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Contract No. 122-C01







Item No Page No

1 PART 1 - GENERAL ............................................................................................................................ 1

1.1 SECTION INCLUDES ............................................................................................" .............. ,.......... 1
1.2 REFERENCES." ............. ,.................................... " .................. ,........................" ... ,." ................. ,....... " 1
1.3 ENVIRON MENTAL REOUIREMENTS .................. ,........... " .......................... " ............. ,.... ", ............. 1
1.4 SU8MITTALS ........................................................ ,....................... " .................... ,.... "., ..... ,,, ................. 2
1.5 OUALITY ASSURANCE .................................... " ........... " ........ ,., ..................................... ,............ ,.. ".2
1,6 WARRANTY ...... " ......... ,.......... ,............... " .............. ,......... " ...................................... " ........... " .............. 2
2 PART 2 - PRODUCT ................................................................." ......................................................... 3
2.1 ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM ............................................ ,.... ,.......................................... " ............. 3
2.2 UNINTERRUPTI8LE POWER SUPPLY ........... " ................ ,........................................... "., ................ 5
2.3 RACEWAYS ....................................................................,..... " ............................................................... 5
3 PART 3 - EXECUTION ......................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 INSTALLATION ......................................................................,...... ,....................................................... 6

Contracl No. 122-C01




A. This Section includes lurnishing and installation 01 a complete Access Control system as shown on
the drawings and as specified in this section. '. .

B. Aceess Control system shall be located in location inside Telecom Room in SWRO Building as
indicated on Drawings. The secuilty system shall be powered by UPS with 2 hours autonomy
batteries. Access Control system shall include:

a. Keypad Card Reader

b. Intelligent Field Control Panel

c. Access Management Software

d. Exit Push Button

e. Electric Door Contacts:

C. Specifications included in this section are indicative and considered as a minimum, equipment &
software that shall be delivered at the time 01 implementing the. project shall be the latest versions
available in the market.


A. NFPA National Fire Protection Association

B. NFPA 70 National Electrical Code

C. UL Underwriter's Laboratories Inc.

D. ANS!. American National Standards Institute

E. Other references shall include

Electronlc Industries Association - ElA

International Electro technical Commission - IEC

Institute 01 Electrical & Electronic Engineers- IEEE

International Organization lor standardization - ISO

F. Ali equipment shall be manulactured by ISO 9000 certified companies.


A. Ali equipment installed shall not require readjustments 01 controls, realignment, software reloading or
reconfiguring when operating under the following conditions:

Equipment installed outside shall be capable ta operate at their nominal performances under the
following environmental conditions:

Contract No. 122-C01

. SECTION 16765

• Maximum ambient temperature: 50°C

• Minimum ambient temperature: 5°C

• Average maximum temperature: 43°C

• Average minimum temperature: 15°C

• Temperature due b directsun exposure: 85°C

• Maximum relative humidity : 100%

• Maximum winspeed:60km/H

• Maximum rainfall:100mm


A. Product Data: Submit manufacturers data for ail items of Access Control system.

B. Shop Drawings: Submit layout drawings for ail Access Control system.

C. Complete Installation, Operation and maintenance Manual.


A. The following association and organlzaüon shall be referred to with respect to standards as they
apply to the materials and equipment provided under this Section.

Electronics Industries Association (ElA): Publications and Engineering Publications.

Underwriter's Laboratories (UL).

B. Single Source Responsibility: Components and accessories shall be product of single manufacturer
to the maximum exten!.

C. One week training program must be provided for the selected personnel by supplier/manufacturer
representaüve so that they can manage and maintain the system efficlenUy.


A. Submit writlen guarantee signed by the contractor, manufacturer for the period of 5 years from the
date of substantial completion. The guarantee shall coyer the repair and replacement of defective
materials and workmanship as directed by the Engineer.

2 Contract No. 122-C01




A. General: Access control system

The functions of the access control system is ta monitor and record personnel entry ta and exit from
the required areas and also ta restrict staff entry in some areas. Microcomputer based aceess control
system shall be pravided featuring expandable madular design, netwarking capability, user definable
access and reparting functions. The system shall pr~vide uninterrupted growth as user requirements

B. Keypad Card Reader:

1. Keypad Card Reader shall be contact type and shall let the users to enter their personal
numerical cede to gain access and have capability for eut down user errors by reducing the
number of attempts required for a successful number and system shall be provided with the
following main requirements:

Vandal and impact resistant

Weather, dust and water proof where required

No expased maving parts

Heavy duty construction

LED power indicator

Intrinsically safe ta allow use in explosive environment

Power Supply: 5-14V DC ,100 ma max

Indicators: Red LED ,Green LED & Buzzer

Output Format: Selectable clock/data magnetic, or wiegand 26 bit

Cable Length: 2m cable should be supplied

System ta be approved.

2. The Keypad Card reader shall contain and check the following information:

Facility code and card number,

Check characler la ensure validity of the card information,

Personal numerical code to gain access.

3, The system shall be centralized controlled through the control location indicated on

C, Intelligent Field Control Panels (IFP):

ReaderTechnologies Supported: infra red, Mag-stope, smart

3 Contract No, 122-C01

· .:

Number Of Readers per Ooor: 112

Egress inputs:214

Ooor Sensor Inputs: 2/4

Card Capaeity: 36,000

Spare Inputs: 8/12

Spare Relays: 4/6

Anti pass-back: True or Timed


Time groups: 64

Card Expiry by Date

Power: Input 200-240V AC, 80 VA max

Output: 12V OC 1A for ACU, 2x12V OC for
Loeks, 2x13.6Vfor standby batteries(7AH)

Relays: Fonm C ehangeover rated at 30V 2A

O. Aecess Management Software and Computer:


Windows 98/MEINT/XP/2000 Application

SOL database and multi workstation support via LAN/WAN

Easy ta instal!, configure and maintain

Instant visibility of information

Site graphies with real-lime animation

Advaneed alanm handling

Multiple real-time event windows

Photo-IO badge option

CCTV eommand interface Option

Multi-tenaney option

High eapacity 1/0 options

Oial-up support for remote doors

4 Contraet No. 122-C01


Multi-workstatlon options

Built ln animated site graphies

Attendance Reporting

Fully automated backup system

Multiple operator log-ins

Area & Group orientated access policies

Max. Card capacity: Unlimited

Max. Doors: 32-Unlimited depends on licence


-Pentium IV (minimum) 3.0GHz

-Hard disk 120GB

-CDIDVD ReadlWrite

-4 USB ports

-USB Printer



E. Electric Door Strikes: shall be provlded on the doorthrough which the access is to be controlled and
these shall be supplied complete with rectifier and transformer as necessary.

F. Exit Push Buttons: shall be provided at the doors inside the rooms ta allow the occupants of the
restricted areas ta leave and these shall be supplied complete with ail assoclated accessories.


A. AUPS shall be provlded. It consists of a constant voltage rectifierlcharger, rechargeable storage

batteries, static Inverter, transfer swltch, by pass transformer, regulator, manual by-pass switch and
associated accessories.

B. A UPS power shall be suitable for the total load connected to It, and for 4 hours of mains power


A. Raceways shall be as mentioned in Section 16130 - RACEWAY AND BOXES

5 Contract No. 122-C01




A. The entire security system shall be installed by specialized sub-contractor approved by the Engineer.
Installation of the system shall conform to the equipment manufacturer's written instructions, National
Electric Code and approved drawings,

B. Other electncal work requirements shall'be as specified in Section 16055 - GENERAL PROVISION
OF LOW VOLTAGE. Coaxial cable and power cable for each camera shall be run in separate

C. Testing: The completed installation shall be tested in accordance with the equipment manufacturer's
written recommendation, Testing shall be conducted by manufacturer's authorized representaliva.
The Engineer shall be notified in advance ta witness the test. Certified copies of test procedure and
rasults shall ba forwarded ta the Engineer.

+ + END OF SECTION 16765 + +

6 Contract No. 122-C01


Contract No. 122-C01








A. Provide a public address system as indicated on the drawings and specified herein.

B. Related Work Specified Elsewhere:

1. Operaling and Maintenance Manual: Section 01751.

2. General provision for low voltage electrical works: Section 16055

3. Grounding and bounding: Section 16060


A. Applicable Publications: The latest issues of the publtcations listed below and relerred to
thereafter by basic designation only, lorm a part 01 this specification to the extent indicated by
relerence thereto.

1. Madinat Yanbu AI Sinaiyah Electrical Code.

B. Design Criteria:

1. The system shall provide specified loudness with low acoustical distortion.

2. The system shall be capable 01 voice reproduction at a minimum of 6 dB and a maximum

01 10 dB above ambient acoustic noise.

3. The system shall be tuned to match the acoustical environment and property equalized ta
provide improved tone quality as weil as more acoustical gain.

4. The voice signal. whether amplified or direct should have a signal ta background noise
ratio of at least 25 dB.

5. The paging amplifier and loudspeaker installation shall provide a minimum sound
pressure level 01 85 dB (15 m lrom the speaker) and a minimum sound pressure level 01
60 dB (1 m above the ftoor in the effeèted area 01 the speaker).

6. Ali components shall meet the specified performance characteristics at temperatures

belween minus 40 degrees C and 60 degrees C with the consideration 01 maximum
relative humidity 0195 percent at 40 degrees C.

7. The system shall allow paging mainly lrom the microphone by pressing a push bullon (to
activate the microphone).

8. If the dispersion angle 01 the selected speaker restrlcts the coverage ta less than 75
percent of the total area, Iwo or more speakers shall be required to provide 75 percent or
more coverage area.


A. Products Data: Submlt descriptive literature for ail equipment specified.

1 Cantract No. 122-C01



Item No Page No

1. PART 1 • GENERAL., .......................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK ..................................................................................................................1
1.2 . QUALITY ASSURANCE ......................................................................................................................1
1.3 SUBMITTALS ........................................................................................................................................1
2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS ................................................................................................................................ 2

2.1 SYSTEM COMPONENTS ...................................................................................................................2

2.2 NAME PLATES AND LABELS ............................................................................................................3
2.3 EQUIPMENT CABINET .......................................................................................................................3
3 PART 3 - EXECUTION ............................................................................................................................... 3

3.1 INSTALLATION .....................................................................................................................................3

3.2 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL. ...............................................................................................................4

Contract No. 122-C01


B. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings detailing the following:

1. Floor plans to scale showing ail equipment and interconnecting conduit and wiring.

2. Rough-in data ils.

3. Connection details.

4. Cable identification.

5. Internai wiring of power amplifier.

C. Test Reports: Submit testing program. The program shall include testing methods and
procedures, schedule, and equipment and manpower coordination requirements.

D. Operating and Maintenance Manual: Submit operating and maintenance manuals for ail
equipment specified, in accordance with Section 01751.



A. Ali components shall be solid-state electronics.

B. Loudspeaker:

1. Color of speaker or speaker grills shall be as selected by the Royal Commission.

2. Grills shall be perforated or expanded metal providing a minimum of 35 percent open


3. Interior speaker shall be cone type, moisture- resistant impregnated paper, minimum
eight watts continuous rating with 90 degrees or more dispersion angle.

4. Exterior speaker shall be hom type, wealherproof, minimum 15 watts continuo us rating.
Dispersion angle shall be 60 degrees by 120 degrees nominal.

5. Frequency range of speaker shall exceed the frequency range of 200 to 10,000 Hz.

C. Wire and Cable: Wire and cable used for system shall be shielded pairs, stranded conductors,
1.5 mm' minimum with insulation and jacket thickness in accordance with NFPA 70P, NEC
Article 760-30.

D. Microphones:

1. Microphones shall be dynamic type, ta provide durabilityand smoothness of frequency

response. Microphones shall be directional type with built-in push ta .talk switch.

2. The microphone's frequency range shall exceed the range of 80 ta 10,000 Hz.

E. Amplifiers:

1. Preamplifier and power amplifier shall be solld- state. The hum level shall be at least 60
dB below the full rated output of the amplifier. The output of the power amplifier shall be

2 Contract No. 122-C01


as shawn on drawings plus or minus 2 percent variation from no load ta full load. Audio
oulput transformer in speaker cabinet with proper connection ta a power output device
shall be provided with Iwo taps above and Iwo taps below.

