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1. Answer in English or Bahasa Malaysia.

2. Number of words: 3000 – 5000 words excluding references for EACH question (Question 1
and Question 2).

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date : 7 DECEMBER 2020

6. This assignment accounts for 100% of the total marks for the course.


QUESTION 1 (70%)


The aim of this assignment is to facilitate your abilities to research on a topic of study. This
practice will enable you to identify and formulate an inquiry question that is pertinent in the
education fraternity. You will also be able to know how to search and locate relevant
information from journal articles. Finally, you will be able to analyze and synthesize
information pertaining to your research.


This assignment requires you to complete a literature review on an educational topic of your
choice. The selected topic should not be the one you have attempted in other courses. You
are required to identify at least 6 empirical journal articles related to your topic and write
about a 20 page literature review based on the articles you have selected. The selected
research articles should be published within the last 10 years (year 2000 onwards).

You are required to summarize and critically evaluate relevant literature to establish current
knowledge of a topic. You may use the following steps as a guide to complete this task.
1. Identify an educational topic that you are interested in.
2. Formulate an inquiry question(s) that specifically describes what you would like to know
about your educational topic.
3. Search for journal articles that include your topic’s information.
4. Read the abstracts and skim the articles to determine if they correspond well to your
topic and inquiry question(s).
5. Select at least 6 journal articles.
6. Read your selected articles and begin to sort and classify them according to themes.
* Refer to Topic 4 of the module.
7. Write your review.
8. Identify gaps that may exist in the literature

Outline for writing your literature review:
1. Introduction
Write an introduction paragraph for your review. This paragraph includes:
 the topic and research questions of your research
 statement of the problem
 a brief discussion on the background on the selected topic
[10 marks]

2. Body
Before you begin this section, you are required to sort your articles into different
themes. Each theme should be given a descriptive name which will become the
heading of the sub sections. The body of your literature review should include;

a. Theme 1: several paragraphs that describe the first theme that you
identified by critically analyzing and synthesizing information by
comparing/contrasting the articles

b. Theme 2: several paragraphs that describe the second theme that you
identified by critically analyzing and synthesizing information by
comparing/contrasting the articles

c. Theme 3: several paragraphs that describe the third theme that you
identified by critically analyzing and synthesizing information by
comparing/contrasting the articles
*Refer to Topic 6 of the module. You may have more than 3 themes.

d. Your views in terms of;

- Any problems or gaps in the literature
- The need to carry out the intended research and how it will
contribute to the body of knowledge

e. You can compare and contrast the articles in terms of the following;
- Findings

- Methodologies
- Arguments put forth by the authors
[50 marks]

3. Conclusion
Briefly summarize the main findings of the reviewed articles. Discuss the importance
of your study in light of the literature you have reviewed, and how your proposed
research can contribute to the existing body of research.
[5 marks]

4. References
Use APA style for citations and references.
*Refer to Topic 7 of the module
[5 marks]

Points to consider
1. Avoid direct quotations. Instead use your own words to paraphrase. Paraphrasing
will ensure your review of literature is in your authorial voice.

2. Organize your literature review around your themes and not simply report on each
author at one time. This will demonstrate your synthesis of the selected articles.

(TOTAL : 70 marks)

QUESTION 2 (30%)


The purpose of this assignment is to enable you to communiate effectively on your

proposed research through oral presentation. In particular, you will be able to gain an
insight on the various theories underpinning your study and the link between the
proposed methodology and the variables to be measured.


This assignment requires you to prepare a power point presentation for an oral
presentation based on Assignment 1 (15 minutes talk + 5 minutes Q&A). Your
presentation should contain a maximum of 12 slides in total.
You are advised to follow the given guidelines below.


 Organize your presentation.

 Start with an outline on what to present.
 Develop a good transition between sections.
 Get the attention from the audience by having a strong opening.
 Define important terms which you think are relevant for your study.
 Create notes for yourself.
 Practice before presentation.

The content of the presentation should include the following:

Introduction Relevant background information of the study based on the following:

 statement of the problem
 why the study is important to be researched
 defining relevant terms/key concepts related to your selected
Literature review Brief discussion on studies related to your topic:
 list the authors and a brief statement about what you have
gathered from their works and how it helps aid your research
 how your research is different or an improvement from other
studies/identify the gaps that exist
 relevance of the proposed study to the educational field

Research State your research question(s)/hypothesis

Research Discuss how you propose to collect your data by:

methods  stating the instruments you intend to use
 justification on the selection of instruments/methodology based
on the literature review
Framework of Present each of the following in a form of a diagram:
the study  Theoretical framework
 conceptual framework
Reference Provide the references cited using the APA format.


