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Perkara Tarikh: 08.01.

2018 Hari: Isnin

BC 课题:字字珠玑话春联 (一)春联琐记
Y.6 内容标准:1.2 聆听和理解他人在各种场合的讲话,能边听边记边想,抓住其重点。
学习标准:1.2.6 在各种正式场合聆听和理解讲话,能边听边记边想,抓住其重点。
0700- 学习目标:学生能够:
0800 1)聆听贴春联的由来后,利用图表把讲话重点记录下来。
1) 学生观看所展示春联,朗读并说出其含义。
2) 学生聆听贴春联这个习俗的由来,边听边记边想,抓住重点。
3) 学生利用图表,把讲话重点记录下来。(第 7 页 ---- 1)
4) 学生根据图表复述讲话内容。
5) 学生针对‘写春联,送春联’此课题, 表示认同或不满。
6) (第 7 页 ---- 2)
7) 学生分成小组(认同/不满)讨论,说出见解。
8) 根据讨论结果,学生呈堂。
BI Language Focus: Reading
Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Unit: 1. Feel Good About Yourself
0830- Learning Standard: 2.2
Learning Objective: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
1. read and understand phrases and sentences from linear texts.
1. Teacher provides set induction.
2. Pupils try to read and understand phrases and sentences from linear texts.
3. Teacher provides worksheet.
4. Discussion.
5. Pupils do revision.
CCE: Reading
Teaching Aids: Board, textbook
Assessment: Activity book

BI Language Focus: Reading

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends
Unit: 1. Love Yourself
1030- Learning Standard: 2.3
Learning Objective: At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
1. read for information and enjoyment with guidance.
1. Teacher provides set induction.
2. Pupils try to read for information and enjoyment with guidance.
3. Teacher provides worksheet.
4. Discussion.
5. Pupils do revision.
CCE: Reading
Teaching Aids: Board, textbook
Assessment: Activity book

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