2. The amplifier's frequency range shall be substantially fiat (minus or plus 2 dB) in the
frequency range of 80 to 10,000 Hz.


A. Ali sound system equipment switches shall be labeled in Arabie and English.

B. Any warning and/or instruction labels for maintenance and service personnel on the sound
system equipment shall be in Arabic and English.


A. A -cabinet with lock and perforated sides shall be provided to enclose the local amplifier at the



A. General: Ali installation shall conform ta the MYAS Electrical Code and ail local codes having

B. Wire and Cable:

1. The PA system wire and cable shall be installed in accordance, with manufacturer's
recommendations and applicable codes and standards.

2. Ali audio cables within terminal cables shall be neally tied at more than 38 mm intervals.
Cables shall be labeled at each end as to circuit designation. Ali cables with terminal
cabinets shall terminate with solder type "spade" plug connectors on screw type terminal
~~~ - .

3. Ali audio connections shall be solder type, using 60 percent tin, 40 percent lead, rosin
core solder.

4. "Unipoint" grounding technique shall be employed for ail electronics.

C. Mounting:

1. Audio terminal cabinet mounting height shall be as shown on the drawings.

2. The equipment (powersupply, preamplifier, power amplifier, etc.) shall be installed in a

standard rack-cabinet.

3. Microphones shall be provided where indicated on the drawings.

4. Horn type speakers shall be mounted where indicated on the drawings with bracket or
brackets to allow easy rotation and ramoval of the speaker for repair and maintenance.

3 Contract No. 122-C01


5. Cane type speakers shall be mountèd in ceiling where indicated on the drawings with
appropriate baffle selection.

D. Connections: Provide a 220 VAC, 60 Hz, single phase circuit for the system where iridicated on
the drawings. Make ail fmal connections.


A. Testing: Perform systems tests in accordance with the Royal Commission approved
manufacturers' testing and certification program. Tests shall be subject ta witnessing by the
Royal Commission representative. Ali test equipment shall be provided by the conlractor.

B. Submit the test plan and procedures ta the Royal Commission for approval at least 8 weeks prior
to testing. Test procedures shall include test descriptions, test equipment descriptions, test lorm
sheets, calculations and minimum/maximum test and performance values la be used in
determining the acceptability 01 the equipment.

C. Upon completion of testing ta the satisfaction of the Royal Commission, submit four copies of
certified reports with test results recorded on the lorms approved by the Royal Commission,
attesting that each test was perfonmed in accordance with the approved procedures. The report
for each test shall include the date of performance and name of the persan in charge of the test.

D. Ali factory and field test reports shall be incorporated into the Operation and Maintenance

+ + END OF SECTION 16770 + +

4 Contract No. 122-C01


Contract No. 122-C01





SECTION: 16930




PART 1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................... 1

1.01 RELATED SECTIONS .............................................................. .......................... 1
1.02 REFERENCES .......... " ..... .............................. 1
1.03 SYSTEM DESCRiPTION ..... " ..... " .. "" ................... " ........... " .... ". .......................... 1
1.04 SCOPE OF WORK" .... " ........................ "" .. "."" ........ " ...... " ..... " .. "" ...................... " .... 2

1.05 SUBMITTALS " ................. ".""..................................... .................................. 2

1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE .......... " ..... " ............................................... " ....................... ".3
1.07 PRE-INSTALLATION MEETING ......... " ......................................................................... 3
1.0B WARRANTY ......... " ....................... " .................................................................................. 3
1.09 FACTORY TESTING .... " ........................... "" ....... " .......................... " ............................ " 3
1.10 SERVICE CONDITIONS ............................................. " ...................... " .............................. 3
1.11 DELIVERY, HANDLING AND STORAGE ........... " .... "" .... " " ................ " .......... "" .......... 4

PART 2 PRODUCTS ....... " .................................................................................................................... 5

2.01 PLC ....... "" ... " ............ " .... "" ........... "."................................ "." ....................... " ..... 5
2.02 HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACE (HMI)" ................... " ............................ " .................... 7
2.03 REDUNDANCY - HOT STAND BY .... " ....... " .................................... " ...................... " .... 21
2.04 UPS SySTEM ................................................................................................................... 22
2.05 LAN AND PROTOCOLS .... " ...... " ..... " ........................................ " .............................. 23
2.06 FIBER OPTIC CABLE AND ADAPTORS ...................................................................... 24

PART 3 EXECUTION ..................................................................................................................... 25

3.01 GENERAL ........................................................................................................................ 25
3.02 INSTALLATION OF SCADAAND PLC EQUIPMENT ...................................................... 25
3.03 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING ............................................................................... 26
Appendix - Data Sheet

Rev.O Cantract No. 122-COI

SECTION: 16930


A. Section 01450 - Quality Control.
B. Section 01650 - Product Delivery Requirements.
C. Section 01660 - Product Storage and Handling Requirements.
D. Section 13450 - Guideline Specification for Central Control.
E. Section 16060 - Grounding and Bonding.
F. Section 16075 - Electricalldentification.
G. Section 16120 - Conductors and Cables.
H. Section 16150 - Wiring Connections.
L Section 16710 - Communication Circuits.
A. IEC 61511 - Functional Safety-Safety Instrumented systems for the process industry sector.
a. IEEE 610 Series - Standard Software Glossaries.
C. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code; National Fire Protection Association; 2005.
A. The SCADNPLC system architecture shall be distributed technology.
1. Distributed Architecture - this shall allow the system ta perform control and monitoring
functions ta equipment that are distributed throughout the system.
2. The system shall be layered into three layers and contain a field layer (the level that
contains ail of the field level controllers, and application specifie controllers), a Supervisory
layer (this is the layer that connecls ail of the field layers), and an enterprise layer (this is
the layer that connects ail of the supervisory layers).
a. The PLC's shall be provided in hot standby configuration.
C. The system shall utilize distributed PLC software and set points ta be updated globally from the
head end.
D. The HMI located in the plant rooms shall be connected ta the plant PLC and communicating
with RAKMIC CCR via OPC link.
E. The SCADNPLC system shall monitor and control the following systems and sub systems:
1. Control of Inlet Pumping system.
2. Control of the Activated Siudge system.
3. Control of Odour Control systems.
4. Control of Air Blowers.
5. Control of ail Screen systems.
6. Control of Belt Press and Conveyor systems.
7. Monitor ail process field devices and equipments.
8. Control the Chemical Dosing systems.
9. Provide information storage and trending for minimum 30 days for ail points.

Rev.O 16930 - 1 Contract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


10. Issue alarms for ail plants.

11. Continually calculate the overall system efficiency.
12. Generate Daily, Monthly and Annual reports
A. Provide an industrial grade fully redundant SCADNPLC system to monitor, operate and control
the Sanitary Wastewater Treatment (SWTP) plant that shall produce treated water to RAKMIC.
B. This scope includes the following:
SCADNPLC system located in the plant Control room and distributed field RTUs near the plant
equipment, as indicated on the drawings.
C. The system shall include hardware, software, control cabling, conduits, etc.
D. Hire the services of a qualified systems integrator to carry out the work. The systems integrator
shall submit the controls system design for review by RAKMIC and Royal Commission for Jubail
and Yanbu or Client Representatives. Note that a minimum of one month shall be aliowed for
the review of this documentation.
E. Thé systems integrator shall be responsible for the design and shall ensure the system is
supplied, installed, tested and commissioned by the Contractor as per the system integrators
design documentation.
F. The system integrator shall be retained by the contracter to be a part of the contractor's
planning, installation and start up team.
G. Based on the Sequence of Operation for the plant controls, integrate and automate open
protocol control components available on the open market and in compliance with the
H. Distributed Plant Control system designed by the Systems Integrator.
1. The 1/0 points, wiring diagrams and system architecture for communication between PLC's and
other devices including the remote RTUs are the responsibility of the Systems Integrator.
J. Coordinate and provide oversight of the installing contractors planning, installation and start up
of the final control system.
K. Coordinate with sub system manufacturers, such as the Clarifiers, Screens and Belt filter Press
system manufacturers, in order to ensure seamless integration between ail systems.
A. See Section 01300 - Administrative Requirements, for submitlal procedures.
B. Certificates: Certily that products of this section meet or exceed specified requirements.
C. Indicate dimensions, description of materials and finishes, general construction, specifie
modifications, component connections, anchorage methods, hardware, and installation
procedures, including specifie requirements indicated.
D. Ali vendor drawings, product datasheets, Specifications, list of manufacturers of ail control
system components, Functional and Design details of software and hardware methodology,
drawings and documents, eleclronic files etc.
E. Control diagrams: Use at least one individual sheet for each major system.
1. System flow diagram with sensing, control and interlock devices.
2. Internai control panel layouts, control panel cover layouts, pneumatic connections inside
control panels with tubing color-coding cross-reference chart.

Rev.O 16930 - 2 Contract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


3. Internai control panel layouts, control panel caver layouts, electrical connections inside
control panels with wiring color-coding cross-reference chart.
4. Ladder-type wiring diagrams showing interlock, monitoring and control wiring ta and from
equipment, including control systems equipmen\.
5. Communications wiring schematic drawings indicating interconnections between
equipment and other peripherals.
6. List of sensing, control and software points including connecled control device(s) and
connected devices.
7. Written or flow-charted sequences of control.
8. Each field device is identified and its function is also specified. Control valves, open/closed
valves, flowmeters and other devices are included.
F. Descriptive data and sequence of operations of operating, user and application software
including complete operators manual and programmers manual tailored to this projec\.
G. Warranty: Submit manufacturer warranty and ensure that forms have been completed in
RAKMIC or Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu's name and registered with manufacturer.
A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing products specified in this
section, with not less than three years of documented experience.
B. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in performing the work of this section with
minimum 5 years of experience.
C. Perform design under direct supervision of a Professional Engineer experienced in design of
this Work and licensed in Jubail, Saudi Arabia.
A Convene one week before starting work of this section.
A See Section 01780 - Closeout Submittals, for additional warranty requirements.
B. Correct defective Work within a one year period after Date of Substantial Completion.
A. General

1. Complete SCADA-PLC equipment and their components/devices shall be tested at

the factory in accordance with the latest approved manufacturing codes and
standards. The Contractor shall notily the Royal Commission in writing not less than
30 days prior ta the scheduled starting date of the factory tests.
2. The Royal Commission reserves the right of deputing their representative for
witnessing the factory testing.

3. Upon completion of factory tests, and before shipment of the SCADA-PLC

equipment, the Contractor shall submit 5 certified copies of test reports not later
than 10 days after the completion of ail factory tests for review and approval by the
Royal Commission.


Rev.O 16930 - 3 Contract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


A. Ali the SCADA-PLC equipment and their components and devices installed indoors shall be
