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Question 22

Read the text below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Butterflies go through a life cycle. There are four stages. The first stage is the eggs.
This is where a female butterfly lays eggs. She lays them on a leaf.
The second stage is the caterpillar. This is where the eggs hatch. It takes about
five days for the eggs to hatch. A caterpillar then comes out. At this stage, the
caterpillar eats all the time. It also grows really fast. Once it is all the way grown, the
third stage starts.
This stage is the chrysalis. The caterpillar makes a chrysalis. The caterpillar is
inside the chrysalis. Inside the chrysalis, it starts to change. It soon changes into a
butterfly. Once the caterpillar has changed into a butterfly, the fourth stage starts.
This is also that last stage in the life cycle.  The fourth stage is the butterfly. A
butterfly comes out of the chrysalis. It can now learn to fly. It can also find a mate.
When it finds a mate, it lays eggs. Then the lifecycle process starts all over again.

Tick (/) the correct answer.

a) This article discussed about_________ life cycle.

(1 mark)
b) How many stages in butterfly life cycle?

(1 mark)

Write your answers in the spaces provided.

c) Where usually the female butterfly lays egg?

(2 marks)

d) What is the third stage called?

(2 marks)

e) Why do you think the caterpillar needs to eat all the time?

(2 marks)
Read the information in the table below and answer the questions that follow.

Question 23
Tick (/) the correct answer.
a) Hari raya Aidilfitri is celebrated by___________________.

the Indians
the Chinese
the Muslims

(1 mark)

b) Mon Ho from Korea booked a service to celebrate Deepavali. What kind of food
will he get to eat?

Marukku, vadai and curry

Ketupat, lemang and rendang

Mandarin oranges, dumplings and Yee Sang

(1 mark)

c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B. An

example is given below.

List A List B
During Chinese New Year, the pansoh manok and rice
Chinese wear wine

Hari Raya Aidilfitri is celebrated celebrated by the Hindus

Special food served during samfoo and cheongsam

Gawai Dayak are
Deepavali is after the month of

(2 marks)

d) What colour the Chinese prefer to decorate their houses?



(2 marks)
e) List down all the traditional costumes in Malaysia’s Celebrations



(2 marks)

Read the text and answer the questions that follow.

Questions 24 and 25
Tick (/) the correct answer.

24 a. Which line tells us that we must respect other’s right?

He / She is helpful and considerate, willing to put others first

He / She is someone who respect others and their property

He / She is well mannered and pleasant

He / She respects the environment and does not damage it in any way

(1 mark)

b. What do you think the phrase ‘not in a position to help themselves’ means?

People who are helpless or need other’s help

People who are helpful

People who like to help others

People who do not like helping others

(1 mark)

(a) Can you give an example of a good citizen? Why do you say so about him or her?



(2 marks)
(b) Give two qualities from the text above that a pupil should have.

i. ________________________________________

ii. ________________________________________

(2 marks)


He/She respects the environment and does not damage it in


Give one example on how to respect our environment?



(2 marks)


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