489 9221 Biomedical and health sciences
490 9211 Physical sciences and engineering
491 9207 Physical sciences and engineering
492 9205 Mathematics and computer science
493 9193 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
494 9187 Biomedical and health sciences
495 9177 Physical sciences and engineering
496 9172 Biomedical and health sciences
497 9168 Life and earth sciences
498 9148 Biomedical and health sciences
499 9146 Social sciences and humanities
500 9117 Physical sciences and engineering
501 9097 Mathematics and computer science
502 9076 Life and earth sciences
503 9063 Biomedical and health sciences
504 9062 Physical sciences and engineering
505 9011 Biomedical and health sciences
506 9010 Life and earth sciences
507 9006 Biomedical and health sciences
508 9002 Biomedical and health sciences
509 8998 Social sciences and humanities
510 8992 Biomedical and health sciences
511 8971 Social sciences and humanities
512 8952 Biomedical and health sciences
513 8950 Biomedical and health sciences
514 8946 Biomedical and health sciences
515 8940 Physical sciences and engineering
516 8931 Biomedical and health sciences
517 8924 Life and earth sciences
518 8922 Biomedical and health sciences
519 8902 Biomedical and health sciences
520 8901 Biomedical and health sciences
521 8901 Physical sciences and engineering
522 8900 Biomedical and health sciences
523 8892 Biomedical and health sciences
524 8891 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
525 8884 Biomedical and health sciences
526 8884 Biomedical and health sciences
527 8883 Biomedical and health sciences
528 8883 Biomedical and health sciences
529 8882 Life and earth sciences
530 8879 Physical sciences and engineering
531 8879 Life and earth sciences
532 8874 Physical sciences and engineering
533 8870 Physical sciences and engineering
534 8860 Life and earth sciences
535 8850 Physical sciences and engineering
536 8848 Biomedical and health sciences
537 8847 Biomedical and health sciences
538 8841 Biomedical and health sciences
539 8814 Biomedical and health sciences
540 8812 Biomedical and health sciences
541 8804 Physical sciences and engineering
542 8793 Mathematics and computer science
543 8791 Mathematics and computer science
544 8787 Biomedical and health sciences
545 8776 Social sciences and humanities
546 8775 Life and earth sciences
547 8766 Mathematics and computer science
548 8766 Physical sciences and engineering
549 8765 Physical sciences and engineering
550 8765 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
551 8749 Physical sciences and engineering
552 8743 Physical sciences and engineering
553 8738 Biomedical and health sciences
554 8731 Biomedical and health sciences
555 8722 Biomedical and health sciences
556 8717 Biomedical and health sciences
557 8706 Life and earth sciences
558 8680 Life and earth sciences
559 8678 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
560 8663 Biomedical and health sciences
561 8662 Social sciences and humanities
562 8659 Physical sciences and engineering
563 8658 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
564 8653 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
565 8646 Biomedical and health sciences
566 8639 Biomedical and health sciences
567 8628 Biomedical and health sciences
568 8619 Life and earth sciences
569 8610 Biomedical and health sciences
570 8608 Biomedical and health sciences
571 8608 Biomedical and health sciences
572 8606 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
573 8601 Physical sciences and engineering
574 8596 Biomedical and health sciences
575 8595 Biomedical and health sciences
576 8593 Biomedical and health sciences
577 8592 Life and earth sciences
578 8577 Physical sciences and engineering
579 8577 Physical sciences and engineering
580 8572 Life and earth sciences
581 8572 Biomedical and health sciences
582 8569 Physical sciences and engineering
583 8565 Mathematics and compute Social sciences and humanities
584 8561 Biomedical and health sciences
585 8552 Biomedical and health sciences
586 8543 Physical sciences and engineering
587 8541 Biomedical and health sciences
588 8539 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
589 8533 Biomedical and health sciences
590 8528 Life and earth sciences
591 8528 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
592 8518 Biomedical and health sciences
593 8515 Biomedical and health sciences
594 8512 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
595 8505 Biomedical and health sciences
596 8500 Biomedical and health sciences
597 8495 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
598 8491 Biomedical and health sciences
599 8489 Biomedical and health sciences
600 8478 Biomedical and health sciences
601 8476 Physical sciences and engineering
602 8470 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
603 8464 Life and earth sciences Social sciences and humanities
604 8458 Biomedical and health sciences
605 8457 Life and earth sciences
606 8455 Mathematics and computer science
607 8452 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
608 8446 Biomedical and health sciences
609 8445 Biomedical and health sciences
610 8441 Mathematics and computer science
611 8438 Mathematics and computer science
612 8435 Biomedical and health sciences
613 8434 Biomedical and health sciences
614 8425 Biomedical and health sciences
615 8412 Life and earth sciences
616 8403 Biomedical and health sciences
617 8396 Physical sciences and engineering
618 8392 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
619 8380 Biomedical and health sciences
620 8373 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
621 8356 Biomedical and health sciences
622 8345 Physical sciences and engineering
623 8324 Biomedical and health sciences
624 8314 Biomedical and health sciences
625 8306 Physical sciences and engineering
626 8304 Biomedical and health sciences
627 8302 Physical sciences and engineering
628 8301 Mathematics and computer science
629 8300 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
630 8298 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
631 8289 Physical sciences and engineering
632 8269 Physical sciences and engineering
633 8261 Physical sciences and engineering
634 8257 Biomedical and health sciences
635 8243 Biomedical and health sciences
636 8229 Life and earth sciences
637 8227 Life and earth sciences
638 8220 Biomedical and health sciences
639 8210 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
640 8207 Biomedical and health sciences
641 8206 Biomedical and health sciences
642 8204 Physical sciences and engineering
643 8203 Life and earth sciences
644 8196 Biomedical and health sciences
645 8188 Physical sciences and engineering
646 8182 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
647 8175 Biomedical and health sciences
648 8153 Mathematics and computer science
649 8153 Physical sciences and engineering
650 8146 Biomedical and health sciences
651 8142 Social sciences and humanities
652 8138 Biomedical and health sciences
653 8136 Life and earth sciences
654 8134 Social sciences and humanities
655 8127 Biomedical and health sciences
656 8120 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
657 8110 Biomedical and health sciences
658 8109 Biomedical and health sciences
659 8103 Biomedical and health sciences
660 8089 Biomedical and health sciences
661 8081 Biomedical and health sciences
662 8079 Biomedical and health sciences
663 8066 Biomedical and health sciences
664 8062 Biomedical and health sciences
665 8051 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
666 8046 Physical sciences and engineering
667 8030 Biomedical and health sciences
668 8030 Mathematics and computer science
669 8027 Biomedical and health sciences
670 8025 Physical sciences and engineering
671 8021 Physical sciences and engineering
672 8011 Biomedical and health sciences
673 8011 Biomedical and health sciences
674 8001 Physical sciences and engineering
675 8000 Social sciences and humanities
676 7993 Physical sciences and engineering
677 7984 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
678 7971 Biomedical and health sciences
679 7970 Mathematics and computer science
680 7953 Biomedical and health sciences
681 7945 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
682 7941 Social sciences and humanities
683 7936 Mathematics and computer science
684 7933 Physical sciences and engineering
685 7931 Physical sciences and engineering
686 7928 Physical sciences and engineering
687 7922 Life and earth sciences
688 7920 Biomedical and health sciences
689 7918 Biomedical and health sciences
690 7915 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
691 7908 Biomedical and health sciences
692 7900 Biomedical and health sciences
693 7895 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
694 7888 Physical sciences and engineering
695 7887 Biomedical and health sciences
696 7884 Social sciences and humanities
697 7882 Life and earth sciences
698 7875 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
699 7874 Physical sciences and engineering
700 7868 Biomedical and health sciences
701 7864 Physical sciences and engineering
702 7859 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
703 7858 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
704 7845 Social sciences and humanities
705 7840 Biomedical and health sciences
706 7835 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
707 7835 Biomedical and health sciences
708 7806 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
709 7806 Social sciences and humanities
710 7805 Biomedical and health sciences
711 7795 Biomedical and health sciences
712 7782 Biomedical and health sciences
713 7780 Social sciences and humanities
714 7771 Biomedical and health sciences
715 7770 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
716 7762 Physical sciences and engineering
717 7759 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
718 7734 Physical sciences and engineering
719 7734 Biomedical and health sciences
720 7727 Physical sciences and engineering
721 7726 Physical sciences and engineering
722 7722 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
723 7722 Social sciences and humanities
724 7721 Physical sciences and engineering
725 7716 Biomedical and health sciences
726 7714 Biomedical and health sciences
727 7712 Biomedical and health sciences
728 7700 Biomedical and health sciences
729 7700 Physical sciences and engineering
730 7697 Biomedical and health sciences
731 7691 Physical sciences and engineering
732 7690 Mathematics and computer science
733 7684 Biomedical and health sciences
734 7683 Physical sciences and engineering
735 7671 Social sciences and humanities
736 7670 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
737 7654 Life and earth sciences
738 7654 Physical sciences and engineering
739 7650 Biomedical and health sciences
740 7643 Physical sciences and engineering
741 7638 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
742 7629 Physical sciences and engineering
743 7620 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
744 7600 Physical sciences and engineering
745 7595 Biomedical and health sciences
746 7588 Mathematics and computer science
747 7573 Physical sciences and engineering
748 7547 Physical sciences and engineering
749 7532 Mathematics and computer science
750 7532 Physical sciences and engineering
751 7530 Physical sciences and engineering
752 7529 Biomedical and health sciences
753 7529 Life and earth sciences
754 7514 Biomedical and health sciences
755 7513 Biomedical and health sciences
756 7512 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
757 7511 Life and earth sciences
758 7505 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
759 7491 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
760 7481 Biomedical and health sciences
761 7479 Social sciences and humanities
762 7479 Physical sciences and engineering
763 7461 Biomedical and health sciences
764 7460 Biomedical and health sciences
765 7447 Biomedical and health sciences
766 7433 Physical sciences and engineering
767 7433 Biomedical and health sciences
768 7431 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
769 7429 Biomedical and health sciences
770 7415 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
771 7413 Physical sciences and engineering
772 7381 Physical sciences and engineering
773 7373 Physical sciences and engineering
774 7372 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
775 7350 Biomedical and health sciences
776 7339 Physical sciences and engineering
777 7337 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
778 7334 Biomedical and health sciences
779 7322 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
780 7321 Life and earth sciences
781 7320 Biomedical and health sciences
782 7317 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
783 7315 Social sciences and humanities
784 7307 Biomedical and health sciences
785 7299 Life and earth sciences
786 7292 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
787 7286 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
788 7279 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
789 7270 Biomedical and health sciences
790 7270 Mathematics and computer science
791 7250 Biomedical and health sciences
792 7240 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
793 7233 Biomedical and health sciences
794 7223 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
795 7219 Biomedical and health sciences
796 7218 Physical sciences and engineering
797 7217 Life and earth sciences
798 7209 Physical sciences and engineering
799 7204 Physical sciences and engineering
800 7188 Life and earth sciences
801 7185 Life and earth sciences
802 7185 Biomedical and health sciences
803 7185 Physical sciences and engineering
804 7177 Biomedical and health sciences
805 7172 Biomedical and health sciences
806 7160 Biomedical and health sciences
807 7155 Physical sciences and engineering
808 7143 Biomedical and health sciences
809 7141 Biomedical and health sciences
810 7122 Biomedical and health sciences
811 7120 Physical sciences and engineering
812 7114 Physical sciences and engineering
813 7113 Life and earth sciences
814 7107 Biomedical and health sciences
815 7102 Physical sciences and engineering
816 7094 Physical sciences and engineering
817 7091 Physical sciences and engineering
818 7090 Physical sciences and engineering
819 7081 Biomedical and health sciences
820 7074 Physical sciences and engineering
821 7061 Physical sciences and engineering
822 7045 Life and earth sciences Social sciences and humanities
823 7043 Biomedical and health sciences
824 7037 Biomedical and health sciences
825 7021 Biomedical and health sciences
826 7011 Biomedical and health sciences
827 7007 Life and earth sciences
828 7000 Physical sciences and engineering
829 6998 Biomedical and health sciences
830 6997 Physical sciences and engineering
831 6996 Biomedical and health sciences
832 6984 Physical sciences and engineering
833 6975 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
834 6971 Biomedical and health sciences
835 6970 Biomedical and health sciences
836 6969 Physical sciences and engineering
837 6968 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
838 6958 Physical sciences and engineering
839 6957 Social sciences and humanities
840 6957 Biomedical and health sciences
841 6955 Biomedical and health sciences
842 6943 Life and earth sciences
843 6935 Mathematics and computer science
844 6925 Biomedical and health sciences
845 6904 Physical sciences and engineering
846 6898 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
847 6880 Life and earth sciences
848 6877 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
849 6870 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
850 6868 Biomedical and health sciences
851 6864 Life and earth sciences
852 6863 Biomedical and health sciences
853 6855 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
854 6854 Mathematics and computer science
855 6852 Biomedical and health sciences
856 6850 Biomedical and health sciences
857 6849 Physical sciences and engineering
858 6844 Biomedical and health sciences
859 6844 Physical sciences and engineering
860 6831 Physical sciences and engineering
861 6831 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
862 6830 Biomedical and health sciences
863 6830 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
864 6826 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
865 6814 Biomedical and health sciences
866 6808 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
867 6808 Biomedical and health sciences
868 6800 Biomedical and health sciences
869 6797 Physical sciences and engineering
870 6797 Biomedical and health sciences
871 6796 Social sciences and humanities
872 6795 Biomedical and health sciences
873 6776 Social sciences and humanities
874 6771 Life and earth sciences
875 6771 Social sciences and humanities
876 6753 Biomedical and health sciences
877 6745 Biomedical and health sciences
878 6744 Physical sciences and engineering
879 6743 Life and earth sciences
880 6740 Physical sciences and engineering
881 6737 Biomedical and health sciences
882 6732 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
883 6730 Physical sciences and engineering
884 6720 Life and earth sciences
885 6717 Physical sciences and engineering
886 6710 Biomedical and health sciences
887 6709 Biomedical and health sciences
888 6707 Biomedical and health sciences
889 6699 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
890 6689 Physical sciences and engineering
891 6685 Physical sciences and engineering
892 6684 Biomedical and health sciences
893 6682 Biomedical and health sciences
894 6681 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
895 6679 Life and earth sciences
896 6679 Biomedical and health sciences
897 6676 Biomedical and health sciences
898 6675 Physical sciences and engineering
899 6672 Life and earth sciences
900 6664 Physical sciences and engineering
901 6661 Physical sciences and engineering
902 6654 Biomedical and health sciences
903 6649 Biomedical and health sciences
904 6635 Physical sciences and engineering
905 6633 Biomedical and health sciences
906 6625 Biomedical and health sciences
907 6623 Biomedical and health sciences
908 6613 Social sciences and humanities
909 6593 Biomedical and health sciences
910 6590 Biomedical and health sciences
911 6583 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
912 6581 Biomedical and health sciences
913 6579 Biomedical and health sciences
914 6572 Biomedical and health sciences
915 6570 Mathematics and computer science
916 6563 Physical sciences and engineering
917 6551 Social sciences and humanities
918 6550 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
919 6550 Biomedical and health sciences
920 6550 Physical sciences and engineering
921 6542 Physical sciences and engineering
922 6541 Biomedical and health sciences
923 6540 Social sciences and humanities
924 6540 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
925 6531 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
926 6526 Biomedical and health sciences
927 6522 Physical sciences and engineering
928 6518 Physical sciences and engineering
929 6515 Physical sciences and engineering
930 6513 Social sciences and humanities
931 6509 Biomedical and health sciences
932 6500 Physical sciences and engineering
933 6495 Physical sciences and engineering
934 6484 Physical sciences and engineering
935 6482 Biomedical and health sciences
936 6467 Physical sciences and engineering
937 6458 Social sciences and humanities
938 6455 Biomedical and health sciences
939 6449 Life and earth sciences
940 6449 Biomedical and health sciences
941 6448 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
942 6445 Physical sciences and engineering
943 6442 Life and earth sciences
944 6442 Biomedical and health sciences
945 6436 Social sciences and humanities
946 6426 Biomedical and health sciences
947 6426 Social sciences and humanities
948 6417 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
949 6417 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
950 6409 Biomedical and health sciences
951 6395 Biomedical and health sciences
952 6391 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
953 6388 Physical sciences and engineering
954 6387 Biomedical and health sciences
955 6386 Mathematics and computer science
956 6385 Biomedical and health sciences
957 6381 Biomedical and health sciences
958 6379 Social sciences and humanities
959 6371 Social sciences and humanLife and earth sciences
960 6366 Physical sciences and engineering
961 6366 Biomedical and health sciences
962 6366 Physical sciences and engineering
963 6364 Physical sciences and engineering
964 6364 Biomedical and health sciences
965 6361 Physical sciences and engineering
966 6355 Biomedical and health sciences
967 6352 Life and earth sciences
968 6350 Biomedical and health sciences
969 6350 Physical sciences and engineering
970 6349 Biomedical and health sciences
971 6346 Mathematics and computer science
972 6333 Biomedical and health sciences
973 6327 Biomedical and health sciences
974 6326 Biomedical and health sciences
975 6324 Biomedical and health sciences
976 6323 Biomedical and health sciences
977 6322 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
978 6308 Physical sciences and engineering
979 6302 Biomedical and health sciences
980 6301 Mathematics and computer science
981 6297 Life and earth sciences
982 6291 Biomedical and health sciences
983 6289 Life and earth sciences
984 6289 Physical sciences and engineering
985 6288 Social sciences and humanities
986 6286 Biomedical and health sciences
987 6283 Biomedical and health sciences
988 6279 Mathematics and computer science
989 6278 Social sciences and humanities
990 6272 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
991 6269 Biomedical and health sciences
992 6268 Life and earth sciences
993 6261 Life and earth sciences
994 6250 Biomedical and health sciences
995 6249 Life and earth sciences
996 6245 Biomedical and health sciences
997 6242 Life and earth sciences
998 6231 Mathematics and computer science
999 6227 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1000 6222 Mathematics and computer science
1001 6212 Biomedical and health sciences
1002 6191 Physical sciences and engineering
1003 6183 Biomedical and health sciences
1004 6182 Physical sciences and engineering
1005 6181 Biomedical and health sciences
1006 6179 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
1007 6177 Biomedical and health sciences
1008 6172 Social sciences and humanities
1009 6168 Physical sciences and engineering
1010 6167 Biomedical and health sciences
1011 6158 Life and earth sciences
1012 6154 Social sciences and humanities
1013 6154 Mathematics and computer science
1014 6153 Physical sciences and engineering
1015 6146 Physical sciences and engineering
1016 6141 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
1017 6137 Physical sciences and engineering
1018 6127 Social sciences and humanities
1019 6110 Biomedical and health sciences
1020 6110 Life and earth sciences
1021 6104 Physical sciences and engineering
1022 6104 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
1023 6102 Physical sciences and engineering
1024 6101 Biomedical and health sciences
1025 6088 Biomedical and health sciences
1026 6087 Physical sciences and engineering
1027 6086 Mathematics and computer science
1028 6077 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
1029 6073 Biomedical and health sciences
1030 6072 Physical sciences and engineering
1031 6064 Physical sciences and engineering
1032 6064 Mathematics and computer science
1033 6061 Social sciences and humanities
1034 6059 Biomedical and health sciences
1035 6056 Biomedical and health sciences
1036 6055 Biomedical and health sciences
1037 6047 Physical sciences and engineering
1038 6046 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1039 6045 Biomedical and health sciences
1040 6044 Physical sciences and engineering
1041 6042 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1042 6040 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
1043 6020 Social sciences and humanities
1044 6012 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
1045 6010 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and eng
1046 6002 Biomedical and health sciences
1047 6002 Biomedical and health sciences
1048 6000 Biomedical and health sciences
1049 5999 Life and earth sciences
1050 5996 Biomedical and health sciences
1051 5994 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1052 5993 Biomedical and health sciences
1053 5989 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
1054 5989 Biomedical and health sciences
1055 5985 Biomedical and health sciences
1056 5980 Biomedical and health sciences
1057 5980 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
1058 5977 Life and earth sciences
1059 5973 Physical sciences and engineering
1060 5963 Physical sciences and engineering
1061 5962 Physical sciences and engineering
1062 5959 Biomedical and health sciences
1063 5955 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1064 5954 Physical sciences and engineering
1065 5953 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1066 5951 Life and earth sciences
1067 5950 Mathematics and compute Life and earth sciences
1068 5950 Biomedical and health sciences
1069 5949 Biomedical and health sciences
1070 5945 Biomedical and health sciences
1071 5944 Life and earth sciences
1072 5942 Biomedical and health sciences
1073 5930 Biomedical and health sciences
1074 5927 Biomedical and health sciences
1075 5919 Life and earth sciences
1076 5917 Physical sciences and engineering
1077 5910 Social sciences and humanities
1078 5908 Physical sciences and engineering
1079 5907 Biomedical and health sciences
1080 5905 Social sciences and humanities
1081 5904 Mathematics and computer science
1082 5898 Physical sciences and engineering
1083 5894 Physical sciences and engineering
1084 5892 Life and earth sciences
1085 5890 Biomedical and health sciences
1086 5884 Physical sciences and engineering
1087 5879 Biomedical and health sciences
1088 5878 Biomedical and health sciences
1089 5877 Mathematics and computer science
1090 5877 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
1091 5877 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
1092 5872 Mathematics and computer science
1093 5872 Life and earth sciences
1094 5871 Biomedical and health sciences
1095 5870 Life and earth sciences
1096 5868 Biomedical and health sciences
1097 5866 Life and earth sciences
1098 5866 Physical sciences and engineering
1099 5864 Physical sciences and engineering
1100 5857 Social sciences and humanities
1101 5852 Physical sciences and engineering
1102 5846 Life and earth sciences
1103 5842 Physical sciences and engineering
1104 5831 Biomedical and health sciences
1105 5831 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1106 5828 Biomedical and health sciences
1107 5825 Biomedical and health sciences
1108 5818 Life and earth sciences Mathematics and computer science
1109 5813 Mathematics and computer science
1110 5812 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
1111 5811 Biomedical and health sciences
1112 5810 Biomedical and health sciences
1113 5809 Biomedical and health sciences
1114 5806 Physical sciences and engineering
1115 5804 Mathematics and computer science
1116 5801 Biomedical and health sciences
1117 5794 Biomedical and health sciences
1118 5785 Physical sciences and engineering
1119 5778 Social sciences and humanities
1120 5773 Biomedical and health sciences
1121 5771 Biomedical and health sciences
1122 5769 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
1123 5765 Biomedical and health sciences
1124 5765 Biomedical and health sciences
1125 5761 Social sciences and humanLife and earth sciences
1126 5761 Biomedical and health sciences
1127 5760 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
1128 5755 Biomedical and health sciences
1129 5751 Biomedical and health sciences
1130 5745 Biomedical and health sciences
1131 5742 Biomedical and health sciences
1132 5733 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1133 5728 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1134 5728 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
1135 5725 Biomedical and health sciences
1136 5712 Mathematics and computer science
1137 5697 Mathematics and computer science
1138 5696 Physical sciences and engineering
1139 5694 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1140 5693 Biomedical and health sciences
1141 5691 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
1142 5688 Biomedical and health sciences
1143 5682 Physical sciences and engineering
1144 5681 Physical sciences and engineering
1145 5681 Physical sciences and engineering
1146 5670 Physical sciences and engineering
1147 5667 Physical sciences and engineering
1148 5660 Biomedical and health sciences
1149 5657 Physical sciences and engineering
1150 5656 Physical sciences and engineering
1151 5655 Physical sciences and engineering
1152 5654 Biomedical and health sciences
1153 5650 Biomedical and health sciences
1154 5649 Biomedical and health sciences
1155 5643 Social sciences and humanities
1156 5642 Physical sciences and engineering
1157 5642 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
1158 5639 Physical sciences and engineering
1159 5627 Physical sciences and engineering
1160 5621 Biomedical and health sciences
1161 5619 Physical sciences and engineering
1162 5617 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
1163 5616 Biomedical and health sciences
1164 5615 Life and earth sciences
1165 5615 Physical sciences and engineering
1166 5614 Physical sciences and engineering
1167 5612 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1168 5605 Mathematics and computer science
1169 5604 Physical sciences and engineering
1170 5601 Biomedical and health sciences
1171 5599 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
1172 5594 Biomedical and health sciences
1173 5592 Social sciences and humanities
1174 5588 Life and earth sciences
1175 5586 Biomedical and health sciences
1176 5585 Physical sciences and engineering
1177 5580 Life and earth sciences
1178 5577 Biomedical and health sciences
1179 5573 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
1180 5569 Biomedical and health sciences
1181 5567 Biomedical and health sciences
1182 5565 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1183 5561 Biomedical and health sciences
1184 5558 Biomedical and health sciences
1185 5556 Biomedical and health sciences
1186 5554 Physical sciences and engineering
1187 5553 Biomedical and health sciences
1188 5549 Physical sciences and engineering
1189 5547 Biomedical and health sciences
1190 5545 Biomedical and health sciences
1191 5536 Physical sciences and engineering
1192 5533 Biomedical and health sciences
1193 5533 Life and earth sciences Social sciences and humanities
1194 5531 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1195 5527 Biomedical and health sciences
1196 5523 Social sciences and humanLife and earth sciences
1197 5512 Physical sciences and engineering
1198 5512 Life and earth sciences
1199 5512 Mathematics and computer science
1200 5512 Physical sciences and engineering
1201 5505 Life and earth sciences
1202 5501 Life and earth sciences
1203 5501 Life and earth sciences
1204 5501 Biomedical and health sciences
1205 5497 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1206 5496 Biomedical and health sciences
1207 5491 Physical sciences and engineering
1208 5491 Physical sciences and engineering
1209 5485 Physical sciences and engineering
1210 5479 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
1211 5473 Biomedical and health sciences
1212 5473 Physical sciences and engineering
1213 5472 Life and earth sciences
1214 5469 Social sciences and humanities
1215 5462 Physical sciences and engineering
1216 5461 Physical sciences and engineering
1217 5461 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
1218 5459 Physical sciences and engineering
1219 5453 Biomedical and health sciences
1220 5453 Physical sciences and engineering
1221 5451 Mathematics and computer science
1222 5449 Physical sciences and engineering
1223 5448 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1224 5447 Physical sciences and engineering
1225 5447 Biomedical and health sciences
1226 5444 Biomedical and health sciences
1227 5443 Life and earth sciences
1228 5443 Physical sciences and engineering
1229 5440 Biomedical and health sciences
1230 5436 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
1231 5435 Biomedical and health sciences
1232 5435 Social sciences and humanities
1233 5433 Biomedical and health sciences
1234 5431 Biomedical and health sciences
1235 5426 Physical sciences and engineering
1236 5416 Physical sciences and engineering
1237 5413 Mathematics and computer science
1238 5405 Biomedical and health sciences
1239 5401 Mathematics and computer science
1240 5399 Mathematics and computer science
1241 5397 Life and earth sciences
1242 5395 Biomedical and health sciences
1243 5390 Physical sciences and engineering
1244 5387 Social sciences and humanities
1245 5384 Biomedical and health sciences
1246 5382 Social sciences and humanities
1247 5380 Biomedical and health sciences
1248 5378 Biomedical and health sciences
1249 5376 Physical sciences and engineering
1250 5374 Biomedical and health sciences
1251 5369 Biomedical and health sciences
1252 5358 Physical sciences and engineering
1253 5357 Biomedical and health sciences
1254 5356 Biomedical and health sciences
1255 5356 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
1256 5354 Biomedical and health sciences
1257 5354 Social sciences and humanMathematics and compute
1258 5353 Biomedical and health sciences
1259 5353 Biomedical and health sciences
1260 5345 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
1261 5344 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
1262 5342 Physical sciences and engineering
1263 5340 Biomedical and health sciences
1264 5329 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1265 5320 Physical sciences and engineering
1266 5319 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1267 5316 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1268 5313 Biomedical and health sciences
1269 5313 Biomedical and health sciences
1270 5302 Biomedical and health sciences
1271 5299 Mathematics and computer science
1272 5299 Biomedical and health sciences
1273 5291 Mathematics and computer science
1274 5288 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
1275 5284 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1276 5281 Life and earth sciences
1277 5278 Life and earth sciences
1278 5276 Physical sciences and engineering
1279 5265 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1280 5265 Biomedical and health sciences
1281 5262 Social sciences and humanities
1282 5257 Life and earth sciences
1283 5257 Mathematics and computer science
1284 5255 Physical sciences and engineering
1285 5254 Biomedical and health sciences
1286 5247 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1287 5247 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
1288 5239 Physical sciences and engineering
1289 5239 Biomedical and health sciences
1290 5237 Physical sciences and engineering
1291 5236 Life and earth sciences Mathematics and computer science
1292 5233 Life and earth sciences
1293 5231 Mathematics and computer science
1294 5231 Biomedical and health sciences
1295 5230 Physical sciences and engineering
1296 5228 Mathematics and computer science
1297 5220 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1298 5217 Life and earth sciences
1299 5217 Mathematics and computer science
1300 5215 Physical sciences and engineering
1301 5212 Biomedical and health sciences
1302 5209 Physical sciences and engineering
1303 5206 Physical sciences and engineering
1304 5201 Mathematics and computer science
1305 5200 Life and earth sciences
1306 5192 Life and earth sciences
1307 5192 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
1308 5182 Physical sciences and engineering
1309 5178 Life and earth sciences
1310 5178 Biomedical and health sciences
1311 5178 Biomedical and health sciences
1312 5176 Biomedical and health sciences
1313 5172 Mathematics and computer science
1314 5161 Life and earth sciences
1315 5154 Physical sciences and engineering
1316 5152 Mathematics and computer science
1317 5147 Biomedical and health sci Mathematics and computer science
1318 5143 Biomedical and health sciences
1319 5138 Mathematics and computer science
1320 5131 Life and earth sciences
1321 5131 Mathematics and computer science
1322 5131 Biomedical and health sciences
1323 5130 Biomedical and health sciences
1324 5125 Life and earth sciences
1325 5121 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1326 5117 Life and earth sciences
1327 5115 Physical sciences and engineering
1328 5106 Physical sciences and engineering
1329 5103 Biomedical and health sciences
1330 5103 Biomedical and health sciences
1331 5093 Biomedical and health sciences
1332 5088 Biomedical and health sciences
1333 5079 Physical sciences and engineering
1334 5074 Life and earth sciences
1335 5062 Social sciences and humanities
1336 5059 Biomedical and health sciences
1337 5059 Biomedical and health sciences
1338 5057 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1339 5055 Biomedical and health sciences
1340 5047 Mathematics and computer science
1341 5047 Biomedical and health sciences
1342 5046 Mathematics and computer science
1343 5039 Mathematics and computer science
1344 5037 Social sciences and humanities
1345 5036 Physical sciences and engineering
1346 5032 Physical sciences and engineering
1347 5031 Biomedical and health sciences
1348 5030 Physical sciences and engineering
1349 5021 Mathematics and computer science
1350 5017 Physical sciences and engineering
1351 5013 Biomedical and health sciences
1352 5012 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
1353 5007 Life and earth sciences
1354 5007 Biomedical and health sciences
1355 5006 Social sciences and humanities
1356 5006 Biomedical and health sciences
1357 5004 Biomedical and health sciences
1358 4998 Physical sciences and engineering
1359 4991 Physical sciences and engineering
1360 4984 Social sciences and humanities
1361 4982 Biomedical and health sciences
1362 4981 Physical sciences and engineering
1363 4966 Mathematics and computer science
1364 4964 Social sciences and humanities
1365 4963 Physical sciences and engineering
1366 4960 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1367 4958 Biomedical and health sciences
1368 4953 Biomedical and health sciences
1369 4952 Biomedical and health sciences
1370 4952 Biomedical and health sciences
1371 4950 Life and earth sciences
1372 4950 Biomedical and health sciences
1373 4944 Biomedical and health sciences
1374 4942 Physical sciences and engineering
1375 4941 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1376 4939 Physical sciences and engineering
1377 4939 Physical sciences and engineering
1378 4932 Biomedical and health sciences
1379 4931 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
1380 4926 Biomedical and health sciences
1381 4926 Mathematics and computer science
1382 4922 Mathematics and computer science
1383 4915 Biomedical and health sciences
1384 4914 Biomedical and health sciences
1385 4914 Life and earth sciences
1386 4908 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
1387 4908 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
1388 4907 Biomedical and health sciences
1389 4904 Biomedical and health sciences
1390 4903 Physical sciences and engineering
1391 4901 Physical sciences and engineering
1392 4900 Life and earth sciences
1393 4898 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
1394 4896 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
1395 4895 Mathematics and computer science
1396 4892 Biomedical and health sciences
1397 4891 Biomedical and health sciences
1398 4878 Biomedical and health sciences
1399 4877 Biomedical and health sciences
1400 4875 Physical sciences and engineering
1401 4872 Biomedical and health sciences
1402 4867 Physical sciences and engineering
1403 4865 Life and earth sciences
1404 4858 Physical sciences and engineering
1405 4857 Life and earth sciences Mathematics and compute
1406 4853 Biomedical and health sciences
1407 4852 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
1408 4851 Physical sciences and engineering
1409 4851 Physical sciences and engineering
1410 4851 Physical sciences and engineering
1411 4849 Physical sciences and engineering
1412 4846 Physical sciences and engineering
1413 4844 Life and earth sciences
1414 4825 Biomedical and health sciences
1415 4824 Biomedical and health sciences
1416 4817 Physical sciences and engineering
1417 4814 Biomedical and health sciences
1418 4812 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1419 4812 Social sciences and humanities
1420 4806 Life and earth sciences
1421 4805 Social sciences and humanities
1422 4798 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
1423 4796 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1424 4787 Social sciences and humanities
1425 4784 Social sciences and humanities
1426 4782 Biomedical and health sciences
1427 4781 Biomedical and health sciences
1428 4781 Mathematics and computer science
1429 4780 Life and earth sciences
1430 4776 Biomedical and health sciences
1431 4776 Biomedical and health sciences
1432 4776 Biomedical and health sciences
1433 4771 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
1434 4771 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
1435 4769 Physical sciences and engineering
1436 4762 Mathematics and computer science
1437 4761 Biomedical and health sciences
1438 4758 Social sciences and humanities
1439 4753 Mathematics and computer science
1440 4746 Biomedical and health sciences
1441 4746 Biomedical and health sciences
1442 4740 Biomedical and health sciences
1443 4738 Physical sciences and engineering
1444 4728 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1445 4724 Biomedical and health sciences
1446 4722 Biomedical and health sciences
1447 4715 Biomedical and health sciences
1448 4711 Physical sciences and engineering
1449 4711 Biomedical and health sciences
1450 4708 Biomedical and health sciences
1451 4706 Biomedical and health sciences
1452 4703 Physical sciences and engineering
1453 4703 Biomedical and health sci Mathematics and computer science
1454 4693 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1455 4692 Mathematics and computer science
1456 4689 Biomedical and health sciences
1457 4687 Physical sciences and engineering
1458 4686 Biomedical and health sciences
1459 4685 Mathematics and computer science
1460 4682 Physical sciences and engineering
1461 4679 Biomedical and health sciences
1462 4679 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1463 4674 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1464 4672 Life and earth sciences
1465 4657 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1466 4656 Physical sciences and engineering
1467 4654 Physical sciences and engineering
1468 4652 Biomedical and health sciences
1469 4651 Physical sciences and engineering
1470 4649 Physical sciences and engineering
1471 4648 Biomedical and health sciences
1472 4648 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1473 4646 Life and earth sciences
1474 4639 Social sciences and humanities
1475 4636 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1476 4635 Life and earth sciences
1477 4630 Physical sciences and engineering
1478 4630 Mathematics and computer science
1479 4628 Biomedical and health sciences
1480 4627 Life and earth sciences
1481 4626 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1482 4623 Biomedical and health sciences
1483 4617 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
1484 4615 Physical sciences and engineering
1485 4613 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1486 4605 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1487 4605 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1488 4601 Biomedical and health sciences
1489 4601 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1490 4600 Physical sciences and engineering
1491 4594 Life and earth sciences
1492 4594 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
1493 4592 Biomedical and health sciences
1494 4583 Physical sciences and engineering
1495 4580 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1496 4577 Physical sciences and engineering
1497 4576 Physical sciences and engineering
1498 4574 Physical sciences and engineering
1499 4574 Physical sciences and engineering
1500 4574 Life and earth sciences
1501 4572 Mathematics and compute Social sciences and humanities
1502 4565 Biomedical and health sci Mathematics and computer science
1503 4562 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
1504 4561 Biomedical and health sciences
1505 4557 Biomedical and health sciences
1506 4554 Physical sciences and engineering
1507 4553 Biomedical and health sciences
1508 4551 Physical sciences and engineering
1509 4547 Physical sciences and engineering
1510 4545 Physical sciences and engineering
1511 4542 Biomedical and health sciences
1512 4540 Biomedical and health sciences
1513 4540 Biomedical and health sciences
1514 4540 Life and earth sciences
1515 4537 Biomedical and health sciences
1516 4537 Physical sciences and engineering
1517 4536 Physical sciences and engineering
1518 4533 Biomedical and health sciences
1519 4531 Physical sciences and engineering
1520 4523 Physical sciences and engineering
1521 4518 Life and earth sciences
1522 4518 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1523 4517 Physical sciences and engineering
1524 4505 Biomedical and health sciences
1525 4505 Biomedical and health sciences
1526 4503 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
1527 4503 Life and earth sciences
1528 4502 Physical sciences and engineering
1529 4502 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
1530 4501 Physical sciences and engineering
1531 4501 Physical sciences and engineering
1532 4499 Physical sciences and engineering
1533 4497 Life and earth sciences
1534 4490 Biomedical and health sciences
1535 4486 Physical sciences and engineering
1536 4486 Life and earth sciences
1537 4467 Physical sciences and engineering
1538 4466 Biomedical and health sciences
1539 4466 Life and earth sciences
1540 4464 Biomedical and health sciences
1541 4451 Physical sciences and engineering
1542 4451 Physical sciences and engineering
1543 4449 Physical sciences and engineering
1544 4443 Physical sciences and engineering
1545 4443 Life and earth sciences
1546 4439 Mathematics and computer science
1547 4438 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
1548 4435 Life and earth sciences
1549 4434 Physical sciences and engineering
1550 4430 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
1551 4429 Physical sciences and engineering
1552 4429 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
1553 4428 Physical sciences and engineering
1554 4427 Biomedical and health sciences
1555 4427 Biomedical and health sciences
1556 4416 Physical sciences and engineering
1557 4414 Physical sciences and engineering
1558 4414 Physical sciences and engineering
1559 4411 Life and earth sciences
1560 4408 Biomedical and health sciences
1561 4408 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1562 4407 Biomedical and health sciences
1563 4406 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1564 4404 Biomedical and health sciences
1565 4404 Biomedical and health sciences
1566 4404 Biomedical and health sciences
1567 4402 Biomedical and health sciences
1568 4401 Mathematics and computer science
1569 4394 Life and earth sciences
1570 4393 Mathematics and computer science
1571 4392 Social sciences and humanities
1572 4391 Physical sciences and engineering
1573 4385 Physical sciences and engineering
1574 4384 Physical sciences and engineering
1575 4371 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1576 4367 Life and earth sciences
1577 4366 Physical sciences and engineering
1578 4363 Social sciences and humanities
1579 4360 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
1580 4354 Social sciences and humanities
1581 4348 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
1582 4346 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
1583 4344 Mathematics and computer science
1584 4336 Biomedical and health sciences
1585 4333 Physical sciences and engineering
1586 4332 Physical sciences and engineering
1587 4330 Physical sciences and eng Social sciences and humanities
1588 4330 Biomedical and health sciences
1589 4326 Physical sciences and engineering
1590 4317 Physical sciences and engineering
1591 4315 Biomedical and health sciences
1592 4313 Physical sciences and engineering
1593 4309 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
1594 4309 Biomedical and health sciences
1595 4309 Mathematics and computer science
1596 4306 Biomedical and health sciences
1597 4299 Life and earth sciences
1598 4299 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
1599 4293 Physical sciences and engineering
1600 4291 Biomedical and health sciences
1601 4290 Life and earth sciences Social sciences and humanities
1602 4288 Social sciences and humanities
1603 4286 Physical sciences and engineering
1604 4286 Biomedical and health sciences
1605 4285 Biomedical and health sciences
1606 4281 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1607 4280 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1608 4278 Biomedical and health sciences
1609 4277 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
1610 4276 Physical sciences and engineering
1611 4275 Physical sciences and engineering
1612 4275 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
1613 4273 Biomedical and health sciences
1614 4268 Physical sciences and engineering
1615 4261 Life and earth sciences
1616 4255 Biomedical and health sciences
1617 4255 Biomedical and health sciences
1618 4253 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
1619 4244 Biomedical and health sciences
1620 4243 Biomedical and health sciences
1621 4241 Biomedical and health sciences
1622 4240 Biomedical and health sciences
1623 4233 Biomedical and health sciences
1624 4230 Biomedical and health sciences
1625 4230 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1626 4228 Social sciences and humanities
1627 4225 Physical sciences and engineering
1628 4225 Biomedical and health sciences
1629 4219 Biomedical and health sciences
1630 4209 Mathematics and computer science
1631 4208 Biomedical and health sciences
1632 4208 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
1633 4198 Physical sciences and engineering
1634 4198 Biomedical and health sciences
1635 4194 Mathematics and computer science
1636 4192 Physical sciences and engineering
1637 4187 Physical sciences and engineering
1638 4186 Physical sciences and engineering
1639 4173 Mathematics and computer science
1640 4173 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1641 4171 Physical sciences and engineering
1642 4170 Biomedical and health sciences
1643 4169 Physical sciences and engineering
1644 4169 Physical sciences and engineering
1645 4166 Biomedical and health sciences
1646 4155 Mathematics and computer science
1647 4154 Physical sciences and engineering
1648 4153 Physical sciences and engineering
1649 4152 Physical sciences and engineering
1650 4151 Biomedical and health sciences
1651 4150 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
1652 4150 Biomedical and health sciences
1653 4149 Biomedical and health sciences
1654 4147 Biomedical and health sciences
1655 4143 Biomedical and health sciences
1656 4143 Mathematics and computer science
1657 4142 Biomedical and health sciences
1658 4131 Life and earth sciences
1659 4131 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1660 4127 Biomedical and health sciences
1661 4127 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
1662 4124 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
1663 4123 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
1664 4117 Biomedical and health sciences
1665 4116 Biomedical and health sciences
1666 4111 Biomedical and health sciences
1667 4111 Mathematics and computer science
1668 4110 Physical sciences and engineering
1669 4109 Social sciences and humanities
1670 4105 Physical sciences and engineering
1671 4105 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and eng
1672 4103 Biomedical and health sciences
1673 4100 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
1674 4099 Biomedical and health sciences
1675 4098 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1676 4096 Physical sciences and engineering
1677 4090 Life and earth sciences
1678 4085 Mathematics and computer science
1679 4084 Life and earth sciences
1680 4082 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1681 4079 Biomedical and health sciences
1682 4078 Physical sciences and engineering
1683 4078 Biomedical and health sciences
1684 4077 Physical sciences and engineering
1685 4076 Biomedical and health sciences
1686 4076 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
1687 4068 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
1688 4068 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1689 4067 Physical sciences and engineering
1690 4065 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
1691 4062 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1692 4057 Biomedical and health sciences
1693 4057 Physical sciences and engineering
1694 4057 Biomedical and health sciences
1695 4054 Biomedical and health sciences
1696 4054 Physical sciences and engineering
1697 4054 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
1698 4044 Physical sciences and engineering
1699 4033 Life and earth sciences
1700 4031 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1701 4026 Biomedical and health sciences
1702 4024 Biomedical and health sciences
1703 4024 Mathematics and computer science
1704 4022 Physical sciences and engineering
1705 4021 Biomedical and health sciences
1706 4019 Biomedical and health sciences
1707 4009 Mathematics and computer science
1708 4004 Biomedical and health sciences
1709 4000 Physical sciences and engineering
1710 3993 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1711 3992 Physical sciences and engineering
1712 3991 Physical sciences and engineering
1713 3991 Physical sciences and engineering
1714 3990 Life and earth sciences
1715 3989 Biomedical and health sciences
1716 3989 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
1717 3989 Physical sciences and engineering
1718 3981 Life and earth sciences
1719 3975 Social sciences and humanities
1720 3972 Mathematics and computer science
1721 3970 Physical sciences and engineering
1722 3968 Biomedical and health sciences
1723 3965 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1724 3965 Physical sciences and engineering
1725 3965 Physical sciences and engineering
1726 3962 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1727 3957 Life and earth sciences
1728 3956 Biomedical and health sciences
1729 3954 Social sciences and humanities
1730 3954 Life and earth sciences
1731 3952 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1732 3949 Biomedical and health sciences
1733 3946 Social sciences and humanities
1734 3943 Physical sciences and engineering
1735 3941 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1736 3939 Biomedical and health sciences
1737 3938 Life and earth sciences
1738 3929 Physical sciences and engineering
1739 3929 Physical sciences and engineering
1740 3928 Biomedical and health sciences
1741 3926 Biomedical and health sciences
1742 3917 Mathematics and computer science
1743 3917 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
1744 3913 Physical sciences and engineering
1745 3912 Biomedical and health sciences
1746 3912 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
1747 3909 Physical sciences and engineering
1748 3907 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
1749 3907 Physical sciences and engineering
1750 3905 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1751 3900 Biomedical and health sciences
1752 3899 Biomedical and health sciences
1753 3897 Physical sciences and engineering
1754 3892 Biomedical and health sciences
1755 3890 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1756 3888 Mathematics and computer science
1757 3876 Life and earth sciences
1758 3872 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
1759 3871 Biomedical and health sciences
1760 3866 Physical sciences and engineering
1761 3866 Social sciences and humanities
1762 3865 Life and earth sciences
1763 3862 Biomedical and health sciences
1764 3861 Mathematics and computer science
1765 3860 Biomedical and health sciences
1766 3858 Social sciences and humanities
1767 3857 Biomedical and health sci Mathematics and computer science
1768 3857 Biomedical and health sciences
1769 3856 Physical sciences and engineering
1770 3852 Social sciences and humanities
1771 3851 Physical sciences and engineering
1772 3849 Mathematics and computer science
1773 3848 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1774 3847 Biomedical and health sciences
1775 3842 Physical sciences and engineering
1776 3838 Biomedical and health sciences
1777 3835 Physical sciences and engineering
1778 3832 Life and earth sciences
1779 3827 Physical sciences and engineering
1780 3815 Biomedical and health sciences
1781 3812 Biomedical and health sciences
1782 3808 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and compute
1783 3806 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1784 3805 Physical sciences and engineering
1785 3798 Biomedical and health sciences
1786 3797 Physical sciences and engineering
1787 3796 Biomedical and health sciences
1788 3796 Biomedical and health sciences
1789 3795 Biomedical and health sciences
1790 3793 Physical sciences and engineering
1791 3789 Biomedical and health sciences
1792 3788 Biomedical and health sciences
1793 3779 Mathematics and computer science
1794 3776 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1795 3771 Biomedical and health sciences
1796 3767 Physical sciences and engineering
1797 3767 Biomedical and health sciences
1798 3764 Mathematics and computer science
1799 3757 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1800 3755 Biomedical and health sciences
1801 3748 Biomedical and health sciences
1802 3747 Physical sciences and engineering
1803 3744 Physical sciences and engineering
1804 3744 Biomedical and health sciences
1805 3742 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1806 3741 Biomedical and health sciences
1807 3741 Physical sciences and engineering
1808 3740 Biomedical and health sciences
1809 3738 Physical sciences and engineering
1810 3738 Mathematics and computer science
1811 3737 Biomedical and health sciences
1812 3736 Physical sciences and engineering
1813 3729 Biomedical and health sciences
1814 3727 Physical sciences and engineering
1815 3727 Biomedical and health sciences
1816 3725 Biomedical and health sciences
1817 3709 Biomedical and health sciences
1818 3700 Physical sciences and engineering
1819 3699 Biomedical and health sciences
1820 3699 Biomedical and health sciences
1821 3698 Biomedical and health sciences
1822 3696 Mathematics and computer science
1823 3693 Physical sciences and engineering
1824 3684 Social sciences and humanities
1825 3678 Biomedical and health sciences
1826 3677 Mathematics and computer science
1827 3676 Biomedical and health sciences
1828 3673 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1829 3671 Biomedical and health sciences
1830 3671 Biomedical and health sciences
1831 3670 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1832 3668 Physical sciences and engineering
1833 3663 Biomedical and health sciences
1834 3660 Physical sciences and engineering
1835 3657 Biomedical and health sciences
1836 3653 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1837 3652 Physical sciences and engineering
1838 3651 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1839 3651 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1840 3648 Physical sciences and engineering
1841 3648 Biomedical and health sciences
1842 3643 Physical sciences and engineering
1843 3642 Biomedical and health sciences
1844 3642 Mathematics and computer science
1845 3642 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1846 3639 Mathematics and computer science
1847 3639 Physical sciences and engineering
1848 3632 Biomedical and health sciences
1849 3631 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1850 3630 Biomedical and health sciences
1851 3629 Physical sciences and engineering
1852 3629 Physical sciences and engineering
1853 3627 Life and earth sciences
1854 3627 Life and earth sciences
1855 3622 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
1856 3621 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1857 3613 Biomedical and health sciences
1858 3609 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1859 3607 Biomedical and health sciences
1860 3605 Biomedical and health sciences
1861 3601 Biomedical and health sciences
1862 3595 Life and earth sciences
1863 3594 Physical sciences and engineering
1864 3594 Biomedical and health sciences
1865 3591 Life and earth sciences
1866 3590 Biomedical and health sciences
1867 3590 Physical sciences and engineering
1868 3586 Physical sciences and engineering
1869 3582 Physical sciences and engineering
1870 3580 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
1871 3576 Biomedical and health sciences
1872 3576 Physical sciences and engineering
1873 3574 Biomedical and health sciences
1874 3570 Biomedical and health sciences
1875 3568 Physical sciences and engineering
1876 3564 Biomedical and health sciences
1877 3563 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
1878 3561 Biomedical and health sciences
1879 3560 Biomedical and health sciences
1880 3559 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
1881 3554 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
1882 3553 Life and earth sciences
1883 3553 Life and earth sciences
1884 3553 Biomedical and health sciences
1885 3549 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and eng
1886 3547 Physical sciences and engineering
1887 3545 Life and earth sciences
1888 3541 Physical sciences and engineering
1889 3534 Mathematics and computer science
1890 3534 Biomedical and health sciences
1891 3534 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
1892 3526 Biomedical and health sciences
1893 3526 Biomedical and health sciences
1894 3525 Physical sciences and engineering
1895 3523 Biomedical and health sciences
1896 3519 Biomedical and health sciences
1897 3518 Biomedical and health sciences
1898 3517 Biomedical and health sciences
1899 3514 Biomedical and health sciences
1900 3513 Biomedical and health sciences
1901 3509 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
1902 3505 Biomedical and health sciences
1903 3504 Life and earth sciences
1904 3501 Life and earth sciences
1905 3501 Physical sciences and engineering
1906 3500 Physical sciences and engineering
1907 3498 Biomedical and health sciences
1908 3498 Life and earth sciences
1909 3497 Mathematics and computer science
1910 3496 Biomedical and health sciences
1911 3496 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1912 3493 Biomedical and health sciences
1913 3491 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
1914 3491 Biomedical and health sciences
1915 3486 Mathematics and computer science
1916 3485 Biomedical and health sciences
1917 3484 Life and earth sciences
1918 3483 Biomedical and health sciences
1919 3481 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
1920 3480 Biomedical and health sciences
1921 3479 Physical sciences and engineering
1922 3479 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1923 3473 Physical sciences and engineering
1924 3473 Life and earth sciences
1925 3469 Life and earth sciences
1926 3469 Biomedical and health sciences
1927 3469 Biomedical and health sciences
1928 3464 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and eng
1929 3463 Biomedical and health sciences
1930 3462 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
1931 3461 Biomedical and health sciences
1932 3459 Biomedical and health sciences
1933 3459 Biomedical and health sciences
1934 3455 Mathematics and computer science
1935 3449 Biomedical and health sciences
1936 3447 Physical sciences and engineering
1937 3447 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
1938 3445 Life and earth sciences
1939 3442 Biomedical and health sciences
1940 3442 Biomedical and health sciences
1941 3441 Physical sciences and engineering
1942 3440 Physical sciences and engineering
1943 3439 Physical sciences and engineering
1944 3438 Biomedical and health sciences
1945 3438 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
1946 3437 Life and earth sciences
1947 3437 Life and earth sciences
1948 3435 Biomedical and health sciences
1949 3430 Life and earth sciences
1950 3428 Physical sciences and engineering
1951 3424 Life and earth sciences
1952 3424 Biomedical and health sciences
1953 3419 Mathematics and computer science
1954 3413 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1955 3406 Biomedical and health sciences
1956 3404 Biomedical and health sciences
1957 3403 Biomedical and health sciences
1958 3398 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1959 3395 Social sciences and humanities
1960 3395 Biomedical and health sciences
1961 3386 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
1962 3383 Physical sciences and engineering
1963 3382 Biomedical and health sciences
1964 3380 Life and earth sciences
1965 3376 Physical sciences and engineering
1966 3376 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
1967 3376 Physical sciences and engineering
1968 3373 Biomedical and health sciences
1969 3370 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
1970 3370 Life and earth sciences
1971 3370 Biomedical and health sciences
1972 3368 Biomedical and health sciences
1973 3366 Physical sciences and engineering
1974 3366 Life and earth sciences
1975 3363 Biomedical and health sciences
1976 3363 Biomedical and health sciences
1977 3358 Biomedical and health sciences
1978 3358 Biomedical and health sciences
1979 3357 Life and earth sciences
1980 3354 Physical sciences and engineering
1981 3353 Biomedical and health sciences
1982 3350 Life and earth sciences Mathematics and computer science
1983 3350 Physical sciences and engineering
1984 3347 Physical sciences and engineering
1985 3344 Social sciences and humanities
1986 3344 Physical sciences and engineering
1987 3338 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
1988 3337 Biomedical and health sciences
1989 3333 Life and earth sciences
1990 3332 Mathematics and computer science
1991 3331 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
1992 3319 Biomedical and health sciences
1993 3316 Biomedical and health sciences
1994 3316 Biomedical and health sciences
1995 3314 Physical sciences and engineering
1996 3311 Biomedical and health sciences
1997 3311 Physical sciences and engineering
1998 3311 Mathematics and computer science
1999 3305 Biomedical and health sciences
2000 3304 Mathematics and computer science
2001 3302 Physical sciences and engineering
2002 3299 Mathematics and computer science
2003 3297 Biomedical and health sciences
2004 3296 Life and earth sciences
2005 3295 Biomedical and health sciences
2006 3293 Physical sciences and engineering
2007 3290 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2008 3287 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
2009 3281 Social sciences and humanities
2010 3278 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2011 3276 Life and earth sciences
2012 3274 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2013 3273 Mathematics and computer science
2014 3273 Biomedical and health sciences
2015 3272 Physical sciences and engineering
2016 3269 Physical sciences and engineering
2017 3265 Life and earth sciences
2018 3265 Physical sciences and engineering
2019 3256 Mathematics and computer science
2020 3255 Biomedical and health sciences
2021 3254 Life and earth sciences
2022 3253 Social sciences and humanities
2023 3249 Biomedical and health sciences
2024 3247 Mathematics and computer science
2025 3243 Biomedical and health sciences
2026 3242 Biomedical and health sciences
2027 3237 Biomedical and health sciences
2028 3237 Physical sciences and engineering
2029 3236 Biomedical and health sciences
2030 3232 Biomedical and health sciences
2031 3231 Biomedical and health sciences
2032 3231 Biomedical and health sciences
2033 3231 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
2034 3225 Biomedical and health sciences
2035 3224 Physical sciences and engineering
2036 3224 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2037 3224 Biomedical and health sciences
2038 3215 Social sciences and humanities
2039 3215 Biomedical and health sciences
2040 3215 Social sciences and humanities
2041 3212 Biomedical and health sciences
2042 3209 Biomedical and health sciences
2043 3208 Physical sciences and engineering
2044 3207 Life and earth sciences
2045 3206 Biomedical and health sciences
2046 3205 Physical sciences and engineering
2047 3200 Physical sciences and engineering
2048 3200 Biomedical and health sciences
2049 3200 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2050 3200 Mathematics and computer science
2051 3198 Life and earth sciences
2052 3196 Physical sciences and engineering
2053 3194 Biomedical and health sciences
2054 3191 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
2055 3191 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
2056 3191 Physical sciences and engineering
2057 3187 Biomedical and health sciences
2058 3186 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
2059 3186 Biomedical and health sciences
2060 3186 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2061 3185 Biomedical and health sciences
2062 3179 Life and earth sciences
2063 3177 Biomedical and health sciences
2064 3176 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
2065 3176 Biomedical and health sciences
2066 3173 Biomedical and health sciences
2067 3171 Life and earth sciences
2068 3170 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
2069 3168 Physical sciences and engineering
2070 3167 Biomedical and health sciences
2071 3166 Physical sciences and engineering
2072 3164 Physical sciences and engineering
2073 3161 Biomedical and health sciences
2074 3154 Social sciences and humanities
2075 3153 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2076 3151 Mathematics and computer science
2077 3146 Mathematics and computer science
2078 3145 Biomedical and health sciences
2079 3143 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
2080 3142 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
2081 3138 Biomedical and health sciences
2082 3138 Physical sciences and engineering
2083 3135 Biomedical and health sciences
2084 3133 Physical sciences and engineering
2085 3133 Biomedical and health sciences
2086 3129 Social sciences and humanities
2087 3122 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2088 3121 Physical sciences and engineering
2089 3119 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2090 3118 Social sciences and humanities
2091 3118 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2092 3115 Biomedical and health sciences
2093 3115 Biomedical and health sciences
2094 3113 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2095 3111 Physical sciences and engineering
2096 3110 Physical sciences and engineering
2097 3108 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
2098 3106 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
2099 3103 Physical sciences and engineering
2100 3102 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2101 3100 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
2102 3097 Biomedical and health sci Mathematics and computer science
2103 3097 Mathematics and computer science
2104 3095 Physical sciences and engineering
2105 3094 Life and earth sciences
2106 3092 Physical sciences and engineering
2107 3091 Biomedical and health sciences
2108 3078 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
2109 3077 Biomedical and health sciences
2110 3073 Physical sciences and engineering
2111 3066 Social sciences and humanities
2112 3065 Biomedical and health sciences
2113 3064 Life and earth sciences
2114 3062 Physical sciences and engineering
2115 3060 Biomedical and health sciences
2116 3056 Biomedical and health sciences
2117 3054 Mathematics and computer science
2118 3054 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2119 3049 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2120 3049 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2121 3049 Physical sciences and engineering
2122 3043 Physical sciences and engineering
2123 3042 Mathematics and computer science
2124 3037 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
2125 3036 Mathematics and computer science
2126 3034 Life and earth sciences
2127 3031 Physical sciences and engineering
2128 3030 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
2129 3029 Biomedical and health sciences
2130 3027 Mathematics and computer science
2131 3025 Biomedical and health sciences
2132 3022 Mathematics and computer science
2133 3021 Biomedical and health sciences
2134 3021 Physical sciences and engineering
2135 3020 Life and earth sciences Mathematics and computer science
2136 3016 Physical sciences and engineering
2137 3014 Mathematics and computer science
2138 3011 Life and earth sciences
2139 3007 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
2140 3004 Biomedical and health sciences
2141 3003 Biomedical and health sciences
2142 3003 Physical sciences and engineering
2143 3002 Social sciences and humanities
2144 3001 Biomedical and health sciences
2145 2999 Life and earth sciences
2146 2999 Physical sciences and engineering
2147 2999 Mathematics and computer science
2148 2997 Biomedical and health sciences
2149 2994 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
2150 2992 Mathematics and computer science
2151 2988 Biomedical and health sciences
2152 2984 Biomedical and health sciences
2153 2983 Physical sciences and engineering
2154 2979 Biomedical and health sciences
2155 2972 Physical sciences and engineering
2156 2969 Physical sciences and engineering
2157 2969 Life and earth sciences
2158 2966 Life and earth sciences
2159 2964 Physical sciences and engineering
2160 2961 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
2161 2958 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
2162 2957 Social sciences and humanities
2163 2956 Physical sciences and engineering
2164 2956 Life and earth sciences
2165 2955 Physical sciences and engineering
2166 2951 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2167 2951 Mathematics and computer science
2168 2948 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2169 2948 Physical sciences and engineering
2170 2943 Physical sciences and engineering
2171 2942 Biomedical and health sciences
2172 2941 Mathematics and computer science
2173 2936 Biomedical and health sciences
2174 2934 Mathematics and computer science
2175 2929 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2176 2926 Physical sciences and engineering
2177 2925 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2178 2925 Physical sciences and engineering
2179 2923 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
2180 2922 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2181 2922 Mathematics and computer science
2182 2922 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2183 2920 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
2184 2917 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
2185 2915 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2186 2914 Biomedical and health sciences
2187 2913 Biomedical and health sciences
2188 2913 Biomedical and health sciences
2189 2908 Social sciences and humanities
2190 2903 Mathematics and computer science
2191 2902 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
2192 2894 Physical sciences and engineering
2193 2894 Biomedical and health sciences
2194 2893 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
2195 2892 Biomedical and health sciences
2196 2888 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2197 2886 Life and earth sciences
2198 2880 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2199 2879 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
2200 2878 Biomedical and health sciences
2201 2875 Biomedical and health sciences
2202 2875 Physical sciences and engineering
2203 2874 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
2204 2873 Biomedical and health sciences
2205 2869 Physical sciences and engineering
2206 2868 Biomedical and health sciences
2207 2866 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
2208 2861 Biomedical and health sciences
2209 2861 Physical sciences and engineering
2210 2856 Life and earth sciences
2211 2854 Physical sciences and engineering
2212 2854 Biomedical and health sciences
2213 2851 Biomedical and health sciences
2214 2851 Physical sciences and engineering
2215 2850 Life and earth sciences
2216 2849 Biomedical and health sciences
2217 2841 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2218 2841 Physical sciences and engineering
2219 2840 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2220 2836 Biomedical and health sciences
2221 2829 Social sciences and humanities
2222 2829 Biomedical and health sciences
2223 2828 Biomedical and health sciences
2224 2828 Biomedical and health sciences
2225 2827 Physical sciences and engineering
2226 2818 Biomedical and health sciences
2227 2814 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
2228 2807 Physical sciences and engineering
2229 2805 Physical sciences and engineering
2230 2805 Mathematics and computer science
2231 2799 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
2232 2794 Physical sciences and engineering
2233 2794 Mathematics and computer science
2234 2792 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
2235 2789 Biomedical and health sciences
2236 2785 Mathematics and computer science
2237 2780 Physical sciences and engineering
2238 2780 Biomedical and health sciences
2239 2770 Physical sciences and engineering
2240 2769 Biomedical and health sciences
2241 2767 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
2242 2767 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
2243 2766 Mathematics and computer science
2244 2762 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2245 2759 Physical sciences and engineering
2246 2758 Physical sciences and engineering
2247 2756 Physical sciences and engineering
2248 2749 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2249 2745 Social sciences and humanities
2250 2745 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
2251 2742 Physical sciences and engineering
2252 2741 Biomedical and health sciences
2253 2741 Physical sciences and engineering
2254 2741 Biomedical and health sciences
2255 2740 Physical sciences and engineering
2256 2740 Physical sciences and engineering
2257 2740 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2258 2739 Biomedical and health sciences
2259 2738 Biomedical and health sciences
2260 2738 Biomedical and health sciences
2261 2734 Biomedical and health sciences
2262 2732 Physical sciences and engineering
2263 2732 Life and earth sciences
2264 2729 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2265 2729 Biomedical and health sciences
2266 2728 Physical sciences and engineering
2267 2726 Biomedical and health sciences
2268 2722 Physical sciences and engineering
2269 2721 Life and earth sciences
2270 2713 Biomedical and health sciences
2271 2711 Biomedical and health sciences
2272 2707 Physical sciences and engineering
2273 2704 Biomedical and health sciences
2274 2703 Mathematics and computer science
2275 2700 Physical sciences and engineering
2276 2696 Life and earth sciences
2277 2693 Physical sciences and engineering
2278 2689 Social sciences and humanities
2279 2689 Social sciences and humanities
2280 2687 Biomedical and health sciences
2281 2684 Physical sciences and engineering
2282 2683 Life and earth sciences
2283 2680 Biomedical and health sciences
2284 2678 Physical sciences and engineering
2285 2675 Life and earth sciences
2286 2672 Social sciences and humanities
2287 2671 Physical sciences and engineering
2288 2668 Biomedical and health sciences
2289 2667 Life and earth sciences
2290 2665 Mathematics and computer science
2291 2664 Biomedical and health sciences
2292 2659 Biomedical and health sciences
2293 2655 Mathematics and computer science
2294 2654 Physical sciences and engineering
2295 2653 Biomedical and health sciences
2296 2649 Biomedical and health sciences
2297 2645 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
2298 2645 Biomedical and health sciences
2299 2642 Biomedical and health sciences
2300 2640 Biomedical and health sciences
2301 2640 Biomedical and health sciences
2302 2636 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2303 2636 Biomedical and health sciences
2304 2629 Biomedical and health sciences
2305 2627 Physical sciences and engineering
2306 2626 Life and earth sciences
2307 2624 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
2308 2623 Mathematics and computer science
2309 2622 Biomedical and health sciences
2310 2622 Biomedical and health sciences
2311 2621 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
2312 2618 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
2313 2618 Social sciences and humanities
2314 2617 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2315 2616 Mathematics and computer science
2316 2611 Biomedical and health sciences
2317 2608 Physical sciences and engineering
2318 2607 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
2319 2607 Biomedical and health sciences
2320 2606 Physical sciences and engineering
2321 2605 Physical sciences and engineering
2322 2604 Physical sciences and engineering
2323 2603 Biomedical and health sciences
2324 2601 Biomedical and health sciences
2325 2597 Social sciences and humanities
2326 2593 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2327 2592 Mathematics and computer science
2328 2592 Biomedical and health sciences
2329 2591 Biomedical and health sciences
2330 2590 Life and earth sciences
2331 2590 Social sciences and humanities
2332 2587 Social sciences and humanities
2333 2587 Biomedical and health sciences
2334 2579 Biomedical and health sciences
2335 2578 Life and earth sciences
2336 2575 Biomedical and health sciences
2337 2574 Mathematics and computer science
2338 2573 Life and earth sciences
2339 2571 Life and earth sciences
2340 2570 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
2341 2566 Life and earth sciences
2342 2566 Physical sciences and engineering
2343 2564 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
2344 2564 Physical sciences and engineering
2345 2563 Biomedical and health sciences
2346 2560 Mathematics and computer science
2347 2559 Physical sciences and engineering
2348 2559 Physical sciences and engineering
2349 2556 Physical sciences and engineering
2350 2555 Life and earth sciences
2351 2552 Physical sciences and engineering
2352 2550 Biomedical and health sciences
2353 2545 Biomedical and health sciences
2354 2536 Biomedical and health sciences
2355 2536 Biomedical and health sciences
2356 2533 Biomedical and health sciences
2357 2532 Biomedical and health sciences
2358 2530 Biomedical and health sciences
2359 2528 Physical sciences and engineering
2360 2527 Mathematics and computer science
2361 2526 Biomedical and health sciences
2362 2522 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
2363 2520 Biomedical and health sciences
2364 2520 Biomedical and health sciences
2365 2518 Biomedical and health sciences
2366 2517 Biomedical and health sciences
2367 2516 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
2368 2516 Life and earth sciences
2369 2515 Mathematics and computer science
2370 2512 Life and earth sciences
2371 2509 Physical sciences and engineering
2372 2508 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
2373 2508 Mathematics and computer science
2374 2507 Biomedical and health sciences
2375 2500 Biomedical and health sciences
2376 2498 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
2377 2497 Life and earth sciences
2378 2493 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
2379 2491 Life and earth sciences
2380 2490 Biomedical and health sciences
2381 2490 Biomedical and health sciences
2382 2490 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2383 2489 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2384 2488 Physical sciences and engineering
2385 2488 Mathematics and computer science
2386 2487 Biomedical and health sciences
2387 2486 Social sciences and humanities
2388 2482 Social sciences and humanities
2389 2482 Biomedical and health sciences
2390 2479 Biomedical and health sciences
2391 2478 Life and earth sciences
2392 2473 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
2393 2473 Biomedical and health sciences
2394 2470 Social sciences and humanities
2395 2468 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sci
2396 2466 Biomedical and health sciences
2397 2458 Social sciences and humanities
2398 2457 Biomedical and health sciences
2399 2454 Biomedical and health sciences
2400 2453 Physical sciences and engineering
2401 2447 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2402 2446 Physical sciences and engineering
2403 2445 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2404 2445 Mathematics and computer science
2405 2444 Biomedical and health sciences
2406 2442 Physical sciences and engineering
2407 2441 Biomedical and health sciences
2408 2439 Biomedical and health sciences
2409 2438 Physical sciences and engineering
2410 2438 Biomedical and health sciences
2411 2437 Mathematics and computer science
2412 2437 Biomedical and health sciences
2413 2433 Social sciences and humanities
2414 2428 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
2415 2426 Biomedical and health sciences
2416 2425 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
2417 2425 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
2418 2423 Life and earth sciences
2419 2420 Mathematics and computer science
2420 2419 Physical sciences and engineering
2421 2414 Physical sciences and engineering
2422 2411 Biomedical and health sciences
2423 2411 Physical sciences and engineering
2424 2410 Biomedical and health sciences
2425 2408 Biomedical and health sciences
2426 2408 Mathematics and computer science
2427 2408 Biomedical and health sciences
2428 2403 Social sciences and humanities
2429 2401 Biomedical and health sciences
2430 2401 Biomedical and health sciences
2431 2401 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
2432 2401 Physical sciences and engineering
2433 2397 Physical sciences and engineering
2434 2393 Biomedical and health sciences
2435 2392 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
2436 2386 Physical sciences and engineering
2437 2386 Mathematics and computer science
2438 2385 Life and earth sciences
2439 2381 Biomedical and health sciences
2440 2380 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
2441 2379 Physical sciences and engineering
2442 2378 Physical sciences and engineering
2443 2377 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2444 2376 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2445 2376 Biomedical and health sciences
2446 2375 Life and earth sciences
2447 2373 Biomedical and health sciences
2448 2372 Physical sciences and engineering
2449 2371 Biomedical and health sciences
2450 2371 Biomedical and health sciences
2451 2365 Life and earth sciences
2452 2364 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
2453 2363 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
2454 2362 Physical sciences and engineering
2455 2359 Physical sciences and engineering
2456 2356 Biomedical and health sciences
2457 2355 Biomedical and health sciences
2458 2351 Life and earth sciences
2459 2351 Social sciences and humanities
2460 2350 Social sciences and humanities
2461 2348 Biomedical and health sciences
2462 2346 Mathematics and computer science
2463 2344 Life and earth sciences
2464 2343 Social sciences and humanities
2465 2341 Biomedical and health sciences
2466 2340 Social sciences and humanities
2467 2340 Physical sciences and engineering
2468 2334 Physical sciences and engineering
2469 2333 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
2470 2333 Physical sciences and engineering
2471 2331 Physical sciences and engineering
2472 2327 Biomedical and health sciences
2473 2327 Physical sciences and engineering
2474 2325 Biomedical and health sciences
2475 2323 Mathematics and computer science
2476 2320 Physical sciences and engineering
2477 2316 Biomedical and health sciences
2478 2314 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2479 2313 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
2480 2312 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
2481 2310 Physical sciences and engineering
2482 2309 Biomedical and health sciences
2483 2308 Mathematics and computer science
2484 2304 Physical sciences and engineering
2485 2301 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
2486 2301 Biomedical and health sciences
2487 2299 Mathematics and computer science
2488 2298 Biomedical and health sciences
2489 2293 Biomedical and health sciences
2490 2291 Biomedical and health sciences
2491 2290 Biomedical and health sciences
2492 2289 Physical sciences and engineering
2493 2283 Biomedical and health sciences
2494 2281 Physical sciences and engineering
2495 2278 Biomedical and health sciences
2496 2278 Biomedical and health sciences
2497 2278 Life and earth sciences
2498 2272 Physical sciences and engineering
2499 2271 Biomedical and health sciences
2500 2267 Physical sciences and engineering
2501 2264 Physical sciences and engineering
2502 2264 Physical sciences and engineering
2503 2263 Life and earth sciences
2504 2262 Biomedical and health sciences
2505 2260 Physical sciences and engineering
2506 2258 Life and earth sciences
2507 2258 Biomedical and health sciences
2508 2253 Biomedical and health sciences
2509 2249 Physical sciences and engineering
2510 2247 Biomedical and health sciences
2511 2246 Biomedical and health sciences
2512 2245 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2513 2242 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
2514 2241 Biomedical and health sciences
2515 2241 Physical sciences and engineering
2516 2239 Biomedical and health sciences
2517 2235 Biomedical and health sciences
2518 2234 Biomedical and health sciences
2519 2234 Mathematics and computer science
2520 2234 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2521 2233 Social sciences and humanities
2522 2233 Biomedical and health sciences
2523 2233 Biomedical and health sciences
2524 2229 Biomedical and health sciences
2525 2228 Physical sciences and engineering
2526 2228 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
2527 2228 Physical sciences and engineering