suitable for the following service conditions:
1. Ambient Air Temperature
a) Maximum of 40'C.
b) Minimum of O'C.
c) Average tempe rature, measured over a period of 1 mon th, shall be at a
maximum of 35'C.
2. Relative Humidity (Average Value)
a) For a period of 24 hours, shall not exceed 95%.
b) For a period of 1 month, shall not exceed 90%.
B. Ali the SCADA-PLC equipment and their components and devices installed outdoor shall be
suitable for the following service conditions:
1. Ambient Air Temperature
a) Maximum of 50'C.
b) Minimum of O'C, unless a lower temperature is specified in the Contraet
c) Average temperature, measured over a period of 1 mon th, shall be at a
maximum of 45'C.
2. Altitude shall be less than 1000 m, unless a higher altitude is specified on the
Contract Drawings/Documents.
3. Average Value of the Relative Humidity
a) For a period of 24 hours, shall not exceed 95%.
bl For a period of 1 month, shall not exceed 90%.
4. Relative humidity may be temporarily 100%.


A. The Contractor shall deliver, handle and store equipment and material units in aecordanee
with SECTIONS 01650 and 01660, as weil as the following requirements:
1. Materials and equipmenl shall be delivered to the site originally packed, seeurely
wrapped and labeled by manufacturer in unopened containers. Protect materials
during delivery ta comply with manufacturer's direction.
2. Materials, products and equipment shall be stored at job site in a dry, clean,
ventilated or temperature contra lied environment andlor according ta
manufacturer's instructions.
3. Damage or distortion of the materials shall be avoided du ring handling and
shipment or transportation.
4. The Contractar shall be responsible for any damage ta the materials or equipment
du ring starage, handling and transportation. The proposed use of any repaired
mate rial or equipment shall be subject ta approval by the Royal Commission. Any
material or equipment, whether repaired or replaced, shall be at no addition al cast
ta RC.

Rev.O 16930 - 4 Contract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


2.01 PLC
A. General
1. PLCs shall provide high speed processing of data and information.
2. PLCs shall be configured in hot standby configuration.
3. PLCs shall be capable of continuing to work independently in the event that
communications with the head end is lost.
4. PLCs shall be provided with a 30 minute un-interruptible power supply. The power for the
PLC shall be provided from an essential distribution board. The PLC power feed shall be
from an independent breaker located within this panel. The PLC shall be able ta report
mains power failure back to the main PLC.
5. The processor module shall contain the microprocessor that performs control functions and
computations, as weil as memory to store the program and data.
6. Provide a minimum of 20% spare capaeity on the 110 modules.
7. The PLCs shall have a separate communication module.
S. PLCs shall support Plug and Play technology.
9. Communication protocols shall be - Ethernet, Ethernet IP, Deviee Net, Modbus, Profibus.
10. PLCs shall be capable of being programmed via lad der diagrams.
11. Redundant PLCs shall be linked with redundant liber optic cable.
12. PLCs shall be sized for a minimum 35,000 points.
B. PLC Operator Interface
1. The following features shall be included for the PLC panels.
a. Panels shall have NEMA 12 and 4X ratings. Each 24 VDC panel is also UL listed
Class 1 Division 2, CUL, and CE approved to meet the demands of harsh work
b. Panel shall withstand operating temperatures of 0' to 50·C. Its durable faceplate
allows lor quick and easy clean up in water wash down environments.
c. Panel shall support various inpuUoutput devices such as push buttons, pilot li9hts,
ASCII display/entry, alarming, and trending.
d. Both statie and dynamie bitmap graphies shall be supported
e. Panel shall come standard with 4 Mbytes of application memory which makes it the
perfect solution for more sophisticated applications.
f. The battery-baeked real time eloek shall be available for up-to-the-second time display
as weil as alarm stamping.
g. Auxiliary printer port shall allow screen images to be sent to a graphie printer.
2. Externallnterfaee
a. Provide both a modem and a web enabled connection in the control panel to allow
remote PLC access through remote conneetion for monitoring, control,
reprogramming, and troubleshooting. These features shall be password protect
similar to the computers.
C. Cabinet for the RTU Racks

Rev.O 16930-5 Contract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


1, Control Cabinet shall be provided for the RTU racks and associated 1/0 modules, The RTU
and ail 1/0 Cabinet enclosures shall be NEMA 4X rating compliant
2, The cabinet shall be constructed of minimum 16 gage powder coated steel.
3, The cabinet shall house the power module, 10 modules, communication module, etc,
4, The cabinet shall be ventilated,
D, Power Supply, Distribution and 1/0 Marshalling
1, Ali the necessary Power distribution fuses and circuit breakers would be provided
a. Ali the necessary Power Distribution terminais shall be provided
b. Ali common equipment's, ducts, terminal strips shall have 20% spare capacity
c, Power wiring and Signal wiring shall be segregated,
d, Ali the necessary marshalling terminais shall be provided,
e, Marshalling Terminais would be either Din Rail or G rail mounting type
1. Marshalling terminais shall be fused wherever necessary,
g, Each 110 card shall be provided with a separate MCB
1. The PLC selected is to be of modular type and high performance CPU 364 is based on the
Intel 386 EX processor for fast computation and high through put They handle 4096 1/0
and start at 240K memory,
2, Each CPU shall contain: A minimum Intel 80188 or Intel 80386EX microprocessor
operating at speeds no less than 10 MHz up to 25MHz as the main processing element,
memory mounted on the board, and a dedicated VlSI Instruction Sequencer Coprocessor
(ISCP - Boolean Coprocessor) for performing Boolean operations, and interfaces to a
seriai port and the system bus,
3, Each CPU shall contain a real-lime calendar and clock that can be accessed by the user
program. This Time of Day clock and calendar shall be battery-backed and main tain seven
time functions: Year (2 digits), Month, Day of Month, Hour, Minute, Second, and Day of
4. Each CPU shall execute Boolean functions at a rate of 0.3 microseconds per instruction or
faster. Each CPU shall be capable of controlling up ta 49 1/0 slots in the basic
configuration and up ta 79 1/0 slots in the advanced. The modular CPU shall be able to
provide special functions such as High-Speed Counter function, Axis Positioning function,
and local Area Networking function, '
5. The Ethernet port shall support simultaneous communications for programming, PlC-to-
PLC exchanges through programming, and HostiSCADA communications from PCs,
6. The control system shall utilize industry standards, such as Ethernet TCP/IP,
F. Plant PLC
1. Configuration: Redundant (Hot Standby)
2, 1/0 discrete points: minimum 35,000.
3, Processor speed: minimum 1.8 GHz.
4, Memory: min. 64 Mb,
5, User Flash Memory: minimum 64 Mb.

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6. Built-in Ports: minimum 2 seriai (RS-232 and RS-485) and 1 Ethernet (Auto 10/100, RJ
7. Web based Data Monitoring: minimum 16 web server and FTP connections combined.
A. General scope
1. This specification covers the technical requirements for a Microsoft Windows based
Monitoring and Control system. The Monitoring and Control System shall exchange data
in the form of discrete and ana log values from 1/0 devices and/or control devices such as
programmable, computer numerical controllers. The Monitoring and Control System shall
perform graphical display, alarming, logical functions, analysis, data handling operations
and can communicate with external systems over a network.
2. Provide hot standby redundant servers.
3. Standard of Acceptance
B. ClienUServer
1. The Monitoring and Control System shall support distributed architecture including Human
Machine Interfaces. Data Servers. and Viewers (clients). Each of these components shall
work in conjunction with the others using industry standard Ethernet networks.
2. The HMI shall support true client server architecture. HMI Servers shall poli and collect
data Irom devices. This data is ta be seamlessly shared among other HMI Servers and ta
Viewers without requiring the duplication of data values in another node. HMI Viewers shall
act as clients ta the HMl Servers. seamlessly receiving their data.
3. In a true client server environment. data is ta be configured once. The HMI shall support
one time configuration of data points. For exarnple. points ta be polled from a device shall
be configured once on that server and other Servers or Viewers need only reference that
data item ta use it for their applications.
4. Alarms shall be configured once and served across multiple HMI Servers and Viewers.
5. HMI Viewers shall be able ta simultaneously access data from one or more HMI Servers.
Data from multiple Servers may be used within the same graphic screen. Viewers shall
require only a valid TCP/IP connection ta the Server ta obtain this data. This TCP/IP link
may typically be across a local area Ethernet network (LAN) althaugh it may be across a
wide area network (WAN) and make use of telephane lines, radio, and/or satellite links.
C. Human Machine Interface Servers (HMI)
1. The HMI Server software shall be configurable ta pravide for the monitoring and control of
ail points. loops. and systems through graphie display screens and hard copy (printer
output) reports. These shall include but not be limited ta:
a. Parameter Displays for signal control
b. Control Loop Status Displays
c. Real Time and Historical Data Trend Displays
d. Event Displays and Log Reports
e. Alarm Displays and Log Reports
f. Equipment Diagnostic Displays and Reports
2. HMI Servers shall be capable of operating independently but shaH be canfigurable ta share
data with ather HMI Servers or Enterprise Server systems.

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3. Enterprise server
Enterprise Servers system shan be capable 01 consolidating data Irom HMI Servers
without the need for reconfiguring point values. Servers shan provide a broad view of
information within a facility and shan be capable of supporting host or database
applications such as SPC and Production Tracking. In addition, Enterprise Servers
shan be capable of supplying data services to nelworked viewers.
4. Viewers
a. Viewer Systems shan provide occasional syslem users wilh easy access to piani floor
data using the same graphical user interface as Enterprise and HMI Servers.
b. Viewers shall be capable of both displaying and modifying data.
5. Computer Platlorms
a. The computer platform for HMI servers shan be a PC compatible personal computer
running Windows XP professional.
b. The HMI shall be capable of running on Symmetric Multi-Processor Windows NT
operating systems.
6. Real time data management
a. The software shall provide a real time, distributed, memory resident database 01
current process data values. These data ("point" or "tag") values may be Irom
definable device points representing the value of a physical data collection item on a
resource, or virtual points representing values calculated from one or more device
point values used in a mathematical expression.
7. Math and function support
a. The lollowing math and logic capabilities are required.
1) Event Driven Math and Logic
2) Visual Basic compliant scripting language support
3) Logical operators (and, or, compares, etc.)
4) Alarm Status
5) Timers
6) Four Function Math (+, -, l, ')
7) Exponential and Logarithmic
8) Statistics (average, mean, min, max, median, etc.)
9) Trigonometrie (sine, cosine, etc.)
10) Bit manipulation
11) String functions
12) Conversions (BCD, ASCII, etc.)
b. Expressions using the above math functions shatl be supported in the point
D. Data sharing
1. Point values shatl be stored, retrieved and manipulated across one or more computers
using the software's distributed architecture. Data integrity must be automaticatly and
continuously ensured.

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2. Writing of custom software shall not be required to provide simple data sharing among HMI
Servers, Enterprise Servers and or Viewers. Viewers shall simply "connect" to Servers to
obtain data. Enterprise Servers shall have configurable support for collecting data from
HMI Servers.
3. Application program interfaces (API) shall be published and available to permit users to
write custom software to support interfacing the HMI and Enterprise Servers ta other
computer systems and applications. To ensure that these "API's" provide adequate support
for device data collection. it is recommended that the HMI supplier shall use these API's in
the implementation of the HMI itselt.
4. The HMI shall also support data sharing using ODE. In this mode, the HMI acts as the
"server" and applications such as Microsoft Excel act as the "client".
5. Data collection methods
a. Data collection methods shall including scheduled polling, on-change, unsolicited,
timed interval, "on demand". triggered reads, and array support, among others.
Engineering Unit conversions on collected data and reverse engineering units'
conversions for setpoints are required.
b. HMI Servers shall have configurable support for obtaining data from supported plant
floor devices.
c. Application program interfaces shall be published and available to permit users to
write custom software to support additional devices for data collection. Ta ensure that
