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GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Project Organization Management

Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

The Formal Organization

• Formal groupings & specializations

• Published Lines of
– Authority
– Responsibilities
– Reporting Relationships
– Communication
– Decision-Making

Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Organizational Structures Types

Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos


Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

The Functional Organization

• Advantages
– Increased Flexibility
– Breadth & Depth of Knowledge & Experience
– Less Duplication

• Disadvantages
– Determining Authority & Responsibility
– Poor Response Time
– Poor Integration

Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

The Project-based
• Advantages
– Clear Authority &
– Improved Communication
– High Level of Integration

• Disadvantages
– Project Isolation
– Duplication of Effort
– “Projectitis”
Maria do Rosário Bernardo
GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Matrix Organization

Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

The Matrix Organization

• Advantages
– High Level of Integration
– Improved Communication
– Increased Project Focus

• Disadvantages
– Potential for conflict
• Unity of Command can be violated
– Poor Response Time

Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Project’s Organization involved

• Customer: Final user Organization

• Supplier: Organization who develop the project
• Outsourcing: Organization who supplies project
• Can be departments inside the some
• example :
– Develop a human resources system
– Customer = human resources department
– Supplier = IT department
– Outsourcing = ERP vendor/integrator

Maria do Rosário Bernardo 9

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Project Organization
• Project = temporary Organization
• Define the organization structure based on a OBS
(Organizational Breakdown Structure)
• OBS represents:
– Project owner / sponsor (finance the project)
– Project manager (form the execution organization)
– Project manager (from customer organization, if different)
– Team leaders and team members (from all the
– Suppliers
– Customers (final users)
– Functional managers
Maria do Rosário Bernardo
GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

OBS Organization Breakdown Structure

Steering Committee Think a project as an

Organization ...


TL1 TL2 … TLi TLn PM PM …

outs1 outs2
Shared Resources Non shared
(pool) resources

Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

OBS Organization Breakdown Structure

Steering Committee
2 Organizations ...
Project “Sponsor”
Sponsor Supplier


PM TL1 TL2 … TLi

Shared Resources

Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Roles and Responsibilities

Project Owner

• As authority and capacity to start / end the project

• Project Owner responsibilities :
– Grants/approves the adequate financial, human and material
– Defines the end product/service characteristics;
– Approves the final product;
– Approves scope, time and cost changes.
• Must be regularly informed about project status
(Status reports send by the PM)

Maria do Rosário Bernardo 13

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Roles and Responsibilities

Steering Committee responsibilities :

• Project Plan approval;

• Grant adequate resources;
• Receives and approves project status reports;
• Decides corrective actions implementation;
• Approves intermediate project deliverables;
• Responsibilities delegation (with pre-defined

Maria do Rosário Bernardo 14

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Roles and Responsibilities

Project Manager responsibilities:

• Team work distribution and control

• Project control
– Compare actual status vs. planed
– Identifies variations
– Proposes corrective actions

• Periodic project status reports distribution (insures

stakeholders communication)

Maria do Rosário Bernardo 15

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Responsibilities Types

• Work responsibilities
– Work package execution
– Activities execution

• Management responsibilities
– Decision makes
– Progress management / control
– Resources Management and Support

Maria do Rosário Bernardo 16

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Responsibilities Types

Organization responsibilities
– Information / opinion makers:
• SI end users
• Business areas representatives
– Knowledge transfer:
• Technical “Experts” (specific areas)
• With the technical authority to define standards
and behaviours
– Informed:
• Who must be informed
Maria do Rosário Bernardo 17
GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Responsibility assignment matrix

• The project’s roles and organizational

responsibilities can be represented by a
responsibility matrix
• 3 different matrix types:
– Responsibility matrix - WP level
– Responsibility matrix – Activities level
– Procedures responsibility matrix

Maria do Rosário Bernardo 18

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Responsibility assignment matrix

Responsibility matrix - WP level

• Define work packages responsibilities

• Responsibilities related to WP execution and
• Cross OBS with WBS

Maria do Rosário Bernardo 19

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Responsibility matrix
Project members
or stakeholders

Responsibility Matrix
Requirements Spec
WPs Tests Spec

System Tests
Acceptance Tests
Maria do Rosário Bernardo
... 20
GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Responsibility assignment matrix

• Lines :
– Different WBS work packages
• Columns :
– Project members and stakeholders (only the ones
that have responsibilities on WP level)
• Cells :
– Represents responsibilities (using a defined notation)