2528 2227 Life and earth sciences
2529 2226 Life and earth sciences
2530 2225 Social sciences and humanities
2531 2221 Physical sciences and engineering
2532 2218 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2533 2214 Mathematics and computer science
2534 2212 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
2535 2210 Social sciences and humanities
2536 2203 Mathematics and computer science
2537 2201 Biomedical and health sciences
2538 2201 Life and earth sciences
2539 2200 Physical sciences and engineering
2540 2197 Physical sciences and engineering
2541 2194 Physical sciences and engineering
2542 2187 Biomedical and health sciences
2543 2186 Biomedical and health sciences
2544 2185 Mathematics and computer science
2545 2184 Physical sciences and engineering
2546 2183 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
2547 2176 Mathematics and computer science
2548 2175 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2549 2167 Biomedical and health sciences
2550 2167 Life and earth sciences
2551 2166 Biomedical and health sciences
2552 2166 Mathematics and computer science
2553 2166 Mathematics and computer science
2554 2164 Biomedical and health sciences
2555 2163 Physical sciences and engineering
2556 2163 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2557 2160 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
2558 2160 Mathematics and computer science
2559 2158 Biomedical and health sciences
2560 2157 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2561 2155 Life and earth sciences
2562 2155 Biomedical and health sciences
2563 2154 Biomedical and health sciences
2564 2154 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2565 2153 Biomedical and health sciences
2566 2152 Physical sciences and engineering
2567 2151 Mathematics and computer science
2568 2150 Biomedical and health sciences
2569 2148 Physical sciences and engineering
2570 2147 Social sciences and humanities
2571 2147 Life and earth sciences
2572 2143 Biomedical and health sciences
2573 2139 Physical sciences and engineering
2574 2137 Physical sciences and engineering
2575 2134 Life and earth sciences
2576 2131 Physical sciences and engineering
2577 2123 Life and earth sciences
2578 2123 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
2579 2116 Physical sciences and engineering
2580 2113 Biomedical and health sciences
2581 2113 Physical sciences and engineering
2582 2112 Social sciences and humanities
2583 2109 Biomedical and health sciences
2584 2109 Biomedical and health sciences
2585 2107 Biomedical and health sciences
2586 2107 Physical sciences and engineering
2587 2106 Mathematics and computer science
2588 2104 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2589 2102 Life and earth sciences
2590 2101 Physical sciences and engineering
2591 2100 Biomedical and health sciences
2592 2098 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2593 2097 Physical sciences and engineering
2594 2094 Physical sciences and engineering
2595 2090 Life and earth sciences
2596 2089 Physical sciences and engineering
2597 2085 Biomedical and health sciences
2598 2084 Biomedical and health sciences
2599 2082 Social sciences and humanities
2600 2080 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
2601 2078 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
2602 2073 Mathematics and computer science
2603 2071 Biomedical and health sciences
2604 2071 Life and earth sciences
2605 2066 Biomedical and health sciences
2606 2064 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
2607 2064 Life and earth sciences
2608 2064 Biomedical and health sciences
2609 2064 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
2610 2064 Physical sciences and engineering
2611 2060 Biomedical and health sciences
2612 2059 Physical sciences and engineering
2613 2058 Physical sciences and engineering
2614 2053 Social sciences and humanities
2615 2053 Life and earth sciences
2616 2051 Physical sciences and engineering
2617 2051 Biomedical and health sciences
2618 2048 Physical sciences and engineering
2619 2048 Social sciences and humanities
2620 2046 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
2621 2044 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2622 2043 Physical sciences and engineering
2623 2043 Physical sciences and engineering
2624 2043 Biomedical and health sciences
2625 2042 Social sciences and humanities
2626 2038 Biomedical and health sciences
2627 2035 Physical sciences and engineering
2628 2034 Biomedical and health sciences
2629 2032 Social sciences and humanities
2630 2032 Biomedical and health sciences
2631 2030 Physical sciences and engineering
2632 2028 Physical sciences and engineering
2633 2028 Physical sciences and engineering
2634 2025 Biomedical and health sciences
2635 2023 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2636 2023 Biomedical and health sciences
2637 2022 Mathematics and computer science
2638 2019 Biomedical and health sciences
2639 2018 Biomedical and health sciences
2640 2018 Biomedical and health sciences
2641 2016 Biomedical and health sciences
2642 2014 Biomedical and health sciences
2643 2014 Biomedical and health sciences
2644 2013 Social sciences and humanities
2645 2005 Mathematics and computer science
2646 2004 Biomedical and health sciences
2647 2004 Biomedical and health sciences
2648 1999 Biomedical and health sciences
2649 1998 Social sciences and humanities
2650 1997 Physical sciences and engineering
2651 1993 Physical sciences and engineering
2652 1988 Biomedical and health sciences
2653 1986 Physical sciences and engineering
2654 1982 Social sciences and humanLife and earth sciences
2655 1980 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
2656 1978 Biomedical and health sciences
2657 1974 Biomedical and health sciences
2658 1973 Life and earth sciences
2659 1973 Biomedical and health sciences
2660 1972 Life and earth sciences
2661 1971 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
2662 1971 Physical sciences and engineering
2663 1970 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
2664 1970 Mathematics and computer science
2665 1969 Physical sciences and engineering
2666 1968 Biomedical and health sciences
2667 1965 Biomedical and health sciences
2668 1965 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
2669 1964 Physical sciences and engineering
2670 1964 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2671 1963 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
2672 1962 Biomedical and health sciences
2673 1962 Physical sciences and engineering
2674 1958 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
2675 1955 Social sciences and humanities
2676 1955 Physical sciences and engineering
2677 1951 Biomedical and health sciences
2678 1945 Biomedical and health sciences
2679 1944 Life and earth sciences
2680 1943 Biomedical and health sciences
2681 1942 Life and earth sciences
2682 1942 Life and earth sciences
2683 1941 Mathematics and computer science
2684 1940 Life and earth sciences
2685 1939 Mathematics and computer science
2686 1938 Biomedical and health sciences
2687 1937 Physical sciences and engineering
2688 1937 Biomedical and health sciences
2689 1936 Biomedical and health sciences
2690 1936 Biomedical and health sciences
2691 1935 Physical sciences and engineering
2692 1933 Biomedical and health sciences
2693 1933 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
2694 1931 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
2695 1929 Mathematics and computer science
2696 1928 Mathematics and computer science
2697 1926 Life and earth sciences
2698 1923 Mathematics and computer science
2699 1923 Mathematics and computer science
2700 1923 Physical sciences and engineering
2701 1923 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
2702 1922 Social sciences and humanPhysical sciences and engineering
2703 1920 Physical sciences and engineering
2704 1919 Biomedical and health sciences
2705 1918 Biomedical and health sciences
2706 1917 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
2707 1917 Biomedical and health sciences
2708 1916 Life and earth sciences
2709 1914 Biomedical and health sciences
2710 1913 Biomedical and health sciences
2711 1913 Mathematics and compute Social sciences and humanities
2712 1910 Mathematics and computer science
2713 1910 Biomedical and health sciences
2714 1910 Mathematics and computer science
2715 1910 Biomedical and health sciences
2716 1910 Life and earth sciences
2717 1909 Physical sciences and engineering
2718 1909 Physical sciences and engineering
2719 1909 Social sciences and humanities
2720 1906 Biomedical and health sciences
2721 1905 Biomedical and health sciences
2722 1905 Physical sciences and engineering
2723 1905 Biomedical and health sciences
2724 1900 Biomedical and health sciences
2725 1899 Biomedical and health sciences
2726 1897 Biomedical and health sciences
2727 1897 Biomedical and health sciences
2728 1895 Biomedical and health sciences
2729 1889 Biomedical and health sciences
2730 1888 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
2731 1885 Physical sciences and engineering
2732 1882 Biomedical and health sciences
2733 1881 Social sciences and humanities
2734 1877 Life and earth sciences
2735 1872 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2736 1872 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
2737 1872 Biomedical and health sciences
2738 1870 Social sciences and humanities
2739 1869 Biomedical and health sciences
2740 1868 Social sciences and humanities
2741 1867 Biomedical and health sciences
2742 1866 Biomedical and health sciences
2743 1866 Biomedical and health sciences
2744 1862 Mathematics and computer science
2745 1861 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
2746 1860 Life and earth sciences
2747 1858 Physical sciences and engineering
2748 1857 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
2749 1856 Physical sciences and engineering
2750 1854 Biomedical and health sciences
2751 1853 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2752 1852 Life and earth sciences
2753 1851 Social sciences and humanities
2754 1850 Physical sciences and engineering
2755 1849 Social sciences and humanities
2756 1848 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2757 1847 Social sciences and humanities
2758 1846 Biomedical and health sciences
2759 1844 Biomedical and health sciences
2760 1843 Biomedical and health sciences
2761 1841 Biomedical and health sciences
2762 1841 Social sciences and humanities
2763 1840 Life and earth sciences
2764 1838 Life and earth sciences
2765 1837 Mathematics and computer science
2766 1836 Physical sciences and engineering
2767 1835 Physical sciences and engineering
2768 1835 Biomedical and health sciences
2769 1834 Biomedical and health sciences
2770 1831 Biomedical and health sciences
2771 1831 Biomedical and health sciences
2772 1828 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
2773 1824 Physical sciences and engineering
2774 1822 Biomedical and health sciences
2775 1820 Biomedical and health sciences
2776 1818 Social sciences and humanities
2777 1817 Life and earth sciences
2778 1813 Biomedical and health sciences
2779 1811 Biomedical and health sciences
2780 1811 Life and earth sciences
2781 1809 Biomedical and health sciences
2782 1808 Physical sciences and engineering
2783 1807 Biomedical and health sciences
2784 1800 Biomedical and health sciences
2785 1800 Life and earth sciences
2786 1796 Biomedical and health sci Mathematics and computer science
2787 1796 Biomedical and health sciences
2788 1795 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
2789 1795 Physical sciences and engineering
2790 1795 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2791 1795 Biomedical and health sciences
2792 1789 Physical sciences and engineering
2793 1789 Biomedical and health sciences
2794 1788 Mathematics and computer science
2795 1787 Social sciences and humanities
2796 1786 Biomedical and health sciences
2797 1786 Life and earth sciences
2798 1785 Mathematics and computer science
2799 1784 Biomedical and health sciences
2800 1783 Mathematics and computer science
2801 1781 Life and earth sciences
2802 1781 Life and earth sciences
2803 1777 Mathematics and computer science
2804 1774 Physical sciences and engineering
2805 1773 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2806 1771 Biomedical and health sciences
2807 1770 Mathematics and computer science
2808 1768 Mathematics and compute Social sciences and humanities
2809 1767 Mathematics and computer science
2810 1767 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2811 1764 Physical sciences and engineering
2812 1762 Biomedical and health sciences
2813 1762 Physical sciences and engineering
2814 1757 Physical sciences and engineering
2815 1755 Biomedical and health sciences
2816 1754 Biomedical and health sciences
2817 1753 Mathematics and computer science
2818 1752 Biomedical and health sciences
2819 1752 Life and earth sciences
2820 1751 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2821 1746 Biomedical and health sciences
2822 1741 Biomedical and health sciences
2823 1739 Life and earth sciences
2824 1738 Social sciences and humanities
2825 1732 Biomedical and health sciences
2826 1731 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2827 1730 Physical sciences and engineering
2828 1724 Biomedical and health sciences
2829 1720 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
2830 1718 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
2831 1718 Biomedical and health sciences
2832 1717 Physical sciences and engineering
2833 1716 Mathematics and computer science
2834 1716 Mathematics and computer science
2835 1713 Social sciences and humanities
2836 1711 Physical sciences and engineering
2837 1708 Biomedical and health sciences
2838 1704 Physical sciences and engineering
2839 1703 Physical sciences and engineering
2840 1702 Biomedical and health sciences
2841 1699 Physical sciences and engineering
2842 1698 Biomedical and health sciences
2843 1694 Mathematics and computer science
2844 1689 Physical sciences and engineering
2845 1689 Mathematics and computer science
2846 1688 Biomedical and health sciences
2847 1688 Physical sciences and engineering
2848 1687 Physical sciences and engineering
2849 1686 Physical sciences and engineering
2850 1685 Biomedical and health sciences
2851 1684 Physical sciences and engineering
2852 1684 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2853 1683 Mathematics and computer science
2854 1678 Physical sciences and engineering
2855 1678 Biomedical and health sciences
2856 1677 Biomedical and health sciences
2857 1677 Physical sciences and engineering
2858 1675 Physical sciences and engineering
2859 1674 Physical sciences and engineering
2860 1674 Physical sciences and engineering
2861 1673 Life and earth sciences
2862 1669 Physical sciences and engineering
2863 1661 Biomedical and health sciences
2864 1661 Biomedical and health sciences
2865 1661 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
2866 1661 Biomedical and health sciences
2867 1654 Biomedical and health sciences
2868 1651 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
2869 1649 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
2870 1647 Mathematics and computer science
2871 1647 Biomedical and health sciences
2872 1647 Biomedical and health sciences
2873 1644 Mathematics and computer science
2874 1641 Social sciences and humanities
2875 1638 Biomedical and health sciences
2876 1638 Biomedical and health sciences
2877 1638 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2878 1637 Social sciences and humanities
2879 1636 Physical sciences and engineering
2880 1635 Life and earth sciences
2881 1631 Mathematics and computer science
2882 1630 Physical sciences and engineering
2883 1630 Biomedical and health sciences
2884 1628 Life and earth sciences
2885 1627 Physical sciences and engineering
2886 1627 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
2887 1626 Biomedical and health sciences
2888 1626 Mathematics and computer science
2889 1626 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2890 1625 Biomedical and health sciences
2891 1623 Life and earth sciences
2892 1623 Biomedical and health sciences
2893 1622 Physical sciences and engineering
2894 1619 Mathematics and computer science
2895 1617 Biomedical and health sciences
2896 1616 Biomedical and health sciences
2897 1615 Biomedical and health sciences
2898 1614 Physical sciences and engineering
2899 1612 Biomedical and health sciences
2900 1610 Biomedical and health sciences
2901 1610 Mathematics and computer science
2902 1608 Biomedical and health sciences
2903 1606 Social sciences and humanities
2904 1603 Life and earth sciences
2905 1603 Mathematics and computer science
2906 1603 Social sciences and humanities
2907 1600 Life and earth sciences
2908 1600 Social sciences and humanities
2909 1597 Biomedical and health sciences
2910 1593 Mathematics and computer science
2911 1591 Physical sciences and engineering
2912 1590 Biomedical and health sciences
2913 1589 Social sciences and humanities
2914 1588 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
2915 1583 Social sciences and humanities
2916 1581 Physical sciences and engineering
2917 1580 Physical sciences and engineering
2918 1578 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2919 1578 Life and earth sciences
2920 1578 Physical sciences and engineering
2921 1576 Biomedical and health sciences
2922 1575 Physical sciences and engineering
2923 1574 Physical sciences and engineering
2924 1574 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2925 1573 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
2926 1573 Biomedical and health sciences
2927 1572 Physical sciences and engineering
2928 1571 Physical sciences and engineering
2929 1571 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
2930 1571 Biomedical and health sciences
2931 1567 Biomedical and health sciences
2932 1565 Biomedical and health sciences
2933 1565 Biomedical and health sciences
2934 1564 Biomedical and health sciences
2935 1560 Mathematics and computer science
2936 1560 Physical sciences and engineering
2937 1559 Social sciences and humanities
2938 1559 Physical sciences and engineering
2939 1555 Social sciences and humanities
2940 1551 Physical sciences and engineering
2941 1550 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
2942 1548 Physical sciences and engineering
2943 1547 Social sciences and humanities
2944 1545 Biomedical and health sciences
2945 1544 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
2946 1543 Social sciences and humanities
2947 1541 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
2948 1540 Biomedical and health sciences
2949 1539 Biomedical and health sciences
2950 1539 Physical sciences and engineering
2951 1538 Physical sciences and engineering
2952 1538 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
2953 1538 Social sciences and humanities
2954 1537 Biomedical and health sciences
2955 1537 Mathematics and computer science
2956 1533 Mathematics and computer science
2957 1532 Life and earth sciences
2958 1532 Biomedical and health sciences
2959 1531 Social sciences and humanities
2960 1531 Biomedical and health sciences
2961 1531 Biomedical and health sciences
2962 1530 Biomedical and health sciences
2963 1529 Physical sciences and engineering
2964 1526 Life and earth sciences
2965 1525 Physical sciences and engineering
2966 1525 Life and earth sciences
2967 1524 Physical sciences and engineering
2968 1520 Mathematics and computer science
2969 1512 Life and earth sciences
2970 1510 Biomedical and health sciences
2971 1510 Physical sciences and engineering
2972 1508 Biomedical and health sciences
2973 1502 Life and earth sciences
2974 1501 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
2975 1499 Biomedical and health sciences
2976 1499 Life and earth sciences
2977 1499 Biomedical and health sciences
2978 1496 Life and earth sciences
2979 1496 Biomedical and health sciences
2980 1495 Life and earth sciences
2981 1490 Physical sciences and engineering
2982 1489 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
2983 1488 Life and earth sciences
2984 1488 Physical sciences and engineering
2985 1486 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
2986 1485 Mathematics and computer science
2987 1475 Biomedical and health sciences
2988 1475 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
2989 1472 Physical sciences and engineering
2990 1472 Mathematics and computer science
2991 1471 Social sciences and humanities
2992 1470 Biomedical and health sciences
2993 1469 Physical sciences and engineering
2994 1466 Biomedical and health sciences
2995 1466 Biomedical and health sciences
2996 1464 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
2997 1464 Life and earth sciences
2998 1463 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
2999 1462 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3000 1462 Mathematics and computer science
3001 1456 Social sciences and humanities
3002 1456 Physical sciences and engineering
3003 1454 Social sciences and humanities
3004 1452 Biomedical and health sciences
3005 1451 Physical sciences and engineering
3006 1449 Physical sciences and engineering
3007 1448 Physical sciences and engineering
3008 1446 Life and earth sciences
3009 1445 Physical sciences and engineering
3010 1444 Mathematics and computer science
3011 1441 Social sciences and humanities
3012 1440 Biomedical and health sciences
3013 1439 Social sciences and humanities
3014 1439 Mathematics and computer science
3015 1439 Physical sciences and engineering
3016 1438 Biomedical and health sciences
3017 1438 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
3018 1437 Mathematics and computer science
3019 1437 Life and earth sciences
3020 1433 Social sciences and humanities
3021 1433 Life and earth sciences
3022 1432 Biomedical and health sciences
3023 1430 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
3024 1429 Social sciences and humanities
3025 1426 Physical sciences and engineering
3026 1425 Mathematics and computer science
3027 1423 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
3028 1423 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
3029 1422 Biomedical and health sciences
3030 1417 Life and earth sciences
3031 1414 Physical sciences and engineering
3032 1412 Mathematics and computer science
3033 1411 Biomedical and health sciences
3034 1410 Life and earth sciences
3035 1409 Physical sciences and engineering
3036 1408 Biomedical and health sciences
3037 1401 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3038 1401 Mathematics and computer science
3039 1398 Life and earth sciences
3040 1398 Life and earth sciences
3041 1397 Life and earth sciences
3042 1397 Biomedical and health sciences
3043 1396 Physical sciences and eng Social sciences and humanities
3044 1395 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
3045 1392 Mathematics and computer science
3046 1391 Mathematics and computer science
3047 1391 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3048 1390 Physical sciences and engineering
3049 1384 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
3050 1384 Physical sciences and engineering
3051 1383 Life and earth sciences
3052 1382 Biomedical and health sciences
3053 1379 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3054 1378 Life and earth sciences
3055 1378 Biomedical and health sciences
3056 1376 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3057 1371 Physical sciences and engineering
3058 1368 Biomedical and health sciences
3059 1363 Physical sciences and engineering
3060 1363 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
3061 1362 Physical sciences and engineering
3062 1361 Social sciences and humanities
3063 1359 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
3064 1359 Physical sciences and engineering
3065 1359 Biomedical and health sciences
3066 1358 Mathematics and computer science
3067 1358 Mathematics and computer science
3068 1356 Life and earth sciences
3069 1356 Physical sciences and engineering
3070 1355 Mathematics and computer science
3071 1355 Life and earth sciences
3072 1354 Biomedical and health sciences
3073 1354 Physical sciences and engineering
3074 1352 Physical sciences and engineering
3075 1350 Biomedical and health sciences
3076 1349 Biomedical and health sciences
3077 1348 Social sciences and humanities
3078 1347 Physical sciences and engineering
3079 1347 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
3080 1347 Social sciences and humanities
3081 1347 Biomedical and health sciences
3082 1346 Biomedical and health sciences
3083 1345 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
3084 1343 Biomedical and health sciences
3085 1339 Biomedical and health sciences
3086 1334 Social sciences and humanities
3087 1331 Biomedical and health sciences
3088 1330 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
3089 1329 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3090 1329 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3091 1327 Biomedical and health sciences
3092 1326 Social sciences and humanities
3093 1324 Mathematics and computer science
3094 1322 Social sciences and humanities
3095 1320 Physical sciences and engineering
3096 1319 Life and earth sciences
3097 1319 Social sciences and humanities
3098 1315 Physical sciences and engineering
3099 1315 Physical sciences and engineering
3100 1313 Biomedical and health sciences
3101 1312 Physical sciences and engineering
3102 1311 Biomedical and health sciences
3103 1310 Biomedical and health sciences
3104 1308 Physical sciences and engineering
3105 1307 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3106 1307 Mathematics and computer science
3107 1304 Biomedical and health sciences
3108 1303 Physical sciences and engineering
3109 1303 Physical sciences and engineering
3110 1295 Life and earth sciences
3111 1294 Physical sciences and engineering
3112 1291 Social sciences and humanities
3113 1290 Physical sciences and engineering
3114 1289 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
3115 1287 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
3116 1286 Social sciences and humanities
3117 1285 Social sciences and humanities
3118 1284 Biomedical and health sciences
3119 1284 Biomedical and health sciences
3120 1281 Biomedical and health sciences
3121 1281 Physical sciences and engineering
3122 1281 Physical sciences and engineering
3123 1278 Biomedical and health sciences
3124 1277 Physical sciences and engineering
3125 1277 Biomedical and health sciences
3126 1276 Biomedical and health sciences
3127 1274 Social sciences and humanities
3128 1269 Biomedical and health sciences
3129 1268 Physical sciences and engineering
3130 1266 Social sciences and humanities
3131 1264 Physical sciences and engineering
3132 1257 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
3133 1257 Life and earth sciences
3134 1256 Social sciences and humanities
3135 1256 Social sciences and humanities
3136 1255 Biomedical and health sciences
3137 1254 Social sciences and humanities
3138 1254 Social sciences and humanities
3139 1253 Mathematics and computer science
3140 1251 Biomedical and health sciences
3141 1251 Mathematics and computer science
3142 1251 Biomedical and health sciences
3143 1250 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3144 1249 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3145 1248 Biomedical and health sciences
3146 1248 Biomedical and health sciences
3147 1246 Physical sciences and engineering
3148 1246 Physical sciences and engineering
3149 1241 Physical sciences and engineering
3150 1239 Biomedical and health sciences
3151 1237 Physical sciences and engineering
3152 1236 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
3153 1236 Biomedical and health sciences
3154 1234 Physical sciences and engineering
3155 1233 Physical sciences and engineering
3156 1230 Social sciences and humanities
3157 1229 Social sciences and humanities
3158 1229 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
3159 1228 Biomedical and health sciences
3160 1228 Physical sciences and engineering
3161 1223 Physical sciences and engineering
3162 1223 Physical sciences and engineering
3163 1223 Life and earth sciences
3164 1222 Mathematics and computer science
3165 1220 Biomedical and health sciences
3166 1219 Biomedical and health sciences
3167 1219 Biomedical and health sciences
3168 1219 Biomedical and health sciences
3169 1218 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
3170 1217 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
3171 1216 Physical sciences and engineering
3172 1215 Biomedical and health sciences
3173 1213 Physical sciences and engineering
3174 1211 Biomedical and health sciences
3175 1210 Biomedical and health sciences
3176 1210 Biomedical and health sciences
3177 1209 Social sciences and humanities
3178 1205 Life and earth sciences
3179 1204 Physical sciences and engineering
3180 1201 Biomedical and health sciences
3181 1199 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
3182 1199 Biomedical and health sciences
3183 1198 Biomedical and health sciences
3184 1198 Mathematics and computer science
3185 1197 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
3186 1197 Social sciences and humanities
3187 1195 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
3188 1194 Mathematics and computer science
3189 1194 Biomedical and health sciences
3190 1194 Biomedical and health sciences
3191 1192 Biomedical and health sciences
3192 1191 Life and earth sciences
3193 1190 Physical sciences and engineering
3194 1186 Physical sciences and engineering
3195 1182 Biomedical and health sciences
3196 1181 Biomedical and health sci Mathematics and computer science
3197 1180 Physical sciences and engineering
3198 1180 Physical sciences and engineering
3199 1179 Mathematics and computer science
3200 1179 Biomedical and health sciences
3201 1179 Life and earth sciences
3202 1178 Life and earth sciences
3203 1175 Biomedical and health sciences
3204 1172 Physical sciences and engineering
3205 1172 Biomedical and health sciences
3206 1172 Life and earth sciences
3207 1170 Physical sciences and engineering
3208 1170 Physical sciences and engineering
3209 1167 Mathematics and computer science
3210 1165 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
3211 1164 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
3212 1164 Social sciences and humanities
3213 1160 Physical sciences and engineering
3214 1159 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
3215 1159 Biomedical and health sciences
3216 1159 Physical sciences and engineering
3217 1159 Life and earth sciences
3218 1158 Physical sciences and engineering
3219 1156 Social sciences and humanities
3220 1150 Physical sciences and engineering
3221 1150 Biomedical and health sciences
3222 1149 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sci
3223 1148 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
3224 1146 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3225 1145 Physical sciences and engineering
3226 1143 Social sciences and humanities
3227 1141 Physical sciences and engineering
3228 1141 Biomedical and health sciences
3229 1139 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3230 1138 Biomedical and health sciences
3231 1138 Biomedical and health sciences
3232 1138 Physical sciences and engineering
3233 1137 Physical sciences and engineering
3234 1136 Social sciences and humanities
3235 1136 Physical sciences and engineering
3236 1136 Mathematics and computer science
3237 1132 Life and earth sciences
3238 1132 Biomedical and health sciences
3239 1131 Life and earth sciences
3240 1130 Social sciences and humanities
3241 1130 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3242 1129 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3243 1127 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3244 1125 Social sciences and humanities
3245 1124 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
3246 1124 Biomedical and health sciences
3247 1123 Biomedical and health sciences
3248 1122 Social sciences and humanities
3249 1119 Physical sciences and engineering
3250 1115 Biomedical and health sciences
3251 1114 Social sciences and humanLife and earth sciences
3252 1110 Biomedical and health sciences
3253 1110 Social sciences and humanities
3254 1107 Mathematics and computer science
3255 1107 Social sciences and humanities
3256 1106 Biomedical and health sciences
3257 1105 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3258 1100 Physical sciences and engineering
3259 1098 Mathematics and computer science
3260 1097 Life and earth sciences
3261 1096 Mathematics and computer science
3262 1095 Biomedical and health sciences
3263 1094 Physical sciences and engineering
3264 1093 Biomedical and health sciences
3265 1091 Biomedical and health sciences
3266 1089 Physical sciences and engineering
3267 1089 Physical sciences and engineering
3268 1089 Physical sciences and engineering
3269 1088 Physical sciences and engineering
3270 1088 Biomedical and health sciences
3271 1085 Physical sciences and engineering
3272 1085 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
3273 1082 Social sciences and humanities
3274 1078 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
3275 1078 Mathematics and computer science
3276 1078 Biomedical and health sciences
3277 1078 Social sciences and humanities
3278 1077 Mathematics and computer science
3279 1076 Social sciences and humanities
3280 1075 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
3281 1074 Physical sciences and engineering
3282 1072 Biomedical and health sciences
3283 1072 Physical sciences and engineering
3284 1070 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
3285 1068 Physical sciences and engineering
3286 1067 Physical sciences and engineering
3287 1066 Physical sciences and engineering
3288 1066 Biomedical and health sciences
3289 1065 Biomedical and health sciences
3290 1063 Life and earth sciences
3291 1062 Mathematics and computer science
3292 1061 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3293 1059 Physical sciences and engineering
3294 1057 Social sciences and humanities
3295 1057 Mathematics and computer science
3296 1055 Physical sciences and engineering
3297 1054 Biomedical and health sciences
3298 1053 Mathematics and computer science
3299 1051 Social sciences and humanities
3300 1049 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
3301 1047 Life and earth sciences
3302 1044 Biomedical and health sciences
3303 1044 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3304 1043 Social sciences and humanities
3305 1041 Biomedical and health sciences
3306 1041 Life and earth sciences
3307 1041 Social sciences and humanities
3308 1040 Biomedical and health sciences
3309 1040 Biomedical and health sciences
3310 1039 Life and earth sciences
3311 1038 Social sciences and humanPhysical sciences and engineering
3312 1037 Physical sciences and engineering
3313 1034 Social sciences and humanities
3314 1034 Physical sciences and engineering
3315 1030 Biomedical and health sciences
3316 1029 Physical sciences and engineering
3317 1026 Physical sciences and engineering
3318 1026 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3319 1024 Mathematics and computer science
3320 1024 Physical sciences and engineering
3321 1024 Life and earth sciences
3322 1024 Life and earth sciences
3323 1022 Biomedical and health sciences
3324 1020 Social sciences and humanities
3325 1018 Physical sciences and engineering
3326 1018 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3327 1018 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3328 1016 Physical sciences and engineering
3329 1016 Mathematics and computer science
3330 1012 Social sciences and humanities
3331 1011 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3332 1011 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
3333 1011 Social sciences and humanities
3334 1010 Life and earth sciences
3335 1008 Physical sciences and engineering
3336 1008 Social sciences and humanities
3337 1005 Social sciences and humanities
3338 1004 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3339 1004 Biomedical and health sciences
3340 1000 Physical sciences and engineering
3341 999 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
3342 997 Physical sciences and engineering
3343 996 Life and earth sciences
3344 995 Social sciences and humanities
3345 994 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
3346 993 Biomedical and health sciences
3347 992 Mathematics and computer science
3348 990 Biomedical and health sciences
3349 987 Physical sciences and engineering
3350 986 Biomedical and health sciences
3351 986 Social sciences and humanities
3352 985 Physical sciences and engineering
3353 985 Mathematics and computer science
3354 984 Physical sciences and engineering
3355 983 Biomedical and health sciences
3356 980 Biomedical and health sciences
3357 980 Physical sciences and engineering
3358 977 Social sciences and humanities
3359 976 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3360 973 Mathematics and computer science
3361 972 Biomedical and health sciences
3362 972 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3363 971 Mathematics and computer science
3364 971 Physical sciences and engineering
3365 967 Social sciences and humanities
3366 964 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
3367 963 Biomedical and health sciences
3368 963 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3369 958 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3370 955 Physical sciences and engineering
3371 954 Biomedical and health sciences
3372 953 Physical sciences and engineering
3373 953 Physical sciences and engineering
3374 951 Social sciences and humanities
3375 950 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3376 949 Biomedical and health sciences
3377 948 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3378 948 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
3379 948 Mathematics and computer science
3380 948 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and engineering
3381 944 Social sciences and humanities
3382 944 Biomedical and health sciences
3383 943 Social sciences and humanities
3384 943 Biomedical and health sciences
3385 939 Mathematics and computer science
3386 938 Biomedical and health sciences
3387 936 Physical sciences and engineering
3388 936 Biomedical and health sciences
3389 936 Biomedical and health sciences
3390 934 Physical sciences and engineering
3391 933 Biomedical and health sciences
3392 932 Physical sciences and engineering
3393 931 Social sciences and humanities
3394 929 Biomedical and health sciences
3395 925 Social sciences and humanities
3396 924 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
3397 924 Mathematics and computer science
3398 923 Biomedical and health sciences
3399 923 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
3400 922 Physical sciences and engineering
3401 922 Social sciences and humanities
3402 922 Physical sciences and engineering
3403 921 Social sciences and humanities
3404 918 Physical sciences and engineering
3405 918 Social sciences and humanities
3406 917 Physical sciences and engineering
3407 914 Physical sciences and engineering
3408 911 Physical sciences and engineering
3409 911 Biomedical and health sciences
3410 906 Biomedical and health sciences
3411 905 Biomedical and health sciences
3412 905 Biomedical and health sciences
3413 904 Physical sciences and engineering
3414 904 Life and earth sciences
3415 902 Physical sciences and engineering
3416 901 Physical sciences and engineering
3417 901 Mathematics and computer science
3418 899 Biomedical and health sciences
3419 898 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
3420 896 Biomedical and health sciences
3421 893 Social sciences and humanities
3422 892 Life and earth sciences
3423 891 Social sciences and humanities
3424 890 Biomedical and health sciences
3425 889 Biomedical and health sciences
3426 888 Social sciences and humanities
3427 888 Biomedical and health sciences
3428 888 Social sciences and humanities
3429 887 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3430 886 Biomedical and health sciences
3431 883 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
3432 879 Biomedical and health sciences
3433 878 Social sciences and humanities
3434 875 Biomedical and health sciences
3435 875 Social sciences and humanities
3436 874 Social sciences and humanities
3437 874 Physical sciences and engineering
3438 874 Physical sciences and engineering
3439 872 Biomedical and health sciences
3440 868 Mathematics and computer science
3441 867 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3442 866 Social sciences and humanities
3443 865 Life and earth sciences Physical sciences and eng
3444 862 Physical sciences and engineering
3445 861 Biomedical and health sciences
3446 860 Physical sciences and engineering
3447 858 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
3448 854 Biomedical and health sciences
3449 854 Social sciences and humanities
3450 854 Physical sciences and engineering
3451 852 Biomedical and health sciences
3452 846 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3453 846 Social sciences and humanities
3454 842 Biomedical and health sciences
3455 841 Biomedical and health sciences
3456 841 Life and earth sciences
3457 840 Biomedical and health sciences
3458 840 Biomedical and health sciences
3459 840 Social sciences and humanities
3460 839 Physical sciences and engineering
3461 839 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3462 837 Physical sciences and engineering
3463 836 Biomedical and health sciences
3464 833 Life and earth sciences
3465 832 Biomedical and health sciences
3466 832 Life and earth sciences
3467 830 Biomedical and health sciences
3468 829 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3469 829 Social sciences and humanities
3470 829 Physical sciences and engineering
3471 828 Social sciences and humanities
3472 827 Mathematics and computer science
3473 827 Biomedical and health sciences
3474 826 Life and earth sciences
3475 825 Social sciences and humanities
3476 823 Biomedical and health sciences
3477 821 Physical sciences and engineering
3478 821 Social sciences and humanities
3479 820 Physical sciences and engineering
3480 815 Social sciences and humanities
3481 815 Biomedical and health sciences
3482 815 Social sciences and humanities
3483 815 Biomedical and health sciences
3484 814 Life and earth sciences
3485 814 Social sciences and humanities
3486 813 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
3487 813 Mathematics and computer science
3488 812 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3489 810 Life and earth sciences
3490 808 Physical sciences and engineering
3491 803 Biomedical and health sciences
3492 803 Biomedical and health sciences
3493 803 Physical sciences and engineering
3494 801 Social sciences and humanities
3495 800 Life and earth sciences
3496 799 Life and earth sciences
3497 799 Physical sciences and engineering
3498 797 Social sciences and humanities
3499 796 Social sciences and humanities
3500 796 Social sciences and humanities
3501 796 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
3502 795 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
3503 794 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
3504 793 Physical sciences and engineering
3505 793 Biomedical and health sciences
3506 793 Physical sciences and engineering
3507 793 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
3508 793 Life and earth sciences Social sciences and humanities
3509 792 Biomedical and health sciences
3510 792 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
3511 792 Social sciences and humanities
3512 791 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3513 787 Physical sciences and engineering
3514 787 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sci
3515 786 Biomedical and health sciences
3516 785 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
3517 785 Life and earth sciences
3518 784 Physical sciences and engineering
3519 783 Biomedical and health sciences
3520 783 Social sciences and humanPhysical sciences and engineering
3521 783 Mathematics and computer science
3522 782 Physical sciences and engineering
3523 781 Biomedical and health sciences
3524 779 Biomedical and health sciences
3525 779 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
3526 777 Social sciences and humanities
3527 775 Biomedical and health sciences
3528 774 Social sciences and humanities
3529 772 Biomedical and health sciences
3530 771 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3531 768 Physical sciences and engineering
3532 766 Physical sciences and engineering
3533 765 Mathematics and computer science
3534 765 Mathematics and compute Social sciences and humanities
3535 765 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
3536 761 Biomedical and health sciences
3537 761 Biomedical and health sciences
3538 758 Biomedical and health sciences
3539 753 Social sciences and humanities
3540 753 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
3541 750 Physical sciences and engineering
3542 750 Biomedical and health sciences
3543 749 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3544 749 Physical sciences and engineering
3545 747 Physical sciences and engineering
3546 747 Physical sciences and engineering
3547 746 Life and earth sciences
3548 746 Physical sciences and engineering
3549 744 Physical sciences and engineering
3550 744 Physical sciences and engineering
3551 743 Physical sciences and engineering
3552 739 Physical sciences and engineering
3553 739 Physical sciences and engineering
3554 738 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3555 738 Biomedical and health sciences
3556 737 Life and earth sciences
3557 734 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3558 733 Life and earth sciences
3559 732 Biomedical and health sciences
3560 731 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3561 731 Biomedical and health sciences
3562 730 Physical sciences and engineering
3563 730 Physical sciences and engineering
3564 728 Biomedical and health sciences
3565 728 Biomedical and health sciences
3566 728 Life and earth sciences
3567 727 Physical sciences and engineering
3568 726 Biomedical and health sciences
3569 723 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
3570 722 Physical sciences and engineering
3571 719 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3572 719 Biomedical and health sciences
3573 718 Biomedical and health sciences
3574 717 Mathematics and computer science
3575 714 Biomedical and health sciences
3576 713 Mathematics and computer science
3577 711 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3578 708 Physical sciences and engineering
3579 697 Physical sciences and engineering
3580 696 Physical sciences and engineering
3581 696 Physical sciences and engineering
3582 696 Mathematics and computer science
3583 696 Social sciences and humanities
3584 695 Biomedical and health sciences
3585 693 Life and earth sciences
3586 691 Physical sciences and engineering
3587 690 Social sciences and humanities
3588 690 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3589 689 Biomedical and health sciences
3590 686 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
3591 684 Mathematics and computer science
3592 682 Biomedical and health sciences
3593 681 Physical sciences and engineering
3594 680 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and eng
3595 679 Social sciences and humanities
3596 679 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
3597 678 Social sciences and humanities
3598 677 Mathematics and computer science
3599 677 Physical sciences and engineering
3600 675 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
3601 675 Physical sciences and engineering
3602 674 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3603 674 Biomedical and health sciences
3604 673 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3605 672 Physical sciences and engineering
3606 672 Biomedical and health sciences
3607 672 Physical sciences and engineering
3608 670 Biomedical and health sciences
3609 669 Social sciences and humanities
3610 667 Biomedical and health sciences
3611 666 Mathematics and computer science
3612 665 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
3613 664 Physical sciences and engineering
3614 664 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
3615 663 Social sciences and humanities
3616 663 Social sciences and humanities
3617 662 Social sciences and humanities
3618 662 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3619 659 Social sciences and humanities
3620 659 Physical sciences and engineering
3621 657 Biomedical and health sciences
3622 656 Physical sciences and engineering
3623 656 Mathematics and computer science
3624 655 Biomedical and health sciences
3625 654 Mathematics and computer science
3626 653 Physical sciences and engineering
3627 653 Physical sciences and engineering
3628 653 Biomedical and health sciences
3629 652 Biomedical and health sciences
3630 649 Physical sciences and engineering
3631 649 Biomedical and health sciences
3632 648 Social sciences and humanities
3633 648 Social sciences and humanities
3634 647 Physical sciences and engineering
3635 647 Biomedical and health sciences
3636 645 Social sciences and humanities
3637 643 Life and earth sciences
3638 643 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3639 642 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
3640 642 Social sciences and humanities
3641 640 Biomedical and health sciences
3642 639 Biomedical and health sciences
3643 639 Social sciences and humanities
3644 639 Physical sciences and engineering
3645 638 Biomedical and health sciences
3646 637 Social sciences and humanities
3647 637 Social sciences and humanities
3648 637 Mathematics and computer science
3649 637 Physical sciences and engineering
3650 637 Physical sciences and engineering
3651 637 Physical sciences and engineering
3652 637 Mathematics and computer science
3653 635 Physical sciences and engineering
3654 632 Biomedical and health sciences
3655 631 Physical sciences and engineering
3656 630 Biomedical and health sciences
3657 629 Biomedical and health sciences
3658 629 Social sciences and humanities
3659 628 Mathematics and computer science
3660 624 Social sciences and humanities
3661 622 Social sciences and humanities
3662 621 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3663 621 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3664 620 Social sciences and humanities
3665 620 Physical sciences and engineering
3666 616 Biomedical and health sciences
3667 615 Life and earth sciences
3668 615 Social sciences and humanities
3669 615 Biomedical and health sciences
3670 614 Biomedical and health sciences
3671 614 Social sciences and humanities
3672 612 Social sciences and humanities
3673 611 Biomedical and health sciences
3674 609 Social sciences and humanities
3675 605 Biomedical and health sciences
3676 604 Biomedical and health sciences
3677 603 Biomedical and health sciences
3678 603 Social sciences and humanities
3679 602 Biomedical and health sciences
3680 602 Social sciences and humanities
3681 601 Physical sciences and engineering
3682 600 Biomedical and health sciences
3683 599 Physical sciences and engineering
3684 599 Biomedical and health sciences
3685 598 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3686 598 Biomedical and health sciences
3687 598 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
3688 597 Physical sciences and engineering
3689 597 Physical sciences and engineering
3690 597 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
3691 596 Physical sciences and engineering
3692 595 Mathematics and computer science
3693 593 Physical sciences and engineering
3694 593 Physical sciences and engineering
3695 593 Social sciences and humanities
3696 588 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3697 588 Biomedical and health sciences
3698 586 Physical sciences and engineering
3699 586 Biomedical and health sciences
3700 585 Social sciences and humanities
3701 584 Mathematics and computer science
3702 580 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
3703 578 Social sciences and humanities
3704 578 Physical sciences and engineering
3705 577 Biomedical and health sciences
3706 577 Physical sciences and engineering
3707 577 Life and earth sciences
3708 574 Mathematics and computer science
3709 571 Biomedical and health sciences
3710 569 Physical sciences and engineering
3711 567 Life and earth sciences
3712 567 Biomedical and health sciences
3713 567 Physical sciences and engineering
3714 566 Biomedical and health sciences
3715 566 Physical sciences and engineering
3716 564 Physical sciences and engineering
3717 562 Biomedical and health sciences
3718 561 Life and earth sciences
3719 561 Mathematics and compute Life and earth sciences
3720 559 Social sciences and humanities
3721 559 Social sciences and humanities
3722 559 Physical sciences and engineering
3723 557 Biomedical and health sciences
3724 556 Physical sciences and engineering
3725 555 Physical sciences and engineering
3726 554 Biomedical and health sciences
3727 554 Social sciences and humanities
3728 554 Life and earth sciences
3729 552 Social sciences and humanities
3730 552 Physical sciences and engineering
3731 552 Biomedical and health sciences
3732 551 Social sciences and humanities
3733 550 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
3734 550 Biomedical and health sciences
3735 549 Life and earth sciences
3736 546 Biomedical and health sciences
3737 544 Biomedical and health sciences
3738 544 Biomedical and health sciences
3739 543 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3740 540 Physical sciences and engineering
3741 539 Life and earth sciences
3742 536 Biomedical and health sciences
3743 536 Physical sciences and engineering
3744 536 Physical sciences and engineering
3745 536 Biomedical and health sciences
3746 535 Mathematics and computer science
3747 534 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3748 534 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
3749 533 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
3750 533 Physical sciences and engineering
3751 532 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
3752 530 Social sciences and humanities
3753 530 Social sciences and humanities
3754 530 Social sciences and humanPhysical sciences and engineering
3755 529 Life and earth sciences
3756 528 Physical sciences and engineering
3757 528 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
3758 527 Biomedical and health sciences
3759 527 Biomedical and health sciences
3760 526 Social sciences and humanities
3761 522 Biomedical and health sciences
3762 522 Mathematics and computer science
3763 520 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
3764 520 Life and earth sciences
3765 519 Physical sciences and engineering
3766 518 Physical sciences and engineering
3767 517 Physical sciences and engineering
3768 517 Biomedical and health sciences
3769 516 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3770 515 Life and earth sciences
3771 514 Physical sciences and engineering
3772 513 Social sciences and humanities
3773 512 Biomedical and health sciences
3774 512 Physical sciences and engineering
3775 512 Physical sciences and engineering
3776 512 Mathematics and computer science
3777 511 Mathematics and computer science
3778 510 Physical sciences and engineering
3779 510 Social sciences and humanities
3780 509 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3781 509 Biomedical and health sciences
3782 508 Social sciences and humanities
3783 508 Biomedical and health sciences
3784 506 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3785 506 Mathematics and computer science
3786 505 Life and earth sciences
3787 504 Mathematics and computer science
3788 502 Biomedical and health sciences
3789 500 Biomedical and health sciences
3790 500 Mathematics and computer science
3791 500 Biomedical and health sciences
3792 500 Biomedical and health sciences
3793 498 Social sciences and humanities
3794 498 Mathematics and computer science
3795 497 Physical sciences and engineering
3796 496 Physical sciences and engineering
3797 493 Biomedical and health sciences
3798 492 Social sciences and humanities
3799 492 Biomedical and health sciences
3800 492 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
3801 492 Biomedical and health sciences
3802 491 Physical sciences and engineering
3803 490 Social sciences and humanities
3804 490 Social sciences and humanPhysical sciences and engineering
3805 490 Physical sciences and engineering
3806 489 Biomedical and health sciences
3807 489 Physical sciences and engineering
3808 489 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3809 487 Mathematics and computer science
3810 484 Social sciences and humanities
3811 482 Biomedical and health sciences
3812 482 Physical sciences and engineering
3813 480 Physical sciences and engineering
3814 480 Physical sciences and engineering
3815 479 Social sciences and humanities
3816 479 Social sciences and humanities
3817 478 Social sciences and humanities
3818 477 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
3819 477 Life and earth sciences Social sciences and humanities
3820 476 Physical sciences and engineering
3821 474 Physical sciences and engineering
3822 474 Physical sciences and engineering
3823 474 Mathematics and computer science
3824 472 Physical sciences and engineering
3825 472 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
3826 469 Biomedical and health sciences
3827 469 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
3828 469 Physical sciences and engineering
3829 468 Mathematics and computer science
3830 466 Social sciences and humanities
3831 466 Social sciences and humanities
3832 466 Social sciences and humanities
3833 465 Biomedical and health sciences
3834 464 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
3835 463 Life and earth sciences
3836 461 Social sciences and humanities
3837 459 Physical sciences and engineering
3838 459 Mathematics and computer science
3839 458 Biomedical and health sciences
3840 456 Biomedical and health sciences
3841 456 Social sciences and humanities
3842 456 Biomedical and health sciences
3843 455 Physical sciences and eng Social sciences and humanities
3844 454 Social sciences and humanities
3845 453 Biomedical and health sciences
3846 452 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
3847 451 Biomedical and health sciences
3848 450 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
3849 450 Biomedical and health sciences
3850 450 Social sciences and humanities
3851 449 Physical sciences and engineering
3852 447 Biomedical and health sciences
3853 447 Biomedical and health sciences
3854 446 Biomedical and health sciences
3855 445 Physical sciences and engineering
3856 445 Mathematics and computer science
3857 444 Biomedical and health sciences
3858 443 Social sciences and humanities
3859 442 Mathematics and computer science
3860 441 Mathematics and computer science
3861 440 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
3862 440 Physical sciences and engineering
3863 440 Physical sciences and engineering
3864 439 Biomedical and health sciences
3865 438 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
3866 438 Biomedical and health sciences
3867 438 Biomedical and health sciences
3868 438 Mathematics and computer science
3869 438 Biomedical and health sciences
3870 437 Biomedical and health sciences
3871 436 Life and earth sciences
3872 436 Social sciences and humanities
3873 434 Life and earth sciences
3874 432 Biomedical and health sciences
3875 431 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3876 431 Biomedical and health sciences
3877 430 Physical sciences and engineering
3878 430 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
3879 429 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3880 425 Biomedical and health sciences
3881 425 Social sciences and humanities
3882 425 Physical sciences and engineering
3883 424 Physical sciences and engineering
3884 424 Social sciences and humanities
3885 423 Social sciences and humanities
3886 423 Physical sciences and engineering
3887 423 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
3888 422 Social sciences and humanities
3889 422 Social sciences and humanities
3890 422 Physical sciences and engineering
3891 422 Biomedical and health sciences
3892 421 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3893 421 Physical sciences and engineering
3894 421 Biomedical and health sciences
3895 419 Social sciences and humanities
3896 419 Biomedical and health sciences
3897 419 Social sciences and humanities
3898 419 Social sciences and humanities
3899 419 Physical sciences and engineering
3900 416 Life and earth sciences
3901 415 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
3902 415 Social sciences and humanities
3903 414 Life and earth sciences
3904 414 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
3905 413 Physical sciences and engineering
3906 413 Social sciences and humanities
3907 412 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
3908 412 Physical sciences and engineering
3909 412 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
3910 411 Biomedical and health sciences
3911 409 Social sciences and humanities
3912 408 Biomedical and health sciences
3913 407 Physical sciences and engineering
3914 407 Biomedical and health sciences
3915 406 Biomedical and health sciences
3916 406 Mathematics and computer science
3917 406 Life and earth sciences
3918 405 Physical sciences and engineering
3919 404 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3920 404 Physical sciences and engineering
3921 400 Physical sciences and engineering
3922 400 Biomedical and health sciences
3923 399 Physical sciences and engineering
3924 398 Social sciences and humanities
3925 398 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3926 398 Social sciences and humanities
3927 396 Biomedical and health sciences
3928 395 Biomedical and health sciences
3929 395 Social sciences and humanities
3930 393 Physical sciences and engineering
3931 393 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
3932 392 Social sciences and humanities
3933 390 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
3934 390 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
3935 389 Social sciences and humanities
3936 388 Physical sciences and engineering
3937 388 Mathematics and computer science
3938 388 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
3939 388 Physical sciences and engineering
3940 388 Mathematics and computer science
3941 387 Biomedical and health sciences
3942 387 Social sciences and humanities
3943 386 Social sciences and humanities
3944 386 Social sciences and humanities
3945 386 Social sciences and humanities
3946 386 Physical sciences and engineering
3947 385 Mathematics and computer science
3948 383 Social sciences and humanities
3949 383 Biomedical and health sciences
3950 382 Physical sciences and engineering
3951 382 Physical sciences and engineering
3952 379 Biomedical and health sciences
3953 379 Biomedical and health sciences
3954 379 Social sciences and humanities
3955 378 Mathematics and computer science
3956 378 Social sciences and humanities
3957 377 Physical sciences and engineering
3958 377 Physical sciences and engineering
3959 376 Social sciences and humanities
3960 376 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
3961 376 Biomedical and health sciences
3962 375 Biomedical and health sciences
3963 375 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
3964 375 Life and earth sciences
3965 374 Social sciences and humanities
3966 374 Social sciences and humanities
3967 374 Life and earth sciences
3968 374 Biomedical and health sciences
3969 372 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
3970 371 Social sciences and humanities
3971 371 Mathematics and computer science
3972 370 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3973 370 Biomedical and health sciences
3974 370 Mathematics and computer science
3975 369 Mathematics and computer science
3976 369 Life and earth sciences
3977 369 Social sciences and humanities
3978 365 Physical sciences and engineering
3979 365 Life and earth sciences
3980 364 Social sciences and humanities
3981 364 Physical sciences and engineering
3982 363 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
3983 362 Social sciences and humanities
3984 362 Biomedical and health sciences
3985 362 Social sciences and humanities
3986 361 Social sciences and humanities
3987 361 Life and earth sciences
3988 360 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
3989 358 Biomedical and health sciences
3990 357 Life and earth sciences
3991 356 Mathematics and computer science
3992 355 Physical sciences and engineering
3993 355 Biomedical and health sciences
3994 355 Physical sciences and engineering
3995 354 Biomedical and health sciences
3996 351 Social sciences and humanities
3997 349 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
3998 348 Physical sciences and eng Social sciences and humanities
3999 348 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
4000 347 Biomedical and health sciences
4001 347 Physical sciences and engineering
4002 345 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
4003 344 Physical sciences and engineering
4004 341 Social sciences and humanities
4005 340 Mathematics and computer science
4006 340 Biomedical and health sciences
4007 339 Physical sciences and engineering
4008 337 Physical sciences and engineering
4009 336 Physical sciences and eng Social sciences and humanities
4010 336 Biomedical and health sciences
4011 334 Social sciences and humanities
4012 333 Physical sciences and engineering
4013 333 Physical sciences and engineering
4014 332 Physical sciences and engineering
4015 331 Social sciences and humanities
4016 330 Physical sciences and engineering
4017 330 Biomedical and health sciences
4018 328 Physical sciences and engineering
4019 328 Biomedical and health sciences
4020 327 Social sciences and humanities
4021 325 Mathematics and computer science
4022 325 Biomedical and health sciences
4023 323 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
4024 321 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
4025 321 Social sciences and humanities
4026 321 Social sciences and humanities
4027 320 Biomedical and health sciences
4028 319 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
4029 317 Mathematics and computer science
4030 316 Physical sciences and engineering
4031 316 Physical sciences and engineering
4032 316 Biomedical and health sci Physical sciences and engineering
4033 315 Physical sciences and engineering
4034 315 Biomedical and health sciences
4035 315 Mathematics and computer science
4036 314 Physical sciences and engineering
4037 314 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
4038 312 Biomedical and health sciences
4039 311 Biomedical and health sciences
4040 309 Biomedical and health sciences
4041 309 Biomedical and health sci Social sciences and humanities
4042 308 Biomedical and health sciences
4043 307 Biomedical and health sciences
4044 306 Social sciences and humanities
4045 305 Social sciences and humanities
4046 304 Social sciences and humanities
4047 304 Social sciences and humanities
4048 303 Biomedical and health sciences
4049 301 Biomedical and health sciences
4050 301 Social sciences and humanities
4051 299 Biomedical and health sciences
4052 298 Biomedical and health sciences
4053 297 Physical sciences and engineering
4054 297 Biomedical and health sciences
4055 296 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
4056 296 Social sciences and humanLife and earth sciences
4057 296 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
4058 295 Life and earth sciences Biomedical and health sciences
4059 295 Mathematics and computer science
4060 294 Social sciences and humanities
4061 294 Social sciences and humanities
4062 294 Social sciences and humanities
4063 292 Social sciences and humanities
4064 292 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
4065 292 Biomedical and health sciences
4066 292 Physical sciences and engineering
4067 291 Social sciences and humanities
4068 291 Social sciences and humanities
4069 291 Biomedical and health sci Life and earth sciences
4070 289 Social sciences and humanities
4071 288 Physical sciences and engineering
4072 288 Physical sciences and engineering
4073 288 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
4074 287 Biomedical and health sciences
4075 287 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
4076 286 Physical sciences and engineering
4077 285 Social sciences and humanities
4078 284 Social sciences and humanities
4079 283 Social sciences and humanities
4080 282 Physical sciences and engineering
4081 281 Social sciences and humanBiomedical and health sciences
4082 281 Biomedical and health sciences
4083 280 Life and earth sciences
4084 279 Social sciences and humanMathematics and computer science
4085 277 Biomedical and health sciences
4086 276 Physical sciences and engineering
4087 275 Physical sciences and engineering
4088 275 Physical sciences and engineering
4089 274 Physical sciences and engineering
4090 274 Mathematics and computer science
4091 272 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
4092 272 Social sciences and humanities
4093 271 Life and earth sciences
4094 270 Physical sciences and engineering
4095 269 Physical sciences and engineering
4096 267 Biomedical and health sciences
4097 267 Biomedical and health sciences
4098 267 Physical sciences and engineering
4099 266 Physical sciences and engineering
4100 263 Mathematics and compute Physical sciences and engineering
4101 263 Physical sciences and engineering
4102 261 Physical sciences and engineering
4103 258 Social sciences and humanities
4104 257 Physical sciences and eng Life and earth sciences
4105 256 Life and earth sciences
4106 256 Social sciences and humanities
4107 255 Biomedical and health sciences
4108 254 Physical sciences and engineering
4109 254 Physical sciences and engineering
4110 253 Physical sciences and eng Mathematics and computer science
4111 252 Biomedical and health sciences
4112 252 Physical sciences and engineering
4113 250 Physical sciences and eng Biomedical and health sciences
Main field 3 Journal 1 Journal 2 Journal 3
acta crystallographica seccrystengcomm inorganic chemistry comm
applied catalysis b-envir journal of physical chemisapplied surface science
astrophysical journal monthly notices of the royastronomy & astrophysics
physical review b applied physics letters carbon
applied physics letters thin solid films applied surface science
acta petrologica sinica precambrian research lithos
atmospheric environmentatmospheric chemistry anjournal of geophysical re
plos one nucleic acids research biochemical and biophysi
applied physics letters journal of crystal growth journal of applied physics
nicotine & tobacco researtobacco control addictive behaviors
journal of financial econo journal of banking & fina journal of finance
public health nutrition bmc public health international journal of ob
hepatology journal of virology journal of viral hepatitis
journal of urology bju international urology
journal of business researpsychology & marketing journal of consumer resea
fordham law review columbia law review notre dame law review
strategic management jouresearch policy journal of product innov
ieee transactions on wire ieee transactions on com ieee communications lette
optics express applied physics letters physical review b
d health sciences journal of agricultural an food chemistry food research internation
physics of plasmas nuclear fusion plasma physics and contro
journal of applied psycho leadership quarterly journal of organizational
electrochimica acta journal of power sources international journal of
journal of climate geophysical research letteclimate dynamics
antimicrobial agents and journal of antimicrobial international journal of a
journal of clinical microbi antimicrobial agents and journal of antimicrobial
malaria journal american journal of tropi plos one
international journal of t plos one journal of clinical microbi
applied physics letters synthetic metals organic electronics
construction and building cement and concrete resecement & concrete compo
physical review d journal of high energy phyphysics letters b
schizophrenia research schizophrenia bulletin psychiatry research
journal of virology aids aids research and human r
physical review a physical review letters journal of physics b-atomi
astrophysical journal solar physics astronomy & astrophysics
journal of power sources solid state ionics international journal of
hydrobiologia freshwater biology river research and applica
journal of hazardous matechemical engineering jourjournal of radioanalytical
journal of membrane sciedesalination desalination and water t
chemosphere environmental science & science of the total envi
applied physics letters journal of applied physics ferroelectrics
antimicrobial agents and journal of clinical microbi mycoses
vaccine gynecologic oncology international journal of c
journal of power sources journal of the electrochemelectrochimica acta
multiple sclerosis journal journal of neuroimmunol neurology
journal of cardiovascular pace-pacing and clinical eeuropace
aids care-psychological anjaids-journal of acquired aids
teaching and teacher edu teachers college record phi delta kappan
solar energy materials andapplied physics letters organic electronics
vision research journal of vision journal of neurophysiolog
journal of physical chemisjournal of chemical and e physical chemistry chemic
dental materials operative dentistry journal of dentistry
proteomics journal of proteome reseaanalytical chemistry
journal of luminescence journal of alloys and com optical materials
journal of virology american journal of tropi journal of medical entom
inflammatory bowel diseaalimentary pharmacology american journal of gastr
hepatology journal of medical virolog world journal of gastroen
biological conservation conservation biology plos one
ces and engineering bioresource technology applied biochemistry and applied microbiology and
journal of alzheimers disejournal of biological chemneurobiology of aging
physical review a physical review letters international journal of th
chemosphere environmental pollution international journal of
lab on a chip analytical chemistry electrophoresis
movement disorders parkinsonism & related dineurology
journal of steroid bioche plos one journal of clinical endoc
journal of wildlife manag wildlife society bulletin biological conservation
and computer science optics express applied physics letters microwave and optical tec
journal of alzheimers diseneurology dementia and geriatric cog
cancer immunology immujournal of immunology cancer research
lecture notes in computerinternational journal of d sensors
ieee transactions on auto automatica iet control theory and app
d health sciences brain and language neuropsychologia neuroimage
physical review d physics letters b physical review letters
economics letters journal of money credit a journal of economic dynam
annals of the rheumatic djournal of rheumatology arthritis and rheumatism
organic letters tetrahedron letters angewandte chemie-intern
s and humanities journal of autism and devresearch in autism spectr autism
physical review d journal of cosmology and m a onthly notices of the roy
american journal of cardi atherosclerosis circulation
international journal of c journal of hydrology journal of climate
catheterization and cardioamerican journal of cardi journal of the american co
applied catalysis b-envir catalysis today journal of catalysis
s and humanities international journal of gegerontologist international psychogeriat
international journal of s journal of research in sci journal of chemical educa
journal of applied physics physical review b applied physics letters
carbon journal of applied polymecomposites science and t
journal of magnetism andjournal of applied physics journal of nanoscience a
journal of applied polymepolymer macromolecules
earth and planetary scienclithos journal of petrology
s and humanities addictive behaviors addiction drug and alcohol depend
d health sciences journal of materials scien biomaterials materials science & engine
molecular phylogenetics azootaxa systematic biology
soil biology & biochemistrplant and soil applied soil ecology
helicobacter world journal of gastroen alimentary pharmacology
head and neck-journal fororal oncology international journal of r
journal of vascular and in world journal of gastroen hepato-gastroenterology
composite structures journal of sound and vibrainternational journal of so
d health sciences applied and environmentainternational journal of f journal of applied microbi
astrophysical journal astronomy & astrophysicsmonthly notices of the roy
microporous and mesoporapplied catalysis a-generajournal of physical chemis
d health sciences journal of essential oil re journal of essential oil be natural product communic
journal of urology neurourology and urodynbju international
journal of raptor researchjournal of wildlife manag ibis
psycho-oncology supportive care in cancer journal of clinical oncolog
s and humanities journal of affective disordpsychological medicine depression and anxiety
applied physics letters organic electronics advanced materials
animal behaviour behavioral ecology proceedings of the royal s
journal of physical chemiselectrochimica acta rsc advances
physical review a physical review letters journal of physics a-math
d health sciences aquatic toxicology environmental toxicology ecotoxicology and enviro
quaternary science reviewpaleoceanography palaeogeography palaeocl
osteoarthritis and cartilagjournal of orthopaedic re arthritis and rheumatism
breast cancer research a journal of clinical oncologannals of oncology
s and humanities journal of traumatic stres military medicine journal of nervous and me
journal of clinical psychiatjournal of clinical psych schizophrenia research
spectrochimica acta part journal of coordination c polyhedron
journal of physical chemisnano letters journal of the american c
and computer science journal of econometrics journal of banking & fina journal of futures markets
ieee transactions on plas journal of physics d-appli plasma sources science &
electrochimica acta journal of power sources carbon
plant cell tissue and organin vitro cellular & develo plant cell reports
d health sciences veterinary parasitology infection and immunity ticks and tick-borne disea
optics express ieee photonics technologyoptics letters
epilepsy & behavior epilepsia seizure-european journal
astrophysical journal astronomy & astrophysicsmonthly notices of the roy
synthetic metals journal of applied polymeelectrochimica acta
biosensors & bioelectronielectroanalysis sensors and actuators b-c
journal of biological chemmolecular and cellular bioplos one
journal of hypertension american journal of hyperjournal of human hyperte
journal of virology plos one vaccine
talanta analytica chimica acta journal of analytical atom
medical physics physics in medicine and binternational journal of r
journal of biological chemdna repair nucleic acids research
theriogenology animal reproduction scienfertility and sterility
journal of cataract and re journal of refractive surgecornea
american journal of clinicajournal of nutrition clinical chemistry and lab
thyroid journal of clinical endoc world journal of surgery
and computer science physical review e physica a-statistical mechaplos one
energy and buildings building and environmentapplied energy
journal of alloys and com materials science and engjournal of non-crystalline
osteoporosis internationajournal of bone and minerbone
ces and engineering cereal chemistry carbohydrate polymers starch-starke
plant physiology molecular plant-microbe iplant journal
lung cancer journal of thoracic oncolojournal of clinical oncolog
applied physics letters journal of applied physics microelectronic engineeri
blood leukemia leukemia research
journal of thrombosis andthrombosis research thrombosis and haemosta
stroke cerebrovascular diseases journal of stroke & cerebr
ieee transactions on poweieee transactions on pow international journal of e
plos one epigenetics cancer research
chest respiratory medicine european respiratory jour
diabetes care diabetic medicine diabetes research and clin
d health sciences biophysical journal langmuir biochimica et biophysica
d health sciences reading and writing journal of speech languagjournal of learning disabili
sleep sleep and breathing chest
carbon applied physics letters journal of vacuum science
journal of geophysical resgeophysical research lettebulletin of the seismologi
electoral studies public choice journal of politics
molecular ecology conservation genetics conservation genetics res
ces and engineering ieee transactions on auto automatica ieee transactions on indust
chemical communicationstetrahedron letters sensors and actuators b-c
forest ecology and mana canadian journal of fores canadian journal of forest
ferroelectrics journal of applied physics applied physics letters
international journal of drug development and indjournal of pharmaceutical
tetrahedron letters synthetic communicationstetrahedron
journal of pain and sym journal of palliative medicpalliative medicine
journal of chromatographanalytica chimica acta journal of separation scie
composite structures composites science and t composites part a-applied
physical review b physica c-superconductivitphysical review letters
physics of plasmas physical review letters review of scientific instr
vaccine pediatric infectious diseasantimicrobial agents and
journal of geotechnical a canadian geotechnical jougeotechnique
d health sciences plant cell plant physiology plant journal
journal of high energy phynuclear physics b physical review d
scientometrics journal of the american s journal of informetrics
headache cephalalgia journal of headache and p
soil & tillage research soil science society of amegeoderma
microporous and mesoporchemistry of materials journal of materials chemi
langmuir journal of physical chemisjournal of the american c
journal of clinical endoc diabetes plos one
physical review c nuclear physics a journal of physics g-nucle
plos neglected tropical di american journal of tropi acta tropica
journal of geophysical resannales geophysicae geophysical research lette
meat science journal of animal science korean journal for food sc
journal of criminal justice criminology british journal of criminol
d health sciences international journal of eaeuropean eating disordersbody image
journal of urology urology bju international
psychopharmacology journal of neuroscience neuropsychopharmacolog
ices journal of marine sci fisheries research canadian journal of fisher
ces and engineering bioresource technology international journal of water science and techno
proteins-structure functi bioinformatics nucleic acids research
applied physics letters physical review b journal of applied physics
d health sciences archives of virology virology journal of virology
prostaglandins leukotrieneamerican journal of clinicalipids
d health sciences european journal of medicacta crystallographica secindian journal of heterocy
ces and engineering international journal of journal of controlled rele biomaterials
journal of dairy science animal feed science and t journal of animal science
circulation circulation research plos one
journal of democracy journal of peace research democratization
lecture notes in computeracm sigplan notices theoretical computer scie
optics express optics letters optics communications
organic letters journal of organic chemisttetrahedron letters
physical review b physica b-condensed mattjournal of the physical soc
journal of neuroscience journal of neurophysiologneural computation
microwave and optical tecieee transactions on ante ieee antennas and wireles
acm transactions on graphcomputer graphics forum ieee transactions on visu
international journal of r remote sensing of enviro photogrammetric engineer
physical review b applied physics letters nano letters
pakistan journal of botanyacta physiologiae plantar journal of plant physiolog
theriogenology biology of reproduction molecular reproduction
d health sciences environmental science & toxicology and applied p science of the total envi
anesthesia and analgesia regional anesthesia and panaesthesia
journal of international world economy applied economics
bioinformatics bmc bioinformatics nucleic acids research
holzforschung european journal of woodforest products journal
review of international st washington quarterly international affairs
pain neuroscience neuroscience letters
pace-pacing and clinical eeuropace heart rhythm
langmuir journal of colloid and intecolloids and surfaces a-p
journal of arthroplasty clinical orthopaedics and journal of bone and joint
journal of geophysical re journal of physical ocean continental shelf research
and computer science industrial marketing man international journal of international journal of p
s and humanities quaternary international journal of archaeological journal of human evolutio
movement disorders journal of neurochemistryneuroscience letters
and computer science applied mathematics and communications in theoret chaos solitons & fractals
journal of business ethics journal of cleaner productbusiness ethics quarterly
s and humanities journal of attention disor journal of the american a journal of child and ado
nurse education today journal of advanced nursi journal of nursing adminis
physical review d physics letters b nuclear physics b-procee
physical review b journal of applied physics applied physics letters
journal of power sources electrochimica acta journal of materials chemi
s and humanities journal of adolescent healaids care-psychological anaids and behavior
d health sciences accident analysis and pre transportation research r transportation research pa
physical review b journal of applied physics journal of magnetism and
amyotrophic lateral scleroneurology acta neuropathologica
brain injury journal of neurotrauma journal of head trauma reh
clinical oral implants rese international journal of orjournal of prosthetic denti
and computer science chaos solitons & fractals international journal of b acta physica sinica
computers & education british journal of educati educational technology &
placenta american journal of obstehypertension in pregnanc
sleep sleep medicine journal of sleep research
journal of shoulder and e arthroscopy-the journal ofamerican journal of sport
physical review b physical review letters applied physics letters
journal of allergy and cli allergy clinical and experimental
ces and engineering journal of chemical physicjournal of physical chemisjournal of molecular biolo
mycorrhiza mycotaxon new phytologist
macromolecules journal of polymer scienc polymer
poultry science journal of animal science revista brasileira de zoote
cancer research clinical cancer research plos one
and computer science international journal of international journal of journal of materials proc
and computer science ieee photonics technologyjournal of lightwave tech optics express
bone marrow transplantatbiology of blood and marrblood
materials science and engacta materialia scripta materialia
diabetes diabetologia transplantation proceedin
lecture notes in computerinformation and softwarejournal of systems and so
physical review c nuclear physics a european physical journal
annals of thoracic surgeryjournal of thoracic and ca cardiology in the young
british journal of pharma european journal of phar psychopharmacology
water science and technowater research bioresource technology
journal of the acoustical ear and hearing international journal of a
physical review d journal of high energy phyclassical and quantum gra
molecular crystals and liquphysical review e liquid crystals
macromolecules langmuir polymer chemistry
environmental health peratmospheric environmentinhalation toxicology
ces and engineering journal of geophysical resjournal of atmospheric and advances in space researc
applied and environmentachemosphere applied microbiology and
chronobiology internationjournal of biological rhyt plos one
s and humanities suicide and life-threateni journal of affective disordcrisis-the journal of crisi
journal of hazardous matechemical engineering jourdesalination and water t
physical review a physical review letters journal of physics b-atomi
transplantation proceedintransplantation american journal of trans
s and humanities journal of substance abusdrug and alcohol depend addiction
agricultural and forest m journal of geophysical re journal of hydrometeorol
gait & posture experimental brain researjournal of the american ge
investigative ophthalmolojournal of neuroscience molecular vision
biomaterials journal of biomedical mate tissue engineering part a
and computer science journal of the american s lecture notes in computerjournal of academic librar
d health sciences food additives and contamfood control international journal of f
sociobiology insectes sociaux behavioral ecology and so
journal of neuro-oncologyneuro-oncology journal of neurosurgery
journal of allergy and cli american journal of respireuropean respiratory jour
journal of molecular catalenzyme and microbial tecprocess biochemistry
pediatrics acta paediatrica early human developmen
investigative ophthalmoloretina-the journal of retinamerican journal of opht
postharvest biology and t scientia horticulturae hortscience
journal of cell biology molecular biology of the ccell cycle
journal of immunology transplantation european journal of imm
acta crystallographica secacta crystallographica seczeitschrift fur kristallogr
tetrahedron letters organic letters journal of organic chemist
american journal of primainternational journal of p primates
molecular ecology american journal of botanplant systematics and evo
inorganic chemistry dalton transactions polyhedron
environmental toxicology aquatic toxicology environmental science &
and computer science journal of micromechanicsensors and actuators a-pjournal of microelectrome
s and humanities academic medicine medical teacher medical education
ieee journal of solid-state ieee transactions on mic ieee microwave and wirel
journal of urology bju international european urology
biosensors & bioelectronianalytical chemistry sensors and actuators b-c
journal of sexual medicin international journal of bju international
hydrobiologia freshwater biology toxicon
aquaculture aquaculture research aquaculture nutrition
lupus arthritis and rheumatism journal of rheumatology
neurosurgery american journal of neurojournal of neurosurgery
journal of hydrology environmental earth scie hydrogeology journal
palaeogeography palaeoclcretaceous research review of palaeobotany a
journal of immunology journal of biological chemplos one
d health sciences journal of interpersonal v violence against women journal of family violence
ieee photonics technologyoptics express optics letters
plos neglected tropical di american journal of tropi acta tropica