Name: _______________________________________________
Title of Study: _______________________________________________

Date of Presentation: ________________________

No. Criteria for Grading Marks Comments

A Communication Skill
 Clear and careful word choice, sentence 5
construction with skill and purpose.
 Able to answer questions with knowledge and
 Definition of relevant terms are provided
B Introduction
 Ability to catch the attention from the audience 5
with good introduction that includes the
- Statement of the problem
- Provides good background and makes a good
case for the relevance of the topic/research
and research questions
- Introduction to the key terms are clear and
Literature Review
 Evidence of breadth and depth in understanding 5
and analysis of topic
 Main points are developed and supported with
relevant information from literature review
 Good discussion on how the proposed study is
relevant based on reviews from literature
 Clear discussion on the gaps that exist leading to
the need to research the selected topic
 Ability to present and discuss the theoretical and 5
conceptual frameworks
 Clear links are made to the selected topic for
Content Knowledge/Methodology
 Provides good knowledge and understanding of 5
the research area with relevant content
 central idea/purpose are clearly stated
 Provides clear and sound arguments on the
appropriateness of the proposed methodology
C Conclusion
 Ability to rationalize the need to carry-out the 5
current study and how it will contribute to the
body of knowledge.

General Comments:

Areas for improvement:


QUESTION 1 (70%)
*QN CLO Unsatisfactory/
Excellent Good Fair Low
No Response Max
Criteria Weight Marks
4 3 2 1 0
Introduction (10 marks)
1 1 Research topic and 1.25 The title is clear and very The title is relevant or The title is adequately The title is poorly No attempt is 5
Research Questions relevant to the current current. The research stated/partly stated/not relevant or made. The
need. The research questions are designed relevant/current.The current. The research research
questions are clearly well. research questions are questions are poorly questions and
designed Good link made to the poorly designed designed research topic
Clear link made to the selected topic. Adequate link of the Poor link of the are not related.
selected topic. research questions to research questions to
the topic. the topic.
1 Statement of the 1.25 Clear identification on Good identification on Adequate identification Poor identification on No attempt is 5
problem the statement of the the statement of the on the statement of the the statement of the made/Poor
Background of the Study problem. problem. problem. problem. identification on
Clear discussion on the Good discussion on the Poor discussion on the Vague discussion on the statement
background of the study. background of the background of the study. the background of the of the problem.
study. study. Poor discussion
on the
background of
the study.
Literature review and conclusion (50 marks)

2 Identification and 2.5 Excellent identification Very good Adequate identification Poor identification and Vague/Lack of 10
organization of the and organisation of the identification and and organisation of the organisation of the identification
themes themes. organisation of the themes. themes. and
themes. organization of
the themes
4 Ability to analyze and 3.75 Clearly demonstrates the Quite clearly Adequately Poorly demonstrate Inability to 15
synthesize articles candidate’s ability to demonstrates the demonstrates the the candidate’s ability demonstrate
analyze and synthesize candidate’s ability to candidate’s ability to to analyze and the candidate’s
the articles. analyze and synthesize analyze and synthesize
synthesize the articles ability to
the articles. the articles.
analyze and