We adopt the proposal by Grude and Haug

(Andersen, E.S., Grude, K.V., Haug, T. and Turner, J.R, Goal Directed Project
Management, Kongan Page, 1987)
Maria do Rosário Bernardo 21
GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Responsibility matrix

• X – eXecutes the work

(senior technical team member)
• D – takes the Decision solely or ultimately
(usually the project owner)

• d - Takes the decision jointly or partly

(usually a business director or functional area representative)
Decision mode A B C description

D1 D - - A takes the decision alone

D2 D d d B,C close opinions and recommend. A has the

ultimate authority
D3 D d C C’s opinion must be sought, B close opinions. A
has the ultimate authority
Maria do Rosário Bernardo
GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Responsibility matrix

• P – controls Progress
The person responsible for ensuring that the work is planned,
organized, implemented and controlled
The project manager is ultimately responsible, but he delegate
responsibility to lower levels of WBS

• T – provides Tuition on the job

Assuming that the people doing the job need coached
Defines rules, standards, ….

• I – must be Informed

Maria do Rosário Bernardo 23

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Responsibility assignment matrix

• C – must be Consulted
He/She have information or opinions that the project must take in
account when doing the work or taking decisions.
They do not have decision-tacking responsibility – their opinion
can be ignored

• A – available to Advise
He/she may have information or opinions which the project team
may want to use, but can not know until they reach that part of the

Maria do Rosário Bernardo 24

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Responsibility matrix

Responsibility Matrix

Plan D XP C C C
Requirements Spec
Tests Spec P D X A
Install P X T
System Tests P A X
Acceptance Tests D P X d A
Maria do Rosário Bernardo
... 25
GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Exercise 1 – Installation work packages

Owner PM Senior Users System

Technical Represent admin

Application SW P X T

System I P X A
System tests P X
Acceptance tests D P A X

X – executes the work T – provides Tuition on the job

D – takes the Decision solely or ultimately I – must be Informed
d - Takes the decision jointly or partly C – must be Consulted
P – controls Progress A – available to Advise
Maria do Rosário Bernardo 26
GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Work package Exercise

A B C 2D E F G H J
Project start up A A D A X/P A d A A
Requirements Spec A X I A P A C -- C

ModA design -- X -- -- P A A -- A
ModA implementation -- -- -- -- P A A X T
Integration Tests -- -- -- -- P A A X T
Training X -- I A P A C -- -
Acceptance Tests -- A D X P - d A A
Project Close A A I A X/P A C A A

Project Owner C
Project manager E
K-users Team Leader D
Senior Annalist B
Senior programmer H

Maria do Rosário Bernardo 27

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Responsibility matrix - WP level

• Rules :
– Only people that can assume responsibilities
• Do not represent all users
• Do not represent all programmers
– 1 and only 1 X for each line
– 1 and only 1 P for each line
– IF D or T or I, the actor will not have other

Maria do Rosário Bernardo 28

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Responsibility matrix –
Activities Level
• Activities matrix
• Defines responsibilities on activities level
• Line : 1 activity
• Column : 1 actor
• Represent all actors (except decision makers)
• Not usually used
– A lot of activities
– This responsibilities can be defined by resource

Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Example : Network installation Project

MR Owner Logistic PM Senior
WP Level (Customer) Manager (supplier) Net Spec
(Customer) (supplier)

Business I A P X
Need spec

MR Logistic PM Junior Junior Senior

Manager Spec A Spec B Net Spec
level (Customer) (supplier) (supplier) (supplier)

Services to A I X P
Locals A I X X P
Connections C I X P
with other

Maria do Rosário Bernardo 30

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Procedures responsibility assignment matrix

• Is used to define procedures, principles or

policies for managing the project, that may be:
– Procedures for monitoring and control
– Change control procedures
– Quality control procedures
– Configuration management procedures

Maria do Rosário Bernardo 31

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

MR Owner PM Senior Quality
Procedural (Customer) (supplier) Programmer Spec
(supplier) (supplier)

Change D P/X C

Quality I P A X
Configuration P X

X – executes the work T – provides Tuition on the job

D – takes the Decision solely or ultimately I – must be Informed
d - Takes the decision jointly or partly C – must be Consulted
P – controls Progress A – available to Advise

Maria do Rosário Bernardo 32

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Analysis Design Realization Transition PM