marine policy ecology and society ocean & coastal managem
nephrology dialysis transpamerican journal of kidnekidney international
nonlinear analysis-theory journal of mathematical an journal of differential equ
d health sciences biomaterials journal of biomedical matejournal of materials scien
d health sciences emotion cognition & emotion plos one
journal of electronic materjournal of alloys and com journal of applied physics
lecture notes in computerapplied soft computing ieee transactions on evol
physical review d nuclear physics b-procee physics letters b
langmuir biomaterials macromolecules
d health sciences journal of bacteriology applied and environmentaplos one
s and humanities journal of neuroscience neuroimage plos one
biological control environmental entomologentomologia experimentali
journal of biological chemmolecular biology of the ctraffic
tree physiology plant cell and environmennew phytologist
journal of periodontologyjournal of clinical periodo journal of periodontal res
expert systems with applieuropean journal of operafuzzy sets and systems
american journal of cardi american heart journal international journal of c
personality and social psyeuropean journal of sociajournal of experimental so
international journal of applied catalysis a-generacatalysis today
lecture notes in computerpattern recognition neurocomputing
Life and earth sciences environmental science & nanotoxicology journal of nanoparticle re
diamond and related mateapplied physics letters physica status solidi a-ap
ieee transactions on com ieice transactions on com ieee transactions on wire
journal of the american cothrombosis and haemostathrombosis research
astrophysical journal monthly notices of the royastronomy & astrophysics
cellulose carbohydrate polymers nordic pulp & paper resea
journal of analytical and aenergy & fuels bioresource technology
vaccine plos one influenza and other respir
journal of agricultural an food chemistry american journal of enolog
neurogastroenterology and alimentary pharmacology american journal of gastr
psychiatric services psychiatric rehabilitation psychiatrische praxis
lecture notes in computeracm sigplan notices ieee transactions on very l
spine european spine journal journal of neurosurgery-s
optical materials journal of luminescence journal of alloys and com
organometallics journal of organometallic macromolecules
journal of family psycholochild development developmental psycholog
journal of archaeological antiquity american antiquity
lecture notes in computerfuture generation compute concurrency and computat
and computer science ieee transactions on electsolid-state electronics ieee electron device letter
journal of pain and sym pain medicine pain
journal of neuroscience neuron journal of biological chem
physical review d journal of cosmology and m a onthly notices of the roy
physical review b applied physics letters journal of applied physics
journal of ethnic and migrinternational migration international migration r
prostate cancer research bju international
ieee transactions on circuieee transactions on imagieee transactions on cons
organic letters journal of the american c angewandte chemie-intern
archives of physical medicstroke clinical rehabilitation
journal of arthroplasty clinical orthopaedics and knee surgery sports trau
community dentistry and british dental journal journal of public health de
journal of physical chemiscombustion and flame proceedings of the combus
stem cells stem cells and developmecytotherapy
alimentary pharmacology american journal of gastr surgical endoscopy and ot
journal of geophysical re journal of the atmospherijournal of climate
rsc advances journal of physical chemisinternational journal of
journal of strength and cojournal of sports sciences strength and conditioning
journal of non-crystalline physics and chemistry of gjournal of the american c
d health sciences infection and immunity journal of food protectionjournal of clinical microbi
d health sciences carbohydrate polymers international journal of journal of applied polyme
journal of applied polymepolymer polymer engineering and
transfusion vox sanguinis transfusion and apheresis
d health sciences journal of homosexuality aids and behavior archives of sexual behavio
organometallics angewandte chemie-intern inorganic chemistry
medicine and science in s journal of physical activit preventive medicine
plos one applied and environmentabritish journal of nutrition
stem cells plos one stem cells and developme
genetic epidemiology american journal of humahuman heredity
gynecologic oncology international journal of g european journal of gynae
ces and engineering journal of food engineeri drying technology journal of food science a
journal of the american s echocardiography-a journa american journal of cardi
kidney international journal of the american s pediatric nephrology
surface & coatings technojournal of thermal spray materials science and eng
journal of nuclear cardiol journal of the american coamerican journal of cardi
international journal of european journal of operainternational journal of p
optics express laser physics optics letters
journal of dairy science theriogenology animal reproduction scien
surface & coatings technothin solid films applied surface science
journal of food protectioninternational journal of f food control
environmental monitorin science of the total envi marine pollution bulletin
ces and engineering journal of controlled rele biomaterials bioconjugate chemistry
journal of alloys and com international journal of journal of physical chemis
ieee transactions on appl physica c-superconductivitsuperconductor science &
investigative ophthalmolojournal of glaucoma experimental eye researc
eukaryotic cell journal of biological chemyeast
d health sciences electrophoresis journal of chromatographanalytical chemistry
blood british journal of haematoleukemia & lymphoma
american journal of physi circulation research journal of molecular and c
materials science and engmetallurgical and materialisij international
journal of glaciology annals of glaciology quaternary science review
lecture notes in computerpattern recognition multimedia tools and appl
osteoarthritis and cartilagarthritis and rheumatism annals of the rheumatic d
ces and engineering transportation research r transportation research ptransportation research p
public administration rev public administration journal of public administ
european planning studieregional studies environment and planning
aids research and human raids jaids-journal of acquired
applied surface science applied physics a-materialjournal of applied physics
journal of affective disordbipolar disorders journal of clinical psychiat
journal of chemical physicjournal of physical chemisjournal of physical chemis
infection and immunity plos one tuberculosis
journal of marriage and fajournal of family issues demographic research
international journal of r annals of surgical oncologbreast
nephrology dialysis transpkidney international american journal of kidne
transplantation proceedintransplantation american journal of trans
s and humanities hippocampus journal of neuroscience neuropsychologia
ces and engineering journal of environmental rjournal of radioanalytical applied radiation and iso
journal of molecular catalapplied catalysis a-generatetrahedron letters
drug metabolism and dispjournal of biological chempharmaceutical research
journal of vertebrate pal cretaceous research plos one
journal of arid environme ecology journal of vegetation scie
chemical communicationsjournal of the american c chemistry-a european jou
plos one journal of theoretical biol bioinformatics
neuroimage magnetic resonance in mehuman brain mapping
neuroimage clinical neurophysiology ieee transactions on biom
marine ecology progress sjournal of fish biology estuarine coastal and shel
human reproduction fertility and sterility reproductive biomedicine
glycobiology journal of biological chemanalytical chemistry
combustion and flame proceedings of the combus combustion science and t
journal of asthma journal of allergy and cli annals of allergy asthma
resuscitation critical care medicine american journal of emer
fuel energy & fuels bioresource technology
journal of hypertension hypertension american journal of hyper
engineering structures earthquake engineering &journal of structural engi
d health sciences environmental science & science of the total envi atmospheric environment
spectroscopy and spectralchemometrics and intelligjournal of near infrared s
physical review c nuclear physics a european physical journal
thrombosis and haemostathrombosis research journal of thrombosis and
journalism & mass commun media culture & society journalism studies
applied microbiology and metabolic engineering applied and environmenta
theoretical and applied gecrop science euphytica
journal of the american c chemical communicationschemical physics letters
american journal of obsteobstetrics and gynecologymidwifery
journal of hazardous mateapplied catalysis b-envir chemosphere
acta crystallographica seccrystal growth & design crystengcomm
journal of herpetology zootaxa amphibia-reptilia
plos one molecular and cellular biojournal of biological chem
Physical sciences and eng carbohydrate polymers international journal of b international journal of
materials letters journal of alloys and com thin solid films
journal of vascular surger stroke european journal of vascu
marine ecology progress sestuarine coastal and shelmarine pollution bulletin
journal of allergy and cli clinical and experimental allergy
systematic botany phytotaxa american journal of botan
international journal of p european journal of operainternational journal of
nutrient cycling in agroe agriculture ecosystems & soil biology & biochemistr
physical review b physical review letters journal of the physical soc
journal of chemical infor journal of medicinal chemjournal of computer-aided
journal of applied polymepolymer polymer engineering and
international journal of obobesity diabetes care
chest european respiratory jouramerican journal of physi
ieee transactions on pow international journal of e energy policy
langmuir applied surface science journal of colloid and inte
journal of parasitology systematic parasitology parasitology research
coral reefs marine ecology progress splos one
cancer gene therapy journal of virology molecular therapy
marine ecology progress spolar biology waterbirds
organometallics journal of the american c journal of organometallic
heart rhythm journal of electrocardiolo journal of cardiovascular
journal of pragmatics discourse & society discourse studies
american journal of pharmamerican journal of heal journal of the american p
environmental toxicology chemosphere journal of agricultural an
american journal of botanannals of botany plant systematics and evo
biophysical journal biomaterials plos one
journal of biological chemcancer research plos one
weed technology weed science planta daninha
biological invasions invasive plant science a biological control
aquatic microbial ecology applied and environmentalimnology and oceanogra
international journal of s antonie van leeuwenhoekstandards
i in genomic scie
s and humanities social science & medicine journal of epidemiology bmc public health
journal of magnetism andjournal of alloys and com journal of applied physics
journal of volcanology an bulletin of volcanology journal of geophysical res
d health sciences plant physiology plant journal journal of experimental b
journal of biological chemplos one prion
british journal of dermatojournal of the european journal of the american
american journal of phys journal of biological chemdiabetes
journal of biological chemjournal of general physiol biophysical journal
energy policy renewable & sustainable climate policy
physical review b surface science physical review letters
journal of biological chemmolecular pharmacology biochemistry
microwave and optical tecieee transactions on mic ieee microwave and wirel
physical review b journal of physics-condenphysica b-condensed matt
arthroscopy-the journal ofknee surgery sports trau american journal of sport
journal of applied polymejournal of reinforced plas composites part a-applied
journal of applied polymepolymer materials letters
lecture notes in computerjournal of lightwave tech photonic network commun
s and humanities journal of intellectual disajournal of applied researchresearch in developmental
british journal of sports american journal of sport journal of athletic training
liquid crystals molecular crystals and liquphysical review e
european journal of nuclejournal of nuclear medici neuroendocrinology
theoretical and applied geeuphytica crop science
melanoma research annals of surgical oncologjournal of clinical oncolog
lingua natural language & linguislinguistics
physical review c nuclear physics a european physical journal
ieee transactions on audi speech communication lecture notes in computer
journal of herpetology amphibia-reptilia copeia
obesity surgery surgery for obesity and resurgical endoscopy and ot
astronomy & astrophysicsastrophysical journal monthly notices of the roy
lancet plos one health policy and plannin
remote sensing of enviro international journal of r remote sensing
autophagy plos one journal of biological chem
annals of thoracic surgeryjournal of heart valve dis journal of thoracic and ca
urban studies international journal of u habitat international
leukemia & lymphoma blood journal of clinical oncolog
journal of geography in h environment and planningsocial & cultural geograph
drug metabolism and dispxenobiotica clinical pharmacology & t
menopause-the journal ofmaturitas climacteric
journal of the american gejournals of gerontology searchives of gerontology an
journal of chemical physicchemical physics letters journal of physical chemis
journal of biological chembiophysical journal journal of muscle research
forest ecology and mana biotropica journal of tropical ecology
preventive medicine bmc public health obesity
journal of immunology journal of experimental meuropean journal of imm
journal of nutrition american journal of clinicafood and nutrition bulleti
sensors and actuators b-cthin solid films materials letters
cancer asian pacific journal of c journal of cancer educati
american journal of physi plos one pediatric research
d health sciences journal of chemical infor sar and qsar in environmejournal of chemical infor
pancreas pancreatology world journal of gastroen
journal of alternative a complementary therapiesevidence-based complemen
biological trace element r environmental health perenvironmental research
gastrointestinal endoscopamerican journal of gastr endoscopy
geophysics journal of applied geophyschinese journal of geophys
tetrahedron letters organic letters journal of organic chemist
marine and petroleum ge international journal of s applied and environmenta
x-ray spectrometry nuclear instruments & metjournal of archaeological
journal of electronic matermicroelectronics reliabilit journal of alloys and com
chemosphere science of the total envi environmental science &
materials letters colloids and surfaces b-bi journal of nanoscience a
thyroid journal of clinical endoc endocrinology
journal of cystic fibrosis pediatric pulmonology american journal of respir
journal of virology journal of clinical virologytransplantation proceedin
european journal of heartjournal of cardiac failure international journal of c
mitochondrion plos one biochemical and biophysi
fuel energy & fuels fuel processing technolog
lecture notes in computerieee transactions on imagieee transactions on medi
statistics & probability let journal of statistical plan journal of econometrics
cornea investigative ophthalmoloophthalmology
tourism management annals of tourism researc journal of sustainable tou
monthly weather review quarterly journal of the r weather and forecasting
siam journal on numericalcomputer methods in applnumerical methods for part
materials science and engtransactions of nonferrousmetallurgical and material
applied physics letters journal of applied physics physical review b
d health sciences biophysical journal optics express journal of physical chemis
carbohydrate research tetrahedron letters journal of organic chemist
journal of applied polymemacromolecules polymer
spine pain european journal of pain
breast cancer research a genetics in medicine familial cancer
journal of biological chembiochimica et biophysica aplos one
critical care medicine intensive care medicine american journal of respir
journal of paleolimnologyholocene quaternary science review
journal of hydrology hydrological processes water resources research
ces and engineering food hydrocolloids journal of agricultural an international dairy journal
american journal of physi cardiovascular research journal of molecular and c
journal of economic behaveconomics letters games and economic beha
journal of power sources journal of membrane scieinternational journal of
ces and engineering free radical biology and mnitric oxide-biology and c inorganic chemistry
d health sciences photosynthesis research biochimica et biophysica journal of biological chem
gastrointestinal endoscopendoscopy american journal of gastr
annals of thoracic surgeryjournal of thoracic and ca european journal of cardi
journal of clinical oncologannals of oncology british journal of cancer
geophysical journal internjournal of geophysical researth and planetary scienc
journal of clinical endoc clinical endocrinology european journal of endo
journal of biological chemcell stress & chaperones plos one
peptides antimicrobial agents and biochimica et biophysica
d health sciences journal of inorganic biochdalton transactions inorganic chemistry
international journal of h applied thermal engineerijournal of heat transfer-t
blood blood cells molecules andjournal of biological chem
archives of womens mentajournal of affective disordmaternal and child health
magnetic resonance in mejournal of magnetic resonmagnetic resonance imag
international journal of wiforest ecology and mana international journal of r
inorganic chemistry dalton transactions inorganic chemistry comm
journal of fluid mechanicsphysics of fluids aiaa journal
journal of geophysical re atmospheric chemistry angeophysical research lette
journal of the american me international journal of mmethods of information i
journal of chemical physicphysical review b journal of chemical theor
s and humanities insurance mathematics &mathematical finance quantitative finance
hepatology journal of hepatology world journal of gastroen
epilepsia epilepsy research epilepsy & behavior
optics express optics letters optics communications
european journal of appli journal of applied physiol medicine and science in s
ces and engineering journal of geophysical resicarus planetary and space scien
american journal of medica european journal of medicprenatal diagnosis
poultry science british poultry science archiv fur geflugelkunde
journal of ethnopharmacojournal of ethnobiology indian journal of traditio
ppar research journal of biological chembioorganic & medicinal che
behavioural brain researc neurobiology of learning learning & memory
ces and engineering biomass & bioenergy energy policy renewable & sustainable
hormones and behavior brain research neuroscience
annals of thoracic surgeryjournal of thoracic and ca journal of vascular surger
d health sciences journal of food protectioninfection and immunity applied and environmenta
journal of biological chemplos one cancer research
journal of nuclear medici european journal of nuclenuclear medicine commun
acta oto-laryngologica otology & neurotology experimental brain resear
astrophysical journal monthly notices of the royastronomy & astrophysics
d health sciences children and youth servic child abuse & neglect child welfare
s and humanities energy policy ecological economics energy
journal of biological chemcancer research plos one
zootaxa crustaceana journal of crustacean biol
lecture notes in computerieice transactions on fun security and communicati
d health sciences journal of chromatographjournal of separation scie analytical chemistry
nephrology dialysis transpkidney international american journal of kidne
hearing research journal of the acoustical journal of neurophysiolog
ieee transactions on auto automatica journal of intelligent & r
journal of algebra advances in mathematics mathematische zeitschrift
forensic science internati journal of forensic scienceforensic science internati
british journal of dermatojournal of investigative d journal of allergy and cli
journal of lipid research atherosclerosis journal of biological chem
applied and environmentaplant and soil world journal of microbio
hepatology journal of hepatology transplantation proceedin
materials science and engjournal of alloys and com materials & design
plos one journal of experimental b journal of neuroscience
asaio journal artificial organs journal of heart and lung
journal of the american c chembiochem journal of antibiotics
contraception journal of family planningeuropean journal of contr
journal of chemical and e journal of chemical ther fluid phase equilibria
journal of biological chemcell death and differentiatoncogene
journal of immunology european journal of imm proceedings of the nation
journal of physical chemisinternational journal of journal of the american s
anaesthesia anesthesia and analgesia canadian journal of anest
journal of raman spectrosjournal of physical chemisanalytical chemistry
european journal of operacomputers & operations rjournal of the operational
d health sciences journal for the scientific s journal of religion & healtreview of religious resear
ces and engineering biochemistry journal of molecular biolojournal of biological chem
diamond and related matesurface & coatings technothin solid films
journal of applied polymerubber chemistry and tec macromolecules
chemical communicationslangmuir journal of the american c
blood experimental hematologystem cells
diseases of the colon & r colorectal disease international journal of co
palaeogeography palaeoclreview of palaeobotany a journal of paleontology
deep-sea research part ii- biogeosciences marine chemistry
gastrointestinal endoscopsurgical endoscopy and otworld journal of gastroen
and computer science ieee photonics technologyjournal of lightwave tech optics express
journal of neurotrauma experimental neurology journal of neuroscience
diabetes care american journal of obsteobstetrics and gynecology
surface science journal of chemical physicjournal of physical chemis
bulletin of the seismologi soil dynamics and earthq geophysical journal intern
journal of vascular surger european journal of vascujournal of endovascular t
solar energy renewable energy energy conversion and m
s and humanities journal of medical ethics bmj-british medical journajournal of empirical rese
aids jaids-journal of acquired antimicrobial agents and
applied mathematics and nonlinear analysis-real wojournal of mathematical an
thin solid films solar energy materials andapplied physics letters
journal of biological chemplos one biochemical and biophysi
philosophy of science synthese philosophical studies
journal of trauma-injury injournal of trauma and acushock
journal of geophysical re atmospheric environmentatmospheric chemistry an
transportation research r transportation research patransport policy
foot & ankle internationaljournal of foot & ankle su journal of the american po
ces and engineering photochemistry and phot journal of photochemistryphotodiagnosis and phot
journal of neuroscience neuroscience plos one
journal of biological chemcell calcium journal of physiology-lon
transplantation proceedinliver transplantation hepato-gastroenterology
journal of orthopaedic re journal of hand surgery- foot & ankle international
breast cancer research a journal of steroid bioche journal of clinical oncolog
european journal of phar journal of pharmacology journal of medicinal chem
journal of occupational a american journal of industoccupational medicine-ox
journal of gastrointestinalhepato-gastroenterology pancreas
ces and engineering metabolomics analytical chemistry journal of proteome resea
physical review b journal of chemical physicjournal of physical chemis
journal of biological chemplos one development
ieee transactions on poweieee transactions on indust iet power electronics
familial cancer international journal of c cancer research
ultrasonics journal of the acoustical ndt & e international
journal of sound and vibramechanical systems and siengineering structures
haemophilia journal of thrombosis andthrombosis and haemosta
photochemistry and phot journal of investigative d journal of the american
physical review d physics letters b european physical journal
foreign language annals modern language journal system
journal of chemical physicjournal of physical chemischemical physics letters
malaria journal american journal of tropi plos one
quality & safety in health bmj quality & safety anaesthesia
lecture notes in computerieee transactions on pattecomputer vision and imag
critical care medicine shock critical care
d health sciences veterinary parasitology journal of parasitology parasitology research
small group research journal of knowledge ma organization science
international journal of international journal of p international journal of
applied physics letters optics express optics letters
macromolecules journal of polymer scienc journal of the american c
materials science and engjournal of alloys and com transactions of nonferrous
bioresource technology enzyme and microbial tecapplied microbiology and
journal of agricultural an journal of nutrition food chemistry
journal of immunology journal of biological chemplos one
d health sciences journal of the american a journal of clinical child european child & adolesce
chemical senses journal of neuroscience plos one
journal of endodontics international endodontic oral surgery oral medicin
d health sciences animal genetics journal of animal science journal of dairy science
international journal of fafatigue & fracture of engi engineering fracture mec
alcoholism-clinical and e alcohol psychopharmacology
journal of real estate fin urban studies real estate economics
bioresource technology journal of applied phycol algal research-biomass bi
s and humanities behaviour research and t journal of anxiety disordepsychiatry research
tetrahedron letters journal of organic chemisttetrahedron
journal of virology virology journal of general virolog
surface & coatings technoelectrochimica acta journal of the electrochem
ces and engineering applied mathematics and computers & mathematicsinternational journal of
d health sciences biosensors & bioelectronianalytical chemistry chemical communications
journal of european publicjcms-journal of common mcommon market law revi
nephrology dialysis transpamerican journal of kidnekidney international
ces and engineering ultrasound in medicine anieee transactions on ultra journal of the acoustical
bioelectromagnetics electromagnetic biology physics in medicine and b
d health sciences journal of the acoustical journal of phonetics journal of speech languag
learning and individual di journal of educational ps gifted child quarterly
journal of hand surgery- journal of hand surgery- journal of hand surgery-b
american journal of roentradiology breast cancer research a
american journal of repr biology of reproduction human reproduction
organization studies organization human relations
oncogene journal of biological chemcell cycle
d health sciences fungal genetics and biolo eukaryotic cell molecular microbiology
physical review a optics communications physical review letters
and computer science information & managemeeuropean journal of infor journal of computer info
solvent extraction and io journal of radioanalytical separation science and te
journal of neuroimmunol journal of neuroinflammaglia
materials science and engsmart materials and strucjournal of alloys and com
physics of plasmas physical review e physica scripta
d health sciences journal of pharmaceuticaljournal of chromatographyasian journal of chemistry
child development developmental science developmental psycholog
journal of chemical physicmacromolecules physical review e
kidney international nephrology dialysis transpcritical care
cancer research journal of biological chembioorganic & medicinal che
experimental gerontologyjournals of gerontology semechanisms of ageing an
radiation research international journal of rahealth physics
journal of sound and vibrasmart materials and strucjournal of intelligent mat
journal of the american british journal of dermatoleukemia & lymphoma
journal of the american c journal of the european c ceramics international
geometriae dedicata journal of algebra international journal of
journal of virology pediatric infectious diseasplos one
journal of constructional engineering structures thin-walled structures
journal of banking & fina journal of money credit a journal of financial stabili
bioinformatics plos one bmc bioinformatics
field crops research agronomy journal crop science
transportation research r construction and building journal of materials in civ
international urogynecoloamerican journal of obstejournal of urology
corrosion science corrosion electrochimica acta
d health sciences nucleosides nucleotides &journal of the american c nucleic acids research
journal of chemical physicphysical review b journal of physical chemis
d health sciences journal of natural producttetrahedron letters tetrahedron
journal of porphyrins and inorganic chemistry chemical communications
plos one journal of agricultural an journal of biological chem
ieee transactions on industieee transactions on poweieee transactions on indus
journal of materials proc materials science and engmaterials & design
journal of power sources international journal of journal of the electrochem
lecture notes in computerlecture notes in artificial bmc bioinformatics
materials & design science and technology ofmaterials science and eng
organic letters tetrahedron-asymmetry journal of the american c
laryngoscope otolaryngology-head and american journal of rhino
journal of agricultural an food chemistry journal of the american oi
aids jaids-journal of acquired clinical infectious diseases
wound repair and regenerburns plastic and reconstructive
biological trace element r journal of trace elements journal of analytical atom
geophysics chinese journal of geophysgeophysical prospecting
and computer science journal of power sources energy policy applied energy
ces and engineering journal of biomedical optiapplied optics optics express
academic medicine family medicine medical teacher
criminal justice and behavinternational journal of sexual abuse-a journal of
polymer macromolecules journal of applied polyme
journal of applied physiol american journal of phys journal of nutrition
journal of biological chemnucleic acids research biochemistry
hepato-gastroenterology annals of surgical oncologgastric cancer
physical review e powder technology physical review letters
human molecular genetic movement disorders plos one
s and humanities implementation science journal of evaluation in clijournal of the medical libr
molecular genetics and mjournal of inherited metabblood cells molecules and
hydrometallurgy minerals engineering transactions of nonferrous
journal of fluorine chemistetrahedron letters organic letters
thin solid films journal of non-crystalline journal of applied physics
materials science forum journal of applied physics applied physics letters
analytica chimica acta journal of pharmaceuticaljournal of veterinary pha
journal of immunology blood european journal of imm
international journal of h communications in nonline applied mathematics and
d health sciences neuroimage plos one neuropsychologia
american journal of industoccupational and environ annals of occupational hy
ocean engineering applied ocean research china ocean engineering
apidologie journal of apicultural reseamerican bee journal
drug and alcohol depend international journal of draddiction
and computer science safety science journal of loss prevention reliability engineering &
computers in human behanew media & society cyberpsychology & behavi
health affairs bmc health services reseainternational journal for q
engineering geology geomorphology landslides
ces and engineering journal of natural productchemistry of natural com chemical & pharmaceutical
d health sciences plant systematics and evocaryologia botanical journal of the l
journal of agricultural an food chemistry journal of nutrition
clinical neurophysiology brain stimulation experimental brain resear
ieee transactions on imaglecture notes in computersignal processing
journal of clinical endoc european journal of endoclinical endocrinology
and computer science european journal of operajournal of productivity anajournal of the operational
alimentary pharmacology bioorganic & medicinal che anesthesia and analgesia
ces and engineering journal of analytical toxic journal of chromatographyforensic science internati
journal of vascular surger european journal of vascuannals of vascular surgery
journal of supercritical fluindustrial & engineering journal of chemical and e
journal of environmental communications in soil scisoil science society of ame
chemical engineering scieindustrial & engineering chemical engineering rese
astrophysical journal monthly notices of the royastronomy & astrophysics
applied vegetation scienc journal of vegetation scie biological conservation
journal of coastal researc coastal engineering marine geology
journal of clinical epidem bmj-british medical journastatistics in medicine
physical review a physical review letters physical review b
diabetes obesity & metabdiabetes diabetes care
movement disorders stereotactic and function journal of neurosurgery
plastic and reconstructiveannals of plastic surgery journal of plastic reconst
physical review c nuclear physics a international journal of m
infection control and hos american journal of infectjournal of hospital infecti
respiratory physiology & journal of applied physiol advances in experimental
nucleic acids research journal of molecular biolojournal of biological chem
physical review b applied physics letters journal of applied physics
propellants explosives py journal of physical chemisjournal of hazardous mate
harmful algae toxicon journal of phycology
environmental health pertoxicology toxicological sciences
international journal of h numerical heat transfer painternational communicati
physical review b synthetic metals journal of the physical soc
physics of plasmas journal of vacuum scienceplasma sources science &
journal of physics a-math journal of physics a-math physics letters a
psychopharmacology neuropharmacology pharmacology biochemistr
nano letters applied physics letters nanotechnology
macromolecules journal of chemical physicpolymer
s and humanities ecological economics land use policy forest policy and economi
molecular therapy human gene therapy journal of virology
journal of oral and maxillobone journal of clinical oncolog
cancer annals of surgical oncologamerican journal of surgic
blood leukemia leukemia & lymphoma
journal of geophysical re geophysical research lettecold regions science and
journal of applied physics journal of magnetism andjournal of alloys and com
nucleic acids research journal of biological chemrna-a publication of the r
physical review d classical and quantum graastrophysical journal
diabetes care diabetes educator diabetic medicine
ieee transactions on magnjournal of applied physics journal of magnetism and
and computer science journal of materials proc international journal of international journal of m
injury-international journajournal of orthopaedic tr international orthopaedic
american journal of obstejournal of maternal-fetal obstetrics and gynecology
journal of applied polymeprogress in organic coatinpolymer
and computer science structural and multidiscip reliability engineering & computer methods in appl
international journal of rock mechanics and rock tunnelling and undergrou
music perception journal of research in musannals of the new york ac
fertility and sterility human reproduction european journal of obste
experimental brain researjournal of neurophysiologjournal of motor behavior
journal of applied phycol journal of phycology botanica marina
nonlinear analysis-theory journal of mathematical an applied mathematics and
journal of oral rehabilitat cranio-the journal of cranjournal of orofacial pain
inorganic chemistry dalton transactions journal of luminescence
ces and engineering ieee transactions on magnieee transactions on indusieee transactions on indust
catena earth surface processes a hydrological processes
and computer science international journal for computer methods in applcomputational mechanics
ces and engineering water resources research advances in water resour journal of hydrology
free radical biology and mhypertension journal of biological chem
geochimica et cosmochimiprecambrian research chemical geology
plos one cancer research stem cells
ces and engineering organic geochemistry aapg bulletin marine and petroleum ge
lecture notes in computerieice transactions on com ieee transactions on vehi
thrombosis and haemostathrombosis research journal of thrombosis and
hearing research acta oto-laryngologica otology & neurotology
international journal of h applied thermal engineeriinternational communicati
international journal of journal of controlled rele journal of pharmaceutical
icarus astronomy & astrophysicsmonthly notices of the roy
chemical communicationsjournal of the american c angewandte chemie-intern
tetrahedron-asymmetry journal of molecular catalapplied microbiology and
journal of immunology blood european journal of imm
s and humanities health affairs american journal of manahealth services research
veterinary parasitology parasitology research acta tropica
plastic and reconstructiveannals of plastic surgery journal of plastic reconst
s and humanities ergonomics applied ergonomics international journal of i
endocrinology general and comparative journal of neuroendocrino
journal of immunology plos one european journal of imm
physical review b physical review letters applied physics letters
psychoneuroendocrinologpsychosomatic medicine biological psychology
aggressive behavior journal of abnormal child social development
american journal of medica molecular psychiatry biological psychiatry
small business economicsentrepreneurship theory ajournal of business ventur
food chemistry journal of food science journal of agricultural an
journal of economic dynam economics letters journal of public economi
journal of immunological journal of molecular bioloprotein engineering desig
developmental medicine agait & posture archives of physical medic
physical review e chaos physica a-statistical mecha
chinese journal of geophysacta petrologica sinica journal of asian earth sci
fluid phase equilibria journal of chemical and e industrial & engineering
clinical and experimental rheumatology nephrology dialysis transp
and computer science applied optics optical engineering optics and lasers in engin
electroanalysis electrochimica acta sensors and actuators b-c
marine geology journal of sedimentary re sedimentary geology
nuclear instruments & metphysical review special t physical review letters
journal of virology aids blood
journal of immunology molecular immunology journal of biological chem
journal of biological chembioorganic & medicinal che clinical cancer research
ces and engineering journal of computational international journal for computers & fluids
optics express optics letters optics communications
journal of molecular spec journal of quantitative sp applied physics b-lasers a
journal of biological chemglycobiology plos one
surgical endoscopy and otamerican journal of surgejournal of surgical educat
d health sciences plant physiology plant cell plant journal
nematology journal of nematology nematropica
vaccine journal of infectious diseapediatrics
psychopharmacology forensic science internati drug and alcohol depend
journal of nuclear materiaphysical review b nuclear instruments & met
journal of great lakes res north american journal o transactions of the americ
journal of composites for construction and building aci structural journal
optics letters optics express applied physics letters
peptides journal of clinical endoc endocrinology
surgical endoscopy and otdiseases of the colon & r colorectal disease
corrosion science international journal of e corrosion
journal of neuroscience journal of biological chemneuron
autonomic neuroscience-ba physiological measureme american journal of physi
hypertension american journal of physi journal of the renin-angi
philosophical studies philosophy and phenomeno synthese
radiation protection dosi american journal of roentmedical physics
journal of agricultural an food chemistry annals of the new york ac
ces and engineering journal of hydraulic engingeomorphology water resources research
biology of reproduction reproduction endocrinology
journal of biological chemcancer research journal of immunology
journal of pineal researchneuroendocrinology letterbulletin of experimental
lecture notes in computerlecture notes in artificial expert systems with appli
electrochimica acta journal of the electrochemnanotechnology
telecommunications policinternational journal of inantitrust law journal
american mineralogist physics and chemistry of physical review b
endocrinology american journal of physi diabetes
review of scientific instr applied physics letters langmuir
lab on a chip organic process research chemical engineering jour
prenatal diagnosis ultrasound in obstetrics american journal of obste
journal of peasant studiesjournal of southern africa geoforum
d health sciences applied and environmentavirology journal of virology
d health sciences animal behaviour ethology plos one
neuroimage magnetic resonance in meplos one
physical review b surface science journal of physical chemis
physical review e physical review letters journal of chemical physic
physical review e optics letters physical review a
social indicators research journal of happiness studipersonality and individual
magnetic resonance in mejournal of magnetic resonnmr in biomedicine
astrophysical journal monthly notices of the royastronomy & astrophysics
crystal growth & design journal of crystal growth crystengcomm
isij international metallurgical and materialsteel research internation
molecular biology and evogene plos one
journal of physical chemischemical physics letters journal of molecular stru
international journal of british journal of industriaeconomic and industrial
journal of voice laryngoscope annals of otology rhinolo
journal of insect physiolo journal of experimental b journal of thermal biology
public health nutrition european journal of clinicabritish journal of nutrition
d health sciences journal of dairy science lipids italian journal of animal s
physical review b applied physics letters acs nano
aquaculture fish & shellfish immunolo journal of fish diseases
journal of biological chemplos one biochemical and biophysi
applied psychological me educational and psycholostructural equation modeli
journal of allergy and cli annals of allergy asthma allergy
china quarterly china economic review journal of contemporary c
insect biochemistry and mjournal of insect physiolo peptides
and computer science applied physics letters ieee electron device letterjournal of applied physics
investigative ophthalmolocornea optometry and vision scie
diabetes diabetologia diabetes care
s and humanities patient education and coujournal of general internapsycho-oncology
journal of porphyrins and dyes and pigments polyhedron
journal of the american s plos one journal of biological chem
neurocomputing lecture notes in computerjournal of machine learni
purinergic signalling journal of biological chembritish journal of pharma
pediatric dermatology journal of craniofacial sur journal of the american
international journal of p journal of the american pspsychoanalytic dialogues
journal of rural studies sociologia ruralis agriculture and human va
physical review b physica c-superconductivitphysical review letters
stroke neurology journal of the neurologica
inorganic chemistry dalton transactions organometallics
langmuir advanced materials applied physics letters
spine european spine journal journal of spinal disorder
progress in organic coatincorrosion science electrochimica acta
journal of allergy and cli annals of allergy asthma allergy
marine mammal science journal of the acoustical marine ecology progress s
journal of urology urology journal of clinical oncolog
journal of the electrochemmicroelectronic engineerithin solid films
hepatology cell transplantation transplantation proceedin
lecture notes in computerpersonal and ubiquitous ieee transactions on cons
spinal cord archives of physical medicjournal of spinal cord med
plos one developmental biology development
neuromuscular disorders muscle & nerve human molecular genetic
journal of pediatric gastr american journal of gastr scandinavian journal of g
journal of biological chemplos one biochemical and biophysi
d health sciences journal of experimental b comparative biochemistrygeneral and comparative
journal of membrane sciejournal of applied polymeseparation and purificati
american journal of respirchest european respiratory jour
expert systems with applilecture notes in computerlecture notes in artificial
bioresource technology compost science & utiliza waste management
contact dermatitis dermatitis british journal of dermato
food chemistry journal of agricultural an food research internation
journal of inclusion phen international journal of carbohydrate research
journal of social and pers personal relationships journal of family psycholo
journal of bone and minerbone journal of biological chem
journal of neuroscience neuroscience letters plos one
reliability engineering & ieee transactions on reliabeuropean journal of opera
memory & cognition journal of experimental p journal of behavioral dec
and computer science mechanism and machine journal of mechanical desrobotica
gynecologic oncology international journal of g european journal of gynae
pest management sciencejournal of economic ento pesticide biochemistry an
water international international journal of water resources manage
journal of virology emerging infectious diseavirology
journal of economic ento environmental entomologjournal of invertebrate pa
biology of reproduction endocrinology reproduction
water research environmental science & journal american water wo
lecture notes in computercomputer networks ieee transactions on paral
memorias do instituto oswplos neglected tropical di revista da sociedade brasi
ieee transactions on ante microwave and optical tecprogress in electromagnet
psychosomatic medicine journal of psychosomatic american journal of cardi
applied catalysis a-generacatalysis today journal of catalysis
journal of neuroscience development journal of comparative ne
journal of applied polymejournal of polymer scienc polymer
public health nutrition appetite journal of nutrition educa
and computer science physical review e physica a-statistical mechajournal of physics a-math
annals of thoracic surgeryeuropean journal of cardi lung cancer
social policy & administra journal of european socialjournal of social policy
applied catalysis a-generajournal of molecular cataljournal of catalysis
clinical orthopaedics and journal of arthroplasty journal of hospital infecti
water resources manage journal of hydrology journal of hydrologic engi
evolution and human behpersonality and individualarchives of sexual behavio
ieee transactions on signaieee transactions on ante ieee transactions on aero
composite structures materials science and enginternational journal of i
journal of applied polymepolymer journal of polymer scienc
ces and engineering building and environmentatmospheric environmentboundary-layer meteorol
acta materialia materials science and enginternational journal of pla
journal of experimental sojournal of personality andpersonality and social psy
hernia surgical endoscopy and otbritish journal of surgery
geomorphology earth and planetary sciencgeology
analytica chimica acta journal of chromatographbiosensors & bioelectroni
applied clay science journal of geotechnical a canadian geotechnical jou
science and technology ofjournal of materials proc welding journal
diseases of the esophagusannals of thoracic surgeryannals of surgical oncolog
fertility and sterility human reproduction reproductive biomedicine
journal of applied physics physical review b applied physics letters
lecture notes in computerdiscrete applied mathematheoretical computer scie
and computer science journal of construction automation in constructiojournal of management in
journal of telemedicine antelemedicine and e-healthinternational journal of m
electrochimica acta journal of power sources solid state ionics
microelectronic engineerijournal of vacuum sciencejournal of micromechanic
lecture notes in computerenterprise information sy ieee transactions on serv
economics of education r journal of college studen research in higher educat
american journal of physi hypertension american journal of physi
journal of biological chemantioxidants & redox signafree radical biology and m
journal of virology emerging infectious diseavirology
applied physics letters ieee electron device letterieee transactions on elect
d health sciences nuclear instruments & metieee transactions on nuclephysics in medicine and b
bioorganic & medicinal chchemico-biological interacinternational journal of ge
applied physics letters ieee electron device letterjournal of applied physics
d health sciences parasitology research veterinary parasitology applied and environmenta
s and humanities medical teacher anatomical sciences educ american journal of pharm
games and economic behajournal of economic theoreconomics letters
ces and engineering engineering analysis wit cmes-computer modelinginternational
i journal of h
Biomedical and health sci journal of natural productjournal of antibiotics tetrahedron letters
vaccine infection and immunity plos one
pigment cell research journal of investigative d pigment cell & melanoma
international journal of c american journal of cardi journal of the american co
journal of stored productsjournal of economic ento parasitology research
gastrointestinal endoscophepato-gastroenterology world journal of gastroen
infection and immunity journal of clinical microbi plos one
american journal of orthoangle orthodontist european journal of ortho
and computer science mechanical systems and sijournal of sound and vibraieee transactions on indust
journal of agricultural an food chemistry bioscience biotechnology
transplantation transplantation proceedinjournal of heart and lung
journal of neurotrauma journal of neurosurgery journal of trauma-injury in
radiation measurements radiation protection dosi quaternary international
waterbirds journal of wildlife manag condor
physica a-statistical mechaphysical review e european physical journal
journal of nuclear materiafusion engineering and dephysica scripta
proceedings of the instit fuel international journal of
journal of immigrant and social science & medicineamerican journal of public
d health sciences journal of biomolecular n journal of the american c journal of magnetic reson
organometallics inorganic chemistry dalton transactions
d health sciences journal of chromatographchirality chromatographia
molecular plant-microbe ijournal of bacteriology applied and environmenta
mathematical biosciencesjournal of theoretical biol plos one
chest lung cancer radiology
journal of biological chemjournal of immunology plos one
journal of minimally inva fertility and sterility obstetrics and gynecology
journal of geodesy geophysical research lettejournal of geodynamics
journal of virology virology journal of biological chem
journal of human lactatio breastfeeding medicine pediatrics
skeletal radiology clinical orthopaedics and spine
environmental science & limnology and oceanogra chemosphere
energy applied thermal engineeriapplied energy
security dialogue millennium-journal of integeopolitics
applied physics letters journal of crystal growth journal of applied physics
neurosurgery laryngoscope journal of neurosurgery
journal of environmental environmental education journal of cleaner product
journal of differential equjournal of mathematical an nonlinear analysis-theory
powder technology chemical engineering scieindustrial & engineering
wear surface & coatings technomaterials science and eng
marine ecology progress sjournal of experimental mmarine biology
journal of biological chemjournal of neuroscience neuropharmacology
tribology international journal of tribology-trans proceedings of the institu
journal of endourology urology journal of urology
journal of biological chemgrowth hormone & igf resendocrinology
ieee transactions on wire ieee transactions on vehi ieee communications lette
carbohydrate polymers journal of applied polymefood hydrocolloids
journal of hazardous matewaste management ceramics international
journal of optimization th journal of global optimiza nonlinear analysis-theory
journal of shellfish resear aquaculture diseases of aquatic organ
journal of investigative d british journal of dermatojournal of the american
lichenologist bryologist mycotaxon
fertility and sterility journal of clinical endoc human reproduction
atmospheric environmentenvironmental science & marine pollution bulletin
organometallics tetrahedron letters journal of the american c
acta materialia journal of crystal growth metallurgical and material
economic history review journal of economic histo explorations in economic
annals of nuclear energy nuclear science and enginphysical review c
american journal of physi journal of human evolutiojournal of experimental b
journal of turbomachineryinternational journal of h proceedings of the instit
journal of clinical endoc clinical endocrinology journal of sexual medicin
genetics molecular biology and evoevolution
critical care medicine journal of the american geintensive care medicine
childs nervous system journal of neurosurgery journal of neurosurgery-pe
and computer science ieee transactions on geos ieee geoscience and remotieee transactions on aero
journal of knot theory andalgebraic and geometric ttopology and its applicati
ces and engineering ieee transactions on dielecieee transactions on poweieee electrical insulation
bone journal of biomechanics journal of bone and miner
journal of biological chemmolecular and cellular bionucleic acids research
diabetes care diabetic medicine diabetes research and clin
physical review d nuclear instruments & metjournal of cosmology and a
lecture notes in computerieee transactions on informultimedia tools and appl
otology & neurotology laryngoscope journal of laryngology and
retina-the journal of retinophthalmology american journal of opht
journal of applied polymemacromolecules journal of polymer scienc
public understanding of s risk analysis journal of risk research
blood leukemia & lymphoma leukemia
journal of biological chemjournal of cell science molecular biology of the c
s and humanities international journal of t value in health quality of life research
journal of immunology journal of allergy and cli blood
nucleic acids research dna repair journal of biological chem
global environmental cha natural hazards climatic change
gastrointestinal endoscoppancreas pancreatology
ces and engineering ieee transactions on aero ieee transactions on signajournal of guidance contr
journal of biological chemcancer research oncogene
spine european spine journal journal of neurosurgery-s
american journal of clinicabritish journal of nutritionjournal of nutrition
neurosurgery journal of neurosurgery american journal of neuro
d health sciences journal of bacteriology applied and environmentainfection and immunity
d health sciences zootaxa neotropical ichthyology copeia
ces and engineering match-communications inlinear algebra and its appldiscrete applied mathema
rheumatology journal of rheumatology arthritis and rheumatism
lecture notes in computercomputer networks ieee-acm transactions on
siam journal on scientific numerical linear algebra wjournal of computational
journal of guidance contr acta astronautica journal of spacecraft and
d health sciences molecular and biochemicaljournal of biological chemplos neglected tropical di
atherosclerosis american journal of cardi circulation
s and humanities experimental brain researplos one neuropsychologia
investigative ophthalmoloophthalmology journal of glaucoma
astronomy & astrophysicsmonthly notices of the royastrophysical journal
ieee transactions on plas physics of plasmas ieee transactions on elect
journal of physical chemissurface science physical review b
international journal of socomputational materials sphysica e-low-dimensiona
journal of the european c journal of the american c ceramics international
journal of neurochemistryneurochemistry internatiojournal of neuroscience
textile research journal fibres & textiles in easter journal of the textile insti
polymer degradation and jsournal of applied polymefire and materials
physica c-superconductivitphysical review b superconductor science &
muscle & nerve journal of hand surgery- journal of hand surgery-
clinical orthopaedics and pediatric blood & cancer cancer
plastic and reconstructiveaesthetic plastic surgery ophthalmic plastic and re
ecological economics environmental & resourc american journal of agric
journal of applied physics applied physics letters nuclear instruments & met
d health sciences perception vision research neuropsychologia
physical review a journal of physics b-atomiphysica scripta
physical review d journal of high energy phyphysics letters b
psychopharmacology behavioural brain researcpharmacology biochemistr
physical review a physical review letters quantum information & c
s and humanities journal of personality dis personality and mental hecomprehensive psychiatry
journal of immunology journal of biological chemplos one
veterinary microbiology avian diseases veterinary record
analytical chemistry rapid communications in journal of the american s
tetrahedron letters synthetic communicationsphosphorus sulfur and sil
bioinformatics bmc bioinformatics nucleic acids research
annals of statistics bioinformatics computational statistics &
journal of chemical physicphysical review e nano letters
journal of rheumatology journal of psychosomatic clinical and experimental
s and humanities journal of medical internejournal of health communhealth communication
pain muscle & nerve diabetes care
applied economics applied economics letterseconomics letters
journal of structural geol tectonophysics aapg bulletin
journal of neuroscience glia journal of neuroscience r
construction and building aci structural journal materials and structures
trees-structure and funct dendrochronologia forest ecology and mana
retina-the journal of retinamerican journal of opht ophthalmology
d health sciences psychology of sport and esport psychologist journal of applied sport p
journal of clinical endoc world journal of surgery surgery
journal of urology urology journal of pediatric urolo
journal of bacteriology molecular microbiology journal of biological chem
blood pressure monitorin journal of hypertension hypertension
sexually transmitted diseainternational journal of stsexually transmitted infec
brain research experimental neurology cell transplantation
icarus journal of geophysical resplanetary and space scien
journal of the acoustical hearing research international journal of p
tetrahedron letters journal of combinatorial organic letters
journal of biological chemnucleic acids research molecular and cellular bio
sleep brain research neuroscience
energy & fuels petroleum science and te fuel
toxicon journal of venomous animalbiochimie
s and humanities landscape and urban planecological economics land use policy
d health sciences spectrochimica acta part journal of luminescence spectroscopy and spectral
hormones and behavior journal of neuroendocrinopsychoneuroendocrinolog
journal of archaeological radiocarbon american journal of physi
journal of the american c journal of organic chemistorganic letters
agricultural systems agricultural water manag climatic change
neurocomputing applied mathematics and ieee transactions on neur
physical review e physical review letters journal of physical chemis
small ruminant research journal of animal science revista brasileira de zoote
journal of paleontology palaeontology palaeogeography palaeocl
wetlands estuarine coastal and sheljournal of coastal researc
american journal of roentjournal of magnetic resonradiology
journal of agricultural an biochemical and biophysi protein and peptide letter
journal of neuro-oncologychilds nervous system pediatric blood & cancer
materials science and engacta materialia metallurgical and material
physical review b physica c-superconductivitphysical review letters
journal of applied polymecoloration technology textile research journal
applied clay science clays and clay minerals clay minerals
peritoneal dialysis internanephrology dialysis transpkidney international
physical review e journal of fluid mechanicsphysics of fluids
veterinary pathology journal of veterinary inte journal of small animal pr
psychotherapy research psychotherapy psychotherapeut
physical review a optics letters optics express
langmuir macromolecules biomacromolecules
journal of cultural heritag construction and building restaurator-international j
applied physics letters journal of applied physics physical review b
journal of immunology blood journal of biological chem
journal of non-crystalline journal of optoelectronic physica b-condensed matt
fixed point theory and appnonlinear analysis-theory journal of inequalities and
journal of synchrotron radnuclear instruments & metoptics express
infection and immunity plos one journal of infectious disea
bioresources journal of applied polymeindustrial crops and produ
biological trace element r journal of biological chemjournal of nutrition
blood leukemia british journal of haemato
tectonophysics geophysical journal internjournal of asian earth sci
applied catalysis a-generacatalysis today journal of catalysis
academic emergency mediemergency medicine journannals of emergency medi
international journal of g geochimica et cosmochimienvironmental science &
investigative ophthalmolodiabetes care ophthalmology
international journal of incultural diversity & ethni hispanic journal of behavi
annals of thoracic surgeryjournal of thoracic and ca european journal of cardi
nucleic acids research rna-a publication of the r biochemistry
physical review b physical review letters physica e-low-dimensiona
journal of chemical physicjournal of physical chemisphysical chemistry chemic
statistics in medicine biometrics lifetime data analysis
british journal of ophthal investigative ophthalmoloophthalmic epidemiology
fuzzy sets and systems information sciences soft computing
ieee transactions on compieee transactions on very lieee journal of solid-state
plant physiology planta plant journal
international journal of journal of aerosol medicinjournal of aerosol medici
fusion engineering and defusion science and technojournal of nuclear materia
world development journal of development streview of income and wea
journal of biological chemjournal of cell biology journal of cell science
british journal of social w journal of social work eduinternational social work
journal of virology international journal of r plos one
atherosclerosis journal of lipid research arteriosclerosis thrombosi
journal of chemical physicphysical review b journal of non-crystalline
burns journal of burn care & resjournal of burn care & reh
journal of rheumatology annals of the rheumatic drheumatology
macromolecules molecular crystals and liqupolymer
clinical and experimental ocular immunology and i american journal of opht
journal of neurophysiologjournal of neuroscience journal of physiology-lon
and computer science computers & chemical engindustrial & engineering aiche journal
pediatric blood & cancer journal of clinical oncologjournal of pediatric psych
Physical sciences and eng international journal of e ieee transactions on educcomputer applications in
neurogastroenterology and journal of pediatric surgeramerican journal of physio
journal of dental researchjournal of endodontics archives of oral biology
ces and engineering journal of process controlindustrial & engineering automatica
electrochimica acta journal of hazardous matejournal of applied electro
organometallics dalton transactions journal of organometallic
pediatric anesthesia anesthesia and analgesia gastrointestinal endoscop
indoor air aerobiologia annals of agricultural an
physical review a journal of chemical physicjournal of physics b-atomi
d health sciences color research and applicajournal of the optical soc vision research
d health sciences acta crystallographica secacta crystallographica secjournal of applied crystal
gynecologic oncology international journal of g international journal of r
leukemia blood british journal of haemato
ultrasound in medicine anieee transactions on ultra hepatology
journal of algebra advances in mathematics journal of algebraic combi
journal of agricultural an plos one anticancer research
journal of mathematical an nonlinear analysis-theory siam journal on control a
ces and engineering bioresource technology environmental science & journal of power sources
insect biochemistry and mjournal of insect physiolo plos one
seed science and technol seed science research annals of botany
waste management international journal of li resources conservation an
tetrahedron letters chemical communicationsjournal of the american c
applied and environmentajournal of virology journal of virological met
journal of biological chemoncogene cell cycle
journal of applied behavioresearch in developmentalbehavioral interventions
journal of dairy science applied animal behaviour animal welfare
quality and reliability eng international journal of international journal of p
applied physics letters journal of applied physics journal of applied polyme
american journal of physi journal of biological chemamerican journal of physi
d health sciences fish & shellfish immunolo journal of fish diseases diseases of aquatic organ
s and humanities health policy health economics social science & medicine
journal of materials reseamaterials science and engacta materialia
muscle & nerve annals of thoracic surgeryjournal of neuroimmunol
journal of the american c inorganic chemistry dalton transactions
and computer science journal of geophysical re ieee transactions on powegeophysical research lette
international journal of r remote sensing of enviro applied optics
journal of mathematical an journal of functional analystudia mathematica
molecular vision investigative ophthalmoloexperimental eye researc
astrophysical journal journal of chemical physicjournal of physical chemis
ieee transactions on pow international journal of e electric power systems re
d health sciences applied and environmentajournal of bacteriology infection and immunity
innovative food science &journal of food engineeri journal of food science
journal of number theory acta arithmetica compositio mathematica
sensors and actuators b-cjournal of breath researchsensors
biomaterials journal of heart valve dis journal of biomedical mate
organic letters journal of organic chemisttetrahedron letters
international journal of sointernational journal of fr acta mechanica
ieee transactions on wire lecture notes in computerieice transactions on com
phytopathology plant disease european journal of plant
veterinary parasitology parasitology research veterinary record
ces and engineering inverse problems ieee transactions on ante ieee transactions on geos
journal of physical chemischemical physics letters journal of chemical physic
journal of dairy science journal of dairy research small ruminant research
journal of dentistry caries research american journal of dentis
journal of medicinal chemeuropean journal of phar british journal of pharma
journal of clinical psychiatjournal of clinical psych journal of affective disord
communications in statiststatistics & probability let journal of statistical plan
journal of molluscan studizootaxa nautilus
journal of magnetic resonjournal of the american c solid state nuclear magne
ieee transactions on poweieee transactions on ins international journal of e
and computer science lecture notes in computerinternational journal of c ieee transactions on medi
european journal of appli medicine and science in s journal of applied physiol
queueing systems performance evaluation journal of applied probabil
equine veterinary journal journal of equine veterinaamerican journal of veter
journal of differential equjournal of mathematical an communications in partial
clinical orthopaedics and journal of pediatric ortho arthroscopy-the journal of
chemical research in toxichepatology drug metabolism and disp
american journal of potatplant disease phytopathology
d health sciences journal of food protectionapplied and environmentajournal of clinical microbi
zootaxa plos one zookeys
journal of petroleum scie transport in porous mediajournal of canadian petro
green chemistry chemsuschem applied catalysis a-genera
investigative ophthalmolooptometry and vision sciejournal of aapos
journal of virology plos one journal of general virolog
urological research journal of urology kidney international
developmental biology genetics development
journal of analytical atomspectrochimica acta part analytical and bioanalytic
journal of atmospheric anieee transactions on geos journal of hydrometeorol
journal of international journal of world trade american journal of intern
journal of biological chemjournal of bacteriology biochemistry
journal of biological chemjournal of immunology blood
nucleic acids research bioinformatics genome research
european journal of appli medicine and science in s international journal of s
applied and computationaieee transactions on signajournal of fourier analysis
medical physics academic radiology radiation protection dosi
journal of theoretical biol mathematical and computmathematical models & me
robotics and autonomousinternational journal of r journal of field robotics
studies in higher educatioteaching in higher educat assessment & evaluation i
journal of the american c journal of the european c ceramics international
astrophysical journal astronomy & astrophysicsmonthly notices of the roy
dermatologic surgery toxicon plastic and reconstructive
journal of applied physics physical review b journal of magnetism and
ergodic theory and dynamnonlinearity discrete and continuous
acta crystallographica secpolyhedron inorganica chimica acta
developmental biology developmental dynamics development
ces and engineering meteoritics & planetary s journal of geophysical resicarus
journal of dairy science international dairy journalmilchwissenschaft-milk sc
journal of glaucoma ophthalmology british journal of ophthal
research policy higher education scientometrics
journal of biological chemjournal of immunology oncogene
amyloid-journal of proteinblood nephrology dialysis transp
journal of chemical physicjournal of physical chemisphotosynthesis research
surface & coatings technocorrosion science applied surface science
journal of experimental visual cognition journal of vision
american journal of physi journal of biological chemplos one
journal of high energy phynuclear physics b physical review d
journal of geometry and pdifferential geometry and annals of global analysis
journal of experimental c frontiers in psychology cognition
solar energy materials andjournal of applied physics applied physics letters
infection and immunity journal of clinical microbi international journal of a
american journal of medica journal of craniofacial sur journal of child neurology
evidence-based complemen acupuncture in medicine journal of alternative a
clinical infectious diseaseschest european respiratory jour
journal of allergy and cli journal of clinical immunoclinical immunology
water resources research journal of hydrology hydrological processes
spine european spine journal journal of neurosurgery-s
journal of neuroscience development plos one
applied clay science journal of colloid and intejournal of materials chemi
d health sciences applied spectroscopy analyst spectroscopy and spectral
analytical chemistry journal of the american s international journal of
renewable energy renewable & sustainable international journal of
development journal of biological chemdevelopmental biology
and computer science ieee transactions on magnjournal of magnetism andjournal of applied physics
phlebology journal of vascular surger european journal of vascu
ieee transactions on signaieee transactions on info ieee signal processing lett
siam journal on optimizat applied mathematics and computational optimizatio
head and neck-journal forjournal of oral and maxillooral oncology
journal of biological chemcancer research plos one
oecologia ecological entomology journal of chemical ecolo
origins of life and evoluti journal of theoretical biol biosystems
ces and engineering drug testing and analysis analytica chimica acta journal of chromatography
clinical chemistry clinica chimica acta international journal of c
journal of biological chembioorganic & medicinal che cellular signalling
journal of chemical physicphysical review e molecular physics
thin solid films sensors and actuators b-csolar energy materials and
water air and soil pollutio atmospheric environmentscience of the total envi
and computer science journal of computational physics of fluids journal of statistical physi
d health sciences memory & cognition journal of experimental p psychonomic bulletin & r
nonlinear analysis-theory advances in difference eqjournal of mathematical an
plos one journal of biological chembrain research
journal of virology transplantation virology
brain behavior and immunprogress in neuro-psychopschizophrenia research
journal of inherited metabmolecular genetics and mpediatrics
optics express applied physics letters solar energy materials and
gastrointestinal endoscopendoscopy world journal of gastroen
journal of aircraft journal of experimental b aiaa journal
veterinary anaesthesia anamerican journal of veter journal of veterinary pha
astrophysical journal journal of geophysical resphysics of plasmas
Physical sciences and eng journal of cleaner productresources conservation anwaste management
journal of parenteral and clinical nutrition nutrition
ces and engineering meteoritics & planetary s geochimica et cosmochimiearth and planetary scienc
ieee photonics technologyieee journal of quantum eoptics express
journal of the american c journal of the european c ceramics international
journal of power sources solid state ionics journal of the electrochem
physical review b journal of solid state chemphysical review letters
chemical communicationsjournal of photochemistryjournal of the american c
journal of animal science applied animal behaviour livestock science
fertility and sterility journal of minimally inva european journal of obste
plos one cancer research journal of biological chem
journal of chemical physicchemical physics letters journal of physical chemis
hepatology journal of biological chemamerican journal of physio
d health sciences optics express journal of biomedical optioptics letters
early childhood research early education and deve child development
acta chiropterologica journal of mammalogy plos one
applied cognitive psychol law and human behavior psychology crime & law
radiochimica acta environmental science & journal of radioanalytical
d health sciences natural product communicjournal of natural productbiochemical systematics a
personality and individualjournal of research in per journal of personality
sport education and sociesociology of sport journal quest
journal of virology journal of biological chemjournal of immunology
nucleic acids research biochemical and biophysi proceedings of the nation
journal of pure and applieadvances in mathematics algebraic and geometric t
environmental science & journal of contaminant hyground water monitoring
world journal of gastroen american journal of surgicsurgical endoscopy and ot
childs nervous system journal of neurosurgery pediatric neurosurgery
archives of oral biology arthritis and rheumatism rheumatology
s and humanities psychiatric services international journal of l journal of the american a
and computer science journal of computational international journal for computer methods in appl
applied physics letters physical review b journal of applied physics
ieee transactions on info ieee transactions on com ieee communications lette
pain neuroimage clinical neurophysiology
professional psychology-rtraining and education in journal of marital and fam
journal of biomechanics robotica advanced robotics
thyroid journal of clinical endoc clinical endocrinology
vaccine journal of virology pediatric infectious diseas
fertility and sterility human reproduction journal of urology
journal of chemical physicjournal of colloid and intephysical review e
d health sciences journal of biomechanics international journal of sointernational journal of n
cell communication and ajournal of biological chemplos one
anesthesia and analgesia british journal of anaestheanesthesiology
journal of biological chembioorganic & medicinal che oncogene
radiation protection dosi nuclear instruments & metradiation measurements
journal of biological chemantioxidants & redox signabiochemical and biophysi
journal of hypertension hypertension journal of the renin-angi
lupus thrombosis research thrombosis and haemosta
journal of nuclear materiaphysical review b journal of alloys and com
and computer science statistics in medicine journal of biopharmaceutic pharmaceutical statistics
journal of clinical microbi clinical infectious diseasesinfection control and hos
journal of functional analystochastic processes and tpotential analysis
thyroid journal of clinical endoc clinical endocrinology
acta crystallographica secjournal of organometallic main group metal chemist
cleft palate-craniofacial j journal of craniofacial sur plastic and reconstructive
journal of algebra communications in algebrjournal of pure and applie
tetrahedron letters journal of organic chemistorganic letters
chemical research in toxicchemico-biological interactoxicology letters
d health sciences atmospheric environmentphytochemistry plant physiology
food chemistry journal of agricultural an evidence-based complemen
permafrost and periglaciacold regions science and arctic antarctic and alpin
d health sciences protein expression and purjournal of biotechnology biotechnology and bioeng
journal of applied polymepolymer macromolecules
journal of crystal growth spectrochimica acta part acta crystallographica sec
journal of cataract and re american journal of opht eye
green chemistry journal of molecular cataltetrahedron letters
tetrahedron letters journal of organometallic phosphorus sulfur and sil
journal of biological chemthrombosis and haemostaplos one
d health sciences journal of the acoustical applied acoustics noise & health
plant disease phytopathology european journal of plant
journal of comparative e world development public choice
antimicrobial agents and journal of antimicrobial journal of clinical microbi
environmental pollution global change biology new phytologist
nuclear instruments & metieee transactions on nuclejournal of crystal growth
lecture notes in computertheoretical computer sciefundamenta informaticae
journal of vascular access seminars in dialysis journal of vascular surger
zootaxa paleontological journal zookeys
caries research journal of clinical periodo journal of bacteriology
dna repair tumor biology cancer epidemiology biom
d health sciences american journal of commamerican journal of evalu evaluation and program p
applied thermal engineerienergy and buildings applied energy
d health sciences journal of applied phycol carbohydrate polymers marine drugs
d health sciences nucleosides nucleotides &tetrahedron letters journal of organic chemist
mycoses medical mycology mycopathologia
diseases of the colon & r colorectal disease international journal of co
d health sciences journal of chromatographbiotechnology and bioengjournal of chromatography
langmuir journal of physical chemisjournal of physical chemis
plant disease molecular plant-microbe iphytopathology
and computer science international journal of measurement science andinternational journal of
microsurgery journal of reconstructive experimental neurology
vehicle system dynamics journal of sound and vibraproceedings of the institut
chemical senses physiology & behavior plos one
journal of catalysis applied catalysis a-generajournal of physical chemis
wear journal of applied polymetribology international
journal of electroanalytic analytical chemistry electrochimica acta
journal of the american c biochemistry inorganic chemistry
vadose zone journal soil science society of amewater resources research
s and humanities journal of portfolio man european journal of operafinancial analysts journal
and computer science journal of neural engineerieee transactions on biomjournal of neuroscience
ces and engineering journal of pharmaceuticalpharmaceutical research analytical biochemistry
american journal of medica human molecular genetic journal of clinical endoc
annals of the rheumatic djournal of rheumatology arthritis and rheumatism
journal of chemical physiclangmuir journal of physical chemis
dermatologic surgery british journal of dermatojournal of the american
nuclear instruments & metjournal of instrumentatio ieee transactions on nucle
journal of chemical physicmacromolecules journal of non-newtonian
physiological measureme international journal of mmeasurement science and
journal of thrombosis andblood haemophilia
journal of interprofession journal of nursing educatisimulation in healthcare-j
anesthesia and analgesia journal of vascular access pediatric anesthesia
zootaxa deep-sea research part ii-deep-sea research part i-
toxicological sciences toxicology and applied p toxicology letters
journal of fluids and struc journal of fluid mechanicsphysics of fluids
physical review b physica c-superconductivitphysical review letters
journal of the american british journal of dermatoamerican journal of derm
spectrochimica acta part journal of molecular strucacta crystallographica sec
applied optics optics express optics letters
crop science australian journal of expegrass and forage science
journal of clinical microbi emerging infectious diseaplos neglected tropical di
applied physics letters physical review b journal of applied physics
hypertension journal of hypertension journal of clinical endoc
journal of ethnopharmacopharmaceutical biology phytotherapy research
ces and engineering journal of ethnopharmacojournal of pharmaceuticaljournal of chromatograph
environmental entomologforest ecology and mana journal of economic ento
nuclear instruments & metjournal of instrumentatio ieee transactions on nucle
ces and engineering chemico-biological interacjournal of applied toxicol toxicology
minerals engineering international journal of mlangmuir
physics of fluids physical review e journal of fluid mechanics
combustion explosion andjournal of propulsion and propellants explosives py
geoderma soil science society of amerevista brasileira de cienc
journal of trauma-injury ininjury-international journajournal of trauma and acu
physica status solidi a-ap applied physics letters journal of applied physics
mycotaxon mycologia fungal diversity
surface science journal of physical chemisphysical review b
american journal of hemabritish journal of haematoblood
zootaxa international journal of a experimental and applied
journal of applied physiol clinical autonomic resear europace
physica c-superconductivitsuperconductor science &journal of superconductiv
physical review e physical review letters soft matter
physical review b physical review letters physica status solidi b-bas
chemical communicationsmacromolecules journal of the american c
ecological engineering water science and technowater research
ieee transactions on mic ieee microwave and wirelmicrowave and optical tec
and computer science social choice and welfare mathematical social sciengames and economic beha
environmental science & chemosphere environmental toxicology
nuclear instruments & metastroparticle physics physical review d
ces and engineering applied radiation and iso journal of radioanalytical journal of nuclear medici
physical review e physical review b journal of magnetism and
and computer science ieee transactions on nuclemicroelectronics reliabilit nuclear instruments & met
journal of electronic materapplied physics letters journal of applied physics
hepatology journal of hepatology american journal of gastr
dentomaxillofacial radiol journal of oral and maxillooral surgery oral medicin
chemical physics letters optics communications applied physics letters
journal of magnetism andjournal of applied physics ieee transactions on magn
nuclear engineering and dannals of nuclear energy progress in nuclear energ
crop science pesquisa agropecuaria bras euphytica
journal of biological chemjournal of immunology prostaglandins leukotriene
d health sciences biomacromolecules biomaterials journal of applied polyme
british journal of dermatojournal of the american international journal of
journal of agricultural an food chemistry food research internation
american journal of physi endocrinology hypertension
american journal of derm journal of cutaneous pathinternational journal of
osteoporosis internationabone journal of bone and miner
pharmacogenomics clinical pharmacology & t european journal of clini
lecture notes in computerlecture notes in artificial autonomous agents and m
monthly weather review journal of the atmospherijournal of climate
expert systems with applijournal of grey system international journal of fo
journal of the royal anthroamerican ethnologist cultural anthropology
journal of the american c angewandte chemie-intern chemical communications
inorganic chemistry journal of solid state chemacta crystallographica sec
atomization and sprays physics of fluids journal of fluid mechanics
d health sciences plos one plant journal plant cell
preventive veterinary medveterinary microbiology veterinary record
engineering fracture mec international journal of p journal of pressure vesse
studies in english literat notes and queries shakespeare quarterly
and computer science industrial & engineering journal of process controlcomputers & chemical eng
journal of the experimentabehavioural processes psychological record
ces and engineering lecture notes in computeroptics express ieee transactions on circu
s and humanities pediatrics health affairs health services research
computational statistics &communications in statiststatistics & probability let
diabetes care critical care medicine diabetes technology & the
diamond and related matephysical review b applied physics letters
journal of physical chemischemical physics letters journal of molecular stru
s and humanities journal of chemical educabiochemistry and moleculcbe-life sciences educatio
blood british journal of haematotransfusion
applied radiation and iso journal of organometallic inorganic chemistry
thin solid films applied surface science journal of applied physics
development developmental biology mechanisms of developm
journal of the american c journal of the european c journal of alloys and com
and computer science structural and multidiscip computer methods in applinternational journal for
journal of ginseng researcjournal of ethnopharmacobiological & pharmaceutica
integral equations and opjournal of mathematical an journal of functional analy
cancer epidemiology biomasian pacific journal of c tumor biology
geophysical journal internearth and planetary sciencjournal of geophysical res
and computer science ieee transactions on appl fusion engineering and decryogenics
physical review a physical review d physical review b
epilepsia epilepsy research brain & development
s and humanities landscape and urban planurban forestry & urban grurban ecosystems
nonprofit and voluntary s journal of youth and adol journal of community psy
monthly notices of the royastronomy & astrophysicsastrophysical journal
high altitude medicine & journal of applied physiol wilderness & environment
cancer causes & control cancer epidemiology biominternational journal of c
d health sciences aquaculture aquaculture research general and comparative
d health sciences zootaxa journal of the marine biol journal of natural history
catheterization and cardiointernational journal of c echocardiography-a journa
canadian mineralogist inorganic chemistry american mineralogist
acta crystallographica secjournal of materials chemijournal of physical chemist
applied surface science nuclear instruments & metsurface and interface anal
ces and engineering atmospheric environmentbuilding and environmentenvironmental science &
clinical chemistry and lab archives of pathology & l clinica chimica acta
physical review e physical review letters journal of physics a-math
journal of plankton resea marine ecology progress smarine biology
bioorganic & medicinal che journal of medicinal chembioorganic & medicinal ch
muscle & nerve neurology journal of the peripheral
s and humanities sleep dreaming journal of sleep research
journal of biological chemjournal of neuroscience plos one
pancreas internal medicine american journal of surgic
chest annals of thoracic surgeryeuropean journal of cardi
journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance in mejournal of magnetic reson
academic medicine jama-journal of the amerimedical education
journal of manipulative anspine manual therapy
d health sciences journal of the american lejournal of the society of journal of biological chem
labour economics economics letters international economic r
langmuir soft matter journal of chemical physic
surgical endoscopy and otjournal of laparoendoscopgastrointestinal endoscop
journal of shoulder and e journal of hand surgery- journal of bone and joint
journal of algebra communications in algebrjournal of group theory
nucleic acids research plos one journal of molecular biolo
d health sciences mindfulness journal of alternative a evidence-based complemen
journal of chemical physicphysical review a journal of physics b-atomi
blood journal of thrombosis andthrombosis and haemosta
lecture notes in artificial lecture notes in computerexpert systems with appli
journal of organic chemisttetrahedron letters organic letters
ultramicroscopy microscopy microscopy and microanal
physical review d physics letters b classical and quantum gra
robotics and autonomousinternational journal of soadvanced robotics
d health sciences optics express journal of biomedical optioptics letters
astrophysical journal monthly notices of the royastronomy & astrophysics
multiple sclerosis journal journal of the neurologicadisability and rehabilitati
japanese journal of appli applied physics letters journal of applied physics
physics of plasmas ieee transactions on plas review of scientific instr
molecular psychiatry american journal of medica schizophrenia research
journal of number theory acta arithmetica international mathematics
