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Question 22:

Read the information in the table below and answer the questions that follow.

Question 23
Tick (/) the correct answer.
(a) Hari raya Aidilfitri is celebrated by___________________.

the Indians
the Chinese
the Muslims

[ 1 mark ]
b) Mon Ho from Korea booked a service to celebrate Deepavali. What kind of food will
he get to eat?
Marukku, vadai and curry

Ketupat, lemang and rendang

Mandarin oranges, dumplings and Yee Sang

[ 1 mark ]

(c) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B. An example
is given below.

List A Samfoo and Cheongsam

on Chinese New Year
Ketupat, lemang and
Gawai Dayak
rendang are

The Chinese wear The festival of

The Ibans celebrate
Special food for Hari
Deepavali is known as Raya Aidilfitri

List B

[2 marks]
c) List two other celebrations in Malaysia.

i. __________________________________________

ii. __________________________________________
[ 2 marks]

(e) From the given list, which celebration would you like to experience?Give your

[ 2 marks]

Question 23

Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow.

Turtles are reptiles. They are cold-blooded animals. They have a hard shell covering
their bodies. The shell may be rounded or flat. They can be in the colour of mud, green,
or brown.
Turtles live in the deep ocean. They have flippers which help them to swim. They
do not give birth to their youngs but they lay eggs. During the egg-laying season, the
female turtles crawl up to the beach to dig a hole to lay their eggs in it. After that, they
cover the hole before returning to the ocean.
Some of the well-known turtles are the leatherback turtles, the green turtles and the
hawksbill turtles.
Tick (√) the correct answer.

(a) Turtles are …..




(1 mark)
(b) In the passage, the word it refers to ….

the hole.

the turtle.

the beach.

(1 mark)

(a) Match the phrases in List A to the suitable phrases in List B. An example is
given below.

List A List B
Turtles are covering their bodies

They have a hard shell mud, green or brown

The colour of the shells are cold blooded animals

(2 marks)
(c) List out the two features of a reptile.


(2 marks)

(d) Name two types of turtles that you know?


(2 marks)
Question 24 and 25

Inspector Hashim gives Mr. Ramesh and his neighbours some home safety

24. Fill in the blanks with correct word.

a) Always keep your ___________, ____________, and back doors locked.

b) Do not leave __________ or ___________ outside your house.

( 2 marks)
25. Answers all the questions

a) Who was giving Mr. Ramesh some home safety tips?



(2 marks)

b) Why we must keep our windows locked when we are not at home or at night?



( 2 marks)

c) What should you do when a stranger is trying to enter into your house?



(2 marks)

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