these "API's" provide adequate support for device data collection, it is recommended
that the HMI supplier shall use these AP!'s in the implementation of the HMI ilself.
d. The HMI shall also support data collection from ODE servers using bath the ODE and
Advance ODE protocol standards. In this mode, the HMI operates as a client. This
capability permits the use of third party software to extended data collection support.
e. The HMI shall also support data collection from ope servers. In this mode, the HMI
operates as a client. This capability permits the use of third party OPC servers to
extended data collection support •
6. Required data types
a. The following Data Types shall be supported:
1) Global
2) Floating point
3) Analog (Signed and Unsigned)
4) Discrete
5) String
6) Arrays
7) Structures
E. Dynamic Measurement systems
1. The HMI shall have the capability to dynamically switch between measurement systems
such as English and Metric. The HMI shall also support the ability for the user ta define
their own measurement systems as weil.
F. Real time value and alarm display table
1. The HMI shall have the ability ta select and display a table of points in a separate window
without the need for configuring graphie screens. The values of the points shall update

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dynamically along with a time stamp that indicates when the value changed. In addition,
points that meet their alarm criteria shall be displayed in a different color.
2. Double clicking on a displayed point shall bring up configuration information on the point
including its description and alarm information. Points with Read/Write capabilities shall be
able ta be set from this table.
3. By using Microsoft standard user interface guidelines, the HMI shall allow the user ta
highlight a point and right mouse click. A pop-up menu shall allow the user ta open a
window and trend the point without the need of a pre-configured a graphies screen.
G. Point cross reference
1. The HMI shall provide the ability ta cross-reference where points are used within the HM\.
The cross-reference listing shall include areas such as -
a. Point Configuration
b. Events and Actions
c. Database Logging
d. Scripts
2. The ability ta print out the point cross-reference information shall be provided ta assist in
documenting the configuration of the system.
H. Application modules
1. The Monitoring and Control System shall be implemented in a modular fashion with a
"base" module and one or more "option" modules. Use of option modules shall require the
use of the base module. Multiple option modules may be eombined with the base module
ta provide additional functionality.
1. Graphieal user interface/status monitoring
1. The Graphieal User Interface shall provide a set of tools for graphieally representing
process status. A graphie editor shall be provided ta enable creation of graphie sereens ta
represent current process information.
2. For ease of use, the editor shall include eut & paste as weil as drag & drop support within a
single window and among multiple windows and shall include undo/redo support. Support
for grouping and ungrouping sets of abjects and for readily editing them while grouped are
ta be included. Object alignment and spacing tools are required sa those abjects can be
properly arranged on the screen.
3. The editor shall include a utility or tool for determining which points are refereneed in a
screen, which abjects reference them, and which points are not currently defined or known
ta the software. This tool shan also include provision ta search and replace point names -
for bath single abjects and groups of abjects.
4. A test animation capability shall display the screen currently being developed in the
runtime environment for rapid prototyping and testing.
5. The editor software shan include the ability ta Create/Edit Points from within the Editor. It
shall also be possible ta browse the network ta locate eomputers and projects for available
points. The editing package shall include a Wizard / Symbol/ Object Library ta permit the
inclusion of pre-developed or third party graphie abjects. The editing package shan allow
Objects/Wizards to be created with the native graphies, seripting language, and added ta
the Library.

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6. A procedure editor shall be included ta control setpoints and ta perform window

management. The graphic editor shall include a scripting expression editor to develop
application logic.
7. Graphic objects on these screens can be linked by name ta actual device and virtual data
through the distributed point database. Objects On the graphics screens can be configured
with animation features, causing them to change color and/or position. Text information
can be printed ta the screen alerting personnel ta current point status. Objects shall be
dynamically scalable - bath horizontally and vertically.
8. The software shall support the following dynamic attributes:
a. Annunciation, movement, blink, rotation, and fil! (uni-directional and bi-direc!ional)
b. Gradient Iii!
c. Object border animation
d. Object visibility
8. Transler tags for screen transler or popup windows
f. Procedure tags ta invoke user defined scripts/programs
g. Object and or application help screens
h. Alarm information
i. Trends charts
j. Setpoint tags for point value changes
k. Animated frames that can include other graphic abjects
1. Zoom ta Best Fit, Resize Window to Zoom
m. Automatic font scaling when changing window sizes
n. 1.5 Million Colors
9. Graphic abjects shall inciude:
a. Imported metafile objects
b. Embedded OLE, including ActiveX abjects, sound, video, clip art, spreadsheets, etc.
c. SPC charts
d. Trend charls
e. Historical Data displays
f. Alarm displays
g. Arcs
h. Lines
i. Circles
j. Ellipses
k. Lines
1. Polylines
m. Polygons
n. Rectangles

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o. Text strings
p. Buttons
10. Tag types shall include:
a. constant - downloads constants ta a point
b. variable - allows operator input of desired value
c. ramp - downloads values in configured Increments
d. slide - incrementldecrement of point values
e. toggle - sets digital points to opposite state
11. Graphies sereens shall support a Visual Basic compliant scripting language. Data items
and variables can be manipulated by the screen seripting to provide additional functionality
in dynamieally controlling screen characteristics.
12. The graphieal editor and viewer shall be capable of being an ActiveX container. It shall be
capable of using ActiveX abjects provided with the HMI package or third party ActiveX
contrais supplied by others.
13. The graphical user interface shall support ActiveX "methods" to allow the user ta interact
with ActiveX control abjects. Interaction may be through the association of a method ta
14. A button or abject, which the operator initiates, or methods may be used by the Visual
Basic camp liant scripting language for advanced functionality and additional control of the
ActiveX components.
J. Alarms
1. The software shall provide alarm annunciation and routing capabilities. The alarm text
associated with each alarm shall be user configurable.
2. Alarms are to be applied as follows:
3. Digital Points - the alarm generating condition (0 or 1) shall be selectable.
4. Analog Points - the alarm generating conditions shall be evaluated based on alarm criteria
a. Absolute - There shall be Iwo levels of high alarming, HI-2 and HI-l, and two levels of
low alarming, LO-1 and lO-2. HI-1 and lO-l are also known as warning alarms. For
high alarming, an alarm shall be generated when the point value reaches or exceeds
the value specined for HI-l or HI-2. For low alarming, an alarm shall be generated
when the point value reaches or falls below the value specined for LO-l or LO-2.
b. Deviation - Alarm limits for deviation alarms shall be given in positive values. The HI-2
and HI-1 alarms shall be generated when the difference between the current point
value and the Deviation Point value is positive and reaches or exceeds the specified
limits. The LO-l and LO-2 alarms shall be generated when the difference belween the
current point value and the Deviation Point value is negative and the absolute value of
the difference reaches or exceeds the specified limits.
c. Rate of Change - Rate of Change alarms shall be provided ta detect either a faster or
slower than expected change in the value of a point.
d. Duration - The Alarm Display shall include total time in Alarm State.
5. Alarms shall be configurable to be filtered and asynchronously sent to users based on user
raie and scope of responsibilities. Alarms shall be configurable with respective priorities,
divided into classes, and color-coded for display. There shall be user-defined logging
criteria, user-defined acknowledgment and deletion criteria, user-specific textual messages

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and operator help tex!. The alarm list can be toggled between dynamie and statie display
and quickly filtered ta limit the current view ta a particular alarm set of interesl.
6. The system shall support "alarm blocking". Users shall be able to define an alarm
hierarchy and black the generation of "Iower level" alarms if a "higher level" alarm is
present. This allows for operators ta concentrate on primary causes rather than receive ail
the resulting secondary problems. For example, if a conveyor stops then ail machines
feeding it would also stop. The operator needs ta determine why the conveyor stopped -
the operator does not need ta see the other alarms. In this example, fixing the conveyor
shall fix !hase alarms as weil.
7. The system shall provide for an automatic routing of configured alarm messages ta dis play
type pagers. The routing shall be configurable as to personnel or pager ID receiving the
message. It shall be possible ta upgrade the paging system ta support dual outputs -
allowing messages ta be sent to local pagers, or ta a dial-up paging system.
K. Data Logging
1. Data collected by the Monitoring and Control System shall be logged into a relalional
database ta support historical reporting and analysis. The system shall support multiple
SOL compatible data bases and/or formats. Conligurable logging of points, alarms, and
events shall be supported without forcing the application developer ta understanding
database internais. Custom application software must not be required ta log data.
Configuration 01 the logging characteristics of a point shall automatically configure the
database that shall store the data. A variety of database management systems shall be
available for use.
2. Point and alarm data is ta be logged upon a "trigger" event The following triggers for
logging point and alarm data are required.
a. Point Data - Alarm Data
b. At time of day - on generation.
c. On Time Interval- On Reset
d. On Point Upgrade - On Acknowledgement.
e. On Event - On Deletion
f. Gated based on logical expression
3. Point attributes, which shall be available for logging, include
a. Point Value
b. Previous Value
c. RawValue
d. Alarm State
e. Resource

f. Time last Logged

g. Engineering units
4. The logging module shall support the logging of multiple point attributes into a single record
based on a single trigger. The logging module shall also support logging multiple points
and their attributes to a single. The logging module shall support the simultaneous logging
of multiple tables of data consisting of combinations of single points, multiple points,
alarms, and events. This supports the creation of custom database tables unique to an

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5. Through configuration alone, the logging utility shall support "store and forward" to selected
data base management products. Data shall be buffered on the node collecting it and
automatically lorwarded to the node where it is to be logged. During a communications
outage between the two nodes, the data collection node shall continue to buffer data.
Upon restoration 01 communications, the data collection node shall automatically lorward
the buffered data to the logging node lor storage.
6. User configurable database maintenance actions, which are executed automatically, based
on database size or number 01 records shall be supported. Examples 01 these actions
include exporting data to a file then purging the records from the database. No custom
software shall be required ta implement this support.
L. ODE client and selVer interface
1. The HMI must support a ODE interface in both client and selVer modes. In the selVer
mode, ODE aware applications (clients) such as Microsoft Excel shall be able ta access
data managed by the Monitoring and Control System. The ODE client interface support the
use of third party applications to monitor, analyze, report, and modify point data.
2. Required SelVices for the HMI server support include:
a. Request Point Configuration Data (e.g. alarm limits, engineering units' labels)
b. Request Point On-Change (ODE Peek)
c. Request Point Update (ODE Poke)
3. In the client mode, ODE server applications such as device communications drivers shall
be able ta act as a source of data to the HMI, for both reading and writing of data down ta
factory floor devices or external systems. For maximum f1exibility in selecting third party
selVers and for maximum software performance, the HMI must support bath the ODE and
Advance ODE protocols.
M. OPC client & selVer interface
1. The HMI must support an OPC interface in both client and selVer modes. In the selVer