astronomy & astrophysicsastrophysical journal monthly notices of the roy
journal of applied physics journal of magnetism andjournal of alloys and com
organometallics journal of organometallic inorganic chemistry
journal of immunology plos one cancer research
and computer science vehicle system dynamics proceedings of the instit journal of terramechanics
dermatologic surgery lasers in surgery and medijournal of cosmetic and la
american journal of physi british journal of pharma american journal of physi
bone marrow transplantattransfusion supportive care in cancer
critical care medicine intensive care medicine resuscitation
lecture notes in computerlecture notes in artificial expert systems with appli
journal of cataract and re cornea american journal of opht
water science and technobioresource technology journal of hazardous mate
infection and immunity medical mycology clinical infectious diseases
nuclear medicine and bioljournal of labelled comp synapse
ces and engineering applied microbiology and journal of applied polymebiomacromolecules
and computer science rapid prototyping journal international journal of journal of materials proc
ces and engineering environmental science & journal of hazardous matechemosphere
injury prevention accident analysis and pre pediatrics
research in developmentaljournal of intellectual disaamerican journal of medica
journal of neurovirology aids journal of neuroimmune
ieee transactions on ante microwave and optical tecieee antennas and wireles
physica e-low-dimensionaphysical review b superlattices and microst
kritika-explorations in rus slavic review osteuropa
journal of chemical and e energy & fuels fluid phase equilibria
Life and earth sciences journal of applied polymepolymer degradation and es nvironmental health per
sarcoidosis vasculitis and chest european respiratory jour
s and humanities death studies omega-journal of death a journal of palliative medic
antimicrobial agents and journal of antimicrobial international journal of a
d health sciences fish & shellfish immunolo aquaculture diseases of aquatic organ
physical review b journal of solid state chemjournal of applied physics
applied geochemistry mine water and the envi environmental geology
lecture notes in computercomputers & security computer networks
pesquisa agropecuaria bras revista brasileira de cienc ciencia e agrotecnologia
d health sciences animal genetics indian journal of animal s asian-australasian journal
journal of public health disaster medicine and pubpublic health reports
applied surface science applied physics letters journal of micromechanic
neurology journal of neurology journal of neurology neur
organometallics journal of organometallic inorganic chemistry
journal of clinical endoc bioorganic & medicinal che journal of biological chem
water research colloids and surfaces a-p water science and techno
d health sciences journal of visual impairm international journal of i remedial and special educ
d health sciences journal of experimental b journal of comparative phcomparative biochemistry
integrated ferroelectrics ferroelectrics applied physics letters
ces and engineering magnetic resonance in meinorganic chemistry journal of the american c
parasitology research infection and immunity journal of clinical microbi
alcoholism-clinical and e addiction alcohol and alcoholism
synthetic metals electrochimica acta journal of electroanalytic
thrombosis and haemostajournal of thrombosis andthrombosis research
spine european spine journal journal of neurosurgery-s
industrial & engineering computers & chemical engchemical engineering scie
ces and engineering journal of theoretical biol physical review e physica a-statistical mecha
spectrochimica acta part applied spectroscopy applied optics
agricultural water manag irrigation science journal of irrigation and
behavioural brain researc physiology & behavior brain research
cutis journal of the american journal of the european
american journal of physi american journal of respirpediatric research
lecture notes in computerieee transactions on info ieice transactions on fun
tetrahedron letters organic letters journal of organic chemist
journal of biological chemnucleic acids research molecular and cellular bio
journal of biological chembiochemistry annals of the new york ac
journal of algebra communications in algebrjournal of pure and applie
journal of investigative d british journal of dermatopediatric dermatology
isij international tetsu to hagane-journal ofironmaking & steelmaking
d health sciences veterinary microbiology virus research journal of virology
physical review a journal of chemical physicphysical review letters
intermetallics materials science and engrare metal materials and
ieee transactions on ultra japanese journal of appli applied physics letters
anthrozoos applied animal behaviour journal of veterinary beha
free radical biology and mamerican journal of clinicajournal of nutrition
s and humanities sexually transmitted infecsexually transmitted diseainternational journal of st
journal of the american c organic letters tetrahedron letters
revista brasileira de zootearquivo brasileiro de medisemina-ciencias agrarias
poetics sociology-the journal of thbritish journal of sociolog
lecture notes in computerieee transactions on knowvldb journal
applied thermal engineeriinternational journal of reenergy conversion and m
journal of craniofacial sur journal of oral and maxillobritish journal of oral & m
d health sciences physical review e biophysical journal nucleic acids research
industrial & engineering adsorption-journal of the microporous and mesopor
applied physics letters physical review b journal of applied physics
d health sciences infection and immunity veterinary microbiology vaccine
plos one applied and environmentamolecular ecology
toxicon journal of biological chempeptides
studies in conflict & terro terrorism and political viojournal of psychohistory
bioresource technology applied microbiology and plant physiology
d health sciences infection and immunity journal of bacteriology molecular microbiology
journal of oral and maxillojournal of craniofacial sur international journal of or
journal of economic issuecambridge journal of eco history of political econo
aiaa journal journal of sound and vibrajournal of fluid mechanics
d health sciences plant cell tissue and organbiotechnology letters phytochemistry
genetics plos genetics chromosoma
agricultural systems experimental agriculture nutrient cycling in agroe
electroanalysis analytica chimica acta talanta
journal of physical chemisjournal of chemical physicchemical physics letters
clinical nutrition journal of nutrition healt nutricion hospitalaria
journal of trauma-injury inamerican surgeon injury-international journa
analog integrated circuits electronics letters ieee transactions on circui
s and humanities lancet journal of refugee studiessocial science & medicine
nuclear instruments & metieee transactions on nucleoptical materials
american journal of respireuropean respiratory jourrespiratory research
radiation protection dosi radiation measurements journal of environmental r
physical review e journal of statistical me physical review letters
and computer science physical review e journal of statistical physi communications in mathem
physical review d physics letters b journal of high energy phy
d health sciences plant physiology plant journal plos one
journal of vascular surger annals of vascular surgerycardiovascular and interve
journal of mammary glandbreast cancer research endocrinology
journal of sound and vibrajournal of the acoustical applied acoustics
journal of cardiovascular hypertension european journal of phar
d health sciences journal of agricultural an food chemistry phytochemistry
ieee transactions on ante ieee transactions on wire ieee transactions on vehi
applied and environmentajournal of applied microbiinternational journal of f
ces and engineering communications in mathem journal of statistical physi journal of physics a-math
ophthalmology british journal of ophthal archives of ophthalmolog
journal of physical chemisjournal of colloid and intematerials letters
journal of political philos philosophy & public affairethics
journal of fish biology environmental biology of marine and freshwater re
biochemistry journal of biological chemdrug metabolism and disp
nonlinear analysis-theory journal of mathematical an annales academiae scient
journal of antimicrobial clinical infectious diseasesinfection control and hos
journal of the copyright soiic-international review o texas law review
and computer science statistics in medicine epidemiology american journal of epide
journal of immunology european journal of imm plos one
journal of chemical physicjournal of physical chemischemical physics letters
journal of air transport transportation research r journal of aircraft
international journal of g industrial & engineering journal of chemical and e
lecture notes in computerpattern recognition neurocomputing
d health sciences physical review e journal of chemical physicphysical review letters
transplantation proceedinjournal of parenteral and journal of pediatric surger
ocean engineering journal of fluids engineer journal of hydrodynamics
journal of clinical endoc clinical endocrinology european journal of endo
journal of the acoustical journal of the audio enginacta acustica united with
plant and soil plant physiology journal of plant nutrition
langmuir colloids and surfaces a-p journal of colloid and inte
american journal of physi journal of molecular and ccirculation
transplantation proceedintransplantation american journal of trans
Biomedical and health sci physical review e chaos international journal of b
d health sciences phytochemistry plant physiology planta
international journal of i materials science and engjournal de physique iv
fertility and sterility human reproduction cryobiology
electroanalysis talanta analytica chimica acta
development developmental biology developmental dynamics
international journal of r supportive care in cancer radiation research
journal of oral pathology oral oncology oral diseases
ultrasonics sonochemistryphysical review e japanese journal of applie
pain journal of pediatric psych pediatrics
journal of immunology blood journal of biological chem
theoretical computer scieergodic theory and dynamacta arithmetica
d health sciences forensic science internati journal of forensic sciencejournal of medical entom
obstetrics and gynecologybjog-an international jouracta obstetricia et gyneco
international journal of r journal of alloys and com ceramics international
world journal of gastroen hepatology journal of hepatology
international journal of d ieee transactions on signasensors
d health sciences biochemistry journal of the american c journal of physical chemis
metabolic brain disease hepatology molecular genetics and m
free radical biology and mjournal of biological chemplos one
physical review b applied physics letters physical review letters
construction and building corrosion science structure and infrastructu
plos one analytical biochemistry bmc molecular biology
d health sciences biochemistry journal of the american c journal of biological inor
movement disorders medical problems of perfoneurology
physics of fluids journal of fluid mechanicsphysical review e
journal of neuro-oncologyinternational journal of r journal of neurosurgery
journal of sound and vibranonlinear dynamics international journal of n
lecture notes in computerdata & knowledge engineeieee transactions on know
spine journal of physical therap clinical biomechanics
international journal of journal of physical chemiscarbon
journal of affective disordbiological psychiatry psychiatry research-neur
renewable energy wind energy journal of the american he
journal of rheumatology arthritis and rheumatism rheumatology
pediatric infectious diseasjournal of clinical microbi pediatrics
clinical neurophysiology neuroreport psychophysiology
acta crystallographica sectetrahedron letters journal of heterocyclic ch
vaccine pediatric infectious diseasjournal of infectious disea
diabetes plos one diabetologia
neurotoxicology and teratnicotine & tobacco researpediatrics
acta arithmetica journal of number theory international journal of
inorganic chemistry journal of solid state chemzeitschrift fur anorganis
journal of vocational behajournal of career assessm career development quart
respiratory care intensive care medicine chest
journal of algebra communications in algebrjournal of mathematical p
journal of clinical endoc journal of pediatric endo archives of sexual behavio
medical mycology mycopathologia journal of clinical microbi
journal of biological chemoncogene biochemical and biophysi
international journal of international journal of e environmental health per
d health sciences veterinary parasitology parasitology research journal of helminthology
journal of physics d-appli ieee transactions on plas journal of thermophysics
appetite physiology & behavior international journal of ob
physical review e journal of computational computers & fluids
international journal of p laryngoscope annals of thoracic surgery
d health sciences parasitology research veterinary parasitology journal of parasitology
analytical chemistry analytica chimica acta talanta
d health sciences veterinary microbiology veterinary record journal of virological met
amino acids journal of biological chembiochemical journal
journal of physical chemisjournal of chemical physicchemical physics letters
dysphagia annals of otology rhinolo laryngoscope
physical review b philosophical magazine journal of alloys and com
journal of biological chembioorganic & medicinal che biochemical and biophysi
lecture notes in artificial information sciences fundamenta informaticae
d health sciences biophysical journal langmuir journal of the american c
computer aided geometricjournal of symbolic compujournal of computational
smart materials and struc journal of intelligent mat sensors and actuators a-p
hemoglobin american journal of hemablood cells molecules and
genetics mammalian genome physiological genomics
tissue antigens immunogenetics human immunology
journal of physical chemislangmuir journal of physical chemis
corrosion science corrosion materials and corrosion-w
theriogenology journal of small animal pr journal of the american an
journal of applied ichthyoaquaculture aquaculture research
ces and engineering journal of natural productphytochemistry planta medica
sexually transmitted diseaamerican journal of obstesexually transmitted infec
stroke journal of child neurologythrombosis research
d health sciences toxicon hydrobiologia journal of the marine biol
plos one journal of biological chemcancer research
developmental biology development developmental dynamics
journal of biological chemjournal of cell biology molecular biology of the c
food quality and preferenjournal of sensory studiesappetite
inorganic chemistry journal of the american c dalton transactions
neuropharmacology bioorganic & medicinal che european journal of phar
water research applied and environmentawater science and techno
international journal of c journal of cardiopulmonareuropean journal of cardi
physical review a journal of physics b-atominuclear instruments & met
intermetallics journal of alloys and com materials science and eng
tetrahedron letters organic letters journal of organic chemist
d health sciences molecular biology and evojournal of eukaryotic micrprotist
british journal of anaestheanesthesia and analgesia critical care medicine
nuclear instruments & metphysical review a physical review b
journal of urology urology bju international
bioconjugate chemistry journal of nuclear medici nuclear medicine and biol
nuclear instruments & metphysical review special t journal of the korean phys
journal of biological chemnucleic acids research bioorganic & medicinal che
ces and engineering analytical biochemistry proteomics analytical chemistry
contraception international journal of g reproductive health matte
plos one journal of biological chemamerican journal of phys
ces and engineering acta crystallographica secbioorganic & medicinal che european journal of medic
and computer science multibody system dynamiinternational journal for computer methods in appl
water science and technojournal of environmental water research
journal of veterinary inte journal of feline medicineamerican journal of veter
circulation plos one atherosclerosis
Mathematics and compute
journal of geodesy gps solutions survey review
physical review d classical and quantum grageneral relativity and grav
equine veterinary journal equine veterinary educatiamerican journal of veter
physical review b physical review letters physical review a
ieee journal of solid-state ieee transactions on circuanalog integrated circuits
journal of biological chembiochemical and biophysi cancer research
ces and engineering biochemistry journal of biological chemjournal of physical chemis
journal of biological chemamerican journal of physi american journal of physio
forensic science internati american journal of foreninternational journal of l
journal of tribology-trans wear tribology international
dental traumatology american journal of orthoangle orthodontist
journal of heart valve dis annals of thoracic surgerybritish dental journal
journal of alzheimers disediabetes care diabetes
clinical cancer research anticancer research plos one
transplantation proceedinamerican journal of kidnenephrology dialysis transp
journal of biological chemmolecular and cellular bionucleic acids research
ces and engineering sensors and actuators a-pieee transactions on haptiieee-asme transactions o
journal of pediatric surgeramerican surgeon surgical endoscopy and ot
marine ecology progress slimnology and oceanogra freshwater biology
photochemistry and phot journal of geophysical re journal of photochemistry
journal of applied physics physical review b physical review e
oxidation of metals journal of power sources corrosion science
vaccine pediatric infectious diseasinfection and immunity
diatom research nova hedwigia journal of phycology
journal of mathematical an proceedings of the ameri studia mathematica
journal of biological chemdevelopment plos one
journal of clinical microbi infection and immunity plos one
journal of biological chemplos one proceedings of the nation
ces and engineering phytochemistry journal of ethnopharmacobiochemical systematics a
journal of trauma-injury inamerican journal of neuroneurologia medico-chirurg
ieee transactions on fuzz lecture notes in computerfuzzy sets and systems
journal of oral and maxillooral surgery oral medicin journal of craniofacial sur
journal of south americantectonophysics tectonics
ciencia & saude coletiva revista da escola de enf revista latino-americana
ces and engineering nucleic acids research journal of the american c chemical communications
plos one nucleic acids research genome research
corrosion science materials science and enginternational journal of
gene bioinformatics nucleic acids research
journal of nuclear materiaelectrochimica acta journal of alloys and com
euphytica crop science pakistan journal of botany
natural hazards natural hazards and earthjournal of hydrology
biochimica et biophysica biochemistry journal of biological chem
atherosclerosis journal of lipid research journal of biological chem
Life and earth sciences journal of agricultural an journal of ethnopharmacojournal of natural product
journal of ect journal of clinical psych journal of neuropsychiatry
ces and engineering biofouling marine pollution bulletin chemosphere
nephrology dialysis transpjournal of vascular surger transplantation proceedin
journal of heart and lung transplantation proceedintransplantation
journal of neuroscience cerebellum journal of neurophysiolog
topology and its applicati journal of symbolic logic fundamenta mathematica
rheumatology arthritis and rheumatism journal of rheumatology
tetrahedron letters organic letters journal of organic chemist
and computer science ieee transactions on electsolid-state electronics ieee electron device letter
journal of bryology cryptogamie bryologie bryologist
vaccine journal of medical virolog emerging infectious disea
journal of biological chemjournal of lipid research biochimica et biophysica a
phosphorus sulfur and sil tetrahedron letters heteroatom chemistry
materials letters applied surface science journal of physical chemis
physical review e physical review letters physica a-statistical mecha
pediatric blood & cancer journal of pediatric hema pediatric dermatology
d health sciences educational gerontology journal of the american gejournal of aging studies
allelopathy journal journal of chemical ecolo journal of agricultural an
forest policy and economiforest products journal journal of forestry
journal of neurosurgery journal of neuro-oncologyneurosurgery
biological conservation revista brasileira de ornit ornitologia neotropical
advanced materials applied physics letters soft matter
transactions of the americnorth american journal o canadian journal of fisher
journal of lipid research journal of agricultural an atherosclerosis
ieee transactions on elec ieee transactions on advaieee transactions on mic
carbohydrate research journal of biological chemjournal of bacteriology
journal of biological chemplos one biochemical and biophysi
journal of periodontologyjournal of clinical periodo international journal of p
anesthesiology anesthesia and analgesia british journal of anaesthe
nucleic acids research journal of bacteriology molecular microbiology
journal of consumer affairjournal of pension econommonthly labor review
british journal of haematohemoglobin european journal of haem
s and humanities medical journal of austral international journal of c australian and new zealand
journal of the acoustical ieee journal of oceanic enacoustical physics
alcoholism-clinical and e hepatology alcohol
journal of mammalogy acta theriologica zoologichesky zhurnal
international journal of socomputational materials sjournal of the mechanics a
ces and engineering international journal of journal of controlled rele journal of microencapsula
acta crystallographica sectetrahedron letters european journal of medic
radiology investigative radiology american journal of roent
journal of virology vaccine virus research
journal of invertebrate pabiocontrol science and te biological control
spine european spine journal pediatric infectious diseas
journal of virology blood aids research and human r
applied catalysis a-generajournal of molecular catalcatalysis letters
journal of parasitology zootaxa parasitology research
journal of virology virology vaccine
atherosclerosis arteriosclerosis thrombosicirculation
bone journal of bone and minerosteoporosis internationa
journal of lipid research journal of biological chemjournal of alzheimers dise
scientia horticulturae hortscience tree genetics & genomes
ieee transactions on appl journal of low temperaturnuclear instruments & met
transplantation proceedinjournal of surgical researctransplantation
and computer science computers & geosciencesinternational journal of g lecture notes in computer
crystal growth & design journal of crystal growth chemical engineering scie
journal of wind engineeri wind and structures engineering structures
memory & cognition perceptual and motor skilllecture notes in computer
physical review b journal of applied physics journal of magnetism and
ces and engineering ieee transactions on imagoptical engineering acm transactions on graph
annals of biomedical engi journal of biomechanics journal of biomechanical
boundary-layer meteorol journal of the atmospheriquarterly journal of the r
lecture notes in computerlecture notes in artificial artificial intelligence
d health sciences journal of magnetic resonapplied magnetic resonanjournal of physical chemis
american journal of medica journal of biological chemjournal of bone and miner
endocrinology molecular and cellular en molecular endocrinology
journal of biological chemplos one journal of neurotrauma
journal of magnetism andieee transactions on magnsensors and actuators a-p
mutation research-geneti environmental and molecu mutagenesis
materials science and enginternational journal of p materials at high tempera
environmetrics computational statistics &stochastic environmental
journal of biological chemcarbohydrate polymers bulletin of experimental
fixed point theory and appnonlinear analysis-theory abstract and applied analy
applied catalysis a-generacatalysis today catalysis letters
linear algebra and its appljournal of inequalities andmathematical inequalities
leukemia & lymphoma annals of hematology journal of clinical oncolog
ieee transactions on geos remote sensing of enviro journal of hydrology
biopreservation and biob genetics in medicine journal of law medicine &
macromolecules journal of applied polymepolymer
d health sciences journal of clinical microbi anaerobe journal of medical microb
ces and engineering journal of the american oieuropean journal of lipid journal of agricultural an
isis history of science british journal for the his
journal of virology journal of general virolog journal of invertebrate pa
doklady earth sciences russian geology and geophgeologiya i geofizika
developmental biology development development genes and e
ieee transactions on visu computer graphics forum lecture notes in computer
diabetes care foot & ankle internationaldiabetic medicine
sensors and actuators b-cbiosensors & bioelectroniapplied physics letters
organic letters tetrahedron letters journal of organic chemist
journal of bacteriology journal of experimental b plant physiology
journal of magnetic resonmagnetic resonance imagapplied magnetic resonan
journal of computational applied numerical mathem applied mathematics and
journal of biological chemproceedings of the nationbiochemistry
journal of chemical ecolo journal of economic ento environmental entomolog
personality and individualcognitive therapy and res behaviour research and t
supportive care in cancer anesthesia and analgesia british journal of anaesthe
discrete mathematics electronic journal of combjournal of graph theory
journal of immunology european journal of imm journal of experimental m
developmental biology american journal of medica developmental dynamics
journal of electromyograpieee transactions on biommuscle & nerve
nuclear engineering and djournal of nuclear materiaannals of nuclear energy
journal of biological chemcancer research plos one
occupational and environ journal of allergy and cli american journal of indust
journal of biological chembiochimica et biophysica ajournal of lipid research
diabetes journal of biological chemdiabetologia
and computer science physical review e physical review b physical review letters
echocardiography-a journa international journal of c texas heart institute journ
tribology letters tribology international wear
d health sciences revue scientifique et tech preventive veterinary medvaccine
plastic and reconstructivelaryngoscope aesthetic plastic surgery
media psychology journal of communicationjournal of broadcasting &
journal of biological chembioorganic & medicinal che molecular and cellular bio
intelligence personality and individualbehavior genetics
digestive diseases and sci journal of ethnopharmacoworld journal of gastroen
world journal of surgery surgical endoscopy and otlaryngoscope
physica c-superconductivitieee transactions on appl superconductor science &
pedobiologia soil biology & biochemistrapplied soil ecology
journal of biological chemjournal of neuroscience pflugers archiv-european
journal of organic chemistbulletin of the korean chejournal of the american c
journal of polymer scienc macromolecules journal of applied polyme
journal of craniofacial sur plastic and reconstructivechilds nervous system
d health sciences journal of bacteriology molecular microbiology proceedings of the nation
journal of mathematical an integral equations and opmathematische nachricht
biotechnology and bioengbiotechnology progress journal of biotechnology
nuclear instruments & metjournal of applied physics applied physics letters
international journal of c catheterization and cardioannals of thoracic surgery
journal of water resourc journal of hydraulic enginjournal american water wo
ces and engineering carbohydrate polymers food hydrocolloids food chemistry
journal of vacuum sciencejournal of photopolymer microelectronic engineeri
nucleic acids research plos one molecular and cellular bio
and computer science optics communications applied optics optical engineering
american journal of physi biophysical journal american journal of respir
ces and engineering physics in medicine and bmedical physics radiation protection dosi
journal of hospital infecti american journal of infectinfection control and hos
hydrobiologia zootaxa freshwater biology
neuroscience brain research medicine and science in s
and computer science transportation research r transportation research pamaritime policy & manag
journal of psychiatric and psychiatric services international journal of m
plos one thrombosis research thrombosis and haemosta
pure and applied geophysnatural hazards natural hazards and earth
s and humanities journal of gambling studieinternational gambling st international journal of m
ceramics international journal of the european c refractories and industria
plos one journal of biological chembiochemical and biophysi
industrial & engineering energy & fuels fuel
applied optics optics express journal of the optical soc
anesthesiology anesthesia and analgesia british journal of anaesthe
classical quarterly hesperia greek roman and byzantin
d health sciences veterinary parasitology parasitology research journal of medical entom
lecture notes in computerieee transactions on compieice transactions on fun
lecture notes in computerlecture notes in artificial speech communication
photomedicine and laser lasers in medical science lasers in surgery and medi
s and humanities bmj-british medical journajama-journal of the amerilancet
and computer science review of scientific instr ieee-asme transactions o precision engineering-jour
journal of neuroimmunol life sciences brain behavior and immun
journal of physical chemisjournal of molecular stru international journal of
transfusion vox sanguinis transfusion medicine
applied optics optics express journal of the optical soc
journal of biological chemjournal of molecular biolobiochemistry
classical quarterly latomus mnemosyne
d health sciences plant biotechnology journtransgenic research plant cell reports
classical and quantum graphysical review d journal of mathematical p
ces and engineering journal of forensic scienceforensic science internati science & justice
american journal of agric agricultural economics food policy
ces and engineering magnetic resonance in mejournal of magnetic resonjournal of magnetic reson
annals of allergy asthma journal of allergy and cli allergy and asthma proce
chemical research in toxicfree radical biology and mjournal of biological chem
genetics cytogenetic and genome rchromosome research
physica a-statistical mechaphysical review e physics letters a
accreditation and quality metrologia measurement
d health sciences tetrahedron letters bioorganic & medicinal chtetrahedron
ces and engineering journal of process controlindustrial & engineering isa transactions
polymer degradation and jsournal of applied polymepolymer testing
american journal of tropi plos neglected tropical di infection and immunity
d health sciences public opinion quarterly journal of official statisticsfield methods
and computer science ieee transactions on biomexpert systems with applicomputers in biology and
journal of geometry and pdifferential geometry and annals of global analysis
tetrahedron-asymmetry tetrahedron letters journal of organic chemist
journal of plant nutrition plant and soil communications in soil sci
inorganic chemistry journal of the american c organometallics
neuromodulation pain pain medicine
ces and engineering ieee transactions on ante microwave and optical tecieee microwave and wirel
otology & neurotology journal of neurosurgery neurosurgery
materials letters journal of alloys and com journal of power sources
new testament studies journal of early christian journal of biblical literatu
magnesium research biological trace element rtrace elements and electr
american journal of enologvitis australian journal of grap
journal of applied physics applied optics applied physics letters
biological chemistry bioorganic & medicinal che journal of biological chem
peptides neuropeptides regulatory peptides
journal of statistical plan statistics in medicine computational statistics &
ces and engineering journal of ethnopharmacoplanta medica fitoterapia
d health sciences process biochemistry applied biochemistry and enzyme and microbial tec
d health sciences general and comparative hormones and behavior zoo biology
journal of nuclear materianuclear instruments & metphysical review b
macromolecules journal of polymer scienc polymer
automatica ieee transactions on auto ieee transactions on ins
d health sciences perceptual and motor skillecological psychology journal of sports sciences
journal of multivariate anainsurance mathematics &statistics & probability let
plant disease phytopathology european journal of plant
ieee transactions on appl physica c-superconductivitsuperconductor science &
ces and engineering microelectronics reliabilit ieee transactions on electieee electron device letter
ultrasound in obstetrics prenatal diagnosis journal of ultrasound in m
lecture notes in computercomputational geometry-tdiscrete & computational
patient education and coujournal of health communjournal of general interna
ieee transactions on vehi international journal of d wireless personal commun
aviation space and envir acta astronautica journal of applied physiol
tetrahedron letters acta crystallographica secjournal of heterocyclic ch
and computer science ieee transactions on geos ieee geoscience and remotieee journal of selected t
journal of the electrochemmicroelectronic engineeriinternational journal of
journal of statistical plan journal of quality technol statistics & probability let
chelonian conservation anmarine biology journal of experimental m
environmental science & chemosphere journal of hazardous mate
journal of child neurologyepilepsia american journal of surgic
journal of biological chemcancer research clinical cancer research
materials science and engjournal of alloys and com rare metal materials and
social science research social forces gender work and organiza
biological chemistry international immunophabritish journal of pharma
water science and technodesalination journal of environmenta
polyhedron journal of the american c journal of physical chemis
journal of differential equinternational journal of b journal of mathematical an
gastrointestinal endoscopsurgical endoscopy and otendoscopy
d health sciences clinical neuropsychologistjournal of personality as archives of clinical neuro
proceedings of the ameri mathematische annalen annals of global analysis
journal of trauma-injury ineye ophthalmology
journal of rheumatology clinical and experimental rheumatology
physical review a journal of physics b-atomiphysical review letters
regulatory toxicology an human and ecological ris risk analysis
international journal of reapplied thermal engineerienergy conversion and m
journal of physical chemismaterials letters surface science
journal of fish biology marine ecology progress senvironmental biology of
sociobiology journal of economic ento insectes sociaux
spectrochimica acta part physica b-condensed mattphysical review b
drying technology journal of food engineeri food chemistry
ces and engineering asymptotic analysis comptes rendus mathemajournal of elasticity
mobilization american journal of socio social problems
journal of applied polymepolymer smart materials and struc
journal of economic ento florida entomologist journal of applied entomo
surface & coatings technonuclear instruments & metvacuum
d health sciences avian diseases avian pathology journal of virology
nonlinear analysis-theory journal of differential equjournal of mathematical an
d health sciences veterinary microbiology journal of virology veterinary record
classical and quantum graphysical review d general relativity and grav
journal of the european c journal of the american c ceramics international
pediatrics child abuse & neglect archives of disease in chi
annals of pure and appliedjournal of symbolic logic mathematical logic quarte
journal of cardiovascular heart rhythm pace-pacing and clinical e
ramanujan journal journal of number theory international journal of
journal of agricultural an journal of nutrition food science and biotech
journal of thermal stresseinternational journal of e acta mechanica
d health sciences process biochemistry applied biochemistry and przemysl chemiczny
journal of molecular catalorganometallics acta crystallographica sec
d health sciences powder technology international journal of chemical engineering scie
ces and engineering clinical hemorheology andphysical review e biorheology
journal of functional analyjournal of operator theoryproceedings of the ameri
d health sciences environmental science & chemosphere environmental toxicology
and computer science journal of physics a-math journal of physics a-math theoretical and mathemati
d health sciences acta crystallographica seceuropean journal of medicbioorganic & medicinal che
ces and engineering journal of natural productplanta medica phytochemistry
journal of clinical oncologcancer chemotherapy andcardiovascular toxicology
epilepsia seizure-european journal epilepsy & behavior
american journal of kidnenephrology dialysis transpamerican journal of medic
creativity research journaljournal of creative behavi thinking skills and creativi
lecture notes in computereuropean journal of operaannals of operations rese
radiation physics and che radiation measurements applied radiation and iso
surface and interface analjournal of electron spec surface science
pteridines journal of immunology plos one
d health sciences psychiatric services american journal of publicjournal of health care fo
circulation international journal of c journal of the american co
Physical sciences and eng fluoride biological trace element rjournal of hazardous mate
zootaxa journal of arachnology zookeys
d health sciences journal of water sanitati journal of water and heal american journal of tropi
d health sciences journal of inorganic biochinorganic chemistry acta crystallographica sec
zebrafish plos one behavioural brain researc
journal of clinical oncologleukemia & lymphoma blood
ocean engineering journal of fluids and struc journal of computational
ces and engineering ieee journal of solid-state ieee transactions on electieee transactions on circu
vaccine journal of controlled rele international journal of
international journal of solar energy journal of solar energy en
sexually transmitted diseainternational journal of stsexually transmitted infec
international journal of c disaster advances international journal of
journal of biological chemnucleic acids research molecular and cellular bio
journal of membrane scieinternational journal of journal of alloys and com
journal of experimental b plant physiology photosynthesis research
langmuir journal of physical chemiscolloids and surfaces a-p
british journal of cancer british journal of general european journal of cance
journal of virology virology journal of general virolog
international journal of journal of power sources journal of physical chemis
aquatic botany journal of aquatic plant hydrobiologia
antioxidants & redox signaplos one journal of biological chem
d health sciences journal of virology veterinary record plos one
inorganic chemistry dalton transactions european journal of inorg
ces and engineering bioorganic & medicinal chbioorganic & medicinal che journal of the american c
alcoholism-clinical and e alcohol neurotoxicology and terat
memory applied cognitive psychol neuropsychologia
pediatric research journal of pediatrics journal of perinatology
plos one journal of biological chembiochemistry
journal of immunology glycobiology journal of biological chem
journal of thermal analysithermochimica acta journal of loss prevention
journal of forensic scienceforensic science internati international journal of l
ces and engineering ieee transactions on geos ieee transactions on ante journal of geophysical re
talanta analytica chimica acta journal of chromatograph
journal of applied physics journal of magnetism andieee transactions on magn
lecture notes in computerpattern recognition pattern recognition letter
energy and buildings applied thermal engineerigeothermics
journal of organic chemistangewandte chemie-intern journal of the american c
annals of probability stochastic processes and tjournal of applied probabil
d health sciences ieee transactions on ultra ultrasound in medicine anultrasonics
international journal of c american journal of cardi american journal of emer
journal of mathematical an journal of number theory journal of inequalities and
intermetallics journal of alloys and com materials science and eng
pediatric blood & cancer journal of clinical oncologmedical and pediatric onc
applied optics optics express optical engineering
inflammation research bioorganic & medicinal che european journal of phar
and computer science design studies design issues ai edam-artificial intelli
and computer science international journal of journal of materials proc materials and manufactur
insurance mathematics &journal of applied probabilstatistics & probability let
ces and engineering international journal of international journal of h physics in medicine and b
desalination journal of membrane scieseparation and purificati
physical review b physical review letters optics express
zeitschrift fur anorganis inorganic chemistry journal of solid state chem
ces and engineering biochemistry journal of physical chemisproceedings of the nation
teaching of psychology journal of experimental p memory & cognition
international journal of c fuel energy & fuels
microelectronic engineerithin solid films journal of the electrochem
american journal of emer chest journal of ultrasound in m
ieee transactions on ultra ultrasonics journal of the acoustical
journal of biological chempflugers archiv-european american journal of physio
nuclear instruments & metradiation physics and che radiation measurements
applied radiation and iso nuclear instruments & metjournal of radioanalytical
ces and engineering bioorganic & medicinal che journal of enzyme inhibit bioorganic & medicinal ch
journal of steroid bioche chemico-biological interacmolecular and cellular en
journal of pediatric surgerjournal of urology annals of the new york ac
journal of ethnopharmacoplanta medica phytotherapy research
american journal of infectinfection control and hos journal of hospital infecti
nuclear physics b journal of physics a-math journal of physics a-math
veterinary radiology & ul journal of small animal pr journal of veterinary inte
d health sciences biological trace element r journal of hazardous matetransition metal chemistr
american journal of surgichuman pathology journal of urology
journal of crystal growth physics of fluids crystal research and tech
nucleic acids research genesis journal of molecular biolo
journal of physical chemisjournal of organic chemistjournal of molecular stru
zootaxa journal of the marine biol marine biology
gastrointestinal endoscopamerican journal of gastr alimentary pharmacology
gynecologic oncology journal of urology international journal of g
nuclear instruments & metphysical review b journal of alloys and com
surgical endoscopy and otjournal of trauma-injury inamerican surgeon
journal of differential equarchive for rational mechajournal of mathematical an
aiaa journal journal of aircraft experiments in fluids
journal of agricultural an european food research afood and chemical toxicol
radiation physics and che nuclear instruments & metphysical review a
international tax and publjournal of public econominational tax journal
world development third world quarterly ids bulletin-institute of
cancer epidemiology biombreast cancer research a cancer causes & control
ceramics international journal of materials sciencjournal of the american c
carbohydrate polymers journal of agricultural an international sugar journa
journal of neurosurgery neurosurgery epilepsia
journal of organic chemistjournal of the american c acta crystallographica sec
veterinary and comparati veterinary surgery american journal of veter
oceanic linguistics language sciences gesture
oxidation communicationjournal of the indian chemasian journal of chemistry
thrombosis and haemostajournal of thrombosis andthrombosis research
zootaxa crustaceana journal of natural history
ieee transactions on compjournal of electronic test ieee transactions on very l
journal of biological chembiochimica et biophysica abiochemical and biophysi
journal of pharmacology pharmaceutical research drug metabolism and disp
theoretical computer scielecture notes in computerinternational journal of
wear tribology international international journal of fa
drug metabolism and displatin american journal of xenobiotica
journal of digital imaging american journal of roentjournal of the american co
and computer science journal of electrostatics ieee transactions on indusieee transactions on dielec
anesthesia and analgesia anasthesiologie & intensi anesthesiology
journal of biological chembioorganic & medicinal che journal of neurochemistry
journal of biological chemoncogene cancer research
journal of pediatric surgerpediatric research journal of perinatology
d health sciences journal of bacteriology molecular microbiology microbiology-sgm
plos one statistics in medicine international journal of h
bioelectrochemistry journal of membrane biolieee transactions on plas
organic letters tetrahedron letters journal of the american c
bulletin of insectology journal of phytopathologyjournal of economic ento
ces and engineering communications in mathem journal of functional analyjournal of mathematical p
discrete mathematics european journal of combilinear algebra and its appl
journal of pediatric surgerpediatric surgery internat ultrasound in obstetrics
journal of immunology journal of biological chemmolecular immunology
and computer science journal of geometry and pinternational journal of journal of mathematical p
s and humanities nursing ethics journal of medical ethics cambridge quarterly of he
journal of mathematical economic theory journal of economic theor
d health sciences journal of eukaryotic micreuropean journal of proti acta protozoologica
journal of computational journal of approximation applied mathematics and
journal of neuro-oncologyleukemia & lymphoma journal of clinical oncolog
radiation physics and che physics of plasmas physical review a
s and humanities journal of psychosomatic psychosomatics psychotherapy and psych
clinical cancer research bioconjugate chemistry cancer research
journal of supercritical fluindustrial & engineering international journal of
neuroquantology physical review a foundations of physics
ceramics international materials letters journal of the american c
bmc public health plos one lancet
fertility and sterility journal of surgical researcsurgical endoscopy and ot
politics & gender womens studies internati parliamentary affairs
ces and engineering biophysical journal biochemistry journal of physical chemis
journal of mathematical an applied mathematics and computers & mathematics
journal of hospital medici journal of general internajournal of the american ge
lupus transplantation proceedinarthritis and rheumatism
journal of geophysical re atmospheric chemistry angeophysical research lette
international journal of s journal of applied psycho industrial and organizatio
journal of medieval historspeculum-a journal of medgesta-international center
dermatologic surgery plastic and reconstructivejournal of plastic reconst
clinical toxicology journal of emergency medjournal of toxicology-clini
zootaxa proceedings of the royal sevolution
atla-alternatives to labor toxicology in vitro reproductive toxicology
stochastic processes and tstatistics & probability let annals of probability
hortscience scientia horticulturae advances in space researc
canadian mineralogist american mineralogist european journal of mine
desalination desalination and water t solar energy
aquaculture aquacultural engineering aquaculture research
optics express optics letters applied physics letters
journal of power sources chemistry of materials geochimica et cosmochimi
inorganic chemistry polyhedron inorganica chimica acta
leprosy review international journal of l plos neglected tropical di
siam journal on control a nonlinear analysis-theory journal of optimization th
sensors and actuators b-canalytical chemistry analytica chimica acta
review of scientific instr fusion engineering and denuclear instruments & met
journal of chemical ther journal of chemical and e thermochimica acta
applied and environmentawaste management environmental microbiolo
langmuir physical review e colloid and polymer scien
journal of immunology cytokine plos one
journal of biological chemplos one biochemical and biophysi
journal of biological chemmolecular and cellular biobiochemical and biophysi
journal of biological chemnucleosides nucleotides &biochemistry
journal of wound ostomy ostomy wound managemeadvances in skin & wound
journal of oral and maxillojournal of prosthetic dentijournal of craniofacial sur
journal of pharmacokinet british journal of clinical journal of clinical pharma
physical review a journal of chemical physicjournal of physics b-atomi
lecture notes in computerieee transactions on auto discrete event dynamic sy
journal of neuro-ophthal ophthalmology british journal of ophthal
d health sciences behavioural processes journal of the experimentapsychopharmacology
undersea and hyperbaric aviation space and envir diving and hyperbaric med
surgical endoscopy and otjournal of pediatric surgersurgical laparoscopy end
pain physician pain medicine spine
blood thrombosis and haemostajournal of thrombosis and
and computer science optics express journal of lightwave tech applied optics
international journal of aerobiologia grana
linear algebra and its applapplied mathematics and linear & multilinear algeb
journal of applied ichthyofolia zoologica journal of fish biology
international journal of c thin-walled structures international journal of i
ces and engineering journal of physical chemisatmospheric chemistry anjournal of geophysical re
electronic journal of combdiscrete mathematics advances in applied math
stroke neurocritical care neurology
archives of disease in chi pediatrics journal of perinatology
ces and engineering chaos solitons & fractals applied mathematics and acta mathematica hungari
computers and electronicsbiosystems engineering applied engineering in agr
d health sciences langmuir journal of the american c chemical communications
zootaxa journal of economic ento proceedings of the entomo
annals of thoracic surgeryplastic and reconstructiveeuropean journal of cardi
radiation protection dosi health physics physics in medicine and b
journal of agricultural an food chemistry journal of pharmaceutical
ces and engineering journal of chromatographjournal of lipid research analytical chemistry
ieee photonics technologyapplied physics letters optics express
communications in algebrjournal of algebra journal of algebra and its
xenotransplantation transplantation proceedintransplantation
music theory spectrum nineteenth century musicmusic analysis
environmental history isis journal of the history of b
journal of neuroscience journal of physiology-lon journal of biological chem
epilepsy & behavior seizure-european journal epilepsia
hydrological processes cold regions science and annals of glaciology
and computer science human factors aviation space and envir international journal of a
international journal of p journal of craniofacial sur journal of laryngology and
vetus testamentum zeitschrift fur die alttest journal of biblical literatu
Physical sciences and eng carbohydrate research journal of molecular catalbioscience biotechnology
transplantation proceedinnephrology dialysis transpamerican journal of kidne
womens history review journal of british studies historical journal
journal of urology urology bju international
oncology reports anticancer research cancer chemotherapy and
journal of non-newtonian physics of fluids journal of fluid mechanics
bioscience biotechnology journal of biological chemapplied microbiology and
journal of chemical physicjournal of physical chemischemical physics letters
antimicrobial agents and journal of antimicrobial journal of bacteriology
linear algebra and its applsiam journal on matrix anajournal of sound and vibra
journal of biological chemdiabetes american journal of phys
construction and building engineering structures international journal of ar
epilepsy & behavior epilepsia seizure-european journal
peptides regulatory peptides international journal of
powder metallurgy journal of the american c international journal of
gynecologic oncology european journal of gynaeinternational journal of g
journal of algebra communications in algebrjournal of pure and applie
british journal of sports journal of the american coamerican journal of cardi
journal of experimental sojournal of personality andcognition & emotion
s and humanities neuropsychologia cortex experimental brain resear
peptides journal of molecular neur annals of the new york ac
and computer science ieee transactions on magnmicrosystem technologiestribology letters
ces and engineering geophysical journal internjournal of the acoustical geophysical research lette
fisheries research journal of the marine biol marine biology
lecture notes in computerlecture notes in artificial computers & security
tetrahedron letters tetrahedron organic letters
journal of non-crystalline physical review b journal of nuclear materia
transplantation proceedinliver transplantation world journal of gastroen
journal of chemical physicjournal of physical chemisjournal of computational
plastic and reconstructiveaesthetic plastic surgery annals of plastic surgery
journal of reproductive mgynecologic oncology international journal of g
applied mathematics and journal of mathematical an journal of inequalities and
anesthesia and analgesia anesthesiology british journal of anaesthe
diplomatic history cold war history international history revi
american journal of medica brain & development human molecular genetic
prosthetics and orthotics journal of rehabilitation archives of physical medic
d health sciences jpc-journal of planar chr journal of liquid chromat journal of chromatograph
magnetic resonance in ch russian journal of organic journal of physical chemis
mechanism and machine journal of mechanical desproceedings of the institu
pediatric blood & cancer blood journal of pediatric hema
ces and engineering international journal for computer methods in applsiam journal on scientific
inorganic chemistry inorganica chimica acta dalton transactions
statistics & probability let theory of probability and ijournal of inequalities and
evolution american naturalist journal of evolutionary bi
american journal of neurojournal of neurology pediatric neurology
and computer science government information qlecture notes in computersocial science computer r
ieee transactions on magnndt & e international russian journal of nondest
journal of molecular strucjournal of physical chemisspectrochimica acta part
ces and engineering journal of natural productplanta medica organic letters
journal of clinical microbi medical mycology mycopathologia
endocrinology peptides brain research
journal of fish biology molecular ecology journal of evolutionary bi
bioconjugate chemistry journal of controlled rele biochimica et biophysica
optics express journal of the optical soc applied optics
pediatrics acta paediatrica journal of perinatology
journal of biological chemplos one journal of immunology
food chemistry journal of food science a journal of the science of
and computer science journal of mathematical pjournal of physics a-math journal of physics a-math
d health sciences personality and individualjournal of psychosomatic psychotherapy and psych
journal of physical chemisjournal of molecular stru journal of organic chemist
applied surface science physica b-condensed mattmicroelectronic engineeri
journal of biological chemplos one cancer research
microvascular research journal of applied physiol microcirculation
journal of mammalogy ameghiniana journal of vertebrate pal
philosophical studies kant-studien philosophy and phenomeno
energy policy technological forecasting renewable & sustainable
journal of pharmaceuticalinternational journal of obdiabetes obesity & metab
nonlinear analysis-theory journal of mathematical an mathematical methods in
equine veterinary journal veterinary immunology a veterinary microbiology
journal of cross-cultural asian journal of social ps personality and social psy
fertility and sterility european journal of obsteultrasound in obstetrics
international journal of ineconomics letters journal of economics
nuclear instruments & metphysica b-condensed mattjournal of applied crystal
journal of quantitative sp applied optics journal of the optical soc
d health sciences steroids acta crystallographica sectetrahedron letters
journal of aircraft aiaa journal journal of fluids and struc
journal of chromatographanalytical chemistry journal of separation scie
journal of biological chembiochimica et biophysica journal of bioenergetics
journal of radioanalytical nuclear instruments & metapplied radiation and iso
journal of biological chembiochemistry thrombosis and haemosta
lecture notes in computerieee transactions on auto lecture notes in artificial
chemical communicationschemistry-a european joujournal of organic chemist
journal of biological chembiochemistry human molecular genetic
ces and engineering journal of structural biolo journal of microscopy ultramicroscopy
ces and engineering natural hazards and earthizvestiya-physics of the sogeomagnetism and aeron
ces and engineering nonlinearity international journal of b discrete and continuous
journal of chemical and e fluid phase equilibria separation and purificati
journal of biological chemjournal of neuroscience plos one
discrete mathematics journal of combinatorial dars combinatoria
journal of physical chemisjournal of the american c physical review b
and computer science systems research and beha systemic practice and act journal of the operational
plos one cancer research international journal of c
international journal of p european journal of operainternational journal of
transplantation proceedintransplantation urology
american journal of medica human molecular genetic journal of neuroscience
journal of hand surgery- clinical anatomy plastic and reconstructive
lasers in surgery and mediplastic and reconstructivedermatologic surgery
tetrahedron letters synthetic communicationstetrahedron
journal of neurosurgery journal of clinical neuroscpituitary
materials science and engsurface & coatings technoapplied surface science
injury-international journajournal of orthopaedic tr journal of trauma-injury in
journal of neurosurgery neurosurgery acta neurochirurgica
journal of foraminiferal r marine micropaleontolog hydrobiologia
physical review b journal of synchrotron radjournal of electron spec
lymphology plastic and reconstructivelymphatic research and bi
journal of cellular plastics journal of applied polymepolymer engineering and
lab on a chip applied physics letters optics express
communications in theoret international journal of thchinese physics b
zootaxa marine pollution bulletin marine ecology progress s
gastrointestinal endoscopjournal of pediatric gastr journal of parenteral and
acta physica sinica journal of nonlinear mathcommunications in theoret
bulletin francais de la pec journal of crustacean biol crustaceana
international journal of journal of the american clinical and experimental
journal of biological chembiochemistry proceedings of the nation
international journal of metrologia applied optics
catheterization and cardiojournal of invasive cardio international journal of c
american journal of obsteultrasound in obstetrics prenatal diagnosis
ces and engineering medical physics physics in medicine and bjournal of x-ray science a
ces and engineering transportation research r physica a-statistical mechafire safety journal
journal of pediatric surgerannals of thoracic surgerypediatric surgery internat
journal of magnetism andjournal of applied physics physical review b
experimental gerontologymechanisms of ageing an journal of immunology
injury-international journajournal of trauma-injury injournal of orthopaedic tr
plos one jaids-journal of acquired contraception
ieee transactions on info designs codes and crypto discrete mathematics
ces and engineering phytochemistry journal of natural productplanta medica
journal of sports economiinternational journal of spapplied economics
journal of pediatric ortho journal of pediatric ortho injury-international journa
international journal of p pediatric emergency care journal of pediatric surger
american journal of surgicvirchows archiv histopathology
international journal of h journal of heat transfer-t transport in porous media
and computer science microelectronics reliabilit ieee transactions on electieee electron device letter
journal of non-crystalline journal of sol-gel science international journal of
palaeogeography palaeoclsedimentary geology geologica carpathica
crop protection weed research biocontrol science and te
regional studies papers in regional scienceannals of regional science
analytica chimica acta chemometrics and intelligjournal of chemometrics
ces and engineering zootaxa analytical biochemistry analytical chemistry
linear algebra and its applcommunications in algebrlinear & multilinear algeb
d health sciences journal of nutrition public health nutrition social service review
futures technological forecasting technology analysis & st
mathematische zeitschriftmathematische annalen proceedings of the ameri
american journal of medica journal of biological chemclinical genetics
plant physiology journal of experimental b planta
composites part a-appliedjournal of composite matepolymer composites
international journal of shock waves combustion explosion and
journal of vacuum sciencemicroelectronic engineerinanotechnology
free radical biology and mantioxidants & redox signafree radical research
journal of biological chembioorganic & medicinal che biochemistry
nonlinear analysis-theory calculus of variations and journal of differential equ
journal of sound and vibraieee transactions on magnacta astronautica
d health sciences laterality brain and cognition behavioural brain researc
journal of geometry and pcommunications in mathem journal of functional analy
journal of virology avian diseases plos one
journal of immunology european journal of imm journal of clinical endoc
theoretical and applied geeuphytica plant breeding
journal of sound and vibrainternational journal of i journal of strength and co
lecture notes in computertheoretical computer scieinformation processing let
discrete mathematics discrete applied mathemainformation processing let
muscle & nerve neuromuscular disorders neurology
polymer engineering and international journal of international polymer pro
d health sciences journal of agricultural an food chemistry food additives and contam
ces and engineering desalination journal of plant nutrition communications in soil sci
nonlinear analysis-theory journal of mathematical an journal of differential equ
journal of neurosurgery international journal of o headache
d health sciences veterinary parasitology insect biochemistry and mexperimental and applied
veterinary dermatology journal of veterinary inte veterinary immunology a
american journal of obsteobstetrics and gynecologybjog-an international jour
bioorganic & medicinal che antimicrobial agents and journal of virology
ces and engineering chemical research in toxicregulatory toxicology an analytical chemistry
journal of aapos investigative ophthalmoloamerican journal of opht
fire safety journal tunnelling and undergroufire technology
discrete mathematics journal of graph theory discrete applied mathema
journal of biological chemjournal of cell science cancer research
minerals engineering powder technology international journal of m
international journal of ininternational journal of journal of studies in inte
turkish journal of botany annales botanici fennici nordic journal of botany
atherosclerosis clinical biochemistry journal of lipid research
sensors and actuators b-csolid state ionics journal of the electrochem
journal of magnetism andphysical review e journal of chemical physic
waste management waste management & resjournal of hazardous mate
tetrahedron letters tetrahedron acta crystallographica sec
nematology journal of invertebrate pabiological control
ces and engineering environmental science & langmuir journal of colloid and inte
journal of electroanalytic electrochimica acta electrochemistry communi
endocrinology journal of clinical endoc molecular endocrinology
journal of the american c journal of alloys and com journal of the european c
research in african literat journal of commonwealthenglish studies in africa
annals of surgical oncologejso journal of surgical oncolo
pediatric cardiology pediatric infectious diseaspediatrics international
journal of cell science molecular biology of the ceukaryotic cell
journal of chemical and e fluid phase equilibria journal of chemical ther
european journal of operalecture notes in computercomputers & operations r
d health sciences journal of agricultural an food chemistry scientia horticulturae
animal behaviour behavioral ecology proceedings of the royal s
journal of petroleum scie spe reservoir evaluation spe journal
journal of adolescent healpediatric transplantation pediatrics
d health sciences journal of experimental b journal of comparative phjournal of neurophysiolog
organometallics angewandte chemie-intern journal of the american c
journal of propulsion and aiaa journal journal of spacecraft and
energy policy energy for sustainable d renewable & sustainable
journal of aerosol scienceaerosol science and technchemical engineering scie
journal of ethnopharmacoamerican journal of chineevidence-based complemen
journal of sexual medicin journal of urology international journal of
william and mary quarterljournal of the early republjournal of american histor
and computer science journal of lightwave tech ieee photonics technologyapplied optics
d health sciences journal of biomedical optioptics letters optics express
discrete mathematics discrete applied mathemaars combinatoria
pulmonary pharmacology chest respiratory physiology &
journal of cleaner productinternational journal of li energy
aphasiology international journal of brain and language
d health sciences journal of chromatographfood chemistry talanta
new zealand journal of ecwildlife research new zealand journal of zo
cellular physiology and b blood journal of biological chem
ces and engineering journal of rare earths biological trace element rgeochimica et cosmochimi
dyes and pigments journal of physical chemishigh energy chemistry
journal of strength and comedicine and science in s international journal of b
applied optics optics express acta physica sinica
chirality journal of physical chemisjournal of chemical physic
consciousness and cognit journal of consciousness sfrontiers in psychology
journal of dairy science applied animal behaviour tieraerztliche umschau
international applied mecmechanics of composite mdoklady physics
journal of biological chemplos one arteriosclerosis thrombosi
chemical communicationsjournal of chromatographysensors and actuators b-c
culture & psychology theory & psychology integrative psychological
and computer science journal of mathematical pcommunications in mathem annales henri poincare
d health sciences journal of biological chemplant physiology communications in soil sci
tetrahedron letters journal of organic chemisttetrahedron-asymmetry
experimental mechanics optics and lasers in engin strain
clinical orthopaedics and journal of bone and joint journal of arthroplasty
bulletin of indonesian ec asian survey journal of contemporary a
sleep medicine movement disorders sleep
applied physics letters nanotechnology langmuir
plastic and reconstructiveotology & neurotology journal of plastic reconst
narrative poetics today style
journal of pediatric surgerpediatric surgery internat journal of pediatric gastr
journal of materials scien materials science and engrare metal materials and
journal of organic chemistjournal of the american c journal of physical chemis
physical review b physical review letters physica b-condensed matt
journal of ethnopharmacophytotherapy research chemico-biological interac
d health sciences journal of clinical microbi veterinary microbiology emerging infectious disea
gastroenterology american journal of physioplos one
ibm journal of research ieee transactions on compieee transactions on circui
biofactors biochemistry-moscow journal of biological chem
amino acids journal of biological chembioorganic & medicinal che
journal of the european british journal of dermatointernational journal of
journal of eukaryotic micrclinical infectious diseasesinfection and immunity
journal of clinical oncologcritical reviews in oncol journal of geriatric oncolo
journal of biological chemplos one journal of immunology
philosophical psychology journal of moral educatio cognition
fuzzy sets and systems information sciences soft computing
cytometry part a cytometry part b-clinical cytometry
medical education academic medicine plastic and reconstructive
american journal of clinicajournal of nutrition british journal of nutrition
quarterly journal of speecphilosophy and rhetoric critical studies in media
journal of physical chemisjournal of the american c journal of organic chemist
physical review d physics letters b journal of high energy phy
nephrology dialysis transpkidney international clinical nephrology
zeitschrift fur anorganis journal of fluorine chemisinorganic chemistry
journal of the history of b cladistics biology & philosophy
ces and engineering ieee transactions on signasignal processing journal of the optical soc
american journal of surgicdiagnostic cytopathology journal of cutaneous path
forensic science internati alcoholism-clinical and e alcohol and alcoholism
journal of veterinary medjavma-journal of the amerveterinary record
journal of vascular surger annals of vascular surgeryeuropean journal of vascu
american fern journal brittonia systematic botany
and computer science international journal of sojournal of spacecraft and computers & structures
journal of applied physics microelectronic engineeriapplied physics letters
ces and engineering biosensors & bioelectronianalytica chimica acta sensors and actuators b-c
advances in mathematics lecture notes in mathematdiscrete & computational
inorganic chemistry acta crystallographica secinorganica chimica acta
journal of biological chemjournal of molecular biolobiochemistry
neurotoxicology toxicological sciences neuroimage
d health sciences perspectives on psychologpsychological methods educational and psycholo
journal of low temperaturphysical review b physical review letters
ces and engineering inorganic chemistry journal of biological chembiochemistry
and computer science ieee photonics technologyelectronics letters journal of lightwave tech
world journal of surgery lancet academic medicine
international journal of review of scientific instr journal of applied physics
d health sciences journal of chromatographjournal of liquid chromat journal of separation scie
journal of adolescent & adreading teacher childrens literature in edu
proceedings of the combus combustion and flame combustion explosion and
carcinogenesis nutrition and cancer-an ininternational journal of c
journal of vascular surger world journal of gastroen american surgeon
crop science euphytica textile research journal
american journal of obsteeuropean journal of obsteobstetrics and gynecology
polar biology antarctic science fems microbiology ecolog
journal of hydrology environmental geology acta carsologica
lecture notes in computersiam journal on computintheoretical computer scie
continental shelf researchestuarine coastal and sheljournal of coastal researc
ieee transactions on signaieee transactions on circuieee transactions on circui
diabetes care diabetic medicine critical care medicine
chemical communicationstetrahedron letters acta crystallographica sec
british journal of cancer anticancer research plos one
journal of biological chemjournal of immunology plos one
transplantation proceedincytokine genes and immunity
physical review b low temperature physics fullerenes nanotubes and
breast journal breast breast cancer research a
d health sciences journal of chemical and e russian journal of physica journal of biological chem
rapid communications in journal of agricultural an forensic science internati
real-time systems lecture notes in computerieee transactions on indus
ieee transactions on signasignal processing ieee signal processing lett
transactions of the asabe biosystems engineering applied engineering in agr
lecture notes in computerdistributed computing theoretical computer scie
journal of approximation constructive approximati journal of computational
physical review e energy conversion and m applied energy
s and humanities arts in psychotherapy journal of music therapy nordic journal of music t
ces and engineering energy policy oil & gas journal energy
spectroscopy and spectralchinese journal of analyti spectrochimica acta part
drug safety pharmacoepidemiology andrug information journal
lung cancer journal of thoracic oncolojournal of clinical oncolog
carbohydrate polymers food hydrocolloids international journal of b
journal of aapos investigative ophthalmoloarchives of ophthalmolog
indian journal of agricultuindian journal of agronomfield crops research
journal of biological chemplos one peptides
journal of the american s development developmental biology
s and humanities computers & security lecture notes in computerieee security & privacy
topology and its applicati ergodic theory and dynamproceedings of the ameri
hypertension american journal of hyperjournal of hypertension
journal of mathematical an journal of inequalities andjournal of computational a
dermatologic surgery journal of the american british journal of dermato
plant and soil agroforestry systems forest ecology and mana
physical review b journal of physics-condenjournal of applied crystal
metrologia physical review a physical review letters
negotiation journal international journal of journal of experimental so
free radical biology and mbiochemical and biophysi journal of cellular biochem
free radical biology and mjournal of biological chemarchives of biochemistry
journal of quantitative sp international journal of h numerical heat transfer p
international journal of c annals of thoracic surgeryamerican journal of cardi
international journal of c american journal of cardi journal of the american co
pediatric blood & cancer journal of pediatric surgerjournal of pediatric hema
british journal of cancer cancer causes & control international journal of c
undersea and hyperbaric brain research diving and hyperbaric med
journal of pharmacology international journal of c emergencias
journal of pediatric surgerjournal of urology pediatric surgery internat
d health sciences biochemistry journal of the american c journal of biological chem
journal of nuclear materianuclear engineering and drare metal materials and
journal of biological chembiochemical and biophysi journal of lipid research
synthese analysis journal of philosophical lo
canadian mineralogist geochemistry internationaresource geology
d health sciences journal of experimental b journal of comparative phvision research
d health sciences journal of organic chemisttetrahedron letters journal of medicinal chem
journal of biological chembiochemistry journal of molecular biolo
journal of indian philosopmodern asian studies indian economic and socia
journal of ethnopharmacoplanta medica phytotherapy research
critical review political theory political studies
journal of applied physiol respiratory physiology & chest
journal of trauma-injury ininjury-international journaannals of thoracic surgery
journal of biological cheminternational journal of c journal of physiology-lon
journal of functional analystudia mathematica proceedings of the ameri
ces and engineering water science and technowater research environmental technolog
zootaxa journal of comparative phjournal of experimental b
physical review d physical review a physics letters b
ces and engineering advances in applied cliffo mathematical methods in complex variables and elli
tetrahedron letters organic letters journal of organic chemist
american journal of surgicskeletal radiology diseases of the colon & r
ces and engineering medical physics physics in medicine and bapplied radiation and iso
journal of the institute of journal of the american s journal of agricultural an
turkish studies middle eastern studies middle east policy
acta crystallographica secrussian journal of general phosphorus sulfur and sil
americas revista de indias hahr-hispanic american hi
d health sciences zootaxa journal of bacteriology applied and environmenta
college composition and college english technical communication
american journal of obstebirth defects research parpharmacoepidemiology an
journal of biological chembiochemical and biophysi biochimica et biophysica a
cancer research journal of biological chembiochemical and biophysi
annals of the new york acplos one clinical chemistry
public relations review journal of public relationsjournalism & mass commun
wetlands journal of arid environmeriver research and applica
parasitology research veterinary parasitology journal of parasitology
lecture notes in computerieee transactions on knowdata & knowledge enginee
journal of alloys and com journal of magnetism andjournal of applied physics
journal of the mechanics aphysical review letters computer methods in appl
journal of pediatric endo journal of clinical endoc annals of human biology
journal of biological chemjournal of molecular bioloproceedings of the nation
journal of plastic reconst journal of emergency medplastic and reconstructive
surgical and radiologic a american journal of neuroannals of thoracic surgery
d health sciences history of psychiatry social history of medicine nervenarzt
nuclear engineering and dannals of nuclear energy nuclear technology
journal of biological chemchemico-biological interacbiochemical journal
american journal of physi prostaglandins & other li hypertension
journal of international cramerican journal of interninternational review of th
geochimica et cosmochimijournal of plant nutrition biogeochemistry
journal of immunology infection and immunity plos one
journal of biological chemannals of the new york acbiochemical and biophysi
journal of the professionajournal of agricultural an journal of arid environme
transfusion journal of virology journal of medical virolog
journal of chemical and e fluid phase equilibria journal of chemical ther
british journal of haematoblood international journal of
journal of cutaneous pathamerican journal of derm journal of the american
food control journal of food protectionbritish food journal
and computer science statistics in medicine biometrics biometrical journal
neurosurgery journal of neurosurgery stroke
d health sciences science and engineering eethics & behavior accountability in research
physica status solidi b-bassmart materials and strucjournal of intelligent mat
journal of biological chembiochemistry-moscow febs letters
journal of pediatric surgerpediatric blood & cancer world journal of gastroen
microelectronics reliabilit journal of electronic materieee transactions on com
journal of endourology bju international journal of urology
risk analysis reliability engineering & systems engineering
south african historical jo journal of southern africa review of african politica
human molecular genetic neuromuscular disorders journal of child neurology
journal of geochemical exgeochemistry-explorationinternational journal of r
ieee transactions on ante microwave and optical tecieee antennas and wireles
ophthalmic plastic and re ophthalmology journal of aapos
lecture notes in computericga journal ieee transactions on compu
zootaxa journal of arachnology zookeys
journal of geophysical re journal of oceanography acta oceanologica sinica
international journal of lecture notes in computerlecture notes in artificial
inorganica chimica acta inorganic chemistry dalton transactions
journal of bacteriology journal of biological chembiometals
bioorganic & medicinal che european journal of phar peptides
linear algebra and its applsiam journal on matrix analecture notes in computer
s and humanities lecture notes in computerinternational journal of interacting with computer
journal of symbolic logic annals of pure and appliedmathematical logic quarte
experimental parasitologyarchives of medical resea molecular and biochemical
solid state ionics ferroelectrics journal of the physical soc
disability and rehabilitati journal of rehabilitation physikalische medizin reh
physics of fluids journal of fluid mechanicsjournal of aircraft
physical review a physics letters a international journal of th
archives of womens mentajournal of pediatric and journal of womens health
neurology india childs nervous system journal of clinical neurosc
lecture notes in computerjournal of cellular automatheoretical computer scie
journal of biological chemasian pacific journal of c plos one
theriogenology journal of equine veterinapferdeheilkunde
biometals biochemistry and cell biolbiochemistry
biochemistry journal of biological chemjournal of molecular biolo
knee surgery sports trau american journal of sport knee
zootaxa zookeys proceedings of the entomo
justice system journal judicature political research quarterl
international journal of p clinical otolaryngology laryngoscope
d health sciences journal of bacteriology molecular microbiology applied and environmenta
journal of applied physics journal of magnetism andieee transactions on magn
transfusion vox sanguinis transfusion medicine
d health sciences journal of natural productphytochemistry acta crystallographica sec
ces and engineering journal of hazardous matechemosphere electrochimica acta
journal of prosthetic dentiinternational journal of p dental materials journal
journal of materials chemijournal of sol-gel science chemistry of materials
applied mathematics and journal of computational numerical methods for part
journal of number theory acta arithmetica comptes rendus mathema
ethnomusicology world of music popular music and society
nuclear instruments & metradiation effects and defecphysical review b
journal of urology bju international urology
colloids and surfaces a-p physical review e physical review letters
organic letters journal of the american c journal of organic chemist
international journal of c international journal of o heart
journal of chemical physicjournal of physical chemisphysical review e
medical care journal of clinical epidem bmc health services resea
international journal of p international journal of european journal of opera
materials letters thin solid films journal of alloys and com
mathematical programmi journal of global optimiza siam journal on optimizat
journal of immunology european journal of imm blood
journal of applied polymemacromolecules journal of physical chemis
journal of applied physics optics communications applied physics letters
journal of applied physics ieee transactions on magnjournal of magnetism and
journal of biological chemplos one oncogene
international journal of plajournal of pressure vesse international journal of so
d health sciences journal of veterinary inte journal of small animal pr american journal of veter
algebra universalis lecture notes in computerdiscrete applied mathema
physics of fluids shock waves journal of fluid mechanics
journal of laryngology andotolaryngology-head and international journal of p
annals of thoracic surgeryjournal of pediatric surgerchest
journal of high energy phyphysical review d nuclear physics b
journal of the american c chemical communicationsjournal of physical chemis
rsc advances nanoscale chemical communications
materials science and engieee transactions on appl journal of alloys and com
hortscience horttechnology new forests
journal of sound and vibrajournal of fluids and struc journal of vibration and a
anesthesia and analgesia archives of disease in chi pediatrics
blood leukemia leukemia research
d health sciences tetrahedron letters tetrahedron bioorganic & medicinal che
journal of shoulder and e american journal of sport journal of orthopaedic tr
artificial cells blood subs american journal of physi artificial organs
applied microbiology and acta crystallographica secjournal of molecular catal
journal of hydraulic enginjournal of hydraulic resea journal of irrigation and
calculus of variations and siam journal on mathemati comptes rendus mathema
journal of biological chembritish journal of pharma biochemistry
journal of vascular and in cardiovascular and interveplos one
european journal of operafuzzy sets and systems applied mathematics and
inzinerine ekonomika-engtransformations in busin technological and econo
journal of bone and minerbone calcified tissue internatio
clinical toxicology american journal of emer annals of emergency medi
biochemistry journal of biological chemsteroids
accounting organizations management accounting raccounting review
chemical engineering scienuclear engineering and dindustrial & engineering
journal of african earth sccomptes rendus geoscien tectonophysics
international journal of fuzzy sets and systems lecture notes in computer
physical review b journal of physical chemisapplied physics letters
journal of pediatric gastr american journal of gastr journal of allergy and cli
genetic resources and croeuphytica african journal of biotech
applied optics japanese journal of applieoptics communications
ces and engineering journal of fluid mechanicssiam journal on mathemati archive for rational mecha
neurosurgery international journal of c clinical anatomy
differential equations journal of mathematical an semigroup forum
advances in experimentalamino acids neurochemical research
journal of biological chemplos one current science
forest pathology archives of virology mycological research
journal of inorganic biochbiological trace element rfood and chemical toxicol
journal of applied polymebiomacromolecules european polymer journal
potential analysis journal of functional analystochastic processes and t
cellular and molecular biobritish journal of dermatojournal of biological chem
world journal of gastroen gastrointestinal endoscopdigestive diseases and sci
diabetes care medicine and science in s diabetes research and clin
nordic pulp & paper reseatappi journal journal of pulp and paper
surgical endoscopy and otdiseases of the esophagusjournal of gastrointestinal
archives of ophthalmolog british journal of ophthal pediatric blood & cancer
integral transforms and spjournal of functional analyjournal of mathematical an
endocrinology journal of biological chemjournal of bone and miner
meta perspectives-studies in tr translator
annals of botany plant cell and environmennew phytologist
journal of mathematical an applied mathematics and journal of inequalities and
burlington magazine art bulletin storia dell arte
atmospheric research journal of arid environmepure and applied geophys
humor-international journjournal of pragmatics personality and individual
american journal of medica journal of biological chemblood
ieee transactions on info ieee transactions on signajournal of statistical plan
international journal of c archives of metallurgy an metalurgija
journal of pediatric surgerpediatric surgery internat european journal of pediat
australian historical studi australian journal of polit new zealand journal of his
d health sciences journals of gerontology sesocial networks ageing & society
eurasian geography and europe-asia studies sociologicky casopis-czech
journal of applied polymejournal of macromoleculareuropean polymer journal
spectroscopy and spectraljournal of radioanalytical asian journal of chemistry
infection and immunity plos one emerging infectious disea
journal of eukaryotic micrjournal of invertebrate paparasitology research
physical review e journal of chemical physicjournal of physical chemis
platelets clinical and applied thro angiology
quantum electronics technical physics letters technical physics
materials science and engmaterials transactions journal of alloys and com
veterinary journal veterinary immunology a veterinary clinical pathol
and computer science celestial mechanics & dy astrophysics and space scmonthly notices of the roy
journal of immunology journal of experimental mjournal of veterinary medi
journal of heterocyclic ch acta crystallographica sectetrahedron
journal of physical chemisjournal of chemical physicchemical physics letters
journal of physical chemischemical physics letters journal of experimental b
diseases of the colon & r colorectal disease international journal of co
diseases of the colon & r colorectal disease international journal of g
journal of biological chembiochemical and biophysi journal of neurochemistry
movement disorders parkinsonism & related dineurology
journal of cataract and re eye ophthalmology
acta arithmetica journal of number theory publicationes mathemati
tetrahedron letters organic letters tetrahedron
rethinking history history and theory journal of the philosophy
carbon journal of applied polymenew carbon materials
ekonomicky casopis politicka ekonomie agricultural economics-z
ieee transactions on plas review of scientific instr ieice transactions on elec
d health sciences obesity public health ethics international journal of ob
tetrahedron tetrahedron letters journal of organic chemist
clcweb-comparative literapmla-publications of the neohelicon
brain injury neurology neuropsychological rehabi
s and humanities international journal of c american journal of clinic consciousness and cognit
journal of medical ethics bioethics journal of medicine and p
ces and engineering chemical & pharmaceutical journal of natural productbioorganic & medicinal che
transplantation proceedintransplantation journal of urology
spine journal of neurosurgery-s journal of korean neurosur
thin solid films physical review b journal of applied physics
applied physics letters optics express applied physics b-lasers a
journal of clinical microbi journal of infectious diseavaccine
american literature african american review american literary history
anaesthesia laryngoscope otolaryngology-head and
computational statistics &journal of multivariate anajournal of statistical plan
applied mathematics and journal of computational numerical algorithms
journal of animal science crop science mycologia
journal of cellular biochemjournal of biological chemjournal of cellular physiol
environmental impact assimpact assessment and pro environmental manageme