synthesize the
4 Identification of gaps 2.5 Excellent identification Very good Adequate identification Poor identification of Inability to 10
/strengths and of gaps/ strengths identification of gaps / of gaps/ strengths gaps/strengths identify
weaknesses in the study /weaknesses and make strengths /weaknesses /weaknesses and make /weaknesses and gaps/strengths
and make good links to some links to the make links to the and weaknesses
excellent links to the
the suggested study. suggested study. suggested study and lack of links
suggested study.
to the
suggested study
3 Connection between 2.5 Very clear justification Clear justification for Adequate justification Poor justification for Inability to 10
literature and current for the need to look into the need to look into for the need to look into the need to look into provide
study the suggested study. the suggested study. the suggested study. the suggested study. justification for
the need to look
into the
Conclusion 1.25 Clear discussion on how Good discussion on Adequate discussion on Poor discussion on Very vague with 5
the study contributes to how the study how the study how the study hardly any
the body of research. contributes to the contributes to the body contributes to the discussion on
body of research. of research. body of research. how the study
contributes to
the body of
3 Language 1.25 Writing is crisp, clear, Writing is clear. Minor Writing is generally Writing is poor. It is hard to 5
and succinct. Candidate spelling, grammar or clear, but unnecessary Meaning is sometimes know what the
incorporates the active punctuation errors are words are occasionally distorted. Paragraph or candidate is
voice when appropriate made. Paragraph or used. Meaning is sentence structure is trying to
and supports ideas with sentence structure is sometimes hidden. too repetitive. Major express. Writing
examples. No spelling, clear with minor Paragraph or sentence spelling, grammar, or is convoluted.
grammar, or punctuation errors. structure is too punctuation errors are Misspelled
errors are made. repetitive. Few spelling, made. words, incorrect
grammar, or punctuation grammar, and
errors are made. improper
punctuation are
3 Referencing including 1.25 References are very References are References are fairly References are hardly No 5
citations relevant and current to relevant and current to relevant and current to relevant and current to referencing/doe
the area of study. All the area of study. the area of study. Few the area of study. Most s not follow the
citations are very Most citations are citations are accurate citations are inaccurate APA format. All

accurate and made accurate and made and made according to and not made citations are
according to APA style. according to APA style. APA style. according to APA style. inaccurate/no
citations are
Total 17.5   70
*QN = Question Number

QUESTION 2 (30%)
*QN CLO Excellent Good Fair Low Unsatisfactory/ Max
Criteria Weight No Response Marks

4 3 2 1 0
2 2 Communication Skills 1.25 Demonstrates excellent Demonstrates good Demonstrates adequate Demonstrates 5
mastery in mastery in mastery in weak/lack of mastery
communicating ideas. communicating ideas. communicating ideas. in communicating
2 Introduction 1.25 Excellent discussion on Good discussion on the Adequate discussion on Limited discussion on 5
the key terms and key terms and key terms and the key terms, the
justification for the justification for the justification for the justification for the
research problem and research problem and research problem and research problem and
the research questions the research questions the research questions the research questions
that emerge from the that emerge from the that emerge from the that emerge from the
problem. problem. problem. problem.

2 Literature Review 1.25 Excellent discussion on Good discussion on the Adequate discussion on Limited discussion on 5
the relevance of the relevance of the study the relevance of the the relevance of the
study based on the based on the literature study based on the study based on the
literature review. review. Good literature review. literature review.
Excellent discussion on discussion on the gaps Adequate discussion on Limited discussion on
the gaps that exist that exist leading to the gaps that exist the gaps that exist
leading to the need to the need to carry out leading to the need to leading to the need to
carry out the study. the study. carry out the study. carry out the study.

2 Discussion and 1.25 Excellent discussion on Good discussion on the Adequate discussion on Limited discussion on 5
justifications of the theoretical and theoretical and theoretical and theoretical and
theoretical and conceptual framework. conceptual framework. conceptual framework. conceptual framework.
conceptual framework Able to differentiate Able to differentiate Able to differentiate Not able to
both the framework very both the framework. both the framework differentiate between
clearly. Able to identify Able to identify and although few the two framework.
and clearly discuss the discuss the theories discrepancies are Limited link between
theories and concepts and concepts evident. Shows some the theories and
underpinning the underpinning the ability to identify and concepts underpinning
proposed study. proposed study. discuss the theories and the proposed study.
concepts underpinning
the proposed study
2 Content Knowledge and 1.25 Demonstrates excellent Demonstrates good Demonstrates some Demonstrates limited 5
Methodology knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and
understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
research area with research area with research area with some research area with
relevant content and the good relevant content relevant content and the irrelevant content and
central idea/purpose and the central central idea/purpose are the central
clearly stated. Very clear idea/purpose are adequately stated. idea/purpose are
sound arguments on the stated. Good Adequate arguments on vaguely stated. Limited
appropriateness of the arguments on the the appropriateness of arguments on the
proposed methodology. appropriateness of the the proposed appropriateness of the
proposed methodology. proposed
methodology. methodology.

2 Conclusion 1.25 Excellent rationalization Good rationalization Adequate rationalization Vague rationalization 5
on the importance of the on the importance of on the importance of the on the importance of
proposed research and the proposed research proposed research and the proposed research
how it would contribute and how it would how it would contribute and how it would
to the body of contribute to the body to the body of contribute to the body
knowledge. of knowledge. knowledge. of knowledge.

Total 7.5   30
*QN = Question Number


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