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Public awareness of science

Main article: Public awareness of science

Further information: Science outreach and Science communication

Dinosaur exhibit in the Houston Museum of Natural Science

The public awareness of science relates to the attitudes, behaviors, opinions, and activities that
make up the relations between science and the general public. it integrates various themes and
activities such as science communication, science museums, science festivals, science fairs, citizen
science, and science in popular culture. Social scientists have devised various metrics to measure
the public understanding of science such as factual knowledge, self-reported knowledge, and
structural knowledge.[167][168]

Science journalism
Main article: Science journalism
The mass media face a number of pressures that can prevent them from accurately depicting
competing scientific claims in terms of their credibility within the scientific community as a whole.
Determining how much weight to give different sides in a scientific debate may require considerable
expertise regarding the matter. [169] Few journalists have real scientific knowledge, and even beat
reporters who know a great deal about certain scientific issues may be ignorant about other scientific
issues that they are suddenly asked to cover.[170][171]

Politicization of science

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