analytical and quantitativ human pathology diagnostic pathology
pediatric blood & cancer journal of clinical oncologinternational journal of r
plos one anticancer research cancer research
powder technology minerals engineering separation and purificati
journal of environmental environmental engineeri revista de chimie
chemical communicationsjournal of the american c journal of materials chemi
journal of marine systemsambio oceanologia
journal of applied physics applied physics letters journal of the electrochem
journal of difference equaapplied mathematics and journal of mathematical an
cereal research communicnovenytermeles rostlinna vyroba
inflammatory bowel diseaamerican journal of gastr world journal of gastroen
heat transfer engineering applied thermal engineerijournal of food engineeri
journal of endodontics british dental journal journal of the american de
eurasian soil science microbiology applied biochemistry and
ces and engineering insight international journal of lecture notes in computer
planta medica phytotherapy research journal of ethnopharmaco
folia zoologica european journal of wildlijournal of zoology
journal of biological chemregulatory peptides endocrinology
equine veterinary journal journal of veterinary dentiequine veterinary educati
diabetes obesity & metabdiabetes care american journal of physi
veterinary ophthalmologyamerican journal of veter veterinary record
physical review b physical review letters journal of applied physics
s and humanities research in developmentalhuman movement scienc american journal of occup
russian journal of plant p journal of experimental b plant physiology
european journal of physiamerican journal of physi foundations of physics
s and humanities journal of anxiety disordebehaviour research and t depression and anxiety
proceedings of the ameri annales de l institut fouriemathematische zeitschrift
journal of clinical endoc journal of pediatric endo clinical endocrinology
d health sciences social history of medicine bulletin of the history of medical history
tetrahedron letters acta crystallographica secjournal of heterocyclic ch
differential geometry and geometriae dedicata proceedings of the ameri
canadian historical reviewacadiensis histoire sociale-social hist
journal of pediatric surgerpediatric surgery internat pediatric radiology
analytical chemistry lab on a chip journal of analytical chem
phytotherapy research planta medica acta pharmacologica sinic
kardiologiya american journal of physi british journal of pharma
d health sciences anaerobe veterinary microbiology infection and immunity
aquaculture crustaceana journal of fish diseases
ces and engineering journal of chromatographchemosphere environmental toxicology
annals of the new york acinfection and immunity emerging infectious disea
lecture notes in computerdiscrete applied mathematheoretical computer scie
business lawyer american bankruptcy law journal of taxation
journal of chromatographanalytical chemistry analytical and bioanalytic
victorian poetry victorian literature and cuvictorian studies
journal of travel medicinetravel medicine and infectclinical infectious diseases
applied surface science applied catalysis a-generacatalysis today
tetrahedron tetrahedron letters acta crystallographica sec
journal of power sources electrochimica acta journal of the electrochem
zootaxa zookeys coleopterists bulletin
flow measurement and insensors and actuators a-pmeasurement techniques
ieee transactions on info ieee transactions on cons ieee transactions on comp
journal of leisure researchleisure sciences environmental manageme
infection and immunity journal of clinical microbi american journal of roent
journal of asian studies late imperial china modern china
journal of complexity journal of approximation mathematics of computat
acta crystallographica secpolyhedron journal of molecular struc
biochemistry journal of biological chemjournal of molecular biolo
d health sciences scientific world journal south african journal of e south african journal of p
journal of computational aapplied mathematics and advances in difference eq
hortscience euphytica theoretical and applied ge
journal of aesthetics and abritish journal of aestheti journal of aesthetic educa
plant physiology journal of experimental b planta
journal of biological chemamino acids biochemical and biophysi
s and humanities medical journal of austral lancet social science & medicine
sex roles law and social inquiry-jou journal of applied psycho
spe drilling & completion journal of energy resourc journal of petroleum scie
journal of mathematical an studia mathematica proceedings of the ameri
d health sciences bmc genomics plos one molecular biology and evo
d health sciences children and youth servic journal of child psychologinfant mental health journ
plos one jaids-journal of acquired bju international
journal of agricultural an scientia horticulturae theoretical and applied ge
journal of physical chemislangmuir microporous and mesopor
lecture notes in computertheoretical computer sciealgorithmica
journal of biological chembiochemistry bioorganic & medicinal che
international sugar journasugar tech field crops research
infrared physics & technondt & e international insight
american journal of physi circulation journal of applied physiol
ces and engineering journal of essential oil re planta medica natural product research
discrete mathematics graphs and combinatoricsjournal of graph theory
journal of experimental b plant physiology plant science
revista mexicana de cienciinternational geology rev journal of asian earth sci
hortscience horttechnology indian journal of agricultu
renal failure food and chemical toxicolamerican journal of physi
s and humanities american journal of physi european journal of physirevista brasileira de ensino
and computer science research policy ieee software communications of the a
automation and remote coautomatica ieee transactions on auto
journal of computational applied mathematics and stochastic analysis and ap
and computer science journal of computational soil dynamics and earthq computer methods in appl
journal of low temperaturphysical review b physical review letters
d health sciences human reproduction population and developmjournal of biosocial scienc
communications in mathem classical and quantum grajournal of mathematical p
crop science hortscience agronomy journal
biological & pharmaceutica journal of ethnopharmacoplanta medica
ces and engineering bioconjugate chemistry journal of controlled rele international journal of
journal of food engineeri biosystems engineering international agrophysics
journal of cell communicajournal of biological chemplos one
and computer science journal of aircraft aiaa journal international journal for
spectroscopy and spectralapplied spectroscopy journal of molecular struc
journal of medicinal chembioorganic & medicinal cheuropean journal of phar
journal of thermal analysiacta crystallographica secpolyhedron
s and humanities health affairs jama-journal of the americlinical orthopaedics and
tetrahedron letters chemical communicationsorganic letters
theological studies journal of religious ethics journal of the society of c
microporous and mesoporamerican mineralogist european journal of mine
materials science physical mesomechanics materials science and eng
journal of urology journal of pediatric urolo urology
journal of statistical plan communications in statistsurvey methodology
communications in algebrjournal of algebra journal of pure and applie
coleopterists bulletin zootaxa annals of the entomologic
wear journal of materials proc tehnicki vjesnik-technical
designs codes and crypto discrete mathematics journal of combinatorial t
indian journal of animal s journal of dairy science indian veterinary journal
annals of oncology journal of the american gynecologic oncology
physical review e journal of chemical physicphysical review letters
inorganic materials semiconductors physics of the solid state
journal of neural transmisbioorganic & medicinal chjournal of medicinal chem
medicine and science in s journal of asthma annals of allergy asthma
qualitative inquiry qualitative health researc international journal of q
ieee transactions on plas journal of physics d-appli journal of applied physics
d health sciences langmuir journal of physical chemissoft matter
german life and letters seminar-a journal of germgerman quarterly
clinical pharmacology & t orphanet journal of rare ddrug information journal
oncogene plos one journal of biological chem
ces and engineering ieee transactions on mic ieee transactions on ins microwave and optical tec
plos one international journal of c cancer epidemiology biom
journal of neuro-ophthal neuro-ophthalmology revista de neurologia
journal of chinese philos philosophy east & west asian philosophy
american journal of physi journal of thermal biologybrain research
d health sciences social science & medicine lancet journal of epidemiology
biochemistry journal of biological chemjournal of molecular biolo
ces and engineering physiological measureme ieee transactions on biomanesthesia and analgesia
international journal of c annals of thoracic surgerypediatric cardiology
geschichte und gesellschazeitschrift fur geschichts central european history
journal of mathematical an acta mathematica scientiaabstract and applied analy
interlending & document electronic library library collections acquisi
thin solid films surface & coatings technojournal of vacuum science
zootaxa aquatic insects entomological news
journal of philosophy of educational philosophy a mind brain and education
macromolecules inorganic chemistry polyhedron
zeitschrift fur anorganis journal of solid state cheminorganic chemistry
journal of biological chembiochemical and biophysi plos one
applied physics letters physical review b journal of micromechanic
clinical chemistry nucleic acids research biotechniques
regulatory peptides american journal of physiogastroenterology
cryogenics journal of the acoustical acta acustica united with
ces and engineering biochemistry journal of biological chembulletin of the korean che
ieee transactions on info ieee communications letteieee journal on selected
international journal of pediatric dermatology clinical and experimental
powder technology journal of occupational a aerosol science and techn
physical review d physics letters b journal of high energy phy
world rabbit science livestock science italian journal of animal s
sensors and actuators b-capplied physics letters ieee sensors journal
modernism-modernity african american review callaloo
indian journal of heterocyjournal of heterocyclic ch tetrahedron
s and humanities journal of fluency disordejournal of speech languagjournal of communication
d health sciences journal of agricultural an food chemistry cereal chemistry
journal of economic psyc national tax journal journal of public economi
personality and individualjournal of psychology andpersonality and social psy
journal of medicinal chemjournal of biological chembioorganic & medicinal ch
american journal of medica journal of craniofacial sur plastic and reconstructive
american journal of clinicabritish journal of nutritionjournal of nutrition
journal of thermal analysijournal of the european c dyes and pigments
journal of applied physics physical review b journal of magnetism and
journal of oral and maxillolaryngoscope british journal of oral & m
journal of the american c chemistry-a european joujournal of physical chemis
plastic and reconstructivetransplantation proceedinmicrosurgery
nuclear medicine communjournal of nuclear medici european journal of nucle
urban morphology psychology of aesthetics cenvironment and planning
annals of thoracic surgeryjournal of trauma-injury ineuropean journal of cardi
tetrahedron letters journal of organic chemisttetrahedron
journal of the history of history of psychology theory & psychology
journal of molecular liqui spectrochimica acta part russian journal of physica
and computer science cyberpsychology & behavipresence-teleoperators ancyberpsychology behavior
international journal of s antonie van leeuwenhoekfems i yeast research
international journal of n arabian archaeology and journal of archaeological
american journal of agric journal of agricultural a canadian journal of agri
journal of medical virolog world journal of gastroen journal of infectious disea
crime law and social chanpublic choice british journal of criminol
chaucer review speculum-a journal of medmedium aevum
journal of algebra journal of pure and appliecommunications in algebr
world journal of gastroen archives of gynecology aninternational journal of g
linear algebra and its applsiam journal on matrix anaieee transactions on signa
cornea molecular vision american journal of opht
journal of clinical microbi international journal of s veterinary microbiology
journal of agricultural an food chemistry scientia horticulturae
biochemistry journal of biological chemfebs journal
transplantation proceedintransplantation clinical transplantation
ferroelectrics journal of applied physics journal of materials scienc
physical review e physics of fluids journal of fluid mechanics
russian journal of general journal of organometallic organometallics
skeletal radiology arthroscopy-the journal ofknee surgery sports trau
electrochimica acta tetrahedron letters journal of the american c
journal of petroleum scie petroleum science and te spe reservoir evaluation
drug information journal american journal of heal journal of medical interne
ieee transactions on magnieee transactions on plas ieee transactions on dielec
tetrahedron letters organic letters journal of organic chemist
world development journal of development e journal of development st
journal of english and ger neophilologus english studies
d health sciences veterinary parasitology parasitology research parasite
journal of immunology journal of biological chemcytokine
journal of propulsion and physics of plasmas ieee transactions on plas
thin solid films journal of applied physics applied physics letters
applied physics letters journal of applied physics optics communications
animal behaviour journal of avian biology auk
journal of mathematical an integral equations and opproceedings of the ameri
journal of chromatographyjournal of pharmaceuticalcancer chemotherapy and
journal of biological chembiochemistry journal of lipid research
journal of neurosurgery otology & neurotology acta neurochirurgica
international journal of c american journal of cardi pediatric cardiology
d health sciences revista brasileira de frutic journal of ethnopharmacophytotherapy research
d health sciences journal of parapsychologyexplore-the journal of sci evolution psychiatrique
applied physics letters journal of applied physics nuclear instruments & met
plastic and reconstructivejournal of plastic reconst american journal of medica
nuclear instruments & metnuclear instruments & metphysics letters a
strahlentherapie und onkoclinical orthopaedics and journal of bone and joint
international journal of clinical and experimental journal of the american
molecular and cellular bi journal of biological chembiochemical and biophysi
teaching sociology ps-political science & politinternational studies pers
diseases of aquatic organ parasitology research journal of parasitology
nuclear instruments & metphysical review c physical review letters
diabetes care diabetes research and clindiabetic medicine
d health sciences journal of inorganic biochdalton transactions inorganic chemistry
leukemia & lymphoma journal of pediatric hema leukemia research
wilderness & environmentbritish journal of sports american journal of sport
communications in statiststatistics in medicine computational statistics &
ces and engineering ieee transactions on magnieee transactions on powecompel-the international
rivista di filosofia neo-sco journal of the history of british journal for the his
industrial & engineering journal of hazardous matechemical engineering jour
lecture notes in computerfundamenta informaticaetheoretical computer scie
alcohol and alcoholism american journal of physioneurology
epilepsia epilepsy research journal of child neurology
international journal of c echocardiography-a journa annals of thoracic surgery
ecology ecological modelling american naturalist
russian journal of inorganinorganic chemistry dalton transactions
khimiya geterotsiklicheskirussian journal of organic chemistry of heterocycli
journal of clinical microbi journal of medical virolog journal of clinical virology
and computer science statistics in medicine journal of clinical epidem journal of biopharmaceutic
thermochimica acta journal of thermal analysichinese journal of chemist
physical review b applied physics letters synthetic metals
annals of applied probabilrandom structures & algojournal of computational a
journal of pediatric surgerpediatric surgery internat european journal of pediat
zootaxa zookeys journal of hymenoptera r
aquatic conservation-marjournal of the north amerihydrobiologia
international journal of journal of the european journal of the american
acta crystallographica secinorganic chemistry dalton transactions
pediatric dermatology international journal of p laryngoscope
odonatologica international journal of o zootaxa
tetrahedron letters tetrahedron journal of organic chemist
journal of micromechanicsensors and actuators a-pmicrosystem technologies
communications in statistjournal of multivariate anajournal of statistical plan
ces and engineering journal of lightwave tech ieee photonics technologyieee transactions on com
d health sciences journal of cosmetic sciencsen-i gakkaishi textile research journal
al-qantara journal of the american orislam-zeitschrift fur gesc
physical review d nuclear physics b-procee journal of high energy phy
d health sciences plant physiology plant journal plant cell
journal of the american british journal of dermatointernational journal of
tetrahedron letters russian journal of organic acta crystallographica sec
zootaxa zookeys proceedings of the entomo
sensors and actuators a-pjournal of the european c journal of materials scienc
contemporary pacific journal of pacific history amerasia journal
journal of crystal growth physica status solidi b-basapplied physics letters
cancer research oncogene genes chromosomes & ca
Physical sciences and eng novon steroids phytochemistry
food additives and contamjournal of chromatographpackaging technology and
journal of agricultural an food and chemical toxicolprocess biochemistry
russian chemical bulletin chemistry of heterocycli tetrahedron letters
sotsiologicheskie issledov contributions to indian somodern asian studies
journal of chromatographrussian journal of physica chromatographia
diagnostic cytopathology acta cytologica cytopathology
ces and engineering biomaterials journal of biomedical mate journal of microencapsula
dermatologic surgery journal of the european journal of the american
anticancer research lung cancer tumor biology
acta crystallographica sectetrahedron letters tetrahedron
sensors and actuators b-csensors and actuators a-pieee sensors journal
zygon theological studies international journal of s
industrial & engineering energy & fuels fuel
annals of probability probability theory and reljournal of statistical physi
pesquisa veterinaria brasiltoxicon veterinary and human tox
journal of biological chembiochemical and biophysi proceedings of the nation
archives of environmentalenvironmental pollution bulletin of environmental
journal of american folklojournal of folklore researcwestern folklore
infection and immunity epidemiology and infectioplos one
and computer science electronics letters ieee transactions on nan applied physics letters
and computer science journal of dynamic syste proceedings of the institusensors and actuators a-p
modern asian studies international journal of mmuslim world
d health sciences electromagnetic biology biofizika journal of photochemistry
alimentary pharmacology inflammatory bowel diseatherapeutic drug monitor
brain behavior and evolutjournal of comparative nejournal of chemical neur
paedagogica historica history of education history of education & chi
carbohydrate research journal of physical chemisjournal of the american c
journal of agricultural an food chemistry phytotherapy research
international journal of r remote sensing environment and planning
journal of biological chembiochemistry bioorganic & medicinal che
sociologie du travail revue francaise de sociolosciences sociales et sante
linear algebra and its appldiscrete applied mathemasemigroup forum
early music journal of musicology early music history
human molecular genetic biochimica et biophysica aneurobiology of disease
ces and engineering helvetica chimica acta journal of ethnopharmacotetrahedron
surface & coatings technomeasurement techniquestechnical physics
transportation research r transportation research pieee transactions on intel
journal of geophysical re rapid communications in journal of hydrology
microwave and optical tecinternational journal of ieee transactions on mic
journal of bone and mine british journal of nutritionbone
international journal of high temperature high temperatures-high p
british journal of dermatojournal of the american diseases of the colon & r
journal of biological chembiochemical and biophysi journal of immunology
langmuir biomacromolecules acs applied materials & in
fusion science and technophysics of plasmas plasma physics reports
inorganic chemistry zeitschrift fur anorganis journal of structural chem
tetrahedron letters synthetic communicationssynlett
brain & development pediatric neurology journal of the neurologica
journal of chemical physicacta physica sinica journal of molecular spec
ces and engineering environmental science & water research chemosphere
journal of mixed methodsqualitative inquiry quality & quantity
d health sciences journal of bacteriology molecular microbiology plasmid
ieee transactions on auto linear algebra and its applsystems & control letters
journal of biomolecular s journal of ethnopharmacophytotherapy research
transportation research r environmental health persocial science quarterly
inverse problems journal of inverse and ill journal of computational
zeitschrift fur padagogik zeitschrift fur soziologie zeitschrift fur erziehungs
d health sciences tribology & lubrication te annals of occupational hy gefahrstoffe reinhaltung d
journal of polymer scienc macromolecules polymer
antimicrobial agents and bioorganic & medicinal che journal of antimicrobial
nuclear instruments & metradiocarbon analytical chemistry
d health sciences tetrahedron letters synthetic communicationsindian journal of chemistr
solid state ionics journal of physics-condenjournal of the physical soc
acta physica polonica a sensors and actuators b-canalytical chemistry
applied physics letters journal of vacuum sciencejournal of applied physics
journal of biological chemmolecular endocrinology biochemical and biophysi
european journal of phar british journal of pharma bioorganic & medicinal che
doklady earth sciences russian geology and geophgeologiya i geofizika
ieee transactions on poweieee transactions on com ieee communications mag
and computer science journal of guidance contr proceedings of the institujournal of spacecraft and
international journal of h combustion and flame combustion science and t
metaphor and symbol journal of pragmatics cognitive linguistics
acm sigplan notices lecture notes in computersoftware-practice & exper
tetrahedron letters tetrahedron synlett
european journal of phar annals of the new york acbrain research
finite fields and their applieee transactions on info journal of algebra
history of european ideasjournal of the history of i history of political though
ces and engineering bioresource technology applied biochemistry and applied microbiology and
zootaxa annales zoologici acta entomologica musei n
journal of biological chemplos one febs letters
plastic and reconstructiveannals of plastic surgery journal of reconstructive
psychological reports death studies omega-journal of death a
journal of biological chemplos one biochemistry
sugar industry-zuckerindulisty cukrovarnicke a repa international sugar journa
early american literature acta histriae william and mary quarterl
amino acids neuroscience letters bulletin of the korean che
biochemistry journal of neural transmisjournal of biological chem
wildlife research european journal of wildliacta theriologica
ces and engineering energy education science energy education science kuram ve uygulamada egiti
dyes and pigments revista de chimie coloration technology
monthly review-an indepeorganization & environmesocial science research
journal of heterocyclic ch synthetic communicationsacta crystallographica sec
phytomedicine carcinogenesis phytotherapy research
international journal of c fuel journal of loss prevention
petroleum science and te energy & fuels fuel
and computer science international journal of journal of mathematical cjournal of computational
discrete mathematics european journal of combilinear algebra and its appl
applied physics letters physical review b journal of applied physics
bioscience biotechnology applied microbiology and international journal of s
annals of botany plos one american journal of botan
journal of electrocardiolo annals of noninvasive ele american journal of cardi
american journal of internocean development and ininternational journal of m
carbon journal of applied polymenew carbon materials
ces and engineering bioorganic & medicinal che bioorganic & medicinal chplanta medica
acta crystallographica secapplied microbiology and journal of bioscience and
physica a-statistical mechaentropy physical review e
journal of algebra journal of pure and applieproceedings of the ameri
journal for the study of rerevista de cercetare si int revista romana de bioetic
and computer science optical engineering applied optics infrared physics & techno
d health sciences psychology of men & mascsex roles american journal of mens
science-fiction studies performance research angelaki-journal of the th
zootaxa florida entomologist journal of economic ento
applied physics letters journal of crystal growth journal of applied physics
journal of economic behavgames and economic behaamerican economic revie
contemporary theatre revperformance research tdr-the drama review-the
veterinary radiology & ul ultrasound in obstetrics javma-journal of the amer
inflammatory bowel diseavaccine annals of the rheumatic d
journal of organic chemisttetrahedron tetrahedron letters
s and humanities health expectations social science & medicinebmj-british medical journa
journal of knot theory andjournal of chemical physicmacromolecules
food chemistry journal of agricultural an journal of the science of
korea journal korea observer asian survey
d health sciences journal of elder abuse & njournal of the american gegenerations-journal of th
journal of nutrition cellular and molecular biojournal of nutritional bio
ieee transactions on ante ieee antennas and wireleselectronics letters
journal of natural productplos one journal of ethnopharmaco
journal of power sources international journal of journal of the electrochem
journal of agricultural an journal of ethnopharmacophytotherapy research
history of european ideasannales historiques de la french historical studies
acta crystallographica secacta crystallographica secjournal of coordination c
journal of algebra communications in algebrjournal of group theory
surface & coatings technojournal of phase equilibriaisij international
spinal cord journal of urology bju international
world journal of gastroen american surgeon revista espanola de enfer
materials letters chinese journal of inorganconstruction and building
psikhologicheskii zhurnal voprosy psikhologii voprosy filosofii
and computer science journal of dynamic syste engineering failure analysjournal of vibration and c
lecture notes in computerieee transactions on compieee-acm transactions on
nucleic acids research rna-a publication of the r journal of biological chem
ces and engineering journal of chromatographclinical toxicology journal of chromatography
topology and its applicati houston journal of matheproceedings of the ameri
ultramicroscopy microscopy and microanalapplied physics letters
osteuropa journal of baltic studies europe-asia studies
s and humanities injury prevention pediatrics american journal of public
neuromodulation pain medicine anesthesia and analgesia
ces and engineering biochemistry journal of applied crystal biophysical journal
mitochondrial dna gene plos one
smart materials and struc sensors and actuators a-psensors and actuators b-c
neuroscience letters epilepsy research epilepsia
tetrahedron letters tetrahedron journal of organic chemist
physics of the solid state technical physics letters physics of metals and met
journal of medieval historarchivio storico italiano revue belge de philologie e
and computer science ieee transactions on ins ieee transactions on appl metrologia
journal of biological chemnucleic acids research proceedings of the nation
vaccine wildlife research reproduction
d health sciences journal of virological met journal of clinical microbi plos one
doklady mathematics journal of convex analysisdiscrete & computational
ces and engineering environmental science & oil & gas journal energy policy
journal of law medicine &current anthropology social studies of science
journal of immunology circulation blood
quaderni storici middle eastern studies international journal of m
journal of virology breast diagnostic cytopathology
ars combinatoria discrete mathematics utilitas mathematica
journal of immunology journal of biological chemblood
physical review a journal of physics b-atomijournal of chemical physic
phytotherapy research journal of ethnopharmacoevidence-based complemen
international journal of c traffic injury prevention accident analysis and pre
physical review b journal of magnetism andjournal of alloys and com
journal of agricultural an phytotherapy research food chemistry
acta physica sinica chinese physics b chinese physics
feminism & psychology sex roles psychology of women quar
journal of bioenergetics journal of biological chemnaunyn-schmiedebergs ar
journal of military history war in history journal of strategic studie
and computer science historia mathematica archive for history of exacamerican mathematical m
semigroup forum communications in algebrjournal of algebra
blood british journal of haematopediatric blood & cancer
and computer science international journal of i displays applied ergonomics
tetrahedron letters journal of fluorine chemisorganic letters
henry james review foreign literature studies poe studies-dark romanti
ieee transactions on appl physica c-superconductivitsuperconductor science &
zeitschrift fur historische historische zeitschrift archiv fur reformationsges
macromolecules polymer journal of applied polyme
religious studies international journal for psynthese
crystallography reports journal of crystal growth ieee transactions on ultra
composites science and t cement and concrete resesmart materials and struc
heterocycles tetrahedron letters tetrahedron
journal of pediatric surgerpediatric surgery internat world journal of gastroen
nucleosides nucleotides &biochemistry molecular genetics and m
international journal of american journal of clinic clinical chemistry and lab
bioorganic & medicinal che journal of medicinal chemeuropean journal of phar
physical review b physica b-condensed mattjournal of solid state chem
veterinary record point veterinaire schweizer archiv fur tierh
ferroelectrics physics of the solid state inorganic materials
journal of applied polymeinternational journal of journal of adhesion scien
chaos solitons & fractals fractals-complex geometrycomputers & graphics-uk
journal of bone and minerbone journal of biological chem
d health sciences journal of natural productacta crystallographica secphytochemistry
journal of biological chemoncogene biochemical and biophysi
international journal of mmiddle eastern studies international review of soc
mycotaxon mycologia mycological progress
journal of economic educ econ journal watch american economic revie
journal of pediatric surgereuropean journal of cardi annals of thoracic surgery
movement disorders journal of biological chemplos one
studies in english literat eighteenth-century fictionearly music
journal of analytical toxic forensic science internati journal of forensic science
journal of urban history journal of american historarkansas historical quarte
and computer science physical review e advances in applied probab physica a-statistical mecha
chemical research in toxicnephrology dialysis transpkidney international
ces and engineering infinite dimensional analydoklady mathematics russian journal of mathem
annals of the new york acplos one expert opinion on biologic
business history journal of cultural economjournal of media economi
journal of hospital infecti american journal of infectinfection control and hos
journal for the history of archive for history of exachistoria mathematica
religious education british journal of religiou international journal of ch
oil shale fuel energy & fuels
tetrahedron letters european journal of organtetrahedron-asymmetry
arquivos de neuro-psiquiarevista de neurologia journal of neuropsychiatry
discrete mathematics theoretical computer sciediscrete applied mathema
clinical toxicology therapeutic drug monitor veterinary and human tox
ieee annals of the history technology and culture business history
Biomedical and health sci applied and environmentaapplied microbiology and journal of agricultural an
solid state ionics journal of solid state chemjournal of alloys and com
journal of inherited metabmolecular genetics and mjournal of biological chem
tetrahedron letters journal of organic chemisttetrahedron
ces and engineering ieee transactions on ante integral equations and opjournal of the optical soc
retina-the journal of retinocular immunology and i american journal of opht
inquiry-an interdisciplina philosophical investigatio continental philosophy re
journal of applied physics acta physica sinica applied physics letters
journal of hand surgery- journal of thermal analysiplastic and reconstructive
ces and engineering journal of medicinal chembioorganic & medicinal chbioorganic & medicinal che
british journal of sociolog theory culture & society sociological review
journal of biological chemoncogene molecular and cellular bio
prostate journal of neurochemistryjournal of medicinal chem
veterinary microbiology veterinary record journal of medical microb
journal of neurology neurology neurogenetics
atherosclerosis american journal of cardi obesity
new literary history anq-a quarterly journal ofpmla-publications of the
journal of electroanalytic russian journal of electro electrochimica acta
and computer science sensors and actuators a-pieee transactions on ins ieee sensors journal
russian journal of physica journal of inclusion phen journal of solution chemis
journal of biological chembiochemical and biophysi oncogene
zootaxa florida entomologist journal of economic ento
american journal of gastr scandinavian journal of g alimentary pharmacology
marine pollution bulletin environmental science & environmental pollution
retina-the journal of retinamerican journal of opht eye
Physical sciences and eng cryobiology cryoletters biophysical journal
oceania australian journal of polit anthropological forum
phosphorus sulfur and sil russian journal of general tetrahedron letters
hahr-hispanic american hiamericas historia mexicana
publicationes mathemati differential geometry and international journal of
pediatric dermatology american journal of medica international journal of
biomass & bioenergy industrial crops and producurrent science
journal of womens historyjournal of the history of s arkansas historical quarte
journal of ethnopharmacophytotherapy research asian journal of andrology
tetrahedron-asymmetry chirality organic letters
critique-studies in contemamerican literary history contemporary literature
physics of the solid state glass physics and chemist ferroelectrics
science-fiction studies extrapolation african american review
applied clay science physikalische medizin rehinternational journal of
religion journal of the american a method & theory in the stu
journal of the american journal of the european british journal of dermato
scientia horticulturae revista brasileira de frutic hortscience
journal of modern italian journal of contemporary hvierteljahrshefte fur zeitg
d health sciences anatomia histologia embrpesquisa veterinaria brasilplacenta
lecture notes in computertheoretical computer sciegames and economic beha
ces and engineering journal of natural productjournal of biological chembiopolymers
zootaxa zoologichesky zhurnal zookeys
applied optics acoustical physics crystallography reports
journal of ethnopharmacophytomedicine fitoterapia
journal of pediatric ortho journal of pediatric ortho clinical orthopaedics and
physical review b journal of applied physics inorganic chemistry
studies in romanticism wordsworth circle eighteenth-century life
symbiosis blumea plos one
journal of camel practice veterinary record tropical animal health an
journal of physical chemisjournal of chemical physicjournal of physical chemis
journal of legal education law library journal fordham law review
tdr-the drama review-the clcweb-comparative literajournal of arts managemen
environmental values environmental ethics south african journal of p
d health sciences journal of agricultural an applied microbiology and food chemistry
Biomedical and health sci food and chemical toxicolrussian journal of coordinjournal of agricultural an
s and humanities plastic and reconstructivejournal of sexual medicin international journal of g
journal of heterocyclic ch tetrahedron letters tetrahedron
journal of ethnopharmacointernational immunophaplos one
physica b-condensed mattphysical review b hyperfine interactions
s and humanities journal of school nursing health promotion internatjournal of advanced nursi
s and humanities rocznik ochrona srodowis problemy ekorozwoju gospodarka surowcami mi
evidence-based complemen journal of alternative a chinese journal of integra
d health sciences analytica chimica acta inhalation toxicology journal of coordination c
memory & cognition neuropsychologia applied cognitive psychol
journal of agricultural an journal of natural productjournal of asian natural p
chemistry of heterocycli khimiya geterotsiklicheskiacta crystallographica sec
Life and earth sciences journal of agricultural an food additives and contamfood chemistry
neurology journal of child neurologyjournal of neurology
s and humanities kindheit und entwicklung gesundheitswesen bundesgesundheitsblatt-g
mycologia diseases of aquatic organ mycological research
journal of structural chemjournal of thermal analysiacta crystallographica sec
journal of ethnopharmacophytotherapy research latin american journal of
ces and engineering american journal of physi physics in perspective studies in history and ph
kybernetes european journal of operaiie transactions
journal of power sources journal of the electrochemmaterials letters
phytotherapy research journal of ethnopharmacophytomedicine
clinical rheumatology jcr-journal of clinical rhe journal of rheumatology
environmental science & analytica chimica acta journal of electroanalytic
transactions of the charlessemiotica synthese
brain research journal of neurophysiologjournal of cerebral blood
lexikos international journal of l terminology
otolaryngology-head and journal of laryngology andclinical otolaryngology
and computer science acta crystallographica seczeitschrift fur kristallogra glass physics and chemist
acta crystallographica secjournal of molecular strucspectrochimica acta part
journal of molecular strucrussian journal of general journal of agricultural an
biometrics ieee transactions on knowlecture notes in computer
s and humanities journal of economic dynam journal of mathematical an journal of optimization th
d health sciences virology journal of virology small ruminant research
food and drug law journaljournal of pharmacology journal of aoac internatio
journal of immunology journal of biological chembioorganic & medicinal che
biomedicine & pharmacotneuroendocrinology letterbiological rhythm researc
north korean review latin american perspectiv cuban journal of agricultu
nuclear instruments & metplasma science & technol pakistan journal of botany
carbon aerosol science and technfullerenes nanotubes and
international journal of r cancer radiotherapie radiotherapy and oncolog
journal of the chemical sobangladesh journal of ph journal of ethnopharmaco
acta crystallographica secpolyhedron acta crystallographica sec
russian journal of organic khimiya geterotsiklicheskirussian chemical bulletin
physics of atomic nuclei physical review c european physical journal
journal of agricultural an journal of the science of biological agriculture & ho
journal of molecular catalultrasonics sonochemistryindustrial & engineering
astrophysical journal monthly notices of the royastronomy & astrophysics
russian journal of physica russian journal of inorgancolloid journal
spectrochimica acta part journal of molecular strucjournal of the indian chem
journal of pressure vesse nuclear engineering and dinternational journal of p
optics letters optics express journal of non-crystalline
and computer science advances in space researcjournal of aircraft wireless personal commun
cancer research clinical cancer research international journal of c
forest ecology and mana bioresource technology refractories and industria
ces and engineering zeitschrift fur anorganis journal of occupational a journal of occupational a
zoo biology comparative biochemistryjournal of animal physiolo
journal of clinical oncologleukemia & lymphoma journal of pediatric hema
journal of applied phycol journal of biological chemjournal of medicinal food
international journal of r diseases of the colon & r radiotherapy and oncolog
acta crystallographica secrussian chemical bulletin tetrahedron letters
fusion science and technojournal of environmental rjournal of radioanalytical
heart rhythm pace-pacing and clinical ejournal of cardiovascular
american journal of neurophlebology neurology
castanea rhodora journal of the torrey botan
journal of organometallic acta crystallographica seceuropean journal of inorg
journal of clinical microbi journal of immunology revue de medecine intern
d health sciences journal of food protectioninternational journal of f applied and environmenta
physical review b semiconductors physical review letters
ces and engineering photochemistry and phot toxicology in vitro journal of photochemistry
chronobiology internationbiological rhythm researc journal of sports sciences
american journal of medica international journal of p clinical genetics
pattern recognition pattern recognition letter lecture notes in computer
acta neurochirurgica journal of neurosurgery british journal of neurosu
lecture notes in computerjournal of computational bioinformatics
acta cytologica diagnostic cytopathology mycopathologia
science china-technologicaengineering structures earthquake engineering &
organometallics journal of organometallic acta crystallographica sec
pci journal journal of bridge engineeraci structural journal
journal of alloys and com materials science and engintermetallics
bt technology journal bell labs technical journal journal of the communica
phronesis-a journal for anphilosophy and rhetoric argumentation
american journal of occupaustralian occupational thbritish journal of occupat
journal of great lakes res journal of fish biology transactions of the americ
journal of physics-condenferroelectrics physical review b
studies in canadian litera canadian literature english studies in canada
journal of virology journal of avian medicine veterinary record
cardiovascular and intervechest journal of vascular and in
d health sciences journal of organometallic inorganica chimica acta inorganic chemistry
ieee transactions on com ieee transactions on ins lecture notes in computer
journal of ethnopharmacoevidence-based complemen latin american journal of
theoretical foundations o atomic energy separation science and te
Life and earth sciences natural product research journal of essential oil re biochemical systematics a
constructivist foundationscurriculum matters kybernetes
journal of fluid mechanicsjournal of hydraulic enginjournal of hydraulic resea
new literary history modern drama victorian literature and cu
journal of mathematical an differential equations journal of differential equ
physical review b journal of applied crystal surface science
d health sciences russian journal of organic chemistry of natural com journal of natural product
journal of aircraft applied mathematics and international journal of h
ces and engineering biofizika mutation research-geneti journal of biomolecular s
journal of the european clinical and experimental journal of the american
ces and engineering anticancer research in vivo acta crystallographica sec
tetrahedron-asymmetry flavour and fragrance jourtetrahedron letters
journal of athletic trainingjournal of thermal biologywilderness & environment
journal of luminescence journal of chemical physicchemical physics letters
oncogene biochemical and biophysi journal of biological chem
october cinema journal leonardo
pediatric nephrology molecular genetics and mjournal of pediatrics
simulation-transactions ofsimulation modelling praclecture notes in computer
d health sciences organic letters tetrahedron letters tetrahedron
physics of metals and metmetallofizika i noveishie t journal of alloys and com
d health sciences journal of microbiologica journal of industrial micr applied and environmenta
irish political studies terrorism and political viopolitical quarterly
hts teologiese studies-thecatholic biblical quarterly new testament studies
acta geographica slovenicdve domovini-two homel geodetski vestnik
biochemistry-moscow journal of biological chemproceedings of the nation
zeitschrift fur deutsches beitrage zur geschichte d zeitschrift fur deutsche ph
russian journal of organic russian journal of general tetrahedron letters
revista clinica espanola medicina clinica journal of antimicrobial
physics of fluids journal of aerosol sciencecolloid journal
elektronika ir elektrotech przeglad elektrotechnicznadvances in electrical an
planta medica natural product communicjournal of ethnopharmaco
ieee transactions on auto automatica journal of computer and s
journal of structural chemacta crystallographica secjournal of molecular struc
solar energy materials andsolar energy applied surface science
journal of bone and minerbone calcified tissue internatio
journal of biological chemjournal of neurochemistrybiochemical and biophysi
beton- und stahlbetonbaubauingenieur stahlbau
journal of family nursing movimento journal of pediatric nursin
journal of american ethnicjournal of urban history eire-ireland
screen kybernetes studies in french cinema
applied surface science applied physics a-materialthin solid films
journal of biological chembiochemical and biophysi oncogene
isle-interdisciplinary stud clcweb-comparative literadrustvena istrazivanja
zootaxa coleopterists bulletin aquatic insects
and computer science ieee transactions on ins applied optics ieee transactions on elec
radiophysics and quantumjournal of geophysical resgeophysical research lette
screen cinema journal semiotica
current science chemical & engineering n nature biotechnology
journal of emergency medforensic science internati journal of forensic science
journal of the society of a romanian reports in physihistory of photography
journal of infrared and miinfrared physics & technoapplied optics
annals of pharmacothera clinical infectious diseasespharmacotherapy
psicothema revista latinoamericana derevista latinoamericana d
third text contemporary theatre revradical philosophy
linear algebra and its applelectronic journal of linealinear & multilinear algeb
russian journal of organic applied catalysis a-generarussian journal of general
applied optics optical engineering journal of optical technol
acta physica sinica applied physics b-lasers a optics communications
applied categorical struct topology and its applicati journal of pure and applie
physics of the solid state technical physics letters semiconductors
american journal of physi hypertension clinical and experimental
acta crystallographica secacta crystallographica secjournal of molecular stru
journal of clinical patholo american journal of roentjournal of the american ge
journal of periodontologyjournal of periodontal resjournal of clinical periodo
journal of modern greek sdiacritics-a review of con radical philosophy
integral transforms and spjournal of mathematical an monatshefte fur mathema
british journal of health journal of social and clini journal of language and s
ethnic and racial studies centro journal latin american perspectiv
journal of agricultural an indian journal of agricultushock
and computer science applied physics b-lasers a international journal of applied physics letters
victorian literature and cuelh victorian studies
physics of the solid state technical physics glass physics and chemist
journal of vascular surger journal of the american archives of dermatology
agroforestry systems fruits african journal of biotech
journal of screenwriting adaptation-the journal of literature-film quarterly
diseases of the colon & r anz journal of surgery journal of pediatric surger
plos one journal of biological chemcancer research
studi storici rivista storica italiana prostor
acta physica sinica chinese journal of electro glq-a journal of lesbian a
american journal of physi microvascular research microcirculation
journal for the history of mediterranean archaeolo archive for history of exac
anaesthesia anesthesia and analgesia anesthesiology
world journal of gastroen american surgeon journal of pediatric surger
peptides brain research european journal of phar
acta geodaetica et geophyfrench studies esprit createur
journal of oleo science toxicon flavour and fragrance jour
science & society journal of economic issuehistorical materialism-rese
journal of alloys and com hyperfine interactions powder metallurgy and me
osteoporosis internationaalcoholism-clinical and e transplantation proceedin
journal of chemical physicphysical review b journal of physical chemis
journal of the american diasia pacific journal of clinipublic health nutrition
and computer science journal of crystal growth chemical engineering sciemultiscale modeling & sim
ophthalmic plastic and re ophthalmologe ophthalmology
ces and engineering mathematical notes russian journal of mathemtheoretical and mathemati
solid state ionics journal of solid state chemmaterials research bulleti
journal of materials proc optics and laser technolo journal of manufacturing
journal of hazardous materussian journal of applied hydrometallurgy
technical physics letters optics communications glass physics and chemist
journal of global optimiza computational mathematic informatica
applied catalysis a-generachinese journal of catalysiinternational journal of
journal of aoac internatio journal of agricultural an journal of pharmaceutical
american literature american literary history pmla-publications of the
and computer science ieee transactions on electieee photonics technologyjournal of applied physics
british journal of dermatojournal of the american journal of the european
transition metal chemistr acta crystallographica secinternational journal of ch
journal of inherited metabmolecular genetics and mrheumatology internation
american catholic philosopvivarium-an international sefarad
digital investigation computers & security lecture notes in computer
and computer science european journal of operajournal of economic dynam economic modelling
conradiana studies in romanticism mfs-modern fiction studie
kunststoffe-plast europe polymer engineering and journal of thermoplastic
journal of biological chemrussian journal of general journal of molecular biolo
rare metal materials and materials science and engmetallurgical and material
geoheritage proceedings of the geologiepisodes
topology and its applicati proceedings of the ameri topology
peptides british journal of pharma plos one
journal of imaging scienc russian journal of coordinacta crystallographica sec
communications in soil scigeoderma agronomy journal
journal of endourology world journal of gastroen hepato-gastroenterology
journal of the southern afarchives of mining sciencegospodarka surowcami mi
biochemical and biophysi journal of biological chemplos one
crystallography reports optics and spectroscopy inorganic materials
journal of organic chemistjournal of the american c russian journal of organic
cardiovascular and intervecatheterization and cardiojournal of vascular and in
applied and environmentajournal of microbiologica applied microbiology and
american statistician american biology teacher wildlife society bulletin
studies in symbolic intera symbolic interaction social psychology quarterl
filozofia organon f historicky casopis
journal of the european c journal of the american c journal of materials scien
urology american journal of roentjournal of the american co
russian journal of organic khimiya geterotsiklicheskitetrahedron letters
high energy chemistry russian journal of organic polymer science series a
annals of oncology journal of clinical oncologcancer
african arts international journal of afieice transactions on inf
zootaxa memorias do instituto oswjournal of parasitology
october artforum international art journal
journal of imaging scienc polymer science series a high energy chemistry
journal of natural productchemical & pharmaceutical journal of asian natural p
yakugaku zasshi-journal oservice industries journal journal of small busines
and computer science edn adalya olba
zhurnal nevrologii i psikhi zhurnal nevropatologii i psbulletin of experimental
oceanology izvestiya atmospheric andrussian journal of numeri
biochemical and biophysi journal of biological chemplos one
journal of biological chembiochemical and biophysi plos one
acta pharmacologica sinicjournal of ethnopharmacointernational immunopha
Physical sciences and eng applied microbiology and organic letters journal of the serbian che
acta crystallographica secjournal of molecular strucindian journal of chemistr
zootaxa aquatic insects russian journal of genetics
bmj-british medical journaclinical medicine annals of the royal colleg
applied optics measurement science andexperiments in fluids
archives of metallurgy an eksploatacja i niezawodnoprzeglad elektrotechniczn
neuroimage plos one magnetic resonance in me
journal of applied probabilstatistics & probability let annals of the institute of
ces and engineering journal of natural productchemical & pharmaceutical journal of ethnopharmaco
ces and engineering journal of communicationsacoustical physics journal of quantitative sp
d health sciences anatomia histologia embrjournal of fish biology acta histochemica
polymer science series a polymer science series b semiconductors
d health sciences mutation research-geneti caryologia ecotoxicology and enviro
african american review internasjonal politikk mfs-modern fiction studie
defence and peace econokybernetes journal of conflict resolut
ces and engineering semiotica metalurgija stahl und eisen
phytotaxa botanical studies nordic journal of botany
russian journal of organic tetrahedron letters zeitschrift fur naturforsc
d health sciences progress in organic coatinjournal of analytical and ajournal of ethnopharmaco
human & experimental toxcritical reviews in toxicol dose-response
bone marrow transplantatarthritis and rheumatism journal of rheumatology
science & society historical materialism-resemonthly review-an indepe
journal of ethnopharmacojournal of agricultural an food chemistry
journal of algebra communications in algebrresults in mathematics
d health sciences journal of agricultural an food chemistry chemistry of natural com
journal of the american ascomparative medicine laboratory animals
journal of fluorine chemisrussian journal of inorganjournal of physical chemis
quimica nova fleischwirtschaft journal of chemical educa
key engineering materialsindustrial diamond reviewjournal of superhard mate
oral diseases journal of oral pathology oral surgery oral medicin
ces and engineering journal of natural productplanta medica journal of asian natural p
veterinary journal journal of small animal pr journal of veterinary inte
hyperfine interactions physical review b quantum electronics
american criminal law revbusiness lawyer cornell international law j
journal of physical chemisbiophysical chemistry clinical and experimental
ferroelectrics journal of molecular strucjournal of physics-conden
physical review b inorganic materials solid state communicatio
journal of mathematical an journal of differential equpublications of the resear
lecture notes in computercomputer networks ieee communications mag
journal of fluorine chemiscarbon russian journal of physica
perinola-revista de inves mln phronesis-a journal for an
and computer science ieee transactions on appl ieee transactions on magnconcepts in magnetic res
journal of biomedical optijournal of laser applicatio health physics
library trends libraries & culture libraries & the cultural re
journal of oral and maxillosurgical and radiologic a medical hypotheses
and computer science journal of vibration and c international journal of natural hazards
lecture notes in computerprogramming and compute information and software
pakistan journal of botanyscientia horticulturae food chemistry
expert systems with applilecture notes in computerapplied soft computing
plos one journal of cell science journal of cellular physiol
journal of biological chemplos one cancer research
multimedia tools and appllecture notes in computersprachwissenschaft
natural product research journal of ethnopharmacophytotherapy research
diabetic medicine diabetes care clinical chemistry
oregon historical quarterl western historical quarterjournal of chinese cinema
ieee transactions on auto international journal of coautomatica
synthesis-stuttgart russian chemical bulletin tetrahedron letters
optics and spectroscopy technical physics semiconductors
journal of urology urology international journal of u
melus american literature research in african literat
archives of physical medicjournal of rehabilitation journal of the neurologica
d health sciences journal of labelled comp tetrahedron letters journal of radioanalytical
langmuir biochemical society trans colloids and surfaces b-bi
acta astronautica international journal of a jbis-journal of the british
estudios filologicos revista iberoamericana revista de critica literari
ces and engineering space policy acta astronautica aviation week & space te
journal of engineering fo proceedings of the instituinternational journal of t
annals of vascular surgeryjournal of vascular surger vascular and endovascular
journal of the european c journal of crystal growth rare metal materials and
proceedings of the nationjournal of biological chemplos one
lecture notes in computerscience of computer pro journal of logic and alge
journal of maritime law social science journal victorian poetry
drug metabolism and dispbiochemical pharmacologjournal of medicinal chem
microelectronics reliabilit journal of crystal growth journal of applied crystal
indian journal of chemistrtetrahedron letters synthesis-stuttgart
quantum electronics journal of physics d-appli plasma physics reports
journal of the society of a folklore rivista di storia e letteratu
amfiteatru economic economic computation and romanian journal of econo
journal of indian philosopphilosophy east & west sophia
and computer science iranica antiqua iranian studies communications in algebr
s and humanities climatic change journal of geophysical re russian meteorology and
physics of the solid state physics of metals and mettechnical physics
transactions of the instituinorganic chemistry journal of physical chemis
journal of thermal analysiprzemysl chemiczny industrial & engineering
journal of combinatorial tdiscrete mathematics european journal of combi
materials science and engpowder metallurgy journal of materials proc
d health sciences international journal of journal of asian natural p phytochemistry
public health bmj-british medical journasante publique
d health sciences scientia horticulturae theoretical and applied gejournal of essential oil be
optics and spectroscopy journal of experimental anquantum electronics
lecture notes in computeradvances in engineering scomputing in science & en
biography-an interdiscipli mfs-modern fiction studietwentieth century literatu
journal of architecture journal of architectural e journal of architectural a
adult education quarterly australian journal of adulteuropean journal of educa
international archives of toxicology letters toxicological sciences
d health sciences acta crystallographica secbioorganic & medicinal che journal of the indian chem
lab animal animal welfare poultry science
journal of religious ethics law and philosophy philosophia
applied physics letters physica e-low-dimensionajournal of applied physics
lecture notes in computerjournal of parallel and di ieee transactions on paral
american surgeon abdominal imaging surgical laparoscopy end
journal of immunology journal of biological chemplos one
boston university law rev philosophy & social critic international journal for p
toxicologic pathology journal of toxicologic pat regulatory toxicology an
s and humanities high temperature ieee transactions on plas acoustical physics
bulletin of the american mscience and engineering ebiosecurity and bioterror
geburtshilfe und frauenheurologe zeitschrift fur rheumatolo
d health sciences kriminalistik journal of forensic sciencebehavioral sciences & the
lupus internal medicine american journal of gastr
ces and engineering transportation research r lecture notes in computerieee transactions on intel
journal of biological chembiochemistry biochimica et biophysica
south african journal on lancet deutsche zeitschrift fur p
physical review b journal of physics and chephysica c-superconductivit
rheumatology journal of rheumatology joint bone spine
breast journal breast breast care
statistics in medicine pharmaceutical research european journal of pharm
protection of metals and pjournal of thermal analysiprotection of metals
communications in algebrjournal of algebra journal of algebra and its
internal medicine american journal of roentinjury-international journa
revista medica de chile journal of religious ethics tydskrif vir geestesweten
discrete & computational geometriae dedicata siberian mathematical jou
ieee transactions on compjournal of multiple-valuedieice transactions on fun
d health sciences revista de chimie biochimica et biophysica revue roumaine de chimie
stahlbau engineering structures construction and building
glass physics and chemist russian journal of physica point veterinaire
journal of biological chemplos one cancer research
d health sciences acta crystallographica secinternational journal of t journal of pharmaceutical
journal of neurochemistryannals of the new york acbrain research
journal of biological chembiochemical and biophysi bioorganic & medicinal che
linear algebra and its appllinear & multilinear algeb electronic journal of linea
journal of biological chemtumor biology plos one
european journal of phar journal of cardiovascular british journal of pharma
mycologia mycotaxon mycosphere
studies in east european american quarterly sotsiologicheskie issledov
journal of fish biology aquaculture molecular ecology notes
echocardiography-a journa international journal of c pediatric cardiology
and computer science ieee transactions on indusieee industry application journal of photopolymer
journal of oral pathology oral diseases oral surgery oral medicin
optik physical review b surface science
mapan-journal of metrolog measurement science andmeasurement
ces and engineering journal of pharmaceuticalorganic process research journal of pharmaceutical
journal of biological chemjournal of the american s kidney international
journal of indo-european centro journal prooftexts-a journal of jew
acta crystallographica sectetrahedron tetrahedron letters
russian journal of organic russian journal of general phosphorus sulfur and sil
journal of nietzsche studi international studies in p european journal of philo
plains anthropologist transinformacao prooftexts-a journal of jew
mendeleev communicatioacta crystallographica secrussian chemical bulletin
d health sciences asian-australasian journalanimal reproduction scienanimal production science
international journal of thjournal of sport history sport history review
extrapolation historiographia linguisticascience-fiction studies
applied physics letters optics express optics letters
scientist blood journal of biological chem
ces and engineering journal of ethnopharmacofitoterapia chemical & pharmaceutical
technics technologies ed metalurgia international acta polytechnica hungari
plastic and reconstructiveburns international journal of
betriebswirtschaftliche fohistorical methods journal of cultural econom
neuroendocrinology letterphytotherapy research biologia
historical journal of film screen cinema journal
yearbook for traditional mresearch in african literat anthropological quarterly
physical review e chemical physics letters langmuir
atmospheric environmentinternational journal of atomic energy
russian journal of inorganenvironmental science & electrochimica acta
bronte studies victorian literature and cuphilosophy and literature
zootaxa revista brasileira de ento coleopterists bulletin
ces and engineering journal of chemical educamatch-communications injournal of mathematical c
journal of materials proc materialwissenschaft und materials science and eng
popular music and societyworld of music nuova rivista storica
d health sciences fashion theory-the journalplastic and reconstructiveguerres mondiales et conf
journal of mining science physical mesomechanics technical physics letters
s and humanities russian journal of geneticscollegium antropologicumdrustvena istrazivanja
international journal of journal of the american acta dermato-venereologi
canadian journal of deve parliamentary affairs journal of refugee studies
urology progres en urologie international journal of u
solar energy materials andsolar energy journal of applied physics
gesundheitswesen bulletin de l academie na bundesgesundheitsblatt-g
journal of biological chembiochemical and biophysi biochemistry-moscow
acta mathematica hungarimathematical notes journal of mathematical an
journal of bacteriology applied and environmentaplos one
langmuir journal of colloid and intecolloids and surfaces a-p
brazilian archives of biol latin american journal of revista brasileira de far
metalurgija acta montanistica slovacajournal of the society for
russian journal of inorganrussian journal of organic russian chemical bulletin
journal of surgical researcbiochemical and biophysi biofizika
physica a-statistical mechaphysical review e international journal of m
african journal of busin scripta nova-revista electrboletin de la asociacion
neurochemical research poultry science journal of radioanalytical
educational studies in marevista latinoamericana d journal for research in m
journal of biological chemoncogene cancer research
clinical biochemistry biofizika bulletin of experimental
filosofija-sociologija problemos logos-vilnius
fusion science and technointernational journal of physics of plasmas
ces and engineering bioorganic & medicinal che journal of medicinal chembiochemistry
journal of the history of welt der slaven-halbjahress annales medico-psycholog
environmental science & chemosphere bwk
s and humanities quality of life research revista de saude publica social indicators research
blake-an illustrated quartestudies in romanticism wordsworth circle
vacuum journal of vacuum sciencefoundations of physics let
differential equations doklady mathematics mathematical notes
Mathematics and compute
packaging technology andjournal of food science a transportation research r
materiale plastice revista de chimie metalurgia international
ieee transactions on signaieee transactions on neur neurocomputing
journal of molecular recogjournal of biological chembiochemistry-moscow
journal of the history of british journal for the his modern judaism
revista iberoamericana research in african literat cultura-international jour
international journal of threthinking history art history
zeitschrift fur volkskunde schweizerisches archiv fu osterreichische zeitschrif
physics of the solid state journal of alloys and com russian journal of electro
journal of computer and sautomation and remote coapplied and computationa
revista iberoamericana james joyce quarterly chasqui-revista de literat
biological trace element r brain research neuroscience letters
acta crystallographica secrussian journal of organic acta crystallographica sec
thin-walled structures ocean engineering engineering structures
movement disorders journal of neurology parkinsonism & related di
biochemical and biophysi plos one cancer research
twentieth century literatucontemporary literature modernism-modernity
expert systems with applicomputers and electronicsexpert systems
inter-asia cultural studies history of the human scie sotsiologicheskie issledov
journal of sound and vibraengineering structures mechanika
russian journal of nondestacoustical physics insight
journal of medicine and pchristian bioethics journal of value inquiry
food and chemical toxicolfood technology international journal of to
journal of biological chemplos one biochimica et biophysica a
clinical toxicology human & experimental toxbulletin of experimental
s and humanities hepato-gastroenterology african american review ejso
human and ecological ris risk analysis environmental manageme
profesional de la informa library trends library resources & techni
journal of humanistic psy theory & psychology south african journal of p
water resources hydrobiologia journal of marine systems
cancer research plos one oncogene
d health sciences journal of poultry science poultry science molecular reproduction
husserl studies human studies continental philosophy re
journal of algebra journal of pure and applieannales academiae scient
and computer science ieee transactions on plas journal of spacecraft and journal of electrostatics
journal of biological chemapoptosis cancer research
ieee transactions on mic journal of electromagneti ieee transactions on ante
lecture notes in computerecological modelling computing in science & en
zoo biology ecology of food and nutritasian-australasian journal
deutsche vierteljahrsschrigerman quarterly zeitschrift fur germanistik
powder metallurgy and me surface & coatings technometalurgia international
genetic resources and crojournal of the faculty of a theoretical and applied ge
history of photography victorian poetry victorian studies
stahl und eisen archives of metallurgy an metalurgija
d health sciences japanese journal of educajournal of athletic trainingathletic therapy today
criminal law review family law quarterly fordham law review
annals of emergency mediamerican journal of emer kardiologiya
architectural history art history burlington magazine
international journal of a journal of art & design ed journal of aesthetic educa
forest pathology mycotaxon phytopathology
s and humanities neurology substance use & misuse deutsche lebensmittel-ru
journal of biological chemplos one febs letters
indian journal of traditio journal of food science a current science
linear algebra and its applproceedings of the ameri positivity
russian journal of physica theoretical foundations o chemical engineering scie
biotechnic & histochemisttoxicology in vitro molecular pharmaceutics
plasma physics reports technical physics journal of communications
journal of neurosurgical aacta neurochirurgica journal of oral and maxillo
aevum-rassegna di scienzehistorisk tidsskrift chemical engineering prog
and computer science international journal of thfoundations of physics journal of mathematical p
s and humanities ceskoslovenska psychologjournal of the indian chemasian journal of chemistry
d health sciences journal of agricultural an phytotherapy research industrial crops and produ
international journal of pda journal of pharmaceutjournal of biological regu
acta crystallographica sectetrahedron letters canadian journal of chemi
d health sciences revista de chimie organic letters natural product research
applied surface science rare metal materials and ieee transactions on elect
african arts revista de estudios hispanvictorian literature and cu
connection science neural computation lecture notes in computer
world journal of gastroen diseases of the esophagusarchives of pathology & l
technical physics technical physics letters fluid dynamics
polymer science series a russian journal of applied russian journal of physica
s and humanities journal of chemical educaamerican journal of physi european journal of physi
clinical nuclear medicine annals of nuclear medicinbritish journal of radiolog
modern judaism journal for the study of rejournal of vascular surger
semiconductors thin solid films applied surface science
physics of the solid state semiconductors technical physics letters
applied spectroscopy analytical chemistry chemistry & biodiversity
south african journal of p journal of psychology in afteologia y vida
kagaku kogaku ronbunshujournal of applied polymeindustrial & engineering
lecture notes in artificial artificial intelligence in m lecture notes in computer
acta crystallographica secjournal of chemical resea zeitschrift fur kristallogr
medical engineering & phycirp annals-manufacturin clinical oral implants rese
langue francaise francais moderne lion and the unicorn
lecture notes in computerjournal of visual impairm transportation research r
journal of the american british journal of dermatointernational journal of
and computer science journal of communicationsjournal of computational physica b-condensed matt
ces and engineering spectroscopy and spectraljournal of ethnopharmacobioorganic & medicinal che
international journal of cucybernetics and systems journal of palestine studie
journal of applied social psychological reports international journal of
clinical nephrology pediatric nephrology nephrology dialysis transp
journal of ethnopharmacochemistry of natural com phytomedicine
communications in algebrcomptes rendus mathemadiscrete mathematics
semiconductors physics of the solid state wave motion
physics of the solid state journal of molecular strucjournal of structural chem
ces and engineering health physics radiation protection dosi applied radiation and iso
journal of applied polymejournal of structural chemkhimiya geterotsiklicheski
nursing science quarterly advances in nursing scien journal of advanced nursi
algebra universalis czechoslovak mathematicasemigroup forum
semiconductors glass physics and chemist physics of the solid state
d health sciences historia ciencias saude-m theoretical medicine and journal of medicine and p
drug metabolism and dispbiochemical pharmacologpharmacogenetics
biochemical and biophysi journal of biological chemoncogene
journal of biological chemplos one febs letters
s and humanities journal of the american a mayo clinic proceedings behavioral sciences & the
american journal of chinejournal of ethnopharmacotoxins
ophthalmology american journal of opht documenta ophthalmolog
deutsche zeitschrift fur p social indicators research memory studies
journal of law and societylex localis-journal of loca health & social care in t
revue de linguistique romzeitschrift fur romanische american speech
theory culture & society semiotica south african journal of p
cancer research carcinogenesis international journal of c
annals of vascular surgeryjournal of vascular surger phlebology
animation-an interdisciplivoix & images studies in american indian
journal of dermatology journal of the american british journal of dermato
general and comparative peptides brain research
metallofizika i noveishie t thin solid films sensors and actuators a-p
neurology india journal of clinical neuroscchilds nervous system
d health sciences journal of ethnopharmacoindustrial crops and produindian journal of experime
journal of biological educ american biology teacher international journal of s
d health sciences industrial crops and produjournal of agricultural an food chemistry
d health sciences journal of agricultural an industrial crops and produjournal of ethnopharmaco
acta mathematica hungarijournal of approximation journal of mathematical an
american literary realism tijdschrift voor nederland conradiana
zeitschrift fur padagogisc asia pacific education rev psychologie in erziehung
journal of architectural a journal of asian architect art institute of chicago
international review of l journal of maritime law marine policy
in vitro cellular & develo nature international journal of c
american journal of derm journal of the american european journal of derm
journal of applied polymejournal of the balkan triborussian journal of applied
deutsche zeitschrift fur p bulletin of the american sjournal of juristic papyrol
slavic and east european slavic review russian literature
journal of ethnopharmacoarchives of pharmacal resbangladesh journal of pl
political theory history of political thougheighteenth-century studie
physical review a applied physics b-lasers a acta physica sinica
russian journal of inorganacta crystallographica secjournal of physical and ch
izvestiya atmospheric andsolar energy energy conversion and m
biofizika transplantation proceedinjournal of biological chem
and computer science lecture notes in computerapplied surface science thin solid films
journal of reinforced plas journal of thermoplastic composites science and t
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russian journal of bioorgabulletin of experimental biochemistry-moscow
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Journal 4 Journal 5 Term 1 Term 2
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clinical cancer research oncogene pten phosphoinositide
weed research crop protection glyphosate gene flow
diversity and distributionsplant ecology invasive plant plant invasion
environmental microbiolofems microbiology ecologbacterial community bacterioplankton
journal of bacteriology systematic and applied misp nov description
american journal of publichealth & place income inequality social capital
ieee transactions on magnceramics international cation distribution ferrite
geophysical research letteearth and planetary sciencetna mount etna
plant molecular biology plos one dehydrin desiccation tolerance
journal of general virolog journal of virology prion protein creutzfeldt jakob disease
journal of investigative d journal of rheumatology psoriasis chronic plaque psoriasis
journal of applied physiol plos one amp activated protein kinamp
journal of physiology-lon proceedings of the nationpotassium channel trek
energy economics climatic change climate policy cap
journal of physics-condenjournal of magnetism andmetal surface quantum size effect
proceedings of the nationmethods in enzymology g protein receptor kinase
electronics letters journal of electromagneti bandpass filter filter
computational materials sjournal of alloys and com hardness electronic property
knee journal of bone and joint anterior cruciate ligamentacl reconstruction
bioresources polymer composites polypropylene composite biocomposite
journal of biomedical mate biomaterials nanofiber electrospinning
ieee communications magcomputer networks wdm network optical network
disability & society journal of intellectual & intellectual disability mother
journal of biomechanics gait & posture patellofemoral pain synd chronic ankle instability
journal of materials chemiferroelectrics banana mesomorphic property
journal of clinical endoc endocrine-related cancer multiple endocrine neoplaneuroendocrine tumor
genetic resources and crogenome triticeae aegilops tauschii
clinical cancer research british journal of dermatometastatic melanoma braf
journal of pragmatics linguistic inquiry syntax grammaticalization
international journal of mphysics of atomic nuclei superheavy element element
ieee signal processing lettieice transactions on inf speech enhancement blind source separation
journal of experimental b herpetologica squamata lizard
annals of surgery obesity bariatric surgery gastric bypass
astronomical journal astrophysical journal letteglobular cluster rr lyrae star
international journal of g bmc pregnancy and childbmaternal mortality antenatal care
ieee transactions on geos spectroscopy and spectralchlorophyll content nitrogen status
biochemical and biophysi cell death and differentiatautophagy beclin
european journal of cardi catheterization and cardiotranscatheter aortic valvesevere aortic stenosis
environment and planningcities gated community slum
british journal of haematoannals of oncology mantle cell lymphoma follicular lymphoma
progress in human geogr cultural geographies geography landscape
journal of pharmaceuticaljournal of pharmacology constitutive androstane r grapefruit juice
gynecological endocrinolofertility and sterility hot flash menopausal symptom
age and ageing journal of nutrition healt sarcopenia body composition
molecular physics journal of chemical theor cluster method fragment molecular orbit
biochemistry journal of molecular biolohypertrophic obstructive myosin
plant ecology ecology frugivory puerto rico
american journal of prevejournal of medical interneimplementation intentionplanned behaviour
proceedings of the nationmolecular immunology somatic hypermutation baff
public health nutrition european journal of clinicavitamin zinc
applied surface science rsc advances sno2 thin film sno2 nanowire
cancer causes & control breast cancer research a mammography breast cancer screening
journal of physiology-lon endocrinology adult developmental programm
qsar & combinatorial scie chemosphere qsar study quantitative structure acti
gastrointestinal endoscopamerican journal of gastr severe acute pancreatitis pancreatic necrosis
homeopathy bmc complementary and a lternative medicine wort
science of the total envi toxicology letters cadmium cadmium exposure
world journal of gastroen gastroenterology colonoscopy ct colonography
geophysical journal internnear surface geophysics ground penetrating radar gpr
tetrahedron journal of the american c ciguatoxin discodermolide
marine geology geochimica et cosmochimibacterium gulf
journal of raman spectrosspectrochimica acta part x ray fluorescence analysiglass
journal of materials sciencjournal of electronic pack solder joint interfacial reaction
water research journal of chromatographpharmaceutical antibiotic
rsc advances journal of nanoparticle re biosynthesis antimicrobial activity
european journal of endoclinical endocrinology thyroid hormone deiodinase
journal of biological chemeuropean respiratory jourcystic fibrosis bronchiectasis
journal of medical virolog transplantation cytomegalovirus infectioncmv
journal of the american coamerican heart journal levosimendan self care
human molecular genetic journal of biological chemleber mitochondrial dna
combustion and flame proceedings of the combus boiler coal char
pattern recognition letter pattern recognition image segmentation active contour
computational statistics &annals of statistics functional data empirical likelihood
british journal of ophthal american journal of opht amniotic membrane descemet
tourism economics journal of travel research tourism tourism development
journal of the atmospheriatmospheric research tornado data assimilation
numerische mathematik journal of computational mixed finite element met superconvergence
journal of alloys and com acta materialia al mg si al zn mg cu alloy
thin solid films nanotechnology si nanocrystal silicon quantum dot
plos one journal of the american c fluorescence correlation green fluorescent protein
organic letters tetrahedron total synthesis glycal
journal of polymer scienc polymer degradation and lsactide trimethylene carbonate
clinical journal of pain journal of pain acute low back pain chronic pain
journal of genetic counselclinical genetics brca1 breast cancer
journal of lipid research biochemical and biophysi sphingosine phosphate
critical care respiratory care high frequency oscillatorylung injury
vegetation history and a quaternary international testate amoebae diptera
hydrology and earth systejournal of hydrologic engi swat swat model
food chemistry langmuir casein micelle air water interface
anesthesiology basic research in cardiolo cardioprotection rat heart
experimental economics journal of economic psyc social preference gender difference
journal of the electrochemjournal of applied polymesulfonated poly ether ether ketone
journal of biological chemjournal of the american c s nitrosothiol nitroxyl
plant physiology plant and cell physiology reductase photoinhibition
world journal of gastroen digestive endoscopy barrett dysplasia
heart surgery forum perfusion-uk cardiopulmonary bypass radial artery
annals of surgical oncologanticancer research metastatic colorectal canccolorectal liver metastase
tectonophysics geophysical research lettemantle convection core mantle boundary
growth hormone & igf reshormone research acromegaly growth hormone therapy
biochemical and biophysi journal of immunology heat shock protein inhibitor
plos one biochemistry antimicrobial peptide human beta defensin
inorganica chimica acta polyhedron cisplatin triaza
heat transfer engineering international journal of retube heat exchanger condensation
plos one haematologica hemochromatosis iron overload
journal of reproductive a infant mental health journpostpartum depression depression
radiology journal of magnetic resonmr angiography human brain
canadian journal of fores remote sensing of enviro soil water repellency wildland fire
european journal of inorginorganica chimica acta polyoxometalate hydrothermal synthesis
experiments in fluids international journal of heplane couette flow hypersonic boundary laye
atmospheric measurement journal of the atmospheritropical tropopause layer total ozone
journal of biomedical infojournal of medical systemelectronic health record health information techno
journal of physical chemischemical physics letters benzene dimer quantum monte carlo
finance and stochastics stochastic processes and tamerican option backward stochastic differ
plos one journal of gastroenterolo nonalcoholic fatty liver di nonalcoholic steatohepati
neurology seizure-european journal focal cortical dysplasia hypothalamic hamartoma
ieee photonics technologylaser physics fiber laser saturable absorber
international journal of s journal of strength and cospectroscopy front crawl
geophysical research letteastrobiology mars martian atmosphere
genetic counseling american journal of mediccopy number variation partial trisomy
journal of applied poultry worlds poultry science jouincubation hatchability
pakistan journal of botanyjournal of medicinal plantethnobotanical study traditional knowledge
biochemical and biophysi plos one deoxy delta prostaglandin j
journal of neuroscience neuroscience reconsolidation fear extinction
global change biology bio bioenergy research switchgrass biomass production
endocrinology journal of neuroendocrinohippocampus neurosteroid
european journal of cardi journal of endovascular t acute type aortic dissection
journal of clinical microbi international journal of f shiga toxin hemolytic uremic syndro
international journal of c anticancer research tissue inhibitor mmp
annals of nuclear medicinclinical nuclear medicine fdg pet ct non small cell lung cancer
journal of vestibular rese laryngoscope disease meniere
astrophysical journal letteastronomical journal grb gamma ray burst
child maltreatment journal of child sexual ab foster care childhood sexual abuse
journal of cleaner productenergy economics environmental kuznets cuemergy
biochemical and biophysi international journal of r hypoxia inducible factor hif
journal of experimental maquaculture brachyura caridea
information sciences journal of cryptology identity random oracle
electrophoresis chromatographia monolithic column monolith
blood purification journal of renal nutrition oxidative stress indoxyl sulfate
journal of neuroscience plos one tinnitus inferior colliculus
robotics and autonomousiet control theory and appmulti agent system consensus
mathematische annalen journal of algebraic geom moduli space vector bundle
international journal of l american journal of physi str loci allele frequency
acta dermato-venereologiexperimental dermatolog atopic dermatitis pruritus
arteriosclerosis thrombosibiochemistry cholesterol efflux abca1
biological control canadian journal of microrhizobacterium pseudomonas
world journal of gastroen liver transplantation spontaneous bacterial perihepatorenal syndrome
journal of materials scien transactions of nonferrousmetal matrix composite carbon nanotube
journal of comparative phcurrent biology odorant binding protein mushroom body
annals of thoracic surgeryjournal of thoracic and ca device patient
chemistry & biology journal of bacteriology streptomyces coelicolor biosynthesis
obstetrics and gynecologyamerican journal of obsteoral contraceptive emergency contraception
journal of molecular liqui journal of solution chemisexcess molar volume binary liquid mixture
apoptosis plos one bak vdac
immunity journal of experimental mimmunological synapse slp
journal of chemical physicphysical chemistry chemicelectron capture dissociattandem mass spectrometr
pediatric anesthesia british journal of anaesthedifficult airway glidescope
analyst langmuir raman spectroscopy raman
lecture notes in computercomputers & industrial envehicle routing problem time window
sociology of religion journal of psychology andspirituality god
biophysical journal journal of physical chemisamyloid fibril microglobulin
applied surface science journal of applied physics carbon film diamond
polymer kgk-kautschuk gummi kuns natural rubber rubber compound
soft matter chemistry-a european jouorganogel self assembly
plos one proceedings of the nationerythroid differentiation erythropoiesis
annals of surgical oncologinternational journal of r total mesorectal excision transanal endoscopic mic
paleobiology palaios permian triassic boundaryend permian mass extinct
global biogeochemical cycgeophysical research letteocean acidification dmsp
hepato-gastroenterology endoscopy laparoscopic cholecystec acute cholecystitis
optics letters electronics letters photonic generation radio
brain research journal of neuroscience r spinal cord injury nogo
journal of maternal-fetal diabetic medicine gestational diabetes melligestational weight gain
journal of physical chemisphysical review b metal surface ruo2
seismological research letpure and applied geophyssite effect seismic microzonation
annals of vascular surgeryjournal of cardiovascular abdominal aortic aneurys endovascular aneurysm re
progress in photovoltaics solar energy materials andphotovoltaic system pv system
clinical trials contemporary clinical trialclinical trial capacity
pediatric infectious diseasplos one human plasma infant
chaos solitons & fractals journal of differential equpositive periodic solution predator prey model