mode, OPC aware applications (clients) shall be able to aecess data managed by the HM!.
The OPC Client interface shall support the use of third party OPC Deviee Communication
Servers. The OPC Server interface shall allow for point information collected and
maintained by the HMI to be sent to OPC applications requesting the data.
N. Application development
1. Application development should be done in the context of a "proiecf'. A given system shalt
support concurrent application development and execution of multiple proiects. Ali the
data related to a proiect including communication ports, field devices, alarms, users, and
graphie screens is stored in a proiect folder. Project folders shall be easily transportable
from system to system. Configuration of a project shalt be fuit Y dynamic so that objects
may be added to or modified within the proiect without requiring a system restart.
2. System shall be furnished with application development tools for configuring projects.
Utility should provide for interactive fill-in-the-blank transactions for configuring individual
items as weil as a Configuration Wizard which guides a developer through the entire
3. To support rapid configuration of large systems, an importlexport utility should be provided
to allow for external management and replication of configuration data. This external file
format shall be .CSV format to facilitate the use of standard tools such as MS Excel and
MS Access.
4. An interactive Graphies Editor package is required to develop screen layouts and to
animate a given application.

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5. In cases where standard software functions do not support a given requirement, a set of
documented application programming interfaces (API) shall be available for developers.
APis shall be C language or Visual Basic.
O. Data trending
1. The trending module shall be capable of supporting one or more embedded trends within
the runtime graphies user interface. The following types of trends shall be supported:
a. Trends with Multiple Y Axes
b. Trends with Multiple X Axes
c. Trends with multiple time periods
d. Reference curves
e. XY Plots
2. The trending option shall support display of an unlimited number of pens on a single trend
chart. Each pen shall display either dynamically updating data or provide seamless access
ta historical values based on user requesl. In addition, user shall be able ta compare data
from different time periods.
3. Trending shall support the creation and re-display of files with reference data from the
currently displayed trend.
4. Users shall be able ta analyze trend data by scrolling through time, changing the range for
point displays, zooming into an area of the trend and selecting a new time period ta
5. Printing of trend charts is required.
6. Trend layout shall be highly configurable including colors, tick marks, legends, title, and
fonts. The update rate for data being displayed from log files shall be configurable. The
data being trended shall be configurable. This configuration must be modifiable at runtime
without requiring a development system or license.
7. Trend data can be supplied Irom multiple sources including current point data, data from
.CSV files, and data logged ta a database. Data displayed by the trend manager shall
support time-based or on-change based sampling.
8. Trending shall support the display of array points. Arrays can be interpreted as
independent variables or as a time series of a single variable. The lalter case supports
buffering of data in high speed sampling applications.
9. The ability to select any numerie value or values being displayed on a graphie screen and
quiek rending the values shall be provided. There shall be no need ta have pre-configured
graphie screens ereated ta display the quick trends.
P. Statistical process control
1. Data collected though the Monitoring and Control System shall be accessible by a
Statistical Process Control Module. This includes data from plant floor devices, manual
data entry, eus tom applications, and flat files. SPC ChartslReports shall be provided as
ActiveX abjects, which can be dropped into graphie screens. The software shall support
an unlimited number of quality characteristics or sub-groups.
2. The quantity of data displayed in SPC charts shall be user configurable and shall be
updated dynamically as new data is collected. SPC ActiveX abjects shall allow the user ta
dynamically switch between a chart and report view of the data without the need ta
reconfigure screens. Users shall be able ta seroll through data that is not initially displayed
on a ch art. Standard Charts/Reports shall include:

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SECTION: 16930


a. Xbar & Range

b. Xbar & Sigma
c. X Individual
d. Histograms
3. Software shall support the following control checks where "N" is configurable. Each may be
separately enabled or disabled.
a. Any one subgroup beyond upper or lower Hmits
b. N subgroups on the same side of the center line
c. Trend of N consecutive subgroups in a row up or down
d. N subgroups in a row alternating up and down
e. Sets of Subgroups in a row within one, two or three standard deviation
4. Ali SPC Out of Control (OOC) conditions shall be capable of being processed by the
Monitoring and Control System 10:
5. Change the color of a graphie abject ta red or flashing
6. Sounding an audio alarm
7. Logging the aac condition to a device or file
8. Send an alarm message ta a user or another process
9. Individu al Quality Characteristics are configurable based on the following parameters:
a. Enable or disabled
b. Subgroup Size and Interval
c. Center Une, Upper and Lower Control Limits
d. Control Limit Recalculation Type (Manual, Automatie)
e. Control Checks and Alarming
10. Configuration information shall be centralized on server node and support SPC charts
operating on viewer nodes. Ali nodes displaying an SPC chart must have the same control
11. Users shall be able ta dynamically modily control chart configuration parameters through
the user interface. In addition, they shall be able ta delete oulliners (points that are out 01
reasonable range) prior 10 recalculalion of conlrollimits.
12. SPC charts may be embedded in graphie display screens as ActiveX abjects ta provide
seamless Integration among applications.
a. Equipment control
1. The HMI shall provide an Equipment Control module which includes the capability
configure logic and schedule events based on the following criteria:
2. Time of day
3. Time Inlerval
4. Production event
5. Point change
6. Alarm Generalion

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SECTION: 16930


7. In response to configured events, the system shall invoke configurable actions that include:
8. Log Event
9. Acknowledge Alarms
10. Enable / Disable an Alarm
11. Recipe Upload / Download
12. Execute a Script
13. Set a Point Value
14. Copya Point Value
15. Execute a Procedure
16. Scripts shall be modular and re-usable. Scripts shall be in a Visu al Basic compliant
17. An event editor shall be included to permits users to configure, monitor and debug
applications. Users shall be able to monitor the progress of control programs and
18. Dynamically modify their operating characteristics. The event editor shall at least support
these debug tools:
19. Run in Single Step Mode
20. StartiStop Scripts
21. Set Break Points
22. Step into or Over Sub-Scripts
23. Watch variables change
24. Control programs shall have access ta ail of the application programming interfaces (API's)
within other Monitoring and Control applications such as DDE interfaces, equipment/device
interfaces, production tracking, and system alarming and logging.
R. Recipe management
1. A module that is capable of monitoring and managing equipment recipes shall be available.
The Recipe module shall support both batch and discrete part processing requirements.
The Recipe module shall support dynamic configuration of recipe information.
2. The Recipe management module shall support the creation and management of device
inde pendent recipe data for production processes. Configuration data shall be stored in
recipe groups ta simplify information management. Within a group, recipe parameters
should only have to be entered one time ta minimize duplicate data entry.
3. Parameter values shall be supported for each recipe. The module shall support the
concept of device independence. This shall permit the configuration of a recipe a single
time yet also permit downloading that same recipe to different devices, Le. different
4. Programmable controller models or manufacturers. This device independent support no
longer requires the maintenance of separate recipes for the various pieces of production
equipment in the facility.
5. There shall be a dedicated user interface utility. The utility shall support the display of
recipes, parameters and the mapping of parameters ta devices. Ideally, this dis play shall
support a spreadsheet-like interface for ease of use and ta help minimize user training.
Like a spreadsheet, the information display formatting shall be user configurable. The
interface shall follow the Microsoft Windows look & feel and include tools such as

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6. Overall, the user interface shall support the ability ta:

7. Create and manage recipe parameters, recipes, and maps side-by-side in a spreadsheet
8. Import and export recipe groups from/ta CSV format files.
9. Archive recipe groups.
10. Automatically reconcile recipe groups ta accommodate changes in the group's structure
11. Compare recipes.
12. Validate recipe information.
13. Manually upload recipes.
14. Manually review/modify parameters and download recipes.
15. Create recipe parameter files, ta support automatic upload and download of recipes.
16. Identifya Batch ID for recipe downloads.
17. For maximum fiexibility, the Recipe management module shall also support a graphic user
interface. Recipe objects should be implemented as OCX contrais that may be embedded
in graphic screens. These objects shaillet a run-time user:
18. Manually upload recipes.
19. Manually review/modify parameters then download recipes.
20. To support the development of sophisticated applications, the Recipe management module
shall support an interface ta the HMI's scripting capabilities. This scripting interface
support shall include the ability ta:
21. Automatically upload and download recipes based on system events, su ch as point
changes from a shop flocr device.
22. Import and export recipe groups from/to CSV format files.
23. The module shall support a wide range of data types inciuding:
24. Signed integers
25. Unsigned integers
26. Digital/Boolean values
27. Real numbers
28. Text strings
S. Calendar based control
1. The HMI shall provide for calendar based control operations through a self-contained
graphie users interface. The HMI shall allow you ta dynamically create, maintain, and
execute a calendar schedule of manufacturing events and corresponding actions. For
example, a system shall allow the user to perform such actions as tum on Iights, heat, and
equipment based on a schedule, which they configure and maintain through simple point
and click actions.
2. Configuration of the calendar-based control shall allow the user ta de/ine different types of
days - production, weekend, holidays, ta conform ta 4 day or 5 day work weeks, etc. Users
shall then be able ta configure manufacturing control events they want ta occur on a
particular type of day and the time they should occur: Association of days on the calendar
with a particular type of day shall be through a point and click interface. The graphic user

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SECTION: 16930


interface for the calendar-based control shall allow the user ta dynamically change or
override the established schedule.
3. The graphies interface for the calendar-based control shall be available on bath Servers
and Viewers.
T. Historical data display
1. The HMI option shall provide for the examination of data Ihrough enhanced database
logging functions, historical data viewing, data summarization, and modification and
reealeulation of data. It shall be possible to summarize data over configured lime inlervals
and then Ihis summarization in a graphics screen through an ActiveX conlrol. It shall be
possible ta edit and modify the historical data trough the ActiveX control embedded in the
graphics sereen. The user shall also be able 10 enter comments 10 further document the
data. Alter modifying data, it shall be possible to initiate the recalculation of the historical
data to update summanzation. Summarization values shall be able to be sent ta an HMI
U. Integration APis
1. The HMI shall have a set of open interface APis (Application Program Interfaces). The
APis shall inelude:
a. Point Management API - Allows third party programs ta be interfaeed ta the HMI and
pass point data to and from the HMI in real time fashion.
b. Alarm Management API - shall allow alarm infonmation ta be passed ta and trom the
c. Logan API - shall allow the user ta create their own custom lagon dialog boxes.
d. Device Communication Toolkil - shall allow the user ta construct communication
modules ta third party devices with published protocols.
V. Marquee driver
1. The HMI shall have the ability ta send alarm information and messages ta multi-line
marquee display devices. The marquee driver shall be fully configurable. No custom
coding shall be required ta retrieve alarm or message information. It shall be possible ta
determine which set of HMI alarms you want ta send ta the actual marquee device.
