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1. While sitting, lift your toes as high as possible.

2. Then, return your toes to the floor and lift the heels up as high as
3. Repeat.

1. Lie on your back with your legs as straight as possible, about six inches
2. Keep your toes pointed up.
3. Roll your hips and knees in and out, keeping your knees straight.

To further strengthen knees, while lying with both legs out straight, attempt to
push one knee down against the floor. Tighten the muscle on the front of the
thigh. Hold this tightening for a slow count of five. Relax. Repeat with the
other knee.

1. Lie on your back.

2. Raise one arm over your head, keeping your elbow straight and your arm
close to your ear.
3. Return your arm slowly to your side.
4. Repeat with your other arm.

1. Open your hand with your fingers straight.

2. Reach your thumb across your palm until it touches the base of the little
3. Stretch your thumb out and repeat.

Ankle Hip and Knee Shoulder 1

Fingers Knee and Hip Shoulder 2

Hip Knee Thumb


1. Open your hand, with fingers straight.

2. Bend all the finger joints except the knuckles.
3. Touch the top of the palm.
4. Open and repeat.

Knee & Hip

1. Lie on your back with one knee bent and the other as straight as possible.
2. Bend the knee of the straight leg and bring it toward the chest.
3. Push the leg into the air and then lower it the floor.
4. Repeat, using the other leg.


1. Lie on your back with your legs straight and about six inches apart.
2. Point your toes up.
3. Slide one leg out to the side and return.
4. Try to keep your toes pointing up.
5. Repeat with your other leg.

Shoulder 2

1. Place your hands behind your head.

2. Move your elbows back as far as you can.
3. As you move your elbows back, move your head back.
4. Return to starting position and repeat.


1. Sit in a chair high enough so that you can swing your leg.
2. Keep your thigh on the chair and straighten out your knee.
3. Hold a few seconds.
4. Then bend your knee back as far as possible.
5. Repeat with the other knee.

Ankle Hip and Knee Shoulder 1

Fingers Knee and Hip Shoulder 2

Hip Knee Thumb

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