journal of applied physics journal of alloys and com in ga cu2znsn
proceedings of the nationmolecular biology of the cendoplasmic reticulum strunfolded protein respons
erkenntnis british journal for the phi causation emergence
anesthesia and analgesia critical care medicine recombinant factor viia hydroxyethyl starch
geophysical research letteapplied optics wind erosion aerosol optical depth
transportation journal of transport geog urban form travel
journal of bone and joint foot and ankle clinics hallux valgus ankle fracture
photochemical & photobiolasers in surgery and mediaminolevulinic acid photodynamic therapy
european journal of neur brain research adult neurogenesis new neuron
biochemical and biophysi biochemical journal stim1 store
transplantation annals of surgery pediatric liver transplantalaparoscopic liver resecti
american journal of sport journal of biomechanics achilles plantar fasciitis
molecular endocrinology cancer research synthesis estrogen receptor beta
brain research bioorganic & medicinal che nociceptin nociceptin orphanin fq
journal of occupational reoccupational and environ disability pension job strain
world journal of surgery annals of surgery advanced pancreatic cancpancreaticoduodenectom
plos one analytical and bioanalytic nmr metabolomic
journal of the american c physical review letters molecular junction negative differential resis
oncogene biochemical and biophysi dickkopf sclerostin
ieee transactions on indusjournal of power electronidc dc converter high step
gastroenterology diseases of the colon & r lynch syndrome microsatellite instability
smart materials and strucieee transactions on ultra structural health monitor damage detection
smart structures and syst structural control & healt damage detection structural health monitor
blood blood coagulation & fibrinhaemophilium inhibitor development
british journal of dermatophotodermatology photo sun protection sunscreen
nuclear physics a acta physica polonica b generalized parton distribsmall x
language learning tesol quarterly foreign language corrective feedback
physical chemistry chemicchemical physics reaction dissociative recombinatio
parasites & vectors journal of medical entom diptera culicidae
international journal for qbmc health services reseapatient safety culture surgical safety checklist
pattern recognition pattern recognition letter visual tracking human action recognition
intensive care medicine journal of critical care vasopressin septic shock
international journal for pexperimental parasitologytoxoplasma gondii neospora caninum
knowledge management re journal of applied psycho virtual team team performance
computers in industry cirp annals-manufacturin process planning feature
journal of applied physics journal of infrared millim terahertz radiation terahertz time domain sp
langmuir journal of physical chemisdendrimer carbosilane dendrimer
scripta materialia materials transactions mg zn y magnesium alloy sheet
international biodeterior world journal of microbio laccase decolorization
nutrition and cancer-an inbritish journal of nutritiongenistein isoflavone
bioorganic & medicinal che blood chemokine receptor sdf
administration and policy journal of child psychologdifficulties questionnaire selective mutism
journal of comparative nejournal of neurophysiologolfactory bulb olfactory epithelium
australian endodontic joudental traumatology mineral trioxide aggregat enterococcus faecali
genetics selection evoluti journal of animal breedin quantitative trait loci association
materials science and engengineering failure analysfatigue crack growth high cycle fatigue
alcohol and alcoholism pharmacology biochemistracamprosate alcohol withdrawal
housing studies housing policy debate house price homeownership
biotechnology and bioengapplied microbiology and microalgae chlamydomonas reinhardt
journal of obsessive-compdepression and anxiety obsessive compulsive disotourette syndrome
organic letters tetrahedron-asymmetry glycosidase inhibitor iminosugar
journal of infectious diseaproceedings of the nationsimplex virus type hsv
transactions of the instituapplied surface science corrosion resistance hydrogen evolution reacti
journal of computational mathematical problems invariational iteration methhomotopy perturbation
analyst journal of the american c aptamer vitro selection
west european politics european union politics european parliament european commission
clinical nephrology journal of the american s erythropoietin chemotherapy
ultrasonics physics in medicine and bhigh intensity microbubble
international journal of raradiation protection dosi exposure static magnetic field
clinical linguistics & phonejournal of child language dysarthria foreign accent syndrome
british journal of educati contemporary educationalachievement goal procrastination
hand clinics chirurgie de la main distal radius fracture fracture
european radiology european journal of radiomammographic density breast density
fertility and sterility journal of reproductive hla g early pregnancy
journal of organizationa management learning organization study spirituality
cancer research plos one p53 codon p63
plos one current genetics neurospora aspergillus nidulan
optics express optics letters slow light coherent population
mis quarterly industrial management & erp system erp
hydrometallurgy separation and purificati liquid membrane carrier
journal of neuroscience neuroscience letters interleukin microglium
acta materialia scripta materialia niti shape memory alloy niti
journal of plasma physics physics letters a dusty plasma complex plasma
journal of liquid chromat chromatographia hydrochlorothiazide atorvastatin
journal of experimental c infant behavior & develo infant month
journal of non-crystalline physical review letters glass transition temperat supercooled liquid
renal failure critical care medicine cardiac surgery lipocalin
clinical cancer research carcinogenesis colorectal cancer chemoprevention
aging cell plos one dietary restriction drosophila melanogaster
radiation protection dosi journal of radiation resea human lymphocyte genomic instability
international journal of mjournal of vibration and c magnetorheological fluid mass damper
blood journal of cutaneous pathcutaneous t cell lymphommycosis fungoide
journal of nuclear materiamaterials science and engcarbon carbon compositezrb2
geometry & topology proceedings of the ameri hyperbolic group subgroup
journal of clinical virologyjournal of clinical microbi human metapneumovirusbronchiolitis
journal of structural engi steel and composite strucfire steel column
journal of financial econo journal of finance deposit insurance bank competition
bmc genomics nucleic acids research next generation sequenci assembly
canadian journal of plant pakistan journal of botanycarbon isotope discriminanitrogen accumulation
road materials and pavemjournal of transportation asphalt asphalt mixture
obstetrics and gynecologyurology tension free vaginal tape pelvic organ prolapse
materials science and engjournal of the electrochemduplex stainless steel high temperature water
chemical communicationsjournal of organic chemistpeptide nucleic acid pna
chemical physics letters european physical journalcluster electronic property
marine drugs organic letters marine natural product marine sponge
journal of the american c chemistry-a european joucorrole porphycene
biochemical and biophysi annals of the new york acresveratrol sirt1
iet power electronics ieee transactions on ener induction motor multilevel inverter
rare metal materials and transactions of nonferrousprocessing map hot deformation behavior
electrochimica acta journal of fuel cell scien gas diffusion layer bipolar plate
journal of the american me expert systems with applitext categorization biomedical literature
journal of materials proc metallurgical and materialfriction stir resistance spot welding
tetrahedron letters angewandte chemie-intern asymmetric hydrogenatioasymmetric allylic alkylati
american journal of rhinolrhinology chronic rhinosinusitis nasal polyp
european journal of lipid grasas y aceites virgin olive oil olea europaea l
antiviral therapy hiv medicine lipodystrophy insulin resistance
wounds-a compendium ofjournalc of investigative d keloid hypertrophic scar
journal of biological chemjournal of agricultural an selenium supplementatio speciation
geophysical journal internjournal of applied geophyswave propagation vti medium
journal of the electrochemieee transactions on vehi plug lead acid battery
biomedical optics expressoptics letters spectroscopy diffuse optical tomograph
medical education rural and remote health academic medicine mentoring
behavioral sciences & theaggression and violent be psychopathy sex offender
polymer engineering and journal of polymer scienc polymer crystallization syndiotactic polypropylen
american journal of clinicaplos one cancer cachexia leucine
proceedings of the nationjournal of molecular biolohuman dna polymerase deinococcus radioduran
surgical endoscopy and otworld journal of gastroen advanced gastric cancer gastric carcinoma
granular matter epl granular material silo
journal of biological chemneurobiology of disease huntington disease
bmc health services reseahealth information and libknowledge translation research utilization
plos one molecular therapy fabry disease enzyme replacement ther
international journal of mjournal of hazardous matebioleaching acidithiobacillus ferrooxi
journal of organic chemisttetrahedron trifluoromethylation fluorination
solar energy materials andapplied physics letters microcrystalline silicon hydrogenated amorphous s
journal of crystal growth physical review b sic silicon carbide
journal of chromatographjournal of chromatographyhoney enrofloxacin
plos one tissue antigens killer cell immunoglobulinkir
journal of porous media international communicatisheet peristaltic flow
experimental brain researfrontiers in human neurosmotor imagery action observation
lung cancer international journal of asbestos malignant pleural mesoth
coastal engineering journal of fluid mechanicswave energy converter rogue wafe
zootaxa plos one varroa destructor megachilidae
substance use & misuse journal of urban health-b hepatitis c hepatitis c virus infection
process safety progress journal of hazardous matesafety safety climate
cyberpsychology behaviorjournal of computer-med internet addiction problematic internet use
medical care health services research pay patient centered medical
natural hazards and earthnatural hazards debris flow landslide susceptibility m
phytochemistry planta medica ursolic acid betulin
annals of botany genome colchicine fish
british journal of nutritionamerican journal of clinicalycopene lutein
neuroscience letters neuroimage repetitive transcranial martms
journal of electronic imagoptical engineering image restoration impulse noise
endocrine-related cancer world journal of surgery pheochromocytoma paraganglioma
applied economics omega-international jour efficiency data envelopment analysi
clinical therapeutics current medical research osteoarthritis paracetamol
rapid communications in bioanalysis oral fluid tetrahydrocannabinol
journal of endovascular t journal of cardiovascular peripheral arterial diseasecritical limb ischemia
fluid phase equilibria journal of physical chemissupercritical carbon dioxi solubility
science of the total envi soil science phosphorus loss organic phosphorus
canadian journal of chemichemical engineering & t bubble column tank
astrophysical journal letteastrophysics and space scsupernova remnant psr
plant ecology agriculture ecosystems & sphagnum fen
journal of geophysical re geomorphology morphodynamic shoreline change
plos one jama-journal of the ameriabstract meta analysis
applied physics letters new journal of physics flux qubit nanomechanical resonato
bioorganic & medicinal che diabetologia glp peptide
parkinsonism & related dineurosurgery deep brain stimulation subthalamic nucleus
journal of reconstructive microsurgery anterolateral thigh flap foot
european physical journalphysics letters b symmetry energy neutron star
critical care medicine intensive care medicine central venous catheter selective decontaminatio
journal of physiology-lon pediatrics sudden infant death syn carotid body
rna-a publication of the r biochemistry aminoglycoside ribosome
physical review letters physica e-low-dimensionaspin injection spin hall effect
journal of thermal analysirussian chemical bulletin crystal structure diamino
marine ecology progress sphycologia dinophyceae tetrodotoxin
pesticide biochemistry antoxicology and applied p pesticide atrazine
international journal of t journal of heat transfer-t surface radiation turbulent natural convect
physica b-condensed mattinorganic chemistry bedt ttf crystal structure
journal of applied physics journal of physics d-appli plasma etching dual frequency
physical review a journal of mathematical pcoherent state dirac equation
european journal of phar journal of pharmacology nicotine dependence nicotine self administrati
journal of applied physics physical review b gaas nanowire semiconductor nanowire
langmuir soft matter block copolymer thin film directed self assembly
international forestry rev jasss-the journal of artific deforestation redd
gene therapy blood recombinant adeno lentiviral vector
cancer annals of oncology jaw osteonecrosis
journal of surgical oncolo skeletal radiology synovial sarcoma trabectedin
leukemia research haematologica nilotinib imatinib mesylate
polar biology journal of climate arctic sea ice polar bear
physical review b applied physics letters magnetocaloric effect magnetic property
molecular and cellular bioplos one alternative splicing nonsense
monthly notices of the royphysical review letters lisa numerical relativity
patient education and coupediatric diabetes depression depressive symptom
applied physics letters physical review b fept nanoparticle fept
steel research internationinternational journal of mspringback tailor
clinical orthopaedics and archives of orthopaedic a humeral shaft fracture tibial plateau fracture
european journal of obstebjog-an international jourmembrane preterm labor
european polymer journalpolimery waterborne polyurethanepolyol
journal of mechanical desprobabilistic engineering reliability analysis uncertainty quantification
engineering geology international journal for brittle rock uniaxial compressive stre
bulletin of the council fo journal of new music reseperception congenital amusia
journal of minimally inva archives of gynecology anendometriosis case report
human movement scienc journal of neuroscience visuomotor adaptation muscle synergy
phycologia marine ecology progress srhodophyta phaeophyceae
electronic journal of diffe boundary value problemspoint boundary value pro positive periodic solution
journal of oral and maxilloarchives of oral biology temporomandibular disorbruxism
journal of alloys and com journal of rare earths europium phenanthroline
ieee transactions on ener compel-the international reluctance motor torque
geomorphology journal of hydrology soil erosion water erosion
cmes-computer modelingengineering
i analysis wit extended finite element material point method
ground water journal of contaminant hyyucca mountain ensemble kalman filter
antioxidants & redox signaamerican journal of physi phox nadph oxidase
earth and planetary sciencgeology fractionation iron formation
oncology reports cancer letters cd133 cancer stem cell
international journal of c acta geologica sinica-englicrude oil tarim basin
wireless personal communcomputer communicationheterogeneous wireless nmobile ip
critical care medicine blood proteinase drotrecogin alfa
laryngoscope plos one ototoxicity sudden sensorineural hear
journal of heat transfer-t international journal of t pool heat pipe
pharmaceutical research european journal of phar stratum corneum human skin
astronomical journal astrophysical journal 67p churyumov gerasime linear
chemistry-a european jouorganic letters cucurbit7uril polyrotaxane
advanced synthesis & cataangewandte chemie-intern asymmetric reduction epoxide hydrolase
journal of experimental mplos one dc sign langerhans cell
medical care journal of health politics medicare part d generic substitution
american journal of tropi parasitology internationalhydatid cyst neurocysticercosis
aesthetic plastic surgery aesthetic surgery journal mastectomy immediate breast reconst
work-a journal of preventamerican journal of industergonomic carpal tunnel syndrome
biology of reproduction molecular and cellular en kisspeptin gnrh
immunity journal of experimental minnate lymphoid cell ror gamma t
new journal of physics journal of physics-condentopological insulator majorana fermion
biological psychiatry stress-the international josalivary cortisol cortisol awakening respon
journal of youth and adol child development bullying peer victimization
psychiatric genetics psychiatry research httlpr comt
journal of small busines international small busineself employment family firm
fisheries science international journal of f biogenic amine histamine
american economic revie journal of economic theorindeterminacy habit formation
plos one journal of biological chemphage display phage
journal of pediatric ortho disability and rehabilitati cerebral palsy botulinum toxin
physical review letters international journal of b stochastic resonance bistable system
tectonophysics earth and planetary scienctibetan plateau southern tibet
international journal of journal of chemical physicstate fluid
journal of rheumatology arthritis and rheumatism granulomatosis wegener
optics express optik profilometry camera calibration
talanta journal of electroanalytic uric acid epinephrine
sedimentology marine and petroleum ge turbidity current sediment transport
review of scientific instr applied physics letters free electron laser storage ring
virology plos pathogens kaposi sarcoma
clinical and experimenta plos one complement mannose binding lectin
plos one journal of medicinal chemhistone deacetylase inhibivalproic acid
journal of scientific comp monthly weather review shallow water equation hyperbolic conservation l
journal of lightwave tech ieee photonics technologysupercontinuum generati microstructure fiber
applied optics journal of chemical physicmu m quantum cascade laser
biochemical and biophysi matrix biology heparan sulfate syndecan
journal of endourology surgery laparoscopic surgery robot
journal of experimental b plant and cell physiology mads box gene circadian clock
plant disease crop protection nematoda meloidogyne incognita
journal of virology bmc public health measle measles virus
journal of psychopharmacjournal of psychoactive d mdma ecstasy
acta materialia philosophical magazine helium irradiation
canadian journal of fisher hydrobiologia lake michigan lake huron
composite structures composites part b-engineconcrete beam carbon fiber
journal of applied physics applied physics b-lasers a lithium niobate linbo3
regulatory peptides american journal of physi ghrelin obestatin
international journal of cobritish journal of surgery anastomotic leakage rectal cancer
materials chemistry and pelectrochimica acta acidic medium mild steel corrosion
proceedings of the nationjournal of physiology-lon neurotransmitter release synaptotagmin
international journal of c european journal of appli heart rate variability baroreflex sensitivity
journal of hypertension regulatory peptides renin receptor ace2
nous analysis testimony skepticism
radiology british journal of radiolog radiation exposure dual energy ct
plos one diabetes advanced glycation end p methylglyoxal
earth surface processes a journal of hydraulic resea gravel bed river local scour
fertility and sterility molecular and cellular en bone morphogenetic protgrowth differentiation fac
cell death and differentiatoncogene trail apoptosis inducing ligand
neuroscience letters life sciences agomelatine melatonin receptor
journal of web semantics journal of biomedical infoowl semantic web
journal of applied physics journal of magnetism andporous alumina aluminum
journal of competition la review of industrial organdiffusion telecommunication
physics of the earth and pearth and planetary sciencearth lower mantle
peptides physiology & behavior melanocortin alpha melanocyte stimula
nanotechnology physical review b friction frequency modulation ato
chemical engineering sciemicrofluidics and nanofluimembrane emulsificationsynthesis
fetal diagnosis and therapobstetrics and gynecologymaternal plasma down syndrome
africa development and change bolivia zimbabwe
journal of molecular biolojournal of bacteriology bacteriophage viruse
behaviour behavioral ecology and sobirdsong foxp2
magnetic resonance imaghuman brain mapping diffusion tensor imaging diffusion
applied surface science physical review letters vicinal si atomic structure
soft matter journal of rheology yield stress fluid colloidal glass
physical review letters optics express nonlocal nonlinear medi spatial soliton
journal of positive psychochild indicators research happiness subjective well
american journal of neuroradiology dynamic contrast perfusion
astrophysical journal letteastronomical journal sunyaev zel weak lensing
langmuir geochimica et cosmochimicalcite calcium carbonate
ironmaking & steelmakingjournal of iron and steel inclusion continuous casting
proceedings of the nationjournal of virology transposable element retrotransposon
physical chemistry chemicinternational journal of halogen bonding anion pi interaction
journal of industrial relati work employment and socunion trade union
journal of the acoustical otolaryngology-head and voice vocal fold
journal of evolutionary bi plos one lepidoptera drosophila melanogaster
american journal of clinicajournal of nutrition mediterranean diet food frequency questionn
journal of dairy research journal of agricultural an conjugated linoleic acid cla
nano letters nanoscale mos2 silicene
aquaculture research diseases of aquatic organ growth performance aeromonas hydrophila
oncogene molecular and cellular biorho kinase inhibitor fasudil
psychometrika journal of educational m differential item item response theory
allergy and asthma proce clinical and experimental desloratadine levocetirizine
habitat international china journal rural china contemporary china
journal of experimental b general and comparative neuropeptide hormone
ieee transactions on electsolid-state electronics algan gan hemts current collapse
eye & contact lens-scienceamerican journal of opht dry eye dry eye disease
journal of immunology annals of the new york acautoantibody latent autoimmune diabet
social science & medicinehealth expectations communication skill trust
sensors and actuators b-crussian journal of general thin film phthalocyanine
kidney international human molecular genetic autosomal dominant polycpolycystin
ieee transactions on neur neural networks extreme learning machinelogical analysis
european journal of phar journal of neuroscience p2x p2x receptor
plastic and reconstructivejournal of pediatric surgerpropranolol infantile hemangioma
psyche-zeitschrift fur ps psychoanalytic inquiry psychoanalysis freud
land use policy british food journal organic farming fair trade
journal of the physical socsuperconductor science &iron pnictide fe1 xcox
journal of alzheimers disecerebrovascular diseases cadasil cerebral microbleed
acta crystallographica secinorganica chimica acta luminescence terpyridine
optics express physical review b colloidal crystal self assembly
journal of neurosurgery-s spine journal adolescent idiopathic scolscoliosis
surface & coatings technojournal of the electrochemorganic coating epoxy coating
british journal of dermatojournal of the american toxic epidermal necrolysisstevens johnson syndrom
plos one journal of the marine biol tursiops truncatus bottlenose dolphin
bju international journal of pediatric surgertesticular cancer chemotherapy
journal of applied physics applied physics letters tsv electromigration
journal of hepatology world journal of gastroen liver regeneration partial hepatectomy
sensors ieee pervasive computingactivity recognition smart home
journal of rehabilitation disability and rehabilitati traumatic spinal cord inju autonomic dysreflexia
journal of biological chemamerican journal of physiomyostatin stem cell
plos one neurology duchenne muscular dystr duchenne
alimentary pharmacology european journal of gast celiac disease gluten free diet
proceedings of the nationmolecular cell proteasome bortezomib
aquaculture journal of fish biology growth hormone prolactin
desalination macromolecules pervaporation gas permeability
respiratory medicine american journal of respiridiopathic pulmonary fibrohypersensitivity pneumoni
pattern recognition knowledge-based systemscredit scoring bankruptcy prediction
communications in soil scihortscience composting olive mill wastewater
toxicology in vitro journal of the american contact allergy allergic contact dermatitis
journal of food science international dairy journalangiotensin enzyme inhibitory peptide
journal of physical chemisspectrochimica acta part hydroxypropyl beta cyclodbeta cyclodextrin inclusi
journal of personality andpersonality and social psyadult attachment attachment style
biochemical and biophysi journal of cellular biochemosteopetrosis osteoclast differentiation
neuroscience brain research bdnf val66met polymorphserum brain
quality and reliability eng proceedings of the institutmaintenance case study
judgment and decision mapsychonomic bulletin & r decision conditional
journal of mechanisms and proceedings of the instituparallel manipulator singularity analysis
international journal of g american journal of surgicendometrial stromal sarc uterine carcinosarcoma
crop protection insect biochemistry and mcytochrome insecticide resistance
water policy irrigation and drainage water footprint water market
journal of infectious diseaplos one ebola virus ebola
applied and environmentacurrent microbiology bacillus bacillus thuringiensis
journal of andrology plos one stem cell spermatogonial stem cell
water science and technojournal of water supply r product formation
computer communicationieice transactions on com peer p2p network
acta tropica american journal of tropi chagas disease reduviidae
ieee transactions on mic journal of electromagneti fast multipole method electromagnetic scatterin
international journal of c journal of affective disordmyocardial infarction acute coronary syndrome
energy & fuels industrial & engineering dibenzothiophene hydrodesulfurization
cerebral cortex developmental biology reelin cajal retzius cell
high performance polymeeuropean polymer journalamide imide polyimide
american journal of prevejournal of the american difood advertising front
physical review letters applied mathematics and diffusion levy flight
journal of thoracic and ca journal of thoracic oncolopneumonectomy thoracoscopic lobectomy
international journal of socomparative political studwelfare state redistribution
catalysis letters catalysis communicationsenantioselective hydroge cinnamaldehyde
journal of bone and joint infection control and hos periprosthetic joint infect surgical site infection
journal of water resourc water resources research artificial neural network reservoir operation
plos one evolutionary psychology digit ratio 2d 4d
signal processing iet radar sonar and navigaarray mimo radar
materials & design international journal of sosyntactic foam metal foam
macromolecules european polymer journalbenzoxazine cure kinetic
journal of wind engineeri international journal of r urban heat island street canyon
journal of the mechanics ascripta materialia strain gradient plasticity thin film
journal of consumer reseapsychological science hindsight bias regret
american journal of surgeworld journal of surgery inguinal hernia repair repair
journal of geophysical researth surface processes a okavango delta apatite
talanta analytical and bioanalytic polymer molecularly imprinted po
engineering geology geotechnical testing journbentonite lime
international journal of materials & design measurement distortion
annals of surgery world journal of surgery definitive chemoradiothe esophagectomy
journal of assisted reprodgynecological endocrinoloovarian hyperstimulation poor responder
physical review e journal of heat transfer-t heat conduction conductance
discrete mathematics algorithmica parameterized complexityclique width
journal of computing in ciinternational journal of construction project china
journal of medical internebmc health services reseatelemedicine telehealth
ionics journal of applied polymesolid polymer electrolyte peo
microsystem technologiesapplied optics nanoimprint lithography fabrication
expert systems with appliinformation systems service composition workflow
journal of higher educatioreview of higher educatiointergenerational mobilityreturn
brain research journal of applied physiol renal denervation rostral ventrolateral medu
biochemistry biochemical and biophysi thioredoxin cys peroxiredoxin
advances in experimentalvirus research severe acute respiratory sars coronavirus
japanese journal of appliethin solid films thin film transistor polycrystalline silicon thin
journal of instrumentatio journal of nuclear medici silicon photomultiplier small animal
journal of medicinal chemeuropean journal of medicacetylcholinesterase galantamine
nanotechnology ieee transactions on electresistive behavior
journal of parasitology experimental parasitologygiardia cryptosporidium parvum
medical education academic medicine problem anatomy
rand journal of economicseconomic theory online auction combinatorial auction
applied mathematics and journal of computational cauchy problem inverse heat conduction
organic letters tetrahedron fungus endophytic fungi
pediatric infectious diseasjournal of clinical microbi neisseria meningococcal disease
plos one experimental dermatolog melanogenesis mushroom tyrosinase
european journal of heartclinical chemistry atrial natriuretic peptide n terminal
pest management sciencejournal of agricultural an essential oil rhyzopertha dominica
journal of gastrointestinalendoscopy hilar cholangiocarcinoma gallbladder cancer
journal of biological chemjournal of bacteriology streptococcus pyogene rheumatic heart disease
journal of orofacial ortho korean journal of orthodorapid maxillary expansionmini implant
ieee transactions on indusexpert systems with appliinduction motor fault diagnosis
journal of nutrition biochemical and biophysi epigallocatechin gallate
american journal of trans clinical transplantation rituximab cardiac allograft vasculop
neurocritical care acta neurochirurgica decompressive craniecto intracranial pressure
quaternary geochronolog quaternary science reviewthermoluminescence lif
ibis auk limulus polyphemus shorebird
quantitative finance chaos solitons & fractals financial market stock market
fusion science and technonuclear fusion tungsten erosion
journal of engineering fo applied energy spark ignition engine si engine
journal of health care fo bmc public health interpreter cultural competence
magnetic resonance in chbiochemistry residual dipolar coupling nmr spectra
journal of organometallic zeitschrift fur anorganis uranium lanthanide
journal of separation scie journal of liquid chromat chiral stationary phase supercritical fluid chrom
plant and soil plant physiology sinorhizobium meliloti lotus japonicus
applied mathematics and mathematical biosciencesinfluenza h1n1
annals of thoracic surgeryjournal of thoracic oncolotransbronchial needle aspendobronchial ultrasound
oncogene biochemical and biophysi incontinentia pigmenti parthenolide
american journal of obsteeuropean journal of obsteuterine artery embolizati uterine fibroid
geophysical journal internjournal of geophysical resgrace sea level rise
retrovirology plos one nucleocapsid protein apobec3g
acta paediatrica maternal and child nutriti breastfeeding breast
orthopedics archives of orthopaedic a osteoid osteoma aneurysmal bone cyst
marine chemistry organic geochemistry humic acid humic substance
energy conversion and m journal of engineering fo organic rankine cycle orc
environment and planningalternatives security terror
physical review b semiconductor science annitrogen gaasn
otolaryngology-head and acta neurochirurgica esthesioneuroblastoma juvenile nasopharyngeal
energy policy environment and behavioplace attachment behavior
siam journal on mathemati journal of mathematical f navier stokes equation regularity criterion
aiche journal canadian journal of chemifluidized bed bed
applied surface science journal of materials proc high speed steel deep cryogenic treatment
journal of shellfish resear aquaculture cirripedia paracentrotus lividus
anesthesia and analgesia journal of physiology-lon gaba glycine receptor
tribology transactions journal of engineering fo journal journal bearing
bju international urological research percutaneous nephrolith extracorporeal shock wave
journal of clinical endoc cancer research growth factor binding proplasma protein
wireless personal communieee journal on selected spectrum sensing cognitive radio network
journal of agricultural an journal of food engineeri edible film film
journal of the european c boletin de la sociedad espglass ceramic vitrification
journal of mathematical an optimization duality posedness
fish & shellfish immunolo journal of experimental mcrassostrea virginica pacific oyster
experimental dermatologjournal of dermatological androgenetic alopecia areata
environmental pollution nova hedwigia ascomycota parmeliaceae
gynecological endocrinoloclinical endocrinology metformin polycystic ovary syndrom
chemosphere science of the total envi polycyclic aromatic hydrosource apportionment
organic letters journal of organometallic metathesis polymerizatio metathesis catalyst
physical review e materials science and engphase field model dendritic growth
business history continuity and change height standard
journal of nuclear scienc nuclear data sheets cross section mev
journal of anatomy anatomical record-advance asymmetry locomotion
journal of propulsion and journal of heat transfer-t film centrifugal compressor
aging male steroids hypogonadism erectile dysfunction
proceedings of the nationplos one epistasis positive selection
critical care journal of critical care delirium postoperative delirium
neurosurgery pediatric neurosurgery normal pressure hydrocependoscopic third ventricu
iet radar sonar and navigaprogress in electromagnetland subsidence sar interferometry
geometry & topology proceedings of the ameri knot link
przeglad elektrotechnicznjournal of physics d-appli power transformer partial discharge
calcified tissue internatio journal of the mechanical human cortical bone nanoindentation
proceedings of the nationmolecular cell rna polymerase ii transcription initiation
diabetologia journal of clinical endoc glycated albumin diabetes prevention prog
physics letters b astrophysical journal dark matter annihilation ams
ieee transactions on imagsignal processing steganography data hiding
otolaryngology-head and european archives of oto-cholesteatoma otosclerosis
eye investigative ophthalmoloretinal vein occlusion radial optic neurotomy
colloid and polymer scien polymer novel copolymers cyano
science communication science technology & humnanotechnology food
british journal of haematohaematologica hairy cell leukemia chronic lymphocytic leuk
journal of cell biology plos one wiskott aldrich syndrome cofilin
pharmacoeconomics medical decision making health technology assess life
international archives of journal of biological chemmast cell mastocytosis
biochemistry chemical research in toxicdna glycosylase hydroxy
disasters regional environmental c disaster hurricane katrina
endoscopy world journal of gastroen fine needle aspiration intraductal papillary muc
sensors signal processing clutter track
plos one biochemical and biophysi growth factor beta tgf beta
international journal of r american journal of neurovertebroplasty kyphoplasty
european journal of clinicajournal of agricultural an glycemic index oat
interventional neuroradioacta neurochirurgica dural arteriovenous fistul brain arteriovenous malf
journal of applied microbiplos one bacillus anthrax
ichthyological explorationmitochondrial dna loricariidae rivulidae
discrete mathematics journal of mathematical cwiener index unicyclic graph
clinical and experimental annals of the rheumatic dphenomenon raynaud
computer communicationieice transactions on com congestion control tcp
applied mathematics and siam journal on matrix analinear system saddle point problem
advances in space researccelestial mechanics & dy design optimization
veterinary parasitology plos one african trypanosome trypanosoma evansi
international journal of c arteriosclerosis thrombosipentraxin c reactive protein
perception journal of neuroscience multisensory integration synesthesia
american journal of opht british journal of ophthal laser polarimetry perimetry
astrophysics and space scastronomical journal eta carinae delta scuti star
acta physica sinica journal of applied physics design wave tube
langmuir journal of the american c liquid solid interface graphite
journal of applied physics physical review b surface effect buckling
materials science and engscripta materialia tetragonal zirconia mol
glia neurochemical research astrocyte glutamate transporter
fibers and polymers indian journal of fibre & t yarn ring
journal of thermal analysijournal of fire sciences phosphorus flame retardant
ieee transactions on appl applied physics letters mgb2 mgb2 superconductor
clinical anatomy clinical neurophysiology carpal tunnel syndrome ulnar neuropathy
journal of bone and joint journal of clinical oncologewing primitive neuroectoderma
dermatologic surgery annals of plastic surgery hyaluronic acid soft tissue augmentation
land economics journal of environmenta discrete choice experimencontingent valuation
physical review b physica b-condensed mattczochralski silicon vacancy
plos one visual cognition prosopagnosia face recognition
physical review letters journal of quantitative sp atomic data dielectronic recombinatio
nuclear physics b international journal of mnoncommutative quantumnoncommutative field the
neuropsychopharmacologbioorganic & medicinal che prepulse inhibition phencyclidine
quantum information procnew journal of physics quantum walk linear paul trap
american journal of psychjournal of personality as borderline personality disdialectical behavior thera
arthritis and rheumatism clinical and experimental familial mediterranean fe periodic syndrome
infection and immunity journal of bacteriology mycoplasma pasteurella
journal of mass spectromeanalytical and bioanalytic desorption electrospray i imaging mass spectromet
synlett tetrahedron epoxide deprotection
bmc genomics biotechniques false discovery rate cdna microarray
bmc bioinformatics lecture notes in computerfeature selection microarray data
analytical chemistry macromolecules nanopore nanochannel
rheumatology internationjournal of musculoskeletalchronic fatigue syndromefibromyalgia
patient education and coubmj-british medical journahealth information breast cancer
neurology pain medicine diabetic peripheral neuro c peptide
economic modelling journal of econometrics power parity panel unit root test
journal of geophysical resmarine and petroleum ge deformation band porous sandstone
molecular and cellular ne journal of neurochemistrycharcot marie tooth disealiability
magazine of concrete res engineering structures size effect acoustic emission
climatic change geophysical research lettetree ring last millennium
eye graefes archive for clini macular hole surgery rhegmatogenous retinal
journal of sport & exercis journal of sports sciences motivational climate self determination theory
clinical endocrinology european journal of endoprimary hyperparathyroidparathyroid adenoma
pediatric nephrology journal of endourology vesicoureteral reflux urinary tract infection
proceedings of the nationjournal of molecular bioloftsz cell division
american journal of hyperjournal of human hypertewhite coat hypertension blood pressure variability
journal of clinical microbi sexual health neisseria gonorrhoeae mycoplasma genitalium
stroke neuroscience letters neurturin parkinson
geophysical research lettejournal of geophysical restitan saturn
plos one jaro-journal of the associ connexin gjb2
journal of organic chemistangewandte chemie-intern resin native chemical ligation
plos one proceedings of the nationhur tristetraprolin
journal of neuroscience sleep medicine orexin melanin
industrial & engineering journal of dispersion sci asphaltene naphthenic acid
biochemical and biophysi journal of proteomics snake venom snakebite
journal of environmenta ecological indicators ecosystem service transdisciplinary research
journal of physical chemisjournal of molecular struchuman serum albumin binding
brain research physiology & behavior oxytocin oxytocin receptor
international journal of antiquity tuberculosis strontium
tetrahedron letters tetrahedron beta peptide helix
agricultural and forest m european journal of agro climate change climate variability
chaos solitons & fractals neural networks global exponential stabilitrecurrent neural network
physica d-nonlinear phe chaos spiral wafe excitable medium
indian journal of animal s journal of dairy science growth trait random regression model
gff lethaia pycnogonida arthropoda
estuaries and coasts aquatic botany effect usa
european radiology european journal of radiodiffusion focal nodular hyperplasia
journal of biological chempeptides lectin seed
international journal of r journal of clinical neuroscmedulloblastoma atypical teratoid rhabdoi
rare metal materials and acta metallurgica sinica single crystal nickel gamma precipitate
superconductor science &physica b-condensed mattvortex lattice type ii superconductor
fibers and polymers aatcc review cotton fabric natural dye
american mineralogist journal of colloid and intekaolinite smectite
american journal of kidnenefrologia peritonitis peritoneal sclerosis
astrophysical journal physics of the earth and pconvection rayleigh benard convectio
javma-journal of the amerjournal of veterinary medilymphoma mast cell tumor
journal of clinical psychol psychotherapie psychosom alliance therapeutic alliance
physical review letters ieee transactions on ultra variation frequency comb
soft matter colloids and surfaces a-p polyelectrolyte multilayerlayer assembly
international biodeterior environmental earth scie paper sandstone
thin solid films journal of crystal growth ge si ge island
plos one development notch1 alagille syndrome
physical review b chalcogenide letters glass chalcogenide glass
abstract and applied analyjournal of mathematical an strong convergence theo nonexpansive mapping
applied physics letters review of scientific instr tomography phase retrieval
journal of clinical microbi antimicrobial agents and chlamydia pneumoniae atherosclerosis
holzforschung tappi journal kraft lignin tannin
journal of trace elements plos one metallothionein zinc deficiency
haematologica american journal of hemaessential thrombocythemipolycythemia vera
turkish journal of earth sclithos western anatolia marmara
catalysis letters journal of molecular cataloxidative dehydrogenatioethylbenzene
american journal of emer pediatric emergency care emergency department triage
chemical geology transport in porous mediadegrees c geological storage
british journal of ophthal diabetic medicine retinal vascular caliber retinal image
journal of youth and adol american journal of publicracial discrimination ethnic identity
journal of heart valve dis circulation ischemic mitral regurgitatmitral valve repair
journal of molecular biolojournal of the american c rna secondary structure hammerhead ribozyme
jetp letters international journal of mliquid helium composite fermion
chemical physics letters chemical physics conical intersection threshold
biometrika computational statistics &multiple imputation recurrent event
ophthalmology optometry and vision scietrachoma low vision
journal of intelligent & fu algebra universalis lattice effect algebra
ieice transactions on fun ieee transactions on circuvlsi interconnect sub
phytochemistry journal of experimental b arabinogalactan protein lignin
pharmaceutical research journal of aerosol sciencedry powder inhaler inhalation
journal of fusion energy fusion technology ifmif tritium
journal of development e social indicators research child labor food aid
molecular biology of the cplos one lamin nuclear pore complex
research on social work prchildren and youth servic social work secondary traumatic stres
international journal of c head and neck-journal fornasopharyngeal carcinomlymphoepithelioma
journal of biological chemmetabolism-clinical and eangiopoietin postprandial lipemia
journal of physics-condenphysical review e liquid liquid phase transit liquid metal
shock journal of trauma-injury inburn injury burn patient
arthritis and rheumatism jcr-journal of clinical rhe gout uric acid
liquid crystals journal of polymer scienc azobenzene surface relief grating
british journal of ophthal clinical rheumatology behcet disease
experimental brain researeuropean journal of neur aplysia lymnaea
applied thermal engineerimathematical programmi scheduling heat exchanger network
cancer journal of pediatric oncol childhood cancer survivorsurvivor
journal of professional is journal of engineering ed matlab engineering education
pediatric surgery internat journal of physiology-lon hirschsprung cajal
european journal of oral sjournal of biological chemamelogenesis imperfecta dental pulp
computers & chemical engieee transactions on auto extremum mpc
chemical engineering jourdesalination and water t electrocoagulation electrochemical treatmen
chemical communicationsangewandte chemie-intern n heterocyclic carbene c enal
anesthesiology anaesthesia dexmedetomidine procedural sedation
indoor and built environ atmospheric environmentendotoxin fungi
international journal of journal of physical chemiselectron attachment dna
journal of vision journal of imaging scienc color color constancy
crystal growth & design journal of crystal growth protein crystallization macromolecular crystallo
european journal of gynaeradiotherapy and oncologcervical cancer radical hysterectomy
pediatric blood & cancer leukemia & lymphoma l asparaginase childhood acute lymphobl
physics in medicine and bjournal of hepatology transient elastography liver fibrosis
international mathematicscommunications in algebrschubert variety crystal
food chemistry bioorganic & medicinal chcurcumin turmeric
journal of differential equmathematical methods in null controllability nonlinear wave equation
international journal of applied and environmentamicrobial fuel cell shewanella oneidensis mr
insect molecular biology developmental and compaimmunity immune response
south african journal of b revista arvore dormancy germination
waste management & resjournal of cleaner productmunicipal solid waste solid waste management
angewandte chemie-intern organic letters triazole click chemistry
journal of clinical microbi journal of medical virolog norovirus norovirus infection
cancer research molecular and cellular bioflavopiridol cyclin dependent kinase
journal of organizationa behavioral disorders alternative communicatiofunctional analysis
journal of animal science veterinary record lameness digital dermatitis
journal of quality technol iie transactions control chart process
ferroelectrics ieee transactions on dielecvinylidene fluoride poly
american journal of physiobiochemical and biophysi acid sensing ion channel gitelman
developmental and compaaquaculture infectious pancreatic necrvhsv
health policy and plannin bmc health services reseachina universal health coverage
surface & coatings technothin solid films nanoindentation silicon
annals of the new york acjournal of thoracic oncolomyasthenia gravis congenital myasthenic s
biochemistry angewandte chemie-intern cytochrome dioxygenase
ieee transactions on elec atmospheric research lightning cloud
journal of geophysical re optics express inherent optical property seawifs
mathematische nachrichtproceedings of the ameri commutator boundedness
journal of biological chemplos one cataract lens
astronomy & astrophysicsjournal of molecular spec diffuse interstellar band interstellar medium
iet generation transmissioelectric power componentpower system stabilizer multi machine power sys
plos one fems microbiology letters vibrio cholerae cholera
international journal of f high pressure research high hydrostatic pressure high pressure processing
journal fur die reine un international journal of selmer group galois representation
analytical chemistry ieee sensors journal electronic nose detection
tissue engineering part a annals of thoracic surgerytissue engineering tissue
tetrahedron journal of the american c donor acceptor cyclopropcarbonyl ylide
engineering fracture mec journal of applied mechanscrew dislocation piezoelectric ceramic
ieee transactions on mob wireless personal commundcf wireless lan
plant pathology cereal research communicfusarium oxysporum f fusarium head blight
parasitology small ruminant research anthelmintic resistance gastrointestinal nematod
ieee transactions on mic progress in electromagnetinverse scattering inverse problem
spectrochimica acta part journal of physical chemisdiffusion excited state proton trans
veterinary microbiology veterinary immunology a bovine mastitis staphylococcus aureus
lasers in medical science photomedicine and laser dental erosion dentin hypersensitivity
bioorganic & medicinal che bioorganic & medicinal chadenosine receptor caffeine
international clinical ps psychopharmacology milnacipran duloxetine
journal of statistical com computational statistics &order statistic exponential distribution
journal of conchology malacologia gastropoda mollusca
journal of chemical physicchemical physics letters solid state nmr magic angle
electric power systems reieee transactions on pow fault location power quality disturbance
medical image analysis medical physics image registration navigation
international journal of s journal of strength and cooxidative stress interleukin
european journal of operastochastic models queue system
equine veterinary educatipferdeheilkunde laminitis diet
communications in mathem nonlinear analysis-theory nonlinear schrodinger equposedness
journal of pediatric ortho journal of bone and joint femoroacetabular imping hip arthroscopy
toxicological sciences toxicology and applied p acetaminophen paracetamol
plant pathology european journal of plantphytophthora infestan solanum tuberosum l
poultry science international journal of f campylobacter coli arcobacter butzleri
molecular ecology resour shilap-revista de lepidopt authentication dna barcoding
petroleum science and te spe journal wettability alteration spontaneous imbibition
catalysis today rsc advances cellulose levulinic acid
ophthalmic and physiologiophthalmology intermittent exotropia amblyopia
vaccine journal of medical virolog foot mouth disease
urology pediatric nephrology calcium oxalate primary hyperoxaluria
plos one current biology nematoda lin
analytical chemistry analytica chimica acta la icp ms laser ablation
journal of applied meteorjournal of geophysical re rain attenuation raindrop size distribution
european journal of inter world trade review wto world trade organization
metallomics molecular microbiology wilson wilson disease
biophysical journal plos one p selectin icam
bmc bioinformatics bmc genomics transcription factor bindinsite
journal of applied physiol journal of strength and cofirefighter hydration
international journal of w journal of mathematical an modulation space shift invariant space
physics in medicine and bradiology digital mammography microcalcification
journal of mathematical bphysical review e cancer tumor growth
journal of intelligent & r ieee transactions on robotvisual servoing slam
higher education higher education researc student evaluation peer assessment
key engineering materialsjournal of the ceramic socaln ceramic alpha sialon
astronomical journal astrophysics and space scblazar bl lacertae object
applied and environmentamovement disorders botulinum toxin treatment
applied physics letters ieee transactions on magnexchange bias ferromagnetic antiferroma
proceedings of the ameri communications in mathem multifractal analysis rational map
inorganic chemistry journal of coordination c urease methylphenol
plos one circulation research deletion syndrome fallot
planetary and space sciengeophysical research lettemercury lunar surface
international journal of d international journal of f proteolysis cheddar cheese
eye american journal of opht mitomycin c deep sclerectomy
journal of technology tranresearch evaluation university triple helix
plos one cancer research stat3 transcription
internal medicine american journal of kidnetransthyretin amyloidosis
chemical physics letters biochemistry dimensional electronic spchlorosome
rare metal materials and transactions of nonferrousplasma electrolytic oxidatmicro arc oxidation
attention perception & psvision research saliency detection attentional blink
american journal of physioproceedings of the nationaquaporin water channel
physics letters b fortschritte der physik-pr f theory double field theory
calculus of variations and pacific journal of mathemaminimal surface mean curvature
plos one neuropsychologia mathematic student
journal of crystal growth progress in photovoltaics multicrystalline silicon metallurgical grade silicon
journal of antimicrobial plos one uropathogenic escherichiarecurrent urinary tract inf
journal of neuro-oncologyjournal of medical geneticmalignant peripheral ner nf1
american journal of chineacupuncture & electro-theelectroacupuncture transcutaneous electrical
critical care critical care medicine procalcitonin c reactive protein
clinical and experimenta blood chronic granulomatous dicommon variable immunod
journal of environmental biogeochemistry hyporheic zone denitrification
neurosurgery journal of trauma-injury inatlas cervical spine injury
journal of biological chemneuron semaphorin eph receptor
journal of solid state chemchemistry of materials double hydroxide hydrotalcite
analytical chemistry journal of biomedical optimicrospectroscopy cell
rapid communications in journal of mass spectromeion mobility spectrometryhydrogen deuterium exch
energy policy energy conversion and m wind speed hydrogen production
current biology plos one yap hippo pathway
russian journal of nondestphysica b-condensed mattelectrical steel grain
phlebologie dermatologic surgery varicose vein chronic venous insufficien
signal processing ieee transactions on imagcompressed sensing sensing
mathematical programmioptimization methods & sunconstrained optimizati global convergence
diagnostic cytopathology laryngoscope adenoid cystic carcinoma pleomorphic adenoma
biochemical and biophysi journal of nutrition retinoic acid vitamin
ecology oikos cynipidae herbivory
journal of molecular evoluangewandte chemie-intern origin genetic code
rapid communications in steroids sport anabolic androgenic stero
american journal of cardi journal of the american cocardiac troponin copeptin
proceedings of the nationplos one phosphodiesterase inhibitor
journal of physics-condenjournal of physical chemislennard jones fluid state
applied surface science electrochimica acta electrochromic property wo3
forest ecology and mana environmental pollution rainwater stemflow
kinetic and related modelphysical review e boltzmann equation microchannel
neuroimage intelligence tower serial recall
abstract and applied analyapplied mathematics and controllability nonlinear fractional differ
annals of the new york acjournal of cell science claudin tight junction
journal of neurovirology journal of medical virolog merkel cell carcinoma progressive multifocal l
psychiatry research journal of affective disordschizophrenia depression
journal of pediatrics genetics in medicine phenylketonurium maple syrup urine disease
journal of applied physics nano letters broadband light trapping
digestive diseases and sci american journal of gastr capsule endoscopy diverticulum
journal of fluid mechanicsphysics of fluids fish flight
veterinary record journal of zoo and wildlif ketamine isoflurane
advances in space researcastronomy & astrophysicsheliosheath magnetohydrodynamic tu
environmental science & international journal of p circuit board closed loop supply chain
critical care medicine intensive care medicine glutamine energy expenditure
astrophysical journal icarus chondrule carbonaceous chondrite
optics communications physical review e vertical cavity surface laser
journal of materials scien materials letters polysiloxane porous sic ceramic
journal of materials chemielectrochimica acta lithium sulfur battery li o
physica b-condensed mattjournal of physics-condendouble perovskite sr2ruo4
molecular crystals and liqudyes and pigments spiropyran photochromism
animal livestock production sciensow boar taint
human reproduction obstetrics and gynecologymayer rokitansky kuster endometrial ablation
oncogene journal of cell science e cadherin snail
journal of physical chemisdyes and pigments first hyperpolarizability second order nonlinear op
journal of lipid research gastroenterology intrahepatic cholestasis bile acid
applied optics biomedical optics expressoptical coherence tomogroct
australasian journal of ea journal of school psychol early childhood educationgrade retention
mammalia journal of zoology chiroptera bat
legal and criminological p behavioral sciences & thedeception suggestibility
geochimica et cosmochimiinorganic chemistry plutonium technetium
chemistry of natural com phytochemistry pyrrolizidine alkaloid sesquiterpene lactone
european journal of persojournal of personality andnarcissism temperament
journal of teaching in phy international review for t masculinity boy
journal of interferon and plos one aicardi goutieres syndromirf
plos one molecular therapy rna interference rnai
homology homotopy and taopology and its applicati homotopy theory algebraic k theory
applied and environmentachemosphere mtbe methyl tert butyl ether
clinical cancer research international journal of c gastrointestinal stromal gist
journal of neurosurgery-pejournal of neurosurgery-s chiari spina
journal of rheumatology annals of the rheumatic dprimary sjogren sjogren
journal of forensic psychi behavioral sciences & thecommunity treatment ordhiv
computers & fluids international journal for immersed boundary methfluid method
optics express physica e-low-dimensionaquantum cascade laser semiconductor superlattic
ieee transactions on magnelectronics letters low density parity check ldpc code
european journal of pain journal of pain placebo effect placebo analgesia
journal of family therapy counseling psychologist family therapy training
international journal of r ieee transactions on robotgait biped robot
european journal of endoophthalmic plastic and re graves ophthalmopathy eye disease
journal of medical virolog journal of infectious diseaintussusception rotavirus strain
urology asian journal of andrologyklinefelter syndrome vasectomy
journal of physical chemislangmuir electrophoresis polyelectrolyte
journal of biomechanical international journal of e rubber material
biochimica et biophysica journal of neuroscience connexin gap junction
anaesthesia acta anaesthesiologica sc bispectral index consciousness
molecular and cellular biobiochemical and biophysi c jun n terminal kinase c jun
nuclear instruments & metadvances in space researcproton mev
plos one american journal of physi carbon monoxide heme oxygenase
american journal of hyperjournal of human hyperteangiotensin ace
journal of thrombosis andautoimmunity reviews glycoprotein antiphospholipid syndrom
nuclear engineering and dnuclear instruments & metuo2 uranium dioxide
biometrical journal clinical trials clinical trial adaptive design
journal of hospital infecti journal of medical microbclostridium difficile infect treatment
annals of probability probability theory and rellogarithmic sobolev inequa ricci curvature
journal of pediatric endo european journal of endoiodine status pregnancy
applied organometallic chpolyhedron organotin triphenyltin
american journal of orthojournal of cranio-maxillofavelopharyngeal insufficie cleft palate
algebras and representatiproceedings of the ameri cluster cluster algebra
tetrahedron synlett samarium diiodide radical reaction
international archives of occupational and environ benzene butadiene
journal of the american c journal of biological chemcharacterization biosynthesis
journal of apicultural resefood and chemical toxicolhoney effect
global change biology geomorphology alaska permafrost region
applied microbiology and microbial cell factories pichia pastoris recombinant escherichia c
journal of polymer scienc polymer degradation and gslycolysis isosorbide
crystal research and tech journal of thermal analysigrowth kdp crystal
ophthalmology british journal of ophthal posterior capsule opacificpediatric cataract surgery
applied catalysis a-generachemical communicationssynthesis carbon dioxide
journal of organic chemistrussian journal of organic palladium diphenyl diselenide
journal of thrombosis andarteriosclerosis thrombosipai plasminogen activator
acta acustica united with noise control engineering loss road traffic noise
postharvest biology and t crop protection fungicide colletotrichum acutatum
economics letters journal of development e corruption financial development
international journal of a clinical infectious diseasesenterococcus faecali vana
tree physiology atmospheric environmentelevated co2 ozone
journal of applied physics thin solid films cdznte cdte thin film
information and computatlogical methods in computhybrid system probabilistic system
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international journal of british journal of dermatoonychomycosis tinea capitis
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precision engineering-jourcomputer-aided design axis machine tool tool path generation
biomaterials neural regeneration reseaperipheral nerve regeneraend
wear soil dynamics and earthq rail contact fatigue
journal of neurophysiologbrain research monosodium glutamate solitary tract
catalysis today catalysis letters au tio2 catalyst gold nanoparticle
tribology letters materials & design carbon fiber ptfe
electrochemistry communielectroanalysis electrochemical microscoliquid liquid interface
photosynthesis research biochimica et biophysica water oxidation oxygen evolution reaction
journal of hydrology geoderma time domain reflectometrpedotransfer function
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clinical infectious diseasesplos one buruli ulcer mycobacterium ulceran
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journal of chromatographyjournal of separation scie astragalus paeoniflorin
journal of chemical ecolo agricultural and forest e curculionidae scolytidae
chinese physics c nuclear physics b-procee resistive plate chamber rpc
journal of chromatographtoxicology and applied p sulfur mustard nerve agent
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european journal of soil s precision agriculture reflectance spectroscopy precision agriculture
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applied surface science journal of the electrochemporous silicon pore
mycological research australasian plant pathol grapevine nov
journal of physical chemisphysical chemistry chemicrutile tio2 mgo surface
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systematic and applied acannales zoologici oribatida hydrachnidia
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environmental pollution journal of environmental biochar black carbon
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cancer biotherapy and ra radiochimica acta radioimmunotherapy reaction
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nuclear instruments & metacta physica sinica radiation proton
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american journal of orthointernational journal of orthird molar surgery image quality
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critical care diabetic medicine ill patient intensive care unit
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quimica nova chemical & engineering n student synthesis
american journal of hemaeuropean journal of haemimmune thrombocytopenipurpura
organometallics dalton transactions synthesis boron neutron capture th
applied physics letters materials letters indium tin oxide film ito film
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planta medica food science and biotech ginsenoside panax ginseng
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environment and behaviojournal of environmental urban green space urban forest
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astronomical journal publications of the astronocataclysmic variable superoutburst
aviation space and envir european journal of appli high altitude acute mountain sickness
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hydrobiologia journal of morphology platyhelminthe annelida
american journal of cardi journal of the american s patent foraman patent
spectrochimica acta part mineralogical magazine uo2 new mineral
acta crystallographica secjournal of molecular strucperovskite solar cell bis
analytical chemistry physical review b flight secondary ion mass tof sims
indoor air journal of chromatographbuilding material formaldehyde
clinical chemistry american journal of clinic point laboratory medicine
physical review a journal of physics a-math chaos quantum chaos
journal of experimental mhydrobiologia copepoda calanoida
clinical cancer research european journal of mediccombretastatin epothilone
journal of neurology neurjournal of neuroimmunol guillain barre syndrome poems syndrome
consciousness and cognit plos one dream implicit learning
european journal of phar bioorganic & medicinal che transient receptor potentia
journal of gastroenterolo world journal of gastroen autoimmune pancreatitis case
respirology respiration primary spontaneous pn malignant pleural effusion
journal of the american cojournal of nuclear cardiol myocardial viability hibernating myocardium
journal of general internajournal of surgical educat burnout depression
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journal of monetary econ applied economics minimum wage okun
journal of colloid and intecolloids and surfaces a-p emulsion high internal phase emuls
surgical laparoscopy end surgical innovation note natural orifice translumin
journal of pediatric ortho american journal of sport radial head total elbow arthroplasty
archiv der mathematik israel journal of mathematblock finite simple group
proceedings of the nationjournal of biological chemcrispr zinc finger nuclease
journal of clinical psychol personality and individualyoga mindfulness
journal of electron spec journal of physical chemisdissociative photoionizati auger decay
journal of biological chemplatelets glycoprotein vi human platelet
ieee transactions on knowknowledge and informati association rule frequent itemset
tetrahedron journal of the american c iodozincio sparteine
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lecture notes in computerinternational journal of r human robot interaction imitation
biomedical optics expressjournal of raman spectroscoherent anti stokes ram second harmonic generat
astrophysical journal letteastronomical journal ly alpha forest damped ly alpha system
archives of physical medicjournal of neurology depression fatigue
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biological psychiatry psychiatric genetics neuregulin disc1
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journal of the american c inorganica chimica acta ferrocenylsilane ii ii
journal of leukocyte bioloblood suppressor cell csf
international journal of international journal of vesteer tyre
journal of the american journal of drugs in derma melasma port wine stain
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neurology plos one dementia neurocognitive disorder
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journal of loss & trauma pediatrics grief complicated grief
pharmacotherapy clinical infectious diseasescontinuous infusion therapeutic drug monitor
developmental and compajournal of invertebrate pawhite spot syndrome viruwssv
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journal of the neurologicajournal of neuroimmunol encephalopathy limbic encephalitis
inorganica chimica acta dalton transactions triosmium cluster mu pph2
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disability & society exceptional children inclusive education visual impairment
physiological and biochemjournal of thermal biologyhibernation torpor
japanese journal of appli journal of applied physics bismuth titanate aurivillius phase
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applied and environmentaexperimental parasitologylegionella acanthamoeba
alcohol plos one aldehyde dehydrogenase ethanol
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blood coagulation & fibrinclinical and applied thro recurrent pregnancy loss protein s
journal of spinal disorder spine journal cervical spondylotic myel posterior longitudinal lig
chemical engineering resechemical engineering andreactive distillation distillation column
plos one games and economic behaspatial prisoner evolutionary game
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journal of drugs in derma british journal of dermatoacne vulgaris rosacea
american journal of respirpediatric pulmonology lung development inhaled nitric oxide
designs codes and crypto finite fields and their appllinear complexity sequence
tetrahedron synlett n arylation indazole
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american journal of physiobiophysical journal na k atpase ouabain
proceedings of the ameri transactions of the ameri local cohomology modulehilbert function
clinical and experimental journal of cell science epidermolysis bullosa ichthyosis
journal of iron and steel metallurgical and materialblast furnace iron ore
journal of general virolog archives of virology respiratory syndrome viruporcine reproductive
chemical physics letters journal of physics b-atomioptimal control femtosecond pulse
transactions of nonferrousjournal of alloys and com gamma tial tial
journal of applied physics japanese journal of appliealn film aln
society & animals javma-journal of the amerdog cat
annals of the new york acjournal of nutritional bio tocotrienol vitamin e
aids and behavior aids care-psychological anhuman trafficking prostitution
journal of organic chemistorganometallics pauson khand reaction cyclotrimerization
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international journal of orjournal of cranio-maxillofafacial fracture orbital floor fracture
journal of chemical physicphysical review letters z dna dna duplex
chemical engineering sciechemical engineering jourco2 capture carbon dioxide capture
physical review e journal of the acoustical dimensional phononic crysband gap
plos one journal of clinical microbi brucellosis evaluation
proceedings of the royal sheredity wolbachia cytoplasmic incompatibili
journal of venomous animal biochemistry scorpione buthidae
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physical chemistry chemicjournal of molecular strucformic acid dimer rotational study
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journal of pediatric surgerjournal of trauma and acublunt abdominal trauma nonoperative managemen
international journal of elieee transactions on circuccii current conveyor
bmj-british medical journajournal of traumatic stres refugee asylum seeker
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chest american journal of respircigarette smoke mouse
journal of radioanalytical health physics radon radon concentration
journal of statistical physi journal of chemical physicfluctuation theorem asymmetric exclusion pro
journal of physics a-math nuclear physics b vertex operator logarithmic conformal fiel
classical and quantum gramodern physics letters a randall sundrum model brane world
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journal of vascular and in journal of trauma-injury insplenic artery aneurysm superior mesenteric arter
journal of dairy science molecular endocrinology mammary gland prolactin receptor
acta acustica united with noise control engineering sound transmission statistical energy analysis
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carcinogenesis journal of the science of glucosinolate broccoli
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journal of mathematical pannals of probability random matrix universality
american journal of opht eye uveal melanoma conjunctiva
energy & environmental srsc advances hematite photoelectrochemical wate
political theory political studies human right equality
fisheries research plos one chondrichthyes elasmobranchii
archives of biochemistry biochemical and biophysi reductase cam
calculus of variations and proceedings of the ameri mapping minimizer
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blood cancer research pd l1 programmed death
physical chemistry chemicjournal of low temperaturhelium nanodroplet liquid helium
transportation research pajournal of transport geog airline airport
chemical engineering sciejournal of membrane sciecarbon dioxide co2 capture
lecture notes in artificial pattern recognition letter vector quantization map
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journal of pediatric gastr transplantation short bowel syndrome intestinal transplantation
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critical care medicine intensive care medicine septic shock adrenal insufficiency
applied acoustics journal of sound and vibrahead transfer function
journal of experimental b communications in soil scialuminum aluminum tolerance
journal of dispersion sci journal of physical chemisnanoemulsion oil microemulsion
cardiovascular research cardiovascular diabetologtrimetazidine diabetic cardiomyopathy
pediatric transplantation bone marrow transplantatpost transplant lymphoprokidney transplantation
physica a-statistical mechainternational journal of n recurrence plot recurrence quantification
plant journal scientia horticulturae anthocyanin flavonoid
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electrochimica acta sensors and actuators b-cbismuth film electrode stripping voltammetry
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mabs molecular immunology intravenous immunoglobufc receptor
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medical and veterinary e zootaxa calliphoridae muscidae
american journal of obsteinternational journal of g placenta accreta postpartum hemorrhage
materials science and engwear wc co based cermet
liver international plos one hepatic stellate cell liver fibrosis
ieee transactions on vehi ieee transactions on mob localization tdoa
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journal of hepatology neurochemistry internatiominimal hepatic encephalhyperammonemia
biochemical and biophysi cancer research nrf2 quinone oxidoreductase
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cement and concrete resematerials and corrosion-wcathodic protection corrosion
biotechniques journal of histochemistry paraffin reference gene
journal of physical chemisjournal of biological chemnitrite reductase plastocyanin
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international journal of b chaos solitons & fractals friction vibration
acm transactions on data information systems data warehouse xml document
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physical review b chemical physics letters hydrogen storage activated carbon
american journal of psychamerican journal of geriatketamine hippocampal volume
journal of aircraft journal of solar energy enwind turbine wind farm
clinical and experimental annals of the rheumatic djuvenile idiopathic arthritichildhood health assessm
infection and immunity journal of hospital infecti neonatal intensive care unneonatal sepsis
international journal of p neuroscience letters schizophrenia mismatch negativity
tetrahedron synthetic communicationsdihydroquinazolin quinazolinone derivative
journal of clinical virologyclinical infectious diseasesvaricella herpes zoster
obesity international journal of obfto tcf7l2
maternal and child healthamerican journal of obstepregnancy maternal smoking
proceedings of the ameri monatshefte fur mathemasumset waring
journal of crystal growth solid state sciences bo3 borate
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linear algebra and its appljournal of pure and appliepolynomial identity grobner shirshov base
journal of sexual medicin clinical endocrinology congenital adrenal hyperphydroxylase deficiency
clinical infectious diseasesmycoses coccidioidomycosis histoplasmosis
bioorganic & medicinal che plos one focal adhesion kinase fak
plos one environmental research climate change mortality
parasites & vectors journal of parasitology dirofilaria angiostrongylus cantonens
high temperature materiajournal of spacecraft and transport property metal halide lamp
obesity american journal of clinicafood craving food addiction
international journal of mcomputers & mathematicslattice boltzmann methodlid
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experimental parasitologyjournal of helminthology fasciola hepatica opisthorchis viverrini
luminescence biosensors & bioelectroniruthenium electrochemiluminescenc
vaccine preventive veterinary medbovine viral diarrhea virusbovine herpesvirus
plant physiology and bioc journal of medicinal chempolyamine ornithine decarboxylase
journal of molecular spec international journal of sigma gas phase reaction
journal of the american gejournal of speech languagoropharyngeal dysphagia swallowing
materials science and engjournal of physics-condenquasicrystal approximant
oncogene plos one protein tyrosine phosphatptp1b
lecture notes in computerinternational journal of formal concept analysis rough set
ultramicroscopy proceedings of the nationatomic force microscopy afm
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international journal of british journal of haematoconsanguinity prenatal diagnosis
plos one plos genetics house mouse quantitative trait loci
international journal of molecular ecology identification sequence
journal of chemical physicjournal of physical chemisair water interface second harmonic generat
corrosion engineering sci materials performance bacterium ultimate strength
javma-journal of the amerveterinary surgery pyometra transitional cell carcinom
theriogenology cryobiology spermatozoa cryopreservation
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journal of clinical microbi plos one bacterial vaginosis trichomonas vaginali
pediatric neurology neurology cerebral venous thromboschild
zootaxa journal of plankton resea hydra scyphozoa
oncotarget cell cycle monocarboxylate transporpyruvate kinase
cleft palate-craniofacial j american journal of medica palate nonsyndromic cleft lip
plos one journal of molecular biolomitofusin mitochondrial dynamic
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chemical communicationsorganometallics hydrogenase water
journal of biological chemjournal of neurochemistrymetabotropic glutamate rmglu2
environmental science & journal of applied microbifecal indicator bacterium fecal pollution
american heart journal american journal of cardi cardiac rehabilitation cardiopulmonary exercise
physical review letters physica scripta double ionization triple differential cross se
journal of magnetism andphysical review b nial cr magnetic property
tetrahedron synlett aziridination azirine
plos one proceedings of the nationhorizontal gene transfer origin
intensive care medicine critical care fluid responsiveness pulmonary artery cathete
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journal of sexual medicin journal of reproductive mchronic prostatitis chroni interstitial cystitis
bioorganic & medicinal che cancer research integrin beta
chinese physics c physics of plasmas space charge heavy ion fusion
journal of medicinal chembioorganic & medicinal chtopoisomerase camptothecin
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obstetrics and gynecologybjog-an international jourmisoprostol medical abortion
diabetes international journal of obuncoupling protein irisin
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science of the total envi journal of hydrology stormwater heavy metal
javma-journal of the amerjournal of small animal pr hyperthyroidism diabetes mellitus
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international journal of mastrophysics and space scthin shell wormhole traversable wormhole
pferdeheilkunde veterinary surgery osteochondrosis distal interphalangeal join
journal of statistical me physical review e entanglement entropy quantum quench
ieee transactions on circuielectronics letters bit adc
cellular signalling plos one bryostatin protein kinase c delta
journal of the american c proceedings of the nationneuroglobin escherichia coli
american journal of physiopflugers archiv-european na h exchanger distal renal tubular acidos
journal of forensic sciencejournal of forensic and le autopsy postmortem
international journal of solangmuir rough surface gecko
quintessence internationaeuropean journal of orthotraumatic dental injury hypohidrotic ectodermal d
clinical infectious diseasesinternational journal of c infective endocarditis surgery
brain research plos one diabetes insulin
breast cancer research a british journal of cancer tumor cell peripheral blood
clinical journal of the am clinical transplantation depression anxiety
plos one biochemical and biophysi diamond blackfan anemiashwachman diamond syn
ieee transactions on robotieee transactions on indust bilateral teleoperation human skin
american journal of roentamerican journal of surgeacute appendicitis laparoscopic appendecto
oecologia estuarine coastal and sheldelta c stable isotope
photochemical & photobioenvironmental and experiultraviolet radiation uv b
physical review letters contributions to plasma pshock loading dense hydrogen
international journal of materials at high temperahigh temperature oxidati steel
journal of clinical microbi plos one bordetella pertussis pertussis
hydrobiologia phytotaxa bacillariophyta trebouxiophyceae
journal of functional analypositivity banach space fixed point property
developmental biology cancer research sonic hedgehog basal cell carcinoma
antimicrobial agents and journal of medical microbmelioidosis burkholderia pseudomalle
clinical cancer research biochemical and biophysi adp ribose poly
chemistry of natural com natural product research stachys phenylethanoid glycoside
interventional neuroradiojournal of neurosurgery cervical artery dissection pseudoaneurysm
information sciences applied soft computing interval type fuzzy logic system
journal of oral pathology oral surgery oral medicinecase report case
palaeogeography palaeoclearth and planetary sciencatacama desert southern central andes
saude e sociedade cadernos de saude public brazil health
biochemistry angewandte chemie-intern g quadruplex synthesis
proceedings of the nationbmc genomics long noncoding rna lncrna
acta materialia scripta materialia hydrogen embrittlement hydrogen diffusion
plos one journal of theoretical biol dna sequence codon usage
journal of the electrochemmetallurgical and materialmolten salt electrochemical reduction
genetic resources and crotheoretical and applied geblight ascochyta rabiei
journal of flood risk man hydrological processes flood risk flood risk management
febs letters proceedings of the nationcytochrome c oxidase heme
journal of clinical lipidolo atherosclerosis suppleme pcsk9 low density lipoprotein ap
phytochemistry steroids steroidal saponin diosgenin
american journal of psychjournal of affective disordelectroconvulsive therapyneuroleptic malignant sy
applied organometallic chaquatic toxicology organotin compound tributyltin
catheterization and cardiojournal of magnetic resonrenal artery stenosis renovascular hypertensio
journal of thoracic and ca annals of thoracic surgerybronchiolitis obliterans obliterative bronchiolitis
european journal of neur neuroscience cerebellum cerebellar cortex
archive for mathematical lproceedings of the ameri continuous function ideal
clinical rheumatology muscle & nerve dermatomyositis idiopathic inflammatory
synthetic communicationssynlett ibx iodoxybenzoic acid
applied physics letters electronics letters inp gaas
nova hedwigia journal of the hattori botabryophyta lejeuneaceae
journal of viral hepatitis journal of clinical virologyhepatitis e virus hev
plos one biochemical and biophysi lipid droplet ctp
russian journal of general journal of organic chemistalpha aminophosphonatealpha
rsc advances thin solid films cu2o cuo nanostructure
journal of statistical me epl persistence fracture
american journal of surgicjournal of the american langerhans cell histiocytoserdheim chester disease
ageing & society gerontologist wisdom ageism
phytochemistry pakistan journal of botanyallelopathic effect allelochemical
forest science scandinavian journal of foforest certification conservation easement
acta neurochirurgica journal of clinical neuroscmeningioma intracranial meningioma
biodiversity and conservawildlife research parrot cocoa
advanced functional materphysical review e buckling wrinkling
journal of fish biology environmental biology of sockeye salmon oncorhynchus nerka
food chemistry lipids phytosterol beta sitosterol
electronics letters ieee transactions on com reverberation chamber circuit board
molecular microbiology proceedings of the nationo polysaccharide o antigen
cancer research oncogene epidermal growth factor rdisintegrin
journal of periodontal resclinical oral implants rese enamel matrix derivative platelet rich plasma
acta anaesthesiologica sc european journal of anaesxenon postoperative cognitive d
journal of biological chemplos one hfq rnase e
ageing & society journal of public economidisability older worker
american journal of hemahaematologica deferasirox iron overload
american journal of publicamerican indian and alaskamerican indian aboriginal
japanese journal of appliejapanese journal of appli shallow water geoacoustic inversion
world journal of gastroen journal of hepatology ethanol alcoholic hepatitis
oikos canadian journal of zoolo squirrel sciurus vulgaris
computer methods in applinternational journal for heterogeneous material effective property
biomaterials european journal of phar plga microsphere anhydride ester
synthetic communicationsindian journal of heterocyarylbenzothiazole benzimidazole derivative
nephrology dialysis transpeuropean radiology nephrogenic systemic fibrgadolinium
emerging infectious diseajournal of wildlife disease raby rabies virus
journal of economic ento biocontrol metarhizium anisopliae beauveria bassiana
clinical orthopaedics and international orthopaedicspinal tuberculosis spinal epidural abscess
retrovirology virology htlv human t cell leukemia vir
journal of catalysis catalysis communicationsnitration zirconia
journal of wildlife disease plos one phthiraptera blood parasite
journal of general virolog plos one vaccinia virus smallpox vaccination
plos one journal of lipid research lox oxidized low density lipop
journal of clinical endoc calcified tissue internatio diabetes leptin
american journal of medica journal of neurochemistrysmith lemli opitz syndromcerebrotendinous xantho
journal of horticultural s journal of the american soapple apricot
applied physics letters cryogenics transition edge sensor single photon detector
liver transplantation world journal of gastroen hepatic ischemia reperfusiedaravone
environmental modelling transactions in gis spatial data infrastructuredigital earth
industrial & engineering organic process research batch crystallization metastable zone width
journal of structural engi journal of sound and vibrawind wind load
journal of experimental p cognition mental rotation sex difference
applied physics letters journal of physics-condenheusler alloy cro2
ieee transactions on cons journal of electronic imagimage fusion contrast enhancement
american journal of physi medical engineering & phyblood flow shear stress
journal of applied meteormonthly weather review stable boundary layer atmospheric surface layer
theory and practice of lo journal of artificial intell logic logic program
free radical biology and mjournal of the american c electron paramagnetic re nitroxide
matrix biology bone osteogenesis imperfecta ehlers danlos syndrome
endocrine research journal of biological chemsteroidogenic factor dax
biochemical and biophysi biochemistry s100b protein
journal of applied physics sensor letters giant magnetoimpedancemicrowire
toxicologic pathology toxicological sciences comet assay alkaline
metallurgical and materialjournal of nuclear materialong term small punch test
statistics in medicine journal of the american stadisease mapping spatial point process
matrix biology plos one cd44 hyaluronan
journal of inequalities andjournal of mathematical an cone metric space common fixed point theo
journal of catalysis chinese journal of catalysifischer tropsch synthesis cobalt fischer tropsch cata
journal of mathematical an journal of mathematical ininequality application
annals of oncology world journal of gastroen lymphoid tissue lymphommucosa
ieee geoscience and remotinternational journal of r soil moisture retrieval surface soil moisture
journal of medical ethics european journal of humabiobank incidental finding
journal of organometallic journal of polymer scienc polyhedral oligomeric sil poss
clinical microbiology and european journal of clinic matrix laser desorption
food research internationfood chemistry lipase acidolysis
annals of science notes and records of the ralchemy book
virology virus research baculovirus insect cell
geochemistry internationarussian journal of pacific yenisei ridge west siberia
zoological science development growth & difsea ascidian
information visualization ieee computer graphics anvisual analysis information visualization
journal of the american podiabetes-metabolism resediabetic foot diabetes
analytical chemistry nano letters light addressable potenti field effect transistor
heterocycles tetrahedron diketopiperazine ibogaine
planta molecular microbiology glutamine synthetase anabaena sp strain pcc
journal of chemical physicchemical physics letters porous medium inhomogeneous field
computer physics commun journal of computational phase lag step method
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entomologia experimentali journal of applied entomoelateridae boll weevil
journal of social and clini journal of anxiety disordeperfectionism rumination
anaesthesia anesthesiology vomiting nausea
random structures & algocombinatorics probabilit ramsey number graphic sequence
proceedings of the nationplos one alpha galactosylceramide invariant natural killer t ce
development journal of hand surgery- nail patella syndrome limb regeneration
ieee transactions on neuraeuropean journal of appli surface emg signal wavelet
progress in nuclear energ nuclear technology lead bismuth eutectic steel
oncology reports oncogene survivin survivin expression
occupational medicine-oxannals of occupational hy occupational asthma latex allergy
journal of immunology atherosclerosis phospholipase lipoprotein