a. Marquee configuration shall inelude:
b. Marquee Types - Ali marquee devices that use the same header, footer, message
wrap, empty message, and attributes belong ta the same Marquee Type.
c. Marquee Ports - The PC communication port or the network communication port to
which one or more seriai marquee devices are connected. If more than one device is
on a port, the header and/or footer information (from the Marquee Type) shall indicate
which device on which the message is ta be displayed.
d. Marquee Oevices - The ability ta assign a Marquee ID, Marquee Type, Marquee Port,
header, footer, empty message, and display time for each marquee device within a
project shall be provided. The option of associating sets of marquees into Marquee
Groups shall be provided.
2. Marquee Messages - For each Marquee message, it shall be possible to assign a
message ID, Alarm ID, alarm state, message header, message footer, message texl, the
marquees on which ta display the message, the attributes associated with the message,
and any HMI point values ta be displayed with the message.
W. SMS notification of alarms

Rev,û 16930 - 19 Contract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


1. The HMI shall provide the ability ta send process alarms ta cell phones. The messaging
capabilities shall be designed on a client 1 server architecture of ta avoid duplication of
configuration information.
2. Messaging features shall include:
a. On line configuration of users and phone numbers.
b. Enable or disable users from receiving messages.
c. Escalation of messages.
d. Filtering of messages based on point groupings, alarm classes, or alarm IDs.
e. Oynamic on-line configuration changes.
f. A scripting interface for automatically sending messages, changing a user's phone
number, or disabling a message.
g. Customizable messages.
h. Configuration templates for fast setups.
i. Support of distribution lists.
X. Report manager
1. The HMI shall provide ASCII based reporting without the need for a relational data base.
The user shall be able to pre-configure the reports they want produced on a timed or event
2. Design of reports shan be performed through a dedicated report editor. The editor shall
have intuitive point and click features and the ability ta browse the HMI's point database for
inclusion in the report templates. Il shall be possible before final installation for reports ta
be tested in accelerated time mode ta verity your design. This shall be accomplished
through a design validator and report previewer. The user shall be able ta simulate the
events causing values ta record and use the report previewer ta view the resulting reports.
3. Report generation shall be possible based off a timed sehedule or process events. The
report manager shall provide a dedicated scheduler that allows users record values on a
timed basis. In addition, the seheduler shall monitor proeess conditions and preven!
unnecessary reports from being produced. Users reports shall be automatieally archived
and printed without operator intervention.
4. A dedicated report viewer shall be provided ta allow users to retrieve eleetronieally stored
reports easily by using simple queries. The report viewer shall allow the user ta display
multiple reports simultaneously for accu rate comparison.
5. Report Manager features shall include:
a. Unatlended background reporting is provided by a built-in scheduler. This shall
provide for the exeeution of periodic, daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly reports. In
addition, the report manager shall monitor events and trigger a report based on an
b. Report Manager shall maintain ils own historieal database within the reports being
generated. For example, minimum, maximum, average, standard deviation, and total
values are stored as the reports are generated.
c. The Report Designer shall use point and click methods for easy report template
generation. An integrated point browser shall display ail HMI points for quick and
easy inclusion.
d. A report-sectioning feature shall en able the creation of complex reports in an easy

Rev.O 16930 - 20 Conlract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


fashion. Summary reports Ihal require data fram previous reports shall be built by
standard functions.
e. Calculation functions, e.g., add, subtract, divide and multiply shall be performed within
the report.
f. The duration between events shall be tracked and calculations performed on the
g. Page numbering (with looter and header section) shall be provided.
h. Individual printer selection per report shall be provided. Single line printing shall be
i. An integrated report viewer shall be provided. The integrated report viewer shall
provide quick aeeess ta archived report files. Reports can be compared easlly inside
the report viewer.
j. The report manager shall allow values ta be enlered after the report has been
generated, e.g., laboratory data or values that were (1/0) off-line when the report was
k. The report manager shall pravide synchronization flag that can be set la signify report
completion. This flag can be used to resel lolalizers.
1. The report files shall be stored in ASCII texl files for easy aceess by any third party
m. Date, lime and decimal separator shall be internationalized.
n. Support for the graphical character set shall be provided.
Y. Maintenance Soflware
1. Developing a cuslom bu lit complete maintenance management for the small to the plant
facility. The software shall be very user friendly and easy ta learn. It shall combine
purchase functionality and a single user application and contains standard CMMS features
such as Demand maintenance and Preventive Maintenance wori< arder scheduling,
Vendor, Purchasing, Inventory, Labour Craf!, Employee, Reports and Graph modules.
A The switchaver shall be aulomatic if no aperator intervention is required. Redundancy applies
ta bath hardware and software, and implies no loss of continuity during the transler of control
between primary (active) and redundant (backup) components. Redundant systems reduce
single points of failure, preventing loss of functionality.
1. PLC
2. PLC LAN or seriai connections ta server
3. Computer networks
4. Computer
B. Each level of redundancy provides a failover system that allows continuous system activity with
no loss of data. The following sections briefly describe each level.
1. PLC Redundancy
a. The HMI shall support PLC redundancy. PLC redundancy lets control transfer from a
primary programmable controller ta a redundant One in case of failure. When the
primary PLC cames back on line. control can be transferred from the redundant PLC
back to the primary with minimalloss of data. The redundancy can be synchronous or
independent. Synchronous systems coordinate control and handling of data between

Rev.Q 16930 - 21 Con~act No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


CP Us of the active and backup units, while in independent systems each PLC acts
like an active unit and is not constrained by the others.
2. Cabling Redundancy
a. The HMI shall support Cabling Redundancy. Cabling redundancy involves separate
physical connections ta the sa me device. The devices can be on a LAN or may
require seriai connections. Redundant cabling provides an alternate communication
path ta the device if the association with the host computer is lost due to faiture of the
primary path. The implementation of cable redundancy with respect to host
monitoring/control systems differs with the device protocol involved.
3. Server Redundancy
a. The HMI shall support Server Redundancy. Server redundancy involves a primary
factory monitoring server and a redundant "Hot Standby" server. The redundant
server is essentially a mirror image of the primary server, running alternate
monitoring/control processes and applications. Data collection is performed via
independent or shared network paths to the same devices, depending on the protoco!.
The characteristics of the selected communications protocol(s) determine the detaits
of the configuration.
b. Upon detection of failure of the primary server, the secondary server can assume
control of data collection, alarm functions, applications, and allow user access with
minimalloss of continuity. When the primary server comes back on line, control can
be transfeffed back, and the secondary server shall resume its backup role.
4. Computer Network Redundancy
a. The HMI shall support Computer Network Redundancy. Computer network
redundancy is similar to cabling redundancy, except it covers computer to computer
communications rather than computer to programmable controller. Computer network
redundancy provides an alternate network path in case of failure of the primary
5. System monitoring
a. The HMI shall provide system monitoring to allow the user to monitor the most
important part of the system - the computer. System monitoring shall monitor both the
HMI processes as weil as key Windows NT operating system and networ!<
parameters. System monitoring shall be able to monitor the status of the computer
the HMI is running on as weil as other NT computers on the network. System
monitoring shall allow for key HMI parameters and statistics such as alarm frequency,
device communications, data collection and throughput, inter-process
communications, data logging, point management, and user registration to be
monitored and recorded. System monitored information can be alarmed on.
6. WEB capabilities
a. The HMI shall have the capabilities of sending and receiving point based information
from standard HTML pages. In addition, point information shall be capable of driving
animated ActiveX graphie objects within the HTML web pages.
b. The HMI shall also support Thin Client technology to enable graphie screens to be
sent to standard web browsers without the need for the user to create HTML pages.
The resulting web based graphie viewers shall be capable of viewing the graphie
screens of the HM!. The web viewers shall support the ability to perform setpoints
back to the supporting server.

Rev.O 16930 - 22 Contracl No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930



A. System supplied shall be backed up by a UPS with 30 min back up capacity for the PLC system
and network accessories
B. The offered UPS system shall have capacity and shall be designed for critical part of the work is
stored on control system or servers. The UPS shall be ideally suited for protecting PLC based
control system and shall have a wide range of input voltage variations through continuous
voltage regulation without using the battery. This ensures that the protected system is not shut
down unnecessarily due to voltage fluctuations. UPS also features Advanced Battery
Management, which pralongs battery life by 50%.
C. UPS shall accommodate several advanced communication features, which make it the perlect
choices to protect networks.
A. The following is a summary matrix of the Lan and Protocols within the scope:
1. Layer: Between PLC and RTU
a. Physical Media: Twisted Pair Wire
1) Protocol: Open as noted above
(a) Carrier: RS 485
(1) Speed: Min 9600 bps
2. Layer: Between PLCs
a. Physical Media: Fiber Optic
1) Protoco!: Open as noted above
(a) Carrier: TCPIIP on Ethernet
(1) Speed: 100 Mbps
3. Layer: Belween Main Plant and RAKMIC CCR
a. Physical Media: Fiber Optic
1) Protoco!: Open as noted above
(a) Carrier: TCP/IP on Ethernet
(1) Speed: 10/100 Mbps
B. Ali wirlng shall be in accordance with IEE wlrlng regula!lons but not in contradiction with Local
Authorlties requirements and the same shall be properly supported. The wiring and tubing
exposed and in equipment rooms shall run parallel ta or at right angles ta the building structure.
Ali piping and wiring within enclosures shall be neatly bundled and anchored ta prevent
obstruction to devices and terminais. Ailline voltage wiring. ail wiring exposed, and ail wirlng in
equipment rooms shall be installed in rigid galvanized conduit in accordance ta the electrical
specifications. Ali electronic wlring shall be #18 AWG minimum and shielded. Ali wlrlng in the
central control room shall be installed ln conduit.
C. Provide a minimum 450mm long cail of wlre at each device termlnation.
D. The Contractor shall provide ail sensing, control, and wlrlng for ail devices followlng unless
shown or specified elsewhere.
E. This Contractar shall enter ail computer data into the related computers including ail graphics,
control programs, initial approved parameters and settings. and English descriptors. This
contractor shall maintain copies of ail data file and application software for reload use in the

Rev.O 16930 - 23 Contract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


event of a system crash or memory faBure. One copy shall be delivered to the Owner during
training sessions, and one copy shall be archived in the contractor's local software vault.
A. Fiber Optic Backbone Cable: 24-fiber, multimode 501125 um. complying with TIA-492AAAB;
covered with orange cable jacket and complying with relevant portions of and addenda to latest
edition of TIA/EIA-568.
1. In locations other than in plenums. provide NFPA 70 type OFNR nonconductive-riser-rated
or type OFNP nonconductive-plenum-rated cable.
2. In plenums, provide NFPA 70 type OFNP nonconductive-plenum-rated cable.
3. Testing: Furnish factory reel tests.
B. Fiber Optic Horizontal Cable: Two-fiber, multimode 501125 um, complying with TIA-492AAAB;
covered with orange single jacket and complying with relevant portions of and addenda to latest
edition ofTlA/EIA-56S.
1. In locations other than in plenums, provide NFPA 70 type OFN nonconductive general