Requirement System Install Infra- TL K- TL Infra-

Start-up M Web TL BI TL Web
Spec Specification structure Users structures

Plan & Tests C BI1 C W1 KU1

M BI Deploy App
Control Specification

Integration Acceptance C BI2 C W2 KU2

Testes Tests
Sponsor PM TL W TL BI users TL-Infra
Start-up D P/X A/C A/C A/C A/C
Plan&Control I P/X C C C C
Close D P/X A A A A
Req.Spec D P X A A
System Spec P X A A
Tests Spec P A A X
M Web P X
Integr.Tests P A X
Install IS P X
Maria do Rosário Bernardo
Accep.Tests D P A A X
GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos


Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos
• Communication covers effective exchange and
understanding of information between parties
• Information management includes:
– modelling,
– gathering,
– selecting,
– storing
– retrieving project data
• Reporting provides information
– status of the work on the project
– forecast developments until the end of the project

ICB – IPMA Competence Baseline

Maria do Rosário Bernardo
GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

• Forms
– Oral / Written
– Text / Graphic
– Static / Dynamic
– Formal / Informal
– Voluntary / Requested
• Take place
– Conversation
– Meetings
– Workshops or Conferences
– Exchanging reports or meeting minutes
• Is important to consider confidentiality

Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos
Oral vs Written communication

• Oral Communication
– Information can be communicated in a more accurate and
timely manner
– Provides immediate feedback
– Through words or nonverbal (body-language)
– Especially important early in the project to foster team building,
develop working relationships,…
– effective listening
– Use memos to confirm oral communication cc to who may need
to know
• Written communication
– Clear and concise
– Mostly to inform, confirm and request

Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos
PM communication main process

• Identify stakeholders
• Planning communication
– Who needs the information
– When will they need it
– How will the information be given to them
• Distribution information
– Making needed information available in a timely manner
• Managing stakeholders
– Managing communication and resolve issues
• Reporting performance
– Collecting and disseminating information (status, progress,

Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Planning Communication
Every project should include a communication
management plan
• Stakeholders communication requirements
• Information to be communicate (format, content and level of detail)
• Who will produce the information and who will receive it
• Suggested methods or technologies
• Frequency of communication
• Escalation procedures
• Revision procedures
• Glossary (common terminology)

Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos
Distribution Information

• Decide the best way to distribute information

• Use technology to enhance information distribution
• Selecting the appropriate communication medium
• Understanding group and individual communication
• Setting a stage for communication bad news
• Number of communication channels = n(n-1)/2
– N increases => more communication complexity

Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos
Information Flows

Status reports
(aggregated progress data)

Work assignment


Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Reporting Performance

• Status reports
– Where the project stands at a specific point of time
• Progress reports
– What the project team has accomplished during a
certain period of time
• Forecast
– Predict future project status based on past
information and trends
• Status review meeting (steering committee)

Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Communication Plan

Part of the Project Plan

From To What When How
PM Owner Status Every other Mail
Report week;
Cc ….
Weekly during
test phase
Team Leaders PM Progress Weekly Collaborat
Report ive tool
until 6 pm)

Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Communication Plan
Meetings plan

Meeting type Who When

Steering Owner; PM; … Monthly

Progress PM, Team Leaders Weekly (Friday 11

1. Progress review (team meetings)

2. Status review (steering)
3. Technical
• Requirements identification
• Review (plans, specification, design, …)
Maria do Rosário Bernardo
GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

Before the meeting

• Determine if a meeting is really necessary
• Determine the purpose and intent outcome
• Determine who should attend the meeting
• Provide an agenda to participants before the meeting
– Start and End
– Topics
– Time allocate to each topic
• Prepare visual aids or handouts
• Make meeting room arrangements and audiovisual
equipment if necessary

Maria do Rosário Bernardo

GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

During the meeting

• Start the meeting on time
• Designate a note-taken
• Review the purpose of the meeting and the agenda
• Facilitate – don’t dominate
– Keep moving within scheduled
– Encourage participation
– Limit discussion
– Control interruptions and side conversations
– Clarify points
– Summarize
• Summarize meeting results
Maria do Rosário Bernardo
GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos

After the meeting
• Publish the meeting results within 24 hours
• Contents of the meeting minute
– Participants list
– Data and Local
– Topics addressed
– Decisions
– Action list
• Action
• Who is responsible
• By when
Maria do Rosário Bernardo
GPI - Gestão de Projectos Informáticos
Communication Process Steps

• Set out the communication plan (start-up)

• Id the target population and their location
• Id what needs to be communicated and the
• Choose the place, time, duration and means
• Plan the communication process
• Check the infrastructures and send/transmit
• Seek feedback on the effectiveness
• Evaluate and take appropriate action
• Document lessons learned for future projects
Maria do Rosário Bernardo

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