diabetes care journal of pediatric endo congenital hyperinsulinis hepatocyte nuclear factor
journal of statistical me journal of physics a-math spin glass sherrington kirkpatrick m
annals of thoracic surgerycardiovascular pathology atrial myxoma papillary fibroelastoma
tribology transactions industrial lubrication and preparation synthesis
journal of virology veterinary record foot mouth disease virus
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sex roles health communication violent video game violence
cancer research biochemistry farnesyltransferase inhibi n myristoyltransferase
twin research and human mankind quarterly intelligence sex difference
journal of physiology an european journal of phar gastroprotective effect ethanol
surgery otolaryngology-head and harmonic scalpel recurrent laryngeal nerve
journal of superconductivjournal of applied physics levitation force magnetic bearing
european journal of soil becotoxicology and enviro oligochaeta lumbricidae
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journal of physical organi journal of physical chemisacetonitrile aminolysis
polymer journal of photochemistryfrontal polymerization photoinitiator
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journal of biological chemjournal of molecular biolomyxococcus bacterial chemotaxi
inverse problems doklady mathematics sturm liouville problem spectral parameter
cytotechnology biochemical engineering jcho cell chinese hamster ovary cel
journal of non-crystalline physical review b ion implantation silicate glass
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journal of agricultural an journal of food engineeri polygalacturonase pectic polysaccharide
journal of micro-nanoli japanese journal of applieextreme ultraviolet lithogline edge roughness
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optik optics and lasers in engin correlator image encryption
journal of biological chemamerican journal of respirpulmonary alveolar proteisurfactant protein d
nuclear instruments & metnuclear instruments & metliquid water proton
bmc infectious diseases medical journal of austral hand hygiene alcohol
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physiology & behavior behavioural brain researc exercise wheel
maritime economics & logijournal of transport geog container terminal port
international journal of l psychiatrische praxis seclusion restraint
journal of immunology journal of thrombosis andmicroparticle exosome
marine geology geophysical research lettetsunami indian ocean tsunami
addiction psychology of addictive b pathological gambling gambling
journal of the american c american ceramic society refractory castable castable
american journal of respiramerican journal of physi muc1 trefoil factor
international journal of zkg international chemical looping combustoxygen carrier
optics letters optics communications mueller matrix spectroscopic ellipsometr
journal of the american coanaesthesia noncardiac surgery colorectal cancer
american journal of philolmnemosyne pindar iliad
international journal of veterinary record scaby head lice
ieee transactions on very lmathematics of computatfpga multiplication
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ultrasound in medicine anjournal of photochemistryeffect low level laser therapy
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plos one annals of the new york acrheumatoid arthritis cholinergic anti inflamma
journal of chemical physicjournal of mathematical cdipolar cycloaddition fisher information
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monthly notices of the royoptics letters adaptive optic large telescope
proceedings of the nationjournal of bacteriology signal recognition particleseca
american journal of philolhermes-zeitschrift fur klascatullus ovid
vaccine plant molecular biology vaccine recombinant protein
physics letters b general relativity and gravloop quantum gravity spin foam model
australian journal of forenforensic science internati latent fingerprint raman spectroscopy
applied economics agribusiness price transmission market power
journal of the american c journal of applied physiol hyperpolarized lung
allergy british journal of dermatohereditary angioedema chronic urticaria
free radical research journal of chromatographyisoprostane nonenal
plos one molecular biology and evox chromosome inactivatiosex determination
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trac-trends in analytical ieee transactions on ins determination measurement uncertainty
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automatica control engineering practifractional order system unstable process
radiation physics and che polymer chemiluminescence open mixer
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dalton transactions angewandte chemie-intern nitrogenase azotobacter vinelandii
european journal of pain clinical journal of pain spinal cord stimulation complex regional pain sy
ieee transactions on mic ieee transactions on magnplasma adi fdtd method
laryngoscope acta neurochirurgica vestibular schwannoma acoustic neuroma
journal of physical chemismaterials research bulleti electrochemical performanickel hydroxide
vigiliae christianae novum testamentum origen galatian
journal of biological chemplos one magnesium effect
journal international des srevista brasileira de frutic grapevine rootstock
journal of vacuum scienceoptics letters extreme ultraviolet lithogmo si multilayer
plos one journal of medicinal chemcathepsin b cystatin c
brain research neuroscience galanin galanin receptor
communications in statistcommunications in statistbinomial proportion simultaneous confidence i
plos one phytotherapy research berberine sanguinarine
biologia bioscience biotechnology alpha amylase cyclodextrin glycosyltrans
theriogenology physiological and biochemelephas maximus corticosterone
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biological control journal of phytopathologytrichoderma cacao
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american journal of medica fetal diagnosis and therapholoprosencephaly aicardi syndrome
international journal of algorithmica polygon point
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quality and reliability eng communications in statistexperiment construction
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analytical chemistry sensors and actuators b-ctrinitrotoluene explosife
histopathology chest tuberous sclerosis lymphangioleiomyomatosi
oncogene plos one hepatocyte growth factormet
materials transactions scripta materialia titanium matrix composit biomedical application
american sociological rev work and occupations gender wage gap occupational segregation
journal of biological chemeuropean journal of phar receptor bradykinin
resources conservation anagricultural water manag life cycle assessment irrigation
inorganic chemistry chemical communicationsoxyl nitronyl nitroxide
nonlinear analysis-theory bulletin des sciences ma limit cycle bifurcation
diseases of the esophagusworld journal of gastroen palliation self
assessment psychological assessment mmpi munchausen syndrome
communications in analysjournal of differential ge ricci flow compact kahler manifold
journal of craniofacial sur injury-international journaopen globe injury ocular trauma
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canadian journal of fisher fisheries science anguilla anguilla european eel
annals of the entomologicenvironmental entomologisoptera rhinotermitidae
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discrete and continuous communications on pure apullback attractor random attractor
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environment internationaenvironmental pollution perfluorooctanoic acid pfos
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new england journal of mpediatric nephrology hyponatremia syndrome
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advances in experimentaljournal of neural transmisdioxygenase indoleamine
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herz european journal of heartmyocarditis dilated cardiomyopathy
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journal of natural history animal behaviour araneae salticidae
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dalton transactions inorganica chimica acta vanadium vanadate
journal of comparative nedevelopmental dynamics danio rerio larval zebrafish
annals of oncology british journal of haematorefractory hodgkin lymp advanced hodgkin
international journal for journal of sound and vibraparticle hydrodynamic sph
ieee sensors journal electronics letters cmos image sensor time
journal of immunology biomaterials dendritic cell vaccine adjuvant
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bmj-british medical journaannals of oncology lung cancer relative survival
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veterinary microbiology journal of virological met bluetongue virus ceratopogonidae
acta crystallographica secphysical review b spin crossover spin transition
journal of medicinal chemtetrahedron letters polyamide pyrrole imidazole polyam
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pediatric cardiology catheterization and cardiopatent ductus arteriosus transcatheter closure
journal of immunology shock hmgb1 high mobility group box
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revista de chimie journal of hazardous matekinetic analysis dsc
american journal of physi journal of forensic and le age estimation sex determination
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analytical sciences bunseki kagaku nitrate nitrate reduction
journal of alloys and com physical review b soft magnetic property high frequency applicatio
international journal on ieee transactions on patteline signature verification document image
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chemistry-a european jouorganic letters corannulene helicene
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journal of the acoustical ultrasonic imaging capacitive micromachinedultrasonic transducer
circulation journal journal of the american cotakotsubo cardiomyopathpatient
mathematical inequalitiesapplied mathematics and gamma function inequality
rare metal materials and international journal of r mosi2 nb si
journal of pediatric surgerclinical cancer research neuroblastoma mycn
journal of the society for journal of display technol optical design diode
british journal of pharma journal of pharmacology histamine h receptor antagonist
journal of engineering desinternational journal of d creativity user
international journal of proceedings of the instit edm electrical discharge machi
stochastic processes and tadvances in applied probab ruin probability ruin
numerical heat transfer painternational journal of t hyperthermia cryosurgery
desalination and water t russian journal of electro electrodialysis bipolar membrane
physical review e physical review a random laser random medium
acta crystallographica secjournal of alloys and com solvothermal synthesis dien
journal of the american c photochemistry and phot photoactive yellow proteiriboflavin
memory psychonomic bulletin & r retrieval practice audience response syste
fuel processing technologenvironmental science & mercury elemental mercury
journal of applied physics applied physics letters pecvd low k
journal of cardiothoracic academic emergency mediechocardiography lung ultrasound
sensors and actuators a-papplied physics letters ultrasonic motor surface acoustic wafe
journal of physiology-lon cellular physiology and b clc chloride channel
surface & coatings technoradiation effects and defecpoly modification
journal of environmental rieee transactions on nuclestandardization hpge detector
journal of medicinal chemeuropean journal of mediccarbonic anhydrase inhibisulfonamide
journal of medicinal chembioorganic & medicinal chmethoxyestradiol reductase
pediatric surgery internat journal of laparoendoscoprelaxin cryptorchidism
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journal of statistical me journal of mathematical pvertex model form factor
veterinary record javma-journal of the amerepilepsy otitis externa
mutation research-geneti molecular and cellular bi chromium picolinate rat
international journal of u urology small cell carcinoma invasive micropapillary c
international journal of h microgravity science and liquid bridge magnetic field
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journal of the american c journal of physical chemistheoretical study dft study
marine ecology progress splos one demospongiae porifera
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bju international european journal of gynaelichen sclerosus penile cancer
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world journal of surgery american journal of surgeabdominal compartment intra abdominal hyperten
siam journal on mathemati journal of hyperbolic diff conservation law quasilinear hyperbolic sy
technical physics letters journal of applied physics dielectric barrier dischar synthetic jet
journal of aoac internatio food hygiene and safety sfood maize
journal of physics b-atomix-ray spectrometry element kev
journal of urban economi public choice tax competition fiscal decentralization
journal of international development policy revie foreign aid aid
international journal of c british journal of cancer obesity physical activity
journal of applied physics journal of the european c cacu3ti4o12 ceramic varistor
process biochemistry applied microbiology and fructosyltransferase inulinase
acta neurochirurgica epilepsy & behavior awake craniotomy wada test
organic letters tetrahedron letters photocycloaddition paterno buchi reaction
journal of small animal pr javma-journal of the amerhip dysplasia cranial cruciate ligament
plos one journal of pidgin and creogesture language evolution
transition metal chemistr indian journal of chemistroxidation kinetics
blood blood coagulation & fibrinactivatable fibrinolysis inhtafi
hydrobiologia journal of crustacean biol oniscidea talitridae
ieee design & test of com ieee transactions on comptest data compression analog circuit
journal of lipid research biochemistry adrenoleukodystrophy peroxisome
american journal of physi journal of biological chemorganic cation transporterpept1
lecture notes in artificial fundamenta informaticaestate complexity positive data
engineering failure analysjournal of strain analysis wear contact
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journal of biological chemapplied and environmentagamma glutamic acid poly
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journal of organic chemistangewandte chemie-intern indium mediated allylatio barbier type allylation
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protist eukaryotic cell ciliophora tetrahymena
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annals of hematology neurology primary central nervous intravascular large b cel
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plos one biochemical and biophysi ricin ribosome inactivating pro
energy & fuels fuel supercritical water hydrothermal gasification
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american journal of obsteamerican surgeon adhesive small bowel obstseprafilm
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journal of the world aquacnorth american journal ofgeosmin methylisoborneol
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measurement science andanalyst oxygen application
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european journal of clini clinical pharmacokinetics label use child
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graefes archive for clini american journal of opht idiopathic intracranial hy pseudotumor cerebri
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journal of applied physiol european journal of appli decompression sickness scuba diving
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agricultural and forest m global change biology climate change phenology
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journal of radioanalytical medical physics depleted uranium internal dosimetry
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rapid communications in lipids cardiolipin barth syndrome
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algebra colloquium journal of pure and appliedivisor graph module
journal of immunology american journal of trans xenotransplantation porcine endogenous retro
journal of the american mu musical quarterly schubert verdi
social studies of science historical studies in the n environmental history antarctica
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clinical cancer research international journal of o thymidylate synthase dihydropyrimidine dehyd
rheologica acta nihon reoroji gakkaishi drag reduction drag
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journal of materials proc journal of the european c powder injection moldingsintered steel
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regulatory peptides journal of biological chemvasoactive intestinal peptvip
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journal of computational acomputers & mathematicssequence convergence
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journal of rheumatology clinical rheumatology hemophagocytic lymphohis adult onset
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polyhedron journal of the american c galactose oxidase valence tautomerism
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public administration rev communications of the a e government digital divide
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mycoses international journal of s chromoblastomycosis nocardiosis
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evolution biological journal of the l lake victoria threespine stickleback
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journal of nuclear medici cell death and differentiatapoptotic cell apoptosis
journal of agricultural an international journal of f vigna angularis antinutrient
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psychological reports comprehensive psychiatryalexithymia trait emotional intelligenc
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oncogene biochemical and biophysi fibroblast growth factor fgf21
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journal of reproductive mhuman reproduction ectopic pregnancy cesarean scar pregnancy
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tetrahedron journal of the american c ene synthesis
journal of sound and vibrajournal of guidance contr limit cycle oscillation aeroelastic system
journal of chromatographienergy & fuels dimensional gas chromat comprehensive
biochemistry proceedings of the nationatpase escherichia coli atp synth
nuclear instruments & metieee transactions on nucleneutron activation analysiinaa
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automatica mathematical methods ofreinforcement markov decision process
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plos one proceedings of the nationfriedreich frataxin
methods in cell biology structure cryo electron tomographymembrane protein
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kybernetes system dynamics review system dynamic practice
biomaterials american journal of pathofibroblast pdgf c
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journal of endourology journal of urology laparoscopic donor neph superior mesenteric arte
plos one journal of autism and devfragile x syndrome fragile x mental retardati
journal of neurosurgery neurosurgery shoulder dystocia obstetric brachial plexus p
annals of thoracic surgeryclinical and applied thro use effect
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unfallchirurg clinical orthopaedics and acetabular fracture acetabulum
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micropaleontology palaeogeography palaeoclostracoda crustacea
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cellular polymers polymer co2 cell morphology
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mediterranean marine sciaquatic invasions ballast water cheilostomata
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jacc-cardiovascular interv american journal of cardi vascular closure device radial artery
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luminescence photochemical & photobiocoleoptera lampyridae
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biochemical and biophysi bioorganic & medicinal chaminopeptidase peptide deformylase
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genome plant pathology leptosphaeria maculan plasmodiophora brassicae
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algorithmica siam journal on computinstring tree
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acta obstetricia et gynecoeuropean journal of obstesingle umbilical artery fetal pulse oximetry
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heterocycles synlett carbazole ellipticine
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langmuir journal of the american c diazonium salt electrocarboxylation
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ariel-a review of internati journal of southern africa south africa disgrace
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journal of pediatrics european journal of pediatkawasaki disease systemic capillary leak s
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acta astronautica shock waves scramjet scramjet combustor
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biological & pharmaceutica planta medica baicalein wogonin
urology bju international peyronie priapism
journal of southern historwestern historical quartertexas borderland
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american journal of spee international journal of chronic aphasia stroke
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doklady earth sciences lithology and mineral res rare earth element lanthanum
molecular crystals and liquchemical physics letters j aggregate dna
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i state dissipative heating
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talanta analytica chimica acta homocysteine glutathione
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biochemistry journal of experimental b dihydrodipicolinate synth mycobacterium tuberculos
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aids journal of clinical microbi pneumocystis pneumoniapcp
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organometallics dalton transactions methimazolyl pyrazol
biochemical and biophysi plos one cyclophilin pin1
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physica b-condensed mattlow temperature physics solid helium graphite
journal of the american c journal of biological inor molybdenum aldehyde oxidase
ieee journal of quantum ejournal of crystal growth quantum structure
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american journal of roentannals of vascular surgeryischemic colitis acute mesenteric ischemi
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international journal of molecular and cellular bi scurvy ascorbate
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circulation circulation journal cardiac syndrome x kounis syndrome
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journal of nuclear scienc journal of alloys and com zircaloy zirconium
proceedings of the nationbiochemical journal fatty acid synthase srebp
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european journal of appli european respiratory jourinspiratory muscle traininincentive spirometry
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annals of the entomologiczoologichesky zhurnal orthoptera cicadidae
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cellular signalling plos one phospholipase d prostate stem cell antigen
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neurologia medico-chirurgacta neurochirurgica moyamoya disease seckel syndrome
bmj-british medical journaieee technology and soci plagiarism academic dishonesty
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journal of experimental b cell death and differentiatplant yeast
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plos one neurology spinal muscular atrophy smn
ore geology reviews computers & geosciencesaster data compositional data
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lecture notes in artificial theoretical computer sciecomputer game
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acta crystallographica secbulletin of the korean chetetraazacyclotetradecaneclathrochelate
biochemistry molecular microbiology colicin siderophore
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acm transactions on mathjournal of computational dominant matrix hadamard product
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journal of dairy science bioscience biotechnology lactoferrin iron
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american journal of obstejournal of the american coperipartum cardiomyopatspontaneous coronary arte
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javma-journal of the amerjournal of veterinary mediquadricuspid aortic valve dilated cardiomyopathy
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scientia horticulturae forest ecology and mana container field performance
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molecular and cellular biooncogene noonan syndrome juvenile myelomonocytic
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carotid carotid angioplasty asymptomatic carotid stenosis
eelgrass denitrification coastal lagoon
wheeze hygiene hypothesis isaac
eriocaulaceae vernonieae miconieae
job parallel machine project scheduling problem
n2o methane ch4
triangular lattice quasi spin ice
fragment target drug discovery
breakup essential work compatibilization
body adiposity index neck circumference metabolic syndrome
congenital heart disease monocrotaline sildenafil
market power price economic dispatch
contact angle hysteresis hydrophobicity lotus leaf
monogenea acanthocephala helminth parasite
coral bleaching octocorallia symbiodinium
mda adenoviral vector oncolytic virotherapy
south georgia steller sea lion seabird
aromatic ketone allylic alcohol dynamic kinetic resolution
qt dispersion long qt syndrome pointe
conversation analysis language ideology identity
older person elderly patient older adult
biodegradation dissipation metolachlor
pollen limitation food web floral trait
mechanic nanotopography fabrication
pi3k phosphatase cowden syndrome
herbicide resistance herbicide glyphosate resistance
biological control bromus tectorum invasion success
nitrogen fixation prochlorococcus archaea
soil halophilic bacterium gen
income multilevel analysis neighbourhood
nife2o4 lithium ferrite sol gel auto combustion method
stromboli volcano volcanic ash campi flegrei caldera
late embryogenesis abundcold acclimation lea
prion prion disease scrapie
efalizumab ustekinumab phototherapy
glut4 aicar glucose transport
task bk channel retigabine
cdm emissions trading clean development mechanism
photon photoemission surface state surface diffusion
regulator beta arrestin g alpha
power divider wide stopband impedance resonator
principle first principles calculationelastic
double bundle bone patellar graft
lactic acid poly natural fiber
electrospun poly epsilon caprolactone vinyl alcohol
optical burst wavelength assignment wavelength
stigma stress sexuality
stress fracture ankle sprain landing
complex discotic liquid crystal mesomorphism
somatostatin case report case
russian wheat common wheat sp tritici
vemurafenib ipilimumab v600e
information structure semantic quantification
synthesis alpha decay heaviest nuclei
robust speech recognitionspeaker verification independent component analysis
liolaemidae serpentes teiidae
roux morbid obesity sleeve gastrectomy
metal poor star r process omega centauri
verbal autopsy emergency obstetric care childhood illness
photochemical reflectanc canopy reflectance winter wheat
autophagic cell death p62 selective autophagy
tavi valve implantation surgical aortic valve replacement
gentrification mumbai cape town
radioimmunotherapy aggressive non hodgkin ibritumomab tiuxetan
fieldwork young person gis
pregnane x receptor car cyp3a
vasomotor symptom tibolone menopause
dual energy x ray absorpt bioelectrical impedance anmuscle mass
multireference cluster approach divide
titin actin muscle
seed dispersal mast seeding liana
transtheoretical model internet weight cycling
aid j recombination b cell
infant young child zinc supplementation
tin dioxide sno2
breast self examination mammographic screeningafrican american woman
maternal undernutrition antenatal corticosteroid programming
qsar toxicity organic compound
rat pancreatic acinar cell cerulein
complementary homeopathy john
blood lead level lead cadmium toxicity
colorectal cancer screeni bowel preparation colorectal neoplasia
electrical resistivity tomo electrical conductivity egypt
prins cyclization fragment annonaceous acetogenin
nov mid atlantic ridge diversity
total reflection x ray fluo synchrotron radiation pigment
free solder electromigration joint
tetracycline diclofenac carbamazepine
antibacterial property cotton fabric leaf
hormone hormone receptor subclinical hypothyroidism
cystic adolescent child
human herpesvirus hhv
cardiorenal syndrome acute decompensated hear acute heart failure syndrome
hereditary optic neuropatlactic acidosis leigh syndrome
co combustion coal pyrolysis coal water slurry
mri mr image ultrasound image
coefficient model single index model nonparametric regression
corneal neovascularizatio endothelial keratoplasty pterygium surgery
climate change sustainable tourism destination
ensemble kalman filter supercell atmospheric river
posteriori error error estimation stokes problem
semi solid state scandium hypereutectic al si
silicon nanoparticle nonvolatile memory applisio2 matrix
fret gfp diffusion
thioglycoside efficient synthesis group
cyclic ester phenolate ligand
sciatica acceptance fear
risk woman genetic testing
lysophosphatidic acid ceramide fty720
partial liquid ventilation electrical impedance tom acute respiratory distress syndrome
chironomidae land use arcellinida
hydrological model ungauged catchment streamflow
water emulsion beta lactoglobulin ice cream
myocardial infarction ischemic postconditioninginfarct size
trust experimental evidence reciprocity
arylene ether sulfone proton conductivity composite membrane
nitrotyrosine hno peroxynitrite
ferredoxin nadp f complex cyclic electron flow
narrow band endoscopic submucosal dihigh grade dysplasia
pump pump coronary artery byppump versus
liver resection bevacizumab first line treatment
lowermost mantle km discontinuity mantle flow
gh deficiency acromegalic patient idiopathic short stature
geldanamycin hsp90 bag
skin secretion defensin skin
phosphaadamantane pta polypyridyl complex
condensation heat transfeconstructal design r134a
hepcidin hfe iron homeostasis
depressive symptom edinburgh postnatal depresocial support
magnetic resonance angi brain mra
wildland urban interface forest fire ponderosa pine forest
h2o center dot self assembly
wall turbulence laminar separation bubbl turbulent spot
arctic winter stratosphere qbo
meaningful use clinical decision support adoption
random phase approximatexchange correlation potehybrid functional
valuation option pricing
metabolic syndrome nafld nash
surgical outcome dysembryoplastic neuroephigh frequency oscillation
passively mode erbium doped fiber laser gain
maximal lactate steady st critical power oxygen uptake kinetic
martian venus gusev crater
sotos syndrome wolf hirschhorn syndromering chromosome
feather pecking furnished cage ascite
knowledge conservation arunachal pradesh
receptor gamma pro12ala polymorphism ppar
d cycloserine lateral amygdala contextual fear conditioning
biofuel miscanthus ethanol
neuroprotection allopregnanolone brain
bicuspid aortic valve acute aortic syndrome spinal cord ischemia
enteropathogenic eschericshiga toxin producing eschstec
matrix metalloproteinase timp membrane type
lymphoma lung cancer fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography
benign paroxysmal positiovertigo dizziness
type ia supernovae afterglow prompt emission
youth childhood adversity grandchild
economic growth ecological footprint emergy evaluation
alpha alpha expression hypoxia
anomura palaemonidae description
signature standard model password
hydrophilic interaction c capillary electrochromat reversed phase liquid chromatography
hemodiafiltration intradialytic hypotension uremia
primary auditory cortex dorsal cochlear nucleus barn owl
topology leader formation control
k3 surface genus fold
ancient dna population data mitochondrial dna
itch nc nga mouse tacrolimus ointment
liver x receptor high density lipoprotein apoa
bacillus subtili azospirillum brasilense bacillus amyloliquefacien
portopulmonary hypertenrefractory ascite gastric varice
pressureless infiltration combustion synthesis sic particle
honeybee antennal sensilla desert ant
extracorporeal membranecardiogenic shock bridge
polyketide synthase heterologous expression biosynthetic gene cluster
levonorgestrel intrauterine device drospirenone
ultrasonic study isentropic compressibilityvolumetric
abt voltage dependent anion puma
memory cd8 t cell memory t cell antigen receptor
kinetic method electrospray ionization m electrospray
airway management macintosh laryngoscope endotracheal tube
raman scattering ser tip
facility location problem pickup ride problem
religiosity prayer religious involvement
protein aggregation yeast prion islet amyloid polypeptide
dlc film carbon coating amorphous carbon
acrylonitrile butadiene ru sbr vulcanization
gelation supramolecular hydrogel hydrogen
hematopoietic stem megakaryocyte gata
advanced rectal cancer preoperative chemoradiotherapy
crinoidea permian pennsylvanian
anthropogenic co2 dimethylsulfide iron
gallstone disease common bile duct stone choledocholithiasis
fiber system wdm pon ethernet passive optical network
injured spinal cord olfactory ensheathing cellperineuronal net
physical activity obese pregnant woman exercise
dissociative adsorption monte carlo simulation molecular beam study
bhuj earthquake site response microtremor
evar endoleak
solar cell maximum power point traglobal solar radiation
trial phase recruitment
simultaneous determinatitherapeutic drug monitor breast milk
permanence feedback control stage structure
sse cu2znsns4 thin film cuinse2
er stress apoptosis activation
presentism mechanism physicalism
recombinant factor vii thromboelastography
raman lidar modis dust emission
travel behavior land use car ownership
ankle total ankle replacement rheumatoid arthritis
hypericin vitro singlet oxygen
chronic mild stress rostral migratory stream subventricular zone
naadp orai1 trpc1
donor biliary complication portal vein embolization
extracorporeal shock wavflexor lateral epicondylitis
aromatase inhibitor selective estrogen recept steroid receptor coactivator
endomorphin morphine withdrawal delta opioid receptor
sickness absence presenteeism employer
distal pancreatectomy pancreatic fistula
nmr spectroscopy application metabolic profiling
electronic transport propeconductance molecular device
planar cell polarity wnt frizzled related protein
high efficiency driver inductor
familial adenomatous pol mlh1 hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer
concrete pipe concrete structure
structural damage identifioutput rotor
haemophilia patient factor viii
uvb human dermal fibroblast sun exposure
low x color glass condensate structure function
instruction fluency recast
stereodynamic tilde quasiclassical trajectory study
malaria vector anopheles gambiae gambiae
operating room teamwork medical error
vehicle detection pedestrian detection object tracking
microcirculation sepsis severe sepsis
congenital toxoplasmosis seroprevalence pregnant woman
diversity management knowledge management steam effectiveness
manufacturing agent assembly sequence
terahertz detection terahertz frequency
pamam propylene imine amidoamine
long period twinning mg 3al
biodegradation azo dye removal
soy daidzein phytoestrogen
chemokines cxcr4 alpha
childhood anxiety disordemental health service major depressive disorder
olfactory dysfunction vomeronasal organ olfaction
apical periodontitis gutta percha mta
genomic selection qtl growth
crack closure notch mixed mode loading
ethanol acetaldehyde alcohol
foreclosure housing market property value
chlorella photobioreactor chlorophyta
tourette body dysmorphic disorderocd
deoxynojirimycin phytosphingosine hydroxypipecolic acid
genital herpe pseudorabies virus bovine herpesvirus
magnetic property magnetic field corrosion behavior
fredholm integral equatioadomian decomposition second kind
dnazyme mercury thrombin
lisbon euroscepticism open method
darbepoetin alfa recombinant human erythchronic kidney disease
myocardial contrast echo ultrasound contrast agentdrug delivery
mobile phone risk rat
intelligibility coarticulation infant
self concept test anxiety goal orientation
scaphoid kienbock scaphoid fracture
mri vacuum magnetic resonance imaging
implantation progesterone recurrent miscarriage
profession institutional work critical management study
mdm2 nutlin mutant p53
magnaporthe oryzae ustilago botrytis cinerea
transparency optical bistability doppler
enterprise resource planninformation system erp implementation
transport crown lanthanide
lipopolysaccharide microglial cell minocycline
tini niti alloy sma
effect dust particle dust grain
valsartan amlodipine metformin
month old infant false belief mind
polymer polycarbonate enthalpy relaxation
continuous renal replace neutrophil gelatinase renal ischemia reperfusion injury
prostaglandin d microsomal prostaglandinpge
longevity centenarian life span
micronuclei exposure atomic bomb survivor
structure vibration control electrorheological property
sezary syndrome lymphomatoid papulosis nasal type
boron carbide zirconium diboride sic coating
free group cat random walk
respiratory syncytial viruspalivizumab rsv
progressive collapse composite beam fire condition
bank efficiency systemic risk securitization
rna seq cancer genome
remobilization mediterranean condition transpiration efficiency
asphalt concrete bituman evaluation
tvt mesh artificial urinary sphincter
passive film grain boundary character high nitrogen austenitic stainless steel
oligonucleotide triplex dna duplex
silicon cluster adsorption au n
marine cyanobacterium l diterpene triterpene glycoside
porphyrin array meso hexaphyrin
pterostilbene wine piceatannol
permanent magnet synchpmsm matrix converter
mill isothermal compression dynamic recrystallization
phase flow pem fuel cell system numerical study
entity recognition literature word sense disambiguation
spot weld spot
oxabenzonorbornadiene allylic substitution
sinusitis cystic fibrosis asthma
hydroxytyrosol oleuropein table olife
dyslipidemia metabolic syndrome cardiovascular disease
fibroblast wound healing growth factor
soil selenium sodium selenite
reverse time migration velocity analysis anisotropic medium
lithium ion battery hybrid electric vehicle state
bioluminescence tomogradiffuse reflectance spect time
physician scientist career choice surgical career
callous unemotional trait antisocial personality disochild molester
semicrystalline polymer beta nucleating agent ultra high molecular weight polyethylene
protein synthesis acid branched chain
reca reca protein translesion dna synthesis
laparoscopic gastrectomydistal gastrectomy laparoscopy
packing dense granular flow
spinocerebellar nitropropionic acid ataxin
nurse clinical guideline nursing practice
pompe disease fabry gaucher
chalcopyrite bacterium dissolution
electrolytic partial fluorin cf3 fluoroalkyl
hot wire chemical vapor dmu c si hydrogen dilution
defect surface growth
sulfonamide florfenicol tetracycline
natural killer cell nkg2d mica
second grade fluid homotopy analysis methosuction
imitation mirror neuron mental practice
mesothelioma silicosis asbestos exposure
wave scattering offshore wind turbine array
apoidea halictidae nosema ceranae
injection drug user hcv interferon alpha
health safety management construction industry
social network site mobile phone facebook
public reporting chronic care model chronic illness care
landslide rainfall gis
triterpenoid saponin lupeol maytenus
genome size maize apomixi
zeaxanthin carotenoid macular pigment optical density
tdc schizophrenia human motor cortex
image denoising sar image speckle reduction
laparoscopic adrenalecto adrenocortical carcinoma syndrome
dea application china
postoperative pain acetaminophen analgesic efficacy
benzodiazepine amphetamine cocaine
ankle brachial index intermittent claudication superficial femoral artery
extraction supercritical fluid extracti effect
phosphorus fractionation sediment
mass transfer vessel bubble
radio pulsar anomalous x ray pulsar cassiopeia
peatland northern peatland bog
beach swash zone coastal erosion
diagnostic test reporting observational study
superconducting qubit optomechanical system cavity optomechanic
dipeptidyl peptidase iv glucagon exendin
high frequency stimulatiodbs pallidotomy
distally soft tissue defect coverage
nuclear matter multifragmentation equation
ventilator associated pn ventilator central line
congenital central hypovesids receptor
ribosomal frameshifting translation termination elongation factor g
fe gaas rashba dresselhaus spin orbit interaction
nitro triazole tetrazine
domoic acid paralytic shellfish toxin shellfish
chlorpyrifo agricultural health study deltamethrin
differentially onset rectangular cavity
tetrathiafulvalene dmit synthesis
dry etching fluorocarbon plasma high density plasma
pt symmetry exact solution klein gordon equation
varenicline nicotine withdrawal attention
nanowire growth vapor liquid solid growth
thin films order disorder transition microphase separation
agent cellular automata brazilian amazon
virus type adeno aav
bone metastase bisphosphonate related oprostate cancer
liposarcoma alveolar soft part sarcomaclear cell sarcoma
chronic myeloid leukemia bcr abl sti571
ice arctic ursus maritimus
compound magnetic field ni mn ga
splice site splicing intron
gravitational wave detect self force compact binary
self care self management chronic illness
perpendicular recording fept film medium
sheet metal deep drawing single point
periprosthetic femoral fraintramedullary nailing dynamic hip screw
preterm premature ruptucervical length progesterone
polyurethane elastomer castor oil soybean oil
computer experiment global sensitivity analysis uncertainty
rock rock joint rock mass
musician musical training absolute pitch
peritoneal fluid ovarian endometrioma deep infiltrating endometriosis
object bimanual coordination physiological tremor
gigartinales bangiales ceramiales
second order hamiltonianhomoclinic solution lyapunov type inequality
internal derangement tmd mastication
crystal structure luminescence property photophysical property
motor design optimal design
rainfall erosivity sediment source rusle
isogeometric analysis xfem meshless local petrov galerkin
history matching heterogeneous medium slug test
nad extracellular superoxide tetrahydrobiopterin
molybdenum iron snowball earth
aldehyde dehydrogenase cd24 nestin
oil hydrocarbon generation sichuan basin
pcs network location management handover
severe sepsis par protease activated receptor
cisplatin protective effect cogan
conductivity nucleate pool pool boiling
transdermal drug deliveryiontophoresis microneedle
earth asteroid comet trans neptunian object
hydroxynitrile lyase omega transaminase ketone
plasmacytoid dendritic celdendritic cell subset langerin
generic drug prescription drug generic medicine
echinococcus granulosus cystic echinococcosis
breast implant reduction mammaplasty nipple sparing mastectomy
musculoskeletal symptomcomputer use dentist
gonadotropin releasing kallmann syndrome gonadotropin
cell differentiation gata stat4
weyl semimetal bi2se3
cortisol reactivity cortisol salivary alpha amylase
school violence victim relational aggression
serotonin transporter gendrd4 catechol o methyltransferase
family business entrepreneurial intention venture capital
fillet ice gadus morhua
precautionary saving fertility consumption
bispecific antibody nanobody affinity maturation
injection intrathecal baclofen children
kuramoto model vibrational resonance single mode laser
central tibet altyn tagh fault india asia collision
tetrafluoroethane cubic equation hfc
churg strauss syndrome henoch schonlein purpuraanca
reverse engineering dimensional shape meas 3d reconstruction
dopamine paracetamol rutin
yangtze river yellow river sediment load
coherent synchrotron radiundulator ultrafast electron diffraction
human herpesvirus castleman hhv
role patient complement activation
vorinostat suberoylanilide hydroxamihdac
source term hyperbolic system weno scheme
dispersion wavelength hollow core photonic crystbragg fiber
photoacoustic spectroscoband cavity ring
heparin decorin proteoglycan
minimally invasive surger virtual reality simulator surgical skill
phytochrome flc constan
root knot nematode plant parasitic nematode dorylaimida
subacute sclerosing panenrubella mump
methylenedioxymethampsynthetic cannabinoid designer drug
oxide dispersion neutron dpa
round goby yellow perch catch
polymer fiber frp
optical parametric oscillatsecond harmonic generat waveguide
ghrelin receptor plasma ghrelin level growth hormone secretagogue receptor
enhanced recovery laparoscopic colorectal sulow anterior resection
hydrochloric acid solutioncorrosion inhibition hcl solution
snap calyx chromaffin cell
respiratory chronic heart failure myocardial infarction
angiotensin iv enzyme ang
contextualism assertion moore
child interventional cardiology cancer risk
glycation glyoxalase diabete
scour flow structure bridge pier
prostaglandin f bovine corpus luteum atresia
tumor necrosis factor autoimmune lymphoproliffas
protective effect lipid peroxidation oxidative stress
ontology rdf description logic
magnetic property alumina membrane anodization
antitrust sided market broadband
mg fe perovskite mineral
leptin resistance alpha msh hypoglycemia
kelvin probe force micros atomic force acoustic mic adhesion
microreactor droplet formation continuous flow synthesis
down prenatal screening trisomy
land reform tanzania food sovereignty
phage phage therapy isolation
alarm call song learning bengalese finch
dti voxel fractional anisotropy
h si sn ge silicon
microrheology glass transition x ray photon correlation spectroscopy
waveguide array nematic liquid crystal discrete breather
life satisfaction materialism positive psychology
magnetic resonance spectpet human brain
intracluster medium cosmic shear radio halo
nacre crystallization presence
solidification fluid flow viscosity
element endogenous retroviruse pirna
blue halogen crystal engineering
industrial relation high performance work s hrm
voice disorder unilateral vocal fold paral phonation
drosophilidae diapause heat shock protein
vegetarian diet dietary patterns ffq
tran isomer fatty acid composition
hydrogen evolution reactiws2 molybdenum disulfide
flavobacterium psychrophaeromonas probiotic
iqgap1 rhob cpi
computerized adaptive application structural equation modeling
allergic conjunctivitis sublingual immunotherapantihistamine
china vietnam guangzhou
ecdysone receptor malpighian tubule juvenile hormone
dimensional electron gas algan gan heterostructureghz f
dry eye syndrome meibomian gland dysfuncsjogren
incidence fulminant type ptpn22
bad news empathy shared decision making
porphyrazine crown
primary cilium primary ciliary dyskinesia mutation
feedforward neural netwoconvergence generalization performance
extracellular atp atp purinergic receptor
vascular malformation proteus syndrome arteriovenous malformation
analyst patient trauma
organic agriculture place rural development
iron iron pnictide superconduclifeas
cerebral amyloid angiopa leukoaraiosis leukoencephalopathy
photophysics terpyridyl complex luminescent platinum
template opal inverse opal
congenital scoliosis neuromuscular scoliosis spinal deformity
aa2024 hot dip silane
aspirin hypersensitivity syndrom systemic symptom
dolphin cetacea whale
stage germ cell tumor clinical stage
silicon via diffusion barrier resistivity
hepatocyte acute liver failure hepatocyte transplantation
home fall detection accelerometer
paraplegia wheelchair propulsion wheelchair
myod myogenic differentiation myoblast fusion
dystrophin gene dystroglycan boy
child celiac prevalence
ubiquitin proteasome sys proteasome inhibition mhc class
clove oil hypoxia osmoregulation
gas transport property dehydration mixed matrix membrane
pneumonia pirfenidone usual interstitial pneumonia
reasoning case random forest
municipal solid waste vermicompost food waste
nickel patch testing skin sensitization
bioactive peptide peptide protein hydrolysate
physicochemical charactermolecular modeling studybeta cd
ostracism romantic relationship couple therapy
osteoclastogenesis tartrate resistant acid ph nfatc1
trka neurotrophin receptor ntr
condition optimization reliability analysis
probability risk communication risky choice
workspace dof bar linkage
endometrial cancer risk myometrial invasion malignant mixed mullerian tumor
acetylcholinesterase nicotinic acetylcholine re aleyrodidae
irrigation virtual water water consumption
crimean congo hemorrhagi renal syndrome hantavirus infection
bt cotton subsp bt maize
seminiferous epithelium blood testis barrier germ cell apoptosis
trihalomethane disinfection natural organic matter
demand system p2p unstructured peer
hemiptera triatominae trypanosoma cruzi infection
multilevel fast multipole electric field integral equ auxiliary source
type d personality coronary artery disease heart failure
catalyst hds
lis1 protocadherin neocortex
active poly amic acid aromatic dianhydride
fast food restaurant nutrition information supermarket
continuous time random random walk levy
lung resection lobectomy thoracic surgery
pension reform social policy oecd country
nitroarene cinchonidine chloronitrobenzene
bone cement stage revision vancomycin
wavelet ann support vector machine
testosterone evolutionary psychology menstrual cycle
mutual coupling doa estimation direction
aluminium foam lotus type compressive property
cyanate ester resin cardanol dgeba
green roof dispersion thermal comfort
mems gold nanowire dislocation dynamic
regulatory fit message framing self control
laparoscopic ventral hernimesh tep
erosion rate cosmogenic nuclide fission track
recognition ion template
diffusion geosynthetic clay liner opalinus clay
residual stress arc welding gmaw
minimally invasive esoph esophageal cancer patienthoracic esophagus
anti mullerian hormone luteal phase support antral follicle count
thermal transport graphene graphene nanoribbon
approximation algorithm treewidth bandwidth
bim contractor project
systematic review videoconferencing teledermatology
ethylene oxide plasticizer methyl methacrylate
hot embossing microlens array step
business process process mining semantic web service
financial aid overeducation college
paraventricular nucleus nucleus tractus solitarii renal sympathetic nerve activity
sulfoxide reductase redox regulation txnip
infectious bronchitis virussars porcine epidemic diarrhea virus
amorphous indium galliumlateral
z crystallization amorphous silicon
sipm scintillator monte carlo simulation
huperzine memantine rivastigmine
characteristic memristor thin film
giardia duodenali
e learning pbl virtual patient
procurement auction bidder mechanism design
laplace equation fundamental solution regularization
diversity marine isolate taxol
neisseria meningitidi neisseria gonorrhoeae acute bacterial meningitis
mc1r melanocortin kojic acid
nt probnp bnp
fumigant toxicity sitophilus oryzae repellent activity
advanced biliary tract canprimary sclerosing cholangxanthogranulomatous cholecystitis
group rheumatic fever sortase
tooth movement orthodontic treatment neorthodontic anchorage
empirical mode decomposdetection support vector machine
egcg green tea green tea polyphenol
abo incompatible kidney thla antibody antibody mediated rejection
cerebral perfusion pressu cranioplasty hypertonic saline
tld al2o3 quartz
waterbird horseshoe crab rice field
minority game multifractal analysis detrended fluctuation analysis
heavy alloy deuterium retention graphite
hcci homogeneous charge comp gasoline
south asian language barrier migrant
nmr experiment measurement chemical shift
neodymium ytterbium butadiene polymerization
bed process bed liquid chromatographic resolution
nodule frankia rhizobium leguminosarum
hiv vaccination epidemic
lung cancer screening pulmonary nodule computer
nuclear factor kappa b b alpha nemo
laparoscopic myomectomfibroid myomectomy
earth jason climate change
tetherin vif vpu
duration initiation lactation
chordoma chondrosarcoma chondromyxoid fibroma
dissolved organic matter fluorescence spectroscop size exclusion chromatography
gas turbine power plant cogeneration system
securitization exception war
nas gainnas gaas quantum weldilute nitride
pituitary adenoma transsphenoidal surgery inverted papilloma
sustainability environmental concern climate change
strong solution criterion global regularity
gas riser bed reactor
tool steel high energy electron beamhigh chromium
barnacle strongylocentrotus thoracica
propofol receptor alpha isoflurane
hydrodynamic lubricationcouple stress fluid surface texture
ureteroscopy ureteral stent efficacy
growth factor receptor igfbp insulin receptor
dynamic spectrum access
vinyl alcohol barrier property barrier
municipal solid waste incicrystallization mswi
vector optimization prob optimality condition rho
eastern oyster hemocyte oyster
hair loss alopecia areata hair
lichen epiphytic lichen lichenicolous fungi
insulin resistance hirsutism pco
hydrocarbon pah atmospheric polycyclic
romp olefin metathesis fischer carbene complex
macrosegregation binary alloy dendritic solidification
industrial revolution institution growth
neutron alpha n gamma
developmental instability modularity fluctuating asymmetry
film cooling turbine blade jet impingement
androgen deficiency testosterone therapy sex hormone binding globulin
experimental evolution adaptation approximate bayesian computation
dementia critical illness polyneurop older person
ventriculoperitoneal shuncolloid cyst third ventricle
insar italy china
virtual knot khovanov homology heegaard splitting
oil polyethylene silicone rubber
fluid flow cancellous bone finite element model
escherichia coli rna poly p tefb tbp
prediabetes impaired fasting glucose acanthosis nigrican
galactic center pamela galaxy
scheme steganalysis image watermarking
bone hearing aid tympanic membrane
macular edema diffuse diabetic macular dexamethasone intravitreal implant
miniemulsion polymerizatfluoroalkyl end film formation
precautionary principle trust risk
zap cll splenic marginal zone lymphoma
arp2 cortactin gelsolin
cost effectiveness analysiseconomic evaluation quality
basophil fc epsilon ri ige
oxidation deoxyguanosine oxo
climate change adaptatio vulnerability new orleans
solid pseudopapillary tumacinar cell carcinoma endoscopic ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration
target tracking particle magnetometer
activin smad bone morphogenetic protein
spinal metastase radiotherapy osteoporotic vertebral compression fracture
beta glucan barley low carbohydrate diet
radiosurgery vein stereotactic radiosurgery
bacillus anthraci spore germination
ostariophysi characidae siluriformes
spectral radius energy tree
systemic sclerosis eosinophilic fasciitis scleroderma
active queue managemensatellite network multihop wireless network
iterative method linear complementarity p algebraic multigrid method
control earth spacecraft formation
tsetse fly sickness cattle
crp white blood cell count neutrophil lymphocyte ratio
rubber hand illusion audiovisual integration blind
technology perimetry heidelberg retina tomogr retinal nerve fiber layer
eta peculiar star wolf rayet star
gyrotron simulation analysis
ptcda copper phthalocyanine supramolecular assembly
couple stress theory elastic medium nonlocal elasticity theory
zirconia low temperature degradaflash sintering
lactate glt glucose
prediction heat rotor
fire ammonium polyphosphatcotton fabric
mgb2 thin film mgb2 wire magnesium diboride
piriformis syndrome elbow meralgia paresthetica
osteosarcoma desmoplastic small round ewing sarcoma
autologous fat grafting facial rejuvenation dermal filler
valuation willingness statistical life
oxygen precipitation boron diffusion silicon crystal
holistic processing race effect unfamiliar face
radiative rate electron beam ion trap lamb shift
seiberg witten map deformation quantizationspectral action
sensorimotor gating ht2c receptor agonist pharmacological evaluation
continuous time quantumquantum simulation
borderline mentalization personality pathology
nlrp3 inflammasome periodic fever
actinobacillus pleuropne mycoplasma hyopneumonmannheimia
direct analysis imaging real time
diacetate alcohol trimethylsilyl ether
oligonucleotide microarraserial analysis sage
cancer classification gene expression data lasso
solid state nanopore fabrication translocation
myalgic encephalomyelitischronic fatigue syndrome pregabalin
world wide web cancer source
oxaliplatin polyneuropathy chemotherapy
unit root ppp export
southern tuscany upper rhine graben north german basin
pressure palsy pelizaeus merzbacher dis hereditary neuropathy
strut sfrc steel fiber
climatic signal radial growth tree ring chronology
gauge vitrectomy scleral buckling epiretinal membrane
intrinsic motivation sport psychology passion
calcium sensing receptor invasive parathyroidecto surgery
ureteropelvic junction obschild laparoscopic pyeloplasty
dnaa penicillin binding protein caulobacter crescentus
home blood pressure visit self measurement
chlamydia screening young person gonorrhoea
middle cerebral artery occgfr alpha glial cell line
enceladus europa jupiter
wolfram syndrome mutation pendred syndrome
solid phase peptide synthepolymer intein
stress granule au rich element rna binding protein hur
narcolepsy hypocretin cataplexy
asphaltene precipitation water ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
phospholipase crotalus acid oxidase
rural landscape interdisciplinarity landscape ecology
spectroscopic study fluorescence spectroscop bsa
vasopressin intranasal oxytocin oxtr
carbon nitrogen northern chile
foldamer conformational preferencpeptoid
crop model seasonal climate simulation
impulse periodic solution
belousov zhabotinsky reacreaction diffusion system pattern
variance component nelore cattle genetic parameter estimate
trilobita onychophora middle cambrian
mangrofe china impact
diffusion weighted imaginapparent diffusion coefficfocal liver lesion
mistletoe hiv trypsin inhibitor
central neurocytoma epithelioid sarcoma ependymoma
microscopic phase field s gamma phase nickel base superalloy
superconductor insulator columnar defect peak effect
plasma dyeing reactive dye
palygorskite bentonite clay
peritoneal dialysis catheteicodextrin human peritoneal mesothelial cell
magnetorotational instabilflow inner core
transmissible venereal tu chemotherapy hemangiosarcoma
sudden gain therapist countertransference
fine structure mode absolute frequency measurement
layer multilayer film
mortar marble bacterium
ge quantum dot ge dot sige
notch signaling t cell development delta
photo glass transition meyer neldel rule
finite family cat iterative algorithm
x ray phase contrast fabrication hard x ray
mycoplasma pneumoniaepneumonia
i asthma
wood adhesife black liquor urea formaldehyde resin
zinc transporter zinc supplementation zinc
myelofibrosis v617f myeloproliferative neoplasm
corinth nw turkey eastern pontides
isobutane ammoxidation vpo catalyst
medical advice nhs direct accident
storage saline aquifer dissolution
telemedicine retinal vessel diameter diabetic rat
acculturative stress racism african american adolescent
mitraclip surgical ventricular restoratrioventricular septal defect
riboswitch group ii intron ribozyme
quantum hall system fractional quantum hall efresistance state
photodissociation dynamithreshold ionization spec adenine
failure time data interval current status data
older adult vision impairment life
ideal semigroup residuated lattice
process variation clock flip flop
lignin biosynthesis tension wood cellulose synthase
particle deposition metered dose inhaler inhaled insulin
tritium release tritiated water blanket
social protection poverty rural ethiopia
hutchinson gilford proger emery dreifuss muscular nucleocytoplasmic transport
burnout direct payment job satisfaction
epstein barr virus latent carcinoma
apolipoprotein e polymorlipoprotein lipase gene lipoprotein glomerulopathy
vitreous silica alloy electrical resistivity
burn severe burn electrical injury
metabolic syndrome serum uric acid level association
nematic elastomer photoinduced birefringenazopolymer
recurrent aphthous stomat vogt koyanagi harada disejuvenile idiopathic arthritis
serotonin lamprey motoneuron
global optimization planning short term scheduling
young adult survivor pedsql validity
mechatronic remote laboratory labview
interstitial cell enteric nervous system myenteric plexus
teeth amelogenin odontoblast
nonlinear model predictivdynamic optimization horizon estimation
boron doped diamond eleoxygen evolution anode
ylidene imidazolium salt nhc
emergence agitation colonoscopy propofol infusion syndrome
bioaerosol allergic bronchopulmonarycystic fibrosis
positron scattering low energy electron uracil
evaluation perception color appearance
radiation damage crystal growth lysozyme crystal
concurrent chemoradiothpelvic exenteration
high dose methotrexate ikaros
chronic hepatitis c cirrhosis liver stiffness
kazhdan lusztig polynomiaspecht module hecke algebra
curcuma longa l beta elemene tetrahydrocurcumin
energy decay stabilization blow
geobacter sulfurreducen electricity generation bioelectrochemical system
immune function peptidoglycan recognitionhemocyte
temperature emergence seed
life cycle impact assessmelca construction
azide click reaction alkyne
inactivation norwalk water
cyclin roscovitine cdk5
differential reinforcementfunctional communicationmicroswitch
animal welfare pain footrot
monitoring chart economic design
dielectric property vdf trfe composite
epithelial na channel gitelman syndrome glucocorticoid inducible kinase
amoebic gill disease viral hemorrhagic septicem
cyprinid herpesvirus
mexico vietnam rural china
hardness indentation size effect thin film
thymic carcinoma neuromuscular junction thymectomy
pyridylmethyl superoxide reductase diiron
analysis thunderstorm influence
atmospheric correction sensing retrieval
singular integral operator riesz transform marcinkiewicz integral
crystallin pax6 chinese family
ice water ice desorption
load frequency control pss voltage collapse
vibrio vulnificus vibrio parahaemolyticus haiti
inactivation electric field escherichia coli
class group iwasawa theory tame kernel
application analysis volatile organic compound
vascular graft scaffold extracellular matrix
asymmetric cyclopropanadiazo methylenecyclopropane
penny interface crack electric field
wireless mesh network edca wlans
winter wheat mycosphaerella graminicofusarium graminearum
horse lamb duddingtonia flagran
microwave imaging reconstruction uniqueness
fluorescence quenching hydroxyflavone dual fluorescence
intramammary infection coagulase negative staphysomatic cell count
carbamide peroxide toothpaste yag laser
parkinson adenosine deaminase cd73
synthesis desvenlafaxine vortioxetine
sample characterization goodness
new species pulmonata bivalvia
influenza solid quadrupolar nuclei
power transformer frequency estimation transmission line
computer robot mutual information
eccentric exercise mouse lipid peroxidation
analysis mg application
behaviour heart rate heart rate variability
global existence blow cauchy problem
capital femoral epiphysis periacetabular osteotomyathlete
acute liver failure drug reactive metabolite
late blight potato downy mildew

meat geometridae tortricidae

capillary rise sagd enhanced oil recovery
fructose furfural gamma valerolactone
strabismus myopia progression chick
enterovirus hand theiler
cystinuria oxalate idiopathic hypercalciuria
c elegan diplogastridae unc
laser flight mass spectrometry plasma
rainfall estimation ghz weather radar
wto dispute settlement wto law international economic law
atp7b copper deficiency menkes disease
lfa kindlin p selectin glycoprotein ligand
chip seq enhancer motif discovery
heat hyponatremia fluid balance
construction subdivision scheme gabor frame
mammogram digital breast tomosynthesbreast cancer
tumor angiogenesis chemotaxi
simultaneous localization mapping map building
feedback doctoral education doctoral student
aln powder abnormal grain growth silicon nitride ceramic
bl lac gamma ray loud blazar giant radio galaxy
patient botulism hyperhidrosis
bilayer training effect
entire function meromorphic function hyperbolic diffeomorphism
nitrilomethylidyne dca diphenol
velocardiofacial syndrometetralogy schizophrenia
chandrayaan lunar chang
ripening cheese mozzarella cheese
trabeculectomy refractory glaucoma bleb
academic entrepreneurshentrepreneurial universityuniversity industry collaboration
suppressor activator signal transducer
familial amyloidotic poly liver transplantation
bacterial photosynthetic rpurple bacterium lh2
biomedical application ceramic coating body fluid
change blindness contextual cueing visual saliency
nephrogenic diabetes insiwater transport water permeability
generalized geometry f theory compactification yukawa coupling
hyperbolic space xr minkowski
fraction numerosity disability
directional solidification screen lock
woman cranberry juice asymptomatic bacteriurium
neurofibroma tibia congenital pseudarthrosis
acupuncture treatment acupoint ten
trem myeloid cell ill patient
intravenous immunoglobucase report hyper ige syndrome
nitrogen northern gulf transient storage
odontoid fracture craniovertebral junction basilar invagination
epha2 netrin axon guidance
mg al ldh compound
confocal raman microsco synchrotron diagnosis
gas phase high field air
optimal sizing stand hydrogen
hippo par taz
magnetic property microstructure silicon steel
foam sclerotherapy great saphenous vein endovenous laser ablation
sparse recovery sparse signal orthogonal matching pursuit
interior point method complementarity constrailinear complementarity problem
mucoepidermoid carcino breast tumor
retinol binding protein effect retinol
defoliation torymidae gall midge
life acid rna
clenbuterol doping athlete
cardiac high sensitivity heart type fatty acid binding protein
protein kinase effect regulation
square virial coefficient density functional theory
tungsten oxide nickel oxide thin film moo3
acid deposition throughfall critical load
rarefied gas gas flow heat transfer
fluid intelligence memory capacity verbal short term memory
fractional order infinite delay automorphic solution
blood brain barrier barrier function junctional adhesion molecule
patient simian virus bk virus
fluoxetine major depressive disordermeta analysis
glutaric aciduria type inborn error propionic acidemia
anisotropic etching absorption enhancement chemical etching
meckel capsule obscure gastrointestinal bleeding
insect micro air vehicle locomotion
xylazine butorphanol medetomidine
voyager termination shock solar wind turbulence
electronic equipment end copper
ill patient critical illness metabolic rate
solar nebula early solar system protoplanetary disk
vcsel optical feedback semiconductor laser
wood silicon carbide nanowire preceramic polymer
rechargeable li o solid state lithium secondgarnet
sr2femoo6 chiral p wave supercondueff
photochromic property diarylethene thienyl
primiparous sow androstenone boar
hysterosalpingography abnormal uterine heavy menstrual bleeding
twist slug e cadherin expression
hyper second harmonic generat electro optic polymer
farnesoid x receptor ursodeoxycholic acid cholestasis

teacher child relationship classroom quality school readiness

vespertilionidae phyllostomidae mammalia
false confession eyewitness memory cognitive interview
laser solubility uo2
centaurea ligularia taraxacum officinale
dark triad general factor character inventory
girl kinesiology femininity
rig interferon regulatory fact interferon
replication ribozyme short hairpin rna
gauge group model category space
dehalococcoide tetrachloroethene reductive dechlorination
imatinib kit imatinib mesylate
syringomyelia spina bifida malformation
syndrome xerostomia saliva
mental illness mental health court homicide suicide
level set method volume particle finite element method
terahertz quantum bloch oscillation
polar codes reed solomon code binary erasure channel
laser potential fmri study
practice psychologist supervision
human walking locomotion snake
orbitopathy subacute thyroiditis ctla
human rotavirus
varicocele non obstructive azoosper adolescent
diffusiophoresis electric double layer counterion
elastomer soft tissue fiber
gap junctional intercellu cx43 hemichannel
awareness bis auditory
jnk fra protein kinase
response international space statio neutron spectrometry
bilirubin heme molecule
g protein beta enzyme gene polymorphi endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene
lupus anticoagulant anti beta thrombosis
uranium tho2 delta pu
sample size phase trial
risk factor risk patient
optimal transportation invariant measure stochastic navier stokes equation
congenital hypothyroidis pregnant woman iodine deficiency
tin antimony mas nmr
unilateral cleft lip palatoplasty cleft
representation dimensiongorenstein cotorsion pair
pinacol coupling samarium radical
polycyclic aromatic hydrobenzene exposure styrene
artemisia cloning deoxy d
propoli caffeic acid phenethyl est royal jelly
canada qinghai tibet plateau embankment
refolding inclusion body kluyveromyces lactis
trimethylene terephthala solid state polymerizationcopolyester
crystalline perfection single crystal dielectric study
lens epithelial cell scleral fixation capsular tension ring
co2 dimethyl carbonate epoxide
reaction synthesis alkyne
upar urokinase receptor low density lipoprotein receptor
noise exposure annoyance hearing loss
powdery mildew colletotrichum gloeosporicausal agent
privatization bribery economic freedom
linezolid resistance oxazolidinone vancomycin resistant enterococcus faecium
elevated carbon dioxide elevated co2 concentrati free air co2 enrichment
cdznte detector cdznte crystal cdte cds solar cell
modal logic parity game hybrid logic
dialysis access vascular access
psychodidae inner mongolia scydmaeninae
mouthrinse oral malodor oral streptococci
xpd xeroderma pigmentosum polymorphism
project paths community school
preparation microcapsule solidification
rhodophyta carrageenan ecklonia cava
phosphonomethoxy carbocyclic nucleoside dideoxy
dermatophyte trichophyton rubrum malassezia species
hemorrhoidectomy rectal prolapse solitary rectal ulcer syndrome
hydrophobic interaction affinity chromatography antibody purification
thiol sam gold
xylella ralstonia solanacearum xanthomonas oryzae
cmm calibration error
side neurorrhaphy nerve repair nerve conduit
wheel ground vibration wear
taste bud taste aversion flavor preference
propylene epoxidation hydrogen peroxide acetylene hydrochlorination
tribological property composite surface modification
dichloroethane interface ion transfer theory
bpy catalyst iii
soil hydraulic property soil water content tdr
chance hedge fund mutual fund performance
fabrication polymer silicon
polysorbate formulation deamidation
angelman syndrome beckwith wiedemann syn silver russell syndrome
axial spondyloarthritis reactive arthritis sacroiliitis
fluid capillary condensation freezing
mohs micrographic surgeractinic keratosis keratoacanthoma
silicon monolithic active pixel se atlas semiconductor tracker
polymer melt entangled polymer long chain
eit image reconstruction horizontal pipe
adamts13 von willebrand disease thrombotic microangiopathy
debriefing human patient simulator neonatal resuscitation
ultrasound cancer patient neonate
asellota zoarcidae marine nematode
tetrachlorodibenzo p dioxtcdd cyp1a1
power law fluid tandem arrangement side
andreev reflection whisker wave superconductor junction
infancy neurocutaneous melanosimelanotic neuroectodermal tumor
nbo nbo analysis homo lumo
cell quantitative phase micro hologram
perennial ryegrass medicago sativa l dactylis glomerata l
nontuberculous mycobactcystic fibrosis
vo2 vo2 film
aldosterone spironolactone mineralocorticoid receptor
streptozotocin diabetic rat fenugreek
tetramethylpyrazine paeonia angelica sinensis
buprestidae emerald ash borer bark beetle
gem atlas muon spectrometer gem detector
chemical warfare agent soman oxime
beneficiation collector hydrophobic surface
homogeneous isotropic tuclustering particle
combustion synthesis aluminum particle dust explosion
digital soil mapping soil salinity management zone
major trauma care hospital
hyphomycete dothideomycetes anamorph
feo mgo ni3al
hydroxyurea pain stroke
mesostigmata eriophyoidea water mite
orthostatic hypotension postural tachycardia syn unexplained syncope
fluctuation conductivity bipb crystal structure
motion dynamics effect
exciton polariton polariton condensate bose einstein condensation
aie cell imaging aggregation
subsurface flow treatment wetland duckweed
ofdm signal peak average power ratio reduction
tu game strategy proofness power index
biochar amendment sorption charcoal
pierre auger observatory extensive air shower search
excitation function proton mev
spin blume capel model blume emery griffiths model
single event effect heavy ion neutron
interband cascade laser gasb hgcdte photodiode
autoimmune hepatitis autoimmune liver diseaseinflammatory bowel disease
detection mandibular canal osteoporosis
z scan technique nonlinear refraction third order optical nonlinearity
nd fe b permanent magnet microstructure
genetic algorithm critical heat flux neural network
angular leaf spot adaptability colletotrichum lindemuthianum
cysteinyl leukotriene lipoxygenase montelukast
elastin spider silk polypeptide
paraneoplastic pemphigu autoantibody rituximab
coffee consumption ilex paraguariensis coffea arabica l
hemorrhagic shock g protein skin
eyelid sebaceous carcinoma nipple
adolescent dietary protein cerebral palsy
warfarin pharmacogenomic warfarin dose requirement
mobile agent negotiation agent
hurricane rapid intensification hurricane intensity
time series forecasting forecasting turkey
melanesia solomon island vanuatu
dna nanostructure self assembly dna nanotechnology
ring channel p2o7 phosphate
atomization breakup spray characteristic
small rna high throughput sequenciparamutation
johne sheep badger
void growth pipeline void coalescence
hamlet ben jonson paradise lost
data reconciliation principal component analypca
interval timing autism duration
stereo d display stereo matching
health insurance programschip ambulatory care sensitive condition
dirichlet process mixture hidden markov model
cardiac surgery tight glycemic control acute coronary syndrome
sic nanotube
pi electron benzenoid hydrocarbon planar tetracoordinate carbon
experiment determination use
idiopathic thrombocytopeeltrombopag rituximab
bnct carborane structure
cdo thin film ito
hox gastrulation branchio oto renal syndrome
microwave ceramic low temperature co b2o5
level set method level continuum structure
korean red ginseng
bloch space composition operator essential norm
n acetyltransferase cyp1a1 glutathione s transferase m1
magnetotactic bacterium sediment magnetic fabric
iter nb3sn strand lhc
casimir interaction van der atom
dravet syndrome febrile convulsion interleukin
garden urban park urban landscape
trust citizenship social capital
nova superhump dwarf novae
hypoxia high altitude pulmonary hypobaric hypoxia
obesity pancreatic cancer diabetes
temperature dependent sgenetic linkage map sex reversal
planarian syllidae tricladida
cryptogenic stroke atrial septal defect ovale
russia vibrational spectroscopic description
ch3 perovskite iii
sputtering molecular depth profiling sim
carbonyl compound voc emission btex
clinical laboratory quality care testing
decoherence billiard eigenfunction
calanus finmarchicus egg production crustacea
synthesis biological evaluation stathmin
multifocal motor neuropachronic inflammatory dempolyneuropathy
sleep spindle artificial grammar memory consolidation
vanilloid receptor trp channel menthol
case report inflammatory pseudotumdisease
empyema pneumothorax pleurodesis
microvascular obstructionlate gadolinium enhance cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging
burnout syndrome job satisfaction stress
cervical spine myofascial trigger point neck disability index
preparation skin application
matching model unemployment duration job search
liquid marble janus particle foam
laparoendoscopic single sisingle incision laparosco less
distal humerus distal bicep supracondylar fracture
conjugacy class character conjecture
crispr cas system endonuclease genome editing
meditation self compassion stress reduction
electron momentum specinteratomic coulombic decore excitation
bernard soulier syndromecollagen iib
mining efficient mining sequential pattern
magnesium carbenoid kainic acid lithiation
electron energy loss spec convergent beam electronscanning transmission electron microscopy
horava gravity minimal length cpt
emotion social robot uncanny valley
multiphoton microscopy collagen femtosecond laser
first star cm signal high velocity cloud
person physical activity quality
ge2sb2te5 solid immersion lens gete
plasma focus z pinch facility
chromosome dysbindin dtnbp1
fourier coefficient cusp form zero
sio maser central star irc10216
effectiveness microwave absorption procarbon fiber
electronic coupling nonlinear optic diruthenium
colony stimulating factor myeloid derived suppressomacrophage polarization
wire system stability wheel
ota hair removal yag laser
gap junction connexin propofol
plerixafor fever neutropenic patient
weekend readmission apache ii
recommendation web usage mining personalization
moxifloxacin fluoroquinolone intravitreal injection
hydrogen sulfide h2s phenol biodegradation
cryptococcosis immune reconstitution i grubii
synthesis serotonin transporter tspo
production polyhydroxyalkanoate characterization
additive manufacturing stereolithography laser sintering
permeable reactive barrievalent iron valent iron nanoparticle
young child fall home
down transient myeloproliferatits65dn mouse model
cerebrospinal fluid astrocyte cognitive impairment
traceability rfid technology radio frequency identification
binding energy nonlinear optical propertyrefractive index change
soviet union russian empire gulag
presence carbon dioxide phase equilibria
ethylhexyl dehp poly

bereavement widowhood miscarriage

microdialysis population pharmacokinetpharmacodynamic
hemocyanin american lobster penaeus monodon
center dot yh misfit cobaltite
cemented paste backfill sulfate pyrite oxidation
service attack ddos attack detection
substrate corn production
microsatellite marker origin genetic diversity
disaster emergency preparedness influenza pandemic
inkjet laser transfer
hashimoto stiff person syndrome paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration
dpa mu co x ray diffraction structure
dexamethasone expression activity
coagulation performance sludge chitosan
special educational need alternate assessment self determination
basal metabolic rate ground squirrel bathyergidae
bi4 srbi2 bila
contrast agent atherosclerosis molecular imaging
legionella pneumophila legionnaires disease detection
moderate alcohol consumacetaldehyde coronary heart disease
ethylenedioxythiophene electrosynthesis electropolymerization
factor v leiden recurrent miscarriage prothrombin
diffuse idiopathic skeletal ossification anterior cervical discectomy
esterification acetic acid structured packing
dilemma game spatial public goods gamepopulation
quantitative analysis stark broadening soil
cotton olea europaea l partial rootzone
environmental enrichmenneonatal handling enriched environment
propionibacterium acne isotretinoin acne
hyperoxia alveolarization stem cell
boolean function permutation polynomial stream cipher
smiles rearrangement diaryl ether ligand free copper
translation initiation ires eif4e
sarcoplasmic reticulum phospholamban isoform
monomial ideal stanley depth ideal
intermediate filament keratin neurofilament
genetic algorithm bed coke
porcine circovirus type prrsv pcv2
shortcut population transfer photoassociation
tial alloy high nb gamma titanium aluminide
aluminum nitride thin filmsurface acoustic wave devfilm bulk acoustic resonator
canis familiaris domestic dog owner
vitamin e supplementatiogamma tocopherol alpha tocopheryl succinate
female sex worker sex work male client
zirconacyclopentadiene metallacycle alpha omega diyne
tifton ingestive behavior feedlot
taste habitus reflexivity
road network continuous query r tree
silica gel desiccant wheel mass transfer
internal fixation traumatic optic neuropathy
denaturation dna structure bubble
co2 adsorption ets flue gas
band structure acoustic metamaterial periodic array
diagnosis detection case
wolbachia infection endosymbiont grape phylloxera
araneae sodium channel new species
radicalization suicide bomber terrorist organization
citric acid production seed delta
prairie dog pneumonic plague yersinia enterocolitica
bilateral sagittal split os temporomandibular joint hemifacial microsomia
growth history institution
aeroacoustic sound noise
opium poppy taxus cuspidatum methyl jasmonate
sister chromatid cohesioncornelia de lange syndro cornelia
urban agriculture malawi western kenya
neutral carrier potentiometric sensor vinyl chloride
polarized ir spectra water dimer acetylacetone
mini nutritional assessme older adult elderly person
blunt splenic injury renal trauma laparoscopy
ota pass filter passive element
torture northern uganda asylum
labr3 energy resolution lso
matrix metalloproteinase tobacco smoke alveolar macrophage
thoron indoor radon lung cancer
nonequilibrium steady stalarge deviation range process
sle chromatic polynomial spanning tree
thick brane black hole production radion
rna editing mitochondrial genome chloroplast genome
injection arteriovenous fistula vascular injury
lactation mammary epithelial cell macroprolactin
active control porous material panel
etb receptor bosentan
isothiocyanate arabidopsis brassica oleracea var
uwb uwb signal ghz
lantibiotic microcin pediocin pa
polymer characteristic polynomial matrix model
choroidal metastasis retinal pigment epitheliu ocular surface squamous neoplasia
alpha water splitting goethite
global justice distributive justice capability
shark rajidae whale shark
lyase deficiency cytochrome b bm3
carnot group gradient finite distortion
antibiotic prescribing upper respiratory tract in pelargonium sidoide
patent fair use piracy
marginal structural modelprincipal stratification observational study
pd l1 expression b7 h1 cd137
solid parahydrogen droplet helium cluster
aviation contrail airline industry
co2 aqueous solution co2 absorption
som categorical data hierarchical clustering
dynein motor protein molecular motor
glucagon peptide intestinal failure
ship flow wafe
cushing etomidate corticosteroid
reconstruction concert hall clarinet
phosphorus deficiency phosphate starvation phosphorus uptake
reverse micelle transdermal delivery formulation
diabetic heart myocardial metabolism ventricular function
skin cancer organ transplant recipientptld
epileptic seizure seizure prediction time series
anthocyanin biosynthesis flower color dihydroflavonol
hypervelocity impact polyurea penetration
breast cancer cancer patient human ovarian tissue
arsenic cadmium lead
neural induction nodal segmentation clock
chemotherapy pentoxifylline prevention
arecoline nut lichen striatus
cavitation bubble hydrodynamic cavitation ultrasonic degradation
adolescent effect chronic pain
ivig fcrn fc gamma riib
partial word algebraic number substitution
sarcophagidae myiasis development
amniotic fluid embolism third stage uterine arteriovenous malformation
molybdenum carbide high frequency induction carbide
halofuginone bile duct ligation tgf beta
indoor positioning sensor network localizati arrival
monophosphate decarboxdihydrofolate reductase enzyme catalysis
branched chain valproic acid ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency
nad keap1 nqo1
strontium titanate srtio3 surface
reinforcement corrosion corrosion inhibitor simulated concrete pore solution
selection gene expression study tissue
copper cytochrome c electron transfer
writer focal dystonia blepharospasm
inclined plane film flow disc reactor
leptomeningeal carcinomaneoplastic meningitis breast cancer patient
nonlinear normal mode degree nonlinear energy sink
functional dependency xml data xml
pelvic girdle pain abdominal muscle golf
molecular hydrogen storage carbon nanohorn
memantine vascular depression cognitive deficit
vertical axis wind turbine rotor helicopter rotor
wrist musculoskeletal ultrasou chaq
group b streptococcus streptococcus agalactiae pregnant woman
mmn sensory gating event
dpyrimidin tryptanthrin
zoster postherpetic neuralgia chickenpox
calpain fto gene fat mass
prenatal cocaine exposur neonatal abstinence syn cocaine
character sum pseudorandom binary se hybrid mean value
growth nonlinear optical propertyoxyfluoride
vocational interest holland interest
duchenne muscular dystr home mechanical ventilatheliox
renormalization lie algebra contraction
sex development gender identity disorder disorder
sporotrichosis paracoccidioide histoplasma capsulatum
dasatinib c src dok
heat temperature heat stroke
toxocariasis eosinophilic meningitis baylisascaris procyoni
heat transfer low voltage circuit breakeplasma arc
food reward food cue palatable food
binary mixture
lung transplantation laryngotracheal stenosis subglottic stenosis
fasciola clonorchis triclabendazole
luminol tris bipyridyl
bvdv classical swine fever virus malignant catarrhal fever
spermine spermidine spermine n arabidopsis
methane solid argon spectra
acute stroke parkinson stroke patient
alloy formation surface
prl mkp dual specificity phosphatase
attribute reduction concept lattice information system
single molecule force spe adhesion cell
finite field bezier curf number
vibration energy harvester energy
codon val beta globin gene
hypertension blood pressure rat chromosome
hla gene characterization
sum frequency generatio liquid liquid interface specific ion effect
green rust panel sulfate
gastric dilatation volvulus bitch aglepristone
sperm motility cryoprotectant
john hypericum perforatum garcinia
tritrichomonas foetus vulvovaginal candidiasis gardnerella vaginali
neonate acute lymphoblastic leuk arterial ischemic stroke
jellyfish venom ctenophore
phosphofructo warburg effect glycolysis
cleft lip oral cleft van
liver regeneration opa1 dynamin
liking sensory evaluation sensory profile
hydrogen production nickel
mpep positive allosteric modulareceptor agonist
water quality enterococci recreational water
exercise training oxygen uptake efficiency physical training
ion atom collision single electron capture electron loss
iron aluminide mossbauer spectroscopy feal
chloramine t methyleneaziridine agelastatin
eukaryote life plastid
cardiac output measuremstroke volume variation pulse pressure variation
energy loss proton beam nanocapillary
vulvodynia chronic pelvic pain chronic prostatitis
alpha v beta kinase ilk
particle beam electron cloud storage ring
dna gyrase tyrosyl dna phosphodiest human topoisomerase ii alpha
small molecule microarra peptide array proteomic
unsafe abortion termination mifepristone
brown adipose tissue ucp2 adrenergic receptor agonist
synthesis root ferula
absolute nodal formulation real time hybrid simulation
highway runoff sewer permeable pavement
pituitary dependent hypechronic kidney disease trilostane
arginine citrulline dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase
gnss precise point positioning ground
wormhole gravastar particle accelerator
synovial fluid lameness walk
thermalization matrix product state many body localization
d converter sar adc pipelined adc
rack1 pkc pkc delta
truncated hemoglobin ligand migration mycobacterium tuberculosis
nhe cariporide congenital chloride diarrhea
estimation death time
adhesive contact contact mechanic thermal contact conductance
dental trauma autotransplantation mouthguard
surgical treatment antibiotic prophylaxi outcome
diabetic rat streptozotocin leptin
circulating tumor cells bone marrow epcam
liver transplantation life health related quality
nucleolin treacher collins syndromeribosome biogenesis
tactile sensor haptic interface skin
alvarado score appendix acute abdominal pain
stable carbon carbon fatty acid
mycosporine enhanced uv b radiation acid
shock wafe dense plasma deuterium
oxide scale alloy oxidation behavior
acellular pertussis vaccinebordetella bronchisepticawhooping cough
chlorophyceae zygnematophyceae streptophyta
vector measure holomorphic function homogeneous polynomial
vismodegib hedgehog signaling hedgehog pathway
stenotrophomonas maltopburkholderia glander
parp ation parp inhibitor
acteoside harpagophytum procumbsideritis
blunt cerebrovascular injudissection chiropractic manipulation
fuzzy controller type fuzzy modeling
ameloblastoma fibrous dysplasia review
eastern cordillera northwestern argentina antarctic peninsula
challenge care family health strategy
electrospray ionization m ligand stabilization
natural antisense transcri long bidirectional promoter
hydrogen high strength steel pipeline steel
graphical representation similarity analysis bacterial genome
uranium melt production
cultivated peanut mycosphaerella pinode millsp
insurance urban flood natural hazard
electron transfer ubiquinone oxidoreductasvibrio cholerae
familial hypercholesterol ldl apheresis proprotein convertase subtilisin kexin type
potato glycoalkaloid yam
ect catatonia serotonin syndrome
imposex tbt adhesion
fibromuscular dysplasia atherosclerotic renovascurenal resistive index
lung transplantation primary graft dysfunction lung perfusion
eyeblink conditioning cerebellar purkinje cell rabbit
axiom function space topological group
inclusion body myositis antisynthetase syndrome
tosyloxy oxone hypervalent iodine
high electron mobility tra gaas substrate bipolar transistor
marchantiophyta pottiaceae hepaticae
acute hepatitis chronic liver disease
triglyceride lipase perilipin diacylglycerol acyltransferase
solvent free condition oxide pot synthesis
cuprous oxide copper oxide thin film cu2o nanoparticle
kardar parisi zhang equat fiber bundle model noise
rosai dorfman disease juvenile xanthogranulomafollicular dendritic cell sarcoma
geriatric medicine subjective age successful aging
essential oil parthenium hysterophoruroot exudate
forest planning wood forest owner
skull base meningioma
toed sloth mixed species bird flock psittacidae
compliant substrate stretchable electronic silver nanowire
california current prince william sound pacific salmon
policosanol cholesterol oxidation pro ketocholesterol
pcb electromagnetic interferecrosstalk
plesiomonas shigelloide providencia alcalifacien hafnia
adam erbb tace
root coverage intrabony defect gingival recession
apoptosis aged rat alzheimer
toxin antitoxin system polynucleotide phosphorysmall rna
financial literacy retirement age discrimination