purpose, OFNR nonconductive-riser-rated, or type OFNP nonconductive-plenum-rated
2. In plenums, provide NFPA 70 type OFNP nonconductive-plenum-rated cable.
3. Testing: Furnish factory reel tests.
C. Fiber Optic Adapters and Connectors: Duplex SC, push-on-push-off type, multimode adaptors
with zirconia ceramic alignment sleeves; complying with relevant parts and addenda to latest
edition of TIA/EIA-568 and with maximum attenuation of 0.3 dB al 1300 nm with less than 0.2
dB change alter 500 mating cycles when tested in accordance with TIA-455-21.
D. Fiber Optic Connectors: ST type, bayonet twist-on-off, multimode adaptors with metallic
alignment sleeves; maximum attenuation of 0.3 dB at 1300 nm with less than 0.2 dB change
alter 500 mating cycles when tested in accordance with TIA-455-21.

Rev.O 16930 - 24 Canlracl No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930




A The Contractor shall provide ail materials, equipment, and labor as deemed necessary ta
show proper execution of the work.
B. Ali installation details, write-up on handling of the equipmentlmaterials, instruction manuals
and latest revised approved Drawings and Documents furnished by the Contractor or
manufacturer shall be available at site prior ta installation of the SCADA-PLC equiprnen!.
These details shall be reviewed by the Royal Commission's representative. The details and
instructions furnished in these documents shall be followed carefully du ring installation of the
equipment at site.
C. Ali equipmentlmaterials moved ta the installation site shall be inspected for damage or
deterioration during storage.
D. The Contractor shall verily ail the tag numbers and nameplales for the equipment and device
numbers with the details specified on the Contract Drawings/Documents.
E. The Contractar shall also provide the equipment manufacturer's services of a competent and
experienced Engineer ta supervise the installation of the SCADA-PlC equipment, the field
tests, initial operation, and instruct and train the Royal Commission's personnel in the correct
installation, operation, service, and maintenance of the equipmen!.
F. Alter the installation is completed and properly adjusted, the Cantractar shall conduct
operating tests. The variaus equipment and systems shall be demanstrated ta aperate in
accardance with the requirements of this Specification and the ather relevant codes and
standards. Tests shall be perfarmed in the presence 01 the Royal Commission's
representative. The Cantractor shall provide electric power, instruments, special tools, salety
gears, and personnel necessary for performing the various tests.
G. Where works directly interface with Saudi Electricity Company (SEC) or Maraliq, the
installation shall be done in strict accordance with the latest revis ion of standards of the
interfacing campanies.
H. For easy, smooth, safe operation and maintenance of the SCADA-PLC equipment, the
manufacturer or vendor of SCADA-PlC equipment shall give training ta the Royal
Commission appointed representatives during start-up, testing and commissioning,


A. The installation of SCADA-PLC equipment including Remote Terminal Units, interface

Cabinets, protective relays, control system, laying of cables, etc, Ali the SCADA-PLC
equipment shall be factory assembled and tested in accordance with manufacturer's
recommended practice, latest revision of relevant standards and codes, and as per the
approved Contract Drawings/Documents.
B. The Contractor shall be responsible in installing the SCADA-PLC equipment including
protection and control systems, and shall include ail related work on related systems,
whether existing or new, ta provide satisfactory interfaces and overall integrated systems.
C. The Cantractor shall install ail the field indoor and outdoor SCADA-PLC equipment at the
designated locations, as specified On the Contract Drawings/Documents.
D. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the complete installation of SCADA-PLC
equipment, loading the software, and starting up the RTU and LAN system as per the
Contract Drawings.
E. Laying and routing of power and control cables of SCADA-PLC system shall be either

Rev,O 16930 - 25 Contract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


through underground ducts or through cable trays or in conduits, as specified on the

Contract Drawings/Documents. Refer ta SECTIONS 16120 and 16150.
F. SCADA equipment installed shall be suitable in the service conditions, as specified ln par.
G. Data communication cables shall maintain a minimum separation of 75 mm from any AC
power cables. Fiber optie cables are excluded from this requirement.
H. The Contractor shall verity that the identification tags are altached to each SCADA-PLC
equipment and relevant components/devices bearing its equipmentldevice number in
accordance with the Contract Drawings/Documents. For additional details refer to SECTION
1. Grounding connections shall be made, as indicated on the Contract Drawings, and
connected up ta the nearest grounding bus or network. For installation of grounding system
reler ta SECTION 16060.


A. General
1. The Contractor shall carry out ail site tests in accordance with approved test
procedure ta ensure that the SCADA-PLC equipment, components and devices
comply with this Specification and operational requirements. Ali tests shall be subject
ta witnessing by the Royal Commission's representatives.
2. At least 4 weeks prior ta scheduled tests, the Contractor shall submit ta the ROy'al
Commission an outline of the plan and procedures ta be used in performing the site
inspection and site tests. This outline shall include a brief description of the test
equipment, connection diagrams, proposed tests and procedures, test sheets,
calculations, refenence drawings and minimum/maximum test and performance values
in conformance with applicable standards which shall be used ta determine
conformance with the specification and acceptability of the SCADA-PLC equipment
and installation.
3. Ali testing equipment shall be calibrated by approved authorities and calibration
certificate shall be provided to the Royal Commission for review and approval.
4. Upon completion of installation and prior ta final acceptance, each component of each
system shall be tested ta the complete satisfaction of the Royal Commission. The
Contractor shall provide ail test instrumentation, equipment and accessories
necessary for demonstration and putting the equipment into operation. Before
commissioning, the Contractor shall submit ail necessary calculations of instruments
and components ta the Royal Commission for approval.
5. Upon completion 01 ail testing, the Contractor shall submit 5 copies of a certified report
attesting that each test has been performed in accordance with the approved test
procedures. The report for each test shall include the name of the persan in-charge 01
the test and the date of performance. Ali factory and field test reports shall be included
in Operation and Maintenance Manuals.
6. In the event any problems are encountered during testing. including damage of the
equipment or failure of testing criteria or injuries ta persans, the Contractor shall be
held lully responsible for the same.

Rev.O 16930 - 26 Contract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


Appendix- Data sheet

Technical Data sheet

c-:r-ï:'lvei Indicating Transmilters (Hazardous area)
2 Levellndicating Transmilters (Non-hazardous area)
3 Pressure Indicating Transmitlers (Hazardous area)
4 Pressure Indicating Transmilters (Non-hazardous area)
5 Differentiai Pressure Indicating Transmilters (Hazardous area)
6 Temperature Indicating Transmitlers (Hazardous area)
7 Temperature Indicating Transmitlers (Non-hazardous area)
8 Pressure gauges
9 Flow Meter (Hazardous area)
10 Flow Meter (Non-hazardous area)
11 pH Analyzer (Hazardous area)
12 pH Analyzer (Non-hazardous area)
13 N03-N 1 NH4-N Analyzer
14 Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer
15 Chlorine Analyzer
16 Ultrasonic level Switch
17 Molorized Operated Valve (MOV)

Rev.O 16930 - 27 Contract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


General Notes for ail Instruments:


Instruments shall operate continuously under the following ambient air temperatures without any
degradation of the manufacturer's guaranteed performance:

Indoor Air Conditioned

Maximum: 35°C (95°F)
Minimum: 10°C (50°F)

Outdoor Sheltered
Maximum: 55°C (131°F)
Minimum: O°C (32°F)

Outdoor Unsheltered
Maximum: 65'C (149'F)
Minimum: O'C (32'F)

1) "Sheltered" refers to permanent, ventilated enclosures or buildings, or permanenliy fixed sunshades

with a top and three sides.
2) For instruments which dissipate internai heat and are installed in custom engineered enclosures (e.g.,
enclosures not included in the original manufacturer's temperature certification), an additional 15'C
shall be added to the above maximum temperatures. An example, for "indoor air conditioned"
installation, the equipment must perfomn at 35 + 15 = 50'C. Similarly, for the "outdoor unsheltered"
case, the equipment shall be designed for a maximum operating temperature of 65 + 15 = SO'C.
3) For the outdoor installations only, the designer can take credit for forced or passive caoling to
eliminate or reduce the 15'C heat rise. For example, if vortex coolers are used, the heat removal
capacity of the coolers may be sublracted from the generated hea!. No more than 15°C reduction in
temperature will be given as credi!. The designer shall substantiate his claim by providing the support
data and calculalions.
4) Wherever the data sheet specifies the instrument as "Shelte,ed", it implies that the shelter is not in
the scape of instrument vendor but it shall be provided by the EPC contractor.
5) Process isolation diaphragm shall be provided for the instruments as per P&IDs, wherever applicable.
6) Area classification has been specified in the location section of the data sheets.
7) EPC Contractor shall submit a separate data sheet for each instrument, clearly specifying the location
and zone classification, for hazardous and non hazardous zone.

A 122-350-20JI-ME-004
1 Type Ultrasonic
3 Model
4 Location Hazardous - Zone 2
5 Quantity As required
6 Design Condition
Level measurement & Transmission

Rev.a 16930- 28 Contrae! No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


b) Fluid Wastewater and treated effluent i
c) Tank level, M Various
d) Conductivity, ~S/cm As per wastewaterlsludge
.. _. -
e) Fluid temperature Oc 16 - 35
f) Fluid pressure, bar Atmospheric
g) Ambient temperature. Oc Min.O and Max.55 (Sheltered)
h) Enclosure rating 1ntrinsically Sale
7 Material
a) Body
__ ._--_...
.. , ." .......... -- . .........

b) Painting , .... ,,,,, .... .. ...... .....

c) Guiding Tube .... "" .. .. ....... . ...
8 Electrical Data
a) Rated Voltage Max30VDC
b) Rated current Max 160 mA
-- ._----

c) Rated power Max 1 W

d) Accuracy :;; 1.5% 01 rate
4-20 mA with Digital Signal based on HART
e) Output signal
. protocol .-

-- '0 -~-~--


_.- --------------_. _0._....

_ _ o.

A 122-350-20JI-ME-004
1 Ultrasonic
2 Manufacturer
3 Madel
5 Quantity As required
6 Design Condition
measurement & Transmission

Rev.O 16930 - 29 Contract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


~----'-_._-_ .. _., .. _-"- ~--

b) Fluid Wastewater and treated effluent


c) Tank level, M Various

d) Conductivity, ilS/cm As per wastewater/sludge
-..•. ..- '

e) Fluid temperature Oc 16 - 35
.. _, --
f) Fluid pressure, bar Atmospheric
f---- ---
g) Ambient temperature. Oc -
Min.O and Max.55 (Sheltered)
h) Enclosure rating IP68
7 Material

a) Body ." ...... , " .... , . .- .,,.

b) Painting ........ " .. " .. ~ ~ . ....

c) Guiding Tube " " .. ... " ........ "
8 Electrical Data
a) Rated Voltage Max30VDC
b) Rated current Max 160 mA
c) Rated power Max 1 W
d) Accuracy S 1.5% of rate
4-20 mA with Digital Signal based on HART
e) Output signal
protocol -

-- ._- .. _---

A 122-350-20JI-ME-004,005,006, and 008

3 Hazardous - Zone 2
4 As
a) Service Pressure measurement & Transmission
b) Bar 0-6

Rev,Q 16930 - 30 Contract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930

-------.----=r---- -
- ._-
c) Fluid Wastewater and treated effluent
-- -- - - - _ . _ - - - - - - - - - ._--- -----_.•._--_._.-
d) Conductivity, ~S/cm As per wastewater
e) Fluid temperature 'c 16- 35
f) Fluid pressure, bar 0-4
-- ----
g) Ambient temperature. 'c Various (follow the notes as per location)
h) Enclosure rating Intrinsically safe
6 Construction
---_..•.._._--_._---_. ---
a) Type Diaphragm
-- -
b) Process Connection 1!," NPT Female

c) Display LCD
1---- 4-20 mA with Digital Signal based on HART
d) Output
orotocol -
e) Enclosure NEMA4X
7 Materials Qf Construction
a) Flange Hastelloy C

b) Isolallng Diaphragm Hastelloy C

- Glass-filled TFE
c) O-ring
--- _._--_._------- -
d) Fili Fluid Silicon
1-- _.,---_ .•. _. -
e) Housing Material Polyurethane-covered Aluminum
... _-



SI. No. Description Details

A P&ID 122-350-20JI·ME-004,005,006, and 008
B Tag Number
1 Manufacturer
2 Model
3 Location Non·hazardous
4 Quantity As
5 Design Condition
a) Service Pressure measurement & Transmission
b) Range, Bar 0-6

Rev.Q 16930 - 31 Contract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


- .
c) Fluid _.
Wastewater and treated effluent
- -
dl Conductivity, ilS/cm As per wastewater
el Fluid temperature Oc 16 - 35
.- -
1) Fluid pressure, bar 0-4
- - -
g) Ambient temperature. Oc -. Various (follow the notes as per location)
h) Enclosure rating IP65
-. .._"_. ... ~

6 Construction .__._._--

a) Type Diaphragm
b) Process Connection y," NPT Female

c) Display LCD
4-20 mA with Digital Signal based on HART
d) Output
protocol -
e) Enclosure IP65