iron chelator deferoxamine synthesis
indigenous australian northern territory inuit
ocean sound field underwater acoustic communication
alcohol alcoholic liver disease chronic ethanol
vole bank vole small mammal community
effective elastic moduli piezoelectric composite polycrystal
ester anhydride ortho ester polyanhydride
substituted benzimidazole
contrast contrast induced nephropnephropathy
bat human raby rabies virus glycoprotein
entomopathogenic fungi clavicipitaceae hypocreale
psoas abscess pyomyositis kingella kingae
infection patient adult t cell leukemia lymphoma
sulfated zirconia friedel crafts acylation acylation
avian malaria ischnocera philopteridae
smallpox mouse protein
lectin oxidized ldl dendritic cell
diabetes mellitus simvastatin adiponectin
statin hydroxycholesterol niemann pick type c disease
peach prunus armeniaca l s rnase
superconducting tunnel jubolometer detector
liver transplantation liver kupffer cell
gis geographic information openstreetmap
precipitation crystal size distribution batch
tall building flutter derivative wind effect
spatial ability virtual environment landmark
half metallicity half metallic ferromagnet heusler compound
pulse histogram equalization pan sharpening
endothelial cell atherosclerosis hemodynamic
sea breeze total solar eclipse stable condition
semantic planning answer set programming
epr epr spectroscopy radical
child patient case report
sox9 adrenal hypoplasia congenstar
serum metastasis neuron specific enolase
amorphous wire wire gmi effect
assay toxicogenomics pig
creep damage creep crack growth type iv
spatial analysis interpolation variogram
tsg streptococcus zooepidemirhamm
best proximity point fixed point result contraction
co sio2 catalyst co hydrogenation
convex function generalization time scale
malt lymphoma malt helicobacter pylori
smos temporal stability l band
whole genome amplificatireturn dna
silsesquioxane hydrosilylation cage
flight mass spectrometry bacteroide matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time
crystallization enzymatic interesterificat palm stearin
natural history collection eighteenth century
bombyx mori nucleopolyhautographa californica baculovirus expression system
northeast russia central asian fold belt western transbaikalia
sea urchin embryo ciona intestinali amphioxus
visual exploration uncertainty high dimensional data
amputation lower extremity amputatidiabetes mellitus
isfet silicon nanowire ph sensor
indole alkaloid alstonia scholaris apocynaceae
heterocyst heterocyst differentiationnitrogen form
oil intermolecular double q flow
schrodinger equation oscillatory problem orbital problem
cell free protein synthesisgenetic code aminoacylation
cameraria ohridella sesiidae sex pheromone
stress generation intolerance attributional style
chemotherapy postoperative nausea emesis
uniform hypergraph erdos ko rado rainbow connection
cd1d nkt cell v alpha
limb limb development hand
surface electromyographyprosthetic hand mechanomyography
lbe degrees c sodium
apoptosis protein livin xiap
health care worker toluene diisocyanate wood dust
factor acetylhydrolase calcium independent phoslipoprotein associated phospholipase
mutation neonatal diabete mody
random graph dimensional ising spin gla belief propagation
carney complex primary cardiac lymphomcardiac metastasis
additive vegetable oil lubricant additive
african swine fever virus fmdv
correction nasal septal perforation nasal tip
aggression television viewing aggressive behavior
ras palmitoylation tipifarnib
flynn effect cognitive ability twin
gastric mucosa gastric lesion rebamipide
endoscopic thyroidectom thyroid surgery minimally invasive video
ybco bulk superconductorybco bulk melt
megascolecidae earthworm earthworm community
neuronal calcium sensor high voltage delta
kinetics solvolysis nucleophilic substitution reaction
visible light photoinitiated cationic polymerization
achondroplasia apert syndrome infant
bacterial flagellar motor chemotaxis myxococcus xanthus development
inverse problem boundary condition transmission condition
mammalian cell culture serum free medium cho
silica sapphire sio2
myocardial bridging anomalous origin valsalva
leak detection optimal design genetic algorithm
pectinase pectate lyase polygalacturonase inhibiting protein
synthesis nm lithography euv
insulator nuclear architecture nuclear matrix
phase chaos chaotic map
pulmonary surfactant sp d interstitial lung disease
carbon ion relative biological effecti carbon ion radiotherapy
hand rub stethoscope disinfection
rotifera monogononta spinicaudata
physical exercise physical activity affective response
short sea shipping berth allocation liner shipping
workplace violence nurse acute psychiatric ward
extracellular vesicle platelet vesicle
december indonesia earthquake
compulsive buying prevalence problem gambler
mullite whisker mullite mgo c refractory
muc5ac muc1 expression mucins
co2 capture oxygen uncoupling clc
ellipsometry spectrometer polarized light
surgery perioperative beta blockapossum
athens greek tragedy herodotus
sarcoptic mange dermanyssus gallinae tungiasis
side channel attack genus moduli set
statistical machine translaagent dialogue system
rat low intensity ultrasound
conflict pharmaceutical industry industry
high speed atomic force compliant mechanism hysteresis compensation
angiogenesis beta blocker inflammation
fukui function regioselectivity diels alder reaction
chorea acanthocytosis fetal anemia fetomaternal hemorrhage
deformable mirror antarctica dome c
endoplasmic reticulum escherichia coli protein translocation
seneca martial propertius
immunogenicity mouse antibody
regge calculus group field theory immirzi parameter
gunshot residue discrimination ink
market integration ideal demand system food price
parahydrogen mr imaging xenon
angioedema enzyme inhibitor angiotensin
acrolein hydroxy oxidized phospholipid
dosage compensation sex chromosome papaya
statistical mechanic tsallis statistic chaos
uncertainty validation reference material
beta lapachone plumbagin lapachol
irrigation canal pid controller dead time
physico chemical aspect polyethylene processing light stabilizer
leptospira interrogan orientia tsutsugamushi pathogenic leptospira
web paper internet
classification support vector machine diagnosis
contact slant submanifold harmonicity
oxazaborolidine diethylzinc propargylamine
iron zinc concentration grain
nitrous oxide reductase femo cofactor nitrogen fixation
crps phantom limb pain reflex sympathetic dystrophy
maxwell fdtd numerical dispersion
internal auditory canal preservation merlin
co3o4 nanoparticle beta ni co3o4
peter gospel gregory
rat patient hypomagnesemia
yield fruit composition phenology
sn plasma optical constant x ray laser
papillon lefevre syndromecysteine cathepsin
cart amphetamine regulated trcocaine
exact test unequal variance measures design
evodiamine chelerythrine evodia rutaecarpa
glucoamylase raw starch cgtase
adrenocortical response prolactin loxodonta africana
po4 zircon ceramic
polysilane n propargylamide chiroptical property
auxiliary model recursive identification variables model
golf soccer ball
extreme tail index tail dependence
theobroma cacao l sclerotinia sclerotiorum coniothyrium minitan
squid high t c squid earth
scr esd circuit
corpus callosum fetal brain magnetic resonance imaging
plane crossing number planar point
consent readability numeracy
vanets vehicle vehicle communication
space bed rest international space station
quinoline derivative tetrahydroquinoline friedlander synthesis
target detection dimensionality reduction endmember extraction
slurry abrasive flow polishing
d optimal design supersaturated design robust design
chelonia myda loggerhead sea turtle leatherback turtle
tnt rdx triazine
renal angiomyolipoma pecoma subependymal giant cell astrocytoma
expression hgf patient
superelasticity tib investment
earning inequality wage differential
kallikrein expression role
water reuse reuse soil
phenalenyl radical nitroxide radical
integrability number center
esophageal perforation metal stent boerhaave
proxy malingering factitious disorder
kahler einstein metric kahler ricci soliton perelman
ocular injury visual outcome intraocular foreign body
polymyalgia rheumatica takayasu large vessel vasculitis
recurrence spectra metal surface rydberg blockade
trichloroacetic acid dichlorovinyl adolescent
adiabatic capillary tube frost formation domestic refrigerator
nanocrystalline cerium optical property ceo2 thin film
japanese eel japanese eel anguilla japoglass eel
termite formosan subterranean tecoptotermes
g factor complex h2o
microencapsulation wall material glass transition
shell waveguide spectrum
iran political opportunity world social forum
anastrepha fraterculus bactrocera tryoni drosophila suzukii
nitrided layer zircaloy low temperature plasma
chicken disease virus infectious laryngotracheitis virus
cahn hilliard equation exponential attractor upper semicontinuity
parvovirus fiv peste des petits ruminant
lense thirring effect earth lunar laser
gelcasting polyacrylic acid dispersant
retinal hemorrhage fracture nonaccidental trauma
randomness delta enumeration degree
right ventricular outflow tplakophilin fragmented qrs
partition function ramanujan overpartition
onion rat allium sativum
void relaxation time energy dissipation
fibrinolytic enzyme bacillus subtili extracellular protease
methoxycarbonylation hydroesterification rhodium catalyst
roller compaction high shear mixer metal powder
vesicle deformation blood rheology
leavitt path higher rank graph crossed product
perfluorinated compoundperfluoroalkyl substance
isomonodromic deformatgenus deformation
angelica chalcone chalcone derivative
isodon daphne isodon rubescen
anthracycline rat cardiomyopathy
continuous eeg monitorincefepime periodic lateralized epileptiform discharge
tolvaptan central pontine myelinolysheart failure
style relationship intelligence
maximum clique problemcourse timetabling graph coloring
epr tooth enamel epr study
monte carlo simulation angle insulator
kynurenic acid ido neopterin
housing street child
heart failure coxsackievirus mouse
defluoridation adsorption water
spider lycosidae oonopidae
child hygiene kenya
diabetic rat insulin streptozotocin
goldfish zebrafish model ethanol
reed sternberg cell classical hodgkin nodular lymphocyte predominant hodgkin lymphoma
liquid sloshing sph method tank
fpga design implementation
cholera toxin vaccine immune response
sulfur iodine cycle thermochemical cycle hydrogen
congenital syphili haemophilus
mining coalbed methane methane
mcm2 minichromosome maintencdc6
hydrogen alloy catalytic membrane reactor
phosphoenolpyruvate carcrassulacean acid metabonew species
langmuir monolayer langmuir air water interface
period analysis multidisciplinary team cancer prevalence
bovine papillomavirus cattle e2 protein
hydrolysis sodium borohydride direct borohydride fuel cell
clonal plant eurasian watermilfoil eichhornia crassipe
sulfide fluorescent probe gamma lyase
diptera culicoide schmallenberg virus
bf4 gelatin
dna minor groove duocarmycin naphthalimide
prenatal alcohol exposurechild rat
flashbulb memory adaptive memory past
spectroscopy closure cerebral oxygenation
ethyl ethyl pyruvate
t cell immunoglobulin mucin domain heart failure
excipient cumene hydroperoxide dehydration
demirjian stature forensic anthropology
wind scattering ocean
ion chromatography drinking water bromate
iron nitride copper nitride film epsilon
writer identification handwriting character
soil ground thermal response test
cyclacene shape persistent macrocybuckybowl
binary search tree branching process random recursive tree
fabrication medical ultrasound imagi cmut
takotsubo syndrome transient case report
multiple zeta value monotonic function irrationality
ultrahigh temperature all molybdenum disilicide sial
mycn amplification stage
display skew ray aspheric surface
receptor ligand
designer participatory design design studio
micro edm edm process electrode
penalty function risk model risk process
treatment tissue apoptosis
anion exchange membrananalytical application diffusion dialysis
light anderson localization medium
seph ps4 mu m
dna photolyase phototropin photocycle
clicker classroom testing effect
geochemistry arsenic mercury capture
plasma dielectric property low k dielectric
point pneumothorax hand
acoustic radiation force ultrasound wafe
dent anion channel lowe syndrome
effect ion polyimide
coincidence efficiency calibration nai
xii anion phosphate dehydrogenase
beta hydroxysteroid dehyexpression type
receptor insulin peptide
salvia danshen perilla frutescen
sharps injury post exposure prophylaxi needlestick injury
algebraic bethe ansatz root unity
cerebrospinal fluid idiopathic epilepsy cervical spondylomyelopathy
oxidative stress chromite ore processing rchromate reduction
breast alpha methylacyl coa rac prostate
crystal growth growth flow
site specific recombinatiocre recombinase integrase
substituent effect iii reaction
marine sponge poecilosclerida hexactinellida
nonvariceal upper gastroilesion endoscopic hemostasis
penis vulvar cancer vulva
lead tungstate crystal cms electromagnetic calo znwo4
open abdomen enterocutaneous fistula vacuum
discontinuous flux entropy solution riemann problem
plasma actuator gurney flap plasma
organism gmo soybean
effective atomic number gamma ray mass attenuation coefficient
federalism corporate taxation transfer pricing
aid effectiveness world bank millennium development goal
alcohol abortion alcohol consumption
sno2 varistor property ccto
dextransucrase levan zymomonas
functional magnetic reso stereotactic biopsy temporal lobe epilepsy
photodimerization stereoselectivity phthalimide
tibial plateau leveling os tibial tuberosity advance total hip replacement
sign language co speech gesture motion event
mechanism iii mechanistic study
factor xiii congenital afibrinogenemfibrinogen
bathynellacea terrestrial isopod syncarida
fault diagnosis test self test
sjogren larsson syndromebiogenesis arabidopsis
peptide transporter proton oat3
regular language pseudovariety fuzzy automata
cold expansion fretting fatigue complete contact
ugt gilbert syndrome
picture archiving communication system web
contact electrification powder electrohydrodynamic flow
non attendance scheduling cancellation
lithium mania beta inhibitor
cullin kip1 p27
preterm infant low birth weight infant parenteral nutrition
bacillus megaterium hpr sugar phosphotransferase system
detection use infectious disease
electric field gene electrotransfer biological cell
borabicyclo332decane diboration homoallylic amine
asian citrus psyllid candidatus liberibacter bactericera cockerelli
unit circle localization anderson model
valency diameter arc transitive graph
morgagni gastric volvulus nitrofen
tapasin peptide binding prediction
reduction nonholonomic system dynamic
dignity clinical ethics consultatio medical ethic
unawareness discontinuous game knightian uncertainty
paramecium ciliate morphogenesis
zero orthogonal rational functifourier series
primary cn lymphomatoid granulomatosis
antihydrogen positron lifetime non neutral plasma
health anxiety hypochondriasis somatoform disorder
antibody drug conjugate immunotoxin receptor alpha
high temperature water carbon fibre
weak value game parrondo
sodium aluminate solutio gamma alumina gibbsite
sabpa study africa tanzania
postoperative adhesion epidural fibrosis adhesion
woman gender equality gender
purple membrane optogenetic sensory rhodopsin ii
negative coefficient second order nonlinear differential equation
intermediate care transitional care discharge planning
pregnancy liver transplantation lactation
co2 gosat delta c
assessment center situational judgment test adverse impact
relic liturgy saint
mohs micrographic surgerforehead flap dermatologic surgery
methanol poisoning fomepizole lipoid pneumonia
nymphalidae hesperioidea satyrinae
valproic acid thought animal experiment
self intersection local tim hurst parameter rough path
diode light quality greenhouse
granitic pegmatite ruby sapphire
film evaporation salt gradient solar pond renewable energy
bangladesh polyculture periphyton
microsphere whispering gallery mode microcavity laser
groundwater mn3o4 nanoparticle manganese removal
tc 99m reo tricarbonyl complex
leprosy patient patient brazil
elliptic optimal control p error estimate state
development characterization effect
neutral beam injector iter
thermochemistry sublimation correlation gas chromatography
landfill cover soil methylobacterium extorqmethylococcus capsulatus
dissipative structure coffee ring effect colloidal crystal
serum level serum interleukin binding protein
lipid raft muscle disease stomatin
small ubiquitin pml sumo modification
patient human equilibrative nucledeoxycytidine kinase
deep tissue injury braden scale nursing home
dental implant rapid prototyping orbital exenteration
adverse drug reaction neonate population pharmacokinetic
muon catalyzed fusion body system positronium negative ion
supervisory control diagnosis petri net
nonarteritic anterior isc papilledema glaucoma
delay impulsive choice time perspective
diver venous air embolism
splenic abscess partial splenic embolizati spontaneous splenic rupture
epidural steroid injection interventional pain mana intradiscal electrothermal therapy
antibody cardiopulmonary bypass heparin
atmospheric turbulence ground non line
pollen airborne pollen trend
ring linear combination matrix equation
carassius gibelio spined loach pseudorasbora parva
collision circular tube thin walled tube
trichloroacetic acid chloroform initio study
tree dyck path descent
intraventricular hemorrh hematoma expansion
meconium ventilation delivery room
fibonacci el naschie computing
nozzle design air
particle tobacco mosaic virus mossbauer spectroscopy
veliidae gerromorpha rhyparochromidae
closure mediastinitis cardiac surgery
patient sodium tungstate tungsten
hesperidin citrus flavonoid limonin
lipidomic laser desorption matrix
high power laser diode vecsel alkali laser
exchange ring ring commutative ring
baboon pig perv
beethoven wagner brahms
climate landscape wilderness
axon initial segment tetrodotoxin
dissociative identity disor dissociation depersonalization
snow cover snow depth snow accumulation
sustained attention mind wandering attention
ranula papillary carcinoma floor
deuteronomy psalm god
lactulose galacto oligosaccharide lactose hydrolysis
necrolytic acral erythema hemodialysis cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis
labour party women sport
urethroplasty tubularized
thymidine phosphorylase synthesis phosphorylase expression
fiber orientation turbulent flow viscoelastic flow
serum ykl chitinase production beta n acetylhexosaminidase
decoherence quantum mechanic coherent state
thioridazine biocide emre
nonsymmetric algebraic rinonlinear matrix equationindex
type glycogen phosphorylase bisphosphatase
unreinforced masonry wallimit analysis plane behavior
sudep ictal asystole parasomnia
peptide cgrp neuromedin u
injection pm steel feedstock
mature cystic teratoma granulosa cell tumor fetal ovarian cyst
subfactor tensor category multiplier hopf
commotio cordis marathon sports medicine
evaluative conditioning iat implicit self esteem
prism adaptation anosognosia line bisection
pacap pituitary adenylate cyclas polypeptide
disk hdd perfluoropolyether lubricant
cross correlation infrasound atmosphere
mollusca octopodidae octopus
trust trust model access control
morita baylis hillman
silica amorphous silica oxygen deficient center
mesenteric venous thromnodular regenerative hypeportal vein arterialization
integral equation theory energy representation reference interaction site model
body contouring surgery mesotherapy liposuction
choriocarcinoma placental site trophoblastmolar pregnancy
statistical convergence fuzzy number rate
reversal vecuronium neuromuscular block
hong kong detente cold war
methyl cpg binding proteimecp2 mutation coffin lowry syndrome
amputee prosthesis transfemoral amputee
thin layer chromatographoplc
scalar coupling chemical shift nmr parameter
spiral bevel gear spur gear transmission error
hemophagocytic syndromdisease chediak higashi syndrome
proper orthogonal decomp data center reduced basis method
arylazo catecholate phenylazo
partial sum precise asymptotic sure central limit theorem
local adaptation coevolution adaptive dynamic
central nervous system primary angiitis hypertensive encephalopathy
perceived stress scale freedom access
defect steam generator tube magnetic flux leakage
silacyclohexane anomeric effect xenon solution
kadsura dibenzocyclooctadiene li arctigenin
nocardia brasiliensis mycetoma phaeohyphomycosis
corticotropin releasing h corticotropin crh
lake tanganyika lake malawi gasterosteus aculeatus
transduction tat protein transduction domain
high contrast grating talbot effect grating
bilirubin phototherapy neonatal jaundice
phosphatidylserine axl gas6
faba bean vicia faba pakistan
geodesic flow motion rigid body
emotional awareness patient item toronto alexithymia scale
proton sponge alkaline hydrolysis basicity
series resistance wide temperature range schottky barrier diode
sprouty expression breast cancer
laser speckle contrast laser doppler flowmetry skin
siphonaptera didelphidae notoungulata
representationalism schopenhauer perceptual content
multi level perspective public perception innovation system
determination sildenafil dietary supplement
adhesion hemivariational inequalitycontact problem
ehv recurrent airway obstructequine influenza
self construal values collectivism
unknown location
patent licensing r&d business cycle
spin tomography neutron imaging
optical property extinction spheroidal particle
cholic acid stereoselective synthesis steroid
flutter bladed disk freeplay
gc x gc jet fuel capillary column
vacuolar hatpase rotation epsilon subunit
trace element n gamma pgaa
secretory leukocyte proteaserpin protein z
class optimal control adaptive dynamic programming
bodipy dye indacene difluoro
iron charlevoix saguenay autosomal recessive spastic ataxia
high pressure single particle cryo em
rock electromagnetic radiationkamchatka
hamiltonian system body problem bifurcation
phase partitioning aqueous biphasic system purification
neural cell adhesion molepolysialic acid ncam
factorization decomposition large set
hole transfer duplex dna electron oxidation
action research problem case study
stroma endosialin cancer associated fibroblast
car sequencing problem balancing kanban
nutcracker syndrome kidney transplantation retrocaval ureter
fragile x associated trem fmr1 gene fragile x premutation
nerve transfer spinal accessory nerve brachial plexus injury
ankaferd blood stopper comparison fibrin sealant
epsilon caprolactone pyrazinone scale
cleft cyst lymphocytic hypophysitis rathke
shot surface mechanical attrit laser
pelvic fracture pelvic ring sacral insufficiency fracture
hemifacial spasm vertebrobasilar dolichoectasia
new species foraminifera north carolina
spectroscopy edge nio
mondor arm quality
microcellular injection bubble growth rotational molding
ewod lens dielectric
iwop technique mesoscopic rlc circuit wigner operator
tunicata ascidiacea bryozoa
peg gastrostomy advanced dementia
nonholonomic system conformal invariance hojman
procambarus clarkii orconectes rusticus austropotamobius pallipe
crohn sweet syndrome melkersson rosenthal syndrome
dopamine transporter lacy human serotonin transporter
degrees c temperature point
hypothenar hammer syn transradial approach transradial coronary intervention
severe twin laser surgery mirror syndrome
mouse rat radon
crowd simulation crowd fire
pleuropulmonary blastombronchogenic cyst congenital lobar emphysema
yig microdefect optical isolator
aged mouse older adult elderly person
case report acute renal failure leg
prep diaphragm pre exposure prophylaxis
quantum code cyclic code length
deguelin isoflavonoid erythrina
major league baseball market prediction market
elastic stable intramedullataylor spatial frame forearm
fish bone ingestion aspiration
hemangiopericytoma angiomyofibroblastoma hypoglycemia
metal foam deuterium enrichment
gate oxide breakdown silc conductive atomic force microscopy
silica conductivity characterization
messinian badenian mediterranean
orobanchaceae host broomrape
spatial dependence spatial econometric random effect
second order advantage acidity constant excitation emission matrix fluorescence
firefly luciferase synthesis protein protein interaction
derivation map linear map
child poverty effect
strategic foresight scenario planning technology roadmapping
finite type holomorphic mapping bergman
loeys dietz syndrome cutis laxa microfibril
starch synthesis fructose sucrose phosphate synthase
resin flow cure flow
pulse detonation engine deflagration hydrogen release
fabrication ion beam focused ion beam chemical vapor deposition
porphyrin catalase gene breast cancer
synthesis purification inhibitor
homogenization infinity harmonic functionvalue function
satellite attitude control system permanent magnet
pan troglodyte hemispheric specializatio chimpanzee
k theory eta invariant index
avian paramyxovirus typehendra ndv
autoimmune polyendocrinautoimmune regulator apeced
brassica clubroot chinese cabbage
acute effect exposure human body
pattern efficient algorithm word
conditional diagnosabilityfolded hypercube interconnection network
myotonia congenita myotonia dm1
injection molding processwarpage gas
glycidamide mcpd diol
boric acid boron toxicity boron adsorption
degenerate parabolic equsource blow
epidural blood patch postdural puncture headacerebellar hemorrhage
muscidae boophilus microplus
cyclosporine inflammatory bowel diseaatopic dog
st analysis decision fetal movement
integrase ledgf growth factor
flight mass spectrometry butanone mainstream cigarette smoke
inferior oblique muscle duane congenital nystagmus
experimental study smoke compartment fire
circular chromatic numbeacyclic edge coloring linear arboricity
chain cd9 integrin
comminution media mill grindability
expatriate expatriate adjustment cross cultural adjustment
south anatolia cardueae apiaceae
polymorphism arylesterase activity coronary artery disease
sensor po4 sensing electrode
rosensweig instability small angle neutron rheological property
leachate municipal solid waste landf
indole murraya koenigii murraya
rhabditida nematoda heterorhabditis bacteriophora
deposition colloid colloidal particle
silver cathode carbon surface dimethylformamide
pttg pituitary hormone deficie lagostomus maximus maximus
max phase healing behavior ternary carbide
jm coetzee apartheid kazuo ishiguro
hipec appendix peritoneal carcinomatosis
coronary artery aneurysmacute phase
social amoeba dictyostel chemotaxi dif
abraham mathematical correlation descriptor
rectangle container loading proble bin packing
corylus avellana l nut consumption hazelnut
personality behavioral syndrome style
horizontal placement optimization placement
health center liver transplantation chronic kidney disease
teleostei sound production fish
carboboration borafluorene alkyn
supersonic combustor hydrogen combustion
exposure child biomass smoke
population balance equatsynthesis aggregation
scutellaria baicalensis scutellarin fisetin
disease penile fracture high flow priapism
homicide american revolution civil war
circuit board free space optical interco optical receiver
optoacoustic imaging optical resolution photoa microwave
metric dimension bootstrap percolation code
cough reflex chronic cough acute cough
dairy farm meat milk
aphasia therapy aphasia aphasia rehabilitation
paraben sorbic acid sunset yellow
stoat mustela erminea anostostomatidae
hereditary spherocytosis band vivo cryotechnique
geochemistry distribution cerium
dye cyanine dye nucleic acid
creatine transporter arginine kinase guanidinoacetate
laser induced damage thr silica optic dkdp crystal
raman optical activity optical rotation vcd
free will inner speech consciousness
neonatal calf milk replacer passive transfer
block element contact interaction elliptic crack
myocardin factor klf4
biothiol saccharomyces cerevisiaegsh
identity memory culture
lattice particle schrodinger oper derivation
crystallization escherichia coli sulfur
dimethyldioxirane stereoselective synthesis thiol
photoelasticity identification full field measurement
osteonecrosis steroid induced osteonecrcore decompression
singapore survey indonesia
pramipexole ropinirole gabapentin enacarbil
local oxidation afm lithography nanofabrication
facial paralysis ramsay hunt syndrome mobius syndrome
infinite jest narratology atonement
pancreaticobiliary maljun neonatal hemochromatosicaroli
wetting filler metal joint
carbene generation ynolate
nbse3 blue bronze charge density wave
isoproterenol cyclophosphamide morin
mycoplasma bacillary angiomatosis neuroretinitis
cdx2 expression small intestine olfactomedin
direct digital frequency s radix discrete cosine
supplementation oxys rat antioxidant
d serine serine racemase d aspartic acid
repigmentation progressive macular hypochildhood vitiligo

cognitive impairment comprehensive geriatric geriatric oncology

cd47 sirp alpha secreted protein acidic
moral dilemma intuition moral cognition
fuzzy linear system fuzzy random variable large number
cd4 lymphocyte subset high content screening
applicant mrcp resident selection
high fructose corn syrup artificial sweetener methanol
race sex rhetoric
photolabile laser flash photolysis ketoprofen
abelian vortice hopf soliton faddeev model
immunoglobulin iga1 renal biopsy
center dot reaction nh3
species cladistic problematic issue
domain instantaneous frequency wigner distribution
intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia
ethyl glucuronide determination patient
university zoonose education
aortic graft infection salmonella infection
vascular epiphyte fern pteridophyta
structure analysis form finding
nisi phase formation nisi film
biosensor soil determination
valuation stability convergence
dimethylpyrazol heteroscorpionate ligand methane ligand
cd147 emmprin extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer
manganese enhanced mrimanganese exposure parkinsonism
replication psychological science p value
solid film water
sulfite oxidase dithiolene molybdenum cofactor deficiency
intermixing selective area growth feedback laser
global health training hypoxaemia surgical care
liquid semiconductor photothermal radiometry
nelumbo nucifera purification lotus
multimodality digital storytelling literature circle
reverse flow reactor porous burner micro combustor
methyl meat aberrant crypt foci
pneumatosis intestinali hepatic portal venous gassuperior mesenteric artery
cotton fiber fiber quality gossypium
breast cancer pregnancy associated breatrauma
king george island taylor valley maritime antarctic
cafe karst slovenia
boolean function lower bound communication complexity
intertidal mudflat benthic diatom flocculation
filter bank optimal design efficient design
diabetes anion gap type
saccharide benzoxaborole boronate
c reactive protein hepatocellular carcinoma ratio
serum serum amyloid a human neutrophil
cytokine gene polymorph tnf alpha cervical cancer
phase nanowhisker superconductivity
phyllodes tumor pseudoangiomatous stromman
inositol ionic strength complexation
delta c stable isotope analysis methamphetamine
schedulability analysis ieee real time system
lms algorithm adaptive filter acoustic echo cancellation
emission swine manure livestock building
failure detector agreement self stabilization
spherical design triangle polar derivative
engine maximum power stirling engine
pain randomized controlled tripreoperative anxiety
oil eroi peak oil
nucleic acid resonance light scatterin determination
fda spontaneous reporting sy data mining
uterine cervix small cell carcinoma etoposide
konjac glucomannan exopolysaccharide galactomannan
rop aggressive posterior reti laser treatment
sulphur economic farmyard manure
visfatin nicotinamide phosphoribowld
stem cell townes brocks syndrome ureteric bud
password phishing attack identity theft
graph map omega limit set nielsen number
sodium content dietary sodium sodium
hyers ulam stability fixed point approach derivation
ingrown toenail nail unit juxtaglomerular cell tumor
fine root biomass minirhizotron slope stability
atomic pair distribution f antiperovskite compoundmoo4
unit mole decoherence
power conflict management bargaining
senescence marker proteiregucalcin vitamin c deficiency
free chlorine hocl acute coronary syndrome
discrete ordinates metho medium finite volume method
pericarditis cardiac tamponade pericardial effusion
slow coronary flow coronary artery spasm vasospastic angina
wilms nephroblastoma wt1
childhood leukaemia case control study birth
ozone therapy radiation cerebral palsy
thromboangiitis obliterancocaine use body packer
pentalogy cantrell sirenomelia
cobalamin cob lysine
hydride cladding corrosion resistance
sterol regulatory elementinsig pyruvate carboxylase
godel knowability liar paradox
crystal structure sulfosalt nh4
eye visual pigment species
reaction singlet oxygen photooxygenation
phosphate aldolase pyridoxine dependent epialdolase
buddha mughal colonial india
rhubarb anthraquinone rhein
deliberation hannah arendt brazil
diaphragm cardiac surgery diaphragmatic paralysis
rib fracture heart flail chest
hcn hcn channel heart rate reduction
amenability operator space semigroup algebra
struvite phosphate removal phosphate adsorption
tettigoniidae hemiptera grylloidea
pair production solar axion finite temperature
boundary value problem monogenic function dirichlet problem
tamiflu oseltamivir phosphate lycorine
aggressive fibromatosis familial adenomatous pol desmoplastic fibroma
microbeam radiation therintravascular brachytherasource
hop barley prenylnaringenin
turkish foreign policy istanbul development party
oipr pr i polysulfonylamine
peru haitian revolution haiti
macrobiotidae ectoine hypsibiidae
teaching student literacy
vomiting asthma congenital abnormality
endostatin factor recombinant human endostatin
cell free dna dna serum
public diplomacy organization public relati company
saltcedar colorado river delta tamaricaceae
coccidiosis broiler broiler chicken
differential privacy microaggregation privacy
isothermal section neutron diffraction site preference
atomistic simulation finite temperature quasicontinuum method
girl central precocious pubertpubertal timing
protease bacillus subtili chaperonin groel
necrotizing fasciitis necrotizing soft tissue inf ecthyma gangrenosum
kommerell pulmonary artery diverticulum
schizophrenia madness national socialism
coolability melcor presence
characterization cloning purification
epoxyeicosatrienoic acid hete eet
aggression icc rome statute
biogenic silica bamboo potassium silicate
schizophyllan c type lectin sparassis crispa
carnitine palmitoyltransfesow octn2
cactus pear betalain portulaca oleracea l
pityriasis rosea infection gianotti crosti syndrome
isopiestic study isopiestic determination metastable phase equilibrium
aplastic anemia glycosylphosphatidylinositgpi
atypical fibroxanthoma dermatofibroma benign fibrous histiocytoma
attitude knowledge food handler
diagnostic test verification bias gold standard
child extracranial intracranial cerebral revascularization
responsible conduct research misconduct cheating
poisson auxetic material auxetic behaviour
dnase bax inhibitor programmed cell death
hepatoid adenocarcinomamesenchymal hamartomafibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma
wire bonding acf contact resistance
prostate bipolar transurethral resetransurethral microwave thermotherapy
terrorism attack hurricane
african national congress south african war apartheid
cajal body survival motor neuron smn complex
lithological mapping geochemical anomaly mineral prospectivity mapping
lens antenna gaussian beam near field
epiphora outcome lacrimal sac
evolution chess monte carlo tree search
polydesmida pseudoscorpione carabidae
japan east sea east japan sea south china sea
graphical model influence diagram inference
cyclam cyclam derivative octamethyl
tonb iii dissolution
tachykinin nk1 receptor antagonist
inverse m matrix neville elimination parallel
usability evaluation end user development user interface
finite morley rank model theory automorphism group
amebic liver abscess amebiasis
proton intermediate temperaturecsh2po4
functioning icf core set rehabilitation medicine
vortex pair aircraft wake vortice relative equilibria
decoherence arrival tunneling
vitex woman menstrual cycle
intracranial tuberculoma subdural empyema diffusion
finite type hyperbolic plane science
cantharidin serine gleditsia
mare progesterone fertility
bovine recombinant human lactofmilk
malate dehydrogenase hyperthermophile nadp
trochlear dysplasia patella recurrent patellar dislocation
asilidae mycetophilidae syrphidae
judicial decision ecuador judicial independence
dexamethasone postoperative pain pain
halobacterium salinarum s layer protein haloferax volcanii
terfenol d fe ga electron beam irradiation
attitude man sex
aglaia azadirachtin xylocarpus granatum
clayey soil electric field
denture base resin denture complete denture
silica diatom frustule immobilization
singularly perturbed convsingularly perturbed probshishkin mesh
pk ising model cremona group
new orleans tradition blue
color center lithium fluoride electronic sputtering
stem cell augmentation cystoplastyregenerative medicine
aqueous foam dimensional foam grain growth
benzyne enyne allene neocarzinostatin chromophore
pregnancy woman parturient
homogeneous nucleation molecular dynamics simulsupersaturated vapor
charlson comorbidity indeself report comorbidity measure
cellular manufacturing sy facility layout problem maximum diversity problem
bi2s3 bi2s3 nanorod bismuth sulfide
polynomial polynomial optimization moment problem
v delta v gamma
porous media polymer flooding terpolymer
parylene c dyakonov tamm wafe p xylylene
planar hall effect magnetic field magnetoresistive sensor
foxo3a forkhead box forkhead transcription factor
ratcheting linear matching method external pressure
myxomatous mitral valve pimobendan right ventricle
clone constraint satisfaction pr algebra
shock wave turbulent mixing dusty gas
peritonsillar abscess fusobacterium necropho croup
octreotide plastic bronchitis thoracic duct
higher spin gauge theory mixed symmetry
co2 reduction co2 photocatalytic co2 reduction
carbon nanoparticle graphene quantum dots cell imaging
pulsed magnet cu ni si aucu
survival nursery seedling
linear tape drive magnetic tape lateral tape motion
serious bacterial infectionibuprofen intraoperative hypothermia
angiolymphoid hyperplasikimura kimura disease
salsolinol pictet spengler reaction harmine
sternoclavicular joint hook plate acromioclavicular joint dislocation
blood substitute hboc liposome
iii nitrile pyridine
discharge coefficient spillway chute
ginzburg landau equation landau lifshitz equation sphere
dependent protein kinasenitroglycerin bay
endoglin cd105 amplatzer vascular plug
interactive fuzzy programpossibility inverse
baltic state poland estonia
quantitative trait loci estrogen receptor alpha harbor syndrome
cyanide hydroxocobalamin dapsone
pyranose oxidase comamonas testosteroni
accounting budget performance measure
nuclear graphite hydrodynamics liquid holdup
northern tunisia betic cordillera anti atlas
evidence theory dempster shafer theory sugeno integral
surface energy size effect point
eotaxin satoyoshi syndrome esophageal eosinophilia
amygdalin konzo cyanogenic glycoside
volume hologram acrylamide methyl methacrylate
posedness muskat problem steady water wafe
anatomy medicine surgery
operator vector involution
taurine supplementation taurine transporter taurine deficiency
patients opn susceptibility
rosellinia necatrix chestnut blight fungus armillaria species
macrophagic myofasciitis silicon aluminum exposure
n halamine trimethylsilyl tris
fractional laplacian green function laplacian
porphyria porphyria cutanea tarda variegate porphyria
lkb1 cronkhite canada syndro brunner
blood pressure response postexercise hypotensionnordic walking
paper coating print coating layer
diverticulum achalasia peroral endoscopic myotomy
chemoreduction intra arterial chemothera rb1 gene
dunkl operator paley wiener space l
tuberoinfundibular peptidlactation parathyroid hormone related protein
translator training legal translation jedwabne
aerenchyma formation radial oxygen loss flooding tolerance
starlikeness convex function subordination
caravaggio bernini drawing
israel dew evolution canyon
humor style irony verbal irony
noonan shp2 gab1
entropy estimation laplacian source
effect microstructure mechanical property
vacterl association tracheal agenesis caustic ingestion
mary prince commonwealth eugenic
multidimensional scale social network arrangement
putin petersburg moscow
oxidative polymerization metal complex dc electrical conductivity
mineral elements herbal drug instrumental neutron activation analysis
live vaccine strain subspecy lvs
coleoptera loma salmonae enterocytozoon bieneusi
aqueous solution binary mixture colloid
platelet index coronary artery disease acute coronary syndrome
open discharge runaway electron pulse repetition rate
electropulsing slip casting electric current pulse
acute phase protein c reactive protein weak inducer
body problem equilibrium point linear stability
light dcr3 tl1a
gas phase pyrolysis elimination kinetic arylhydrazononitrile
pulse radiolysis study radiolysis supercritical water
magnetic field effect pigeon homing pigeon
diverticular disease
ano repair fistula
calpain inhibitor myristoylated alanine richcalpain activation
hypertrophic olivary degepalatal myoclonus nedices
phacoemulsification topical anesthesia intraoperative floppy iris syndrome
holomorphic curf uniqueness theorem target
thiazoline oxazole thiostrepton
past collingwood future
coal tar pitch polyacrylonitrile fiber mesophase pitch
european union czech republic czech economy
axial magnetic field cathode spot vacuum interrupter
stigma solidarity stigmatization
staudinger reaction human neutrophil elastasketene
la princesse erich auerbach mario bellatin
disorder coma zolpidem
treatment capgras syndrome delusion
enhancement embryo moral status
acetoxychavicol acetate alpinia oxyphylla juglans
lymphocele ureter vesicoureteral reflux
synovial cyst spinal cord infarction ganglion cyst
delafossite electride cualo2 thin film
rhodamine amplified spontaneous emsolid state dye laser
sheep corynebacterium neonatal tetanus
w e b du bois emerson pauline hopkins
submental intubation ill patient laryngotracheal separation
scatter stata influence function
multiple root family method
grass sorghum claviceps africana
brn transcription factor osteoblast differentiation
eia local agenda
fractal analysis virtual slide whole slide imaging
pax3 fkhr rhabdomyomatous mesenoncology group
salmonella humanized mouse metastasis
cyclone separator dense medium cyclone ranque hilsch vortex tube
soil environment sustainable development
intrinsic microporosity divinylbenzene triptycene
estonia phosphorus eutrophication
dealloying equation stress corrosion
recursive sequence x iterative equation analytic solution
winter wheat zea effect
rheumatoid arthritis lupus thrombosis
cleaning surface heat exchanger resuspension
dental fear inferior alveolar nerve bloanesthetic efficacy
kurgan alkylhydroxybenzene northern caspian region
inspection fabric defect radiographic image
salidroside acanthopanax common cold
lutra lutra castor canadensis neovison vison
furin catestatin regulated secretory pathway
equine cheek teeth periodontal disease guttural pouch
sodium glucose co transposglt2 inhibitor fanconi bickel syndrome
cat moraxella dog
inverse faraday effect second harmonic generat eute
handwriting movement assessment batmotor
cytokinin oxidase dehydr rhodococcus fascian simultaneous determination
classical electrodynamic momentum radiation pressure
carbon dioxide cck cholecystokinin tetrapeptide
lojasiewicz exponent map germ infinity
shox leri weill dyschondrosteosshox gene
epidemiology public health hospital
quinocetone cyadox quinoxalin
structure jacobi operator action singular riemannian foliation
newfoundland toronto montreal
situs inversus pyloric stenosis annular pancrea
microfluidic paper smartphone mobile phone
ginkgo biloba bilobalide anacardic acid
adrenoceptor beta metoprolol
broiler chicken alpha toxin chicken
caligidae siphonostomatoida branchiura
las benzalkonium chloride quaternary ammonium compound
q fever endocarditis chronic q fever q fever outbreak
hough polyomino circle detection
consumer bankruptcy debtor bankruptcy abuse prevention
size exclusion chromatography
christina rossetti victorian poetry gerard manley hopkins
rifaximin hajj travel
high high throughput experimeartificial neural network
heterocyclic design x ray mapping new nitrogen
sulfonated poly anion exchange membrantempo
paederinae cicindelidae staphylinini
vortex flowmeter flow coriolis mass flowmeter
ssd sub solid state drife
serious leisure vegetation recreation specialization
rhinoscleroma percutaneous drainage gas
late imperial china buddhism temple
discrepancy periodic function lattice rule
imidazolidine thiourea heterocyclic thione
deoxy d arabino heptulos deoxy d manno type ii dehydroquinase
antonovsky clinical holistic medicine connor davidson resilience scale
higher order umbral calculus weight alpha
cucumber cucumis melo l cucumis sativus l
aesthetic aesthetic experience poetry
suberin cuticular wax quercus suber l
regulation activation tg2
migration brain drain india
bullying mobbing workplace harassment
optimal shape elastica horizontal
chaos lineability universal taylor series
oil palm tree peony human genome
adoptee adoptive family institutionalized child
voluntary medical male ciforeskin urinary tract infection
capsicum pepper capsaicinoid
rhodamine clay mineral intercalation
pairs shortest path minimum cycle base search game
catalase peroxidase fabi katg
registration curculionidae coleoptera
active thermography defect detection composite material
coronary collateral circulacollateral exercise training
piper sarmentosum piper nigrum l peperomia
toughness flow binding number
hydrogen sulfide s nitrosylation carbon monoxide
baja california sur central philippine eastern indonesia
pecan high tunnel highbush blueberry
gentamicin nephrotoxicity gum arabic
lambert w function projectile motion dimensional analysis
crowdsourcing linux
exponential stability split step additive noise
vertical vibration schrodinger equation boundary condition
turbulence quartz tuning fork helium ii
offspring son preference offspring sex ratio
causal set causal boundary hyperbolic spacetime
kentucky bluegrass trinexapac ethyl hemiptera
isoliquiritigenin glycyrrhetinic acid glabridin
gamma lyase site specific pegylation erythrocyte
physical property aerodynamic property engineering property
ctgf ccn2 ctgf ccn2
aerodynamic shape optimiaerodynamic design adjoint
ferroelectric liquid crystalpolyamide self association
mouse sigma receptor ligand cocaine
ttha solid state compound orotic acid
defensive medicine malpractice litigation expert witness
decaborane hydrogen autotransfer pr primary alcohols
marriage virtue moral theology
cancrinite italy elastic behavior
jerky flow physical mesomechanic luders band
toilet training attention deficit hyperactiprimary monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis
sensitive question population mean sample survey
sumset polynomial integer
melolonthidae rutelinae dynastinae
solid particle erosion flow erosion corrosion
dual polar space quadrangle spread
vitamin b copper status copper supplementation
chemotherapy gemcitabine docetaxel
water liquid heat transfer
inse tlins2 band structure
mao deprenyl selegiline transdermal system
sport exercise exercise induced bronchoconstriction
art theatre silence
luminous efficiency mgo thin film luminance
membrane protein cubic phase lipidic mesophase
gunter grass bernhard schlink berlin
fda approval japan
miz comparative genomic hybrmad1
rectangular waveguide material microwave frequency
farnesol colorectal cancer geraniol
horner infarction artery
xunzi virtue mencius
febrile response thermoregulation body temperature
economic crisis financial crisis recession
carbamoyl phosphate synescherichia coli d hydantoinase
photoplethysmographic sifabric respiratory rate
cor triatriatum scimitar syndrome coronary sinus
genocide catholic vatican
normal family small function uniqueness
interlibrary loan recent literature electronic book
ethylene terephthalate barrier property icvd
baetidae leptophlebiidae perlidae
philosophy brain plato
poly phosphorus nitrogen co spiro
po2nh solid electrolyte nitride
mitotic clonal expansion l1 preadipocyte kruppel
self assembly quantum magnetic field
dna sequencing mass spectrometry polymerase chain reaction
gastrin cck glycine
engine stack regenerator
pyruvate dehydrogenase kbenzaldehyde lyase thiamin diphosphate
multicast distributed storage syste secure network
pancreatic panniculitis lupus vulgaris tuberculous otitis medium
respirator filtering facepiece respira nanoparticle
quantum einstein gravity functional renormalizatio local potential approximation
oryctolagus cuniculus broiler rabbit epichlorohydrin
hydrogen sensing charactepalladium
nella larsen jean toomer cane
zinc enolate oxochromene
lidcombe program anxiety camperdown program
gamma oryzanol glutamate decarboxylase rice bran oil
informal economy tax evasion shadow economy
interpersonal forgiveness apology differentiation
biological evaluation proton hydroxymethyl
conjoined twin amniotic band syndrome cleft
adult type hypolactasia lactose dairy product
sol gel method optical property zircon
fe3o4 film magnetoresistance antiphase boundary
sialendoscopy sialolithiasis cerebral palsy
bay position chemiluminescent properdicarboximide
vascularized composite alcomposite tissue allograftface
tc 99m fdg pet inflammation
urban morphology painting fractal dimension
tracheal rupture pneumosinus dilatan blunt trauma
oxide thiadiazole willgerodt kindler reaction
psychology obedience deception
benzene solution microwave absorption da binary mixture
virtual environment presence agoraphobia
candida sp nov thailand
bahrain united arab emirate maritime archaeology
direct payment crop yield weather
hiv ttv tt virus infection
cocaine cannabi economic
criseyde troilus canterbury tales
quadratic form hasse principle euler class group
ascite heart failure serum ca
nonnegative tensor best rank candecomp parafac
corneal dystrophy beta ig h3 novel mutation
aerococcus urinae case report actinobaculum schaalii
ellagic acid punicalagin urolithin
onconase ribonuclease oxidative folding
simultaneous pancrea enteric drainage
tetragonal tungsten bronztungsten bronze ceramic srxba1 xnb2o6
miscible displacement diffusion limited aggregataggregation
polarizability effect stereoelectronic structuretrifluorosilylmethyl
tendon sheath radiation synovectomy radiosynoviorthesis
radical cation catechols ultrasonic effect
fuzzy logic permeability prediction log
smartphone handheld computer mobile phone
triggered vacuum switch analysis dynistor
incarvillea cephalotaxus merrilactone
group lending empowerment self help group
old english anglo saxon england grendel
inhibitory factor cd74 macrophage
stationary plasma thrustehall effect plume
iron silicide ion implantation basi2 epitaxial film
n vinylcarbazole sillenite crystal ferroelectric liquid crystal
common cuckoo cuckoo host
hyponormal operator upper triangular operatorelementary operator
human plasma antineoplastic drug cyclophosphamide
acbp l fabp
endolymphatic sac tumorexternal auditory canal middle ear
isolated ventricular myocardium noncompaction cardiomyopathy
valeriana valerenic acid pogostemon cablin
conspiracy theory superstition belief
implantation erbium eu ion
correction encephalocraniocutaneous auricular reconstruction
parametric x ray radiationtransition radiation channeling
myositis ossifican radiotherapy total hip arthroplasty
sister mary joseph lung cancer nodule
ck2 casein kinase ck2 alpha
simulation service learning service
bivalvulida myxobolus henneguya
beta decay neutron lifetime gravitational field
insulin allergy human insulin diabetes
nickel carcinogenesis peptide fragment ethylenediaminetetraacetate
chloroma leukemia cutis breast
rock climber rock ski jumping
integer detection limit overdispersion
discrete geometric appro ampacity cable
newton descarte leibniz
flue gas desulfurization so2 absorption iii
membrane computing active membrane evolutionary processor
thiamine deficiency thiamine korsakoff
deficiency syndrome bisphosphate glucose transporter
cardiac rupture ventricular diverticulum acute myocardial infarction
power law environmental noise spatial synchrony
opr center dot pr i
condensed isoquinoline dithiazepane aminomethylation
child epidemic keratoconjunctivjapan
trial concordance correlation ccohen
escherichia coli microbial activity microcalorimetric investigation
magnetic field effect spin injection bipolaron
metropolis algorithm perfect sampling geometric ergodicity
imperforate anus anterior sacral meningocecongenital pouch colon
ichneumonidae rogadinae eulophidae
margaritifera margaritiferglochidia bivalvia
necrobiosis lipoidica interstitial granulomatousisotopic response
organonitrile multinuclear nmr study amidoxime
cidofovir viral wart recalcitrant wart
anisoptera coenagrionidae libellulidae
electrophilic addition reacene bromine
glass low temperature wafer b mems packaging
liu estimator ridge regression location parameter
ocdma code optical code division multiple access system
keratin hair fiber hair damage
islam al andalus northern chile
super yang mills theory exact supersymmetry hamiltonian
castasterone bri1 brassinosteroid signal transduction
elastofibroma dorsi osteopoikilosis abcc6
sodium azide tetrazole derivative cyanation
deltocephalinae cercopidae hemiptera
ceramic thick film resistor ntc
guam polynesia carlos bulosan
mixed crystal mbe mbe growth
fragile histidine fhit common fragile site
new species steroidal glycoside root
pet polypropylene polyethylene terephthalate
propyl gallate toona sinensis gallic acid
hydrogen vicarious nucleophilic subsperimidine
jharkhand caste white tiger
solubility parameter surface characterization igc
cervical lymphadenopath histiocytic necrotizing ly fine needle aspiration cytology
alginate immunoisolation epimerase
body tongue tattoo pigment
antigen serum p53 antibody cea
dihydroxyimidazolidin 32cycloaddition nn dialkyl n chlorosulfonyl chloroformamidine
sol gel low humidity
miracle intelligent design incarnation
selective oxidation h2s removal hot coal gas desulfurization
random conductance random environment stochastic homogenization
brazil experimental poisoning goat
phosphate synthase o glcnac transferase glucosamine
california condor ciconia ciconia mallard
malawi tradition bergson
enteroinvasive escherichia coli
qca quantum logic
valve electro conjugate fluid phase flow
islamism islamic law pakistan
delayed luminescence self organization biophoton emission
acute lymphoblastic leuk thioguanine mercaptopurine
claustrum mammal chemoarchitecture
pedagogy teaching john dewey
solid state complex molecular dynamics simulation
crocin genipin gardenia jasminoide
artificial light night china
selective inhibitor synthase calmodulin
sade france sociology
max algebra graph linear system
motet josquin monteverdi
unverricht lundborg diseatripeptidyl peptidase cln3
new c brucine aconitum alkaloid
intense pulsed ion beam ion diode compression plasma flow
energy saving heavy haul train expert system
h2o stable water isotope coo
microwave device sensitivity analysis adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system
menaquinone vitamin k deficiency gastrectomy
density electromagnetic levitatio normal spectral emissivity
acne inversa primary closure infliximab
nfat activated t cell cardiac hypertrophy
mussel adhesive protein catechol dopa
gas dynamic trap gol central cell
chevrel phase cluster compound re6s8
cyanation epsilon caprolactam aldoxime
h1n1 acute necrotizing enceph splenium
pi state molecular structure delta
chlorite dismutase water bacterium
gypsy italy triangulation
conjugative element bacterial conjugation integrative
strong stabilization multidimensional behaviobehavioral framework
magnolia officinalis ziziphus jujuba mill jujube
brownfield contaminated land cumulative risk assessment
numerical differentiation convergence rate parameter identification
max weber frame selection free will
hypersensitivity pneumonilibya permeation
amphiphilic conetwork isobutylene co isoprene brominated poly
macrolide antibiotic antibacterial activity cystic fibrosis
radiocarbon ams measurement microdosing
indolyl methane dim
superionic conductor cubr agbr
single device dual polarization interfer slab optical waveguide spectroscopy
near field x ray
estrogen nurr1 estrogen receptor
selective alpha alpha adrenergic receptor subtype
baikal rift system lake hovsgol lithosphere
power line dsl dsl system
maneuvering target impact angle constraint target
onsager heat droplet combustion mass transfer
conceptual metaphor cancer metaphor comprehension
java processor java virtual machine garbage collection
alkylidenetetrahydrofuranmucochloric acid dicarbonyl dianion
moxonidine receptor alpha
hermitian curve maximal curf code
leviathan thomas hobbes political philosophy
rhizopus oryzae lactobacillus rhamnosus fumaric acid
galerucinae tenebrionidae dermestidae
arabidopsis epsilon fusicoccin
annelida medicinal leech glossiphoniidae
terror management death nostalgia
syntenin pdz domain pdz
sugar industry beet campaign vdz
anne bradstreet smallpox mary rowlandson
neonatal chick chick beta alanine
semicarbazide semicarbazide sensitive a vap
european hare oryctolagus cuniculus rhdv
diesel engine artificial neural network turkey
cyano azo dye diazodiphenylmethane
developed country capitalism ecological modernization
squalene synthase inhibitor
milk thistle flavonolignan dehydrosilybin
self heating fire coal stockpile
point depressant pipeline lube oil
overlap integral range addition theorem center
arrangement characteristic polynomial digraph
selenium nanowire position sensitive detectosilver selenide thin film
pyrroloquinoline quinone pqq acetobacter pasteurianus
carnivorous plant action potential utricularia
intensive care unit hemodialysis interpretation
south china sea sea convention national jurisdiction
graphite intercalation c oil spill cleanup removal
insecticidal activity podophyllum hexandrum essential oil
d psicose d tagatose epimerase
least action gan crystallization
nilpotent derivation constant coinvariant
romania bioethic informed consent
geiger mode avalanche p range dimensional active imaging
conformity gender role conflict excellence
john mcgahern michel leiris animal
thrip onion thrip thrips species
gallium oxide ga2o3 film coga
network formation obesity garbage
dance memory theatre
congenital absence cat patent ductus venosus
vaccine influenza hepatitis b
asymmetric synthesis conformational study crystallization
public participation carer older person
melt polygon ring polymers
quinoa fagopyrum esculentum mrutin
developmental state korea democratization
self neglect diogenes syndrome older adult
avidin biotinylation biotin protein ligase
body communication body wearable application
physalis ashwagandha dunal
molten nio cathode direct carbon solid oxide fuel cell
vimang rooibo gentiopicroside
benjamin constant republicanism enlightenment
bithiazole ring carboxylatophenoxy dichlorido
p nilpotency permutable product formation
selective oxidation steel sheet zinc coating
intermittent catheterizati urinary catheter bladder discomfort
adult gastric metastasis lipoma
magnesium phosphate cemagnesia mgo nanoparticle
russia ls vygotsky factor
container crane disk bucket wheel excavator
deep packet inspection ip lookup regular expression
adar1 dowling degos disease chinese family
paraquat poisoning aminomethylphosphonic achlormequat
dendrite hyperspace extension theory
atom probe maraging steel dimensional atom probe
latvia baltic state belarus
homicide handgun argentina
coccygodynia eus intrathecal ziconotide
calcium binding lysosomal enzyme parvalbumin
mitochondrial genome acridoidea chelicerata
ipmc actuator piezoelectric fan nafion
lipid peroxidation caspase pilocarpine induced seizure
lennoxamine isoindolinone isobenzofuranone
al2o3 magnetorefractive effect giant magnetoresistance
material culture burgundy belgium
josephson arbitrary wavefquantum hall effect khz
familial dysautonomia anhidrosis dependent dna ligase
gnrh fertility control contraceptive vaccine
loop reverse transcription looprapid detection
banach space axiom distance graph
shale gas united state marcellus shale
science medicine racism
platelet cd40l ligand level
turk france ottoman
breast metastasis mmtv lymphoma
adjacent vertex sum number irregularity strength
granulysin cholesterol dependent cytproteinase inhibitor
electrostatic ion beam traxec thermal stability
black cumin black seed
frontal impact wheelchair obese patient
mossbauer study thiospinel defect chalcopyrite
zingiber officinale shogaol zingiber zerumbet
year sea air oscillator model prediction
woman sexualisation feminist identity
nm23 brms1 medroxyprogesterone acetate
jonathan littell western front british army
probability karl pearson euler
automorphism idempotent relation
agranulocytosis neutropenia hax
visual performance mobile phone comprehension
mitsunobu reaction perfluoroalkyl parallel kinetic resolution
ethical literary criticism golden bowl poe
passive intermodulation surface resistance intermodulation distortion
years war league confessionalization
poly film vinylidene fluoride
evil pascal skeptical theism
single crystal la3ga5sio14 langasite
piezoelectric composite piezoresistivity carbon fiber polymer matrix composite
cycloaddition redox behavior guaiazulenyl
colonic duplication retrorectal tumor gastric diverticulum
adenylosuccinate lyase deammonia lyase phenylalanine ammonia lyase gene
hematology analyzer peripheral blood pseudothrombocytopenia
penehyclidine hydrochlor muscarinic agonist schizophrenia
eu1 lab6 film hexaboride
shewanella ultrasonographic finding traumatic reticuloperitonitis
sn2p2s6 sn2p2s6 crystal high temperature heat capacity
n vinyl pyrrolidone adhesion performance epoxidized natural rubber
inverse problem research synchronization
matrix vesicle craniometaphyseal dysplatissue nonspecific alkaline phosphatase gene
taiwania cryptomerioide dichroanone polygodial
id protein fhl2 dna binding
higher education gender late ottoman empire
classroom experiment undergraduate economicsteaching economic
poland poland syndrome minimally invasive repair
brain iron accumulation infantile neuroaxonal dys hallervorden spatz syndrome
clarissa samuel richardson daniel defoe
gamma butyrolactone succinic semialdehyde de gamma
urban renewal poverty desegregation
poisson voronoi tessellati heterogeneous surface spacing
nitrobenzanthrone dna adduct environmental pollutant
feynman path integral first variation levy laplacian
n acetyl seryl aspartyl lysythymosin alpha
box office performance box office hollywood
disinfection ortho phthalaldehyde reprocessing
kepler star astronomy
scotland school spirituality
shale oil kerogen jordanian oil shale
conformational study ene space
alice patient wonderland syndrome
optimal orientation firefighter problem semicomplete multipartite digraph
datura stramonium nerium oleander cat
internet computer eniac
rat ferulic acid gastrodia elatum
bismuth niobate la2mo2o9 beta
catalpol classic galactosemia udp
tetralone vilsmeier reaction vinamidinium salt
singular integral operator plane wave diffraction factorization
multiple evanescent whit eales disease acute zonal occult outer retinopathy
dasein levinas russell
alkali metal amtec photon
differential scanning calo collagenase injection plantar fibromatosis
piperazin receptor ligand apomorphine
trieste individualization irma vep
dna binding tel prostate
glutamate carboxypeptidas n acetylaspartylglutamatenaag
lawsonia brachyspira pilosicoli porcine proliferative enteropathy
spg4 spastin autosomal dominant hereditary spastic paraplegia
echocardiographic epicardial fat thickness
thomson last sigh season
electroreduction phase shift method electrical double layer
resolver bipolar magnetotransistordsp
water mixture crown ether
zinc finger protein pokemon krab
kerriidae scale insect mealybug
colonoscopy chronic diarrhea mesenteric inflammatory veno occlusive disease
beach ghost fishing ingestion
idiopathic macular telangivalsalva retinopathy chronic hepatitis c
osmerus mordax ice crystal ice binding protein
british columbia northern territory canada
tandem mass spectrometrelectrospray n phosphoryl
northern chile mexico city eugenic
alpha finsler space flat finsler metric
focal dermal hypoplasia cutis marmorata telangiecito
physic nut phorbol ester euphorbiaceae
feminism women anthony trollope
eurycoma quassinoid eurycoma longifolium
chiral solvating agent enantiomeric purity sucrose
alias grace margaret atwood underworld
raman frequency point small angle scattering
kindred china mieville william gibson
patient knee osteoarthritis geophagy
cognitive science study religion
prurigo pigmentosa confluent erythema annulare centrifugum
rutaceae sweet orange citrus sinensis
fascist italy rome risorgimento
placentation struthio camelus hystrix cristata
smoothed analysis coordination mechanism nash equilibria
circular protein sfti seed
new species onychiuridae neanuridae
optic tunable filter paratellurite crystal ultrasound
bakuchiol psoralea corylifolium curculigo orchioide
idiopathic clubfoot congenital clubfoot congenital talipes equinovarus
high pressure synthesis square type viii
goethe mary robinson scott
ficus moraceae fig wasp
alpaca chronic renal failure south american camelid
self benzene gas liquid interface
law librarian legal research law student
shakespeare translation hazlitt
crake oryx merleau ponty
monascus lovastatin aspergillus terreus
stevia isosteviol rebaudioside
labial adhesion labia minora labiaplasty
furanone phthalazin cinnoline
celastrol hook f
beta nmr mu sr muon spin relaxation
multidimensional health l mattering lifestyle
vojvodina idea natural gas
pattern identification sasang constitution traditional korean medicine
sodium metabisulfite expression lung
implementation intention
artocarpus deoxynojirimycin morus alba l
oxo hydroxy catemeric hydrogen bonding
cyromazine milk powder pet food
subcortical cyst white matter disease hypomyelination
degs1 kiggs nhs health check
harpellales epizootic ulcerative synd aphanomyces invadan
tetramethyl acetylacetonate double glow plasma
achyrocline satureioide arrabidaea chica acacetin
ettore majorana hilbert quantum theory
variance estimator simulation optimization common random number
thermal battery pyrite film lithium
asiatic acid centella asiatica bacoside
pachydermoperiostosis palmar fasciitis digital clubbing
thin film dgt chronopotentiometry
sign semiosis charles peirce
focal cerebral ischemia propagation depression
monolingual dictionary vantage theory terminology
malignant external otitis ototoxicity skull base osteomyelitis
least common multiple divisibility determinant
squarate structural elucidation oxocarbon
cottonseed meal esi ms ft ir
capture recapture model heterogeneity
economic dynamic infinite horizon optimal c approximate solution
goat caprine arthritis encephaliequine infectious anemia virus
citrus aurantium bitter orange caffeine
itk inducible t cell kinase tec family kinase
lunar cycle lunar phase season
havana economic sanction health
electron beam low energy ion implantatilow energy
carbyne carbon film radiation
europe implantable cardioverter dtraining
kalanchoe pinnata caper capparis
carboxypyridine triazin solution study
benzoyl pyrrole dioxo
metal metallic environment momentum
daucus carota l potato carrot
polybutadiene epoxidation ultrasound
gravitational microlensingevent moa
surface gamma irradiation preparation
spectroscopic study pi acceptor ddq
autofrettage bauschinger effect stratification
bismuth doped silica glassbroadband optical amplifibi2
stratospheric airship haps performance
tenascin c expression immunocytokine extra domain b
fly wood ash application ash
crystal structure beryllium sensitization indium
prenatal development guinea pig digestive tract
hyperleukocytosis lactic acidosis lymphoma
phycobiliprotein tilmicosin rat
rectum intensity mitomycin c
diphenylhydantoinato kapco ii thioxoimidazolidin
obt hto carbon
fasciculoventricular path mahaim fiber valsalva manoeuvre
ccsvi internal jugular vein endovascular treatment
vascular flora carex cyperus
muramyl dipeptide tuftsin unequivocal assignment
tropheryma interleukin whipple disease
powdered infant formula leclercia adecarboxylata
glass variable range ibr
ciprofloxacin uva photodegradation
diurnal variation circadian rhythm day effect
congenital nasal pyriform kabuki charge association
zernike moment orthogonal moment chain code
evacuation rapid spontaneous resoluttwist drill craniostomy
genome rearrangement common interval approximation algorithm
chaperone pythiosis microfilaria
gravity dam roller seismic analysis
cyclohexadienyl haptotropic rearrangeme planar chiral
anchor adhesive anchor prestress loss
phase composition multi component alloy multi principal element
next generation network session initiation protocolasia
socrates aristotle gorgias
habit routine speech
lampricide pheromone entosphenus tridentatus
interatomic interaction avalanch po4
canada long joy kogawa
bdv proventricular dilatation bird
pulmonary artery dissecti cystic fibrosis life
hydroxymethylacylfulven titanium ch2coo
bluetooth ad hoc networkfast frequency multicarrier frequency
uncaria rhynchophylla aniracetam bulb
gaas separation cascade
pendula liriodenine polyalthia
ernst von glasersfeld luhmann cybernetic
negatively buoyant jet fountain homogeneous fluid
hard time tintern abbey william kentridge
evolution family stable manifold uniform exponential stability
low energy electron diffraatomic structure electron
ozonolysis leuzea carthamoide pfaffia
airfoil solidification numerical solution
aqueous solution drosophila melanogaster heteroassociation
delusion dermatitis artefacta folie
phenoxazine mouse macrophage copper
muscone santalum album odorant
whole body cryostimulati perniosis chilblain
terrylene iii hole
iex apolipoprotein j antisense oligonucleotide
alfred doblin china tree
nephropathic cystinosis intractable hiccup persistent hiccup
devs hla web
mad honey rhododendron molle melicope
ocessing condition
bacterial colony paper machine cell cycle
good friday agreement mural belfast agreement
south africa parable kingdom
migration land fragmentation memory
inorganic pyrophosphatassaccharomyces cerevisiaeescherichia coli
wolfram wolfram von eschenbach iwein
trichloroethyl solvatochromism heteroaromatic compound
opat hospital home care
micropolar fluid slow motion sphere
electronic device magnetic field creature
degree constraint d optimal nevanlinna pick interpolation
anion binding reo4 second sphere coordination
sputter etching cr2o3 nanoparticle fine protrusion
focal fibrocartilaginous dyjuvenile paget sqstm1
silencing transcription facearly growth response repressor element
sustainability din execution
physical education resuscitation family centred care
ireland reaction american labor history
jorge semprun francois ozon parkour
maple ir laser resonant
translin cd43 melanoma inhibitory activity
nathaniel mackey the road mark twain
elmidae sphaeridiinae bidessini
electro optic sensor optical voltage sensor electric field
ionospheric heating expe magnetized plasma spear
jakob von uexkull biosemiotic scrotum
science higher education decline
electronic control device excited delirium police use
jeff wall archive museum
scene antenna irfpa
ceftriaxone metronidazole fluoroquinolone
mexico intelligence psychopathology
claire denis montaigne event
problem nonnegative matrix sign pattern
alpha pinene oxide dicyclopentadiene beta pinene
schlieren talbot interferometry temperature measurement
water brillouin brillouin amplification
s poset act closure operator
magnetoplastic effect nacl crystal nacl
receptor dopamine receptor g protein
tuberculostatic activity tilde component condensation
compatibility enoxaparin retroperitoneal hematoma
gingival fibromatosis gingival tranilast
ghent henry agamben
colombeau distributions x algebra
emotional expression poetry language use
bartleby racial democracy drug war
sesame seed genetic diversity
slime mould amoeba quantum dot
elizabeth gaskell trollope cranford
phonon dispersion heat capacity amorphous alloy
cholesterol embolism aorta diffuse dermal angiomatosis
vitellaria paradoxa benin west africa
adaptation philology franz kafka
ogilvie fitz hugh curtis syndrome cecal volvulus
nag mic transcription factor
eugenio garin zagreb torquato tasso
application biomimetic pattern recognelectronic structure
interstitial fluid pressure microvessel permeability hydraulic conductivity
astronomy solar eclipse planet
technetium heat amsorb
rapunzel syndrome small bowel obstruction syndrome
nts1 analgesia nt69l
patrick modiano michel houellebecq immunology
alpha amanitin amatoxin liver transplantation
education nuclear facility game
probe hyperfine interaction standard enthalpy
ethanol chronic liver disease hepatitis c associated osteosclerosis
polycarbonate sulfur liquid sulfur
standards dietetics practice
surface roughness coarse optimal prediction
reconstruction medpor socket
fractional exclusion statistinteger partition quantization
apatite apatite structure vo4
edge effect induction heating processsesamoid bone
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cyclooctylamino glass transition range specific feature
branch visualization fundamental solution
nanocrystalline iron nitriding ru ac catalyst
water soluble vitamin infant formula pyridoxine
last man mark twain george oppen
avalanche multiplication temperature dependencein053ga047as
darier disease atp2a2 gene granular parakeratosis
electron transfer reactionone phenyl
ochronosis dione ntbc
al farabi evil goethe
digital investigation acquisition android device
investment uncertainty reinvestment timing progressive taxation
conrad eudora welty narcissus
polymer vibration welding polypropylene
ashbya gossypii brown vialetto van laere lumazine synthase
vacuum distillation sicf ti thermodynamic property
geotourism geoheritage channel tunnel rail link
immersion attractor morse smale diffeomorphism
urotensin ii receptor antacaudal neurosecretory sy urp
c3h5 allyl cvd precursor
potassium fixation soil potassium starter fertilizer
hepatic cyst cystadenocarcinoma mesenchymal stroma
syria south africa optimum
chemokine metastasis suppressor ndrg2 expression
nanostructured crystal ordering ionic mobility
chroman dihydrocoumarin agent
ovarian vein thrombosis unilateral pulmonary ede endovascular stenting
cryopreservation metagenomics soil
science statistics education education
sociology identity theory mead
armed conflict cultural property library
contact strength weibull parameter brittle material
surgical sponge year textiloma
ene crystal structure bicyclo221hept
radical cation heptane presence
cup unknown origin origin
oman dakar comment
black fly gordiida mermithidae
fahrenheit michael moore minimalism
electrophotography toner charge carrier
phenylethyl agarwood tubeimoside
franchise system pharmaceutical science clinical pathway
rough cilicia aphrodisias ambr
efficacy experimental study alzheimer
hydrophysical field caspian sea marmara sea
midkine expression regulatory peptide anaplastic lymphoma kinase
ddr2 ranbpm dyggve melchior clausen syndrome
sinomenium acutum fangchinoline cissampelos sympodialis eichl
violacein serratia marcescen apoptosis
vitro microbiological eval calm activity nmr spectral study
tanypodinae vespidae eumeninae
academic medicine coding letter
velocity measurement dynamic speckle laser frequency modulation
method recognition high speed steel
mouse brain gene expression chick embryo
demonstration test run length
acorus calamus acorus tatarinowii chromolaena odorata
nonlinear sturm liouville dielectric waveguide arra population dynamic
rodlet cell taste bud glycoconjugate
polyamidine polyphenylene film
root meristem cell sorbic acid mutagenicity
paradise gayl jones corregidora
arms race greek turkish arms race arms import
japanese garden production language
limestone area begoniaceae balsaminaceae
superacid vibrational spectra arylacetylene
eruptive pseudoangiomato ulmus davidiana var japonica
biphasic dose response hormetic effect historical foundation
severe autoimmune diseabone marrow transplantation
globalization global capitalism transnational capitalist class
crataegus pinnatifida vitexin abelmoschus manihot
hyperbolic geometry mobius transformation multiplication group
hippophae rhamnoide elaeagnaceae ssp sinensis
rat bite fever mouse parvovirus rat
no3 surface chloride complex
production year nitrogen factor
stone circular sawing marble
hiv infection hiv aids haart
orchidaceae dendrobium nobile bibenzyl
asthma brachycephalic dog feline asthma
nuclear resonant scatteri state bose einstein condensate
health care fraud environmental crime false claim
reaction enzyme catalyzed reactio hlrcc
thiourea cyclosporin pyridinium nitrate
multiphoton dissociation silicon tetrachloride free electron laser
cauchy problem summability local solvability
adversarial hankel matrix adversarial queueing model
graphite fluoride polymer silica
pascal quignard leo strauss robert coover
mri magnet induction heating permanent magnet
laser operating room airway fire
library history radio cold war
styloid process contagious yawning yawning
taiwan stability analysis nonlinear system
finite state machine passive testing fsm
date date fruit brittle leaf disease
agent elevator system fcm
cell migration electrotaxi strong gravitational field
cell adhesion molecule cea gastric cancer
intelligent product manuascada application origin
morinda psidium guajava noni fruit
cross reactivity severe metformin contraindication
alaska yukon pacific exposcolour music education
dynamic observer error li linear error dynamic transfer equivalence
silyloxy tetranitromethane aliphatic nitro compound
electron reflection skin effect near field effect
cutaneous ciliated cyst fibroepithelial polyp ipsilateral renal agenesis
edwidge danticat junot diaz oscar
polio late effect polio survivor
tritiation h d exchange reaction hydrogen isotope exchange
bactericidal permeability splunc1 self
gamma ray burst fermi paradox universe
estrella distante enrique lihn latin america
outer space europe china
flight data axial compressor fouling
persistent sciatic artery hematoma chronic
high gravity si tasi2 eutectic y3al5o12
cyanobacterial circadian crhythm synechococcus elongatus
amalgamation algebraic logic kleene
law literature urban legend
dimensional electrophorescpt non denaturing
epitaxial lateral overgrowtopography dislocation
sultone vinylsulfonamide bpyridine n oxide
delta electrode microwave discatomic iodine
herman van swanevelt magic palladio
sustainable development version yearly forecast romania
analogy thomas aquinas buddhist
field irreducible polynomial art history
marine cloud geoengineering model intclimate engineering research
ferrite garnet film magnetic dipole yttrium orthoferrite
tetramethylammonium hytcne fabrication
silica polyamine compositsodium silicate solution agricultural waste
binary matroid finite graph end
atomization process nozzle water jet
literacy ochnaceae mauritius
inpatient dermatology master propane
rosa canina rosa spp rosa rugosa
dynamics short pulse soliton
scientific software quorum finite element
djuna barnes jungle leonard woolf
ghana president india
adult education rpl mutinous thought
pyrrolidone kolaviron butoxyethanol
di tert butyl benzhydryl triazine derivative
aversion electroencephalogram emergency killing
privacy iris murdoch jonathan edwards
selective molecular beam selective mbe growth focused ion beam
stage clos network partitioned optical passiv linear array
torsion greater omentum gallbladder torsion
cd146 agr2 alcam
hope hedgehog rorty
macaca fascicularis fuel oxygenate vapor health assessment
heat transfer jew plasmoid
dual use research biosecurity biological weapon
urology national socialism critical reading
stalking victimization harassment morbid jealousy
cap polyposis stomach protein
crack detection pavement crack
choroid bacterial expression retina
reification honneth south africa
compton scattering study compton
sapho acne hyperostosis
breast abscess tuberculosis mastitis
statistical evidence auc
dmso phase polymorphism sodium tetrahydroborate
unit group group identity group algebra
bone marrow necrosis microangiopathy pulmonary tumor
chile physician derrida
universal teichmuller spa holomorphic motion hamilton sequence
bdd cpld haar
antifungal activity b methyl ester liquid crystal
vinyl butyral glass beam glass structure
ethanol solution cat dog
laptm4b grainyhead astrocyte elevated gene
benzimidazol pyrazinamide ethambutol
phenylethanolamine n met tyrosine hydroxylase genehuman tyrosine hydroxylase
g protein agonist breast cancer cell
boundary weighted shift matrix poncelet
raf kinase yy1 raf kinase inhibitor protein
hydroxytryptamine sarpogrelate hydrochloridkmup
protostelid didymium microhabitat
israel poultry meat sociology
hippocampus pipefish polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite marker
sinus ruptured sinus aortopulmonary window
removal atomic hydrogen ion
headache cerebrospinal fluid lymph neurological deficit
tunneling microscope lighmultiwalled carbon nanottunneling microscope
thallium poisoning finite element analysis mpa
drug substance active pharmaceutical inglow level determination
dab2 imerslund grasbeck synd vitamin b
rigveda plato indigenous indo aryans
eriocaulaceae velloziaceae methoxyphenyl
preparative synthesis adamantylation acyloxy
hegel deleuze proust
benjamin franklin environmental scanning sensibility
base analogue base derivative methanodibenzob f15diazocine
deer antler cervus effect
empire birth france
english grammar abel boyer mark z danielewski
thermal poling quasi phase chi
gm csf receptor granulocyte macrophage receptor activation
erythrophleum fordii
production cycle time basketball faculty
nicolau syndrome verrucous carcinoma burn scar
valuation hawthorne market
french maritime pine barkcarvedilol antihistamine
flander france cinema
strauss dance aquinas
liesegang pattern formati periodic precipitation morphology
atmospheric dispersion genetic algorithm inverse problem
iron battery k2feo4 electrochemical ferrate
villette ruskin charlotte bronte
insecta bolivia prioninae
poset unsymmetrical dimethylhhasse diagram technique
distortion distortion engineering plug
stalin dialectic conquest
plastic surgery fashion pan
block medium term acoustic emission
dermatoglyphic fingerprint ridge density sexual dimorphism
hiv ofuji pruritic papular eruption
mexico conservation development
spontaneous cholecystocurenal replacement lipomatosis
luminescent spectral correction standaoptical bistability
pip program impact pathway health services research
gapdh purification interaction
uniform convergence diffusion process probability
matrix organism biosynthesis
nonpolar liquid microcapsule apolar medium
blood constituent biodistribution stannous chloride
poland change methodology
mu oocme hdmpz bpyridin
molecular hydrogen electrolyzed reduced wat inhalation
tangled nature model biological evolution lemaitre primordial atom
nigeria bangladesh impact
chicken colostrinin egg yolk immunoglobulin
catalonia proving mathematics education
insulin tumor suppressor gene mp53
peptide albumin gene persistence
phenomenology creativity burma
neutron production rate hydrogen balmer line iec
impdh tiazofurin benzamide riboside
sylvia plath benjamin franklin animal electricity
biogas cyclic volatile methylsilox landfill gas
life index igda multicultural quality
godwin blake mary wollstonecraft
stainless steel derivation hot cathode ionization gauge
displacement segment string vibration
beverage road profile longitudinal road profile
polymer influence calculus
minor subspace minor component pca learning algorithm
hydrolysis abzyme multiple sclerosis
hegel abraham joshua heschel carmen laforet
carolina human right peru
great war shakespeare origins
historical epistemology al ghazali autobiography
gamma sulfide selective masking agent
object dynamic reconstruction knowledge base
la virgen los sicario bret harte
extracellular matrix proteecm1 urbach wiethe disease
cn bond activated fourier inversion
wind load external hydrostatic presswind pressure
dropped head syndrome myasthenia gravis primitive reflex
specificity protein chromomycin tolfenamic acid
poetry james merrill lyric
knowledge image system
cultural study elizabeth hamilton mary mccarthy
vibration serviceability crowd lateral vibration
test object acoustic emission signal reflector
family patient child
developmental toxicity phenyl dermatologic assessment
alpha lactalbumin oleic acid enterostatin
mouse blastocyst bromide phosphine
chester himes pseudocirrhosis breast cancer liver metastase
relative risk model amchitka island future land use
web archiving archival education newspaper
complexity alexander von humboldt lacan
aral sea basin khorezm central asia
mac30 growth protein ing family
chicken chimeric chicken germline chimera
marketing levinas alfred schutz
genus modular group real algebraic curf
magnetic lense plasma environment solar array
dapk che prostate apoptosis response
line circulator lanczos potential experimental design
computational science environment education
tenebrio molitor entomophagy pig
heinrich von kleist gershom scholem caspar david friedrich
electrode material smart obstacle time dependent acoustic obstacle
ensete ventricosum enset musa spp
idyll talbot virgin mary
isothermal section electron beam cold heart evaporation mechanism
junior high school studentprofessional socialization athletic training student
international child abductmiscarriage hague convention
emergency department acute hypertension urapidil
fray diego landa marc lescarbot
ovid tate modern child
cronartium flaccidum pakistan melampsora rust
cortical infarction alpha johann sebastian bach
gpr56 brain specific angiogenesischromosome
arunachal pradesh lignin nickel
operator semigroup hyperinvariant subspace extended eigenvalue
pore viscosity temporal analysis
rabbit hcl tracheal epithelium
electric dipole plasma waveguide dissipative instability
coxeter arrangement parasympathetic reflex vapituitary adenoma
river region thaya thirteenth century england
bordism group physic exotic smoothness
mercury electrode electrochemical study mixed ligand complex
scolymus cynara cardunculus l var agrimonia pilosa
child prevention bacterial extract
nitrophenyl x ray characterization diazacycloalkane
securinega alkaloid securinine bergenia species
sc o w high temperature emission property
manuel rivas wilde third cinema
context sensitive languag sentence processing connectionist network
carcinosarcoma sarcomatoid carcinoma giant fibrovascular polyp
equilibrium shape viscous liquid nonlinear analysis
copolymerization meth n vinylpyrrolidone
thermodynamic second law equilibrium
black esophagus dendriform pulmonary ossi tc 99m mdp
nyssa levina political mask
calcium fluoride manganese atom mos tunnel structure
cyclopentadienyl eta photoconductivity
nigerium chemical sensor groundwater
sabina berman argentina apartheid
polymer membrane ferroelectric phase transition
artificial neural network prediction fuzzy logic
fluorouracil derivative nitrobenzenesulfonamidoampelopsin
mesostigmata new species bone
knudsen cell mass spectr liquid alloy picture book
user blind visually
malignant atrophic papulopapular mucinosis mucinous nevus
einstein relation experimental determinatirelative comparison
biden bidens pilosa pluchea indica
certeau sylvie germain alexander
restaurant tipping door tipping behavior
tinu drug acute renal failure
carthamus tinctorius l carthamus hancornia speciosa gome
algebraic entropy reconstruction indecomposable tournament
phase transition soliton cadmium telluride film
benzophenone ir spectrum structural similarity
interference microscopy continuous air monitor diffractive optical element
viscometric study surface tension miscibility
consciousness humanbecoming unitary human being
monounary algebra order convex set torsion class
high temperature superc as2se3 glass
disease cluster munition rondon commission
fmo3 monooxygenase fish odor syndrome
bre prohibitin expression nuclear matrix
translationally translationally controlled steap4
duty physician participation execution
apis mellifera honeybee apamin
multifocal electroretinog american academy fundus autofluorescence
quality collective memory andy griffith show
welfare rights advice general practice older person
clermont ferrand english dialect dictionary dialectometry
bentham bergson yoga
loci resistance hepatocarcinogenesis
aneurysm azygos vein aneurysm inferior vena cava aneurysm
miracle vagina monologues novel
mibelli circumscribed palmar hypchromosome
thyrotropin releasing ho melanotrope cell hormone analogue
resistor thin film resistor gasb
skull fracture angiolipoma cerebral hemiatrophy
moringa stenopetala
flagship species biodiversity invertebrate
d pinitol carob simmondsia chinensis
roselle calyce malvaceae
marcinkiewicz fejer absolute convergence logarithmic mean
new fortune stephen crane joseph conrad
shadow education inductive reasoning dynamic decision
graffiti chicago public toilet
economic analysis tort environmental risk
peripheral leukocyte fibroblast cell line activity
lipofibromatous hamarto macrodystrophia lipomat lipedematous alopecia
optical activity cellulose acetate fractal model
secularization knowledge derrida
baudelaire madame bovary flaubert
artemisia princep jaceosidin dendropanax morbifera
jean jacques rousseau mary shelley compassion
atomic deposition atomic beam nanofabrication
iupac nist solubility data scomplex urea
atmosphere geometric parameter stratified fluid
microglobulin bikunin human alpha
digital halftoning graph global rounding
aluminum metal matrix c plastic zone composite cantilever beam
addiction michael polanyi popper
theresa hak kyung cha spirit margaret cho
dane cultural techniques friedrich kittler
blend component system phase equilibria
pornography merleau ponty butler
calcification diffuse neurofibrillary tan slc20a2
sawfly cephidae argidae
jehovah witness religious freedom
neuropathology neurology training alicante
mbar statistical time delay electrical breakdown time delay distribution
ionomer ionic aggregate styrene co methacrylate
context briefing equity
brownian motion nomenclature logistic map
convex packing finite metric space
digital phase range kuramoto sivashinsky equation
interactive art creative evolution islamic banking
horvath bohai sea radar
reaction dispersion theory sum rule
silver catalyst silicon nitride electrolyte
g protein npsr1 amygdala
nanoparticle detection significance
concave diffraction gratinflow system offner spectrometer
year republic imb
nanonetworks diffusion capacity analysis
thermochemical study acid thermodynamic property
organic contamination deposition adsorption
procopius antigonus monophthalmucassiodorus
high angle inversion drilling fluid
construction site steep slope furrow irrigation
moral regulation defence zora neale hurston
tip30 metastatic tumor antigen metastasis
double quantum wire superradiance semiconductor
wavefront extended depth birefringent lens
rotational motion rigid body cavity
growth factor acth gpe
hematite ultrasound particle
phenylcarbamic acid photosynthetic electron t quinolinol

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