7 Materials of Construction
a) Flange Hastelloy C

b) Isolating Diaphragm Hastelioy C

c) O-ring Glass-filled TFE

d) Fil! Fluid Silicon
- Polyurethane-covered Aluminum
e) Housing Malerial

- ...

A P&ID Reference 122-350-20JI-ME-004 and 007

B Tag Number
2 Model
3 Location Odor control units -Zone
4 3
5 Design Condition
a) Service

b) 0-1

Rev.O 16930 - 32 Contract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


- --- --
c) Fluid Air
.- -_._,.,-_.. _-" ----_._-- ---
d) Fluid temperature Oc -_._.. 15 - 55
e) Fluid pressure, bar 0-3
f) Ambient temperature_ Oc Min_O and Max_55 (Sheltered)
g) Enclosure rating Intrinsically safe
6 Construction
a) Type Diaphragm
b) Process Connection y," NPT Female
_ _ ._._1--
c) Display LCD
4-20 mA with Digital Signal based on HART
d) Output
e) Enclosure NEMA4X
7 Materials of Construction
a) Flange Hastelloy C

b) Isolating Diaphragm HastelloyC

c) O-ring Glass-filled TFE

d) Fil! Fluid Silicon

- Polyurethane-covered Aluminum
e) Housing Material

SI. No. Description Details

A P&ID Reference 122-350-20JI-ME-005
B Tag Number
1 Manufacturer
2 Model
3 Location Waste water feed header (Hazardous -Zone 2)
4 Quantity 1
5 Design Condition
a) Service Temperature measurement & transmission
b) 0-100
c) Fluid Wastewater and treated effluent

Rev.Q 16930 - 33 Contract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


..- - -"-- -
d) Conductivity, fiS/cm I_!'S per w~~tewater 1
e) Fluid temperature Oc 16 - 35
._. f) Fluid pressure, bar -
,-. g) Ambient temperature. Oc -
Min_O and Max.55 (Shellered)
h) Enclosure rating Intrinsically safe
r- 6 Construction
-- _.-
a) Malerial Stainless steel AISI316 for body and chamber
.. _- - ..-
b) Input Signal Pt 100 RTD (3 wire)
4-20 mA with Digital Signal based on HART
c) Output Signal
d) Type Smart with 5 digits alphanumeric display
el RTD Element type RTO PT100 100 Ohm at O·C
f) RTO element material Stainless Steel
12 mm NPT male in accordance with ANSI 8
g) RTO element to thermo weil connection
h) Electrical connection M20 female thread
i) Electrical safety Safe area ingress protection IP65
--- -- -
il Process pipe diameter ." ... " .... " .....

k) Thermo-well type As per piping specification

1) Process connection type As per piping specification
ml Flange rating 150
nl Flange material Stainless Steel .
•.•.- _

0) Thermo-well material Stainless Steel

p) Thermo-well insert length 150mm
q) Thermo-weillag extension 50mm
r) 1nternal thread size 12mmNPTF

A P&ID Reference 122-350-20JI-ME-005

8 Tag Number
1 Manufacturer
3 Location Activated sludge basin
4 2
5 Design Condition

Rev,Q 16930 - 34 Contract No. 122-COI

SECTION: 16930


a} Service Temperature measurement & transmission

b} Range, Oc - -"'_._- --
c} Fluid Wastewater and treated effluent
-"--------- ."._~--_._--~-----

d} Canductivity, ~S/cm As per wastewater

e} Fluid temperature Oc 16 - 35
f} Fluid pressure, bar 0-4
g} Ambient temperature. Oc Min"O and Max.55 (Sheltered)
h} Enclosure rating IP65
--- --_._-_. -"

6 Construction
-- .'-'-'-".
a} Material Stainless steel AISI 316 for body and chamber
,-"-- ------ ."--
b) Input Signal Pt 100 RTO (3 wire)
-- 4-20mA with Digital Signal based on HART
c} Output Signal
d} Type Smart with 5 digits alphanumeric display
e} RTD Element type RTD PT100 100 Ohm at O·C
------" -- ----
f} RTD element mate rial Stainless Steel
- -
12 mm NPT male in accordance with ANSI B
g} RTD element ta thermo weil connection
h} Electrical connectian M20 female thread
i} Electrical safety Sale area ingress protection 1P65
j} Process pipe diameter ... , ..........
., - , - - - - - - " - - " "
_ _ _ _o •

k} Therma-well type As per piping specification

_._._---_._-- - '--'-'-'-..•.
I} Process connection type As per__. piping specification
--_. --
m} Flange rating 150
---- - - -- -----
n} Flange material Stainless Steel
a} Therma-well material Stainless Steel
p} Therma-well insert length 150mm
- ~.-,-------_.

q} Thermo-weillag extension 50mm

._-,-------,----- _. -
r} Internai thread size 12 mm NPTF
-_. __._--- "-------- - - - - -
______ ~~
__ .__ ,. ______ ._J _ _ _ _ _ .__ ._ _ _ _ .~ ______ ~"

SI. No. Description Details

A P&ID Reference 122-350-20JI-ME-004,5,6.7 and 8
B Tag Number
1 Manufacturer
2 Madel

Rev.O 16930 - 35 Conlract No" 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


,--- --- , .. _.. .. _---_.-------
3 Location Various Locations
4 Quantity As required by process
5 Design Condition
a) Service Pressure measurement & indication
- - .•.• --
b) Range, Bar 0-6
c) Fluid Wastewater and treated effluent
d) Conductivity, i-1S/cm As per wastewater

_. e) Fluid temperature Oc 16 - 35
f) Fluid pressure, bar 0--4
g) Ambient temperature. Oc Various (follow the notes as per location)
h) Enclosure rating IP65
6 Construction ._-
Type Bourdon tube
- - -- - --
Case Phenolic, solid front
Dial size (inch) 4-1/2'
Bourdon tube material Hastelloy C ._-
Bourdon tube type Drawn G-tube
Socket SS 316 L
Movement SS 316 L
Location Lower connection
Connection (Inch) y," MNPT

Minor graduation 0.05

Protection Safety blow out at back
Proof pressure, bar 33 _-_..
- ..
Burst pressure, bar 100
Option Glycerin filled
Range, Bar 0-6

----- -

Rev.O 16930 - 36 Contract No_ 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


A P&1 D Reference 122-350-20JI-ME-004

B Tag Number ''- ." ... .... , ... ,. ".-
1 Manufacturer ' " '" .. , ... ... ............
- .-
2 Model ... " " ... ,. ............. "
1---'- --- "'-~.'-
Wastewater discharge alter inlet pumplng
3 Location
station(Hazardous .. Zone 2)
4 Quantity 1
5 Design Condition _.• ~-

a) Service Flow measurement

b) Flow, m'/hr 0-2,500 for both
.. .-
c) Fluid Wastewater and treated effluent
dl Conductivity, ~S/cm As per wastewater

- - _.. e) Fluid temperature Oc 16·35 ._-_._-~_.

f) Fluid pressure, bar 0-2

h) Ambient temperature. Oc Min.O and Max.55 (Indoor .. Shadedl
i) Pipe Une size / material '"........... -.....
---- ._. ..
il Enclosure rating Intrinsically safe
6 Flow Sensor
al Model -...............
_.- --
b) Type Electromagnetic
cl Installation type Flange Connection
dl Enclosure NEMA4X
-._--- ..-
e) Output signal....__._._ "-----'-.._-- 4to20mA
1) Accuracy 0.1 %
gl Pressure limit 100 bar
h) Material Carbon St~el epoxy coated
. ..
il Lining _.,--_._--- " ... _ ... ~
il Electrode Hastellay C

kl Range, m'/hr 0-3,000


---.. 7 ...
a) Model ........... .................
b) Power supply 115-230 VAC, 12-24 VAC/DC
cl Power consumption .. < 10VA
d) Enclosure mate rial Fibre Glass-reinforced Polyamide
e) Enclosure protection .... _ IP__
f) Operating temperature, Oc -20 ta 60 Oc
g) Language English
4..20 mA with Digital Signal based on HART
h) Current output
8 Accessories Grounding Ring
r--' . --
... .. __ .. _..

Rev.O 16930·37 Conlract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


. ._.~._----,-r__________ ]

Rev.O 16930 - 38 Contract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


g) Language 1 English
4-20 mA with Digital Signal based on HART
h) Current output
--- protocol
8 Accessories Grounding Ring _0 _ _ -


Rev.O 16930 - 39 Contrac! No_ 122-COl

SECTION: 16930


.- 0'_" .__ ._--_._--------- ---
g) Accuracy +/- 0.01 pH
hl Temperature -10 ta 60 Oc
i) Temperature compensation Automatic (-15 to 100 oC)
- ..
il Power suppl~ 100-240 VAC/1 Ph/50-60 Hz
k) Out put signal 4t020 mA
1) No. of relays 2 (minimum) ._-
m) Relay contacts 24VOC-5 Amp, 100-240 VAC-5 Amp
'- --
n) No. of set points 2
0) Set point adjustments Programmable
pl Language English .•. _._-

~lru~\~ ~ ~ nJ.riJ~
SI, No. Description Details
A P&ID Reference 122-350-20JI-ME-005
B Tag Number ..... , ....... ." .. "" ...
1 Manufacturer ............ . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 0<

2 Madel ............ ... " ........... ..._-

3 Location !,:ctivated sludge basin
4 Quantity 2 ._--
5 Design Condition
a) Service pH measurement
-_. b) Range 0-14
cl Fluid ... Wastewater
d) Conductivity, ~S/cm As per wastewater
e) Fluid pH 6.6- 8.5
f) Fluid temperature Oc 16-35
g) Fluid pressure, bar Atmospheric
h) Ambient temperature. Oc Min.O and Max.55 (Sheltered)
i) Enclosure rating IP65
-----_. -
6 Sensor
il Type General purpose, low resistivity, GPLR
k) Process Connection '12" MNPT
1) Material for wetted parts Tefzel, ceramic, viton" glass
m) pH glass type GPLR hemi-bulb
n) Conductivity, Nominal As per wastewater
0) Conductivity, Minimum 75 ms/cm
p) linearity 99% over range 01.2 - 12 pH
q) Range 0-14 pH
r) Max. press. & temp, bar/oC 7.9/85
7 Analyzer _...-
q) Monitor no. ....... .... . .............

Rev,Q 16930 - 40 Contract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


._--- ~--

r) Type SMART with HART

s) Range _. 0-14 pH
t) Display Digital LCD -_.._-
u) Front panel .. _-_.. Membrane key pad with tactile feed back
v) Repeatability +1- 0.01 pH
w) Accuracy +1- 0.01 pH _.
x) Temperature -10 to 60 Oc
y) Temperature compensation Automatic (-15 to 100 oC)
z) Power supply 100-240 VAC/1 Ph/50-60 Hz
aa) Out put signal 4 to 20 mA
bb) No. of relays 2 (minimum)
cc) Relay contacts 24VDC-5 Amp, 100-240 VAC-5 Amp
dd) No. of set points 2
ee) Set pOint adjustments -_. __ ..._--- Programmable ._-----
fi) Language English

SI. No. Description Details

A P&ID Reference 122-350-20JI-ME-005
B Tag Number

Rev.O 16930-41 Canlfact No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


e) Linearity 1 99% Over range of 0-1 00 ff1~/L .-
f) Range _.... .g~_~go '!1g/L __ .
g) Max. press. & temp, bar/oC 7.9/85 _._----
7 Analyzer - _. --
a) Monitor_._
no. .. ... " ..... ... " ..... " ..
.- ..

b) Type SMART with HART

-- ------~---

c) Range ._- 0-100 mg/L ._- _.-

d) Display Digital LCD
e) Front panel Membrane key pad with tactile leed back
f) Repeatability +/- 0.1 mg
g) Accuracy +/- 0.1 mg
h) Temperature -10 to 60 'c -
i) Temperature compensation Automatic (-15 to 100 oC)
il Power supply 100-240 VAC/1 Ph/50-60 Hz
k) Out put signal 4t020mA
1) No. of relays 2 (minimum)
m) Relay contacts 24VDC-5 Amp, 100-240 VAC-5 Amp
n) No. 01 set points 2
- "-
0) Set point adjustments ..
p) Language English

SI. No. Description Details

A P&ID Reference 122-350-20JI-ME-005
B Tag Number

Rev.O 16930 - 42 Contr.ct No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


a) Type 1 Membrane-covered amperometric

b) Process Connection lI," MNPT
c) Material for wetted parts Noryl, EPDM. viton, Teflon
d) Conductivity, Nominal As per waste water
e) Linearity 99% over range of 0-20 mg/L
f) Range 0-20 mg/L
g) Max. press, & temp, bar/oC 7.9/85
7 Analyzer .-- _ .. ,.

a) Monitor no, ............ , , , ............

b) Type SMART with HART
c) Range 0-20 mg/L ._-
d) Display Digital LCD
e) Front panel
-- -,-- --
Membrane key pad with tactile feed back
f) Repeatability y- 0,1 mg -
g) Accuracy +/- 0.1 mg
h) Temperature _.-10 to 60 Oc
i) Temperature compensation Automatic (-15 to 100 oC)
j) Power supply 100-240 VAC/1 Ph/50-60 Hz
k) Out put signal 4 to 20 mA
1) No. of relays 2 (minimum)
m) Relay contacts 24VDC-5 Amp, 100-240 VAC-5 Amp
n) No. of set points 2
0) Set point adjustments Programmable
_pL La."lluage __ ,_ English


A P&ID Reference 122-350-20JI-ME-006

B Tag

Rev.O 16930 - 43 Contract No, 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


f) Fluid pressure, bar 0-2 _. __.
g) Ambient temperature. Oc -
Min.D and Max.55 (Sheltered)
h) Enclosure rating IP 65.__._----
6 Sensor
a) Installation ... ... ....... " ............. ,,', .
b) Material f9r wetled parts Graphite, Kynar, epoxy, EPDM
cl Process Connection r-w-MNPT
.•.. _.-
d) Cell constant (K) lD.D/cm
1---- - - ..
el Range, .. ........ ,-' ." .. ,
f) Pressure/temperature rating 1D bar/10D Oc
7 Analyzer
a) Type SMART with HART
b) Range, PPM 0-5
cl Display Digital LCD
dl Indication High
e) Repeatability %
:t 0.25
f) Accuracy % ;!:.0.5
gl Temperature -20 to 65 Oc
h) Temperature compensation
- -25 to 20D Oc
i) Enclosure/ Material Panel mounted, NEMA 4X (IP 65)
il Power supply
100 - 240 VAC/ 1 Ph/ 50-60 Hz
kl Out put signal 4t020mA
1) No. of relays _.•.__.- 2 (minimum)
m) Relay contacts 24VDC-5 Amp, 100-240 VAC-5 Amp
n) No. of set points 2
0) Set point adjustments Programmable
p) Language English

- -

A P&ID Reference 122-350-2DJI-ME-004

B Tag Number

Rev.Q 16930 - 44 Canlract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


b) Range, m "_.-
c) Fluid Raw sewage water
- -
d) Conductivity, ~S!cm As per wastewater

-- e) Fluid tempe rature Oc 16 - 35

f) Fluid pressure, bar Atmospheric
g) Ambient temperature_ Oc ~in.O and Max.55 (Sheltered)
h) Enclosure rating IP67
- _6. Construction .-
a) Madel No. ..............................
.. _-
b) Type Non-contact
c) Set point (m) .................. ........ "
d) Adjustment range (m) 0-5
e) Dead band (m) 0.85 - 4.55
f) Accuracy, % 0.2 - 0.5
1--- ----
g) Process pressure (psi) 7.25
h) Process Connection (inch) Y."MNPT
i) Eleclrical rating 15A-125/250/415VAC, 6A-24VDC or 30 V~~
j) Switch element SPDT General purpose
k) Conduit connection (inch) 3/4" FNPT
1) Enclosure IP67
7 Material

•..•.- - ---
a) Transducer ETFE or PVDF copolymer

._---_._.. _-----_._-_ .. _----_. __._._-----, -- --

- ----- ----
.•. _-_..,._----_....•.. ---
------ .•. _._._------.-------


Rev,Q 16930 - 45 Contract No. 122-C01

SECTION: 16930


·"·~;}~,:;,:jJi~·· " " :. ::Y:

Sr. No. D .~~ .... " u."am.

A P&ID 1)7. )7
B Tag N"mh", " . " ..
8. Type of ;lIpnt 1 and
9. Motor size kW •••
10. P IP65
11. Power supolv 380V/3 Hz or 230V/1;
12. lof
a Body •••

b Seals ...
c Seats

~~J:~ ;~; ~~~~~ ~~~~' y exact

... g,~, ,~I code

Stainless Steel Grade 316 BS 1449 Grade 316 S 31

Carbon Steel BS EN 10025 Grade S275

Note: ••• Data ta be provided by manufacturer.


Rev.O 16930·46 Contract No. 122-C01

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